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Ever yone A Changemaker ™
Under the High Patronage of

   Mister Nicolas Sarkozy
President of the French Republic
 President-in-Office of the G20
Ashoka is the global association of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs—men and women with system
changing solutions for the world’s most urgent social problems. Since 1981, we have elected over 2,700 leading
social entrepreneurs as Ashoka Fellows, providing them with living stipends, professional support, and access
to a global network of peers in over 70 countries.

Ashoka envisions an Everyone A Changemaker™ world.A world that responds quickly and effectively to social
challenges, and where each individual has the freedom, confidence, and societal support to address any social
problem and drive change.

To ensure that the leading ideas for social change are fully developed and sustained, we offer critical interven-
tions on three levels—the individual, the group, and the sector.
        - Supporting Social Entrepreneurs: Social entrepreneurs are the engines of social change and role
models for the citizen sector. Ashoka identifies and invests in leading social entrepreneurs and helps them to
achieve maximum social impact.
        - Promoting Group Entrepreneurship: Groups and networks of social entrepreneurs working together
accelerate and spread social impact. Ashoka engages communities of entrepreneurs and supports collabora-
tions that impact entire fields.
        - Building Infrastructure for the Sector: A global network of changemakers requires tools and support
systems to deliver sustainable solutions. Ashoka creates needed infrastructure, such as access to social finan-
cing as well as bridges to business and academic sectors.

Ashoka’s network also consists of the Ashoka Support Network, a global community of business people who
believe that entrepreneurs are the primary engine for economic and social development. They commit their
time and resources to support the work of social entrepreneurs.

                                 Ever yone A Changemaker ™

     Welcome by Arnaud Mourot, Director of Ashoka France Belgium Switzerland                         6
     Ashoka celebrates its 30th Anniversary, Diana Wells, President of Ashoka Global                 7


     Three tracks : The common thread                                                                8
     Everything but a conference : Get ready for some action !                                       9
     The two-day program                                                                            10
                           Tuesday morning: Let’s get on track !                                    11
                           Tuesday afternoon: Let’s explore pathways !                              14
                           Wednesday morning: Let’s map the future !                                21
                           Wednesday afternoon: Let’s build together !                              27
     Join the energy of the Changemakers’ Village !                                                 33


     About the clusters                                                                             34
     11 major European issues and their solutions                                                   36

THANK YOU TO ALL OUR PARTNERS                                                                       41

MAPS AND PRATICAL INFORMATION                                                                       48

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«       Dear Friends,

                                          It’s with immense pleasure that the Ashoka team welcomes you to-
                                          day for the first edition of the Ashoka Changemakers’ Week!

                                          Thirty years ago, Ashoka launched in India and Bill Drayton coi-
                                          ned the term ‘social entrepreneur’. Six years ago, Ashoka launched
                                          in Western Europe, notably in France. Since then, the social entre-
                                          preneurship movement has continued to develop globally, with new
                                          currents arising and the number of actors growing. The message is
                                          accelerating within civil society, universities, media, but also recently,
                                          within the business world.

                                          This anniversary provides us with the opportunity to share and ex-
Arnaud Mourot, Director of                change with actors of social entrepreneurship in Europe and in the
Ashoka France Belgium Switzerland         rest of the world. We have learned a lot over these past 30 years,
                                          from supporting social entrepreneurs in 70 countries. This allows us
to have a future vision of the sector and to understand what we must do to develop solutions that match the
scale of the challenges society faces.

This unprecedented gathering is organized for and by changemakers. Its ambition is to define and develop the
necessary ecosystem for accelerating social change in Europe, while learning equally from the experiences of
other innovators around the world.

Two central ideas structure this gathering:
       - Action: It is no longer enough to debate problems – they are well known and we have characterized
them thanks to the previous work of our partners. It is time for action! It is time to put into place efficient
models and make sure they scale.
       - An unprecedent concentration of changemakers: You were invited to this event because you
are an entrepreneur, in the social or business sector, or an intrapreneur within your organization. Simply put,
you are part of the population who dares to take risks.

We hope that these two ideas, when combined, will allow for the development of new collaborations, capable
of accelerating social change and diffusing this change broadly.

I would like to thank everyone who made this event possible. Our partners of course, but also to the orga-
nization team led by Laurence (Aurélie, Sarah J, Thomas, Pauline, Lisa, Clémence…) and more broadly, to the
entire Ashoka France/Belgique/Suisse team (Sarah, Catherine, Hélène, Pascal, Kurt, Olivier,Virginie), the interns,
and to our large number of volunteers, as well as those colleagues from other countries across Europe, from
Washington DC, and from the rest of the world. All of them are dedicated builders!

It’s up to you to take action now! Take advantage of this moment for meeting, exchanging, and innovating!
There are no limitations to what we can do and accomplish together, beginning with the moment when we
believe that everyone can be a changemaker! »

                                                                            Representing the Ashoka team,
                                                                                            Arnaud Mourot

«        Ashoka is proud to be celebrating its 30th Anniversary this
                                         year. The three decades behind us mark a significant contribution to
                                         the development of the citizen sectors of over 70 countries, across
                                         five continents. Beginning with the pioneering concept of social en-
                                         trepreneurship by Bill Drayton,Ashoka’s founder and CEO, these past
                                         30 years also represent a historical shift in how societies perceive the
                                         agency of individuals to drive social change. Ashoka has managed to
                                         identify more than 2,700 leading social entrepreneurs whose new so-
                                         lutions are challenging conventional ideas and changing the world for
                                         the better. More recently, Ashoka has built programs and initiatives
                                         to extend its impact by mobilizing young people, university students,
                                         business entrepreneurs, and the general public to build an “Everyone
                                         a Changemaker” world because we understand that the only way to
                                         address the growing number of problems is to ensure that there are
Diana Wells, President of Ashoka         more problem-solvers.
                                          Thanks to our global network and partners, Ashoka has uncovered
various insights about social change and impact. For example, the success of our global association of Ashoka
Fellows -- more than half of whom have changed national policy after five years -- allows us to understand that
the most profound change occurs when an entrepreneur pursues a system-changing idea. A further insight is
that the scaling and replication of these models requires a particular enabling environment. Ashoka calls this
enabling environment an “Everyone a Changemaker” world. This is a world that responds quickly and effecti-
vely to social challenges and where every individual is equally empowered to affect social change.

With the number of people actively pursuing social change exponentially growing, being a changemaker - an
individual with the freedom, confidence and societal support to address any social problem and drive change
– is more accessible to society than it has ever been. We are delighted that you are joining Ashoka, and other
changemakers, to discover the opportunities, initiate the new solutions, and identify the tipping points which
will contribute to creating an “Everyone a Changemaker” world. This is the world Ashoka ultimately strives to
create and we welcome you in this co-creation. ”

                                                                                               Diana Wells
                                                                               President of Ashoka Global

The Ashoka Changemakers’ Campus is built upon a pragmatic and cross-cutting multi-track framework. Each
track represents a key component to move forward social change in the next decade.You can choose to
follow one track all the way through or choose to experience multiple tracks.

        From teaching empathy to our youth, to                      This track invites us to re-imagine the al-
sharpening our adult social insights and professio-        liances that can be forged to increase our impact.
nal social skills, sessions along this track explore the   Social-business collaborations, public/private par-
unique skill-sets that enable individuals to be agents     tnerships, and the role that SMEs can play in social
of change in their communities, their workplaces,          change are some of the areas explored along this
and in the world.                                          track, inviting participants to engage in cross-sector
                                                           alliances for change.
Examples of Sessions:
      - New Tools for Talent                               Examples of Sessions:
      - Every Child Must Master Empathy                          - New Mindsets for Corporate
      - Learning For Change                                      Collaboration
                                                                 - SMEs and High Value Collaboration
                                                                 - Leveraging Public Policy for Social Change

         Scaling the impact of changemakers requires
developing the right eco-system of support, such as
information infrastructure that offers public access
to meaningful news and knowledge, technology in-
frastructure that makes managing social challenges
easier, and social financing infrastructure that can
offer effective and attractive market mechanisms for
investing in the citizen sector.

Examples of Sessions:
      - The Changing Landscape of Social Finance
      - Emerging Innovations towards Full
      Information Citizenship
      - Lifting Millions across Information Service

During the Changemakers’ Campus, there are many occasions to work
intimately and concretely towards pragmatic solutions.
In addition to the plenaries which provide an overview of the concepts, you’ll have access to smaller interactive
sessions and working groups. Sessions are divided under four main moments which allow you to progressively move
towards action and collaboration: During Tuesday, you will be introduced to the three tracks and will then dive into
the central challenges and opportunities along each track. Wednesday morning sessions will showcase the most inno-
vative solutions and the trends driving these solutions into the future. Wednesday afternoon will provide the space to
construct personal plans of action that will last beyond the Changemakers’ Campus.

                                                              Getting on Track

                                                              Exploring Pathways

                                                              Mapping the Future

                                                              Building Together

                                                              In addition, throughout the two days you can enter
                                                              the Changemakers’ Village, where dynamic activities
                                                              and open space allows for networking and informal
                                                              (More details can be found on p.33).

Tuesday 21st
 7:30 - 9:00 Arrival & Breakfast

 9:00 - 11:00 Open Plenary Panel: Working across Silos                              Plenary

11:00 - 11:30 Break / Networking

11:30 - 12:30 Teams for teams: The Drum Cafe                                        Plenary

12:30 - 14:00 Thematic Lunches (Brownbag sessions)

14:00 - 15:00 Getting on Track (1 session to choose among 3)

15:00 - 15:30 Break / Networking

15:30 - 17:00 Exploring Pathways (1 session to choose among 18)

17:00 - 17:30 Break / Networking

17:30 - 18:30 Country Networking                                       Interactive Activities

18:30 - 20:00 Free Time

20:00 - 22:00 Dinner on HEC Campus

       22:00 Party/Movie «Up in Smoke»

               Wednesday 22nd
 7:30 - 9:00   Arrival & Breakfast

 9:00 - 10:30 How Youth are Changing the World                                      Plenary

10:30 – 11:00 Break / Networking

11:00 – 12:30 Mapping the Future (1 session to choose among 15)

12:30 – 14:30 Thematic Lunches and Collaboration Wall

14:30 – 16:15 Building Together (1 session to choose among 11)

16:15 - 17:00 Break / Networking

17:00 - 17:30 Moving Forward: New Perspectives                                      Plenary

from 18:30     Partners: Dinner at Salle Wagram, Paris (invite only)
               Other guests: Dinner Out in Paris

from 23:30     For all participants: Party at Salle Wagram (Paris)

Tuesday / 9h - 11h
                                                                          OPENING PLENARY:
                                                                       WORKING ACROSS SILOS

How would you design a new vision for social change in Europe that includes perspectives from the political, corporate,
social entrepreneurship, youth, and the citizen sectors? For the opening session of the Ashoka Changemakers’ Campus,
five leaders of change share their visions for social transformation and how to work across their individual silos to
achieve them.

                           Michel Barnier,                                               Christian Boehringer,
                           European Commissioner of                                      Chairman of the Boehringer
                           Internal Market and                                           Ingelheim Shareholders’
                           Services                                                      Committee

                           Bill Drayton,                                                 Caroline Casey,
                           Founder and President of                                      CEO of Kanchi Foundation

                           Sejal Hathi,
                           Founder and President of
                           Girls Helping Girls

Tuesday / 11h30 - 12h30
The World’s Premier Interactive Drumming

Drum Cafe was started in Johannesburg in 1996 by Warren Lieberman. It started as an actual cafe where drumming was
used in a relaxed environment to break down barriers, inspire, and bring people together. Moved by the experience of
communal drumming in Africa, Warren developed a global team building and entertainment program with Africa’s top
drummers. The result 14 years later is a program used by many of the Fortune 500 companies worldwide. Through
Drum Cafe, we will unite, uplift, and inspire ourselves as we begin our journey into the Ashoka Changemakers’ Campus.

The Collaboration Wall
The plans we all make to collaborate with one another are the key building blocks of an Everyone a Changemaker world.
Throughout our time at the Changemaker’s Campus, participants are encouraged to capture your intentions to work
together on «bricks» (for individuals) and «cornerstones» (for group initiatives). These will be collected and mapped on
the Collaboration Wall, to form an evolving picture of what we have accomplished and intend to accomplish together.
Visit the Collaboration Wall to add & group your own bricks, and to see what other kind of activity is emerging around
issues you’re passionate about, especially as you decide which Building Together working groups to join on Wednesday

Tuesday / 12h30 - 14h
                                    THEMATIC CLUSTER LUNCHES
   For lunch, pick up your Lunch Box in the Hall and join the restitution
                                                  of one of the clusters!

Attend the restitution of the thematic working groups (clusters) which took place yesterday, Monday June 20st.You’ll
meet the cluster participants and learn about the solutions they’ve designed for 11 pressing social issues in Europe.

This will also be an opportunity to meet, network, and build partnership with the other event partici-
pants who share the same interests as you.

Equal opportunities in corporations: A key for growth and social cohesion
     H 307
Development of Innovative Learning Ecosystems in Europe
    H 303
‘VisABILITY’ (Visibility for Disability) / ‘Out of the Dark & Into the Light
     H 304
Aging Population – From Care to Empowerment
     H 036
Youth Changemaking – Turning Potential into Action
      H 302
Civic Agriculture in Europe: Securing land, Channelling Money
      H 201
Sustainable, affordable and healthy food for all: An illusion?
     H 037
Solutions to Address Fuel Poverty
     H 205
Women’s Empowerment - The WE Alliance
   H 305
Employment through Empowerment
    H 202
For a New Housing Value Chain
     H 203

For more information on each cluster, please refer to page 34.

                                     Skills                               Alliances                                     Economy

     14:00 - 15:00                                                   GETTING ON TRACK

                     Why Changemaker Skills? H206             Towards New Partnerships for            A Changemaker’s Economy Tent
                                                              Social Change Blondeau

     15:00 - 15:30                                                             Break
     15:30 - 17:00                                         EXPLORING PATHWAYS (18 SESSIONS)

                     Why Empathy? H305                        New Mindsets for Corporate              Full Information Citizenship H025
                                                              Collaboration H205
                     Talent in the 21st Century H307                                                  The Changing Landscape of Social
                                                              Social-Business Partnership in          Finance H037
                     Skills for Intrapreneuring H302          the Global North H020
                                                                                                      A New Path Towards Investment H036
                     Changemaking Storytelling H304           Building Partnerships between
                                                              Social Entrepreneurs and                Legal Resources for Social
                     Equal Opportunities in France’s
                                                              Philanthropists H201                    Entrepreneurship H033
                     Education System H303
                                                              Understanding the Power of              Scaling Up for All? H030
                                                              Changemaker Networks H203
                                                                                                      Lifting Millions across Information
                                                              Alliances for Sustainable               Service Divides H032
                                                              Agricultural Solutions H206
                                                                                                      Impact Pledge – Moving the Needle
                                                               Leveraging Public Policy for           in Private Philanthropy H027
                                                               Change H022
     17:00 - 17:30                                                               Break
     17:30 - 18:30                                                      Country Networking
     18:30 - 20:00                                                             Free Time
     20:00 - 22:00                                                     Dinner on HEC Campus
     22:00                                                          Party/Movie «Up in Smoke» H206
                     Up in Smoke: Film director Adam Wakeling follows the British scientist Mike Hands, who has worked for 25 years perfecting
                     a sustainable agricultural technique capable of replacing slash and burn in tropical forests. Organized by the True/False
Tuesday / 14h - 15h
                                                                            GETTING ON TRACK
                                    All the room numbers are preceded by an «H» on the campus’ signage.

Speakers:                                                 Why Changemaker Skills? 206
Bill Drayton, Founder and CEO, Ashoka                     The Building Changemaker Skills track opens up with an
Jill Vialet, Founder and President, Playworks             introduction to the key learned skills for the 21st centu-
                                                          ry and the evolution of the world from left brain to right
                                                          brain. It explores why society cannot survive without
                                                          these key skills and how they contribute to building a
                                                          world where all citizens have the confidence and societal
                                                          support to drive change.

Speakers:                                                 Towards New Partnerships for Social
                                                          Change Blondeau
Valeria Budinich, Vice-President of Full Economic
Citizenship, Ashoka                                       Participants will learn about some of the most leveraged
Denis Jacquet, President, Parrainer la Croissance         alliances for social change, with a focus on Hybrid Value
Bénédicte Faivre-Tavignot, Chair HEC                      Chains. Specifically, what does this higher goal imply for
                                                          social - business partnership into the future? How is it a
                                                          win-win for all?

Speakers:                                                 A Changemaker’s Economy Tent
Keith Hammonds, Director of News and Knowledge,           The opening session to the Changemaker’s Economy
Ashoka                                                    track will explore the types of infrastructure - such as fi-
David Hutchinson, Chief Executive, Social Finance         nancial, technological, legal, and information-based - that
Francis Brochon, Founder, Foundation for Technical        are necessary for large-scale social change and innova-
Education                                                 tion. How can we further develop these infrastructures
Nicole Notat, President,Vigeo                             and how do they contribute to an Everyone a Change-
Valeria Merino, Vice-President for Venture and            maker world?
Fellowship, Ashoka, moderator

Tuesday / 15h30 - 17h

Why Empathy? 305                                              Speakers:
Empathy is often relegated to particular groups of so-        Mary Gordon, Founder and President, Roots of Empathy
ciety—family, friends, religious communities. In profes-      Gilda Henriquez Darlas, Founder and Director, CIDEL
sional life, it is rarely valued above reason and so-cal-     Molly Barker, Founder and Vision Keeper, Girls on the Run
led “hard skills”. But this is changing. A world defined by    Charlie Murphy, CEO, Global PYE, moderator
social change requires people to have different skills than
before. Why does the skill of empathy matter? Can it be
learned? Entrepreneurs and other leaders explore the
essential role of empathy in solving problems and leading

Talent in the 21st Century 307                                Speakers:
Employers are realizing that if they want to remain           Katy Dobbs, CSR Director, Staples International
competitive they will need to attract and retain top          Saïd Hammouche, Founder, Mozaïk RH
talent, and the skills that will be required are changema-    Xavier Prats-Monné, Deputy Director-General for Edu-
ker skills. Meanwhile, the Millennials seek careers that      cation and Culture, European Commission
have meaning and employers that help them to flourish          Jean-Marc Mickeler, Partner Responsible for Employer
as agents of change. What will the new paradigm look          Strategy and Branding, Deloitte
like? Hear from some of the new 21st Century recrui-          Gretchen Zucker, Executive Director of Youth Venture,
ters.                                                         Ashoka, moderator

Skills for Intrapreneuring 302                                Speakers:
Hear from a group of intrapreneurs who are driving            Henry Gonzalez, Vice-President, Morgan Stanley
major change within their corporations and organi-            Olivier Gilbert, Sustainable Development Director,
zations. Participants will examine the type of enabling       Veolia
environment that supports intrapreneuring and better          François Perrot, Project Manager in the strategy depart-
understand why intrapreneuring is a critical component        ment, Lafarge
of social change.                                             Damien Desjonquères, Social responsability coordina-
                                                              tor for energy access,Total
                                                              David Menasce, General Manager of Azao and
                                                              Prof. Chair HEC, moderator

Changemaking Storytelling 304                                 Speakers:
Effective presentation of your story and vision is a criti-   Tamara Lenaerts, Laduende
cal tool at the disposal of changemakers towards inspi-       Roshan Paul, Globalizer Team , Ashoka
ring others to join you. In this session, changemakers will
receive presentation tips and practice exercises, identify
the parts of their own life stories that are most valuable
to share, and learn how to best share them. Throughout
the Changemakers’ Campus, you will then have chances
to tell and improve your story of change.

Tuesday / 15h30 - 17h
                                                                       EXPLORING PATHWAYS

Speakers:                                                 Equal Opportunities in France’s
                                                          Education System 303
Carole Diamant, Executive Director, Egalité des chances
Foundation                                                In education systems in France, silos between the various
Vincent Oliver, Founder,Web Pédagogique                   education actors results in unequal opportunities. How
André Stern, Director, Arno Stern Institute &             can we build alliances between social entrepreneurs,
Sinn-Stiftung Foundation                                  companies, and the education sector (in particular the
Nathalie Broux, Professor, Micro lycée à la Courneuve     ones with innovative youth initiatives) to make equal op-
Bouna Kane, Head of Education Program, IMS Entre-         portunities in education a reality for all? Ultimately, how
prendre pour la Cité, moderator                           can we build confidence in youth, while developing their
                                                          knowledge about interculturalism, non-violent communi-
                                                          cation, solidarity, empathy, company spirit, etc.
                                                          Session lead by IMS.

Speakers:                                                 New Mindsets for Corporate
                                                          Collaboration 205
Emmanuel Faber, Chief Operating Officer – Vice Chair-
man of the Board, Danone (Partner Chair HEC)              Join a discussion on the barriers presented by traditional
Bernard de Saincy, Corporate social responsability        business models and the opportunities that arise when
Director, GDF Suez                                        corporations and citizen sector organizations enter into
Sonja Patscheke, Senior Consultant, FSG                   new partnerships. With a focus on the role of corpora-
Eric Brac de la Perrière, CEO, Eco-Emballages             tions in hybrid value chains (HVC), top business leaders
Daphne Van Run, Organizational culture specialist,        will share their “hopes and fears” – as well as best prac-
Dreammeetsreality, moderator                              tices – about entering into this new type of partnership.

Speakers:                                                 Social-Business Partnership in the
                                                          Global North 020
Olivia Verger-Lisicki, Project Manager - BoP Program,
IMS Entreprendre pour la Cité                             Social-business partnership is an increasingly recognized
Antonella Desneux, Head of Corporate Social Respon-       strategy for servicing base of the pyramid (BOP) popu-
sability, SFR                                             lations in the Global South; however, there are many
Gilles Reydellet, Director,The National Union of PIMMS    successful - but little known - applications in Northern
Guillaume Bapst, Founder and Director, ANDES              countries. Participants will learn about the state of BOP
                                                          populations in Europe and how social entrepreneurs
                                                          and corporations are using market mechanisms to best
                                                          reach them.
                                                          Led by IMS.

Tuesday / 15h30 - 17h
Building Partnerships between Social                          Speakers: :
Entrepreneurs and Philanthropists
 201                                                          Marc Lubner, CEO, MaAfrikaTikkun
                                                              Monica Roell, Founding Partner ,The Social Venutre Fund
What are enablers for social entrepreneurs and phi-           Maurice Tchenio, Founder and President , Fondation
lanthropists to enter into mutually beneficial alliances?      AlphaOmega
By juxtaposing their needs and offerings, this session will   Bernard Jan Wendeln, Co-founder, BonVenture
focus on the value proposition that philanthropists offer     Andreas Heinecke, Founder, Dialogue Enterprises
to social entrepreneurs - besides funding. Both sides will    Mathias Terheggen, Head Philanthropy Services, UBS
leave with a better understanding of how to search and        Switzerland, moderator
select one another to create engaging and long-lasting
Led by UBS.
Understanding the Power of                                    Speakers: :
Changemaker Networks 203
                                                              Ryszard Praszkier, Researcher / Change Leader, Univer-
Join a discussion on the unique nature of networks that       sity of Warsaw / Ashoka emeritus
are woven by social entrepreneurs. Through the lens of        Antonella Notari Vischer, Director, Smiling Children
Ashoka’s experience, participants will learn about how        Foundation / WomenChangeMakers
changemakers are using and nurturing effective networks       Wil Kristin, Global Venture & Fellowship Communications,
to contribute to achieving wide-scale change. Small group     Ashoka
brainstorming will invite participants to apply those lear-   Eric Theunis, Managing Director, Hub Bruxel
nings to case studies of specific changemaker networks         Christina Jordan, Founding Collaborator, Evolutionize It
under development.                                            Alycia Lee, Partnership Development, Hub Amsterdam
                                                              Collaboracy and Instigation, moderator
Alliances for Sustainable Agricultural                        Speakers: :
Solutions 206
                                                              Mike Hands, Founder, Inga Foundation
The widespread usage of slash and burn agricultural           Adam Wakeling, Director, Notion Pictures Ltd
techniques is leading to the devastation of the World’s
tropical forests. However, sustainable alternative solu-
tions are surfacing. Learn about one such solution in a
film screening of «Up in Smoke», followed by an intimate
discussion with the protagonist Mike Hands, founder of
the Inga Foundation. How was he able to foster the local
alliances to spread these methods and to spearhead a
new Green Revolution amongst subsistence farmers?
Through group discussion, participants will discuss best
practices for introducing new agricultural techniques
into deply-rooted, but failing, practices.
Leveraging Public Policy for Social                           Speakers: :
Change 022
                                                              David Hutchinson, Chief Executive, Social Finance
Many leading social entrepreneurs focus on changing or        Grégoire Scholler, Cabinet de Michel Barnier
shaping public policy as a way to increase the impact of      Michele Jolin, Member of the White House Council for
their work. How can social entrepreneurs more effecti-        Community Solutions, moderator
vely work with governments to spread and scale their
ideas? How can governments learn from social entre-
preneurs to get better results? What can governments
do to create a policy climate that will better support
innovation and impact? Hear from social entrepreneurs,
experts, and policy leaders themselves about how to
more effectively use policy to drive social change.

Tuesday / 15h30 - 17h
                                                                        EXPLORING PATHWAYS

Speakers:                                                  Full Information Citizenship 025
Hamadou Tidiane Sy, Founder & Editor, Ouestafnews          How do we attain full information citizenship -- a world
Jeremy Druker, Founder,Transitions Online                  in which everyone can get, share, and use the information
Stephen Friend, President, Sage Bionetworks                they need to participate fully in society? We’ll examine
Jake Shapiro, CEO, PRX Public Radio Exchange               emerging challenges to information freedom, access, and
Peter Eigen, Founder,Transparency International            quality.We’ll hear from social entrepreneurs whose inno-
Keith Hammonds, Director of News and Knowledge,            vations defend and advance those historical values. And
Ashoka, moderator                                          together, we’ll map key trends that inform the future of
                                                           news and knowledge.

Speakers:                                                  The Changing Landscape of Social
                                                           Finance 037
David Green, Founder, Project Impact, Aurolab
Faisel Rahman, Founder and Managing Director, Fair         Participants will gain an overview of the financial instru-
Finance                                                    ments typically leveraged – and improved – by social en-
Sergio Oceransky, CEO,Yansa Group                          trepreneurs. From their personal experience using these
Jack Breslauer, Business Development, NeXii Global         tools, social entrepreneurs will analyze the risks and
Mark Cheng, Executive Director, Chelwood Capital           challenges associated with the different financing options
                                                           and how to best match them to diverse business models.

Speakers:                                                  A New Path Towards Investment 036
Caroline Casey, CEO, Kanchi Foundation                     This session focuses on the ecosystem emerging to
Vincent Burgi, Board Member, Blue Orchard                  bridge the gap between investor and entrepreneur. Par-
Pascal Vinarnic, Founder, Demeter Foundation               ticipants will hear about best practices to overcome the
Andreas Ernst, Executive Director,Values Based Investing   legal, governance, strategic, and financial challenges of
Team, UBS AG, moderator                                    making a social investment, as well as connect with some
                                                           of the best resources available.
                                                           Led by UBS.

Speakers:                                                  Legal Resources for Social
                                                           Entrepreneurship 033
Monique Villa, Chief Executive,Thomson Reuters
Foundation                                                 The acceleration of social entrepreneurship is dependent
Yasmin Waljee, International Pro-bono Manager, Lovells     on an enabling legal environment that supports a rapidly
Audrey de Garidel, Partner, Latham & Watkins               changing world, and the new ideas that are driving this
François Mary, Partner, Latham & Watkins                   change. What are the major needs of social entrepre-
Eva Marszewski, Founder and CEO, Peacebuilders             neurs in the legal realm, and how are social entrepre-
International, moderator                                   neurs connecting with some of the best legal resources
                                                           and tools available? Hear from legal experts and the so-
                                                           cial entrepreneurs that they are connecting with.

Tuesday / 15h30 - 17h
Scaling Up for All? 030                                       Speakers:
Is scaling up possible for all social entrepreneurs in all    Jérôme Auriac, Founder and CEO, Be-Linked, Business &
sectors and for all types of models? Is scale-up in some      Community Intelligence (Prof. Chair HEC)
sectors and models inherently easier than others? This        Konstanze Frischen, Leadership Group Member &
session will explore some of the challenges to scale-up       Chair Globalizer, Ashoka
that social entrepreneurs face - depending on their field      Olivier Kayser, Founder, Hystra
of work or model - and will identify some of the major        Jean-Marc Borello, Managing Director, Groupe SOS
steps social entrepreneurs need to take in order to scale     Bonnie Koenig, Consultant working, Going International
their work.

Lifting Millions across Information                           Speakers:
Service Divides 032
                                                              Hilmi Quraishi, Co-Founder and Director, ZMQ Software
Social entrepreneurs discuss the application of mobile        Systems
technology to increase social impact across the areas of      Vijay Pratap Singh Aditya, Co-Founder & CEO, Ekgaon
agriculture, health, education, and financial services. Par-   Technologies
ticipants will have the opportunity to work with entre-       Bright B. Simons, President, m-Pedigree Network
preneurs, IT corporations, and funding agencies in small      Anne Roos Weil, Co-Founder and Managing Director,
groups or one-on-one to seek practical advice on how          Pésinet
mobile tech can be applied to their own work.                 Wiebke Herding, ON:SUBJECT, moderator

Impact Pledge – Moving the Needle in                           Speakers:
Private Philanthropy 027
                                                              Troy Stremler, Founder and CEO, Newdea
How can philanthropy contribute to creating the change        Maximilian Martin, Founder and CEO, Impact Economy
necessary to keep this beautiful planet a viable home?        Tom Biesinger, CEO , Genesis Ventures
What does it take to enable transformational impact in
social entrepreneurs? Participants will discuss how to
build a new ecosystem for change - donor and investor-
led and committed to impact – thereby finding the right
combination between social finance and philanthropic

17h30 - 18h30
Take this chance to meet your fellow country changemakers! Join them in discussing the day’s experiences as they relate
to your country context and think about new ways to work together to overcome country-specific challenges. Plus,
since we are in Paris and we have a community of 300 French changemakers present, there will be a special French
networking session in the Changemakers’ Village, beginning with a presentation about Ashoka France.

Skills                            Alliances                                  Economy

      7:30 - 9:00                                                 Arrival & Breakfast
      9:00 - 10:30                                       HOW YOUTH ARE CHANGING THE WORLD
     10:30 - 11:00                                                      Break

     11:00 – 12:30                                        MAPPING THE FUTURE (15 SESSIONS)

                     Learning for Change H305              Markets at the Base of the Pyramid   Emerging Innovations towards Full
                                                           H205                                 Information Citizenship H025
                     Social Entrepreneurship Education     SMEs and High Value Collaboration
                     H303                                  H020                                 How Social Finance Helps and
                     New Tools for Talent H302             Co-working and Social                Hinders: Lessons for the Future H037
                                                           Entrepreneurship H203
                     Tapping into the Feminine to                                               Banks for a Better World, Part I H033
                     Achieve Sustainability H304           Break Silos to Innovate H201
                                                                                                Measuring Social Impact H030

                                                                                                Rethinking Events for Social Change
                                                                                                Embedding Entrepreneurs into a
                                                                                                Public Sector Agenda (by invitation
                                                                                                only) H036

                                                                                                Social Footprint H027

     12:30 - 14:30                                  THEMATIC LUNCHES AND COLLABORATION WALL

Wednesday / 9h - 10h30

Half of the world’s population is under 25 years old and
every day these young people are proving that they are        Ayaat Fathi, young Egyptian revolutionary
real changemakers. For a perfect illustration of the fa-      Rocco Falconer, Founder of Planting Promises
mous Ashoka credo «everyone can be a changemaker»,            Sejal Hathim, Founder of Girls Helping Girls
come listen to three revolutionary projects led by young
social entrepreneurs. They have developed unique solu-
tions that reverse existing systems and answer to social
and environmental needs. This plenary conference is an
opportunity to share with them and be inspired.               Romina Laouri, Ashoka’s Youth Venture
                                                              Lotfi El-Ghandouri, Creative Society

11h - 12h30
Learning for Change 305                                       Speakers:
In today’s rapidly changing world, social entrepreneurs       François Taddei, Director, Centre de Recherche
are designing new models for learning that will trans-        Interdisciplinaire
form how we think about primary through university            Vicky Colbert,Founder and Director,Fundacion Escuela
education, and the role of learning in preparing young        Nueva
people for a world governed by change. We will explore        Kiran Sethi,Founder and Director,Riverside School
innovations and principles that are creating a new gene-      Veerle Simkens, Colruyt group, moderator
ration of young people who are not only prepared to be
effective citizens and leaders, but already are.

Social Entrepreneurship Education                             Speakers:
                                                              Virginie Seghers, Founder,Virginie Seghers Conseil
Around the world, MBA programs, law schools, and libe-        Thierry Sibieude, Director of the Chair of Social
ral arts universities are seeing social entrepreneurship      Entrepreneurship, ESSEC
education as a key ingredient to the success of their post-   Alexis Ettinger, Centre Manager, Skoll Centre for Social
graduates. Learn about some of the emerging models            Entrepreneurship
employed by higher education and gain insight into the        Firoz Ladak, Executive Director and Board Member,
tools and resources to improve social entrepreneurship        Rothschild Foundation
curricula, develop new courses, and identify how faculty      Marina Kim, Director, Ashoka U, moderator
and staff can contribute to social change.

New Tools for Talent 302                                      Speakers:
As a follow-up from yesterday’s session on Talent in          Norbert Kunz, CEO, IQ Consult
the 21st Century, participants will learn about the lea-      Diana Wells, President, Ashoka
ding strategies that organizations of all types are using     Pablo Gato, Manager, Banca Civica
to attract changemaker talent in order to keep pace           Thorsten Poehl, Head of Corporate Talent Management,
with innovation and social change. We will explore the        Boehringer Ingelheim
methods and concrete tools that organizations are using       Gretchen Zucker, Executive Director of Youth Venture,
to recruit, vet, and retain changemaker talent.               Ashoka, moderator

Wednesday / 11h - 12h30
                                                                        MAPPING THE FUTURE

Speakers:                                                 Tapping into the Feminine to Achieve
                                                          Sustainability 304
Marie Haisova, Founder, Agentura Gaia
Kathryn Hall - Trujillo, Founding Director, Birthing      The nurturing traits that are found in the feminine side
Project USA                                               of every human being hold the kind of re-balancing en-
Mary Daley Yerrick, Co-Founder,Vital Voices Global        ergy and resilience that people need in the face of global
Partnership                                               change. How does an increasing awareness of the value
Gwendoline de Ganay, Assistant content &                  of humanity’s feminine energies contribute to building an
programming coordinator,Women’s Forum for the Economy     “everyone a changemaker” world? This session will ex-
& Society                                                 plore the key skills that are needed to help more chan-
Lindsey Nefesh-Clarke, Founder,Women’s Worldwide          gemakers tap into the power of the feminine effectively.
Web                                                       Men are welcome!
Yann Borgstedt, Founder, Smiling Children Foundation’s
WomenChangemakers program
Angeli Sjöström, Founder, ProcessRum (Room for
process), moderator

Speakers:                                                 Markets at the Base of the Pyramid
Al Hammond, Director, Health Points Services
Vishnu Ram, Director of Housing for All, Ashoka           This session will showcase on-the-ground applications
Gilles Vermot Desroches, Director of Sustainable          of Hybrid Value Chains to demonstrate the relevancy of
Development, Schneider Electric                           this social-business strategy in the Global South.Through
Daphne van Run, Organizational culture specialist,        case studies in the areas of health, housing and electricity,
Dreammeetsreality                                         participants will better understand the business models
Denis Chavanis, Founder, Aquasure                         that are emerging to successfully serve base-of-the-pyra-
                                                          mid populations and beyond.

Speakers:                                                 SMEs and High Value Collaboration
Michel Meunier, President, Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants
Anne-France Bonnet, Founder, Cabinet Nuova Vista,         Small-to-medium enterprises are powerfull economic
Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants                              players. But what is their role in social change ? We’ll
Thibaut Guilluy, Founder, Ares Services, Centre des       analyze perceptions and expectations from French SMEs
Jeunes Dirigeants                                         regarding partnerships with associations and social en-
Benjamin Gratton, Founder, Cabinet BeBetter&Co,           trepreneurs. In addition, three CEOs of French SMEs will
Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants                              share their experience about their contribution to social
Charles-Benoit Heidsieck, President, Le Rameau,           progress by highlighting their ability to have impact, while
Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants                              remaining competitive.

Wednesday / 11h - 12h30

Co-working and Social Entrepreneurship                        Speakers:
Join a discussion on the diverse models that are being        Eric Theunis , Managing Director, Hub Bruxel
used for co-working. Participants will learn about the dif-   Charlotte Hochman, Founder, La Ruche
ferent organizational structures and financing schemes.        Alycia Lee, Partnership Development, Hub Amsterdam
They will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each        Collaboracy and Instigation
model, and will identify key learnings that can strengthen    Yves Larock, Director, Foundation Lodewijk de Raet,
co-working for social change.                                 moderator

Breaking Silos to Innovate 201                                Speakers:
The citizen sector is a laboratory of social change,          Anastassia Makridou-Bretonneau, Authorised
whether dealing with social, health, research-based,          mediator for the Fondation de France’s New Sponsors
cultural, or environmental issues. Social entrepreneurs       activity
are born from this laboratory, anxious to break social        Dominique Lemaistre, Sponsorship Director, Fondation
and economic silos. It is also from this terrain that mul-    de France
tidisciplinary solutions emerge, which the Foundation         Cécile Ostria, Chief Executive Officer, Foundation for
of France believes are the most innovative and able to        Nature and Mankind
resolve increasingly complex issues. In order to facilitate   Christian Laidebeur, Member of the Fondation de
a global approach to solutions that are anchored locally,     France Habitat Committee, Housing consultant
we must bridge social and economic spheres; we must           Alain Faure, CNRS researcher in political science,
bridge the specialists of exclusion and culture, of health    Grenoble University
and environment, of research and welfare, and of the
public and private sectors.
Session led by Fondation de France.

Emerging Innovations towards Full                             Speakers:
Information Citizenship 025
                                                              Klaas Glenewinkel, Managing Director, Plural
Social media. Online search. Smart phones. New infor-         Mike Feerick, CEO, ALISON
mation technologies and rapidly changing user needs           Gregor Hackmack, Co-Founder, ParliamentWatch,
have created profound opportunities for entrepreneurial       Germany
innovation in the news and knowledge field. We’ll hear         Katarzyna Batko-Tołuć, Co-Founder and Program
from social entrepreneurs pioneering some of media’s          Director,The Association of Leaders of Local Civic Groups
cutting-edge innovations -- projects that dramatically ad-    John Clippinger, Co-director of the Law Lab,The Law
vance the way people access and use information. Also:        Lab at Harvard University
a collaborative workshop on «social media for social          Keith Hammonds, Director of News and Knowledge,
movements.»                                                   Ashoka

Wednesday / 11h - 12h30
                                                                         MAPPING THE FUTURE

Speakers:                                                   How Social Finance Helps and Hinders:
                                                            Lessons for the Future 037
Nicolas Hazard, CEO, Comptoir de l’Innovation Groupe
SOS                                                         Has the hype of social finance overcome the better judg-
Jean-Luc Perron, Managing Director, Grameen Credit          ment of social entrepreneurs? In an open forum, entre-
Agricole Microfinance Foundation                             preneurs and investors will discuss their experiences
Renee Manuel, Ashoka Germany, moderator                     receiving and giving capital, and how it has helped or
Michael Vollmann, Director Fellowship, Ashoka Germany,      hindered the social impact of organizations. Looking
moderator                                                   towards the future, participants will uncover important
                                                            lessons for using social finance to generate large-scale
                                                            social impact.

Speakers:                                                   Banks for a Better World, Part I 033
Toni Ballabriga, Director of Corporate Responsability,      Imagine if we had a way to value wealth not just in return
BBVA                                                        on investment, money, cash flow, and balance sheets, but
Chris Skinner, Founder and Chief Executive, Balatro         in the worth we bring to society. Imagine if our financial
Thierry Touchais, Executive Director, International Polar   systems were able to provide a platform to transact with
Foundation                                                  different kinds of value: social benefit, reputation, ecolo-
Alain Dresse, CEO, BamBoost                                 gical footprint, etc. Together with several inspiring spea-
Valérie Aubier-Le Corre, Head of Philanthropy ser-          kers, we will create a vision of Banks for a Better World.
vices, UBS                                                  Be part of this change by joining us for a highly interac-
Mariela Atanassova, Innovation Facilitator, SWIFT,          tive dialogue to scope this vision and make it a reality.
moderator                                                   Led by SWIFT.

Speakers:                                                   Measuring Social Impact 030
Devin Blondes, Financial Analyst, PhiTrust Partenaires      In order to attract investors and funders, but also for
Martin Egberink, CEO, Social Evaluator                      management and reporting purposes, social entrepre-
Marie Trellu-Kane, President, Unis-Cité                     neurs must be able to measure and communicate their
Hans Wahl, Senior Associate Director, Social                social impact. Why is it so difficult to assess the value a
Entrepreneurship                                            social entrepreneur creates? How do we measure social
Wiebke Herding, ON:SUBJECT, moderator                       impact now and how should we do it in the future? This
                                                            session will showcase existing best practices and metho-
                                                            dologies while addressing the challenge of social impact

Speakers:                                                   Rethinking Events for Social Change
Peter Vander Auwera, Innovation Leader, Swift
Christina Jordan, Founding Collaborator, Evolutionize It    This session will look at the cutting edge approaches to
Cheryl Cooper, Founder and Managing Director, Applied       designing dynamic face-to-face changemaker gatherings
Wisdom, moderator                                           that are helping to catalyze cross-sector dialogue and
                                                            collaboration in the global social change space.

Wednesday / 11h - 12h30
Embedding Entrepreneurs into a Public                           Speakers:
Sector Agenda (by invitation only)
 036                                                           Chitra Krishnan, Director of Knowledge and Learning,
                                                               Ashoka’s Changemakers, moderator
Through a facilitated exercise, experts will develop a         Josh Middleman, Senior Partnerships Manager, Ashoka’s
blueprint for action that consists of pathways and prin-       Changemakers, moderator
ciples for scaling the impact of social entrepreneurs
though government and multilateral channels. Using the
2010 G-20 SME Finance Challenge as a starting point
(which led to half a billion dollars in funding for its win-
ners), we will identify new possibilities for investments
by the public sector into social entrepreneurs, with a
focus on the areas of nutrition and health.
Led by Ashoka’s Changemakers.

Social Footprint 027                                            Speakers:
The recent economic crisis has made it unthinkable to          Christian Nibourel, President, Accenture France,
continue to do “business as usual”. It is now imperative       Netherlands, Benelux
to adopt to a long-term approach when devising a com-          Isabelle Hennebelle, Journalist, L’Expansion, L’Express,
pany’s value creation. To do so, we must place the focus       Founder of Le Cercle de l’Humain
back on the individual and rethink the economic per-           Jean Kaspar, Consultant
formance of a company through considering its social           Benoit Lebizay, CMBL Distribution (Ashoka ASN),
footprint.                                                     moderator
Session led by Le Collectif.

12h30 - 14h30

Ashoka Support Network H307
Learn about Ashoka’s global network of over 250 business entrepreneurs that partner with social entrepreneurs to acce-
lerate their impact. Let’s grow the network!

Youth Venture H302
Ashoka is launching its youth program in France! Join a lunch discussion on the key youth issues and actors in France.

Empathy H010
Meet the Ashoka Empathy team. Do you want to contribute to the development of changemaker skills, particularly empa-
thy? Join us!

Social Entrepreneurship H304
Join a discussion on the evolution of social entrepreneurship and its future role in society as a major driver of social

Meet the African Fellows H105
Meet 30 powerful and innovative African Fellows and discuss the stakes for social entrepreneurship and rural innovation
in Africa.

Skills                            Alliances                                   Economy

     14:30 - 16:15                                     BUILDING TOGETHER (11 SESSIONS)
                     Every Child Must Master Empathy     Hybrid Value Chains: My Role H203      A New Architecture for Information
                     H010                                                                       H033
                     Build Your Own Talent Tool H011     SME’s: Change Your Role Now            Building the Bridge between
                                                         H201                                   Investors and Social Entrepreneurs
                     Universities X.0 H012               Leveraging Professional                H027
                                                         Changemaker Values H202                Scaling Social Impact for the 21st
                                                                                                Century H032

                                                                                                Building Next Practices for Impact
                                                                                                (by invitation only) H025

                                                                                                Banks for a Better World, Part II

     16:15 - 17:00                                                   Break
     17:00 - 17:30                              MOVING FORWARD: NEW PERSPECTIVES
     from 18:30                               Partners: Dinner at Salle Wagram, Paris (invite only)
                                              Other guests: Dinner Out in Paris
     from 23:30                                 For all participants: Party at Salle Wagram (Paris)

Wednesday / 14h30 - 16h15

Every Child Must Master Empathy                               Speakers:
                                                              Veerle Simkens, Colruyt group, moderator
Re-imagine youth years as a time of mastering changema-       Tamara Lenaerts, Laduende, moderator
king skills, especially empathy. Re-think school as a place
that develops and nurtures children and young people as
changemakers, not passive consumers of knowledge. In a
small working session, will identify key levers to enable
every child to master empathy. We will focus on how
to collaboratively transform schools and other youth-
oriented institutions in Europe.

Build Your Own Talent Tool 011                                Speakers:
In the final session on Talent in the 21st Century, parti-     Lisa Neuberger-Fernandez, Director of Corporate
cipants will work together to identify practices that can     Citizenship Programs, Accenture
streamline and facilitate the process of connecting chan-     Lior Ipp, Manager Youth Venture, Ashoka, moderator
gemakers to prospective employers.What universal tools        Lotfi El Ghandouri, Founder, Creative Society Group and
can be developed or steps taken to assist changemakers        Hub Madrid, moderator
and employers in finding and vetting each other? How can
participants work together to develop these new tools?

Universities X.0 012                                          Speakers:
In a fast-changing world confronted with many crises,         François Taddei, Director, Centre de Recherche
universities are expected to train people to seek and         Interdisciplinaire
implement approaches to the challenges of the 21st cen-
tury. In a working session, participants will establish an
action plan to support new educational and research
tools - aimed at building networks of ideas, collaborative
knowledge-builders, and learning spaces - to transform
the world into an evolving global campus.

Hybrid Value Chains: My Role 203                              Speakers:
Social entrepreneurs who are either undergoing hybrid         Daphne van Run, Organizational culture specialist,
value chains (HVC) or who are ready to launch a HVC           Dreammeetsreality
will engage in discussion with corporations and experts.
They will be offered tools, resources, and advice for
adopting this new model and will work together to esta-
blish a recipe for a likely partnership and sustained col-

Wednesday / 14h30 - 16h15
                                                                        BUILDING TOGETHER

Speakers:                                                   SME’s: Change Your Role Now 201
Anne-France Bonnet, Founder, Cabinet Nuova Vista,           This session will provide a venue for concrete follow-
Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants                                up to the morning SME session. Participants will devise
Thibaut Guilluy, Founder, Ares Services, Centre des         an action plan for better supporting partnership among
Jeunes Dirigeants                                           SMEs and social entrepreneurs.
Benjamin Gratton, Founder, Cabinet BeBetter&Co,             Led by CJD.
Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants
Charles-Benoit Heidsieck, President, Le Rameau,
Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants

Speakers:                                                   Leveraging Professional Changemaker
                                                            Values 202
Cheryl Cooper, Founder and Managing Director, Applied
Wisdom                                                      This working group will invite input into the practical
Christina Jordan, Founding Collaborator, Evolutionize It    aspects of working together to co-create a values-driven
Bonnie Koenig, Consultant working, Going International      changemaker’s professional services collective. The col-
Christelle Van Ham, Manager, Mozaïk RH                      lective matches changemakers with short-term profes-
Alycia Lee, Partnership Development, Hub Amsterdam          sional consulting opportunities where entrepreneurial
Collaboracy and Instigation, moderator                      experience, collaborative methods, and socio-cultural
                                                            sensitivity are needed.

Speakers:                                                   A New Architecture for Information
Sasa Vucinic, Founder and Director, Media Loan Fund
Keith Hammonds, Director of News and Knowledge,             What entrepreneurial strategies, media technologies, and
Ashoka                                                      policy changes will drive full information citizenship? We’ll
                                                            look at this emerging future from an architectural pers-
                                                            pective. In a small working group we’ll design the ground-
                                                            work for new information and news-based systems that
                                                            can adapt continuously to new challenges.

Speakers:                                                   Building the Bridge between Investors
                                                            and Social Entrepreneurs 027
Stuart Yasgur, Director, Ashoka’s Social Finance Services
John Tull, Principal Consultant, Inclusive Capital          Building on opportunities and challenges identified in
Renee Manuel, Ashoka Germany                                earlier social finance sessions, this working session will
Michael Vollmann, Director Fellowship, Ashoka Germany       design an action plan to bridge the gap between investors
                                                            and social entrepreneurs. As co-creators of the bridge,
                                                            we will identify social entrepreneurs’ needs at different
                                                            stages of growth and build solution sets to meet those
                                                            needs. Participants will have the opportunity to commit
                                                            to concrete working groups that will last beyond the
                                                            Changemakers’ Campus.

Wednesday / 14h30 - 16h15

Scaling Social Impact for the 21st                           Speakers:
Century 032
                                                             Roshan Paul, Globalizer Team, Ashoka
In an interactive workshop, members of the Ashoka Glo-       Konstanze Frischen, LGM & Chair Globalizer, Ashoka
balizer team and Globalizer Fellows will share learnings
regarding scaling up social innovation. Through a pro-
blem-solving session, participants will share their own
scaling challenges and receive group feedback and advice
about how to best address them. Bring your creativity
and strategic expertise as we answer the question of
how social entrepreneurs can achieve the full market
potential of their ideas.
Led by Ashoka Globalizer.

Building Next Practices for Impact                           Speakers:
(By invitation) 025
                                                             Maximilian Martin, Founder and CEO, Impact Economy
To unleash the full transformative potential of social en-   Tom Biesinger, CEO, Genesis Ventures
trepreneurship in the 21st century, philanthropy needs       Ashley Green, Director of Operations, Impact Economy
to do four things: be more ambitious about the scale of      SA, moderator
impact desired, invest in innovation and learning, adapt
faster to what works and what does not, and invest over
longer time periods. We need “next practices” to get us
there. Learn about the Impact Pledge, and join a co-crea-
tion to advance the social sector’s readiness in the face
of complex challenges.
Led by the Impact Pledge team.

Banks for a Better World, Part II 037                        Speakers:
As follow-up to the morning’s banking session, this          Mariela Atanassova, Innovation Facilitator, SWIFT,
workshop will provide a participatory platform for diving    moderator
deeper into some of the issues involved in reimagining
our banking sector, such as R&D, infrastructure, reaching
unbanked populations, and more. Break-out groups will
enable participants to design the beginning blueprints for
Banks for a Better World.
Led by SWIFT.

Wednesday / 17h - 17h30
                                           MOVING FORWARD: NEW PERSPECTIVES

Social entrepreneurs have captured the imagination of leaders across Europe, yet we have only begun to tap their poten-
tial for global impact. This is the opportunity to turn recipients of social services into co-producers, uncover hidden
resources, and pioneer new markets together. In our closing session, we reflect on the need to map out a European path
to social innovation and social change that empowers everyone to be a changemaker, including you.

                                                          Felix Oldenburg,
                                                          Director of Ashoka Europe

                               Ever yone A Changemaker ™

Alena Asyamova, Streetfootballworld

     Philippe Baumgarten, Krauthammer

            Gieljan Beijen, Behold International

           Cheryl Cooper, Applied Wisdom

      Ellen De Braekeleer, Colruyt Group

       Lotfi El Ghandouri, Creative Society Group and Hub Madrid

          Adela Frankova, BEZK

        Silvia Giovannoni, Ashoka

      Laurent Grandidier, Endosene, Cidel, Am'strame, Ashoka ASN

         Wiebke Herding, ON:SUBJECT

         Christina Jordan, Evolutionize It

           Bonnie Koenig, Going International

           Romina Laouri, Ashoka's Youth Venture Global

              Yves Larock, Foundation Lodewijk de Raet

           Benoit Lebizay, Ashoka ASN, CMBL Distribution

               Alycia Lee, Hub Amsterdam Collaboracy and Instigation

        Tamara Lenaerts, Laduende

          Eva Marszewski, Peacebuilders International

          Charlie Murphy, Global PYE

              Roshan Paul, Ashoka

     Hubertine Roessingh, The Value Agency and HUB Amsterdam

          Ane San Miguel, Artepilpilean

          Veerle Simkens, Colruyt group

         Angeli Sjöström, ProcessRum (Room for process)

          Janice Thomson, Engage UK and Democracy International

         Daphne van Run, Dreammeetsreality

In parallel to the event’s three tracks, you can join the Changemakers’ Village -
THE place for networking and discovery!
Thematic speed-dating, participatory workshops, cluster networking, social entrepreneur pitches, social inno-
vation demonstrations, open space, and more! The Changemakers’ Village multiplies opportunities to connect
and share with Campus participants!

Find out more about the program in the Village or in the inserted schedule!
La Money Afternoon

                                                                             ASN Booth
Learning Space                                                               Learn more about the
Learn through workshops led                                                  Ashoka Support Network, the
by experts.                                                                  network of business entrepre-
                                      Cluster Space                          neurs that supports Ashoka
                                      Meet cluster members, discuss          and its social entrepreneurs.
                                      the outputs of the working
                                      groups, and help find solutions
Social Media Booth                    to these burning social chal-          Demo Space
Follow and promote the                                                       Attend demonstrations of
event on social networks and                                                 pioneering technological in-
learn more about the Ashoka                                                  novations for social change.
Hub.                                  Conference Space
                                      Listen to extraordinary social
                                      entrepreneurs and committed
                                      partners present in a few mi-
                                      nutes their projects and sto-
Networks Booth                        ries.                                  Meeting Spot
Meet our partner networks.                                                   Plan and organize discussions
                                      Lounge                                 around topics YOU choose.
                                      Join in thematic speed-dating
Ashoka Booth                          and networking sessions.
                                                                             Photo Studio
Learn more about Ashoka, its                                                 Attend interactive workshops
programs and its impact, and                                                 around photography and take
meet our staff.                                                              a fresh look at others.

WEDNESDAY’S “What About Money?” will be a platform for discussing the topic of money and new funding
solutions for the sector. Participate in the « Serious Funny Money Game », meet Fellows looking for funds to
scale up, learn about impact investing funds and foundations involved in social entrepreneurship, and more. It
is time to talk about money!

When the Ashoka Changemakers’ Week was under design, our main objective was to create an ecosystem
prone to new collaborations, especially between social entrepreneurs, public, and private actors.

At Ashoka, we consider that - whatever the area - concrete solutions do exist, but that they often lack support
in order to scale-up and maximize impact.

Since a two-day long event is extremely brief to be able to solidify new partnerships, we decided to prepare
collaborations in advance by identifying 11 pressing social issues that will define the future of Europe.

For each issue, a cluster leader (generally an Ashoka Fellow) has helped us to identify the major stakes to
tackle as well as the participants to gather around the table.

We thus invited social entrepreneurs, public actors, representatives of private corporations or foundations,
expert, and journalists to the clusters. For each topic area, we brought together 20 to 40 people from around
the world ready to work on concrete action plans and possible solutions with other stakeholders.

We also received the support from Hystra and McKinsey consulting teams, as well as HEC students, in
developing a working paper on the defined topics. This document, which synthesizes the stakes, barriers, and
possible solutions for each topic, was sent to the cluster participants in advance to set a foundation for our
discussion on Monday, June 21st.

It happened yesterday…
Before anything else, the objective was to get to know each other! In most of the cases, the clusters partici-
pants came from different countries and had never met before. After a first ice-breaking session, the partici-
pants dived into conversation about the working papers they previously received.

Later on, in break-out working groups moderated by external facilitators and Ashoka staff, participants tackled
in detail each possible collaboration lead that was forecasted in the document. At the end of the day, we col-
lected different hybrid solutions, concrete propositions, and multiple collaboration “bricks”.

Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22: Join them!
If you’re interested in the cluster topics and would like to bring your own expertise to the discussion, you are
welcome to do so!

A restitution session will take place at lunchtime on Tuesday, June 21st.
Each cluster leader will present the main achievements and collaborations formed from the day before. Cluster
participants will be delighted to receive your comments or suggestions, and why not start new partnerships

In the Changemakers’ Village, a networking space is dedicated to each cluster during Tuesday afternoon and
all day Wednesday.

Finally, during Wednesday at lunchtime, the cluster leaders will present the collaboration bricks collected
during the three days in order to build the collaboration wall together as an output of the Ashoka Change-
makers’ Campus!

And after?
Obviously, the objective is not to end here. For each cluster, we plan to follow up on the reflexion beyond the
event and Ashoka will work along and support the different collaborations to make them a reality and bring
more social change to Europe!

Equal opportunities in corporations: a key for growth and social cohesion
Cluster leader: Saïd Hammouche. Cluster Language: French

Integrating diversity is a key opportunity for European economies in years to come: by reflecting the different compo-
nents of society in their marketing, procurement and HR strategies, corporations increase their ability to innovate, enter
new markets, improve their competitiveness, retain their staff, and adapt to a changing world.

However, a lack of awareness, the absence of clear incentives, and the challenge to transform internal processes explain
that companies still fail to offer equal opportunities to diverse groups and to lift discriminations due to gender, disabili-
ties, age, social, ethnic and religious backgrounds, sexual orientation, etc.

This cluster explores existing solutions and best practices developed by social entrepreneurs and practitioners who
work with companies to effectively position their performance, improve their processes, and embrace diversity as a
true opportunity. With leading experts, HR, marketing and procurement managers, we will adopt a unified approach
that combines effective solutions into a unique framework.We will promote this framework to accelerate change in the
corporate sector.

Fellows include: Abdellah Aboulharjan, Rafael Alvarez, Majid El Jarroudi etc.
Companies include: SFR, Cap Gemini, Addecco, Crédit Mutuel, L’Oréal, Accenture, etc.

Development of Innovative Learning Ecosystems in Europe
Cluster leader: François Taddei. Cluster Language: English

There are both individual and societal benefits to learning. Learning is linked to higher wages, personal fulfilment, better
health, and longer lives. It builds awareness, reduces crime, empowers individuals and communities, and allows society
to adapt to a changing world.

Traditional education systems, despite the essential role they play in learning, are not capable of serving alone the world’s
growing and changing needs. Advanced education systems still fail too many people; they often reproduce inequality, and
they are not adapting fast enough to allow learners to face 21st century challenges confidently.

People need to learn throughout their lives. To be “knowledgeable” will no longer be good enough. Learning must
increasingly focus on 21st century skills such as empathy, collaboration, critical thinking, learning to learn, and creative
problem solving. We need to build communities of connected creative learners and those responsible for guiding lear-
ning need to move beyond their comfort zones and innovate in order to anticipate the needs of learners in a rapidly
changing world.

We need to invent new learning ecosystems and foster truly open and collaborative partnerships between the public,
private, and non-profit sectors. This is the objective of this cluster. Disruptive innovations are necessary; they will come
from extreme environments, from the rise of new technologies, the progress of research, and the dynamisms of social
entrepreneurs. We need to identify them, encourage the emergence of new ones, promote them, scale them and, inte-
grate them into innovative learning ecosystems.

Fellows include: M’hammad Abbad Andaloussi, Hanne Finstad, Mike Feerick,Vicky Colbert, Mary Gordon, José Manuel Pé-
rez, Christiane Daepp,Yohanes Surya, Anna Alisjahbana, Lily Lapenna, Narcís Vives Ylla, Roser Batlle Suñer, Heike Schettler,
Chantal Mainguené, etc.

‘VisABILITY’ (Visibility for Disability) / ‘Out of the Dark & Into the Light’
Cluster leader: Caroline Casey. Cluster Language: English

Central Goal: To identify a creative vehicle with ONE clear message that will make disability more visible on the global

Barriers: The issue of disability is still largely invisible. In places of leadership and influence, disability is absent. People
with disabilities are among the most under-educated, unemployed, and undervalued segments of our world’s population.
They are also often among the most excluded, alienated, and discriminated people in the world.
Solution: We have brought together a multi stakeholder group made up of some of the world’s leading social entrepre-
neurs in the disability space - as well as corporate and media players, policy makers, and creative people - to identify a
highly engaging and accessible strategy to make disability and its interconnections to other issues visABLE.

We are considering how the media, social sector leaders, corporate leaders, and policy makers can work together to
make the value, contribution, and ability of this global community of 1 billion visABLE.This in turn will enable us multiply
the amount of finance invested in our sector and attract the necessary support of key influencers and decision makers,
while creating opportunities for future leadership positions for people with disabilities. It is when we don’t talk about
things that they become a problem. Together, we will develop one clear message to begin a global conversation that
transcends all disabilities and borders and makes us all of us visABLE.

Fellows include: Gina Badenoch, Isabel Guirao, Raul Krauthausen, Andreas Heinecke, Simon Houriez, Ryadh Sallem, Phil
Conway, etc.

Aging Population – From Care to Empowerment
Cluster leader: Rainer Hoell. Cluster language: English

Europe is getting older. By 2025, 20 percent of all Europeans will be over 65 years old, up from 16 percent today. Across
the continent, the working-age population will stagnate or shrink, while the number of retirees will explode.This change
will drastically impact all societies in Europe. It’s not just a fact, but also a societal challenge to be transformed into an
opportunity for Europe. A real prevention policy needs to be implemented.

Instead of taking up common debates on the economic, fiscal, and political challenges of the demographic shift, this clus-
ter will focus on the human potential of seniors: Many retiring seniors in Europe are vivid and energetic. They can and
would love to lead a life of social engagement and physical activity after retiring. Helping them to use this potential is a
key factor for overcoming social challenges and offering lives in dignity for seniors of all ages.
Currently, most of this huge potential is lost: Seniors still carry a social stigma as being inflexible and powerless. Many
existing public services are divided according to target groups and do not encourage (or they even forbid) truly multige-
nerational approaches. Preventive programs for age-related diseases are underfinanced. Public and private actors often
urge seniors to be socially engaged, but without truly motivating and empowering them through an appropriate culture
of appreciation.

Ashoka Fellows are experts for employing unused potential.They do not just answer society needs, but co-produce their
solutions with their beneficiaries. In this cluster, we bring together outstanding Ashoka Fellows that give older citizens an
active role as co-producers of a solution.We explore ways to expand their solutions, learn from them, integrate their key
success factors in demographic policies across Europe – and debate how we can together extend the social paradigm
from caring for the older generation, to empowering it.

Fellows include: Jean-Michel Ricard, Hildegard Schooß, Wolfgang Gründiger, Mary Nally, etc.
Other actors include: Croix Rouge, Danone, Commission Européenne, etc.

Youth Changemaking – turning potential into action
Cluster leader: Marie Trellu-Kane. Cluster language: English

In the past decade, changes in the economic environment and in social values have contributed to a myriad set of pres-
sures on youth worldwide. Poorly-paid positions, double-digit unemployment, social exclusion, and low self-esteem are
the rule rather than the exception for many youth.

Young people in particular will need to engage more and more in the development of their environment, co-manage
existing social initiatives, and take initiative to resolve problems that directly affect them. Fostering these talents begins

by engaging youth in the notion of Changemaking - the thoughtful and deliberate act of improving one’s community by
co-creating positive change.

An overwhelming majority of youth across Europe is willing to contribute and actively shape their direct environment.
Still most youth stay passive since it requires a broad set of skills and outstanding self-esteem to step up and take res-
ponsibility. Additionally, many young Changemakers face many different barriers for their aspirations and feel limited in
their impact. Unfortunately society tends not to be supportive for youth in this process. Instead of empowering success-
ful young Changemakers and creating positive role models, they are often made to believe that they still are more part
of the problem then a valuable resource for the solution.

The upcoming generation can be a generation of Changemakers if we talk with and not about youth, if we give them
opportunities, resources, and trust in their abilities. Civic participation cannot be managed in a top-down manner, but
needs to evolve in an entrepreneurial and self-determined way.

Becoming a Changemaker can be as cool, as easy, and as natural as playing soccer or making music. Imagine: youth that
get engaged in society get the support and recognition they deserve. Imagine: organizations stop competing for the few
active youth, and instead join forces to help passive ones become Changemakers. This Cluster will identify the patterns
of success, turning schools, organizations, or even cities into supporting eco-systems that make it easier and more fun
for youth to actually shape their future society.

Fellows include: Timur Tiryaki, Lamia Ozal, Mareike Emde, Aureliusz Leżeński, Andreas Dzialocha, Marlene Hennicke, Ece
Ercel, Jeronimo Calderon, Wacław Idziak, Andrzej Augustyński, etc.

Civic Agriculture in Europe: Securing land, Channelling money
Cluster leader: Jérôme Deconinck. Language: English

Since the 1950s, intensive, specialised agriculture has been promoted as the only way to ensure European (and world)
food security. It is now largely undermined as a result of major public health crises, damaging environmental conse-
quences, and negative impacts on the income and lives of farmers.

Throughout Europe, ‘traditional’ forms of peasant and family farming, as well as new citizen initiatives, concur in promo-
ting civic agriculture (defined as an agriculture which protects the environment, provides quality food, relies on short
supply chains, nurtures rural economy and social vitality, and is economically sustainable.)
But the development of these forms of civic agriculture is hampered by major obstacles, in particular the difficulty to
find land and money to start up or maintain their activity. The latter is mostly due to the fact that European societies
are increasingly urban and disconnected from rural areas and food production; as well as due to the fact that intensive
agriculture remains the cultural model of reference and shapes the agricultural and agro-food sector.

The cluster will examine ways to improve upstream factors to unlock the potential of civic agriculture. Based on path-
breaking initiatives from several Ashoka Fellows and social entrepreneurs, it will specifically focus on innovative schemes
securing land or channelling money to make space for these forms of agriculture.

Fellows include: Jordi Pietx i Colom, Jadwiga Lopata, Tahir Dadak, Ewa Smuk-Stratenwerth, Christian Hiss, Beatriz Fadón
Junyent, etc.

Sustainable, affordable and healthy food for all: an illusion?
Cluster leader: Guillaume Bapst. Cluster language: French

Access to sustainable, affordable and healthy food is a very broad and far reaching issue with health and environmen-
tal implications. In developed countries, the main problem is malnutrition with an estimated 50 percent of the total
EU population concerned by overweight and obesity, and another 19 million people under-nourished. Regarding the
overweight and obese population, the most obvious barrier is the lack of awareness about the need for and access
to nutritious food. However, the fact that this population often struggles with several handicaps such as living in areas
underserved in healthy food, lack of cooking knowledge, or limited food budget, makes it even more difficult to improve
food consumption behaviors.

TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program
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TheAshoka Changemakers Campus program

  • 1. Ever yone A Changemaker ™
  • 2. Under the High Patronage of Mister Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic and President-in-Office of the G20
  • 3. Ashoka is the global association of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs—men and women with system changing solutions for the world’s most urgent social problems. Since 1981, we have elected over 2,700 leading social entrepreneurs as Ashoka Fellows, providing them with living stipends, professional support, and access to a global network of peers in over 70 countries. Ashoka envisions an Everyone A Changemaker™ world.A world that responds quickly and effectively to social challenges, and where each individual has the freedom, confidence, and societal support to address any social problem and drive change. To ensure that the leading ideas for social change are fully developed and sustained, we offer critical interven- tions on three levels—the individual, the group, and the sector. - Supporting Social Entrepreneurs: Social entrepreneurs are the engines of social change and role models for the citizen sector. Ashoka identifies and invests in leading social entrepreneurs and helps them to achieve maximum social impact. - Promoting Group Entrepreneurship: Groups and networks of social entrepreneurs working together accelerate and spread social impact. Ashoka engages communities of entrepreneurs and supports collabora- tions that impact entire fields. - Building Infrastructure for the Sector: A global network of changemakers requires tools and support systems to deliver sustainable solutions. Ashoka creates needed infrastructure, such as access to social finan- cing as well as bridges to business and academic sectors. Ashoka’s network also consists of the Ashoka Support Network, a global community of business people who believe that entrepreneurs are the primary engine for economic and social development. They commit their time and resources to support the work of social entrepreneurs. Ever yone A Changemaker ™
  • 4. WELCOME TO THE ASHOKA CHANGEMAKERS’ CAMPUS ! Welcome by Arnaud Mourot, Director of Ashoka France Belgium Switzerland 6 Ashoka celebrates its 30th Anniversary, Diana Wells, President of Ashoka Global 7 JUNE 21ST & 22ND:TWO DAYS TO ACCELERATE SOCIAL CHANGE Three tracks : The common thread 8 Everything but a conference : Get ready for some action ! 9 The two-day program 10 Tuesday morning: Let’s get on track ! 11 Tuesday afternoon: Let’s explore pathways ! 14 Wednesday morning: Let’s map the future ! 21 Wednesday afternoon: Let’s build together ! 27 Join the energy of the Changemakers’ Village ! 33 FOR SEVERAL MONTHS,THEMATIC CLUSTERS HAVE BEEN INITIATING COLLABORATIONS About the clusters 34 11 major European issues and their solutions 36 THANK YOU TO ALL OUR PARTNERS 41 MAPS AND PRATICAL INFORMATION 48 Download our new Follow the app and ditch the paper program guide ! on the web! Website - Blog - Facebook – Twitter –
  • 5. « Dear Friends, It’s with immense pleasure that the Ashoka team welcomes you to- day for the first edition of the Ashoka Changemakers’ Week! Thirty years ago, Ashoka launched in India and Bill Drayton coi- ned the term ‘social entrepreneur’. Six years ago, Ashoka launched in Western Europe, notably in France. Since then, the social entre- preneurship movement has continued to develop globally, with new currents arising and the number of actors growing. The message is accelerating within civil society, universities, media, but also recently, within the business world. This anniversary provides us with the opportunity to share and ex- Arnaud Mourot, Director of change with actors of social entrepreneurship in Europe and in the Ashoka France Belgium Switzerland rest of the world. We have learned a lot over these past 30 years, from supporting social entrepreneurs in 70 countries. This allows us to have a future vision of the sector and to understand what we must do to develop solutions that match the scale of the challenges society faces. This unprecedented gathering is organized for and by changemakers. Its ambition is to define and develop the necessary ecosystem for accelerating social change in Europe, while learning equally from the experiences of other innovators around the world. Two central ideas structure this gathering: - Action: It is no longer enough to debate problems – they are well known and we have characterized them thanks to the previous work of our partners. It is time for action! It is time to put into place efficient models and make sure they scale. - An unprecedent concentration of changemakers: You were invited to this event because you are an entrepreneur, in the social or business sector, or an intrapreneur within your organization. Simply put, you are part of the population who dares to take risks. We hope that these two ideas, when combined, will allow for the development of new collaborations, capable of accelerating social change and diffusing this change broadly. I would like to thank everyone who made this event possible. Our partners of course, but also to the orga- nization team led by Laurence (Aurélie, Sarah J, Thomas, Pauline, Lisa, Clémence…) and more broadly, to the entire Ashoka France/Belgique/Suisse team (Sarah, Catherine, Hélène, Pascal, Kurt, Olivier,Virginie), the interns, and to our large number of volunteers, as well as those colleagues from other countries across Europe, from Washington DC, and from the rest of the world. All of them are dedicated builders! It’s up to you to take action now! Take advantage of this moment for meeting, exchanging, and innovating! There are no limitations to what we can do and accomplish together, beginning with the moment when we believe that everyone can be a changemaker! » Representing the Ashoka team, Arnaud Mourot 6
  • 6. « Ashoka is proud to be celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year. The three decades behind us mark a significant contribution to the development of the citizen sectors of over 70 countries, across five continents. Beginning with the pioneering concept of social en- trepreneurship by Bill Drayton,Ashoka’s founder and CEO, these past 30 years also represent a historical shift in how societies perceive the agency of individuals to drive social change. Ashoka has managed to identify more than 2,700 leading social entrepreneurs whose new so- lutions are challenging conventional ideas and changing the world for the better. More recently, Ashoka has built programs and initiatives to extend its impact by mobilizing young people, university students, business entrepreneurs, and the general public to build an “Everyone a Changemaker” world because we understand that the only way to address the growing number of problems is to ensure that there are Diana Wells, President of Ashoka more problem-solvers. Global Thanks to our global network and partners, Ashoka has uncovered various insights about social change and impact. For example, the success of our global association of Ashoka Fellows -- more than half of whom have changed national policy after five years -- allows us to understand that the most profound change occurs when an entrepreneur pursues a system-changing idea. A further insight is that the scaling and replication of these models requires a particular enabling environment. Ashoka calls this enabling environment an “Everyone a Changemaker” world. This is a world that responds quickly and effecti- vely to social challenges and where every individual is equally empowered to affect social change. With the number of people actively pursuing social change exponentially growing, being a changemaker - an individual with the freedom, confidence and societal support to address any social problem and drive change – is more accessible to society than it has ever been. We are delighted that you are joining Ashoka, and other changemakers, to discover the opportunities, initiate the new solutions, and identify the tipping points which will contribute to creating an “Everyone a Changemaker” world. This is the world Ashoka ultimately strives to create and we welcome you in this co-creation. ” Diana Wells President of Ashoka Global 7
  • 7. The Ashoka Changemakers’ Campus is built upon a pragmatic and cross-cutting multi-track framework. Each track represents a key component to move forward social change in the next decade.You can choose to follow one track all the way through or choose to experience multiple tracks. From teaching empathy to our youth, to This track invites us to re-imagine the al- sharpening our adult social insights and professio- liances that can be forged to increase our impact. nal social skills, sessions along this track explore the Social-business collaborations, public/private par- unique skill-sets that enable individuals to be agents tnerships, and the role that SMEs can play in social of change in their communities, their workplaces, change are some of the areas explored along this and in the world. track, inviting participants to engage in cross-sector alliances for change. Examples of Sessions: - New Tools for Talent Examples of Sessions: - Every Child Must Master Empathy - New Mindsets for Corporate - Learning For Change Collaboration - SMEs and High Value Collaboration - Leveraging Public Policy for Social Change Scaling the impact of changemakers requires developing the right eco-system of support, such as information infrastructure that offers public access to meaningful news and knowledge, technology in- frastructure that makes managing social challenges easier, and social financing infrastructure that can offer effective and attractive market mechanisms for investing in the citizen sector. Examples of Sessions: - The Changing Landscape of Social Finance - Emerging Innovations towards Full Information Citizenship - Lifting Millions across Information Service Divides 8
  • 8. During the Changemakers’ Campus, there are many occasions to work intimately and concretely towards pragmatic solutions. In addition to the plenaries which provide an overview of the concepts, you’ll have access to smaller interactive sessions and working groups. Sessions are divided under four main moments which allow you to progressively move towards action and collaboration: During Tuesday, you will be introduced to the three tracks and will then dive into the central challenges and opportunities along each track. Wednesday morning sessions will showcase the most inno- vative solutions and the trends driving these solutions into the future. Wednesday afternoon will provide the space to construct personal plans of action that will last beyond the Changemakers’ Campus. Getting on Track Exploring Pathways Mapping the Future Building Together In addition, throughout the two days you can enter the Changemakers’ Village, where dynamic activities and open space allows for networking and informal exchange. (More details can be found on p.33). 9
  • 9. Tuesday 21st 7:30 - 9:00 Arrival & Breakfast 9:00 - 11:00 Open Plenary Panel: Working across Silos Plenary 11:00 - 11:30 Break / Networking 11:30 - 12:30 Teams for teams: The Drum Cafe Plenary 12:30 - 14:00 Thematic Lunches (Brownbag sessions) 14:00 - 15:00 Getting on Track (1 session to choose among 3) 15:00 - 15:30 Break / Networking 15:30 - 17:00 Exploring Pathways (1 session to choose among 18) 17:00 - 17:30 Break / Networking 17:30 - 18:30 Country Networking Interactive Activities 18:30 - 20:00 Free Time 20:00 - 22:00 Dinner on HEC Campus 22:00 Party/Movie «Up in Smoke» Wednesday 22nd 7:30 - 9:00 Arrival & Breakfast 9:00 - 10:30 How Youth are Changing the World Plenary 10:30 – 11:00 Break / Networking 11:00 – 12:30 Mapping the Future (1 session to choose among 15) 12:30 – 14:30 Thematic Lunches and Collaboration Wall 14:30 – 16:15 Building Together (1 session to choose among 11) 16:15 - 17:00 Break / Networking 17:00 - 17:30 Moving Forward: New Perspectives Plenary from 18:30 Partners: Dinner at Salle Wagram, Paris (invite only) Other guests: Dinner Out in Paris from 23:30 For all participants: Party at Salle Wagram (Paris) 10
  • 10. Tuesday / 9h - 11h OPENING PLENARY: WORKING ACROSS SILOS How would you design a new vision for social change in Europe that includes perspectives from the political, corporate, social entrepreneurship, youth, and the citizen sectors? For the opening session of the Ashoka Changemakers’ Campus, five leaders of change share their visions for social transformation and how to work across their individual silos to achieve them. Michel Barnier, Christian Boehringer, European Commissioner of Chairman of the Boehringer Internal Market and Ingelheim Shareholders’ Services Committee Bill Drayton, Caroline Casey, Founder and President of CEO of Kanchi Foundation Ashoka Sejal Hathi, Founder and President of Girls Helping Girls 11
  • 11. Tuesday / 11h30 - 12h30 DRUM CAFE The World’s Premier Interactive Drumming Drum Cafe was started in Johannesburg in 1996 by Warren Lieberman. It started as an actual cafe where drumming was used in a relaxed environment to break down barriers, inspire, and bring people together. Moved by the experience of communal drumming in Africa, Warren developed a global team building and entertainment program with Africa’s top drummers. The result 14 years later is a program used by many of the Fortune 500 companies worldwide. Through Drum Cafe, we will unite, uplift, and inspire ourselves as we begin our journey into the Ashoka Changemakers’ Campus. The Collaboration Wall The plans we all make to collaborate with one another are the key building blocks of an Everyone a Changemaker world. Throughout our time at the Changemaker’s Campus, participants are encouraged to capture your intentions to work together on «bricks» (for individuals) and «cornerstones» (for group initiatives). These will be collected and mapped on the Collaboration Wall, to form an evolving picture of what we have accomplished and intend to accomplish together. Visit the Collaboration Wall to add & group your own bricks, and to see what other kind of activity is emerging around issues you’re passionate about, especially as you decide which Building Together working groups to join on Wednesday afternoon. 12
  • 12. Tuesday / 12h30 - 14h THEMATIC CLUSTER LUNCHES For lunch, pick up your Lunch Box in the Hall and join the restitution of one of the clusters! Attend the restitution of the thematic working groups (clusters) which took place yesterday, Monday June 20st.You’ll meet the cluster participants and learn about the solutions they’ve designed for 11 pressing social issues in Europe. This will also be an opportunity to meet, network, and build partnership with the other event partici- pants who share the same interests as you. Equal opportunities in corporations: A key for growth and social cohesion H 307 Development of Innovative Learning Ecosystems in Europe H 303 ‘VisABILITY’ (Visibility for Disability) / ‘Out of the Dark & Into the Light H 304 Aging Population – From Care to Empowerment H 036 Youth Changemaking – Turning Potential into Action H 302 Civic Agriculture in Europe: Securing land, Channelling Money H 201 Sustainable, affordable and healthy food for all: An illusion? H 037 Solutions to Address Fuel Poverty H 205 Women’s Empowerment - The WE Alliance H 305 Employment through Empowerment H 202 For a New Housing Value Chain H 203 For more information on each cluster, please refer to page 34. 13
  • 13. 14 Skills Alliances Economy 14:00 - 15:00 GETTING ON TRACK Why Changemaker Skills? H206 Towards New Partnerships for A Changemaker’s Economy Tent Social Change Blondeau 15:00 - 15:30 Break 15:30 - 17:00 EXPLORING PATHWAYS (18 SESSIONS) Why Empathy? H305 New Mindsets for Corporate Full Information Citizenship H025 Collaboration H205 Talent in the 21st Century H307 The Changing Landscape of Social Social-Business Partnership in Finance H037 Skills for Intrapreneuring H302 the Global North H020 A New Path Towards Investment H036 Changemaking Storytelling H304 Building Partnerships between Social Entrepreneurs and Legal Resources for Social Equal Opportunities in France’s Philanthropists H201 Entrepreneurship H033 Education System H303 Understanding the Power of Scaling Up for All? H030 Changemaker Networks H203 Lifting Millions across Information Alliances for Sustainable Service Divides H032 Agricultural Solutions H206 Impact Pledge – Moving the Needle Leveraging Public Policy for in Private Philanthropy H027 Change H022 17:00 - 17:30 Break 17:30 - 18:30 Country Networking 18:30 - 20:00 Free Time 20:00 - 22:00 Dinner on HEC Campus 22:00 Party/Movie «Up in Smoke» H206 Up in Smoke: Film director Adam Wakeling follows the British scientist Mike Hands, who has worked for 25 years perfecting a sustainable agricultural technique capable of replacing slash and burn in tropical forests. Organized by the True/False Festival.
  • 14. Tuesday / 14h - 15h GETTING ON TRACK All the room numbers are preceded by an «H» on the campus’ signage. Speakers: Why Changemaker Skills? 206 Bill Drayton, Founder and CEO, Ashoka The Building Changemaker Skills track opens up with an Jill Vialet, Founder and President, Playworks introduction to the key learned skills for the 21st centu- ry and the evolution of the world from left brain to right brain. It explores why society cannot survive without these key skills and how they contribute to building a world where all citizens have the confidence and societal support to drive change. Speakers: Towards New Partnerships for Social Change Blondeau Valeria Budinich, Vice-President of Full Economic Citizenship, Ashoka Participants will learn about some of the most leveraged Denis Jacquet, President, Parrainer la Croissance alliances for social change, with a focus on Hybrid Value Bénédicte Faivre-Tavignot, Chair HEC Chains. Specifically, what does this higher goal imply for social - business partnership into the future? How is it a win-win for all? Speakers: A Changemaker’s Economy Tent Keith Hammonds, Director of News and Knowledge, The opening session to the Changemaker’s Economy Ashoka track will explore the types of infrastructure - such as fi- David Hutchinson, Chief Executive, Social Finance nancial, technological, legal, and information-based - that Francis Brochon, Founder, Foundation for Technical are necessary for large-scale social change and innova- Education tion. How can we further develop these infrastructures Nicole Notat, President,Vigeo and how do they contribute to an Everyone a Change- Valeria Merino, Vice-President for Venture and maker world? Fellowship, Ashoka, moderator 15
  • 15. Tuesday / 15h30 - 17h EXPLORING PATHWAYS Why Empathy? 305 Speakers: Empathy is often relegated to particular groups of so- Mary Gordon, Founder and President, Roots of Empathy ciety—family, friends, religious communities. In profes- Gilda Henriquez Darlas, Founder and Director, CIDEL sional life, it is rarely valued above reason and so-cal- Molly Barker, Founder and Vision Keeper, Girls on the Run led “hard skills”. But this is changing. A world defined by Charlie Murphy, CEO, Global PYE, moderator social change requires people to have different skills than before. Why does the skill of empathy matter? Can it be learned? Entrepreneurs and other leaders explore the essential role of empathy in solving problems and leading change. Talent in the 21st Century 307 Speakers: Employers are realizing that if they want to remain Katy Dobbs, CSR Director, Staples International competitive they will need to attract and retain top Saïd Hammouche, Founder, Mozaïk RH talent, and the skills that will be required are changema- Xavier Prats-Monné, Deputy Director-General for Edu- ker skills. Meanwhile, the Millennials seek careers that cation and Culture, European Commission have meaning and employers that help them to flourish Jean-Marc Mickeler, Partner Responsible for Employer as agents of change. What will the new paradigm look Strategy and Branding, Deloitte like? Hear from some of the new 21st Century recrui- Gretchen Zucker, Executive Director of Youth Venture, ters. Ashoka, moderator Skills for Intrapreneuring 302 Speakers: Hear from a group of intrapreneurs who are driving Henry Gonzalez, Vice-President, Morgan Stanley major change within their corporations and organi- Olivier Gilbert, Sustainable Development Director, zations. Participants will examine the type of enabling Veolia environment that supports intrapreneuring and better François Perrot, Project Manager in the strategy depart- understand why intrapreneuring is a critical component ment, Lafarge of social change. Damien Desjonquères, Social responsability coordina- tor for energy access,Total David Menasce, General Manager of Azao and Prof. Chair HEC, moderator Changemaking Storytelling 304 Speakers: Effective presentation of your story and vision is a criti- Tamara Lenaerts, Laduende cal tool at the disposal of changemakers towards inspi- Roshan Paul, Globalizer Team , Ashoka ring others to join you. In this session, changemakers will receive presentation tips and practice exercises, identify the parts of their own life stories that are most valuable to share, and learn how to best share them. Throughout the Changemakers’ Campus, you will then have chances to tell and improve your story of change. 16
  • 16. Tuesday / 15h30 - 17h EXPLORING PATHWAYS Speakers: Equal Opportunities in France’s Education System 303 Carole Diamant, Executive Director, Egalité des chances Foundation In education systems in France, silos between the various Vincent Oliver, Founder,Web Pédagogique education actors results in unequal opportunities. How André Stern, Director, Arno Stern Institute & can we build alliances between social entrepreneurs, Sinn-Stiftung Foundation companies, and the education sector (in particular the Nathalie Broux, Professor, Micro lycée à la Courneuve ones with innovative youth initiatives) to make equal op- Bouna Kane, Head of Education Program, IMS Entre- portunities in education a reality for all? Ultimately, how prendre pour la Cité, moderator can we build confidence in youth, while developing their knowledge about interculturalism, non-violent communi- cation, solidarity, empathy, company spirit, etc. Session lead by IMS. Speakers: New Mindsets for Corporate Collaboration 205 Emmanuel Faber, Chief Operating Officer – Vice Chair- man of the Board, Danone (Partner Chair HEC) Join a discussion on the barriers presented by traditional Bernard de Saincy, Corporate social responsability business models and the opportunities that arise when Director, GDF Suez corporations and citizen sector organizations enter into Sonja Patscheke, Senior Consultant, FSG new partnerships. With a focus on the role of corpora- Eric Brac de la Perrière, CEO, Eco-Emballages tions in hybrid value chains (HVC), top business leaders Daphne Van Run, Organizational culture specialist, will share their “hopes and fears” – as well as best prac- Dreammeetsreality, moderator tices – about entering into this new type of partnership. Speakers: Social-Business Partnership in the Global North 020 Olivia Verger-Lisicki, Project Manager - BoP Program, IMS Entreprendre pour la Cité Social-business partnership is an increasingly recognized Antonella Desneux, Head of Corporate Social Respon- strategy for servicing base of the pyramid (BOP) popu- sability, SFR lations in the Global South; however, there are many Gilles Reydellet, Director,The National Union of PIMMS successful - but little known - applications in Northern Guillaume Bapst, Founder and Director, ANDES countries. Participants will learn about the state of BOP populations in Europe and how social entrepreneurs and corporations are using market mechanisms to best reach them. Led by IMS. 17
  • 17. Tuesday / 15h30 - 17h EXPLORING PATHWAYS Building Partnerships between Social Speakers: : Intervenants Entrepreneurs and Philanthropists 201 Marc Lubner, CEO, MaAfrikaTikkun Monica Roell, Founding Partner ,The Social Venutre Fund What are enablers for social entrepreneurs and phi- Maurice Tchenio, Founder and President , Fondation lanthropists to enter into mutually beneficial alliances? AlphaOmega By juxtaposing their needs and offerings, this session will Bernard Jan Wendeln, Co-founder, BonVenture focus on the value proposition that philanthropists offer Andreas Heinecke, Founder, Dialogue Enterprises to social entrepreneurs - besides funding. Both sides will Mathias Terheggen, Head Philanthropy Services, UBS leave with a better understanding of how to search and Switzerland, moderator select one another to create engaging and long-lasting partnerships. Led by UBS. Understanding the Power of Speakers: : Intervenants Changemaker Networks 203 Ryszard Praszkier, Researcher / Change Leader, Univer- Join a discussion on the unique nature of networks that sity of Warsaw / Ashoka emeritus are woven by social entrepreneurs. Through the lens of Antonella Notari Vischer, Director, Smiling Children Ashoka’s experience, participants will learn about how Foundation / WomenChangeMakers changemakers are using and nurturing effective networks Wil Kristin, Global Venture & Fellowship Communications, to contribute to achieving wide-scale change. Small group Ashoka brainstorming will invite participants to apply those lear- Eric Theunis, Managing Director, Hub Bruxel nings to case studies of specific changemaker networks Christina Jordan, Founding Collaborator, Evolutionize It under development. Alycia Lee, Partnership Development, Hub Amsterdam Collaboracy and Instigation, moderator Alliances for Sustainable Agricultural Speakers: : Intervenants Solutions 206 Mike Hands, Founder, Inga Foundation The widespread usage of slash and burn agricultural Adam Wakeling, Director, Notion Pictures Ltd techniques is leading to the devastation of the World’s tropical forests. However, sustainable alternative solu- tions are surfacing. Learn about one such solution in a film screening of «Up in Smoke», followed by an intimate discussion with the protagonist Mike Hands, founder of the Inga Foundation. How was he able to foster the local alliances to spread these methods and to spearhead a new Green Revolution amongst subsistence farmers? Through group discussion, participants will discuss best practices for introducing new agricultural techniques into deply-rooted, but failing, practices. Leveraging Public Policy for Social Speakers: : Intervenants Change 022 David Hutchinson, Chief Executive, Social Finance Many leading social entrepreneurs focus on changing or Grégoire Scholler, Cabinet de Michel Barnier shaping public policy as a way to increase the impact of Michele Jolin, Member of the White House Council for their work. How can social entrepreneurs more effecti- Community Solutions, moderator vely work with governments to spread and scale their ideas? How can governments learn from social entre- preneurs to get better results? What can governments do to create a policy climate that will better support innovation and impact? Hear from social entrepreneurs, experts, and policy leaders themselves about how to more effectively use policy to drive social change. 18
  • 18. Tuesday / 15h30 - 17h EXPLORING PATHWAYS Speakers: Full Information Citizenship 025 Hamadou Tidiane Sy, Founder & Editor, Ouestafnews How do we attain full information citizenship -- a world Jeremy Druker, Founder,Transitions Online in which everyone can get, share, and use the information Stephen Friend, President, Sage Bionetworks they need to participate fully in society? We’ll examine Jake Shapiro, CEO, PRX Public Radio Exchange emerging challenges to information freedom, access, and Peter Eigen, Founder,Transparency International quality.We’ll hear from social entrepreneurs whose inno- Keith Hammonds, Director of News and Knowledge, vations defend and advance those historical values. And Ashoka, moderator together, we’ll map key trends that inform the future of news and knowledge. Speakers: The Changing Landscape of Social Finance 037 David Green, Founder, Project Impact, Aurolab Faisel Rahman, Founder and Managing Director, Fair Participants will gain an overview of the financial instru- Finance ments typically leveraged – and improved – by social en- Sergio Oceransky, CEO,Yansa Group trepreneurs. From their personal experience using these Jack Breslauer, Business Development, NeXii Global tools, social entrepreneurs will analyze the risks and Mark Cheng, Executive Director, Chelwood Capital challenges associated with the different financing options and how to best match them to diverse business models. Speakers: A New Path Towards Investment 036 Caroline Casey, CEO, Kanchi Foundation This session focuses on the ecosystem emerging to Vincent Burgi, Board Member, Blue Orchard bridge the gap between investor and entrepreneur. Par- Pascal Vinarnic, Founder, Demeter Foundation ticipants will hear about best practices to overcome the Andreas Ernst, Executive Director,Values Based Investing legal, governance, strategic, and financial challenges of Team, UBS AG, moderator making a social investment, as well as connect with some of the best resources available. Led by UBS. Speakers: Legal Resources for Social Entrepreneurship 033 Monique Villa, Chief Executive,Thomson Reuters Foundation The acceleration of social entrepreneurship is dependent Yasmin Waljee, International Pro-bono Manager, Lovells on an enabling legal environment that supports a rapidly Audrey de Garidel, Partner, Latham & Watkins changing world, and the new ideas that are driving this François Mary, Partner, Latham & Watkins change. What are the major needs of social entrepre- Eva Marszewski, Founder and CEO, Peacebuilders neurs in the legal realm, and how are social entrepre- International, moderator neurs connecting with some of the best legal resources and tools available? Hear from legal experts and the so- cial entrepreneurs that they are connecting with. 19
  • 19. Tuesday / 15h30 - 17h EXPLORING PATHWAYS Scaling Up for All? 030 Speakers: Is scaling up possible for all social entrepreneurs in all Jérôme Auriac, Founder and CEO, Be-Linked, Business & sectors and for all types of models? Is scale-up in some Community Intelligence (Prof. Chair HEC) sectors and models inherently easier than others? This Konstanze Frischen, Leadership Group Member & session will explore some of the challenges to scale-up Chair Globalizer, Ashoka that social entrepreneurs face - depending on their field Olivier Kayser, Founder, Hystra of work or model - and will identify some of the major Jean-Marc Borello, Managing Director, Groupe SOS steps social entrepreneurs need to take in order to scale Bonnie Koenig, Consultant working, Going International their work. Lifting Millions across Information Speakers: Service Divides 032 Hilmi Quraishi, Co-Founder and Director, ZMQ Software Social entrepreneurs discuss the application of mobile Systems technology to increase social impact across the areas of Vijay Pratap Singh Aditya, Co-Founder & CEO, Ekgaon agriculture, health, education, and financial services. Par- Technologies ticipants will have the opportunity to work with entre- Bright B. Simons, President, m-Pedigree Network preneurs, IT corporations, and funding agencies in small Anne Roos Weil, Co-Founder and Managing Director, groups or one-on-one to seek practical advice on how Pésinet mobile tech can be applied to their own work. Wiebke Herding, ON:SUBJECT, moderator Impact Pledge – Moving the Needle in Speakers: Private Philanthropy 027 Troy Stremler, Founder and CEO, Newdea How can philanthropy contribute to creating the change Maximilian Martin, Founder and CEO, Impact Economy necessary to keep this beautiful planet a viable home? Tom Biesinger, CEO , Genesis Ventures What does it take to enable transformational impact in social entrepreneurs? Participants will discuss how to build a new ecosystem for change - donor and investor- led and committed to impact – thereby finding the right combination between social finance and philanthropic grantmaking. 17h30 - 18h30 COUNTRY NETWORKING Take this chance to meet your fellow country changemakers! Join them in discussing the day’s experiences as they relate to your country context and think about new ways to work together to overcome country-specific challenges. Plus, since we are in Paris and we have a community of 300 French changemakers present, there will be a special French networking session in the Changemakers’ Village, beginning with a presentation about Ashoka France. 20
  • 20. Skills Alliances Economy 7:30 - 9:00 Arrival & Breakfast 9:00 - 10:30 HOW YOUTH ARE CHANGING THE WORLD 10:30 - 11:00 Break 11:00 – 12:30 MAPPING THE FUTURE (15 SESSIONS) Learning for Change H305 Markets at the Base of the Pyramid Emerging Innovations towards Full H205 Information Citizenship H025 Social Entrepreneurship Education SMEs and High Value Collaboration H303 H020 How Social Finance Helps and New Tools for Talent H302 Co-working and Social Hinders: Lessons for the Future H037 Entrepreneurship H203 Tapping into the Feminine to Banks for a Better World, Part I H033 Achieve Sustainability H304 Break Silos to Innovate H201 Measuring Social Impact H030 Rethinking Events for Social Change H032 Embedding Entrepreneurs into a Public Sector Agenda (by invitation only) H036 Social Footprint H027 12:30 - 14:30 THEMATIC LUNCHES AND COLLABORATION WALL 21
  • 21. Wednesday / 9h - 10h30 HOW YOUTH ARE CHANGING THE WORLD Speakers: Half of the world’s population is under 25 years old and every day these young people are proving that they are Ayaat Fathi, young Egyptian revolutionary real changemakers. For a perfect illustration of the fa- Rocco Falconer, Founder of Planting Promises mous Ashoka credo «everyone can be a changemaker», Sejal Hathim, Founder of Girls Helping Girls come listen to three revolutionary projects led by young social entrepreneurs. They have developed unique solu- tions that reverse existing systems and answer to social and environmental needs. This plenary conference is an Moderators: opportunity to share with them and be inspired. Romina Laouri, Ashoka’s Youth Venture Lotfi El-Ghandouri, Creative Society 11h - 12h30 MAPPING THE FUTURE Learning for Change 305 Speakers: In today’s rapidly changing world, social entrepreneurs François Taddei, Director, Centre de Recherche are designing new models for learning that will trans- Interdisciplinaire form how we think about primary through university Vicky Colbert,Founder and Director,Fundacion Escuela education, and the role of learning in preparing young Nueva people for a world governed by change. We will explore Kiran Sethi,Founder and Director,Riverside School innovations and principles that are creating a new gene- Veerle Simkens, Colruyt group, moderator ration of young people who are not only prepared to be effective citizens and leaders, but already are. Social Entrepreneurship Education Speakers: 303 Virginie Seghers, Founder,Virginie Seghers Conseil Around the world, MBA programs, law schools, and libe- Thierry Sibieude, Director of the Chair of Social ral arts universities are seeing social entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship, ESSEC education as a key ingredient to the success of their post- Alexis Ettinger, Centre Manager, Skoll Centre for Social graduates. Learn about some of the emerging models Entrepreneurship employed by higher education and gain insight into the Firoz Ladak, Executive Director and Board Member, tools and resources to improve social entrepreneurship Rothschild Foundation curricula, develop new courses, and identify how faculty Marina Kim, Director, Ashoka U, moderator and staff can contribute to social change. New Tools for Talent 302 Speakers: As a follow-up from yesterday’s session on Talent in Norbert Kunz, CEO, IQ Consult the 21st Century, participants will learn about the lea- Diana Wells, President, Ashoka ding strategies that organizations of all types are using Pablo Gato, Manager, Banca Civica to attract changemaker talent in order to keep pace Thorsten Poehl, Head of Corporate Talent Management, with innovation and social change. We will explore the Boehringer Ingelheim methods and concrete tools that organizations are using Gretchen Zucker, Executive Director of Youth Venture, to recruit, vet, and retain changemaker talent. Ashoka, moderator 22
  • 22. Wednesday / 11h - 12h30 MAPPING THE FUTURE Speakers: Tapping into the Feminine to Achieve Sustainability 304 Marie Haisova, Founder, Agentura Gaia Kathryn Hall - Trujillo, Founding Director, Birthing The nurturing traits that are found in the feminine side Project USA of every human being hold the kind of re-balancing en- Mary Daley Yerrick, Co-Founder,Vital Voices Global ergy and resilience that people need in the face of global Partnership change. How does an increasing awareness of the value Gwendoline de Ganay, Assistant content & of humanity’s feminine energies contribute to building an programming coordinator,Women’s Forum for the Economy “everyone a changemaker” world? This session will ex- & Society plore the key skills that are needed to help more chan- Lindsey Nefesh-Clarke, Founder,Women’s Worldwide gemakers tap into the power of the feminine effectively. Web Men are welcome! Yann Borgstedt, Founder, Smiling Children Foundation’s WomenChangemakers program Angeli Sjöström, Founder, ProcessRum (Room for process), moderator Speakers: Markets at the Base of the Pyramid 205 Al Hammond, Director, Health Points Services Vishnu Ram, Director of Housing for All, Ashoka This session will showcase on-the-ground applications Gilles Vermot Desroches, Director of Sustainable of Hybrid Value Chains to demonstrate the relevancy of Development, Schneider Electric this social-business strategy in the Global South.Through Daphne van Run, Organizational culture specialist, case studies in the areas of health, housing and electricity, Dreammeetsreality participants will better understand the business models Denis Chavanis, Founder, Aquasure that are emerging to successfully serve base-of-the-pyra- mid populations and beyond. Speakers: SMEs and High Value Collaboration 020 Michel Meunier, President, Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants Anne-France Bonnet, Founder, Cabinet Nuova Vista, Small-to-medium enterprises are powerfull economic Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants players. But what is their role in social change ? We’ll Thibaut Guilluy, Founder, Ares Services, Centre des analyze perceptions and expectations from French SMEs Jeunes Dirigeants regarding partnerships with associations and social en- Benjamin Gratton, Founder, Cabinet BeBetter&Co, trepreneurs. In addition, three CEOs of French SMEs will Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants share their experience about their contribution to social Charles-Benoit Heidsieck, President, Le Rameau, progress by highlighting their ability to have impact, while Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants remaining competitive. 23
  • 23. Wednesday / 11h - 12h30 MAPPING THE FUTURE Co-working and Social Entrepreneurship Speakers: 203 Join a discussion on the diverse models that are being Eric Theunis , Managing Director, Hub Bruxel used for co-working. Participants will learn about the dif- Charlotte Hochman, Founder, La Ruche ferent organizational structures and financing schemes. Alycia Lee, Partnership Development, Hub Amsterdam They will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each Collaboracy and Instigation model, and will identify key learnings that can strengthen Yves Larock, Director, Foundation Lodewijk de Raet, co-working for social change. moderator Breaking Silos to Innovate 201 Speakers: The citizen sector is a laboratory of social change, Anastassia Makridou-Bretonneau, Authorised whether dealing with social, health, research-based, mediator for the Fondation de France’s New Sponsors cultural, or environmental issues. Social entrepreneurs activity are born from this laboratory, anxious to break social Dominique Lemaistre, Sponsorship Director, Fondation and economic silos. It is also from this terrain that mul- de France tidisciplinary solutions emerge, which the Foundation Cécile Ostria, Chief Executive Officer, Foundation for of France believes are the most innovative and able to Nature and Mankind resolve increasingly complex issues. In order to facilitate Christian Laidebeur, Member of the Fondation de a global approach to solutions that are anchored locally, France Habitat Committee, Housing consultant we must bridge social and economic spheres; we must Alain Faure, CNRS researcher in political science, bridge the specialists of exclusion and culture, of health Grenoble University and environment, of research and welfare, and of the public and private sectors. Session led by Fondation de France. Emerging Innovations towards Full Speakers: Information Citizenship 025 Klaas Glenewinkel, Managing Director, Plural Social media. Online search. Smart phones. New infor- Mike Feerick, CEO, ALISON mation technologies and rapidly changing user needs Gregor Hackmack, Co-Founder, ParliamentWatch, have created profound opportunities for entrepreneurial Germany innovation in the news and knowledge field. We’ll hear Katarzyna Batko-Tołuć, Co-Founder and Program from social entrepreneurs pioneering some of media’s Director,The Association of Leaders of Local Civic Groups cutting-edge innovations -- projects that dramatically ad- John Clippinger, Co-director of the Law Lab,The Law vance the way people access and use information. Also: Lab at Harvard University a collaborative workshop on «social media for social Keith Hammonds, Director of News and Knowledge, movements.» Ashoka 24
  • 24. Wednesday / 11h - 12h30 MAPPING THE FUTURE Speakers: How Social Finance Helps and Hinders: Lessons for the Future 037 Nicolas Hazard, CEO, Comptoir de l’Innovation Groupe SOS Has the hype of social finance overcome the better judg- Jean-Luc Perron, Managing Director, Grameen Credit ment of social entrepreneurs? In an open forum, entre- Agricole Microfinance Foundation preneurs and investors will discuss their experiences Renee Manuel, Ashoka Germany, moderator receiving and giving capital, and how it has helped or Michael Vollmann, Director Fellowship, Ashoka Germany, hindered the social impact of organizations. Looking moderator towards the future, participants will uncover important lessons for using social finance to generate large-scale social impact. Speakers: Banks for a Better World, Part I 033 Toni Ballabriga, Director of Corporate Responsability, Imagine if we had a way to value wealth not just in return BBVA on investment, money, cash flow, and balance sheets, but Chris Skinner, Founder and Chief Executive, Balatro in the worth we bring to society. Imagine if our financial Thierry Touchais, Executive Director, International Polar systems were able to provide a platform to transact with Foundation different kinds of value: social benefit, reputation, ecolo- Alain Dresse, CEO, BamBoost gical footprint, etc. Together with several inspiring spea- Valérie Aubier-Le Corre, Head of Philanthropy ser- kers, we will create a vision of Banks for a Better World. vices, UBS Be part of this change by joining us for a highly interac- Mariela Atanassova, Innovation Facilitator, SWIFT, tive dialogue to scope this vision and make it a reality. moderator Led by SWIFT. Speakers: Measuring Social Impact 030 Devin Blondes, Financial Analyst, PhiTrust Partenaires In order to attract investors and funders, but also for Martin Egberink, CEO, Social Evaluator management and reporting purposes, social entrepre- Marie Trellu-Kane, President, Unis-Cité neurs must be able to measure and communicate their Hans Wahl, Senior Associate Director, Social social impact. Why is it so difficult to assess the value a Entrepreneurship social entrepreneur creates? How do we measure social Wiebke Herding, ON:SUBJECT, moderator impact now and how should we do it in the future? This session will showcase existing best practices and metho- dologies while addressing the challenge of social impact measurement. Speakers: Rethinking Events for Social Change 032 Peter Vander Auwera, Innovation Leader, Swift Christina Jordan, Founding Collaborator, Evolutionize It This session will look at the cutting edge approaches to Cheryl Cooper, Founder and Managing Director, Applied designing dynamic face-to-face changemaker gatherings Wisdom, moderator that are helping to catalyze cross-sector dialogue and collaboration in the global social change space. 25
  • 25. Wednesday / 11h - 12h30 MAPPING THE FUTURE Embedding Entrepreneurs into a Public Speakers: Sector Agenda (by invitation only) 036 Chitra Krishnan, Director of Knowledge and Learning, Ashoka’s Changemakers, moderator Through a facilitated exercise, experts will develop a Josh Middleman, Senior Partnerships Manager, Ashoka’s blueprint for action that consists of pathways and prin- Changemakers, moderator ciples for scaling the impact of social entrepreneurs though government and multilateral channels. Using the 2010 G-20 SME Finance Challenge as a starting point (which led to half a billion dollars in funding for its win- ners), we will identify new possibilities for investments by the public sector into social entrepreneurs, with a focus on the areas of nutrition and health. Led by Ashoka’s Changemakers. Social Footprint 027 Speakers: The recent economic crisis has made it unthinkable to Christian Nibourel, President, Accenture France, continue to do “business as usual”. It is now imperative Netherlands, Benelux to adopt to a long-term approach when devising a com- Isabelle Hennebelle, Journalist, L’Expansion, L’Express, pany’s value creation. To do so, we must place the focus Founder of Le Cercle de l’Humain back on the individual and rethink the economic per- Jean Kaspar, Consultant formance of a company through considering its social Benoit Lebizay, CMBL Distribution (Ashoka ASN), footprint. moderator Session led by Le Collectif. 12h30 - 14h30 THEMATIC LUNCHES Ashoka Support Network H307 Learn about Ashoka’s global network of over 250 business entrepreneurs that partner with social entrepreneurs to acce- lerate their impact. Let’s grow the network! Youth Venture H302 Ashoka is launching its youth program in France! Join a lunch discussion on the key youth issues and actors in France. Empathy H010 Meet the Ashoka Empathy team. Do you want to contribute to the development of changemaker skills, particularly empa- thy? Join us! Social Entrepreneurship H304 Join a discussion on the evolution of social entrepreneurship and its future role in society as a major driver of social change. Meet the African Fellows H105 Meet 30 powerful and innovative African Fellows and discuss the stakes for social entrepreneurship and rural innovation in Africa. 26
  • 26. Skills Alliances Economy 14:30 - 16:15 BUILDING TOGETHER (11 SESSIONS) Every Child Must Master Empathy Hybrid Value Chains: My Role H203 A New Architecture for Information H010 H033 Build Your Own Talent Tool H011 SME’s: Change Your Role Now Building the Bridge between H201 Investors and Social Entrepreneurs Universities X.0 H012 Leveraging Professional H027 Changemaker Values H202 Scaling Social Impact for the 21st Century H032 Building Next Practices for Impact (by invitation only) H025 Banks for a Better World, Part II H037 16:15 - 17:00 Break 17:00 - 17:30 MOVING FORWARD: NEW PERSPECTIVES from 18:30 Partners: Dinner at Salle Wagram, Paris (invite only) Other guests: Dinner Out in Paris from 23:30 For all participants: Party at Salle Wagram (Paris) 27
  • 27. Wednesday / 14h30 - 16h15 BUILDING TOGETHER Every Child Must Master Empathy Speakers: 010 Veerle Simkens, Colruyt group, moderator Re-imagine youth years as a time of mastering changema- Tamara Lenaerts, Laduende, moderator king skills, especially empathy. Re-think school as a place that develops and nurtures children and young people as changemakers, not passive consumers of knowledge. In a small working session, will identify key levers to enable every child to master empathy. We will focus on how to collaboratively transform schools and other youth- oriented institutions in Europe. Build Your Own Talent Tool 011 Speakers: In the final session on Talent in the 21st Century, parti- Lisa Neuberger-Fernandez, Director of Corporate cipants will work together to identify practices that can Citizenship Programs, Accenture streamline and facilitate the process of connecting chan- Lior Ipp, Manager Youth Venture, Ashoka, moderator gemakers to prospective employers.What universal tools Lotfi El Ghandouri, Founder, Creative Society Group and can be developed or steps taken to assist changemakers Hub Madrid, moderator and employers in finding and vetting each other? How can participants work together to develop these new tools? Universities X.0 012 Speakers: In a fast-changing world confronted with many crises, François Taddei, Director, Centre de Recherche universities are expected to train people to seek and Interdisciplinaire implement approaches to the challenges of the 21st cen- tury. In a working session, participants will establish an action plan to support new educational and research tools - aimed at building networks of ideas, collaborative knowledge-builders, and learning spaces - to transform the world into an evolving global campus. Hybrid Value Chains: My Role 203 Speakers: Social entrepreneurs who are either undergoing hybrid Daphne van Run, Organizational culture specialist, value chains (HVC) or who are ready to launch a HVC Dreammeetsreality will engage in discussion with corporations and experts. They will be offered tools, resources, and advice for adopting this new model and will work together to esta- blish a recipe for a likely partnership and sustained col- laboration. 28
  • 28. Wednesday / 14h30 - 16h15 BUILDING TOGETHER Speakers: SME’s: Change Your Role Now 201 Anne-France Bonnet, Founder, Cabinet Nuova Vista, This session will provide a venue for concrete follow- Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants up to the morning SME session. Participants will devise Thibaut Guilluy, Founder, Ares Services, Centre des an action plan for better supporting partnership among Jeunes Dirigeants SMEs and social entrepreneurs. Benjamin Gratton, Founder, Cabinet BeBetter&Co, Led by CJD. Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants Charles-Benoit Heidsieck, President, Le Rameau, Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants Speakers: Leveraging Professional Changemaker Values 202 Cheryl Cooper, Founder and Managing Director, Applied Wisdom This working group will invite input into the practical Christina Jordan, Founding Collaborator, Evolutionize It aspects of working together to co-create a values-driven Bonnie Koenig, Consultant working, Going International changemaker’s professional services collective. The col- Christelle Van Ham, Manager, Mozaïk RH lective matches changemakers with short-term profes- Alycia Lee, Partnership Development, Hub Amsterdam sional consulting opportunities where entrepreneurial Collaboracy and Instigation, moderator experience, collaborative methods, and socio-cultural sensitivity are needed. Speakers: A New Architecture for Information 033 Sasa Vucinic, Founder and Director, Media Loan Fund Keith Hammonds, Director of News and Knowledge, What entrepreneurial strategies, media technologies, and Ashoka policy changes will drive full information citizenship? We’ll look at this emerging future from an architectural pers- pective. In a small working group we’ll design the ground- work for new information and news-based systems that can adapt continuously to new challenges. Speakers: Building the Bridge between Investors and Social Entrepreneurs 027 Stuart Yasgur, Director, Ashoka’s Social Finance Services John Tull, Principal Consultant, Inclusive Capital Building on opportunities and challenges identified in Renee Manuel, Ashoka Germany earlier social finance sessions, this working session will Michael Vollmann, Director Fellowship, Ashoka Germany design an action plan to bridge the gap between investors and social entrepreneurs. As co-creators of the bridge, we will identify social entrepreneurs’ needs at different stages of growth and build solution sets to meet those needs. Participants will have the opportunity to commit to concrete working groups that will last beyond the Changemakers’ Campus. 29
  • 29. Wednesday / 14h30 - 16h15 BUILDING TOGETHER Scaling Social Impact for the 21st Speakers: Century 032 Roshan Paul, Globalizer Team, Ashoka In an interactive workshop, members of the Ashoka Glo- Konstanze Frischen, LGM & Chair Globalizer, Ashoka balizer team and Globalizer Fellows will share learnings regarding scaling up social innovation. Through a pro- blem-solving session, participants will share their own scaling challenges and receive group feedback and advice about how to best address them. Bring your creativity and strategic expertise as we answer the question of how social entrepreneurs can achieve the full market potential of their ideas. Led by Ashoka Globalizer. Building Next Practices for Impact Speakers: (By invitation) 025 Maximilian Martin, Founder and CEO, Impact Economy To unleash the full transformative potential of social en- Tom Biesinger, CEO, Genesis Ventures trepreneurship in the 21st century, philanthropy needs Ashley Green, Director of Operations, Impact Economy to do four things: be more ambitious about the scale of SA, moderator impact desired, invest in innovation and learning, adapt faster to what works and what does not, and invest over longer time periods. We need “next practices” to get us there. Learn about the Impact Pledge, and join a co-crea- tion to advance the social sector’s readiness in the face of complex challenges. Led by the Impact Pledge team. Banks for a Better World, Part II 037 Speakers: As follow-up to the morning’s banking session, this Mariela Atanassova, Innovation Facilitator, SWIFT, workshop will provide a participatory platform for diving moderator deeper into some of the issues involved in reimagining our banking sector, such as R&D, infrastructure, reaching unbanked populations, and more. Break-out groups will enable participants to design the beginning blueprints for Banks for a Better World. Led by SWIFT. 30
  • 30. Wednesday / 17h - 17h30 MOVING FORWARD: NEW PERSPECTIVES Social entrepreneurs have captured the imagination of leaders across Europe, yet we have only begun to tap their poten- tial for global impact. This is the opportunity to turn recipients of social services into co-producers, uncover hidden resources, and pioneer new markets together. In our closing session, we reflect on the need to map out a European path to social innovation and social change that empowers everyone to be a changemaker, including you. Felix Oldenburg, Director of Ashoka Europe Ever yone A Changemaker ™ 31
  • 31. Alena Asyamova, Streetfootballworld Philippe Baumgarten, Krauthammer Gieljan Beijen, Behold International Cheryl Cooper, Applied Wisdom Ellen De Braekeleer, Colruyt Group Lotfi El Ghandouri, Creative Society Group and Hub Madrid Adela Frankova, BEZK Silvia Giovannoni, Ashoka Laurent Grandidier, Endosene, Cidel, Am'strame, Ashoka ASN Wiebke Herding, ON:SUBJECT Christina Jordan, Evolutionize It Bonnie Koenig, Going International Romina Laouri, Ashoka's Youth Venture Global Yves Larock, Foundation Lodewijk de Raet Benoit Lebizay, Ashoka ASN, CMBL Distribution Alycia Lee, Hub Amsterdam Collaboracy and Instigation Tamara Lenaerts, Laduende Eva Marszewski, Peacebuilders International Charlie Murphy, Global PYE Roshan Paul, Ashoka Hubertine Roessingh, The Value Agency and HUB Amsterdam Ane San Miguel, Artepilpilean Veerle Simkens, Colruyt group Angeli Sjöström, ProcessRum (Room for process) Janice Thomson, Engage UK and Democracy International Daphne van Run, Dreammeetsreality 32
  • 32. In parallel to the event’s three tracks, you can join the Changemakers’ Village - THE place for networking and discovery! Thematic speed-dating, participatory workshops, cluster networking, social entrepreneur pitches, social inno- vation demonstrations, open space, and more! The Changemakers’ Village multiplies opportunities to connect and share with Campus participants! Find out more about the program in the Village or in the inserted schedule! La Money Afternoon ASN Booth Learning Space Learn more about the Learn through workshops led Ashoka Support Network, the by experts. network of business entrepre- Cluster Space neurs that supports Ashoka Meet cluster members, discuss and its social entrepreneurs. the outputs of the working groups, and help find solutions Social Media Booth to these burning social chal- Demo Space lenges. Follow and promote the Attend demonstrations of event on social networks and pioneering technological in- learn more about the Ashoka novations for social change. Hub. Conference Space Listen to extraordinary social entrepreneurs and committed partners present in a few mi- nutes their projects and sto- Networks Booth ries. Meeting Spot Meet our partner networks. Plan and organize discussions Lounge around topics YOU choose. Join in thematic speed-dating Ashoka Booth and networking sessions. Photo Studio Learn more about Ashoka, its Attend interactive workshops programs and its impact, and around photography and take meet our staff. a fresh look at others. WEDNESDAY’S “What About Money?” will be a platform for discussing the topic of money and new funding solutions for the sector. Participate in the « Serious Funny Money Game », meet Fellows looking for funds to scale up, learn about impact investing funds and foundations involved in social entrepreneurship, and more. It is time to talk about money! 33
  • 33. THE BIRTH OF THE CLUSTERS When the Ashoka Changemakers’ Week was under design, our main objective was to create an ecosystem prone to new collaborations, especially between social entrepreneurs, public, and private actors. At Ashoka, we consider that - whatever the area - concrete solutions do exist, but that they often lack support in order to scale-up and maximize impact. Since a two-day long event is extremely brief to be able to solidify new partnerships, we decided to prepare collaborations in advance by identifying 11 pressing social issues that will define the future of Europe. SEVERAL MONTHS LATER… For each issue, a cluster leader (generally an Ashoka Fellow) has helped us to identify the major stakes to tackle as well as the participants to gather around the table. We thus invited social entrepreneurs, public actors, representatives of private corporations or foundations, expert, and journalists to the clusters. For each topic area, we brought together 20 to 40 people from around the world ready to work on concrete action plans and possible solutions with other stakeholders. We also received the support from Hystra and McKinsey consulting teams, as well as HEC students, in developing a working paper on the defined topics. This document, which synthesizes the stakes, barriers, and possible solutions for each topic, was sent to the cluster participants in advance to set a foundation for our discussion on Monday, June 21st. 34
  • 34. It happened yesterday… Before anything else, the objective was to get to know each other! In most of the cases, the clusters partici- pants came from different countries and had never met before. After a first ice-breaking session, the partici- pants dived into conversation about the working papers they previously received. Later on, in break-out working groups moderated by external facilitators and Ashoka staff, participants tackled in detail each possible collaboration lead that was forecasted in the document. At the end of the day, we col- lected different hybrid solutions, concrete propositions, and multiple collaboration “bricks”. Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22: Join them! If you’re interested in the cluster topics and would like to bring your own expertise to the discussion, you are welcome to do so! A restitution session will take place at lunchtime on Tuesday, June 21st. Each cluster leader will present the main achievements and collaborations formed from the day before. Cluster participants will be delighted to receive your comments or suggestions, and why not start new partnerships yourself! In the Changemakers’ Village, a networking space is dedicated to each cluster during Tuesday afternoon and all day Wednesday. Finally, during Wednesday at lunchtime, the cluster leaders will present the collaboration bricks collected during the three days in order to build the collaboration wall together as an output of the Ashoka Change- makers’ Campus! And after? Obviously, the objective is not to end here. For each cluster, we plan to follow up on the reflexion beyond the event and Ashoka will work along and support the different collaborations to make them a reality and bring more social change to Europe! 35
  • 35. Equal opportunities in corporations: a key for growth and social cohesion Cluster leader: Saïd Hammouche. Cluster Language: French Integrating diversity is a key opportunity for European economies in years to come: by reflecting the different compo- nents of society in their marketing, procurement and HR strategies, corporations increase their ability to innovate, enter new markets, improve their competitiveness, retain their staff, and adapt to a changing world. However, a lack of awareness, the absence of clear incentives, and the challenge to transform internal processes explain that companies still fail to offer equal opportunities to diverse groups and to lift discriminations due to gender, disabili- ties, age, social, ethnic and religious backgrounds, sexual orientation, etc. This cluster explores existing solutions and best practices developed by social entrepreneurs and practitioners who work with companies to effectively position their performance, improve their processes, and embrace diversity as a true opportunity. With leading experts, HR, marketing and procurement managers, we will adopt a unified approach that combines effective solutions into a unique framework.We will promote this framework to accelerate change in the corporate sector. CLUSTER PARTICIPANTS: Fellows include: Abdellah Aboulharjan, Rafael Alvarez, Majid El Jarroudi etc. Companies include: SFR, Cap Gemini, Addecco, Crédit Mutuel, L’Oréal, Accenture, etc. Development of Innovative Learning Ecosystems in Europe Cluster leader: François Taddei. Cluster Language: English There are both individual and societal benefits to learning. Learning is linked to higher wages, personal fulfilment, better health, and longer lives. It builds awareness, reduces crime, empowers individuals and communities, and allows society to adapt to a changing world. Traditional education systems, despite the essential role they play in learning, are not capable of serving alone the world’s growing and changing needs. Advanced education systems still fail too many people; they often reproduce inequality, and they are not adapting fast enough to allow learners to face 21st century challenges confidently. People need to learn throughout their lives. To be “knowledgeable” will no longer be good enough. Learning must increasingly focus on 21st century skills such as empathy, collaboration, critical thinking, learning to learn, and creative problem solving. We need to build communities of connected creative learners and those responsible for guiding lear- ning need to move beyond their comfort zones and innovate in order to anticipate the needs of learners in a rapidly changing world. We need to invent new learning ecosystems and foster truly open and collaborative partnerships between the public, private, and non-profit sectors. This is the objective of this cluster. Disruptive innovations are necessary; they will come from extreme environments, from the rise of new technologies, the progress of research, and the dynamisms of social entrepreneurs. We need to identify them, encourage the emergence of new ones, promote them, scale them and, inte- grate them into innovative learning ecosystems. CLUSTER PARTICIPANTS: Fellows include: M’hammad Abbad Andaloussi, Hanne Finstad, Mike Feerick,Vicky Colbert, Mary Gordon, José Manuel Pé- rez, Christiane Daepp,Yohanes Surya, Anna Alisjahbana, Lily Lapenna, Narcís Vives Ylla, Roser Batlle Suñer, Heike Schettler, Chantal Mainguené, etc. ‘VisABILITY’ (Visibility for Disability) / ‘Out of the Dark & Into the Light’ Cluster leader: Caroline Casey. Cluster Language: English Central Goal: To identify a creative vehicle with ONE clear message that will make disability more visible on the global agenda. 36
  • 36. Barriers: The issue of disability is still largely invisible. In places of leadership and influence, disability is absent. People with disabilities are among the most under-educated, unemployed, and undervalued segments of our world’s population. They are also often among the most excluded, alienated, and discriminated people in the world. Solution: We have brought together a multi stakeholder group made up of some of the world’s leading social entrepre- neurs in the disability space - as well as corporate and media players, policy makers, and creative people - to identify a highly engaging and accessible strategy to make disability and its interconnections to other issues visABLE. We are considering how the media, social sector leaders, corporate leaders, and policy makers can work together to make the value, contribution, and ability of this global community of 1 billion visABLE.This in turn will enable us multiply the amount of finance invested in our sector and attract the necessary support of key influencers and decision makers, while creating opportunities for future leadership positions for people with disabilities. It is when we don’t talk about things that they become a problem. Together, we will develop one clear message to begin a global conversation that transcends all disabilities and borders and makes us all of us visABLE. CLUSTER PARTICIPANTS: Fellows include: Gina Badenoch, Isabel Guirao, Raul Krauthausen, Andreas Heinecke, Simon Houriez, Ryadh Sallem, Phil Conway, etc. Aging Population – From Care to Empowerment Cluster leader: Rainer Hoell. Cluster language: English Europe is getting older. By 2025, 20 percent of all Europeans will be over 65 years old, up from 16 percent today. Across the continent, the working-age population will stagnate or shrink, while the number of retirees will explode.This change will drastically impact all societies in Europe. It’s not just a fact, but also a societal challenge to be transformed into an opportunity for Europe. A real prevention policy needs to be implemented. Instead of taking up common debates on the economic, fiscal, and political challenges of the demographic shift, this clus- ter will focus on the human potential of seniors: Many retiring seniors in Europe are vivid and energetic. They can and would love to lead a life of social engagement and physical activity after retiring. Helping them to use this potential is a key factor for overcoming social challenges and offering lives in dignity for seniors of all ages. Currently, most of this huge potential is lost: Seniors still carry a social stigma as being inflexible and powerless. Many existing public services are divided according to target groups and do not encourage (or they even forbid) truly multige- nerational approaches. Preventive programs for age-related diseases are underfinanced. Public and private actors often urge seniors to be socially engaged, but without truly motivating and empowering them through an appropriate culture of appreciation. Ashoka Fellows are experts for employing unused potential.They do not just answer society needs, but co-produce their solutions with their beneficiaries. In this cluster, we bring together outstanding Ashoka Fellows that give older citizens an active role as co-producers of a solution.We explore ways to expand their solutions, learn from them, integrate their key success factors in demographic policies across Europe – and debate how we can together extend the social paradigm from caring for the older generation, to empowering it. CLUSTER PARTICIPANTS: Fellows include: Jean-Michel Ricard, Hildegard Schooß, Wolfgang Gründiger, Mary Nally, etc. Other actors include: Croix Rouge, Danone, Commission Européenne, etc. Youth Changemaking – turning potential into action Cluster leader: Marie Trellu-Kane. Cluster language: English In the past decade, changes in the economic environment and in social values have contributed to a myriad set of pres- sures on youth worldwide. Poorly-paid positions, double-digit unemployment, social exclusion, and low self-esteem are the rule rather than the exception for many youth. Young people in particular will need to engage more and more in the development of their environment, co-manage existing social initiatives, and take initiative to resolve problems that directly affect them. Fostering these talents begins 37
  • 37. by engaging youth in the notion of Changemaking - the thoughtful and deliberate act of improving one’s community by co-creating positive change. An overwhelming majority of youth across Europe is willing to contribute and actively shape their direct environment. Still most youth stay passive since it requires a broad set of skills and outstanding self-esteem to step up and take res- ponsibility. Additionally, many young Changemakers face many different barriers for their aspirations and feel limited in their impact. Unfortunately society tends not to be supportive for youth in this process. Instead of empowering success- ful young Changemakers and creating positive role models, they are often made to believe that they still are more part of the problem then a valuable resource for the solution. The upcoming generation can be a generation of Changemakers if we talk with and not about youth, if we give them opportunities, resources, and trust in their abilities. Civic participation cannot be managed in a top-down manner, but needs to evolve in an entrepreneurial and self-determined way. Becoming a Changemaker can be as cool, as easy, and as natural as playing soccer or making music. Imagine: youth that get engaged in society get the support and recognition they deserve. Imagine: organizations stop competing for the few active youth, and instead join forces to help passive ones become Changemakers. This Cluster will identify the patterns of success, turning schools, organizations, or even cities into supporting eco-systems that make it easier and more fun for youth to actually shape their future society. CLUSTER PARTICIPANTS: Fellows include: Timur Tiryaki, Lamia Ozal, Mareike Emde, Aureliusz Leżeński, Andreas Dzialocha, Marlene Hennicke, Ece Ercel, Jeronimo Calderon, Wacław Idziak, Andrzej Augustyński, etc. Civic Agriculture in Europe: Securing land, Channelling money Cluster leader: Jérôme Deconinck. Language: English Since the 1950s, intensive, specialised agriculture has been promoted as the only way to ensure European (and world) food security. It is now largely undermined as a result of major public health crises, damaging environmental conse- quences, and negative impacts on the income and lives of farmers. Throughout Europe, ‘traditional’ forms of peasant and family farming, as well as new citizen initiatives, concur in promo- ting civic agriculture (defined as an agriculture which protects the environment, provides quality food, relies on short supply chains, nurtures rural economy and social vitality, and is economically sustainable.) But the development of these forms of civic agriculture is hampered by major obstacles, in particular the difficulty to find land and money to start up or maintain their activity. The latter is mostly due to the fact that European societies are increasingly urban and disconnected from rural areas and food production; as well as due to the fact that intensive agriculture remains the cultural model of reference and shapes the agricultural and agro-food sector. The cluster will examine ways to improve upstream factors to unlock the potential of civic agriculture. Based on path- breaking initiatives from several Ashoka Fellows and social entrepreneurs, it will specifically focus on innovative schemes securing land or channelling money to make space for these forms of agriculture. CLUSTER PARTICIPANTS: Fellows include: Jordi Pietx i Colom, Jadwiga Lopata, Tahir Dadak, Ewa Smuk-Stratenwerth, Christian Hiss, Beatriz Fadón Junyent, etc. Sustainable, affordable and healthy food for all: an illusion? Cluster leader: Guillaume Bapst. Cluster language: French Access to sustainable, affordable and healthy food is a very broad and far reaching issue with health and environmen- tal implications. In developed countries, the main problem is malnutrition with an estimated 50 percent of the total EU population concerned by overweight and obesity, and another 19 million people under-nourished. Regarding the overweight and obese population, the most obvious barrier is the lack of awareness about the need for and access to nutritious food. However, the fact that this population often struggles with several handicaps such as living in areas underserved in healthy food, lack of cooking knowledge, or limited food budget, makes it even more difficult to improve food consumption behaviors. 38