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Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
(The release of Peter is a fresco of the artist Raphael and his assistant Giulio Romano. It
was painted in 1514. It has a base width of 660 cm.)
10 OCTOBER 2015.- Jesus is not polygamous, (not have many wives) you know is
this, that Jesus only builds continuously until the end of time the Church of St. Peter
and his successors the Popes, Jesus has only one wife foreshadowed us at the
wedding of Canna, and the Catholic Church, it does not have many wives as they
say separate sects of Catholicism even the association of orthodox Catholicism
also separated from the authority of Jesus delegated to St. Peter and his
You who love Jesus and want to follow him, go to the Catholic Church and
turn their faith to Jesus.
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
Brothers; We have never presented
Our preaching is not born of error or narrow interests or the desire to
deceive, but preach the gospel according to the order that God, seeing
ourselves fit, has made us, and not to please men but God, who is who
knows our hearts (San Pablo).
We do not neglect the most important, which are justice, mercy and
Jesus said to Thomas, "I am the way, the truth and the life : no man comes
to the Father is through me If you know me, also know my Father Even now
know him and have seen him..." .
Since then many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
Jesus said to the twelve: Will you also go away? Simon Peter answered him:
Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we
believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.
Jesus asked, "And who do you say I am?"
16. Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God."
17. Jesus replied , "Blessed are you, Simon, because this has revealed it not
flesh and blood, but my Father who is in heaven.
18. And now I tell you: You are Peter (ie Stone), and upon this rock I will
build my church; the powers of death shall not prevail against.
19. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatever you bind on
earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be
loosed in Heaven. "
And also dijo.- Juan les 14-10
You do not think I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I
say, do not speak on my own, but the Father who dwells in me is doing the
Here he reveals that is contained in the Father and the Father is contained
in Him, ie if they are contained in a person at the same time is because
Jesus and the Father are one. He is God.
As we celebrate the feast of Jesus, the Eternal High Priest, the liturgy presents
us the story of the institution of the Eucharist which tells Luke. From it we can
better understand the mystery of Jesus and capture their impact on us.
Light ask for it the Holy Spirit. And let 's read it carefully.
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
The first words of the Gospel are: "arrival time"; and Jesus: "I have earnestly
desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer".
It is the moment of salvation, is the time of Jesus, which is offered as a priest
for all of us. But beside that suffering Jesus predicts his final victory, when he
says that food and that drink "... not eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of
Jesus us also tells us, reminding us once again that through his death and
resurrection could accomplish in our lives the parable of the grain of wheat,
if falls into the earth and dies, it bears no fruit, but if it dies , it produces much
fruit. As is the case of Catholics throughout 2000 years of uninterrupted
Catholic martyrs.
In the institution of the Eucharist Jesus says: "This is my body which is given
for you" ( "This" neutral demonstrative pronoun used to indicate a close thing
in space or time) tells us that in that way in kind after to be blessed by the
Catholic priest will remain on time and as close as within us when we
receive it honestly in our body in the Holy Eucharist, will remain with us until
the end of time.
It does not say "this" because: denote closeness of the point made
concerning the issuer and may be considered in space and time of the
Time takes as a benchmark the time when the issuer carries out the speech
THAT IS FOR PARTICULAR THAT TIME. The space appears throughout a
speech that will cover what you just mentioned and that 's the end; or it is a
reference to something at the time and is said. This is because a
momentary thing, not open in space and time.
THE GOBLET OF THE ALLIANCE IS YOUR BLOOD. It will be shed for us for the
forgiveness of sins as Isaiah tells us, for the price for our sins and wash our sins
It is through the faith of Simon Peter that Jesus chose him as the first pope of
the Church, (P eter A Postol P ríncipe of the A póstoles) Jesus who knows
everything and knows always and forever, the visible and the invisible
because it is the creator of all, of the words we call the science, faith and
reason things which are contained in the word and being Jesus embodied
in the word word is the truth of what is in past , present and future being the,
the whole, is always alive who appoints Peter Stone Firm on which
continually builds his Church, which without exception have been part.
However as tertuliano that having preferred the dark sky at the end of his
life or as Hippolytus Hippolytus or bishop who was a writer named by the
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
Catholic Church of Antioch as a Christian and belongs to the early Church.
Apparently he was elected as the first anti - pope in 217, but died
reconciled to the Church 235 as a martyr, so he is now honored as a saint.
Or as 256-336 Arius, who claimed that Jesus Christ was the son of God but
not God Himself. St. Irenaeus fought and logically was defeated, however
many followed his heretical ideas to present in societies or communities that
call themselves Christian churches but in reality are only sects, very
numerous and other very small.
Thus was born the Church of Jesus Catholic as Paul and Barnabas THE FIRST
CHRISTIANS CALLED for preaching Christ the Messiah, it was taken as
tradition that anyone who claims to be a disciple of Jesus is a Christian but is
actually Christian Catholic.
Jesus Lord our God never wrote a single letter or two or a word, He
preached God's message orally, traveled from one place to another at the
time of fullness must have been beautiful all places of the preaching of his
word, orally he transmitted his apostles to his disciples and all who followed
him through the word, for he is the is the word incarnate the verb SER.
His apostles and disciples also conveyed the gospel through word and
warning that Jesus hiso them, persecute and suffer for my cause, so during
the first three hundred years the followers Catholics of Jesus Christ and the
great faith that he was born in them they lived and preached some hidden
other in broad daylight but most of what we named catacombs that still
know it was to St. Helena mother of St. Constantine was so great the people
of this world with faith and Jesus Christ grew and continually it grows it was
better to allow Catholicism as part of the lifestyle of that time, then emerged
priests of great faith and a deeply rooted inspiration in them by the Holy
Spirit who wrote what and the apostles we call evangelists had gathered for
gather the word of Jesus with the oral tradition handed down to us Jesus
Christ and we call them the Fathers of the Church.
So the word was first as beautifully tells us the gospel gives John the Apostle
inspired by the Holy Spirit, and then the word was preached by the
incarnate Word, Jesus.
The holy Gospel according to John 1 : 1-18
In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. She was in the beginning with God. Everything was done for her
and without him was not anything made there. In him was life , and the life
was the light of men, and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness
has not overcome it . There was a man sent from God whose name was
John. This came for a witness, to testify to the light, that all might believe
through him. He was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. The
Word was the true light that enlightens every man who comes into this
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
world. In the world he was, and the world was made through him, and the
world did not know. He came to his house, and his did not. But to all who
received him he gave power to become children of God, to those who
believe in His name; which he was not born of blood, nor of the will of man,
but born of God. And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and
we beheld his glory, glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth.
John testified to him and cries out, "This was he of whom I said. He who
comes after me has been put before me, because he existed before me"
from his fullness have we all received, grace upon grace. For the law was
given through Moses; grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. God no one
has ever seen: the only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, has made him
known .
We Catholics, we learn the message of Jesus through the word first and
then for the priests that all the Gospels tell us every day from the beginning,
after Pentecost and even the days when time was up.
And Jesus who is with us live permanently present until the end of the times
will come again in body and soul and is in the Holy consecrated by hands
Castes and clean of priests who have decided to follow him in obedience,
poverty, humility and chastity Eucharist . As they might like hands stained by
the flesh of women consecrate what is pure forever ?, How could God, Our
Lord Jesus and accept to be taken and consecrated by those who cohabit
with women? As.
Who does not review your faith going back to the origins and falls in
communities that have turned away from Catholicism are in serious danger
of not being able to see Jesus in heaven when you leave this world.
But whoever denies me before men, I will disown him before my Father who
is in heaven.
I will not be denied by Jesus by denying him, for he who renounces his
Church continually being built on St. Peter and his successors the Popes, the
not recognize him in heaven.
Catholicism in 1,632 was rejected in Arabia with a rich tradition and FE,
Arab Christians are linguistically and culturally and ethnically Arab followers
of the Christian faith. Arab Christians already had a presence in the Arab
world before the third century.
Many Arab Muslims originally descended from Arabs who became
Christians for several reasons; for example, payment of jizia, an existing tax
on certain Muslim dynasties for non - Muslims, or oppression by the
Byzantines to the great Christian Arab majority, either unitary or arriana
monofisita, etc.
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
One day Jesus sent his disciples two and two to preach and heal, were
happy when they returned, they said we have healed and evil spirits out of
After his glorious resurrection Jesus told His Apostles, go and preach around
the world. Matthew 28 : 16-20
At this point begins His Church, the Catholic Church and consolidates
universally Pentecostés.-
And since the apostles and their successors Catholic Bishops continue
preaching and teaching the Word of Jesus until today because Jesus True
God and True Man of them again with St. Peter's successor builds
continuously without interruption.
Many writers and sects and the same Catholics who are not very aware of
our faith, I do not think that we, most of us have a firm faith without seeing,
"Blessed are those who believe without seeing , " we receive from the true
priests disciple of Jesus the information we need in the celebration of Mass
with readings concerning each day and the homily , or explanation of what
the gospel of the day and readings from the acts of the apostles or of all
the books that form the bible, because there are many bibles made by
people who have chosen to leave the Church of Jesus, it is one thing to
disagree with us and not have the purpose or the will to discern any doubt
or interpretation of the words of Jesus and another is have the desire and
the will to imitate Jesus by organizing their own society or sect and is also
called church with very different interests that follows the Church of Jesus,
as is the love God with all our strength and all our will, soul, heart to love our
neighbor as ourselves.
At Caesarea Philippi; He said , "? And who do you say I am?" Simon Peter
replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" Jesus answered him.
"Blessed are you , Simon son of Jonah, for this was not you revealed this flesh
and blood, but my Father who is in heaven. And I in turn tell you that you
are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell
shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of
heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and
whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. "
Catholics are Christians, salvation in Christ we have eternal life, we love to
be Christians, others only take the name of Christ to form different
associations, or take it as borrowed or stolen to the Church of Jesus.
Jesus did not suffer any leading zeal. He did not speak on their own behalf
or claimed to be the founder of a new religious path. Quite simply it was
presented as an envoy. The mission and the project had entrusted the
Father. This apparent declaration of subordination and humility, on the other
hand was very pretentious and demanding: Jesus claimed to be the listener
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
and the speaker of the Father. To be able to prove, in addition to reciting
sermons, had to perform works that reveal the greatness of the love of the
Father: Paul to Timothy 6 : 2-12 Dear Brother: What I have told you before,
this is what you must teach and inculcate. Because, who teaches different
doctrines and does not comply with the words of salvation of Jesus Christ,
our Lord, and what true religion teaches, is a proud and ignorant, obsessed
by discussions and puns. And all that comes of this, are envy, strife and
insults, damaging suspicions and continuous bickering, typical of men of
depraved minds private truth and who believe that religion is a business.
San Pable tells us that Jesus Christ Church built upon Peter and his
Successors Papes. The Catholic Church his Church.
But which Jesus we talking about?
Jesus Baptist?
Jesus of the Evangelicals?
Jesus of you Presbyterians?
Jesus of Methodists?
Jesus of Jehovah's Witnesses?
Jesus Calvin, Luther, of Ziglio ?.
O Jesus of Anglicans?
O Jesus Photian and Orthodox? Also unduly they take the name of
Catholics not only of Christians?
O Jesus so many other sects use the name Christian as on name or
nickname use it as a pretext to achieve their dark intentions and thereby
deceive people of good naive faith and indecisive to really know Jesus to
open your heart to let him in and dwell in them.
If you are a Lutheran, your church was founded by Martin Luther, a former
Catholic monk in 1524.
If you are Anglican, your church founded Henry VIII in 1534 because the
Pope did not grant him a divorce so he could marry Anne Boleyn.
If you are a Presbyterian, your church was founded by John Knox in Scotland
in the year 1560.
If you belong to the Episcopal Church, this is a branch of the Church of
England founded by Samuel Seabury in the American colonies in 1785.
If you belong to the group of Jehovah 's Witnesses, Charles Taze Russell
began this church in Pennsylvania in 1879.
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
If you are a Methodist, your religion was organized by J & C Wesley in
England in 1739, when he decided to leave Anglicans.
If you are a Mormon (Latter Day Saints), Joseph Smith started this group in
Palmyra, NY in 1830.
If you're Baptist, the origins of your church date back to 1609 when John
Smith came up with this religion found.
If you are unitary, Teùfilo Lindley founded your church in London in 1774.
If you are a Seventh - day Adventist, this movement was started by William
Miller, a Baptist American farmer. The church was subsequently organized
around 1860.
If you belong to the Salvation Army, your group was started William Booth in
London in 1865.
If you afilias you with Science claiming to be Christian, your religion goes
back to 1879 when Mary Baker Eddy decided we needed a new religion.
If you belong to the Church or Pentecostal Assemblies of God, these
associations are said to be Christians began around 1914 in Hot Springs,
If you belong to any religious group like "Evangelicals" that "Churches of
God", "Apostolic Church" or "Church of Christ" call themselves, these groups
were founded not more than fifty years ago.
If you're Catholic, your church founded when Jesus sent his apostles to
preach the gospel and consolidates the day of Pentecost in the year 33.
Read Matthew 16.18 to 19 and Acts 2.
We feel united with all who are honored by the name Christian. Lee:
Catechism of the Catholic Church CIC = 817 ss. Precisely because all
Christians want unity, we must beware of those who cut and divide us,
"sectarian". To these, with the Bible in hand, you can answer the following:
THERE IS ONE CHURCH! The Catholic Church.
The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ founded one and only Church. He said
to Peter, "You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church." Read
Matthew 16:18. And said: "On this pedregal I will build my church." A Jesus
does not like divisions, wants the unit. Lee: John 17:21.
This is logical. If Christ is the only Mediator, there must be a single church.
Lee: Lumen Gentium 8.
We study what the Bible says:
"Jesus came to them (eleven) and said to them:" I have been given all
power in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all
nations , baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
Holy Spirit, and teach them everything I have commanded you . And behold ,
I am with you every day until the end of the world. "
Read Matthew 28:18.
First. He says how power will accomplish its mission: "He has been given all
power in heaven and on earth". That is, with the same power or authority of
Jesus Christ. He is who sends them .
Second. He says who communicates his power "go for" (You), ie "eleven".
The eleven received from Christ the power or authority to such a degree
that Jesus Christ is identified with them and their message: "He who hears
You, hears me, who listens to you, listens to me." Lee: Luke 10:16.
Third. He mentions the object of the mission: "make disciples". That is, it is
not only to preach, but to incorporate them into the community. God wants
to save men , not as individuals but forming one people, one body. CIC 781
and 782. So the first Catholic "devoted themselves to the teaching of the
apostles", ie, to the Apostolic Church, and "the Lord added daily to the
community those who were being saved." Lee: Acts 2,42-47. The Catholic
Church is therefore necessary for salvation. Lee: Lumen Gentium n 14.
Fourth. Defines the scope of that power, "all nations", that is, to all men of
all time. It excludes no one . Precisely because the apostles understood and
well chosen successors. Lee: Acts 1.25 and 1 Timothy 4:14. Otherwise the
death they had stopped evangelization.
Fifth. Determines how they will perform this mission: "baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Baptism and faith
are necessary for salvation. Lee: Mc 16.16. But no one can baptize or give
faith itself, the Catholic Church is necessary.
Sixth. Indicates the content of his preaching: "All I have commanded you ."
He said: "Just what I have written" because Christ wrote nothing and
themselves apostles assure us that the Bible does not contain everything
said and done by Jesus. Read: John 21, 25.
Seventh. It makes a promise: "I will be with you every day until the end of
the world."
Therefore, if Christ told his Church all power, what I can give others? If all I
give it the Church of Christ. If Christ entrusted to his Church preach all, what
can add them to be true and not preach Christ and the Church? The word
of Jesus can not be not reform his Church.
Jesus Christ is the Truth, John 14.6. His Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, John 16:13.
His Church, the pillar and foundation of truth. Read: 1 Timothy 3.15. "God
wants all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth".
Salvation is found in the truth. Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC n.
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
Therefore the Church, continuing the mission of Jesus Christ, can not be
partly true and partly false, can not teach truth mixed with error, but the
whole truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, because only that He
teaches the truth teaches the word of Christ.
Now, Protestantism is based on the free interpretation or free examination
of the Bible. There is no infallible authority. Everyone is free to give their
opinion. But Jesus Christ nor "opinion" neither instituted his Church to teach
"opinion", nor his Spirit can teach about an opinion and some another, it is
the Spirit of truth, not confusion.
If "Salvation is found in the truth" which is Christ, I seek guarantees that
Church that teach me that truth infallibly and without error and the only
one that does this is the Catholic Church. Lee: CIC 889 ss. Also studied:
Dignitatis Humanae # 14 and CIC n. 2465 ss.
If the Church is not necessary then why Christ founded the ?, to entertain?
If the Bible just why those who call themselves Christians Bible are not limited
to distributing Bibles, but set their assemblies or meetings in places without
sacralizar? Does the Church of Christ is not of truth, and yes your
To all these questions evangelicals and fundamentalists have this one
answer: (confused by their leading forward to compete with God) because
if there is doubt in the holy office are about people who administer the
Catholic Church, because such DISCUSS THE WORDS JESUS? TRUE MAN AND
TRUE GOD? "The Church did not fulfill the commands of Christ, or people
with this contradict themselves, but with the passage of time were
introduced errors. From Constantine became corrupted gradually until it
reached Luther's Reformation. "Christian" evangelicals come to correct all
errors and falsehoods brought the Catholic Church. " Cf. Roman
Catholicism p. 20. People are corrupt and they, THE CHURCH THAT JESUS
BUILDS ON SAN PEDRO AND HIS SUCCESSORS not corrupted, as can corrupt
something created by God, men we corrupt us by our own desire to do or
have or harm, you can not say that the Catholic Church is the Whore. This
whore was Rome at its most powerful period when relationships of all kinds
especially sex no longer satisfied corrupted morally and ethically.
When the Roman Empire reached its peak, was both their power and
wealth for the powerful was no longer enough to have relations sex and all
things that interacts society, prostituted themselves by having sex men with
men and women with women and groups such as parties and meetings
and a thousand ways more so with animals, this is the time when ROME
lOAN to defame the Catholic Church is the time TO THE APOCALYPSE
REFERRED written by St. John the Evangelist. I am already passed.
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
Rome would be the harlot because "they committed fornication with her
the kings of the earth" (v.2). These kings, like Herod, prostituted her to get
power over a province of the empire. Other references also apply to Rome:
"sits on many waters" (v.1), referring to his mastery of the Mediterranean
Sea, considered the main sea world. The seven heads of the beast are
"seven hills" (verse 9). Rome sits on seven hills: Palatine, Capitoline, Quirinal,
Viminal, Esquiline, Celio and Aventino.
But they forget one small detail, it is that Christ promised. "I'll be with you until
the end of the world" And to leave no doubt what this meant, I said to
Peter , with all the words: "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Read
again: Matthew 16:18.
Therefore, if it is true that the Church Christ founded became corrupted
and the error was introduced into it, then Christ has not fulfilled his promise,
Christ was a fraud and all Christianity is a farce. But if it is true then what
Christ promised the Church is not corrupted, but subsists in the Catholic
More evidence or more arguments are needed. The Church is the body of
Christ and which divides the body of Christ can not pretend to be a good
Christian, because it does not obey Christ wants us to live all together in one
flock under one shepherd. Study CIC 815 ss.
Lord Jesus, you want all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the
truth, I recognize you as my only Savior and your Church as Mother and
Teacher of Truth. I want to live and die in the Church which you founded
and left us as a sacrament necessary for our salvation. Amen
NO! .... Do not talk about Jesus of the above, we talk about the real Jesus
who fed five thousand men plus women and children.
We talk about the real Jesus; which is pierced for our transgressions and
crushed for our sins, and by His scourging we are healed. Isaias 53.-
"Where Peter is, there is the Church" beautiful phrase that perfectly
summarizes the intrinsic union of the Universal Church in the person of the
Vicar of Christ and at the same time, it reaffirms the presence of Jesus
attending his representative on earth through the Holy Spirit.
Jesus sent by the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus God through grace, what is
Grace? It is the action of God in our life depends on us if we faithfully follow
his teachings and the Catholic faith or not, gave us the choice to accept it
or break it and some or many have broken their relationship with or have
never had and believe that a book are with. It is very dangerous for our
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
future life, eternal life not knowing that believing that we actually we keep
ourselves lost in the dark without a candle in hand.
In are words we understand that the Catholic Church of Jesus continually
built upon Peter and his successors the PAPAS.-
P eter A Postol, P ríncipe of A póstoles. = POPE first.
At the minimum moment of its creation: science, reason, technology, arts,
discernment in general to write novels, stories or anything: God, Jesus true
God and true man is divine no human can break, separate or divide, which
it tries only continue as his boundless ambition to compete with Jesus to
achieve power over people who do not accept obedience to Jesus Christ
or his Church, just take them to end the fire what Jesus our Lord and God has
created and creates continuously since but when they find out who is really
there will be no repentance is too late.
All groups taking as stolen the Christian name may not be true for the
above, therefore are neither part nor branch or arm or anything of the
BY THE BAD iN tHE MIND, they have not understood that they may disagree
or not with the men who love Jesus in Catholicism, can be separated from
the Church that Jesus builds continuously and in doing so turn away from
God, Jesus.
Then his good intentions and good works are not to praise or gloriar God,
He who is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me
scatters. When the unclean spirit goes out of someone, he roams through
arid places seeking rest; and finding none, he says: "I will return to my house
from which I came." And upon arrival he finds it swept and in order. Then
he goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than himself; They come
and settle there, and the end of that man becomes worse than the first.
All of the above not want and do not want to be with Jesus in His Church,
both are against. They are followers of Catholicism, are as heretics.
It was in Antioch after that place that took the nickname to St. Paul and St.
Barnabas to Christians because Christ preached.
Baptism is "the most beautiful and magnificent of God's gifts [...] we call it
gift, grace, anointing, enlightenment, garment of incorruptibility,
regeneration bath, seal and all the most precious thing there is. Don,
because it is conferred on those who bring nothing; grace, because it is
given even guilty; Baptism because sin is buried in the water; anointing,
because it is sacred and royal (such are those who are anointed); lighting,
because it is bright light; garment, because it covers our shame; bath
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
because it washes; seal, because we saved and is the sign of the
sovereignty of God "(Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Oratio 40.3-4).
Of this it is that we are members of Christ we are anointed and freed from
original sin from almost newborn children, if it is not in danger of dying
before baptism and not be in God's grace.
Many societies or sects also call themselves Christians have dared to
separate from the Church that Jesus builds upon St. Peter and his successors
PAPAS, separating of Christ, they want to compete with Jesus? True God
and True Man organizing their own church, (they call him) but with different
interests, disorienting people who do not know themselves.
Question.- of St. Paul Acts 19.1 to 8; "Have you received the Holy Spirit when
you became believers?". They replied, "We heard not even say that there is
a Holy Spirit." Paul replied, "Then what baptism have you received?". They
replied, "The baptism of John."
Paul said , "John baptized with a baptism of repentance, but warning the
people that they should believe in the one coming after him, that is, in
On hearing this, the disciples were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus,
and when Paul had laid their hands, he fell the Holy Spirit and began to
speak unknown languages and prophesied.
THE Bible that they use for their own particular interests was written by the
Catholic First, Apostles who received the Holy Spirit Together with the
Blessed Virgin Mary whose earthly virginity held until his elevation to heaven
and continues its pristine purity forever because God he has had an infinite
mercy and compassion for us to come to show who is the Truth, the Way
that is and to Him and Eternal Life that he is.
He, Infinite Purity is not possible for your Nativity was in macula, not after his
Nativity that purity of virginity might have a stain, because God Total infinite
purity with its infinite power can save pure conception of who accepts and
offers as his slave woman who is not temporary: it's from the moment it is
God who makes a woman conceive undefiled then be among us, who is
Love Amado.
For him, everything is possible because it is the creator of all that is seen and
unseen, known and unknown, He is the Owner everything is his private
property. As we can learn from the preaching of the Immaculate
Conception between 1266 and 1308, Juan DNS Scotus was a Franciscan
friar who defended inspiration the Immaculate Conception of Mary
however the true Church of Jesus from the First Catholic who called
Christians and for love of the beloved we are so considered and is
registered with the insights of the Fathers of the Church.
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
But why? If they recognize the perpetual virginity and immaculate
conception they will have to acknowledge obedience, humility, poverty
and chastity, so say NO to Jesus and if their hearts are in the flesh, the wife,
in business, in properties in the oligarchy etc. All that is necessary to leave to
follow Jesus as they say they do but as San Agustin tells us ECHOS NO
San Marcos, San Juan, San Mateo and San Lucas and his oral preaching
and writings form the Holy Gospels, the Universal or Catholic Church since
then has not stopped even for a moment constructed under his preaching
and his apostles, then through the bishops, clergy, bishops, cardinals,
Catholic Patriarchs, Archbishops, priests, deacons, lay, lay (the latter are
those who make orders that are not enshrined third) and also the
consecrated continue teaching the word of Jesus without alterations to the
word of Jesus which is present always and constantly in it is contained all
from the moment of creation, art science technology and everything is
named with the word that corresponds to this in Jesus, because anything or
creature or aptly named human person is true and Jesus is everything, the
way, the truth and the life which is where we arrived after following faithfully
without gaps or alterations, we can reach well or eternal life if you prefer to
break or not to listen carefully we can reach the end where the fire never
goes to despair and eternal tears.
So we must act carefully and allow the grace of God, I acted in our lives.
But evil people eager to prominence and wealth or confused with their
attitude of being their own creators, have rewritten changing his Word or
intent of His Word for their own benefit, have written to fit their perverse
desires and England Time San Tomas Moro, as in the days of Calvin and
Luther and thereafter in thousands of organizations using the name of
Christians have used the word of Jesus to make a God to his taste, not ask
them to act with genuine Catholic life to the fulfillment of the Sacraments,
for example of reconciliation, some or most of them Christians and the
predecessors of our faith say, say confess directly to God "arrogance" others
believe that if they go first to apologize to the offended person seeking
forgiveness can then be forgiven by God, No, if we offend someone should
apologize, but if we offend God without offending anyone? The offenses of
commission or omission first be forgiven by the injured person and the
second and the first to a Catholic priest for the payment of these sins or
offenses are paid first with the shame of saying them to someone devoted
as it is really shameful that someone else knows our sins and then we will be
forgiven by God through absolution by the priest, representing Jesus as a
direct descendant of the apostles St. Peter who gave the power to forgive
or not, as he says personally Pedro , thou shalt bind on earth as well REMAIN
iN HEAVEN AND WHAT wILL bE WELL loose iN HEAVEN, it refers to forgiveness
through the Sacrament of reconciliation.
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With reconciliation also come blessings in the whole area of our life,
sometimes come immediately sometimes slow but always arrive, sometimes
15 minutes before being necessary sometimes years, we just trust the Lord
Jesus, just that . We must not trust people who claim to help with witchcraft
or divination or heretical rites, because it is not they who for money or any
benefit claim to help resolve situations, Satan is the one who helps them
and accepting the person that aid becomes his ally or your friend and end
of life require the soul as payment. It is better to go to the tabernacle with
the Blessed Sacrament is Jesus in Divine Person and ask anything that is for
our own good or that of others whether we get the immediate response or
a little later, never fails.
They know that a priest should have unblemished hands for the
consecration of the species of wine and bread is transubstantiated into the
Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist ?.
I do not know, a priest can not be married or intimate relationships with
women. His hands are stained with the delectation get dirty sense and fall
into sin.
The perpetual virginity of Santa Maria scares them because they do not
understand do not want to remove the scales from your eyes to see and
This is very easy to believe.
You have seen the sunlight pierces through a glass is not broken? If you
believe in Jesus you believe that the Holy Spirit can do the same but with all
his divinity in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary without harming your Holy
As you believe in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ? It will not be the
same way but in reverse ?, the proof is in the Shroud, He wanted in this work
and performing capture all the proof that is the creator and owner of life is
Jesus Lord our God imposed on them over their heads to the Holy Spirit,
after the apostles laid their hands on the heads of those who were sent by
inspiration of the Holy Spirit to different regions.
The coming of the Holy Spirit and the laying on of hands is the sign that
Jesus alone; true God and true man can name his Church that builds day
after day on San Pedro, first vicar appointed by God himself on earth and
his successors from the first Catholic community, the Blessed Virgin Mary
who gives peace and courage to the apostles waiting for the promised
coming by your Holy son, our Lord Jesus Christ of the Holy Spirit and then
encouraging them with Faith Hope and Charity helps them to preach
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around the world the word of his son to the end of his earthly life wait for
your child Divine person and say I am the handmaid of the Lord and realize
the fact dormancy to be assumed into heaven.
Jesus exclaims with a loud voice. "Whoever believes in me, believes not in
me but in him who sent me, and he who sees me sees him who sent me I
came into the world as light, that whoever believes in me may not remain in
If anyone hears my words and does not put them into practice, I 'm not
going to condemn;. I did not come into the world to condemn the world,
but to save He who rejects me and you do not accept my words has and
who condemn him. the words I have spoken will condemn him on the last
day because I have not spoken on my own, but my Father who sent me
commanded me what I have to say and talk. and I know that his
commandment is eternal life. so what I speak, I say as the Father has told
me ".
Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Life.
Only we must be obedient to their words without twist them for our benefit
without use to trick to lure hesitant to dark, to put them in the culture of
death people, because following false shepherds and surprise you at night
with lamp without oil light your way when you want to reconsider it will be
You will be like the rich and ABRAHAM and there will be a huge gap
between Jesus who is God and your soul.
Following Jesus faithfully without changing their words, Jesus is the Father
and the Father is Jesus and his Holy Spirit is God, that gap, that gap does
not exist, fills and Jesus is God in His infinite mercy and love .
He says St. Francis of Assisi: "In the love which is God, I beg all my brothers,
preachers, praying, workers, both clergy and laity who seek to humble
themselves in everything, not glory nor rejoice in themselves nor to exalt
internally words and good deeds, even more, of any good that God does
or says and work ever and for them, as the Lord says: do not rejoice
because the spirits are subject. And we have the firm conviction that we do
not belong to us but vices and sins. The spirit of the Lord, however, wants
the flesh is mortified and despised, vile and abject taken. And he toils by
humility and patience, and pure, and simple and true peace of spirit. And
refer all good to the Lord God Almighty and Most High, acknowledge that
every good is His, and give thanks for all of them, as all good results from it.
And the very highest and best, only true God, possesses, he will pay taxes
and receive all honors and reverences, all praises and blessings, all
thanksgiving and glory, yours is all right; only he is good. And if we see or
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hear say or do evil or blaspheming God, we bless, do good and praise
God, who is blessed forever. "
Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the
Father but by me. If you know me, also I know my Father; now they do know
him and have seen him. "He is in me? The words I say, do not speak on my
own; the Father who dwells in me is the one who performs the works. Believe
me: I am in the Father and the Father is in me. At least, believe the works.
Truly, truly, I say whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will
perform even greater, because I go to the Father. And whatever you ask in
my name, I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me
anything in my name, I will. Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father, and we."
Jesus said, "So much time I am with you and do not know me, Philip? He
who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the
Father'? You do not think I am in the Father and the Father in me ?.
We can understand that the Son is contained in the Father and the Father is
contained in the Son, even as they are one and His Holy Spirit: Jesus is the
Son is the Father, and the Holy Spirit is the Holy Trinity, is GOD.
For and people who have devoted their life in chastity humility obedience
and poverty to Jesus Lord and our God and with His Holy Spirit is Creator of
all that is seen and unseen, known and unknown And that is God, get to
where the it is a little easier.
But; And if we are not enshrined? We got a little harder, but not much more,
because Jesus himself is dreaming of you. Just let yourself go, no kicking.
And when the des (which all the we) keep your head down, you humble
yourself, you confess through the sacrament of reconciliation and when you
come to judgment before God, what will weigh more in the balance: your
sins or love Jesus has you? WE Courage has made it easy!
This idea of heaven think it is totally linked to Easter.
We can think a little more. There are some who do not believe in the
afterlife. They think it does not exist or reincarnate. They have it difficult. If
they balance congratulations without flavors I not know what to give them,
but in any case, have no hope, no future. We do. Llevémosles joy that we
are made to be happy for many years. To smile.
St. Paul: Dear Brothers, we proclaim the message we have heard Jesus
Christ: God is light without darkness. If we say that we are united to him,
while living in darkness, we lie with words and deeds. But if we walk in the
light, as he is in the light, we are united with one another, and the blood of
Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive
ourselves and we are not sincere. But if we confess our sins, He is faithful and
just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we
claim we have not sinned, we make him a liar and his word not possess. St.
Paul tells write this not to sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate
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with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is expiation for our sins, not for
ours only but also for the whole world.
Give thanks to God for our faith , because we have been from those whom
the Son, through the Spirit, wanted to reveal to us the Father. To recall
special moments of faith, our early intimate relationship with Jesus and
occasions that we will present to live them from the faith.
Trust the Lord . Faith brings us to this: trust, know how to wait and act when
he needs us.
Contemplate the love of the Trinity , the Father perceive lover loving the
beloved Son and the Holy Spirit as the source of that Love. Love Amado.-
Acts 1: 1-11; Ephesians 1: 17-23; Mt 28,16-20
The two stories that show us paschal Luke and Matthew in their respective
works, exhibited the new consciousness arose among the disciples and
followers of Jesus. It is over time, the visible and earthly presence of the
prophet of Nazareth. Now do not touch it again or share the table with him.
Now he lives in another dimension, which we can not decipher all. It is the
living who lives resurrected at the right hand of the Father, which means
recognizing that part of his authority. Using it, brings together the eleven
disciples in Galilee and forwards them to mission. They must be witnesses of
discipling path that Jesus introduced, through baptism they were
incorporated into the ecclesial community that will be determined to live
according to the commandments that Jesus had taught them fraternal
love, solidarity, compassion and forgiveness without limits.
It appearing to them for forty days, speaking about the kingdom of God.
Risen Jesus shares for forty days with the first Catholics who were told as we
are Christians and that in truth we are, speaks of the mysteries of the
kingdom of God. God who acts in the world-. The Evangelist John tells us
the sermon dinner; for me they are words that could be mostly these days
when we celebrate the Passover. "I am the vine, you are the branches" that
vital union is best understood from the risen Jesus source of life and holiness,
without him we can do nothing.
Some say that their societies or sects as those mentioned above are
branches of Christianity not Catholicism, but no¡ if you cut a branch of a
tree and you transplant dries, only the Vid not, so if they would only be part
of the vine which is Christ would be Catholic as were their ancestors, would
not be dry branch each in their lifeless, some with liturgies fantasy, others
with songs and dances hollow.
"Go ... In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"
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Union with Jesus is a vital union is born "the principle without principle",
the Father, and is performed by the Holy Spirit acting discreetly. Everything
we do we do in the name of Jesus and we must continually strive to do so.
Continually we say, "in the name ..." as if to go to the source and draw
inspiration and strength there every decision and action we take.
"I am with you every day"
The Ascension of the Lord we do not depart but makes a bigger and
better presence. "I am with you" it is the great promise of God throughout
the whole history of salvation. The angel tells Mary "the Lord is with you"; yes,
it is the great promise and reality: God is encouraging the lives of their
children, Jesus encourages the life of the Church.
Let us ask the grace to listen to God to be able to read God's action
in our lives; so we can decide at all times what is best and finally act
according to his will for each of us, Jesus is with us.
Acts 2,1-11; 1 Cor 12: 3-7. 12-13; Jn 20: 19-23
In the beginning of the story that tells us the fourth Gospel, the disciples still
giddy, fear of ending his days violently as his Master, paralyzes and keeps
them locked in stone and mud and troubled in spirit. That is why the Lord
Jesus offers the gift of peace. The greeting is repeated a few times to ratify
the fundamental value that Jesus wanted them to deliver.
The nexus linking both stories is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Each
evangelist relates differently. San Juan does not mention any extraordinary
event; instead Luke records a noise and wind so striking that attracted the
attention of many onlookers, who warned the manifestation of divine fire, in
the communication of the Christian message in a variety of codes and
After fifty days of Easter the Paschal candle is extinguished. Maybe you
could be in a ceremony in which this simple liturgy was performed. It was
said: "Today, the day of Pentecost, to close the Easter season, will quench
the candle, now we are the light of Christ, also because educated on the
expertise of school Risen, we have filled fire and the gifts of the Holy Spirit,
now live this, "light of Christ" which as his witnesses, radiate like a column of
light across the world, including the brothers, to lead them in the exodus to
the sky, " promised land "and definitive.
Now let's see, in the course of the liturgical year, shine the light of the
paschal candle, especially in two important moments the way of the
Church: In the first Passover that their children will live with the reception of
baptism last Easter when death will enter real life. Ask the Holy Spirit that
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their light enlighten the newly baptized and those were passed to the
homeland of Father can be melted in the light of light "
St. Paul tells us: There are different gifts, but the Spirit is the same. There are
different services, but the Lord is the same. There are different activities, but
God who works all in all, is the same.
In each manifests the Spirit for the common good. For as the body is one
and has many members and all of them, though many, are one body, so
also is Christ. For all of us, we are fervent free or not their own decisions
fervent Catholic, slaves or have been baptized in one Spirit to form one
body, and all have been given to drink of one Spirit.
1. Come, Holy Spirit and God send from heaven your light to illuminate.
2. Come and father of the poor, light penetrates, giver of all gifts souls.
3. Source of all comfort, friendly guest of the soul, peace in times of
You're pause in the breeze work in a climate of fire, comfort in the midst of
5. Come sanctifying light and go to the bottom of the soul of all who
worship you.
6. Without your divine inspiration anything men can and sin dominates us.
7. Lava our filth, our deserts fertile and heal our wounds.
8. Unbending our pride, warms our coldness, straighten our paths.
9. Give to those who put their faith in you and trust your seven sacred gifts.
10. Give virtues and merits of a good death and eternal joy with you.
A purpose of asking good death that can not say better I join Gabriela
Mistral and I say.
On this evening, Christ of Calvary,
came to beg for my flesh is weak,
but, see, my eyes come and go
from your body to my body in shame.
How to complain about my tired feet,
when I see yours broken?
How to show my empty hands,
when yours are full of wounds?
How to explain to you my loneliness,
when on the cross elevation and are alone?
How to explain that I do not love,
when you have ripped the heart?
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Now I no longer remember anything,
fled from me all my ailments.
The momentum beg you brought
me drowning in the mouth beggar.
And just I ask you not ask anything,
be here with your dead image,
go learn that pain is only
the holy key to your holy door.
A REFLECTION FOR OUR time.- The Jewish feast of Pentecost was an
agricultural celebration commemorating the end of the harvest cycle. This
was celebrated 50 days after Easter and was associated with the gift of the
law at Sinai, symbolizing the liberation of Egypt was intended to safeguard
this freedom by means of law enforcement. For Catholics, the mediation of
the law of Moses is superseded by the law of the Spirit, ie the interior
renovation. The beginning of Catholic life is not the result of the willingness
of the believer. The decisive move it meets God, who through his grace,
renews the heart of the person. Confess need of salvation seems unusual in
a society boasts of his conquests, sure of their therapies and released too
quickly from the consciousness of being sinful. The offer of salvation is not
imposed on anyone. Whoever values, the search may accept with open
In time of crisis and widespread confusion it seems that social dynamism is
paralyzed and each individual is absorbed in their own affairs. Fear and
hopelessness paralyzes the minds of renewal and progress. So we evangelist
portrays the disciples: "Planted and looking at the sky", ie, ignoring historical
responsibility. Parents who have neglected the task of transmitting values,
we became neglectful to the new generation. It makes no sense
complaining about their shortcomings and excesses. They are "our
educational establishment". We we influence decisively. Nobody else. It is
necessary to return the evangelizing mission, just within our own family,
reinvigorating the testimony of consistency, creating a climate of
affectionate warmth, imposing limits that preserve the dignity of all
members, encouraging us to live according to the commandments of Jesus
Christ. Relativism is something we invented to do what we please without
being accountable to God, we must guide them to the Truth that is Jesus,
saving truth .
Acts 19.1 to 8; Jn 16: 29-23
Jesus depart from his. They will not again see or touch. You will need to
learn to spell his presence revived through other signals and other
experiences. The reality is much more than it appears. The strength of God
that Jesus claimed to be made manifest in a new way. The experience of
the risen fill you with joy and security to his followers. The disciples Paul and
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Apollo are in Ephesus have lived the Catholic way from the enthusiasm and
goodwill. The high demands of the Kingdom of God can not be concrete
with pure human capacities. Paul imposed hands, baptized in the name of
Jesus, receive the power of the Holy Spirit and are enabled to walk the new
path that God has opened through the death and resurrection of his Son.
Since Easter Sunday Church has entered the Upper Room with Mary the
Mother of Jesus ... he has entered the Church and we have entered with it,
because we are Church. This means that this week has to be a special
week .., .. different, if we receive the strength from above, and to leave the
world as men and women renewed ...
What did the first Catholic community to come down upon them the Holy
1. They remained in the city.
2. They were collected with Mar í a.
3. They experienced their need and poverty.
4. They intensified their prayer or n.
5. And they waited confidently his coming.
1. They remained in the city:
Jesus said to them: " Look, I am sending upon You the promise of my Father:
You meanwhile, stay in the city until the magazine of the strength that
comes from on high." (Lk. 24:49).
The city is the place where God wants us to our own sanctification and
evangelization of others. Find that it is in the world where God wants us holy,
holy and wants us to sanctify the world ...
We overcome the temptation of fear and flight ... because Christ's victory is
our victory ... remember praying, as Jesus tells us. "I have talked about this,
to find peace in me in the world have struggles, but take courage, I have
overcome the world. " (Jn.16,33).
2. were collected with Mary:
"Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is
near Jerusalem, which was allowed to walk on the Sabbath. When they
arrived, they went to the upper room where they were staying. They all
joined together constantly in prayer, together with some women and Mary
the mother of Jesus ... "(Acts. 1,12-14).
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The Mother of Jesus is my mother, and never as mother and as we await the
coming of the Holy Spirit upon each of us ... Let her prepare us as only she
knows how ... Just ask us stay ...
3. They experienced their need and poverty:
Pentecost is also today, here and now ... but not always experience their
gifts ..; and that is to give its fullness, we must note our emptiness ...
4. Intensified his prayer:
How not to pray? How not to pray more ..? How not always pray .., if we
experience his peace in the midst of our confusion and fear ..? "Peace I
leave with you, my peace I give, I give the not as the world gives your heart
be troubled or shy away.." (Jn. 14:27).
As we respond; We accept your peace? We take? We live? The
experience? We enjoy it? We share? All this we must do it and live it.
5. And waited confidently his coming:
How hard we expect both the human and the divine ..! But it is necessary
waiting ... when it comes God ...! Just those who wait, show that know how
to love ... and then God fills you ! Hopefully with confidence a new
Pentecost and the coming of Jesus .
Acts 20: 17-27; Jn 17.1 to 11
In the priestly prayer Jesus presents good accounts to the Father: his mission
is accomplished. Jesus said the Father's glory to the disciples, taught them
to live in freedom, distancing themselves from the oppressive power that
dominated the little people in Israel. Jesus reserved nothing that the Father
passed him. He was a faithful witness. Now you can leave them alone,
because the Father who called faith, will remain aware of your process. In
that same vein, Paul is accountable to the elders of the church at Ephesus
and share them his great satisfaction: he has done everything he should do
to incorporate them into the intimate friendship with the Lord Jesus. With
head held high, the apostle can from where God intended it, because he
has done missionary work, adhering to the criteria of maximum effort for the
sake of the salvation of his brothers.
. 1. Book of Acts 20.17 to 27 . And now I turn to Jerusalem, constrained by
the Spirit ... Therefore I declare today that I am not responsible for anyone
lucky: I've never booked anything; I have spoken entirely God's plan.
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Paul heroic fidelity to the Spirit who does not omit anything to announce the
Kingdom of God COMPLETELY
2. Psalm 68 (67), 10-11.20-21. It was for us a God who liberates, with
Yahweh, the Lord, escaped death.
Jesus Christ is God with us that gives us the freedom second by second; with
it, it helps us to escape death
. 3. Gospel of John 17,1-11a This is eternal life: that they may know you, the
only true God, and you have sent, Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Lord, for helping me to know the identity and mission of
Catholic: That you all know. As I heard from the anarchists of old, they could
not conceive to be free if there were slaves. We, Catholics, can not live if
there is someone who does not know you. That is not obedient to your
Acts 20: 28-38; Jn 17.11 to 19
Being in the world, without being of the world, it is challenging and highly
demanding. Social pressure and the force of public opinion condition us
and to some extent we let ourselves be influenced too much by criteria
other. Jesus and Paul lived in societies who offered various options to find
the meaning of life; both the teacher and the apostle lived in keeping with
their ideals and consolidated around him, communities of disciples who
practiced communion of life, beliefs and material resources. The
experience of the Truth that gives life consecrates them as disciples of
Jesus. Thus, the disciples of Ephesus and the group of the Twelve, will be
guarded by the guidance of the Word of the Lord.
Catholic tradition never dies, although Jesus or Paul have physically gone,
the life of the Lord Jesus, continues and will continue through the Word
proclaimed is always present, of the breaking of bread and fraternal
communion with all the people in the world.
The gesture of solidarity that displays the widow of Sarepta for Elijah
constitutes an exemplary woman. His condition made her a widow woman
vulnerable, lacking the legal protection that would offer her husband in a
patriarchal society. As a poor peasant, he had achieved the livelihood
working in the field. Accustomed to spending needs, he had survived
adverse situations. When Elijah challenged to share their meager assets, it is
preparing to do so, because his life is the obvious manifestation that God
does not abandon his faithful. This woman foreshadowed spirituality that
speaks the Gospel of Matthew. It was salt of the earth and light of the world
for their neighbors. In the time of trouble he was encouraged to share their
goods, relying on the faithfulness of the Lord, the God of Israel.
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After some time, the stream where the prophet Elijah was hiding dried up,
because there was no rain in the region. Then the Lord said to Elijah, "Go
and go to Zarephath of Sidon and stay there, as I have commanded a
widow in that city to give you to eat."
The prophet Elijah got up and set out for Sarepta. Upon arriving at the city
gate, he found there a widow gathering wood. He called and said, "Bring
me, please, a little water to drink." When she left, the prophet shouted:
"Please also bring me some bread."
She replied. "I swear by the Lord, your God, I is not even a piece of bread,
as I only have a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in the jar You see that
was gathering about few logs. I will prepare bread for me and my son.
We'll eat and then we die. "
Elijah said: "Fear not Go and prepare it as you have said, but first make a
biscuit for me and bring it to me after you make for yourself and your son,
for thus saith the Lord of Israel.. 'The jar of flour will not emptied, the jug of oil
will not run out until the day the Lord sends rain upon the earth. ' "
Then she left, did what the prophet told him and ate him, her and the child.
And as the Lord had said through Elijah, from that time or the barrel of meal
he emptied or the cruse of oil ran out.
Jesus says pray for those who are not of the world.
Holy Father, keep them in thy name whom thou hast given me, that they
may be one as we are.
When I was with them, I kept them in your name that you gave me. I have
guarded them, and none is lost, except the son of perdition, that the
scripture might be fulfilled.
But now I am coming to you, and I say these things in the world to have
filled themselves my joy.
I have given them your word and the world has hated them, because they
are not of the world, as I am not of the world.
I do not ask you out of the world, but to keep them from evil.
They are not of the world, as I am not of the world.
Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.
As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.
And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.
We can imagine that we are on death row in the cell of a close friend who
will take life in the next morning. It is a sad country where the death penalty
exists with torture and condemned to death for being Catholic. You could
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
save denying their faith or some other bad shape, but do not want. In his
last dinner we have left to pass several of his friends so that we are with him.
Interestingly it's quiet and peace and cares about me than himself. That's
the last supper of the Lord. Talks to his father and asks something like "for
God's sake, for yourself, for your name, take care of my brother."
Sitting across from him, a little uneasy, I hear. Will prayer that can effectively
fulfill his Father. Quiet hope in the good outcome of all? It is like a convicted
last wish expressed his Father and is a desire. He takes care of me and get
to the final embrace. It is true that there is a problem: my freedom and so
my evil (original sin) can play me a trick. It is clear that soon he tries, wins the
prayer of Jesus.
Now we need to tell you that we need your help. At other times we
promised the support of the Holy Spirit, but I have to collaborate. I do not
get totally by itself. I have to support a bit. I WANT LORD, I WANT! But it helps
my unbelief. Holy Mary, help me.
You can walk along the heights of this hope, though occasional glimpses
crack in the ground, but gains the positive. If you lean on Mary, she takes
you to Jesus and the Father. Because no Jesus without Mary without Jesus
would not know the Father.
But do not be shy or timid. If you've invited you to this last night to have
dinner with him and even to dine in your body, is that loves you, get close to
him and hug, you put on your shoulder ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, in You I
trust! What He will like this? Note that is outside time and how you will do it
now, sorry (I felt and feel, always present) in this final dinner.
"As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world." I am in the
world as a representative of Jesus, or better as sent Him. When I go to my
job, for example guard circulation lies at a crossroads, I'm there I sent for
him. How I will do my job? I do it for her mandate, not only because I pay,
or better He also wants to win pay. Then, at dusk, I conclude my work, I'm
off duty, what will an apostle of Jesus out of their working hours in the
profession? I Dare I say or do something or I have been sent for others, for
the world?
Acts 22.30 to 23, 6-11; Jn 17.20 to 26
Behind this aspiration no monolithic or totalitarian discourse hides. The unity
of the Lord Jesus speaking lies in building interpersonal relationships marked
by love, mutual respect and reconciliation. Not a unit imposed authoritarian
or vertically, but is rather the resulting harmony of dialogue, civilized
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
discussion, reasoned opinions and collegial search for the will of God
In the Catholic community it is not prohibited differ in accidental or
transitory (political opinions, tastes and aesthetic preferences) as long as
unity prevails in charity. In the book of Acts, Paul uses the radical
intransigence of the Pharisees and Sadducees concerning the resurrection,
to shake off the pressure the Jewish Council exercised against him.
"And you have loved them even as you have loved me" (Jn 17, 23)
The Father, who loves the Only-begotten, loves his members, adopted in
Him and by Him. Loving the Son could not stop loving their members, or
have another reason to love but to love Him. He loves the Son according to
divinity, for having begotten equal to himself, and loves him as a man,
because it only begotten Word became flesh, and the Word is very dear
meat of the Word; more us love us because we are members of his
Beloved, and that it might be loved us before existiésemos.
The love with which God loves is incomprehensible and, at the same time
immutable. Because it did not begin to love each other from when we
went to El reconciled by the blood of his Son, but loved us before the
formation of the world so that, together with his Son, we were his children,
when we were not absolutely nothing. But in saying that we have been
reconciled to God by the death of his Son, we should not hear it or take it
as if the Son has reconciled us with Him to begin to love those who once
loathed neighbor, as an enemy reconciles with another enemy making
friends, loving each other after the previously hated; but we were
reconciled to which we already loved and whose enemies were by sin. The
truth of both testifies the Apostle, saying God Recommends His love for us
because Christ died for us while we were yet sinners.
He loved us even when we obrábamos the evil availing ourselves of enmity
against him, and yet, in all truth be told El : you hated, Lord, all those who
do evil. And so, in an admirable and divine way he loved us when we
hated us because he hated what he had done; but because our iniquity
had not completely destroyed his work, each of us hated our work and
loved his. And in this sense it should be understood that in all truth that has
been said of him: You have not had hate anything that you've done. No
way he wanted things existed by the hated nor had existed that the
Almighty would not have wanted, if he hates the same things there were
something he could love.
He has rightly hatred of vice and rejects as outside the canon of his art; but
she loves in the same vicious things, straighten or benefit, or his judgment in
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
condemning them . And God does not hate any of his works, because,
being the Creator of natures, not of vices, hate evil, He has not done; and
good are the same things that He does, and correcting evil for His mercy,
and allowing it for their secret trials. Not having therefore hate any thing he
has done, who can accurately measure the love that has members of his
Only Begotten, let alone having the Only - begotten himself, for which they
were created both things visible and invisible, which loves most exact-mind
as the management of their natures? ( S. Augustine - Treaty Gospel of John
Acts 25: 13-21; Jn 21: 15-19
The dilemma is formulated correctly before Agrippa Festus; Paul is in prison
for denouncing the Jewish authorities; in the process, he has warned what
the core issue: "it is a decedent named Jesus, Paul says that he is alive."
From the external perspective of the Roman procurator is a religious
controversy that divides Jews and nothing else. For St. Paul, St. Peter and
the other Christian followers it is much more than that. The victory of the
risen Jesus paves the way to the fullness of life. If Peter had denied again
and again of Jesus, putting his own life safe, it has now been discovered
that God protects and sustains those who are faithful. The obedient
faithfulness of Jesus was ratified by the Father. How many live like Him, they
will come to fulfillment. Meanwhile, Peter and his successors, the popes,
have to encourage them to remain faithful to the Lord Jesus.
As always when beginning the prayer, we place ourselves in God's
In the days, at the gates of Pentecost, invoke the Holy Spirit with his hymn to
guide our prayer: "Come Holy Spirit, enlightens our intelligence and moves
our will," ...
The idea in the month of the Sacred Heart: Heart of Jesus formed by the
Holy Spirit on earth. The Blessed Virgin Mary, asks us to let us welcome us to
the heart, understanding and full of tenderness and her hands us that gift,
the source of living water welling up to eternal life comes.
Guided by this Spirit that guided Mary, we will be saints. We will be guided
today in prayer for Him and experience their joys and receiving gifts as
Mary, the better his work of creation.
The second offers us a prayer. If you look at all these days, it does not leave
the Church to make present the Holy Spirit. Watch for:
"We ask God of power and mercy to send your Holy Spirit so that, by
dwelling in us, we become temples of your glory." What a bold and how
living faith leads the Church his prayer! Directly send us your Holy Spirit. It has
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
clear action in us that is the same as it was in Mary and is confident that
occurs also in each faith if we turn to prayer in these days. It is who guides
the church, urges preachers, missionaries, puts his lips appropriate words
and accurate gestures, pushes faith, fruitful baptismal waters spilled by the
laying on of hands, full of grace Mary, makes unity, soul that gives life,
spiritual beauty, guided to the truth brings light to every thought of the
Church and man, is the heart of the heart of Jesus, burning furnace of
The third we take a text that has been prepared for each day of each
month as is done for the feast of Pentecost, we celebrate the consolidation
of the birth of the Catholic Church gathered in prayer with Mary in the
Upper Room: " If you turn and become like children you will never enter the
kingdom of heaven. " (Mt 18,3) and consider two stories:
A child who wanted to give the button for the elevator and her mother said
she could not and the child says, "If you help me". It is confidence in the
mother who sends us to the heart through His Spirit.
And other similar where the child was absent from the conversation of the
mother counting the problems of older and suddenly turns on the child and
says, "And you have no problems?". "No" - answered the boy and asks
again: "Why?" And the child answers: - "Because I am a child."
Let's pray humbly, as children, that simplicity that expects everything
Mother. Through her intercession we ask the Holy Spirit in these days. How
many problems would avoid us!
Acts 28,16-20. 30-31; Jn 21.20 to 25
The role of witness to the risen Jesus was one of the actions that gave
meaning to men as diverse as John, the fisherman from Galilee, become
renowned leader of numerous Catholic communities, which recognized
him as "the beloved disciple" and Paul "intellectual Jew versed in the
Scriptures. " The signatories of the Fourth Gospel, aquilatan the testimony of
John and prove the reliability of the message of life. Meanwhile, at the
close of the Acts of the Apostles, Luke we reported the appearance of Paul
in the Roman synagogue. His arrival in the capital of the empire was
discreet. I did not mean to draw attention to not contravening orders
imposed judges. However, even from house arrest, she testified the
kingdom of God to the people of good will who sought salvation.
This is the text of the Alleluia "before starting the reading of the Gospel: " I
will send the Spirit of truth , says the Lord; He will teach the full truth. "
We are pleading with love and beggars insistence the seven gifts of the
Holy Spirit. They held in many churches, parishes and communities Vigil of
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
Pentecost. These seven gifts flow from the open heart of Jesus. We all want
to give reality to the meeting desired over the years in an embrace that no
one can separate us. "Nothing and nobody will separate us from the love of
God ..." (GK Chesterton dares to limit them and says if they meet this
condition are not met if they are not). He did not realize that comes from
God and therefore obeys who are and who not, NO.
The moral life of Catholics is sustained by the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
These are permanent dispositions which make man docile in following the
promptings of the Holy Spirit.
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are
wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of
The wisdom is a character that is developed with the application of
intelligence on our own experience, drawing conclusions that give us
greater understanding, which in turn enable us to reflect, drawing
conclusions that give us discernment of truth, good and the bad. Wisdom
and moral interrelate resulting in an individual acting with good judgment.
Sometimes it takes wisdom as a form particularly well developed common
Wisdom is the apex of the pyramid consists of low to high complexity, data,
information, knowledge and wisdom.
Wisdom in sound judgment based on knowledge and understanding
stands; the ability to successfully fend knowledge and understanding to
solve problems, avoid or prevent dangers, achieve certain goals, or counsel
others. It is the opposite of stupidity and foolishness and madness often
contrasted with them.
St. Thomas Aquinas defines wisdom as "the certain knowledge of the
deeper causes of all" ( In Metaphysics , I, 2). So, for him, wisdom has as its
function sort and judge all knowledge.
Wisdom takes its references to what is called long-term memory. In other
words, the lived must have experienced with enough frequency or intensity
as not to be erased from our memory, is inserted into the schemes of what
we consider good or bad (without relativism that is to your taste) and take
into account as part of the process of survival of the individual. The role of
this concept in natural selection is vital; but also it imposes a burden when
the environment changes and long-term memory only rescues memories
that are no longer current, so the age, aging and wear neural pose a
disadvantage in the rehabilitation of the individual in question, making it
difficult to insert the new data in said memory, delaying response times and
seriously endangering the survival of the individual in the changing
environment and philosophy which means quantum apply.
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
The intelligence is the ability to think, understand, understand, reason,
assimilate, develop information and employ the use of logic to solve
problems. [] However, according to specialists there is no universally
accepted definition of what is intelligence, so it is not easy to narrow the
field of study to a simple definition.
On the other hand, it is a well established fact that intelligence is also linked
to other mental functions such as perception through the senses as
perception or ability to receive information, and memory capacity or
storage. [
A council is a way to relate opinions, beliefs, values, personal or institutional
recommendations or guidelines about certain situations in some context
retransmitted to another person or group often offered as a guide to action
and / or behavior. Putting a little simpler, a warning message is a
recommendation about what you might think, say, or otherwise deal with a
problem, make a decision, or handle a situation and is often attributed to
problem solving search strategies and finding solutions, either from a social
or personal view.
The fort is one of the cardinal virtues is to overcome fear and flee
recklessness. For Catholics, the strength ensures firmness in difficulties and
constancy in the pursuit of good, even to the ability to accept the eventual
sacrifice of one 's life for a just cause. ]
The fort is described as the virtue that gives value to the soul to face with
courage and vigor risks, moderating momentum of boldness. Its purpose is
to order the appetite to reason, so that the will follow the Christian right to
the dangers or difficulties.
The gift of knowledge is a supernatural habit, infused by God with
sanctifying grace in man's understanding, that by the Holy Spirit, judge
righteously, with superhuman lucidity, of all created things, always referring
them to his supernatural end . Therefore, in considering the visible world, the
gift of knowledge perfects the virtue of faith, giving it a luminosity of
knowledge to divine mode (STh II-II, 9). Accordingly, the intellectual habit of
the gift of knowledge it is very different from natural science, which in the
light of reason things known for its natural, near or remote causes. It is also
diverse theological science, in which the reason runs, enlightened by faith,
about God and the world. The gift of knowledge deeply knows things
created without discursive work of reason and faith, but rather for some
naturally with God, that is, by the Holy Spirit, quickly and safely, the divine
way. Easily see and understand life in this continual reference to its final
end, eternal life. The gift of knowledge, then, brings to a time two effects
that are not opposites, but complementary. On the one hand, it produces
one supreme dignity of life present, because the creatures open to the
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
contemplation of God windows are made, and all the events and actions
of this world, often as contingent, as precarious and trivial, are disclosed, for
so to speak, as producers causes of eternal effects. And on the other hand,
at the same time, the gift of science shows the vanity of being of all
creatures and all its temporal vicissitudes, compared with the fullness of the
being of God and eternal life. It is not easy expensive enough how point is
needed to perfection the gift of knowledge. And today more than ever. All
Catholics and humans, children and youth, boyfriends and marriages,
teachers, politicians, businessmen, politicians, priests and religious, bishops
and theologians absolutely need the gift of science to their minds, docile to
God, remain absolutely free from the surround conditioning of the world
they live in . If we think that a surgeon who suffers from frequent obfuscation
in the view or a bus driver who suffers occasionally dizziness and
lightheadedness , are not able to exercise their craft, similarly we must
consider that those receiving important responsibilities of government, if not
enough have the gift of knowledge, undoubtedly cause great evils in
society and in the Church. At the minimum moment of creation, God
created everything, He who is all perfection and love does not leave
anything for later. I think science discovered and undiscovered until the
present time, also the arts and how to understand and reason can not
understand. In human understanding.
The science (Latin scientia = knowledge ') is the ordered set of
systematically structured knowledge. Science is the knowledge gained by
observing regular patterns of reasoning and experimentation in specific
areas from which questions are generated hypotheses are built, principles
are deduced and general laws and systems organized through are made a
scientific method. []
Considers science and is based on different facts, which must be objective
and observable. These observed facts are organized by different methods
and techniques (models and theories) in order to generate new
knowledge. To this we must first establish criteria of truth and ensure
permanent correction of the observations and results, establishing a
research method. The application of these methods and knowledge leads
to the generation of new knowledge in the form of objectives specific,
quantitative and testable predictions regarding past, present and future
observable facts. Often these predictions can be formulated by reasoning
and structured as rules or general laws, which account for the behavior of a
system and predict how the system will perform under certain
Piety: Sana our heart of all kinds of hardness and opens it to tenderness
towards God as Father and to the brothers as children of the same Father.
Cry Abba, Father!
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
A supernatural habit infused with sanctifying grace to excite at will, by
instinct ES, a filial affection towards God considered as Father and a sense
of universal brotherhood to all men as brothers and sons the same Father.
Pope John Paul II, Catechesis on the Creed, 28-V-1989. 1. Reflection on the
gifts of the Holy Spirit leads us today to talk about another famous gift: piety.
Through this, the Spirit heals our hearts of all kinds of hardness and opens it
to tenderness towards God and to the brothers.
Tenderness , as truly filial attitude toward God is expressed in prayer. The
existential experience of poverty, the emptiness that earthly things leave in
the soul, itself arouses in man the need to turn to God for grace, help and
forgiveness. The gift of piety directs and nourishes such need, enriching it
with sentiments of deep trust with God , experienced as provident and
good Father. In this sense St Paul wrote: "God sent his Son ... so that we
might receive adoption. The proof that you are sons , God has sent into our
hearts the Spirit of his Son crying Abba, Father ! So you are no longer a slave,
but a son ... "(Gal 4 : 4-7; cf. Rom 8, 15).
2. The tender, as authentically fraternal openness towards others, is
manifested in meekness . With the gift of piety the Spirit infuses into the
believer a new capacity to love the brothers , making his heart somehow
part of the same meekness of the Heart of Christ. The "devout" Catholic
always know see in others children of the same Father, called to be part of
God's family, which is the Church. Why he feels compelled to treat them
with kindness application and own a genuine fraternal relationship.
The gift of piety further extinguishes in the heart those hotbeds of tension
and division such as bitterness, anger, impatience, and nourishes feelings of
understanding, tolerance, forgiveness. This gift is therefore at the root of that
new human community, which is based on the civilization of love .
Fear of God is fear of not pleasing, if not pleasing to God our deeds are
separated from Him.
Fear of God: contrite spirit before God, aware of sins and divine punishment,
but within the faith in divine mercy. Fear of offending God, humbly
acknowledging our weakness. Especially: filial fear, which is the love of
God, the soul is concerned not to displease God, loved as Father, not to
offend him in anything, "stay" and grow in charity (cf. Jn 15 : 4- 7).
Pope John Paul II, Catechesis on the Creed, 11 - VI-1989.
1. Today I wish you complete reflection on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The
last, in the order of enumeration of these gifts is the gift of fear of God.
Scripture says that " the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord" (Ps
110/111, 10; Pr 1 : 7). But that fear is it? Certainly not that "fear of God" that
drives avoid thinking or remembering Him, as something that disturbs and
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
restless . That was the mood that according to the Bible, our first parents,
after sin, to "hide from the sight of the Lord God among the trees of the
garden" (Gen 3 : 8); This was also the sentiment unfaithful and wicked deer
in the Gospel parable who hid underground talent received (cf. Mt 25 : 18.
But this concept of fear-fear is not the true concept of fear-gift of the Spirit.
Here is something much more noble and sublime: it is the sincere and
search a person experiences before the tremendous presence of God
feeling, especially when he reflects upon his own infidelity and the danger
of being "found with guilt" (Dn 5, 27) in the eternal judgment, and no one
can escape.
The believer comes and stands before God with a "contrite spirit" and the
"humbled heart" (cf. Ps 50/51: 19), knowing well that must attend to his own
salvation "with fear and trembling" (Phil, 12). However, this does not mean
irrational fear, but a sense of responsibility and loyalty to His law.
2. The Holy Spirit assumes this set and elevates with the gift of fear of God.
Certainly this does not exclude the trepidation that comes from the
consciousness of the sins committed and the prospect of divine punishment,
but softens with faith in divine mercy and with the certainty of paternal
solicitude of God who wants the eternal salvation of all . However, with this
gift, the Holy Spirit infuses in the soul especially filial fear, which is the love of
God, the soul is now concerned not to displease God, he loved as Father,
not to offend him in anything, " stay "and grow in charity (cf. Jn 15 : 4-7).
3. In this holy and just fear, united in the soul with God's love, hang all the
practice of Catholic virtues and especially of humility, temperance,
chastity, mortification of the senses. Recall the exhortation of the Apostle
Paul to his Catholic: "Beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every
defilement of flesh and spirit, making holiness in the fear of God" (2 Cor 7 :
Of King David.
Psalm 50
A contrite, Mr heart, not spurn.
For your great compassion and mercy, Lord, have mercy on me and forget
my offenses. Wash me well all my crimes and cleanse me of my sins.
A contrite heart, Lord, not spurn.
Since acknowledge my faults, I always present my sins. Against you only
have I sinned, Lord, doing what was bad in your eyes.
A contrite heart, Lord, not spurn.
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
You, Lord, do not please the sacrifices and if you offer a holocaust, you
would not like. I present a contrite heart, and a contrite heart, you never
A contrite heart, Lord, not spurn.
Fullness belong to Christ, Son of David (cf Is 11: 1-2). They complete and
perfect the virtues of those who receive them. They make docile to obey
promptly faithful to divine inspirations.
. May your good Spirit lead me on a level ground (Ps 143,10)
All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God ... and if children, then
heirs; heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ (Rom 8,14.17
The Gospel tells us that endearing scene after the last appearance of the
risen Christ on the Sea of Galilee to his disciples.
Jesus takes Peter aside and begins a dialogue with him. "Peter turned and
saw that followed the beloved disciple whom Jesus loved so much ..."
Seeing him, Peter said to Jesus: - "Lord, and this what?".
Jesus answers: - "If I want this to remain until I come, what is that to you? You
follow me. "
But the important thing is that Jesus has called you and me, and he asks
you what is that is you who you follow him. "You follow me." What the Lord
with your friends, with your family you should not worry because for all He is
and will continue each in their own way. "You follow me, here and now."
Also remember this text: "I will be with you every day until the end of the
world" . And indeed it is in the Holy Eucharist, when he says before going to
the Mount of Olives. This is my body (neutral demonstrative pronoun, is used
to indicate proximity in space or time, and wants to stay with us until the
end of the times and is alive present in the tabernacle or exposed) and this
is my blood, does not say this because it would only serve to that time
between him and his Apostles, Jesus Lord our God, true God and true man
and his Spirit Holy (Father , into your hands I commend my spirit), ( Indica or
says something that is close in space or time, the person who speaks, and
also is used to refer to one person or thing mentioned above, indicate the
relative distance between two objects, between a person and a thing or
two people. it says "This , " because it is to be with us until the end of days.
First he wants my closeness and intimacy that you feel this really every day
my life. And our whole life will live in hope because you are always close to
us, we can not get out of reach.
"Let us enter into this madness of divine love. When Jesus was out of this
world, it was when again showed the fire of his love. At the time of his
Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail
death, when man clings to life more and forgets all, Jesus emerges from his
and remembers US. And he made bread to yours in food. And they ate
theirs to have life. He dies, we live ".
Acts 2,1-11; 1 Cor 12: 3-7. 12-13; Jn 20: 19-23
In the beginning of the story that tells us the fourth Gospel, the disciples still
giddy, fear of ending his days violently as his Master, paralyzes and keeps
them locked in stone and mud and troubled in spirit. That is why the Lord
Jesus offers the gift of peace. The greeting is repeated a few times to ratify
the fundamental value that Jesus wanted them to deliver. The nexus linking
both stories is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Each evangelist relates
differently. San Juan does not mention any extraordinary event; instead
Luke records a noise and so striking wind that attracted the attention of
many onlookers, who warned the manifestation of divine fire, in
communicating the message of the Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, in a variety of
codes and languages .
* We leave the word to John Paul II in his homily for the Solemnity of
Pentecost (St. Peter, 1980):
"Venerable brothers and beloved sons:
1. Behold has come again for us, according to the order of the liturgical
calendar, "Pentecost" ... (Acts 2 : 1), a day of special solemnity, for dignity of
celebration and wealth he spiritual content, equates a day of Passover
itself. Is it possible to establish a comparison between Pentecost, they speak
the Acts of the Apostles, which took place 50 days after the Resurrection of
the Lord and Pentecost today? Yes, it is not only possible, it is true, doubt
and corroborating this connection in life and for the life of the Church, at
both of its two thousand year history, and the present time we are living, as
men of this generation. We have the right, duty and joy of saying that
Pentecost continues. We speak legitimately of "sustainability" of Pentecost.
Indeed, we know that fifty days after the Passover the Apostles, gathered in
the same Upper Room had been before the place of the first Eucharist and
then the first encounter with the Risen One , they discover in themselves the
power of the Holy Spirit descended upon them, the strength of him that the
Lord had repeatedly promised to price their suffering through the cross, and
strengthened with this force, begin to act, that is, to perform their service.
the apostolic Church consolidates the apostles and is born for all
universally. But today also - here the connection , the Basilica of St. Peter,
here in Rome, is like an extension, it is a continuation of the original
Jerusalemite Cenacle, as is every church and chapel, as it is everywhere in
which the disciples and confessors of the Lord are fulfilled: and we are
gathered here to renew the mystery of this great day.
The word of jesus  is not a debate
The word of jesus  is not a debate
The word of jesus  is not a debate
The word of jesus  is not a debate

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The word of jesus is not a debate

  • 1. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. FOR CATHOLICS STILL HAVE NOT OPENED YOUR HEART TO JESUS owner LORD AND GOD.- (The release of Peter is a fresco of the artist Raphael and his assistant Giulio Romano. It was painted in 1514. It has a base width of 660 cm.) THE WORD OF JESUS ISNOT A DEBATE 10 OCTOBER 2015.- Jesus is not polygamous, (not have many wives) you know is this, that Jesus only builds continuously until the end of time the Church of St. Peter and his successors the Popes, Jesus has only one wife foreshadowed us at the wedding of Canna, and the Catholic Church, it does not have many wives as they say separate sects of Catholicism even the association of orthodox Catholicism also separated from the authority of Jesus delegated to St. Peter and his successors. You who love Jesus and want to follow him, go to the Catholic Church and turn their faith to Jesus.
  • 2. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. THE WORD OF JESUS IS NOT A DEBATE.- Brothers; We have never presented Our preaching is not born of error or narrow interests or the desire to deceive, but preach the gospel according to the order that God, seeing ourselves fit, has made us, and not to please men but God, who is who knows our hearts (San Pablo). We do not neglect the most important, which are justice, mercy and faithfulness. Jesus said to Thomas, "I am the way, the truth and the life : no man comes to the Father is through me If you know me, also know my Father Even now know him and have seen him..." . Since then many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. Jesus said to the twelve: Will you also go away? Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we believe and know that you are the Holy One of God. Jesus asked, "And who do you say I am?" 16. Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." 17. Jesus replied , "Blessed are you, Simon, because this has revealed it not flesh and blood, but my Father who is in heaven. 18. And now I tell you: You are Peter (ie Stone), and upon this rock I will build my church; the powers of death shall not prevail against. 19. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. " And also dijo.- Juan les 14-10 You do not think I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I say, do not speak on my own, but the Father who dwells in me is doing the work. Here he reveals that is contained in the Father and the Father is contained in Him, ie if they are contained in a person at the same time is because Jesus and the Father are one. He is God. As we celebrate the feast of Jesus, the Eternal High Priest, the liturgy presents us the story of the institution of the Eucharist which tells Luke. From it we can better understand the mystery of Jesus and capture their impact on us. Light ask for it the Holy Spirit. And let 's read it carefully.
  • 3. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. The first words of the Gospel are: "arrival time"; and Jesus: "I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer". It is the moment of salvation, is the time of Jesus, which is offered as a priest for all of us. But beside that suffering Jesus predicts his final victory, when he says that food and that drink "... not eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God." Jesus us also tells us, reminding us once again that through his death and resurrection could accomplish in our lives the parable of the grain of wheat, if falls into the earth and dies, it bears no fruit, but if it dies , it produces much fruit. As is the case of Catholics throughout 2000 years of uninterrupted Catholic martyrs. In the institution of the Eucharist Jesus says: "This is my body which is given for you" ( "This" neutral demonstrative pronoun used to indicate a close thing in space or time) tells us that in that way in kind after to be blessed by the Catholic priest will remain on time and as close as within us when we receive it honestly in our body in the Holy Eucharist, will remain with us until the end of time. It does not say "this" because: denote closeness of the point made concerning the issuer and may be considered in space and time of the time. Time takes as a benchmark the time when the issuer carries out the speech THAT IS FOR PARTICULAR THAT TIME. The space appears throughout a speech that will cover what you just mentioned and that 's the end; or it is a reference to something at the time and is said. This is because a momentary thing, not open in space and time. WHY THE PRIEST SPEAKS THE WORDS THAT SAYS JESUS. THIS IS MY BODY THIS IS THE GOBLET OF THE ALLIANCE IS YOUR BLOOD. It will be shed for us for the forgiveness of sins as Isaiah tells us, for the price for our sins and wash our sins apara. It is through the faith of Simon Peter that Jesus chose him as the first pope of the Church, (P eter A Postol P ríncipe of the A póstoles) Jesus who knows everything and knows always and forever, the visible and the invisible because it is the creator of all, of the words we call the science, faith and reason things which are contained in the word and being Jesus embodied in the word word is the truth of what is in past , present and future being the, the whole, is always alive who appoints Peter Stone Firm on which continually builds his Church, which without exception have been part. However as tertuliano that having preferred the dark sky at the end of his life or as Hippolytus Hippolytus or bishop who was a writer named by the
  • 4. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. Catholic Church of Antioch as a Christian and belongs to the early Church. Apparently he was elected as the first anti - pope in 217, but died reconciled to the Church 235 as a martyr, so he is now honored as a saint. Or as 256-336 Arius, who claimed that Jesus Christ was the son of God but not God Himself. St. Irenaeus fought and logically was defeated, however many followed his heretical ideas to present in societies or communities that call themselves Christian churches but in reality are only sects, very numerous and other very small. Thus was born the Church of Jesus Catholic as Paul and Barnabas THE FIRST CHRISTIANS CALLED for preaching Christ the Messiah, it was taken as tradition that anyone who claims to be a disciple of Jesus is a Christian but is actually Christian Catholic. Jesus Lord our God never wrote a single letter or two or a word, He preached God's message orally, traveled from one place to another at the time of fullness must have been beautiful all places of the preaching of his word, orally he transmitted his apostles to his disciples and all who followed him through the word, for he is the is the word incarnate the verb SER. His apostles and disciples also conveyed the gospel through word and warning that Jesus hiso them, persecute and suffer for my cause, so during the first three hundred years the followers Catholics of Jesus Christ and the great faith that he was born in them they lived and preached some hidden other in broad daylight but most of what we named catacombs that still know it was to St. Helena mother of St. Constantine was so great the people of this world with faith and Jesus Christ grew and continually it grows it was better to allow Catholicism as part of the lifestyle of that time, then emerged priests of great faith and a deeply rooted inspiration in them by the Holy Spirit who wrote what and the apostles we call evangelists had gathered for gather the word of Jesus with the oral tradition handed down to us Jesus Christ and we call them the Fathers of the Church. So the word was first as beautifully tells us the gospel gives John the Apostle inspired by the Holy Spirit, and then the word was preached by the incarnate Word, Jesus. The holy Gospel according to John 1 : 1-18 In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. She was in the beginning with God. Everything was done for her and without him was not anything made there. In him was life , and the life was the light of men, and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it . There was a man sent from God whose name was John. This came for a witness, to testify to the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. The Word was the true light that enlightens every man who comes into this
  • 5. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. world. In the world he was, and the world was made through him, and the world did not know. He came to his house, and his did not. But to all who received him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in His name; which he was not born of blood, nor of the will of man, but born of God. And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth. John testified to him and cries out, "This was he of whom I said. He who comes after me has been put before me, because he existed before me" from his fullness have we all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. God no one has ever seen: the only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, has made him known . We Catholics, we learn the message of Jesus through the word first and then for the priests that all the Gospels tell us every day from the beginning, after Pentecost and even the days when time was up. And Jesus who is with us live permanently present until the end of the times will come again in body and soul and is in the Holy consecrated by hands Castes and clean of priests who have decided to follow him in obedience, poverty, humility and chastity Eucharist . As they might like hands stained by the flesh of women consecrate what is pure forever ?, How could God, Our Lord Jesus and accept to be taken and consecrated by those who cohabit with women? As. Who does not review your faith going back to the origins and falls in communities that have turned away from Catholicism are in serious danger of not being able to see Jesus in heaven when you leave this world. But whoever denies me before men, I will disown him before my Father who is in heaven. I will not be denied by Jesus by denying him, for he who renounces his Church continually being built on St. Peter and his successors the Popes, the not recognize him in heaven. Catholicism in 1,632 was rejected in Arabia with a rich tradition and FE, Arab Christians are linguistically and culturally and ethnically Arab followers of the Christian faith. Arab Christians already had a presence in the Arab world before the third century. Many Arab Muslims originally descended from Arabs who became Christians for several reasons; for example, payment of jizia, an existing tax on certain Muslim dynasties for non - Muslims, or oppression by the Byzantines to the great Christian Arab majority, either unitary or arriana monofisita, etc.
  • 6. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. One day Jesus sent his disciples two and two to preach and heal, were happy when they returned, they said we have healed and evil spirits out of people. After his glorious resurrection Jesus told His Apostles, go and preach around the world. Matthew 28 : 16-20 At this point begins His Church, the Catholic Church and consolidates universally Pentecostés.- And since the apostles and their successors Catholic Bishops continue preaching and teaching the Word of Jesus until today because Jesus True God and True Man of them again with St. Peter's successor builds continuously without interruption. Many writers and sects and the same Catholics who are not very aware of our faith, I do not think that we, most of us have a firm faith without seeing, "Blessed are those who believe without seeing , " we receive from the true priests disciple of Jesus the information we need in the celebration of Mass with readings concerning each day and the homily , or explanation of what the gospel of the day and readings from the acts of the apostles or of all the books that form the bible, because there are many bibles made by people who have chosen to leave the Church of Jesus, it is one thing to disagree with us and not have the purpose or the will to discern any doubt or interpretation of the words of Jesus and another is have the desire and the will to imitate Jesus by organizing their own society or sect and is also called church with very different interests that follows the Church of Jesus, as is the love God with all our strength and all our will, soul, heart to love our neighbor as ourselves. At Caesarea Philippi; He said , "? And who do you say I am?" Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" Jesus answered him. "Blessed are you , Simon son of Jonah, for this was not you revealed this flesh and blood, but my Father who is in heaven. And I in turn tell you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. " Catholics are Christians, salvation in Christ we have eternal life, we love to be Christians, others only take the name of Christ to form different associations, or take it as borrowed or stolen to the Church of Jesus. Jesus did not suffer any leading zeal. He did not speak on their own behalf or claimed to be the founder of a new religious path. Quite simply it was presented as an envoy. The mission and the project had entrusted the Father. This apparent declaration of subordination and humility, on the other hand was very pretentious and demanding: Jesus claimed to be the listener
  • 7. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. and the speaker of the Father. To be able to prove, in addition to reciting sermons, had to perform works that reveal the greatness of the love of the Father: Paul to Timothy 6 : 2-12 Dear Brother: What I have told you before, this is what you must teach and inculcate. Because, who teaches different doctrines and does not comply with the words of salvation of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and what true religion teaches, is a proud and ignorant, obsessed by discussions and puns. And all that comes of this, are envy, strife and insults, damaging suspicions and continuous bickering, typical of men of depraved minds private truth and who believe that religion is a business. San Pable tells us that Jesus Christ Church built upon Peter and his Successors Papes. The Catholic Church his Church. But which Jesus we talking about? Jesus Baptist? Jesus of the Evangelicals? Jesus of you Presbyterians? Jesus of Methodists? Jesus of Jehovah's Witnesses? Jesus Calvin, Luther, of Ziglio ?. O Jesus of Anglicans? O Jesus Photian and Orthodox? Also unduly they take the name of Catholics not only of Christians? O Jesus so many other sects use the name Christian as on name or nickname use it as a pretext to achieve their dark intentions and thereby deceive people of good naive faith and indecisive to really know Jesus to open your heart to let him in and dwell in them. WHY: If you are a Lutheran, your church was founded by Martin Luther, a former Catholic monk in 1524. If you are Anglican, your church founded Henry VIII in 1534 because the Pope did not grant him a divorce so he could marry Anne Boleyn. If you are a Presbyterian, your church was founded by John Knox in Scotland in the year 1560. If you belong to the Episcopal Church, this is a branch of the Church of England founded by Samuel Seabury in the American colonies in 1785. If you belong to the group of Jehovah 's Witnesses, Charles Taze Russell began this church in Pennsylvania in 1879.
  • 8. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. If you are a Methodist, your religion was organized by J & C Wesley in England in 1739, when he decided to leave Anglicans. If you are a Mormon (Latter Day Saints), Joseph Smith started this group in Palmyra, NY in 1830. If you're Baptist, the origins of your church date back to 1609 when John Smith came up with this religion found. If you are unitary, Teùfilo Lindley founded your church in London in 1774. If you are a Seventh - day Adventist, this movement was started by William Miller, a Baptist American farmer. The church was subsequently organized around 1860. If you belong to the Salvation Army, your group was started William Booth in London in 1865. If you afilias you with Science claiming to be Christian, your religion goes back to 1879 when Mary Baker Eddy decided we needed a new religion. If you belong to the Church or Pentecostal Assemblies of God, these associations are said to be Christians began around 1914 in Hot Springs, Arkansas. If you belong to any religious group like "Evangelicals" that "Churches of God", "Apostolic Church" or "Church of Christ" call themselves, these groups were founded not more than fifty years ago. If you're Catholic, your church founded when Jesus sent his apostles to preach the gospel and consolidates the day of Pentecost in the year 33. Read Matthew 16.18 to 19 and Acts 2. We feel united with all who are honored by the name Christian. Lee: Catechism of the Catholic Church CIC = 817 ss. Precisely because all Christians want unity, we must beware of those who cut and divide us, "sectarian". To these, with the Bible in hand, you can answer the following: THERE IS ONE CHURCH! The Catholic Church. The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ founded one and only Church. He said to Peter, "You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church." Read Matthew 16:18. And said: "On this pedregal I will build my church." A Jesus does not like divisions, wants the unit. Lee: John 17:21. This is logical. If Christ is the only Mediator, there must be a single church. Lee: Lumen Gentium 8. We study what the Bible says: "Jesus came to them (eleven) and said to them:" I have been given all power in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations , baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
  • 9. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. Holy Spirit, and teach them everything I have commanded you . And behold , I am with you every day until the end of the world. " Read Matthew 28:18. First. He says how power will accomplish its mission: "He has been given all power in heaven and on earth". That is, with the same power or authority of Jesus Christ. He is who sends them . Second. He says who communicates his power "go for" (You), ie "eleven". The eleven received from Christ the power or authority to such a degree that Jesus Christ is identified with them and their message: "He who hears You, hears me, who listens to you, listens to me." Lee: Luke 10:16. Third. He mentions the object of the mission: "make disciples". That is, it is not only to preach, but to incorporate them into the community. God wants to save men , not as individuals but forming one people, one body. CIC 781 and 782. So the first Catholic "devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles", ie, to the Apostolic Church, and "the Lord added daily to the community those who were being saved." Lee: Acts 2,42-47. The Catholic Church is therefore necessary for salvation. Lee: Lumen Gentium n 14. Fourth. Defines the scope of that power, "all nations", that is, to all men of all time. It excludes no one . Precisely because the apostles understood and well chosen successors. Lee: Acts 1.25 and 1 Timothy 4:14. Otherwise the death they had stopped evangelization. Fifth. Determines how they will perform this mission: "baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Baptism and faith are necessary for salvation. Lee: Mc 16.16. But no one can baptize or give faith itself, the Catholic Church is necessary. Sixth. Indicates the content of his preaching: "All I have commanded you ." He said: "Just what I have written" because Christ wrote nothing and themselves apostles assure us that the Bible does not contain everything said and done by Jesus. Read: John 21, 25. Seventh. It makes a promise: "I will be with you every day until the end of the world." Therefore, if Christ told his Church all power, what I can give others? If all I give it the Church of Christ. If Christ entrusted to his Church preach all, what can add them to be true and not preach Christ and the Church? The word of Jesus can not be not reform his Church. Jesus Christ is the Truth, John 14.6. His Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, John 16:13. His Church, the pillar and foundation of truth. Read: 1 Timothy 3.15. "God wants all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth". Salvation is found in the truth. Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC n. 851).
  • 10. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. Therefore the Church, continuing the mission of Jesus Christ, can not be partly true and partly false, can not teach truth mixed with error, but the whole truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, because only that He teaches the truth teaches the word of Christ. Now, Protestantism is based on the free interpretation or free examination of the Bible. There is no infallible authority. Everyone is free to give their opinion. But Jesus Christ nor "opinion" neither instituted his Church to teach "opinion", nor his Spirit can teach about an opinion and some another, it is the Spirit of truth, not confusion. If "Salvation is found in the truth" which is Christ, I seek guarantees that Church that teach me that truth infallibly and without error and the only one that does this is the Catholic Church. Lee: CIC 889 ss. Also studied: Dignitatis Humanae # 14 and CIC n. 2465 ss. If the Church is not necessary then why Christ founded the ?, to entertain? If the Bible just why those who call themselves Christians Bible are not limited to distributing Bibles, but set their assemblies or meetings in places without sacralizar? Does the Church of Christ is not of truth, and yes your organization? To all these questions evangelicals and fundamentalists have this one answer: (confused by their leading forward to compete with God) because if there is doubt in the holy office are about people who administer the Catholic Church, because such DISCUSS THE WORDS JESUS? TRUE MAN AND TRUE GOD? "The Church did not fulfill the commands of Christ, or people with this contradict themselves, but with the passage of time were introduced errors. From Constantine became corrupted gradually until it reached Luther's Reformation. "Christian" evangelicals come to correct all errors and falsehoods brought the Catholic Church. " Cf. Roman Catholicism p. 20. People are corrupt and they, THE CHURCH THAT JESUS BUILDS ON SAN PEDRO AND HIS SUCCESSORS not corrupted, as can corrupt something created by God, men we corrupt us by our own desire to do or have or harm, you can not say that the Catholic Church is the Whore. This whore was Rome at its most powerful period when relationships of all kinds especially sex no longer satisfied corrupted morally and ethically. When the Roman Empire reached its peak, was both their power and wealth for the powerful was no longer enough to have relations sex and all things that interacts society, prostituted themselves by having sex men with men and women with women and groups such as parties and meetings and a thousand ways more so with animals, this is the time when ROME BECOMES tHE WHORE CITED bY CULTS TAKING tHE NAME oF CHRISTIANS aS lOAN to defame the Catholic Church is the time TO THE APOCALYPSE REFERRED written by St. John the Evangelist. I am already passed.
  • 11. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. Rome would be the harlot because "they committed fornication with her the kings of the earth" (v.2). These kings, like Herod, prostituted her to get power over a province of the empire. Other references also apply to Rome: "sits on many waters" (v.1), referring to his mastery of the Mediterranean Sea, considered the main sea world. The seven heads of the beast are "seven hills" (verse 9). Rome sits on seven hills: Palatine, Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, Celio and Aventino. But they forget one small detail, it is that Christ promised. "I'll be with you until the end of the world" And to leave no doubt what this meant, I said to Peter , with all the words: "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Read again: Matthew 16:18. Therefore, if it is true that the Church Christ founded became corrupted and the error was introduced into it, then Christ has not fulfilled his promise, Christ was a fraud and all Christianity is a farce. But if it is true then what Christ promised the Church is not corrupted, but subsists in the Catholic Church. More evidence or more arguments are needed. The Church is the body of Christ and which divides the body of Christ can not pretend to be a good Christian, because it does not obey Christ wants us to live all together in one flock under one shepherd. Study CIC 815 ss. EWTN- SENTENCE Lord Jesus, you want all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth, I recognize you as my only Savior and your Church as Mother and Teacher of Truth. I want to live and die in the Church which you founded and left us as a sacrament necessary for our salvation. Amen NO! .... Do not talk about Jesus of the above, we talk about the real Jesus who fed five thousand men plus women and children. We talk about the real Jesus; which is pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our sins, and by His scourging we are healed. Isaias 53.- "Where Peter is, there is the Church" beautiful phrase that perfectly summarizes the intrinsic union of the Universal Church in the person of the Vicar of Christ and at the same time, it reaffirms the presence of Jesus attending his representative on earth through the Holy Spirit. Jesus sent by the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus God through grace, what is Grace? It is the action of God in our life depends on us if we faithfully follow his teachings and the Catholic faith or not, gave us the choice to accept it or break it and some or many have broken their relationship with or have never had and believe that a book are with. It is very dangerous for our
  • 12. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. future life, eternal life not knowing that believing that we actually we keep ourselves lost in the dark without a candle in hand. In are words we understand that the Catholic Church of Jesus continually built upon Peter and his successors the PAPAS.- P eter A Postol, P ríncipe of A póstoles. = POPE first. At the minimum moment of its creation: science, reason, technology, arts, discernment in general to write novels, stories or anything: God, Jesus true God and true man is divine no human can break, separate or divide, which it tries only continue as his boundless ambition to compete with Jesus to achieve power over people who do not accept obedience to Jesus Christ or his Church, just take them to end the fire what Jesus our Lord and God has created and creates continuously since but when they find out who is really there will be no repentance is too late. All groups taking as stolen the Christian name may not be true for the above, therefore are neither part nor branch or arm or anything of the Catholic Church, they ARE NOT WITH JESUS HAVE BEEN AND ARE ASSISTED BY THE BAD iN tHE MIND, they have not understood that they may disagree or not with the men who love Jesus in Catholicism, can be separated from the Church that Jesus builds continuously and in doing so turn away from God, Jesus. Then his good intentions and good works are not to praise or gloriar God, for JESUS TELLS. He who is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. When the unclean spirit goes out of someone, he roams through arid places seeking rest; and finding none, he says: "I will return to my house from which I came." And upon arrival he finds it swept and in order. Then he goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than himself; They come and settle there, and the end of that man becomes worse than the first. All of the above not want and do not want to be with Jesus in His Church, both are against. They are followers of Catholicism, are as heretics. It was in Antioch after that place that took the nickname to St. Paul and St. Barnabas to Christians because Christ preached. Baptism is "the most beautiful and magnificent of God's gifts [...] we call it gift, grace, anointing, enlightenment, garment of incorruptibility, regeneration bath, seal and all the most precious thing there is. Don, because it is conferred on those who bring nothing; grace, because it is given even guilty; Baptism because sin is buried in the water; anointing, because it is sacred and royal (such are those who are anointed); lighting, because it is bright light; garment, because it covers our shame; bath
  • 13. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. because it washes; seal, because we saved and is the sign of the sovereignty of God "(Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Oratio 40.3-4). Of this it is that we are members of Christ we are anointed and freed from original sin from almost newborn children, if it is not in danger of dying before baptism and not be in God's grace. Many societies or sects also call themselves Christians have dared to separate from the Church that Jesus builds upon St. Peter and his successors PAPAS, separating of Christ, they want to compete with Jesus? True God and True Man organizing their own church, (they call him) but with different interests, disorienting people who do not know themselves. Question.- of St. Paul Acts 19.1 to 8; "Have you received the Holy Spirit when you became believers?". They replied, "We heard not even say that there is a Holy Spirit." Paul replied, "Then what baptism have you received?". They replied, "The baptism of John." Paul said , "John baptized with a baptism of repentance, but warning the people that they should believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus." On hearing this, the disciples were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, and when Paul had laid their hands, he fell the Holy Spirit and began to speak unknown languages and prophesied. THE Bible that they use for their own particular interests was written by the Catholic First, Apostles who received the Holy Spirit Together with the Blessed Virgin Mary whose earthly virginity held until his elevation to heaven and continues its pristine purity forever because God he has had an infinite mercy and compassion for us to come to show who is the Truth, the Way that is and to Him and Eternal Life that he is. He, Infinite Purity is not possible for your Nativity was in macula, not after his Nativity that purity of virginity might have a stain, because God Total infinite purity with its infinite power can save pure conception of who accepts and offers as his slave woman who is not temporary: it's from the moment it is God who makes a woman conceive undefiled then be among us, who is Love Amado. For him, everything is possible because it is the creator of all that is seen and unseen, known and unknown, He is the Owner everything is his private property. As we can learn from the preaching of the Immaculate Conception between 1266 and 1308, Juan DNS Scotus was a Franciscan friar who defended inspiration the Immaculate Conception of Mary however the true Church of Jesus from the First Catholic who called Christians and for love of the beloved we are so considered and is registered with the insights of the Fathers of the Church.
  • 14. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. But why? If they recognize the perpetual virginity and immaculate conception they will have to acknowledge obedience, humility, poverty and chastity, so say NO to Jesus and if their hearts are in the flesh, the wife, in business, in properties in the oligarchy etc. All that is necessary to leave to follow Jesus as they say they do but as San Agustin tells us ECHOS NO WORDS. San Marcos, San Juan, San Mateo and San Lucas and his oral preaching and writings form the Holy Gospels, the Universal or Catholic Church since then has not stopped even for a moment constructed under his preaching and his apostles, then through the bishops, clergy, bishops, cardinals, Catholic Patriarchs, Archbishops, priests, deacons, lay, lay (the latter are those who make orders that are not enshrined third) and also the consecrated continue teaching the word of Jesus without alterations to the word of Jesus which is present always and constantly in it is contained all from the moment of creation, art science technology and everything is named with the word that corresponds to this in Jesus, because anything or creature or aptly named human person is true and Jesus is everything, the way, the truth and the life which is where we arrived after following faithfully without gaps or alterations, we can reach well or eternal life if you prefer to break or not to listen carefully we can reach the end where the fire never goes to despair and eternal tears. So we must act carefully and allow the grace of God, I acted in our lives. But evil people eager to prominence and wealth or confused with their attitude of being their own creators, have rewritten changing his Word or intent of His Word for their own benefit, have written to fit their perverse desires and England Time San Tomas Moro, as in the days of Calvin and Luther and thereafter in thousands of organizations using the name of Christians have used the word of Jesus to make a God to his taste, not ask them to act with genuine Catholic life to the fulfillment of the Sacraments, for example of reconciliation, some or most of them Christians and the predecessors of our faith say, say confess directly to God "arrogance" others believe that if they go first to apologize to the offended person seeking forgiveness can then be forgiven by God, No, if we offend someone should apologize, but if we offend God without offending anyone? The offenses of commission or omission first be forgiven by the injured person and the second and the first to a Catholic priest for the payment of these sins or offenses are paid first with the shame of saying them to someone devoted as it is really shameful that someone else knows our sins and then we will be forgiven by God through absolution by the priest, representing Jesus as a direct descendant of the apostles St. Peter who gave the power to forgive or not, as he says personally Pedro , thou shalt bind on earth as well REMAIN iN HEAVEN AND WHAT wILL bE WELL loose iN HEAVEN, it refers to forgiveness through the Sacrament of reconciliation.
  • 15. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. With reconciliation also come blessings in the whole area of our life, sometimes come immediately sometimes slow but always arrive, sometimes 15 minutes before being necessary sometimes years, we just trust the Lord Jesus, just that . We must not trust people who claim to help with witchcraft or divination or heretical rites, because it is not they who for money or any benefit claim to help resolve situations, Satan is the one who helps them and accepting the person that aid becomes his ally or your friend and end of life require the soul as payment. It is better to go to the tabernacle with the Blessed Sacrament is Jesus in Divine Person and ask anything that is for our own good or that of others whether we get the immediate response or a little later, never fails. DO NOT KNOW THE WORD OF JESUS IS NOT A DEBATE. They know that a priest should have unblemished hands for the consecration of the species of wine and bread is transubstantiated into the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist ?. I do not know, a priest can not be married or intimate relationships with women. His hands are stained with the delectation get dirty sense and fall into sin. The perpetual virginity of Santa Maria scares them because they do not understand do not want to remove the scales from your eyes to see and understand. This is very easy to believe. You have seen the sunlight pierces through a glass is not broken? If you believe in Jesus you believe that the Holy Spirit can do the same but with all his divinity in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary without harming your Holy virginity. As you believe in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ? It will not be the same way but in reverse ?, the proof is in the Shroud, He wanted in this work and performing capture all the proof that is the creator and owner of life is God. Jesus Lord our God imposed on them over their heads to the Holy Spirit, after the apostles laid their hands on the heads of those who were sent by inspiration of the Holy Spirit to different regions. The coming of the Holy Spirit and the laying on of hands is the sign that Jesus alone; true God and true man can name his Church that builds day after day on San Pedro, first vicar appointed by God himself on earth and his successors from the first Catholic community, the Blessed Virgin Mary who gives peace and courage to the apostles waiting for the promised coming by your Holy son, our Lord Jesus Christ of the Holy Spirit and then encouraging them with Faith Hope and Charity helps them to preach
  • 16. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. around the world the word of his son to the end of his earthly life wait for your child Divine person and say I am the handmaid of the Lord and realize the fact dormancy to be assumed into heaven. Jesus exclaims with a loud voice. "Whoever believes in me, believes not in me but in him who sent me, and he who sees me sees him who sent me I came into the world as light, that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. If anyone hears my words and does not put them into practice, I 'm not going to condemn;. I did not come into the world to condemn the world, but to save He who rejects me and you do not accept my words has and who condemn him. the words I have spoken will condemn him on the last day because I have not spoken on my own, but my Father who sent me commanded me what I have to say and talk. and I know that his commandment is eternal life. so what I speak, I say as the Father has told me ". Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Life. Only we must be obedient to their words without twist them for our benefit without use to trick to lure hesitant to dark, to put them in the culture of death people, because following false shepherds and surprise you at night with lamp without oil light your way when you want to reconsider it will be late. You will be like the rich and ABRAHAM and there will be a huge gap between Jesus who is God and your soul. Following Jesus faithfully without changing their words, Jesus is the Father and the Father is Jesus and his Holy Spirit is God, that gap, that gap does not exist, fills and Jesus is God in His infinite mercy and love . He says St. Francis of Assisi: "In the love which is God, I beg all my brothers, preachers, praying, workers, both clergy and laity who seek to humble themselves in everything, not glory nor rejoice in themselves nor to exalt internally words and good deeds, even more, of any good that God does or says and work ever and for them, as the Lord says: do not rejoice because the spirits are subject. And we have the firm conviction that we do not belong to us but vices and sins. The spirit of the Lord, however, wants the flesh is mortified and despised, vile and abject taken. And he toils by humility and patience, and pure, and simple and true peace of spirit. And refer all good to the Lord God Almighty and Most High, acknowledge that every good is His, and give thanks for all of them, as all good results from it. And the very highest and best, only true God, possesses, he will pay taxes and receive all honors and reverences, all praises and blessings, all thanksgiving and glory, yours is all right; only he is good. And if we see or
  • 17. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. hear say or do evil or blaspheming God, we bless, do good and praise God, who is blessed forever. " Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by me. If you know me, also I know my Father; now they do know him and have seen him. "He is in me? The words I say, do not speak on my own; the Father who dwells in me is the one who performs the works. Believe me: I am in the Father and the Father is in me. At least, believe the works. Truly, truly, I say whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will perform even greater, because I go to the Father. And whatever you ask in my name, I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will. Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father, and we." Jesus said, "So much time I am with you and do not know me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? You do not think I am in the Father and the Father in me ?. We can understand that the Son is contained in the Father and the Father is contained in the Son, even as they are one and His Holy Spirit: Jesus is the Son is the Father, and the Holy Spirit is the Holy Trinity, is GOD. For and people who have devoted their life in chastity humility obedience and poverty to Jesus Lord and our God and with His Holy Spirit is Creator of all that is seen and unseen, known and unknown And that is God, get to where the it is a little easier. But; And if we are not enshrined? We got a little harder, but not much more, because Jesus himself is dreaming of you. Just let yourself go, no kicking. And when the des (which all the we) keep your head down, you humble yourself, you confess through the sacrament of reconciliation and when you come to judgment before God, what will weigh more in the balance: your sins or love Jesus has you? WE Courage has made it easy! This idea of heaven think it is totally linked to Easter. We can think a little more. There are some who do not believe in the afterlife. They think it does not exist or reincarnate. They have it difficult. If they balance congratulations without flavors I not know what to give them, but in any case, have no hope, no future. We do. Llevémosles joy that we are made to be happy for many years. To smile. St. Paul: Dear Brothers, we proclaim the message we have heard Jesus Christ: God is light without darkness. If we say that we are united to him, while living in darkness, we lie with words and deeds. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we are united with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and we are not sincere. But if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him a liar and his word not possess. St. Paul tells write this not to sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate
  • 18. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is expiation for our sins, not for ours only but also for the whole world. Give thanks to God for our faith , because we have been from those whom the Son, through the Spirit, wanted to reveal to us the Father. To recall special moments of faith, our early intimate relationship with Jesus and occasions that we will present to live them from the faith. Trust the Lord . Faith brings us to this: trust, know how to wait and act when he needs us. Contemplate the love of the Trinity , the Father perceive lover loving the beloved Son and the Holy Spirit as the source of that Love. Love Amado.- Acts 1: 1-11; Ephesians 1: 17-23; Mt 28,16-20 The two stories that show us paschal Luke and Matthew in their respective works, exhibited the new consciousness arose among the disciples and followers of Jesus. It is over time, the visible and earthly presence of the prophet of Nazareth. Now do not touch it again or share the table with him. Now he lives in another dimension, which we can not decipher all. It is the living who lives resurrected at the right hand of the Father, which means recognizing that part of his authority. Using it, brings together the eleven disciples in Galilee and forwards them to mission. They must be witnesses of discipling path that Jesus introduced, through baptism they were incorporated into the ecclesial community that will be determined to live according to the commandments that Jesus had taught them fraternal love, solidarity, compassion and forgiveness without limits. It appearing to them for forty days, speaking about the kingdom of God. Risen Jesus shares for forty days with the first Catholics who were told as we are Christians and that in truth we are, speaks of the mysteries of the kingdom of God. God who acts in the world-. The Evangelist John tells us the sermon dinner; for me they are words that could be mostly these days when we celebrate the Passover. "I am the vine, you are the branches" that vital union is best understood from the risen Jesus source of life and holiness, without him we can do nothing. Some say that their societies or sects as those mentioned above are branches of Christianity not Catholicism, but no¡ if you cut a branch of a tree and you transplant dries, only the Vid not, so if they would only be part of the vine which is Christ would be Catholic as were their ancestors, would not be dry branch each in their lifeless, some with liturgies fantasy, others with songs and dances hollow. "Go ... In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"
  • 19. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. Union with Jesus is a vital union is born "the principle without principle", the Father, and is performed by the Holy Spirit acting discreetly. Everything we do we do in the name of Jesus and we must continually strive to do so. Continually we say, "in the name ..." as if to go to the source and draw inspiration and strength there every decision and action we take. "I am with you every day" The Ascension of the Lord we do not depart but makes a bigger and better presence. "I am with you" it is the great promise of God throughout the whole history of salvation. The angel tells Mary "the Lord is with you"; yes, it is the great promise and reality: God is encouraging the lives of their children, Jesus encourages the life of the Church. Let us ask the grace to listen to God to be able to read God's action in our lives; so we can decide at all times what is best and finally act according to his will for each of us, Jesus is with us. Acts 2,1-11; 1 Cor 12: 3-7. 12-13; Jn 20: 19-23 In the beginning of the story that tells us the fourth Gospel, the disciples still giddy, fear of ending his days violently as his Master, paralyzes and keeps them locked in stone and mud and troubled in spirit. That is why the Lord Jesus offers the gift of peace. The greeting is repeated a few times to ratify the fundamental value that Jesus wanted them to deliver. The nexus linking both stories is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Each evangelist relates differently. San Juan does not mention any extraordinary event; instead Luke records a noise and wind so striking that attracted the attention of many onlookers, who warned the manifestation of divine fire, in the communication of the Christian message in a variety of codes and languages. After fifty days of Easter the Paschal candle is extinguished. Maybe you could be in a ceremony in which this simple liturgy was performed. It was said: "Today, the day of Pentecost, to close the Easter season, will quench the candle, now we are the light of Christ, also because educated on the expertise of school Risen, we have filled fire and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, now live this, "light of Christ" which as his witnesses, radiate like a column of light across the world, including the brothers, to lead them in the exodus to the sky, " promised land "and definitive. Now let's see, in the course of the liturgical year, shine the light of the paschal candle, especially in two important moments the way of the Church: In the first Passover that their children will live with the reception of baptism last Easter when death will enter real life. Ask the Holy Spirit that
  • 20. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. their light enlighten the newly baptized and those were passed to the homeland of Father can be melted in the light of light " St. Paul tells us: There are different gifts, but the Spirit is the same. There are different services, but the Lord is the same. There are different activities, but God who works all in all, is the same. In each manifests the Spirit for the common good. For as the body is one and has many members and all of them, though many, are one body, so also is Christ. For all of us, we are fervent free or not their own decisions fervent Catholic, slaves or have been baptized in one Spirit to form one body, and all have been given to drink of one Spirit. FOLLOW THIS SEQUENCE 1. Come, Holy Spirit and God send from heaven your light to illuminate. 2. Come and father of the poor, light penetrates, giver of all gifts souls. 3. Source of all comfort, friendly guest of the soul, peace in times of mourning. You're pause in the breeze work in a climate of fire, comfort in the midst of tears. 5. Come sanctifying light and go to the bottom of the soul of all who worship you. 6. Without your divine inspiration anything men can and sin dominates us. 7. Lava our filth, our deserts fertile and heal our wounds. 8. Unbending our pride, warms our coldness, straighten our paths. 9. Give to those who put their faith in you and trust your seven sacred gifts. 10. Give virtues and merits of a good death and eternal joy with you. A purpose of asking good death that can not say better I join Gabriela Mistral and I say. On this evening, Christ of Calvary, came to beg for my flesh is weak, but, see, my eyes come and go from your body to my body in shame. How to complain about my tired feet, when I see yours broken? How to show my empty hands, when yours are full of wounds? How to explain to you my loneliness, when on the cross elevation and are alone? How to explain that I do not love, when you have ripped the heart?
  • 21. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. Now I no longer remember anything, fled from me all my ailments. The momentum beg you brought me drowning in the mouth beggar. And just I ask you not ask anything, be here with your dead image, go learn that pain is only the holy key to your holy door. A REFLECTION FOR OUR time.- The Jewish feast of Pentecost was an agricultural celebration commemorating the end of the harvest cycle. This was celebrated 50 days after Easter and was associated with the gift of the law at Sinai, symbolizing the liberation of Egypt was intended to safeguard this freedom by means of law enforcement. For Catholics, the mediation of the law of Moses is superseded by the law of the Spirit, ie the interior renovation. The beginning of Catholic life is not the result of the willingness of the believer. The decisive move it meets God, who through his grace, renews the heart of the person. Confess need of salvation seems unusual in a society boasts of his conquests, sure of their therapies and released too quickly from the consciousness of being sinful. The offer of salvation is not imposed on anyone. Whoever values, the search may accept with open hearts. In time of crisis and widespread confusion it seems that social dynamism is paralyzed and each individual is absorbed in their own affairs. Fear and hopelessness paralyzes the minds of renewal and progress. So we evangelist portrays the disciples: "Planted and looking at the sky", ie, ignoring historical responsibility. Parents who have neglected the task of transmitting values, we became neglectful to the new generation. It makes no sense complaining about their shortcomings and excesses. They are "our educational establishment". We we influence decisively. Nobody else. It is necessary to return the evangelizing mission, just within our own family, reinvigorating the testimony of consistency, creating a climate of affectionate warmth, imposing limits that preserve the dignity of all members, encouraging us to live according to the commandments of Jesus Christ. Relativism is something we invented to do what we please without being accountable to God, we must guide them to the Truth that is Jesus, saving truth . Acts 19.1 to 8; Jn 16: 29-23 Jesus depart from his. They will not again see or touch. You will need to learn to spell his presence revived through other signals and other experiences. The reality is much more than it appears. The strength of God that Jesus claimed to be made manifest in a new way. The experience of the risen fill you with joy and security to his followers. The disciples Paul and
  • 22. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. Apollo are in Ephesus have lived the Catholic way from the enthusiasm and goodwill. The high demands of the Kingdom of God can not be concrete with pure human capacities. Paul imposed hands, baptized in the name of Jesus, receive the power of the Holy Spirit and are enabled to walk the new path that God has opened through the death and resurrection of his Son. Since Easter Sunday Church has entered the Upper Room with Mary the Mother of Jesus ... he has entered the Church and we have entered with it, because we are Church. This means that this week has to be a special week .., .. different, if we receive the strength from above, and to leave the world as men and women renewed ... What did the first Catholic community to come down upon them the Holy Spirit? 1. They remained in the city. 2. They were collected with Mar í a. 3. They experienced their need and poverty. 4. They intensified their prayer or n. 5. And they waited confidently his coming. 1. They remained in the city: Jesus said to them: " Look, I am sending upon You the promise of my Father: You meanwhile, stay in the city until the magazine of the strength that comes from on high." (Lk. 24:49). The city is the place where God wants us to our own sanctification and evangelization of others. Find that it is in the world where God wants us holy, holy and wants us to sanctify the world ... We overcome the temptation of fear and flight ... because Christ's victory is our victory ... remember praying, as Jesus tells us. "I have talked about this, to find peace in me in the world have struggles, but take courage, I have overcome the world. " (Jn.16,33). 2. were collected with Mary: "Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, which was allowed to walk on the Sabbath. When they arrived, they went to the upper room where they were staying. They all joined together constantly in prayer, together with some women and Mary the mother of Jesus ... "(Acts. 1,12-14).
  • 23. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. The Mother of Jesus is my mother, and never as mother and as we await the coming of the Holy Spirit upon each of us ... Let her prepare us as only she knows how ... Just ask us stay ... 3. They experienced their need and poverty: Pentecost is also today, here and now ... but not always experience their gifts ..; and that is to give its fullness, we must note our emptiness ... 4. Intensified his prayer: How not to pray? How not to pray more ..? How not always pray .., if we experience his peace in the midst of our confusion and fear ..? "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give, I give the not as the world gives your heart be troubled or shy away.." (Jn. 14:27). As we respond; We accept your peace? We take? We live? The experience? We enjoy it? We share? All this we must do it and live it. 5. And waited confidently his coming: How hard we expect both the human and the divine ..! But it is necessary waiting ... when it comes God ...! Just those who wait, show that know how to love ... and then God fills you ! Hopefully with confidence a new Pentecost and the coming of Jesus . Acts 20: 17-27; Jn 17.1 to 11 In the priestly prayer Jesus presents good accounts to the Father: his mission is accomplished. Jesus said the Father's glory to the disciples, taught them to live in freedom, distancing themselves from the oppressive power that dominated the little people in Israel. Jesus reserved nothing that the Father passed him. He was a faithful witness. Now you can leave them alone, because the Father who called faith, will remain aware of your process. In that same vein, Paul is accountable to the elders of the church at Ephesus and share them his great satisfaction: he has done everything he should do to incorporate them into the intimate friendship with the Lord Jesus. With head held high, the apostle can from where God intended it, because he has done missionary work, adhering to the criteria of maximum effort for the sake of the salvation of his brothers. . 1. Book of Acts 20.17 to 27 . And now I turn to Jerusalem, constrained by the Spirit ... Therefore I declare today that I am not responsible for anyone lucky: I've never booked anything; I have spoken entirely God's plan.
  • 24. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. Paul heroic fidelity to the Spirit who does not omit anything to announce the Kingdom of God COMPLETELY 2. Psalm 68 (67), 10-11.20-21. It was for us a God who liberates, with Yahweh, the Lord, escaped death. Jesus Christ is God with us that gives us the freedom second by second; with it, it helps us to escape death . 3. Gospel of John 17,1-11a This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and you have sent, Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord, for helping me to know the identity and mission of Catholic: That you all know. As I heard from the anarchists of old, they could not conceive to be free if there were slaves. We, Catholics, can not live if there is someone who does not know you. That is not obedient to your word. Acts 20: 28-38; Jn 17.11 to 19 Being in the world, without being of the world, it is challenging and highly demanding. Social pressure and the force of public opinion condition us and to some extent we let ourselves be influenced too much by criteria other. Jesus and Paul lived in societies who offered various options to find the meaning of life; both the teacher and the apostle lived in keeping with their ideals and consolidated around him, communities of disciples who practiced communion of life, beliefs and material resources. The experience of the Truth that gives life consecrates them as disciples of Jesus. Thus, the disciples of Ephesus and the group of the Twelve, will be guarded by the guidance of the Word of the Lord. Catholic tradition never dies, although Jesus or Paul have physically gone, the life of the Lord Jesus, continues and will continue through the Word proclaimed is always present, of the breaking of bread and fraternal communion with all the people in the world. The gesture of solidarity that displays the widow of Sarepta for Elijah constitutes an exemplary woman. His condition made her a widow woman vulnerable, lacking the legal protection that would offer her husband in a patriarchal society. As a poor peasant, he had achieved the livelihood working in the field. Accustomed to spending needs, he had survived adverse situations. When Elijah challenged to share their meager assets, it is preparing to do so, because his life is the obvious manifestation that God does not abandon his faithful. This woman foreshadowed spirituality that speaks the Gospel of Matthew. It was salt of the earth and light of the world for their neighbors. In the time of trouble he was encouraged to share their goods, relying on the faithfulness of the Lord, the God of Israel.
  • 25. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. After some time, the stream where the prophet Elijah was hiding dried up, because there was no rain in the region. Then the Lord said to Elijah, "Go and go to Zarephath of Sidon and stay there, as I have commanded a widow in that city to give you to eat." The prophet Elijah got up and set out for Sarepta. Upon arriving at the city gate, he found there a widow gathering wood. He called and said, "Bring me, please, a little water to drink." When she left, the prophet shouted: "Please also bring me some bread." She replied. "I swear by the Lord, your God, I is not even a piece of bread, as I only have a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in the jar You see that was gathering about few logs. I will prepare bread for me and my son. We'll eat and then we die. " Elijah said: "Fear not Go and prepare it as you have said, but first make a biscuit for me and bring it to me after you make for yourself and your son, for thus saith the Lord of Israel.. 'The jar of flour will not emptied, the jug of oil will not run out until the day the Lord sends rain upon the earth. ' " Then she left, did what the prophet told him and ate him, her and the child. And as the Lord had said through Elijah, from that time or the barrel of meal he emptied or the cruse of oil ran out. Jesus says pray for those who are not of the world. Holy Father, keep them in thy name whom thou hast given me, that they may be one as we are. When I was with them, I kept them in your name that you gave me. I have guarded them, and none is lost, except the son of perdition, that the scripture might be fulfilled. But now I am coming to you, and I say these things in the world to have filled themselves my joy. I have given them your word and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world. I do not ask you out of the world, but to keep them from evil. They are not of the world, as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth. We can imagine that we are on death row in the cell of a close friend who will take life in the next morning. It is a sad country where the death penalty exists with torture and condemned to death for being Catholic. You could
  • 26. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. save denying their faith or some other bad shape, but do not want. In his last dinner we have left to pass several of his friends so that we are with him. Interestingly it's quiet and peace and cares about me than himself. That's the last supper of the Lord. Talks to his father and asks something like "for God's sake, for yourself, for your name, take care of my brother." Sitting across from him, a little uneasy, I hear. Will prayer that can effectively fulfill his Father. Quiet hope in the good outcome of all? It is like a convicted last wish expressed his Father and is a desire. He takes care of me and get to the final embrace. It is true that there is a problem: my freedom and so my evil (original sin) can play me a trick. It is clear that soon he tries, wins the prayer of Jesus. Now we need to tell you that we need your help. At other times we promised the support of the Holy Spirit, but I have to collaborate. I do not get totally by itself. I have to support a bit. I WANT LORD, I WANT! But it helps my unbelief. Holy Mary, help me. You can walk along the heights of this hope, though occasional glimpses crack in the ground, but gains the positive. If you lean on Mary, she takes you to Jesus and the Father. Because no Jesus without Mary without Jesus would not know the Father. But do not be shy or timid. If you've invited you to this last night to have dinner with him and even to dine in your body, is that loves you, get close to him and hug, you put on your shoulder ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, in You I trust! What He will like this? Note that is outside time and how you will do it now, sorry (I felt and feel, always present) in this final dinner. "As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world." I am in the world as a representative of Jesus, or better as sent Him. When I go to my job, for example guard circulation lies at a crossroads, I'm there I sent for him. How I will do my job? I do it for her mandate, not only because I pay, or better He also wants to win pay. Then, at dusk, I conclude my work, I'm off duty, what will an apostle of Jesus out of their working hours in the profession? I Dare I say or do something or I have been sent for others, for the world? Acts 22.30 to 23, 6-11; Jn 17.20 to 26 Behind this aspiration no monolithic or totalitarian discourse hides. The unity of the Lord Jesus speaking lies in building interpersonal relationships marked by love, mutual respect and reconciliation. Not a unit imposed authoritarian or vertically, but is rather the resulting harmony of dialogue, civilized
  • 27. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. discussion, reasoned opinions and collegial search for the will of God exchange. In the Catholic community it is not prohibited differ in accidental or transitory (political opinions, tastes and aesthetic preferences) as long as unity prevails in charity. In the book of Acts, Paul uses the radical intransigence of the Pharisees and Sadducees concerning the resurrection, to shake off the pressure the Jewish Council exercised against him. "And you have loved them even as you have loved me" (Jn 17, 23) The Father, who loves the Only-begotten, loves his members, adopted in Him and by Him. Loving the Son could not stop loving their members, or have another reason to love but to love Him. He loves the Son according to divinity, for having begotten equal to himself, and loves him as a man, because it only begotten Word became flesh, and the Word is very dear meat of the Word; more us love us because we are members of his Beloved, and that it might be loved us before existiésemos. The love with which God loves is incomprehensible and, at the same time immutable. Because it did not begin to love each other from when we went to El reconciled by the blood of his Son, but loved us before the formation of the world so that, together with his Son, we were his children, when we were not absolutely nothing. But in saying that we have been reconciled to God by the death of his Son, we should not hear it or take it as if the Son has reconciled us with Him to begin to love those who once loathed neighbor, as an enemy reconciles with another enemy making friends, loving each other after the previously hated; but we were reconciled to which we already loved and whose enemies were by sin. The truth of both testifies the Apostle, saying God Recommends His love for us because Christ died for us while we were yet sinners. He loved us even when we obrábamos the evil availing ourselves of enmity against him, and yet, in all truth be told El : you hated, Lord, all those who do evil. And so, in an admirable and divine way he loved us when we hated us because he hated what he had done; but because our iniquity had not completely destroyed his work, each of us hated our work and loved his. And in this sense it should be understood that in all truth that has been said of him: You have not had hate anything that you've done. No way he wanted things existed by the hated nor had existed that the Almighty would not have wanted, if he hates the same things there were something he could love. He has rightly hatred of vice and rejects as outside the canon of his art; but she loves in the same vicious things, straighten or benefit, or his judgment in
  • 28. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. condemning them . And God does not hate any of his works, because, being the Creator of natures, not of vices, hate evil, He has not done; and good are the same things that He does, and correcting evil for His mercy, and allowing it for their secret trials. Not having therefore hate any thing he has done, who can accurately measure the love that has members of his Only Begotten, let alone having the Only - begotten himself, for which they were created both things visible and invisible, which loves most exact-mind as the management of their natures? ( S. Augustine - Treaty Gospel of John ) Acts 25: 13-21; Jn 21: 15-19 The dilemma is formulated correctly before Agrippa Festus; Paul is in prison for denouncing the Jewish authorities; in the process, he has warned what the core issue: "it is a decedent named Jesus, Paul says that he is alive." From the external perspective of the Roman procurator is a religious controversy that divides Jews and nothing else. For St. Paul, St. Peter and the other Christian followers it is much more than that. The victory of the risen Jesus paves the way to the fullness of life. If Peter had denied again and again of Jesus, putting his own life safe, it has now been discovered that God protects and sustains those who are faithful. The obedient faithfulness of Jesus was ratified by the Father. How many live like Him, they will come to fulfillment. Meanwhile, Peter and his successors, the popes, have to encourage them to remain faithful to the Lord Jesus. As always when beginning the prayer, we place ourselves in God's presence: In the days, at the gates of Pentecost, invoke the Holy Spirit with his hymn to guide our prayer: "Come Holy Spirit, enlightens our intelligence and moves our will," ... The idea in the month of the Sacred Heart: Heart of Jesus formed by the Holy Spirit on earth. The Blessed Virgin Mary, asks us to let us welcome us to the heart, understanding and full of tenderness and her hands us that gift, the source of living water welling up to eternal life comes. Guided by this Spirit that guided Mary, we will be saints. We will be guided today in prayer for Him and experience their joys and receiving gifts as Mary, the better his work of creation. The second offers us a prayer. If you look at all these days, it does not leave the Church to make present the Holy Spirit. Watch for: "We ask God of power and mercy to send your Holy Spirit so that, by dwelling in us, we become temples of your glory." What a bold and how living faith leads the Church his prayer! Directly send us your Holy Spirit. It has
  • 29. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. clear action in us that is the same as it was in Mary and is confident that occurs also in each faith if we turn to prayer in these days. It is who guides the church, urges preachers, missionaries, puts his lips appropriate words and accurate gestures, pushes faith, fruitful baptismal waters spilled by the laying on of hands, full of grace Mary, makes unity, soul that gives life, spiritual beauty, guided to the truth brings light to every thought of the Church and man, is the heart of the heart of Jesus, burning furnace of charity. The third we take a text that has been prepared for each day of each month as is done for the feast of Pentecost, we celebrate the consolidation of the birth of the Catholic Church gathered in prayer with Mary in the Upper Room: " If you turn and become like children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. " (Mt 18,3) and consider two stories: A child who wanted to give the button for the elevator and her mother said she could not and the child says, "If you help me". It is confidence in the mother who sends us to the heart through His Spirit. And other similar where the child was absent from the conversation of the mother counting the problems of older and suddenly turns on the child and says, "And you have no problems?". "No" - answered the boy and asks again: "Why?" And the child answers: - "Because I am a child." Let's pray humbly, as children, that simplicity that expects everything Mother. Through her intercession we ask the Holy Spirit in these days. How many problems would avoid us! Acts 28,16-20. 30-31; Jn 21.20 to 25 The role of witness to the risen Jesus was one of the actions that gave meaning to men as diverse as John, the fisherman from Galilee, become renowned leader of numerous Catholic communities, which recognized him as "the beloved disciple" and Paul "intellectual Jew versed in the Scriptures. " The signatories of the Fourth Gospel, aquilatan the testimony of John and prove the reliability of the message of life. Meanwhile, at the close of the Acts of the Apostles, Luke we reported the appearance of Paul in the Roman synagogue. His arrival in the capital of the empire was discreet. I did not mean to draw attention to not contravening orders imposed judges. However, even from house arrest, she testified the kingdom of God to the people of good will who sought salvation. This is the text of the Alleluia "before starting the reading of the Gospel: " I will send the Spirit of truth , says the Lord; He will teach the full truth. " We are pleading with love and beggars insistence the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. They held in many churches, parishes and communities Vigil of
  • 30. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. Pentecost. These seven gifts flow from the open heart of Jesus. We all want to give reality to the meeting desired over the years in an embrace that no one can separate us. "Nothing and nobody will separate us from the love of God ..." (GK Chesterton dares to limit them and says if they meet this condition are not met if they are not). He did not realize that comes from God and therefore obeys who are and who not, NO. The moral life of Catholics is sustained by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These are permanent dispositions which make man docile in following the promptings of the Holy Spirit. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of God. The wisdom is a character that is developed with the application of intelligence on our own experience, drawing conclusions that give us greater understanding, which in turn enable us to reflect, drawing conclusions that give us discernment of truth, good and the bad. Wisdom and moral interrelate resulting in an individual acting with good judgment. Sometimes it takes wisdom as a form particularly well developed common sense. Wisdom is the apex of the pyramid consists of low to high complexity, data, information, knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom in sound judgment based on knowledge and understanding stands; the ability to successfully fend knowledge and understanding to solve problems, avoid or prevent dangers, achieve certain goals, or counsel others. It is the opposite of stupidity and foolishness and madness often contrasted with them. St. Thomas Aquinas defines wisdom as "the certain knowledge of the deeper causes of all" ( In Metaphysics , I, 2). So, for him, wisdom has as its function sort and judge all knowledge. Wisdom takes its references to what is called long-term memory. In other words, the lived must have experienced with enough frequency or intensity as not to be erased from our memory, is inserted into the schemes of what we consider good or bad (without relativism that is to your taste) and take into account as part of the process of survival of the individual. The role of this concept in natural selection is vital; but also it imposes a burden when the environment changes and long-term memory only rescues memories that are no longer current, so the age, aging and wear neural pose a disadvantage in the rehabilitation of the individual in question, making it difficult to insert the new data in said memory, delaying response times and seriously endangering the survival of the individual in the changing environment and philosophy which means quantum apply.
  • 31. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. The intelligence is the ability to think, understand, understand, reason, assimilate, develop information and employ the use of logic to solve problems. [] However, according to specialists there is no universally accepted definition of what is intelligence, so it is not easy to narrow the field of study to a simple definition. On the other hand, it is a well established fact that intelligence is also linked to other mental functions such as perception through the senses as perception or ability to receive information, and memory capacity or storage. [ A council is a way to relate opinions, beliefs, values, personal or institutional recommendations or guidelines about certain situations in some context retransmitted to another person or group often offered as a guide to action and / or behavior. Putting a little simpler, a warning message is a recommendation about what you might think, say, or otherwise deal with a problem, make a decision, or handle a situation and is often attributed to problem solving search strategies and finding solutions, either from a social or personal view. The fort is one of the cardinal virtues is to overcome fear and flee recklessness. For Catholics, the strength ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of good, even to the ability to accept the eventual sacrifice of one 's life for a just cause. ] The fort is described as the virtue that gives value to the soul to face with courage and vigor risks, moderating momentum of boldness. Its purpose is to order the appetite to reason, so that the will follow the Christian right to the dangers or difficulties. The gift of knowledge is a supernatural habit, infused by God with sanctifying grace in man's understanding, that by the Holy Spirit, judge righteously, with superhuman lucidity, of all created things, always referring them to his supernatural end . Therefore, in considering the visible world, the gift of knowledge perfects the virtue of faith, giving it a luminosity of knowledge to divine mode (STh II-II, 9). Accordingly, the intellectual habit of the gift of knowledge it is very different from natural science, which in the light of reason things known for its natural, near or remote causes. It is also diverse theological science, in which the reason runs, enlightened by faith, about God and the world. The gift of knowledge deeply knows things created without discursive work of reason and faith, but rather for some naturally with God, that is, by the Holy Spirit, quickly and safely, the divine way. Easily see and understand life in this continual reference to its final end, eternal life. The gift of knowledge, then, brings to a time two effects that are not opposites, but complementary. On the one hand, it produces one supreme dignity of life present, because the creatures open to the
  • 32. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. contemplation of God windows are made, and all the events and actions of this world, often as contingent, as precarious and trivial, are disclosed, for so to speak, as producers causes of eternal effects. And on the other hand, at the same time, the gift of science shows the vanity of being of all creatures and all its temporal vicissitudes, compared with the fullness of the being of God and eternal life. It is not easy expensive enough how point is needed to perfection the gift of knowledge. And today more than ever. All Catholics and humans, children and youth, boyfriends and marriages, teachers, politicians, businessmen, politicians, priests and religious, bishops and theologians absolutely need the gift of science to their minds, docile to God, remain absolutely free from the surround conditioning of the world they live in . If we think that a surgeon who suffers from frequent obfuscation in the view or a bus driver who suffers occasionally dizziness and lightheadedness , are not able to exercise their craft, similarly we must consider that those receiving important responsibilities of government, if not enough have the gift of knowledge, undoubtedly cause great evils in society and in the Church. At the minimum moment of creation, God created everything, He who is all perfection and love does not leave anything for later. I think science discovered and undiscovered until the present time, also the arts and how to understand and reason can not understand. In human understanding. The science (Latin scientia = knowledge ') is the ordered set of systematically structured knowledge. Science is the knowledge gained by observing regular patterns of reasoning and experimentation in specific areas from which questions are generated hypotheses are built, principles are deduced and general laws and systems organized through are made a scientific method. [] Considers science and is based on different facts, which must be objective and observable. These observed facts are organized by different methods and techniques (models and theories) in order to generate new knowledge. To this we must first establish criteria of truth and ensure permanent correction of the observations and results, establishing a research method. The application of these methods and knowledge leads to the generation of new knowledge in the form of objectives specific, quantitative and testable predictions regarding past, present and future observable facts. Often these predictions can be formulated by reasoning and structured as rules or general laws, which account for the behavior of a system and predict how the system will perform under certain circumstances. Piety: Sana our heart of all kinds of hardness and opens it to tenderness towards God as Father and to the brothers as children of the same Father. Cry Abba, Father!
  • 33. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. A supernatural habit infused with sanctifying grace to excite at will, by instinct ES, a filial affection towards God considered as Father and a sense of universal brotherhood to all men as brothers and sons the same Father. Pope John Paul II, Catechesis on the Creed, 28-V-1989. 1. Reflection on the gifts of the Holy Spirit leads us today to talk about another famous gift: piety. Through this, the Spirit heals our hearts of all kinds of hardness and opens it to tenderness towards God and to the brothers. Tenderness , as truly filial attitude toward God is expressed in prayer. The existential experience of poverty, the emptiness that earthly things leave in the soul, itself arouses in man the need to turn to God for grace, help and forgiveness. The gift of piety directs and nourishes such need, enriching it with sentiments of deep trust with God , experienced as provident and good Father. In this sense St Paul wrote: "God sent his Son ... so that we might receive adoption. The proof that you are sons , God has sent into our hearts the Spirit of his Son crying Abba, Father ! So you are no longer a slave, but a son ... "(Gal 4 : 4-7; cf. Rom 8, 15). 2. The tender, as authentically fraternal openness towards others, is manifested in meekness . With the gift of piety the Spirit infuses into the believer a new capacity to love the brothers , making his heart somehow part of the same meekness of the Heart of Christ. The "devout" Catholic always know see in others children of the same Father, called to be part of God's family, which is the Church. Why he feels compelled to treat them with kindness application and own a genuine fraternal relationship. The gift of piety further extinguishes in the heart those hotbeds of tension and division such as bitterness, anger, impatience, and nourishes feelings of understanding, tolerance, forgiveness. This gift is therefore at the root of that new human community, which is based on the civilization of love . Fear of God is fear of not pleasing, if not pleasing to God our deeds are separated from Him. Fear of God: contrite spirit before God, aware of sins and divine punishment, but within the faith in divine mercy. Fear of offending God, humbly acknowledging our weakness. Especially: filial fear, which is the love of God, the soul is concerned not to displease God, loved as Father, not to offend him in anything, "stay" and grow in charity (cf. Jn 15 : 4- 7). Pope John Paul II, Catechesis on the Creed, 11 - VI-1989. 1. Today I wish you complete reflection on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The last, in the order of enumeration of these gifts is the gift of fear of God. Scripture says that " the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord" (Ps 110/111, 10; Pr 1 : 7). But that fear is it? Certainly not that "fear of God" that drives avoid thinking or remembering Him, as something that disturbs and
  • 34. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. restless . That was the mood that according to the Bible, our first parents, after sin, to "hide from the sight of the Lord God among the trees of the garden" (Gen 3 : 8); This was also the sentiment unfaithful and wicked deer in the Gospel parable who hid underground talent received (cf. Mt 25 : 18. 26). But this concept of fear-fear is not the true concept of fear-gift of the Spirit. Here is something much more noble and sublime: it is the sincere and search a person experiences before the tremendous presence of God feeling, especially when he reflects upon his own infidelity and the danger of being "found with guilt" (Dn 5, 27) in the eternal judgment, and no one can escape. The believer comes and stands before God with a "contrite spirit" and the "humbled heart" (cf. Ps 50/51: 19), knowing well that must attend to his own salvation "with fear and trembling" (Phil, 12). However, this does not mean irrational fear, but a sense of responsibility and loyalty to His law. 2. The Holy Spirit assumes this set and elevates with the gift of fear of God. Certainly this does not exclude the trepidation that comes from the consciousness of the sins committed and the prospect of divine punishment, but softens with faith in divine mercy and with the certainty of paternal solicitude of God who wants the eternal salvation of all . However, with this gift, the Holy Spirit infuses in the soul especially filial fear, which is the love of God, the soul is now concerned not to displease God, he loved as Father, not to offend him in anything, " stay "and grow in charity (cf. Jn 15 : 4-7). 3. In this holy and just fear, united in the soul with God's love, hang all the practice of Catholic virtues and especially of humility, temperance, chastity, mortification of the senses. Recall the exhortation of the Apostle Paul to his Catholic: "Beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of flesh and spirit, making holiness in the fear of God" (2 Cor 7 : 1). Of King David. Psalm 50 A contrite, Mr heart, not spurn. For your great compassion and mercy, Lord, have mercy on me and forget my offenses. Wash me well all my crimes and cleanse me of my sins. A contrite heart, Lord, not spurn. Since acknowledge my faults, I always present my sins. Against you only have I sinned, Lord, doing what was bad in your eyes. A contrite heart, Lord, not spurn.
  • 35. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. You, Lord, do not please the sacrifices and if you offer a holocaust, you would not like. I present a contrite heart, and a contrite heart, you never spurn. A contrite heart, Lord, not spurn. Fullness belong to Christ, Son of David (cf Is 11: 1-2). They complete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them. They make docile to obey promptly faithful to divine inspirations. . May your good Spirit lead me on a level ground (Ps 143,10) All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God ... and if children, then heirs; heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ (Rom 8,14.17 The Gospel tells us that endearing scene after the last appearance of the risen Christ on the Sea of Galilee to his disciples. Jesus takes Peter aside and begins a dialogue with him. "Peter turned and saw that followed the beloved disciple whom Jesus loved so much ..." Seeing him, Peter said to Jesus: - "Lord, and this what?". Jesus answers: - "If I want this to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me. " But the important thing is that Jesus has called you and me, and he asks you what is that is you who you follow him. "You follow me." What the Lord with your friends, with your family you should not worry because for all He is and will continue each in their own way. "You follow me, here and now." Also remember this text: "I will be with you every day until the end of the world" . And indeed it is in the Holy Eucharist, when he says before going to the Mount of Olives. This is my body (neutral demonstrative pronoun, is used to indicate proximity in space or time, and wants to stay with us until the end of the times and is alive present in the tabernacle or exposed) and this is my blood, does not say this because it would only serve to that time between him and his Apostles, Jesus Lord our God, true God and true man and his Spirit Holy (Father , into your hands I commend my spirit), ( Indica or says something that is close in space or time, the person who speaks, and also is used to refer to one person or thing mentioned above, indicate the relative distance between two objects, between a person and a thing or two people. it says "This , " because it is to be with us until the end of days. First he wants my closeness and intimacy that you feel this really every day my life. And our whole life will live in hope because you are always close to us, we can not get out of reach. "Let us enter into this madness of divine love. When Jesus was out of this world, it was when again showed the fire of his love. At the time of his
  • 36. Architect. Roberto Saldivar Olague E-mail BRIEF INSIGHT OF THE AUTHOR AND THE CATHOLIC TRUTH PRAYER MILITANT AND PREACHING OF FRIARS MINOR OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI GUADALUPE ZAC. death, when man clings to life more and forgets all, Jesus emerges from his and remembers US. And he made bread to yours in food. And they ate theirs to have life. He dies, we live ". Acts 2,1-11; 1 Cor 12: 3-7. 12-13; Jn 20: 19-23 In the beginning of the story that tells us the fourth Gospel, the disciples still giddy, fear of ending his days violently as his Master, paralyzes and keeps them locked in stone and mud and troubled in spirit. That is why the Lord Jesus offers the gift of peace. The greeting is repeated a few times to ratify the fundamental value that Jesus wanted them to deliver. The nexus linking both stories is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Each evangelist relates differently. San Juan does not mention any extraordinary event; instead Luke records a noise and so striking wind that attracted the attention of many onlookers, who warned the manifestation of divine fire, in communicating the message of the Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, in a variety of codes and languages . * We leave the word to John Paul II in his homily for the Solemnity of Pentecost (St. Peter, 1980): "Venerable brothers and beloved sons: 1. Behold has come again for us, according to the order of the liturgical calendar, "Pentecost" ... (Acts 2 : 1), a day of special solemnity, for dignity of celebration and wealth he spiritual content, equates a day of Passover itself. Is it possible to establish a comparison between Pentecost, they speak the Acts of the Apostles, which took place 50 days after the Resurrection of the Lord and Pentecost today? Yes, it is not only possible, it is true, doubt and corroborating this connection in life and for the life of the Church, at both of its two thousand year history, and the present time we are living, as men of this generation. We have the right, duty and joy of saying that Pentecost continues. We speak legitimately of "sustainability" of Pentecost. Indeed, we know that fifty days after the Passover the Apostles, gathered in the same Upper Room had been before the place of the first Eucharist and then the first encounter with the Risen One , they discover in themselves the power of the Holy Spirit descended upon them, the strength of him that the Lord had repeatedly promised to price their suffering through the cross, and strengthened with this force, begin to act, that is, to perform their service. the apostolic Church consolidates the apostles and is born for all universally. But today also - here the connection , the Basilica of St. Peter, here in Rome, is like an extension, it is a continuation of the original Jerusalemite Cenacle, as is every church and chapel, as it is everywhere in which the disciples and confessors of the Lord are fulfilled: and we are gathered here to renew the mystery of this great day.