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Executive Summary

Yahoo! Recently released data1 showing that       The second thing we look at is what the
Fathers are spending more and more of the         perceived benefits are of having children,
household budget and yet are still not included   we see that in a similar way to the investments,
and often actively excluded from marketers        the benefits also fall into 2 main categories;
messaging. So as this often ignored audience      the emotional benefits and the financial
segment becomes a more important target           benefits. Again we see how these two
how should we best talk to them?                  benefits are interchangeable, and as the
                                                  financial benefits of children decreases so
This paper looks at what makes fatherhood an
                                                  the perceived emotional benefit increases.
enjoyable and rewarding experience for men.
By looking at research carried out on non-        By knowing the things that fathers are willing
human primates we first learn that fathers        to invest into fatherhood and also knowing
really look to invest their limited resources     what they perceive as the benefits we can
in two main areas. They invest in being a         begin to pull together a simple model that
good father, and doing all the things that        helps us understand which dials we need
ensures an infants survival up to adolescence,    to turn and what perceptions we need to
and they also invest in securing a mate           influence in order to help fathers feel that
and doing all the things that ensures when        the benefits of fatherhood far outweigh
mating time comes around they have the            the investment.
pick of females. We also learn that these
two investments are often interchangeable,
with some males investing more in mating than
being a good father and some invest more in
                                                  Maurice Wheeler, Doco, 2011
bringing up their infants and less in mating.
Fathers have become
marginalised in modern society

Fathers have it tough you know, they aren’t         At least in agrarian society where man was          or for their destructive impact, as when they
blessed with the hormones, instincts and            focused on agriculture and animal husbandry,        were abusive, neglectful, or dead.”
unique equipment mums have to help them             there was a clear need for the father to teach
                                                                                                        Dr Diamond also talks of how fathers are on
quickly define their role and guide them in         his children the skills of the land. However,
                                                                                                        a complex, challenging journey to becoming
what they need to do.                               since the industrial revolution where fathers
                                                                                                        responsible parents in the eye of modern
                                                    were separated from their families, shipped off
It was always understood that the patriarch’s                                                           society, a journey riddled with moments of
                                                    to huge factories, and there was no option to
role in society was to provide food and protect                                                         feeling emasculated, side-lined and ultimately
                                                    teach your children the way of the steel mill,
his territory; this is the case for nearly all of                                                       wondering what their role is. (Diamond 2007)
                                                    this role of skills teacher has also diminished.
the animal kingdom, including us humans. 
However, most Western civilisations have            Dr Diamond, author of the book “My Father
removed a father’s need to physically stand         Before Me: How Fathers and Sons Influence
at the cave’s entrance and protect his family,      Each Other Throughout Their Lives”2 summed
by providing a police force and legal systems       it up well in a recent interview on his website3
and by ensuring that society as a whole moves       when he said:
towards becoming safer and more protective
                                                    “There are many reasons why fathers had
of one another. We are also making great
                                                    become the “forgotten parent.” Despite the
strides in ensuring a mother can fulfil the role
                                                    apparent timelessness of the father-son bond --
of “breadwinner” with the same effectiveness
                                                    and more generally, the father-child connection
as a father.
                                                    – a sense of its power and closeness have waxed
Men are typically simple beasts  and knowing        and waned over time. In agrarian society, for
what box they are expected to be in is one          instance, fathers were very involved in their
of their great comforts - take away this clear      children’s lives. Yet by the end of World War II,
role definition and they will begin to feel         fathers were seldom thought of as contributing
disenfranchised and useless.                        to their children’s healthy development. Instead,
                                                    they were more notable for their absence,
The benefits of a transaction need
to out weigh the investment

                                     In the words of economists the world over,          The benefits of the house are its four beds and
                                     you are happy if the benefits outweigh the          its great location. If they believe the benefits
                                     investment. If you’re really thirsty and decide     of the house outweigh the investment they will
                                     you’d spend £1 on a bottle of water you’ll be       buy the house and feel very happy. If we were
                                     happy if you find a bottle of water for just 50p    to use a mathematical equation to show if the
                                     as the benefits of the water, in your opinion,      house buyer would be happy with this house
                                     outweigh the investment. However, if you            transaction we would break it down as in the
                                     can only find a bottle of water for ÂŁ5 you will,    table at the bottom of the page.
                                     understandably be unhappy, as no bottle of
                                                                                         So Fi+Ti<Sb+Lb is the equation for working
                                     water is worth a ÂŁ5 investment!
                                                                                         out if a house buyer will ultimately be happy
                                     To determine how we can make fathers                with their real estate decision.
                                     happy we should look at what they are investing
                                                                                         What we want to find out is what the equivalent
                                     into fatherhood and what they perceive as its
                                                                                         is for working out if a man will ultimately be
                                     benefits. The analogy of the bottle of water is a
                                                                                         happy with his role as a father?
                                     relatively simple one, and might not reflect the
                                     complexities of a father’s investment/benefit       Working out the fatherhood equation requires
                                     calculation, so let’s look at a more complicated    us to deduce what a father’s perceived
                                     transaction, such as buying a house.                investment options are and what his perceived
                                                                                         benefits will be. When we have an understanding
                                     A house buyer has ÂŁ250K to buy a house with
                                                                                         of the resources he is willing to invest (like the
                                     and they feel for this money they would want
                                                                                         time and money investment resources in the
                                     a three-bed house in a nice town with a good
                                                                                         house analogy) and an understanding of the
                                     school. They find a great ÂŁ250K four-bedroom
                                                                                         things he feels are beneficial (like the house’s
                                     house, off the beaten track and in a lovely town
                                                                                         size and location benefit), we can see how we
                                     but the nearest good school is 30 minutes
                                                                                         might be able to manipulate perceptions to
                                     away. So their investment will be ÂŁ250K plus
                                                                                         make the fatherhood decision more rewarding.
                                     the time and effort of getting their children to
                                     and from the good school.

                                                  +         Time needed
                                                             to get child
                                                              to school

                                                                               <            The benefits
                                                                                            |of having a
                                                                                             big house

                                                                                                            +              Being in a
                                                                                                                         good location

Males balance their investment
between mating and parenting

The nature and dynamics of what a man             The second is all the resources needed
invests in fatherhood is complex to say the       to actually secure a mate, so all the ritual,
least, and society and culture will have an       chasing off other male rivals, appearing to
enormous influence on how a father balances       be genetically superior to other males and
the equation. In order to try and cut through     again all the other things we as humans can
these external influences I like to turn to our   associate with. The anthropologists call these
non-human primate cousins and use them            two buckets the parental investment (Pi) and
as way of cutting things right back to the        the mating investment (Mi). Just as our house
bare bones.                                       buyer has their financial investment and time
                                                  investment, primates have a similar investment
Fortunately there is a large body of research
                                                  structure for being a father.
(Alexander at al. 1979; Barash 1982; Kurland
and Gaulin 1984; Kleiman and Malcolm 1981;        Interestingly different primates attach a
Alexander and Noonan 1979 to name a few)          different value to the different parts of their
looking into the dynamic of the adult male/       investment portfolio. As an example if our
infant relationship in non-human primates.        house buyer was a very rich man with very
These esteemed anthropologists have boiled        little spare time, he might want to prioritise
down the investment male primates put into        his resources differently and spend more on
fatherhood into two main components. The          a house that is closer to a good school. Thus
first component is all the resources they put     increase his financial investment (Fi) in order
into being a good parent such as feeding,         to reduce his time investment (Ti). Or if the
protecting, disciplining and other things we as   house buyer was a poor man with loads of
humans will find familiar.                        time available, he might want to buy a cheaper
                                                  house an hour away from the school, i.e. reduce
                                                  his Fi and increase his Ti.
Males balance their investment
between mating and parenting

Primates have been shown to do the same.              different reasons. The Owl Monkey lives in a
Typically males will prioritise more of their         very monogamous society where they form
limited resources on mating investment (Mi),          pair bonds i.e. a female Owl monkey will pair
and less on parental investment (Pi), and             up with a male Owl Monkey and only mate with
females will do the opposite and invest less          each other.
in mating (Mi) and much more in parental
                                                      Thus, the amount a male monkey needs to
responsibilities (Pi). This is the same across
                                                      invest in mating (Mi) is hugely reduced and as
almost all animals where the female carry the
                                                      a result the males invest lots more in parenting
young and therefore by default needs to invest
                                                      (Pi). The Owl Monkey is one of only a handful
massive amounts in parenting.
                                                      of primates where males are the primary care
However, some primates buck this trend and            giver - the mothers only carry the young for
chose to invest their resources in different          the first week or so of their lives, and the father
ways. For example in the Eburru Cliffs in Kenya,      does the majority of the child rearing.
Barbera Smuts4 observed Olive baboons
                                                      So we can see how primates shift the priority
doing something very different. It would seem
                                                      of where they chose to invest their resources,
the male baboons felt the amount they were
                                                      but is this the same in humans? We might not
investing in mating was getting too much, it
                                                      want to admit it as it does sound very shallow
was a very aggressive polygamous society and
                                                      that a man would only invest in parenting if
the numbers just weren’t adding up. So they set
                                                      it meant they got ‘preferential mating rights’
about trying to reduce the amount of resources
                                                      with the child’s mother but some research
invested in mating (obviously subconsciously,
                                                      recently published in the scientific journal
instinctively and over hundreds if not thousands
                                                      PNAS5 shows that when men become fathers
of years of evolution) by shifting their
                                                      their levels of testosterone drops, showing
investment into parenting. The male baboons
                                                      an inverse correlation between mating and
started to care for specific infants, and in return
                                                      fatherhood. Additionally men who looked
they got preferential mating rights with that
                                                      after their children for 3 hours or more a day
infant’s mother. Like our time-poor, cash-rich
                                                      showed an even more acute drop. This shows
house buyer, they changed the priority of their
                                                      when you dedicate resources to parenting
investment and invested more in parenting
                                                      you naturally reduce resources dedicated
(Pi) so that they didn’t need to invest as much
                                                      to mating.
in (Mi).
                                                      In summary, the investment put into fatherhood
The Owl monkeys of South America have
                                                      is a combination of parental investment and
made a similar investment decision but for
                                                      mating investment or Pi+Mi.
Fathers get both emotional and
financial benefits from fatherhood

                                     Why do primates invest in producing offspring?       The financial benefits are obvious: have a child
                                     Why do they happily care for their young,            and when they are old enough send them to
                                     fight off competitors, build nests and do all        the factory to earn their keep. The emotional
                                     the other things that require massive amounts        benefits are more complex, I believe they have
                                     of investment? Put simply it is about the            roots in the instinctive desire to pass on our
                                     propagation of the species, or put another way       genetic traits. I believe fathers have translated
                                     it is about passing on their genes and ensuring      this instinctive urge to pass on their genes
                                     their offspring do the same.                         into a more tangible urge to pass on their
                                                                                          cultural legacy, their acquired skills and belief
                                     Non-human primates do all this instinctively;
                                                                                          system. In effect, we have transposed genes
                                     they don’t know or care why they are driven
                                                                                          for memes. If you turn on the TV in America
                                     to do all the crazy things they do in order to
                                                                                          during Father’s Day weekend, it is flooded with
                                     reproduce; but they just do it. In many ways
                                                                                          images of fathers teaching their child how to
                                     we human primates are the same, but our
                                                                                          fish, how to shave, how to change a bike’s tyre,
                                     brains have evolved to the point where we
                                                                                          how to sit down and enjoy a game of football
                                     like to have rational reasoning and logical
                                                                                          and so on. This passing down of traits reminds
                                     deduction as the foundation of our decisions.
                                                                                          me of a great quote from Ruth E. Renkel about
                                     Therefore as the passing down of our genes
                                                                                          fatherhood “Sometimes the poorest man leaves
                                     is too abstract a concept for us to be able
                                                                                          his children the richest inheritance.”
                                     to effectively and reasonable rationalise we
                                     have begun to try and post-rationalise it with       In summary the total reward that men attribute
                                     financial and emotional benefits which are far       to becoming a father is a combination of the
                                     more tangible. It is these two benefits - like the   emotional benefit and the financial benefit.
                                     size and location benefits of the house - that
                                     we use on the other side of the fatherhood
                                     equation; these are the benefits that justify
                                     the investment.
Fathers get both emotional and
 financial benefits from fatherhood

 In a similar way as with the investment ‘portfolio’   coincidentally, emotional relationships between
 we are prone to give emotional and financial          parents and children were less affectionate back
 benefits different weighting in the equation          then. As the value of children has diminished,
 depending on the situation. Our house buyer           and the costs have escalated, the belief that
 mentioned earlier might look at the benefits          parenthood is emotionally rewarding has gained
 of a four-bed house off the beaten track, and         currency. In that sense, the myth of parental joy
 decide that, as he has five children he would         is a modern psychological phenomenon.”
 rather have a house with more bedrooms and
                                                       Modern-day parents play a balancing game
 sacrifice the location.
                                                       with both the perceived emotional benefit
 Equally he might like being in the heart of           (Eb) and financial benefits (Fb), at the moment
 things and would be more than happy to have a         the trend is towards children having a higher
 smaller house in order to have a better location.     emotional rather than financial benefit. Maybe
 So in the house buyer’s equation one person           in the future as the aging population needs
 would happily downgrade the perceived benefit         to rely more and more on their children for
 of the location (Lb) as they believe having a         financial support this trend will begin to wane
 greater size benefit (Sb) to be more preferable.      and the emotional benefits will be perceived
 This goes the other way round as well. The            as being less important. However, it is the sum
 same is true with how parents have weighted           of the benefits that fathers consider to be the
 up and prioritised the emotional benefits (Eb)        overarching payoff for having children.
 and financial Benefits (Fb). This was summed
                                                       So now we have both sides of our equation, both
 up nicely by Eibach & Mock6 (2011) when they
                                                       investment and benefit, we can see how we end
 concluded that:
                                                       up with the fatherhood happiness equation of
  “In an earlier time, kids actually had economic      Pi+Mi<Eb+Fb.
 value; they worked on farms or brought home
 paychecks, and they didn’t cost that much. Not

Time needed
  to father
 your child

              +         Time and effort
                         taken to find
                            a mate

                                             <              Emotional
                                                            benefit of
                                                          having a child

                                                                           +             Financial
                                                                                         benefit of
                                                                                       having a child

Fatherhood is however not as
shallow as it all seems

                               On face value this seems terribly cynical,
                               shallow and ultimately a damning indictment
                               of a father’s motivation.  Some could look
                               at the fatherhood model, and draw the
                               conclusion that:
                               “Fathers want to pass on their traits to
                               ensure their legacy thrives in the future, and
                               they want to do this with as little effort as
                               possible. Therefore fathers want to keep their
                               investment in fatherhood as small as possible
                               and their most effective strategy to do this
                               is to look after the children as it means they
                               don’t need to try as hard to ‘secure the on-
                               going mating rights of the child’s mother’ thus
                               making more offspring easier to produce.”
                               However on second inspection it can actually
                               show a more virtuous driving force. We could
                               instead deduce from the equation that:
                               “Fathers    want     to  ensure    their    best
                               characteristics, skills and knowledge are
                               passed on to their children to give them every
                               chance of doing well. They also realise the best
                               environment to do this in is a functioning and
                               loving family unit.”
                               Depending on which side of the cynical line
                               you sit you can derive a motivation that is not
                               necessarily noble in its origins, but is definitely
                               honourable in its execution.
By understanding what makes
fathers happy we can effectively
engage with them

Why is Pi+Mi<Eb+Fb interesting. For some
it may seem like a pointless exercise in
anthropological, economical and mathematical
navel gazing, not dissimilar to when ‘scientists’
discovered the formula for the perfect joke
(c=(m+nO)/p). In fact it is a very useful tool for
marketers when they look at ways of engaging
with fathers.
We have a saying at Doco, we didn’t coin it
but we use it a lot,: “Help me, don’t sell to me.”
The best way to engage with an audience is

                                                     {                 }
to understand what they are going through,
understand where they are looking for help,              ‘Help me, don’t
and then create scenarios where our client’s
brands can help solve their problem. In the              sell to me’
case of tweens it is all about garnering social
acceptance and understanding their position
within society, for kids is it about helping them
understand who they are and how they want
to be perceived. For fathers it is about helping
them be happy with their role of being a father.
What this equation does is help us understand
the mechanics that goes into a father’s
happiness, we now know the knobs, levers and
pulleys we need to manipulate in order to make
the fatherhood happiness equation a more
positive one.
Happiness is achieved through
reducing investment and
increasing perceived benefits

The astute amongst you will have noticed that
each of the factors that go in Pi+Mi<Fb+Eb are all
subjective measures, they are all benchmarked
against the expectations of the individual
father. Two fathers who put in exactly the same
amount of effort in parenting will perceive
their investment as being different depending
on what they are measuring against. It is this
perception that we marketers try and influence:
we try and make the perceived investment seem
as small as possible and the perceived benefit
as large as possible. Just like Guinness turned
the perceived investment of the long wait for
the bar man to pour the drink into something
worth investing in with the slogan “Good things
come to those who wait”, we want to make the
investment of being a good father and partner
seem small in comparison to the huge emotional
(and to a lesser extent financial) benefits.
With this in mind we can condense marketing
to fathers down to four main strategies:
Reduce perceived parental investment
Reduce perceived mating investment
Increase perceived emotional benefit
Increase perceived financial benefit
Examples of strategies in action

Visa – “Go World” Ad
This ad from Visa shows how Olympian Derek
Redmond in Beijing 2008 tore his Hamstring in
the 200m men’s semi final event.
Seeing Derek in pain and unable to finish his
father ran onto the course and helped him over
the line.
It was a very simple gesture, requiring very little
parental investment yet the emotional benefit
was huge.
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                                                            All the videos can be seen in the blog post
Examples of strategies in action

                                                     some TV time at the end of the day; all showing       Reduced mating investment
                                                     how easy it is to be a great dad.
                                                                                                           The final scene shows the mum coming home
                                                     Increased emotional benefit                           to find father and son on the sofa, having
                                                                                                           some quality snooze time, and she showing she
                                                     As discussed previously the emotional benefits
                                                                                                           is happy.
                                                     of being a father being particularly well
                                                     demonstrated and articulated when you show            Finally what I like most about this advert is they
                                                     how a father can pass on their traits to the next     don’t resort to the stereotypical useless dad
                                                     generation, continuing his legacy if you like. This   story line. It is a play often used to ensure they
                                                     is also well shown in this campaign, particularly     are not alienating mothers “don’t worry, dad
                                                     in the print execution. Father and son, eating        can still not do it better than you” with clichĂ©d
Sainsbury’s – Live Well for Less                     the same cake, drinking from the same cup,            destroyed house and eye rolling mums. This
                                                     same hair, same bag, same jeans, same jumper,         tired device it is patronising to mums who are
The new Sainsbury’s “Live well for less”             it is like a mirror is placed down the middle of      rarely that insecure to think their job as mum is
campaign is a great example of how to market         the two allowing father to see himself and see        under threat, it is insulting to dads to assume
to fathers. It hits all 4 strategic points through   the legacy he has created, the perfect creative       they cannot look after their children for a day
great execution and consideration.                   execution of showing fathers the emotional            without accidentally burning the house down
Reduced parental investment                          benefits of having a son.                             and as importantly it is damaging to the brand
                                                                                                           as it sets up divisive lines between father and
The campaign shows a father taking his son out       Increased financial benefit                           mother and thus does not show how being a
for a day at the seaside; all the activities they    The whole campaign is around ‘living well             good father makes a stronger family unit.
do are simple and cheap activities. Most fathers     for less’ so the financial benefits are inherent
will see the advert and be acutely aware of the                                                            All in all Sainsbury’s have done a fantastic job
                                                     in everything, including the TV ad sound              of engaging with dads in a market place full
simplicity of the day, pancakes for breakfast, a     track (Disney’s The Jungle Book classic – The
train ride, a walk along the pier, a disposable                                                            of ads targeting mums.
                                                     Bare Necessities).
barbequed sausage sandwich, an ice cream,
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Examples of strategies in action

                                                                                                                        Scan QR code to see video

Peugeot “Nice Car Ad”
This classic ad from the 1990’s shows a man          the women from the car park arrived behind      it turns out they are in fact married and the
apparently picking up a women in a car park          him to showing that she was in fact his wife.   sound from upstairs is their child calling out
and having a rather ‘steamy relationship’ with       The second advert in the series had a similar   for his parents, the dad offers to go and get
her, then dropping her back off in the car park.     concept, but with a slight role reversal. The   the boy up. Both ads play with the concept
He then goes home to his family, his kids rush       mum looks to be having an affair with the       of being a great lover as well as being a
out and he asks where their mother is, leading       car cleaner, and the couple are interrupted     great dad.
us to presume the women who he had picked            by a sound coming from upstairs, which we
up in the car park was not his wife. At this point   are lead to believe is her husband. However

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Examples of strategies in action

KFC - ‘One Big Family’
Although this KFC ad doesn’t specifically target
fathers, it is no coincidence that the majority of
the adults in the advert are males rather than
females. It shows people getting ready for a
family gathering, focusing particularly on the
small things you need to do. The underlying
message is you don’t need to spend a lot
of money or go to huge effort to get the
whole family together, you just need a few
tables and chairs and the rest looks after itself.
Playing on the idea of minimising the perceived
amount of parental investment needed to
get the family together and enjoy emotional
benefits. All this is obviously facilitated by the
KFC bargain bucket:

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Examples of strategies in action

McDonald’s Happy Meal - ‘Mum v Dad’
This advert from McDonalds shows a
father trying to show an increased parental
investment by being the one to get the
McDonalds Happy Meal first to his son.
Even though he ultimately fails to get credit,
his playful attempts definitely ingratiates
him with the mum which will be a success
in his mind.

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Examples of strategies in action

Patek Phillippe
As discussed the key play in resonating with and
influencing a fathers perceived emotional benefit
is to play on the concept of passing things down,
be they skills, knowledge, traits, experiences or
material possessions. Patek Philippe built an
entire brand around it with their “You never
actually own a Patek Phillipe. You merely look
after it for the next generation” slogan. In these
print executions they talk about the passing
down of a material possession, but they are also
showing the passing down of the other things,
and the inference of the continuation of a legacy.
The sailing advert shows a father passing on
the skills and experience of sailing, and the
writing advert shows a passing on of mannerisms
and gestures.
Examples of strategies in action

Real Estate Investment – Germany
This advert for a real estate agent takes it one
step further and not only plays on the ‘pass
things down to your child’ angle, but proactively
dismisses genetic inheritance as inferior to
material inheritance!
Examples of strategies in action

Werther’s Original – ‘Father and Son’
Werther’s Originals recently started to move
away from showing grandfathers to focusing
on fathers and their latest adverts show a whole
montage of father-child bonding moments. You
can see from some of the screens below each
montage (apart from 2) play on the legacy piece
and show the emotional connection in passing
on traits and interests. From a surfing dad and
his son, to a father and son falling over the same
way, walking the same way and even wearing
the same woollen jumpers. There is also a clip
of a father passing on knowledge and showing
his son something out of a bus window, finally
they show a smiling father seeing his son after a
long trip. A classic example of highlighting the
emotional benefits of having a child.

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Examples of strategies in action

Oreos - Father’s Day
It is always hard to get Fathers day adverts
right without being too clichéd and I am
not saying this Oreo’s ad recently run in the
US necessarily managed it. That said, it was
extremely effective, scoring 22%7 better on
the standard ad effectiveness metrics than the
norm for that period.

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Examples of strategies in action

Ford Mustang - A short story
This great short story from Ford was the only
example I could find of a brand being bold
enough to talk about the financial benefits of
having children, even though it does it with
great comedy and pathos!

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Examples of strategies in action

NAPCAN - Children see, children do
Finally, in Australia the organisation NAPCAN
ran a series of adverts that told parents to
beware of the traits that they are passing on
and the legacy they are creating. It is a very
powerful piece, made even more powerful as it
turns on its head the positive of one’s ability to
shape a child into your image, and makes it a
potential negative.

                                                        Scan QR code to see video


Fathers are struggling with their role in Western
society, their primary assets and unique skills
have been marginalised to the point where
many fathers feel emasculated and irrelevant.
Brands have a great opportunity to help them
find their way and to help them re-evaluate
what they are putting into fatherhood and what
they are getting out.
As over-simplistic and potentially naĂŻve the
equation Pi+Mi<Eb+Fb seems it does give us
a good set of variables that we can nudge in
the father’s favour in order to ultimately help
him find more happiness and fulfilment in his
parental role.

2 My Father Before Me: How Fathers and Sons Influence Each Other Throughout Their Lives –
  Dr Michael J Diamond; W. W. Norton & Company; 2007
4 Sex and friendship in baboons; Barbara B. Smuts; 1985; Aldine Pub Co
5 Lee T. Gettler, Thomas W. McDade, Alan B. Feranil, and Christopher W. Kuzawa; - From the Cover: Longitudinal evidence that fatherhood
  decreases testosterone in human males
6 The Bottom Line of Raising Kids: Parents Rationalize the Economic Cost of Children by Exaggerating Their Parental Joy; Eibach & Mock 2011,
  Association for Psychological Science

Additional References

Childers, L. B. (2010). Parental Bonding in Father - Son Relationships. Liberty University.
Eibach, R., & Mock, S. (2011). The Bottom Line of Raising Kids: Parents Rationalize the Economic Cost of Children by Exaggerating Their Parental
Joy. Waterloo: Association for Psychological Science.
Hewlett, B. S. (1992). Father-child relations: cultural and biosocial contexts. New York: Walter de Gruyter Inc.
Pittman, F. (1993). Man Enough: Fathers, Sons and the Search for Masculinity. Putnam.
About the Author

Maurice Wheeler is the Strategic Planning
Director and co-founder of Doco, the creative
agency specialising in family.
Over his 15 years of working in the digital
marketing arena Maurice has helped many
clients including Nickelodeon, Disney, Microsoft,
Tesco, Universal Music, Procter and Gamble
and Lego.
Some of his more memorable pieces of work
include working with TV institution Blue Peter
to remain relevant to today’s contemporary
audience;     helping   Tottenham     Hotspur
understand how they can work closely with
their existing youth touch points to better
engage today’s young fans – the adult fans
of tomorrow; and advising Microsoft on how
they can talk more effectively with the family
audience for their Xbox games console.
Maurice has been asked to speak at conferences
such as The Children’s Media Conference,
Cartoon Forum, and MIP Junior, and has written
for publications such as Campaign, Marketing
Week, and MCV.
You will mostly find him reading research
papers, preparing presentations, running or
playing with his two boys.
If you need to engage with fathers or would like to talk more generally
about how we might be able to help with your kids and family strategy, please
contact us

London: +44 (0)20 3206 7500
LA: +1 323 559 0760



Twitter: @hellodoco

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The winning formula for marketing to fathers

  • 2. Executive Summary Yahoo! Recently released data1 showing that The second thing we look at is what the Fathers are spending more and more of the perceived benefits are of having children, household budget and yet are still not included we see that in a similar way to the investments, and often actively excluded from marketers the benefits also fall into 2 main categories; messaging. So as this often ignored audience the emotional benefits and the financial segment becomes a more important target benefits. Again we see how these two how should we best talk to them? benefits are interchangeable, and as the financial benefits of children decreases so This paper looks at what makes fatherhood an the perceived emotional benefit increases. enjoyable and rewarding experience for men. By looking at research carried out on non- By knowing the things that fathers are willing human primates we first learn that fathers to invest into fatherhood and also knowing really look to invest their limited resources what they perceive as the benefits we can in two main areas. They invest in being a begin to pull together a simple model that good father, and doing all the things that helps us understand which dials we need ensures an infants survival up to adolescence, to turn and what perceptions we need to and they also invest in securing a mate influence in order to help fathers feel that and doing all the things that ensures when the benefits of fatherhood far outweigh mating time comes around they have the the investment. pick of females. We also learn that these two investments are often interchangeable, with some males investing more in mating than being a good father and some invest more in Maurice Wheeler, Doco, 2011 bringing up their infants and less in mating.
  • 3. Fathers have become marginalised in modern society Fathers have it tough you know, they aren’t At least in agrarian society where man was or for their destructive impact, as when they blessed with the hormones, instincts and focused on agriculture and animal husbandry, were abusive, neglectful, or dead.” unique equipment mums have to help them there was a clear need for the father to teach Dr Diamond also talks of how fathers are on quickly define their role and guide them in his children the skills of the land. However, a complex, challenging journey to becoming what they need to do.  since the industrial revolution where fathers responsible parents in the eye of modern were separated from their families, shipped off It was always understood that the patriarch’s society, a journey riddled with moments of to huge factories, and there was no option to role in society was to provide food and protect feeling emasculated, side-lined and ultimately teach your children the way of the steel mill, his territory; this is the case for nearly all of wondering what their role is. (Diamond 2007) this role of skills teacher has also diminished. the animal kingdom, including us humans.  However, most Western civilisations have Dr Diamond, author of the book “My Father removed a father’s need to physically stand Before Me: How Fathers and Sons Influence at the cave’s entrance and protect his family, Each Other Throughout Their Lives”2 summed by providing a police force and legal systems it up well in a recent interview on his website3 and by ensuring that society as a whole moves when he said: towards becoming safer and more protective “There are many reasons why fathers had of one another. We are also making great become the “forgotten parent.” Despite the strides in ensuring a mother can fulfil the role apparent timelessness of the father-son bond -- of “breadwinner” with the same effectiveness and more generally, the father-child connection as a father. – a sense of its power and closeness have waxed Men are typically simple beasts  and knowing and waned over time. In agrarian society, for what box they are expected to be in is one instance, fathers were very involved in their of their great comforts - take away this clear children’s lives. Yet by the end of World War II, role definition and they will begin to feel fathers were seldom thought of as contributing disenfranchised and useless. to their children’s healthy development. Instead, they were more notable for their absence,
  • 4. The benefits of a transaction need to out weigh the investment In the words of economists the world over, The benefits of the house are its four beds and you are happy if the benefits outweigh the its great location. If they believe the benefits investment. If you’re really thirsty and decide of the house outweigh the investment they will you’d spend ÂŁ1 on a bottle of water you’ll be buy the house and feel very happy. If we were happy if you find a bottle of water for just 50p to use a mathematical equation to show if the as the benefits of the water, in your opinion, house buyer would be happy with this house outweigh the investment. However, if you transaction we would break it down as in the can only find a bottle of water for ÂŁ5 you will, table at the bottom of the page. understandably be unhappy, as no bottle of So Fi+Ti<Sb+Lb is the equation for working water is worth a ÂŁ5 investment! out if a house buyer will ultimately be happy To determine how we can make fathers with their real estate decision. happy we should look at what they are investing What we want to find out is what the equivalent into fatherhood and what they perceive as its is for working out if a man will ultimately be benefits. The analogy of the bottle of water is a happy with his role as a father? relatively simple one, and might not reflect the complexities of a father’s investment/benefit Working out the fatherhood equation requires calculation, so let’s look at a more complicated us to deduce what a father’s perceived transaction, such as buying a house. investment options are and what his perceived benefits will be. When we have an understanding A house buyer has ÂŁ250K to buy a house with of the resources he is willing to invest (like the and they feel for this money they would want time and money investment resources in the a three-bed house in a nice town with a good house analogy) and an understanding of the school. They find a great ÂŁ250K four-bedroom things he feels are beneficial (like the house’s house, off the beaten track and in a lovely town size and location benefit), we can see how we but the nearest good school is 30 minutes might be able to manipulate perceptions to away. So their investment will be ÂŁ250K plus make the fatherhood decision more rewarding. the time and effort of getting their children to and from the good school. 250K Financial investment + Time needed to get child to school Time investment < The benefits |of having a big house Size benefit + Being in a good location Location benefit
  • 5. Males balance their investment between mating and parenting The nature and dynamics of what a man The second is all the resources needed invests in fatherhood is complex to say the to actually secure a mate, so all the ritual, least, and society and culture will have an chasing off other male rivals, appearing to enormous influence on how a father balances be genetically superior to other males and the equation. In order to try and cut through again all the other things we as humans can these external influences I like to turn to our associate with. The anthropologists call these non-human primate cousins and use them two buckets the parental investment (Pi) and as way of cutting things right back to the the mating investment (Mi). Just as our house bare bones. buyer has their financial investment and time investment, primates have a similar investment Fortunately there is a large body of research structure for being a father. (Alexander at al. 1979; Barash 1982; Kurland and Gaulin 1984; Kleiman and Malcolm 1981; Interestingly different primates attach a Alexander and Noonan 1979 to name a few) different value to the different parts of their looking into the dynamic of the adult male/ investment portfolio. As an example if our infant relationship in non-human primates. house buyer was a very rich man with very These esteemed anthropologists have boiled little spare time, he might want to prioritise down the investment male primates put into his resources differently and spend more on fatherhood into two main components. The a house that is closer to a good school. Thus first component is all the resources they put increase his financial investment (Fi) in order into being a good parent such as feeding, to reduce his time investment (Ti). Or if the protecting, disciplining and other things we as house buyer was a poor man with loads of humans will find familiar. time available, he might want to buy a cheaper house an hour away from the school, i.e. reduce his Fi and increase his Ti.
  • 6. Males balance their investment between mating and parenting Primates have been shown to do the same. different reasons. The Owl Monkey lives in a Typically males will prioritise more of their very monogamous society where they form limited resources on mating investment (Mi), pair bonds i.e. a female Owl monkey will pair and less on parental investment (Pi), and up with a male Owl Monkey and only mate with females will do the opposite and invest less each other. in mating (Mi) and much more in parental Thus, the amount a male monkey needs to responsibilities (Pi). This is the same across invest in mating (Mi) is hugely reduced and as almost all animals where the female carry the a result the males invest lots more in parenting young and therefore by default needs to invest (Pi). The Owl Monkey is one of only a handful massive amounts in parenting. of primates where males are the primary care However, some primates buck this trend and giver - the mothers only carry the young for chose to invest their resources in different the first week or so of their lives, and the father ways. For example in the Eburru Cliffs in Kenya, does the majority of the child rearing. Barbera Smuts4 observed Olive baboons So we can see how primates shift the priority doing something very different. It would seem of where they chose to invest their resources, the male baboons felt the amount they were but is this the same in humans? We might not investing in mating was getting too much, it want to admit it as it does sound very shallow was a very aggressive polygamous society and that a man would only invest in parenting if the numbers just weren’t adding up. So they set it meant they got ‘preferential mating rights’ about trying to reduce the amount of resources with the child’s mother but some research invested in mating (obviously subconsciously, recently published in the scientific journal instinctively and over hundreds if not thousands PNAS5 shows that when men become fathers of years of evolution) by shifting their their levels of testosterone drops, showing investment into parenting. The male baboons an inverse correlation between mating and started to care for specific infants, and in return fatherhood. Additionally men who looked they got preferential mating rights with that after their children for 3 hours or more a day infant’s mother. Like our time-poor, cash-rich showed an even more acute drop. This shows house buyer, they changed the priority of their when you dedicate resources to parenting investment and invested more in parenting you naturally reduce resources dedicated (Pi) so that they didn’t need to invest as much to mating. in (Mi). In summary, the investment put into fatherhood The Owl monkeys of South America have is a combination of parental investment and made a similar investment decision but for mating investment or Pi+Mi.
  • 7. Fathers get both emotional and financial benefits from fatherhood Why do primates invest in producing offspring? The financial benefits are obvious: have a child Why do they happily care for their young, and when they are old enough send them to fight off competitors, build nests and do all the factory to earn their keep. The emotional the other things that require massive amounts benefits are more complex, I believe they have of investment? Put simply it is about the roots in the instinctive desire to pass on our propagation of the species, or put another way genetic traits. I believe fathers have translated it is about passing on their genes and ensuring this instinctive urge to pass on their genes their offspring do the same. into a more tangible urge to pass on their cultural legacy, their acquired skills and belief Non-human primates do all this instinctively; system. In effect, we have transposed genes they don’t know or care why they are driven for memes. If you turn on the TV in America to do all the crazy things they do in order to during Father’s Day weekend, it is flooded with reproduce; but they just do it. In many ways images of fathers teaching their child how to we human primates are the same, but our fish, how to shave, how to change a bike’s tyre, brains have evolved to the point where we how to sit down and enjoy a game of football like to have rational reasoning and logical and so on. This passing down of traits reminds deduction as the foundation of our decisions. me of a great quote from Ruth E. Renkel about Therefore as the passing down of our genes fatherhood “Sometimes the poorest man leaves is too abstract a concept for us to be able his children the richest inheritance.” to effectively and reasonable rationalise we have begun to try and post-rationalise it with In summary the total reward that men attribute financial and emotional benefits which are far to becoming a father is a combination of the more tangible. It is these two benefits - like the emotional benefit and the financial benefit. size and location benefits of the house - that we use on the other side of the fatherhood equation; these are the benefits that justify the investment.
  • 8. Fathers get both emotional and financial benefits from fatherhood In a similar way as with the investment ‘portfolio’ coincidentally, emotional relationships between we are prone to give emotional and financial parents and children were less affectionate back benefits different weighting in the equation then. As the value of children has diminished, depending on the situation. Our house buyer and the costs have escalated, the belief that mentioned earlier might look at the benefits parenthood is emotionally rewarding has gained of a four-bed house off the beaten track, and currency. In that sense, the myth of parental joy decide that, as he has five children he would is a modern psychological phenomenon.” rather have a house with more bedrooms and Modern-day parents play a balancing game sacrifice the location. with both the perceived emotional benefit Equally he might like being in the heart of (Eb) and financial benefits (Fb), at the moment things and would be more than happy to have a the trend is towards children having a higher smaller house in order to have a better location. emotional rather than financial benefit. Maybe So in the house buyer’s equation one person in the future as the aging population needs would happily downgrade the perceived benefit to rely more and more on their children for of the location (Lb) as they believe having a financial support this trend will begin to wane greater size benefit (Sb) to be more preferable. and the emotional benefits will be perceived This goes the other way round as well. The as being less important. However, it is the sum same is true with how parents have weighted of the benefits that fathers consider to be the up and prioritised the emotional benefits (Eb) overarching payoff for having children. and financial Benefits (Fb). This was summed So now we have both sides of our equation, both up nicely by Eibach & Mock6 (2011) when they investment and benefit, we can see how we end concluded that: up with the fatherhood happiness equation of “In an earlier time, kids actually had economic Pi+Mi<Eb+Fb. value; they worked on farms or brought home paychecks, and they didn’t cost that much. Not Time needed to father your child Parental investment + Time and effort taken to find a mate Mating investment < Emotional benefit of having a child Emotional benefit + Financial benefit of having a child Financial benefit
  • 9. Fatherhood is however not as shallow as it all seems On face value this seems terribly cynical, shallow and ultimately a damning indictment of a father’s motivation.  Some could look at the fatherhood model, and draw the conclusion that: “Fathers want to pass on their traits to ensure their legacy thrives in the future, and they want to do this with as little effort as possible. Therefore fathers want to keep their investment in fatherhood as small as possible and their most effective strategy to do this is to look after the children as it means they don’t need to try as hard to ‘secure the on- going mating rights of the child’s mother’ thus making more offspring easier to produce.” However on second inspection it can actually show a more virtuous driving force. We could instead deduce from the equation that: “Fathers want to ensure their best characteristics, skills and knowledge are passed on to their children to give them every chance of doing well. They also realise the best environment to do this in is a functioning and loving family unit.” Depending on which side of the cynical line you sit you can derive a motivation that is not necessarily noble in its origins, but is definitely honourable in its execution.
  • 10. By understanding what makes fathers happy we can effectively engage with them Why is Pi+Mi<Eb+Fb interesting. For some it may seem like a pointless exercise in anthropological, economical and mathematical navel gazing, not dissimilar to when ‘scientists’ discovered the formula for the perfect joke (c=(m+nO)/p). In fact it is a very useful tool for marketers when they look at ways of engaging with fathers. We have a saying at Doco, we didn’t coin it but we use it a lot,: “Help me, don’t sell to me.” The best way to engage with an audience is { } to understand what they are going through, understand where they are looking for help, ‘Help me, don’t and then create scenarios where our client’s brands can help solve their problem. In the sell to me’ case of tweens it is all about garnering social acceptance and understanding their position within society, for kids is it about helping them understand who they are and how they want to be perceived. For fathers it is about helping them be happy with their role of being a father. What this equation does is help us understand the mechanics that goes into a father’s happiness, we now know the knobs, levers and pulleys we need to manipulate in order to make the fatherhood happiness equation a more positive one.
  • 11. Happiness is achieved through reducing investment and increasing perceived benefits The astute amongst you will have noticed that each of the factors that go in Pi+Mi<Fb+Eb are all subjective measures, they are all benchmarked against the expectations of the individual father. Two fathers who put in exactly the same amount of effort in parenting will perceive their investment as being different depending on what they are measuring against. It is this perception that we marketers try and influence: we try and make the perceived investment seem as small as possible and the perceived benefit as large as possible. Just like Guinness turned the perceived investment of the long wait for the bar man to pour the drink into something worth investing in with the slogan “Good things come to those who wait”, we want to make the investment of being a good father and partner seem small in comparison to the huge emotional (and to a lesser extent financial) benefits. With this in mind we can condense marketing to fathers down to four main strategies: Reduce perceived parental investment Reduce perceived mating investment Increase perceived emotional benefit Increase perceived financial benefit
  • 12. Examples of strategies in action Visa – “Go World” Ad This ad from Visa shows how Olympian Derek Redmond in Beijing 2008 tore his Hamstring in the 200m men’s semi final event. Seeing Derek in pain and unable to finish his father ran onto the course and helped him over the line. It was a very simple gesture, requiring very little parental investment yet the emotional benefit was huge. Scan QR code to see video All the videos can be seen in the blog post
  • 13. Examples of strategies in action some TV time at the end of the day; all showing Reduced mating investment how easy it is to be a great dad. The final scene shows the mum coming home Increased emotional benefit to find father and son on the sofa, having some quality snooze time, and she showing she As discussed previously the emotional benefits is happy. of being a father being particularly well demonstrated and articulated when you show Finally what I like most about this advert is they how a father can pass on their traits to the next don’t resort to the stereotypical useless dad generation, continuing his legacy if you like. This story line. It is a play often used to ensure they is also well shown in this campaign, particularly are not alienating mothers “don’t worry, dad in the print execution. Father and son, eating can still not do it better than you” with clichĂ©d Sainsbury’s – Live Well for Less the same cake, drinking from the same cup, destroyed house and eye rolling mums. This same hair, same bag, same jeans, same jumper, tired device it is patronising to mums who are The new Sainsbury’s “Live well for less” it is like a mirror is placed down the middle of rarely that insecure to think their job as mum is campaign is a great example of how to market the two allowing father to see himself and see under threat, it is insulting to dads to assume to fathers. It hits all 4 strategic points through the legacy he has created, the perfect creative they cannot look after their children for a day great execution and consideration. execution of showing fathers the emotional without accidentally burning the house down Reduced parental investment benefits of having a son. and as importantly it is damaging to the brand as it sets up divisive lines between father and The campaign shows a father taking his son out Increased financial benefit mother and thus does not show how being a for a day at the seaside; all the activities they The whole campaign is around ‘living well good father makes a stronger family unit. do are simple and cheap activities. Most fathers for less’ so the financial benefits are inherent will see the advert and be acutely aware of the All in all Sainsbury’s have done a fantastic job in everything, including the TV ad sound of engaging with dads in a market place full simplicity of the day, pancakes for breakfast, a track (Disney’s The Jungle Book classic – The train ride, a walk along the pier, a disposable of ads targeting mums. Bare Necessities). barbequed sausage sandwich, an ice cream, Scan QR code to see video
  • 14. Examples of strategies in action Scan QR code to see video Peugeot “Nice Car Ad” This classic ad from the 1990’s shows a man the women from the car park arrived behind it turns out they are in fact married and the apparently picking up a women in a car park him to showing that she was in fact his wife. sound from upstairs is their child calling out and having a rather ‘steamy relationship’ with The second advert in the series had a similar for his parents, the dad offers to go and get her, then dropping her back off in the car park. concept, but with a slight role reversal. The the boy up. Both ads play with the concept He then goes home to his family, his kids rush mum looks to be having an affair with the of being a great lover as well as being a out and he asks where their mother is, leading car cleaner, and the couple are interrupted great dad. us to presume the women who he had picked by a sound coming from upstairs, which we up in the car park was not his wife. At this point are lead to believe is her husband. However Scan QR code to see video
  • 15. Examples of strategies in action KFC - ‘One Big Family’ Although this KFC ad doesn’t specifically target fathers, it is no coincidence that the majority of the adults in the advert are males rather than females. It shows people getting ready for a family gathering, focusing particularly on the small things you need to do. The underlying message is you don’t need to spend a lot of money or go to huge effort to get the whole family together, you just need a few tables and chairs and the rest looks after itself. Playing on the idea of minimising the perceived amount of parental investment needed to get the family together and enjoy emotional benefits. All this is obviously facilitated by the KFC bargain bucket: Scan QR code to see video
  • 16. Examples of strategies in action McDonald’s Happy Meal - ‘Mum v Dad’ This advert from McDonalds shows a father trying to show an increased parental investment by being the one to get the McDonalds Happy Meal first to his son. Even though he ultimately fails to get credit, his playful attempts definitely ingratiates him with the mum which will be a success in his mind. Scan QR code to see video
  • 17. Examples of strategies in action Patek Phillippe As discussed the key play in resonating with and influencing a fathers perceived emotional benefit is to play on the concept of passing things down, be they skills, knowledge, traits, experiences or material possessions. Patek Philippe built an entire brand around it with their “You never actually own a Patek Phillipe. You merely look after it for the next generation” slogan. In these print executions they talk about the passing down of a material possession, but they are also showing the passing down of the other things, and the inference of the continuation of a legacy. The sailing advert shows a father passing on the skills and experience of sailing, and the writing advert shows a passing on of mannerisms and gestures.
  • 18. Examples of strategies in action Real Estate Investment – Germany This advert for a real estate agent takes it one step further and not only plays on the ‘pass things down to your child’ angle, but proactively dismisses genetic inheritance as inferior to material inheritance!
  • 19. Examples of strategies in action Werther’s Original – ‘Father and Son’ Werther’s Originals recently started to move away from showing grandfathers to focusing on fathers and their latest adverts show a whole montage of father-child bonding moments. You can see from some of the screens below each montage (apart from 2) play on the legacy piece and show the emotional connection in passing on traits and interests. From a surfing dad and his son, to a father and son falling over the same way, walking the same way and even wearing the same woollen jumpers. There is also a clip of a father passing on knowledge and showing his son something out of a bus window, finally they show a smiling father seeing his son after a long trip. A classic example of highlighting the emotional benefits of having a child. Scan QR code to see video
  • 20. Examples of strategies in action Oreos - Father’s Day It is always hard to get Fathers day adverts right without being too clichĂ©d and I am not saying this Oreo’s ad recently run in the US necessarily managed it. That said, it was extremely effective, scoring 22%7 better on the standard ad effectiveness metrics than the norm for that period. Scan QR code to see video
  • 21. Examples of strategies in action Ford Mustang - A short story This great short story from Ford was the only example I could find of a brand being bold enough to talk about the financial benefits of having children, even though it does it with great comedy and pathos! Scan QR code to see video
  • 22. Examples of strategies in action NAPCAN - Children see, children do Finally, in Australia the organisation NAPCAN ran a series of adverts that told parents to beware of the traits that they are passing on and the legacy they are creating. It is a very powerful piece, made even more powerful as it turns on its head the positive of one’s ability to shape a child into your image, and makes it a potential negative. Scan QR code to see video
  • 23. Conclusion Fathers are struggling with their role in Western society, their primary assets and unique skills have been marginalised to the point where many fathers feel emasculated and irrelevant. Brands have a great opportunity to help them find their way and to help them re-evaluate what they are putting into fatherhood and what they are getting out. As over-simplistic and potentially naĂŻve the equation Pi+Mi<Eb+Fb seems it does give us a good set of variables that we can nudge in the father’s favour in order to ultimately help him find more happiness and fulfilment in his parental role.
  • 24. References 1 2 My Father Before Me: How Fathers and Sons Influence Each Other Throughout Their Lives – Dr Michael J Diamond; W. W. Norton & Company; 2007 3 4 Sex and friendship in baboons; Barbara B. Smuts; 1985; Aldine Pub Co 5 Lee T. Gettler, Thomas W. McDade, Alan B. Feranil, and Christopher W. Kuzawa; - From the Cover: Longitudinal evidence that fatherhood decreases testosterone in human males 6 The Bottom Line of Raising Kids: Parents Rationalize the Economic Cost of Children by Exaggerating Their Parental Joy; Eibach & Mock 2011, Association for Psychological Science 7 Additional References Childers, L. B. (2010). Parental Bonding in Father - Son Relationships. Liberty University. Eibach, R., & Mock, S. (2011). The Bottom Line of Raising Kids: Parents Rationalize the Economic Cost of Children by Exaggerating Their Parental Joy. Waterloo: Association for Psychological Science. Hewlett, B. S. (1992). Father-child relations: cultural and biosocial contexts. New York: Walter de Gruyter Inc. Pittman, F. (1993). Man Enough: Fathers, Sons and the Search for Masculinity. Putnam.
  • 25. About the Author Maurice Wheeler is the Strategic Planning Director and co-founder of Doco, the creative agency specialising in family. Over his 15 years of working in the digital marketing arena Maurice has helped many clients including Nickelodeon, Disney, Microsoft, Tesco, Universal Music, Procter and Gamble and Lego. Some of his more memorable pieces of work include working with TV institution Blue Peter to remain relevant to today’s contemporary audience; helping Tottenham Hotspur understand how they can work closely with their existing youth touch points to better engage today’s young fans – the adult fans of tomorrow; and advising Microsoft on how they can talk more effectively with the family audience for their Xbox games console. Maurice has been asked to speak at conferences such as The Children’s Media Conference, Cartoon Forum, and MIP Junior, and has written for publications such as Campaign, Marketing Week, and MCV. You will mostly find him reading research papers, preparing presentations, running or playing with his two boys.
  • 26. Notes
  • 27. Notes
  • 28. If you need to engage with fathers or would like to talk more generally about how we might be able to help with your kids and family strategy, please contact us London: +44 (0)20 3206 7500 LA: +1 323 559 0760 Email: Web: Twitter: @hellodoco