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The tide is
– now is the time to reform copyright for the
digital era

     Lessons learned from the past   3

     Why reform?                     6

     Those against reform            7

     So what’s next?                 9


2  the tide is turning
learned from
the past
Copyright is possibly one of the most controversial
policy topics to have been talked about, lobbied and
contested by various stakeholders for a very long time.
                                                              “I’m scared, and so is my industry.
Some would say that the controversy already started at        Changing technology today is
the very beginning of the birth of the world’s first
copyright statute and it has never stopped since.
                                                              threatening to destroy the value of
Skeptics on both sides of the debate would say that           our copyrights and the vitality of the
not much has really changed since the genesis of the
controversy, as the debate has always come down to
                                                              music industry. Our nemesis is home
two things. The first is the tension between insiders         taping.”
benefiting from the prevailing copyright regime pushing
back outsiders – in other words, the innovators who are
barred from benefitting from the established status quo
and are therefore demanding a change.1
                                                              such as: the self-playing piano, FM radio, the recording
“I’m scared, and so is my industry. Changing                  music industry – including gramophones and cassette
technology today is threatening to destroy the value          tapes – cable-TV providers and video cassette
of our copyrights and the vitality of the music               recorders. Today, hardly anyone would call these
industry. Our nemesis is home taping.”2                       industries or technologies pirates.5

The second part of the debate concerns the icons of           In this very brief historical perspective, we can be sure
copyright. These include the creators and the forgotten       of at least two things.
masses, such as the users3, typically being taken
advantage of, squeezed in and marginalized in the              First, new technologies and innovations have been
copyright revision process when insiders push back on            a key industry growth engine for the creative sector,
new innovations by simultaneously expanding their                as they have resulted in increased market reach
control in the new domain that embodies the innovation.          and consumption opportunities, and introduced
                                                                 new types of creative products that all contribute to
Younison – Artists, stand up for your rights: “Except for        increased consumer spending.6
the exploitation of online music [read digital] – which for    Second, the tension between insiders and
the moment represents about 5 percent of the total               outsiders has never been – as is typically portrayed
amount of revenue for collecting societies (and for              by insiders – about an apocalyptic industry
authors) throughout the EU – the [new] directive                 collapse, loss of creativity or about intrinsic pirate
[Collective Rights Management Directive] ignores all             qualities of new generations of consumers that
our demands and ensures that in the digital era, the             must be controlled at all costs.7 In fact, the tension
archaic and opaque redistributions systems are                   has ultimately been about managing firm level risks
institutionalized”4                                              associated with shifts in the value chain and
                                                                 necessary transformation of business models
Of course outsiders, today also labeled as “pirates,”            brought about by the introduction of new
have changed over time and have turned into insiders             technology and innovation.8

3 the tide is turning
“…economists have long had concerns that copyright         acknowledged by Niccolò Machiavelli in 1532, who in
has a moral hazard effect on incumbent firms, including    his book The Prince stated:
those in the creative industries, by encouraging them to
rely on enforcement of the law rather than adopt new       “...there is nothing more difficult to execute, nor more
technologies and business models to deal with new          dubious of success, nor more dangerous to administer
technologies.”9                                            than to introduce a new system of things, for he who
                                                           introduces it has all those who profit from the old
This problem of the “moral hazard,” in other words,        system as his enemies.”10
insiders resisting innovations, was already observed and

                                                                                                    the tide is turning  4
“Now the tide is turning. For many
                        politicians, property rights for media
                        moguls are taking second place to
                        attempts to boost growth by making
                        life easier for technology companies.”

5 the tide is turning
Why reform?

Over the last two decades, there has been very
significant pressure to strengthen copyright laws in the
digital environment by providing cheaper enforcement            “According to a recent study, the
mechanisms and more severe penalties for                        EU could gain 4 percent GDP by
infringement. However, this enforcement-only-focused
approach failed to recognize or to adequately                   stimulating the fast development of
distinguish that file-sharing is a symptom of a problem.        the digital single market by 2020.”
Instead, the root cause of the problem is the inadequate
availability [supply] of lawful, timely, affordable, and
wide-ranging choices of digital-content offerings, which
is fundamentally a market-supply failure.11
                                                                the PM said, because of the risk that the current
“Now the tide is turning. For many politicians, property        intellectual property framework might not be sufficiently
rights for media moguls are taking second place to              well designed to promote innovation and growth in the
attempts to boost growth by making life easier for              UK economy. In the five months we have had to
technology companies.”12                                        compile the review, we have sought never to lose sight
	                                                               of David Cameron’s “exam question.” Could it be true
At first glance, the quote from The Economist above             that laws designed more than three centuries ago with
seems quite controversial, but is it? What it really says is:   the express purpose of creating economic incentives
                                                                for innovation by protecting creators’ rights are today
 Insiders’ interest in protecting the prevailing system       obstructing innovation and economic growth? The
   and relying on more enforcement to protect the               short answer is: yes.”13
   status quo is no longer the No.1 priority. Put simply,
   the enforcement-only-focused approach is out of              More broadly, there is a growing acceptance among
   fashion and even more politically toxic (for example,        policy makers that a digital copyright reform is a
   think ACTA, SOPA/PIPA).                                      necessity, not an option.14 The socioeconomic benefits
 The No.1 priority now is to boost growth by making           associated with increased digitization of industries,
   it easier for outsiders, such as innovators, to do           including creative sectors such as economic growth,
   what new technology has always done best for all             increased competitiveness and job creation, are too
   industries, including the creative industry – namely,        great to forgo. In addition, in the current economic
   inject growth.                                               climate, the absence of growth also comes with social
                                                                and political imperatives.
This new focus on growth and not on a singular
stakeholder interest is the big change in the latest            “The cost of non-digital Europe is significant:
copyright-reform debate. This newly gained focus is             according to a recent study, the EU could gain 4
especially well captured in the Hargreaves Report from          percent GDP by stimulating the fast development of
2011, which states: “When the (UK) prime minister               the digital single market by 2020. This corresponds to
(David Cameron) commissioned this review in                     a gain of almost EUR 500 billion and means that the
November 2010, he did so in terms which some                    digital single market alone could have an impact similar
considered provocative. The review was needed,                  to the 1992 internal market program.”15

                                                                                                        the tide is turning  6
Those against

Those who resist changing the status quo and,                always have to contract with an intermediary or
consequently, digital upgrades of copyright to facilitate    distributor in order to market their work, and it
the adoption of new technologies and business                is the terms of the contract between them that
innovations tend to resort to the following arguments:       determine the eventual financial reward to the author...
                                                             Research on artists’ total earnings including royalties
 the threat to creativity                                  shows that only a small minority earns an amount
 the exploitation of creators                              comparable to national earnings in other occupations
 that digitization goes against culture.                   and only “superstars” make huge amounts. Copyright
                                                             produces limited economic rewards to the “ordinary”
Arguments related to technological advancements that         professional creator.”18
threaten creativity have a long history. The advent of the
music recording industry threat in 1906 is a good            “Copyright should be owned by creators not
example.                                                     corporations… It would be good to have music-business
                                                             people rather than financiers owning and running music
“…. gramophones (today’s CD and DVD players),                companies again. It would be even better to have artists
self-playing pianos and talking machines. The                owning their work and entering into partner relationships
technologies threaten to negate the value of sheet           with service-providing major and independent record
music and the future of creativity; Composer John            companies with all the finance and expertise an artist
Phillip Sousa to the US Congress: “…these machines           needs to develop their own business.”19
are going to ruin the artistic development of music…
the vocal chord will be eliminated by process of             This is not to say that creativity should not be
evolution, as was the tail of a man when he came from        remunerated – on the contrary, it absolutely must. But
the ape…”16                                                  contrary to insiders’ depiction of the remuneration
                                                             issue, academic research shows that rewarding
The risk of new technology unfairly exploiting creators      creators is much more a contractual arrangement issue
is constructed around creators’ right to fair                than a copyright issue. In addition, a digital-copyright
remuneration. Insiders’ call for this argument fails to      reform is not at all about weakening creators’ rights – in
recognize the simple fact that most commercial               other words, weakening the copyright standard – and it
arrangements today regulate creators’ rewards                has even less to do with contractual or employment
contractually. That is, the relation between creators and    arrangements.
the economic rights holders (whose business it is to
commercially maximize the creative endeavor) is              Digitization is against culture. The claim that digitization
regulated in a contract or an employment agreement           is a zero sum game is a construction.20 One cannot
and not by copyright – the latter establishes creators’      simply conclude that digitization of creative sectors
right to be remunerated, but the actual remuneration is      is decreasing creators’ incomes, industry revenues
negotiated outside the copyright statute.17                  or destroys jobs. In a longitudinal study analyzing
                                                             the impact of digitization on the Norwegian music
“Copyright law only stipulates the copyright standard        industry between 1999 and 2009, the report authors
and the rights that protect authors. But authors almost      concluded that:21

7 the tide is turning
creation (28 percent more artists) and increased artists’
                                                          incomes (up 66 percent). We can also identify strong
“Per-capita inflation-adjusted annual                     positive effects of digitization for other companies
                                                          outside the music industry, such as The Economist22,
artist income had increased by                            Hulu23 and Amazon24 . However, it should be said that

                                                          digitization is not a one-way street that is either positive
                    ”                                     or negative. It is rather about how companies deal with
                                                          digital transformation. Finally, on a more general note,
                                                          an OECD review of the impact of technology on jobs
                                                          found that:

                                                          “… technological progress has been accompanied not
                                                          only by higher output and productivity but also by
 total annual industry revenues grew from               higher overall employment.”25
   NOK 1.4 billion (EUR 190 million) to NOK 1.9 billion
   (EUR 255 million), which is a rise of 36 percent       Each of the arguments above has been around for
 the number of artists increased by 28 percent          decades, some of them for a century. Old habits are
 per-capita inflation-adjusted annual artist income     truly hard to break. But, as indicated above, the tide has
   had increased by 66 percent.                           finally turned and the time has come to learn from the
                                                          past – to avoid making the same mistakes all over again
We can see that the impact of digitization has not only   and escaping manufactured facts. The time is ripe for
delivered industry growth but also resulted in job        more facts-based copyright reforms.

                                                                                                     the tide is turning  8
So what’s next?
                                                                                                  Share of digital revenues of total
                                                                                                  sector revenues 2001 – Europe
                                                                      15%                                                                                     15%

A vital link exists between copyright and the degree of        lawful digital content on the increased uptake
availability of lawful digital content.26 The degree to        of digital public services constitutes a new fundamental
                                                                    0%       0%

which copyright exhibits the capacity to stimulate the         consideration thatSubscription TV Commercial TV Home video
                                                                                    puts copyright’s ability to stimulate
availability of legal (licensed and exempt) digital-           digital transformation29 into a new perspective.
content services is important for many reasons.

 Displacing illegal access with legal digital services
    presupposes the availability of a legal digital
    alternative. In addition, the growth of legal services                                                     Digital readiness
                                                                                                          e-skills, e-awareness, ICT equipment

    drives revenues, profits and job creation.
 Consumer benefits from digital services, such as
    time, place, device shifting and personalization are        Digital infrastructure                                                                   Digital content  services
    in high demand and valued by a continuously
                                                               Penetration, coverage, bandwidth                                                         harmonization, large markets, innovation

    growing number of consumers.27
 Conventional distribution methods in creative
    industries are increasingly falling behind average
    business norms and consumer expectations in a                                                           Use of digital services
    number of customer dimensions:                                                                e-government, e-commerce, ERP, e-health, e-learning

    ›› timeliness, due to windowing
    ›› availability, 24/7: think physical distribution, such
       as the cinema                                                                                       Economic impact
    ›› mass-personalization: appointment-based
       viewing, such as linear TV and fixed dates/times,
                                                               Figure 1: Factors influencing the economic impact of digitizations
       and                                                     Source: Copenhagen Economics Stockholm, January 2012
    ›› limits of physical point of service delivery:
       number of points, location of points and physical
       limitations (screens, seats, shelf space) such as
       physical locations of DVD stores and cinemas,
       resulting in limited consumption opportunities,
       exclusion and higher consumer transaction
        Public-interest synergistic effect (see figure 1):
the availability of lawful digital-content services
incentivizes a vast share of the consumer market to
adopt higher broadband speed services28 on which
other essential digital public services (e-work,
e-education, e-health and e-government) can be
delivered at low or no incremental distribution cost. In
other words, this catalytic effect of the availability of

9 the tide is turning
The degree of availability of lawful digital content                                            Share of digital revenues of total
services is also a measure of the degree of the digital                                         sector revenues 2001 – Europe
transformation of creative sectors. An evidence-based               50%
approach to measure the degree of digital transition in             45%
creative industries – and therefore the prevailing                  40%
copyright regime’s capacity to stimulate digitization – is          35%
to relate the share of digital revenues to total (digital           30%
and non-digital) revenues, thereby avoiding the pitfalls            25%
of blunt measures such as merely counting30 the                     20%
number of digital services. Regrettably, as shown in                                                                                                   15%
Figure 2, we can only conclude that the digital
transformation of creative sectors in Europe is
underdeveloped, and this disturbing situation should                                     0%               1%                         2%
be one of the key considerations to be taken into
                                                                                      Cinema       Subscription TV          Commercial TV         Home video
account in future digital copyright reforms.
                                                                    Figure 2: Digital creative transition in Europe 2011
Recognizing the underdeveloped digital state of                     Source: PWC global entertainment outlook 2011-2015

European creative sectors, the obvious question is
what policy outcomes should a digital copyright reform
deliver? In other words, what’s next? Ericsson has
identified some key copyright regime31-related
barriers32 hindering the digital transformation, in other         “There is no doubt about the
                                                                                           Digital readiness

                                                                  importance of the copyright law and
                                                                                                    e-skills, e-awareness, ICT equipment
words, the key root causes of the market-supply failure
of lawful digital content. These are:
                                                                  the incentives it creates for certain
1.	 the deliberate limited availability of lawful digital     Digital infrastructure behavior, and therefore the
                                                                  market                                     Digital content  services
                                                             Penetration, coverage, bandwidth                                                    harmonization, large markets, innovation
    content – in other words, windowing33
2.	 the high degree of technology specificity of                  licensing conducts.”
    copyright, licensing and exceptions34
3.	 unreasonable transaction costs (licensing effort,
    the inefficiency of the levies system) that make
    digital content offerings to consumers
                                                                                                      Use of digital services
    unnecessarily expensive.35                                      and licensing conduct,e-commerce, ERP, e-health, e-learning dictate the
                                                                                    e-government, and they therefore

                                                                    pace of transformation in the lawful digital creative
There is no doubt about the importance of the                       market. Removing or mitigating these barriers in
copyright law and the incentives it creates for certain             prevailing copyright regimes is the defining basis for
market behavior, and therefore the licensing                        any progressive digital copyright reform.
                                                                                            Economic impact
conducts. The three types of barriers mentioned above
are the key determinants of prevailing market behavior              Bring on the digital transformation!

                                                                                                                                           the tide is turning  10

1.	 Jessica Litman, Digital Copyright, 2006 and Tim Wu “Copyright’s               19.
    Communication Policy” 1043 Mich. L. Rev.278, 313 (2004).                          rather-than-corporations/
2.	 Stanley M. Gortikov, President of the Recording Industry Association of       20.	 Vaidhyanathan, 2001, 2004 quoted in Currah, Andrew (2007) “Hollywood,
    America (RIAA), explained in hearings before a House Committee on April           the Internet and the World: A Geography of Disruptive Innovation,” Industry
    14, 1982.                                                                          Innovation, 14: 4, 359-384. Please note also that the displacement effect
                                                                                      of piracy is a symptom of the supply failure of lawful digital content and as
3.	 European Consumers’ Organization, BEUC IPR Strategy: http://www.
                                                                                      such is not to be confused with digitization effect. See also Jakarta Globe,
                                                                                      The Smart Way to Fight Content Piracy, January 6, 2012. Ericsson Consum-
    pdf and
                                                                                      erLab, TV and Video Changing the Game, 2012. Ericsson,
                                                                                      Copyright enforcement in the Networked Society, 2011.
                                                                                  21.	The Norwegian Music Industry in Age of Digitalization, Bjerke  Sorbro,
5.	 Jessica Litman, Digital Copyright, 2006 and Tim Wu “Copyright’s                   BI Norwegian School of Management, Oslo 2010. Golden times for record
    Communication Policy” 1043 Mich. L. Rev.278, 313 (2004).                          companies. It’s raining money over record companies again. Sales contin-
                                                                                      ued to grow substantially over last year, and the increase is the new digital
6.	 The Internet and the Mass Media, Kung, Picard, Towse, 2008.                       services.
7.	 Vaidhyanathan, 2001, 2004 quoted in Currah, Andrew (2007) “Hollywood,             skivbolagen_7837552.svd
    the Internet and the World: A Geography of Disruptive Innovation,” Industry   22.	See also Economist Presentation:
     Innovation, 14: 4, 359-384                                                      lean-back-media-the-shock-of-the-old.
8.	 Ruth Towse, “What we know, what we don’t know and what policy                 23.	Hulu: 2012 Revenue Up 65 Percent:
    makers would like us to know about the economics of copyright”, Review            hulu-2012-revenue-up-65-percent-to-695m-3m-paying-customers-
    of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 2011, vol. 8(2), pp.101-120 and         430-content-partners/
    Harvard Business Review File-Sharing and Copyright, Felix Oberholzer-Gee
    and Koleman Strumpf, May 2009.                                                24.	Amazon, Annual Meeting June 2011,
9.	 Ruth Towse, “What we know, what we don’t know and what policy makers
    would like us to know about the economics of copyright”, Review of            25.	 The OECD Jobs Study; Facts Analysis, Strategies 1994.
    Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 2011, vol. 8(2), pp.108-9.
                                                                                  26.	In this context, digital refers to a number of attributes, such as online, on-
10.	Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, New York, Dover Publication, 1992.               demand, the portability of content across borders, personalization, device/
                                                                                      time/place, and shifting.
11.	Jakarta Globe, The Smart Way to Fight Content Piracy, January 6, 2012.
    Ericsson ConsumerLab, TV and Video Changing the Game, 2012. Ericsson,         27.	 See Ericsson Consumerlab: TV  Video – Changing the Game: http://www.
    Copyright enforcement in the Networked Society, 2011.                    
12.	The Economist: “Letting the baby dance, New copyright rules for the digital
    age,” Sep 1, 2012.                                                            28.	For more information, see: and New Zealand’s
                                                                                      Commerce Commission Demand Study:
13.	Digital Opportunity, A Review of Intellectual Property and Growth,                media-releases/detail/2012/commerce-commission-releases-final-issue-
    independent report by Professor Ian Hargreaves, May 2011.                         paper-on-high-speed-broadband-demand-side-study/
14.	Commission agrees way forward for modernizing copyright in the digital        29.	More information on the economic impact of digitization, see: The Econo-
    economy:                  mist – Growth through digitization requires more than faster broadband
15.	MMonti report, a New Strategy for the Single Market, p. 44, May 2010.             connections: and BoozCo;
                                                                             For more
16.	Arguments before the US Commission on Patents of the S  H.R, Conjointly          information about digital transformation, see: MIT Centre for Digital Busi-
    on the Bills S 6330 and H.R. 19, 853 to Amend and Consolidate the Acts            ness: and Cap Gemini Digital Transforma-
    Respecting Copyright 1906.                                                        tion Conversations:
17.	Recognizing that some countries, especially in Europe and contrarily to the       mit%E2%80%99s-center-for-digital-business/
    US, do not allow the bulk transfer of all of the economic rights to a pro-    30.	A mere count of digital services does not recognize important factors
    ducer, thus guaranteeing that the author will have access to an independent       to assess the level of success of a digital service. These factors include:
    cash flow usually managed by a collective rights-management organization.         timely availability, the range and depth of titles available, business models
18.	Ruth Towse, “What we know, what we don’t know and what policy makers              (subscription, transaction or advertising), the ability to time/format/device
    would like us to know about the economics of copyright”, Review of                shift content, payment methods (credit card, prepaid), ease of use and
    Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 2011, vol. 8(2), pp.101-120                affordable price points. Please note that a revenue-based approach is less
                                                                                      appropriate for public-TV-service providers whose revenues are based on

11 the tide is turning
licenses or state-budget contributions; comparing the number of hours of
   digital programming with the total hours of programming would be more
   appropriate in this case.
31.	The term copyright regime refers to: copyright law, the licensing practice,
    the balancing of exclusive rights, in other words, exceptions and the induced
    business conduct of economic rights holders.
32.	Other non-copyright-specific barriers also limit digital transformation and
    must be addressed by other reforms/initiatives. These barriers include: dif-
    ferentiated VAT regimes discriminating digital versus physical formats; film
    state aid rules discriminating digital distribution; audiovisual and broadcast
    regulation; and windowing laws, such as those in France and Portugal. For
    content-access barriers, see World Intellectual Property Organization, Twen-
    tieth Session, Geneva, June 21-24, 2011:
    copyright/en/sccr_20/sccr_20_2_rev.pdf See also Intellectual Property and
    Innovation: A Framework for 21st Century Growth and Jobs: http://www.
33.	See for example:
    ogy/2011/nov/22/movie-fans-piracy-online; and:
    See also Wired Magazine:
    buster-movie-piracy/?cid=5253254 Ericsson is not advocating that a creator
    should not be able to freely exercise their right to, exhaust their right to, nor
    advocating that there must be a condition for the creator to create competi-
    tion in their own exclusive right. However, once a creator has made the free
    choice to exhaust their right, competition concerns may arise when a licens-
    ing arrangement harms competition among entities that would have been
    actual or likely potential competitors in a relevant market in the absence of
    the license. A restraint in a licensing arrangement may harm competition, for
    example, if it facilitates market division or price-fixing. In addition, license
    restrictions with respect to one market may harm competition in another
    market by anticompetitive foreclosing access to the digital/online versus
    physical (cinema) market.
34.	For example: “...the first sale principle of the original of a work or copies
    thereof by the right-holder or with his consent in the community, exhausts
    the right to control the release in the community of a work incorporated in
    a tangible tool.” This wording limits the principle of exhaustion to tangible
    goods only, excluding online services and intangible goods that incorpo-
    rate digital content. It is paradoxical, however, that in a legislative measure
    devoted to the online context, the only purpose of market integration was
    confined to the offline context.” EU Study, Legal Analysis of a Single Market
    for the Information Society, page 137. Draft Report, October 2009. For more
    general information about a technology-specific approach in a converg-
    ing environment, see The Recasting of Copyright  Related Rights for the
    Knowledge Economy, IVIR 2006.
35.	See for example: Economic Impact of Copyright for Cable Operators in
    Europe, identifying high transaction costs resulting from the necessary
    negotiation of copyrights for various content formats (for example, analog,
    digital, pay, on-demand) with numerous parties, available at:

                                                                                        the tide is turning  12
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The Tide is Turning

  • 1. The tide is turning – now is the time to reform copyright for the digital era
  • 2. Index Lessons learned from the past 3 Why reform? 6 Those against reform 7 So what’s next? 9 References11 2  the tide is turning
  • 3. Lessons learned from the past Copyright is possibly one of the most controversial policy topics to have been talked about, lobbied and contested by various stakeholders for a very long time. “I’m scared, and so is my industry. Some would say that the controversy already started at Changing technology today is the very beginning of the birth of the world’s first copyright statute and it has never stopped since. threatening to destroy the value of Skeptics on both sides of the debate would say that our copyrights and the vitality of the not much has really changed since the genesis of the controversy, as the debate has always come down to music industry. Our nemesis is home two things. The first is the tension between insiders taping.” benefiting from the prevailing copyright regime pushing back outsiders – in other words, the innovators who are barred from benefitting from the established status quo and are therefore demanding a change.1 such as: the self-playing piano, FM radio, the recording “I’m scared, and so is my industry. Changing music industry – including gramophones and cassette technology today is threatening to destroy the value tapes – cable-TV providers and video cassette of our copyrights and the vitality of the music recorders. Today, hardly anyone would call these industry. Our nemesis is home taping.”2 industries or technologies pirates.5 The second part of the debate concerns the icons of In this very brief historical perspective, we can be sure copyright. These include the creators and the forgotten of at least two things. masses, such as the users3, typically being taken advantage of, squeezed in and marginalized in the First, new technologies and innovations have been copyright revision process when insiders push back on a key industry growth engine for the creative sector, new innovations by simultaneously expanding their as they have resulted in increased market reach control in the new domain that embodies the innovation. and consumption opportunities, and introduced new types of creative products that all contribute to Younison – Artists, stand up for your rights: “Except for increased consumer spending.6 the exploitation of online music [read digital] – which for Second, the tension between insiders and the moment represents about 5 percent of the total outsiders has never been – as is typically portrayed amount of revenue for collecting societies (and for by insiders – about an apocalyptic industry authors) throughout the EU – the [new] directive collapse, loss of creativity or about intrinsic pirate [Collective Rights Management Directive] ignores all qualities of new generations of consumers that our demands and ensures that in the digital era, the must be controlled at all costs.7 In fact, the tension archaic and opaque redistributions systems are has ultimately been about managing firm level risks institutionalized”4 associated with shifts in the value chain and necessary transformation of business models Of course outsiders, today also labeled as “pirates,” brought about by the introduction of new have changed over time and have turned into insiders technology and innovation.8 3 the tide is turning
  • 4. “…economists have long had concerns that copyright acknowledged by Niccolò Machiavelli in 1532, who in has a moral hazard effect on incumbent firms, including his book The Prince stated: those in the creative industries, by encouraging them to rely on enforcement of the law rather than adopt new “...there is nothing more difficult to execute, nor more technologies and business models to deal with new dubious of success, nor more dangerous to administer technologies.”9 than to introduce a new system of things, for he who introduces it has all those who profit from the old This problem of the “moral hazard,” in other words, system as his enemies.”10 insiders resisting innovations, was already observed and the tide is turning  4
  • 5. “Now the tide is turning. For many politicians, property rights for media moguls are taking second place to attempts to boost growth by making life easier for technology companies.” 5 the tide is turning
  • 6. Why reform? Over the last two decades, there has been very significant pressure to strengthen copyright laws in the digital environment by providing cheaper enforcement “According to a recent study, the mechanisms and more severe penalties for EU could gain 4 percent GDP by infringement. However, this enforcement-only-focused approach failed to recognize or to adequately stimulating the fast development of distinguish that file-sharing is a symptom of a problem. the digital single market by 2020.” Instead, the root cause of the problem is the inadequate availability [supply] of lawful, timely, affordable, and wide-ranging choices of digital-content offerings, which is fundamentally a market-supply failure.11 the PM said, because of the risk that the current “Now the tide is turning. For many politicians, property intellectual property framework might not be sufficiently rights for media moguls are taking second place to well designed to promote innovation and growth in the attempts to boost growth by making life easier for UK economy. In the five months we have had to technology companies.”12 compile the review, we have sought never to lose sight of David Cameron’s “exam question.” Could it be true At first glance, the quote from The Economist above that laws designed more than three centuries ago with seems quite controversial, but is it? What it really says is: the express purpose of creating economic incentives for innovation by protecting creators’ rights are today Insiders’ interest in protecting the prevailing system obstructing innovation and economic growth? The and relying on more enforcement to protect the short answer is: yes.”13 status quo is no longer the No.1 priority. Put simply, the enforcement-only-focused approach is out of More broadly, there is a growing acceptance among fashion and even more politically toxic (for example, policy makers that a digital copyright reform is a think ACTA, SOPA/PIPA). necessity, not an option.14 The socioeconomic benefits The No.1 priority now is to boost growth by making associated with increased digitization of industries, it easier for outsiders, such as innovators, to do including creative sectors such as economic growth, what new technology has always done best for all increased competitiveness and job creation, are too industries, including the creative industry – namely, great to forgo. In addition, in the current economic inject growth. climate, the absence of growth also comes with social and political imperatives. This new focus on growth and not on a singular stakeholder interest is the big change in the latest “The cost of non-digital Europe is significant: copyright-reform debate. This newly gained focus is according to a recent study, the EU could gain 4 especially well captured in the Hargreaves Report from percent GDP by stimulating the fast development of 2011, which states: “When the (UK) prime minister the digital single market by 2020. This corresponds to (David Cameron) commissioned this review in a gain of almost EUR 500 billion and means that the November 2010, he did so in terms which some digital single market alone could have an impact similar considered provocative. The review was needed, to the 1992 internal market program.”15 the tide is turning  6
  • 7. Those against reform Those who resist changing the status quo and, always have to contract with an intermediary or consequently, digital upgrades of copyright to facilitate distributor in order to market their work, and it the adoption of new technologies and business is the terms of the contract between them that innovations tend to resort to the following arguments: determine the eventual financial reward to the author... Research on artists’ total earnings including royalties the threat to creativity shows that only a small minority earns an amount the exploitation of creators comparable to national earnings in other occupations that digitization goes against culture. and only “superstars” make huge amounts. Copyright produces limited economic rewards to the “ordinary” Arguments related to technological advancements that professional creator.”18 threaten creativity have a long history. The advent of the music recording industry threat in 1906 is a good “Copyright should be owned by creators not example. corporations… It would be good to have music-business people rather than financiers owning and running music “…. gramophones (today’s CD and DVD players), companies again. It would be even better to have artists self-playing pianos and talking machines. The owning their work and entering into partner relationships technologies threaten to negate the value of sheet with service-providing major and independent record music and the future of creativity; Composer John companies with all the finance and expertise an artist Phillip Sousa to the US Congress: “…these machines needs to develop their own business.”19 are going to ruin the artistic development of music… the vocal chord will be eliminated by process of This is not to say that creativity should not be evolution, as was the tail of a man when he came from remunerated – on the contrary, it absolutely must. But the ape…”16 contrary to insiders’ depiction of the remuneration issue, academic research shows that rewarding The risk of new technology unfairly exploiting creators creators is much more a contractual arrangement issue is constructed around creators’ right to fair than a copyright issue. In addition, a digital-copyright remuneration. Insiders’ call for this argument fails to reform is not at all about weakening creators’ rights – in recognize the simple fact that most commercial other words, weakening the copyright standard – and it arrangements today regulate creators’ rewards has even less to do with contractual or employment contractually. That is, the relation between creators and arrangements. the economic rights holders (whose business it is to commercially maximize the creative endeavor) is Digitization is against culture. The claim that digitization regulated in a contract or an employment agreement is a zero sum game is a construction.20 One cannot and not by copyright – the latter establishes creators’ simply conclude that digitization of creative sectors right to be remunerated, but the actual remuneration is is decreasing creators’ incomes, industry revenues negotiated outside the copyright statute.17 or destroys jobs. In a longitudinal study analyzing the impact of digitization on the Norwegian music “Copyright law only stipulates the copyright standard industry between 1999 and 2009, the report authors and the rights that protect authors. But authors almost concluded that:21 7 the tide is turning
  • 8. creation (28 percent more artists) and increased artists’ incomes (up 66 percent). We can also identify strong “Per-capita inflation-adjusted annual positive effects of digitization for other companies outside the music industry, such as The Economist22, artist income had increased by Hulu23 and Amazon24 . However, it should be said that 66% digitization is not a one-way street that is either positive ” or negative. It is rather about how companies deal with digital transformation. Finally, on a more general note, an OECD review of the impact of technology on jobs found that: “… technological progress has been accompanied not only by higher output and productivity but also by total annual industry revenues grew from higher overall employment.”25 NOK 1.4 billion (EUR 190 million) to NOK 1.9 billion (EUR 255 million), which is a rise of 36 percent Each of the arguments above has been around for the number of artists increased by 28 percent decades, some of them for a century. Old habits are per-capita inflation-adjusted annual artist income truly hard to break. But, as indicated above, the tide has had increased by 66 percent. finally turned and the time has come to learn from the past – to avoid making the same mistakes all over again We can see that the impact of digitization has not only and escaping manufactured facts. The time is ripe for delivered industry growth but also resulted in job more facts-based copyright reforms. the tide is turning  8
  • 9. So what’s next? Share of digital revenues of total sector revenues 2001 – Europe 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 15% 10% A vital link exists between copyright and the degree of lawful digital content on the increased uptake 5% 2% 1% availability of lawful digital content.26 The degree to of digital public services constitutes a new fundamental 0% 0% which copyright exhibits the capacity to stimulate the consideration thatSubscription TV Commercial TV Home video Cinema puts copyright’s ability to stimulate availability of legal (licensed and exempt) digital- digital transformation29 into a new perspective. content services is important for many reasons. Displacing illegal access with legal digital services presupposes the availability of a legal digital alternative. In addition, the growth of legal services Digital readiness e-skills, e-awareness, ICT equipment drives revenues, profits and job creation. Consumer benefits from digital services, such as time, place, device shifting and personalization are Digital infrastructure Digital content services in high demand and valued by a continuously Penetration, coverage, bandwidth harmonization, large markets, innovation growing number of consumers.27 Conventional distribution methods in creative industries are increasingly falling behind average business norms and consumer expectations in a Use of digital services number of customer dimensions: e-government, e-commerce, ERP, e-health, e-learning ›› timeliness, due to windowing ›› availability, 24/7: think physical distribution, such as the cinema Economic impact ›› mass-personalization: appointment-based viewing, such as linear TV and fixed dates/times, Figure 1: Factors influencing the economic impact of digitizations and Source: Copenhagen Economics Stockholm, January 2012 ›› limits of physical point of service delivery: number of points, location of points and physical limitations (screens, seats, shelf space) such as physical locations of DVD stores and cinemas, resulting in limited consumption opportunities, exclusion and higher consumer transaction costs. Public-interest synergistic effect (see figure 1): the availability of lawful digital-content services incentivizes a vast share of the consumer market to adopt higher broadband speed services28 on which other essential digital public services (e-work, e-education, e-health and e-government) can be delivered at low or no incremental distribution cost. In other words, this catalytic effect of the availability of 9 the tide is turning
  • 10. The degree of availability of lawful digital content Share of digital revenues of total services is also a measure of the degree of the digital sector revenues 2001 – Europe transformation of creative sectors. An evidence-based 50% approach to measure the degree of digital transition in 45% creative industries – and therefore the prevailing 40% copyright regime’s capacity to stimulate digitization – is 35% to relate the share of digital revenues to total (digital 30% and non-digital) revenues, thereby avoiding the pitfalls 25% of blunt measures such as merely counting30 the 20% number of digital services. Regrettably, as shown in 15% 15% Figure 2, we can only conclude that the digital 10% transformation of creative sectors in Europe is 5% underdeveloped, and this disturbing situation should 0% 1% 2% 0% be one of the key considerations to be taken into Cinema Subscription TV Commercial TV Home video account in future digital copyright reforms. Figure 2: Digital creative transition in Europe 2011 Recognizing the underdeveloped digital state of Source: PWC global entertainment outlook 2011-2015 European creative sectors, the obvious question is what policy outcomes should a digital copyright reform deliver? In other words, what’s next? Ericsson has identified some key copyright regime31-related barriers32 hindering the digital transformation, in other “There is no doubt about the Digital readiness importance of the copyright law and e-skills, e-awareness, ICT equipment words, the key root causes of the market-supply failure of lawful digital content. These are: the incentives it creates for certain 1. the deliberate limited availability of lawful digital Digital infrastructure behavior, and therefore the market Digital content services Penetration, coverage, bandwidth harmonization, large markets, innovation content – in other words, windowing33 2. the high degree of technology specificity of licensing conducts.” copyright, licensing and exceptions34 3. unreasonable transaction costs (licensing effort, the inefficiency of the levies system) that make digital content offerings to consumers Use of digital services unnecessarily expensive.35 and licensing conduct,e-commerce, ERP, e-health, e-learning dictate the e-government, and they therefore pace of transformation in the lawful digital creative There is no doubt about the importance of the market. Removing or mitigating these barriers in copyright law and the incentives it creates for certain prevailing copyright regimes is the defining basis for market behavior, and therefore the licensing any progressive digital copyright reform. Economic impact conducts. The three types of barriers mentioned above are the key determinants of prevailing market behavior Bring on the digital transformation! the tide is turning  10
  • 11. REFERENCES 1. Jessica Litman, Digital Copyright, 2006 and Tim Wu “Copyright’s 19. Communication Policy” 1043 Mich. L. Rev.278, 313 (2004). rather-than-corporations/ 2. Stanley M. Gortikov, President of the Recording Industry Association of 20. Vaidhyanathan, 2001, 2004 quoted in Currah, Andrew (2007) “Hollywood, America (RIAA), explained in hearings before a House Committee on April the Internet and the World: A Geography of Disruptive Innovation,” Industry 14, 1982. Innovation, 14: 4, 359-384. Please note also that the displacement effect of piracy is a symptom of the supply failure of lawful digital content and as 3. European Consumers’ Organization, BEUC IPR Strategy: http://www. such is not to be confused with digitization effect. See also Jakarta Globe, The Smart Way to Fight Content Piracy, January 6, 2012. Ericsson Consum- pdf and erLab, TV and Video Changing the Game, 2012. Ericsson, copyright-directive/ Copyright enforcement in the Networked Society, 2011. 4. 21. The Norwegian Music Industry in Age of Digitalization, Bjerke Sorbro, 5. Jessica Litman, Digital Copyright, 2006 and Tim Wu “Copyright’s BI Norwegian School of Management, Oslo 2010. Golden times for record Communication Policy” 1043 Mich. L. Rev.278, 313 (2004). companies. It’s raining money over record companies again. Sales contin- ued to grow substantially over last year, and the increase is the new digital 6. The Internet and the Mass Media, Kung, Picard, Towse, 2008. services. 7. Vaidhyanathan, 2001, 2004 quoted in Currah, Andrew (2007) “Hollywood, skivbolagen_7837552.svd the Internet and the World: A Geography of Disruptive Innovation,” Industry 22. See also Economist Presentation: Innovation, 14: 4, 359-384 lean-back-media-the-shock-of-the-old. 8. Ruth Towse, “What we know, what we don’t know and what policy 23. Hulu: 2012 Revenue Up 65 Percent: makers would like us to know about the economics of copyright”, Review hulu-2012-revenue-up-65-percent-to-695m-3m-paying-customers- of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 2011, vol. 8(2), pp.101-120 and 430-content-partners/ Harvard Business Review File-Sharing and Copyright, Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf, May 2009. 24. Amazon, Annual Meeting June 2011, zhtml?c=97664p=irol-presentations 9. Ruth Towse, “What we know, what we don’t know and what policy makers would like us to know about the economics of copyright”, Review of 25. The OECD Jobs Study; Facts Analysis, Strategies 1994. Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 2011, vol. 8(2), pp.108-9. 26. In this context, digital refers to a number of attributes, such as online, on- 10. Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, New York, Dover Publication, 1992. demand, the portability of content across borders, personalization, device/ time/place, and shifting. 11. Jakarta Globe, The Smart Way to Fight Content Piracy, January 6, 2012. Ericsson ConsumerLab, TV and Video Changing the Game, 2012. Ericsson, 27. See Ericsson Consumerlab: TV Video – Changing the Game: http://www. Copyright enforcement in the Networked Society, 2011. egoryFilter=reports_1270673222_ctagsFilter=ConsumerLab 12. The Economist: “Letting the baby dance, New copyright rules for the digital age,” Sep 1, 2012. 28. For more information, see: and New Zealand’s Commerce Commission Demand Study: 13. Digital Opportunity, A Review of Intellectual Property and Growth, media-releases/detail/2012/commerce-commission-releases-final-issue- independent report by Professor Ian Hargreaves, May 2011. paper-on-high-speed-broadband-demand-side-study/ 14. Commission agrees way forward for modernizing copyright in the digital 29. More information on the economic impact of digitization, see: The Econo- economy: mist – Growth through digitization requires more than faster broadband 15. MMonti report, a New Strategy for the Single Market, p. 44, May 2010. connections: and BoozCo; For more 16. Arguments before the US Commission on Patents of the S H.R, Conjointly information about digital transformation, see: MIT Centre for Digital Busi- on the Bills S 6330 and H.R. 19, 853 to Amend and Consolidate the Acts ness: and Cap Gemini Digital Transforma- Respecting Copyright 1906. tion Conversations: 17. Recognizing that some countries, especially in Europe and contrarily to the mit%E2%80%99s-center-for-digital-business/ US, do not allow the bulk transfer of all of the economic rights to a pro- 30. A mere count of digital services does not recognize important factors ducer, thus guaranteeing that the author will have access to an independent to assess the level of success of a digital service. These factors include: cash flow usually managed by a collective rights-management organization. timely availability, the range and depth of titles available, business models 18. Ruth Towse, “What we know, what we don’t know and what policy makers (subscription, transaction or advertising), the ability to time/format/device would like us to know about the economics of copyright”, Review of shift content, payment methods (credit card, prepaid), ease of use and Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 2011, vol. 8(2), pp.101-120 affordable price points. Please note that a revenue-based approach is less appropriate for public-TV-service providers whose revenues are based on 11 the tide is turning
  • 12. licenses or state-budget contributions; comparing the number of hours of digital programming with the total hours of programming would be more appropriate in this case. 31. The term copyright regime refers to: copyright law, the licensing practice, the balancing of exclusive rights, in other words, exceptions and the induced business conduct of economic rights holders. 32. Other non-copyright-specific barriers also limit digital transformation and must be addressed by other reforms/initiatives. These barriers include: dif- ferentiated VAT regimes discriminating digital versus physical formats; film state aid rules discriminating digital distribution; audiovisual and broadcast regulation; and windowing laws, such as those in France and Portugal. For content-access barriers, see World Intellectual Property Organization, Twen- tieth Session, Geneva, June 21-24, 2011: copyright/en/sccr_20/sccr_20_2_rev.pdf See also Intellectual Property and Innovation: A Framework for 21st Century Growth and Jobs: http://www. innovation-a-framework-for-21st-century-growth-and-jobs-.html 33. See for example: cinemas-boycott-alice-in-wonderland; ogy/2011/nov/22/movie-fans-piracy-online; and: sa-bra-utbud-har-netflix-och-viaplay-svart-pa-vitt/ See also Wired Magazine: buster-movie-piracy/?cid=5253254 Ericsson is not advocating that a creator should not be able to freely exercise their right to, exhaust their right to, nor advocating that there must be a condition for the creator to create competi- tion in their own exclusive right. However, once a creator has made the free choice to exhaust their right, competition concerns may arise when a licens- ing arrangement harms competition among entities that would have been actual or likely potential competitors in a relevant market in the absence of the license. A restraint in a licensing arrangement may harm competition, for example, if it facilitates market division or price-fixing. In addition, license restrictions with respect to one market may harm competition in another market by anticompetitive foreclosing access to the digital/online versus physical (cinema) market. 34. For example: “...the first sale principle of the original of a work or copies thereof by the right-holder or with his consent in the community, exhausts the right to control the release in the community of a work incorporated in a tangible tool.” This wording limits the principle of exhaustion to tangible goods only, excluding online services and intangible goods that incorpo- rate digital content. It is paradoxical, however, that in a legislative measure devoted to the online context, the only purpose of market integration was confined to the offline context.” EU Study, Legal Analysis of a Single Market for the Information Society, page 137. Draft Report, October 2009. For more general information about a technology-specific approach in a converg- ing environment, see The Recasting of Copyright Related Rights for the Knowledge Economy, IVIR 2006. 35. See for example: Economic Impact of Copyright for Cable Operators in Europe, identifying high transaction costs resulting from the necessary negotiation of copyrights for various content formats (for example, analog, digital, pay, on-demand) with numerous parties, available at: Study%20Final.pdf the tide is turning  12
  • 13. Ericsson is the world’s leading provider of communications technology and services. We are enabling the Networked Society with efficient real-time solutions that allow us all to study, work and live our lives more freely, in sustainable societies around the world. Our offering comprises services, software and infrastructure within Information and Communications Technology for telecom operators and other industries. Today more than 40 percent of the world’s mobile traffic goes through Ericsson networks and we support customers’ networks servicing more than 2.5 billion subscribers. We operate in 180 countries and employ more than 100,000 people. Founded in 1876, Ericsson is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. In 2011 the company had revenues of SEK 226.9 billion (USD 35.0 billion). Ericsson is listed on NASDAQ OMX, Stockholm and NASDAQ, New York stock exchanges. The content of this document is subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document Ericsson AB SE-126 25 Stockholm, Sweden Telephone +46 10 719 00 00 Fax +46 8 18 40 85 LME-13:000402 Uen, Rev A © Ericsson AB 2013