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O  heavenly Father,
 protect and bless all things that have
 breath: guard them from all evil and
 let them sleep in peace.
 I’m sure this will come as a huge shock to
  everyone, but my training is in veterinary
  medicine …not theology
 I can find passages and stories in the bible
  that support the idea of an animal soul
 I can also find passages and stories that do not
  support the idea of an animal soul
 Breath of life…
 Uniqueness of man compared to the lower animal
 The fate of man and animals
    › “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and
      the spirit shall return unto God who gave it” (Eccl. 12:7)
    › “Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth
      upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth
      downward to the earth?” (Ecc. 3:21)
   Nephesh….
 But I can’t imagine it any other way.
 The animals I’ve known have exhibited soul
  qualities in abundance…
 Not a vegetarian…should I be?
 Do only cute/fluffy animals have souls?
 Were some animals put here for our use only
  (ie food/comfort/etc) and not for their own
  existence? Do they have a soul? Every
  chicken, every cow, everything?
 I definitely don’t have the answers to many of
  these questions…it’s a personal journey.
 I’m asking you to be open to the idea that
  animals possess a soul.
 "I think using animals for food  is an
 ethical thing to do, but we've got to do
 it right. We've got to give those
 animals a decent life and we've got to
 give them a painless death. We owe
 the animal respect." —Temple
 Veterinarians are in
  a unique position
  to witness animal
 Stoic suffering and
  euthanasia, herois
  m and
  love…animals are
  beautiful and pure.
This dog is obviously feeling very “spiritual”…
 For the next series of
                       slides, I’m asking
  everyone to just shout out the first
  word that comes to mind when you
  see the photograph.
   Soul is not the physical
    body, emotions, culture, consciousness, gender, s
    pecies, or personality.
   The true and eternal self that never dies.
   The soul animates the physical body, infusing it
    with personality, feelings, thoughts, and
    conscious awareness.
   At death, the soul leaves the body, but it survives
    another realm.
   During life, the soul inspires spiritual impulses
    such as unconditional
    love, creativity, imagination, intuition, and free
   Because animals play such an important
    role in our lives, we give them names, just as we
    give names to our children. Although, we are
    often less inhibited when it comes to naming our
    › Think a boa constrictor named Julius
      Squeezer, doberman Dobi Wan Kenobi, Shih Tzu
      puppy named Blago (because of his hair), kitty named
      Meow Ming, Egg’s Benedict (Ben for short), Edgar
      Allen Poo, Murphy O’Drool, Maximum Bob, potbellied
      pigs named Porter and Guiness….I could go on and on
      and on…
constitutes creepy?
The serpent is also the symbol of the caduceus which is both a veterinary and medical doctor
   Serpent:
    › Shedding of skin and
        renewal is emphasized as
        symbolizing rejuvenation
    ›   Can also express the dual
        nature of the work of a
        physician, who deals with
        life and death, sickness
    ›   Drugs = help or harm
    ›   Pharmakon (ancient Greek
        word for drug, medicine or
    ›   Snake venom was even
        prescribed for certain
I’m sorry….after extensive research, I have decided spiders don’t have souls.
   They simply bring
    comfort by reminding
    people that
    goodness, kindness, an
    d love still exist where
    hatred and loss have
    left their marks.
   Humans are likely not unique in their ability to inflict
    cruelty for sport.
    ›   Dolphins appear to kill porpoises for fun
    ›   Killer whales are known to play with their food before eating it
    ›   Cats will slaughter more birds than necessary for survival
    ›   Cats tend to play with their prey before eating it and sometimes
        don’t eat it at all

    › Is this cruel behavior instinctual or simply
   René Descartes (1596-       A license for cruelty to
    1650) was a French           animals.
    philosopher, mathemat        › ie because man has
    ician, scientist, and          dominion over animals
    writer.                        and animals aren’t
   "Father of Modern              rational beings.
   This is the “I
    think, therefore I am”
    guy                              Love the hair…
   “A man is truly ethical          O heavenly Father,
    only when he obeys the            protect and bless all
    compulsion to help all life       things that have breath:
    which he is able to               guard them from all evil
    assist, and shrinks from          and let them sleep in
    injuring anything that            peace.
   "Until he extends his
    circle of compassion to
    include all living
    things, man will not
    himself find peace."
   This guy had it right.
   Signs of higher mental
    › Good memory
    › Grasp of grammar and
    ›   Self awareness
    ›   Understanding others’
    ›   Imitating others
    ›   Creativity
 Irene Pepperberg (Harvard) studied Alex for 30
  years before his recent death
 He could imitate >100 English words
 He created words for food he enjoyed…including
  calling an apple a “banerry” because “apples
  tasted a little bit like bananas to him, and they
  look a little bit like cherries, so Alex made up a
  word for them,” Pepperberg said.
   Alex and Griffin
   Einstein
   scrub jays know that other jays are      The bonobo Kanzi, for
    thieves and that stashed food can         instance, carries his symbol-
    spoil                                     communication board with him so
   sheep can recognize faces                 he can "talk" to his human
   chimpanzees use a variety of tools        researchers, and he has invented
    to probe termite mounds and even          combinations of symbols to
    use weapons to hunt small                 express his thoughts.
    mammals                                   Nevertheless, this is not the same
                                              thing as having an animal look up
   dolphins can imitate human                at you, open his mouth, and
    postures                                  speak.
   the archerfish, which stuns insects
    with a sudden blast of water, can
    learn how to aim its squirt simply
    by watching an experienced fish
    perform the task
   Kanzi
   Time…1.25
   Do some exceptional
    animals have what
    researchers call mental
   Chimpanzees certainly do.
    In the wild, a chimpanzee
    may use four sticks of
    different sizes to extract the
    honey from a bee's nest.
    And in captivity, they can
    figure out how to position
    several boxes so they can
    retrieve a banana hanging
    from a rope.
   Who let the dawgs out...?
 Mark Bekoff (University of Colorado, Boulder)
  has demonstrated in experiments that various
  species have a sense of fairness and show
 Recent neurology work has also revealed that
  distantly related mammals such as whales and
  dolphins have the same structures in their
  brains that are thought to be responsible for
  empathy in humans.
   Dolphins save Doberman Pinscher stranded on sandbar
   Updated: Wednesday, 02 Mar 2011, 11:09 AM EST
    Published : Wednesday, 02 Mar 2011, 10:42 AM EST
   MARCO ISLAND, Fla. (Newscore) - A Pennsylvania woman on vacation in Florida took a tip from
    two dolphins to save a lost Doberman Pinscher that got stranded on a sandbar.
   When Audrey D'Alessandro and her husband, Sam, walked out of their home on Marco
    Island, near Naples, Fla., to go fishing, "we saw these two dolphins, and they were splashing and
    making this big commotion" in a canal behind their vacation home, she said.
   Although it is not uncommon to see dolphins swimming through the canal on their way to the Gulf
    of Mexico, Audrey D'Alessandro said that this time, "they were just there, in one place, splashing
    water against the canal wall."
   When the D'Alessandros went to investigate, they saw that an 80-pound Doberman Pinscher was
    standing on a sandbar, half-submerged even at low tide. The dog, which disappeared from a nearby
    home some 12 hours before, was too weak to bark, she added, and could not get back onto land
    because of a several-foot-high canal wall.
   By the time the nurse lowered herself into the canal to get onto the sandbar, the dutiful dolphins
    were gone, but her husband called firefighters, who helped Audrey D'Alessandro hoist the dog out
    of the water. Turbo, who was shaking and unable to stand after being rescued, was quickly reunited
    with his owner -- who got the happy news while putting up lost-dog posters.
   A few days later, a thankful Turbo and his owner made the eight-block trip to visit the
    D'Alessandros, who have a yellow Labrador of their own.
   But Audrey D'Alessandro brushed off the island-wide praise the couple received afterward, saying
    that while "people pulled up to us when were driving and said, 'You're the couple that saved that
    dog,' I said, 'Yeah, sure.' But I think it was really those dolphins.
   Animals grieve for one another…

   Wolf grieving
   Numbers 22

   She was a good donkey. She made good
    choices, heroic choices, to endure pain for the
    sake of her master’s life. Even under Cartesian
    theology, that is clear evidence of a “soul” and
    of a “spirit.”
   History is replete with similar stories of
    animal heroism…dogs and other animals
    giving their lives for humans – or even other
    species. Some risk life and limb for
    strangers, others for loved friends.
Mom and son

              mother and child
              are said to be
              doing fine.
   In the excavation of           Firemen found a German
    Pompeii, evidence was           shepherd who died
    found of a dog lying            covering a toddler with
    across a child;                 it’s body during a house
    archeologists believe the       fire. The child survived
    dog was trying to protect       with only minor injuries.
    the child.
   Police K9 Sirius, Badge Number 17...a
    four-and-a-half-year old, ninety
    pound, easygoing, yellow Labrador
    Retriever...was an Explosive Detection
    Dog with the Port Authority of New
    York and New Jersey Police
   Sirius, along with his partner, Police
    Officer David Lim, were assigned to
    the World Trade Center in New
    York, where their primary duty was to
    check vehicles entering the
    Complex, clear unattended bags and
    sweep areas for VIP safety.
   Sirius, who began work at the World
    Trade Center on July 4, 2000, was the
    only police dog to perish during the
    attack on the Twin Towers.
   Anyone who has ever shared a home with a pet
    knows: animals display a variety of
    emotions, including
    joy, fear, anger, pain, love, grief and despair.
    Jane Goodall is quoted as saying that
    “scientists who use animals to study the
    human brain, then deny that animals have
    feelings, are illogical.”
M. Jean Holmes (Do Dogs go to Heaven?
    Eternal Answers for Animal Lovers)

   “Most animals are good – just like people. Some
    are good because it’s as natural to them as
    breathing. I’ve seen animals suffer unspeakable
    cruelty and still offer love and forgiveness to the
    person hurting them. Animals often love people
    as Mother Theresa loved – without prejudice and
    without being repelled by a person’s condition.
    Such animals don’t care if you are
    unwashed, covered with putrid sores, or dying.
    They still give love. If there’s a heaven for such
    saints as Mother Theresa, surely God has rewards
    in eternity for loving animals.”
   But ask the animals, and they will teach
    you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell
    you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach
    you, or let the fish of the sea inform you.
    Which of all these does not know that the
    hand of the lord has done this? In his hand is
    the life of every creature and the breath of all
   Human beings look
    beyond the clouds to the
    stars and distant planets
    for answers to questions
    about God and life. Yet at
    our feet, in the branches
    of our trees, in our rivers
    and oceans, on our
    laps, and at our back
    doors, the eyes of kindred
    spirits watch and wait for
    us to recognize God’s gifts
    and blessings.
The Spirituality Of Animals
The Spirituality Of Animals
The Spirituality Of Animals

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The Spirituality Of Animals

  • 1.
  • 2. O heavenly Father, protect and bless all things that have breath: guard them from all evil and let them sleep in peace.
  • 3.  I’m sure this will come as a huge shock to everyone, but my training is in veterinary medicine …not theology  I can find passages and stories in the bible that support the idea of an animal soul  I can also find passages and stories that do not support the idea of an animal soul  Breath of life…
  • 4.  Uniqueness of man compared to the lower animal creation.  The fate of man and animals › “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it” (Eccl. 12:7) › “Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?” (Ecc. 3:21)  Nephesh….
  • 5.  But I can’t imagine it any other way.  The animals I’ve known have exhibited soul qualities in abundance…
  • 6.
  • 7.  Not a vegetarian…should I be?  Do only cute/fluffy animals have souls?  Were some animals put here for our use only (ie food/comfort/etc) and not for their own existence? Do they have a soul? Every chicken, every cow, everything?  I definitely don’t have the answers to many of these questions…it’s a personal journey.  I’m asking you to be open to the idea that animals possess a soul.
  • 8.  "I think using animals for food is an ethical thing to do, but we've got to do it right. We've got to give those animals a decent life and we've got to give them a painless death. We owe the animal respect." —Temple Grandin
  • 9.  Veterinarians are in a unique position to witness animal spirituality.  Stoic suffering and euthanasia, herois m and unconditional love…animals are beautiful and pure.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. This dog is obviously feeling very “spiritual”…
  • 13.  For the next series of slides, I’m asking everyone to just shout out the first word that comes to mind when you see the photograph.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41. Soul is not the physical body, emotions, culture, consciousness, gender, s pecies, or personality.  The true and eternal self that never dies.  The soul animates the physical body, infusing it with personality, feelings, thoughts, and conscious awareness.  At death, the soul leaves the body, but it survives another realm.  During life, the soul inspires spiritual impulses such as unconditional love, creativity, imagination, intuition, and free will.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44. Because animals play such an important role in our lives, we give them names, just as we give names to our children. Although, we are often less inhibited when it comes to naming our pets… › Think a boa constrictor named Julius Squeezer, doberman Dobi Wan Kenobi, Shih Tzu puppy named Blago (because of his hair), kitty named Meow Ming, Egg’s Benedict (Ben for short), Edgar Allen Poo, Murphy O’Drool, Maximum Bob, potbellied pigs named Porter and Guiness….I could go on and on and on…
  • 45.
  • 47.
  • 48. The serpent is also the symbol of the caduceus which is both a veterinary and medical doctor symbol.
  • 49. Serpent: › Shedding of skin and renewal is emphasized as symbolizing rejuvenation › Can also express the dual nature of the work of a physician, who deals with life and death, sickness andhealth. › Drugs = help or harm › Pharmakon (ancient Greek word for drug, medicine or poison) › Snake venom was even prescribed for certain conditions
  • 50. I’m sorry….after extensive research, I have decided spiders don’t have souls.
  • 51.
  • 52. They simply bring comfort by reminding people that goodness, kindness, an d love still exist where hatred and loss have left their marks.
  • 53. Humans are likely not unique in their ability to inflict cruelty for sport. › Dolphins appear to kill porpoises for fun › Killer whales are known to play with their food before eating it › Cats will slaughter more birds than necessary for survival › Cats tend to play with their prey before eating it and sometimes don’t eat it at all › Is this cruel behavior instinctual or simply fun?
  • 54. René Descartes (1596-  A license for cruelty to 1650) was a French animals. philosopher, mathemat › ie because man has ician, scientist, and dominion over animals writer. and animals aren’t  "Father of Modern rational beings. Philosophy”  This is the “I think, therefore I am” guy Love the hair…
  • 55. “A man is truly ethical  O heavenly Father, only when he obeys the protect and bless all compulsion to help all life things that have breath: which he is able to guard them from all evil assist, and shrinks from and let them sleep in injuring anything that peace. lives."  "Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace."  This guy had it right.
  • 56. Signs of higher mental abilities: › Good memory › Grasp of grammar and symbols › Self awareness › Understanding others’ motives › Imitating others › Creativity
  • 57.  Irene Pepperberg (Harvard) studied Alex for 30 years before his recent death  He could imitate >100 English words  He created words for food he enjoyed…including calling an apple a “banerry” because “apples tasted a little bit like bananas to him, and they look a little bit like cherries, so Alex made up a word for them,” Pepperberg said.  Alex and Griffin  Einstein
  • 58. scrub jays know that other jays are  The bonobo Kanzi, for thieves and that stashed food can instance, carries his symbol- spoil communication board with him so  sheep can recognize faces he can "talk" to his human  chimpanzees use a variety of tools researchers, and he has invented to probe termite mounds and even combinations of symbols to use weapons to hunt small express his thoughts. mammals Nevertheless, this is not the same thing as having an animal look up  dolphins can imitate human at you, open his mouth, and postures speak.  the archerfish, which stuns insects with a sudden blast of water, can learn how to aim its squirt simply by watching an experienced fish perform the task  Kanzi  Time…1.25
  • 59. Do some exceptional animals have what researchers call mental flexibility?  Chimpanzees certainly do. In the wild, a chimpanzee may use four sticks of different sizes to extract the honey from a bee's nest. And in captivity, they can figure out how to position several boxes so they can retrieve a banana hanging from a rope.
  • 60. Who let the dawgs out...?
  • 61.  Mark Bekoff (University of Colorado, Boulder) has demonstrated in experiments that various species have a sense of fairness and show empathy.  Recent neurology work has also revealed that distantly related mammals such as whales and dolphins have the same structures in their brains that are thought to be responsible for empathy in humans.
  • 62. Dolphins save Doberman Pinscher stranded on sandbar  Updated: Wednesday, 02 Mar 2011, 11:09 AM EST Published : Wednesday, 02 Mar 2011, 10:42 AM EST  MARCO ISLAND, Fla. (Newscore) - A Pennsylvania woman on vacation in Florida took a tip from two dolphins to save a lost Doberman Pinscher that got stranded on a sandbar.  When Audrey D'Alessandro and her husband, Sam, walked out of their home on Marco Island, near Naples, Fla., to go fishing, "we saw these two dolphins, and they were splashing and making this big commotion" in a canal behind their vacation home, she said.  Although it is not uncommon to see dolphins swimming through the canal on their way to the Gulf of Mexico, Audrey D'Alessandro said that this time, "they were just there, in one place, splashing water against the canal wall."  When the D'Alessandros went to investigate, they saw that an 80-pound Doberman Pinscher was standing on a sandbar, half-submerged even at low tide. The dog, which disappeared from a nearby home some 12 hours before, was too weak to bark, she added, and could not get back onto land because of a several-foot-high canal wall.  By the time the nurse lowered herself into the canal to get onto the sandbar, the dutiful dolphins were gone, but her husband called firefighters, who helped Audrey D'Alessandro hoist the dog out of the water. Turbo, who was shaking and unable to stand after being rescued, was quickly reunited with his owner -- who got the happy news while putting up lost-dog posters.  A few days later, a thankful Turbo and his owner made the eight-block trip to visit the D'Alessandros, who have a yellow Labrador of their own.  But Audrey D'Alessandro brushed off the island-wide praise the couple received afterward, saying that while "people pulled up to us when were driving and said, 'You're the couple that saved that dog,' I said, 'Yeah, sure.' But I think it was really those dolphins.
  • 63. Animals grieve for one another…  Wolf grieving
  • 64.
  • 65. Numbers 22  She was a good donkey. She made good choices, heroic choices, to endure pain for the sake of her master’s life. Even under Cartesian theology, that is clear evidence of a “soul” and of a “spirit.”
  • 66.
  • 67. History is replete with similar stories of animal heroism…dogs and other animals giving their lives for humans – or even other species. Some risk life and limb for strangers, others for loved friends.
  • 68. Mom and son Thankfully mother and child are said to be doing fine.
  • 69. In the excavation of  Firemen found a German Pompeii, evidence was shepherd who died found of a dog lying covering a toddler with across a child; it’s body during a house archeologists believe the fire. The child survived dog was trying to protect with only minor injuries. the child.
  • 70. Police K9 Sirius, Badge Number 17...a four-and-a-half-year old, ninety pound, easygoing, yellow Labrador Retriever...was an Explosive Detection Dog with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department.  Sirius, along with his partner, Police Officer David Lim, were assigned to the World Trade Center in New York, where their primary duty was to check vehicles entering the Complex, clear unattended bags and sweep areas for VIP safety.  Sirius, who began work at the World Trade Center on July 4, 2000, was the only police dog to perish during the attack on the Twin Towers.
  • 71. Anyone who has ever shared a home with a pet knows: animals display a variety of emotions, including joy, fear, anger, pain, love, grief and despair. Jane Goodall is quoted as saying that “scientists who use animals to study the human brain, then deny that animals have feelings, are illogical.”
  • 72. M. Jean Holmes (Do Dogs go to Heaven? Eternal Answers for Animal Lovers)  “Most animals are good – just like people. Some are good because it’s as natural to them as breathing. I’ve seen animals suffer unspeakable cruelty and still offer love and forgiveness to the person hurting them. Animals often love people as Mother Theresa loved – without prejudice and without being repelled by a person’s condition. Such animals don’t care if you are unwashed, covered with putrid sores, or dying. They still give love. If there’s a heaven for such saints as Mother Theresa, surely God has rewards in eternity for loving animals.”
  • 73. But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
  • 74. Human beings look beyond the clouds to the stars and distant planets for answers to questions about God and life. Yet at our feet, in the branches of our trees, in our rivers and oceans, on our laps, and at our back doors, the eyes of kindred spirits watch and wait for us to recognize God’s gifts and blessings.