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Jared Burrows
The Road to Single
Jared Burrows
• Yammer is a social networking service used for
communication within an organization
• 3 APKs: Min SDK 15, 16 and 19, Target SDK 25
• Loading extra DEX files may lead to possible ANRs
• Multidex makes very large memory allocation requests may
crash during run time
• Reducing DEX method count
• Reducing APK size
1 DEX file, Smaller APK, All features kept!
Before After Reduction
Method Count 85k+ 60.8k 28.47%
APK Size 10.7MB+ 7.1MB 33.64%
What makes an APK so big?

Multiple DEX files
Many Resources
What is inside an APK?
• AndroidManifest.xml
• assets/
• classes.dex



• lib/
• res/

- drawable/

- layout/
• resources.arsc
Big APKs - DEX size
• Remove all/any dead code
• Remove any old/unused libraries
• Refactor out large/non-mobile libraries
• Verify Gradle configurations
Big APKs - Resources
• Remove extra and unused files in your “/res” folder
• Remove extra and used files in your “/assets” folder
Before Optimizations - Debug build
$ gradlew countDebugDexMethods sizeDebugApk

> Task :countDebugDexMethods

Total methods in debug.apk: 113007 (172.44% used) 

Total fields in debug.apk: 50547 (77.13% used) 

Methods remaining in debug.apk: 0 

Fields remaining in debug.apk: 14988

> Task :sizeDebugApk

Total APK Size in debug.apk in bytes: 12386152 (12.3MB)
Before Optimizations - Release build
$ gradlew countReleaseDexMethods sizeReleaseApk (with Proguard)

> Task :countReleaseDexMethods

Total methods in release.apk: 85259 (130.10% used) 

Total fields in release.apk: 39887 (60.86% used) 

Methods remaining in release.apk: 0 

Fields remaining in release.apk: 25648

> Task :sizeReleaseApk

Total APK Size in release.apk in bytes: 10764242 (10.7MB)
Baselined Results
85k+ > 64k DEX limit = 2 DEX files
Debug Release
Method Count 113k+ 85k+
APK Size 12.3MB+ 10.7MB+
Optimizing the DEX size
Trimming the DEX size - Dead Code
• Remove any and all unused code

- PMD - Comes with Gradle

- Proguard - Comes with Android Gradle Plugin

- Intellij/Android Studio Inspections - Click “Analyze” > Click “Inspect Code…”
• Remove all unused libraries

- We chose HockeyApp over an open source analytics library called ApplicationInsights

- HockeyApp’s functionality encompasses all of the functionality that we need from
Trimming the DEX size - Old Libraries
• Remove old libraries

- Using HockeyApp for releasing versioning/nightlies - Allowed us to remove AndroidQuery - version
• Remove unnecessary libraries

- Try not add libraries that duplicate Android’s existing functionality

- Able to remove Apache Commons validator - validate emails addresses
• Removing differential versions of same library

- Jackson 1 and Jackson 2 are the same library but Jackson 2 has a different package name

- Duplicating functionality across across prevent tools such as Proguard from optimizing
Trimming the DEX size - Transitive Libraries
• Watch out for Library Duplication

- Jackson 1 vs Jackson 2 vs Gson

- Consider using a Groovy map in your build.gradle
• Bringing in extra libraries based on a libraries’ dependencies

- Use “gradlew dependencies” to see what you are actually using
Trimming the DEX size - Transitive Libraries
ext {

supportLibraryVersion = "25.4.0"


ext.deps = [

"design" : "$supportLibraryVersion",

"recyclerviewV7" : "$supportLibraryVersion",

"appcompatV7" : "$supportLibraryVersion",

"cardviewV7" : "$supportLibraryVersion"

dependencies {


Keep track of dependencies, Enforce versions
Trimming the DEX size - Transitive Libraries
gradlew dependencies --configuration compile*
compile - Classpath for compiling the main sources.
+--- project :yammer-common
| ---
+--- project :yammer-data
| --- com.squareup.retrofit:retrofit:1.9.0
| --- -> 2.8.1
| --- -> 2.8.1
Trimming the DEX size - Large Libraries
• Try not to use Large/Non-mobile libraries

- Guava - 15k+ methods

- Jackson2 2.9.0.pr3 - 12k+ methods

- Check size of libraries with
• Necessary Evils

- AppCompat - 25.4.0 has 16.5k+ methods, 26.0.0-beta2 has 18.3k+ (continues to increase)

- Google Play Services GCM 11.0.0 - 16.7k+ methods

- Simply using both App Compat + Play Services together brings your APK to 30k+ methods,
halfway to the 64k limit per DEX file!
Trimming the DEX size - MethodsCount
Trimming the DEX size - Gradle Configurations
dependencies {
compile project(":common")

compile project(":common-test")

Pre Android Gradle Plugin 3.0
Trimming the DEX size - Gradle Configurations
dependencies {
compile project(":common")

compile project(":common-test")

Pre Android Gradle Plugin 3.0
Trimming the DEX size - Gradle Configurations
Pre Android Gradle Plugin 3.0
dependencies {
compile project(":common")

testCompile project(":common-test")

Trimming the DEX size - Gradle Configurations
dependencies {
api project(":common")

testImplementation project(":common-test")

With Android Gradle Plugin 3.0
Trimming the DEX size - Proguard
• Use Proguard on Release builds

- Set “minifyEnabled” to true!

- Easiest way to help lower your DEX size
• Consider using “proguard-android-optimize.txt” over

- Proguard will make 5 optimization passes on your code
Trimming the DEX size - Proguard
android {

buildTypes {

release {

minifyEnabled true

proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt")

proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"

signingConfig signingConfigs.release




Make sure you turn on “minifyEnabled”
Trimming the DEX size - Proguard
android {

buildTypes {

release {

minifyEnabled true

proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt")

proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"

signingConfig signingConfigs.release




Make sure you turn on “minifyEnabled”
Trimming the DEX size - Proguard
Make sure you provide Proguard rules
android {

buildTypes {

release {

minifyEnabled true

proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt")

proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"

signingConfig signingConfigs.release




Trimming the DEX size - Proguard
Try using more aggressive Proguard rules
android {

buildTypes {

release {

minifyEnabled true

proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt")

proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"

signingConfig signingConfigs.release




Trimming the DEX size - Proguard
• Remove extra Proguard rules
• Keep them up to date with the current libraries in your app
• Make sure to use “-keep” sparingly
Trimming the DEX size - Proguard
Over using “-keep” can be costly
-keep class okhttp3.* { ; }

-keep interface okhttp3.* { ; }

-dontwarn okhttp3.**

-dontnote okhttp3.**
Trimming the DEX size - Proguard
Over using “-keep” can be costly
-keep class okhttp3.* { ; }

-keep interface okhttp3.* { ; }

-dontwarn okhttp3.**

-dontnote okhttp3.**
Trimming the DEX size - Proguard
Try and let Proguard decide
-dontwarn okhttp3.**

-dontnote okhttp3.**
Optimizing the Resources
Trimming the Resources - Lint
• Make sure to use lint to check for “UnusedResources”
• Do not suppress this lint rule unless you are writing an
Android library
• Consider failing the builds based on lint warnings/errors
Trimming the Resources - Lint
Strict lint options
android {

lintOptions {

textReport true

textOutput "stdout"

checkAllWarnings true

warningsAsErrors true


Trimming the Resources - Lint
android {

lintOptions {

error "UnusedResources"


Less strict, check for “UnusedResources”
Trimming the Resources - ShrinkResources
• What Lint does not find, you have to remove manually
• Remove all unused resources in “assets/” folder

- Raw media such as Font files
• Use “shrinkResources” to remove unused resources

- Great for removing library dependencies resources in your final APK
Trimming the Resources - ShrinkResources
android {

buildTypes {

release {

minifyEnabled true

proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt")

proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"

signingConfig signingConfigs.release




Missing “shrinkResources”
Trimming the Resources - ShrinkResources
Added “shrinkResources”
android {

buildTypes {

release {

minifyEnabled true
shrinkResources true

proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt")

proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"

signingConfig signingConfigs.release




Trimming the Resources - ShrinkResources
Using “shrinkResources”
android {

buildTypes {

release {

minifyEnabled true
shrinkResources true

proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt")

proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"

signingConfig signingConfigs.release




Trimming the Resources - ResConfigs
• Use “resConfigs” to filter out localizations that you do not
want/support in your app
Trimming the Resources - ResConfig
Using “resConfigs” to keep English only
android {
defaultConfig {

resConfigs "en"


Trimming the Resources - ResConfig
android {
defaultConfig {

resConfigs "en",
"de", "fr"


Using “resConfigs” to keep multiple languages
Trimming the Resources - PackagingOptions
• Remove extra files that are baked into your APK
• Use the APK Analyzer to find these files

- In Android Studio, Click “Build” > Click “Analyze APK…”
• Use “packagingOptions” to filter out these files
Trimming the Resources - PackagingOptions
android {

packagingOptions {

exclude "META-INF/LICENSE.txt"

exclude "META-INF/NOTICE.txt"


Common “packagingOptions” excludes
Trimming the Resources - PackagingOptions
After using common “packagingOptions” excludes
Trimming the Resources - PackagingOptions
Strict “packagingOptions” excludes
android {

packagingOptions {

exclude "/META-INF/*.kotlin_module"

exclude "**/kotlin/**"

exclude "**/*.properties"

exclude "**/*.xml"

exclude "**/*.txt"


Trimming the Resources - PackagingOptions
After using stricter “packagingOptions” excludes
Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables
• Consider converting simple PNGs to “Vector” Drawables
• Single XML file is smaller than multiple PNGs
• Use tools such as “svg2android” to convert SVGs to Android
Vector Drawables
Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables
android {

defaultConfig {

resConfigs "en", "de", "fr"

vectorDrawables {

useSupportLibrary = true



Using “vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true” to prevent PNG generation
Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables
android {

defaultConfig {

resConfigs "en", "de", "fr"

vectorDrawables {

useSupportLibrary = true



Using “vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true” to prevent PNG generation
Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables
Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables
After dropping your SVG file, Copy it to your project in “res/drawable”
Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables
Make sure to use “app:srcCompat” your in XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>















Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables
Make sure to use “app:srcCompat” your in XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>















Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables
Using “app:srcCompat” your in XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>















After Optimizations - Debug build
$ gradlew countDebugDexMethods sizeDebugApk

> Task :countDebugDexMethods

Total methods in debug.apk: 100595 (153.50% used) 

Total fields in debug.apk: 51278 (78.25% used) 

Methods remaining in debug.apk: 0 

Fields remaining in debug.apk: 14257

> Task :sizeDebugApk

Total APK Size in debug.apk in bytes: 10053036 (10.1MB)
After Optimizations - Release build
$ gradlew countReleaseDexMethods sizeReleaseApk (with Proguard)

> Task :countReleaseDexMethods

Total methods in release.apk: 60810 (92.79% used) 

Total fields in release.apk: 29445 (44.93% used) 

Methods remaining in release.apk: 4725

Fields remaining in release.apk: 36090

> Task :sizeReleaseApk

Total APK Size in release.apk in bytes: 7049930 (7.1MB)
Optimized Results
60.8k+ < 64k DEX limit = 1 DEX file!
Debug Release
Method Count 100k+ 60.8k
APK Size 10.1MB+ 7.1MB
Before vs After Release Builds
1 DEX file, Smaller APK, All features kept!
Before After Reduction
Method Count 85k+ 60.8k 28.47%
APK Size 10.7MB+ 7.1MB 33.64%
Automating Dex Count Plugin
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->

if (taskGraph.hasTask(":assembleRelease")) {

dexcount {

maxMethodCount = 61000 // 61k methods



Automating APK Size Plugin
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->

if (taskGraph.hasTask(":assembleRelease")) {

apkSize {

maxApkSize = 8000 // in Kb



Thank you! Questions?

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The Road To Single Dex (Gradle Summit 2017)

  • 1. Jared Burrows The Road to Single Dex Jared Burrows
  • 2. Motivation • Yammer is a social networking service used for communication within an organization • 3 APKs: Min SDK 15, 16 and 19, Target SDK 25 • Loading extra DEX files may lead to possible ANRs • Multidex makes very large memory allocation requests may crash during run time
  • 3. Focus • Reducing DEX method count • Reducing APK size
  • 4. Results 1 DEX file, Smaller APK, All features kept! Before After Reduction Method Count 85k+ 60.8k 28.47% APK Size 10.7MB+ 7.1MB 33.64%
  • 5. What makes an APK so big? 
 Multiple DEX files + Many Resources
  • 6. What is inside an APK? • AndroidManifest.xml • assets/ • classes.dex • META-INF/
 - CERT.RSA • lib/ • res/
 - drawable/
 - layout/ • resources.arsc
  • 7. Big APKs - DEX size • Remove all/any dead code • Remove any old/unused libraries • Refactor out large/non-mobile libraries • Verify Gradle configurations
  • 8. Big APKs - Resources • Remove extra and unused files in your “/res” folder • Remove extra and used files in your “/assets” folder
  • 9. Before Optimizations - Debug build $ gradlew countDebugDexMethods sizeDebugApk
 > Task :countDebugDexMethods
 Total methods in debug.apk: 113007 (172.44% used) 
 Total fields in debug.apk: 50547 (77.13% used) 
 Methods remaining in debug.apk: 0 
 Fields remaining in debug.apk: 14988
 > Task :sizeDebugApk
 Total APK Size in debug.apk in bytes: 12386152 (12.3MB)
  • 10. Before Optimizations - Release build $ gradlew countReleaseDexMethods sizeReleaseApk (with Proguard)
 > Task :countReleaseDexMethods
 Total methods in release.apk: 85259 (130.10% used) 
 Total fields in release.apk: 39887 (60.86% used) 
 Methods remaining in release.apk: 0 
 Fields remaining in release.apk: 25648
 > Task :sizeReleaseApk
 Total APK Size in release.apk in bytes: 10764242 (10.7MB)
  • 11. Baselined Results 85k+ > 64k DEX limit = 2 DEX files Debug Release Method Count 113k+ 85k+ APK Size 12.3MB+ 10.7MB+
  • 13. Trimming the DEX size - Dead Code • Remove any and all unused code
 - PMD - Comes with Gradle
 - Proguard - Comes with Android Gradle Plugin
 - Intellij/Android Studio Inspections - Click “Analyze” > Click “Inspect Code…” • Remove all unused libraries
 - We chose HockeyApp over an open source analytics library called ApplicationInsights
 - HockeyApp’s functionality encompasses all of the functionality that we need from ApplicationInsights
  • 14. Trimming the DEX size - Old Libraries • Remove old libraries
 - Using HockeyApp for releasing versioning/nightlies - Allowed us to remove AndroidQuery - version checking • Remove unnecessary libraries
 - Try not add libraries that duplicate Android’s existing functionality
 - Able to remove Apache Commons validator - validate emails addresses • Removing differential versions of same library
 - Jackson 1 and Jackson 2 are the same library but Jackson 2 has a different package name
 - Duplicating functionality across across prevent tools such as Proguard from optimizing
  • 15. Trimming the DEX size - Transitive Libraries • Watch out for Library Duplication
 - Jackson 1 vs Jackson 2 vs Gson
 - Consider using a Groovy map in your build.gradle • Bringing in extra libraries based on a libraries’ dependencies
 - Use “gradlew dependencies” to see what you are actually using
  • 16. Trimming the DEX size - Transitive Libraries ext {
 supportLibraryVersion = "25.4.0"
 ext.deps = [
 "design" : "$supportLibraryVersion",
 "recyclerviewV7" : "$supportLibraryVersion",
 "appcompatV7" : "$supportLibraryVersion",
 "cardviewV7" : "$supportLibraryVersion"
 ] dependencies {
 } Keep track of dependencies, Enforce versions
  • 17. Trimming the DEX size - Transitive Libraries gradlew dependencies --configuration compile* compile - Classpath for compiling the main sources. +--- project :yammer-common | --- +--- project :yammer-data | --- com.squareup.retrofit:retrofit:1.9.0 | --- -> 2.8.1 +--- | --- -> 2.8.1
  • 18. Trimming the DEX size - Large Libraries • Try not to use Large/Non-mobile libraries
 - Guava - 15k+ methods
 - Jackson2 2.9.0.pr3 - 12k+ methods
 - Check size of libraries with • Necessary Evils
 - AppCompat - 25.4.0 has 16.5k+ methods, 26.0.0-beta2 has 18.3k+ (continues to increase)
 - Google Play Services GCM 11.0.0 - 16.7k+ methods
 - Simply using both App Compat + Play Services together brings your APK to 30k+ methods, halfway to the 64k limit per DEX file!
  • 19. Trimming the DEX size - MethodsCount
  • 20. Trimming the DEX size - Gradle Configurations dependencies { compile project(":common")
 compile project(":common-test")
 } Pre Android Gradle Plugin 3.0
  • 21. Trimming the DEX size - Gradle Configurations dependencies { compile project(":common")
 compile project(":common-test")
 } Pre Android Gradle Plugin 3.0
  • 22. Trimming the DEX size - Gradle Configurations Pre Android Gradle Plugin 3.0 dependencies { compile project(":common")
 testCompile project(":common-test")
  • 23. Trimming the DEX size - Gradle Configurations dependencies { api project(":common")
 testImplementation project(":common-test")
 } With Android Gradle Plugin 3.0
  • 24. Trimming the DEX size - Proguard • Use Proguard on Release builds
 - Set “minifyEnabled” to true!
 - Easiest way to help lower your DEX size • Consider using “proguard-android-optimize.txt” over “proguard-android.txt”
 - Proguard will make 5 optimization passes on your code
  • 25. Trimming the DEX size - Proguard android {
 buildTypes {
 release {
 minifyEnabled true
 proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt")
 proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"
 signingConfig signingConfigs.release
 Make sure you turn on “minifyEnabled”
  • 26. Trimming the DEX size - Proguard android {
 buildTypes {
 release {
 minifyEnabled true
 proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt")
 proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"
 signingConfig signingConfigs.release
 Make sure you turn on “minifyEnabled”
  • 27. Trimming the DEX size - Proguard Make sure you provide Proguard rules android {
 buildTypes {
 release {
 minifyEnabled true
 proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt")
 proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"
 signingConfig signingConfigs.release

  • 28. Trimming the DEX size - Proguard Try using more aggressive Proguard rules android {
 buildTypes {
 release {
 minifyEnabled true
 proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt")
 proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"
 signingConfig signingConfigs.release

  • 29. Trimming the DEX size - Proguard • Remove extra Proguard rules • Keep them up to date with the current libraries in your app • Make sure to use “-keep” sparingly
  • 30. Trimming the DEX size - Proguard Over using “-keep” can be costly -keep class okhttp3.* { ; }
 -keep interface okhttp3.* { ; }
 -dontwarn okhttp3.**
 -dontnote okhttp3.**
  • 31. Trimming the DEX size - Proguard Over using “-keep” can be costly -keep class okhttp3.* { ; }
 -keep interface okhttp3.* { ; }
 -dontwarn okhttp3.**
 -dontnote okhttp3.**
  • 32. Trimming the DEX size - Proguard Try and let Proguard decide -dontwarn okhttp3.**
 -dontnote okhttp3.**
  • 34. Trimming the Resources - Lint • Make sure to use lint to check for “UnusedResources” • Do not suppress this lint rule unless you are writing an Android library • Consider failing the builds based on lint warnings/errors
  • 35. Trimming the Resources - Lint Strict lint options android {
 lintOptions {
 textReport true
 textOutput "stdout"
 checkAllWarnings true
 warningsAsErrors true
  • 36. Trimming the Resources - Lint android {
 lintOptions {
 error "UnusedResources"
 } Less strict, check for “UnusedResources”
  • 37. Trimming the Resources - ShrinkResources • What Lint does not find, you have to remove manually • Remove all unused resources in “assets/” folder
 - Raw media such as Font files • Use “shrinkResources” to remove unused resources
 - Great for removing library dependencies resources in your final APK
  • 38. Trimming the Resources - ShrinkResources android {
 buildTypes {
 release {
 minifyEnabled true
 proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt")
 proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"
 signingConfig signingConfigs.release
 Missing “shrinkResources”
  • 39. Trimming the Resources - ShrinkResources Added “shrinkResources” android {
 buildTypes {
 release {
 minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true
 proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt")
 proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"
 signingConfig signingConfigs.release

  • 40. Trimming the Resources - ShrinkResources Using “shrinkResources” android {
 buildTypes {
 release {
 minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true
 proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt")
 proguardFile "custom-proguard-rules.txt"
 signingConfig signingConfigs.release

  • 41. Trimming the Resources - ResConfigs • Use “resConfigs” to filter out localizations that you do not want/support in your app
  • 42. Trimming the Resources - ResConfig Using “resConfigs” to keep English only android { defaultConfig {
 resConfigs "en"
  • 43. Trimming the Resources - ResConfig android { defaultConfig {
 resConfigs "en", "de", "fr"
 } Using “resConfigs” to keep multiple languages
  • 44. Trimming the Resources - PackagingOptions • Remove extra files that are baked into your APK • Use the APK Analyzer to find these files
 - In Android Studio, Click “Build” > Click “Analyze APK…” • Use “packagingOptions” to filter out these files
  • 45. Trimming the Resources - PackagingOptions android {
 packagingOptions {
 exclude "META-INF/LICENSE.txt"
 exclude "META-INF/NOTICE.txt"
 } Common “packagingOptions” excludes
  • 46. Trimming the Resources - PackagingOptions After using common “packagingOptions” excludes
  • 47. Trimming the Resources - PackagingOptions Strict “packagingOptions” excludes android {
 packagingOptions {
 exclude "/META-INF/*.kotlin_module"
 exclude "**/kotlin/**"
 exclude "**/*.properties"
 exclude "**/*.xml"
 exclude "**/*.txt"
  • 48. Trimming the Resources - PackagingOptions After using stricter “packagingOptions” excludes
  • 49. Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables • Consider converting simple PNGs to “Vector” Drawables • Single XML file is smaller than multiple PNGs • Use tools such as “svg2android” to convert SVGs to Android Vector Drawables
  • 50. Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables android {
 defaultConfig {
 resConfigs "en", "de", "fr"
 vectorDrawables {
 useSupportLibrary = true
 } Using “vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true” to prevent PNG generation
  • 51. Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables android {
 defaultConfig {
 resConfigs "en", "de", "fr"
 vectorDrawables {
 useSupportLibrary = true
 } Using “vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true” to prevent PNG generation
  • 52. Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables
  • 53. Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables After dropping your SVG file, Copy it to your project in “res/drawable”
  • 54. Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables Make sure to use “app:srcCompat” your in XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  • 55. Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables Make sure to use “app:srcCompat” your in XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  • 56. Trimming the Resources - Vector Drawables Using “app:srcCompat” your in XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  • 57. After Optimizations - Debug build $ gradlew countDebugDexMethods sizeDebugApk
 > Task :countDebugDexMethods
 Total methods in debug.apk: 100595 (153.50% used) 
 Total fields in debug.apk: 51278 (78.25% used) 
 Methods remaining in debug.apk: 0 
 Fields remaining in debug.apk: 14257
 > Task :sizeDebugApk
 Total APK Size in debug.apk in bytes: 10053036 (10.1MB)
  • 58. After Optimizations - Release build $ gradlew countReleaseDexMethods sizeReleaseApk (with Proguard)
 > Task :countReleaseDexMethods
 Total methods in release.apk: 60810 (92.79% used) 
 Total fields in release.apk: 29445 (44.93% used) 
 Methods remaining in release.apk: 4725
 Fields remaining in release.apk: 36090
 > Task :sizeReleaseApk
 Total APK Size in release.apk in bytes: 7049930 (7.1MB)
  • 59. Optimized Results 60.8k+ < 64k DEX limit = 1 DEX file! Debug Release Method Count 100k+ 60.8k APK Size 10.1MB+ 7.1MB
  • 60. Before vs After Release Builds 1 DEX file, Smaller APK, All features kept! Before After Reduction Method Count 85k+ 60.8k 28.47% APK Size 10.7MB+ 7.1MB 33.64%
  • 61. Automating Dex Count Plugin gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
 if (taskGraph.hasTask(":assembleRelease")) {
 dexcount {
 maxMethodCount = 61000 // 61k methods
  • 62. Automating APK Size Plugin gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
 if (taskGraph.hasTask(":assembleRelease")) {
 apkSize {
 maxApkSize = 8000 // in Kb