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Also by
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS
La dictadura somocista del Frente Sandinista
Nicaragua 1979: Diario de un viaje a la revolución
Nicaragua: Un poema para Pacelli
Nicaragua: “La Chiquita”
Una joya de la dictadura sandinista
The U.S. Presidential Election of 2016:
The Plutocracy Won
Notes from My Mobile Brain
It Hurts to Feel
El Socialismo del Siglo XXI o La Antirrevolución
El diálogo entre los curas doctrineros y encomenderos
En transición hacia la poesía:
Granada (Nicaragua), la burguesía y el FSLN
Visiones De Un Sonámbulo
The Purpose of Life
The Purpose of Life
Chemical World
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS
The Purpose of Life
Chemical World
Copyright © 2022 by Humberto Gómez
All rights reserved.
This book was published by Humberto Gómez
Sequeira-HuGóS in the United States of
America in the month of September of the
Year of the Lord Coronavirus 2022.
Table of Contents
Chapter One ..............................................................13
The Purpose of Life ..................................................13
Chapter Two..............................................................33
Chemical World........................................................33
Chapter Three............................................................37
Objects of Thought ...................................................37
The Machine..........................................................37
The Creation of Evil..............................................43
Homo sapiens’ Crisis ............................................47
One Must Be Oneself ............................................49
The Questions........................................................51
The Young and Wild.............................................53
The Emptiness of Faith .........................................55
Democracy ............................................................57
Flags and Crucifixes..............................................58
Ruling Class’s Germs............................................59
Opium of the Masses.............................................60
The Plague.............................................................61
Incite Your Hands .................................................62
Intermittent Bubbles..............................................63
At High Temperatures .......................................... 64
The Eternal Life.................................................... 65
The Faithful Heart................................................. 66
A Rational Event................................................... 67
Fugitive Thoughts................................................. 68
Consciousness....................................................... 69
Ego Rigēre ............................................................ 70
Who Are You?...................................................... 71
The Hydrogen Stone ............................................. 72
Protoplasma .......................................................... 73
I Am ...................................................................... 74
A Galactic Agent .................................................. 75
The Golden Gene.................................................. 76
Self-realization...................................................... 77
Learn to Walk ....................................................... 78
Where the End Begins .......................................... 79
About the Author...................................................... 80
Notes......................................................................... 83
For Roxanna Gómez Sequeira, my daughter, as an
offering to her, the sublime child who keeps growing,
before my admiration, through her heroic existential
For María del Rosario Aguirre Durán, my life partner,
in gratitude for the seeds of love that she plants in my
My mission is to keep the fire under the
receptive membrane, where thoughts start to
gestate, burning at the precise degree, so image
and meaning can fuse. When the fusion is over,
the membrane will freeze and I will become a
pulse of imagination trapped within one of its
he title of my book, The Purpose of
Life, is also the heading of the essay
collection that constitutes it. I wrote the
compositions in response to my instinct for
creating words and arranging them on the
canvas of my mind as an imaginary trail of my
existence in the sensual world.
The following essay, “The Man Without
Credentials,” is an example of the kinds of
ideas that populate the pages of my work.
The man without credentials does not have
anything to prove. The meaning of life
according to the “men of God”—priests,
politicians, generals, and bankers—does not
afflict him. He does not dress in uniform,
impart blessings, or demand salutations of
submission. His expression is an effect of the
energy that transforms his atomic mass into the
light that illuminates his dreams.
The emotions of faith and war are
incompatible with his self and sense as
products of the chemical world in which he is a
xii Introduction
true flame. He is not interested in being
admitted into the dogmatic order based on the
doctrine of salvation as a gift from God or the
Like a naked ape who grew like a wild plant,
he erects his mind to observe the prelude to the
end of the pragmatic mind world in stock
market fluctuations and bankers’ instigations
of war.
The man without credentials does not have
an origin or a destination. He appears and
disappears circumstantially like a firefly in the
darkness of space.
Chapter One
The Purpose of Life
s a temporal product of the chemical
reactions that the Big Bang stimulated,
is life the carrier of a purpose that was realized
when Homo sapiens’ ancestors began to live
consciously and self-aware and transform their
Is humans’ interpretation of self, as an
object that they possess and accessorize to
cover their shamed nakedness and show it as
their pretension to the meaning of their
metabolic life, the purpose of life?
Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) i
, which is the
evolution of the Atomic Bomb Intelligence, the
beginning of the end of molecular intelligent
Despite the answers to the posed questions,
the bacteria in the “warm little pond” ii
of life
produced the conditions for the evolution of
14 The Purpose of Life
Homo sapiens, driven by the force of natural
selection as their unintended purpose. Thus, the
wise primates grew free from the object of
legislation and sermon, like hand painters in the
dream space between heaven and Earth.
However, their descendants today are the prey
of the headhunters who capture them with the
“air of salvation,” put them into an altered state
of consciousness, extract their frontal lobes,
and offer them as a sacrifice to the God that the
ruling class trusts to keep capitalism alive.
Politicians and priests, the illusionists of the
ruling class, dissolve the humans’ natural self
in nationality and religion, the elements of war,
in order to purify them as allegiants to the State
and Church. The illusionists persuade their
objects to debilitate themselves by renouncing
their power of self-sufficiency and
surrendering to the power of the institutions
that compel them to believe that they can
protect and redeem them.
The propagandists of the political,
economic, and religious miracles turn the social
insecurity that the ruling class creates by
voraciously devouring the world into a hope for
a secure and blessed holographic future. In
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 15
order to gain confidence in themselves, humans
kill one another in the “merchants of death’s” iii
for-profit wars, medicated to feel enthusiastic
about their purpose in a life whose model is
designed by opulent legislators and judges in
conformity with the barbarian ruling class’s
desire. The humans who are workers buy the
model, like a seductive car, as an exercise of
“their freedom” in the market until the bankers
deplete their net worth and discard them into
the financial wasteland.
Since the State nationalized their instincts,
humans have existed as political products
ordered in capitalism as the bodies of energy
and data that fuel its engine. Human existence
as the product of creative will by a subject who
has sovereignty over itself and its environment
is being transformed by computer programmers
into a data model for the evolution of digital life
in a digital market.
Before the Digital Revolution iv
industrialists disconnected the human frontal
lobe from its natural environment and
connected it to the Boulton and Watt steam
engine v
in their factories to complement the
force that they needed to propel the Industrial
16 The Purpose of Life
Revolution. vi
Human workers, including
children, were concentrated in the “dark satanic
mills,” vii
where they toiled, suffered, and died.
Thus, they produced the wealth that was the
foundation of the “information superhighway,”
without having received the goods of
technological progress.
Without the power of their self-
incandescence and self-transformation,
humans are pulled by the gravitational force of
the Massive Ad Machine that reduces them to
the condition of soulless mannequins. As such,
they display the brand names of the shiny
objects they purchase to accessorize their
insecure selves in order to participate in the
spectacle of their deterioration as products of
capitalism bound to become discontinued.
Humans do not exist as the subjects who
create their predicates, imprinted with their
chemical sameness, as the declarations of their
purpose in the world.
Their lack of the power of creative will in
the relationship with themselves and its
application as an existential mechanism is the
reason they have not continued evolving as the
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 17
models of nature transformed into the brain of
a changing universe. They are the standardized
products made by the ruling class’s political
parties with the residues of the dissolution of
their being in the psyche of the State, its
Constitution and Penal Code.
The State is adapting to the technological
elite’s for-profit robotics revolution by
adopting their purpose of replacing humans as
the model of intelligence, emotion, beauty, and
morality for society’s evolution with “more
efficient and cost-effective” robots. The ruling
class’s opulent legislators are passing the laws
that justify robotization and budget ix
to support
the development of an AI Government x
of realizing the Digital Global Manifest
Destiny. xi
The purpose of life is being written by AI
engineers as effective algorithms for
conducting profitable businesses and wars
using the intelligence that humans invented
with their bare hands as a stellar act of creative
will to evolve as the world's consciousness. The
technological elite is on a “living faith crusade”
to conquer and subordinate Homo sapiens’
brains—the regulators of the thoughts and
18 The Purpose of Life
emotions that are the matter for the creation of
their existence—to applications without a
psyche that can help them to know themselves
and understand their dreams better. The
creation of their dependency on technology as
a condition for their existence and the
replacement of their need to create their
emotions with frictionless “emotion icons” are
parts of the process of dehumanizing them in
order to incorporate them as nuts and bolts of
the robotics revolution.
Humans are not making the evolutionary
revolution that they need by changing the ideas
and institutions that have become inadequate to
their instincts for growth, both philosophical
and material, periodically. They are robotizing
themselves while making the robots that are
replacing them as the reason for society’s
existence in order to adapt to the Brave New
(Robotic) World.
The working class is digging their digital
graves, thus creating the conditions for their
vanishment, the advent of a new robotic ruling
class and State, and the evolution of artificial
life. Their submission to the judgment and
lifestyle dictated by the owners of the market
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 19
debilitates them and, thus, prevents them from
understanding their predicament and resolving
it. The human workers need to overcome the
slave self, recuperate their self-independence,
and exercise their creative will as a tool for
managing themselves and the society that they
maintain. They should be the writers of the
algorithms for the creation of a government that
responds to their need to be free and keep
evolving as producers of ideas, discoverers of
truths, and creators of art.
The descendants of the coal miners of the
Industrial Revolution must fight to overthrow
the robots that are snatching their minds as the
imperative condition for regaining their natural
evolutionary trajectory and flourishing. This is
the only way they can preserve the value of
their humanity, transform into an ever wiser
and kinder species, and prevent being
exterminated by the technological elite, the
new Digital Predator Species.
The crisis of the human species is being
cultivated by the lie merchants who control the
explosive heads of the masses of believers in
conspiracy theories. The preachers of the New
Testament of religious-political salvation say
20 The Purpose of Life
that the decline of humanity is a consequence
of a “lack of love for God and country.”
Therefore, they are fighting with virulence for
the election of a narcissist, brutish Christian
tyrant to the pulpit of the State to lead them to
the restoration of the faith and a revival of the
country’s greatness.
AI is evolving as a children’s magic show
before the eyes of a working class under the
spell of the ruling class’s Democrat and
Republican Party magicians. The wage slaves
give the barkers of the corporatocracy’s
political spectacle their power in exchange for
the blue or red pill of “faith in the country.”
This contradictory relationship produces the
workers’ submission to the ruling class and
their power to maintain themselves as the social
parasites that create the Misery Index xii
avariciously stealing the wealth produced by
the workers whom they exploit.
The working class’s political infantilism
enables the ruling class’s opulent politicians to
seize control of their sense of purpose and
dissolve it in the “national interest.” It is
defined by opulent legislators in the policies
that the State passes in response to the ruling
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 21
class’s demands, including war, to keep their
profits ever growing.
Workers must stop committing hara-kiri by
supporting their class enemy’s candidates for
public office. Instead of serving as the
sacrificial lamb that the State offers to the God
of Greed of the capitalist class, they should use
their power to recover the State, establish their
purpose as the producers of society’s well-
being, and contain their extinction. Their
passivity is the platform upon which the
technological elite are conducting their robotic
revolution to preserve the Holy Grail of
The founding parents of the developing
robotic nation have accredited themselves as
philosophers, honoris causa, and translated the
categorical imperative to the language of the
“technical imperative” xiii
in order to justify
their creation of The Modern Prometheus xiv
the form of a humanoid robot.
The descendants of Homo sapiens who
dissent with the technological elite’s vision of
a holographic Disneyesque future for humanity
must assume the historic task of solving the
22 The Purpose of Life
crisis of their species by becoming the
philosophers and architects of the purpose of
human life. They must act as the antithesis of
the digital dystopia in which the Pied Pipers of
Silicon Valley are leading the children of the
human future, carriers of the alleles of altruism,
to a technological cave in which reality is the
shadow of an emoticon on a cyberspace screen
that absorbs their eyes.
What should be the purpose of humans in a
world where the ruling class is pushing life and
them to extinction? Humans are the products of
evolution and the sapience and emotions that
they developed through that process and used
as tools for their growth as plants in a world that
they did not know but had to conquer in order
to survive. This is the experience and historical
lesson that they need to remember when
deciding their purpose in an era in which robots
are replacing them at the profit-making speed
propelled by the owners of the robotics
industry’s infinite avarice.
As a temporal, fragile, and self-destructive
species, the purpose of humans should be to
develop a mode of life through which they can
gain wisdom through the practice of altruism.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 23
This is the condition for the invention of a
technology subordinated to the growth of a
humanist society where they would not have to
kill one another as prey in order to survive. The
descendants of Homo habilis, inventors of
stone tools, can realize this goal only if they
overcome the morally blind animal latent in
their genetic code, struggling to become the
dominant instinct whose force can propel them
towards madness, war, and extinction.
In the digital world, which the
Technological Gods created without the
categorical imperative as an element, humans
do not have to have a purpose or a moral reason
in order to justify their existence in it. The
technological elite are a product of the Central
Processing Unit (CPU), the power with which
they have imposed themselves as the Grand
Algorithm that interprets the purpose of
humanity to be the attainment of an eternal
digital life as an algorithm sustained by pure
and indifferent data. The “silicon masters” have
consecrated themselves as the supreme
consciousness of the technology with which
they are uploading the human frontal lobe to
their laboratories as part of the process of
designing the digital brain.
24 The Purpose of Life
In the CPU world factory, humans are
processed as bodies of data to produce smart
robots, free from good and evil, that know
humans better than they know themselves, to
control them as the software of the State’s new
digital domination machine.
The programmers of the purpose of life in
capitalism have captured everyday life and
written it as the algorithms that direct the visual
illusions with which they invade the humans’
frontal lobes and stimulate them to fill their
shopping carts with shiny ornaments of
happiness. They have expropriated humans of
their philosophical sense of purpose in their
lives and replaced it with fatal algorithms,
which excite them to serve as the stimulators of
the On-Demand Economy and imitators of the
luxurious bioplastic appearance of “the rich
and famous” on Reality Mediocrity TV shows
in a life that capitalists have commodified.
Humans are not evolving as an altruistic and
peaceful species. They are not transforming
into organisms that produce more than
metabolic and environmental waste, luxury
items, stupidity, weapons, and war video
games. The production of the philosophy of life
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 25
(what is it for) and justice as its justification,
through moral self-revolution, is not the
purpose of the humans engendered by the
“What’s in It for Me?” existential moral
imperative of capitalism.
Scientists, artists, actors, comedians, and
athletes have transformed into commodities
who exhibit themselves in the Circus Maximus,
dedicated to the Gods of Excess, Stupidity, and
War, to excite the audience to consume the
shiny objects of desire like pills (“uppers” and
“downers”) that induce them into the hypnotic
state where they feel maximum pleasure.
The State has replaced humans as the
agency and agents of their idea of themselves,
as the cognitive element and the sense of the
world, with its own idea of itself as the
culmination of their evolution and complete
fulfillment of their aspirations. This is the
consequence of the dissolution of the human
altruistic instinct into the selfish instinct of the
ruling class by the legislators who imitate their
Roman lifestyle and convert their barbarian
opinion into the spirit of public policy.
The wise humans of today do not exist in a
world where they are free from want and war
26 The Purpose of Life
as the autonomous evolving objects of their
philosophical reflections. They are the
consumer parts of the engine of the economy
whose frontal lobe is controlled by the
operators of the Psychological Advertising
Machine. The well-being and security of their
lives are subjected by the State to the military
budget and for-profit wars instigated by the
Military Industrial Complex.
The producers of the nation’s wealth do not
have the leisure that is necessary to live
introspectively, in dialogue with themselves
about the state of their lives. They work to live
and vice versa, and consume stimulants for
working and sedatives for sleeping in order to
fulfill the brutal labor power demands of
capitalism. As a consequence, they have
become the functionally sick objects of
exploitation by the new technological doctors
who sell them mental health applications as the
new digital drugs that induce them into an
altered state where their suffering magically
They live as objects of suspicion, whose
expression can be used against them by the
State, in the one-dimensional space called law
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 27
and order, delineated by opulent legislators,
supervised by the Market Army, and watched
by the providential eye of PRISM. xv
In that
exclusive zone, they pay lifetime war taxes,
vote to earn the prized I Voted sticker (which
they proudly display like children on their
chests as a receipt for good behavior), wage the
“merchants of death’s” wars, and donate their
dead bodies to the owners of the Soylent Green
machine, which recycles them into the
sensational market’s “next big thing.”
The technological elite is leading the new
Invasion of the Body Snatchers xvi
infiltrating the human body with smart
microchips with the purpose of seizing control
of the brain, “where dreams are born xvii
,” as
the end of AI. The beings whose stellar and
peculiar lives were the inspiration and concern
of the humanities now are treated as the data
mines which are exploited for profits by the AI
Humans’ intrinsic importance for the
continuation of the evolution of life as a stellar
experience and the molecular mind as the
Lyceum of the philosophical future of humanity
has been superseded by the projected billions
28 The Purpose of Life
of dollars in profits that the sale of killer robots
will produce for the owners of the Defense
(War) Industry. The purpose of life, conceived
as the realization of the ideal of universal good
(alimentation, health, education, philosophical
and artistic growth, contentedness, and peace),
through the humans’ revolution of their reason
to exist and moral sense, is not coming true in
the digital world.
Humans have submitted to the power of the
microchip by opening their bodies to the new
technological colonizers, excited by their
promise of a future “frictionless life” produced
by a perfect human-machine connection. They
are shedding their moral skin in order to grow
robotic skin and thus meet the conditions of the
next stage of their evolution, in which robots
will select the fittest.
The technological elite have imposed
themselves on the frontal lobe of the world they
have colonized as the embodiment of “the
special virtues of the American people and their
institutions” fit for realizing the Digital Global
Manifest Destiny.
After conditioning their brains and
devaluing themselves under the long, toxic, and
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 29
vicious tyranny of the ruling class’s automated
production, workers became the first robots,
who now are adapting to the Brave New
(Technological) World. Workers, including
children, suffered psychological damage
during their forced extraction from feudalism
and violent insertion into the fiery womb of
capitalism. The damage imprinted on their
descendants, who, in turn, were shocked by the
carnage of World War I that the “merchants of
death” supported.
The wage slaves are exhausted from the
struggle to survive war, economic, policy, and
“born again” xviii
shocks through their
generations. They are sick of medicating
themselves in order to be able to live the
stressful life contaminated with the ruling
class’s ideas and vices. This is why they are
committing suicide and dying from loneliness,
the side effect of the “pursuit of happiness.”
The robotic revolution is evolving from the
ashes of the workers whom the “robber barons”
consumed as the vital brains of the Industrial
Revolution. Since then, the working class has
not risen to fulfill its evolutionary need to
overcome the tyrannic condition of wage
30 The Purpose of Life
slavery, imposed by the State on behalf of the
ruling class, and transform themselves into the
institutions of their reason, freedom, justice,
peace, and evolutionary progress.
In the involving Digital Revolution, humans
are becoming more dependent on the way of
life that market psychologists design for them,
using the ruling class’s self-indulgent
extravagance as the model. The market
educates consumers with instant gratification
and painkillers. It is their cradle and grave.
Life and the animals that it organized and
evolved into humans do not carry a purpose
that is separate from that of the cell during its
chemical existence. The end of cellular life
happens with indifference to humans’ goals.
Despite this truth, some humans design an aim
as part of their plan for constructing a raison
d'être and stimulating their evolutionary
altruistic instincts in a meaningless world.
However, their lives, imagination, and effort to
achieve their goal are conditioned by
capitalism’s selfish purpose, which is the anima
of the State and the capitalist class’s wars.
The State—the legislator, judge, jailer, and
executioner of capitalism—expropriated
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 31
humans of their power to transform into the
creators of the new idea of themselves in the
world and their philosophical constitution as
the vehicles through which they could continue
their transition to higher expressions of rational
existence. The capitalist ideologues have
conjugated life’s purpose with the possession
of of money as the path through which humans
attain self-realization and become happy.
The innocent mind that was produced by the
molecular revolution has been corrupted by the
aggressive profit-making virus that the
capitalist class exhales into the streams of the
consciousness of society. It is the driving force
in the capitalist market that has reduced
humans to the condition of a commodity. In
capitalism, becoming a businessperson, as the
proudful realization of the national dream, has
substituted the value of the aspiration to be a
teacher of humanism.
Since the first “factory system” xx
invented, human workers have not had the
necessary freedom to live introspectively in the
world that the ruling class has privatized in
order to be able to conceive and institutionalize
their purpose in their lives without the Church
32 The Purpose of Life
and the State. The machines that the capitalist
class implanted in the minds of the infant
industrial working class as “fertilizers of
civilization” have subdued the prefrontal
cortex and sucked the psyche of humanity.
Today, the survivors of the capitalist class’s
deindustrialization war stand in line before the
gate of the “information superhighway,”
waiting for a “humanoid robot” to scan their
state-issued Quick Response (QR) code and let
them into the smart factory after their long
generational march from the Industrial
In the distance from their emotions to their
eyes, they look like lost children who have
forgotten the password to enter the house where
their hearts palpitate. Holding their mobiles,
absorbed by the screen light, they seek an
application that could lead them back home to
“a better, happier life.” While struggling to pay
the bill on time to maintain their frontal lobe
connected to the internet, humans die of despair
after having waited a lifetime to “gain entry
into the law,” xxi
in order to become the subjects
of justice, and hoped for the coming of the
Robot Messiah in vain.
Chapter Two
Chemical World
e are the solitary inhabitants of the
subconscious world generated by
neurotransmitters. Our sensation of living is the
intermittent reaction we exhibit through
opposite emotional expressions when
extraneous “psycho agents” stimulate our
minds with their simulations of colorful,
flavorsome, and desirable pleasures.
In a world excited by the selfishness of the
bankers who manipulate the prime rate, we are
the serfs of an imperialist Landlord who owns
a State demarcated by nuclear warheads.
Warning signs of private property and
punishment for trespassing are displayed across
the country like the Eye of Providence on the
US $1-dollar bill. They serve as the stimulants
whose intention is to condition our reaction to
the historical, unceasing deprivation of our
right to be free from the condition of inequality
34 The Purpose of Life
imposed upon us by the ruling class with the
Golden Scepter of the Power of Divine Favor.
The imperialist regime that administers the
State is composed of opulent and obtuse
legislators trademarked “Democrat” and
“Republican” by bankers who use it as their
law and order to rig the economy, compete for
mega profits, and instigate the fabrication of
wars as good investment products.
The lives we live are the effects of the
balance of power, poverty, and social friction
in a market controlled by avaricious capitalists
who prefix the value of our labor and life
expectancy. As the dispossessed survivors of
the imperialist war of conquest, we pay taxes to
the Manifest Destiny Government for allowing
us to live in the empire’s ghettos, supervised by
plantation police.
Beleaguered by barbarian slumlords, liquor
dealers, payday lenders, pawnbrokers, arms
dealers, bond dealers, and morticians, we rush
through the alleys of our altered urban nervous
system—with time expiring on the capitalist
meter that measures the utility value of our
lives—towards the voting booth, which is the
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 35
repository of our phantom freedoms. We are
born under the expectation of the State that we
will become its jurisdictional objects—equal
under the God it trusts—but separated by the
equality of ambition and competition in a
market where the law is enforced through the
fear of the Landlord exercised by his army.
In a state of illusionary motion, we live
watching the spectacle of delightful living—
animated by sportscasters, political candidates,
plastic surgery celebrities, clowns, magicians,
contortionists, and entities of bizarre
appearance—projected through our naked
retina by the architects of deception on TV.
Our minds are the precious prey of the men
of the State and God—politicians, priests, and
generals—who strive to capture them, enticing
us to surrender our will to them with promises
of world supremacy, peace, military glory, and
eternal salvation.
Disconnected from the womb of our
mammalian dreams of a world made of
delightful carnal sensations, we have decayed
into political automatons branded by a State
36 The Purpose of Life
where life is a probability controlled by bankers
and Landlords, and insurance experts and tax
planners, planted with Intercontinental
Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) and nuclear waste
sites, and celebrated in war movies and victory
In that remote zone—severed from the root
of our chemical sameness—we are the
suspicious semblances of an individual
existence turned on and off with the remote
control operated by the lords of social drugs
and illusions.
Our experience of feelings in a reality
generated by our friction against the brutality
of the do-or-die economy is an extension of the
brain’s virtual arrangement of the self in the
flitting moments of excitement precipitated by
the convergence of the chemical torrents of
desire and illusion and of life and death in the
yellow water where we had our first dream of
the world of the living.
Chapter Three
Objects of Thought
The Machine
he machine that was the Industrial
Revolution’s Technological Messiah,
whose mythological purpose was to deliver
humans from a labor-intensive life—so that
they could dedicate themselves to self-
cultivation—was used by its owners as the
model for the organization of their brutal
system, input and output, of domination.
The State has become the machine that
produces the self of its tributaries and the
elements of its environment: country, God,
army, market, circus, and war. This sovereign
machine also imposes the creed, identity, law,
and punishment that are the conditions for
humans to exist in the political farm it controls
in conformity with the greed of the owners of
the money, land, and factory farm.
38 The Purpose of Life
Humans are being superseded by the
machine as the root of their selves and agents
of the creative will with which they constructed
the human world. As discarded outputs of the
machine, humans are falling into the pit of a
dead-end imperialist democracy due to the loss
of the power that they developed as the objects
that transformed into the cognitive subjects of
the process of evolution.
The umbilical cord that connected humans
to the womb of life has been replaced by the
State and the Church with the cord of allegiance
that connects their frontal lobes to the doctrine
whose moral end is to maintain the ruling class
as the body ordained by God to dominate them.
The descendants of Homo sapiens have lost
the reason and morals that they created to
engage with the world as the cognitive agents
of the free chemical reactions of their naked
brain. They have defeated themselves with self-
doubt in the face of the inflexible demands of
life and the crisis created by the ferocious
avarice of the ruling class, who are sucking the
marrow out of life.
Instead of fighting to change the static self
and institutions that contain their altruistic
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 39
evolution, they surrendered their power to the
State and the Church. Consequently, the
capitalist-branded politicians whom they
follow are leading them to ruin in the fossil fuel
and pharmaceutical worlds, which are
dominated by the for-profit war industry that
they support.
Some of them are falling—like the dried
leaves of a plant that ceased to produce its
nutrients—by the door of democracy’s ghetto
liquor store on their journey to the Department
of Justice’s (DOJ) penal labor prisons.
They continue to decay in that zone—where
democracy is purified by the guard who
administers negative punishment to the
prisoners—until they lose their humanity.
Others are consuming themselves as burning
coal, working in the machine hoping to escape
it by voting for the corporate political
machine’s fool’s paradise program.
The machine is connected to the blood
vessels of the workers that produce plasma, the
liquid gold that the ruling class needs to drink
in order to extend their lives into the future of
the digital brain. The survivors of the
40 The Purpose of Life
machine’s pressure get high—inhaling the
vapor that the machine exhales—in order to
keep their nervous systems vibrating at the
level of excitement that the machine requires to
be part of its function until it identifies them as
useless parts and pushes them into the capitalist
democracy burn pit.
The operators of the machine that produces
civilization out of poverty are the ruling class’s
servants—legislators, judges, and generals—
who are connected to them through their
admiration of their Roman opinions and
lifestyles. They are the preachers of the value
of the machine’s indifference, dressed with a
toga of empathy.
Humans are addicted to the vending
machine that sells them the glitter balls—which
they wear like magic hats on their heads—that
stimulate the feelings of their existence like
sweat drops on the porous world of their
withering skin. They are caught in the
machine’s cycle of construction and
destruction of them as holographic idols of
their illusions. The Big Machines—Finance,
Oil, Pharma, Technological, and the Arms
Industry—are destroying the world that
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 41
humans built as their nest and museum and
annihilating its pollinating species.
The machine owners cannot understand the
value of life as a means for humans to enter the
sensual world, where they may convert it into a
conscious experience without exploiting
another in order to make a profit.
The Big Technological Machine is
replacing humans with robots that will be the
enforcers of the fifth industrial revolution’s
pledge of allegiance and executioners of the
counterrevolutionaries. The authors of the
robotics revolution are creating a species of
mimicked humans to populate the digital world
and operate the digital capitalist machine.
The Government Machine collects taxes
and recruits humans for the capitalist economy
and war machines. The umbilical cord that
connected its head to the heart of society before
it decayed into a corporate appliance is now a
citizen surveillance machine.
Humans need to recuperate their natural
self, willpower, and self-appreciation in order
to discern themselves from the machine and
42 The Purpose of Life
reestablish their being as the model for
reorganizing the world. They must stop serving
as springs in the clockwork of the machine that
produces the elements of the wild world—
propaganda, religionism, patriotism, and war—
in which the nuclear machine functions on the
probability of causing their extinction as the
result of a nuclear error.
The machine is the evolution of the
ignorance of the State as the indifferent
guardian of the avarice and brutality of the
ruling class.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 43
The Creation of Evil
ertain men said that “god” had chosen
them to be his spokesmen and, as such,
“god” revealed to them that he was the creator
of man.
Nothing else.
Since then, these men designated
themselves as “god’s prophets,” turned the
word that they invented into law, waged “holy
war” against their competitors in the market of
faith, enriched themselves with the spoils, and
organized themselves into powerful cartels that
control the State.
“God’s generals” keep the world divided
into territories where they concentrate the
human beings they exploit—branded as faithful
and infidels—under the watchful eye of “god’s
wrath and love.”
The “creation of man” is the creation of evil:
a terrible tale of deceit told as the benevolent
act of a selfish entity. It is the reason millions
of people live in obscurantism, enslaved to
44 The Purpose of Life
“sin” and the fear of “eternal punishment”, and
paying the tribute of “eternal salvation” to
“god’s bankers.” They claim that their
proclaimed creator is the owner of human
beings and, therefore, they cannot live their
lives with meaning nor transcend into eternal
life without their acceptance of this absolute
In order to make this unreason a dogma, the
soldiers of “god”—priests, politicians, bankers,
and generals—continue to repress the evolution
of human instincts into scientific awareness
and altruism with the weapons of dogmatism,
propaganda, and war justified by the State. It
has adopted the tale of creation as an auxiliary
doctrine in order to support its claim that it was
ordained by “god.”
Certain primates, in the process of their
evolutionary march, saw fire, became curious,
and thought: “What is this?” “Let us see.”
“Could we make it?” Stimulated by the
impression of the flames in their neurons, they
managed to create fire and turn it into an
instrument of the revolutions that they made.
With the power of the knowledge of fire, they
heightened their awareness, changed their
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 45
mode of life, and transformed themselves into
Homo sapiens.
Primates became humans through the
exercise of the power of their creative will,
excited by the environment that they had to
overcome with knowledge in order to maintain
the course of their evolutionary trajectory.
Then, “god” did not exist, and the incipient
Homo sapiens were free as the stars in the sky.
Homo erectus laid the foundation for the
evolution of technology with their controlled
use of fire. Their ability was imprinted on the
genes of their descendants, who evolved into
the writers of the theories of evolution and the
origin of the universe and the navigators of
“God” was created by men as their divine
ego. It is the coin with which they support the
value of the “faith” that they manufacture and
sell. These “holy men” maintain their condition
with the “salvation” tribute they obtain from
the exploitation of the ignorance and fear of the
human beings that they terrorize with the
weapon of “eternal punishment.” They do not
pollinate the minds of society with the ideas,
goods, and services that its members need to
46 The Purpose of Life
maintain their lives and propel the process of
evolution of their brains towards ever higher
modes of conscious existence, “beyond good
and evil,” selfishness, avarice, hate, and war.
They are a caste of social parasites who live as
fat patricians, in opulence and infertility.
The tale of creation is the obscure product
of the minds of men who did not have the
adequacy necessary to confront nature as an
object of inquiry into its truth in order to
understand it and explain it without any “divine
breath.” It does not have an umbilical cord that
connects it to the universe as the atomic cradle
of life and the minds of the curious primates
who evolved under its stimulus as subjects
susceptible to its majestic beauty.
Without the power of the State as the
dissolver of the human natural self in religion
and nationality, creation would only be what it
is according to its letter: a fantastic and
contradictory tale of a narcissistic inventor
whose purpose is to control the power of the
entity he invented, punish it, and destroy it.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 47
Homo sapiens’ Crisis
omo sapiens’ crisis consists of their
living a superficial, stagnant life
(shopping, aging, and dying) designed by the
servants of the ruling class—legislators,
priests, economists, political psychologists,
and clowns—according to their Roman opinion
and mode of living. Their predicament is also
the consequence of their having separated from
the umbilical cord of their instincts, which are
the source of their power to create their
existence, transform it, and affirm it in
conformity with their philosophical, moral, and
material evolutionary needs.
Despite the destruction of Earth and life by
the capitalist class, Homo sapiens renounce
their power—instinct for growth and trust in
themselves as the agents of their truth and
justice—and surrender to the power of the
State, which is the executioner of the capitalist
class’s judgment. They choose to be
lobotomized in order to become the artificial
subjects sworn into a contract of allegiance and
tribute to the institution of good and evil and
war and peace.
48 The Purpose of Life
Instead of opposing resistance to their
capitalist enemies disguised as compatriots,
Homo sapiens turn to the Church and the State
as if they were miraculous religious icons
susceptible to their plea for protection from the
continuous warfare executed by the army of
dispossession made up of bankers, landowners,
judges, and police with the State’s consent.
The Church and the State live off Homo
sapiens’ crisis as the source of their opulence.
They do not have any interest in resolving their
crisis, namely their lack of power over their
lives, their elements, and the evolutionary
trajectory that they need to follow in order to
avoid becoming extinct.
Home sapiens have been lobotomized by
politicians and priests who have replaced their
instincts with faith, patriotism, fear, and
dependency on the illusion of “the good war”
as the hope for a better future.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 49
One Must Be Oneself
ne must be oneself, the object of one’s
thoughts. The establishment of this
relationship is the determinant of the human
animal’s ability to create its own self as the tool
appropriate to its needs for individuality,
recognition of truth, and sense in a world
populated by religious and political identity
We are the products of nature, endowed
with the elements of its force. Our umbilical
cord connects us with the thermodynamics of
the stars, not to the will of God or the State. The
richness of the life that we manifest is the effect
of the magnificent transformation of the
The human animal’s creative will is the
electric current that sparks the chemical
reaction whose substance is its awareness of its
self and its power of differentiation. When we
submit our relationship with our selves and our
dreams to the ruling class’s judgment machine,
operated by their political and religious
servants, we lose our power and begin to fall
50 The Purpose of Life
from the subjective position that we need to
occupy in the world into the objective wave of
the clamorous masses that follow the religionist
and nationalist charlatans to their ruin.
A human animal that sacrifices itself to fit
into the straitjacket of ignorance, selfishness,
and dogma of the ruling class’s institutions,
Church and State, is not the object of its
One is the skin of the object of one’s
thoughts that one needs to shed periodically in
order to maintain one’s perception in tune with
the revolutions of the world and the need to
grow new ideas, emotions, and institutions that
are adequate to one’s nature and needs as a
conscious evolutionary organism.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 51
The Questions
he questions, “What is life?”, “what is
death?”, and “what is the purpose of the
universe?” are the inevitable consequences of
Homo sapiens’ experience through the process
of evolution.
The wise humans became “naturally
selected” philosophers by creating the tools
that they needed to survive and transforming
their selves into the objects of their emotions,
thoughts, desires, existence, preoccupations,
and sufferings.
Primitive humans responded to the
questions by deifying themselves and erecting
opulent monuments to the instincts that drove
their egotistical, deluded existence as the
preamble to their eternal life on the dead bodies
of slaves.
Rational thinkers responded to the
philosophically important questions—for the
continued evolution of humanity as an agent of
civilization—by opposing the deification of the
ruling class and the institution of their cruel
52 The Purpose of Life
pragmatism as law and order. They dissolved
the “divine breath” with reason, replaced
obscurantism with science, and thus advanced
our evolutionary vision toward altruism.
The avant-garde of our species had the
evolutionary advantage of being radically
aware of existence as a chemical event whose
purity must be guarded against the ruling
class’s propagandists who dump the toxic
elements of ignorance, selfishness, religionism,
nationalism, hate, and war as virtues into the
streams of consciousness of life to corrupt it.
The answers to these questions, or lack
thereof, determine the rise or fall of human
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 53
The Young and Wild
oung and wild, the creatures were the
hope for the intellectualization of
human instincts grown in the city of burning
asphalt, where they lost their childhood
sensualities playing with candy vending
Unpreoccupied with the meaning of time,
they met at the point in their minds where their
sadness flipped into sensational moments of
aerial laughter that they extracted from their
imagination to stimulate their brains into a state
of phrenetic movement toward the outer edge
of the accidental reality that they created with
their brave self-experiments, opening their
portal veins in order to feel the current of
intoxicated euphoria.
Like children abandoned under the storm of
their senses, they lived in an enchanted present
generated by the friction of their infant
expectations against the desolate pavement of
the urban school that had uniformed their
emotions. Wounded by the sacrament of love,
they transformed their timid, naked vibrations
54 The Purpose of Life
into a chemical experience that effervesced the
images, which filled their eyes with ephemeral
pleasure without an end in the meaninglessness
of tomorrow.
The creatures were the objects of the
instincts they expressed, as models designed by
intelligent molecules with poetry, merry
drinking, and luxurious sex.
They designed tribal emotions adorned with
the sensual colors of bacteria to maintain the
arousal of their desire to coalesce their
imagination into an orgasm in a timeless reality
aroused. But the impetuousness of their
primitive, selfish blood exploded and broke the
common artery that carried their lost innocence
to the hippocampus of dreams after their
volatile consciousness fell into the void of
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 55
The Emptiness of Faith
ife happens in the empty space that
sustains the objects that compose the
universe. It is emptiness that allows the growth
of the heart and its palpitation to fill the empty
mind with resonance. Faith is the result of the
force applied by a human being to the empty
mind of another with the objective of filling it
with the sensation of "divine" fulfillment that
infuses life with an empty meaning.
The faithful negate their empty nature and
try to fill it with prayers to the empty objects of
religious doctrine. They flagellate themselves
for the empty word "sin" and pay tribute to the
church for their "eternal salvation" to maintain
their relationship with the empty word "god."
Through empty states of rapture—
artificially stimulated by the guardians of their
faith with empty words—they suffer and die in
emptiness. Emptiness is the natural space of
life that provides the human being with the
opportunity to understand it and become a
56 The Purpose of Life
conscious part of it without the anxiety caused
by the war of the guardians of faith to separate
women and men from their natural world.
Faith cannot fill the emptiness of life
because it is not a natural element of it or
superior to its chemical force. The millenary
attempt to fill it with divine prophecy continues
to dissipate in emptiness.
One is an empty thought of the object of self
that arises in the mind, empty of faith. A dream
formed by the images illuminated by an empty
light in an empty space.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 57
emocracy is the luxurious rule of the
instincts that emerges after the armed
forces have completed the extrajudicial
execution of the political dissenters identified
by the State Surveillance Machine and the
ruling class and their admiring servants—
legislators, judges, generals, and priests—have
eaten the appetizing body and drunk the sweet
blood of Christ with—their hearts beating
faithfully—to ensure the future of the cult of
free enterprise.
58 The Purpose of Life
Flags and Crucifixes
he loan sharks make loans to arms
manufacturers to keep the world in a
state of war. Their ambassadors travel the
world together, conquering tax-free zones to
create the conditions for the emergence of new
indebted markets: political corruption,
exploitation, starvation, repression, and death.
They and their servants—senators, generals,
and bishops—gather at the presidential palace
to celebrate the power of the Eye of Providence
on the US $1-dollar bill, surrounded by armed
men, flags, and crucifixes.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 59
Ruling Class’s Germs
ince Homo sapiens are born, the Church
and the State mark their foreheads with
their seals in order to conform them to their
doctrines, uniform them, and convert their
minds into the conservatory where they plant
the germs exhaled by the ruling class into the
social atmosphere, which flourish into the
toxins of ignorance, selfishness, hate, and war.
60 The Purpose of Life
Opium of the Masses
he opium of the anxious masses is
anything that may serve as an
instrument of power for the preacher of lies,
intimidation, and “spiritual security” to seduce
his victims, extirpate their instinct for freedom,
inquisitiveness, heterodoxy, dissension, and
subversiveness, and intoxicate them with the
absurdity of the concept of salvation by faith
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 61
The Plague
od is a plague that destroys the
umbilical cord that binds the human
primate to nature and the mammalian-maternal
instinct that binds him to humanity. That
disease and the faith in it are transmitted as the
condition of “eternal life” by liars and thieves,
the self-appointed “men of God”. They
hallucinate their victims with praise of the
plague and the crisis of will power it causes as
a sign of the “advent” of their “savior”.
62 The Purpose of Life
Incite Your Hands
ncite your hands to give birth to the flash
of light of your transformation in the
movement of your appearance and
disappearance in the memory of the universe.
This is what your ancestors did by igniting
the torch with which you have travelled in
dreams across the night of your evolution as an
animal in search of the stellar cradle of its
reason for being.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 63
Intermittent Bubbles
e live peering out into the world of
seductions through the pores of
consciousness’s flammable skin.
We are the intermittent bubbles that form in
the boiling of the desires that transform us into
the sensual objects whose touch is necessary to
feel pleasure and pain.
We believe in our ego as the purposed
element of the random life that emerges from
the cosmic void that absorbs it.
64 The Purpose of Life
At High Temperatures
am the memory without light of a dream
without form, projected in the air of an
indefinite place.
My heart is the proof of a formula revealed
in an esoteric book of a lost world.
The consciousness that I inhabit is made of
the membrane of a bacterium that became the
nucleus of an idea living in volcanic mud at
high temperatures.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 65
The Eternal Life
uring their fantastic mind expedition,
the seekers of the Grail of Pleasure
discovered the beast with the mark of
innocence on its forehead in the garden of the
elements—where the senses unleash the
chemical reaction that produces the states of
awareness of living and dying and concatenates
them into one stellar experience.
They saw the transparency in its gaze and
thought it was exotically beautiful. Seduced by
their impression, the seekers captured the beast,
slit its jugulars, and drank its blood, believing
that by doing so they would stimulate the
arousal of the metabolism of eternal life.
66 The Purpose of Life
The Faithful Heart
ow many times does the faithful heart
have to sing its song of wisdom until
the children who are growing together in the
garden of the elements, playing with the
particles of their dreams of their past lives as
Hippocampi and Aves, hear it and escape from
the men who are coming armed with crucifixes,
flags, loan contracts, and guns to abduct them,
lobotomize them, and feed them to the
economic machine?
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 67
A Rational Event
omo sapiens need to live life as a
rational event on the basis of their
understanding that they are products of nature,
equipped with instincts that they can use to
evolve into a peaceful and constructive species,
free from evil and good.
Therefore, the purpose of human animals
must be to maintain their chemical roots free
from the impurities—divine breath, national
spirit, racial purity, hate, and the desire for
war—that the Church and the State inject into
the veins of the natural consciousness of
themselves and the world that they created with
By intoxicating Homo sapiens with the
doctrine of salvation—humans need a power
other than themselves to exist and resolve the
problems of their existence—the priests and
politicians who serve the omnipotent ruling
class extinguish their feelings of their instincts
as the source of their creative will.
68 The Purpose of Life
Fugitive Thoughts
am looking at the spectacular reflections
of reality moving through the infinite
circuits of the mind in a state of sensation
without an object vibrating somewhere in the
field of energy. Suddenly, awareness,
molecular and bright, surged, revealing the
senseful presence of the fugitive thoughts that
had escaped from the orbit of my head.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 69
onsciousness is the ensemble of
chemical events unleashed by pure
energy that moves without divine impetus, free
from the contamination carried by the terrible
judgment of an artificial God imposed by its
manufacturers with violence on Homo sapiens
as a condition for their existence as objects of
guilt, sentenced to suffer.
The knowledge of life is a power based on
its natural properties, which are sufficient for
the emergence of the tendency towards
rationality and justice in the social minds of
human animals. They do not need to be
combined or complemented with the additives
of good and evil, and repression and
punishment administered by the Church and
the State.
70 The Purpose of Life
Ego Rigēre
f one exists as a product of the ego's
combustions, one’s freedom to see with
the innocent eyes that filter the light that
emerges from the friction between lying and
truth in the human world is conditioned by its
rigorous tests of one’s ability to function as the
constant performer of its volatile habits, which
constitute the structure whose heads are desire
and fear.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 71
Who Are You?
ou may be who you think you are if
you are able to personify the memory
of you that was created by the fusion of your
parents’ genes within the compound made of
sensations and images arranged by the neurons
of which you are an element that you are able
to recognize as yourself while you are engaged
in the performance of your chemical character
on the social mirror where the faces of other
compatible selves congregate to examine each
other’s awareness and gestures, touch, and
collect the feedback that they and you need to
support the idea of you as a normal entity that
conforms to the habits, dark and bright, that
you regard as the traits of your personality.
72 The Purpose of Life
The Hydrogen Stone
he darkness of my soul, knower of all
things, emits the luminescence that
travels the universe within the hydrogen stone,
free from the impurities of the will of the gods.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 73
our cognitive crown is the wonder of
the chemical world: the perfect fusion
of the elements that yielded the protoplasma
that carries the brilliance of your eyes in the
cadence of the universe.
Let helium be the noble light that
illuminates your soul and let hydrogen be the
symbol of its flammable skin.
74 The Purpose of Life
I Am
am a primate specimen made with the
ingredients of the solar system that
evolved into the head of a chemical event
transformed into a political manifesto by the
radical cells operating in the tunnels of the
encephalic space where magnetic time passes,
absorbing the genetic print of the truth to
transfer it to the dark side of the field of light
where it becomes a factor of the future cosmic-
intellectual circumstances.
I am the messenger gland that carries the
dreams that occur in the cells—when the water
atoms become excited upon contact with
light—to the worlds of organisms without
sensual memories.
I am a grain in a sand clock free from the
electromagnetic force of desire.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 75
A Galactic Agent
am a galactic agent, the carrier of the
seed of knowledge and the means for
attaining it. My form becomes and disintegrates
in the conjuncture where my perception
absorbs the pulsation of my senses in a defined
space within the movement of the time
generated by the expansion of the universe.
76 The Purpose of Life
The Golden Gene
et us continue digging, as we did before
we discovered the caves of time, into
the blue vein that traverses the hemispheres of
cognition with the finger that our ancestors
used to draw our path in the winds that formed
the world of dreams, from which we evolved
like proficient animals speaking in the
electromagnetic language of our mother cells,
diligently, until we see the trace left by the gene
with the golden crest.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 77
he human being is a product of nature,
endowed with the elements of its force.
In order to find this out, one needs to study the
periodic table, not the bible. Our umbilical cord
unites us with the stars, not with the will of
“god.” The richness of life and its temporal
pleasure are the effects of the stellar life and
death of the universe.
Self-realization is a chemical event induced
by the electric current of the agent’s will. One
is the object of one's thoughts and the chemical
basis of one’s perspective on the world.
Exposing oneself as an object of acceptance or
rejection by another is a deviation from one's
genetic path. The only entities that can
condition the state of one’s relationship with
oneself are the neurons. A person who
sacrifices to fit into the straitjacket of the
ignorance, selfishness, and dogmatic mind of
others has mistaken itself and its reason for
78 The Purpose of Life
Learn to Walk
ook inside yourself. Don't look for the
truth on the surface of your mirror.
Search your inner space for the gene that is
the keeper of your key and open your
fontanelles with it.
Now that you are a unit of knowledge, take
the creature by its hand and start walking to
create the path that leads to your cosmic
Learn to walk and you will be able to fly in
your thoughts.
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 79
Where the End Begins
s I enter the vacuum, the ego vanishes
as the object of reference for the
conscious. The desires that it provokes inside
the pores of the flesh of the mind cannot
become states of pleasure without the fire of
In this place, there are no objects of
reference for drawing a diagram of oneself.
One is something without a name or attributes,
sustained by the force of nothingness.
When I am inside the core, the atomic mind
enshrouds me, sniffing my exhalation like an
animal trying to recognize its creature. I can
feel that this is where the end begins again.
About the Author
Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS was
born on March 12, 1949, in Granada,
Nicaragua, under the military dictatorship of
Anastasio Somoza García, the so-called
“Tacho,” and his Colonialist Catholic Church
“Tacho” was the fictitious general, “Made
in USA,” who was appointed by the Hoover
Administration as Chief Director of the
Nicaraguan National Guard (NG) that the
United States Marine Corps (USMC) had
trained to relieve them as the occupying force
of Nicaragua. The USMC was defeated by the
Army for the Defense of the National
Sovereignty of Nicaragua in the national
liberation war that ended in 1933.
The CCC was the confessor of “Tacho” and
chaplain of the NG. The alliance between
About the Author 81
Catholicism, the cross, and “Somocismo,” the
M1 Garand, was the force that created the
atmosphere of obscurantism and fear in which
the author's childhood happened in the
impoverished La Otra Banda neighborhood of
Granada, Nicaragua, like a sensible event, a
heliotrope of fragile imagination, whipped by a
storm of ignorance and violence.
HuGóS graduated, cum laude, as a Bachelor
of Science, Letters, and Philosophy at the
Colegio Salesiano San Juan Bosco in Granada,
Nicaragua, in 1968. In the United States of
America (USA), he studied English and
political science at Los Angeles City College,
Los Angeles, California, where he achieved
academic status as a member of the Dean’s
Honor Roll in the fall of 1975.
The author is a poet, essayist, and digital
photography artist. His first collection of
poems, entitled In Transition to Poetry, was
published in the city of Los Angeles,
California, USA, in 1974. Some of the poems
contained in that collection are a reflection of
the author's reaction to the revolution in
Nicaragua and the pain of the victims of the
military dictatorship of the fictitious general,
82 About the Author
“Made in USA,” Anastasio Somoza Debayle,
the so-called “Tachito.”
For his poetry work, the author received the
following awards:
• A certificate of Excellence in Poetry,
awarded by Teresinka Pereira, director of the
International Poetry Society at the University
of Colorado in Boulder, CO, USA.
• First Place in Poetry, awarded by Lillian
Walsh, editor of For Poets Only, a poetry
magazine published in Jackson Heights, New
York, USA.
HuGóS’ poems have appeared in La Prensa
Literaria of Managua, Nicaragua, and
magazines, such as Free Venice Beachhead of
Venice, California, USA, Poetalk of Berkeley,
California, USA, The Plowman of Whitby,
Ontario, Canada, and Estrella del Sur of
Paterna, Valencia, Spain.
He has self-published his books on Amazon
and Google. His essays can be read on Issuu
and Scribd. And his digital photographic
artwork can be seen at DeviantArt.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by
machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by
animals including humans. AI research has been defined as the
field of study of intelligent agents, which refers to any system
that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize
its chance of achieving its goals. Wikipedia
Merchants of death was an epithet used in the U.S. in the
1930s to attack industries and banks that had supplied and
funded World War I (then called the Great War). Wikipedia
Merchants of death was an epithet used in the U.S. in
the 1930s to attack industries and banks that had supplied and
funded World War I (then called the Great War). Wikipedia
The Digital Revolution refers to the advancement of
technology from analog electronic and mechanical devices to
the digital technology available today. The era started to
during the 1980s and is ongoing. The Digital Revolution also
marks the beginning of the Information Era. Techopedia
The Watt steam engine, alternatively known as the
Boulton and Watt steam engine, was an early steam engine
and was one of the driving forces of the Industrial Revolution.
James Watt developed the design sporadically from 1763 to
1775 with support from Matthew Boulton. Wikipedia
The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new
manufacturing processes in Great Britain, continental
Europe, and the United States, in the period from about 1760
to sometime between 1820 and 1840. Wikipedia
The British-English phrase (dark) satanic mills denotes
industrial mills or factories—especially those of Britain in the
84 Notes
nineteenth century—associated with harsh working
conditions and regarded as representing exploitative and
dehumanising industrialisation.
The information superhighway (or German: infobahn)
was a popular term used through the 1990s to refer to digital
communication systems and the Internet telecommunications
network. It is associated with United States Senator and later
Vice-President Al Gore. Wikipedia
The Budget also includes a $187 million increase for
research initiatives at National Institute of Standards and
Technology NIST that would focus on developing standards to
accelerate adoption of critical and emerging technologies with
a focus on artificial intelligence, quantum science, and
advanced biotechnologies. Budget of the U.S.” Government
Fiscal Year 2023
The National AI Initiative Act of 2020 (DIVISION E,
SEC. 5001) became law on January 1, 2021, providing for a
coordinated program across the entire Federal government to
accelerate AI research and application for the Nation's
economic prosperity and national security.
Manifest Destiny, in U.S. history, the supposed
inevitability of the continued territorial expansion of the
boundaries of the United States westward to the Pacific and
beyond. Britannica
The misery index is an economic indicator, created by
economist Arthur Okun. The index helps determining how the
average citizen is doing economically and it is calculated by
adding the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate to the
annual inflation rate. It is assumed that both a higher rate of
unemployment and a worsening of inflation create economic
and social costs for a country. Wikipedia
Notes 85
Technical imperative is a term from ethics and
philosophy. Based on the categorical imperative of Immanuel
Kant, it stands for a maxim that does not aim at what is
ethically justifiable, but what is technically feasible: "Act in
such a way that none of the technical options available to you
remains unused."
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is an 1818
novel written by English author Mary Shelley. Frankenstein
tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who
creates a sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific
experiment. Wikipedia
PRISM is a code name for a program under which the
United States National Security Agency (NSA) collects
internet communications from various U.S. internet
companies. Wikipedia
Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a 1956 American
science fiction horror film. The film's storyline concerns an
extraterrestrial invasion that begins in the fictional California
town of Santa Mira. Alien plant spores have fallen from space
and grown into large seed pods, each one capable of producing
a visually identical copy of a human. As each pod reaches full
development, it assimilates the physical traits, memories, and
personalities of each sleeping person placed near it until only
the replacement is left; these duplicates, however, are devoid
of all human emotion. Wikipedia
“So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is
never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will
fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land!” ― J.M. Barrie,
Peter Pan: Fairy Tales
Born again, or to experience the new birth, is a phrase,
particularly in evangelicalism, that refers to a "spiritual
86 Notes
rebirth", or a regeneration of the human spirit. In contrast to
one's physical birth, being "born again" is distinctly and
separately caused by baptism in the Holy Spirit, it is not
caused by baptism in water. Wikipedia
Robber baron is a derogatory term of social criticism
originally applied to certain wealthy and powerful 19th-
century American businessmen. Wikipedia
System of manufacturing that began in the 18th century
and is based on the concentration of industry into
specialized—and often large—establishments. The system
arose in the course of the Industrial Revolution. Britannica
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The Purpose of Life: Chemical World

  • 1.
  • 2. Also by Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS La dictadura somocista del Frente Sandinista Nicaragua 1979: Diario de un viaje a la revolución Nicaragua: Un poema para Pacelli Nicaragua: “La Chiquita” Una joya de la dictadura sandinista The U.S. Presidential Election of 2016: The Plutocracy Won Notes from My Mobile Brain It Hurts to Feel El Socialismo del Siglo XXI o La Antirrevolución Nicaragua: El diálogo entre los curas doctrineros y encomenderos En transición hacia la poesía: Granada (Nicaragua), la burguesía y el FSLN Visiones De Un Sonámbulo
  • 4.
  • 5. The Purpose of Life Chemical World By Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS
  • 6. The Purpose of Life Chemical World Copyright © 2022 by Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS All rights reserved. This book was published by Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS in the United States of America in the month of September of the Year of the Lord Coronavirus 2022.
  • 7. Table of Contents Introduction................................................................xi Chapter One ..............................................................13 The Purpose of Life ..................................................13 Chapter Two..............................................................33 Chemical World........................................................33 Chapter Three............................................................37 Objects of Thought ...................................................37 The Machine..........................................................37 The Creation of Evil..............................................43 Homo sapiens’ Crisis ............................................47 One Must Be Oneself ............................................49 The Questions........................................................51 The Young and Wild.............................................53 The Emptiness of Faith .........................................55 Democracy ............................................................57 Flags and Crucifixes..............................................58 Ruling Class’s Germs............................................59 Opium of the Masses.............................................60 The Plague.............................................................61 Incite Your Hands .................................................62 Intermittent Bubbles..............................................63
  • 8. At High Temperatures .......................................... 64 The Eternal Life.................................................... 65 The Faithful Heart................................................. 66 A Rational Event................................................... 67 Fugitive Thoughts................................................. 68 Consciousness....................................................... 69 Ego Rigēre ............................................................ 70 Who Are You?...................................................... 71 The Hydrogen Stone ............................................. 72 Protoplasma .......................................................... 73 I Am ...................................................................... 74 A Galactic Agent .................................................. 75 The Golden Gene.................................................. 76 Self-realization...................................................... 77 Learn to Walk ....................................................... 78 Where the End Begins .......................................... 79 About the Author...................................................... 80 Notes......................................................................... 83
  • 9. Dedication For Roxanna Gómez Sequeira, my daughter, as an offering to her, the sublime child who keeps growing, before my admiration, through her heroic existential experience. For María del Rosario Aguirre Durán, my life partner, in gratitude for the seeds of love that she plants in my hippocampus.
  • 10. Epigraph My mission is to keep the fire under the receptive membrane, where thoughts start to gestate, burning at the precise degree, so image and meaning can fuse. When the fusion is over, the membrane will freeze and I will become a pulse of imagination trapped within one of its vesicles.
  • 11. Introduction he title of my book, The Purpose of Life, is also the heading of the essay collection that constitutes it. I wrote the compositions in response to my instinct for creating words and arranging them on the canvas of my mind as an imaginary trail of my existence in the sensual world. The following essay, “The Man Without Credentials,” is an example of the kinds of ideas that populate the pages of my work. The man without credentials does not have anything to prove. The meaning of life according to the “men of God”—priests, politicians, generals, and bankers—does not afflict him. He does not dress in uniform, impart blessings, or demand salutations of submission. His expression is an effect of the energy that transforms his atomic mass into the light that illuminates his dreams. The emotions of faith and war are incompatible with his self and sense as products of the chemical world in which he is a T
  • 12. xii Introduction true flame. He is not interested in being admitted into the dogmatic order based on the doctrine of salvation as a gift from God or the State. Like a naked ape who grew like a wild plant, he erects his mind to observe the prelude to the end of the pragmatic mind world in stock market fluctuations and bankers’ instigations of war. The man without credentials does not have an origin or a destination. He appears and disappears circumstantially like a firefly in the darkness of space.
  • 13. Chapter One The Purpose of Life s a temporal product of the chemical reactions that the Big Bang stimulated, is life the carrier of a purpose that was realized when Homo sapiens’ ancestors began to live consciously and self-aware and transform their world? Is humans’ interpretation of self, as an object that they possess and accessorize to cover their shamed nakedness and show it as their pretension to the meaning of their metabolic life, the purpose of life? Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) i , which is the evolution of the Atomic Bomb Intelligence, the beginning of the end of molecular intelligent life? Despite the answers to the posed questions, the bacteria in the “warm little pond” ii of life produced the conditions for the evolution of A
  • 14. 14 The Purpose of Life Homo sapiens, driven by the force of natural selection as their unintended purpose. Thus, the wise primates grew free from the object of legislation and sermon, like hand painters in the dream space between heaven and Earth. However, their descendants today are the prey of the headhunters who capture them with the “air of salvation,” put them into an altered state of consciousness, extract their frontal lobes, and offer them as a sacrifice to the God that the ruling class trusts to keep capitalism alive. Politicians and priests, the illusionists of the ruling class, dissolve the humans’ natural self in nationality and religion, the elements of war, in order to purify them as allegiants to the State and Church. The illusionists persuade their objects to debilitate themselves by renouncing their power of self-sufficiency and surrendering to the power of the institutions that compel them to believe that they can protect and redeem them. The propagandists of the political, economic, and religious miracles turn the social insecurity that the ruling class creates by voraciously devouring the world into a hope for a secure and blessed holographic future. In
  • 15. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 15 order to gain confidence in themselves, humans kill one another in the “merchants of death’s” iii for-profit wars, medicated to feel enthusiastic about their purpose in a life whose model is designed by opulent legislators and judges in conformity with the barbarian ruling class’s desire. The humans who are workers buy the model, like a seductive car, as an exercise of “their freedom” in the market until the bankers deplete their net worth and discard them into the financial wasteland. Since the State nationalized their instincts, humans have existed as political products ordered in capitalism as the bodies of energy and data that fuel its engine. Human existence as the product of creative will by a subject who has sovereignty over itself and its environment is being transformed by computer programmers into a data model for the evolution of digital life in a digital market. Before the Digital Revolution iv , industrialists disconnected the human frontal lobe from its natural environment and connected it to the Boulton and Watt steam engine v in their factories to complement the force that they needed to propel the Industrial
  • 16. 16 The Purpose of Life Revolution. vi Human workers, including children, were concentrated in the “dark satanic mills,” vii where they toiled, suffered, and died. Thus, they produced the wealth that was the foundation of the “information superhighway,” viii without having received the goods of technological progress. Without the power of their self- incandescence and self-transformation, humans are pulled by the gravitational force of the Massive Ad Machine that reduces them to the condition of soulless mannequins. As such, they display the brand names of the shiny objects they purchase to accessorize their insecure selves in order to participate in the spectacle of their deterioration as products of capitalism bound to become discontinued. Humans do not exist as the subjects who create their predicates, imprinted with their chemical sameness, as the declarations of their purpose in the world. Their lack of the power of creative will in the relationship with themselves and its application as an existential mechanism is the reason they have not continued evolving as the
  • 17. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 17 models of nature transformed into the brain of a changing universe. They are the standardized products made by the ruling class’s political parties with the residues of the dissolution of their being in the psyche of the State, its Constitution and Penal Code. The State is adapting to the technological elite’s for-profit robotics revolution by adopting their purpose of replacing humans as the model of intelligence, emotion, beauty, and morality for society’s evolution with “more efficient and cost-effective” robots. The ruling class’s opulent legislators are passing the laws that justify robotization and budget ix to support the development of an AI Government x capable of realizing the Digital Global Manifest Destiny. xi The purpose of life is being written by AI engineers as effective algorithms for conducting profitable businesses and wars using the intelligence that humans invented with their bare hands as a stellar act of creative will to evolve as the world's consciousness. The technological elite is on a “living faith crusade” to conquer and subordinate Homo sapiens’ brains—the regulators of the thoughts and
  • 18. 18 The Purpose of Life emotions that are the matter for the creation of their existence—to applications without a psyche that can help them to know themselves and understand their dreams better. The creation of their dependency on technology as a condition for their existence and the replacement of their need to create their emotions with frictionless “emotion icons” are parts of the process of dehumanizing them in order to incorporate them as nuts and bolts of the robotics revolution. Humans are not making the evolutionary revolution that they need by changing the ideas and institutions that have become inadequate to their instincts for growth, both philosophical and material, periodically. They are robotizing themselves while making the robots that are replacing them as the reason for society’s existence in order to adapt to the Brave New (Robotic) World. The working class is digging their digital graves, thus creating the conditions for their vanishment, the advent of a new robotic ruling class and State, and the evolution of artificial life. Their submission to the judgment and lifestyle dictated by the owners of the market
  • 19. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 19 debilitates them and, thus, prevents them from understanding their predicament and resolving it. The human workers need to overcome the slave self, recuperate their self-independence, and exercise their creative will as a tool for managing themselves and the society that they maintain. They should be the writers of the algorithms for the creation of a government that responds to their need to be free and keep evolving as producers of ideas, discoverers of truths, and creators of art. The descendants of the coal miners of the Industrial Revolution must fight to overthrow the robots that are snatching their minds as the imperative condition for regaining their natural evolutionary trajectory and flourishing. This is the only way they can preserve the value of their humanity, transform into an ever wiser and kinder species, and prevent being exterminated by the technological elite, the new Digital Predator Species. The crisis of the human species is being cultivated by the lie merchants who control the explosive heads of the masses of believers in conspiracy theories. The preachers of the New Testament of religious-political salvation say
  • 20. 20 The Purpose of Life that the decline of humanity is a consequence of a “lack of love for God and country.” Therefore, they are fighting with virulence for the election of a narcissist, brutish Christian tyrant to the pulpit of the State to lead them to the restoration of the faith and a revival of the country’s greatness. AI is evolving as a children’s magic show before the eyes of a working class under the spell of the ruling class’s Democrat and Republican Party magicians. The wage slaves give the barkers of the corporatocracy’s political spectacle their power in exchange for the blue or red pill of “faith in the country.” This contradictory relationship produces the workers’ submission to the ruling class and their power to maintain themselves as the social parasites that create the Misery Index xii by avariciously stealing the wealth produced by the workers whom they exploit. The working class’s political infantilism enables the ruling class’s opulent politicians to seize control of their sense of purpose and dissolve it in the “national interest.” It is defined by opulent legislators in the policies that the State passes in response to the ruling
  • 21. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 21 class’s demands, including war, to keep their profits ever growing. Workers must stop committing hara-kiri by supporting their class enemy’s candidates for public office. Instead of serving as the sacrificial lamb that the State offers to the God of Greed of the capitalist class, they should use their power to recover the State, establish their purpose as the producers of society’s well- being, and contain their extinction. Their passivity is the platform upon which the technological elite are conducting their robotic revolution to preserve the Holy Grail of capitalism. The founding parents of the developing robotic nation have accredited themselves as philosophers, honoris causa, and translated the categorical imperative to the language of the “technical imperative” xiii in order to justify their creation of The Modern Prometheus xiv in the form of a humanoid robot. The descendants of Homo sapiens who dissent with the technological elite’s vision of a holographic Disneyesque future for humanity must assume the historic task of solving the
  • 22. 22 The Purpose of Life crisis of their species by becoming the philosophers and architects of the purpose of human life. They must act as the antithesis of the digital dystopia in which the Pied Pipers of Silicon Valley are leading the children of the human future, carriers of the alleles of altruism, to a technological cave in which reality is the shadow of an emoticon on a cyberspace screen that absorbs their eyes. What should be the purpose of humans in a world where the ruling class is pushing life and them to extinction? Humans are the products of evolution and the sapience and emotions that they developed through that process and used as tools for their growth as plants in a world that they did not know but had to conquer in order to survive. This is the experience and historical lesson that they need to remember when deciding their purpose in an era in which robots are replacing them at the profit-making speed propelled by the owners of the robotics industry’s infinite avarice. As a temporal, fragile, and self-destructive species, the purpose of humans should be to develop a mode of life through which they can gain wisdom through the practice of altruism.
  • 23. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 23 This is the condition for the invention of a technology subordinated to the growth of a humanist society where they would not have to kill one another as prey in order to survive. The descendants of Homo habilis, inventors of stone tools, can realize this goal only if they overcome the morally blind animal latent in their genetic code, struggling to become the dominant instinct whose force can propel them towards madness, war, and extinction. In the digital world, which the Technological Gods created without the categorical imperative as an element, humans do not have to have a purpose or a moral reason in order to justify their existence in it. The technological elite are a product of the Central Processing Unit (CPU), the power with which they have imposed themselves as the Grand Algorithm that interprets the purpose of humanity to be the attainment of an eternal digital life as an algorithm sustained by pure and indifferent data. The “silicon masters” have consecrated themselves as the supreme consciousness of the technology with which they are uploading the human frontal lobe to their laboratories as part of the process of designing the digital brain.
  • 24. 24 The Purpose of Life In the CPU world factory, humans are processed as bodies of data to produce smart robots, free from good and evil, that know humans better than they know themselves, to control them as the software of the State’s new digital domination machine. The programmers of the purpose of life in capitalism have captured everyday life and written it as the algorithms that direct the visual illusions with which they invade the humans’ frontal lobes and stimulate them to fill their shopping carts with shiny ornaments of happiness. They have expropriated humans of their philosophical sense of purpose in their lives and replaced it with fatal algorithms, which excite them to serve as the stimulators of the On-Demand Economy and imitators of the luxurious bioplastic appearance of “the rich and famous” on Reality Mediocrity TV shows in a life that capitalists have commodified. Humans are not evolving as an altruistic and peaceful species. They are not transforming into organisms that produce more than metabolic and environmental waste, luxury items, stupidity, weapons, and war video games. The production of the philosophy of life
  • 25. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 25 (what is it for) and justice as its justification, through moral self-revolution, is not the purpose of the humans engendered by the “What’s in It for Me?” existential moral imperative of capitalism. Scientists, artists, actors, comedians, and athletes have transformed into commodities who exhibit themselves in the Circus Maximus, dedicated to the Gods of Excess, Stupidity, and War, to excite the audience to consume the shiny objects of desire like pills (“uppers” and “downers”) that induce them into the hypnotic state where they feel maximum pleasure. The State has replaced humans as the agency and agents of their idea of themselves, as the cognitive element and the sense of the world, with its own idea of itself as the culmination of their evolution and complete fulfillment of their aspirations. This is the consequence of the dissolution of the human altruistic instinct into the selfish instinct of the ruling class by the legislators who imitate their Roman lifestyle and convert their barbarian opinion into the spirit of public policy. The wise humans of today do not exist in a world where they are free from want and war
  • 26. 26 The Purpose of Life as the autonomous evolving objects of their philosophical reflections. They are the consumer parts of the engine of the economy whose frontal lobe is controlled by the operators of the Psychological Advertising Machine. The well-being and security of their lives are subjected by the State to the military budget and for-profit wars instigated by the Military Industrial Complex. The producers of the nation’s wealth do not have the leisure that is necessary to live introspectively, in dialogue with themselves about the state of their lives. They work to live and vice versa, and consume stimulants for working and sedatives for sleeping in order to fulfill the brutal labor power demands of capitalism. As a consequence, they have become the functionally sick objects of exploitation by the new technological doctors who sell them mental health applications as the new digital drugs that induce them into an altered state where their suffering magically disappears. They live as objects of suspicion, whose expression can be used against them by the State, in the one-dimensional space called law
  • 27. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 27 and order, delineated by opulent legislators, supervised by the Market Army, and watched by the providential eye of PRISM. xv In that exclusive zone, they pay lifetime war taxes, vote to earn the prized I Voted sticker (which they proudly display like children on their chests as a receipt for good behavior), wage the “merchants of death’s” wars, and donate their dead bodies to the owners of the Soylent Green machine, which recycles them into the sensational market’s “next big thing.” The technological elite is leading the new Invasion of the Body Snatchers xvi by infiltrating the human body with smart microchips with the purpose of seizing control of the brain, “where dreams are born xvii ,” as the end of AI. The beings whose stellar and peculiar lives were the inspiration and concern of the humanities now are treated as the data mines which are exploited for profits by the AI Industry. Humans’ intrinsic importance for the continuation of the evolution of life as a stellar experience and the molecular mind as the Lyceum of the philosophical future of humanity has been superseded by the projected billions
  • 28. 28 The Purpose of Life of dollars in profits that the sale of killer robots will produce for the owners of the Defense (War) Industry. The purpose of life, conceived as the realization of the ideal of universal good (alimentation, health, education, philosophical and artistic growth, contentedness, and peace), through the humans’ revolution of their reason to exist and moral sense, is not coming true in the digital world. Humans have submitted to the power of the microchip by opening their bodies to the new technological colonizers, excited by their promise of a future “frictionless life” produced by a perfect human-machine connection. They are shedding their moral skin in order to grow robotic skin and thus meet the conditions of the next stage of their evolution, in which robots will select the fittest. The technological elite have imposed themselves on the frontal lobe of the world they have colonized as the embodiment of “the special virtues of the American people and their institutions” fit for realizing the Digital Global Manifest Destiny. After conditioning their brains and devaluing themselves under the long, toxic, and
  • 29. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 29 vicious tyranny of the ruling class’s automated production, workers became the first robots, who now are adapting to the Brave New (Technological) World. Workers, including children, suffered psychological damage during their forced extraction from feudalism and violent insertion into the fiery womb of capitalism. The damage imprinted on their descendants, who, in turn, were shocked by the carnage of World War I that the “merchants of death” supported. The wage slaves are exhausted from the struggle to survive war, economic, policy, and “born again” xviii shocks through their generations. They are sick of medicating themselves in order to be able to live the stressful life contaminated with the ruling class’s ideas and vices. This is why they are committing suicide and dying from loneliness, the side effect of the “pursuit of happiness.” The robotic revolution is evolving from the ashes of the workers whom the “robber barons” xix consumed as the vital brains of the Industrial Revolution. Since then, the working class has not risen to fulfill its evolutionary need to overcome the tyrannic condition of wage
  • 30. 30 The Purpose of Life slavery, imposed by the State on behalf of the ruling class, and transform themselves into the institutions of their reason, freedom, justice, peace, and evolutionary progress. In the involving Digital Revolution, humans are becoming more dependent on the way of life that market psychologists design for them, using the ruling class’s self-indulgent extravagance as the model. The market educates consumers with instant gratification and painkillers. It is their cradle and grave. Life and the animals that it organized and evolved into humans do not carry a purpose that is separate from that of the cell during its chemical existence. The end of cellular life happens with indifference to humans’ goals. Despite this truth, some humans design an aim as part of their plan for constructing a raison d'être and stimulating their evolutionary altruistic instincts in a meaningless world. However, their lives, imagination, and effort to achieve their goal are conditioned by capitalism’s selfish purpose, which is the anima of the State and the capitalist class’s wars. The State—the legislator, judge, jailer, and executioner of capitalism—expropriated
  • 31. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 31 humans of their power to transform into the creators of the new idea of themselves in the world and their philosophical constitution as the vehicles through which they could continue their transition to higher expressions of rational existence. The capitalist ideologues have conjugated life’s purpose with the possession of of money as the path through which humans attain self-realization and become happy. The innocent mind that was produced by the molecular revolution has been corrupted by the aggressive profit-making virus that the capitalist class exhales into the streams of the consciousness of society. It is the driving force in the capitalist market that has reduced humans to the condition of a commodity. In capitalism, becoming a businessperson, as the proudful realization of the national dream, has substituted the value of the aspiration to be a teacher of humanism. Since the first “factory system” xx was invented, human workers have not had the necessary freedom to live introspectively in the world that the ruling class has privatized in order to be able to conceive and institutionalize their purpose in their lives without the Church
  • 32. 32 The Purpose of Life and the State. The machines that the capitalist class implanted in the minds of the infant industrial working class as “fertilizers of civilization” have subdued the prefrontal cortex and sucked the psyche of humanity. Today, the survivors of the capitalist class’s deindustrialization war stand in line before the gate of the “information superhighway,” waiting for a “humanoid robot” to scan their state-issued Quick Response (QR) code and let them into the smart factory after their long generational march from the Industrial Revolution. In the distance from their emotions to their eyes, they look like lost children who have forgotten the password to enter the house where their hearts palpitate. Holding their mobiles, absorbed by the screen light, they seek an application that could lead them back home to “a better, happier life.” While struggling to pay the bill on time to maintain their frontal lobe connected to the internet, humans die of despair after having waited a lifetime to “gain entry into the law,” xxi in order to become the subjects of justice, and hoped for the coming of the Robot Messiah in vain.
  • 33. Chapter Two Chemical World e are the solitary inhabitants of the subconscious world generated by neurotransmitters. Our sensation of living is the intermittent reaction we exhibit through opposite emotional expressions when extraneous “psycho agents” stimulate our minds with their simulations of colorful, flavorsome, and desirable pleasures. In a world excited by the selfishness of the bankers who manipulate the prime rate, we are the serfs of an imperialist Landlord who owns a State demarcated by nuclear warheads. Warning signs of private property and punishment for trespassing are displayed across the country like the Eye of Providence on the US $1-dollar bill. They serve as the stimulants whose intention is to condition our reaction to the historical, unceasing deprivation of our right to be free from the condition of inequality W
  • 34. 34 The Purpose of Life imposed upon us by the ruling class with the Golden Scepter of the Power of Divine Favor. The imperialist regime that administers the State is composed of opulent and obtuse legislators trademarked “Democrat” and “Republican” by bankers who use it as their law and order to rig the economy, compete for mega profits, and instigate the fabrication of wars as good investment products. The lives we live are the effects of the balance of power, poverty, and social friction in a market controlled by avaricious capitalists who prefix the value of our labor and life expectancy. As the dispossessed survivors of the imperialist war of conquest, we pay taxes to the Manifest Destiny Government for allowing us to live in the empire’s ghettos, supervised by plantation police. Beleaguered by barbarian slumlords, liquor dealers, payday lenders, pawnbrokers, arms dealers, bond dealers, and morticians, we rush through the alleys of our altered urban nervous system—with time expiring on the capitalist meter that measures the utility value of our lives—towards the voting booth, which is the
  • 35. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 35 repository of our phantom freedoms. We are born under the expectation of the State that we will become its jurisdictional objects—equal under the God it trusts—but separated by the equality of ambition and competition in a market where the law is enforced through the fear of the Landlord exercised by his army. In a state of illusionary motion, we live watching the spectacle of delightful living— animated by sportscasters, political candidates, plastic surgery celebrities, clowns, magicians, contortionists, and entities of bizarre appearance—projected through our naked retina by the architects of deception on TV. Our minds are the precious prey of the men of the State and God—politicians, priests, and generals—who strive to capture them, enticing us to surrender our will to them with promises of world supremacy, peace, military glory, and eternal salvation. Disconnected from the womb of our mammalian dreams of a world made of delightful carnal sensations, we have decayed into political automatons branded by a State
  • 36. 36 The Purpose of Life where life is a probability controlled by bankers and Landlords, and insurance experts and tax planners, planted with Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) and nuclear waste sites, and celebrated in war movies and victory parades. In that remote zone—severed from the root of our chemical sameness—we are the suspicious semblances of an individual existence turned on and off with the remote control operated by the lords of social drugs and illusions. Our experience of feelings in a reality generated by our friction against the brutality of the do-or-die economy is an extension of the brain’s virtual arrangement of the self in the flitting moments of excitement precipitated by the convergence of the chemical torrents of desire and illusion and of life and death in the yellow water where we had our first dream of the world of the living.
  • 37. Chapter Three Objects of Thought The Machine he machine that was the Industrial Revolution’s Technological Messiah, whose mythological purpose was to deliver humans from a labor-intensive life—so that they could dedicate themselves to self- cultivation—was used by its owners as the model for the organization of their brutal system, input and output, of domination. The State has become the machine that produces the self of its tributaries and the elements of its environment: country, God, army, market, circus, and war. This sovereign machine also imposes the creed, identity, law, and punishment that are the conditions for humans to exist in the political farm it controls in conformity with the greed of the owners of the money, land, and factory farm. T
  • 38. 38 The Purpose of Life Humans are being superseded by the machine as the root of their selves and agents of the creative will with which they constructed the human world. As discarded outputs of the machine, humans are falling into the pit of a dead-end imperialist democracy due to the loss of the power that they developed as the objects that transformed into the cognitive subjects of the process of evolution. The umbilical cord that connected humans to the womb of life has been replaced by the State and the Church with the cord of allegiance that connects their frontal lobes to the doctrine whose moral end is to maintain the ruling class as the body ordained by God to dominate them. The descendants of Homo sapiens have lost the reason and morals that they created to engage with the world as the cognitive agents of the free chemical reactions of their naked brain. They have defeated themselves with self- doubt in the face of the inflexible demands of life and the crisis created by the ferocious avarice of the ruling class, who are sucking the marrow out of life. Instead of fighting to change the static self and institutions that contain their altruistic
  • 39. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 39 evolution, they surrendered their power to the State and the Church. Consequently, the capitalist-branded politicians whom they follow are leading them to ruin in the fossil fuel and pharmaceutical worlds, which are dominated by the for-profit war industry that they support. Some of them are falling—like the dried leaves of a plant that ceased to produce its nutrients—by the door of democracy’s ghetto liquor store on their journey to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) penal labor prisons. They continue to decay in that zone—where democracy is purified by the guard who administers negative punishment to the prisoners—until they lose their humanity. Others are consuming themselves as burning coal, working in the machine hoping to escape it by voting for the corporate political machine’s fool’s paradise program. The machine is connected to the blood vessels of the workers that produce plasma, the liquid gold that the ruling class needs to drink in order to extend their lives into the future of the digital brain. The survivors of the
  • 40. 40 The Purpose of Life machine’s pressure get high—inhaling the vapor that the machine exhales—in order to keep their nervous systems vibrating at the level of excitement that the machine requires to be part of its function until it identifies them as useless parts and pushes them into the capitalist democracy burn pit. The operators of the machine that produces civilization out of poverty are the ruling class’s servants—legislators, judges, and generals— who are connected to them through their admiration of their Roman opinions and lifestyles. They are the preachers of the value of the machine’s indifference, dressed with a toga of empathy. Humans are addicted to the vending machine that sells them the glitter balls—which they wear like magic hats on their heads—that stimulate the feelings of their existence like sweat drops on the porous world of their withering skin. They are caught in the machine’s cycle of construction and destruction of them as holographic idols of their illusions. The Big Machines—Finance, Oil, Pharma, Technological, and the Arms Industry—are destroying the world that
  • 41. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 41 humans built as their nest and museum and annihilating its pollinating species. The machine owners cannot understand the value of life as a means for humans to enter the sensual world, where they may convert it into a conscious experience without exploiting another in order to make a profit. The Big Technological Machine is replacing humans with robots that will be the enforcers of the fifth industrial revolution’s pledge of allegiance and executioners of the counterrevolutionaries. The authors of the robotics revolution are creating a species of mimicked humans to populate the digital world and operate the digital capitalist machine. The Government Machine collects taxes and recruits humans for the capitalist economy and war machines. The umbilical cord that connected its head to the heart of society before it decayed into a corporate appliance is now a citizen surveillance machine. Humans need to recuperate their natural self, willpower, and self-appreciation in order to discern themselves from the machine and
  • 42. 42 The Purpose of Life reestablish their being as the model for reorganizing the world. They must stop serving as springs in the clockwork of the machine that produces the elements of the wild world— propaganda, religionism, patriotism, and war— in which the nuclear machine functions on the probability of causing their extinction as the result of a nuclear error. The machine is the evolution of the ignorance of the State as the indifferent guardian of the avarice and brutality of the ruling class.
  • 43. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 43 The Creation of Evil ertain men said that “god” had chosen them to be his spokesmen and, as such, “god” revealed to them that he was the creator of man. Nothing else. Since then, these men designated themselves as “god’s prophets,” turned the word that they invented into law, waged “holy war” against their competitors in the market of faith, enriched themselves with the spoils, and organized themselves into powerful cartels that control the State. “God’s generals” keep the world divided into territories where they concentrate the human beings they exploit—branded as faithful and infidels—under the watchful eye of “god’s wrath and love.” The “creation of man” is the creation of evil: a terrible tale of deceit told as the benevolent act of a selfish entity. It is the reason millions of people live in obscurantism, enslaved to C
  • 44. 44 The Purpose of Life “sin” and the fear of “eternal punishment”, and paying the tribute of “eternal salvation” to “god’s bankers.” They claim that their proclaimed creator is the owner of human beings and, therefore, they cannot live their lives with meaning nor transcend into eternal life without their acceptance of this absolute condition. In order to make this unreason a dogma, the soldiers of “god”—priests, politicians, bankers, and generals—continue to repress the evolution of human instincts into scientific awareness and altruism with the weapons of dogmatism, propaganda, and war justified by the State. It has adopted the tale of creation as an auxiliary doctrine in order to support its claim that it was ordained by “god.” Certain primates, in the process of their evolutionary march, saw fire, became curious, and thought: “What is this?” “Let us see.” “Could we make it?” Stimulated by the impression of the flames in their neurons, they managed to create fire and turn it into an instrument of the revolutions that they made. With the power of the knowledge of fire, they heightened their awareness, changed their
  • 45. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 45 mode of life, and transformed themselves into Homo sapiens. Primates became humans through the exercise of the power of their creative will, excited by the environment that they had to overcome with knowledge in order to maintain the course of their evolutionary trajectory. Then, “god” did not exist, and the incipient Homo sapiens were free as the stars in the sky. Homo erectus laid the foundation for the evolution of technology with their controlled use of fire. Their ability was imprinted on the genes of their descendants, who evolved into the writers of the theories of evolution and the origin of the universe and the navigators of space. “God” was created by men as their divine ego. It is the coin with which they support the value of the “faith” that they manufacture and sell. These “holy men” maintain their condition with the “salvation” tribute they obtain from the exploitation of the ignorance and fear of the human beings that they terrorize with the weapon of “eternal punishment.” They do not pollinate the minds of society with the ideas, goods, and services that its members need to
  • 46. 46 The Purpose of Life maintain their lives and propel the process of evolution of their brains towards ever higher modes of conscious existence, “beyond good and evil,” selfishness, avarice, hate, and war. They are a caste of social parasites who live as fat patricians, in opulence and infertility. The tale of creation is the obscure product of the minds of men who did not have the adequacy necessary to confront nature as an object of inquiry into its truth in order to understand it and explain it without any “divine breath.” It does not have an umbilical cord that connects it to the universe as the atomic cradle of life and the minds of the curious primates who evolved under its stimulus as subjects susceptible to its majestic beauty. Without the power of the State as the dissolver of the human natural self in religion and nationality, creation would only be what it is according to its letter: a fantastic and contradictory tale of a narcissistic inventor whose purpose is to control the power of the entity he invented, punish it, and destroy it.
  • 47. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 47 Homo sapiens’ Crisis omo sapiens’ crisis consists of their living a superficial, stagnant life (shopping, aging, and dying) designed by the servants of the ruling class—legislators, priests, economists, political psychologists, and clowns—according to their Roman opinion and mode of living. Their predicament is also the consequence of their having separated from the umbilical cord of their instincts, which are the source of their power to create their existence, transform it, and affirm it in conformity with their philosophical, moral, and material evolutionary needs. Despite the destruction of Earth and life by the capitalist class, Homo sapiens renounce their power—instinct for growth and trust in themselves as the agents of their truth and justice—and surrender to the power of the State, which is the executioner of the capitalist class’s judgment. They choose to be lobotomized in order to become the artificial subjects sworn into a contract of allegiance and tribute to the institution of good and evil and war and peace. H
  • 48. 48 The Purpose of Life Instead of opposing resistance to their capitalist enemies disguised as compatriots, Homo sapiens turn to the Church and the State as if they were miraculous religious icons susceptible to their plea for protection from the continuous warfare executed by the army of dispossession made up of bankers, landowners, judges, and police with the State’s consent. The Church and the State live off Homo sapiens’ crisis as the source of their opulence. They do not have any interest in resolving their crisis, namely their lack of power over their lives, their elements, and the evolutionary trajectory that they need to follow in order to avoid becoming extinct. Home sapiens have been lobotomized by politicians and priests who have replaced their instincts with faith, patriotism, fear, and dependency on the illusion of “the good war” as the hope for a better future.
  • 49. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 49 One Must Be Oneself ne must be oneself, the object of one’s thoughts. The establishment of this relationship is the determinant of the human animal’s ability to create its own self as the tool appropriate to its needs for individuality, recognition of truth, and sense in a world populated by religious and political identity thieves. We are the products of nature, endowed with the elements of its force. Our umbilical cord connects us with the thermodynamics of the stars, not to the will of God or the State. The richness of the life that we manifest is the effect of the magnificent transformation of the universe. The human animal’s creative will is the electric current that sparks the chemical reaction whose substance is its awareness of its self and its power of differentiation. When we submit our relationship with our selves and our dreams to the ruling class’s judgment machine, operated by their political and religious servants, we lose our power and begin to fall O
  • 50. 50 The Purpose of Life from the subjective position that we need to occupy in the world into the objective wave of the clamorous masses that follow the religionist and nationalist charlatans to their ruin. A human animal that sacrifices itself to fit into the straitjacket of ignorance, selfishness, and dogma of the ruling class’s institutions, Church and State, is not the object of its thoughts. One is the skin of the object of one’s thoughts that one needs to shed periodically in order to maintain one’s perception in tune with the revolutions of the world and the need to grow new ideas, emotions, and institutions that are adequate to one’s nature and needs as a conscious evolutionary organism.
  • 51. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 51 The Questions he questions, “What is life?”, “what is death?”, and “what is the purpose of the universe?” are the inevitable consequences of Homo sapiens’ experience through the process of evolution. The wise humans became “naturally selected” philosophers by creating the tools that they needed to survive and transforming their selves into the objects of their emotions, thoughts, desires, existence, preoccupations, and sufferings. Primitive humans responded to the questions by deifying themselves and erecting opulent monuments to the instincts that drove their egotistical, deluded existence as the preamble to their eternal life on the dead bodies of slaves. Rational thinkers responded to the philosophically important questions—for the continued evolution of humanity as an agent of civilization—by opposing the deification of the ruling class and the institution of their cruel T
  • 52. 52 The Purpose of Life pragmatism as law and order. They dissolved the “divine breath” with reason, replaced obscurantism with science, and thus advanced our evolutionary vision toward altruism. The avant-garde of our species had the evolutionary advantage of being radically aware of existence as a chemical event whose purity must be guarded against the ruling class’s propagandists who dump the toxic elements of ignorance, selfishness, religionism, nationalism, hate, and war as virtues into the streams of consciousness of life to corrupt it. The answers to these questions, or lack thereof, determine the rise or fall of human society.
  • 53. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 53 The Young and Wild oung and wild, the creatures were the hope for the intellectualization of human instincts grown in the city of burning asphalt, where they lost their childhood sensualities playing with candy vending machines. Unpreoccupied with the meaning of time, they met at the point in their minds where their sadness flipped into sensational moments of aerial laughter that they extracted from their imagination to stimulate their brains into a state of phrenetic movement toward the outer edge of the accidental reality that they created with their brave self-experiments, opening their portal veins in order to feel the current of intoxicated euphoria. Like children abandoned under the storm of their senses, they lived in an enchanted present generated by the friction of their infant expectations against the desolate pavement of the urban school that had uniformed their emotions. Wounded by the sacrament of love, they transformed their timid, naked vibrations Y
  • 54. 54 The Purpose of Life into a chemical experience that effervesced the images, which filled their eyes with ephemeral pleasure without an end in the meaninglessness of tomorrow. The creatures were the objects of the instincts they expressed, as models designed by intelligent molecules with poetry, merry drinking, and luxurious sex. They designed tribal emotions adorned with the sensual colors of bacteria to maintain the arousal of their desire to coalesce their imagination into an orgasm in a timeless reality aroused. But the impetuousness of their primitive, selfish blood exploded and broke the common artery that carried their lost innocence to the hippocampus of dreams after their volatile consciousness fell into the void of inebriation.
  • 55. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 55 The Emptiness of Faith ife happens in the empty space that sustains the objects that compose the universe. It is emptiness that allows the growth of the heart and its palpitation to fill the empty mind with resonance. Faith is the result of the force applied by a human being to the empty mind of another with the objective of filling it with the sensation of "divine" fulfillment that infuses life with an empty meaning. The faithful negate their empty nature and try to fill it with prayers to the empty objects of religious doctrine. They flagellate themselves for the empty word "sin" and pay tribute to the church for their "eternal salvation" to maintain their relationship with the empty word "god." Through empty states of rapture— artificially stimulated by the guardians of their faith with empty words—they suffer and die in emptiness. Emptiness is the natural space of life that provides the human being with the opportunity to understand it and become a L
  • 56. 56 The Purpose of Life conscious part of it without the anxiety caused by the war of the guardians of faith to separate women and men from their natural world. Faith cannot fill the emptiness of life because it is not a natural element of it or superior to its chemical force. The millenary attempt to fill it with divine prophecy continues to dissipate in emptiness. One is an empty thought of the object of self that arises in the mind, empty of faith. A dream formed by the images illuminated by an empty light in an empty space.
  • 57. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 57 Democracy emocracy is the luxurious rule of the instincts that emerges after the armed forces have completed the extrajudicial execution of the political dissenters identified by the State Surveillance Machine and the ruling class and their admiring servants— legislators, judges, generals, and priests—have eaten the appetizing body and drunk the sweet blood of Christ with—their hearts beating faithfully—to ensure the future of the cult of free enterprise. D
  • 58. 58 The Purpose of Life Flags and Crucifixes he loan sharks make loans to arms manufacturers to keep the world in a state of war. Their ambassadors travel the world together, conquering tax-free zones to create the conditions for the emergence of new indebted markets: political corruption, exploitation, starvation, repression, and death. They and their servants—senators, generals, and bishops—gather at the presidential palace to celebrate the power of the Eye of Providence on the US $1-dollar bill, surrounded by armed men, flags, and crucifixes. T
  • 59. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 59 Ruling Class’s Germs ince Homo sapiens are born, the Church and the State mark their foreheads with their seals in order to conform them to their doctrines, uniform them, and convert their minds into the conservatory where they plant the germs exhaled by the ruling class into the social atmosphere, which flourish into the toxins of ignorance, selfishness, hate, and war. S
  • 60. 60 The Purpose of Life Opium of the Masses he opium of the anxious masses is anything that may serve as an instrument of power for the preacher of lies, intimidation, and “spiritual security” to seduce his victims, extirpate their instinct for freedom, inquisitiveness, heterodoxy, dissension, and subversiveness, and intoxicate them with the absurdity of the concept of salvation by faith alone. T
  • 61. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 61 The Plague od is a plague that destroys the umbilical cord that binds the human primate to nature and the mammalian-maternal instinct that binds him to humanity. That disease and the faith in it are transmitted as the condition of “eternal life” by liars and thieves, the self-appointed “men of God”. They hallucinate their victims with praise of the plague and the crisis of will power it causes as a sign of the “advent” of their “savior”. G
  • 62. 62 The Purpose of Life Incite Your Hands ncite your hands to give birth to the flash of light of your transformation in the movement of your appearance and disappearance in the memory of the universe. This is what your ancestors did by igniting the torch with which you have travelled in dreams across the night of your evolution as an animal in search of the stellar cradle of its reason for being. I
  • 63. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 63 Intermittent Bubbles e live peering out into the world of seductions through the pores of consciousness’s flammable skin. We are the intermittent bubbles that form in the boiling of the desires that transform us into the sensual objects whose touch is necessary to feel pleasure and pain. We believe in our ego as the purposed element of the random life that emerges from the cosmic void that absorbs it. W
  • 64. 64 The Purpose of Life At High Temperatures am the memory without light of a dream without form, projected in the air of an indefinite place. My heart is the proof of a formula revealed in an esoteric book of a lost world. The consciousness that I inhabit is made of the membrane of a bacterium that became the nucleus of an idea living in volcanic mud at high temperatures. I
  • 65. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 65 The Eternal Life uring their fantastic mind expedition, the seekers of the Grail of Pleasure discovered the beast with the mark of innocence on its forehead in the garden of the elements—where the senses unleash the chemical reaction that produces the states of awareness of living and dying and concatenates them into one stellar experience. They saw the transparency in its gaze and thought it was exotically beautiful. Seduced by their impression, the seekers captured the beast, slit its jugulars, and drank its blood, believing that by doing so they would stimulate the arousal of the metabolism of eternal life. D
  • 66. 66 The Purpose of Life The Faithful Heart ow many times does the faithful heart have to sing its song of wisdom until the children who are growing together in the garden of the elements, playing with the particles of their dreams of their past lives as Hippocampi and Aves, hear it and escape from the men who are coming armed with crucifixes, flags, loan contracts, and guns to abduct them, lobotomize them, and feed them to the economic machine? H
  • 67. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 67 A Rational Event omo sapiens need to live life as a rational event on the basis of their understanding that they are products of nature, equipped with instincts that they can use to evolve into a peaceful and constructive species, free from evil and good. Therefore, the purpose of human animals must be to maintain their chemical roots free from the impurities—divine breath, national spirit, racial purity, hate, and the desire for war—that the Church and the State inject into the veins of the natural consciousness of themselves and the world that they created with reason. By intoxicating Homo sapiens with the doctrine of salvation—humans need a power other than themselves to exist and resolve the problems of their existence—the priests and politicians who serve the omnipotent ruling class extinguish their feelings of their instincts as the source of their creative will. H
  • 68. 68 The Purpose of Life Fugitive Thoughts am looking at the spectacular reflections of reality moving through the infinite circuits of the mind in a state of sensation without an object vibrating somewhere in the field of energy. Suddenly, awareness, molecular and bright, surged, revealing the senseful presence of the fugitive thoughts that had escaped from the orbit of my head. I
  • 69. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 69 Consciousness onsciousness is the ensemble of chemical events unleashed by pure energy that moves without divine impetus, free from the contamination carried by the terrible judgment of an artificial God imposed by its manufacturers with violence on Homo sapiens as a condition for their existence as objects of guilt, sentenced to suffer. The knowledge of life is a power based on its natural properties, which are sufficient for the emergence of the tendency towards rationality and justice in the social minds of human animals. They do not need to be combined or complemented with the additives of good and evil, and repression and punishment administered by the Church and the State. C
  • 70. 70 The Purpose of Life Ego Rigēre f one exists as a product of the ego's combustions, one’s freedom to see with the innocent eyes that filter the light that emerges from the friction between lying and truth in the human world is conditioned by its rigorous tests of one’s ability to function as the constant performer of its volatile habits, which constitute the structure whose heads are desire and fear. I
  • 71. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 71 Who Are You? ou may be who you think you are if you are able to personify the memory of you that was created by the fusion of your parents’ genes within the compound made of sensations and images arranged by the neurons of which you are an element that you are able to recognize as yourself while you are engaged in the performance of your chemical character on the social mirror where the faces of other compatible selves congregate to examine each other’s awareness and gestures, touch, and collect the feedback that they and you need to support the idea of you as a normal entity that conforms to the habits, dark and bright, that you regard as the traits of your personality. Y
  • 72. 72 The Purpose of Life The Hydrogen Stone he darkness of my soul, knower of all things, emits the luminescence that travels the universe within the hydrogen stone, free from the impurities of the will of the gods. T
  • 73. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 73 Protoplasma our cognitive crown is the wonder of the chemical world: the perfect fusion of the elements that yielded the protoplasma that carries the brilliance of your eyes in the cadence of the universe. Let helium be the noble light that illuminates your soul and let hydrogen be the symbol of its flammable skin. Y
  • 74. 74 The Purpose of Life I Am am a primate specimen made with the ingredients of the solar system that evolved into the head of a chemical event transformed into a political manifesto by the radical cells operating in the tunnels of the encephalic space where magnetic time passes, absorbing the genetic print of the truth to transfer it to the dark side of the field of light where it becomes a factor of the future cosmic- intellectual circumstances. I am the messenger gland that carries the dreams that occur in the cells—when the water atoms become excited upon contact with light—to the worlds of organisms without sensual memories. I am a grain in a sand clock free from the electromagnetic force of desire. I
  • 75. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 75 A Galactic Agent am a galactic agent, the carrier of the seed of knowledge and the means for attaining it. My form becomes and disintegrates in the conjuncture where my perception absorbs the pulsation of my senses in a defined space within the movement of the time generated by the expansion of the universe. I
  • 76. 76 The Purpose of Life The Golden Gene et us continue digging, as we did before we discovered the caves of time, into the blue vein that traverses the hemispheres of cognition with the finger that our ancestors used to draw our path in the winds that formed the world of dreams, from which we evolved like proficient animals speaking in the electromagnetic language of our mother cells, diligently, until we see the trace left by the gene with the golden crest. L
  • 77. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 77 Self-realization he human being is a product of nature, endowed with the elements of its force. In order to find this out, one needs to study the periodic table, not the bible. Our umbilical cord unites us with the stars, not with the will of “god.” The richness of life and its temporal pleasure are the effects of the stellar life and death of the universe. Self-realization is a chemical event induced by the electric current of the agent’s will. One is the object of one's thoughts and the chemical basis of one’s perspective on the world. Exposing oneself as an object of acceptance or rejection by another is a deviation from one's genetic path. The only entities that can condition the state of one’s relationship with oneself are the neurons. A person who sacrifices to fit into the straitjacket of the ignorance, selfishness, and dogmatic mind of others has mistaken itself and its reason for being. T
  • 78. 78 The Purpose of Life Learn to Walk ook inside yourself. Don't look for the truth on the surface of your mirror. Search your inner space for the gene that is the keeper of your key and open your fontanelles with it. Now that you are a unit of knowledge, take the creature by its hand and start walking to create the path that leads to your cosmic destiny. Learn to walk and you will be able to fly in your thoughts. L
  • 79. Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS 79 Where the End Begins s I enter the vacuum, the ego vanishes as the object of reference for the conscious. The desires that it provokes inside the pores of the flesh of the mind cannot become states of pleasure without the fire of metabolism. In this place, there are no objects of reference for drawing a diagram of oneself. One is something without a name or attributes, sustained by the force of nothingness. When I am inside the core, the atomic mind enshrouds me, sniffing my exhalation like an animal trying to recognize its creature. I can feel that this is where the end begins again. A
  • 80. About the Author Humberto Gómez Sequeira-HuGóS was born on March 12, 1949, in Granada, Nicaragua, under the military dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza García, the so-called “Tacho,” and his Colonialist Catholic Church (CCC). “Tacho” was the fictitious general, “Made in USA,” who was appointed by the Hoover Administration as Chief Director of the Nicaraguan National Guard (NG) that the United States Marine Corps (USMC) had trained to relieve them as the occupying force of Nicaragua. The USMC was defeated by the Army for the Defense of the National Sovereignty of Nicaragua in the national liberation war that ended in 1933. The CCC was the confessor of “Tacho” and chaplain of the NG. The alliance between
  • 81. About the Author 81 Catholicism, the cross, and “Somocismo,” the M1 Garand, was the force that created the atmosphere of obscurantism and fear in which the author's childhood happened in the impoverished La Otra Banda neighborhood of Granada, Nicaragua, like a sensible event, a heliotrope of fragile imagination, whipped by a storm of ignorance and violence. HuGóS graduated, cum laude, as a Bachelor of Science, Letters, and Philosophy at the Colegio Salesiano San Juan Bosco in Granada, Nicaragua, in 1968. In the United States of America (USA), he studied English and political science at Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles, California, where he achieved academic status as a member of the Dean’s Honor Roll in the fall of 1975. The author is a poet, essayist, and digital photography artist. His first collection of poems, entitled In Transition to Poetry, was published in the city of Los Angeles, California, USA, in 1974. Some of the poems contained in that collection are a reflection of the author's reaction to the revolution in Nicaragua and the pain of the victims of the military dictatorship of the fictitious general,
  • 82. 82 About the Author “Made in USA,” Anastasio Somoza Debayle, the so-called “Tachito.” For his poetry work, the author received the following awards: • A certificate of Excellence in Poetry, awarded by Teresinka Pereira, director of the International Poetry Society at the University of Colorado in Boulder, CO, USA. • First Place in Poetry, awarded by Lillian Walsh, editor of For Poets Only, a poetry magazine published in Jackson Heights, New York, USA. HuGóS’ poems have appeared in La Prensa Literaria of Managua, Nicaragua, and magazines, such as Free Venice Beachhead of Venice, California, USA, Poetalk of Berkeley, California, USA, The Plowman of Whitby, Ontario, Canada, and Estrella del Sur of Paterna, Valencia, Spain. He has self-published his books on Amazon and Google. His essays can be read on Issuu and Scribd. And his digital photographic artwork can be seen at DeviantArt.
  • 83. Notes i Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. AI research has been defined as the field of study of intelligent agents, which refers to any system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of achieving its goals. Wikipedia ii Merchants of death was an epithet used in the U.S. in the 1930s to attack industries and banks that had supplied and funded World War I (then called the Great War). Wikipedia iii Merchants of death was an epithet used in the U.S. in the 1930s to attack industries and banks that had supplied and funded World War I (then called the Great War). Wikipedia iv The Digital Revolution refers to the advancement of technology from analog electronic and mechanical devices to the digital technology available today. The era started to during the 1980s and is ongoing. The Digital Revolution also marks the beginning of the Information Era. Techopedia v The Watt steam engine, alternatively known as the Boulton and Watt steam engine, was an early steam engine and was one of the driving forces of the Industrial Revolution. James Watt developed the design sporadically from 1763 to 1775 with support from Matthew Boulton. Wikipedia vi The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in Great Britain, continental Europe, and the United States, in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. Wikipedia vii The British-English phrase (dark) satanic mills denotes industrial mills or factories—especially those of Britain in the
  • 84. 84 Notes nineteenth century—associated with harsh working conditions and regarded as representing exploitative and dehumanising industrialisation. viii The information superhighway (or German: infobahn) was a popular term used through the 1990s to refer to digital communication systems and the Internet telecommunications network. It is associated with United States Senator and later Vice-President Al Gore. Wikipedia ix The Budget also includes a $187 million increase for research initiatives at National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST that would focus on developing standards to accelerate adoption of critical and emerging technologies with a focus on artificial intelligence, quantum science, and advanced biotechnologies. Budget of the U.S.” Government Fiscal Year 2023 x The National AI Initiative Act of 2020 (DIVISION E, SEC. 5001) became law on January 1, 2021, providing for a coordinated program across the entire Federal government to accelerate AI research and application for the Nation's economic prosperity and national security. xi Manifest Destiny, in U.S. history, the supposed inevitability of the continued territorial expansion of the boundaries of the United States westward to the Pacific and beyond. Britannica xii The misery index is an economic indicator, created by economist Arthur Okun. The index helps determining how the average citizen is doing economically and it is calculated by adding the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate to the annual inflation rate. It is assumed that both a higher rate of unemployment and a worsening of inflation create economic and social costs for a country. Wikipedia
  • 85. Notes 85 xiii Technical imperative is a term from ethics and philosophy. Based on the categorical imperative of Immanuel Kant, it stands for a maxim that does not aim at what is ethically justifiable, but what is technically feasible: "Act in such a way that none of the technical options available to you remains unused." xiv Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is an 1818 novel written by English author Mary Shelley. Frankenstein tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. Wikipedia xvxv PRISM is a code name for a program under which the United States National Security Agency (NSA) collects internet communications from various U.S. internet companies. Wikipedia xvi Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a 1956 American science fiction horror film. The film's storyline concerns an extraterrestrial invasion that begins in the fictional California town of Santa Mira. Alien plant spores have fallen from space and grown into large seed pods, each one capable of producing a visually identical copy of a human. As each pod reaches full development, it assimilates the physical traits, memories, and personalities of each sleeping person placed near it until only the replacement is left; these duplicates, however, are devoid of all human emotion. Wikipedia xvii “So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land!” ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan: Fairy Tales xviii Born again, or to experience the new birth, is a phrase, particularly in evangelicalism, that refers to a "spiritual
  • 86. 86 Notes rebirth", or a regeneration of the human spirit. In contrast to one's physical birth, being "born again" is distinctly and separately caused by baptism in the Holy Spirit, it is not caused by baptism in water. Wikipedia xix Robber baron is a derogatory term of social criticism originally applied to certain wealthy and powerful 19th- century American businessmen. Wikipedia xx System of manufacturing that began in the 18th century and is based on the concentration of industry into specialized—and often large—establishments. The system arose in the course of the Industrial Revolution. Britannica xxi Before the Law by Franz Kafka