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Dr. Oyewole O. Sarumi
It is the meeting of minds on common
ground that benefit both parties
Opening Prayers:
What I see not, teach thou me Oh Lord
Explain your will to us in this meeting
Move me forward after this time out.
Opening Scriptures:
Ruth 1:6-18, II Sam.13:1-5, 14
There are networking that are good and
Some are effective while others are
Even some are even toxic.
We need to know how to build network
as it is those that you know that will
make you known.
Success in life and ministry doesn't
happen overnight. In fact, it may take
years for you to have success. That is
why it is important for you to
continuously build your network
With the right networks, you can
generate success sooner than later.
What is Networking?
The bringing together of like minded
individuals who, through relationship
building, become walking, talking
advertisements for one another."
Networking Defined
Network (noun) - A group of people
who exchange information, contacts,
and experience for professional or
social purposes.
Networking (verb) – The art of building
alliances, connection, linkages etc.
If You’ve Ever Done These, You’ve
Been…networking! You’re Networking Everyday!
Talked to church members
When attending Conferences, Bible Colleges,
Seminaries and other church/ministry events.
Invite a minister to speak in your church or you’re
so invited.
Volunteered for a local community event
Connecting with people on the social media
Participated in extracurricular groups/activities
Talked to your neighbours/community
Struck up a conversation with anyone while
waiting anywhere…
The Characteristics
Ineffective Networking
1. No Value Added
Those that doesn’t add value to who
you are or whatever you are doing.
A good networking should add value to
your life, ministry and your labours
2. No Forward Movement
Those that does not move you to your
next level in life, ministry and
If you are just where you are in a
network, it is not helpful.
3. Contradicts God’s
Those that does not facilitate the
fulfilment of God’s mandate in your life.
It should accelerate and facilitate God’s
purpose in all that you do, doing or will
later engage in.
4. Pulling Down Syndrome
Those that pulls you down rather than
build you up.
People who make you feel small, and
inferior and want you to know how big
and how superior they are to you.
They exhibit superiority complex.
5. Deviation from Biblical
Those that leads to deviation and
diminishing from divine standard –
acceptable biblical standard.
Please beware of many corrupters in
ministry who are wolves in sheep skin.
6. Worldly than Word-full
Those that makes you more worldly than
If your interaction with someone start to
make you worldly, it is not good.
Even though the person may be old in
ministry, he/she may be worldly.
You can enjoy physical, material, financial
blessing from any network, but if there’s no
spiritual blessing, escape promptly.
6. More Corruption
Those that brings more of corruption
than edification & progress – run from
7. Nullify Core Values
Those that affect your core values
negatively, run from it.
As a Christians, you have convictions
and values, if your networking does not
enhance it, it is dangerous for you.
Summarising Ineffective
Reading I Kg.13:11- 21: NOTE-
Any Networking that:
Makes you to disobey God
That promote their ideas above what God
has told you – An Angel told me…??
That make you to contradict your
consecration which you receives from God.
NB: The most dangerous people that make
you to fail and fall are the old prophets –
Age is not an indices of hearing from God
In Ikg.18: 21-22, we saw how 450 people
& in Acts 23:12-14 40+ gathered together
in a networking – against the will of God.
Beware of unprofitable networking – these
people perished in one day.
Be cautious of those that you invite to
minister in your church – they always
leave deposit of their lives – good or bad.
Traits of Genuine Networking
There are about 5 things that you can
see in a genuine and profitable
1. Enhancement
Those that brings genuine enhancement
into your life and ministry.
Once you meet a correct man, your life is
2. Enlightenment
There will be enlightenment – an eye
opening to areas that you have not
known before.
3. Encouragement
There will be encouragement, no
casting down
4. Edification
There will be edification -
5. Exaltation
There will exaltation - it moves you to
the next level
You Cannot Do it Alone!
Reading – II Sam.10:10-11 – We see
Joab’s experience.
Don’t wait until things get worse for you.
You cannot do it alone, though I’m the
captain, time will come that I need you
and you will need me – two is better
than one.
You Cannot Do it Alone!
Reading I Cor.12:14-27
The body is not one member, like the
Lets operate with the body concept – we
need one another to do well.
No room for self, arrogance in the body of
Christ. If your ministry is big, and mine is
small, we all have a role to play on earth.
Don’t despise one another – we are all
necessary in the body.
Once a part of the body is not
performing its function, the body breaks
down and diseases sets in – Please
consider the Church and problem of
denominationalism today and the harm
it is causing to the body of Christ!
The Premise of Networking
1. The Body of Christ is one
and interdependent
I Cor.12 we’ve just read says - The Body
of Christ is one and interdependent
Denominationalism is causing problems
and cleavages of the church today.
People are building personal empire –and
it is causing rancour and rat-race and all of
become rats at the end of the day.
Many of us are not praying for other
churches, pastors and souls.
Many parishes are not working together,
and everyone seems to be on their own.
Intra-departmental networking is even
lacking in the same parish or assembly.
Women meetings or conferences are
dominated by women. Ditto for children,
youth, men and other groups meeting.
This is an enourmous problem in the
body of Christ.
Can you imagine RCCG people praying
for Winners or CAC meeting or
2. All Gifts are for the Body
Any gift or resources in the church is
meant for the whole body of Christ.
Anything that a church possess is for
the whole body of Christ.
Daddy GO is not just a gift to RCCG, he
is a gift to the body of Christ today.
There are many like him also planted in
different denominations.
3. Tap and Demand For it
God’s desire and design is that we tap
and make demand for what he has
provided for our total good.
Why suffering when God has made
provision for this in the body – Just reach
out and tap from it.
Some are more gifted in prayer, teaching,
prophecy etc. – Tap from it without
4. No one Knows it All
No one knows it all – so that we don’t
become God.
It is a deliberate design by God for our
There some things RCCG have that CAC
does not and vice versa.
Many churches are totally closed to the
other denomination – it is not what Christ
died for.
5. You Need External Inputs
You cannot do it all alone without external
input. See IIKg.4:1-7
You will be rotten and decay when you
don’t look out – you need to be exposed to
see how things are being done afresh and
better elsewhere.
The closed churches are far behind and
lacking in many things.
You may not copy, but you need skeletal
ideas to build upon.
6. Corporate And Collective Efforts
Networking applies corporate and
collective efforts within the Body.
We need the input of one another.
The New Testament church applied this
extensively as we shall see were soon.
There is no wisdom or benefits being
alone, an island or segregationist – this
is not wisdom and you may regret it.
No Business with any Man!
Let’s look at Judges 18:7, 27-28 – NO
they are progressing like many churches
today, it isn’t healthy.
It is very easy for you to be destroyed when
you are far from any man.
What of Samson, very powerful but died the
death of a fool. He lived alone, work alone
and died alone. His parents has no
influence on him.
Let his life speak to you – Get connected!
Networking Makes The Work Grow
Networking makes the work grow faster
and it is totally scriptural and needful.
Acts 4:23 – They went to their own
company – not alone.
Acts 8:14 – Phillip created impact and
others came to join him from Jerusalem-
Peter discover Simon the sorcerer which
Phillip couldn’t do. Simon is a destroyer!!!
Let us help ourselves in the body of Christ.
Populating Your Network
The people in your network can:
Help you solve a difficult problem
Provide perspective
Teach you new things
Support your efforts/labours
Inform you of new opportunities
Celebrate your successes
Give you valuable feedback
Help you relieve stress
The Practise of Networking
We can thoroughly examine the
Scriptures to fully understand that God
desire we network for the health and
vitality of the body.
Even in Gen.3:9, God laid the
foundation for networking when he
visited Adam in the Garden of Eden.
New Testament Examples
of Networking
Acts 9:13, 27,36, 11:22-25
Ananias was told to make input into Saul’s life
when converted
Paul was rejected, but Barnabas introduced
him to the church when nobody refused, vs.27
Even Jesus was introduced to the world by
John the Baptist – He must increase…..
Barnabas was sent to Antioch, but after he
went after Paul – Networking can be expensive
sometime- vs.11:25.
The people in Joppa sent for Peter to come and
helped them- vs.37-38
Many are protecting their contacts. NOTE- You
receive this contact anyway!
Let’s learn to share and look for one another
What are we struggling for that we have not
been given?
What you know can benefit the body, let other
people know it – selfish canal mind isn’t good.
Acts 15 – when they had trouble, they had to
go to Jerusalem to resolve it.
Acts 16:1-3 - When Paul got to Lystra, they
introduced Timothy to him, that was how they
If you have good books, give it to others to read
and benefit from it – Stop this rat race please.
Acts 17:10, 18:18 – All through here, we see
networking in practise. Even Priscilla and
Aquila discipled Apollos.
Even in Old Testament in I Kg.19:15-17:
God said all of these people are working
for my own cause.
We need to note the following for a
good practice of networking:
Seven Important Things
Right Concept of the body – we are all one.
Right Companionship – I need you, you need
Right Communication – I’m free, do you need
help here, I need help here.
Right Cooperation - Joining hands together in
Right Commitment – with good motive
Right Contributions – do your part, and I do
Right Concerns – Be concern about one
Kinds of Networking in Ministry
In networking, you think more about the
kingdom than denomination.
There could be:
Over familiarity makes networking
difficult because we don’t value what is
close to us.
There is a beauty within us – let’s stop
this unnecessary importation of ministers
Look within your parish, church, ministry
and use them, then if not available, be
bold to reach out to those outside with
the grace you need.
Important things in Networking
In networking, the following 7 things are important:
SINCERITY – don’t use people, don’t take
advantage of people
SELFLESSNESS - don’t think about yourself
STRATEGIC REASONING – there is something
this man carry that my church or ministry need.
The Armour of NETWORKING
DISCRETION – you need wisdom to know
what to do
DISCERNMENT – is this the relationship I
desire and need.
DISCIPLINE – know when to stop the
networking if harming you. You could have
made a mistake in networking with the wrong
people. Cut it off promptly.
Many people were anointed in the past, but
they are no more in line with God. So inquire on
People in your Network
Your network should include people with a variety
of connections to you, and who serve you in
different ways, such as:
People with knowledge you need
Social/ministry contacts
Peers [in your church/outside]
Relevant groups like PFN, CAN & others.
People with external perspectives
People with spiritual knowledge
People with church organizational awareness
People with knowledge of church growth
People with backgrounds different from yours
(cultural, gender, age, educational,
denominational, callings, expereince etc.)
Problems Against Networking
KINGDOM CONCEPT – We are one body
6. PLAYING GOD – who can teach me
The Principles of Networking
What are the principles that will help us in
effective networking?
Know your limitation – if you don’t know
your limitations, you will die as a fool.
Hand over areas you are weak to those
who can do it better!
Know what others can do better
Understand that the body is one
We don’t need to operate in fear and
We don’t despise the strength and grace
in others – God has many children please.
Be ready to benefit from others.
Realise and know the principle of division
of labours and work – to teach, pray,
giving etc. requires different people/graces
The is the Lord’s work, allow Him to build it
in his own ways
We don’t need to build new structures all
the time – every church has a Bible school
– we are wasting resources, what of hymn
books – every church has their own –
starting everything new. This is pride and
arrogance. [Mention others].
Live always with the kingdom mind-set
Be fully persuaded of what you want, or
who you want.
Networking is not an abdication of your
responsibilities. You have work to do in
the church, get it done and don’t
surrender it to others, but invite people to
help you in areas of your limitation.
Know when to start networking and when
to stop. Any good thing can become bad
if abused. Don’t over stretch it
Stop when you sense danger or going
out of God’s purpose. This is important.
Be sensitive to God’s spirit, what to do
and who to link up with at every given
Don’t invite someone if the Holy Spirit
has not led you – don’t join the
multitude to invite the so-called popular
ministers – Be CAREFUL.
Understand yourself and the calling of
God in your life – know the uniqueness of
your calling and link with those who will
help you actualise it. The PERSON and
CALLING is key.
Networking with people of like minded
calling, passion and vision. Not because
they have big names and big ministries
as most can corrupt the work. ALL THAT
Be always willing to give and receive –
give what you have and receive what
you don’t have.
Have good motives in networking, not
for canal purpose but for the growth of
the kingdom.
Don’t pull down others, and don’t let
people pull you down.
Appreciate people whom God wants to
II Pet. 3:15-16: Peter appreciated Paul
– Please appreciate those that God is
leading you to appreciate.
The 50-5-10-2 Networking Strategy
50 = Your top 50 Networking contacts.
5 = Reach out to them once every five
weeks or so.
10 = You will touch base with 10 people
per week
2 = You will touch base with 2 people a
Once you have established credibility and
trust with certain people in your network,
you can reach out to them for help.
Your network can be a great source of
help, support, resources, partners,
mentors, etc. Take advantage of their
collective experience and network. You will
be surprised at how much people want to
However, make sure that you are
providing value to your network long
before you ask for help.
Spend time nurturing your relationships
by helping when you can and making
appropriate connections to assist them
to accelerate their life and ministry
You will be amazed at what can happen
when you leverage your network.
The people you know are one of your
most valuable assets.
Take advantage of it, but only in a
reasonable and credible way.
ConclusionJohn 13:17
“If you know these things, blessed are you if
you do them”. NKJV
“You know these things — now do them! That
is the path of blessing”. NLT
“If you know these things, blessed and happy
and to be envied are you if you practice them
[if you act accordingly and really do them]”.
So it is in Ministry!!!
- Oyewole Sarumi
Be A Candle or A Mirror!
Prayer issues
Thank God for this revelation
Make us to see through your light, Oh Lord.
I now know that I’m incomplete without my
Break off every wrong yoke we are affiliated with
Let me not be filled with myself and not listening
to others in this labour.
Let me not abdicate my primary assignments
Deliver us from the old/evil prophets with sweet
mouth to deceive.
Let me not be jealous of anybody or ministry
Let me use everyday of my life to grow and
manifest your glory in my life and ministry.
References Used
Itiowe, Alfred. “Effective Networking in Ministry”.
A message delivered during the NTA Worldwide
18th Annual National Conference, Dec.2013,
Sarumi, Oyewole. “Networking Skills for
Leaders”. PLA Resources Series No. 2334, June
Sarumi, Oyewole. “Relationship and Networking
in the Workplace”. A Lecture delivered to NNPC
Staff during a Retirement Workshop in Abuja,

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The Power of Networking in Ministry Today

  • 1. Dr. Oyewole O. Sarumi IN MINISTRY TODAY
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  • 3. It is the meeting of minds on common ground that benefit both parties
  • 4.
  • 5. Opening Prayers: What I see not, teach thou me Oh Lord Explain your will to us in this meeting Move me forward after this time out. Opening Scriptures: Ruth 1:6-18, II Sam.13:1-5, 14
  • 6. Introduction There are networking that are good and bad. Some are effective while others are ineffective. Even some are even toxic. We need to know how to build network as it is those that you know that will make you known.
  • 7. Introduction Success in life and ministry doesn't happen overnight. In fact, it may take years for you to have success. That is why it is important for you to continuously build your network relationships. With the right networks, you can generate success sooner than later.
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  • 10. What is Networking? The bringing together of like minded individuals who, through relationship building, become walking, talking advertisements for one another."
  • 11. Networking Defined Network (noun) - A group of people who exchange information, contacts, and experience for professional or social purposes. Networking (verb) – The art of building alliances, connection, linkages etc.
  • 12. If You’ve Ever Done These, You’ve Been…networking! You’re Networking Everyday! Talked to church members When attending Conferences, Bible Colleges, Seminaries and other church/ministry events. Invite a minister to speak in your church or you’re so invited. Volunteered for a local community event Connecting with people on the social media Participated in extracurricular groups/activities Talked to your neighbours/community Struck up a conversation with anyone while waiting anywhere… YOU ARE NETWORKING EVERYDAY!!!
  • 14. 1. No Value Added Those that doesn’t add value to who you are or whatever you are doing. A good networking should add value to your life, ministry and your labours
  • 15. 2. No Forward Movement Those that does not move you to your next level in life, ministry and endeavours If you are just where you are in a network, it is not helpful.
  • 16. 3. Contradicts God’s Mandate Those that does not facilitate the fulfilment of God’s mandate in your life. It should accelerate and facilitate God’s purpose in all that you do, doing or will later engage in.
  • 17. 4. Pulling Down Syndrome Those that pulls you down rather than build you up. People who make you feel small, and inferior and want you to know how big and how superior they are to you. They exhibit superiority complex.
  • 18. 5. Deviation from Biblical Standard Those that leads to deviation and diminishing from divine standard – acceptable biblical standard. Please beware of many corrupters in ministry who are wolves in sheep skin.
  • 19.
  • 20. 6. Worldly than Word-full Those that makes you more worldly than word-full. If your interaction with someone start to make you worldly, it is not good. Even though the person may be old in ministry, he/she may be worldly. You can enjoy physical, material, financial blessing from any network, but if there’s no spiritual blessing, escape promptly.
  • 21. 6. More Corruption Those that brings more of corruption than edification & progress – run from it.
  • 22. 7. Nullify Core Values Those that affect your core values negatively, run from it. As a Christians, you have convictions and values, if your networking does not enhance it, it is dangerous for you.
  • 23. Summarising Ineffective Networking Reading I Kg.13:11- 21: NOTE- Any Networking that: Makes you to disobey God That promote their ideas above what God has told you – An Angel told me…?? That make you to contradict your consecration which you receives from God. NB: The most dangerous people that make you to fail and fall are the old prophets – Age is not an indices of hearing from God
  • 24. In Ikg.18: 21-22, we saw how 450 people & in Acts 23:12-14 40+ gathered together in a networking – against the will of God. Beware of unprofitable networking – these people perished in one day. Be cautious of those that you invite to minister in your church – they always leave deposit of their lives – good or bad. NO SENTIMENT.
  • 25. Traits of Genuine Networking
  • 26. There are about 5 things that you can see in a genuine and profitable networking:
  • 27. 1. Enhancement Those that brings genuine enhancement into your life and ministry. Once you meet a correct man, your life is improved.
  • 28. 2. Enlightenment There will be enlightenment – an eye opening to areas that you have not known before.
  • 29. 3. Encouragement There will be encouragement, no casting down
  • 30. 4. Edification There will be edification -
  • 31. 5. Exaltation There will exaltation - it moves you to the next level
  • 32. You Cannot Do it Alone! Reading – II Sam.10:10-11 – We see Joab’s experience. Don’t wait until things get worse for you. You cannot do it alone, though I’m the captain, time will come that I need you and you will need me – two is better than one.
  • 33. You Cannot Do it Alone! Reading I Cor.12:14-27 The body is not one member, like the church. Lets operate with the body concept – we need one another to do well. No room for self, arrogance in the body of Christ. If your ministry is big, and mine is small, we all have a role to play on earth. Don’t despise one another – we are all necessary in the body.
  • 34. Once a part of the body is not performing its function, the body breaks down and diseases sets in – Please consider the Church and problem of denominationalism today and the harm it is causing to the body of Christ!
  • 35. The Premise of Networking
  • 36. 1. The Body of Christ is one and interdependent I Cor.12 we’ve just read says - The Body of Christ is one and interdependent Denominationalism is causing problems and cleavages of the church today. People are building personal empire –and it is causing rancour and rat-race and all of become rats at the end of the day.
  • 37. Many of us are not praying for other churches, pastors and souls. Many parishes are not working together, and everyone seems to be on their own. Intra-departmental networking is even lacking in the same parish or assembly.
  • 38. Women meetings or conferences are dominated by women. Ditto for children, youth, men and other groups meeting. This is an enourmous problem in the body of Christ. Can you imagine RCCG people praying for Winners or CAC meeting or gathering?
  • 39.
  • 40. 2. All Gifts are for the Body Any gift or resources in the church is meant for the whole body of Christ. Anything that a church possess is for the whole body of Christ. Daddy GO is not just a gift to RCCG, he is a gift to the body of Christ today. There are many like him also planted in different denominations.
  • 41. 3. Tap and Demand For it God’s desire and design is that we tap and make demand for what he has provided for our total good. Why suffering when God has made provision for this in the body – Just reach out and tap from it. Some are more gifted in prayer, teaching, prophecy etc. – Tap from it without apology.
  • 42. 4. No one Knows it All No one knows it all – so that we don’t become God. It is a deliberate design by God for our interdependence. There some things RCCG have that CAC does not and vice versa. Many churches are totally closed to the other denomination – it is not what Christ died for.
  • 43. 5. You Need External Inputs You cannot do it all alone without external input. See IIKg.4:1-7 You will be rotten and decay when you don’t look out – you need to be exposed to see how things are being done afresh and better elsewhere. The closed churches are far behind and lacking in many things. You may not copy, but you need skeletal ideas to build upon.
  • 44. 6. Corporate And Collective Efforts Networking applies corporate and collective efforts within the Body. We need the input of one another. The New Testament church applied this extensively as we shall see were soon. There is no wisdom or benefits being alone, an island or segregationist – this is not wisdom and you may regret it.
  • 45. No Business with any Man! Let’s look at Judges 18:7, 27-28 – NO BUSINESS WITH ANY MAN – even though they are progressing like many churches today, it isn’t healthy. It is very easy for you to be destroyed when you are far from any man. What of Samson, very powerful but died the death of a fool. He lived alone, work alone and died alone. His parents has no influence on him. Let his life speak to you – Get connected!
  • 46. Networking Makes The Work Grow Faster Networking makes the work grow faster and it is totally scriptural and needful. Acts 4:23 – They went to their own company – not alone. Acts 8:14 – Phillip created impact and others came to join him from Jerusalem- Peter discover Simon the sorcerer which Phillip couldn’t do. Simon is a destroyer!!! Let us help ourselves in the body of Christ.
  • 47. Populating Your Network The people in your network can: Help you solve a difficult problem Provide perspective Teach you new things Support your efforts/labours Inform you of new opportunities Celebrate your successes Give you valuable feedback Help you relieve stress
  • 48. The Practise of Networking
  • 49. We can thoroughly examine the Scriptures to fully understand that God desire we network for the health and vitality of the body. Even in Gen.3:9, God laid the foundation for networking when he visited Adam in the Garden of Eden.
  • 50. New Testament Examples of Networking Acts 9:13, 27,36, 11:22-25 Ananias was told to make input into Saul’s life when converted Paul was rejected, but Barnabas introduced him to the church when nobody refused, vs.27 Even Jesus was introduced to the world by John the Baptist – He must increase….. Barnabas was sent to Antioch, but after he went after Paul – Networking can be expensive sometime- vs.11:25.
  • 51. The people in Joppa sent for Peter to come and helped them- vs.37-38 Many are protecting their contacts. NOTE- You receive this contact anyway! Let’s learn to share and look for one another What are we struggling for that we have not been given? What you know can benefit the body, let other people know it – selfish canal mind isn’t good.
  • 52. Acts 15 – when they had trouble, they had to go to Jerusalem to resolve it. Acts 16:1-3 - When Paul got to Lystra, they introduced Timothy to him, that was how they met. If you have good books, give it to others to read and benefit from it – Stop this rat race please. Acts 17:10, 18:18 – All through here, we see networking in practise. Even Priscilla and Aquila discipled Apollos.
  • 53.
  • 54. Even in Old Testament in I Kg.19:15-17: God said all of these people are working for my own cause. We need to note the following for a good practice of networking:
  • 55. Seven Important Things Right Concept of the body – we are all one. Right Companionship – I need you, you need me. Right Communication – I’m free, do you need help here, I need help here. Right Cooperation - Joining hands together in sincerity Right Commitment – with good motive Right Contributions – do your part, and I do mine Right Concerns – Be concern about one another
  • 56. Kinds of Networking in Ministry In networking, you think more about the kingdom than denomination. There could be: Intra-departmental Intra-church Inter-church Inter-ministerial Intra-ministerial Inter-denominational
  • 57. Over familiarity makes networking difficult because we don’t value what is close to us. There is a beauty within us – let’s stop this unnecessary importation of ministers Look within your parish, church, ministry and use them, then if not available, be bold to reach out to those outside with the grace you need.
  • 58. Important things in Networking In networking, the following 7 things are important: SINCERITY – don’t use people, don’t take advantage of people SERIOUSNESS STRAIGHT FORWARDNESS SUBMISSIVENESS SELFLESSNESS - don’t think about yourself alone SIMPLE MINDEDNESS STRATEGIC REASONING – there is something this man carry that my church or ministry need.
  • 59. The Armour of NETWORKING DISCRETION – you need wisdom to know what to do DISCERNMENT – is this the relationship I desire and need. DISCIPLINE – know when to stop the networking if harming you. You could have made a mistake in networking with the wrong people. Cut it off promptly. Many people were anointed in the past, but they are no more in line with God. So inquire on them!
  • 60. People in your Network Your network should include people with a variety of connections to you, and who serve you in different ways, such as: People with knowledge you need Social/ministry contacts Peers [in your church/outside] Relevant groups like PFN, CAN & others. People with external perspectives People with spiritual knowledge People with church organizational awareness People with knowledge of church growth People with backgrounds different from yours (cultural, gender, age, educational, denominational, callings, expereince etc.)
  • 61. Problems Against Networking 1. PRIDE 2. SELF 3. MIS-UNDERSTANDING OF THE KINGDOM CONCEPT – We are one body 4. UNNECESSARY FEAR 5. INSECURITY 6. PLAYING GOD – who can teach me attitude! 7. GREED
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  • 63. The Principles of Networking
  • 64.
  • 65. What are the principles that will help us in effective networking? Know your limitation – if you don’t know your limitations, you will die as a fool. Hand over areas you are weak to those who can do it better! Know what others can do better Understand that the body is one
  • 66. We don’t need to operate in fear and arrogance We don’t despise the strength and grace in others – God has many children please. Be ready to benefit from others. Realise and know the principle of division of labours and work – to teach, pray, giving etc. requires different people/graces The is the Lord’s work, allow Him to build it in his own ways
  • 67. We don’t need to build new structures all the time – every church has a Bible school – we are wasting resources, what of hymn books – every church has their own – starting everything new. This is pride and arrogance. [Mention others]. Live always with the kingdom mind-set Be fully persuaded of what you want, or who you want.
  • 68. Networking is not an abdication of your responsibilities. You have work to do in the church, get it done and don’t surrender it to others, but invite people to help you in areas of your limitation. Know when to start networking and when to stop. Any good thing can become bad if abused. Don’t over stretch it
  • 69. Stop when you sense danger or going out of God’s purpose. This is important. Be sensitive to God’s spirit, what to do and who to link up with at every given time. Don’t invite someone if the Holy Spirit has not led you – don’t join the multitude to invite the so-called popular ministers – Be CAREFUL.
  • 70. Understand yourself and the calling of God in your life – know the uniqueness of your calling and link with those who will help you actualise it. The PERSON and CALLING is key. Networking with people of like minded calling, passion and vision. Not because they have big names and big ministries as most can corrupt the work. ALL THAT GLITTERS ISN’T GOLD!
  • 71. Be always willing to give and receive – give what you have and receive what you don’t have. Have good motives in networking, not for canal purpose but for the growth of the kingdom.
  • 72. Don’t pull down others, and don’t let people pull you down. Appreciate people whom God wants to appreciate. II Pet. 3:15-16: Peter appreciated Paul – Please appreciate those that God is leading you to appreciate.
  • 73. The 50-5-10-2 Networking Strategy 50 = Your top 50 Networking contacts. 5 = Reach out to them once every five weeks or so. 10 = You will touch base with 10 people per week 2 = You will touch base with 2 people a day!
  • 74. Once you have established credibility and trust with certain people in your network, you can reach out to them for help. Your network can be a great source of help, support, resources, partners, mentors, etc. Take advantage of their collective experience and network. You will be surprised at how much people want to help.
  • 75. However, make sure that you are providing value to your network long before you ask for help. Spend time nurturing your relationships by helping when you can and making appropriate connections to assist them to accelerate their life and ministry careers.
  • 76. You will be amazed at what can happen when you leverage your network. The people you know are one of your most valuable assets. Take advantage of it, but only in a reasonable and credible way.
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  • 79. ConclusionJohn 13:17 “If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them”. NKJV “You know these things — now do them! That is the path of blessing”. NLT “If you know these things, blessed and happy and to be envied are you if you practice them [if you act accordingly and really do them]”. AMP
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  • 82. So it is in Ministry!!! - Oyewole Sarumi [2012]
  • 83. Be A Candle or A Mirror!
  • 84.
  • 85. Prayer issues Thank God for this revelation Make us to see through your light, Oh Lord. I now know that I’m incomplete without my brethren Break off every wrong yoke we are affiliated with Let me not be filled with myself and not listening to others in this labour. Let me not abdicate my primary assignments Deliver us from the old/evil prophets with sweet mouth to deceive. Let me not be jealous of anybody or ministry Let me use everyday of my life to grow and manifest your glory in my life and ministry.
  • 86. References Used Itiowe, Alfred. “Effective Networking in Ministry”. A message delivered during the NTA Worldwide 18th Annual National Conference, Dec.2013, Lagos Sarumi, Oyewole. “Networking Skills for Leaders”. PLA Resources Series No. 2334, June 2012. Sarumi, Oyewole. “Relationship and Networking in the Workplace”. A Lecture delivered to NNPC Staff during a Retirement Workshop in Abuja, Nov.2013.