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Welcome back to the Pentawesome Legacy!
How’s the wedding going, Liv?
Olivia: “Great. And that’s Congresswoman Liv.”
The disrespect.
Craig: “Hey, congratulations on getting married!!”
Olivia: “Thanks!!”
Marty: “Catch!”
Craig: *is in bush*
Marty: “Manly football!”
Craig: “Yes! Testosterone!”
Mellisa: “So, you have a baby… does that mean, you’ve, uh, know what I mean, know what I mean,
wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean,-”
Olivia: “What are you talking about Mellisa?”
Mellisa: “Well, I mean like, you’ve been around a bit, you’ve been around a bit, eh, I mean like,
you’ve, you’ve ‘done it’…”
Olivia: “Well, yes-”
Mellisa: “What’s it like?”
Monty Python, anyone? :P
Sarah: “Aren’t you just so cute! I should take you home with me!”
Agahnim: “zzzzhdddddrrzrzrrlspzll”
Please don’t.
Mellisa: “So you’re a fixer, eh? A fixer? Like fixing? Fixed a lot, have you,
fixed a lot? Like a mechanic? Fixing?”
Olivia: “Mellisa, you’re really just too you-”
Mellisa: “Fixing up the men, are you? Fixing them up, know what I mean,
wink wink nudge nudge?”
Olivia: “Mellisa.”
Mellisa: “Sorry.”
Olivia: “Wedding sandwiches!”
The party was a ‘good time’! Not a roofraiser, unfortunately, but they have
kids to take care of so there’s no time to go off in a limo anyway.
Marty: “Really delicious sandwiches. Just amazing.”
Olivia: “Thanks, Marty!”
Craig: “Don’t get too excited.”
Olivia: “Heeey, Agahnim!! Mommy didn’t forget you, not for too long!!”
Agahnim: “dddrrrrppzzkllzlzlzzzzzlzpszipzzz”
Olivia: “That’s right, mommy loves you!”
She’s a secondary Family Sim, obviously.
Oops, it’s his birthday!
Olivia: “He’s just a smaller version of Craig.”
Yeah, basically.
Olivia: “More babies!”
That’s right! You have one more after this one, so get used to this state.
Olivia: *secondary Family Sim wants*
First promotion? Only took about a week.
Craig: “Who are you looking at? I’m a cold, hard criminal.”
In your dreams, Craig.
Craig: “I’m a cold, hard criminal teaching my son to run from the police.”
If you were really that good of a criminal, wouldn’t the police be out of the
picture? Your schemes would never be revealed until completion.
Craig: “Oh, I never have to run from the police. I just can’t guarantee my
son will be as good as ole Pop.”
Olivia: “More pregnant!” *crazy eyes*
Craig: “Yes, we know. A criminal has got to sleep, honey. Your anti-crime
political policy isn’t helping my business, you know.”
Olivia: “That’s the point, Craig.”
Agahnim: “Dark world powtal??”
Not there, bud. Try behind a curtain or something.
Olivia: “Yes, I support big oil. I’m a republican. Heck, I’m on maternity
leave right now! Call my office assistant! Yes, I know I’m your
representative and have to listen to you, that’s why I answered this phone
call… No, I am not any less capable of leading than a man… haven’t you
heard of PTD dads? The only other congress member on leave right now
besides me is Congressman Curious, from Strangetown, and he’s on
paternity leave… Yes, with a… Oh, now that’s just offensive….”
The life of a politician.
If my woohoo-clock is on time, this means you’re having a baby.
Olivia: “……………..”
Olivia: “Baaabyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!”
Yup, there it is.
Craig: “Ahh, nooboo!”
Olivia: “Here’s one.”
I am so tired of twins, oh my Grim.
Olivia: “Nooboo! TWO nooboos!”
Craig: “Can I go back to sleep?”
Welcome to the world, Akatosh and Arkay Pentawesome!
They are named after two aedra (Gods) of the Elder
Scrolls (Skyrim) world. From TES Wiki:
Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time, is the chief deity of the Nine Divines… He
represents the qualities of endurance, invincibility, and everlasting legitimacy. He is
the god-defender of the Empire.In The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, he protected the
world from Mehrunes Dagon, daedra (demon prince) of destruction.
Arkay, known as the God of the Cycle of Birth and Death, is a major divinity of the
Nine Divines. He is the god of burials and funeral rites, and is sometimes
associated with the seasons. He stands for fertility and blight, joy and sorrow, and
blessed neutrality. He is the son of Akatosh.
Boom! Nursery!
Agahnim: “……mommy…………..”
Agahnim: “The poopoo goes to the dark world.”
Olivia: “No more diapers for you, Aggy!”
No wonder they attacked the light world.
Olivia: “Birthday! WOOOOOOO!”
Craig: “Aren’t you a cutie? It’s because you look just like daddy!”
Yeah, yeah. While we’re talking Agahnim, here’s his personality:
Sagitarrius, 5-1-9-7-5.
Agahnim: “Childhood! I’m oldest, too, that’ll give me more time to develop
some evil plot!”
If gaining the trust of me and the readership so that you can crush us later is
your goal, you’re not doing so well.
Agahnim: “Well hey, who do I have to learn the art of evil from? My super
criminal dad?”
Craig: “YES!”
Hey, how was-
Olivia: “Stop right there.”
What happened???
“They found out about the water line incident. I’m back in the state house in SimCity, but I’ll make it
back to Psveurtzkana soon enough.”
Well, you’re Olivia P. I trust whatever plans you have.
Olivia: “That’s Representative Pentawesome.”
Craig: “We’re going to have to have another kid, aren’t we?”
Olivia: “Well, we have three now, so we don’t have to.”
Craig: “So, no more babies?”
Olivia: “….. Well we could always try.”
Twin birthday!
Olivia: “Please makeover my children, now.”
Will do!
That’s Arkay on the left and Akatosh on the right 
Arkay: “Haiw silva ”
You’re Gods. You are so above regular hair colors.
Akatosh: “Twiangle goes in twiangle. I’m a God gee-nee-us.”
Well, you’re no Julianos… but good job.
They look more like Olivia than Agahnim, though they have the same hair and eyes.
Another promotion? Nice!
Craig: “I told you, master criminal.”
You do you.
Olivia: “Baby???”
I thought we were done with that? You only need
Also, what the heck is up with your wants. You want
a promotion and to quit your job.
Olivia: “I’m possibly pregnant and confused!!”
Olivia: “We’re having another baby!”
Craig: “Hahahahhaa, I can’t wait! More minions!”
Olivia: “Hahahaha, no.”
Akatosh: “This is not my jawb. Awkay is Biwth and Death, this is his
Please leave the room, Tosh. You don’t need to see this.
Akatosh: “I the gawd of time, I see all.”
Olivia: “Nooboo!”
Craig: “Why is there a ‘two new babies’ sign
to the right?”
Olivia: “Our creator needs to adjust the odds,
They’re at default, I swear!!!
Alright, on the left is Arya S. and on the right, Aegon T.!
Arya is named for Arya Stark, the second daughter of Eddard (Ned) and Catelyn Stark, from A Song of Ice and Fire. I
don’t want to spoil too much, since there’s a lot of exciting things that happen to her (especially in the TV season to
come), but she escaped King’s Landing when her father was beheaded, and has been living on the run with a variety of
hosts, always training in swordsmanship.
Aegon is named for Aegon I Targaryen, also known as Aegon the Conqueror or Aegon the Dragon. He’s also from A
Song of Ice and Fire. He conquered six of the Seven Kingdoms, founding the Targaryen dynasty on Westeros and
forming the Seven Kingdoms into their current state of unity (well, before the books/TV show started). He conquered
the continent with his dragons and his two sister-wives (yup, it’s a Targaryen thing), along with their dragons, from his
home of Dragonstone. He founded the city of King’s Landing and forged the Iron Throne with the swords of his
conquered enemies. I did the math and I’m pretty sure Aegon is Daenerys Targaryen’s first cousin, 15x removed.
God birthday time!
Olivia: “We’re going to have to do this again.”
Craig: “We are crazy.”
You got that right.
They are so similar, wow.
You can see a hint of neutral Pentawesome crazy eyes on the left one.
Left one: “Why don’t you use my name?”
Because you are an IDENTICAL TWIN help
Akatosh, on the left, is a Gemini, 2-7-6-3-6.
Arkay, right, is a Scorpio, 10-3-10-7-2.
So they couldn’t be more different, basically.
Craig: “….Maybe if I die now, I won’t have to take care of any more
Hey, I can hear you!
Craig: “Hey! No spying!”
I am all seeing.
These twins may look the same, but they’re pretty different, as far as I
can tell. There’s the neat point difference, for one.
Akatosh: “Why do you make your bed all the time? Weirdo.”
Then there’s the nice point difference…
Arkay: “At least I’m not a smelly little nice guy, huh! Wanna fight? I’m God of Life and
Death, remember!”
Akatosh: “Fine! Creator, can we just break the dragon and go back so I didn’t say that?”
I am NOT quitting without saving for some child dispute. Be nice >:(
You two may be little Gods but I’m the real Creator here.
Nice painting, Aggy. Looks like something I’ve seen before…
Agahnim: “I was copying to style of master artis-”
Olivia P. Pentawesome, yes, I know. Wow, just like your father.
Arkay: “Why are you so sloppy with your sandwich?”
Akatosh: *grblegblgrgrgbrl*
Agahnim: “You guys are so annoying.”
Arkay: “You may be older, but we’re Gods.”
Agahnim: “Well I’m a master magician and I have the Power Triforce, twerps. Watch out.”
Olivia: “I cannot wait for them to go to college.”
Olivia: “Do NOT do that in your pants! How dare you? Is this really how I
raised you? I am so disappointed!”
Olivia: “Yes, I have just realized this is an infant, I am very tired right now
leave me alone.”
Agahnim: “Dad, I played with blocks today and got mechanical skill!”
Craig: “Wow, Aggy! Nice work!”
Agahnim: “Thanks, Dad! I know, you’re so proud of me!!”
Arkay and Akatosh: “………….”
Last toddler birthday(s) of Generation A!
Here they are! That’s Arya on the left….. And Aegon on the right. Arya
certainly picked up the weirdest of nose genes.
And after their makeovers!
Aegon’s blonde, since he’s a Targaryen. It’s a Targaryen thing.
Back to the country’s capital, eh?
Olivia: “That’s right. This time I’m not leaving, I’m going to be President.”
The highest you can get in Sims 2 is Mayor…
Olivia: “We’re going to ignore that and pretend I will be President for the sake of your
silly little story.”
Birthday time! This time it’s Aggy, our first teen!
Craig: “Yay, woo! So many kids.”
Olivia: “I am so tired of motherhood. We’re shooting an ad for my
governor race here, I hope no one minds.”
Great parenting! Family first!
Agahnim: “I wish… for domination over this world of light! Hehehehe!”
Isn’t he cute!
Tired of political bickering in SimCity?
Tired of being ignored by big city politicians?
Wanting more funding for energy that doesn’t involve damming our river?
Elect Olivia P. Pentawesome for Governor!
“The reason I’m so good at knowing what the people want is because I’m just like you– here
I am at my oldest son’s teen birthday party, being a supportive mother after getting off work
from congress. I’m just like you, and I want the same things you want. So please, elect me,
Olivia Pentawesome, for Governor of Nordest-champ this Fall!”
Agahnim: “Punch big politicians in the face, yeah! Evil forever!”
Craig: “That’s my boy!”
Agahnim rolled as a Fortune Sim. His personality, as a reminder, is
Sagittarrius, 5-1-9-7-4. His LTW is… get this… to become a
Criminal Mastermind!
Mellisa: “Oh, you’re Liv’s kid, right? I remember when you were a baby, I
was at her wedding. Ah, children, they grow up so fast!”
Agahnim: “You’re the same age as me.”
Mellisa: “Hah, good try! Don’t disrespect me, I’m friends with your mom.”
Blondie: “Did you hear what he did? OMG, he totally is a nerd!”
Maddie Iver: “Ha ha, what a loser!”
Agahnim: “I know, right? Haha, we’re teens.”
What rapscallions.
Well, Liv, did you win your election?
Olivia: “Is that really something you’re asking? It’s Governor Olivia Pentawesome to
you, mind.”
YES! So, where’s the promotion blurb?
Olivia: “You deleted it, since according to the game I’m a judge. Which makes no sense
at all.”
Ah, that’s right. Right, congrats, Ol- Governor Pentawesome!
Arkay: “Mom’s not the only awesome Pentawesome! A+, dude!”
That’s my little God :3
All the (school-aged) kids have A+’s now.
This is the easiest thing I’ve ever done when compared to my
Apocalypse, wow.
Agahnim gets the honor of being the first to use the new bathroom, which
used to be his room :3
Agahnim: “Can you not film me peeing?”
So there is some Olivia in there!
He gets a new room, too, of course. It’s in the attic.
Agahnim: “Please go away.”
Whatever. Fine.
Agahnim: “Okay, let’s hurry this up!”
Arya: “I’m going to have an A+ the quickest, so that I become heiress.”
Aegon: “Well, Arry, we have to maintain the family legacy.”
Arkay: “Legacy schmegacy. You both know I’m going to be heir. Eat your
cake, birthday boy.”
Aegon: “Well…….”
Arkay: “Okay, small siblings! This is what we’re going to do, whether you
like it or not. Life and DEATH, that’s me, remember!”
Aegon: “I love blocks!”
Arkay: “Good, so we can begin building my grand temple!”
Olivia: “You may be looking at the next Vice President!”
What? How??
Olivia: “The President named me his running mate after the one from last term was
involved in a scandal!”
This is no longer at all canon, but whatever, continue. Good luck, Liv.
Olivia: “Governor Pentawesome.”
“Vice President Pentawesome?”
Olivia: “That’s right!”
Congratulations! A Pentawesome is vice-leading the nation!
Olivia: “Not according to the game, but whatever. Thanks.”
CRAIG? What happened??
Craig: “Alright, fine. I’m not a master criminal. I
give up.”
Aw, that’s not very Pentawesome of you.
Olivia: “We’re changing our personalities.”
Alright, why?
Olivia: “Neither of us is ever going to reach our old Lifetime Wants. We have
new goals now. We’re Family Sims; we both want a Golden Anniversary.”
Aw, cute.
Olivia: “You’d think having the second-highest office there is would give
you right-of-way over a school bus, but no!”
The nerve. Their lights aren’t even on!
Twin set 1 birthday! Teen time!
Alex Baxter: “There are way too many birthdays here.”
Akatosh, left, rolled Family with a secondary as Knowledge.
His personality is Gemini, 2-7-6-3-7.
His LTW is to graduate 3 kids from college, definitely possible!
Arkay, right, rolled Popularity with a secondary as Family.
His personality is Scorpio, 10-3-10-7-2.
His LTW is to become Rock God.
~creepy shower pic~
Akatosh: “I should do modeling.”
I’m sure there’s some CC career for it.
Aaand the college exodus begins.
Olivia: “Goodbye, child! Don’t ruin my reputation while in college!”
Arkay: “Okay, mom.”
Arya: “Mom was busy, so she told me to tell you ‘goodbye, child! Don’t
ruin my reputation while in college!’”
Akatosh: “Thanks, Arry.”
Aaand Agahnim.
Agahnim: “No goodbye crew for me. That’s alright; I don’t need friends,
they disappoint me.”
That’s the spirit?
Arya: “So now that they’re gone, we get more facetime!”
Aegon: “But… shouldn’t everyone get equal facetime, to give everyone a
chance at being heir?”
Arya: “No, bobohead. By the Old Gods and the New, you people with 10
nice points are just ridiculous.”
Aegon: “A+! The family legacy is upheld!”
Good job 
Olivia: “OOO- my back hurts…”
Olivia! Er, Vice President Pentawesome! Do you-
Olivia: “What, what’s wrong? Get on with it!”
You’re old…
Olivia: “I- oh. How did this happen?”
I thought your birthday wasn’t for another day, sorry!!
Olivia: “I was in red, you gave me a shorter lifespan!”
Well there’s always elixir! You have three wishes for your kids to go to
college, so as soon as I load the lot you’ll be platinum for a while.
There wasn’t much for Craig to do, now unemployed… so…
Craig: “Will you leave me alone? If I can’t have a sprawling evil empire, at
least I’ll live in luxury with beautiful flora surrounding me!”
You do you.
How are you going to pull of this promotion?
Olivia: “Well assassination is off the table. That’ll cause more trouble for
me than good. I’ll probably just leak that he’s banged each one of his
secretaries and has sent two of them along with his illegitimate children
to Shang Simla in order to cover it up.”
Well, that oughta do it. Good luck!
Craig: “I’ll never go pee again!”
That’s one way to look at it.
Olivia: “Thanks. It was surprisingly easy, he resigned before I even had to mention his
daughter’s ex-boyfriend he had tortured.”
Olivia: “Just so you know, there are now Secret Sim Servicemen and women
surrounding the house, but they’re invisible as they’re just off the property.”
Got it.
Craig: “Hey Liv-err, President Liv.”
Olivia: “Please, honey, just call me Prez.”
Aegon: “Our family is awesome!”
Arya: “I can’t wait to RULE it!”
*twin synced birthday animation*
Aegon: “All the upholding we’ll be doing as teens now! Awesome!”
Arya: “I’m the only girl and I’m pretty! I’ve gotta be heiress!”
Right. Aegon rolled Pleasure with secondary Romance. Wowza. His
personality is Pisces, 6-4-10-5-10. His LTW is 50 dream dates, not a favorite
of mine.
Arya rolled Romance and didn’t have a perk for her secondary. Her
personality is Gemini, 2-10-9-8-4. Her LTW is to become Rock God.
Here are all of their scholarships! I kind of pushed it with the last twins,
considering they went to college a minute after becoming teens.
Akatosh had the most scholarships, just like he has the most everything.
Me, picking favorites?
See you at Académie Le Tour!

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The Pentawesome Legacy! Chapter 2: Always Anticipating

  • 1.
  • 2. Welcome back to the Pentawesome Legacy! How’s the wedding going, Liv? Olivia: “Great. And that’s Congresswoman Liv.” The disrespect.
  • 3. Craig: “Hey, congratulations on getting married!!” Olivia: “Thanks!!” ?????? Sims.
  • 5. Marty: “Manly football!” Craig: “Yes! Testosterone!” Indeed.
  • 6. Mellisa: “So, you have a baby… does that mean, you’ve, uh, know what I mean, know what I mean, wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean,-” Olivia: “What are you talking about Mellisa?” Mellisa: “Well, I mean like, you’ve been around a bit, you’ve been around a bit, eh, I mean like, you’ve, you’ve ‘done it’…” Olivia: “Well, yes-” Mellisa: “What’s it like?” Monty Python, anyone? :P
  • 7. Sarah: “Aren’t you just so cute! I should take you home with me!” Agahnim: “zzzzhdddddrrzrzrrlspzll” Please don’t.
  • 8. Mellisa: “So you’re a fixer, eh? A fixer? Like fixing? Fixed a lot, have you, fixed a lot? Like a mechanic? Fixing?” Olivia: “Mellisa, you’re really just too you-” Mellisa: “Fixing up the men, are you? Fixing them up, know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge?”
  • 11. The party was a ‘good time’! Not a roofraiser, unfortunately, but they have kids to take care of so there’s no time to go off in a limo anyway. Marty: “Really delicious sandwiches. Just amazing.” Olivia: “Thanks, Marty!” Craig: “Don’t get too excited.”
  • 12. Olivia: “Heeey, Agahnim!! Mommy didn’t forget you, not for too long!!” Agahnim: “dddrrrrppzzkllzlzlzzzzzlzpszipzzz” Olivia: “That’s right, mommy loves you!” She’s a secondary Family Sim, obviously.
  • 13. Oops, it’s his birthday! Olivia: “He’s just a smaller version of Craig.” Yeah, basically.
  • 14. Olivia: “More babies!” That’s right! You have one more after this one, so get used to this state. Olivia: *secondary Family Sim wants*
  • 15. First promotion? Only took about a week. Craig: “Who are you looking at? I’m a cold, hard criminal.” In your dreams, Craig.
  • 16. Craig: “I’m a cold, hard criminal teaching my son to run from the police.” If you were really that good of a criminal, wouldn’t the police be out of the picture? Your schemes would never be revealed until completion. Craig: “Oh, I never have to run from the police. I just can’t guarantee my son will be as good as ole Pop.”
  • 17. Olivia: “More pregnant!” *crazy eyes* Craig: “Yes, we know. A criminal has got to sleep, honey. Your anti-crime political policy isn’t helping my business, you know.” Olivia: “That’s the point, Craig.”
  • 18. Agahnim: “Dark world powtal??” Not there, bud. Try behind a curtain or something.
  • 19. Olivia: “Yes, I support big oil. I’m a republican. Heck, I’m on maternity leave right now! Call my office assistant! Yes, I know I’m your representative and have to listen to you, that’s why I answered this phone call… No, I am not any less capable of leading than a man… haven’t you heard of PTD dads? The only other congress member on leave right now besides me is Congressman Curious, from Strangetown, and he’s on paternity leave… Yes, with a… Oh, now that’s just offensive….” The life of a politician.
  • 20. If my woohoo-clock is on time, this means you’re having a baby. Olivia: “……………..”
  • 22. Craig: “Ahh, nooboo!” Olivia: “Here’s one.” I am so tired of twins, oh my Grim.
  • 23. Olivia: “Nooboo! TWO nooboos!” Craig: “Can I go back to sleep?”
  • 24. Welcome to the world, Akatosh and Arkay Pentawesome! They are named after two aedra (Gods) of the Elder Scrolls (Skyrim) world. From TES Wiki: Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time, is the chief deity of the Nine Divines… He represents the qualities of endurance, invincibility, and everlasting legitimacy. He is the god-defender of the Empire.In The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, he protected the world from Mehrunes Dagon, daedra (demon prince) of destruction. Arkay, known as the God of the Cycle of Birth and Death, is a major divinity of the Nine Divines. He is the god of burials and funeral rites, and is sometimes associated with the seasons. He stands for fertility and blight, joy and sorrow, and blessed neutrality. He is the son of Akatosh.
  • 26. Agahnim: “The poopoo goes to the dark world.” Olivia: “No more diapers for you, Aggy!” No wonder they attacked the light world.
  • 27. Olivia: “Birthday! WOOOOOOO!” Craig: “Aren’t you a cutie? It’s because you look just like daddy!” Yeah, yeah. While we’re talking Agahnim, here’s his personality: Sagitarrius, 5-1-9-7-5.
  • 28. Agahnim: “Childhood! I’m oldest, too, that’ll give me more time to develop some evil plot!” If gaining the trust of me and the readership so that you can crush us later is your goal, you’re not doing so well. Agahnim: “Well hey, who do I have to learn the art of evil from? My super criminal dad?” Craig: “YES!”
  • 29. Hey, how was- Olivia: “Stop right there.” What happened??? “They found out about the water line incident. I’m back in the state house in SimCity, but I’ll make it back to Psveurtzkana soon enough.” Well, you’re Olivia P. I trust whatever plans you have. Olivia: “That’s Representative Pentawesome.”
  • 30. Craig: “We’re going to have to have another kid, aren’t we?” Olivia: “Well, we have three now, so we don’t have to.” Craig: “So, no more babies?” Olivia: “….. Well we could always try.” Yuck.
  • 31. Twin birthday! Olivia: “Please makeover my children, now.” Will do!
  • 32. That’s Arkay on the left and Akatosh on the right  Arkay: “Haiw silva ” You’re Gods. You are so above regular hair colors. Akatosh: “Twiangle goes in twiangle. I’m a God gee-nee-us.” Well, you’re no Julianos… but good job. They look more like Olivia than Agahnim, though they have the same hair and eyes.
  • 33. Another promotion? Nice! Craig: “I told you, master criminal.” You do you.
  • 34. Olivia: “Baby???” I thought we were done with that? You only need three. Also, what the heck is up with your wants. You want a promotion and to quit your job. What. Olivia: “I’m possibly pregnant and confused!!”
  • 35. Olivia: “We’re having another baby!” Craig: “Hahahahhaa, I can’t wait! More minions!” Olivia: “Hahahaha, no.”
  • 36. Olivia: “BABYYYYYYYYY!” Akatosh: “This is not my jawb. Awkay is Biwth and Death, this is his jawb.” Please leave the room, Tosh. You don’t need to see this. Akatosh: “I the gawd of time, I see all.”
  • 37. Olivia: “Nooboo!” Craig: “Why is there a ‘two new babies’ sign to the right?” Olivia: “Our creator needs to adjust the odds, apparently!” They’re at default, I swear!!!
  • 38. Alright, on the left is Arya S. and on the right, Aegon T.! Arya is named for Arya Stark, the second daughter of Eddard (Ned) and Catelyn Stark, from A Song of Ice and Fire. I don’t want to spoil too much, since there’s a lot of exciting things that happen to her (especially in the TV season to come), but she escaped King’s Landing when her father was beheaded, and has been living on the run with a variety of hosts, always training in swordsmanship. Aegon is named for Aegon I Targaryen, also known as Aegon the Conqueror or Aegon the Dragon. He’s also from A Song of Ice and Fire. He conquered six of the Seven Kingdoms, founding the Targaryen dynasty on Westeros and forming the Seven Kingdoms into their current state of unity (well, before the books/TV show started). He conquered the continent with his dragons and his two sister-wives (yup, it’s a Targaryen thing), along with their dragons, from his home of Dragonstone. He founded the city of King’s Landing and forged the Iron Throne with the swords of his conquered enemies. I did the math and I’m pretty sure Aegon is Daenerys Targaryen’s first cousin, 15x removed. Wow.
  • 39. God birthday time! Olivia: “We’re going to have to do this again.” Craig: “We are crazy.” You got that right.
  • 40. They are so similar, wow. You can see a hint of neutral Pentawesome crazy eyes on the left one. Left one: “Why don’t you use my name?” Because you are an IDENTICAL TWIN help
  • 41. Akatosh, on the left, is a Gemini, 2-7-6-3-6. Arkay, right, is a Scorpio, 10-3-10-7-2. So they couldn’t be more different, basically.
  • 42. Craig: “….Maybe if I die now, I won’t have to take care of any more kids…” Hey, I can hear you! Craig: “Hey! No spying!” I am all seeing.
  • 43. These twins may look the same, but they’re pretty different, as far as I can tell. There’s the neat point difference, for one. Akatosh: “Why do you make your bed all the time? Weirdo.”
  • 44. Then there’s the nice point difference… Arkay: “At least I’m not a smelly little nice guy, huh! Wanna fight? I’m God of Life and Death, remember!” Akatosh: “Fine! Creator, can we just break the dragon and go back so I didn’t say that?” I am NOT quitting without saving for some child dispute. Be nice >:( You two may be little Gods but I’m the real Creator here.
  • 45. Nice painting, Aggy. Looks like something I’ve seen before… Agahnim: “I was copying to style of master artis-” Olivia P. Pentawesome, yes, I know. Wow, just like your father.
  • 46. Arkay: “Why are you so sloppy with your sandwich?” Akatosh: *grblegblgrgrgbrl* Agahnim: “You guys are so annoying.” Arkay: “You may be older, but we’re Gods.” Agahnim: “Well I’m a master magician and I have the Power Triforce, twerps. Watch out.” Olivia: “I cannot wait for them to go to college.”
  • 47. Olivia: “Do NOT do that in your pants! How dare you? Is this really how I raised you? I am so disappointed!” Olivia- Olivia: “Yes, I have just realized this is an infant, I am very tired right now leave me alone.”
  • 48. Agahnim: “Dad, I played with blocks today and got mechanical skill!” Craig: “Wow, Aggy! Nice work!” Agahnim: “Thanks, Dad! I know, you’re so proud of me!!” Arkay and Akatosh: “………….”
  • 49. Last toddler birthday(s) of Generation A! Rose Dai: “WOOOOOO! AWSHBOGALIA!!!”
  • 50. Here they are! That’s Arya on the left….. And Aegon on the right. Arya certainly picked up the weirdest of nose genes.
  • 51. And after their makeovers! Aegon’s blonde, since he’s a Targaryen. It’s a Targaryen thing.
  • 52. Back to the country’s capital, eh? Olivia: “That’s right. This time I’m not leaving, I’m going to be President.” The highest you can get in Sims 2 is Mayor… Olivia: “We’re going to ignore that and pretend I will be President for the sake of your silly little story.” Right-O.
  • 53. Birthday time! This time it’s Aggy, our first teen!
  • 54. Craig: “Yay, woo! So many kids.” Olivia: “I am so tired of motherhood. We’re shooting an ad for my governor race here, I hope no one minds.” Great parenting! Family first!
  • 55. Agahnim: “I wish… for domination over this world of light! Hehehehe!” Isn’t he cute!
  • 56. Tired of political bickering in SimCity? Tired of being ignored by big city politicians? Wanting more funding for energy that doesn’t involve damming our river? Elect Olivia P. Pentawesome for Governor! “The reason I’m so good at knowing what the people want is because I’m just like you– here I am at my oldest son’s teen birthday party, being a supportive mother after getting off work from congress. I’m just like you, and I want the same things you want. So please, elect me, Olivia Pentawesome, for Governor of Nordest-champ this Fall!” PAID FOR BY SIMS FOR OLIVIA PENTAWESOME AS GOVERNOR
  • 57. Agahnim: “Punch big politicians in the face, yeah! Evil forever!” Craig: “That’s my boy!” Agahnim rolled as a Fortune Sim. His personality, as a reminder, is Sagittarrius, 5-1-9-7-4. His LTW is… get this… to become a Criminal Mastermind!
  • 58. Mellisa: “Oh, you’re Liv’s kid, right? I remember when you were a baby, I was at her wedding. Ah, children, they grow up so fast!” Agahnim: “You’re the same age as me.” Mellisa: “Hah, good try! Don’t disrespect me, I’m friends with your mom.”
  • 59. Blondie: “Did you hear what he did? OMG, he totally is a nerd!” Maddie Iver: “Ha ha, what a loser!” Agahnim: “I know, right? Haha, we’re teens.” What rapscallions.
  • 60. Well, Liv, did you win your election? Olivia: “Is that really something you’re asking? It’s Governor Olivia Pentawesome to you, mind.” YES! So, where’s the promotion blurb? Olivia: “You deleted it, since according to the game I’m a judge. Which makes no sense at all.” Ah, that’s right. Right, congrats, Ol- Governor Pentawesome!
  • 61. Arkay: “Mom’s not the only awesome Pentawesome! A+, dude!” That’s my little God :3 All the (school-aged) kids have A+’s now. This is the easiest thing I’ve ever done when compared to my Apocalypse, wow.
  • 62. Agahnim gets the honor of being the first to use the new bathroom, which used to be his room :3 Agahnim: “Can you not film me peeing?” So there is some Olivia in there!
  • 63. He gets a new room, too, of course. It’s in the attic. Agahnim: “Please go away.” Whatever. Fine.
  • 65. Arya: “I’m going to have an A+ the quickest, so that I become heiress.” Aegon: “Well, Arry, we have to maintain the family legacy.” Arkay: “Legacy schmegacy. You both know I’m going to be heir. Eat your cake, birthday boy.” Aegon: “Well…….”
  • 66. Arkay: “Okay, small siblings! This is what we’re going to do, whether you like it or not. Life and DEATH, that’s me, remember!” Aegon: “I love blocks!” Arkay: “Good, so we can begin building my grand temple!”
  • 67. Olivia: “You may be looking at the next Vice President!” What? How?? Olivia: “The President named me his running mate after the one from last term was involved in a scandal!” This is no longer at all canon, but whatever, continue. Good luck, Liv. Olivia: “Governor Pentawesome.”
  • 68. “Vice President Pentawesome?” Olivia: “That’s right!” Congratulations! A Pentawesome is vice-leading the nation! Olivia: “Not according to the game, but whatever. Thanks.”
  • 69. Meanwhile… CRAIG? What happened?? Craig: “Alright, fine. I’m not a master criminal. I give up.” Aw, that’s not very Pentawesome of you.
  • 70. Olivia: “We’re changing our personalities.” Alright, why? Olivia: “Neither of us is ever going to reach our old Lifetime Wants. We have new goals now. We’re Family Sims; we both want a Golden Anniversary.” Aw, cute.
  • 71. Olivia: “You’d think having the second-highest office there is would give you right-of-way over a school bus, but no!” The nerve. Their lights aren’t even on!
  • 72. Twin set 1 birthday! Teen time! Alex Baxter: “There are way too many birthdays here.” Agreed.
  • 73. Akatosh, left, rolled Family with a secondary as Knowledge. His personality is Gemini, 2-7-6-3-7. His LTW is to graduate 3 kids from college, definitely possible! Arkay, right, rolled Popularity with a secondary as Family. His personality is Scorpio, 10-3-10-7-2. His LTW is to become Rock God.
  • 74. ~creepy shower pic~ Akatosh: “I should do modeling.” I’m sure there’s some CC career for it.
  • 75. Aaand the college exodus begins. Arkay… Olivia: “Goodbye, child! Don’t ruin my reputation while in college!” Arkay: “Okay, mom.”
  • 76. Akatosh… Arya: “Mom was busy, so she told me to tell you ‘goodbye, child! Don’t ruin my reputation while in college!’” Akatosh: “Thanks, Arry.”
  • 77. Aaand Agahnim. Agahnim: “No goodbye crew for me. That’s alright; I don’t need friends, they disappoint me.” That’s the spirit?
  • 78. Arya: “So now that they’re gone, we get more facetime!” Aegon: “But… shouldn’t everyone get equal facetime, to give everyone a chance at being heir?” Arya: “No, bobohead. By the Old Gods and the New, you people with 10 nice points are just ridiculous.”
  • 79. Aegon: “A+! The family legacy is upheld!” Good job 
  • 80. Olivia: “OOO- my back hurts…” Olivia! Er, Vice President Pentawesome! Do you- Olivia: “What, what’s wrong? Get on with it!” You’re old…
  • 81. Olivia: “I- oh. How did this happen?” I thought your birthday wasn’t for another day, sorry!! Olivia: “I was in red, you gave me a shorter lifespan!”  Well there’s always elixir! You have three wishes for your kids to go to college, so as soon as I load the lot you’ll be platinum for a while.
  • 82. There wasn’t much for Craig to do, now unemployed… so… Craig: “Will you leave me alone? If I can’t have a sprawling evil empire, at least I’ll live in luxury with beautiful flora surrounding me!” … You do you.
  • 83. How are you going to pull of this promotion? Olivia: “Well assassination is off the table. That’ll cause more trouble for me than good. I’ll probably just leak that he’s banged each one of his secretaries and has sent two of them along with his illegitimate children to Shang Simla in order to cover it up.” Well, that oughta do it. Good luck!
  • 84. Craig: “I’ll never go pee again!” That’s one way to look at it.
  • 85. CONGRATS, PRESIDENT OLIVIA P. PENTAWESOME! Olivia: “Thanks. It was surprisingly easy, he resigned before I even had to mention his daughter’s ex-boyfriend he had tortured.” Rad! Olivia: “Just so you know, there are now Secret Sim Servicemen and women surrounding the house, but they’re invisible as they’re just off the property.” Got it.
  • 86. Craig: “Hey Liv-err, President Liv.” Olivia: “Please, honey, just call me Prez.” Aegon: “Our family is awesome!” Arya: “I can’t wait to RULE it!”
  • 87. *twin synced birthday animation*
  • 88. Aegon: “All the upholding we’ll be doing as teens now! Awesome!” Arya: “I’m the only girl and I’m pretty! I’ve gotta be heiress!” Right. Aegon rolled Pleasure with secondary Romance. Wowza. His personality is Pisces, 6-4-10-5-10. His LTW is 50 dream dates, not a favorite of mine. Arya rolled Romance and didn’t have a perk for her secondary. Her personality is Gemini, 2-10-9-8-4. Her LTW is to become Rock God.
  • 89. Here are all of their scholarships! I kind of pushed it with the last twins, considering they went to college a minute after becoming teens. Akatosh had the most scholarships, just like he has the most everything. Me, picking favorites? See you at Académie Le Tour!