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FRAGRANCES            Murray Hunter – University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)

            The myths and realities
             of odour psychology
We exist with odours all around us from
the food we prepare, buy and eat, the
environment we live within, and the
offices, houses, apartments, toilets,
animals, and people we come across day
in, day out. We make judgements about
what we smell, where odour certainly
influences the proximity of our
relationships with others. Body odours tell
us a lot about a person’s disposition.
Odour influenced public policy about
sewage and rubbish collection and was
one of the main reasons the world’s
population is no longer subject to great
plagues that hit earlier societies through
the ages.

    The ability to smell was one of our
most primal senses, which was important
in helping us find food, give warnings of
danger, and identify spoiled food, etc.
Odour also masked our body odours and
gave us a sense of pleasure and                We exist with odours all around us from the food we prepare.
sensuality. The importance of odour has
declined in our age as most city buildings     root of the mass of particles) towards           70% of our odour perception travels
and homes are relatively sterile or neutral    areas of lesser concentration where the          through this system of receptors.1
in their odour. The majority of odours we      olfactory mucosa, a membrane with a                  As mentioned above, aromatic
come across in the urban environment           mucous surface contains the olfactory            molecules must possess some water
are commercially produced in the bakery,       receptors at the top of the nasal cavity.        solubility characteristics, have a high
from an air freshener, through the air         Odour molecules are slightly water soluble       vapour pressure, and have the ability to
conditioning system, or from a colleague       and can pass through the lipid rich              dissolve in fat. Molecules above a
wearing an eau de toilette. Relatively few     mucous that immerse the receptors at the         molecular weight of 300 cannot pass
people now directly appreciate the odour       epithelium surface and interact with             through the mucous membrane, thus our
of new mown hay, the changing odour of         olfactory receptor neurons. The odorants         inability to smell any molecule with a
hanging jasmine on a trellis, or the smell     bind with the olfactory receptor neurons         molecular weight more than that. Each
of ozone after a thunder storm.                and change the shape of proteins,                neuron has only one type of receptor, of
    We must first understand some of the       creating ion flows which pass along the          which there are about 1,000 different
basic concepts about the physiology and        axons of the olfactory nerve through the         types. Even aromatic molecules with
cognitive aspects of our olfactory             cribriform plate or skull to reach the           slightly different chemical structures
architecture to understand the myths and       olfactory bulb (alomeruli) which is an           activate different types of receptors, so
realities about the psychology of smell.       outcropping from the inferior (bottom)           octanal smells like orange will be
                                               side of the pre-frontal cortex of the brain.     differentiated from the similar octanal
Our olfactory architecture                         The olfactory mucosa also contains           acids which are sweeter. Larger amounts
How the olfactory system works has been        another sensory system made up of                of aromatic molecules tend to bind a
well explained by other literature and this    trigeminal nerve receptors which are able        wider variety of receptors than do smaller
will only be briefly recanted here. When       to sense tactile pressure, pain, and             amounts of the same molecule. This may
we sniff something or just breathe in          temperature variation. They also exist           explain why concentrated amounts of
through our nose, we also inhale aromatic      around the mouth and eyes. These                 indole tend to smell horrible but lower
molecules with the air. These molecules        receptors can sense hot, cold, tingling,         concentrations smell somewhat sweet and
are bundled together in their millions and     and irritability, in a similar manner to the     florally. Although the rate of odour flow
diffuse from their concentration according     skin. It is through these receptors that we      does not affect the intensity of the odour,
to Graham’s law (the rate of effusion of a     can sense the coldness of menthol and            a concentrated odour molecule that
gas is inversely proportional to the square    the warmth of methyl salicylate. Up to           attaches to most receptors may prevent

22     P E R S O N A L C A R E November 2011

                                                               Olfactory input

                   Other inputs                                                                                                      a sensory message transmission
          sight, hearing, touch and taste                                                                                         of information about the environment
                                                                                                                                               to the brain
      Product/strategy attributes, advertising,                                                                                              Transduction:
         themes, symbols, logos, colours,                     To sensory receptors
                                                                                                                                   convert physical energy into neural
       social attitudes and acceptance etc.

                     Interpretation                           Cognitive processing                                                       Memory retrieval

    Shared meaning and fantasy                                imagination, emotions,                                                                 Behaviour
                                                                fantasy and belief

Figure 1: The olfactory interpretation process from input to response.

the receptors sensing other odour                 Cognitive processing                                                          In women, the hypothalamus synchronises
molecules bringing on a condition that a          What happens next is much more                                                the levels of oestrus which controls
perfumer calls olfactory fatigue, where the       interesting and relevant to the myths and                                     menstruation. In animals, the
sense of smell is lost to other odours for a      realities of odour psychology. Sensory                                        hypothalamus regulates sexual drive from
short period of time until the receptors are      information from the olfactory bulb is                                        receiving certain pheromonal stimuli, but to
free again.                                       despatched to two different locations                                         date this process has not been found in
    It is estimated that a human can              within the brain.                                                             humans. Pheromones tend to be odourless
differentiate between 5,000-10,000                    The first is the limbic cortex deep within                                chemicals to humans but in animals
odours.2 This is probably possible through        the middle of the brain, responsible for our                                  influence behaviour in powerful ways. It is
some method of combinational recognition          emotions, moods, feelings, sexual arousal,                                    questionable whether our olfactory system
and processing scheme to encode the               and long term memory retrieval. It is also                                    would detect them. The hypothalamus also
identities of different odours, and a single      responsible for the feelings of “high” or                                     reacts to blood-borne stimuli, which may
odour may be recognisable by a single             intoxication we feel from recreational                                        be an important issue in aromatherapy,
receptor and different odourants are              drugs. The limbic cortex is very closely                                      discussed a little later.
recognised through different combinations         connected to the pre-frontal lobes, which                                         Due to the fact that our olfactory system
of receptors.3                                    are responsible for our creativity and                                        connects directly to the emotional part of
    However, just as a person can recognise       imagination.6 Both these areas, the pre-                                      our brain, one would expect odour to evoke
slurred vowels spoken by someone or read          frontal lobes and limbic cortex, play a very                                  primal behaviour in humans. This is not the
sentences that are spelt incorrectly, the         important role in our motivations, and thus                                   case, in fact the brain does not know what
brain through the process of categorical          behaviour.                                                                    any odour signifies until we learn what it is
perception simplifies our perception loads            The second area that signals are sent to                                  and through our life experiences connect
into convenient odour groups or                   is the hypothalamus which is responsible                                      particular odours to our feelings and
categories.4 As we know, similarly                for the restoration of the physical                                           emotions. The meaning of fragrance is a
structured molecules do not necessarily           metabolism through balancing hormones,                                        socially constructed reality; just like we
smell the same, and differently structured        blood glucose, and regulating temperature.                                    learn the meanings of words, sounds, and
molecules may smell the same, thus it is                                                                                        things we see and touch.7
not easy to relate smell with the                                                                                                   Just like everything else, odours are
physiochemical structure to our sense of                                                                                        not encoded with any meaning at the
smell. Our categorisation of odours actually                                                                                    perception level. Odours are compared to
puts limits and biases upon how we define                                                                                       the “database” of our life experiences
them through the various classification                                                                                         within our long term memory to provide
systems that have been developed over the                                                                                       meaning. Prior to this socialisation, all
years. It is only when brilliant innovations                                                                                    odours are inherently neutral in being
are recognised that our restricted                                                                                              pleasant or unpleasant and have no

vocabularies are expanded. Fragrance was                                                                                        attached emotional or other meaning
categorised into nicely restrictive                                                                                             embedded within our memory. Thus, any
compartments until Martin Gras wrote his                                                                                        meaning attached to any odour is the
two seminal papers The Overdose and The                                                                                         result of our experiences and socialisation,
Overdose II that we could see beyond the                                                                                        requiring associations between perception,
compartmental definitions we devised for                                                                                        the odour, the event, and our feelings and
ourselves.5                                       Chempaka flowers (Michelia champaca) has                                      emotions about it. But due to the fact that
    Unlike the receptors in our sight and         an odour quite popular in the West, but to a                                  odour perception information flows directly
hearing, olfactory receptors regenerate.          Malay it symbolises death.                                                    to the limbic cortex, odour acts very quickly,

                                                                                                                                November 2011 P E R S O N A L C A R E     23

prompting stimuli to retrieve memory and              socially spread across the globe, as new       Bill Killgrove of the air cavalry in the film
emotions.                                             wonderments from other lands, just as tea      Apocalypse Now, played by Robert Duvall,
    The following examples show odour is a            and coffee were brought back from the          where he said in that famous beach
cultural phenomenon. First, the odour of              new world to the old world of Europe           landing scene: “Do you smell that son,
chilli; to some this means something                  hundreds of years ago through the              napalm son...I love the smell of napalm in
delicious to crave for, Thai somtam for               expeditionary vogues of the Portuguese,        the”.
example. To others, the smell of chilli (or           Spanish, Dutch, French, and English            Odour is associated with values and
maybe more correctly, the associated                  galleons of the times.                         aspirations, dreams and hopes. Odour is
odours around a chilli based dish) acts as a              Odour was not sensual in the beginning;    our fantasy and brings memories, personal
warning: “Don’t eat this or I will suffer             it had to be connected to sensuality.8 The     meanings, and feelings to the present.
badly”. Again a bakery in a shopping mall             earliest known use of fragrance for sensual    Odour is a nexus between the past, present
gives an Australian a sense of feeling good,          purposes was the use of fragrant plants        and future, linking them in powerful ways
but the smell of a good curry will give a             infused into olive and sesame oils for         that strongly influence the way people
South Asian that same sense of feeling                ointments around 7,000 BC. Around              behave in the future.
good and anticipation (however, with the              3,000 BC the Egyptians used myrrh for              Why is this so important? Because we
globalisation and move into cross-cultural            their pleasure and by 700 BC, Athens was       are influenced by our internal cognitive
fusion cuisines, culinary signals now work            a mercantile trading centre for perfumes.9     processes, our memory and the outside
across many cultures, rather than the                 Aristocrats during the first century AD in     world. Product creation requires
culture that the dish originated from).               Rome heavily imported frankincense and         imagination to construct the customer
Chempaka flowers have a deep rich, sweet              myrrh. Nero was famous for his scented         orientations necessary.12,13 But the essence
floral odour reminiscent of one of the finest         parties – as no “orgy” was complete            of opportunity also requires consumers to
fragrances, quite popular in the West, but            without perfume.10                             be imaginative, by bringing the external
to a Malay it symbolises death, as the tree                                                          internally; to imagine what it would be like
is common in graveyards. Food and odour               The commercialisation                          to live at Sanctuary Cove on the Gold Cost
are social constructions.                             of fragrance                                   of Queensland, Australia, to imagine what it
    We can see this socialisation in all the          Research into cognitive olfaction dragged      would be like consuming a Ferrero Rocher
things we smell. Lemon did not give the               behind the other senses until relatively       Chocolate, to imagine climbing the Eiffel
idea of “fresh” until we socially accepted it         recently.11 We cannot predict what             Tower in Paris, France, to imagine skiing at
as so. Remember the heavy advertising                 fragrance will be popular and sell well, as    Boulder, Colorado during the winter
during the 1960s about lemon cleaning                 there are no universal rules or secrets that   holidays, to imagine owning an Apple
power. We had to learn that. These                    can be employed because the                    iPhone, to imagine wearing Beyonce
meanings probably came from our earlier               psychological effects depend so much on        Perfume, to imagine the benefits to the
associations with the environment and                 acquired associations. Remember Lt. Col.       community a cup of Starbucks Coffee
                                                                                                     would have, and how that raffle ticket
                                                                                                     would assist the fight against cancer.
                                         Product/strategy                                            Imagination is an aid to practical thinking
                                            attributes                                               and opens the door to making purchasing
                                                                                                     decisions.14 All our hopes, enlightenment,
                                                                                                     fears, and desires come from imagination.
                                                                                                     Brands are able to give consumers a sense
                                                                                                     of identity and enrich their life experiences,
         Features                 Benefits                      Signal            Channels           a shared imagination or fantasy. Together
                                                              attributes                             the internal and external determine our
                                                                                                     behaviour, which is what marketing is
                                                                                                     about. Figure 1 schematises the olfactory
                           Tangible       Intangible                                                 interpretation process from input to
       impression                                                                   Local
                           benefits        benefits            Strength                              response, highlighting the role of fragrance
        Spiritual                                                               International        in the marketing picture.
       impression                                            Performance                                 Internally we are influenced by our
                                                                                  Consumer           selectivity, what we put our attention upon,
                           Efficacy       Romance               Variant         demographics         which is influenced by our motivations,
       Tactile and
         sensory                                                                                     emotions, curiosity, values, cognitive, style,
                           Efficacy      Health and            Indicator         Mainstream
       impression                                                                                    experience, personality, and interests.
                          according       wellbeing              of use         or specialised
                          to theme                                                                   Externally, we are attracted/distracted by
          Impact                                                                                     the symbols, meaning, peer acceptances,
                                             Caring           Life status         Form of
                           Pleasant                                                                  messages aimed at various characteristics
          Odour                                                                promotion and
                         and lasting       Security           Freshness         association          of our ego like “satisfying needs and
                          fragrance                                                apt to            wants”, “sensual pleasure”, ”status
      Substantively                       Lifestyle          Association          product            symbols”, “feeling good”, “being attractive
                                         association                               theme             to others”, “gaining admiration from
       Ingredients                                                                                   others”, “power”, “fun”, “happiness”, etc.
        (according                                                                                   Product promoters try to create the images
        to theme)                                                                                    and symbols that we will connect to our
                                                                                                     alter ego and stimulate our imagination
                                                                                                     that has emotional strength to influence
Figure 2: Product/strategy attribute profile.                                                        our behaviour. And it is when companies

24      P E R S O N A L C A R E November 2011
Fresh                                             Efficacy

    Citrus Family                                                            Medicated

                             Floral Family

                                                                     Spicy        Metallic


                  Powdery                                                         Woody

                                   Balsamic                                   Agrestic

                     Gentle                                            Strong
Figure 3: Psychological grid of fragrance interpretation.19

successfully develop a shared imagination           importance in the 80s and 90s.17 Now
stimulated by the themes, images,                   themes are the great product
symbols, and personalities they project into
their products, that are supported by the
attributes of the product, market success
                                                    differentiators, of which fragrance is the
                                                    prompting mechanism. Figure 2 shows a
                                                    product/strategy attribute profile where both
                                                                                                    The art
is within the firm’s grasp. Fragrance is one
of the most powerful of these attributes.
                                                    primary and secondary product attributes
                                                    are merged to create the product’s image        of science
Try walking past a Dunkin Donut store               with consumers. If all the product attributes
when they are making a fresh batch of               together can successfully espouse a
donuts. Fragrance combined with the shop            theme, then a very powerful product
layout, position, colours used, combine to          identity will be created. Look at fine
create an influence that is hard to resist.         fragrance marketing campaigns we
Fragrance, when combined with the other             discussed above as an example.
senses, is extremely powerful,15 and                    We have been socially conditioned to
companies know that. They create the                associate odour to particular emotions,
images and symbols and try to embed                 stimulation of intense pleasure, efficacy,
them within us.                                     freshness, sensuality, gentleness, and
    So is it the odour that sells the product,      success, etc. This link between odour and
or other factors? Somewhere, one hopes,             emotion is so powerful that very old
the answer lies within the continuum of             memories and vivid emotions can be
these factors. Without the other factors a          evoked instantaneously like experiences
fragrance is not immediately meaningful.            that occurred yesterday.18 Fragrances are
The role of fragrance is to help differentiate      signals which can communicate messages
the product from its competitors.16                 to consumers.
Fragrance in cosmetics and personal care                Thus the product message must be
products helps to render a product                  converted into an odour. The perfumer must
distinguishable to the consumer in the vast         be aware of the issues involved, where
array of products on the shelf. In highly           various fragrance families can aid in
developed markets, cosmetics, toiletries            suggesting gentleness, freshness, strength,
and household products have reached a               and efficacy in a product. For example some
stage where differentiation of primary              citrus notes can convey the concept of
product image builders (advertising,                fresh, which is important in dishwashing
promotion, price, packaging) have become            liquids, while laundry products may require
difficult to develop as a source of                 gentle, efficacy or freshness-efficacy,
competitive advantage over competing                depending upon the target consumer. A
products. Secondary image builders                  shampoo may require fresh and gentle or         Multifunctional Cosmetic Additives
(fragrance, colour, types of ingredients            fresh and efficacy depending upon the
used in the product) took on more                   message the perfumer wants to get across

 Table 1: What are the myths and realities of odour psychology?

      To our present knowledge there are no                      Just like any language is limited by its           Our olfactory receptors cannot distinguish
      aromatic materials that act as pheromones                  vocabulary, fragrance novelty is limited           between natural and synthetic odours
      on humans. Human pheromones are                            by the fragrance vocabulary and                    because, to all intents and purposes, the
      considered a myth. Fragrance does not                      classification systems of the day.                 molecule is exactly the same, except for
      physiologically sexually arouse people; rather             Novelty only increases its bounds when             some isomer differences. The
      any effects are from emotional association                 perfumers go beyond current                        appreciation of something natural is a
      and suggestion based on society’s current                  classifications and create the need for            value rather than being something
      set of behaviours. The most important                      new classifications. In probability with           physiologically different. There is nothing
      sexual aid we have is our imagination.                     the commercial orientations of the                 wrong with having values about things,
      Any fragrance creation will not be deemed                  industry, breaking the bounds will be a            because without values the human
      novel without reference to the acceptance                  truly rare occurrence that will happen             species would not survive.
      of peers and customers. Commercial                         only a couple of times each century.               Odour is situational to people, places,
      success rather than the beauty of the                      Aromatherapy efficacy through inhaling             and contexts. Due to the influences upon
      product itself is the criteria by which any                odours depends upon the ability of the             (air conditions, fatigue, concentrations,
      odour is deemed novel in the fragrance                     odour to connect with moods and                    etc.), and architecture of the olfactory
      industry. Therefore fragrance creativity has a             emotions to be effective.20 As we are              system, different people in different
      competitive streak through it in                           aware, the connection of odours to                 circumstances will smell an odour
      commerciality, taking it further away from                 emotions is a social construction and              differently. This is also cultural specific,
      the concept of art. This is contrary to what               the way aromatherapy through                       and contextual to different situations, i.e.,
      the “new age” natural perfumers aspire.                    inhalation works is through the beliefs of         camphor is medicinal to Australians but
      Odour does stimulate behaviour through our                 the user. There is nothing wrong with              used to embalm corpses in Malaysia,
      emotions but in specific situational ways                  that because it is what one believes that          thus creating different imagery in people.
      that may be unique to every individual,                    is reality, and the correlation between            Finally, a great perfumer must have
      remember the Killgrove example. Due to                     moods and wellbeing is a strong one.               imagination, curiosity, the emotions of
      olfactory signals going directly to the limbic             The relationship between odour and the             interest and passion, olfactory sensitivity,
      cortex which also controls emotions,                       hypothalamus is still unexplored territory         a prior knowledge of odourous materials
      fragrance will always have an important                    at this point of time. Aromatherapy                and their characteristics, knowledge of
      influence on humans that fragrance and                     through infusion and massage has the               outstanding fragrance creations, practical
      cosmetic companies will continue to try to                 ability to push more essential oils into           experience, time, patience and
      exploit. Perfumery will remain a multi-billion             the body through digestion and skin                perseverance, be an artist, psychologist,
      dollar commercially orientated industry.                   absorption respectively.                           and marketing practitioner, all in one.

to the consumer. These are supported by,                   References                                              enigmatic sense of smell. New York: Harper
and also support the other product attributes              1 Ohloff G. Scent and fragrance. Berlin &               Perennial, 2007.
the company associates with its product.                      Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 1994.              12   Gabay J. Imaginative marketing. London: Teach
    Figure 3 shows a grid where different                  2 Gilbert AN. What the nose knows: the science          Yourself Books, 1998.
fragrance families are plotted within the                     of scent in everyday life. New York: Harper     13   Postma P The new marketing era: marketing to
four sectors denoting gentleness,                             Perennial, 2008.                                     the imagination in a technology driven world.
freshness, strength and efficacy. Some                     3 Malnic B, Hirono J, Sato T, Buck LB.                  New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
individual notes from within a family can                     Combinational receptor codes for odors.         14   Brown S, Patterson A. Figments for sales:
differ in their message from the rest of the                  Cell 1999; 96 (5): 713-23.                           marketing, imagination and the artistic
family, as is the example in the floral family             4 Reed SK. Cognition: Theory and Applications           imperative. In: Brown S, Patterson A eds.
where some are gentle, others fresh, and                      7th edn. Belmont CA: Thomson Wadsworth,              Imagining marketing: art, aesthetics and the
others signifying strength and efficacy.                      2007.                                                avant-garde. London: Routledge, 2000.
These are all subjective classifications                   5 Gras M. The Overdose. Perfumer & Flavorist       15   Wilson DA, Stevenson RJ. Learning to smell:
which are culturally sensitive.                               1990; 15 (6): 25-8.                                  olfactory perception from neurobiology to
                                                           6 Csikszentmihalyi M. Creativity: flow and the          behavior. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University
Myths and realities                                           psychology of discovery and invention.               Press, 2006.
So what are the myths and realities of                        New York: Harper-Collins, 1996.                 16   Miles JM. An integrated approach to fragrances and
odour psychology? What does it mean to                     7 Herz RS, Beland SL, Hellerstein M. Changing           formulation. Drug Cosmet Ind 1989; March, p26.
the industry and the future of fragrance as                   odor hedonic perception through emotional       17   Hunter M. The use of natural fragrances in
an integral part of the product attributes?                   associations in humans. Int J Comp Psychol           cosmetics: should it be considered? Cosmetics,
How does what we know about cognitive                         2004; 17: 315-39.                                    Aerosols & Toiletries in Australia 1996; 10 (3): 47.
olfactory processing alter what we believe                             .
                                                           8 Jellinek P The Practice of Perfumery. London:    18   Goldemburg RL. Aromatherapy for wellbeing.
about odour psychology? Some of these                         Leonard Hill, 1954.                                  Drug Cosmet Ind 1991; Sept, p42.
questions are answered by merging the                      9 Poucher WA. Poucher’s perfumes, cosmetics        19   Hunter M. Essential oils: art, science, industry,
disciplines of human physiology, cognitive                    and soaps, Vol 2: the production, manufacture        agriculture & entrepreneurship: a focus on the
science, aromatic chemistry, psychology,                      and application of perfumes 9th edn. London:         Asia-Pacific. New York: Nova Science Publishers,
and marketing as we have in this paper,                       Chapman & Hall, 1993.                                2009.
which are summarised in Table 1.          PC               10 Burr C. The Emperor of Scent: A true story of   20   Herz R (2009). Aromatherapy facts and fictions:
                                                              perfume and obsession. New York: Random-             a scientific analysis of olfactory effects on mood,
     Note: A version of this article was first published      House, 2003.                                         physiology and behavior. Int J Neurosci 2009;
     by the Australian Society of Cosmetic Chemists.       11 Herz R. The scent of desire: discovering our         119: 263-90.

26       P E R S O N A L C A R E November 2011

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The Myths and Realities of Odour Psychology

  • 1. FRAGRANCES Murray Hunter – University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) The myths and realities of odour psychology We exist with odours all around us from the food we prepare, buy and eat, the environment we live within, and the offices, houses, apartments, toilets, animals, and people we come across day in, day out. We make judgements about what we smell, where odour certainly influences the proximity of our relationships with others. Body odours tell us a lot about a person’s disposition. Odour influenced public policy about sewage and rubbish collection and was one of the main reasons the world’s population is no longer subject to great plagues that hit earlier societies through the ages. The ability to smell was one of our most primal senses, which was important in helping us find food, give warnings of danger, and identify spoiled food, etc. Odour also masked our body odours and gave us a sense of pleasure and We exist with odours all around us from the food we prepare. sensuality. The importance of odour has declined in our age as most city buildings root of the mass of particles) towards 70% of our odour perception travels and homes are relatively sterile or neutral areas of lesser concentration where the through this system of receptors.1 in their odour. The majority of odours we olfactory mucosa, a membrane with a As mentioned above, aromatic come across in the urban environment mucous surface contains the olfactory molecules must possess some water are commercially produced in the bakery, receptors at the top of the nasal cavity. solubility characteristics, have a high from an air freshener, through the air Odour molecules are slightly water soluble vapour pressure, and have the ability to conditioning system, or from a colleague and can pass through the lipid rich dissolve in fat. Molecules above a wearing an eau de toilette. Relatively few mucous that immerse the receptors at the molecular weight of 300 cannot pass people now directly appreciate the odour epithelium surface and interact with through the mucous membrane, thus our of new mown hay, the changing odour of olfactory receptor neurons. The odorants inability to smell any molecule with a hanging jasmine on a trellis, or the smell bind with the olfactory receptor neurons molecular weight more than that. Each of ozone after a thunder storm. and change the shape of proteins, neuron has only one type of receptor, of We must first understand some of the creating ion flows which pass along the which there are about 1,000 different basic concepts about the physiology and axons of the olfactory nerve through the types. Even aromatic molecules with cognitive aspects of our olfactory cribriform plate or skull to reach the slightly different chemical structures architecture to understand the myths and olfactory bulb (alomeruli) which is an activate different types of receptors, so realities about the psychology of smell. outcropping from the inferior (bottom) octanal smells like orange will be side of the pre-frontal cortex of the brain. differentiated from the similar octanal Our olfactory architecture The olfactory mucosa also contains acids which are sweeter. Larger amounts How the olfactory system works has been another sensory system made up of of aromatic molecules tend to bind a well explained by other literature and this trigeminal nerve receptors which are able wider variety of receptors than do smaller will only be briefly recanted here. When to sense tactile pressure, pain, and amounts of the same molecule. This may we sniff something or just breathe in temperature variation. They also exist explain why concentrated amounts of through our nose, we also inhale aromatic around the mouth and eyes. These indole tend to smell horrible but lower molecules with the air. These molecules receptors can sense hot, cold, tingling, concentrations smell somewhat sweet and are bundled together in their millions and and irritability, in a similar manner to the florally. Although the rate of odour flow diffuse from their concentration according skin. It is through these receptors that we does not affect the intensity of the odour, to Graham’s law (the rate of effusion of a can sense the coldness of menthol and a concentrated odour molecule that gas is inversely proportional to the square the warmth of methyl salicylate. Up to attaches to most receptors may prevent 22 P E R S O N A L C A R E November 2011
  • 2. FRAGRANCES Olfactory input Sensation: Other inputs a sensory message transmission sight, hearing, touch and taste of information about the environment to the brain Symbolism: Product/strategy attributes, advertising, Transduction: themes, symbols, logos, colours, To sensory receptors convert physical energy into neural social attitudes and acceptance etc. Interpretation Cognitive processing Memory retrieval Meaning: Shared meaning and fantasy imagination, emotions, Behaviour fantasy and belief Figure 1: The olfactory interpretation process from input to response. the receptors sensing other odour Cognitive processing In women, the hypothalamus synchronises molecules bringing on a condition that a What happens next is much more the levels of oestrus which controls perfumer calls olfactory fatigue, where the interesting and relevant to the myths and menstruation. In animals, the sense of smell is lost to other odours for a realities of odour psychology. Sensory hypothalamus regulates sexual drive from short period of time until the receptors are information from the olfactory bulb is receiving certain pheromonal stimuli, but to free again. despatched to two different locations date this process has not been found in It is estimated that a human can within the brain. humans. Pheromones tend to be odourless differentiate between 5,000-10,000 The first is the limbic cortex deep within chemicals to humans but in animals odours.2 This is probably possible through the middle of the brain, responsible for our influence behaviour in powerful ways. It is some method of combinational recognition emotions, moods, feelings, sexual arousal, questionable whether our olfactory system and processing scheme to encode the and long term memory retrieval. It is also would detect them. The hypothalamus also identities of different odours, and a single responsible for the feelings of “high” or reacts to blood-borne stimuli, which may odour may be recognisable by a single intoxication we feel from recreational be an important issue in aromatherapy, receptor and different odourants are drugs. The limbic cortex is very closely discussed a little later. recognised through different combinations connected to the pre-frontal lobes, which Due to the fact that our olfactory system of receptors.3 are responsible for our creativity and connects directly to the emotional part of However, just as a person can recognise imagination.6 Both these areas, the pre- our brain, one would expect odour to evoke slurred vowels spoken by someone or read frontal lobes and limbic cortex, play a very primal behaviour in humans. This is not the sentences that are spelt incorrectly, the important role in our motivations, and thus case, in fact the brain does not know what brain through the process of categorical behaviour. any odour signifies until we learn what it is perception simplifies our perception loads The second area that signals are sent to and through our life experiences connect into convenient odour groups or is the hypothalamus which is responsible particular odours to our feelings and categories.4 As we know, similarly for the restoration of the physical emotions. The meaning of fragrance is a structured molecules do not necessarily metabolism through balancing hormones, socially constructed reality; just like we smell the same, and differently structured blood glucose, and regulating temperature. learn the meanings of words, sounds, and molecules may smell the same, thus it is things we see and touch.7 not easy to relate smell with the Just like everything else, odours are physiochemical structure to our sense of not encoded with any meaning at the smell. Our categorisation of odours actually perception level. Odours are compared to puts limits and biases upon how we define the “database” of our life experiences them through the various classification within our long term memory to provide systems that have been developed over the meaning. Prior to this socialisation, all years. It is only when brilliant innovations odours are inherently neutral in being are recognised that our restricted pleasant or unpleasant and have no Aruna vocabularies are expanded. Fragrance was attached emotional or other meaning categorised into nicely restrictive embedded within our memory. Thus, any compartments until Martin Gras wrote his meaning attached to any odour is the two seminal papers The Overdose and The result of our experiences and socialisation, Overdose II that we could see beyond the requiring associations between perception, compartmental definitions we devised for the odour, the event, and our feelings and ourselves.5 Chempaka flowers (Michelia champaca) has emotions about it. But due to the fact that Unlike the receptors in our sight and an odour quite popular in the West, but to a odour perception information flows directly hearing, olfactory receptors regenerate. Malay it symbolises death. to the limbic cortex, odour acts very quickly, November 2011 P E R S O N A L C A R E 23
  • 3. FRAGRANCES prompting stimuli to retrieve memory and socially spread across the globe, as new Bill Killgrove of the air cavalry in the film emotions. wonderments from other lands, just as tea Apocalypse Now, played by Robert Duvall, The following examples show odour is a and coffee were brought back from the where he said in that famous beach cultural phenomenon. First, the odour of new world to the old world of Europe landing scene: “Do you smell that son, chilli; to some this means something hundreds of years ago through the napalm son...I love the smell of napalm in delicious to crave for, Thai somtam for expeditionary vogues of the Portuguese, the”. example. To others, the smell of chilli (or Spanish, Dutch, French, and English Odour is associated with values and maybe more correctly, the associated galleons of the times. aspirations, dreams and hopes. Odour is odours around a chilli based dish) acts as a Odour was not sensual in the beginning; our fantasy and brings memories, personal warning: “Don’t eat this or I will suffer it had to be connected to sensuality.8 The meanings, and feelings to the present. badly”. Again a bakery in a shopping mall earliest known use of fragrance for sensual Odour is a nexus between the past, present gives an Australian a sense of feeling good, purposes was the use of fragrant plants and future, linking them in powerful ways but the smell of a good curry will give a infused into olive and sesame oils for that strongly influence the way people South Asian that same sense of feeling ointments around 7,000 BC. Around behave in the future. good and anticipation (however, with the 3,000 BC the Egyptians used myrrh for Why is this so important? Because we globalisation and move into cross-cultural their pleasure and by 700 BC, Athens was are influenced by our internal cognitive fusion cuisines, culinary signals now work a mercantile trading centre for perfumes.9 processes, our memory and the outside across many cultures, rather than the Aristocrats during the first century AD in world. Product creation requires culture that the dish originated from). Rome heavily imported frankincense and imagination to construct the customer Chempaka flowers have a deep rich, sweet myrrh. Nero was famous for his scented orientations necessary.12,13 But the essence floral odour reminiscent of one of the finest parties – as no “orgy” was complete of opportunity also requires consumers to fragrances, quite popular in the West, but without perfume.10 be imaginative, by bringing the external to a Malay it symbolises death, as the tree internally; to imagine what it would be like is common in graveyards. Food and odour The commercialisation to live at Sanctuary Cove on the Gold Cost are social constructions. of fragrance of Queensland, Australia, to imagine what it We can see this socialisation in all the Research into cognitive olfaction dragged would be like consuming a Ferrero Rocher things we smell. Lemon did not give the behind the other senses until relatively Chocolate, to imagine climbing the Eiffel idea of “fresh” until we socially accepted it recently.11 We cannot predict what Tower in Paris, France, to imagine skiing at as so. Remember the heavy advertising fragrance will be popular and sell well, as Boulder, Colorado during the winter during the 1960s about lemon cleaning there are no universal rules or secrets that holidays, to imagine owning an Apple power. We had to learn that. These can be employed because the iPhone, to imagine wearing Beyonce meanings probably came from our earlier psychological effects depend so much on Perfume, to imagine the benefits to the associations with the environment and acquired associations. Remember Lt. Col. community a cup of Starbucks Coffee would have, and how that raffle ticket would assist the fight against cancer. Product/strategy Imagination is an aid to practical thinking attributes and opens the door to making purchasing decisions.14 All our hopes, enlightenment, fears, and desires come from imagination. Brands are able to give consumers a sense of identity and enrich their life experiences, Features Benefits Signal Channels a shared imagination or fantasy. Together attributes the internal and external determine our behaviour, which is what marketing is about. Figure 1 schematises the olfactory General Tangible Intangible interpretation process from input to impression Local benefits benefits Strength response, highlighting the role of fragrance Spiritual International in the marketing picture. impression Performance Internally we are influenced by our Consumer selectivity, what we put our attention upon, Efficacy Romance Variant demographics which is influenced by our motivations, Tactile and sensory emotions, curiosity, values, cognitive, style, Efficacy Health and Indicator Mainstream impression experience, personality, and interests. according wellbeing of use or specialised to theme Externally, we are attracted/distracted by Impact the symbols, meaning, peer acceptances, Caring Life status Form of Pleasant messages aimed at various characteristics Odour promotion and and lasting Security Freshness association of our ego like “satisfying needs and profile fragrance apt to wants”, “sensual pleasure”, ”status Substantively Lifestyle Association product symbols”, “feeling good”, “being attractive association theme to others”, “gaining admiration from Ingredients others”, “power”, “fun”, “happiness”, etc. Concern (according Product promoters try to create the images to theme) and symbols that we will connect to our alter ego and stimulate our imagination that has emotional strength to influence Figure 2: Product/strategy attribute profile. our behaviour. And it is when companies 24 P E R S O N A L C A R E November 2011
  • 4. Fresh Efficacy Citrus Family Medicated Ozonic Mint Coniferous Floral Family Ambergris Spicy Metallic Peach Powdery Woody Balsamic Agrestic Green Musk Peppery Gentle Strong Figure 3: Psychological grid of fragrance interpretation.19 successfully develop a shared imagination importance in the 80s and 90s.17 Now stimulated by the themes, images, themes are the great product symbols, and personalities they project into their products, that are supported by the attributes of the product, market success differentiators, of which fragrance is the prompting mechanism. Figure 2 shows a product/strategy attribute profile where both The art is within the firm’s grasp. Fragrance is one of the most powerful of these attributes. primary and secondary product attributes are merged to create the product’s image of science Try walking past a Dunkin Donut store with consumers. If all the product attributes when they are making a fresh batch of together can successfully espouse a donuts. Fragrance combined with the shop theme, then a very powerful product layout, position, colours used, combine to identity will be created. Look at fine create an influence that is hard to resist. fragrance marketing campaigns we Fragrance, when combined with the other discussed above as an example. senses, is extremely powerful,15 and We have been socially conditioned to companies know that. They create the associate odour to particular emotions, images and symbols and try to embed stimulation of intense pleasure, efficacy, them within us. freshness, sensuality, gentleness, and So is it the odour that sells the product, success, etc. This link between odour and or other factors? Somewhere, one hopes, emotion is so powerful that very old the answer lies within the continuum of memories and vivid emotions can be these factors. Without the other factors a evoked instantaneously like experiences fragrance is not immediately meaningful. that occurred yesterday.18 Fragrances are The role of fragrance is to help differentiate signals which can communicate messages the product from its competitors.16 to consumers. Fragrance in cosmetics and personal care Thus the product message must be products helps to render a product converted into an odour. The perfumer must distinguishable to the consumer in the vast be aware of the issues involved, where array of products on the shelf. In highly various fragrance families can aid in developed markets, cosmetics, toiletries suggesting gentleness, freshness, strength, and household products have reached a and efficacy in a product. For example some stage where differentiation of primary citrus notes can convey the concept of product image builders (advertising, fresh, which is important in dishwashing promotion, price, packaging) have become liquids, while laundry products may require difficult to develop as a source of gentle, efficacy or freshness-efficacy, competitive advantage over competing depending upon the target consumer. A products. Secondary image builders shampoo may require fresh and gentle or Multifunctional Cosmetic Additives (fragrance, colour, types of ingredients fresh and efficacy depending upon the used in the product) took on more message the perfumer wants to get across
  • 5. FRAGRANCES Table 1: What are the myths and realities of odour psychology? To our present knowledge there are no Just like any language is limited by its Our olfactory receptors cannot distinguish aromatic materials that act as pheromones vocabulary, fragrance novelty is limited between natural and synthetic odours on humans. Human pheromones are by the fragrance vocabulary and because, to all intents and purposes, the considered a myth. Fragrance does not classification systems of the day. molecule is exactly the same, except for physiologically sexually arouse people; rather Novelty only increases its bounds when some isomer differences. The any effects are from emotional association perfumers go beyond current appreciation of something natural is a and suggestion based on society’s current classifications and create the need for value rather than being something set of behaviours. The most important new classifications. In probability with physiologically different. There is nothing sexual aid we have is our imagination. the commercial orientations of the wrong with having values about things, Any fragrance creation will not be deemed industry, breaking the bounds will be a because without values the human novel without reference to the acceptance truly rare occurrence that will happen species would not survive. of peers and customers. Commercial only a couple of times each century. Odour is situational to people, places, success rather than the beauty of the Aromatherapy efficacy through inhaling and contexts. Due to the influences upon product itself is the criteria by which any odours depends upon the ability of the (air conditions, fatigue, concentrations, odour is deemed novel in the fragrance odour to connect with moods and etc.), and architecture of the olfactory industry. Therefore fragrance creativity has a emotions to be effective.20 As we are system, different people in different competitive streak through it in aware, the connection of odours to circumstances will smell an odour commerciality, taking it further away from emotions is a social construction and differently. This is also cultural specific, the concept of art. This is contrary to what the way aromatherapy through and contextual to different situations, i.e., the “new age” natural perfumers aspire. inhalation works is through the beliefs of camphor is medicinal to Australians but Odour does stimulate behaviour through our the user. There is nothing wrong with used to embalm corpses in Malaysia, emotions but in specific situational ways that because it is what one believes that thus creating different imagery in people. that may be unique to every individual, is reality, and the correlation between Finally, a great perfumer must have remember the Killgrove example. Due to moods and wellbeing is a strong one. imagination, curiosity, the emotions of olfactory signals going directly to the limbic The relationship between odour and the interest and passion, olfactory sensitivity, cortex which also controls emotions, hypothalamus is still unexplored territory a prior knowledge of odourous materials fragrance will always have an important at this point of time. Aromatherapy and their characteristics, knowledge of influence on humans that fragrance and through infusion and massage has the outstanding fragrance creations, practical cosmetic companies will continue to try to ability to push more essential oils into experience, time, patience and exploit. Perfumery will remain a multi-billion the body through digestion and skin perseverance, be an artist, psychologist, dollar commercially orientated industry. absorption respectively. and marketing practitioner, all in one. to the consumer. These are supported by, References enigmatic sense of smell. 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