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The Most Narcissistic Generation
It is obvious in this self–centred society that we have created in this world, that this current generation is the most narcissistic generation this earth has
ever seen. Teens think they can do whatever they want, and one of these things is that they can ease through life without having to put any effort in
what so ever. Children these days also think that they can wear whatever want from making them look like a thug with "tatts" or piercings, another
option is not wearing the proper school uniform with socks down or ties and top buttons not done up properly. The biggest evidence of narcissism in
teenagers in on their phones with social media, because they want the most followers and likes on their profile. These three reasons make a child feel
accepted and social. Children think life is as easy as walking down the yellow brick road. You cannot let this continue with your child.
The first reason this is the most narcissistic generation we have ever seen is that these kids think life is a breeze and they can just stroll through it.
This is because they are not taught early on enough that this is not ok and they should wake up now before it is too late. Some evidence for this is
in an article written by Wendy Squires, titled "Is this the most narcissistic generation we've ever seen?", said, "They're the work experience kids
expecting to go straight to the corner office." ..... "They are staying at home longer and staying in jobs shorter. Wanting a cool place of their own
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Is The Family Dynamic?
The family dynamic is an ever–changing one that relies on the bond of individuals attached at a level that is congruent to each other. A traditional
family consists of a mother, father, children, and maybe a pet. A healthy family is based on respect for one another, honesty, trust, communication,
acceptance, and unconditional love. A healthy home and family life fosters positive mental attitudes, good self–esteem, predictable and stable routines,
and an unwavering bond between the members. In a healthy environment, the hierarchy is strong and children know that they are loved by the parents
and, in turn, there is a reciprocated respect....?? The whole entire balance and harmony in a healthy family is thrown completely off when one (or more)
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Anxiety is common in these individuals and forming healthy relationships is a difficult task for the one who has suffered the abuse, and indeed, for the
narcissist as well. It is my intention to contemplate the narcissist within the family dynamic and consider the weight the narcissist carries in that family
and to what end. ponder if narcissism is a learned behavior within the offspring with which to deal with... or can and when the child learn to
overcome.?? f when how happiness can start for the child who is suffering the abuse and passed on???
The term narcissism comes from Greek mythology. "Narcissus was a handsome and proud young man" ( After spotting his reflection in a
pool of water, he became so enchanted with himself that he could not stop staring at his reflection. He admired his reflection for so long, never leaving
that spot until he perished. Throughout the years this form of vanity has been studied by philosophers and was apparently associated with "being out of
touch with reality" ( In more recent history, narcissism has been considered as a personality disorder and has become a topic of interest in
the psychological community.
Narcissism became more mainstream when Freud postulated that it was born out of ego. That is to say, it is created by experiences in early childhood
and that expectations brought on by one's surroundings can force
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Personality Disorders That Affect Mental Health
Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the many types of personality disorders that affect mental health, in which people desire to be seen and
admired more than the average person. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe they are more relevant or significant than others in society.
They believe that due to their superiority in society, they do not need to take into consideration the feelings of others. However, like most people who
have an immense amount sense of self importance and self–confidence, they have very little self–esteem and are sensitive to any criticism, regardless
of how big or small it is. All of this limits their ability build friendships and relationships within their personal lives and society. There are many
symptoms that can include being preoccupied with fantasies of having immense power, beauty, success and knowledge, believing that he or she is
special so should in fact only be associated with the highest, having a huge sense of self–importance and exaggerating achievements and talents, while
expecting to be perceived as superior because of them. They also include taking advantage of others or exploits them to his or her personal benefit,
lacking empathy, having trouble expressing relative emotions, often envious of others or believing that others are envious of him or her, regularly
acting arrogant and haughty, and having a strong sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment, and for people to cater to his or her every
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Is Narcissism A Narcissistic Personality Disorder ( Npd )
In today 's society, all types of personalities can be found on every corner, but has anyone ever interacted with a person that requires an overwhelming
amount of respect and admiration. This action could be considered an arrogant personality trait; however, it could also imply that this person has a
narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). These individuals can be quite charming at first, making friends quickly and can be the life of the party until it
doesn't fit their needs any longer. A person with this identity issue can be self–centered, aggressive, boastful, and discover ways of blaming others for
their problems (Dimaggio, G., 2012). Also, they tend to struggle with personal relationships and normally have strife in their typical workplace. This
type of behavior stems from the fact that they have learned early in life that they can do no wrong. The issues can intensify over time because of
dissatisfaction with their achievements that can lead to depression, alcoholism, substance abuse and suicide. This research paper will focus on
whether narcissism is a function in life that is chosen or is it caused by an imbalance in the individual 's body chemistry. While inquiring about the
person with narcissistic attributes and their complex way of life, the question must be asked, how could an individual not have any desire to live an
all–around healthy lifestyle. There is definitely more to this story than simply needing to live in a world where everyone can accept
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Tom Sawyer Narcissism Essay
"I think writers are the most narcissistic people. Well I mustn't say this, I like many of them , a great many of my friends are writers"–Sylvia Plath
(Goodreads). Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental disorder that many people suffer with every day...even fictional characters from books and
movies suffer with NPD. For example, one fictional character that has Narcissistic Personality Disorder is Tom Sawyer from The Adventures of Tom
Sawyer. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a disorder in which people have a need for admiration (Mayo Clinic Staff). NPD sufferers also lack
empathy towards others (Psych Central Staff). Some of the symptoms of NPD include, being preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
brilliance, beauty, or ideal love. Some other symptoms are that they lack empathy, require excessive admiration, are envious of others, and regularly
show arrogant or ... Show more content on ...
Some incidents that support the belief of him being narcissistic include the funeral scene, the time when Huck and Tom were searching for treasure, the
time when Huck had to keep watch on Injun Joe, and the whitewashing scene.The funeral scene supports Tom being narcissistic because he stayed on
that island a long time to build more sympathy and when the boys came back everyone was talking about them. He made it dramatic, and they were in
the spotlight (Twain 93–95). When Huck and Tom were going to get Injun Joe's treasure in the cave, Tom didn't care that Huck was sick and couldn't
walk all that way. Tom didn't consider how bad Huck was, he just wanted to get the treasure (Twain 169
–176). Also,Huck had to keep an eye on Injun
Joe all night even when he was sick (Twain 144). Finally, in the whitewashing scene Tom tricked kids into doing his work for him in the hot sun, and
all Tom did was watch them do the work he was supposed to be doing (Twain 8–12). These are all typical symptoms of someone with narcissistic
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Narcissism Research Paper
Narcissism is a personality disorder with enduring patterns that affects six percent of adults. (Edwards). This disorder occurs mostly in men rather
than women. Narcissism is when a person shows interest in oneself. People diagnosed with Narcissism are arrogant and find themselves superior from
others. They do not associate with people who to their perspective are inferior. Narcissistic people compete in everything to be the best. They often
think that everything they do is important and everyone should admire them. If someone disagrees with a Narcissistic person, they get defensive.
People who are diagnosed with Narcissism give a lot of importance to their self–image. Some of them have difficulty handling criticism. Narcissism can
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The first type is called Vulnerable Narcissists. Vulnerable Narcissists are the ones who have a fear of being rejected. These people may even suffer
from anxiety and depression when other people do not treat them accordingly. Additionally they fear the feeling of being left alone. They see
themselves more as the victims rather than a perpetrator. People who experience vulnerable Narcissism have a low–self–esteem and feel embarrassed
due to childhood experience. They have trouble deciding whether or not to show their feelings. They attempt to appear worthier than everyone else.
They mostly have problems in relationships. Unlike people who have Vulnerable Narcissism, people who have Invulnerable Narcissism are less
sensible. They are more confident and they do not fear anything. They are so confident of themselves that if any one disagrees with them they get
angry and aggressive. Everything they do and say is right, even though might wrong. They do not feel shame of themselves due to their high
self–esteem. Those who do not treat them as they please or mistreats them, it might cause them rage and possibly go after that person. When these
people are in a relationship they do not care what their partners think of them as human
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Narcissist Personality Disorder Research Paper
Sarah Gonzalez
Psychological Disorders Project
Megan McLaughlin
Narcissist Personality Disorder
March 19, 2017
Narcissistic people all love themselves; this seems to be a true statement that we do not bother to look at as a possible mental disorder. A person who
loves themselves is a great thing but one who loves their reflection in another. A healthy person will love themselves and their accomplishments, and is
a happy and satisfied with their own self; but one who is in love with their own reflection is something else. Personality Disorder or NPD is a mental
disorder which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and lack of empathy for others. Behind all of this lies
a fragile self–esteem that's ... Show more content on ...
There are a couple of theories on this thought; the social–learning theory and psychoanalytic theory. "The social–learning theory posits that people are
more likely to become narcissistic when their parents lavish them with praise and teach them, implicitly or explicitly, that they are better than others."
(Singal, 2015) "Psychoanalytic theory goes the opposite direction: it argues that when parents don't provide enough warmth, kids develop heightened
narcissism as a defense mechanism of sorts." (Singal, 2015) Unfortunately, on study doesn't prove anything, and is almost always research related, but
there still is the question are narcissistic people born or made? Treatment for narcissistic personality disorder is centered on psychotherapy or talk
therapy. Psychotherapy helps people learn to relate better with others so your relationships are more intimate, understanding the causes of the persons
emotions and what drives them to compete and despise yourself and others; because personality traits can be difficult to change, therapy may take
several years. Areas of change are directed at helping you accept responsibility and learning. As for medications there are no medications specifically
used to treat narcissistic personality disorder, but if the symptoms of depression, anxiety or other conditions may occur than medications such as
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Narcissism Is A Disease That Has Always Plagued This Nation
Narcissism is a disease that has always plagued this nation. It has been around for centuries and seems to get greater with each passing generation.
The millennials are no different. Millennials alone are categorized as the most narcissistic group to date. Academics such as Jean Twenge, focus on
topics such as this and use multiple ways of backing their findings with data. Jean Twenge has stated before that, "The problem is that when people try
to boost self–esteem, they accidentally boost narcissism instead."(Insert annotation here) What Twenge is saying is that at a young age, children are
always told good job and that their special, which in turns makes them believe that they really are special and one of a kind. Children these days are
raised much differently than how they were raised in the previous generations. Today kids are handed trophies for participation. How is that a good
thing? It just tells them that they are entitled to something as long as they make an attempt, which in a way is what Jean Twenge stated above. By
focusing on self–esteem of young children and teens, parents tend to overlook the deeper problem of narcissism.
Recent studies have shown that narcissism is a plague among the world and social media could be a reason why. Lisa Firestone is the author of, "Is
social media to blame for the rise in narcissism?" She states, "We are living in an increasingly narcissistic society." She goes on to say that technology
is the reason to blame for that. There
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Narcissism In The Mommie Dearest Movie
Narcissistic Mothers Conquer
Laura Greer
Texas Woman's University
Word Count:
Narcissistic Mothers Conquer Last weekend I watched the movie Mommie Dearest a biographical film, depicting the life of the celebrated
glamour star Joan Crawford. The film was an adaptation of the exposГ© written by her adopted daughter Christina Crawford. This movie is
mainly about the dysfunctional relationship between a perfectionist mother and her adopted daughter. It is also a story about ageism at a time
when the fantasy of Hollywood glamour was being sold and aging actresses were put out to pasture so to speak. When Joan realizes that her
popularity and success are in a downswing her life begins to unravel. As she is forced to face the realities of life she descends into a world of
alcoholism and abusive behavior (Perry, Jr.). The movie has become a cult classic and a renown line in the movieMommie Dearest "Why did you adopt
me?" echos in the minds of people who watch the movie (Perry, Jr.) Whether or not the writer of the movie has embellished things the utterance of the
words by an adopted child are heartbreaking. No child should ever endure any form of abuse.
In the film Joan demonstrates what Benokraitis (2015:162) explains is narcissism; playing with love. Benokraitis (2015:162) also expresses that
"Narcissists believe that they are unique, smarter, and more attractive than others, and they constantly seek attention". Linda Martinez–Lewi, Ph.D.
Narcissistic Personality Clinical Expert, articulates that "Narcissistic mothers are one woman armies of human destruction. They are an elite team of
ninja killers of the psyches of their children. One narcissistic mother does more psychological damage than you can imagine". In her book she writes
that "Showing disingenuous compassion or concern for others is a clever stage act the high–level narcissist uses to convince others to play his or her
game" (Martinez–Lewi, 2008:18).
The movie timelines Joan Crawford's metamorphosis from a prima donna film star to terrifying mother as she changes into a woman that disparages
her daughter at every opportunity. She resorts to extreme punishments and as a form of discipline in an effort to control her
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Social Media is Not the Mother of Narcissism Essay
Here's a question, how often do you check your social media profile's notification? Based on a research conducted, it is revealed that, Facebook users
around the world logged into their account approximately 42,000 years of human time each day (Gutierrez, 2013). An article written by The New York
Times stated that the current generations are becoming narcissistic and it is believed that social media are among the plausible factors that promotes it
(Quenqua, 2013). However, how true can this statement be? Many researches have proven that social media is not the main cause of narcissism. It has
been demonstrated via the real role of social media, the co–relation between social pressure and narcissism, the failure to conclude acceptance of ...
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Despite their actions, they will not feel a sense of empathy towards the people they hurt because narcissistic individuals think the victims deserved it
for stopping them from achieving their goals. Surprisingly, narcissistic individuals are always felt threatened by other people from their
surroundings. Due to that, they are likely to respond to any perceived threats in an exaggerated way (Narcissism, 2008). Hence, narcissism is not
exactly a trait you would probably found great in an individual. Throughout the years, numerous of researches are conducted to see the connections
between social media (namely, Facebook) and narcissism. University of Michigan conducted a research to find the relationship between social media
and narcissism. For the first part of the study, the researchers recruited approximately around 486 college undergraduate students with the median age
of 19. Meanwhile, 93 adults, mostly white females, with an age mean of 35 years old, were asked by the researchers to complete an online survey for
the second part of the study. Participants have to answer questions about their social media use and a personality assessment to measure their level of
narcissism (Swanbrow, 2013). Based on the results obtained, Facebook users that scores higher on the personality test tend to have more friends, tag
themselves more often in photos posted and update their status more often (Firestone, 2012,
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Reflection Paper On Narcissism
Reading this week's articles became all too personal for me as I began to reflect on the book that I am writing in which the protagonist is a narcissist.
When telling people about my book most people cannot get past the fact that the protagonist is my mother, but her narcissistic personality is what
created the storyline for my entire text. She has many of the classic attributes of a narcissist, my favorite (from a writer's perspective) is her immense
lack of empathy. It is extremely incredible that what little empathy she can find she can control based on who she is with and what the specific
circumstances are. While the book may shed light on some of the negative things she has done in her past or the negative behaviors associated with her
narcissism I have been sure to include an entire chapter detailing my belief that narcissism should be considered an objective personality type.
Narcissism has an enormous amount of negative connotation surrounding it which is ironic to be because there are positive attributes some of which
many of us share.
The article mentioned, "Most of us have elements of all three," when referring to the three main personality types of erotics, obsessives, and
narcissists (Maccoby). I agree with Maccoby which is why I think it is important that we continue to find a place in the workplace for those who are
narcissistic and abrasive because even though we may not agree with their style we must welcome diversity in order to avoid groupthink. I think that
ensuring a well–balanced mix of personalities in a workplace can boost production and allow leaders to rise from the shadows of abrasive and
narcissistic leaders who may have overstayed their welcome. Another benefit to maintaining the abrasive personality in the workplace is to encourage
the high achiever in the room who may have the leadership skills to take over a conversation and just need the right opportunity to do so. If a high
achiever gets fed up with another's behavior it may serve as a catalyst for his/her management of the group.
If an abrasive worker is also a brilliant one, then we must give him/her a chance to find success within the organization. If one allows his/her
personality to get in the way of success,
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Narcissistic And Cult Leaders Essay
Narcissistic and Cult Leaders Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Cult Leaders
Every day we face and deal with either small or big issues relating to terrorist leaders from inside and outside of country. During the past decade we
have seen North Korean leader, Kim Jung Un, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro of Cuba, Idi Amain of Uganda and more, who have
been described as crazy, cruel, lunatic, madman, psychopath and even worse. How could they acquire all the power, rule over people and become a
leader in a country if they were such a psychopath?
Ironically, they are just as rational as we are. We simply do not have a full understanding of their personalities, which are unusually different from
societal norms and expectation. They are defined as a personality disorder. There are six personality disorders classified: sadistic, antisocial, paranoid,
narcissistic, schizoid and schizotypal.
Remarkably, most of these cult leaders have been suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, which brings a dictatorship in social relationship and a
fatal negative influential to both oneself and others. Any ... Show more content on ...
The first cause of NPD is to have an inflated view of self or their importance, often at the expense of others. This trait is strongly associated with an
attraction to political leadership. Grandiose people tend to hunger for power. They strive to occupy important positions of power and often become
"dictators" toward establishing repressive structure, as Lobaczewski (2007) points out. They know how to manipulate people by skin color, language,
nationality, wealth, religion, etc. That evokes people's emotion to hatred or
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Narpissism In The Movie : Schindler The Narcissist
Schindler the Narcissist Many people regard Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist and member of the Nazi Party, to be a savior of over 1,200
Jews during the Holocaust. And while he can easily be considered a savior as he spent all of his money from his industry to keep his workers in a
safer place where they wouldn't die of horrible, inhumane reasons, it is completely irrational to assume he never felt good about himself during all of
this. When people donate to charity or volunteer, it's not always because they want to help people. That might be a piece of the reason, but mostly it's
because the person feels good about themselves during and after the actions. The same thing with Schindler: he was a narcissist who earned
self–gratification at saving so many people and being their own hope of survival. At the beginning of the film, we see Schindler indulge in his vast
wealth with parties with other Nazis filled with alcohol and gorgeous women, having affairs with many of them. A known symptom ofnarcissism is
problems with emotionally satisfying relationships, and Schindler at the beginning of the film is seen with his mistress as his wife, Emilie Schindler, is
about to enter their apartment (Narcissism). Spotting his wife, the mistress hurries off and Schindler merely smiles and calls her "embarrassed."
Besides a complete disregard for his wife's own pride and respect, one can also say that because of their distance from each other, Schindler is just
keeping himself
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder Essay example
Narcissism is the inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self–love; vanity. The term, "narcissism" comes, of course, from the Greek myth of
Narcissus. Narcissus shunned all the other nymphs until one of them prayers to the goddess of love and made a request that someday narcissus
would feel the joy and pain of love. The goddess granted the wish to the nymph and narcissus soon would understand the joy and pain of love.
Narcissus went to get a drink of water and saw the most the most beautiful face that he had ever seen; he plunged in to kiss the face but could
because it was his own reflection. Narcissus had fallen in love with his self. He lost all importance of food, movement or anything. Narcissus was
cursed with the love of his... Show more content on ...
Temperamental breakdowns are also a very a common symptom of people with a narcissistic personality. They are prone to extreme mood swings
between self–admiration and insecurity; these people tend to exploit interpersonal relationships. It is more likely for narcissistic behavior to develop in
a male/female in their teens or young adult hood. Most narcissistic patients are so young and they don't realize that they have a personality disorder.
Family and friends must realize that Narcissism is not preventable and it's a disorder that must be dealt with care and sensitivity. It is not best for the
family of the patient to take it upon themselves to try and cure the patient but to go to a health professional. Why? Professionals know best. It is
possible that families can get opposite effect of what is expected. The patient may feel overwhelmed; especially a teenage patient who might not be
stable enough to handle the help of their family. Coming on too strong is never a key; if the patient feels like they're being attacked then they will
retaliate. Lashing out, rebelling and hurting themselves is not uncommon. Cutting is often away to hurt more than themselves. In a Narcissistic
patients mind they're getting back at the person who cares about them but is making them feel attacked when really they're just finding a reason to deal
with their insecurities by inflicting pain on their body. This is a non–preventable disorder. The patient must never be blamed because it may
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Essay
Have you ever been around someone who seems arrogant? It may not be just arrogance, that individual may have a Narcissistic Personality Disorder
or NPD. Narcissus, a Greek mythological character, fell in love with his reflection in the water and could never pull himself away, so he ended up
dying right beside the water after a while (Marcovitz 1). Narcissism became known as being self–centered and was developed after this Greek myth
(Marcovitz 1). This disorder affects less than 1% of the American population and it occurs more in men than women (Thomas 1). Later on in life
most people with NPD will experience severe symptoms around the ages of forty or fifty years old (Psych 1). Many people who have this disorder
either refuse to get help ... Show more content on ...
Narcissists ruin the bonds that kept the relationships together creating negative impacts on their social, family, and work life (Cherry 1). Narcissists
create unrealistic goals and images of themselves, clouding their thought process and reasoning (Nakate 1). The behavioral issues can generate
conflict with the people who are really close to them. This personality disorder can be caused by how the child was raised and their own personal
feelings. A person with a low self–esteem is the most common reason why narcissism begins (Thomas 1). If they feel uncomfortable or inferior in a
situation a narcissist will immediately beef up their image and self–worth to make them feel superior again (Thomas 1). Narcissists become very
defensive when people question their accomplishments or talents because they have to try and keep their ego and image safe (Thomas 1). Another
aspect that contributes to narcissism is the way the parents raised the child. Permissive parenting encourages the child to rely completely on
themselves, so they have to be independent (Thomas 1). With this type of parenting there usually are not any guidelines or rules for the kid to follow
so they would eventually develop the
Goodwin 3 understanding the rules do not apply to them, letting them do as they please (Thomas 2). Permissive parents do not typically
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder ( Npd )
According to DSM–IV–TR Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is characterized by symptoms that include grandiosity, an exaggerated sense of
self–importance and a lack of empathy for others. This type of personality disorder is related to another disordered called, histrionic personality
disorder. In both disorders, individuals act in a dramatic manner, seek respect from others, and are shallow in their emotional expressions and
relationships with others. People with histrionic personality disorder seek approval of others unlike people with narcissistic personality disorder. There
have been ongoing debates and discussions on what could cause narcissistic personality disorder. Causes seem to be very complex. Researchers have
stated that ... Show more content on ...
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a condition described by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and
lack of empathy for others. Narcissistic personality disorder is recognized by severe disturbances of interpersonal relationships. People with
Narcissistic Personality disorder may have five or more of the following, (a) a grandiose sense of self–importance; (b) preoccupation with fantasies of
unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love; (c) beliefs of being special and unique; (d) requirements of excessive admiration; (e) a
sense of entitlement; (f) interpersonal exploitativeness; (g) lack of empathy; (h) envy of others; and (i)arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
(Andrew E. Skodol, 2014). People diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder have high rates of substance abuse and of mood and anxiety
disorder. They may also high rates of physical and sexual aggression, impulsivity, homicidal thoughts, and suicidal behaviors (Pincus et al., 2009,
Ronningtam, 2011).
A nationwide study done in the United states found that 7.7 percent of men and 4.8 of women could be diagnosed with narcissistic personality
disorder (Stinson et al.,2008). Young adults are more prevalent to have narcissistic personality disorder. According to Kay, J. (2008), there are high
rates of narcissistic personality disorder for younger
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder : Understanding...
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Understanding Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Griffin Hedger
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Understanding Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
To those who have a narcissistic personality disorder, they may come across as arrogant, egotistical or snobbish. They often dominate conversations.
They may belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior. They may feel a sense of entitlement and when they do not receive special
treatment, they may become impatient or angry. They may insist on having "the best" of everything for example, the best car, athletic club or medical
care. At the same time, they have trouble handling anything that relates to criticism. They may have secret feelings of anxiety, disgrace, and
embarrassment. To feel better, they may react with rage or contempt and try to degrade the other person to make themselves appear superior. On the
other hand, they may feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection. For example, symptoms to look out for in someone you know or
in yourself would be, someone having an amplified sense of self–importance or blowing your achievements and talents out of proportion. Being
absent–minded with dreams about accomplishments, power, intelligence,
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Golden Child With Narcissistic Parents
Why would a narcissist want a child to begin with? It is very difficult for a child with a narcissistic parent to function very well in life. The children of
narcissists have an especially pronounced dilemma; they lack the proper coping mechanisms and quite often the necessary resources to deal with their
narcissistic parent. Often being involuntarily assigned the role of a golden child, a child with a narcissistic parent is at a marked disadvantage from
birth. In most instances, to rub salt into the pre–existing wound, they are denied the thing that most children should be recipients of at that birth, a
parent's unconditional love. Narcissistic parent have strong tendencies to be stifling in certain areas, and completely neglectful in others,
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a complicated disorder which has many implications for how one might act and think of themselves. It is
categorized as a personality disorder in which the person thinks highly of themselves, that they are a superior being. They are often envious or jealous
of others, lack empathy, and carry with themselves a sense of entitlement (Maniacci, 2007). Someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may expect
special treatment from others. For example, they may have no problem cutting in line to ask a question but expect everyone else to wait their turn
(Funder, 2016). The DSM–5 mentions other traits or behaviors used in the diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, such as interpersonal
exploitation (using and taking advantage of those around you), being preoccupied with fantasies of ideal love, unlimited power or success, and beauty,
and the need for excessive admiration from others (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Subtypes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. To be even
more specific, various subtypes of narcissism have been suggested, most importantly the covert/vulnerable presentation and the overt/grandiose
presentation. The latter is what is typically focused on, and what has been explained above. However, covert narcissism is nothing to ignore. Gabbard
stated (as cited in Levy, 2012, p. 887) that those who are covert narcissists dislike the spotlight; they are hypersensitive to the evaluations of others and
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parenting Essays
There are some grounds to assume that a cognitive dissonance is involved in feeling that children are more a satisfaction than a nuisance. Why do
people bother with parenting? It is time consuming, exhausting, strains otherwise pleasurable and tranquil relationships to their limits. Still, humanity
keeps at it: breeding.
It is the easiest to resort to Nature. After all, all living species breed and most of them parent. We are, all taken into consideration, animals and,
therefore, subject to the same instinctive behaviour patterns. There is no point in looking for a reason: survival itself (whether of the gene pool or, on
a higher level, of the species) is at stake. Breeding is a transport mechanism: handing the precious cargo of ... Show more content on ...
Second hypothesis: we bring children to the world in order to preserve the cohesiveness of the family nucleus. This claim can more plausibly be
reversed: the cohesiveness of the social cell of the family encourages bringing children to the world. In both cases, if true, we would have expected
more children to be born into stable families (ante or post facto) than into abnormal or dysfunctional ones. The facts absolutely contradict this
expectation: more children are born to single parent families (between one third and one half of them) and to other "abnormal"
(non–traditional) families than to the mother–father classic configuration. Dysfunctional families have more children than any other type of family
arrangement. Children are an abject failure at preserving family cohesiveness. It would seem that the number of children, or even their very existence,
is not correlated to the stability of the family. Under special circumstances, (Narcissistic parents, working mothers) they may even be a destabilizing
Hypothesis number three: children are mostly born unwanted. They are the results of accidents and mishaps, wrong fertility planning, wrong decisions
and misguided turns of events. The more sex people engage in and the less preventive measures they adopt – the greater the likelihood of having a
child. While this might be factually true (family planning is
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Correlation Paper
The purpose of this project was to measure how closely two psychological surveys were related. Our first survey measured the subjects ' level of social
physique anxiety; our second survey measured the subjects ' level of hypersensitive narcissism. Our findings were that the measures were moderately
correlated. Significance testing proved that they were directly related to each other.
Correlation Project: Social Physique Anxiety and Hypersensitive Narcissism Our initial hypothesis for this study stated that we believed that our two
measures, social physique anxiety and hypersensitive narcissism, would be highly correlated. Two of the many symptoms of narcissism include low
self–esteem and feelings of inferiority. Because of ... Show more content on ...
Sample statements include: "My feelings are easily hurt by ridicule or the slighting remarks of others" and "I can become entirely absorbed in thinking
about my personal affairs, my health, my cares or my relations to others."
First, we randomly selected participants to include in the study. Next, we gave each subject one copy of each of the surveys. After we received the
completed surveys, we computed the necessary data to come to conclusions about our study.
Based on the data we obtained, we were able to compute several figures of descriptive statistics for our study. For our social physique anxiety scale, the
mean response for our group of participants is M = 2.73, with a standard deviation of SD = 0.44. For both scales, the mdn = 3, and mode = 3. For the
scale on hypersensitive narcissism, our mean response is equal to M = 2.87, with a standard deviation of SD = 0.61. The range of scores obtained is
equal to 4 (highest reported score was 5, lowers reported was 1). We computed the variance to equal rВІ = 1.46 for social physique anxiety, and 1.64 for
hypersensitive narcissism. The
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Paper
Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the most common and accepted disorders in society today. With narcissistic personality disorder people tend
to have a high sense of self–worth and many other self–indulgent symptoms. This disorder has become so widely accepted that the recent DSM–5 has
actually removed it from their diagnosis manual. Every person who is a part of society has the ability to show narcissistic symptoms throughout their
life time but to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder a person has to show a variety of symptoms as well as consistency throughout time.
Narcissistic personality disorder can be defined as a "[person] who think[s] they are better than everyone else and should get their way in all
circumstances..." ... Show more content on ...
Each person diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder tends to progress differently. Some become treated while others symptoms remain the
same. Also, some people with narcissistic personality disorder can have symptoms that advance into the severe form of the disorder, sometimes
needing hospitalization. There are also people who will have diminished symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder, most of these people tend to
be children or adolescents diagnosed at a young age and loose symptoms throughout adulthood. Most cases of narcissistic personality disorder tend to
not become severe and remain livable although it can affect personal and professional relationships. There are no certain causes for narcissistic
personality disorder, only speculations as to what could be the reason. "Lack of parental empathy toward a child's developmental needs may bear
some responsibility" (Dimaggio). Many of the suggested reasons why I person develops narcissistic personality disorder stems from things that happen
in the persons childhood or adolescents. It is suggested that the upbringing of a child can have major effects on a person's personality later in
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Narcissistic Parents Essay
Walking into a beauty pageant you may hear moms say something like, "Fix your hair and makeup, stand up straight, smile pretty, and copy
everything I do". Pageant moms are prime examples of narcissistic parent's living vicariously through their children. Unfortunately, many activities,
such as beauty pageants, are the parent's decision rather than the child's. Although the child may not enjoy what they're doing, expressing their
feelings often causes little to no change with a narcissistic parent. This often causes the child to become codependent, making them feel it's
necessary to put others needs before their own and feeling the need please their parent in exchange for validation. "Control over someone else is the
ultimate jackpot every narcissist works so hard to win" (Meyers). Narcissistic people thrive off of relationships where everything is adjusted to fit
their needs. They tend to be entitled, brag about about their achievements, fish for compliments, and always feel a need to be the center of attention
(Rosenberg). Egotistical people often show jealously towards their child's growing independence and believe that their child is there to fulfill their
wishes instead of his or her own wants and needs (Meyers). It's estimated that up to 6% of the US population has narcissistic personality disorder
(Johnson). While about, "96 Percent of Americans Suffer from Codependency" (Kaminer). While narcissistic parenting is shown to be a main cause
codependency, they go hand to
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Theories Of Narcissism
1) Introduction
In business world, the type and the level of competition have become very complicated and been changing rapidly. In this competition, environment,
survival of the firms/organizations turns out to be dependent on their ability to follow/adapt these ever changing updates and behaviours with regards
to their requirements.
It is very obvious that employees in organizations have become more sentient and educated than the past. Individuals' expectations get higher and they
question their eigenvalue within the organization. With this changing profile of employees, the management of relationships become more important
and cause changes on effective leadership styles. This also increases the importance of having social and individual abilities for being a leader.
Lately, narcissism which is a psychological term has started to be attributed with leadership. Narcissism occurs in a natural process of individual
/self–development and it is an irresistible progression. In relation to having healthy and unhealthy duration of ... Show more content on
According to the social learning theory, behaviours are learned by observing other people and individuals who refine learned behaviour with
feedbacks based on their observations In order to internalize the observed behaviour, the person whose behaviours are observed must have higher
status than the observer. Besides, the observed behaviour is affected by the appropriate behavioural standards developed by the observer (individual).
These standards are related with how the limits are experienced in childhood and how they are experienced in adulthood. When narcissism is reviewed
according to the social learning theory, narcissism occurs, for example when an individual experiences a situation in which she has been looked down
/talked down by someone and she couldn't take
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder Essay
Everyone knows someone who seems to be completely wrapped up in themselves. They seem to only care about themselves, and they seem to think
that they are better than every one. Some of these people probably have narcissistic personality disorder. This personality disorder is defined as, "...a
broad pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy" (Comer, 2010, p. 531). People with narcissistic personality disorder are
convinced of their own greatness; whether it be their success, artistic skill, or beauty. They also require the constant attention and admiration of the
people around them. But, this is not all that is involved in this disorder. People with narcissistic personality disorder are extremely self ... Show more
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This too is typical of people with narcissistic personality disorder. People with this disorder tend to be very picky, or choosey, when it come to who
their friends and associates are. Since they consider themselves to be special, they think that only those who are also "special" are deserving of their
time. A narcissistic personality may also surround themselves with dependent personalities, because those with dependent personalities will give them
the constant praise and adulation that they require. Again we turn to Brother John for an example, "He is an excellent teacher and has inspired many
students. He has always had a group of students, usually dependent personalities..." (Rosetti, 1999). These students would often be called upon to
defend Brother John when his behavior was questioned by supervisors. Brother John using his students in this way touches upon another trait common
to those with narcissistic personality disorder. People with this disorder are often manipulative, and use other to achieve their own ends. According to
Ronald Comer, they may do this partly out of envy (2010, p. 234). I think that it is more likely that this is just a branch of another common character
trait amongst those with narcissistic personalities, that being a lack of empathy. People with this disorder are seldom interested in the feelings of
others, and so they probably never take those feelings into consideration when they are manipulating
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Research On Narcissism
Survey of Recent Research Narcissism ranges from healthy and normal to pathological and severely malevolent, it is denoted as a far– reaching
disorder of the self– esteem. There are several identifying characteristics that individuals with this disorder posses. They are mostly, but not all: being
self– centered, constantly seeking admiration and attention, being boastful, and believe that they are overall entitled to special treatment
(Ronningstam, 2009).
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders define narcissism as a "pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of
empathy, beginning by early adulthood". According to the DSM– V, there are nine characteristics that narcissistic persons display: 1)Unrealistic... Show
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Impairments in self functioning– A. Identity (the need for constant admiration from others to boost self– esteem) or B. Self– direction (making goals
only to get approval from others); 2. Impairments in interpersonal functioning– A. Empathy (unwilling to recognize the feelings or needs of others) B.
Intimacy (failed or negative relationships); Pathological personality traits through Antagonism– A. Grandiosity and B. Attention seeking (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013). The DSM– V is the main criteria that is used to diagnose individuals with narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder,
despite the many disagreements about the lack of empirical support. Nonetheless, there are treatment options that are available to those who become
diagnosed with the disorder. The key approach in treatment for narcissistic personality disorder is psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is used to help those
struggling with narcissism learn how to relate to others, encourage/ build more positive functional relationships, and gain a better understanding of
themselves (Callaghan, Summers & Weidman, 2003). However, successful treatment for those living with narcissistic personality disorder may take
many years of psychotherapy to see a breakthrough. It can take years for change to occur because these specific personality traits were developed over
time and has become their
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Review Of ' Into The Wild ' By Jon Krakauer Essay
I just finished reading a book called Into the Wild. It is about a man named Chris McCandless who decides to give up all his possessions and money,
abandon his family, and embark on a journey to live in the Alaskan wilderness where he is found dead. Jon Krakauer, the author, explains
McCandless's cause of death, starvation. However, he does not explain what persuaded him do all the extreme behaviors he did. Therefore, we will
analyze the concept of a dysfunctional family and see how it led him to commit such actions and launch an odyssey to the wilderness. According to
Texas Woman 's University, family dysfunction is any circumstance that affects the normal functioning of a family. It continues to explain how
dysfunctional families tend to hold on to a crisis and make its effect long–term (1). However, normal and healthy families tend to deal with the crisis as
it happens, minimizing its effect on everyone and making it less damaging. Dysfunctional families can be affected by trauma or poor parenting skills
(World of Psychology). One of the types of adysfunctional family includes, that which is headed by an authoritarian figure (Disinherited). According to
Kendra Cherry, an authoritarian parent usually has high expectations and demands but low responses to a child's needs. She claims that authoritarian
parents tend to impose rules without exposing the reason behind them and do not provide children with choices or options to express what they seek or
declare their
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Narcissistic Stereotypes
The youngest generation obsesses over gaining approval in a way unprecedented by the past. This obsession stems from the increase of narcissistic
attitudes found in children, including overconfidence, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy (Mayo Clinic Staff). The skyrocketing growth
of social networking and the increase in the prevalence of superficial celebrities shown in the media only enhances narcissistic behaviors. However,
these attitudes are initially caused by the actions of parents. An occurring shift in parenting styles centers around rewarding kids even when the child's
amount of effort does not warrant praise. This type of award system fosters narcissistic attitudes that affect how kids interact with their surroundings,...
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The biggest influence of personality are childhood experiences and the way in which parents choose to raise their kids. The shift in parenting styles
contributes to the growing levels of narcissistic attitudes presented in the youngest generation. Because of the shift in values, the media evolved to
highlight vain celebrities instead of focusing on the successes of brilliant, hard–working people. Social media takes away the emotional involvement in
relationships and replaces those feelings with shallow gratification that causes people to grow an unhealthy attachment to the social network. Nothing
can replace the convenience of social media, but if society changes the way it views online relationships then the focus will shift from having online
relationships to improving interpersonal communication. Narcissism is a problem that can be fixed with healthy role–models and a positive, unselfish
outlook that starts with how parents treat their children's successes and
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Paper
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder is a type of disorder in which the person displays a pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, excessive attention to
clothing and makeup, lack of empathy, and a sense of entitlement.
Cause/Risk Factors:
The cause of narcissistic personality disorder is not known, but inherited genetic defects are believed to be responsible in many cases.
Contributing risk factors include:
High or unrealistic expectations from parents or insensitive parenting
Excessive pampering from parents
Abuse or neglect during childhood
Sexual promiscuity
Cultural influences may play a role
Signs & Symptoms:
Exaggerated sense of self–importance
Need for constant attention and admiration
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Use active listening and open–ended questions – Rationale: This allows the patient to express concerns, fears, and ideas without being interrupted.
5.Provide privacy – Rationale: Narcissist do not like showing weakness to others, so talking to them one–on–one may help them to open up more.
6.Convey a sense of respect for the patient's abilities and strengths in addition to recognizing problems and concerns – Rationale: Assistance with
problem solving and reality testing is best provided within the context of a trusting relationship.
7.Encourage participation in talk therapy – Rationale: Talking with a licensed professional may help the patient better understand their condition and
identify way to cope with it.
8.Administer Ativan PRN for anxiety (if ordered) – Rationale: Although this medication is not used specifically for narcissistic personality disorder, it
may be used to treat accompanying symptoms of anxiety.
Assess degree and manifestations of anxiety – Rationale: Ativan that is given PRN must be assessed for need of medication.
Monitor for excessive drowsiness, dizziness, and lethargy – Rationale: These are common symptoms of Ativan. Adjustments in dosage may be
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Narcissistic Behavior from Media and Social Media
I believe media and social media plays a large role in the rise in narcissistic behavior in Western society. Facebook, YouTube are primary examples.
I also felt that parenting philosophies of today play a part in the rise, as well. We have kids on YouTube taping the beatings of other classmates,
you can post anything on Facebook and you can have 'phony' friends on social media...doesn't anyone get to know someone before calling them a
friend? I feel our society is full of 'phony' counterparts; friends, beauty, rich people, celebrities, athletes, education, parent/child relationships, and our
economy. I feel it's almost as if society is living in a 'grandiose' fantasy, and some of us (who actually see this happening) are left on the outside,
looking in. Personally, I like being on the 'outside'. I also felt current parenting philosophies, media and social media plays a large role in society's
narcissistic behavior. Parents are often overindulgent and parents and educators are being told to teach self–esteem to the point that our children often
feel that the 'world revolves around me'. Self–esteem is a very important part of growing up, yet we also need to teach our children that the feelings
and respect for others are just as important. Media makes models look picture perfect, even when they aren't. Our social interaction on the Internet
allows others to be disrespectful and hurtful while remaining anonymous (or not). Bullying and beatings are being filmed and posted on
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Narcissistic Disorder : Effects And Treatments
Narcissistic Disorder:Effects and Treatments
Sean T. Lee
Cheyney University
This paper is an attempt to shed some light on Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Many people who have this disorder are not usually aware that they
have it. People who have a narcissistic personality can have many problems arise in their relationships, on their jobs, and at school. Narcissistic
personality disorder is a rare case here in the US, with less than 200,000 reported cases a year. It might be because it isn't reported enough and most
the people who do have it are not going to just come out and say that they do. A person who is a narcissist usually exhibits a fixation with power,
vanity, prestige, and personal importance. They are mentally unable to see the damage they are causing to themselves and the people around them.
More awareness should be spread about this disorder so that it will become more identifiable in people and better treatment can be discovered.
Spreading awareness will also help those who have NPD with getting help for it.
Narcissistic Disorder:
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a psychological disorder where the person has a grandiose sense of their own importance, clamors for admiration
from others, and cannot empathize with others.
The actual cause narcissism is not known, and it can stem from many different causations. Mayoclinic (2014) has found that some links could possibly
be mismatches in parent–child relationships with either
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Movie Analysis : ' Mommy Dearest '
Happily never after?
Are children of narcissist parents able to establish committed relationships as adults?
Camara O 'Neal
Daniel Kleber
March 9, 2015
Happily, Never After?
Are children of narcissist parents able to establish committed relationships as adults?
The movie "Mommy Dearest" is a true–life account from a child of a narcissistic mother's point of view. That mother so happened to be a world
renowned and famous old Hollywood actress Joan Crawford. The most famous line from the movie presents itself as Joan is pictured lovingly gazing
over her two sleeping children; she precedes to admire all the pretty dresses she had purchased for her daughter and discovers in the rear of the closet a
wire hanger. Outraged she wakes her daughter out of her sleep to demand the explanation for this horrendous infraction.
"Narcissist mothers are often known to lack empathy, feel entitled, reject personal responsibility for her behaviors, engages in bullying and
intimidation, is dishonest, has the relative morality of a small child, has chaotic and extremely dysfunctional relationships, has no sense of fair play and
is completely self–obsessed." (2012, Palmatier)
Backgound Research:
According to Taber's Narcissistic Personality Disorder " A personality disorder marked by a grandiose sense of self–importance and preoccupation with
fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, or beauty. The individual believes that his problems are unique and can only
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Is Narcissism A Socially Agreed Upon Unfavorable Trait?
Narcissism is a socially agreed upon unfavorable trait, and one that is often correlated with negative outcomes. Like with many inopportune attributes,
psychologists and researchers believe that by studying narcissism over time interventions could be set in place to deter environmental or genetic factors
that contribute to this personality feature. By studying children and parents, researchers aimed to identify what feedback parents give to their children
that could contribute to higher narcissistic tendencies. Specifically, researchers looked at the idea of overvaluing a child or not showing enough
warmth, and its links to narcissism. It is important to analyze both popular press and research articles as they aim to provide varying depths of
knowledge to different groups of people. Popular press articles are generally used as quick, easy to read sums of information for consumers and
parents, and can be of major influence for families. Research articles should be conducted with the highest scientific integrity and if they are
misinterpreted, either in the press or in their respective journals, they could have detrimental effects. This analysis aims to compare and contrast a
research article and its subsequent popular press article while touching on strengths and weaknesses of both.
The original research article titled "Origins of Narcissism in Children" looks at social learning theory and psychoanalytic theory to explain the origins
of narcissism, as well as how it may
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Patrick Bateman And Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Personality disorders are pervasive in nature, and are depicted in various mediums from film to novels. Narcissism will be discussed as it pertains
to American Psycho; a film made in the early 2000's to describe a man who lives a double life as a business man and serial killer. The main
character in particular, Patrick Bateman displays with themes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and his case along with the factors that are
congruent with Narcissistic Personality Disorder will be discussed throughout. Patrick Bateman's personality disorder will be discussed in terms of
effective treatment and also the etiological factors that could have given rise to Narcissistic Personality Disorder. An effective prevention strategy will
be adapted for Bateman, considering the influences and possible history gleaned from the movie. In addition to the themes, treatment and factors
associated with this personality disorder, more personality disorders will be briefly discussed at the end to show a well thought out and comprehensive
paper. DSM–IV Classification of Narcissistic Personality Disorder for Patrick Bateman The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual
describes personality disorders as being a pattern of enduring behavior and internal experiences that tends to digress a significant amount from the
individual's cultural and societal standards (Sadock, Kaplan & Sadock, 2015). This personality disorder is diagnosed in the presence of grandiosity
and the need to be admired and appreciated. There is a chronic lack of empathy as well as inflated self–esteem and the belief that one is entitled to the
adoration of others. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is classified under Cluster B, showcasing more erratic and emotional behavior which can be seen
in the film American Psycho. Patrick Bateman is a wealthy investment banker living in Manhattan in the late 1980s. His life revolves around dining at
trendy restaurants while keeping up appearances for his fiancГ©e, Evelyn, and for his circle of wealthy and shallow associates, most of whom he
dislikes. Bateman describes the materialistic nature of his lifestyle: his daily morning exercise and beautification routine, his music collection including
performers such
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Unadulterated Arrogance : Autopsy Of The Narcissistic...
In Summers & Summers (2006) article "Unadulterated Arrogance: Autopsy of the Narcissistic Parental Alienator" mentions that the beginning
symptoms of the onset of Narcissistic Disorder typically begins during infancy, childhood, or early adolescence. Although there exist many specialists
that believe that it is more than likely "attributed to psychological childhood abuse and trauma inflicted by parents, family, or other authority figures".
Individuals with NPD are known to "display snobbish, disdainful, or patronizing attitudes" (American Psychiatric Association, 1994, p. 659) towards
others. Just as children go through their egocentric phase, those that have NPD according the article "Narcissism and Well–Being: A Longitudinal
Perspective" by Zuckerman & O 'Loughlin, (2009) states how they become "locked into that stage and never grows out of it". When a child is allowed
to feel overly important, that child will more than likely maintain their infantile mentality of "power [and] control", thus "hindering Narcissistic
characteristics. These children learn to scan and seek out those who can fulfill their narcissistic supply" that demands attention, recognition, and
fulfillment. Another cause an individual will become a narcissistic is because it was a learned behavior. When a caregiver is too concerned with their
"own preoccupations to be with their child, they often raise narcissistic children" (Summers & Summers, 2006). Due to this, the only time that a
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder ( Npd )
The personality of a person is what ultimately defines who they are. This is what 99% of us look for in a person actually knowing who they really
are. A person may be fun, loving, caring, and charismatic and a million other traits, but there is none like being narcissistic. A narcissistic person is
one who truly believes that the world revolves around them and them only. This is someone who has an excessive or erotic interest in themselves, he
/she craves constant admiration and never want to recognize differences with external objects. This type of obsessive behavior is characterized as
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). This is definitely something that can have an adverse effect on children and their mental health. Parents
suffering from narcissistic personality disorder are not very capable of raising and providing a quality, solid foundation for their children while
maintaining and ensuring the preservation of their child's mentality.
According to the article Modernity and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (2014) by Joel Paris, narcissistic personality disorder is a pathological
amplification of narcissistic traits. This means that unlike a normal person, the traits in a narcissistic person that defines their personality are usually
increased from a 1 to a 10. They are always the "self–absorbed" guy in the crowd. However what most people do not understand is what an impact this
has on people living around narcissistic individuals especially children. A child who
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Essay about Mental Disorders: Glenn Gould
Glenn Gould
People face anxiety many times in their lives; this may be before a new experience or while making big life decisions. Imagine a person's career being
a major reason for their anxiety for over ten years. Glenn Gould was a remarkable man whose constant struggle with anxiety and narcissistic behavior
led to unconventional coping methods. Glenn Gould started to experience anxiety every time he played the piano on stage starting in his
pre–adolescence and throughout the rest of his life (although he stopped playing in public at the age of thirty–one). Considering Glenn Gould played in
many piano concerts, this proves to be a huge accomplishment. However, Gould's anxiety and social phobia was heightened by his narcissistic ... Show
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She caused him to be afraid of crowds by constantly warning him not to go to crowded places (Ostwald, 1997). This is a warning he obeyed
throughout his life, which is another example of how compliant he was to his mother's instruction. She also instilled his perfectionist behavior in
him, especially when it came to piano playing. She did this by "[encouraging him] to strike the "right" notes, and if he hit a "wrong" one, [she]
grimaced, her body became tense, and words of disapproval crossed her lips" (Ostwald, 1997, p.44). Since music was a great part of Glenn's life it
was apparent that his bond with his mother was stronger, since they both shared their love for music. Therefore, I believe it is evident that Gould's
mother's role in his life was one of great significance, and his relationship with his father was not as strong in comparison to his relationship with his
mother. The interesting thing about this is that his father made him a chair to use while he played the piano, and he continued to use this chair till the
end of his piano playing in public. The wear and tear of the chair eventually began to cause Glenn problems, which Ostwald notes, "the weight of his
body had to come down on his perineum and genitals" (Ostwald, 1997, pg. 304–305). Therefore, the chair was causing him discomfort, but this did not
stop Gould from using the chair his father had built for him. I believe this
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John Merrow Narcissism In Relationships
Those who display narcissistic tendencies often carry along a multitude of problems. One imminent consequence of a narcissistic individual is their
inability to form relations in which stems from lack of loyalty. Individuals who display narcissist tendencies consistently have lower satisfaction and
success rates within relationships. Gayle Brewer, Danielle Hunt, Gail James, and Loren Abell, psychology professors from an elite institution,
conducted a study on narcissistic traits and its' influence on infidelity levels in relationships. The study found that women with higher levels of
narcissism, not only display greater levels of infidelity themselves, but believe that they are more vulnerable to a partner's infidelity than women with
low ... Show more content on ...
Seth Spain, author of The Dark Side of Work, argues that narcissists have advantages when it comes to their take charge personality in which it helps
them to get ahead. Spain implies, "They are motivated to seek positions of power and influence, because those positions are consistent with their views
of themselves as special and important" (Spain). However, studies have proven that narcissists do not do well in workplace environments specifically
because of their inability to form relationships with fellow co–workers. Spain counters his argument by explaining, "In long–term interactions, other
people often come to view the narcissist as hostile and arrogant. Excessively narcissistic behavior is likely to contribute to the derailment of a
successful career" (Spain). Narcissists have a large amount of charisma which often times pleases people in the beginning. However, it is crucial to
remember that it will nearly always back–fire in the end. So being narcissist is not needed and will end up catching up to the individual and end in
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What Narcissistic Personality Disorder
A narcissistic personality disorder is basically a person who feels that they have self–importance. The person thinks that they should have control and
power above anything. The person is unable to mentally realize how much damage they are doing to others and themselves.
To be specific on a certain type of people who has a NPD are narcissistic parents. Narcissistic parents fall into two type of categories which damage
their children. There is engulfing parents which mean the parents are overly protective of their child and will ignore their child's age where there are
no boundaries between themselves and the child. This causes the child to be pushed away from the parent or parents into not feeling trusted. For
example the parent will go through emails or text messages. Ignoring parents ignore their child and doesn't care or share interest in their child which
makes the child grow up to feel unwanted or cared for.
The diagnosis is based on the many symptoms of having a Narcissistic personality disorder such as feeling self–importance which is one of the main
symptoms. The person normally has difficulty maintain an unhealthy relationship. They will take advantage of anyone just to get their own needs.
Rage takes place if the person feels criticized. They will have no sympathy for anyone's feelings but their selves. They are very good at making
others feel guilty like with narcissistic parents they tend to say "I gave my life up for you and this is how you treat me" to their
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The Most Narcissistic Generation

  • 1. The Most Narcissistic Generation It is obvious in this self–centred society that we have created in this world, that this current generation is the most narcissistic generation this earth has ever seen. Teens think they can do whatever they want, and one of these things is that they can ease through life without having to put any effort in what so ever. Children these days also think that they can wear whatever want from making them look like a thug with "tatts" or piercings, another option is not wearing the proper school uniform with socks down or ties and top buttons not done up properly. The biggest evidence of narcissism in teenagers in on their phones with social media, because they want the most followers and likes on their profile. These three reasons make a child feel accepted and social. Children think life is as easy as walking down the yellow brick road. You cannot let this continue with your child. The first reason this is the most narcissistic generation we have ever seen is that these kids think life is a breeze and they can just stroll through it. This is because they are not taught early on enough that this is not ok and they should wake up now before it is too late. Some evidence for this is in an article written by Wendy Squires, titled "Is this the most narcissistic generation we've ever seen?", said, "They're the work experience kids expecting to go straight to the corner office." ..... "They are staying at home longer and staying in jobs shorter. Wanting a cool place of their own ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Is The Family Dynamic? The family dynamic is an ever–changing one that relies on the bond of individuals attached at a level that is congruent to each other. A traditional family consists of a mother, father, children, and maybe a pet. A healthy family is based on respect for one another, honesty, trust, communication, acceptance, and unconditional love. A healthy home and family life fosters positive mental attitudes, good self–esteem, predictable and stable routines, and an unwavering bond between the members. In a healthy environment, the hierarchy is strong and children know that they are loved by the parents and, in turn, there is a reciprocated respect....?? The whole entire balance and harmony in a healthy family is thrown completely off when one (or more) ... Show more content on ... Anxiety is common in these individuals and forming healthy relationships is a difficult task for the one who has suffered the abuse, and indeed, for the narcissist as well. It is my intention to contemplate the narcissist within the family dynamic and consider the weight the narcissist carries in that family and to what end. ponder if narcissism is a learned behavior within the offspring with which to deal with... or can and when the child learn to overcome.?? f when how happiness can start for the child who is suffering the abuse and passed on??? The term narcissism comes from Greek mythology. "Narcissus was a handsome and proud young man" ( After spotting his reflection in a pool of water, he became so enchanted with himself that he could not stop staring at his reflection. He admired his reflection for so long, never leaving that spot until he perished. Throughout the years this form of vanity has been studied by philosophers and was apparently associated with "being out of touch with reality" ( In more recent history, narcissism has been considered as a personality disorder and has become a topic of interest in the psychological community. Narcissism became more mainstream when Freud postulated that it was born out of ego. That is to say, it is created by experiences in early childhood and that expectations brought on by one's surroundings can force ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Personality Disorders That Affect Mental Health Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the many types of personality disorders that affect mental health, in which people desire to be seen and admired more than the average person. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe they are more relevant or significant than others in society. They believe that due to their superiority in society, they do not need to take into consideration the feelings of others. However, like most people who have an immense amount sense of self importance and self–confidence, they have very little self–esteem and are sensitive to any criticism, regardless of how big or small it is. All of this limits their ability build friendships and relationships within their personal lives and society. There are many symptoms that can include being preoccupied with fantasies of having immense power, beauty, success and knowledge, believing that he or she is special so should in fact only be associated with the highest, having a huge sense of self–importance and exaggerating achievements and talents, while expecting to be perceived as superior because of them. They also include taking advantage of others or exploits them to his or her personal benefit, lacking empathy, having trouble expressing relative emotions, often envious of others or believing that others are envious of him or her, regularly acting arrogant and haughty, and having a strong sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment, and for people to cater to his or her every ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Is Narcissism A Narcissistic Personality Disorder ( Npd ) In today 's society, all types of personalities can be found on every corner, but has anyone ever interacted with a person that requires an overwhelming amount of respect and admiration. This action could be considered an arrogant personality trait; however, it could also imply that this person has a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). These individuals can be quite charming at first, making friends quickly and can be the life of the party until it doesn't fit their needs any longer. A person with this identity issue can be self–centered, aggressive, boastful, and discover ways of blaming others for their problems (Dimaggio, G., 2012). Also, they tend to struggle with personal relationships and normally have strife in their typical workplace. This type of behavior stems from the fact that they have learned early in life that they can do no wrong. The issues can intensify over time because of dissatisfaction with their achievements that can lead to depression, alcoholism, substance abuse and suicide. This research paper will focus on whether narcissism is a function in life that is chosen or is it caused by an imbalance in the individual 's body chemistry. While inquiring about the person with narcissistic attributes and their complex way of life, the question must be asked, how could an individual not have any desire to live an all–around healthy lifestyle. There is definitely more to this story than simply needing to live in a world where everyone can accept ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Tom Sawyer Narcissism Essay "I think writers are the most narcissistic people. Well I mustn't say this, I like many of them , a great many of my friends are writers"–Sylvia Plath (Goodreads). Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental disorder that many people suffer with every day...even fictional characters from books and movies suffer with NPD. For example, one fictional character that has Narcissistic Personality Disorder is Tom Sawyer from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a disorder in which people have a need for admiration (Mayo Clinic Staff). NPD sufferers also lack empathy towards others (Psych Central Staff). Some of the symptoms of NPD include, being preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love. Some other symptoms are that they lack empathy, require excessive admiration, are envious of others, and regularly show arrogant or ... Show more content on ... Some incidents that support the belief of him being narcissistic include the funeral scene, the time when Huck and Tom were searching for treasure, the time when Huck had to keep watch on Injun Joe, and the whitewashing scene.The funeral scene supports Tom being narcissistic because he stayed on that island a long time to build more sympathy and when the boys came back everyone was talking about them. He made it dramatic, and they were in the spotlight (Twain 93–95). When Huck and Tom were going to get Injun Joe's treasure in the cave, Tom didn't care that Huck was sick and couldn't walk all that way. Tom didn't consider how bad Huck was, he just wanted to get the treasure (Twain 169 –176). Also,Huck had to keep an eye on Injun Joe all night even when he was sick (Twain 144). Finally, in the whitewashing scene Tom tricked kids into doing his work for him in the hot sun, and all Tom did was watch them do the work he was supposed to be doing (Twain 8–12). These are all typical symptoms of someone with narcissistic ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Narcissism Research Paper Narcissism is a personality disorder with enduring patterns that affects six percent of adults. (Edwards). This disorder occurs mostly in men rather than women. Narcissism is when a person shows interest in oneself. People diagnosed with Narcissism are arrogant and find themselves superior from others. They do not associate with people who to their perspective are inferior. Narcissistic people compete in everything to be the best. They often think that everything they do is important and everyone should admire them. If someone disagrees with a Narcissistic person, they get defensive. People who are diagnosed with Narcissism give a lot of importance to their self–image. Some of them have difficulty handling criticism. Narcissism can ... Show more content on ... The first type is called Vulnerable Narcissists. Vulnerable Narcissists are the ones who have a fear of being rejected. These people may even suffer from anxiety and depression when other people do not treat them accordingly. Additionally they fear the feeling of being left alone. They see themselves more as the victims rather than a perpetrator. People who experience vulnerable Narcissism have a low–self–esteem and feel embarrassed due to childhood experience. They have trouble deciding whether or not to show their feelings. They attempt to appear worthier than everyone else. They mostly have problems in relationships. Unlike people who have Vulnerable Narcissism, people who have Invulnerable Narcissism are less sensible. They are more confident and they do not fear anything. They are so confident of themselves that if any one disagrees with them they get angry and aggressive. Everything they do and say is right, even though might wrong. They do not feel shame of themselves due to their high self–esteem. Those who do not treat them as they please or mistreats them, it might cause them rage and possibly go after that person. When these people are in a relationship they do not care what their partners think of them as human ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Narcissist Personality Disorder Research Paper Sarah Gonzalez Psychological Disorders Project Megan McLaughlin Narcissist Personality Disorder March 19, 2017 Narcissistic people all love themselves; this seems to be a true statement that we do not bother to look at as a possible mental disorder. A person who loves themselves is a great thing but one who loves their reflection in another. A healthy person will love themselves and their accomplishments, and is a happy and satisfied with their own self; but one who is in love with their own reflection is something else. Personality Disorder or NPD is a mental disorder which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and lack of empathy for others. Behind all of this lies a fragile self–esteem that's ... Show more content on ... There are a couple of theories on this thought; the social–learning theory and psychoanalytic theory. "The social–learning theory posits that people are more likely to become narcissistic when their parents lavish them with praise and teach them, implicitly or explicitly, that they are better than others." (Singal, 2015) "Psychoanalytic theory goes the opposite direction: it argues that when parents don't provide enough warmth, kids develop heightened narcissism as a defense mechanism of sorts." (Singal, 2015) Unfortunately, on study doesn't prove anything, and is almost always research related, but there still is the question are narcissistic people born or made? Treatment for narcissistic personality disorder is centered on psychotherapy or talk therapy. Psychotherapy helps people learn to relate better with others so your relationships are more intimate, understanding the causes of the persons emotions and what drives them to compete and despise yourself and others; because personality traits can be difficult to change, therapy may take several years. Areas of change are directed at helping you accept responsibility and learning. As for medications there are no medications specifically used to treat narcissistic personality disorder, but if the symptoms of depression, anxiety or other conditions may occur than medications such as
  • 8. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Narcissism Is A Disease That Has Always Plagued This Nation Narcissism is a disease that has always plagued this nation. It has been around for centuries and seems to get greater with each passing generation. The millennials are no different. Millennials alone are categorized as the most narcissistic group to date. Academics such as Jean Twenge, focus on topics such as this and use multiple ways of backing their findings with data. Jean Twenge has stated before that, "The problem is that when people try to boost self–esteem, they accidentally boost narcissism instead."(Insert annotation here) What Twenge is saying is that at a young age, children are always told good job and that their special, which in turns makes them believe that they really are special and one of a kind. Children these days are raised much differently than how they were raised in the previous generations. Today kids are handed trophies for participation. How is that a good thing? It just tells them that they are entitled to something as long as they make an attempt, which in a way is what Jean Twenge stated above. By focusing on self–esteem of young children and teens, parents tend to overlook the deeper problem of narcissism. Recent studies have shown that narcissism is a plague among the world and social media could be a reason why. Lisa Firestone is the author of, "Is social media to blame for the rise in narcissism?" She states, "We are living in an increasingly narcissistic society." She goes on to say that technology is the reason to blame for that. There ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Narcissism In The Mommie Dearest Movie Narcissistic Mothers Conquer Laura Greer Texas Woman's University Word Count: Narcissistic Mothers Conquer Last weekend I watched the movie Mommie Dearest a biographical film, depicting the life of the celebrated glamour star Joan Crawford. The film was an adaptation of the exposГ© written by her adopted daughter Christina Crawford. This movie is mainly about the dysfunctional relationship between a perfectionist mother and her adopted daughter. It is also a story about ageism at a time when the fantasy of Hollywood glamour was being sold and aging actresses were put out to pasture so to speak. When Joan realizes that her popularity and success are in a downswing her life begins to unravel. As she is forced to face the realities of life she descends into a world of alcoholism and abusive behavior (Perry, Jr.). The movie has become a cult classic and a renown line in the movieMommie Dearest "Why did you adopt me?" echos in the minds of people who watch the movie (Perry, Jr.) Whether or not the writer of the movie has embellished things the utterance of the words by an adopted child are heartbreaking. No child should ever endure any form of abuse. In the film Joan demonstrates what Benokraitis (2015:162) explains is narcissism; playing with love. Benokraitis (2015:162) also expresses that "Narcissists believe that they are unique, smarter, and more attractive than others, and they constantly seek attention". Linda Martinez–Lewi, Ph.D. Narcissistic Personality Clinical Expert, articulates that "Narcissistic mothers are one woman armies of human destruction. They are an elite team of ninja killers of the psyches of their children. One narcissistic mother does more psychological damage than you can imagine". In her book she writes that "Showing disingenuous compassion or concern for others is a clever stage act the high–level narcissist uses to convince others to play his or her game" (Martinez–Lewi, 2008:18). The movie timelines Joan Crawford's metamorphosis from a prima donna film star to terrifying mother as she changes into a woman that disparages her daughter at every opportunity. She resorts to extreme punishments and as a form of discipline in an effort to control her ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Social Media is Not the Mother of Narcissism Essay Here's a question, how often do you check your social media profile's notification? Based on a research conducted, it is revealed that, Facebook users around the world logged into their account approximately 42,000 years of human time each day (Gutierrez, 2013). An article written by The New York Times stated that the current generations are becoming narcissistic and it is believed that social media are among the plausible factors that promotes it (Quenqua, 2013). However, how true can this statement be? Many researches have proven that social media is not the main cause of narcissism. It has been demonstrated via the real role of social media, the co–relation between social pressure and narcissism, the failure to conclude acceptance of ... Show more content on ... Despite their actions, they will not feel a sense of empathy towards the people they hurt because narcissistic individuals think the victims deserved it for stopping them from achieving their goals. Surprisingly, narcissistic individuals are always felt threatened by other people from their surroundings. Due to that, they are likely to respond to any perceived threats in an exaggerated way (Narcissism, 2008). Hence, narcissism is not exactly a trait you would probably found great in an individual. Throughout the years, numerous of researches are conducted to see the connections between social media (namely, Facebook) and narcissism. University of Michigan conducted a research to find the relationship between social media and narcissism. For the first part of the study, the researchers recruited approximately around 486 college undergraduate students with the median age of 19. Meanwhile, 93 adults, mostly white females, with an age mean of 35 years old, were asked by the researchers to complete an online survey for the second part of the study. Participants have to answer questions about their social media use and a personality assessment to measure their level of narcissism (Swanbrow, 2013). Based on the results obtained, Facebook users that scores higher on the personality test tend to have more friends, tag themselves more often in photos posted and update their status more often (Firestone, 2012, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Reflection Paper On Narcissism Reading this week's articles became all too personal for me as I began to reflect on the book that I am writing in which the protagonist is a narcissist. When telling people about my book most people cannot get past the fact that the protagonist is my mother, but her narcissistic personality is what created the storyline for my entire text. She has many of the classic attributes of a narcissist, my favorite (from a writer's perspective) is her immense lack of empathy. It is extremely incredible that what little empathy she can find she can control based on who she is with and what the specific circumstances are. While the book may shed light on some of the negative things she has done in her past or the negative behaviors associated with her narcissism I have been sure to include an entire chapter detailing my belief that narcissism should be considered an objective personality type. Narcissism has an enormous amount of negative connotation surrounding it which is ironic to be because there are positive attributes some of which many of us share. The article mentioned, "Most of us have elements of all three," when referring to the three main personality types of erotics, obsessives, and narcissists (Maccoby). I agree with Maccoby which is why I think it is important that we continue to find a place in the workplace for those who are narcissistic and abrasive because even though we may not agree with their style we must welcome diversity in order to avoid groupthink. I think that ensuring a well–balanced mix of personalities in a workplace can boost production and allow leaders to rise from the shadows of abrasive and narcissistic leaders who may have overstayed their welcome. Another benefit to maintaining the abrasive personality in the workplace is to encourage the high achiever in the room who may have the leadership skills to take over a conversation and just need the right opportunity to do so. If a high achiever gets fed up with another's behavior it may serve as a catalyst for his/her management of the group. If an abrasive worker is also a brilliant one, then we must give him/her a chance to find success within the organization. If one allows his/her personality to get in the way of success, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Narcissistic And Cult Leaders Essay Narcissistic and Cult Leaders Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Cult Leaders Every day we face and deal with either small or big issues relating to terrorist leaders from inside and outside of country. During the past decade we have seen North Korean leader, Kim Jung Un, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro of Cuba, Idi Amain of Uganda and more, who have been described as crazy, cruel, lunatic, madman, psychopath and even worse. How could they acquire all the power, rule over people and become a leader in a country if they were such a psychopath? Ironically, they are just as rational as we are. We simply do not have a full understanding of their personalities, which are unusually different from societal norms and expectation. They are defined as a personality disorder. There are six personality disorders classified: sadistic, antisocial, paranoid, narcissistic, schizoid and schizotypal. Remarkably, most of these cult leaders have been suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, which brings a dictatorship in social relationship and a fatal negative influential to both oneself and others. Any ... Show more content on ... The first cause of NPD is to have an inflated view of self or their importance, often at the expense of others. This trait is strongly associated with an attraction to political leadership. Grandiose people tend to hunger for power. They strive to occupy important positions of power and often become "dictators" toward establishing repressive structure, as Lobaczewski (2007) points out. They know how to manipulate people by skin color, language, nationality, wealth, religion, etc. That evokes people's emotion to hatred or ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Narpissism In The Movie : Schindler The Narcissist Schindler the Narcissist Many people regard Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist and member of the Nazi Party, to be a savior of over 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust. And while he can easily be considered a savior as he spent all of his money from his industry to keep his workers in a safer place where they wouldn't die of horrible, inhumane reasons, it is completely irrational to assume he never felt good about himself during all of this. When people donate to charity or volunteer, it's not always because they want to help people. That might be a piece of the reason, but mostly it's because the person feels good about themselves during and after the actions. The same thing with Schindler: he was a narcissist who earned self–gratification at saving so many people and being their own hope of survival. At the beginning of the film, we see Schindler indulge in his vast wealth with parties with other Nazis filled with alcohol and gorgeous women, having affairs with many of them. A known symptom ofnarcissism is problems with emotionally satisfying relationships, and Schindler at the beginning of the film is seen with his mistress as his wife, Emilie Schindler, is about to enter their apartment (Narcissism). Spotting his wife, the mistress hurries off and Schindler merely smiles and calls her "embarrassed." Besides a complete disregard for his wife's own pride and respect, one can also say that because of their distance from each other, Schindler is just keeping himself ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Narcissistic Personality Disorder Essay example Narcissism is the inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self–love; vanity. The term, "narcissism" comes, of course, from the Greek myth of Narcissus. Narcissus shunned all the other nymphs until one of them prayers to the goddess of love and made a request that someday narcissus would feel the joy and pain of love. The goddess granted the wish to the nymph and narcissus soon would understand the joy and pain of love. Narcissus went to get a drink of water and saw the most the most beautiful face that he had ever seen; he plunged in to kiss the face but could because it was his own reflection. Narcissus had fallen in love with his self. He lost all importance of food, movement or anything. Narcissus was cursed with the love of his... Show more content on ... Temperamental breakdowns are also a very a common symptom of people with a narcissistic personality. They are prone to extreme mood swings between self–admiration and insecurity; these people tend to exploit interpersonal relationships. It is more likely for narcissistic behavior to develop in a male/female in their teens or young adult hood. Most narcissistic patients are so young and they don't realize that they have a personality disorder. Family and friends must realize that Narcissism is not preventable and it's a disorder that must be dealt with care and sensitivity. It is not best for the family of the patient to take it upon themselves to try and cure the patient but to go to a health professional. Why? Professionals know best. It is possible that families can get opposite effect of what is expected. The patient may feel overwhelmed; especially a teenage patient who might not be stable enough to handle the help of their family. Coming on too strong is never a key; if the patient feels like they're being attacked then they will retaliate. Lashing out, rebelling and hurting themselves is not uncommon. Cutting is often away to hurt more than themselves. In a Narcissistic patients mind they're getting back at the person who cares about them but is making them feel attacked when really they're just finding a reason to deal with their insecurities by inflicting pain on their body. This is a non–preventable disorder. The patient must never be blamed because it may ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Essay Have you ever been around someone who seems arrogant? It may not be just arrogance, that individual may have a Narcissistic Personality Disorder or NPD. Narcissus, a Greek mythological character, fell in love with his reflection in the water and could never pull himself away, so he ended up dying right beside the water after a while (Marcovitz 1). Narcissism became known as being self–centered and was developed after this Greek myth (Marcovitz 1). This disorder affects less than 1% of the American population and it occurs more in men than women (Thomas 1). Later on in life most people with NPD will experience severe symptoms around the ages of forty or fifty years old (Psych 1). Many people who have this disorder either refuse to get help ... Show more content on ... Narcissists ruin the bonds that kept the relationships together creating negative impacts on their social, family, and work life (Cherry 1). Narcissists create unrealistic goals and images of themselves, clouding their thought process and reasoning (Nakate 1). The behavioral issues can generate conflict with the people who are really close to them. This personality disorder can be caused by how the child was raised and their own personal feelings. A person with a low self–esteem is the most common reason why narcissism begins (Thomas 1). If they feel uncomfortable or inferior in a situation a narcissist will immediately beef up their image and self–worth to make them feel superior again (Thomas 1). Narcissists become very defensive when people question their accomplishments or talents because they have to try and keep their ego and image safe (Thomas 1). Another aspect that contributes to narcissism is the way the parents raised the child. Permissive parenting encourages the child to rely completely on themselves, so they have to be independent (Thomas 1). With this type of parenting there usually are not any guidelines or rules for the kid to follow so they would eventually develop the Goodwin 3 understanding the rules do not apply to them, letting them do as they please (Thomas 2). Permissive parents do not typically ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Narcissistic Personality Disorder ( Npd ) According to DSM–IV–TR Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is characterized by symptoms that include grandiosity, an exaggerated sense of self–importance and a lack of empathy for others. This type of personality disorder is related to another disordered called, histrionic personality disorder. In both disorders, individuals act in a dramatic manner, seek respect from others, and are shallow in their emotional expressions and relationships with others. People with histrionic personality disorder seek approval of others unlike people with narcissistic personality disorder. There have been ongoing debates and discussions on what could cause narcissistic personality disorder. Causes seem to be very complex. Researchers have stated that ... Show more content on ... Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a condition described by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy for others. Narcissistic personality disorder is recognized by severe disturbances of interpersonal relationships. People with Narcissistic Personality disorder may have five or more of the following, (a) a grandiose sense of self–importance; (b) preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love; (c) beliefs of being special and unique; (d) requirements of excessive admiration; (e) a sense of entitlement; (f) interpersonal exploitativeness; (g) lack of empathy; (h) envy of others; and (i)arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes (Andrew E. Skodol, 2014). People diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder have high rates of substance abuse and of mood and anxiety disorder. They may also high rates of physical and sexual aggression, impulsivity, homicidal thoughts, and suicidal behaviors (Pincus et al., 2009, Ronningtam, 2011). A nationwide study done in the United states found that 7.7 percent of men and 4.8 of women could be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (Stinson et al.,2008). Young adults are more prevalent to have narcissistic personality disorder. According to Kay, J. (2008), there are high rates of narcissistic personality disorder for younger ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Narcissistic Personality Disorder : Understanding... Running head: UNDERSTANDING NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER ETIOLOGY Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Understanding Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder Griffin Hedger College Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Understanding Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder To those who have a narcissistic personality disorder, they may come across as arrogant, egotistical or snobbish. They often dominate conversations. They may belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior. They may feel a sense of entitlement and when they do not receive special treatment, they may become impatient or angry. They may insist on having "the best" of everything for example, the best car, athletic club or medical care. At the same time, they have trouble handling anything that relates to criticism. They may have secret feelings of anxiety, disgrace, and embarrassment. To feel better, they may react with rage or contempt and try to degrade the other person to make themselves appear superior. On the other hand, they may feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection. For example, symptoms to look out for in someone you know or in yourself would be, someone having an amplified sense of self–importance or blowing your achievements and talents out of proportion. Being absent–minded with dreams about accomplishments, power, intelligence, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Golden Child With Narcissistic Parents Why would a narcissist want a child to begin with? It is very difficult for a child with a narcissistic parent to function very well in life. The children of narcissists have an especially pronounced dilemma; they lack the proper coping mechanisms and quite often the necessary resources to deal with their narcissistic parent. Often being involuntarily assigned the role of a golden child, a child with a narcissistic parent is at a marked disadvantage from birth. In most instances, to rub salt into the pre–existing wound, they are denied the thing that most children should be recipients of at that birth, a parent's unconditional love. Narcissistic parent have strong tendencies to be stifling in certain areas, and completely neglectful in others, ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Narcissistic Personality Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a complicated disorder which has many implications for how one might act and think of themselves. It is categorized as a personality disorder in which the person thinks highly of themselves, that they are a superior being. They are often envious or jealous of others, lack empathy, and carry with themselves a sense of entitlement (Maniacci, 2007). Someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may expect special treatment from others. For example, they may have no problem cutting in line to ask a question but expect everyone else to wait their turn (Funder, 2016). The DSM–5 mentions other traits or behaviors used in the diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, such as interpersonal exploitation (using and taking advantage of those around you), being preoccupied with fantasies of ideal love, unlimited power or success, and beauty, and the need for excessive admiration from others (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Subtypes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. To be even more specific, various subtypes of narcissism have been suggested, most importantly the covert/vulnerable presentation and the overt/grandiose presentation. The latter is what is typically focused on, and what has been explained above. However, covert narcissism is nothing to ignore. Gabbard stated (as cited in Levy, 2012, p. 887) that those who are covert narcissists dislike the spotlight; they are hypersensitive to the evaluations of others and therefore ... Get more on ...
  • 21. parenting Essays There are some grounds to assume that a cognitive dissonance is involved in feeling that children are more a satisfaction than a nuisance. Why do people bother with parenting? It is time consuming, exhausting, strains otherwise pleasurable and tranquil relationships to their limits. Still, humanity keeps at it: breeding. It is the easiest to resort to Nature. After all, all living species breed and most of them parent. We are, all taken into consideration, animals and, therefore, subject to the same instinctive behaviour patterns. There is no point in looking for a reason: survival itself (whether of the gene pool or, on a higher level, of the species) is at stake. Breeding is a transport mechanism: handing the precious cargo of ... Show more content on ... Second hypothesis: we bring children to the world in order to preserve the cohesiveness of the family nucleus. This claim can more plausibly be reversed: the cohesiveness of the social cell of the family encourages bringing children to the world. In both cases, if true, we would have expected more children to be born into stable families (ante or post facto) than into abnormal or dysfunctional ones. The facts absolutely contradict this expectation: more children are born to single parent families (between one third and one half of them) and to other "abnormal" (non–traditional) families than to the mother–father classic configuration. Dysfunctional families have more children than any other type of family arrangement. Children are an abject failure at preserving family cohesiveness. It would seem that the number of children, or even their very existence, is not correlated to the stability of the family. Under special circumstances, (Narcissistic parents, working mothers) they may even be a destabilizing factor. Hypothesis number three: children are mostly born unwanted. They are the results of accidents and mishaps, wrong fertility planning, wrong decisions and misguided turns of events. The more sex people engage in and the less preventive measures they adopt – the greater the likelihood of having a child. While this might be factually true (family planning is ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Correlation Paper Abstract The purpose of this project was to measure how closely two psychological surveys were related. Our first survey measured the subjects ' level of social physique anxiety; our second survey measured the subjects ' level of hypersensitive narcissism. Our findings were that the measures were moderately correlated. Significance testing proved that they were directly related to each other. Correlation Project: Social Physique Anxiety and Hypersensitive Narcissism Our initial hypothesis for this study stated that we believed that our two measures, social physique anxiety and hypersensitive narcissism, would be highly correlated. Two of the many symptoms of narcissism include low self–esteem and feelings of inferiority. Because of ... Show more content on ... Sample statements include: "My feelings are easily hurt by ridicule or the slighting remarks of others" and "I can become entirely absorbed in thinking about my personal affairs, my health, my cares or my relations to others." Procedure First, we randomly selected participants to include in the study. Next, we gave each subject one copy of each of the surveys. After we received the completed surveys, we computed the necessary data to come to conclusions about our study. Results Based on the data we obtained, we were able to compute several figures of descriptive statistics for our study. For our social physique anxiety scale, the mean response for our group of participants is M = 2.73, with a standard deviation of SD = 0.44. For both scales, the mdn = 3, and mode = 3. For the scale on hypersensitive narcissism, our mean response is equal to M = 2.87, with a standard deviation of SD = 0.61. The range of scores obtained is equal to 4 (highest reported score was 5, lowers reported was 1). We computed the variance to equal rВІ = 1.46 for social physique anxiety, and 1.64 for hypersensitive narcissism. The ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Paper Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the most common and accepted disorders in society today. With narcissistic personality disorder people tend to have a high sense of self–worth and many other self–indulgent symptoms. This disorder has become so widely accepted that the recent DSM–5 has actually removed it from their diagnosis manual. Every person who is a part of society has the ability to show narcissistic symptoms throughout their life time but to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder a person has to show a variety of symptoms as well as consistency throughout time. Narcissistic personality disorder can be defined as a "[person] who think[s] they are better than everyone else and should get their way in all circumstances..." ... Show more content on ... Each person diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder tends to progress differently. Some become treated while others symptoms remain the same. Also, some people with narcissistic personality disorder can have symptoms that advance into the severe form of the disorder, sometimes needing hospitalization. There are also people who will have diminished symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder, most of these people tend to be children or adolescents diagnosed at a young age and loose symptoms throughout adulthood. Most cases of narcissistic personality disorder tend to not become severe and remain livable although it can affect personal and professional relationships. There are no certain causes for narcissistic personality disorder, only speculations as to what could be the reason. "Lack of parental empathy toward a child's developmental needs may bear some responsibility" (Dimaggio). Many of the suggested reasons why I person develops narcissistic personality disorder stems from things that happen in the persons childhood or adolescents. It is suggested that the upbringing of a child can have major effects on a person's personality later in ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Narcissistic Parents Essay Walking into a beauty pageant you may hear moms say something like, "Fix your hair and makeup, stand up straight, smile pretty, and copy everything I do". Pageant moms are prime examples of narcissistic parent's living vicariously through their children. Unfortunately, many activities, such as beauty pageants, are the parent's decision rather than the child's. Although the child may not enjoy what they're doing, expressing their feelings often causes little to no change with a narcissistic parent. This often causes the child to become codependent, making them feel it's necessary to put others needs before their own and feeling the need please their parent in exchange for validation. "Control over someone else is the ultimate jackpot every narcissist works so hard to win" (Meyers). Narcissistic people thrive off of relationships where everything is adjusted to fit their needs. They tend to be entitled, brag about about their achievements, fish for compliments, and always feel a need to be the center of attention (Rosenberg). Egotistical people often show jealously towards their child's growing independence and believe that their child is there to fulfill their wishes instead of his or her own wants and needs (Meyers). It's estimated that up to 6% of the US population has narcissistic personality disorder (Johnson). While about, "96 Percent of Americans Suffer from Codependency" (Kaminer). While narcissistic parenting is shown to be a main cause codependency, they go hand to ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Theories Of Narcissism 1) Introduction In business world, the type and the level of competition have become very complicated and been changing rapidly. In this competition, environment, survival of the firms/organizations turns out to be dependent on their ability to follow/adapt these ever changing updates and behaviours with regards to their requirements. It is very obvious that employees in organizations have become more sentient and educated than the past. Individuals' expectations get higher and they question their eigenvalue within the organization. With this changing profile of employees, the management of relationships become more important and cause changes on effective leadership styles. This also increases the importance of having social and individual abilities for being a leader. Lately, narcissism which is a psychological term has started to be attributed with leadership. Narcissism occurs in a natural process of individual /self–development and it is an irresistible progression. In relation to having healthy and unhealthy duration of ... Show more content on ... According to the social learning theory, behaviours are learned by observing other people and individuals who refine learned behaviour with feedbacks based on their observations In order to internalize the observed behaviour, the person whose behaviours are observed must have higher status than the observer. Besides, the observed behaviour is affected by the appropriate behavioural standards developed by the observer (individual). These standards are related with how the limits are experienced in childhood and how they are experienced in adulthood. When narcissism is reviewed according to the social learning theory, narcissism occurs, for example when an individual experiences a situation in which she has been looked down /talked down by someone and she couldn't take ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Narcissistic Personality Disorder Essay Everyone knows someone who seems to be completely wrapped up in themselves. They seem to only care about themselves, and they seem to think that they are better than every one. Some of these people probably have narcissistic personality disorder. This personality disorder is defined as, "...a broad pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy" (Comer, 2010, p. 531). People with narcissistic personality disorder are convinced of their own greatness; whether it be their success, artistic skill, or beauty. They also require the constant attention and admiration of the people around them. But, this is not all that is involved in this disorder. People with narcissistic personality disorder are extremely self ... Show more content on ... This too is typical of people with narcissistic personality disorder. People with this disorder tend to be very picky, or choosey, when it come to who their friends and associates are. Since they consider themselves to be special, they think that only those who are also "special" are deserving of their time. A narcissistic personality may also surround themselves with dependent personalities, because those with dependent personalities will give them the constant praise and adulation that they require. Again we turn to Brother John for an example, "He is an excellent teacher and has inspired many students. He has always had a group of students, usually dependent personalities..." (Rosetti, 1999). These students would often be called upon to defend Brother John when his behavior was questioned by supervisors. Brother John using his students in this way touches upon another trait common to those with narcissistic personality disorder. People with this disorder are often manipulative, and use other to achieve their own ends. According to Ronald Comer, they may do this partly out of envy (2010, p. 234). I think that it is more likely that this is just a branch of another common character trait amongst those with narcissistic personalities, that being a lack of empathy. People with this disorder are seldom interested in the feelings of others, and so they probably never take those feelings into consideration when they are manipulating ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Research On Narcissism Survey of Recent Research Narcissism ranges from healthy and normal to pathological and severely malevolent, it is denoted as a far– reaching disorder of the self– esteem. There are several identifying characteristics that individuals with this disorder posses. They are mostly, but not all: being self– centered, constantly seeking admiration and attention, being boastful, and believe that they are overall entitled to special treatment (Ronningstam, 2009). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders define narcissism as a "pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood". According to the DSM– V, there are nine characteristics that narcissistic persons display: 1)Unrealistic... Show more content on ... Impairments in self functioning– A. Identity (the need for constant admiration from others to boost self– esteem) or B. Self– direction (making goals only to get approval from others); 2. Impairments in interpersonal functioning– A. Empathy (unwilling to recognize the feelings or needs of others) B. Intimacy (failed or negative relationships); Pathological personality traits through Antagonism– A. Grandiosity and B. Attention seeking (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The DSM– V is the main criteria that is used to diagnose individuals with narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder, despite the many disagreements about the lack of empirical support. Nonetheless, there are treatment options that are available to those who become diagnosed with the disorder. The key approach in treatment for narcissistic personality disorder is psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is used to help those struggling with narcissism learn how to relate to others, encourage/ build more positive functional relationships, and gain a better understanding of themselves (Callaghan, Summers & Weidman, 2003). However, successful treatment for those living with narcissistic personality disorder may take many years of psychotherapy to see a breakthrough. It can take years for change to occur because these specific personality traits were developed over time and has become their ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Review Of ' Into The Wild ' By Jon Krakauer Essay I just finished reading a book called Into the Wild. It is about a man named Chris McCandless who decides to give up all his possessions and money, abandon his family, and embark on a journey to live in the Alaskan wilderness where he is found dead. Jon Krakauer, the author, explains McCandless's cause of death, starvation. However, he does not explain what persuaded him do all the extreme behaviors he did. Therefore, we will analyze the concept of a dysfunctional family and see how it led him to commit such actions and launch an odyssey to the wilderness. According to Texas Woman 's University, family dysfunction is any circumstance that affects the normal functioning of a family. It continues to explain how dysfunctional families tend to hold on to a crisis and make its effect long–term (1). However, normal and healthy families tend to deal with the crisis as it happens, minimizing its effect on everyone and making it less damaging. Dysfunctional families can be affected by trauma or poor parenting skills (World of Psychology). One of the types of adysfunctional family includes, that which is headed by an authoritarian figure (Disinherited). According to Kendra Cherry, an authoritarian parent usually has high expectations and demands but low responses to a child's needs. She claims that authoritarian parents tend to impose rules without exposing the reason behind them and do not provide children with choices or options to express what they seek or declare their ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Narcissistic Stereotypes The youngest generation obsesses over gaining approval in a way unprecedented by the past. This obsession stems from the increase of narcissistic attitudes found in children, including overconfidence, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy (Mayo Clinic Staff). The skyrocketing growth of social networking and the increase in the prevalence of superficial celebrities shown in the media only enhances narcissistic behaviors. However, these attitudes are initially caused by the actions of parents. An occurring shift in parenting styles centers around rewarding kids even when the child's amount of effort does not warrant praise. This type of award system fosters narcissistic attitudes that affect how kids interact with their surroundings,... Show more content on ... The biggest influence of personality are childhood experiences and the way in which parents choose to raise their kids. The shift in parenting styles contributes to the growing levels of narcissistic attitudes presented in the youngest generation. Because of the shift in values, the media evolved to highlight vain celebrities instead of focusing on the successes of brilliant, hard–working people. Social media takes away the emotional involvement in relationships and replaces those feelings with shallow gratification that causes people to grow an unhealthy attachment to the social network. Nothing can replace the convenience of social media, but if society changes the way it views online relationships then the focus will shift from having online relationships to improving interpersonal communication. Narcissism is a problem that can be fixed with healthy role–models and a positive, unselfish outlook that starts with how parents treat their children's successes and ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Paper Narcissistic Personality Disorder Definition: Narcissistic personality disorder is a type of disorder in which the person displays a pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, excessive attention to clothing and makeup, lack of empathy, and a sense of entitlement. Cause/Risk Factors: The cause of narcissistic personality disorder is not known, but inherited genetic defects are believed to be responsible in many cases. Contributing risk factors include: High or unrealistic expectations from parents or insensitive parenting Excessive pampering from parents Abuse or neglect during childhood Sexual promiscuity Cultural influences may play a role Signs & Symptoms: Exaggerated sense of self–importance Selfish Need for constant attention and admiration ... Show more content on ... Use active listening and open–ended questions – Rationale: This allows the patient to express concerns, fears, and ideas without being interrupted. 5.Provide privacy – Rationale: Narcissist do not like showing weakness to others, so talking to them one–on–one may help them to open up more. 6.Convey a sense of respect for the patient's abilities and strengths in addition to recognizing problems and concerns – Rationale: Assistance with problem solving and reality testing is best provided within the context of a trusting relationship. 7.Encourage participation in talk therapy – Rationale: Talking with a licensed professional may help the patient better understand their condition and identify way to cope with it.
  • 31. 8.Administer Ativan PRN for anxiety (if ordered) – Rationale: Although this medication is not used specifically for narcissistic personality disorder, it may be used to treat accompanying symptoms of anxiety. Assess degree and manifestations of anxiety – Rationale: Ativan that is given PRN must be assessed for need of medication. Monitor for excessive drowsiness, dizziness, and lethargy – Rationale: These are common symptoms of Ativan. Adjustments in dosage may be ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Narcissistic Behavior from Media and Social Media I believe media and social media plays a large role in the rise in narcissistic behavior in Western society. Facebook, YouTube are primary examples. I also felt that parenting philosophies of today play a part in the rise, as well. We have kids on YouTube taping the beatings of other classmates, you can post anything on Facebook and you can have 'phony' friends on social media...doesn't anyone get to know someone before calling them a friend? I feel our society is full of 'phony' counterparts; friends, beauty, rich people, celebrities, athletes, education, parent/child relationships, and our economy. I feel it's almost as if society is living in a 'grandiose' fantasy, and some of us (who actually see this happening) are left on the outside, looking in. Personally, I like being on the 'outside'. I also felt current parenting philosophies, media and social media plays a large role in society's narcissistic behavior. Parents are often overindulgent and parents and educators are being told to teach self–esteem to the point that our children often feel that the 'world revolves around me'. Self–esteem is a very important part of growing up, yet we also need to teach our children that the feelings and respect for others are just as important. Media makes models look picture perfect, even when they aren't. Our social interaction on the Internet allows others to be disrespectful and hurtful while remaining anonymous (or not). Bullying and beatings are being filmed and posted on ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Narcissistic Disorder : Effects And Treatments Narcissistic Disorder:Effects and Treatments Sean T. Lee Cheyney University Introduction This paper is an attempt to shed some light on Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Many people who have this disorder are not usually aware that they have it. People who have a narcissistic personality can have many problems arise in their relationships, on their jobs, and at school. Narcissistic personality disorder is a rare case here in the US, with less than 200,000 reported cases a year. It might be because it isn't reported enough and most the people who do have it are not going to just come out and say that they do. A person who is a narcissist usually exhibits a fixation with power, vanity, prestige, and personal importance. They are mentally unable to see the damage they are causing to themselves and the people around them. More awareness should be spread about this disorder so that it will become more identifiable in people and better treatment can be discovered. Spreading awareness will also help those who have NPD with getting help for it. Narcissistic Disorder: Etiology Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a psychological disorder where the person has a grandiose sense of their own importance, clamors for admiration from others, and cannot empathize with others. The actual cause narcissism is not known, and it can stem from many different causations. Mayoclinic (2014) has found that some links could possibly be mismatches in parent–child relationships with either ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Movie Analysis : ' Mommy Dearest ' Happily never after? Are children of narcissist parents able to establish committed relationships as adults? Camara O 'Neal Daniel Kleber March 9, 2015 Happily, Never After? Are children of narcissist parents able to establish committed relationships as adults? Introduction: The movie "Mommy Dearest" is a true–life account from a child of a narcissistic mother's point of view. That mother so happened to be a world renowned and famous old Hollywood actress Joan Crawford. The most famous line from the movie presents itself as Joan is pictured lovingly gazing over her two sleeping children; she precedes to admire all the pretty dresses she had purchased for her daughter and discovers in the rear of the closet a wire hanger. Outraged she wakes her daughter out of her sleep to demand the explanation for this horrendous infraction. "Narcissist mothers are often known to lack empathy, feel entitled, reject personal responsibility for her behaviors, engages in bullying and intimidation, is dishonest, has the relative morality of a small child, has chaotic and extremely dysfunctional relationships, has no sense of fair play and is completely self–obsessed." (2012, Palmatier) Backgound Research: According to Taber's Narcissistic Personality Disorder " A personality disorder marked by a grandiose sense of self–importance and preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, or beauty. The individual believes that his problems are unique and can only ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Is Narcissism A Socially Agreed Upon Unfavorable Trait? Narcissism is a socially agreed upon unfavorable trait, and one that is often correlated with negative outcomes. Like with many inopportune attributes, psychologists and researchers believe that by studying narcissism over time interventions could be set in place to deter environmental or genetic factors that contribute to this personality feature. By studying children and parents, researchers aimed to identify what feedback parents give to their children that could contribute to higher narcissistic tendencies. Specifically, researchers looked at the idea of overvaluing a child or not showing enough warmth, and its links to narcissism. It is important to analyze both popular press and research articles as they aim to provide varying depths of knowledge to different groups of people. Popular press articles are generally used as quick, easy to read sums of information for consumers and parents, and can be of major influence for families. Research articles should be conducted with the highest scientific integrity and if they are misinterpreted, either in the press or in their respective journals, they could have detrimental effects. This analysis aims to compare and contrast a research article and its subsequent popular press article while touching on strengths and weaknesses of both. The original research article titled "Origins of Narcissism in Children" looks at social learning theory and psychoanalytic theory to explain the origins of narcissism, as well as how it may ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Patrick Bateman And Narcissistic Personality Disorder Personality disorders are pervasive in nature, and are depicted in various mediums from film to novels. Narcissism will be discussed as it pertains to American Psycho; a film made in the early 2000's to describe a man who lives a double life as a business man and serial killer. The main character in particular, Patrick Bateman displays with themes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and his case along with the factors that are congruent with Narcissistic Personality Disorder will be discussed throughout. Patrick Bateman's personality disorder will be discussed in terms of effective treatment and also the etiological factors that could have given rise to Narcissistic Personality Disorder. An effective prevention strategy will be adapted for Bateman, considering the influences and possible history gleaned from the movie. In addition to the themes, treatment and factors associated with this personality disorder, more personality disorders will be briefly discussed at the end to show a well thought out and comprehensive paper. DSM–IV Classification of Narcissistic Personality Disorder for Patrick Bateman The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual describes personality disorders as being a pattern of enduring behavior and internal experiences that tends to digress a significant amount from the individual's cultural and societal standards (Sadock, Kaplan & Sadock, 2015). This personality disorder is diagnosed in the presence of grandiosity and the need to be admired and appreciated. There is a chronic lack of empathy as well as inflated self–esteem and the belief that one is entitled to the adoration of others. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is classified under Cluster B, showcasing more erratic and emotional behavior which can be seen in the film American Psycho. Patrick Bateman is a wealthy investment banker living in Manhattan in the late 1980s. His life revolves around dining at trendy restaurants while keeping up appearances for his fiancГ©e, Evelyn, and for his circle of wealthy and shallow associates, most of whom he dislikes. Bateman describes the materialistic nature of his lifestyle: his daily morning exercise and beautification routine, his music collection including performers such ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Unadulterated Arrogance : Autopsy Of The Narcissistic... In Summers & Summers (2006) article "Unadulterated Arrogance: Autopsy of the Narcissistic Parental Alienator" mentions that the beginning symptoms of the onset of Narcissistic Disorder typically begins during infancy, childhood, or early adolescence. Although there exist many specialists that believe that it is more than likely "attributed to psychological childhood abuse and trauma inflicted by parents, family, or other authority figures". Individuals with NPD are known to "display snobbish, disdainful, or patronizing attitudes" (American Psychiatric Association, 1994, p. 659) towards others. Just as children go through their egocentric phase, those that have NPD according the article "Narcissism and Well–Being: A Longitudinal Perspective" by Zuckerman & O 'Loughlin, (2009) states how they become "locked into that stage and never grows out of it". When a child is allowed to feel overly important, that child will more than likely maintain their infantile mentality of "power [and] control", thus "hindering Narcissistic characteristics. These children learn to scan and seek out those who can fulfill their narcissistic supply" that demands attention, recognition, and fulfillment. Another cause an individual will become a narcissistic is because it was a learned behavior. When a caregiver is too concerned with their "own preoccupations to be with their child, they often raise narcissistic children" (Summers & Summers, 2006). Due to this, the only time that a narcissistic ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Narcissistic Personality Disorder ( Npd ) The personality of a person is what ultimately defines who they are. This is what 99% of us look for in a person actually knowing who they really are. A person may be fun, loving, caring, and charismatic and a million other traits, but there is none like being narcissistic. A narcissistic person is one who truly believes that the world revolves around them and them only. This is someone who has an excessive or erotic interest in themselves, he /she craves constant admiration and never want to recognize differences with external objects. This type of obsessive behavior is characterized as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). This is definitely something that can have an adverse effect on children and their mental health. Parents suffering from narcissistic personality disorder are not very capable of raising and providing a quality, solid foundation for their children while maintaining and ensuring the preservation of their child's mentality. According to the article Modernity and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (2014) by Joel Paris, narcissistic personality disorder is a pathological amplification of narcissistic traits. This means that unlike a normal person, the traits in a narcissistic person that defines their personality are usually increased from a 1 to a 10. They are always the "self–absorbed" guy in the crowd. However what most people do not understand is what an impact this has on people living around narcissistic individuals especially children. A child who ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay about Mental Disorders: Glenn Gould Glenn Gould People face anxiety many times in their lives; this may be before a new experience or while making big life decisions. Imagine a person's career being a major reason for their anxiety for over ten years. Glenn Gould was a remarkable man whose constant struggle with anxiety and narcissistic behavior led to unconventional coping methods. Glenn Gould started to experience anxiety every time he played the piano on stage starting in his pre–adolescence and throughout the rest of his life (although he stopped playing in public at the age of thirty–one). Considering Glenn Gould played in many piano concerts, this proves to be a huge accomplishment. However, Gould's anxiety and social phobia was heightened by his narcissistic ... Show more content on ... She caused him to be afraid of crowds by constantly warning him not to go to crowded places (Ostwald, 1997). This is a warning he obeyed throughout his life, which is another example of how compliant he was to his mother's instruction. She also instilled his perfectionist behavior in him, especially when it came to piano playing. She did this by "[encouraging him] to strike the "right" notes, and if he hit a "wrong" one, [she] grimaced, her body became tense, and words of disapproval crossed her lips" (Ostwald, 1997, p.44). Since music was a great part of Glenn's life it was apparent that his bond with his mother was stronger, since they both shared their love for music. Therefore, I believe it is evident that Gould's mother's role in his life was one of great significance, and his relationship with his father was not as strong in comparison to his relationship with his mother. The interesting thing about this is that his father made him a chair to use while he played the piano, and he continued to use this chair till the end of his piano playing in public. The wear and tear of the chair eventually began to cause Glenn problems, which Ostwald notes, "the weight of his body had to come down on his perineum and genitals" (Ostwald, 1997, pg. 304–305). Therefore, the chair was causing him discomfort, but this did not stop Gould from using the chair his father had built for him. I believe this ... Get more on ...
  • 40. John Merrow Narcissism In Relationships Those who display narcissistic tendencies often carry along a multitude of problems. One imminent consequence of a narcissistic individual is their inability to form relations in which stems from lack of loyalty. Individuals who display narcissist tendencies consistently have lower satisfaction and success rates within relationships. Gayle Brewer, Danielle Hunt, Gail James, and Loren Abell, psychology professors from an elite institution, conducted a study on narcissistic traits and its' influence on infidelity levels in relationships. The study found that women with higher levels of narcissism, not only display greater levels of infidelity themselves, but believe that they are more vulnerable to a partner's infidelity than women with low ... Show more content on ... Seth Spain, author of The Dark Side of Work, argues that narcissists have advantages when it comes to their take charge personality in which it helps them to get ahead. Spain implies, "They are motivated to seek positions of power and influence, because those positions are consistent with their views of themselves as special and important" (Spain). However, studies have proven that narcissists do not do well in workplace environments specifically because of their inability to form relationships with fellow co–workers. Spain counters his argument by explaining, "In long–term interactions, other people often come to view the narcissist as hostile and arrogant. Excessively narcissistic behavior is likely to contribute to the derailment of a successful career" (Spain). Narcissists have a large amount of charisma which often times pleases people in the beginning. However, it is crucial to remember that it will nearly always back–fire in the end. So being narcissist is not needed and will end up catching up to the individual and end in ... Get more on ...
  • 41. What Narcissistic Personality Disorder A narcissistic personality disorder is basically a person who feels that they have self–importance. The person thinks that they should have control and power above anything. The person is unable to mentally realize how much damage they are doing to others and themselves. To be specific on a certain type of people who has a NPD are narcissistic parents. Narcissistic parents fall into two type of categories which damage their children. There is engulfing parents which mean the parents are overly protective of their child and will ignore their child's age where there are no boundaries between themselves and the child. This causes the child to be pushed away from the parent or parents into not feeling trusted. For example the parent will go through emails or text messages. Ignoring parents ignore their child and doesn't care or share interest in their child which makes the child grow up to feel unwanted or cared for. The diagnosis is based on the many symptoms of having a Narcissistic personality disorder such as feeling self–importance which is one of the main symptoms. The person normally has difficulty maintain an unhealthy relationship. They will take advantage of anyone just to get their own needs. Rage takes place if the person feels criticized. They will have no sympathy for anyone's feelings but their selves. They are very good at making others feel guilty like with narcissistic parents they tend to say "I gave my life up for you and this is how you treat me" to their ... Get more on ...