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Enea Marius
The magic sold
Cluj-Napoca 2007
1988 to the beginning it was last holiday that it was possible to have Anca. In
Clausenbourg, in a block of flats that were living by years very good persons considerate to be,
one Mario, never so tough in the child time, never so aggressive with a fine girl that it was Anca,
he was coming in holiday to a mother that was never enough money having or to much money
to spend with her or with her natural child Remo. The messages from time to time by mother of
Anca or by Anca, but not being so sure that she will be realizing her dream that she will be
getting married with a seriously person and enough so strong she being a very good medicine
doctor and of course why not a medicine doctor UT, Mario was realizing for her a very fine and
ambitious boy that he was proposing for him self to be changing his life from a poor situation
crated by her step mother into a very honest life like engineer and this position for Anca, the
future in short time a very appreciating medicine doctor, an advantage for her to be very
friendly with him realizing in fact he was becoming not at all but enough, a attractive man.
Just sensitive touches representing fine kisses on the face and drinking a good coffee, telling ht
e short stories about of his life like student, but looking fix to her but not so fix to be realizing
that it’s same for her.
Before the last holiday, very near by the summer but exactly that was his birthday, it was
appearing into the student campus to him his step brother with a present by Anca.
Surprised, very surprised, and like usually speaking about the girl from Clausenbourg especially
by Anca, or Flavia, his was growing up again to his dreams but Remo never realizing this being
an infantile.
The last trip in Clausenbourg, but never being very sure by him that him will be meeting a
girlfriend from the child time, it was growing up with the dreams of course about Anca, but
looking inside of him and being a lot of very scary, considerate that to be finishing a university
it’s not enough to be making love and being getting married with a woman like Anca.
He was continual to be dreaming at her, thinking that, so what, it’s enough in fact that it’s
possible his dream to becoming real just saying her to him that she is likening him.
It was the last summer and the teenage was finishing but he was never meeting before because
she was getting married with her ex boyfriend from student time and she was going in
He was never asking before by her, he considerate her a very realized person, enough get
married to be never dream at her and asking for.
In 1986, it was raining summer on the field, that bless it the life before. In the village from the
mountain, it was organized year by year a kind of campus for the students. What kind of
campus? There were two kind of. One kind it was just to be strong educated in the politically
attitude of the students for the political leader of the land. Are you expecting to say a country?
May be, but now it is just a no way land.
The road to the cabana named The could river it is situated on the Colinas of the Mountain near
the forest. Just could rooms, one toilet and no way bathroom, but the young were coming here
to be exalting in their minds, to be very free and to be involve in a relation ship by others girls
or boys, because in the time of a stud’s year they are all at long exposing to the big moths, that
are watching them and are talking every where especially to the special politically police.
The break fast for one boy and the friends of him it was meaning one lager, but not just one,
there were just one by one, somebody long time ago explaining to them that, one lager its
equal with two eggs. In this cause, they were explaining to every body that was trying to
stopping them, that in the morning it is recommending to eat an omelet.
The tennis playing yards in one day and one of them just walking easy near, watching about a
girl, remembering to him a girl neighbor.
Looking down the street, he was observing a playing football yard. Was going just to asking the
boys that were staying on the yard just talking about one game.
After a talking with the boys, he was going quickly to the cabanas, to get the sport clothes.
Turning back to the cabana, he was seeing a girl in a balcony to a discotheque. She was just
staying, looking to him very precisely, demonstrating to him that he will be for her a special gift.
He was accepting in the team of young miners. Was playing like coordinator, keeping breath of
the game just for inhale and when it was finish the game and played exhale.
Like a winner, of course, the gift it was so promised in lager with the lagers and dance in
Not like usual, just like a special kind he was drinking just enough to be voluble and to have
enough courage to be talking with a girl.
Just looking around for special girl that he likes, he was observing her just staying on the
balcony and to her shoulder looking over.
Therefore, asking him self it is enough courage inside, he was going like a shrike just near her.
Have a Coke?
Not enough surprised just looking different she was asking, taking the Coke:
What for?
Maybe you are so thirsty.
Am I?
I suppose not enough.
Why are you so sure?
Because you are here just staying.
And whats meaning this?
Are you waiting somebody? Just you are looking for. Maybe to your mama at home are you
cooking, or may more and more.
Precisely Im cooking, just in my bedroom its a pillow.
Its enough to be so large?
How much?
Lets see. Can you are coming near me?
Just to see if we have bad heads.
Are you crazy? Bad heads!!! What a fuck its this, he is an imbecile!
Hey, hey, wait a moment! Where are you going? You want to see if you are finding something
She was turning back very seriously affected and she was getting a foot in the leg of Mario.
Its like regular now!
Jeee thanks!
Are you saying thanks? Fuck you, bastard!
O.K., O.K., lets see if we can do this.
What to see?
To fuck me like a bastard.
Thanks, I hope so you are doing this.
She was trying to go in other side of the discotheque, but she was very nervous and she was
coming back getting to him some punches.
He just keeping an easy guard was hanging her and kisses. She, very aggressive was getting a
punch in his stomach.
Ouch, now Im very ill and truly very bad had. Lets get some drink.
Because Im same like you.
Are you?
Not like a girl, just I like you too.
Ouch! Are you so sure?
Not enough please kiss me again.
Meeee! But you are kissing me, not I!
OK. Let me to do again.
O.K., just once.
O.K., I dont remember anything, but if this its twice, now its just the first. Promise?
I will see if my pillow its regular.
Early in the morning, Mario was trying to find, not toilet of course, just one lager to drink
because, after a night that he was dimensioning not just a pillow, of course also the blanket of
Andreea, he was becoming very thirsty.
Where are you going?
Its so early and so dark and because you are so sleepy I cant find you.
She was getting down the blanket by her body asking:
Are you so sure?
No, not enough. But I discovered something like a shadow of a white color paste on the bed.
Like a paste?
Yes, its different by tomatoes.
Fuck you, Mario.
In the evening to the discotheque, they were dancing. Mario was trying to kiss her just in time
of the dance because it was darkness light. However, the surprise it was that on DJ was
watching about her and when he was appreciatively to kiss her, the DJ was putting the strong
light on. He was becoming very angry. It was once, twice and after more, but the DJ was very
stupid. They were going out of the dance square to be possible to kiss.
On the road to the cabanas she was very different that in the morning time.
So, are you sure that we will be finding my room?
Not yet, its not enough to be involved to be sure that its seriously.
Ouch, yes?
Arent you so sure?
Let me thinking about.
He was remembering the events form the evening and he was becoming sure. He did not asking
her why the DJ was putting continues the lights on them. Now he was becoming sure that its
not enough light on the road to be finding his room from the cabana.
So, this it was all?
May be. I suppose you will see.
Yes, I will. Please sorry.
I need to be going home alone.
O.K. May I to be expecting to anything else?
No, Im not so capable.
O.K., thanks. Nice to meet you.
Thank you.
One year later, in the same kind of campus but on the Black Sea Coast, he was, of course,
watching to a girl like Andreea.
The surprise it was just Andreea. Appreciating her body on the beach, but not recognizing her
from the fist watch, he was very surprising that the sexy girl with the shade skin it was, but very
sure Andreea.
After this happening, he was very sure that Andreea is no confused.
He was very attitude attracting by her, of course not, because he was involving in love just by
him self, going closer and closer to be very sure that he will be touching her skin and to be
kissing her by surprise.
After the touch, she was very scared and she was trying to scream, but he was putting his dirty
head how she was saying after and he was kissing her in force.
She was very standing up very angry and she was getting him some punches in the stomach and
in the shoulders, after on foot in his leg, but he was keeping her hanging on and he was kissing
So, you are once again.
Am I?
Im not so sure. Arent you same?
Lets see. Have a Coke?
No, can you get me some drink?
Am I capable? Let us see what happened in my pocket. Sorry, dear, but I have on me just my
short. Can you verify my pocket?
Fuck you, Mario!
Yes, you are. It is so early to get a drink. Where are you living here?
In a hotel room. I do never prefer to live on the road.
Yes you are, fuck you!
Are you so sure? Im meaning, Are you capable?
I will be checking it.
I hope so you will do.
Thanks, dear. I will.
Not like a kiss, just like friends they were meeting continues but in a night before an enjoying to
a taverns and a short on him of course, but a long walk on the beach, they were entering inside,
of course, into his room. The roommate was sleeping, but she was talking enough strongly and
he was wacky. The talking was not like usually in the night time because Andreea, of course also
Mario, because he was obligated to keep the short on him all the time, and now Andreea was
trying measuring if the pillow and the blanket of Mario its enough just to protect them by the
Please, sorry mate, Im Andreea.
Mario, she is our new mate room?
Ouch, Mario may I ask you something?
If you need.
Yes, I need an answer.
If its possible to have one.
I suppose that you must to have another one.
I dont understand. What another one?
This is the question?
Hey mate, what are you telling her?
I was asking you just that if Andreea its our new mate?
But I dont understand. It was another new mate before to her?
No, no, just its saying.
Ouch, now arent you, Andreea, a special question?
No thank you. Its enough mates, to put a drink on you?
Whats this?
Just some money.
But its so late!
Please, enjoy and be careful. Thank you. See you later.
It was a time when the ghost been like a young man who promised to become an ideal for a
How its possible to be turning back the time, when in a moment of love you are becoming a
ghost not a man?
A part of my life it was losing, but it been the memories who never despaired.
To bad, when you are alive in the past, you are already old.
The ghost thinking he will be coming into a new life, because the young lady, enough ugly to be
in love with her and enough to celebrate like a woman, but another woman who he hope never
she will be saying:
Hey, mister, Im just a woman and I cant to be so strong to keep your life in my hands and both
of us to stay alive. I need a kind of man to keep me, not spin it on me, or keeping me so hang on
by you, a man who can to give me a life, a real life to be so happy.
1988, it was a year marking the end of youngness time. After it starts the period in which the
ghost stared to build a performance to demonstrate he is an engineer.
The small town where he discovered the life in working is not so fine, but when he had of
course enough money to have a real family and so what they were enough to have a girlfriend
and making love with her if it was possible to do.
There are situations when the memory it is playing with you but in one situation, especially
when you feel that she is the woman, she is indeed of you. This is not a practice; this point of
you is yours and depends by you. The difference between two men its:
Both of them are animals but one of them is a man. It is the education of the soul borne in the
teenage time and of course when you are like a child and you must to have it like other child
that is getting by the parents all and he has not noting to do.
That imagine who he seen not every time but who made him to feel that he can be indeed
evolved in a love, transform him in a dreamer.
First choice never comes back and of course he never needed because in that moment other
man was the accepted. These choose its indeed an impossible situation, but without her he is
an animal like others that is hunted and he must to attack like them. Unacceptable choice
because the difference its that he love and think once upon a time a young man who was
devoted and what for to chose a image who never knows how its before.
What are you expecting to say?
I dont know, tell me, how you can to make this?
Look at her, what I said first time when I saw her?
I dont remember.
She is Andreea.
O, yes, I remembered.
And I felt inside that she is indeed the woman but she was doing far away for me.
And now?
And now I have enough courage to write her because I am mature.
It was already morning and the ghost was sleeping very badly. Last night at 24 hours oclock he
was invited to drink a coffee by a friend who is taxi driver. They were talking in a cafeteria
about situation of taxi drivers. At 5 oclock in a morning he was waking up and he was going
about another coffee. One friend of him was seen by he and they were starting to talk, indeed
he needing also some cigarettes.
Hey ghost, what its happening with you? You look bad.
I was sleeping badly and I am looking same.
No, no, I wanted to say that maybe you feel bad.
No, thank you, I told you, I was sleeping badly and I am looking bad. If I was sleeping fine, I shall
be looking fine. Do you know, if you are sleeping fine, its possible to look bad, but probability its
very small? If you are sleeping smart, are you looking stupid?
Ha, no thank you.
Yes, I know, you are looking drank.
I was to a party. I need to get some rest.
If I remember you are living some where here.
No, thank you, I stay so far awayc
Why the ghost didnt accept the situation that he was lost in this world where every body has a
chance? Looking for some one like Andreea, long time ago he believed that love its enough to
be a real man. Blue-green eyes, when the color its changed become brown and its enough to
feel that in this woman is shining something like a fever, but when you are dreaming the blue-
green eyes of her you can be sure you are involved in love.
First chance its the last chance, never tell the story about your lovers or too much about your
life. Lets her or him to discover by her self how you are together with she because the human
been its adapting. A mistake, if you are an intelligent man, its never repeating, but people are
talking to much every time. The good intentions are some time covered by the ideas that I need
this woman for me.
Pay attention to the woman or man who tell you that, if he is alone, or dirty, or very selfish you
will be losing all.
When you are borne ugly, sincerely smiling you will become fine.
The sound of your soul must to be same like to her, you must to be sure that she is feeling same
thinks like you, and if you are a dreamer be careful and please dont be paranoiac.
But I love her?
She loves you?
I insist!
Dont be silly, be sure you will be considering dangerous or you have an obsession.
No, Im not; I will be despairing if she believes thisc I will become again a ghostc
Gentle its not same with tender. Gentle and tender but demonstrate when you are together
with her a mature man, doesnt matter what other are telling you about me and that is all. The
ghost becomes a man.
Dont tell me story. A man its meaning to be, thats all.
An obsession its an idea what do you like to be, but if you insist too much with all the
possibilities, in this cause you become an obsessed and trust me are not reasons to protect you.
The reason of love its to be alive both of yours with the condition to be happy all of yours.
When the night its coming back the ghost, usually is staying and dreaming that, the day before
become a white day so fade and one chase it must be finding for sending a message like a
Robinson Crusoe, and never remember really what he dreaming because if it is an open mind,
the message it will be understanding and conclusion will be of course to destruction the
relationship, especially if he or her, or both of them are involved in love, in sense negative will
be. Of course watching every time some one, doesnt matter how, doesnt matter if there are
excuses and the next having just possibilities of a terror mind, or politely speaking caning not
controlling, one of them will be accused or putting one of them every time in danger.
Arent you in love?
Negative with you.
Do you love her?
Ask me before Im married.
Losing your control its true, you will be discovering the life its fascinating, but love becomes
true love before.
Talking with some one, especially with a woman, he was suppressed to be hasten because he
prefer a woman like Andreea. Explanation is that Andreea is a star. Why he like a woman from
fashion, how its possible this, how he has this courage to say when he is so pure and we try to
do himself so ugly?
Sensitivity its growing up from inside and its seeing on the brain and in his mind.
Tell me, who is brown girl likely?
Never ask me what I feel for Aileen.
And Andreea?
Long time ago, when I seen this woman I said: Ouch, but its not enough to have a woman like
And now?
Ouch, Im a mature man.
Explain to me?
The jealousy its a feeling that stimulate you to become:
The first-ambitious;
The second-aggressive.
I accept I havent enough bad feeling to be jealous in wrong sense, I have enough feeling to give
love, I am to much ugly to be fine and Im not enough selfish.
Try again.
For the first time I must to tell you, that money a making using brain. Have I enough maturity?
I try to make money, doesnt matter how!
No, no, try to make money without smell.
Dirty cash money is doing easy but you are becoming ill.
So what!
Dont remember, easy come easy go. Do not lose your life, because the soul its tired.
In the memory its a place that it working together with the soul. We are remembering just good
thinks, pretty face images and in unconscious its working telling us what we must to do. A
handicap provoke you a feeling to be wrong, especially when you are seeing other person who
you consider same like you, its himself point of view, but its a wrong education of the
personality. First point of view its:
We are equals just when we are burning.
The day before yesterday the ghost was so happy. He was feeling that he was loved.
Today she was disturbed by some people that try to do same thinks like him, but he hope that
his idea its important and of course that he is appreciating her for long time ago, but some time
good ideas become truly after a time when you are becoming mature.
The long way to heaven its bordering with tramps.
Part time lover? He cant believe this. Secret passion, for him is of course, by to long time ago. If
he will has the occasion to see her going home, from behind he is sure will admiring her legs
and that is not at all. Attraction? This is a question that has an answer to all of us, sure.
Disappointed by her of course no way, question is she is agreeing him? He will see. He hope
doesnt be nervous for an irony. In this situation he will be left by himself. Vanity its to all of us,
because maturity says:
If you have personality, doesnt matter what they say, you must to play the game, but he isnt a
lamb that needs milk by more sheep. Their situation its stabling by other, that try to cover the
mistakes of them. To lie, its a normal been for them, but he is evolve in love for this woman and
if she is a stupid, believing this kind of people, he will be disappointed and she will be like use to
be. What he will be feeling after, this will be not important for her, the ghost will be the ghost
and she will must to accept that he will be despairing. Another one buys the dust.
Last time the attitude of them versus by him was changed. If for the fist time they been
altruistic, now they try to destroying him, dont let him to work, because is a stupid situation:
We are not same and other dont accept to work some one of them, but when they are talking
about a woman like her, they are pretending, that they are same like him and better like him.
He hope by her never asks him if he likes her. In this cause he will believe her a stupid. He never
tries to find a woman that he doesnt like especial when he is really involved in love. His attitude
about a woman is:
You must to be 10 marks.
This occasion it will be demonstrate by him, maybe never telling her I love you, but she will be
sure by this.
Disappoint of a man its when the woman try to profit by feelings. Honesty, its true, its burning
in childhood, but to be honest with some one its gift for those person.
The suffering its to easy to support when its not too late.
What do you think when you are you seeing her motion?
Its just one single answer: She is the woman.
Nothing else?
When the dreams are becoming true, part time lover its just me, or maybe more, but Im just
making love not else.
The day before there is all the time but it is coming after a long night of work and not to much
food and sleep.
Wacky, please.
Thank you, dear, especially dear I need you again.
If she is smiling, its meaning that with one night ago he was being a man not a ghost.
May I ask you something?
Depends? I dont like to be disturbed.
O.K., in private I what to ask you, that when you are thinking to her, you realize that you are
building in your mind a situation, that its possible never to be realize?
The white light of the day its giving you the lucidity to realize, if its possible to be real or not,
because you are thinking like a cool mind.
Obsession? Not at all, its meaning in especially that its my likely woman in my life.
The chance?
I wrote a book long time ago, but not so long to be forgot.
The woman that I like ago, sarcastic, ironic, cultivated but never with enough courage to write a
book without a checking by the teacher.
Vanity. She is never accepting to be criticizing, because she is studding the literature. And, in
this situation, she believes, that she must to be the best.
Erotic dream? Last night she was here. In the morning he is dreaming her. Its an incredible
situation for a professional woman? All he needs in this morning, of course to early morning, its
just a pill. To have him a hearth ache by an erotic dream? And this its not at allc
He wasnt sure that he was dreaming, or she was coming to him for an interview. Emotions, real
emotions, but he was trying to be sure that he isnt shame by himself. A professional woman,
entering in his room, curiosity not dissimulated to see a mad man in love by her. The mask: He
trying to be himself, indifferent relative, because do not he will be considerate obsessed. What
a stupid ticket to hell for a man in a modern world!
The loneliness its the privilege for a man, or a woman that needs an, or a partner so special for
to be in love.
The loneliness?
Yes, the long way to an ideal woman its thinking all the time this: She is perfect!
But trust me, she is indeed a wonderful woman, but its a human been, woman with her self
selfishness, with her self capriciousness, her attitude for you it will be relative, because she was
seeing a lot like you and now she isnt surprising, that you are believing her so perfect or so
beautiful, or that you have an erotic dream attraction.
This it will be I hope not. I suppose the great disappoint from my life. O. K., I will see, lets talking
about other thinks and of course I need a pill again.
What kind of pills?
Head ache I am looking for.
The city in the morning it was covering by strong smog. He believed, he can be ghost again,
looking discretely after the woman that becoming real. She was so hurrying to despair to her
car. Nobody seen her, every body watching him, but when you are smart the dreams becomes
the through. An interview? Or she was enough curiously, life becoming interesting for her,
because he is cover by a real danger every time. Its a very interesting think, the women are
attracting by the danger when they are considering, that it deserves.
What for an erotic dream, when its possible to make love really and emotions after accentuate
the feeling, that they are devoting to some one that they like enough to be loved.
She is married?
Not yet.
And why all this discretion?
When you are a star and I am your lover that Im becoming a real man and long time ago all
these people were giving you one coin, telling with hypocrisy to bad, she will be attracting in a
tramp, trying to demonstrate to all, that they are good people and you are just a garbage. Its an
idea to never ever recognizing, that they are the dangerous selfish killers.
After this kind of dream, or, asking him self, reality, he goes to medley hospital. He couldnt
believe that its possible to feel this woman very near him. Asking every time by him self, what
he wants to do with his life, he finds just one single answer: I need this kind of woman and if its
possible to be just Her. Why? In his heart he needs to have just love. She is a star, fashion star,
and when she isnt together with him, watching at TV, he can sees her, he can admire her, he
can dream with her and if possible to disturb her, he will calling her to talk. When she is coming
back, maybe they will find some time to will see both of them outside. A walk its will being,
maybe a party, but after a time, that he will recognized that he is her man.
I cant believe. The ghosts are having feelings?
What do you think, when are you looking to some one and the ghost is smiling?
Ouch, this is vanity?
No, this is that the ghost believes, that you like her, she is feeling good and if is possible to like
you, one kiss its giving because you are so cool.
No, no, thank you.
Do you prefer a cool smiling fresh, a cool meaningful glance killing you with love, or a cool could
I prefer dont answer I.
A kiss its just a kiss, meaning an abandon for a moment, losing your control, but thinking after a
time maybe was good or wrong.
Depends by whom?
By him of course not, a man or a ghost it must to be loved in any kind condition. But, if is love
beginning to a kiss, never it will be changing in the life of them, but will be so hard.
Adventure its different by love, but we remember all, if the end its happy.
It is an erotic dream a bad think? He would be asking many time by him self and the answer
was of course not. But, all the time when he couldnt be in real touch with the woman dreamed,
he was becoming depressed. The fault of himself erotic dreams it is of course the abstinence,
cause all the time he was needing just one special woman. Why? Because the life its so short
and he, all the time, was trying to be happy. The love, or to making love, its a very good feeling
and if he can do this, he become normal. The danger its, that the period of abstinence do not
be so long, because when he is becoming involve in love, he become very suspicious, that he
dont be losing the woman. Its true, a special woman its never finding every where and every
time. The irony its, that he in many times when the chance it was real, he hadnt the
possibilities. A special woman is not at all representing by spending the time, good food, a
home or making love. A special woman its meaning, but not in all causes, also to spend some
money, money is meaning something we need like a needing not like a life to be dedicate. Its
possible to do easy money without blackmail and in this cause you are spending very easy
money, but you lose the ration of good human been being. When both of them consider, that
the chances are working in tandem, or one for the other, in this cause they will be all the time
an Eng-yang. He is very sure, he never accepting the help by her because, he like a ghost
writing, try to be a writer. And for him, his books will be all of them dedicate of her. Like an
artist, she is becoming by long time ago for him a woman idea, that he can does her happy.
May I ask you something?
Please try.
Can you be dedicate, or to write something fine to an ugly woman?
Its true, are many artists that are demonstrating, there is the ugliness aesthetic, but ask, please,
this kind of artists, about their private life.
What are you trying to say?
If I make art for a food, this is meaning that I am alive to eat. We are alive to eat, or we work to
be alive?
Whats meaning in you ideas, to be alive?
Maybe celebrate not yet, but I need love.
If its possible, try to explain me.
I wish to can do, but I dont want and because you are same like me, an artist, I wish you to be
loved by an actress.
Saturday afternoon. He was disturbing by someone, which was trying to put him in a hell smell.
Without the personal smelling bad, without a bad idea, looking for just friendly, talking politely,
he was trying to find some cigarettes. A good think it smells by a kilometer. The question its and
probably an artificial trouble, why all these people dont try to be honest? Its true; he knows
that the optic was changing.
When he was coming back from his history, he had some money, some thinks for his home. But
this people were putting him in danger, he was disturbed all the time, they are using his home
like wild animals, brooking his door. The money was spending to continue fixing the home and a
small part for him. Now he must to borrow from the others. After they are attacking his home,
provoking damages and he is putting in situation, he cant to be giving money back, not all.
If she will be selfish and no honest, he will be going in his history and after to the new world.
I hope not.
Me too. I consider her a smart woman and I think she will be trusting in me.
Whats wrong with you?
Nothing else, just I try to think, how I must to do, to see her every day.
Anything else?
Nothing else, love its before.
Walking down the street, he was thinking:
If she is same kind like this people, which never like to work, never they are trying to do a good
think, covering the through, in this cause isnt one of mine. I dont accept to smell kaka just in
cause Im constipating like them. But Im honest by my self, when Im not so sure that Im a
correct man with her, and its not possible this, Im hurrying left and I am telling her, please
excuse me, Im like jerks and forget me.
It is a life of a man, in which the beauty was respected, without the beauty the dream becoming
horror. Like an animal, if he will think, he will become next garbage and he will eat from the bin.
The long way to hell its bordering with good intentions. Its meaning that a help that its coming
to late its indeed a new Waterloo. If the General Murat was coming soon, Napoleon was saved.
Lets trying to explaining the situation in cause in your land nobody is trying to be performing
because about you are speaking them is ill.
Especial in my land the good thinking mind its delivering just believing that: Now am I dont!
The Zakintos Island at two ours with ferryboat by Greek port Patras it was under the
domination of Italians in time of Mussolini. If you are trying to explaining this, the position its
appreciatively at half distance by Greece and half by Italy.
Zante Harbor its a small port in Ionian Sea. When the waves are strong the delivering between
the island and Kilini Danes its stopped. Two ferryboats of the Ionian Cruises are making the
delivering between these two parts of the ancient Greece.
Natural reservation, one of the loneliest place form Greece where the turtles are in liberty, but
where the snakes are eating the eggs of the turtles. In a cruise around to the island, looking too
the blue caves and staying and fishing on the ship wreak beach, maybe after you are coming
back, usually if you are an English man, you are going in a bar and you drink a lot of lagers.
The island populated especial by Greek people have enough foreigners especial Albanians
because here its a no controlling in the harbor. Illegal workers are using to demonstrate that
Greek tradition its here modernized with a strong English influence.
Remo living by twelve years on this island, first time he was trying to resist in Tbilisi, but in
winter when the season its close he was hasnt some think to work.
Laganas, the station for tourist but explaining to everybody that its the second place on the
island like population, many new hotels and between 1997 till 2004 it was very populated with
the tourists in the summer, especial English people and not enough Swedish people.
Not far away by the beach, one opposite by other the Hotel Alexander the Great face to face
with The Hotel Ykaros.
Hotel Alexander the Great, the propriety of one officer engineer navy Greek, a family propriety,
this Panas Kostas at 67 years old was discovered the is capable to be get married in the second
time of his life becoming the father of other three children and husband of one woman by 36
years old. Of course, a very serious man but very jealous like a Greek.
Hotel Ykaros also a family propriety but here the family it was coming back form America where
all three children of the God father Papu were educated in American system.
The biggest brother from the family, a very strong man properly and figuration speaking was
separated by next two brothers Makis and Takis of course both of them get married. Takis like
Greeks speaking the biggest cooker in the world especial that are some young English woman
around, was putted down twice in the business in Chicago by his own first son and now in the
second marriage with the second son but more American and a lot of Greek also.
The main road to Laganas on the left side of Zante Harbor is now organizing bordering with a lot
of mini markets and taverns in modern style a lot of English and more like than Greek.
Like usually in a tourism island every where are advertising trying to attract the tourists that
after in their bars where are entering by years were drinking a lot of lagers and especial drafts
because also here the English style must be permanently keep it.
Hotel Ykaros to hour that the young English girls, after a strong taking a shower, are coming to
the living to be getting the breakfast, and to be drinking but not surprising one a good milk and
In the time of first period of tourist in Hotel Ykaros were living two young English girls. No
knows by Mario because they were coming in the period of the after noon and before they
were going to get some drink and to get some friend same like them. At the finish of the period
before they were very drinking, they were realize that the money were gone and the drink it
was coming before with a lot of troubles with the receptionist because the boys are boys and
they are believing the chances are no equals.
A young lady maybe teenage in college Hanna, very carefully with Donna, a rebel girl that
drinking with anyone he is getting and never coming back in the hotel room.
The explanation its that this Hanna very sensitive, she believed, that she must to be the mother
of her Donna of course.
The situation it was putting down by Mario very sarcastic and critical but speaking very laugh
with Hanna and Donna being there.
Surprising him before in very evening Donna was coming in the hall just with a towel around.
What time is, please?
A quarter past five.
Have you a cigarette?
Yes, sure, have two.
No, thank you.
At same time in the next evening:
Have you same water, please?
No, sorry, the bar its locked now.
Ty thelys, Mario?
She needs some water.
Wait, wait!
Wait a moment, please. Nicko will be coming with some water.
Thank you.
She was getting a sit on chair near him. Of course she was just with a towel around.
First three stages it was no so difficult for Mario to be receptionist. The funny part of the
second stage had been a group from Liverpool. He was supposing first that the people from this
group but no at all of them there were men football players, but after a time he was sure that
the men from Liverpool were supporters of the Liverpool football team. At four a oclock in the
morning the were coming from the bars some time speaking maybe to laugh or smiling, but the
surprise it was, they looking very strong or if you like enough tough, the were understanding
him and they were going to lath in their room.
Not using is long time the English language he was very surprised because after a time the men
from Liverpool, after they were entering in the reception hall they are saying:
You are right?
In the first second he was blocked, but after he was asking surprised:
Excuse me?
You are right, mate?
The brain its the brain:
Yes, sure, thank you.
In the morning, depending how it was the sleep of Papu, Mario was getting money and after he
was going to get some cigarettes. The surprise of all of English it was that he was seeing
drinking almost every time in the breakfast times some lagers. For all of them, but not for all of
them it was disgusting this, but they are didnt know that after for of five coffee in the night
time to be carefully, Mario was need some lagers. The explanation is, of course for all the time,
that to much coffee, that is a strong diuretic, it needing to drink liquids.
He getting not to much money every day, but for him it wasnt of course also so chip money, but
like every where the life its very expensive.
Every morning, especial after his brother Remo it was putted left, he was must to get every
morning some foods, some cigarettes, to give to his brother some money for the fuel and after
the money were disappearing.
The good part of his brother is that he is living in Laganas by twelve years and they were caning
to keep their rental room, but no so easy.
At the first time, with the help of Remo for the papers, he was obtaining to possibility to buying
some good thinks for his home, supposing that he will be a more comfortable life in his town.
Never asking Mario, please, what happened with his home and his life in his town, because he
is maybe not a hard worker, but he was trying to resisting to the rubbers?
In the time of the forth stage in the hotel were living there two English women, Meg and Mary.
At the first he was never trying to keeping a talking with Mary, but in a morning breakfast time
he was seeing drinking a lager because was having a very hard night.
Not that the English people in the morning time were becoming indifferent by him, but when
they been waking up and after were seeing around of them they had having and easy feeling of
But this feeling it was disappearing because he was trying to smile with them, but a long hard
night its long hard night to trying to resisting of course the next day to the nerves of Papu, or
Makis, or Takis, because it was destroyed some furniture, and to be good friend with the
tourists that are in holiday and after a long hard work year, they are coming there and they are
trying to be not so librettists but they are trying to forget that the life is not so easy to keeping
The view of the man that in the night time was trying to explaining to you that it must to
keeping silence in the hotel drinking in the breakfast time a lager is uncomfortable for the
English, the justify of their comportment in the night time being explained that they are doing
that like usually in the weekend time at their homes and nobody doesnt be very surprised.
Having enough courage Mario was introducing him self to the Mary making a joke but it must
to be knowing that a English woman or an English man didnt like to be disturbing in the
breakfast time.
After short talking, of course like sensitive woman, Mary was very red color in her face, not
being shaming of course and Mario surprise it was that Mary to be a dentist doctor.
Just for a nice remember, Mary is of course like woman a very sexy young lady.
The sign that on that island its a regressive situation its seeing in the number of English tourists
that are coming on the island in the last time.
Nobody doesnt to be disappointed that you are seeing a Greek staying on a mini market and
nobody is entering to buying something by him, this is not a surprising fact, they are having
some money every time in the banks, but like an commercial he need every time more and
The ideal of a Greek man is to becoming very rich, like usually he believes the power of a man
its meaning more and more money.
In my country its saying from time to time:
The Greeks are betters commercials than Armenians, but not enough so good than Jewish.
Takis Tavern, in the spring time the island not so interesting because all of Greeks are working
to put in regular situation their businesses, that its meaning the personal of the hotels and of
the restaurants are working to cleaning and to reconditioning the buildings, the furniture or the
This Takis about is speaking is not same with brother of Makis from the Hotel Ykaros.
This Takis is a very good Albanian cooker that is living for long time on the island.
In spring time Mario and Remo was working for a few time there fixing a ventilation installation
but not for very good money, but on the island its a principle:
If you help me when I need this, you are my friend and if I can I am helping you.
After a time Mario was very tired, but in the season here you cant get no one day off because
its possible to be loosing your job.
In a date in June it was birthday of Mario. Of course in the day time he was trying to sleep but it
was a very hot weather and in his room it wasnt air coordinated because it very expensive for
him. Nothing to say but another disagreeable condition it was also the mosquitoes.
You dont must to be scarred by these if you are living by long time on the island, but one of the
very similar situation than in his town it was that the owners of the rentals rooms are trying to
getting two or tree monthly payment in advance and also they are no guarantying your
intimate, entering in your rent room and checking every time what have you buying or if you
are enough money, or if you are still working.
In the moment that one of their owners are putting left, all of them are talking between them
and you are becoming lost, dont having you the possibility to negotiation a new job, or if you
are accepted to a new job, they are becoming very aggressive refusing to get you a not so good
In the evening, very nervous because his brother was sleeping all a long of the day and he was
trying also in the evening, they were going to the Kostas Tavern. The friends are friends. In
those evening Mario was very tired and maybe a little bit confuse but Kostas and his wife were
very agreeable. The night was so easy but after two days he was getting the first day off.
It was in the time when in the hotel was living a group of girls from Brit Com. Very fine girls, of
course Im meaning if accept it this to know, very sexy and of course very laughing and all the
time trying to hunting some guys to be getting a party in their rooms.
For the first meeting, Mario like receptionist, he was disturbing enough, but after one
explanation all of the girls were keeping quit.
Between of them and Mario it was established one convention unrepeated just from time to
time and not by all of them.
Were you surprising some time just looking to a woman first time didnt like how she is looking
and after to discover that she is the finest woman in your life?
The Brit Com girls were four. Very different by three of them Teacher was in this kind of
The first night off. He was drinking enough in a Scottish bar and after he was staying in
Alexander bar and drinking with some friends Albanians from Athens and two Jewish English
When he was going back to his room he was entering in the hall of Ykaros Hotel. The Brit Com
girls were staying much quit in the hall with Nicko and with one English guy.
Mario was very drinking and seeing one Brit Com girl and also the Teacher he was telling but
looking to the other Brit Com girl:
So, Im so tiredc When I want to die, I want to die in your bed.
The answer it was:
The Teacher was very red color in her face. The end because who must to understand, its
understanding what its need.
In the same period in the hotel was living one blond girl together with one Johnny Walker.
Not difficult like tourists because she was a special girl, in fact a student, in a morning time, its
meaning to the breakfast, Mario was staying to the bar but not looking to the Indian statue,
near him was staying Kate.
A very special blond of course, very sexy and very communicative she was.
What for a talking with a young sexy lady?
If you are asking me this I am understanding that you are usually using to catch a girl maybe
fating with her, or maybe are you screaming of her, or are you putting in danger her, she like a
nanny believing after that she without you cant be resisting in this world.
Just enough talking, not looking direct like a shrike, trying for him to be keeping a deep
breathing in side, and of course never asking him what for.
At the last but not after between them it was stabilizing a kind of friendship, but if you be
asking with one occasion Mario about Kate, you will be sure that he never saying something
about, once because isnt politely to be talking about a woman that you like or not if you can do
this, and twice because he dont is needing to be considerate an Gigolo and he didnt do
something. Of course, if would be stability a relationship, he was becoming very stable and
after he wasnt making same like this.
There were some talking in the time of her period but these were all.
The performance to becoming the receptionist to Hotel Ykaros was signed of course by some
phones of one young Scottish lady, Roselin, ex student to the foreign languages in Scotland,
speaking very good German and French language.
The first time that he was talking with her, he was very surprising because he believed about
her that she is a French girl. Why? Because she has a very melodiously voice indeed.
What are you expecting to believe about a girl that is calling you every night, talking a lot of
with you, telling you the story of her life and from time to time like usually, she is asking about
her boyfriend?
What about her boyfriend? Just this its can to say, there are enough young English girls in the
season on the island.
By many years, like usually Nicko was many time in relationships with English girls but not yet.
Supposing that Mario will be saving Nicko from this situation, was trying to get drink especial
when he was talking with an English girl.
Are sure that it was happened?
If you are not sure, please be asking Nicko.
In fact after this kind of been of Mario, for him was starting a lot of troubles.
For him was doesnt matter, because like usually he becoming very leas never becoming after so
What for to be scary?
The night before the first night off it was surprising very fanny he had enough courage to
inviting to a slow dance one very beautiful English girl Aileen.
Because he didnt want to be feeling guilty by some one, he was never accepting for him self to
be very direct looking for to this Aileen, but for many times after he was very dreaming with
open eyes that she, in other situation will can be his fiancE
It was just a very special feeling because the kind to be of Aileen its for Mario every where
She is every where an example for typical English young woman studying.
In fact, or the last between Mario and Aileen it was just one single dance and maybe no more
He was looking for another woman again?
Not really. But how are you feeling just staying and trying to be principal and in your front its
appearing a very sexy young girl? Very politely, not all the time but more and more
disappointed by her boyfriend and that it was shocking for him self, that he was talking about
her with others friend of her from the group, they was say: Try, because its true.
Same like Aileen just looking, but not comparable, because this is one of the biggest mistakes of
one woman or for a man, was Sophie.
This was the last chance to be keeping his job to the Hotel Ykaros, because after it was starting
a terror against to him by all the staff of the hotel.
Like a surprise for every friend from his group and also for his brother he was resigning smiling
inside of him a getting a strong and deep breath.
It was a month of really vacancy on the island. Like foreigner he was keeping far away to the
piscine, Papu and Takis were telling every time to the English people that he was coming there
for working.
He was observing that all of them were becoming very aggressive with him, but for him it was
just a king of what ever.
He was going to another swimming pool, of course he was staying enough on the sun bed and
drinking a lot of lagers and cookers and in the night he was going in the bars to be drinking but
not so much, a shot of ouzo.
He knew many people from England or from Scotland.
Denas bar its a small bar very private and a lot of deep on the corner, where you can be staying
no considering that you must be feeling like worker if you need to be off and to spend a lot of
money drinking with a English woman.
Of course also here he was aggressive in talking but not by all of them, by some Bulgarians
women workers that they were living here by to long time ago, they were caning explaining for
them self that Mario is different by them, he in his country is use to be to spend a lot of time to
a piscine or to be staying in the time off to the tavern or into a bar or restaurant together with a
fine woman and drinking some lagers.
In acceptation these people usually believe that if you need to work in a foreign country, you
must to be keeping a lot of money and after you must be going very quickly at home.
For him this second adventure it was of course also be stabling, if was possible to be in
relationships with other people and of course after he will be coming back in his country to has
enough money to has a better life.
After a time he was observed by navy engineer Kostas Panas and he was again employ.
It was a short experience into Alexander the Great Hotel, for him of course a very good
experience to be collaborated with one officer but he was very principal with him like with an
engineer and also capricious like a man in the second age of life that is get married with a young
The experience with this navy engineer it was provoking inside of Mario a new evaluation of
him self like man and personality, he was being obligated to be thinking like a mature man.
At last of this period in Alexander the Great Hotel it was finishing with him self reply to this
navy engineer:
Mario Enea, I resigned Sir, please!
Its accepted. Nice to meet you.
1982 in the home yard of Papu Andreea was entering very quickly asking about Mario:
Papu, isn’t him student?
Papu was stating to screaming to her like a mad man asking her about a bottle of wine:
Hey girl, are enough so strong to be giving me some red wine or not? Tell me just one single
answer: Why do you asking me about Mario? You are the doter of the sister of my wife! Are
you so sure that I am accepting to be the wife of one mechanical engineer?
Fuck you, Papu! Please let me to be kissing you. This is true, yes? He is student now?
I was saying this?
Fuck you, Papu, I will be never accepting to be the wife of one mechanical engineer! Fuck you,
Papu, you are all the time a jerk. Let get a bottle of red wine and let getting to drink for my
Mario. I am loving you Papu!!!
Mario was dreaming in a afternoon very tired by almost 8 months of hard working on the island
and he was dreaming to women that are working like speakers to the television. No one of
them weren’t Andreea but one of them it was one Andreea that him no explain he was
dreaming. After he was starting again into his home, he was starting to writing some poems but
not for these women. He was starting to write some Hy Ku or Japanese system poems very
straighting ahead and very psychological to be seeing what it is happening with his computer
because he was realizing in those time that his poems were very quickly stilling and in this
cause he was writing these poems in a very special kind to be seeing the effect in cause that
another person was trying to be publishing. Before one period he was starting to be very blue
feeling with one of the beautiful speaker woman from TV but never telling her something,
sending him for her his poems in a very special kind to the Microsoft agencies from whole of
the world and studding the effect. This beautiful woman was starting to be getting very special
presents by him but not very direct because the psychological effect of his poems was direct
orientating to this kind of gift. He was starting to be very involving in love with her nut never
saying her direct and all the time other persons were appearing near her or were trying to be
getting married with her, provoking her to be playing a very dangerous king of game by one
uncle of Mario, because all that she was having and it was a very appreciating value doting it
was making by Mario for her and this uncle all of his life was continuously stilling the talent and
work of Mario ans before a time the supposition of this jerky uncle it was that Mario will be
contacting Andreea and he will be getting married with her being very appreciating by her, and
him all his dirty life was continuously saying about Mario that his is an handy cap man, empty
mind, no talent, a very dirty person and a very shrike man.
Dear Andreea,
After one moment in love, when you are thinking that the badness think in your heart it’s to be
involving in a love and around to you are many people that believe are so indeed specials, what
for to do a good think, saying maybe a thank you, because all of them are talking what for.
A letter it’s becoming not usually a stupid think, but in cause that you didn’t telling nothing the
insistence it’s meaning, that you are believing by them so ill.
You no excuse, of course, the silence it’s an answer and if you are so smart, you must to
understand that it’s meaning: Of course it is the abused man.
What are you expecting to understanding her?
Nothing to say and I’ll be keeping me so far away, never to do or try to coming back, in fact the
first it was an attitude to try explaining her, that I need help and after…
What for…?
Are you believing, that she is so sensitive or a professional try to do something for you,
appreciation it’s just one fuck you because I don’t what to be involved in a business against to
us and you…, if it’s possible to say God help you.
In fact all of him are trying continuous to kill him, implicating politicians or lowers, police
because the most important think, that it’s ideal for this people are making money but the deal
it’s to kill him.
May I ask you something?
What are thinking about me please don’t tell, I know, but what are you thinking about this kind
of people? It is so fine, so lovely your life, are you so sure that you will be protected? That now
you are in danger, I know and I believe you are scary.
Aren’t you? In this cause what for a negative attitude of course for me that trust me I love you
but not like an animal, ridiculous if you like to say of course, but never thinking that I’ll kill you if
you don’t fuck with me or if don’t came to me to night I destroy you!!!
I suppose that it’s to protect who?
Hadn’t them a chance to be in love with a woman like you? If you believe that all a long of time
you are of course the singular famous woman in the word, you are ill trust me?
To the root of this black male of our life it’s just one think: They never know to loose and are
believing killing me they are becoming again so young and you will be in love with one of them.
Just one think, and please don’t be up sad: I say many time one think, please don’t ask me what
I feel for …?
A child it’s meaning love or not? If you like, it will be saying. But how many money have I to
make a child and with who?
Are you sure that she want to rubble me or how it says in England: Are you spoiling me? For a
child? For a love? Because I like so much?
Forget it.
Yes, I am guilty to be in love with you but thinking same like Aileen I never realizing to be.
You need my home? It’s yours, but I go back in England.
Address:Bevan Avenue
Conway LL5AF
United Kingdom.
The love it is the love before you are disappearing. But the true it was that Mario was can’t
resisting to the strongly knocking in the wall of his home and on the floor of the Gipsy’s that
was living into the room of the next floor form his building. He was playing the football lottery
but he was loosing every time because into the home yard of Mario it is a strongly parabolic
antenna for the lotto that was using by him to be receiving the mis for the lottery. Mario was
using the psychological poems nut very precisely to be involving in special emotional the
football players and other kind of the team players for winning for Andreea a prime or to be
involving the commercial products of bursa on the sale market and in this cause the people
with enough money was spending for these products a lot of money to be up to date but the
prime it was giving to Andreea.
The influence of the messages form the Hi Ku poems of Mario it was under eliminating very
strongly and he was realizing that this Gipsy’s was can’t controlling the parabolic antenna and
the level of bursa it was up or down that Mario was wanting to be.
Before one year almost, time in that his floor was broken continuously by the hysteric men and
hunky town girls he was considerate he he must to be felt sale his computer and being staying
into stand by never doing in fact just thinking before Andreea and felling continuously that she
is one of the biggest love into his life.
The revenge of the Gipsy’s jerks from his home yard was a continuous brooking the door, they
trying all the time to be infecting him with an very dangerous virus.
The problem it was that being very involving in love with a very special woman like Andreea or
from the kids time like is Anca medicine doctor, he was obligating to be studding the medicine
knowledge rules and information that you are needing to be in love with a this kind of girl,
speaking about Anca that was inoculating in his under conscience very strongly that his the
beautiful loving girl from his teenage time, he was studying and he was learning more and more
about human body and about his supposing brain ill or about the first aid doing, or to be very
making love good partner and at last but not the least to be studying the possibilities of
testimonial to be sure that the kid will be having a very good health. The last poem that he was
considerate to be left it was So what!:
So what
You say
I hope
Can I
The reason before to be buying a new computer it was that he was all the time attacking and of
course with very advantage proposals in special financial, but he was contacting at last but not
the list, writing a very regular letter to Andreea at TV Canal that she was working trying to be
involving in a TV anklet against to the very dirty jerk uncle the was trying by many years to be
killing Mario, and this just because him was never enough courage to be divorcing by his wife
that he was having an real handy cap boy, trying before to be helping his child and his ex wife
like a very consenting man and very serious, and to be involving into a new relation ship with a
fine woman that he caning doing a normal child. The reality it is that in this cause the ex wife
was considerate her abandoning by him, the fault of one ill child being of him and her like now
or like usual trying continuously to be killing his child, his wife and at last or at the beginning
him. This situation it is real now, all the young girls that were involving in love with Mario was
percolating, the mobile phone of Mario being watching continuously, were faithing against to
all of them and it was using very dangerous pills or drugs to be no conscienceless no one but
rapping all of them and pressing under terror with killing possibility that she must to be borne a
child for him being a hunky woman not a fine woman that are them usually, being
demonstrating that before he will be divorcing and torturing to be died the young woman and
the child to be keeping by her regular and very fine old wife.
It was a time when crying the people hearing you become so happy. Dirty it was meaning that
you trying to be your self, they were becoming so interesting about you, because in their minds
doing something good or trying to escape to a life in which the love? What interesting word but
you will must to explain what’s meaning. Ha, in America in 1933 in period of prohibition of
course the Mafia it was becoming so tough making so easy money and spending for a woman,
all of them believing the time it is without dimension, what for a second, or an hour, what for
the low and justice, the money are making all and they are becoming idols.
Spending my time just dreaming to a woman that I like, she was indeed so watching by all of my
opposites and money doing simple just without scruples, the age it was faith of my believing
soul. The credibility of a man, but lost in their eyes, watching it was so justified that he hadn’t
enough money to be her husband? However, it is an imbecile believing that he is, and me just
staying at home and making pi.
What for a wonderful woman to be loved when are feeling something, because one single
„man, looking so special and thinking I lost my life to educate a child but never understanding
that the ambition it’s a good think just when you have a good thinking.
The priority of the ambition it was by long time ago to demonstrate, that if he „is, but never
mind, all of him must be, and if you are against you must to die.
To eat it is a priority, the life becoming very interesting because the life it is meaning to eat, and
for others meaning they must eat just for to alive.
To fuck it is the first priority if you are thinking that you are against of all of them that are not
making black male.
To kill it is a destiny; it is the first job that they like to pay because the low it is meaning money.
How many? If they are have not enough they sale their woman because she is so pretty. They
pay enough to fuck because the age it has stopped.
Against to a black mind, that all her life was cooking but not enough for an army, it’s true one
year you cud to eat same cook because am I so tired?
The writer going out side of his yard, needing so much to smoke and indeed like usually haven’t
enough money, realizes it one talking with a taxi driver. In all this time, not like an illusion, by
his open mind window, he is seeing his woman, but never understanding exactly what is
happening with her. Same time in his eyes is routing like in movie her attitude and from time to
time she without a special reason appearing in this kind of situations, when he realizing these,
is becoming very jealous and he is making very strong efforts doesn’t becoming without
control. Depressive it’s true he is in many causes, because his situation it’s pressing him to stay
so far away for her and this is making happened because the other man, talking with some
people from his town to provoke him damages, continuous damages when she or her are trying
to make love. The next man is profiting attacking his woman continuous; using money talking
like in diabolic life, when they like in a movie are considers the last couple in love in this world.
The little way to him, she looking marvelous, a black clothe velvet and whit satin dress, he stay
on the corner, trying to protect him by eyes of darkness evils that were loosing their life.
He was showing a door to her, opening without noise, a little hall so clean but in an ancient
style. No talking, just she was staying closer; she was looking in opposite not so scary but the
courage it was indeed becoming with a question:
Arent you sure that you can’t make love with me?
No, its meaning that I want to tell it’s just a strong emotion…
She, looking so gentle and very elegant, giving the hand and touching his hand and after him,
speaking and kissing her easy on the hear.
I can’t resist, please sorry, I want to make love now, because I loose my mind…
Are you sure that you can make me now so happy?
The man was down.
Sitting near him and speaking easy:
You are not so tough.
Looking to her and deep breath, touching her leg and looking her in face. The sensation of the
touch provokes deep in her body a loosing of control. What happened? Just kissing on the knee
and after easy touching the legs, the abdomen. A strong exciting sensation and a blocking of the
breath and coma.
Unreal sensations of kissing ant touching, a continuous kissing every where, no track, like a
drug, no thinking it’s a shame, no opposite, just keeping hag, a fly deep in her body he feeling
that it must to do all just him with her it’s possible to do. A new borne child in love forever.
The deeps, the fascination of interior touch and the excitation of the needing.
On the road, into the car, the child of her no talking but waiting just to see the man who is
provoking a love? What rather joke it is this, just asking him self about, never trying to
understanding that his mother is so beautiful.
Mama, may I ask you something?
Yes, do.
This is a joke or he is mad?
I don’t know, trust me, but I believe is obsess.
Obsess? By who? Excuse me, why, you have so many rich people that you like and? What’s
Do you like this?
Whats this? A photo? Who is?
Is him.
Not bad, but do you remember the muscle man to swimming pool?’
Yes, I remember.
He is an artist.
Please, show me again. What kind of artist?
Writer or I don’t know. I suppose a pureness man and he just trying first for me help him with
his family.
You make me to laugh. Are you sure that him believe that you can do this?
I hope so I do.
Fuck off, mammy, but is not your business.
Hey, what do you think about your mammy?
O, yes, sure you are my best mammy. I love you.
She looking in the window, driving very carefully was very surprises by her San because it starts
to cry.
What happened, dear?
Nothing mammy, just I want read a book of him and give me this photo.
Because it’s just I feel.
Near the big city, in a village, the young woman had a house supposing by the authorities a land
of expensive Territory’s. What for? For her, like a star of television, of course she has needing
from time to time her self time to thinking what it was good or not in her life and trying to
realize if the chance of a life like a star provoke inside of her all that she was dreaming that she
was a child. An expensive life, she is looking wonderful every time, loving by rich men, spending
a lot of money for her beauty and all the time people courting her for what? Of course, she
never realizes that she is for every one of them a prime or a trophy.
Looking to her boy that putting the baggage in hall, he was running in his room, asking his
mother is the book of the stupid writer how he sad in the car.
Are you sure that…, if tell you…, I feel that I’m loosing my mind just looking to you and I am
starting to dream that I am making love with you?
she, just looking to him direct, it is asking her self that it’s a joke or a tramp for her to be making
sex with him, or…?
It’s a joke?
He was very surprising. His face it was becoming red and very hot.
Forget it, please excuse me, I need to say…
Look at me. Are you sure that you want to say me that seriously?
Yes, I am.
So, I, I am so, let me to try to explain…, it’s…, it’s…, I’m not so sure that…, OAK! OAK! No. no, I
mean do you want to loose my mind? Please, look, please, try to explain me, why did you are
telling me that?
Just because, I guess you are so attractive woman and I can’t resist. I mean, when I am alone at
home and not especially at home, I have all the time your image in my mind, you know. I am
dreaming you all the time with my open mind. Moreover, I can’t find an explanation, but I don’t
understand what happened with me? I mean…, nothing to say, you understand?
Let’s see. You are talking with me just once, maybe two dates. And I know, you are looking to
me for long time ago and first time when you were looking to me at TV, you were remembering
me, of course, but not exactly by where, you were feeling that you are liking me so much, and I
am becoming your favorite woman in show bis. Yes, or not?
Yes, you are and…, OAK, now I believe that I am considerate maybe nanny. Am I?
I don’t know exactly, but… I will tell you in the evening. At eight o’clock at me. My visit card.
Keep it. By!
Not by a long time ago, it was happening something strange around to him. If he could not
realized this that a situation it was indeed, because all of people were using drugs. What for?
They must to realize that the life it is so fine continuous and the reality it was that one year ago
in hearth place of them it was happened something strange:
The final countdown.
What is meaning this final countdown? It was just a game first time. After it was creating like a
friendship accounting money and at the last, it was becoming a conjuration.
The Prince of Dark. Who is the Prince? He had not to say one exactly idea, just knowing that he
is a very good actor. What exactly he is doing? Just he is playing a king of games to protect one
secret but the secret knows by all. Why? Because the writer not long time ago was writing a
book that, it was named The Russian roulette. Moreover? In the cause that he continuous to
write this kind of book he will kill because, he without any clue can demonstrate logical that this
kind of game it is playing.
However, exactly they are using him talent for introducing the confusion because he is a very
good actor. If he is playing the game? The question it was that all of them are playing the game,
but not with themselves life because they are lost everything but refuse to accept the situation.
Why him?
Long time ago, he was the culture minister in America? In the same situation of government, he
was trying twice to resign but he was conjugated to accept the situation and did not to be
resigning. The explanation it was, for the writer, that he did not play the game.
Now? Now he offers the protection of the conjurations because he did not playing the game
and nobody cannot be accusing him that he was a player. So, no clue.
Who are the others?
The mistake of the players it was that they were introducing in the circle of them to one
paranoiac stealer of identities that it was by first time a gambler but because he is
megalomaniac he put in danger all of them. In short time this circle of relationship
businesspersons was becoming a crime circle organization.
He is just a protection of a dark minds organization that it is meaning, for him of course with
irony, Freemasonry.
Who kill by whom? Alternatively, whom by whom it must to by death?
At the root of the black male, it’s one accepted condition to kill one man, a pure man, exactly
himself because one of the jerks has an old wife, cooking good and making soup with herself. It
is saying every time this jerk: The old chicken it is making a good soup because the garrote is it
is so young.
One excuse of himself, it is meaning the writer, it is just that the old chicken borne not so rear
illness children.
Refusing to accept the situation, the jerk was trying to educating his ill child to be a normal
man, but the child has not the possibilities.
The irony it is that, the lieder of this conjuration it is accepted this child, and, and because the
wife of the jerk all the time want to be the power of the decisions of the circle. However, it
make it happened appreciatively regular when they want to kill some one, to put the child to
say the decision. What for? Because the child has an empty mind and he has an excuse to kill.
The game it is a conclusion that when you need some money for a business, or to buy
something, they are given you money, but you must to be guaranteeing with your home, or
your car, or other propriety. After a time you must to give back money in rates and plus
percent. At last, they are giving you back the act of propriety.
What happened in fact: one of them and of course of him self, it was guaranteeing getting
some money with the propriety act of him, but never get back money to the creditors. Why?
Because he has a kind of psychiatric dizzy and his uncle, it was signed for him the sale of his
home, explaining to others that he did not need about his nephew.
At the last of this history, but not the least they are provoking a conflict between both of them
for motivation of this kind of solution and for no way giving money back.
The story of love between Andreea and Mario it was starting in a vacancy when, he was student
and she was a teenage queen.
What happened exactly?
Nothing special, just that Mario as if usually it was looking for a girl, of course because lonely
being, he needed a girlfriend. Walking on the street he was boring and he was going back to the
villa, changing the clothes and after he was going back to play football. Near to the football
yard, it was a discotheque. Not like usually, because it was a game on misses, he was playing
good coordinate the game. She it was staying on the balcony of the discotheque to be watching
the game. Near her, it was a girl, blond girl that knows the team mate s of him and he did not
know what she was telling but after they win the game, they were inviting in the discotheque to
drink some lagers. Not after a time, because usual when he like a woman he is attacking
directly, with a lager and Coke in his hands, he was going near her.
Looking at her, but not directly, inhales easy her perfume and after a second, he was asking her:
Have a Coke?
She, looking straight ahead and after turning around and looking shrike, says:
OAK. Why are you getting me this Coke?
Do you need other else?
No, no, I want to say, why are you getting me this Coke, because you are liking me or just like
usually when you are needing something to a girl?
Do you need a right answer?
Yes, I suppose you are capable to have one?
Just for a vacancy?
She looking him ironic it was asking again:
Why just for a vacancy?
Because you are a teenage and you are leaving here and I am student far away.
Oho, yes you are!
She was turning back and was starting to drink Coke.
Are you disappointed?
Am I?
I suppose that you like me because in your mind are making some plans.
Have you?
OAK, let’s see, what can I do for you today?
Nothing to say, just walking to find some keys.
Are you sure?
Yes, you are. You must to fix a problem.
It was in the evening. The room of the cabana it was very darkness. The lights of the moon in
the village of the mountain it was covered by the shadows and the stars were shining, as it was
shaming by something.
So, what can we do now?
Are you disappointed?
Not yet, I am just a teenage.
Yes, you are. To bad.
Ha! What did you say?’
Nothing to say but you is looking wonderfully.
You are ironic, yes?
Am I?
No, not I need this.
OAK, you know why I was making love with you?
I suppose, yes.
The last meeting it was long time and those this time he was studied and he was working like
engineer. A disappointing situation it was created not at all by him, it was of course also the
fault of his fiancE
The conclusion of himself health stability it was that after the separating he was disturbing very
strong in his heart and it was affected his mind.
A long period he was up with a special treatment and in all this time, he was not at all the time
alone, but he was discovering that he can to write and, surprising of course for himself, he was
The develop of his talent it was make it by himself and in all this time was trying to keep an
impression of modesty but not just an impression.
He did not like to be remarking himself because in time when it was appearing the ill he was
very disappointed by himself and his personality it was affected.
After an adventure in Greece, that he was putting in situation to work in dangerous situation,
the personality of him self it was discovering again by him self.
To be in love, to be all the time involve in a love. How it is possible?
Forever young it is something good or not for somebody?
The answer it’s: Not so bad, but it must to keep your heart and the constance clean, and after
you will be truly young and involve truly in a love.
When you are free mind and your heart, it is clear not especial like to an innocent but sincerely
white, in this situation you are the best lover in the world.
What somewhat meaningfully glances have you that you are looking to a pretty woman? What
are thinking to the first looking about her? What you try to do with her in the first choice that
you touch her? Will you truly with a good feeling if she does not like you? What are you doing
in cause that you are considering your self-ugly?
The answer it’s:
The good feeling change all but you must to appreciating all the time that not all it is flying it is
possible to eat.
Are you sure that you can be resisting in any kind situation that she is usually living?
It is a kind to be yourself and the characteristic it’s: To be a mature man.
Time it was running easy and image of Andreea was disappointed but does not matter how in a
summer holiday, in his town, on a swimming pool he was looking to a young woman. The
preference it was for both of them, but he was very scary because she was considering a shrike
that was making love with foreign students, or with any kind of boy with plenty money. Not
that he was considering her a beach; he did not talking with her, just because all of her, if he
would talking, would considering him a stupid.
Truly likeness for her, but what for because all of them had big mouth.
When you are sensitive, you cannot resist to the irony of the biggest, smartness jerks that
loving you to fuck.
To the long way for good life, he was trying to do many sacrifices working, practicing hard
working trying to be adapted to a lot of part of important jobs in the world. Usually speaking, at
last he was left because his uncle every time continue to provoke him damages, using the
propriety act of him to get money and never give back. The situation it was, that uncle gets
money by his owner and he was putted in situation to do hard working, no excuse that he is ill
or it is tired.
Like in a school theater, because they try all the time to play the game, she was duplicating
made to be himself seriously damage in his mind and loose his home. If he is a lucky person or
not, is not it indeed, because they are watching him every time to provoke loosing his home.
Like in the jungle nobody say please sorry, are not excuse for nobody because they want just
money doing.
Life after he was coming back from Greece with no scruples.
The pleasure of the people and he spouses, if is possible at all, is to borne and educate a child
on the death bodies of illness human been.
The food, the home, the cars everything they want to pay at all with a life that must to
despaired and it will be change with other guy.
The question it is for himself: How many people are indeed themselves like children borne?
They are using the low and lower to change the identity, of course Andreea was provoking with
money, drugs and promises to be a rich woman and she will be a celebrity in the world and she
was accepting.
The war it will be continuing but he just knows he will be loosing. The chance to keep a good
relationship with Andreea it was lost.
He was educating to make money like regular to use ideas to develop not a crime, but this
entire people cannot resist killing because they are becoming blind.
The game was changed. Any kind of jerk it was accepted by Andreea because she was expose to
the black male because she was making the mistake to accept the money, and now if she try to
refuse she will be raping or she will be killed.
How much you can be involved in a love.
Just talking you can demonstrate that for a second of love you can do the best think that are
you can doing in all your love. Depends by you choosing.
Like a top model, but she is a truly top model has so many caprice and him it is exposing all the
time to her, and if you need an explanation this kind of being it is a demonstration that she is
involve with you.
Why a beautiful woman is doing this?
The women, usually speaking when is involved in love like very much to be watching. What for?
If she likes you, and you are a smart person, it is very appreciate by all the women that know
You don’t understand, yes?
Not exactly.
When you are looking like a tough guy, the woman like to keep you down.
In this situation what I must to do?
Just to be joking.
What kind of joke?
Usually joking, but trust me, you will becoming all the time very nervous because she realize
that she like you and because you are resisting she put you in different situations that are
provoking you and you must to be stable. If you are not, you are loosing all. From time to time
you can demonstrate that you are so jealous but you must to do this like a mature man and she
is becoming very happy, because when a woman is involve in love has a kid reaction.
This is regular situation?
Just in cause that your wife or your girlfriend it is much young like you.
And what I must to do?
Just all I said.
That’s all?
If you are not so sure, please verify.
The dander of the game it was starting to be because they are starting to use like phalanges
dirty men, Gypsys, or illness men or woman provoking broke the doors of the apartments,
continuous, police didn’t get clues because the Falk are given money to keep police far away by
this situations. The mistake of the police officers it is really, before they could not execute one
discovering like in the regular situation.
They continue to broke the door, and after the situation it’s becoming regular, in a one day the
owner will be kill by some one of them, but first it will introducing in the apartment one, two,
maybe more dirty men or woman, especial ill, and after you will be killed. Police will be finding
the clues of the illness or dirtiness men. They will be arrested, but after a time of treatment,
they will be putting free.
The gentleness was destroyed by the lowers who try every time to cover the to need the old
age politicians that need to rap every young women, using against them selfish idea that they
are needing money, easy expensive life, they can’t that they can to be famous by them self
work. Indeed, Andreea it was a famous top model, but because himself is in love with, they are
introducing her self against to him. a woman can’t resist to famous fucking celebrate politicians,
using after drugs, drink, pills to forgetting what happened not special cause with her lover, and
of course not like a singular woman destroyed implicate in the political life. Is not she indeed a
Marilyn Monroe, but she will be…
Because his family is implicate in organize circle crime and all the he was putted to be defended
against to jerks, jailers, police officers, lowers, politicians now, using every time the motivation
that he is ill, and all the psychiatric doctors are confirming this because they play the game of
crime, now he was loosing his love, she was corrupted by one jerk who can’t work and can’t the
crimes made by himself because not log time ago he need it to manager, famous, and to be the
best one. it was used himself act of propriety to sale expansive cars using false signature of
himself, motivating that he didn’t know he was doing because is ill. No, he must to die.
The prince of dark continues to courting his Andreea against to him, using his usual talent and
computing her. Andreea between the period when she was alone and to the period when she
putted her life also for him in this game, she wasn’t courting so strong, but after she was
engage with him all the gangsters were starting to courting provoking, because he was
becoming by deja-voe illness and they were trying every time to practice the black male with
her, trying to kill him indirect.
The danger of the game it is to modify the image acting against to him with dirty images about
her, they living without reason just to kill.
This situation it’s provoking by all of them, they were indeed without feelings every time, they
every years were obtaining all they were needing without scruples using special police force
and now, because they were provoking the govern to dictated a low against every man or
woman that are disturbing them. The low it was introducing nonaligned that it is interdict-ed to
use this low against to the journalists, writers, culture representatives. the arrivals between a
lot of them, of course with relationships in govern, in police, that were playing the game it was
making to attacking him every time, watching his Mobil phone and were putting against to him
all of dirty mind that they possible to find every where in his country.
The selfishness of the third age of sub ordinary of special police were using all the possibilities
against to him didn’t to be in love with Andreea, and against to her it was using every time
drugs to be rap.
They are dieing every time, if she trying to protecting her self they are using against to him
psychiatric substances, covering them self attitude with an diagnostic of him self, and against to
her they are using drugs.
It was 20:00 o’clock. Mario was entering in IQS of Andreea. What is meaning IQS? It is a kind of
studio for models. What for? Just for private relationships. she on the chair in front of a mirror
never surprising him, just with a white dress satin, it was trying to do an easy make up for night
time. After a knock, he was inviting to enter.
He surprised her. Not, not at all but his eyes were blocking on her body. He was touching with
his glance the legs, the middle, her skin, the neck, of course believing he is kissing the neck and
after him trying to inducting in his mind, that he is kissing her. He was down, easy down on her
body, kissing her neck again, the white shoulders, her skin, and easy, easy kissing down her
abdomen and after kissing her pussy. Keeping with his hands, easy the middle of Andreea and
continuing to kiss her on the legs. She was so exciting, she was putting down her dress, and she
was starting to kiss his dick.
Never realizing what happened with him, but she was looking fixing at him and she was
touching his face.
“What happened?”
He did not realize what happened. Just looking in her eyes, he was feeling that he could not
breathe because he was very exciting.
“Yes, it’s true; she is the woman that I needed all the time! I cannot believe! Just a simple
glance about her body and I feel that I loose my mind!”
“Can you get me…, your jacket?”
“O…, yes, sure. Thank you.”
“It’s something wrong with you?”
“No…, no…, just I realize…”
“No, nothing, excuse me.”
“What for?”
His face was borne in fire.
“Are you allergic?”
“Allergic? To what?”
“Your face its becoming red.”
No, not to your perfume, I mean not to you or to all about you, it’s just…, I can’t explain…”
“Just…, because this feeling from my mind I never realized ago…”
“What kind of feeling?”
“Just…, it was a dream… An exciting dream…”
“No, nothing…”
She was going and she was sitting on the sofa form the IQS.
“Please enjoy your self. What happened with you? Please have a sit.”
“Thank you.”
She was touching his knee. Like in the first time he was feeling that he was could not to do
anything. The explanation it was realized next day when he was wacky in a large empty bad. He
was looking around never realizing where is him. The door of the bedroom was opened and
she, very looking good and not just he believing very happy, she was asking him:
“Are you all right?”
“Just a little bit surprised.”
“I can’t believe that I was making love with you.”
She was becoming very smiling.
“Why are can’t realize?”
“Sorry, it’s my mistake, I understand by you, indeed all the time I am sub-evaluating myself.”
“Please, do never this.”
He was must to going in Greece. Staying on a chair and he near him, she was putting his hand
between her legs, but very easy. He was blocked. He was loosing his breath, but he was
continuing to looking fixing straight ahead.
What he was feeling? Never asks.
He was looking easy around. In the moment when many people were going, he was sitting
down to her legs and he was starting to kiss her legs. She was open up easy her legs. After one
minute to kiss, of course also her pussy he was finally down first time. He was loosing his
She was getting up her bikini letting him down.
She was shopping a coke to the airport’s bar and after she was coming back and she was sitting
again on the chair. Drinking coke she was pushing easy with her leg Mario, telling:
“Hey, Mario, your airplane it’s gone.”
Mario was staying up quickly looking scared around.
“Where I am? What happened?”
“Your airplane it’s gone.”
Andreea was starting to lath.
“Oho, yes you are! and he was continuing to kiss her and to lath.
After one hour, he was gone to change his ticket.
Andreea was going at home, but when she was on the band straits, she was keeping down her
bikini. When he was seeing her verifying in his pocket if he did not have some pills and he was
starting to scream:
“Hey! You! Andreea, do you need to kill me?”
Andreea was screaming to him also:
“So what!!!”
The Zakitos Island situated on southwest of Greece in Ionian Sea, a typical Greek island where
the English girls era coming to celebrate a holiday.
Mario was employing security officer to one of best hotel from the island. He was talking every
time with Andreea but, because his brother was loosing his job, he was resigning to get the
chance to his brother to be employing in his job. He was could not a period to call Andreea.
In a one day, after he was negotiating one new job, the Greek police was arresting him. Asking
about why, the police was telling that he had an accusation that he was making a rep against to
a famous woman from America. He was asking very scary who the woman is. The answer it
was: Just Andreea.
He was becoming very nervous, screaming to one Greek police officer, saying:
“Are you crazy, sir? What is meaning Just Andreea! Do you believe me a rapper? And I want to
explain you, Andreea is my wife.”
The Greek officer says:
“Yes, she is. We will see.”
“But, sir, this is the improvement.”
“What’s this?”
“This is the certify.”
“Show me, please!”
“Look it.”
“Yes, it’s true.”
“May I call me wife?”
“Yes, sure.”
Mario was going very quickly to a phone cab.
“Hello, dear, what happened?”
“Nothing, I am so angry! How many English girls are you fucking daily?”
“Are you crazy, dear?”
“No, I’m not! I was very bad dreaming last night. Why you don’t call me so many times?”
“I was having not money.”
“Why? What happened?”
“I resigned. I was helping my brother to get my job, because his wife is pregnant.”
“Fuck you, Mario! I am also pregnant with you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I am.”
“I will be coming back home, how is possible to be soon.”
“Thank you, Mario. I love you.”
“Me too. Take care of you. I love you, dear.”
“I hope to see you soon.”
“I love you. I hope so I do.”
He was remembering after a time, the first sensation that he was having just thinking to her.
The reaction from those time was changing because now she is exposing to a sexual instinct
accentuate by the prince of dark that using drugs like usually. she, indeed is becoming also an
act rice, but sexual satisfaction of her it was transforming her in a neutral woman that don’t
feel so much for him. Yes, she was becoming famous. In what kind of direction of her
personality? When he is asking about her, he just thinking because he is realizing the attraction
it was changed.
Yes, he has same good feelings for her, but he is realizing that he must to be carefully. They
were separating, not official but he is believing that and satisfaction of the jerk and of course, of
his woman it was great.
Just thinking to his family, he remembering that a lot of them were storing to him long time
ago, when his mother and his father was separated.
The good feelings of him for her were stomped because she was putting him continuous in
danger; once or twice, he was just little bit to loose his life. She was continued to be
understanding with him, playing the game using her actor’s talent. For her he was becoming
just a nanny that must to be killing, because she needs money and celebrity. She is no way scary
because the police and justice will be covering her mistakes cleaning everything.
He will be substituting by another jerk, probably a young politician using his identity and an
aesthetic surgery.
She will be very happy, having money and she will be very appreciating.
However, to forget it must to use the pills, drink and drugs.
Now, she has a very good fucking, accepting every man that he is celebrity or that he pay or
promise her a very good carry-re.
He try just to be alive because his life becoming nothing, explanation it is because all of his
family been sale his identity to every one that paid. There was a lot of that were jerks, killers,
and rubbers.
In January 2007 Mario, very involving in love with Andreea, appealing continuously to the police
but never being resolving some think, was beginning to writing the the German news paper Der
Zeit, trying to be provoking against to this dirty uncle an international anklet. His e-mail was
broking and his messages were reading trying continuously to be actioning against to Mario and
saying or the reality it’s lying that Mario is very damage mind ill.
Mario was starting to be collaborating with one beautiful German journalist sending to her the
short news explaining what happening with him and Andreea that she was into continuously
danger. Before one dangerous situation he was sending on the Internet one of the very funny
impression poem and at the last, that he was renouncing to be watching what happening with
Andreea that was very damaging health ill was writing an long resolution article that was
considerate by him to be helping his German college that to be appreciating into psychologist
studying of jerks that are every where.
Dear Andreea,
At last, supposing will be never to see you, never to be promising that I will be the real that I
was at first, but believing that you are and you will be my famous woman into my life. Mario
Funny day
By the way
What are
You expecting
To me
To much?
I smoke
A good
To much
In a morning
I will
Ideas are
to be alive
I hope
To see
You again.
The letter for German journalist he was considerate that it was the price that before a time he
was not at all but enough into a special relation ship but keeping between them self a strongly
silence for keeping no identity to be destroying by the damage mind ill of one of finest German
woman journalist Silvie:
First choice attitude has uncomfortable me
first contact stabilizing with a new papers journal like Der Zeit or other it’s looking on the web
What for to be trying to be contacting a foreign news paper that your country it’s very young
entering (accepting) like a very civilize country and very democrat?
One of first message that was sending to me trying to be realizing an advertising upon of a very
strange situating creating by the damages minds:
Every time when they are never working well, haven’t enough money they are using like jerks
every possibility to rub or to steel some one.
For example in my town, if you are alone and you are ill but you are steel working hard to
survive, they are waiting all the time to be rubbing you. The principal idea it was in first time to
steel your home using your false signature getting your propriety and after to be killing you. The
motivation of your death it would be that you were so ill and it was an accident.
But, for other example, if the person is capable to work and he is doing something good and he
is getting money, they are putting this person in the possibility to be no paying what he is
consuming about his home and also for him self.
Never will he be recognizing like artist for example and if his girlfriend or his woman is a fine
woman, she will be putting in the situation to be letting to be rapped because all of them were
getting you money for survive.
If you will be killed your art it will be provoked to be steeling and it will be very appreciating
another person that it staying waiting just to rub.
The general thinks trying to explaining to me or to other that in the city of Mario it’s a very
strange situation and him was writing to me that he is writer in his country. He was trying to
explain to me that is a group of jerks in his city that is trying to be killing him.
The first choice attitude:
Yes, may be it is this situation in your country but your country is a democrat regime now and
you can to be going to the police.
The second choice attitude:
From different e-mails very impressing persons like very realistic journalist, engineering in
computer skills and of course why not psychiatric doctors were writing me very joking that
Mario is a schizophrenic damage ill please by sorry for him and come in our country to be
playing in the party every time in week end, we are spending for you our money.
The third th choice attitude:
regular for a young woman like me Okay Mario I will be looking in my e/mail to your messages.
Regular for a professional journalist:
Why they are writing me direct in my e-mail trying to be demonstrating about Mario in my eyes
that is a psychiatric damage mind?
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
The magic sold
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The magic sold

  • 1. Enea Marius The magic sold Cluj-Napoca 2007 1988 to the beginning it was last holiday that it was possible to have Anca. In Clausenbourg, in a block of flats that were living by years very good persons considerate to be, one Mario, never so tough in the child time, never so aggressive with a fine girl that it was Anca, he was coming in holiday to a mother that was never enough money having or to much money to spend with her or with her natural child Remo. The messages from time to time by mother of Anca or by Anca, but not being so sure that she will be realizing her dream that she will be getting married with a seriously person and enough so strong she being a very good medicine doctor and of course why not a medicine doctor UT, Mario was realizing for her a very fine and ambitious boy that he was proposing for him self to be changing his life from a poor situation crated by her step mother into a very honest life like engineer and this position for Anca, the future in short time a very appreciating medicine doctor, an advantage for her to be very friendly with him realizing in fact he was becoming not at all but enough, a attractive man.
  • 2. Just sensitive touches representing fine kisses on the face and drinking a good coffee, telling ht e short stories about of his life like student, but looking fix to her but not so fix to be realizing that it’s same for her. Before the last holiday, very near by the summer but exactly that was his birthday, it was appearing into the student campus to him his step brother with a present by Anca. Surprised, very surprised, and like usually speaking about the girl from Clausenbourg especially by Anca, or Flavia, his was growing up again to his dreams but Remo never realizing this being an infantile. The last trip in Clausenbourg, but never being very sure by him that him will be meeting a girlfriend from the child time, it was growing up with the dreams of course about Anca, but looking inside of him and being a lot of very scary, considerate that to be finishing a university it’s not enough to be making love and being getting married with a woman like Anca. He was continual to be dreaming at her, thinking that, so what, it’s enough in fact that it’s possible his dream to becoming real just saying her to him that she is likening him. It was the last summer and the teenage was finishing but he was never meeting before because she was getting married with her ex boyfriend from student time and she was going in Germany. He was never asking before by her, he considerate her a very realized person, enough get married to be never dream at her and asking for. In 1986, it was raining summer on the field, that bless it the life before. In the village from the mountain, it was organized year by year a kind of campus for the students. What kind of campus? There were two kind of. One kind it was just to be strong educated in the politically attitude of the students for the political leader of the land. Are you expecting to say a country? May be, but now it is just a no way land. The road to the cabana named The could river it is situated on the Colinas of the Mountain near the forest. Just could rooms, one toilet and no way bathroom, but the young were coming here to be exalting in their minds, to be very free and to be involve in a relation ship by others girls or boys, because in the time of a stud’s year they are all at long exposing to the big moths, that are watching them and are talking every where especially to the special politically police. The break fast for one boy and the friends of him it was meaning one lager, but not just one, there were just one by one, somebody long time ago explaining to them that, one lager its equal with two eggs. In this cause, they were explaining to every body that was trying to stopping them, that in the morning it is recommending to eat an omelet.
  • 3. The tennis playing yards in one day and one of them just walking easy near, watching about a girl, remembering to him a girl neighbor. Looking down the street, he was observing a playing football yard. Was going just to asking the boys that were staying on the yard just talking about one game. After a talking with the boys, he was going quickly to the cabanas, to get the sport clothes. Turning back to the cabana, he was seeing a girl in a balcony to a discotheque. She was just staying, looking to him very precisely, demonstrating to him that he will be for her a special gift. He was accepting in the team of young miners. Was playing like coordinator, keeping breath of the game just for inhale and when it was finish the game and played exhale. Like a winner, of course, the gift it was so promised in lager with the lagers and dance in discotheque. Not like usual, just like a special kind he was drinking just enough to be voluble and to have enough courage to be talking with a girl. Just looking around for special girl that he likes, he was observing her just staying on the balcony and to her shoulder looking over. Therefore, asking him self it is enough courage inside, he was going like a shrike just near her. Have a Coke? Not enough surprised just looking different she was asking, taking the Coke: What for? Maybe you are so thirsty. Am I? I suppose not enough. Why are you so sure? Because you are here just staying. And whats meaning this? Are you waiting somebody? Just you are looking for. Maybe to your mama at home are you cooking, or may more and more. Precisely Im cooking, just in my bedroom its a pillow. Its enough to be so large? How much?
  • 4. Lets see. Can you are coming near me? Why? Just to see if we have bad heads. Are you crazy? Bad heads!!! What a fuck its this, he is an imbecile! Hey, hey, wait a moment! Where are you going? You want to see if you are finding something regular? She was turning back very seriously affected and she was getting a foot in the leg of Mario. Its like regular now! Jeee thanks! Are you saying thanks? Fuck you, bastard! O.K., O.K., lets see if we can do this. What to see? To fuck me like a bastard. FUCK YOUUU! Thanks, I hope so you are doing this. She was trying to go in other side of the discotheque, but she was very nervous and she was coming back getting to him some punches. He just keeping an easy guard was hanging her and kisses. She, very aggressive was getting a punch in his stomach. Ouch, now Im very ill and truly very bad had. Lets get some drink. Why? Because Im same like you. Are you? Not like a girl, just I like you too. Ouch! Are you so sure? Not enough please kiss me again. Meeee! But you are kissing me, not I! OK. Let me to do again. O.K., just once.
  • 5. O.K., I dont remember anything, but if this its twice, now its just the first. Promise? I will see if my pillow its regular. Early in the morning, Mario was trying to find, not toilet of course, just one lager to drink because, after a night that he was dimensioning not just a pillow, of course also the blanket of Andreea, he was becoming very thirsty. Where are you going? Its so early and so dark and because you are so sleepy I cant find you. She was getting down the blanket by her body asking: Are you so sure? No, not enough. But I discovered something like a shadow of a white color paste on the bed. Like a paste? Yes, its different by tomatoes. Fuck you, Mario. In the evening to the discotheque, they were dancing. Mario was trying to kiss her just in time of the dance because it was darkness light. However, the surprise it was that on DJ was watching about her and when he was appreciatively to kiss her, the DJ was putting the strong light on. He was becoming very angry. It was once, twice and after more, but the DJ was very stupid. They were going out of the dance square to be possible to kiss. On the road to the cabanas she was very different that in the morning time. So, are you sure that we will be finding my room? Not yet, its not enough to be involved to be sure that its seriously. Ouch, yes? Arent you so sure? Let me thinking about. He was remembering the events form the evening and he was becoming sure. He did not asking her why the DJ was putting continues the lights on them. Now he was becoming sure that its not enough light on the road to be finding his room from the cabana. So, this it was all? May be. I suppose you will see. Yes, I will. Please sorry.
  • 6. I need to be going home alone. O.K. May I to be expecting to anything else? No, Im not so capable. O.K., thanks. Nice to meet you. Thank you. One year later, in the same kind of campus but on the Black Sea Coast, he was, of course, watching to a girl like Andreea. The surprise it was just Andreea. Appreciating her body on the beach, but not recognizing her from the fist watch, he was very surprising that the sexy girl with the shade skin it was, but very sure Andreea. After this happening, he was very sure that Andreea is no confused. He was very attitude attracting by her, of course not, because he was involving in love just by him self, going closer and closer to be very sure that he will be touching her skin and to be kissing her by surprise. After the touch, she was very scared and she was trying to scream, but he was putting his dirty head how she was saying after and he was kissing her in force. She was very standing up very angry and she was getting him some punches in the stomach and in the shoulders, after on foot in his leg, but he was keeping her hanging on and he was kissing her. So, you are once again. Am I? Im not so sure. Arent you same? Lets see. Have a Coke? No, can you get me some drink? Am I capable? Let us see what happened in my pocket. Sorry, dear, but I have on me just my short. Can you verify my pocket? Fuck you, Mario! Yes, you are. It is so early to get a drink. Where are you living here? In a hotel room. I do never prefer to live on the road. Yes you are, fuck you!
  • 7. Are you so sure? Im meaning, Are you capable? I will be checking it. I hope so you will do. Thanks, dear. I will. Not like a kiss, just like friends they were meeting continues but in a night before an enjoying to a taverns and a short on him of course, but a long walk on the beach, they were entering inside, of course, into his room. The roommate was sleeping, but she was talking enough strongly and he was wacky. The talking was not like usually in the night time because Andreea, of course also Mario, because he was obligated to keep the short on him all the time, and now Andreea was trying measuring if the pillow and the blanket of Mario its enough just to protect them by the mosquitoes. Please, sorry mate, Im Andreea. Mario, she is our new mate room? Ouch, Mario may I ask you something? If you need. Yes, I need an answer. If its possible to have one. I suppose that you must to have another one. I dont understand. What another one? This is the question? Hey mate, what are you telling her? I was asking you just that if Andreea its our new mate? But I dont understand. It was another new mate before to her? No, no, just its saying. Ouch, now arent you, Andreea, a special question? No thank you. Its enough mates, to put a drink on you? Whats this? Just some money. But its so late!
  • 8. Please, enjoy and be careful. Thank you. See you later. It was a time when the ghost been like a young man who promised to become an ideal for a woman. How its possible to be turning back the time, when in a moment of love you are becoming a ghost not a man? A part of my life it was losing, but it been the memories who never despaired. To bad, when you are alive in the past, you are already old. The ghost thinking he will be coming into a new life, because the young lady, enough ugly to be in love with her and enough to celebrate like a woman, but another woman who he hope never she will be saying: Hey, mister, Im just a woman and I cant to be so strong to keep your life in my hands and both of us to stay alive. I need a kind of man to keep me, not spin it on me, or keeping me so hang on by you, a man who can to give me a life, a real life to be so happy. 1988, it was a year marking the end of youngness time. After it starts the period in which the ghost stared to build a performance to demonstrate he is an engineer. The small town where he discovered the life in working is not so fine, but when he had of course enough money to have a real family and so what they were enough to have a girlfriend and making love with her if it was possible to do. There are situations when the memory it is playing with you but in one situation, especially when you feel that she is the woman, she is indeed of you. This is not a practice; this point of you is yours and depends by you. The difference between two men its: Both of them are animals but one of them is a man. It is the education of the soul borne in the teenage time and of course when you are like a child and you must to have it like other child that is getting by the parents all and he has not noting to do. That imagine who he seen not every time but who made him to feel that he can be indeed evolved in a love, transform him in a dreamer. First choice never comes back and of course he never needed because in that moment other man was the accepted. These choose its indeed an impossible situation, but without her he is an animal like others that is hunted and he must to attack like them. Unacceptable choice because the difference its that he love and think once upon a time a young man who was devoted and what for to chose a image who never knows how its before. What are you expecting to say?
  • 9. I dont know, tell me, how you can to make this? Look at her, what I said first time when I saw her? I dont remember. She is Andreea. O, yes, I remembered. And I felt inside that she is indeed the woman but she was doing far away for me. And now? And now I have enough courage to write her because I am mature. It was already morning and the ghost was sleeping very badly. Last night at 24 hours oclock he was invited to drink a coffee by a friend who is taxi driver. They were talking in a cafeteria about situation of taxi drivers. At 5 oclock in a morning he was waking up and he was going about another coffee. One friend of him was seen by he and they were starting to talk, indeed he needing also some cigarettes. Hey ghost, what its happening with you? You look bad. I was sleeping badly and I am looking same. No, no, I wanted to say that maybe you feel bad. No, thank you, I told you, I was sleeping badly and I am looking bad. If I was sleeping fine, I shall be looking fine. Do you know, if you are sleeping fine, its possible to look bad, but probability its very small? If you are sleeping smart, are you looking stupid? Ha, no thank you. Yes, I know, you are looking drank. I was to a party. I need to get some rest. If I remember you are living some where here. No, thank you, I stay so far awayc Why the ghost didnt accept the situation that he was lost in this world where every body has a chance? Looking for some one like Andreea, long time ago he believed that love its enough to be a real man. Blue-green eyes, when the color its changed become brown and its enough to feel that in this woman is shining something like a fever, but when you are dreaming the blue- green eyes of her you can be sure you are involved in love.
  • 10. First chance its the last chance, never tell the story about your lovers or too much about your life. Lets her or him to discover by her self how you are together with she because the human been its adapting. A mistake, if you are an intelligent man, its never repeating, but people are talking to much every time. The good intentions are some time covered by the ideas that I need this woman for me. Pay attention to the woman or man who tell you that, if he is alone, or dirty, or very selfish you will be losing all. When you are borne ugly, sincerely smiling you will become fine. The sound of your soul must to be same like to her, you must to be sure that she is feeling same thinks like you, and if you are a dreamer be careful and please dont be paranoiac. But I love her? She loves you? I insist! Dont be silly, be sure you will be considering dangerous or you have an obsession. No, Im not; I will be despairing if she believes thisc I will become again a ghostc Gentle its not same with tender. Gentle and tender but demonstrate when you are together with her a mature man, doesnt matter what other are telling you about me and that is all. The ghost becomes a man. Dont tell me story. A man its meaning to be, thats all. An obsession its an idea what do you like to be, but if you insist too much with all the possibilities, in this cause you become an obsessed and trust me are not reasons to protect you. The reason of love its to be alive both of yours with the condition to be happy all of yours. When the night its coming back the ghost, usually is staying and dreaming that, the day before become a white day so fade and one chase it must be finding for sending a message like a Robinson Crusoe, and never remember really what he dreaming because if it is an open mind, the message it will be understanding and conclusion will be of course to destruction the relationship, especially if he or her, or both of them are involved in love, in sense negative will be. Of course watching every time some one, doesnt matter how, doesnt matter if there are excuses and the next having just possibilities of a terror mind, or politely speaking caning not controlling, one of them will be accused or putting one of them every time in danger. Arent you in love? Negative with you.
  • 11. Do you love her? Ask me before Im married. Losing your control its true, you will be discovering the life its fascinating, but love becomes true love before. Talking with some one, especially with a woman, he was suppressed to be hasten because he prefer a woman like Andreea. Explanation is that Andreea is a star. Why he like a woman from fashion, how its possible this, how he has this courage to say when he is so pure and we try to do himself so ugly? Sensitivity its growing up from inside and its seeing on the brain and in his mind. Tell me, who is brown girl likely? Never ask me what I feel for Aileen. And Andreea? Long time ago, when I seen this woman I said: Ouch, but its not enough to have a woman like her. And now? Ouch, Im a mature man. Explain to me? The jealousy its a feeling that stimulate you to become: The first-ambitious; The second-aggressive. I accept I havent enough bad feeling to be jealous in wrong sense, I have enough feeling to give love, I am to much ugly to be fine and Im not enough selfish. Try again. For the first time I must to tell you, that money a making using brain. Have I enough maturity? I try to make money, doesnt matter how! No, no, try to make money without smell. Dirty cash money is doing easy but you are becoming ill. So what! Dont remember, easy come easy go. Do not lose your life, because the soul its tired.
  • 12. In the memory its a place that it working together with the soul. We are remembering just good thinks, pretty face images and in unconscious its working telling us what we must to do. A handicap provoke you a feeling to be wrong, especially when you are seeing other person who you consider same like you, its himself point of view, but its a wrong education of the personality. First point of view its: We are equals just when we are burning. The day before yesterday the ghost was so happy. He was feeling that he was loved. Today she was disturbed by some people that try to do same thinks like him, but he hope that his idea its important and of course that he is appreciating her for long time ago, but some time good ideas become truly after a time when you are becoming mature. The long way to heaven its bordering with tramps. Part time lover? He cant believe this. Secret passion, for him is of course, by to long time ago. If he will has the occasion to see her going home, from behind he is sure will admiring her legs and that is not at all. Attraction? This is a question that has an answer to all of us, sure. Disappointed by her of course no way, question is she is agreeing him? He will see. He hope doesnt be nervous for an irony. In this situation he will be left by himself. Vanity its to all of us, because maturity says: If you have personality, doesnt matter what they say, you must to play the game, but he isnt a lamb that needs milk by more sheep. Their situation its stabling by other, that try to cover the mistakes of them. To lie, its a normal been for them, but he is evolve in love for this woman and if she is a stupid, believing this kind of people, he will be disappointed and she will be like use to be. What he will be feeling after, this will be not important for her, the ghost will be the ghost and she will must to accept that he will be despairing. Another one buys the dust. Last time the attitude of them versus by him was changed. If for the fist time they been altruistic, now they try to destroying him, dont let him to work, because is a stupid situation: We are not same and other dont accept to work some one of them, but when they are talking about a woman like her, they are pretending, that they are same like him and better like him. He hope by her never asks him if he likes her. In this cause he will believe her a stupid. He never tries to find a woman that he doesnt like especial when he is really involved in love. His attitude about a woman is: You must to be 10 marks.
  • 13. This occasion it will be demonstrate by him, maybe never telling her I love you, but she will be sure by this. Disappoint of a man its when the woman try to profit by feelings. Honesty, its true, its burning in childhood, but to be honest with some one its gift for those person. The suffering its to easy to support when its not too late. What do you think when you are you seeing her motion? Its just one single answer: She is the woman. Nothing else? When the dreams are becoming true, part time lover its just me, or maybe more, but Im just making love not else. The day before there is all the time but it is coming after a long night of work and not to much food and sleep. Wacky, please. Thank you, dear, especially dear I need you again. If she is smiling, its meaning that with one night ago he was being a man not a ghost. May I ask you something? Depends? I dont like to be disturbed. O.K., in private I what to ask you, that when you are thinking to her, you realize that you are building in your mind a situation, that its possible never to be realize? The white light of the day its giving you the lucidity to realize, if its possible to be real or not, because you are thinking like a cool mind. Obsession? Not at all, its meaning in especially that its my likely woman in my life. The chance? I wrote a book long time ago, but not so long to be forgot. And? The woman that I like ago, sarcastic, ironic, cultivated but never with enough courage to write a book without a checking by the teacher. Why? Vanity. She is never accepting to be criticizing, because she is studding the literature. And, in this situation, she believes, that she must to be the best.
  • 14. Erotic dream? Last night she was here. In the morning he is dreaming her. Its an incredible situation for a professional woman? All he needs in this morning, of course to early morning, its just a pill. To have him a hearth ache by an erotic dream? And this its not at allc He wasnt sure that he was dreaming, or she was coming to him for an interview. Emotions, real emotions, but he was trying to be sure that he isnt shame by himself. A professional woman, entering in his room, curiosity not dissimulated to see a mad man in love by her. The mask: He trying to be himself, indifferent relative, because do not he will be considerate obsessed. What a stupid ticket to hell for a man in a modern world! The loneliness its the privilege for a man, or a woman that needs an, or a partner so special for to be in love. The loneliness? Yes, the long way to an ideal woman its thinking all the time this: She is perfect! But trust me, she is indeed a wonderful woman, but its a human been, woman with her self selfishness, with her self capriciousness, her attitude for you it will be relative, because she was seeing a lot like you and now she isnt surprising, that you are believing her so perfect or so beautiful, or that you have an erotic dream attraction. This it will be I hope not. I suppose the great disappoint from my life. O. K., I will see, lets talking about other thinks and of course I need a pill again. What kind of pills? Head ache I am looking for. The city in the morning it was covering by strong smog. He believed, he can be ghost again, looking discretely after the woman that becoming real. She was so hurrying to despair to her car. Nobody seen her, every body watching him, but when you are smart the dreams becomes the through. An interview? Or she was enough curiously, life becoming interesting for her, because he is cover by a real danger every time. Its a very interesting think, the women are attracting by the danger when they are considering, that it deserves. What for an erotic dream, when its possible to make love really and emotions after accentuate the feeling, that they are devoting to some one that they like enough to be loved. She is married? Not yet. And why all this discretion?
  • 15. When you are a star and I am your lover that Im becoming a real man and long time ago all these people were giving you one coin, telling with hypocrisy to bad, she will be attracting in a tramp, trying to demonstrate to all, that they are good people and you are just a garbage. Its an idea to never ever recognizing, that they are the dangerous selfish killers. After this kind of dream, or, asking him self, reality, he goes to medley hospital. He couldnt believe that its possible to feel this woman very near him. Asking every time by him self, what he wants to do with his life, he finds just one single answer: I need this kind of woman and if its possible to be just Her. Why? In his heart he needs to have just love. She is a star, fashion star, and when she isnt together with him, watching at TV, he can sees her, he can admire her, he can dream with her and if possible to disturb her, he will calling her to talk. When she is coming back, maybe they will find some time to will see both of them outside. A walk its will being, maybe a party, but after a time, that he will recognized that he is her man. I cant believe. The ghosts are having feelings? What do you think, when are you looking to some one and the ghost is smiling? Ouch, this is vanity? No, this is that the ghost believes, that you like her, she is feeling good and if is possible to like you, one kiss its giving because you are so cool. No, no, thank you. Do you prefer a cool smiling fresh, a cool meaningful glance killing you with love, or a cool could congratulation? I prefer dont answer I. A kiss its just a kiss, meaning an abandon for a moment, losing your control, but thinking after a time maybe was good or wrong. Depends by whom? By him of course not, a man or a ghost it must to be loved in any kind condition. But, if is love beginning to a kiss, never it will be changing in the life of them, but will be so hard. Adventure its different by love, but we remember all, if the end its happy. It is an erotic dream a bad think? He would be asking many time by him self and the answer was of course not. But, all the time when he couldnt be in real touch with the woman dreamed, he was becoming depressed. The fault of himself erotic dreams it is of course the abstinence, cause all the time he was needing just one special woman. Why? Because the life its so short and he, all the time, was trying to be happy. The love, or to making love, its a very good feeling
  • 16. and if he can do this, he become normal. The danger its, that the period of abstinence do not be so long, because when he is becoming involve in love, he become very suspicious, that he dont be losing the woman. Its true, a special woman its never finding every where and every time. The irony its, that he in many times when the chance it was real, he hadnt the possibilities. A special woman is not at all representing by spending the time, good food, a home or making love. A special woman its meaning, but not in all causes, also to spend some money, money is meaning something we need like a needing not like a life to be dedicate. Its possible to do easy money without blackmail and in this cause you are spending very easy money, but you lose the ration of good human been being. When both of them consider, that the chances are working in tandem, or one for the other, in this cause they will be all the time an Eng-yang. He is very sure, he never accepting the help by her because, he like a ghost writing, try to be a writer. And for him, his books will be all of them dedicate of her. Like an artist, she is becoming by long time ago for him a woman idea, that he can does her happy. May I ask you something? Please try. Can you be dedicate, or to write something fine to an ugly woman? Its true, are many artists that are demonstrating, there is the ugliness aesthetic, but ask, please, this kind of artists, about their private life. What are you trying to say? If I make art for a food, this is meaning that I am alive to eat. We are alive to eat, or we work to be alive? Whats meaning in you ideas, to be alive? Maybe celebrate not yet, but I need love. If its possible, try to explain me. I wish to can do, but I dont want and because you are same like me, an artist, I wish you to be loved by an actress. Saturday afternoon. He was disturbing by someone, which was trying to put him in a hell smell. Without the personal smelling bad, without a bad idea, looking for just friendly, talking politely, he was trying to find some cigarettes. A good think it smells by a kilometer. The question its and probably an artificial trouble, why all these people dont try to be honest? Its true; he knows that the optic was changing.
  • 17. When he was coming back from his history, he had some money, some thinks for his home. But this people were putting him in danger, he was disturbed all the time, they are using his home like wild animals, brooking his door. The money was spending to continue fixing the home and a small part for him. Now he must to borrow from the others. After they are attacking his home, provoking damages and he is putting in situation, he cant to be giving money back, not all. If she will be selfish and no honest, he will be going in his history and after to the new world. I hope not. Me too. I consider her a smart woman and I think she will be trusting in me. Whats wrong with you? Nothing else, just I try to think, how I must to do, to see her every day. Anything else? Nothing else, love its before. Walking down the street, he was thinking: If she is same kind like this people, which never like to work, never they are trying to do a good think, covering the through, in this cause isnt one of mine. I dont accept to smell kaka just in cause Im constipating like them. But Im honest by my self, when Im not so sure that Im a correct man with her, and its not possible this, Im hurrying left and I am telling her, please excuse me, Im like jerks and forget me. It is a life of a man, in which the beauty was respected, without the beauty the dream becoming horror. Like an animal, if he will think, he will become next garbage and he will eat from the bin. The long way to hell its bordering with good intentions. Its meaning that a help that its coming to late its indeed a new Waterloo. If the General Murat was coming soon, Napoleon was saved. Lets trying to explaining the situation in cause in your land nobody is trying to be performing because about you are speaking them is ill. Especial in my land the good thinking mind its delivering just believing that: Now am I dont! The Zakintos Island at two ours with ferryboat by Greek port Patras it was under the domination of Italians in time of Mussolini. If you are trying to explaining this, the position its appreciatively at half distance by Greece and half by Italy. Zante Harbor its a small port in Ionian Sea. When the waves are strong the delivering between the island and Kilini Danes its stopped. Two ferryboats of the Ionian Cruises are making the delivering between these two parts of the ancient Greece.
  • 18. Natural reservation, one of the loneliest place form Greece where the turtles are in liberty, but where the snakes are eating the eggs of the turtles. In a cruise around to the island, looking too the blue caves and staying and fishing on the ship wreak beach, maybe after you are coming back, usually if you are an English man, you are going in a bar and you drink a lot of lagers. The island populated especial by Greek people have enough foreigners especial Albanians because here its a no controlling in the harbor. Illegal workers are using to demonstrate that Greek tradition its here modernized with a strong English influence. Remo living by twelve years on this island, first time he was trying to resist in Tbilisi, but in winter when the season its close he was hasnt some think to work. Laganas, the station for tourist but explaining to everybody that its the second place on the island like population, many new hotels and between 1997 till 2004 it was very populated with the tourists in the summer, especial English people and not enough Swedish people. Not far away by the beach, one opposite by other the Hotel Alexander the Great face to face with The Hotel Ykaros. Hotel Alexander the Great, the propriety of one officer engineer navy Greek, a family propriety, this Panas Kostas at 67 years old was discovered the is capable to be get married in the second time of his life becoming the father of other three children and husband of one woman by 36 years old. Of course, a very serious man but very jealous like a Greek. Hotel Ykaros also a family propriety but here the family it was coming back form America where all three children of the God father Papu were educated in American system. The biggest brother from the family, a very strong man properly and figuration speaking was separated by next two brothers Makis and Takis of course both of them get married. Takis like Greeks speaking the biggest cooker in the world especial that are some young English woman around, was putted down twice in the business in Chicago by his own first son and now in the second marriage with the second son but more American and a lot of Greek also. The main road to Laganas on the left side of Zante Harbor is now organizing bordering with a lot of mini markets and taverns in modern style a lot of English and more like than Greek. Like usually in a tourism island every where are advertising trying to attract the tourists that after in their bars where are entering by years were drinking a lot of lagers and especial drafts because also here the English style must be permanently keep it. Hotel Ykaros to hour that the young English girls, after a strong taking a shower, are coming to the living to be getting the breakfast, and to be drinking but not surprising one a good milk and coffee.
  • 19. In the time of first period of tourist in Hotel Ykaros were living two young English girls. No knows by Mario because they were coming in the period of the after noon and before they were going to get some drink and to get some friend same like them. At the finish of the period before they were very drinking, they were realize that the money were gone and the drink it was coming before with a lot of troubles with the receptionist because the boys are boys and they are believing the chances are no equals. A young lady maybe teenage in college Hanna, very carefully with Donna, a rebel girl that drinking with anyone he is getting and never coming back in the hotel room. The explanation its that this Hanna very sensitive, she believed, that she must to be the mother of her Donna of course. The situation it was putting down by Mario very sarcastic and critical but speaking very laugh with Hanna and Donna being there. Surprising him before in very evening Donna was coming in the hall just with a towel around. What time is, please? A quarter past five. Have you a cigarette? Yes, sure, have two. No, thank you. At same time in the next evening: Have you same water, please? No, sorry, the bar its locked now. Ty thelys, Mario? She needs some water. Ty? Nero. Wait, wait! Wait a moment, please. Nicko will be coming with some water. Thank you. She was getting a sit on chair near him. Of course she was just with a towel around.
  • 20. First three stages it was no so difficult for Mario to be receptionist. The funny part of the second stage had been a group from Liverpool. He was supposing first that the people from this group but no at all of them there were men football players, but after a time he was sure that the men from Liverpool were supporters of the Liverpool football team. At four a oclock in the morning the were coming from the bars some time speaking maybe to laugh or smiling, but the surprise it was, they looking very strong or if you like enough tough, the were understanding him and they were going to lath in their room. Not using is long time the English language he was very surprised because after a time the men from Liverpool, after they were entering in the reception hall they are saying: You are right? In the first second he was blocked, but after he was asking surprised: Excuse me? You are right, mate? The brain its the brain: Yes, sure, thank you. In the morning, depending how it was the sleep of Papu, Mario was getting money and after he was going to get some cigarettes. The surprise of all of English it was that he was seeing drinking almost every time in the breakfast times some lagers. For all of them, but not for all of them it was disgusting this, but they are didnt know that after for of five coffee in the night time to be carefully, Mario was need some lagers. The explanation is, of course for all the time, that to much coffee, that is a strong diuretic, it needing to drink liquids. He getting not to much money every day, but for him it wasnt of course also so chip money, but like every where the life its very expensive. Every morning, especial after his brother Remo it was putted left, he was must to get every morning some foods, some cigarettes, to give to his brother some money for the fuel and after the money were disappearing. The good part of his brother is that he is living in Laganas by twelve years and they were caning to keep their rental room, but no so easy. At the first time, with the help of Remo for the papers, he was obtaining to possibility to buying some good thinks for his home, supposing that he will be a more comfortable life in his town. Never asking Mario, please, what happened with his home and his life in his town, because he is maybe not a hard worker, but he was trying to resisting to the rubbers?
  • 21. In the time of the forth stage in the hotel were living there two English women, Meg and Mary. At the first he was never trying to keeping a talking with Mary, but in a morning breakfast time he was seeing drinking a lager because was having a very hard night. Not that the English people in the morning time were becoming indifferent by him, but when they been waking up and after were seeing around of them they had having and easy feeling of shame. But this feeling it was disappearing because he was trying to smile with them, but a long hard night its long hard night to trying to resisting of course the next day to the nerves of Papu, or Makis, or Takis, because it was destroyed some furniture, and to be good friend with the tourists that are in holiday and after a long hard work year, they are coming there and they are trying to be not so librettists but they are trying to forget that the life is not so easy to keeping good. The view of the man that in the night time was trying to explaining to you that it must to keeping silence in the hotel drinking in the breakfast time a lager is uncomfortable for the English, the justify of their comportment in the night time being explained that they are doing that like usually in the weekend time at their homes and nobody doesnt be very surprised. Having enough courage Mario was introducing him self to the Mary making a joke but it must to be knowing that a English woman or an English man didnt like to be disturbing in the breakfast time. After short talking, of course like sensitive woman, Mary was very red color in her face, not being shaming of course and Mario surprise it was that Mary to be a dentist doctor. Just for a nice remember, Mary is of course like woman a very sexy young lady. The sign that on that island its a regressive situation its seeing in the number of English tourists that are coming on the island in the last time. Nobody doesnt to be disappointed that you are seeing a Greek staying on a mini market and nobody is entering to buying something by him, this is not a surprising fact, they are having some money every time in the banks, but like an commercial he need every time more and more. The ideal of a Greek man is to becoming very rich, like usually he believes the power of a man its meaning more and more money. In my country its saying from time to time: The Greeks are betters commercials than Armenians, but not enough so good than Jewish.
  • 22. Takis Tavern, in the spring time the island not so interesting because all of Greeks are working to put in regular situation their businesses, that its meaning the personal of the hotels and of the restaurants are working to cleaning and to reconditioning the buildings, the furniture or the installations. This Takis about is speaking is not same with brother of Makis from the Hotel Ykaros. This Takis is a very good Albanian cooker that is living for long time on the island. In spring time Mario and Remo was working for a few time there fixing a ventilation installation but not for very good money, but on the island its a principle: If you help me when I need this, you are my friend and if I can I am helping you. After a time Mario was very tired, but in the season here you cant get no one day off because its possible to be loosing your job. In a date in June it was birthday of Mario. Of course in the day time he was trying to sleep but it was a very hot weather and in his room it wasnt air coordinated because it very expensive for him. Nothing to say but another disagreeable condition it was also the mosquitoes. You dont must to be scarred by these if you are living by long time on the island, but one of the very similar situation than in his town it was that the owners of the rentals rooms are trying to getting two or tree monthly payment in advance and also they are no guarantying your intimate, entering in your rent room and checking every time what have you buying or if you are enough money, or if you are still working. In the moment that one of their owners are putting left, all of them are talking between them and you are becoming lost, dont having you the possibility to negotiation a new job, or if you are accepted to a new job, they are becoming very aggressive refusing to get you a not so good salary. In the evening, very nervous because his brother was sleeping all a long of the day and he was trying also in the evening, they were going to the Kostas Tavern. The friends are friends. In those evening Mario was very tired and maybe a little bit confuse but Kostas and his wife were very agreeable. The night was so easy but after two days he was getting the first day off. It was in the time when in the hotel was living a group of girls from Brit Com. Very fine girls, of course Im meaning if accept it this to know, very sexy and of course very laughing and all the time trying to hunting some guys to be getting a party in their rooms. For the first meeting, Mario like receptionist, he was disturbing enough, but after one explanation all of the girls were keeping quit.
  • 23. Between of them and Mario it was established one convention unrepeated just from time to time and not by all of them. Were you surprising some time just looking to a woman first time didnt like how she is looking and after to discover that she is the finest woman in your life? The Brit Com girls were four. Very different by three of them Teacher was in this kind of situation. The first night off. He was drinking enough in a Scottish bar and after he was staying in Alexander bar and drinking with some friends Albanians from Athens and two Jewish English girls. When he was going back to his room he was entering in the hall of Ykaros Hotel. The Brit Com girls were staying much quit in the hall with Nicko and with one English guy. Mario was very drinking and seeing one Brit Com girl and also the Teacher he was telling but looking to the other Brit Com girl: So, Im so tiredc When I want to die, I want to die in your bed. The answer it was: Mario!! The Teacher was very red color in her face. The end because who must to understand, its understanding what its need. In the same period in the hotel was living one blond girl together with one Johnny Walker. Not difficult like tourists because she was a special girl, in fact a student, in a morning time, its meaning to the breakfast, Mario was staying to the bar but not looking to the Indian statue, near him was staying Kate. A very special blond of course, very sexy and very communicative she was. What for a talking with a young sexy lady? If you are asking me this I am understanding that you are usually using to catch a girl maybe fating with her, or maybe are you screaming of her, or are you putting in danger her, she like a nanny believing after that she without you cant be resisting in this world. Just enough talking, not looking direct like a shrike, trying for him to be keeping a deep breathing in side, and of course never asking him what for. At the last but not after between them it was stabilizing a kind of friendship, but if you be asking with one occasion Mario about Kate, you will be sure that he never saying something
  • 24. about, once because isnt politely to be talking about a woman that you like or not if you can do this, and twice because he dont is needing to be considerate an Gigolo and he didnt do something. Of course, if would be stability a relationship, he was becoming very stable and after he wasnt making same like this. There were some talking in the time of her period but these were all. The performance to becoming the receptionist to Hotel Ykaros was signed of course by some phones of one young Scottish lady, Roselin, ex student to the foreign languages in Scotland, speaking very good German and French language. The first time that he was talking with her, he was very surprising because he believed about her that she is a French girl. Why? Because she has a very melodiously voice indeed. What are you expecting to believe about a girl that is calling you every night, talking a lot of with you, telling you the story of her life and from time to time like usually, she is asking about her boyfriend? What about her boyfriend? Just this its can to say, there are enough young English girls in the season on the island. By many years, like usually Nicko was many time in relationships with English girls but not yet. Supposing that Mario will be saving Nicko from this situation, was trying to get drink especial when he was talking with an English girl. Are sure that it was happened? If you are not sure, please be asking Nicko. In fact after this kind of been of Mario, for him was starting a lot of troubles. For him was doesnt matter, because like usually he becoming very leas never becoming after so scary. What for to be scary? The night before the first night off it was surprising very fanny he had enough courage to inviting to a slow dance one very beautiful English girl Aileen. Because he didnt want to be feeling guilty by some one, he was never accepting for him self to be very direct looking for to this Aileen, but for many times after he was very dreaming with open eyes that she, in other situation will can be his fiancE Why?
  • 25. It was just a very special feeling because the kind to be of Aileen its for Mario every where accepted. Explanation? She is every where an example for typical English young woman studying. In fact, or the last between Mario and Aileen it was just one single dance and maybe no more talking. He was looking for another woman again? Not really. But how are you feeling just staying and trying to be principal and in your front its appearing a very sexy young girl? Very politely, not all the time but more and more disappointed by her boyfriend and that it was shocking for him self, that he was talking about her with others friend of her from the group, they was say: Try, because its true. Same like Aileen just looking, but not comparable, because this is one of the biggest mistakes of one woman or for a man, was Sophie. This was the last chance to be keeping his job to the Hotel Ykaros, because after it was starting a terror against to him by all the staff of the hotel. Like a surprise for every friend from his group and also for his brother he was resigning smiling inside of him a getting a strong and deep breath. It was a month of really vacancy on the island. Like foreigner he was keeping far away to the piscine, Papu and Takis were telling every time to the English people that he was coming there for working. He was observing that all of them were becoming very aggressive with him, but for him it was just a king of what ever. He was going to another swimming pool, of course he was staying enough on the sun bed and drinking a lot of lagers and cookers and in the night he was going in the bars to be drinking but not so much, a shot of ouzo. He knew many people from England or from Scotland. Denas bar its a small bar very private and a lot of deep on the corner, where you can be staying no considering that you must be feeling like worker if you need to be off and to spend a lot of money drinking with a English woman. Of course also here he was aggressive in talking but not by all of them, by some Bulgarians women workers that they were living here by to long time ago, they were caning explaining for them self that Mario is different by them, he in his country is use to be to spend a lot of time to
  • 26. a piscine or to be staying in the time off to the tavern or into a bar or restaurant together with a fine woman and drinking some lagers. In acceptation these people usually believe that if you need to work in a foreign country, you must to be keeping a lot of money and after you must be going very quickly at home. For him this second adventure it was of course also be stabling, if was possible to be in relationships with other people and of course after he will be coming back in his country to has enough money to has a better life. After a time he was observed by navy engineer Kostas Panas and he was again employ. It was a short experience into Alexander the Great Hotel, for him of course a very good experience to be collaborated with one officer but he was very principal with him like with an engineer and also capricious like a man in the second age of life that is get married with a young woman. The experience with this navy engineer it was provoking inside of Mario a new evaluation of him self like man and personality, he was being obligated to be thinking like a mature man. At last of this period in Alexander the Great Hotel it was finishing with him self reply to this navy engineer: Mario Enea, I resigned Sir, please! Its accepted. Nice to meet you. 1982 in the home yard of Papu Andreea was entering very quickly asking about Mario: Papu, isn’t him student? Papu was stating to screaming to her like a mad man asking her about a bottle of wine: Hey girl, are enough so strong to be giving me some red wine or not? Tell me just one single answer: Why do you asking me about Mario? You are the doter of the sister of my wife! Are you so sure that I am accepting to be the wife of one mechanical engineer? Fuck you, Papu! Please let me to be kissing you. This is true, yes? He is student now? I was saying this? Fuck you, Papu, I will be never accepting to be the wife of one mechanical engineer! Fuck you, Papu, you are all the time a jerk. Let get a bottle of red wine and let getting to drink for my Mario. I am loving you Papu!!! Mario was dreaming in a afternoon very tired by almost 8 months of hard working on the island and he was dreaming to women that are working like speakers to the television. No one of
  • 27. them weren’t Andreea but one of them it was one Andreea that him no explain he was dreaming. After he was starting again into his home, he was starting to writing some poems but not for these women. He was starting to write some Hy Ku or Japanese system poems very straighting ahead and very psychological to be seeing what it is happening with his computer because he was realizing in those time that his poems were very quickly stilling and in this cause he was writing these poems in a very special kind to be seeing the effect in cause that another person was trying to be publishing. Before one period he was starting to be very blue feeling with one of the beautiful speaker woman from TV but never telling her something, sending him for her his poems in a very special kind to the Microsoft agencies from whole of the world and studding the effect. This beautiful woman was starting to be getting very special presents by him but not very direct because the psychological effect of his poems was direct orientating to this kind of gift. He was starting to be very involving in love with her nut never saying her direct and all the time other persons were appearing near her or were trying to be getting married with her, provoking her to be playing a very dangerous king of game by one uncle of Mario, because all that she was having and it was a very appreciating value doting it was making by Mario for her and this uncle all of his life was continuously stilling the talent and work of Mario ans before a time the supposition of this jerky uncle it was that Mario will be contacting Andreea and he will be getting married with her being very appreciating by her, and him all his dirty life was continuously saying about Mario that his is an handy cap man, empty mind, no talent, a very dirty person and a very shrike man. Dear Andreea, After one moment in love, when you are thinking that the badness think in your heart it’s to be involving in a love and around to you are many people that believe are so indeed specials, what for to do a good think, saying maybe a thank you, because all of them are talking what for. A letter it’s becoming not usually a stupid think, but in cause that you didn’t telling nothing the insistence it’s meaning, that you are believing by them so ill. You no excuse, of course, the silence it’s an answer and if you are so smart, you must to understand that it’s meaning: Of course it is the abused man. What are you expecting to understanding her? Nothing to say and I’ll be keeping me so far away, never to do or try to coming back, in fact the first it was an attitude to try explaining her, that I need help and after… What for…?
  • 28. Are you believing, that she is so sensitive or a professional try to do something for you, appreciation it’s just one fuck you because I don’t what to be involved in a business against to us and you…, if it’s possible to say God help you. In fact all of him are trying continuous to kill him, implicating politicians or lowers, police because the most important think, that it’s ideal for this people are making money but the deal it’s to kill him. May I ask you something? What are thinking about me please don’t tell, I know, but what are you thinking about this kind of people? It is so fine, so lovely your life, are you so sure that you will be protected? That now you are in danger, I know and I believe you are scary. Aren’t you? In this cause what for a negative attitude of course for me that trust me I love you but not like an animal, ridiculous if you like to say of course, but never thinking that I’ll kill you if you don’t fuck with me or if don’t came to me to night I destroy you!!! I suppose that it’s to protect who? Hadn’t them a chance to be in love with a woman like you? If you believe that all a long of time you are of course the singular famous woman in the word, you are ill trust me? To the root of this black male of our life it’s just one think: They never know to loose and are believing killing me they are becoming again so young and you will be in love with one of them. Success!!! Just one think, and please don’t be up sad: I say many time one think, please don’t ask me what I feel for …? A child it’s meaning love or not? If you like, it will be saying. But how many money have I to make a child and with who? Are you sure that she want to rubble me or how it says in England: Are you spoiling me? For a child? For a love? Because I like so much? Forget it. Yes, I am guilty to be in love with you but thinking same like Aileen I never realizing to be. You need my home? It’s yours, but I go back in England. Mario Address:Bevan Avenue Conway LL5AF
  • 29. United Kingdom. The love it is the love before you are disappearing. But the true it was that Mario was can’t resisting to the strongly knocking in the wall of his home and on the floor of the Gipsy’s that was living into the room of the next floor form his building. He was playing the football lottery but he was loosing every time because into the home yard of Mario it is a strongly parabolic antenna for the lotto that was using by him to be receiving the mis for the lottery. Mario was using the psychological poems nut very precisely to be involving in special emotional the football players and other kind of the team players for winning for Andreea a prime or to be involving the commercial products of bursa on the sale market and in this cause the people with enough money was spending for these products a lot of money to be up to date but the prime it was giving to Andreea. The influence of the messages form the Hi Ku poems of Mario it was under eliminating very strongly and he was realizing that this Gipsy’s was can’t controlling the parabolic antenna and the level of bursa it was up or down that Mario was wanting to be. Before one year almost, time in that his floor was broken continuously by the hysteric men and hunky town girls he was considerate he he must to be felt sale his computer and being staying into stand by never doing in fact just thinking before Andreea and felling continuously that she is one of the biggest love into his life. The revenge of the Gipsy’s jerks from his home yard was a continuous brooking the door, they trying all the time to be infecting him with an very dangerous virus. The problem it was that being very involving in love with a very special woman like Andreea or from the kids time like is Anca medicine doctor, he was obligating to be studding the medicine knowledge rules and information that you are needing to be in love with a this kind of girl, speaking about Anca that was inoculating in his under conscience very strongly that his the beautiful loving girl from his teenage time, he was studying and he was learning more and more about human body and about his supposing brain ill or about the first aid doing, or to be very making love good partner and at last but not the least to be studying the possibilities of testimonial to be sure that the kid will be having a very good health. The last poem that he was considerate to be left it was So what!: So what Maybe
  • 30. Today Tomorrow You say I hope So What Can I Do! The reason before to be buying a new computer it was that he was all the time attacking and of course with very advantage proposals in special financial, but he was contacting at last but not the list, writing a very regular letter to Andreea at TV Canal that she was working trying to be involving in a TV anklet against to the very dirty jerk uncle the was trying by many years to be killing Mario, and this just because him was never enough courage to be divorcing by his wife that he was having an real handy cap boy, trying before to be helping his child and his ex wife like a very consenting man and very serious, and to be involving into a new relation ship with a fine woman that he caning doing a normal child. The reality it is that in this cause the ex wife was considerate her abandoning by him, the fault of one ill child being of him and her like now or like usual trying continuously to be killing his child, his wife and at last or at the beginning him. This situation it is real now, all the young girls that were involving in love with Mario was percolating, the mobile phone of Mario being watching continuously, were faithing against to all of them and it was using very dangerous pills or drugs to be no conscienceless no one but rapping all of them and pressing under terror with killing possibility that she must to be borne a child for him being a hunky woman not a fine woman that are them usually, being demonstrating that before he will be divorcing and torturing to be died the young woman and the child to be keeping by her regular and very fine old wife. It was a time when crying the people hearing you become so happy. Dirty it was meaning that you trying to be your self, they were becoming so interesting about you, because in their minds doing something good or trying to escape to a life in which the love? What interesting word but you will must to explain what’s meaning. Ha, in America in 1933 in period of prohibition of course the Mafia it was becoming so tough making so easy money and spending for a woman, all of them believing the time it is without dimension, what for a second, or an hour, what for the low and justice, the money are making all and they are becoming idols.
  • 31. Spending my time just dreaming to a woman that I like, she was indeed so watching by all of my opposites and money doing simple just without scruples, the age it was faith of my believing soul. The credibility of a man, but lost in their eyes, watching it was so justified that he hadn’t enough money to be her husband? However, it is an imbecile believing that he is, and me just staying at home and making pi. What for a wonderful woman to be loved when are feeling something, because one single „man, looking so special and thinking I lost my life to educate a child but never understanding that the ambition it’s a good think just when you have a good thinking. The priority of the ambition it was by long time ago to demonstrate, that if he „is, but never mind, all of him must be, and if you are against you must to die. To eat it is a priority, the life becoming very interesting because the life it is meaning to eat, and for others meaning they must eat just for to alive. To fuck it is the first priority if you are thinking that you are against of all of them that are not making black male. To kill it is a destiny; it is the first job that they like to pay because the low it is meaning money. How many? If they are have not enough they sale their woman because she is so pretty. They pay enough to fuck because the age it has stopped. Against to a black mind, that all her life was cooking but not enough for an army, it’s true one year you cud to eat same cook because am I so tired? The writer going out side of his yard, needing so much to smoke and indeed like usually haven’t enough money, realizes it one talking with a taxi driver. In all this time, not like an illusion, by his open mind window, he is seeing his woman, but never understanding exactly what is happening with her. Same time in his eyes is routing like in movie her attitude and from time to time she without a special reason appearing in this kind of situations, when he realizing these, is becoming very jealous and he is making very strong efforts doesn’t becoming without control. Depressive it’s true he is in many causes, because his situation it’s pressing him to stay so far away for her and this is making happened because the other man, talking with some people from his town to provoke him damages, continuous damages when she or her are trying to make love. The next man is profiting attacking his woman continuous; using money talking like in diabolic life, when they like in a movie are considers the last couple in love in this world. The little way to him, she looking marvelous, a black clothe velvet and whit satin dress, he stay on the corner, trying to protect him by eyes of darkness evils that were loosing their life.
  • 32. He was showing a door to her, opening without noise, a little hall so clean but in an ancient style. No talking, just she was staying closer; she was looking in opposite not so scary but the courage it was indeed becoming with a question: Arent you sure that you can’t make love with me? No, its meaning that I want to tell it’s just a strong emotion… She, looking so gentle and very elegant, giving the hand and touching his hand and after him, speaking and kissing her easy on the hear. I can’t resist, please sorry, I want to make love now, because I loose my mind… Are you sure that you can make me now so happy? The man was down. Sitting near him and speaking easy: You are not so tough. Looking to her and deep breath, touching her leg and looking her in face. The sensation of the touch provokes deep in her body a loosing of control. What happened? Just kissing on the knee and after easy touching the legs, the abdomen. A strong exciting sensation and a blocking of the breath and coma. Unreal sensations of kissing ant touching, a continuous kissing every where, no track, like a drug, no thinking it’s a shame, no opposite, just keeping hag, a fly deep in her body he feeling that it must to do all just him with her it’s possible to do. A new borne child in love forever. The deeps, the fascination of interior touch and the excitation of the needing. On the road, into the car, the child of her no talking but waiting just to see the man who is provoking a love? What rather joke it is this, just asking him self about, never trying to understanding that his mother is so beautiful. Mama, may I ask you something? Yes, do. This is a joke or he is mad? I don’t know, trust me, but I believe is obsess. Obsess? By who? Excuse me, why, you have so many rich people that you like and? What’s this? Do you like this?
  • 33. Whats this? A photo? Who is? Is him. Not bad, but do you remember the muscle man to swimming pool?’ Yes, I remember. And? He is an artist. Please, show me again. What kind of artist? Writer or I don’t know. I suppose a pureness man and he just trying first for me help him with his family. You make me to laugh. Are you sure that him believe that you can do this? I hope so I do. Fuck off, mammy, but is not your business. Hey, what do you think about your mammy? O, yes, sure you are my best mammy. I love you. She looking in the window, driving very carefully was very surprises by her San because it starts to cry. What happened, dear? Nothing mammy, just I want read a book of him and give me this photo. Why? Because it’s just I feel. Near the big city, in a village, the young woman had a house supposing by the authorities a land of expensive Territory’s. What for? For her, like a star of television, of course she has needing from time to time her self time to thinking what it was good or not in her life and trying to realize if the chance of a life like a star provoke inside of her all that she was dreaming that she was a child. An expensive life, she is looking wonderful every time, loving by rich men, spending a lot of money for her beauty and all the time people courting her for what? Of course, she never realizes that she is for every one of them a prime or a trophy. Looking to her boy that putting the baggage in hall, he was running in his room, asking his mother is the book of the stupid writer how he sad in the car.
  • 34. Are you sure that…, if tell you…, I feel that I’m loosing my mind just looking to you and I am starting to dream that I am making love with you? she, just looking to him direct, it is asking her self that it’s a joke or a tramp for her to be making sex with him, or…? It’s a joke? He was very surprising. His face it was becoming red and very hot. Forget it, please excuse me, I need to say… Look at me. Are you sure that you want to say me that seriously? Yes, I am. So, I, I am so, let me to try to explain…, it’s…, it’s…, I’m not so sure that…, OAK! OAK! No. no, I mean do you want to loose my mind? Please, look, please, try to explain me, why did you are telling me that? Just because, I guess you are so attractive woman and I can’t resist. I mean, when I am alone at home and not especially at home, I have all the time your image in my mind, you know. I am dreaming you all the time with my open mind. Moreover, I can’t find an explanation, but I don’t understand what happened with me? I mean…, nothing to say, you understand? Let’s see. You are talking with me just once, maybe two dates. And I know, you are looking to me for long time ago and first time when you were looking to me at TV, you were remembering me, of course, but not exactly by where, you were feeling that you are liking me so much, and I am becoming your favorite woman in show bis. Yes, or not? Yes, you are and…, OAK, now I believe that I am considerate maybe nanny. Am I? I don’t know exactly, but… I will tell you in the evening. At eight o’clock at me. My visit card. Keep it. By! Not by a long time ago, it was happening something strange around to him. If he could not realized this that a situation it was indeed, because all of people were using drugs. What for? They must to realize that the life it is so fine continuous and the reality it was that one year ago in hearth place of them it was happened something strange: The final countdown. What is meaning this final countdown? It was just a game first time. After it was creating like a friendship accounting money and at the last, it was becoming a conjuration.
  • 35. The Prince of Dark. Who is the Prince? He had not to say one exactly idea, just knowing that he is a very good actor. What exactly he is doing? Just he is playing a king of games to protect one secret but the secret knows by all. Why? Because the writer not long time ago was writing a book that, it was named The Russian roulette. Moreover? In the cause that he continuous to write this kind of book he will kill because, he without any clue can demonstrate logical that this kind of game it is playing. However, exactly they are using him talent for introducing the confusion because he is a very good actor. If he is playing the game? The question it was that all of them are playing the game, but not with themselves life because they are lost everything but refuse to accept the situation. Why him? Long time ago, he was the culture minister in America? In the same situation of government, he was trying twice to resign but he was conjugated to accept the situation and did not to be resigning. The explanation it was, for the writer, that he did not play the game. Now? Now he offers the protection of the conjurations because he did not playing the game and nobody cannot be accusing him that he was a player. So, no clue. Who are the others? The mistake of the players it was that they were introducing in the circle of them to one paranoiac stealer of identities that it was by first time a gambler but because he is megalomaniac he put in danger all of them. In short time this circle of relationship businesspersons was becoming a crime circle organization. He is just a protection of a dark minds organization that it is meaning, for him of course with irony, Freemasonry. Who kill by whom? Alternatively, whom by whom it must to by death? At the root of the black male, it’s one accepted condition to kill one man, a pure man, exactly himself because one of the jerks has an old wife, cooking good and making soup with herself. It is saying every time this jerk: The old chicken it is making a good soup because the garrote is it is so young. One excuse of himself, it is meaning the writer, it is just that the old chicken borne not so rear illness children. Refusing to accept the situation, the jerk was trying to educating his ill child to be a normal man, but the child has not the possibilities.
  • 36. The irony it is that, the lieder of this conjuration it is accepted this child, and, and because the wife of the jerk all the time want to be the power of the decisions of the circle. However, it make it happened appreciatively regular when they want to kill some one, to put the child to say the decision. What for? Because the child has an empty mind and he has an excuse to kill. The game it is a conclusion that when you need some money for a business, or to buy something, they are given you money, but you must to be guaranteeing with your home, or your car, or other propriety. After a time you must to give back money in rates and plus percent. At last, they are giving you back the act of propriety. What happened in fact: one of them and of course of him self, it was guaranteeing getting some money with the propriety act of him, but never get back money to the creditors. Why? Because he has a kind of psychiatric dizzy and his uncle, it was signed for him the sale of his home, explaining to others that he did not need about his nephew. At the last of this history, but not the least they are provoking a conflict between both of them for motivation of this kind of solution and for no way giving money back. The story of love between Andreea and Mario it was starting in a vacancy when, he was student and she was a teenage queen. What happened exactly? Nothing special, just that Mario as if usually it was looking for a girl, of course because lonely being, he needed a girlfriend. Walking on the street he was boring and he was going back to the villa, changing the clothes and after he was going back to play football. Near to the football yard, it was a discotheque. Not like usually, because it was a game on misses, he was playing good coordinate the game. She it was staying on the balcony of the discotheque to be watching the game. Near her, it was a girl, blond girl that knows the team mate s of him and he did not know what she was telling but after they win the game, they were inviting in the discotheque to drink some lagers. Not after a time, because usual when he like a woman he is attacking directly, with a lager and Coke in his hands, he was going near her. Looking at her, but not directly, inhales easy her perfume and after a second, he was asking her: Have a Coke? She, looking straight ahead and after turning around and looking shrike, says: OAK. Why are you getting me this Coke? Do you need other else?
  • 37. No, no, I want to say, why are you getting me this Coke, because you are liking me or just like usually when you are needing something to a girl? Do you need a right answer? Yes, I suppose you are capable to have one? Just for a vacancy? She looking him ironic it was asking again: Why just for a vacancy? Because you are a teenage and you are leaving here and I am student far away. Oho, yes you are! She was turning back and was starting to drink Coke. Are you disappointed? Am I? I suppose that you like me because in your mind are making some plans. Have you? OAK, let’s see, what can I do for you today? Nothing to say, just walking to find some keys. Are you sure? Yes, you are. You must to fix a problem. It was in the evening. The room of the cabana it was very darkness. The lights of the moon in the village of the mountain it was covered by the shadows and the stars were shining, as it was shaming by something. So, what can we do now? Nothing. Are you disappointed? Not yet, I am just a teenage. Yes, you are. To bad. Ha! What did you say?’ Nothing to say but you is looking wonderfully. Truly?
  • 38. You are ironic, yes? Am I? No, not I need this. OAK, you know why I was making love with you? I suppose, yes. The last meeting it was long time and those this time he was studied and he was working like engineer. A disappointing situation it was created not at all by him, it was of course also the fault of his fiancE The conclusion of himself health stability it was that after the separating he was disturbing very strong in his heart and it was affected his mind. A long period he was up with a special treatment and in all this time, he was not at all the time alone, but he was discovering that he can to write and, surprising of course for himself, he was appreciated. The develop of his talent it was make it by himself and in all this time was trying to keep an impression of modesty but not just an impression. He did not like to be remarking himself because in time when it was appearing the ill he was very disappointed by himself and his personality it was affected. After an adventure in Greece, that he was putting in situation to work in dangerous situation, the personality of him self it was discovering again by him self. To be in love, to be all the time involve in a love. How it is possible? Forever young it is something good or not for somebody? The answer it’s: Not so bad, but it must to keep your heart and the constance clean, and after you will be truly young and involve truly in a love. When you are free mind and your heart, it is clear not especial like to an innocent but sincerely white, in this situation you are the best lover in the world. What somewhat meaningfully glances have you that you are looking to a pretty woman? What are thinking to the first looking about her? What you try to do with her in the first choice that you touch her? Will you truly with a good feeling if she does not like you? What are you doing in cause that you are considering your self-ugly? The answer it’s:
  • 39. The good feeling change all but you must to appreciating all the time that not all it is flying it is possible to eat. Are you sure that you can be resisting in any kind situation that she is usually living? It is a kind to be yourself and the characteristic it’s: To be a mature man. Time it was running easy and image of Andreea was disappointed but does not matter how in a summer holiday, in his town, on a swimming pool he was looking to a young woman. The preference it was for both of them, but he was very scary because she was considering a shrike that was making love with foreign students, or with any kind of boy with plenty money. Not that he was considering her a beach; he did not talking with her, just because all of her, if he would talking, would considering him a stupid. Truly likeness for her, but what for because all of them had big mouth. When you are sensitive, you cannot resist to the irony of the biggest, smartness jerks that loving you to fuck. To the long way for good life, he was trying to do many sacrifices working, practicing hard working trying to be adapted to a lot of part of important jobs in the world. Usually speaking, at last he was left because his uncle every time continue to provoke him damages, using the propriety act of him to get money and never give back. The situation it was, that uncle gets money by his owner and he was putted in situation to do hard working, no excuse that he is ill or it is tired. Like in a school theater, because they try all the time to play the game, she was duplicating made to be himself seriously damage in his mind and loose his home. If he is a lucky person or not, is not it indeed, because they are watching him every time to provoke loosing his home. Like in the jungle nobody say please sorry, are not excuse for nobody because they want just money doing. Life after he was coming back from Greece with no scruples. The pleasure of the people and he spouses, if is possible at all, is to borne and educate a child on the death bodies of illness human been. The food, the home, the cars everything they want to pay at all with a life that must to despaired and it will be change with other guy. The question it is for himself: How many people are indeed themselves like children borne?
  • 40. They are using the low and lower to change the identity, of course Andreea was provoking with money, drugs and promises to be a rich woman and she will be a celebrity in the world and she was accepting. The war it will be continuing but he just knows he will be loosing. The chance to keep a good relationship with Andreea it was lost. He was educating to make money like regular to use ideas to develop not a crime, but this entire people cannot resist killing because they are becoming blind. The game was changed. Any kind of jerk it was accepted by Andreea because she was expose to the black male because she was making the mistake to accept the money, and now if she try to refuse she will be raping or she will be killed. How much you can be involved in a love. Just talking you can demonstrate that for a second of love you can do the best think that are you can doing in all your love. Depends by you choosing. Like a top model, but she is a truly top model has so many caprice and him it is exposing all the time to her, and if you need an explanation this kind of being it is a demonstration that she is involve with you. Why a beautiful woman is doing this? The women, usually speaking when is involved in love like very much to be watching. What for? If she likes you, and you are a smart person, it is very appreciate by all the women that know her. You don’t understand, yes? Not exactly. When you are looking like a tough guy, the woman like to keep you down. In this situation what I must to do? Just to be joking. What kind of joke? Usually joking, but trust me, you will becoming all the time very nervous because she realize that she like you and because you are resisting she put you in different situations that are provoking you and you must to be stable. If you are not, you are loosing all. From time to time you can demonstrate that you are so jealous but you must to do this like a mature man and she is becoming very happy, because when a woman is involve in love has a kid reaction.
  • 41. This is regular situation? Just in cause that your wife or your girlfriend it is much young like you. And what I must to do? Just all I said. That’s all? If you are not so sure, please verify. The dander of the game it was starting to be because they are starting to use like phalanges dirty men, Gypsys, or illness men or woman provoking broke the doors of the apartments, continuous, police didn’t get clues because the Falk are given money to keep police far away by this situations. The mistake of the police officers it is really, before they could not execute one discovering like in the regular situation. They continue to broke the door, and after the situation it’s becoming regular, in a one day the owner will be kill by some one of them, but first it will introducing in the apartment one, two, maybe more dirty men or woman, especial ill, and after you will be killed. Police will be finding the clues of the illness or dirtiness men. They will be arrested, but after a time of treatment, they will be putting free. The gentleness was destroyed by the lowers who try every time to cover the to need the old age politicians that need to rap every young women, using against them selfish idea that they are needing money, easy expensive life, they can’t that they can to be famous by them self work. Indeed, Andreea it was a famous top model, but because himself is in love with, they are introducing her self against to him. a woman can’t resist to famous fucking celebrate politicians, using after drugs, drink, pills to forgetting what happened not special cause with her lover, and of course not like a singular woman destroyed implicate in the political life. Is not she indeed a Marilyn Monroe, but she will be… Because his family is implicate in organize circle crime and all the he was putted to be defended against to jerks, jailers, police officers, lowers, politicians now, using every time the motivation that he is ill, and all the psychiatric doctors are confirming this because they play the game of crime, now he was loosing his love, she was corrupted by one jerk who can’t work and can’t the crimes made by himself because not log time ago he need it to manager, famous, and to be the best one. it was used himself act of propriety to sale expansive cars using false signature of himself, motivating that he didn’t know he was doing because is ill. No, he must to die. The prince of dark continues to courting his Andreea against to him, using his usual talent and computing her. Andreea between the period when she was alone and to the period when she
  • 42. putted her life also for him in this game, she wasn’t courting so strong, but after she was engage with him all the gangsters were starting to courting provoking, because he was becoming by deja-voe illness and they were trying every time to practice the black male with her, trying to kill him indirect. The danger of the game it is to modify the image acting against to him with dirty images about her, they living without reason just to kill. This situation it’s provoking by all of them, they were indeed without feelings every time, they every years were obtaining all they were needing without scruples using special police force and now, because they were provoking the govern to dictated a low against every man or woman that are disturbing them. The low it was introducing nonaligned that it is interdict-ed to use this low against to the journalists, writers, culture representatives. the arrivals between a lot of them, of course with relationships in govern, in police, that were playing the game it was making to attacking him every time, watching his Mobil phone and were putting against to him all of dirty mind that they possible to find every where in his country. The selfishness of the third age of sub ordinary of special police were using all the possibilities against to him didn’t to be in love with Andreea, and against to her it was using every time drugs to be rap. They are dieing every time, if she trying to protecting her self they are using against to him psychiatric substances, covering them self attitude with an diagnostic of him self, and against to her they are using drugs. It was 20:00 o’clock. Mario was entering in IQS of Andreea. What is meaning IQS? It is a kind of studio for models. What for? Just for private relationships. she on the chair in front of a mirror never surprising him, just with a white dress satin, it was trying to do an easy make up for night time. After a knock, he was inviting to enter. He surprised her. Not, not at all but his eyes were blocking on her body. He was touching with his glance the legs, the middle, her skin, the neck, of course believing he is kissing the neck and after him trying to inducting in his mind, that he is kissing her. He was down, easy down on her body, kissing her neck again, the white shoulders, her skin, and easy, easy kissing down her abdomen and after kissing her pussy. Keeping with his hands, easy the middle of Andreea and continuing to kiss her on the legs. She was so exciting, she was putting down her dress, and she was starting to kiss his dick. Never realizing what happened with him, but she was looking fixing at him and she was touching his face.
  • 43. “What happened?” He did not realize what happened. Just looking in her eyes, he was feeling that he could not breathe because he was very exciting. “Yes, it’s true; she is the woman that I needed all the time! I cannot believe! Just a simple glance about her body and I feel that I loose my mind!” “Can you get me…, your jacket?” “O…, yes, sure. Thank you.” “It’s something wrong with you?” “No…, no…, just I realize…” “What?” “No, nothing, excuse me.” “What for?” His face was borne in fire. “Are you allergic?” “Allergic? To what?” “Your face its becoming red.” No, not to your perfume, I mean not to you or to all about you, it’s just…, I can’t explain…” “Why?” “Just…, because this feeling from my mind I never realized ago…” “What kind of feeling?” “Just…, it was a dream… An exciting dream…” “What?” “No, nothing…” She was going and she was sitting on the sofa form the IQS. “Please enjoy your self. What happened with you? Please have a sit.” “Thank you.” She was touching his knee. Like in the first time he was feeling that he was could not to do anything. The explanation it was realized next day when he was wacky in a large empty bad. He
  • 44. was looking around never realizing where is him. The door of the bedroom was opened and she, very looking good and not just he believing very happy, she was asking him: “Are you all right?” “Just a little bit surprised.” “Why?” “I can’t believe that I was making love with you.” She was becoming very smiling. “Why are can’t realize?” “Sorry, it’s my mistake, I understand by you, indeed all the time I am sub-evaluating myself.” “Please, do never this.” He was must to going in Greece. Staying on a chair and he near him, she was putting his hand between her legs, but very easy. He was blocked. He was loosing his breath, but he was continuing to looking fixing straight ahead. What he was feeling? Never asks. He was looking easy around. In the moment when many people were going, he was sitting down to her legs and he was starting to kiss her legs. She was open up easy her legs. After one minute to kiss, of course also her pussy he was finally down first time. He was loosing his constance. She was getting up her bikini letting him down. She was shopping a coke to the airport’s bar and after she was coming back and she was sitting again on the chair. Drinking coke she was pushing easy with her leg Mario, telling: “Hey, Mario, your airplane it’s gone.” Mario was staying up quickly looking scared around. “Where I am? What happened?” “Your airplane it’s gone.” “Sheath!” Andreea was starting to lath. “Oho, yes you are! and he was continuing to kiss her and to lath. After one hour, he was gone to change his ticket.
  • 45. Andreea was going at home, but when she was on the band straits, she was keeping down her bikini. When he was seeing her verifying in his pocket if he did not have some pills and he was starting to scream: “Hey! You! Andreea, do you need to kill me?” Andreea was screaming to him also: “So what!!!” The Zakitos Island situated on southwest of Greece in Ionian Sea, a typical Greek island where the English girls era coming to celebrate a holiday. Mario was employing security officer to one of best hotel from the island. He was talking every time with Andreea but, because his brother was loosing his job, he was resigning to get the chance to his brother to be employing in his job. He was could not a period to call Andreea. In a one day, after he was negotiating one new job, the Greek police was arresting him. Asking about why, the police was telling that he had an accusation that he was making a rep against to a famous woman from America. He was asking very scary who the woman is. The answer it was: Just Andreea. He was becoming very nervous, screaming to one Greek police officer, saying: “Are you crazy, sir? What is meaning Just Andreea! Do you believe me a rapper? And I want to explain you, Andreea is my wife.” The Greek officer says: “Yes, she is. We will see.” “But, sir, this is the improvement.” “What’s this?” “This is the certify.” “Show me, please!” “Look it.” “Yes, it’s true.” “May I call me wife?” “Yes, sure.” Mario was going very quickly to a phone cab. “Hello, dear, what happened?”
  • 46. “Nothing, I am so angry! How many English girls are you fucking daily?” “Are you crazy, dear?” “No, I’m not! I was very bad dreaming last night. Why you don’t call me so many times?” “I was having not money.” “Why? What happened?” “I resigned. I was helping my brother to get my job, because his wife is pregnant.” “Fuck you, Mario! I am also pregnant with you.” “Are you sure?” “Yes, I am.” “I will be coming back home, how is possible to be soon.” “Thank you, Mario. I love you.” “Me too. Take care of you. I love you, dear.” “I hope to see you soon.” “I love you. I hope so I do.” He was remembering after a time, the first sensation that he was having just thinking to her. The reaction from those time was changing because now she is exposing to a sexual instinct accentuate by the prince of dark that using drugs like usually. she, indeed is becoming also an act rice, but sexual satisfaction of her it was transforming her in a neutral woman that don’t feel so much for him. Yes, she was becoming famous. In what kind of direction of her personality? When he is asking about her, he just thinking because he is realizing the attraction it was changed. Yes, he has same good feelings for her, but he is realizing that he must to be carefully. They were separating, not official but he is believing that and satisfaction of the jerk and of course, of his woman it was great. Just thinking to his family, he remembering that a lot of them were storing to him long time ago, when his mother and his father was separated. The good feelings of him for her were stomped because she was putting him continuous in danger; once or twice, he was just little bit to loose his life. She was continued to be understanding with him, playing the game using her actor’s talent. For her he was becoming just a nanny that must to be killing, because she needs money and celebrity. She is no way scary because the police and justice will be covering her mistakes cleaning everything.
  • 47. He will be substituting by another jerk, probably a young politician using his identity and an aesthetic surgery. She will be very happy, having money and she will be very appreciating. However, to forget it must to use the pills, drink and drugs. Now, she has a very good fucking, accepting every man that he is celebrity or that he pay or promise her a very good carry-re. He try just to be alive because his life becoming nothing, explanation it is because all of his family been sale his identity to every one that paid. There was a lot of that were jerks, killers, and rubbers. In January 2007 Mario, very involving in love with Andreea, appealing continuously to the police but never being resolving some think, was beginning to writing the the German news paper Der Zeit, trying to be provoking against to this dirty uncle an international anklet. His e-mail was broking and his messages were reading trying continuously to be actioning against to Mario and saying or the reality it’s lying that Mario is very damage mind ill. Mario was starting to be collaborating with one beautiful German journalist sending to her the short news explaining what happening with him and Andreea that she was into continuously danger. Before one dangerous situation he was sending on the Internet one of the very funny impression poem and at the last, that he was renouncing to be watching what happening with Andreea that was very damaging health ill was writing an long resolution article that was considerate by him to be helping his German college that to be appreciating into psychologist studying of jerks that are every where. Dear Andreea, At last, supposing will be never to see you, never to be promising that I will be the real that I was at first, but believing that you are and you will be my famous woman into my life. Mario Funny day By the way What are You expecting To me
  • 48. Drinking To much? Maybe I smoke A good Cigarette To much Coffee Indeed In a morning I will See Ideas are to be alive because I hope To see You again. The letter for German journalist he was considerate that it was the price that before a time he was not at all but enough into a special relation ship but keeping between them self a strongly silence for keeping no identity to be destroying by the damage mind ill of one of finest German woman journalist Silvie: First choice attitude has uncomfortable me first contact stabilizing with a new papers journal like Der Zeit or other it’s looking on the web page. What for to be trying to be contacting a foreign news paper that your country it’s very young entering (accepting) like a very civilize country and very democrat?
  • 49. One of first message that was sending to me trying to be realizing an advertising upon of a very strange situating creating by the damages minds: Every time when they are never working well, haven’t enough money they are using like jerks every possibility to rub or to steel some one. For example in my town, if you are alone and you are ill but you are steel working hard to survive, they are waiting all the time to be rubbing you. The principal idea it was in first time to steel your home using your false signature getting your propriety and after to be killing you. The motivation of your death it would be that you were so ill and it was an accident. But, for other example, if the person is capable to work and he is doing something good and he is getting money, they are putting this person in the possibility to be no paying what he is consuming about his home and also for him self. Never will he be recognizing like artist for example and if his girlfriend or his woman is a fine woman, she will be putting in the situation to be letting to be rapped because all of them were getting you money for survive. If you will be killed your art it will be provoked to be steeling and it will be very appreciating another person that it staying waiting just to rub. The general thinks trying to explaining to me or to other that in the city of Mario it’s a very strange situation and him was writing to me that he is writer in his country. He was trying to explain to me that is a group of jerks in his city that is trying to be killing him. The first choice attitude: Yes, may be it is this situation in your country but your country is a democrat regime now and you can to be going to the police. The second choice attitude: From different e-mails very impressing persons like very realistic journalist, engineering in computer skills and of course why not psychiatric doctors were writing me very joking that Mario is a schizophrenic damage ill please by sorry for him and come in our country to be playing in the party every time in week end, we are spending for you our money. The third th choice attitude: regular for a young woman like me Okay Mario I will be looking in my e/mail to your messages. Regular for a professional journalist: Why they are writing me direct in my e-mail trying to be demonstrating about Mario in my eyes that is a psychiatric damage mind?