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The UK’s first co-located nursery in a care home
Unpacking the benefits of daily intergenerational activity
Dr Ali Somers
Co-Founder & Director
Our baby and toddler group:
The nursery:
• Project grew out of 20+ year partnership of regular, meaningful
interaction (Began with Apples and Honey Wimbledon nursery children
coming to visit several times a year)
• Work began three years ago on creating on-site nursery (refurbished old
maintenance bungalow)
• Weekly baby and toddler group began in January 2017
• Nursery opened 4th September
• Mission: pioneer ‘meaningful play’ between elderly and nursery aged
children (ex. sensory, verbal and non-verbal communication, fine motor
• Purposefully design against ‘passive play’ in our interactions
• Aside from daily activities, we are good neighbors
• Residents ‘opt-in’ to play
What ‘co-location’ means to us…
Mondays, 10:00 -11:30 am
• Staffed by 3 volunteers and a Nursery teacher
• Semi-structured; set music session (25
minutes), set craft activity, however these are
backdrops to promote interaction between
residents and children
• Runs roughly 45 weeks of the year (excludes
Bank Holidays)
• Free event for families
• More than fifty residents and sixty children
have participated in the first year
• Many who come had never been to the care
home before
Since 4th September, an
intergenerational activity has
taken place with nursery children
every day the nursery has been
open (only closed for one week
over Christmas).
Baking, cookery, singing,
Havdallah, Shabbat, joint exercise
classes, gardening, animal petting,
and many special events- theatre
performances, Jewish festival
Copying, physical actions
Communication and language
Dementia unit/
memory garden
Residents’ exercise route
Copying physical actions
Communication and
language development
Nursery garden
View of nursery from dementia unit
Copying physical actions
Communication and
language development
Inside the busy nursery
Communication and
language development
A snapshot of our baby and toddler group sessions:
• Length of time over which it runs. At 90 minutes, purpose is to maximise the opportunity for residents
and children to form their own relationships and interact on their own terms.
• Activities are simple on purpose, design against ‘passive play’, by avoiding activities with too much
emphasis on performance.
• Activities are put together where both age groups can equally participate. This task equality is how
relationships are built, because young children play alongside care home residents and have a shared
A weekly baby and toddler group session includes:
• 30 minutes of singing and story-telling
• A craft or making activity
• Lots of time to socialise and make friends!
Our three top activities are:
• Making sandwiches together for one another, with a resident and child (with parent or carer) making
them to give to each other to eat
• Being artists and ‘drawing’ each other’s faces by using paper plates and chopped fruit and vegetables.
Partners look at each other’s faces and try copying them using the chopped fruit and vegetables on the
table. The best part is that we can eat the result!
• Handprint painting- it’s lovely and tactile and brings back lots of different kinds of memories for residents
Communication and
language development
One early years teacher observes...
“One day, sitting on the floor in a circle, I began the singing session. One of
our residents, Frances, has some memory loss. She really enjoys attending
the group, and Frances developed a relationship with one little boy in
particular. For the past several weeks, Frances has been humming along to
our singing, sometimes really concentrating to try to remember the words.
This day was different.
Frances, on my right, suddenly came to life. Not only did she remember all
of the words, she used her voice to sing them clearly and confidently.
Rather than wait for a song to be chosen from the bag, Frances took over
the session and began leading us all in the songs she wanted to sing. We
were all delighted and enjoyed partaking in Frances’ joy and awakening
that day."
Communication and
language development
One of our weekly baby and toddler group volunteers, Georgina McElwaine,
shares her motivations for supporting our work...
“As a teenager, I volunteered weekly as part of my Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and I visited both my
own grandmother and my husband’s two grandmothers over the last decade when they resided in care
homes. I was particularly close to my dad’s mum as a teenager, who was a remarkable lady and lived
independently with very good physical and mental health until she was 95.
I come each week to the intergenerational baby and toddler group because it makes me smile. I love seeing
first-hand the joy that it brings, and witnessing the special bonds that are being made between some of the
residents and the children. I marvel at the fact that even those residents with
memory problems can join in so enthusiastically with the singing and arts and crafts.
No one is self- conscious. That is probably what surprised me the most. Oh and the impeccable behaviour
of the children when they attend. As the mother of an 18 month old boy, I know how volatile their wee
moods can be, yet this interaction always seems to bring out the best in the children. No concerns at all.
I am fascinated by the intergenerational concept and love being involved in a very small way in its success
here in the UK. I find everyone at Nightingale and Apples Honey truly inspiring. If I could be involved in
broadening the reach of this sort of initiative I would. When my husband’s granny was still alive I did bring
our son to her care home regularly and made sure that we interacted with as many residents as we could,
leading sing songs and ball games.
I am positive today, if not even more so, than I was when I first got involved 9 months ago. Even though I
myself am not Jewish, I love the fact that all the Jewish customs and traditions are so proudly recognised
and celebrated by all. I love how inclusive everyone is. It’s a fabulous experience for everyone.”
Communication and
language development
EFYS Characteristics of Effective Learning MONDAY
Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE)
Physical development
Health and safety
Bowls with water and soap in focus groups to discuss germs
Communication and language Key worker groups- parts of the tree
Group 1: Sequencing the life cycle of a tree Group 2: Sequence
Humpty Dumpty
Expressive arts and design
Group 1: Paper maché tree
Group 2: Do a painting of the tree outside
Understanding of the world Havdallah with OSHA residents
Numeracy Re-measure the plant using hands, feet, unifix cubes
Sample nursery planning:
Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE) Outside and inside of fruits are just like people
Physical development Threading leaves
Communication and language Phonics for 3 year olds Incy Wincy Spider
Literacy Story: We’re going on a bear hunt
Expressive arts and design
Almond blossoms using sticks and cotton wool, and pink crepe
Understanding of the world
Decorating the tree outside the Activities Centre (to celebrate Tu
Numeracy Re-measure the plant using hands, feet, unifix cubes
Communication and
language development
1) Understanding parent motivations in choosing a nursery
within an elderly care residential setting (exploring early
parental and local community buy-in)
2) Case study on setting up- barriers and opportunities
within the current regulatory environment
3) Identifying the building blocks of meaningful
intergenerational play
Early research underway onsite
Part Two: Exploring
‘Intergenerational’ Impact
Creating a framework for measuring impact
Nursery &
Residents- daily
Weekly Baby
and Toddler
group with
wide events
Local children (0 months to 3
years), families, carers,
childminders, residents,
residents’ families, volunteers
Nursery children, nursery
families, residents, residents’
families, nursery and care
home staff
Local children (broadest age
range) and their families,
nursery children, nursery
families, carers, nursery staff,
care home staff, residents,
residents’ families, volunteers
How do we begin?
• Question 1: What activities are we running? (Why did we plan to run our
intervention in this way? What were our hypotheses? Is what we are
actually delivering the same as what we planned on delivering?) Impact
• Question 2: Who is affected by our work, directly and indirectly? Have we
mapped our stakeholders?
• Question 3: After an initial period of time has gone by, have we checked
back in with our first assumptions? Have any new observations been made
which mean we need to make changes to what we are running and how?
• Question 4: Can we establish a baseline, so that we can capture changes
that take place over time (positive and negative, as well as over the short-
term, medium-term, and long-term)?
• Question 5: What data do we have to collect regularly anyway? How can
this be adapted to suit the purposes of capturing our intergenerational
work? (Care home data on residents, early years data on developmental
• Question 6: What have we learned so far?
Baby and Toddler Group: Example
Group begins January 2017, we run it the way we
would our other baby and toddler groups that are not
intergenerational (semi-structured play and singing),
emphasis on supporting parents, add new participants:
Furniture is an obstacle, we re-think how to lay out the room
physically to accommodate wheelchairs and toddlers (play
area in the centre, tables on the side) Need volunteers to
serve as extensions (hands, ears), Ratios need to increase
(based on observations and reflection)
*Best early years practice has reflection as a core component,
and observation skills
We get to know the needs of the families who
attend, and the residents, we make sure to include
and encourage everyone, activities are lessened-
become a backdrop- we become helpers/
facilitators, not teachers
Observations (over 12 months):
• Children appear more settled
• Parents seem to ‘need’ the group- what need
is this intervention filling?
• Longer-term observations, after months of
regular contact- residents appear to suddenly
increase their participation in sessions, and
their communication and language skills
become more demonstrative (verbal and
nonverbal), as does memory
• The majority of the families who come are not
Jewish, but they sing with us in Hebrew- is
there an interfaith element to our work? (an
unintended consequence)
• We are so busy doing, it’s hard to take stock
• Are we ‘imagining or exaggerating’ these perceived benefits? How can we
find out? Need to triangulate data…(verify from multiple sources)
• Our population over 12 months keeps changing!
• In September, 9 months’ in- new cohort of children
• In one session, 9 children are new, all are 14 months’ old, all born within 2
weeks of each other, all from the local area- dynamic completely shifts, and
early years teachers have to adapt
• While our children are developing at a rapid rate (6 months, then 12
months, then 18 month olds- significant changes in communication skills,
language acquisition and mobility), some of our ‘regular’ residents are
• New residents are joining the group
• We move (is it because of our confidence?) from working with the more
independent residents, to those with little communication, memory and
mobility- here we see the most significant improvements
Time to ask questions of our stakeholders
• To our nursery families we ask- why did you send your children here?
What was your previous experience of care homes? What did you think
before your child began nursery? What do you think now?
• To our residents we ask- what do you think of having children in the
home? Are there benefits? Are there aspects you do not like?
• To our baby and toddler families we ask- why do you come? What do
you get out of it?
• To the nursery staff we ask- what do you think about our interactions
with the residents?
• To the care home staff we ask- what do you think about having children
in the home?
• To our volunteers we ask- why do you come? What’s in it for you?
Then, we sit back and listen, to EVERYONE
Stakeholder responses…Volunteer
• A volunteer says… “I come each week to the baby and toddler group
because it makes me smile…I love seeing first-hand the joy that it brings,
and witnessing the special bonds that are being made between some of
the residents and the children. I marvel at the fact that even those
residents with memory problems can join in so enthusiastically… No one
is self-conscious. That is probably what surprised me the most. Oh and
the impeccable behaviour of the children when they attend…Even
though I am not Jewish, I love the fact that all the Jewish customs and
traditions are so proudly recognised and celebrated by all. I love how
inclusive everyone is. It’s a fabulous experience for everyone.”
Stakeholder responses…Resident
• A male resident shares, “It is the highlight of my week. I
never had children of my own and I enjoy watching the
children play and playing with them. It is such a joyful
experience. I forget everything else going on and I share in
their joy with them. I also see the effect it has on other
residents. One gentleman who comes never speaks to
anyone else at all when he is upstairs. He doesn’t speak at
all. He is silent. But when he comes down here, he lights up
and he does speak. He becomes himself and it makes me
very happy to watch this.”
Stakeholder responses…Parents
• A parent from the on-site nursery was asked if being located
within the grounds of a care home was a motivation for
sending his daughter to our setting. He replied, “Absolutely.
From spending time in care and nursing homes, we
observed how lonely they can be. The pressure of modern
life on close families is enormous and we have witnessed
what a strain this can cause for people. We strongly believe
that old and young should be at ease with each other.”
Initial observations gathered, what’s next?
Pre-work to formal research:
• We had our own hypotheses when we designed our interventions
• After time, we made observations, and began to adapt what we
• Then, we gathered the views of everyone involved, and adapted
some more (including respecting the wishes of residents who did
not want to be involved)
• We took notice of new impacts we had not anticipated (interfaith,
importance of activities on middle-agers, sudden dramatic effect
on those with less verbal communication and more advanced
dementia after months of regular contact)
Next stage: formal research
Measurement is an iterative process, but it must also move forward to
more concrete evidence
• Planning a programme of more formal observation that is multi-disciplinary
• Will look for funding to have one year of regular observations carried out on
three client groups; children, and residents, with focus groups for parents of
baby and toddler and nursery at fixed intervals throughout the year
• All the while, we will continue to collect the easy data (low hanging fruit)- how
many participate in our range of intergenerational sessions, their
demographics, how long participation lasts, where do they go next? What did
they do beforehand?
Beginnings of an inter-disciplinary
• Will identify a group of residents to follow; to understand what they are doing
when they are not with the children (what does the rest of their day/week look
like?) Will find a cohort of nursery children to compare against those who are of
similar age and background to see how each group responds to elderly
residents over time
• Will seek the input of both early years specialists alongside geriatric specialists
(including but not limited to dementia)
Developing our research questions:
• Does intergenerational interaction keep more independent residents fit and
active for longer (cognitive, emotional, and physical)?
• Do moments of memory and increased verbal communication carry on during
the day after a session with the children? How long do impacts last?
• Is a one off experience ‘enough’ for residents and children (might be for some),
can we identify the amounts of time needed to achieve certain benefits?
• To what extent does interaction with children instigate memory or
communication for people at various stages of memory and communication
• To what extent does contact with residents impact on pre-school aged children?
“Research is formalized curiosity. It is
poking and prying with a purpose.”
Zora Neale Hurston

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The Lunch of Apples and Honey Nightingale Nursery, Dr Ali Somers, Co-Founder & Director

  • 1. THE LAUNCH OF APPLES AND HONEY NIGHTINGALE CIC NURSERY: The UK’s first co-located nursery in a care home Unpacking the benefits of daily intergenerational activity onsite Dr Ali Somers Co-Founder & Director @AliSomersAHN
  • 2. Our baby and toddler group: The nursery: gevity-intergenerational-care-elderly-children- intl/index.html aU
  • 3. • Project grew out of 20+ year partnership of regular, meaningful interaction (Began with Apples and Honey Wimbledon nursery children coming to visit several times a year) • Work began three years ago on creating on-site nursery (refurbished old maintenance bungalow) • Weekly baby and toddler group began in January 2017 • Nursery opened 4th September • Mission: pioneer ‘meaningful play’ between elderly and nursery aged children (ex. sensory, verbal and non-verbal communication, fine motor skill) • Purposefully design against ‘passive play’ in our interactions • Aside from daily activities, we are good neighbors • Residents ‘opt-in’ to play What ‘co-location’ means to us…
  • 4. WEEKLY BABY AND TODDLER GROUP Mondays, 10:00 -11:30 am • Staffed by 3 volunteers and a Nursery teacher • Semi-structured; set music session (25 minutes), set craft activity, however these are backdrops to promote interaction between residents and children • Runs roughly 45 weeks of the year (excludes Bank Holidays) • Free event for families • More than fifty residents and sixty children have participated in the first year • Many who come had never been to the care home before
  • 5. Emerging intergenerational programme: Since 4th September, an intergenerational activity has taken place with nursery children every day the nursery has been open (only closed for one week over Christmas). Baking, cookery, singing, Havdallah, Shabbat, joint exercise classes, gardening, animal petting, and many special events- theatre performances, Jewish festival parties
  • 6. Copying, physical actions Communication and language development Dementia unit/ memory garden Nursery Playground Residents’ exercise route CO-LOCATION IN PRACTICE
  • 7. Copying physical actions Communication and language development Nursery garden View of nursery from dementia unit (Wohl)
  • 8. Copying physical actions Communication and language development Inside the busy nursery
  • 9. Communication and language development A snapshot of our baby and toddler group sessions: • Length of time over which it runs. At 90 minutes, purpose is to maximise the opportunity for residents and children to form their own relationships and interact on their own terms. • Activities are simple on purpose, design against ‘passive play’, by avoiding activities with too much emphasis on performance. • Activities are put together where both age groups can equally participate. This task equality is how relationships are built, because young children play alongside care home residents and have a shared experience. A weekly baby and toddler group session includes: • 30 minutes of singing and story-telling • A craft or making activity • Lots of time to socialise and make friends! Our three top activities are: • Making sandwiches together for one another, with a resident and child (with parent or carer) making them to give to each other to eat • Being artists and ‘drawing’ each other’s faces by using paper plates and chopped fruit and vegetables. Partners look at each other’s faces and try copying them using the chopped fruit and vegetables on the table. The best part is that we can eat the result! • Handprint painting- it’s lovely and tactile and brings back lots of different kinds of memories for residents
  • 10. Communication and language development One early years teacher observes... “One day, sitting on the floor in a circle, I began the singing session. One of our residents, Frances, has some memory loss. She really enjoys attending the group, and Frances developed a relationship with one little boy in particular. For the past several weeks, Frances has been humming along to our singing, sometimes really concentrating to try to remember the words. This day was different. Frances, on my right, suddenly came to life. Not only did she remember all of the words, she used her voice to sing them clearly and confidently. Rather than wait for a song to be chosen from the bag, Frances took over the session and began leading us all in the songs she wanted to sing. We were all delighted and enjoyed partaking in Frances’ joy and awakening that day."
  • 11. Communication and language development One of our weekly baby and toddler group volunteers, Georgina McElwaine, shares her motivations for supporting our work... “As a teenager, I volunteered weekly as part of my Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and I visited both my own grandmother and my husband’s two grandmothers over the last decade when they resided in care homes. I was particularly close to my dad’s mum as a teenager, who was a remarkable lady and lived independently with very good physical and mental health until she was 95. I come each week to the intergenerational baby and toddler group because it makes me smile. I love seeing first-hand the joy that it brings, and witnessing the special bonds that are being made between some of the residents and the children. I marvel at the fact that even those residents with memory problems can join in so enthusiastically with the singing and arts and crafts. No one is self- conscious. That is probably what surprised me the most. Oh and the impeccable behaviour of the children when they attend. As the mother of an 18 month old boy, I know how volatile their wee moods can be, yet this interaction always seems to bring out the best in the children. No concerns at all. I am fascinated by the intergenerational concept and love being involved in a very small way in its success here in the UK. I find everyone at Nightingale and Apples Honey truly inspiring. If I could be involved in broadening the reach of this sort of initiative I would. When my husband’s granny was still alive I did bring our son to her care home regularly and made sure that we interacted with as many residents as we could, leading sing songs and ball games. I am positive today, if not even more so, than I was when I first got involved 9 months ago. Even though I myself am not Jewish, I love the fact that all the Jewish customs and traditions are so proudly recognised and celebrated by all. I love how inclusive everyone is. It’s a fabulous experience for everyone.”
  • 12. Communication and language development EFYS Characteristics of Effective Learning MONDAY Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE) Physical development Health and safety Bowls with water and soap in focus groups to discuss germs Communication and language Key worker groups- parts of the tree Literacy Group 1: Sequencing the life cycle of a tree Group 2: Sequence Humpty Dumpty Expressive arts and design Group 1: Paper maché tree Group 2: Do a painting of the tree outside Understanding of the world Havdallah with OSHA residents Numeracy Re-measure the plant using hands, feet, unifix cubes Sample nursery planning: TUESDAY Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE) Outside and inside of fruits are just like people Physical development Threading leaves Communication and language Phonics for 3 year olds Incy Wincy Spider Literacy Story: We’re going on a bear hunt Expressive arts and design Almond blossoms using sticks and cotton wool, and pink crepe paper. Understanding of the world Decorating the tree outside the Activities Centre (to celebrate Tu B’shevat) Numeracy Re-measure the plant using hands, feet, unifix cubes
  • 13. Communication and language development 1) Understanding parent motivations in choosing a nursery within an elderly care residential setting (exploring early parental and local community buy-in) 2) Case study on setting up- barriers and opportunities within the current regulatory environment 3) Identifying the building blocks of meaningful intergenerational play Early research underway onsite (2017-18)
  • 14. Part Two: Exploring ‘Intergenerational’ Impact
  • 15. Creating a framework for measuring impact Nursery & Residents- daily activities Weekly Baby and Toddler group with Residents Large monthly community- wide events Local children (0 months to 3 years), families, carers, childminders, residents, residents’ families, volunteers Nursery children, nursery families, residents, residents’ families, nursery and care home staff Local children (broadest age range) and their families, nursery children, nursery families, carers, nursery staff, care home staff, residents, residents’ families, volunteers
  • 16. How do we begin? • Question 1: What activities are we running? (Why did we plan to run our intervention in this way? What were our hypotheses? Is what we are actually delivering the same as what we planned on delivering?) Impact map… • Question 2: Who is affected by our work, directly and indirectly? Have we mapped our stakeholders? • Question 3: After an initial period of time has gone by, have we checked back in with our first assumptions? Have any new observations been made which mean we need to make changes to what we are running and how? • Question 4: Can we establish a baseline, so that we can capture changes that take place over time (positive and negative, as well as over the short- term, medium-term, and long-term)? • Question 5: What data do we have to collect regularly anyway? How can this be adapted to suit the purposes of capturing our intergenerational work? (Care home data on residents, early years data on developmental milestones…) • Question 6: What have we learned so far?
  • 17. Baby and Toddler Group: Example Group begins January 2017, we run it the way we would our other baby and toddler groups that are not intergenerational (semi-structured play and singing), emphasis on supporting parents, add new participants: residents Furniture is an obstacle, we re-think how to lay out the room physically to accommodate wheelchairs and toddlers (play area in the centre, tables on the side) Need volunteers to serve as extensions (hands, ears), Ratios need to increase (based on observations and reflection) *Best early years practice has reflection as a core component, and observation skills We get to know the needs of the families who attend, and the residents, we make sure to include and encourage everyone, activities are lessened- become a backdrop- we become helpers/ facilitators, not teachers
  • 18. Observations (over 12 months): • Children appear more settled • Parents seem to ‘need’ the group- what need is this intervention filling? • Longer-term observations, after months of regular contact- residents appear to suddenly increase their participation in sessions, and their communication and language skills become more demonstrative (verbal and nonverbal), as does memory • The majority of the families who come are not Jewish, but they sing with us in Hebrew- is there an interfaith element to our work? (an unintended consequence)
  • 19. Challenges • We are so busy doing, it’s hard to take stock • Are we ‘imagining or exaggerating’ these perceived benefits? How can we find out? Need to triangulate data…(verify from multiple sources) • Our population over 12 months keeps changing! • In September, 9 months’ in- new cohort of children • In one session, 9 children are new, all are 14 months’ old, all born within 2 weeks of each other, all from the local area- dynamic completely shifts, and early years teachers have to adapt • While our children are developing at a rapid rate (6 months, then 12 months, then 18 month olds- significant changes in communication skills, language acquisition and mobility), some of our ‘regular’ residents are declining • New residents are joining the group • We move (is it because of our confidence?) from working with the more independent residents, to those with little communication, memory and mobility- here we see the most significant improvements
  • 20. Time to ask questions of our stakeholders • To our nursery families we ask- why did you send your children here? What was your previous experience of care homes? What did you think before your child began nursery? What do you think now? • To our residents we ask- what do you think of having children in the home? Are there benefits? Are there aspects you do not like? • To our baby and toddler families we ask- why do you come? What do you get out of it? • To the nursery staff we ask- what do you think about our interactions with the residents? • To the care home staff we ask- what do you think about having children in the home? • To our volunteers we ask- why do you come? What’s in it for you? Then, we sit back and listen, to EVERYONE
  • 21. Stakeholder responses…Volunteer • A volunteer says… “I come each week to the baby and toddler group because it makes me smile…I love seeing first-hand the joy that it brings, and witnessing the special bonds that are being made between some of the residents and the children. I marvel at the fact that even those residents with memory problems can join in so enthusiastically… No one is self-conscious. That is probably what surprised me the most. Oh and the impeccable behaviour of the children when they attend…Even though I am not Jewish, I love the fact that all the Jewish customs and traditions are so proudly recognised and celebrated by all. I love how inclusive everyone is. It’s a fabulous experience for everyone.”
  • 22. Stakeholder responses…Resident • A male resident shares, “It is the highlight of my week. I never had children of my own and I enjoy watching the children play and playing with them. It is such a joyful experience. I forget everything else going on and I share in their joy with them. I also see the effect it has on other residents. One gentleman who comes never speaks to anyone else at all when he is upstairs. He doesn’t speak at all. He is silent. But when he comes down here, he lights up and he does speak. He becomes himself and it makes me very happy to watch this.”
  • 23. Stakeholder responses…Parents • A parent from the on-site nursery was asked if being located within the grounds of a care home was a motivation for sending his daughter to our setting. He replied, “Absolutely. From spending time in care and nursing homes, we observed how lonely they can be. The pressure of modern life on close families is enormous and we have witnessed what a strain this can cause for people. We strongly believe that old and young should be at ease with each other.”
  • 24. Initial observations gathered, what’s next? Pre-work to formal research: • We had our own hypotheses when we designed our interventions • After time, we made observations, and began to adapt what we did • Then, we gathered the views of everyone involved, and adapted some more (including respecting the wishes of residents who did not want to be involved) • We took notice of new impacts we had not anticipated (interfaith, importance of activities on middle-agers, sudden dramatic effect on those with less verbal communication and more advanced dementia after months of regular contact)
  • 25. Next stage: formal research Measurement is an iterative process, but it must also move forward to more concrete evidence • Planning a programme of more formal observation that is multi-disciplinary • Will look for funding to have one year of regular observations carried out on three client groups; children, and residents, with focus groups for parents of baby and toddler and nursery at fixed intervals throughout the year • All the while, we will continue to collect the easy data (low hanging fruit)- how many participate in our range of intergenerational sessions, their demographics, how long participation lasts, where do they go next? What did they do beforehand?
  • 26. Beginnings of an inter-disciplinary methodology • Will identify a group of residents to follow; to understand what they are doing when they are not with the children (what does the rest of their day/week look like?) Will find a cohort of nursery children to compare against those who are of similar age and background to see how each group responds to elderly residents over time • Will seek the input of both early years specialists alongside geriatric specialists (including but not limited to dementia) Developing our research questions: • Does intergenerational interaction keep more independent residents fit and active for longer (cognitive, emotional, and physical)? • Do moments of memory and increased verbal communication carry on during the day after a session with the children? How long do impacts last? • Is a one off experience ‘enough’ for residents and children (might be for some), can we identify the amounts of time needed to achieve certain benefits? • To what extent does interaction with children instigate memory or communication for people at various stages of memory and communication loss? • To what extent does contact with residents impact on pre-school aged children?
  • 27. “Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.” Zora Neale Hurston