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Bernard S. Black* 
An important challenge for all economies, at which only a few have suc-ceeded, 
is creating the preconditions for a strong market for common stocks and 
other securities. A strong securities market rests on a complex network of legal 
and market institutions that ensure that minority shareholders (1) receive good 
information about the value of a company’s business and (2) have confidence 
that a company’s managers and controlling shareholders won’t cheat them out of 
most or all of the value of their investment. A country whose laws and related 
institutions fail on either count cannot develop a strong securities market, forcing 
firms to rely on internal financing or bank financing—both of which have impor-tant 
shortcomings. In this Article, Professor Bernard Black explains why these 
two investor protection issues are critical, related, and hard to solve. He dis-cusses 
which laws and institutions are most important for each, which of these 
laws and institutions can be borrowed from countries with strong securities mar-kets, 
and which must be homegrown. 
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 782 
TO SECURITIES OFFERINGS .................................................................................... 786 
A. Information Asymmetry and the Role 
of Reputational Intermediaries ...................................................................... 786 
B. The Core Institutions that Control 
Information Asymmetry ................................................................................ 789 
C. Additional Useful and Specialized Institutions............................................. 799 
1. Useful Institutions.................................................................................. 799 
* I thank the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for 
financial support. I thank John Coffee, Rob Daines, David Ellerman, Ron Gilson, Jeff Gordon, Peter 
Henry, Steven Huddart, Cally Jordan, Ehud Kamar, Michael Klausner, Ross Levine, Amir Licht, 
William Megginson, Jamal Munshi, and participants in an OECD conference on Corporate 
Governance in Asia, an International Monetary Fund workshop on Comparative Corporate 
Governance in Developing and Transition Economies, the UCLA School of Law First Annual 
Corporate Governance Conference, and workshops at the American Law & Economics 
Association, Brazil Securities Commission, Brazil Stock Exchange, Korean Securities Law 
Association, Seoul National University School of Business, Stanford Law School, University of 
Missouri-Columbia Law School, and University of Sao Paolo Law Faculty for helpful comments 
and suggestions. An earlier and shorter version of this Article was published as The Core 
Institutions that Support Strong Securities Markets, 55 BUS. LAW. 1565 (2000). The research for this 
Article was substantially completed as of October 2000. The citation style used in this Article 
departs in some cases from the Bluebook citation system.
782 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
2. Specialized Institutions .......................................................................... 801 
D. Which Institutions Are Necessary, Which Are Merely 
Nice to Have? ................................................................................................ 803 
A. Self-Dealing as an Adverse 
Selection/Moral Hazard Problem .................................................................. 804 
B. The Core Institutions that Control Self-Dealing.......................................... 806 
C. Additional Useful and Specialized Institutions............................................. 814 
III. PIGGYBACKING ON OTHER COUNTRIES’ INSTITUTIONS........................................ 816 
A. Estimating the Ease of Piggybacking ............................................................. 816 
B. Can Substitute Institutions Facilitate Piggybacking? .................................... 830 
IV. EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE ............................................................................................ 831 
A. The Qualitative Case for Strong Securities Markets..................................... 832 
B. Empirical Evidence: Investor Protection and Strong 
Capital Markets ............................................................................................. 834 
C. Empirical Evidence: Investor Protection, Capital Markets, 
and Economic Growth .................................................................................. 835 
SEPARATING EQUILIBRIUM?................................................................................... 838 
VI. IMPLICATIONS ....................................................................................................... 841 
A. Different Types of Monitoring: Investor Protection 
and Firm Performance ................................................................................... 841 
B. Competition Between Securities Regulators ................................................. 843 
C. Convergence in Capital Markets 
and Corporate Governance ........................................................................... 845 
CONCLUSION: WHAT STEPS TO TAKE FIRST ................................................................ 847 
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 849 
A strong public securities market, especially a public stock market, can 
facilitate economic growth. But creating strong public securities markets is 
hard. That securities markets exist at all is magical, in a way. Investors pay 
enormous amounts of money to strangers for completely intangible rights, 
whose value depends entirely on the quality of the information that the 
investors receive and on the sellers’ honesty. 
Internationally, this magic is rare. It does not appear in unregulated 
markets. Aggressive efforts to mass privatize state-owned enterprises and 
create stock markets overnight, in formerly centrally planned economies 
like Russia and the Czech Republic, have crashed and burned.1 Investor- 
1. See Bernard Black, Reinier Kraakman & Anna Tarassova, Russian Privatization and Cor-porate 
Governance: What Went Wrong?, 52 STAN. L. REV. 1731 (2000); Edward Glaeser, Simon 
Johnson & Andrei Shleifer, Coase v. the Coasians, 116 Q.J. ECON. (forthcoming 2001).
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 783 
protective laws are important, but not nearly enough to sustain strong 
securities markets. Russia, for example, has pretty good laws in theory, but 
miserable investor protection in fact. Even among developed countries, 
only a few have developed strong stock markets that permit growing com-panies 
to raise equity capital. 
This Article explores which laws and related institutions are essential 
for strong securities markets. My goals are threefold: first, to explain the 
complex network of interrelated legal and market institutions that supports 
strong markets in countries, like the United States and the United Kingdom, 
that have these markets; second, to offer a guide to reforms that can 
strengthen securities markets in other countries; and third, to offer some 
cautionary words about the difficulty of creating this complex network of 
institutions, and the impossibility of doing so quickly. I also survey the 
empirical evidence on the correlation between investor protection and 
securities markets, and between securities markets and economic growth.2 
I argue here that there are two essential prerequisites for strong public 
securities markets. A country’s laws and related institutions must give minor-ity 
shareholders: (1) good information about the value of a company’s 
business; and (2) confidence that the company’s insiders (its managers and 
controlling shareholders) won’t cheat investors out of most or all of the 
value of their investment through “self-dealing” transactions (transactions 
between a company and its insiders or another firm that the insiders 
control) or even outright theft. If these two steps can be achieved, a coun-try 
has the potential to develop a vibrant securities market that can provide 
capital to growing firms, though still no certainty of developing such a 
Individual companies can partially escape weak home-country institu-tions 
by listing their shares on a stock exchange in a country with strong 
2. There is only limited prior work on the prerequisites for strong securities markets. In 
addition to the empirical studies discussed in Part IV, infra, see Bernard Black & Reinier 
Kraakman, A Self-Enforcing Model of Corporate Law, 109 HARV. L. REV. 1911 (1996); Bernard S. 
Black, Information Asymmetry, the Internet, and Securities Offerings, 2 J. SMALL & EMERGING BUS. L. 91 
(1998); and John C. Coffee, Jr., The Future as History: The Prospects for Global Convergence in Corporate 
Governance and Its Implications, 93 NW. U. L. REV. 641 (1999). 
3. In Bernard Black, Is Corporate Law Trivial? A Political and Economic Analysis, 84 NW. 
U. L. REV. 542 (1990), I argue that American corporate law is mostly trivial, in the sense that it 
doesn’t significantly constrain the private contractual arrangements that a company’s shareholders 
can choose for themselves. Some readers of this Article have commented on the tension between 
the views expressed here and those expressed in my earlier article. A short answer is that I did not 
claim then that all of securities law (as opposed to corporate law) was trivial, and I would find less 
of securities law trivial today than I might have then. See id. at 565 (questioning the importance 
of some securities rules, but recognizing that “federal [securities] rules are an important source of 
nontrivial corporate law”).
784 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
institutions and following that country’s rules. But only partial escape is 
possible. A company’s reputation is strongly affected by the reputations of 
other firms in the same country. And reputation unsupported by local 
enforcement and other local institutions isn’t nearly as valuable as the same 
reputation buttressed by those institutions. 
I don’t address here a third aspect of corporate governance—how good 
a country’s institutions are at ensuring that managers are competent and 
seek to maximize profits rather than (say) firm size or their own prestige. 
Corporate governance debates in the United States and other developed 
countries often revolve around this “value maximization” issue. But for 
most countries, I believe, value maximization is worth worrying about only 
after the more basic disclosure and self-dealing issues are addressed. Moreover, 
I know of no countries that have good financial disclosure and good control 
of self-dealing, that don’t also (and mostly thereby) have decent manage-ment 
quality and profit directedness.4 
The interdependence of many of the institutions that control informa-tion 
asymmetry and self-dealing creates the potential for separating equilibria 
to exist. In the first “lemons” equilibrium, most honest companies don’t 
issue shares to the public because weak investor protection prevents them 
from realizing a fair price for their shares. This decreases the average quality 
of the shares that are issued, which further depresses prices and discourages 
honest issuers from issuing shares. Political demand for stronger investor 
protection is muted by the relative scarcity of outside investors. In the sec-ond 
“strong markets” equilibrium, strong investor protection produces high 
prices, which encourage honest companies to issue shares. This increases the 
average quality of the shares that are issued, which further increases share 
prices and encourages more honest issuers to issue shares. Outside investors 
then generate political support for strong investor protection. This Article 
can be seen as an attempt to develop minimum conditions for the “strong 
markets” equilibrium. 
The analysis developed here can inform several current corporate gov-ernance 
debates. The first debate concerns the merits of bank-centered 
versus stock-market-centered capital markets. That debate posits that bank-centered 
markets offer strong monitoring of management, while stock- 
4. Three additional justifications for treating value maximization as a secondary concern 
are: First, unless managers know (and investors don’t) whether the managers are maximizing 
profits, good management does not have the adverse selection structure of disclosure, nor the 
combined adverse selection/moral hazard structure of self-dealing. It therefore doesn’t prevent 
honest issuers from obtaining a fair price for the shares that they sell. Second, other forces, 
notably product market competition, are often primary in encouraging good management. Third, 
controlling information asymmetry and self-dealing will raise share prices, which will increase 
managers’ private returns from a value maximizing strategy.
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 785 
market-centered markets offer liquidity but weaker monitoring. I argue here 
that stock-market-centered capital markets provide strong information 
disclosure and control of self-dealing—monitoring dimensions for which 
bank-centered capital markets are often weaker.5 Moreover, the standard 
debate compares strong bank-centered capital markets to strong stock-market- 
centered capital markets. It overlooks the many institutions that are 
common to strong capital markets of any sort, as well as the complementari-ties 
between a strong banking sector and a strong stock market. 
My analysis can also inform the debate over the merits of competition 
between securities regulators. If strong securities markets depend on a com-plex 
network of market and government institutions, then the debate is 
largely misplaced. Competition between securities regulators simply cannot 
exist in anything like the pure form posited by the debaters. Finally, my analy-sis 
is relevant to the debate over the extent of likely convergence in national 
corporate governance systems. The institutions that support securities 
markets coevolve and reinforce each other. Weakness in one can sometimes 
be offset by strength in another. Formal legal rules are only part of a large 
web of market-supporting institutions. This suggests that convergence will 
sometimes be functional (different countries use different institutions to 
accomplish similar tasks) rather than formal (different countries adopt 
similar rules). 
I address the prerequisites for a strong securities market in the context 
in which they are most acute—a public offering of common shares, often by 
a company that is selling shares to the public for the first time. Similar 
though less acute issues arise when companies issue debt securities. 
Part I of this Article explains why controlling information asymmetry 
is critical for developing strong public stock markets and discusses which 
laws and institutions are most important in doing so. Part II explains why 
controlling self-dealing is also critical and discusses the somewhat different 
laws and institutions that are central for this task. Part III explores the 
extent to which companies can escape weak domestic laws and institutions 
by relying on foreign rules and institutions. Part IV discusses the empirical 
evidence of the connection between investor protection and strong securi-ties 
markets, and between strong securities markets and economic growth. 
Part V proposes that securities markets may tend toward either a lemons 
DEMOCRACY (Columbia Law Sch., Ctr. for Law & Econ. Studies, Working Paper No. 155, 1999), 
available at (Social Science Research Net-work) 
(focusing, unlike this Article, on manager incentives to increase firm value, but also arguing 
that the large number of public American firms reflects U.S. success in controlling agency costs).
786 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
or a strong market equilibrium. Part VI develops the implications of my 
analysis for the monitoring strengths of stock-market-centered and bank-centered 
capital markets, competition among securities regulators, and the 
convergence of corporate governance systems. I conclude by discussing 
which steps a developing country should take first to strengthen its secu-rities 
A. Information Asymmetry and the Role of Reputational Intermediaries 
A critical barrier that stands between issuers of common shares and 
public investors is asymmetric information. The value of a company’s shares 
depends on the company’s future prospects. The company’s past perform-ance 
is an important guide to future prospects. The company’s insiders know 
about both past performance and future prospects. They need to deliver this 
information to investors so that investors can value the company’s shares. 
Delivering information to investors is easy, but delivering credible infor-mation 
is hard. Insiders have an incentive to exaggerate the issuer’s 
performance and prospects, and investors can’t directly verify the information 
that the issuer provides. This problem is especially serious for small com-panies 
and companies that are selling shares to the public for the first time. 
For these companies, investors can’t rely on the company’s prior reputation 
to signal the quality of the information that it provides. 
In economic jargon, securities markets are a vivid example of a market 
for lemons.6 Indeed, they are a far more vivid example than George Akerlof’s 
original example of used cars. Used car buyers can observe the car, take a 
test drive, have a mechanic inspect the car, and ask others about their 
experiences with the same car model or manufacturer. By comparison, a 
company’s shares, when the company first goes public, are like an unob-servable 
car, produced by an unknown manufacturer, on which investors 
can obtain only dry, written information that they can’t directly verify. 
Investors don’t know which companies are truthful and which aren’t, so 
they discount the prices they will offer for the shares of all companies. These 
discounts may ensure that investors receive a fair price, on average. But 
consider the plight of an “honest” company—a company whose insiders report 
truthfully to investors and won’t divert the company’s income stream to 
6. The obligatory citation here is to George A. Akerlof, The Market for “Lemons”: Quality 
Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism, 84 Q.J. ECON. 488 (1970).
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 787 
Discounted share prices mean that an honest issuer can’t receive fair 
value for its shares and has an incentive to turn to other forms of financing. 
But discounted prices won’t discourage dishonest issuers. Shares that aren’t 
worth the paper they’re printed on are, after all, quite cheap to produce. The 
tendency for high-quality issuers to leave the market because they can’t 
obtain a fair price for their shares, while low-quality issuers remain, worsens 
the lemons (adverse selection) problem faced by investors. Investors ration-ally 
react to the lower average quality of issuers by discounting still more the 
prices they will pay. This drives even more high-quality issuers out of the 
market and exacerbates adverse selection. 
Some countries, including the United States, have partially solved this 
information asymmetry problem through a complex set of laws and private 
and public institutions that give investors reasonable assurance that the 
issuer is being (mostly) truthful. Among the most important institutions 
are reputational intermediaries—accounting firms, investment banking 
firms, law firms, and stock exchanges. These intermediaries can credibly 
vouch for the quality of particular securities because they are repeat players 
who will suffer a reputational loss, if they let a company falsify or unduly 
exaggerate its prospects, that exceeds their one-time gain from permitting 
the exaggeration. The intermediaries’ backbones are stiffened by liability to 
investors if they endorse faulty disclosure, and by possible government civil 
or criminal prosecution if they do so intentionally.7 
But even in the United States, “securities fraud”—the effort to sell 
shares at an inflated price through false or misleading disclosure—is a major 
problem, especially for small issuers. Attempts by skilled con artists to sell 
fraudulent securities are endemic partly because the United States’ very 
success in creating a climate of honest disclosure makes investors (ration-ally) 
less vigilant in investigating claims by persuasive salesmen about par-ticular 
Most American investors still expect financial statements to be audited, 
shares to be underwritten by an investment banker, and the prospectus to 
be prepared by securities counsel. It helps if the issuer is listed on a reputable 
stock exchange. But investors’ reliance on reputational intermediaries 
merely re-creates the fraud problem one step removed. An environment in 
which most reputational intermediaries guard their reputations creates 
an opportunity for new entrants to pretend to be reputational inter-mediaries. 
Merely calling oneself an investment banker will engender some 
7. I use the terms “accountants” and “accounting firms” to include the auditing function that 
accountants and accounting firms perform. But I refer separately to “accounting rules” and “auditing 
standards.” On the role of reputational intermediaries in securities markets, see Ronald J. Gilson 
& Reinier Kraakman, The Mechanisms of Market Efficiency, 70 VA. L. REV. 549, 595–607 (1984).
788 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
investor trust, because most investment bankers are honest and care about 
their reputations. Investors (rationally) won’t fully investigate investment 
bankers’ claims to have strong reputations. The other key intermediaries— 
accountants and securities lawyers—can similarly trade on their profession’s 
reputation (notwithstanding the occasional snide joke about whether that 
reputation is deserved). 
In the language of welfare economics, investment banking (or account-ing 
or securities lawyering) involves an externality—any one participant 
can’t fully capture its own investment in reputation. Some of the invest-ment 
enhances the reputation of the entire profession. That externality 
reduces incentives to invest in reputation. And new entrants can free ride 
on reputational spillover from established firms. 
The combination of ability to free ride on other investment bankers’ 
reputations and low entry barriers permits entrepreneurs—call them “bogus 
investment bankers”—to call themselves investment bankers, intending to 
profit by pretending that their recommendation of a company’s shares has 
value. In effect, bogus investment bankers steal some of the value of their 
competitors’ reputations, while also devaluing those reputations, because 
bad reputations spill over to the rest of the profession just as good ones do. 
The result is ironic: The principal role of reputational intermediaries is 
to vouch for disclosure quality and thereby reduce information asymmetry 
in securities markets. But information asymmetry in the market for reputa-tional 
intermediaries limits their ability to play this role.8 
There are several nonexclusive solutions to this problem. One is second-tier 
reputational intermediaries, who vouch for the first-tier intermediaries. 
Voluntary self-regulatory organizations (SROs) can play this role. A somewhat 
stronger solution is mandatory self-regulatory organizations. In the United 
States, for example, investment bankers must belong to either the New 
York Stock Exchange or the National Association of Securities Dealers. A 
member evicted by one is unlikely to be accepted by the other. Thus, a 
mandatory SRO can put a misbehaving member out of business, not merely 
deprive it of the reputational enhancement from voluntary membership. 
8. From this perspective, stock exchanges play a surprisingly small information verifica-tion 
role. Entry barriers are significant (though falling). Thus, exchanges shouldn’t face large 
externalities in vouching for company reputation. Yet in countries with strong securities markets, 
exchanges don’t look much beneath the surface of audited financial statements in deciding 
whether to list a new company. Perhaps the constraints on misdisclosure imposed by other insti-tutions 
are sufficient so that investors rationally don’t put much weight on an exchange listing, 
and the exchanges respond to lack of investor demand by not closely examining new issuers. This 
suggests a business opportunity for the major world exchanges: Companies from countries with 
weak domestic institutions need reputational enhancement. Close exchange oversight could attract 
those companies to major exchanges.
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 789 
But SROs need to be policed too, lest they re-create the information asym-metry 
at yet a third level. Low-quality intermediaries can form a lax SRO 
to vouch for their quality, and investors will then have to figure out whether 
the SRO is itself a bogus intermediary.9 
A third solution combines liability of the intermediaries to investors 
with minimum quality standards for intermediaries. Regulators license the 
intermediaries, fine or revoke the licenses of misbehaving intermediaries, 
and initiate criminal prosecution if an intermediary misbehaves intention-ally. 
The greater sanctions available through the legal system, plus the 
ability to collectivize the cost of enforcement (by spreading the cost of pri-vate 
enforcement through a class action or derivative suit, and the cost of 
public enforcement through taxes), may explain why liability and licensing 
strategies mostly dominate over second-tier reputational intermediaries. 
The resulting system, in which multiple reputational intermediaries 
vouch for different aspects of a company’s disclosure, while the government, 
private plaintiffs, and self-regulatory organizations police the reputational 
intermediaries, can work fairly well. But it is scarcely simple. And it may 
require ongoing government effort to protect reputational intermediaries 
against bogus intermediaries who would otherwise profit from the spillover 
of reputation to them. 
This complex response to information asymmetry goes a long way toward 
explaining why many nations have not solved this problem. Their 
securities markets have instead fallen into what insurance companies call a 
“death spiral,” in which information asymmetry and adverse selection com-bine 
to drive almost all honest issuers out of the market and drive share 
prices toward zero. In these countries, a few large companies can develop 
reputations sufficient to justify a public offering of shares at a price that, 
though below fair value, is still attractive compared to other financing 
options. But smaller companies have essentially no direct access to public 
investors’ capital. 
B. The Core Institutions that Control Information Asymmetry 
Countries with strong securities markets have developed a number 
of institutions to counter information asymmetry. I list below the “core” 
institutions that I consider most important. This list reflects my personal 
judgment, based on experience in corporate law and capital markets reform 
9. See Glaeser, Johnson & Shleifer (2001), supra note 1 (noting that Czech investment funds 
formed self-regulatory organizations, “but some of their powerful members were themselves 
engaged in tunnelling and opposed strong self-regulation”).
790 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
in a variety of countries.10 I present the list in an order that makes logical 
sense, not in order of estimated importance. Part III combines this list and 
the related list of core institutions that control self-dealing into a single 
Effective Regulators, Prosecutors, and Courts 
(1) A securities regulator (and, for criminal cases, a prosecutor) that: (a) is 
honest; and (b) has the staff, skill, and budget to pursue complex securities disclo-sure 
Honest, decently funded regulators and prosecutors are essential. They 
tend to be taken for granted in developed countries, but are often partly or 
wholly absent in developing countries. Funding is often a hidden problem. 
The securities regulator may have a minimal budget, or may be hamstrung 
by salary rules that prevent it from paying salaries sufficient to retain quali-fied 
people or to keep them honest. 
Specialization is needed too. Even in developed countries, few prose-cutors 
have the skill or interest to bring securities fraud cases. Some securi-ties 
cases involve outright fraud—the company has reported sales or inventory 
that don’t exist. An unspecialized prosecutor could potentially bring these 
cases, but may prefer to prosecute muggers and murderers instead. 
Moreover, many securities fraud cases require careful digging through the 
company’s records to show how the insiders have twisted the truth, and skill 
to present the fraud in convincing fashion to a court. And the insiders often 
have the resources to mount a strong defense. 
(2) A judicial system that: (a) is honest; (b) is sophisticated enough to han-dle 
complex securities cases; (c) can intervene quickly when needed to prevent 
asset stripping; and (d) produces decisions without intolerable delay. 
An honest judiciary is a must for investor remedies to be meaningful, but 
is often partly or wholly absent in developing countries. Decent judicial 
salaries are needed if judges are to stay honest. Good training helps— 
professionalism can be a bulwark against corruption. Honest prosecutors 
10. My home country is the United States. I have also engaged in significant company and 
securities law legal reform work in Armenia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Russia, South Korea, Ukraine, 
and Vietnam, and comparative research in Britain and the Czech Republic. See Black, Kraakman 
& Tarassova (2000), supra note 1; Bernard Black, Barry Metzger, Timothy O’Brien & Young Moo 
Shin, Corporate Governance in Korea at the Millennium: Enhancing International Competitiveness, 
(Report to the Korean Ministry of Justice, 2000), 26 J. CORP. L. (forthcoming 2001), available at (Social Science Research Network); Bernard 
S. Black & John C. Coffee, Jr., Hail Britannia?: Institutional Investor Behavior Under Limited Regula-tion, 
92 MICH. L. REV. 1997 (1994). Below, occasional footnotes use examples from these coun-tries 
to illustrate points made in the text.
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 791 
are an essential support for honest courts, lest a powerful defendant com-bine 
a bribe if a judge is compliant with a personal threat if she is not.11 
The same subtle securities fraud cases that call for specialized prosecutors 
require sophisticated judges. The ideal would be a specialized court, staffed 
by judges with prior experience as transactional lawyers. A court in a com-mercial 
center, which sees a steady diet of business cases, is an acceptable 
Speed is important too. When insiders commit fraud, some funds can 
sometimes be retrieved if the prosecutors can freeze the insiders’ assets 
pending the outcome of a case that the prosecutors plan to bring. Other-wise, 
the money is usually as good as gone. Beyond that, while courts 
nowhere move quickly, differences in how fast they move affect the salience 
of investor remedies. Moreover, many countries award no or inadequate 
interest on judgments, which weakens the official sanctions. 
(3) Procedural rules that provide reasonably broad civil discovery and per-mit 
class actions or another means to combine the small claims of many investors. 
Meaningful liability risk for insiders and reputational intermediaries 
depends in important part on procedural rules that provide reasonably 
broad civil discovery. Proving misdisclosure often requires information that 
is buried in the company’s records. Also, an individual investor won’t often 
incur the expense of a complex lawsuit to recover the investor’s small pri-vate 
loss. It’s important to have class actions or another way to combine 
many individually small claims.12 Contingency fee arrangements are a use-ful 
supplement to the class action procedure. 
11. A recent Russian example: the 1999 bankruptcy proceedings for Sidanko, a major oil 
holding company, and Chernogoneft, a key Sidanko subsidiary. Chernogoneft went bankrupt 
after selling oil to Sidanko, which failed to pay for the oil and then was looted so badly that it 
went bankrupt itself. In the Chernogoneft bankruptcy proceedings, 98 percent of the creditors 
voted for one external manager, but the local judge appointed a different manager with ties to a 
Sidanko competitor, Tyumen Oil, and rejected a Chernogoneft offer to pay all creditors in full. 
Tyumen bought Chernogoneft for $176 million (a small fraction of actual value), in what Sidanko 
chairman Vladimir Potanin called “an atmosphere of unprecedented pressure on the court sys-tem.” 
Indeed, a judge who issued an early ruling against Tyumen was beaten for his troubles. See 
Rules of War, ECONOMIST, Dec. 4, 1999, at 65; Jeanne Whalen & Bhushan Bahree, How Siberian 
Oil Field Turned into a Minefield, WALL ST. J., Feb. 9, 2000, at A21, (quoting Potanin); Lee S. 
Wolosky, Putin’s Plutocrat Problem, FOREIGN AFF., Mar.–Apr. 2000, at 18, 30. I was an advisor to 
a minority shareholder in Kondpetroleum (a second Sidanko subsidiary) in litigation against Sidanko 
and BP Amoco for looting Kondpetroleum. 
12. For example, South Korea has respectable rules on information disclosure and self-dealing, 
and allows contingent fees. But its lack of a class action or similar procedure greatly weakens the 
incentive for good disclosure. For discussion of Taiwan’s substitute for a securities class action, see 
Lawrence S. Liu, Simulating Securities Class Actions: The Case in Taiwan, CORP. GOVERNANCE INT’L, 
Dec. 2000, at 4.
792 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
Financial Disclosure 
(4) Extensive financial disclosure, including independent audits of public 
companies’ financial statements. 
A stock market can’t thrive unless listed companies provide investors 
with audited financial statements. The risk of fraudulent or seriously mis-leading 
financial statements is too great. Audited financial statements provide 
a critical reality check. 
Whether audited financial statements and other disclosure require-ments 
for public companies must be required by law or will emerge anyway, 
through a stock exchange rule or common practice, is an oft-debated question 
that I need not address here. This custom can emerge through stock exchange 
rule or common practice, as it did in the United States.13 But a mandatory 
rule might speed up this process. The case for mandatory audits and com-pliance 
with a defined set of accounting rules becomes stronger, the weaker 
a country’s reputational intermediaries (who can police the disclosure) and 
disclosure culture are.14 
(5) Accounting and auditing rules that address investors’ need for reliable 
Good accounting rules should be designed to provide information 
useful to investors. This sounds obvious, but in many countries, accounting 
rules are designed as much to facilitate tax collection as to inform investors 
about value.15 The rules should facilitate comparing a company’s past per-formance 
with similar companies, both in the same country and interna-tionally, 
and should limit managers’ flexibility to choose among alternative 
accounting practices in order to make their firm appear more profitable. 
13. See Paul G. Mahoney, The Exchange as Regulator, 83 VA. L. REV. 1453 (1997); Marcel 
Kahan, Some Problems with Stock Exchange-Based Securities Regulation: A Comment on Mahoney, 83 
VA. L. REV. 1509 (1997); cf. Brian Cheffins, Does Law Matter?: The Separation of Ownership and 
Control in the United Kingdom, 30 J. LEGAL STUD. (forthcoming 2001), available at http://papers. (Social Science Research Network) (discussing London 
Stock Exchange disclosure rules, which often preceded statutory requirements). 
14. For pieces of the mandatory disclosure debate, see FRANK H. EASTERBROOK & DANIEL 
& Paul Pfleiderer, Forcing Firms to Talk: Financial Disclosure Regulation and Externalities, 13 REV. 
FIN. STUD. 479 (2000); John C. Coffee, Jr., Market Failure and the Economic Case for a Mandatory 
Disclosure System, 70 VA. L. REV. 717 (1984); Paul G. Mahoney, Mandatory Disclosure as a Solution to 
Agency Problems, 62 U. CHI. L. REV. 1047 (1995) and sources cited infra Part VI.B. 
15. Russia, for example, has been unwilling to adopt International Accounting Standards 
for precisely this reason. See Interview with Sergey Shatalov, First Deputy Minister of Finance, in 
No More Delays, in the Move to IAS, ACCT. REP. (Int’l Ctr. for Accounting Reform, Moscow), 
Jan.–Feb. 2000, at 1 (Deputy Minister Shatalov complains that International Accounting Standards 
“do not specify in detail individual transactions . . . and the way to account for them for tax 
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 793 
Stricter rules aren’t always better. The accounting rules must strike a 
sensible balance among investors’ desire for information, the cost of providing 
the information, and companies’ concerns about giving detailed infor-mation 
to competitors. Still, overly flexible rules can reduce comparability, 
increase opportunities for fraud, and increase information asymmetry between 
companies and investors. 
Auditing standards must be rigorous enough to catch some of the out-right 
frauds that occur, deter many potential fraud attempts, and discourage 
at least some attempts at creative accounting. 
(6) A rule-writing institution with the competence, independence, and 
incentives to write good accounting rules and keep the rules up-to-date. 
In many countries, the Finance Ministry writes the accounting rules. 
It often writes rules that provide the information needed to collect taxes, 
rather than the information needed to attract investment or manage the 
business. Thus, the rule-writing task is best placed elsewhere—in a securities 
commission or perhaps, as in the United States and Great Britain, in a quasi-public 
organization that is loosely supervised by the securities commission 
or another regulatory agency.16 
Writing good accounting rules requires close knowledge of how com-panies 
operate, understanding of the loopholes in the existing rules, appre-ciation 
for changes in corporate practices, and the ability and incentive 
to write new rules and interpret old ones with reasonable dispatch.17 This 
offers some reason to vest rule writing in a quasi-public organization, rather 
than a government agency. If the rule-writing body is private, its funding and 
the manner of choosing its members must ensure that the agency isn’t overly 
dependent on issuers, whose managers often prefer opaque disclosure, 
especially about their own compensation. 
Reputational Intermediaries 
(7) A sophisticated accounting profession with the skill and experience to 
catch at least some instances of false or misleading disclosure. 
Audit requirements and accounting rules are no better than the account-ants 
who conduct the audits and interpret the rules. Auditing and account-ing 
are part science (following established rules), but in part remain a skilled 
16. For an overview of U.S. and British practice in setting accounting rules and the advan-tages 
and disadvantages of self-regulation, see BRIAN R. CHEFFINS, COMPANY LAW: THEORY, 
17. For some good examples of how accounting rules need to respond to changing business 
practices, see Louis Lowenstein, Financial Transparency and Corporate Governance: You Manage 
What You Measure, 96 COLUM. L. REV. 1335 (1996).
794 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
art. With the twist that the artist’s task is to paint an accurate picture, 
while the subject pays the artist’s fee, often tries to persuade the artist that a 
more flattering portrait is a true one, and can replace an artist who paints 
too unflattering a portrait. Moreover, a minority of subjects are crooks who 
will do whatever they can to mislead the artist and thus the investors who 
will later view the portrait. 
Professionalism is essential—to see the truth that the subject may try to 
conceal and to resist the subject’s pressure for an overly flattering portrait— 
if the portrait is to resemble reality and be comparable to other portraits 
painted by other artists. 
(8) Securities or other laws that impose on accountants enough risk of liabil-ity 
to investors if the accountants endorse false or misleading financial statements 
so that the accountants will resist their clients’ pressure for laxer audits or more 
favorable disclosure. 
Accountants are reputational intermediaries. When they audit and 
approve financial statements, they also rent out their reputations for con-ducting 
a careful audit that can catch some fraud and discourage attempts 
at fraud, and for painting a tolerably accurate picture of a company’s 
Liability risk reinforces the accounting firm’s concern for reputation. 
It can persuade the firm to establish internal procedures to ensure that the 
financial statements that it approves meet minimum quality standards. Liabil-ity 
risk also provides a compelling response to a client that wants a less intru-sive 
audit or more favorable accounting treatment than the accounting firm 
The liability risk doesn’t have to be great. Frequent, American-style liti-gation 
isn’t needed. Perhaps a few lawsuits per decade, a couple of which 
result in a significant payout (in settlement or after a verdict), are enough. 
But without any liability risk, accounting firm partners will sometimes accept 
the ever-present temptation to squander the firm’s reputation to gain or 
keep a client.18 
18. A recent Russian example involves an audit by a “big-five” accounting firm of a major 
Russian oil company. The company was (notoriously) selling oil to its majority shareholder at 
below-market prices, thus transferring profits from the company to the controlling shareholder. 
These transactions violated Russian company law, which required the company’s minority share-holders 
to approve these self-dealing transactions. A footnote to the company’s 1997 financial 
statements disclosed mildly that these transactions “may” give rise to some liability by the controlling 
shareholder to the company, with no mention of the amount (which was in the hundreds of 
millions of dollars). A reputable accounting firm would never bless this paltry disclosure if it faced 
meaningful liability to investors.
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 795 
(9) A sophisticated investment banking profession that investigates securities 
issuers because the investment banker’s reputation depends on not selling overpriced 
securities to investors. 
Investment bankers are a second key reputational intermediary. They 
walk a fine line between selling an offering and overselling it. Their role 
includes conducting a “due diligence” investigation of the issuer and satis-fying 
themselves that the offering documents and “road show” presentations 
reasonably portray the issuer’s prospects, the major risks of the investment 
are disclosed, and the issuer’s managers are honest. For example, investment 
banks routinely conduct background checks on company insiders and walk 
away if the insiders have an unsavory past or dubious friends. 
Investment bankers’ reputations are policed in a number of ways. Secu-rities 
purchasers will remember if an investment bank sells them several bad 
investments and avoid its future offerings. Investment banks track the after-market 
performance of their own and their competitors’ offerings and happily 
disclose competitors’ weak performance to potential clients. And when an 
underwriter sells shares for a fraudulent company, which later collapse 
in price when the fraud is discovered, this is a major embarrassment, not 
soon forgotten by investors or the bank’s competitors. So too for a debt 
offering that quickly goes into default. 
(10) Securities or other laws that impose on investment bankers enough risk 
of liability to investors if the investment bankers underwrite securities that are sold 
with false or misleading disclosure, so that the bankers will resist their clients’ 
entreaties for more favorable disclosure. 
Liability to investors can reinforce investment bankers’ concern for 
reputation. Liability can persuade an investment bank to turn away mar-ginal 
issuers. It can persuade the firm to establish internal review proce-dures 
to ensure that its offerings meet minimum quality standards. And 
liability risk provides a compelling argument that the investment bank can 
offer to a client that wants more favorable disclosure than the bank proposes. 
As for accountants, I make no claim that frequent litigation against 
investment bankers is important. A few lawsuits per decade, a couple of 
which result in a significant payout, could be enough. But if there is no liabil-ity 
risk, individuals within a firm will sometime accept the ever-present 
temptation to squander the firm’s reputation to gain a client and a fee. 
(11) Sophisticated securities lawyers who can ensure that a company’s 
offering documents comply with the disclosure requirements. 
Securities lawyers are a third major reputational intermediary—albeit 
less visible to investors than accountants or investment bankers. They walk 
a fine line between accepting the positive-sounding statements that the 
issuer wants to make and insisting on the need to disclose risks and problems.
796 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
The lawyers’ role in disclosure is likely to depend on whether compa-nies, 
insiders, and investment bankers face meaningful liability risk. If so, 
then companies and investment bankers will protect themselves by hiring 
lawyers to write and review the key disclosure documents. The lawyers’ 
caution (deriving from the need to protect one’s client against liability) will 
help to ensure good disclosure, even if lawyers face little liability risk them-selves. 
Conversely, if companies and investment bankers face little risk, 
they may forego hiring expensive securities lawyers to write disclosure 
documents, or reject the lawyers’ cautionary advice, and disclosure quality 
will suffer. 
(12) A stock exchange with meaningful listing standards and the willingness 
to enforce them by fining or delisting companies that violate disclosure rules. 
Stock exchanges are a fourth important reputational intermediary. 
They establish and enforce listing standards, including disclosure require-ments. 
Investors use the listing as a proxy for company quality. Both 
investors and exchanges understand that false disclosure by a few companies 
will taint all listed companies. Historically, stock exchange listing rules 
were an important factor in the rise of dispersed ownership in the United 
States and the United Kingdom.19 
Company and Insider Liability 
(13) Securities or other laws that impose liability and other civil sanctions 
on companies and insiders for false or misleading disclosure. 
Reputational intermediaries are a second line of defense against securi-ties 
fraud. The primary defense is direct sanctions against companies and 
insiders who attempt fraud. 
Companies often want to be able to issue shares in the future; insiders 
want to be able to sell their shares at an attractive price in the future. That 
gives insiders an incentive to develop the company’s reputation for honest 
disclosure. But some of the time, the company needs funds now, or there 
won’t be a next time. In game theory terms, the insiders are in the final 
period of a repeated game. They have an incentive to cheat because there 
won’t be a next round in which the cheating can be punished.20 At other 
times, the insiders face a final period because their tenure in the company is 
19. See Cheffins (2001), supra note 13; JOHN C. COFFEE, JR., THE RISE OF DISPERSED 
Law Sch., Ctr. for Law & Econ. Studies, Working Paper No. 182, 2001), available at http://papers. (Social Science Research Network); Mahoney (1997), 
supra note 13. 
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 797 
at risk, even if the company’s solvency is secure. Moreover, some con art-ists 
will happily take whatever money they can raise this time, and then 
hope to sell another company’s shares the next time. 
Insiders’ incentives to puff their company’s prospects help to explain 
the universal use in public offerings of reputational intermediaries, who 
investigate and vouch for the company’s disclosure. Just as liability to 
investors helps to ensure that reputational intermediaries behave as they are 
supposed to, this liability helps to ensure that insiders disclose honestly in 
the first place. 
(14) Criminal liability for insiders who intentionally mislead investors. 
For insiders, unlike reputational intermediaries, financial liability 
alone is not a sufficient deterrent. Insiders often have little wealth outside 
their firm or can hide much of their wealth out of investors’ reach. Moreover, 
the prospect of disgorging one’s ill-gotten gains, with probability less than 
one, won’t adequately deter crooks from attempting fraud in the first 
instance. That makes criminal sanctions a critical supplement to financial 
liability. At the same time, formal criminal sanctions are of little value 
without skilled prosecutors who can bring complex securities cases. 
Market Transparency 
(15) Rules ensuring market “transparency”: the time, quantity, and price 
of trades in public securities must be promptly disclosed to investors. 
One key source of information about value that investors rely on is the 
prices paid by other investors for the same securities. Investors then know 
that others share their opinions about value. Transparency is a collective 
good that must be established by regulation. Large investors prefer to hide 
their transactions to reduce the price impact that their trades have. Some-times 
a stock exchange will have enough market power to force all trades to 
be reported to it. More commonly, the government must mandate prompt 
reporting and require all trades to be reported in a single consolidated 
source, lest exchanges compete for business by offering delayed or no price 
21. For an effort to model the instability of market transparency, see Robert Bloomfield & 
Maureen O’Hara, Can Transparent Markets Survive?, 55 J. FIN. ECON. 425 (2000). A technologi-cal 
alternative to consolidated reporting could work for larger investors: Private providers can 
collect prices from multiple exchanges and sell consolidated reports to investors. As more compa-nies 
choose to be listed on multiple exchanges in different countries, the private solution may 
dominate the regulatory solution of consolidated reporting (which can’t cross borders as easily). 
But private providers can only report trades that the exchanges report to them, so prompt report-ing 
must still be mandated.
798 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
(16) Rules banning manipulation of trading prices (and enforcement of those 
Transparent market prices raise their own dangers. Especially in “thin” 
markets, insiders can manipulate trading prices to create the appearance 
that a company’s shares are highly valued, while dumping their own shares 
on the market. Rules against manipulating trading prices are the principal 
response to this risk. These rules need to be enforced by a specialized regu-lator, 
because manipulation is notoriously hard to prove.22 
Culture and Other Informal Institutions 
(17) An active financial press and securities analysis profession that can 
uncover and publicize misleading disclosure and criticize company insiders and 
(when appropriate) investment bankers, accountants, and lawyers. 
Reputation markets require a mechanism for distributing information 
about the performance of companies, insiders, and reputational intermedi-aries. 
Disclosure rules help, as do reputational intermediaries’ incentives 
to advertise their successes. But intermediaries won’t publicize their own 
failures, and investors will discount competitors’ complaints because they 
come from a biased source. An active financial press is an important source 
of reporting of disclosure failures. But libel laws that make it easy for 
insiders to sue their critics (using company funds) can chill reporting. In a 
country without honest courts and prosecutors, journalists are vulnerable to 
cruder threats as well.23 
Security analysts are another important source of coverage. They must 
balance the need to maintain a reputation for objectivity against pressure 
for positive coverage from companies (who can retaliate for negative cover-age 
by cutting off the analyst’s access to soft information), and (for analysts 
who are employed by investment banks) from their own employer not to 
22. Daniel Fischel and David Ross argue that all, and Omri Yadlin argues that some, 
manipulation should be legal. See Daniel R. Fischel & David J. Ross, Should the Law Prohibit 
“Manipulation” in Financial Markets?, 105 HARV. L. REV. 503 (1991); Steve Thel, $850,000 in Six 
Minutes—the Mechanics of Securities Manipulation, 79 CORNELL L. REV. 219 (1994) (criticizing 
Fischel and Ross); Omri Yadlin, Is Stock Manipulation Bad?: Questioning the Conventional Wisdom 
with Evidence from the Israeli Experience, 3 THEORETICAL INQUIRIES L. (forthcoming 2001). For 
Yadlin, it is fine for General Motors to sell shares of Fisher Body in the market, for the purpose of 
depressing the trading price so that General Motors can acquire all of Fisher Body at a lower price, 
as long as the managers of General Motors believe that Fisher Body’s standalone value is lower 
than its market price. The problem is that in any successful manipulation, including those that 
Yadlin likes, informed investors profit and uninformed investors lose. Uninformed investing 
becomes less profitable, which increases the information asymmetry discount that investors apply 
to all shares. 
23. For examples of physical retaliation by Russian businessmen against reporters and other 
critics, ranging from beatings to murder, see Black, Kraakman & Tarassova (2000), supra note 1.
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 799 
say nasty things about a client or potential client—in other words, about 
any company at all! Nonetheless, analysts often uncover aggressive finan-cial 
reporting by particular companies. The financial press can help ana-lysts 
maintain a tolerable balance between disclosing bad news and pleasing 
companies and their own employers, by rating analysts’ reputations among 
(18) A culture of disclosure among accountants, investment bankers, law-yers, 
and company managers, who learn that concealing bad news is a recipe for 
In countries with strong securities markets, the sanctions against 
misdisclosure reinforce a culture of compliance, in which a bit of puffing 
is acceptable, but outright lying is not. Accountants, investment bankers, 
and lawyers see themselves as professionals, and (mostly) behave accord-ingly. 
Moreover, few managers will attempt clearly illegal actions, because 
disclosure is the norm and others are occasionally disgraced or sent to jail 
for falsifying financial statements. 
This long list of institutions underscores the difficult task facing a 
country that wants to develop a strong securities market. Formal disclosure 
rules are important, but are not enough. The harder task is enforcing the 
rules—both direct public enforcement and indirect enforcement through 
private institutions, especially reputational intermediaries. 
C. Additional Useful and Specialized Institutions 
The list of core institutions in Part B reflects my personal judgment 
about which rules and institutions are most important for ensuring good 
disclosure. This part lists some additional institutions that I consider useful 
but not core. 
1. Useful Institutions 
a. Licensing of reputational intermediaries. It’s useful for accountants 
and investment bankers to be subject to a regulatory licensing scheme. I 
don’t list regulatory licensing as a core institution because I believe that 
for reputational intermediaries, private enforcement (through liability to 
24. An American example is the analyst rankings published annually by Institutional Inves-tor 
magazine. See The 1999 All-America Research Team, INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR, Oct. 1999, at 
109 (rankings available at Analysts value 
high rankings, which significantly increase their expected income and job mobility. On the role 
played by analysts in reducing information asymmetry, see ZOHAR GOSHEN, ON INSIDER 
800 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
investors) is likely to be more effective than public enforcement (through 
regulatory sanctions). Even in countries with strong regulators, regulatory 
sanctions are usually imposed only in egregious cases. Emerging economies 
have fewer regulatory resources and better uses for those resources. Prose-cuting 
insiders who commit fraud is often a higher priority for regulators 
than sanctioning the intermediaries who merely failed to catch the fraud.25 
b. Self-regulatory organizations. Self-regulation, through a voluntary or 
mandatory self-regulatory organization that is itself subject to regulatory 
oversight, is a useful supplement to government regulation of reputational 
intermediaries. Just as liability to investors makes reputational intermedi-aries 
more willing to insist on good disclosure, it makes the intermediaries 
more willing to create a strong SRO and support the SRO’s efforts to disci-pline 
errant members. 
c. Lawyer liability. For securities lawyers, liability to investors is less 
important than for accountants and investment bankers, and hence not 
listed above as a core institution. Lawyers are already concerned about 
liability because of their training and have an incentive to protect their 
clients against liability. Lawyers have reputations to preserve too, and having 
clients lose disclosure lawsuits isn’t good for business. But some risk of 
liability to investors is a useful supplement to lawyers’ professional caution. 
d. Independent directors. Investment bankers, accountants, and secu-rities 
lawyers are the principal outside reviewers and writers of disclosure 
documents. But independent directors can sometimes catch disclosure 
problems that the intermediaries miss. The independent directors can be seen 
as second-tier reputational intermediaries. Their incentive to review the 
disclosure with a skeptical eye can usefully be reinforced by a touch of legal 
liability to investors. But the independent directors shouldn’t face too much 
liability risk, lest skilled directors refuse to serve. In countries where most 
companies have a controlling shareholder, mandatory cumulative voting 
can be useful because it allows minority shareholders to elect one or two 
truly independent directors, and can strengthen a culture of director 
e. Investment funds and related institutions. Investment funds (Ameri-cans 
call them “mutual funds,” for some odd reason) are another useful 
institution. They provide individual investors with diversification and some 
protection against claims by con artists (who will have a harder time fooling 
experts than novices). An investment fund industry can strengthen the secu- 
25. For more general discussion of the reasons to believe that rules that can be privately 
enforced are likely to be more effective in emerging countries than rules that require public 
enforcement, see Black & Kraakman (1996), supra note 2, at 1929–43.
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 801 
rities market by providing a source of investable funds, as well as market and 
political demand for strong disclosure. I don’t list investment funds as a 
core institution because, in my judgment, a healthy investment fund indus-try 
is more a result than a cause of a strong securities market. 
The investment fund industry relies on still other related institutions. 
These include an investment fund law that protects the fund’s assets against 
self-dealing by the fund managers, a regulator that polices the industry and 
limits fund managers’ ability to make inflated claims of past or expected 
future performance, and a financial press that rates fund performance. 
f. Pension plans. Funded employee pension plans are a further useful 
institution. Like investment funds, they are a source of investable funds 
and market and political demand for good disclosure. 
g. A sensible tax system. A confiscatory tax system (Russia’s, say) pre-cludes 
honest reporting of profits, and thus precludes good disclosure. More 
generally, private firms can be more aggressive than public firms in tax 
planning and outright tax evasion. Thus, high tax rates weaken securities 
markets by inducing more firms to stay private. And a high “stamp tax” on 
securities transactions can shrink, perhaps dramatically, the size of the secu-rities 
h. Other useful institutions. Even this further list of useful institutions 
omits a number of institutions that support an advanced securities market. 
Additional institutions include: compliance officers within investment 
banks, who help to ensure that investment bankers’ desire for fees won’t 
override concern for legal niceties or long-term reputation; an audit com-mittee 
of the board of directors, which can give a company’s auditors some 
protection against management pressure for lenient treatment; inside 
accountants and lawyers, who are acculturated to honest disclosure and 
help to make fraud harder to undertake; and so on. 
2. Specialized Institutions 
For particular types of companies or preferred stock and debt, addi-tional 
institutions can be important, even crucial. 
a. Venture capital. Investors in high-technology companies face severe 
information asymmetry problems, because these companies often have 
short histories, make highly specialized products, participate in fast-moving 
26. See COFFEE (2001), supra note 19 (discussing Germany’s 1896 stamp tax); cf. Christopher 
J. Green, Paolo Maggioni & Victor Murinde, Regulatory Lessons for Emerging Stock Markets from a 
Century of Evidence on Transactions Costs and Share Price Volatility in the London Stock Exchange, 24 
J. BANKING & FIN. 577 (2000) (reporting evidence that stamp taxes depress trading volume and 
increase volatility).
802 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
industries, and have growth prospects (and thus value) that can’t be easily 
extrapolated from past financial results. As a result, countries with strong 
stock markets, such as the United States, have developed a specialized 
institution—the venture capital fund—that funds high-technology com-panies 
early in their life and functions in significant part as a specialized 
reputational intermediary. Venture capital funds closely investigate com-panies 
that seek funding, and then implicitly vouch for these companies 
when they later raise capital in the securities markets. 
Venture capital financing involves synergy between the venture capi-talists’ 
visible role in providing financial capital and their equally important 
role in providing reputational capital and monitoring. For early stage, high-technology 
companies, combining these three services dominates over the 
alternative, offered by public securities markets, of providing financial capi-tal 
without close monitoring, or the alternative of providing monitoring and 
reputational capital without investing, which is a plausible institutional 
arrangement that we don’t see.27 
If developing a strong public stock market is hard, developing a strong 
venture capital industry is harder still. Venture capital funds face a classic 
chicken and egg problem in getting started—a venture capitalist can’t get 
funding until he develops a reputation for making good investments, but 
can’t develop a reputation without making investments. Thus, the initial 
stages of industry development are likely to be slow. 
b. Bond rating agencies. For bonds and other fixed-income invest-ments, 
bond rating agencies such as Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s offer 
quality ratings for different issuers. In the United States, rating agencies 
more often follow the bond market than lead it. But the rating agencies are 
a significant reputational intermediary in less-developed markets, where 
they provide both company ratings and country-risk ratings that are not 
easily or credibly obtained in another way.28 
27. See Bernard S. Black & Ronald J. Gilson, Venture Capital and the Structure of Capital 
Markets: Banks Versus Stock Markets, 47 J. FIN. ECON. 243 (1998); see also Thomas Hellmann & 
Manju Puri, The Interaction Between Product Market and Financing Strategy: The Role of Venture 
Capital, 13 REV. FIN. STUD. 959 (2000). For evidence on the role of venture capital funds as 
reputational intermediaries, see Alon Brav & Paul A. Gompers, Myth or Reality? The Long-Run 
Underperformance of Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from Venture and Nonventure Capital-Backed 
Companies, 52 J. FIN. 1791 (1997), and Paul Gompers & Josh Lerner, Conflict of Interest in the Issu-ance 
of Public Securities: Evidence from Venture Capital, 42 J.L. & ECON. 1 (1999). 
28. For a recent negative review of the role played by rating agencies in American capital 
markets, see Frank Partnoy, The Siskel and Ebert of Financial Markets?: Two Thumbs Down for the 
Credit Rating Agencies, 77 WASH. U. L.Q. 619 (1999).
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 803 
c. Money manager rating services. For money managers who manage 
pension funds and other institutional assets, a cottage industry has arisen of 
consulting firms who verify the money managers’ performance claims, and 
a related industry that develops performance indexes against which the per-formance 
of a money manager with a particular style or investment focus 
can be measured. 
D. Which Institutions Are Necessary, Which Are Merely Nice to Have? 
My long list of core institutions for ensuring good disclosure, and the 
additional core institutions for controlling self-dealing discussed in Part II, 
raise an obvious question: Which institutions are really necessary, and 
which are just extra frosting on an already tasty cake? Underlying that 
question is American and British experience, in which strong securities 
markets developed together with some of these institutions but predated 
others. For example, the United States had active securities markets long 
before it had a strong central securities regulator (though the states early 
regulated securities offerings). The United States didn’t enforce insider 
trading rules (an institution that I consider important for controlling self-dealing) 
until the 1960s. In Britain, many stock promoters invested little in 
reputation until perhaps the middle of the twentieth century, arguably after 
Britain had already developed a strong stock market.29 
The interrelationships among institutions—complements in some 
respects, substitutes in others—mean that there is no simple answer to this 
question. One must evaluate how important each institution is, both by 
itself (to the extent feasible) and as part of an overall system. Consider 
insider trading. Utpal Bhattacharya and Hazem Daouk report that an 
enforced ban on insider trading raises share prices by about 5 percent, other 
things equal.30 That suggests that such a ban is important enough to be 
considered a core institution, but not absolutely critical. A stock market 
can be strong without controls on insider trading; it will be stronger with 
these controls. 
On the other hand, local enforcement is critical, and therefore honest 
courts and regulators are critical. A strong stock market cannot exist if 
29. See Cheffins (2001), supra note 13. 
TRADING (working paper, 1999), available at 
(Social Science Research Network).
804 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
major players can escape liability by bribing a judge to forgive their tres-passes, 
bribing a prosecutor or a regulator to ignore them, or bribing politicians 
to call off the prosecutors or regulators. I can’t prove this, but neither can I 
think of any counterexamples. 
A. Self-Dealing as an Adverse Selection/Moral Hazard Problem 
The second major obstacle to a strong public stock market is the 
potential for insiders to appropriate most of the value of the company for 
themselves—for 50 percent of the voting shares (less if the remainder are 
diffusely held) to convey most or all of the company’s value. 
Self-dealing can occur in many variants. But a useful division is 
(1) direct self-dealing, in which a company engages in transactions, 
not on arms-length terms, that enrich the company’s insiders, their 
relatives, or friends, or a second company that the insiders control; 
(2) indirect self-dealing (often called insider trading), in which 
insiders use information about the company to trade with less-informed 
Direct self-dealing is a much more important problem than insider 
trading. First, it’s far more profitable. Direct self-dealing lets insiders turn 
(say) 40 percent ownership of shares into up to 100 percent ownership of 
firm value, with little additional investment. Insider trading can’t produce 
similar gains. For one thing, insider trading in significant volume requires a 
liquid stock market, which countries that don’t control direct self-dealing 
won’t have. For another, long-term buy-and-hold investors aren’t directly 
harmed by insider trading. You can only be on the losing side of a trade 
with an insider if you’re trading. 
More critically, if direct self-dealing is hard to control, insider trading 
in anonymous securities markets is even harder to control. Without the 
institutions that control direct self-dealing, there is little hope of control-ling 
insider trading. But the converse isn’t true. A country can control 
direct self-dealing fairly well without making the additional investment 
needed to address insider trading. 
The potential for self-dealing creates a lemons (or adverse selection) 
problem, which has the same structure as the adverse selection problem 
created by asymmetric information. Investors don’t know which insiders 
are honest and which will appropriate most of the company’s value, so they
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 805 
discount all companies’ share prices. This creates a dilemma for honest 
insiders who won’t divert the company’s income stream to themselves. 
Discounted share prices mean that a company with honest insiders can’t 
receive fair value for its shares. This gives the company an incentive to use 
other forms of financing. But discounted prices won’t discourage dishonest 
insiders. The prospect of receiving even a discounted price for worthless 
paper will be attractive to some insiders. 
This adverse selection by issuers, in which high-quality companies 
leave the market because they can’t obtain a fair price for their shares while 
low-quality companies remain, lowers the average quality of issuers. Inves-tors 
rationally react by further discounting share prices. This drives even 
more high-quality issuers away from the market and exacerbates adverse 
selection. As with asymmetric information, failure to control self-dealing 
can result in a death spiral, in which self-dealing and adverse selection 
combine to drive almost all honest issuers out of the market and drive share 
prices toward zero, save for a few large companies that can develop their 
own reputations. 
Self-dealing is a harder problem to solve than information asymmetry. 
First, honest disclosure of information during a public offering of shares 
can’t later be undone. In contrast, after a company sells shares, its insiders 
have an incentive to renege on a promise not to self-deal and capture more 
of the company’s value than investors expected when they bought the 
shares. Again, insurance terminology is helpful—the incentive to renege is 
known as moral hazard. This incentive is only imperfectly policed by the 
insiders’ concern for reputation to permit future offerings by the company or 
future sales by insiders of their own shares.31 
Second, false or misleading disclosure in a public offering often occurs 
in a formal disclosure document and thus leaves a paper trail. If subsequent 
events reveal business problems that the company concealed, the disclosure 
deficiencies will often be obvious enough to let investors and regulators 
seek damages or other sanctions against the insiders and, if appropriate, the 
reputational intermediaries. In contrast, self-dealing is often hidden. It 
must be uncovered before it can be policed. 
Third, a securities offering is a discrete event that lets investors insist 
on participation by reputational intermediaries. Self-dealing lacks a similar 
triggering event. The accountants’ annual audit is an important check on 
31. For discussion of moral hazard in organizations, see PAUL MILGROM & JOHN ROBERTS, 
806 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
self-dealing, and securities lawyers can play a role if they prepare the com-pany’s 
public disclosure filings, but investment bankers recede into the 
Fourth, once a company issues shares at a discount, the insiders may 
feel entitled to appropriate most of the company’s value for themselves. 
They will resist any change in legal rules that limits this opportunity. An 
example can illustrate why insiders can feel this way. Assume that 
Company A has fifty outstanding shares worth $2 each (for a total value of 
$100), all held by insiders. Outside investors may be willing to pay only 
50¢ per share for additional shares, both because the investors don’t know 
the company’s true value and because they expect insiders to appropriate 
most of whatever value exists. Suppose that Company A issues fifty addi-tional 
shares at this price. Company A now has one hundred shares out-standing, 
fifty shares held by insiders and fifty held by outside investors, and 
a total value of $125.32 
If the insiders keep only 50 percent of the company’s value, they have 
cheated themselves. Their shares will be worth only $62.50, while the out-side 
investors’ shares will be worth $62.50—far more than the outside 
investors paid. The insiders’ rational response is to self-deal enough to 
capture at least 80 percent of the firm’s value—$100 out of the total value 
of $125. They will not feel that they have cheated anyone by doing so, and 
will fight legal and institutional reforms that might prevent them from 
taking what they see as their fair share of their company’s value. 
But in opposing reforms, insiders of already public companies reinforce 
a system that won’t prevent them from taking more than 80 percent of the 
company’s value if they choose—and some insiders will so choose. If a 
national system permits substantial self-dealing, often in hidden forms, 
there is no obvious way to ensure that investors get the fraction of any 
particular company’s value that they paid for, or even to know what that 
fraction is. 
B. The Core Institutions that Control Self-Dealing 
Just as successful securities markets have developed institutions to 
counter information asymmetry, they have developed institutions to 
counter self-dealing. My judgmental list of core institutions is presented 
below, in an order that makes logical sense, not in order of estimated 
importance. Some of these are the same institutions that control informa-tion 
asymmetry; some are different. Part III combines this list and the list 
32. This example is adapted from Coffee (1999), supra note 2, at 657–59.
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 807 
of core institutions for controlling information asymmetry into a single 
Effective Regulators, Prosecutors, and Courts 
Honest, decently funded judges, regulators, and prosecutors are, if any-thing, 
even more critical for controlling self-dealing than for controlling 
information asymmetry, because reputational intermediaries play a smaller 
role for self-dealing transactions. 
(1) A securities regulator (and, for criminal cases, a prosecutor) that: (a) is 
honest; and (b) has the staff, skill, and budget to untangle complex self-dealing 
Insiders often use transactional complexity and multiple intermediaries 
to hide their interest in a transaction, and anonymous offshore accounts to 
hide insider trading. Proving a self-dealing case often requires developing 
a chain of circumstantial evidence that will befuddle ordinary prosecutors, 
or at least lead them to seek out easier cases. And insiders often have the 
wealth to mount a vigorous defense. 
(2) A judicial system that: (a) is honest; (b) is sophisticated enough to under-stand 
complex self-dealing transactions; (c) can intervene quickly when needed to 
prevent asset stripping; and (d) produces decisions without intolerable delay. 
As for information asymmetry, honest, sophisticated, and decently paid 
judges are basic and often absent, as is the courts’ ability to reach decisions 
with reasonable dispatch and to freeze assets before they are moved offshore. 
(3) Procedural rules that provide reasonably broad civil discovery, permit 
class actions or another means to combine the small claims of many investors, and 
accept proof of self-dealing through circumstantial evidence. 
As for information asymmetry, meaningful liability risk requires not 
just formal liability rules, but also procedural rules that provide reasonably 
broad civil discovery. Class actions or another means to aggregate indi-vidually 
small claims are also important. 
The need for broad discovery is even more crucial for self-dealing than 
for information asymmetry. For misdisclosure in a public offering, there 
is usually a written disclosure document that will sometimes be false on its 
face. In contrast, for self-dealing, insiders are dealing with themselves, or 
(for insider trading) with an anonymous market. They can often avoid 
a telltale paper trail. The judicial system must therefore permit wrongdoing 
to be inferred from circumstantial evidence.33 Rules that shift the burden to 
33. In Russia, for example, even if judges were honest, self-dealing could rarely be proven 
because courts insist on documentary proof of almost all factual assertions.
808 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
insiders to disprove self-dealing (once suspicious circumstances are established), 
or require the insiders to prove fairness (once self-dealing is established), 
can be highly valuable. 
Disclosure Requirements and Procedural Protections 
(4) Securities or other laws that require extensive disclosure of self-dealing 
Insiders won’t voluntarily announce to the world that they are engaged 
in self-dealing. Strong auditing standards and disclosure rules are needed, 
because if self-dealing transactions can be hidden, none of the other protec-tions 
will be very effective. 
(5) Company or securities law that establishes procedural protections for self-dealing 
transactions, such as approval after full disclosure by independent direc-tors, 
noninterested shareholders, or both. 
Disclosure alone will deter some self-dealing. But much self-dealing 
will still take place if the underlying transactions are lawful. Thus, signifi-cant 
self-dealing transactions should be subject to review by independent 
directors, noninterested shareholders, or both. 
In the United States, with a culture of independence for outside direc-tors 
and skilled courts that can ferret out self-dealing when a shareholder 
sues ex post, it may be sufficient to vest approval power solely in the inde-pendent 
directors. But often, nominally independent directors won’t be very 
independent in fact, especially when a company has a controlling share-holder, 
at whose pleasure the directors serve. Thus, it can be valuable to give 
approval power for larger transactions to noninterested shareholders.34 
(6) Ownership disclosure rules, so that outside investors know who the insid-ers 
are and interested shareholders can’t vote to approve a self-dealing transaction 
that requires approval by noninterested shareholders. 
Insiders have an incentive to disguise their ownership, both in a com-pany 
and other entities that the company transacts with, to conceal a transac-tion’s 
self-dealing nature. If noninterested shareholders have veto power over 
self-dealing transactions, insiders have a further incentive to hide their share 
ownership so they can pretend to be noninterested. Disclosure rules, plus 
rules that treat affiliates of insiders as interested shareholders, can prevent 
this practice. 
More generally, if self-dealing is a significant risk, outside investors 
need to know who the insiders are. This will help the outside investors deter- 
34. For discussion of the choice between ex ante and ex post controls on self-dealing in a 
transition economy, see Black & Kraakman (1996), supra note 2, at 1932–34, 1958–60.
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 809 
mine how much to trust the insiders and enhance the insiders’ incentive to 
develop reputations for not abusing their power. 
(7) A good overall financial disclosure regime. 
Good overall financial disclosure makes it harder to hide direct self-dealing. 
Moreover, the better the information that the public has, the smaller 
the profit opportunity from insider trading. 
Reputational Intermediaries 
(8) Requirements that a company’s accountants review self-dealing trans-actions 
and report on whether they were accurately disclosed. 
Insiders have a powerful incentive to hide self-dealing, despite formal 
disclosure obligations. Unlike the situation when a company issues shares 
to investors, there is no direct way for investors to insist that reputational 
intermediaries review self-dealing transactions. Accountants are the obvious 
intermediary that can play this role. Accountant review of self-dealing trans-actions 
can emerge by law or by custom. But unless mandated, it will be 
opposed by already public companies, and isn’t likely to emerge quickly. 
If accountants review self-dealing disclosure, we will also need: 
(9) A sophisticated accounting profession with the skill and experience to 
catch some nondisclosed self-dealing transactions and insist on proper disclosure. 
Insiders who are determined to self-deal can sometimes do so even 
with an accountant looking over their shoulders. The insiders can disguise 
a transaction, or their interest in the transaction, by running one or both 
through multiple intermediaries. Thus, accountants must be sophisticated 
enough, and auditing standards rigorous enough, to catch at least some of 
the subterfuges. 
Accountants can’t catch every instance of self-dealing. It would cost 
too much for them to investigate every transaction. But this practical limit 
only reinforces the need for skilled accountants who know which closets 
the insiders are most likely to hide skeletons in, so the accountants can make 
good use of their limited resources. 
To ensure that the accountants do a good job, we will also need: 
(10) Securities or other laws that impose on accountants enough risk of 
liability to investors, if the accountants endorse false or misleading disclosure of 
self-dealing transactions, so that the accountants will search vigorously and resist 
their clients’ entreaties to let them hide or mischaracterize self-dealing transactions. 
The reasons for liability risk are the same as for information asymmetry 
generally. The accountants are hired and paid by the company. They inevi-tably 
face pressure to overlook suspicious closets, accept dubious transac-tions 
at face value, or accept incomplete disclosure of an admitted self-dealing
810 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
transaction. Professionalism is one bulwark against this temptation, but liabil-ity 
to investors is an important bulwark for professionalism. 
(11) Sophisticated securities lawyers who can ensure that companies satisfy 
the disclosure requirements governing self-dealing transactions. 
A disclosure document for a self-dealing transaction, developed to obtain 
shareholder approval for the transaction, or annual disclosure that lists self-dealing 
transactions during the past year, will commonly be prepared by 
securities counsel. An important safeguard of accuracy is counsel’s willingness 
to insist on full disclosure, conduct enough due diligence to satisfy themselves 
that the disclosure is accurate, and warn insiders about the risks of partial 
(12) Law or custom that: (a) requires public companies to have a minimum 
number of independent directors; (b) ensures that they approve self-dealing trans-actions; 
and (c) imposes on companies and independent directors enough risk of 
liability if they approve self-dealing transactions that are grossly unfair to the 
company so that the directors will resist the insiders’ pressure to approve these 
Approval by independent directors is an insufficient safeguard against 
self-dealing transactions in countries where the directors’ independence is 
in doubt, but this approval is still an important safeguard. The directors’ 
personal liability if they don’t behave independently is a central support for 
this constraint. Company liability can help to persuade the independent 
directors to reject transactions that aren’t on arms-length terms. Liability 
also offers a powerful argument that the independent directors can use when 
insiders propose a dubious transaction. 
Independent directors must be given the benefit of the doubt when 
they approve a transaction, lest the best directors decline to serve for fear of 
financial liability. But if self-dealing is egregious enough, the need for liabil-ity, 
to strengthen the directors’ backbones, outweighs the chill on their 
willingness to serve. After all, the independent directors can always reject a 
transaction, ask an outside expert to approve the terms as fair, or insist on 
approval by noninterested shareholders. 
Insider Liability 
(13) Civil liability for insiders who violate the self-dealing rules. 
Oversight by reputational intermediaries, and requirements that self-dealing 
transactions must be approved by independent decision makers, are 
important devices to enhance detection of attempted theft (for that is what 
self-dealing must be understood as). But they are no substitute for direct rules 
against theft and meaningful liability for thieves who are caught. The prin-
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 811 
cipal civil sanction is liability to shareholders; regulators can also enjoin 
future violations or bar offending insiders from being principals of public 
(14) Criminal liability for insiders who intentionally violate the self-dealing 
Return of ill-gotten gains is an insufficient remedy as long as insiders 
can hide or spend most of their gains, especially because the probability of 
detection is less than one. Damages equal to a multiple of the insider’s gains 
are of limited effectiveness given limited insider wealth and the insiders’ 
ability to hide much of that wealth. Thus, criminal sanctions, enforced by a 
specialized prosecutor, are an essential supplement to civil liability. 
Institutions to Control Insider Trading 
I have thus far focused on the institutions needed to control direct self-dealing. 
I list next the additional core institutions that are needed to con-trol 
insider trading. 
(15) Securities or other laws that prohibit insider trading, suitably defined, 
and government enforcement of those rules. 
To be effective, a ban on insider trading must include a ban on tipping 
others, as well as on trading yourself. The rules must be enforced, lest insid-ers 
learn that they can violate the rules with impunity.35 
(16) A stock exchange with meaningful listing standards, the willingness to 
fine or delist companies that violate the self-dealing rules, and the resources to run 
a surveillance operation that can catch some insider trading. 
For direct self-dealing, stock exchange enforcement, through fines and 
delisting (or the threat of delisting), is an important supplement to official 
enforcement. For insider trading, the stock exchange is the institution that 
is best able to monitor its own trading, looking for unusual patterns that 
suggest insider trading. But running a good insider trading surveillance pro-gram 
isn’t cheap. The New York Stock Exchange alone will spend $95 
million this year on market surveillance, mostly aimed at controlling insider 
35. See BHATTACHARYA & DAOUK (1999), supra note 30 (reporting that (1) many coun-tries 
have bans on insider trading that are never enforced, (2) enforced insider trading rules have a 
measurable effect on share prices, which they estimate at 5 percent, and (3) unenforced rules have 
no significant effect on share prices). 
36. See E-mail from George Sofianos of the New York Stock Exchange, to Bernard Black 
(July 27, 2000); see also Cheffins (2001), supra note 13 (noting that the London Stock Exchange 
mounts over 100 major insider trading investigations annually and refers 30–40 cases annually for 
possible criminal prosecution).
812 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 
(17) Rules ensuring transparent trading prices. 
Insider trading flourishes in the dark. The better the trading price is as 
a guide to actual value, the harder it is for insiders to profit from trading 
with outsiders. This requires not only general financial disclosure, but also 
rules ensuring transparent trading prices. 
(18) Rules banning manipulation of trading prices (and enforcement of those 
Public reporting of trades lets insiders manipulate trading prices. “Pump 
and dump” schemes, in which insiders of small companies use prearranged 
transactions at rising prices to create the appearance of a hot stock, and then 
sell their own shares at inflated prices, are an endemic problem even in devel-oped 
markets. Enforcement of antimanipulation rules by specialized regula-tors 
is the only remedy. 
Culture and Other Informal Institutions 
(19) An active financial press and securities analysis profession that can 
uncover and publicize instances of self-dealing. 
Insiders will self-deal less often, and accountants, securities lawyers, 
and independent directors will be more vigorous in policing self-dealing, if a 
country has a strong financial press that can publicize misdeeds. As for 
information asymmetry, overly strong libel laws can chill press reporting. 
Reports that uncover self-dealing will often come from securities 
analysts rather than the financial press. The more prevalent self-dealing is 
in a particular country, the greater the need for analysts to understand how 
self-dealing varies from company to company, both to value companies and 
to advise clients on which securities to buy.37 
(20) A culture of compliance among accountants, lawyers, independent 
directors, and company managers that concealing self-dealing transactions, approv- 
37. Two Russian examples: First, the Troika Dialog investment bank publishes a weekly 
news bulletin, On Corporate Governance Actions, that advises its clients in surprisingly blunt terms 
about corporate governance shenanigans by Russian companies. See also JAMES FENKNER & ELENA 
1999). Second, the Brunswick Warburg investment bank published a numerical ranking of the 
corporate governance “risk” posed by Russian firms, with risk ratings ranging from 7 for Vimpelcom 
(which publishes financial statements that meet U.S. accounting standards and has shares listed 
on the New York Stock Exchange) to 51 for the subsidiaries of Yukos. See BRUNSWICK WARBURG, 
MEASURING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RISK IN RUSSIA (1999). Yukos’ misdeeds are recounted 
in Black, Kraakman & Tarassova (2000), supra note 1.
Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 813 
ing a seriously unfair transaction, or trading on inside information is improper and 
a recipe for trouble. 
In countries with strong securities markets, the sanctions against direct 
and indirect self-dealing are strong enough to reinforce a norm against this 
conduct. That culture reduces the frequency of self-dealing and improves 
the quality of the transactions that occur. Like the related norms support-ing 
good disclosure and establishing value maximization as a managerial 
goal, the norm and the supporting institutions likely develop together and 
reinforce each other.38 
To take a recent Russian example, it would never occur to an Ameri-can 
oil company’s managers to propose (as Russian oil company Yukos did 
in 1999) that the company sell its oil to unknown offshore companies for 
$1.30 per barrel when the market price was $13. The managers wouldn’t 
propose this, the independent directors wouldn’t approve it, and if it some-how 
occurred anyway, the press would report the scandal, and the managers 
would face both civil and possible criminal liability. In Russia, the press 
reported some of the scandal, but the managers went ahead anyway.39 
This list suggests the difficult task facing a country that wants to con-trol 
self-dealing. Once again, rules on paper are necessary but not suffi-cient. 
Enforcement is critical. Russia offers a good example. The Russian 
company law contains reasonably strong procedural protections against self-dealing 
transactions. But Russian companies routinely ignore the rules 
because they aren’t enforced. Insiders hide self-dealing transactions, and 
(sometimes corrupt) prosecutors and judges usually let the insiders off the 
hook in the rare case when a transaction is exposed. Reputational 
intermediaries—including major investment banks and accounting firms— 
don’t face appreciable liability risk and sometimes choose to look the other 
way and accommodate a major client, in ways they would never dream of in 
their home countries.40 
38. For discussion of the interplay between legal requirements and the U.S. social norm 
against self-dealing, see Melvin A. Eisenberg, Corporate Law and Social Norms, 99 COLUM. L. REV. 
1253, 1271–78 (1999). For discussion of why the trustworthiness of corporate actors depends 
on the social context in which they operate, see Margaret M. Blair & Lynn A. Stout, Trust, Trust-worthiness, 
and the Behavioral Foundations of Corporate Law, 149 U. PA. L. REV. (forthcoming 
2001), available at (Social Science Research 
39. For more details, see Black, Kraakman & Tarassova (2000), supra note 1. 
40. A Russian example: Goldman Sachs’ courting of Yukos and its controlling shareholder, 
Mikhail Khodorkovski, despite warning signs that Khodorkovski was a crook and that a major 
bank loan, syndicated by Goldman, was supported by guarantees from Yukos subsidiaries that were 
illegal under Russian company law. Goldman executives later told the New York Times that they 
thought Yukos acted legally under Russian law. My personal belief is that, with an eight-digit fee
The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
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The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market
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The legal and institutional preconditions for strong securities market

  • 1. THE LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL PRECONDITIONS FOR STRONG SECURITIES MARKETS Bernard S. Black* An important challenge for all economies, at which only a few have suc-ceeded, is creating the preconditions for a strong market for common stocks and other securities. A strong securities market rests on a complex network of legal and market institutions that ensure that minority shareholders (1) receive good information about the value of a company’s business and (2) have confidence that a company’s managers and controlling shareholders won’t cheat them out of most or all of the value of their investment. A country whose laws and related institutions fail on either count cannot develop a strong securities market, forcing firms to rely on internal financing or bank financing—both of which have impor-tant shortcomings. In this Article, Professor Bernard Black explains why these two investor protection issues are critical, related, and hard to solve. He dis-cusses which laws and institutions are most important for each, which of these laws and institutions can be borrowed from countries with strong securities mar-kets, 781 and which must be homegrown. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 782 I. INFORMATION ASYMMETRY BARRIERS TO SECURITIES OFFERINGS .................................................................................... 786 A. Information Asymmetry and the Role of Reputational Intermediaries ...................................................................... 786 B. The Core Institutions that Control Information Asymmetry ................................................................................ 789 C. Additional Useful and Specialized Institutions............................................. 799 1. Useful Institutions.................................................................................. 799 * I thank the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for financial support. I thank John Coffee, Rob Daines, David Ellerman, Ron Gilson, Jeff Gordon, Peter Henry, Steven Huddart, Cally Jordan, Ehud Kamar, Michael Klausner, Ross Levine, Amir Licht, William Megginson, Jamal Munshi, and participants in an OECD conference on Corporate Governance in Asia, an International Monetary Fund workshop on Comparative Corporate Governance in Developing and Transition Economies, the UCLA School of Law First Annual Corporate Governance Conference, and workshops at the American Law & Economics Association, Brazil Securities Commission, Brazil Stock Exchange, Korean Securities Law Association, Seoul National University School of Business, Stanford Law School, University of Missouri-Columbia Law School, and University of Sao Paolo Law Faculty for helpful comments and suggestions. An earlier and shorter version of this Article was published as The Core Institutions that Support Strong Securities Markets, 55 BUS. LAW. 1565 (2000). The research for this Article was substantially completed as of October 2000. The citation style used in this Article departs in some cases from the Bluebook citation system.
  • 2. 782 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) 2. Specialized Institutions .......................................................................... 801 D. Which Institutions Are Necessary, Which Are Merely Nice to Have? ................................................................................................ 803 II. PROTECTING MINORITY INVESTORS AGAINST SELF-DEALING.............................. 804 A. Self-Dealing as an Adverse Selection/Moral Hazard Problem .................................................................. 804 B. The Core Institutions that Control Self-Dealing.......................................... 806 C. Additional Useful and Specialized Institutions............................................. 814 III. PIGGYBACKING ON OTHER COUNTRIES’ INSTITUTIONS........................................ 816 A. Estimating the Ease of Piggybacking ............................................................. 816 B. Can Substitute Institutions Facilitate Piggybacking? .................................... 830 IV. EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE ............................................................................................ 831 A. The Qualitative Case for Strong Securities Markets..................................... 832 B. Empirical Evidence: Investor Protection and Strong Capital Markets ............................................................................................. 834 C. Empirical Evidence: Investor Protection, Capital Markets, and Economic Growth .................................................................................. 835 V. STRONG AND WEAK SECURITIES MARKETS: A SEPARATING EQUILIBRIUM?................................................................................... 838 VI. IMPLICATIONS ....................................................................................................... 841 A. Different Types of Monitoring: Investor Protection and Firm Performance ................................................................................... 841 B. Competition Between Securities Regulators ................................................. 843 C. Convergence in Capital Markets and Corporate Governance ........................................................................... 845 CONCLUSION: WHAT STEPS TO TAKE FIRST ................................................................ 847 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 849 INTRODUCTION A strong public securities market, especially a public stock market, can facilitate economic growth. But creating strong public securities markets is hard. That securities markets exist at all is magical, in a way. Investors pay enormous amounts of money to strangers for completely intangible rights, whose value depends entirely on the quality of the information that the investors receive and on the sellers’ honesty. Internationally, this magic is rare. It does not appear in unregulated markets. Aggressive efforts to mass privatize state-owned enterprises and create stock markets overnight, in formerly centrally planned economies like Russia and the Czech Republic, have crashed and burned.1 Investor- 1. See Bernard Black, Reinier Kraakman & Anna Tarassova, Russian Privatization and Cor-porate Governance: What Went Wrong?, 52 STAN. L. REV. 1731 (2000); Edward Glaeser, Simon Johnson & Andrei Shleifer, Coase v. the Coasians, 116 Q.J. ECON. (forthcoming 2001).
  • 3. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 783 protective laws are important, but not nearly enough to sustain strong securities markets. Russia, for example, has pretty good laws in theory, but miserable investor protection in fact. Even among developed countries, only a few have developed strong stock markets that permit growing com-panies to raise equity capital. This Article explores which laws and related institutions are essential for strong securities markets. My goals are threefold: first, to explain the complex network of interrelated legal and market institutions that supports strong markets in countries, like the United States and the United Kingdom, that have these markets; second, to offer a guide to reforms that can strengthen securities markets in other countries; and third, to offer some cautionary words about the difficulty of creating this complex network of institutions, and the impossibility of doing so quickly. I also survey the empirical evidence on the correlation between investor protection and securities markets, and between securities markets and economic growth.2 I argue here that there are two essential prerequisites for strong public securities markets. A country’s laws and related institutions must give minor-ity shareholders: (1) good information about the value of a company’s business; and (2) confidence that the company’s insiders (its managers and controlling shareholders) won’t cheat investors out of most or all of the value of their investment through “self-dealing” transactions (transactions between a company and its insiders or another firm that the insiders control) or even outright theft. If these two steps can be achieved, a coun-try has the potential to develop a vibrant securities market that can provide capital to growing firms, though still no certainty of developing such a market.3 Individual companies can partially escape weak home-country institu-tions by listing their shares on a stock exchange in a country with strong 2. There is only limited prior work on the prerequisites for strong securities markets. In addition to the empirical studies discussed in Part IV, infra, see Bernard Black & Reinier Kraakman, A Self-Enforcing Model of Corporate Law, 109 HARV. L. REV. 1911 (1996); Bernard S. Black, Information Asymmetry, the Internet, and Securities Offerings, 2 J. SMALL & EMERGING BUS. L. 91 (1998); and John C. Coffee, Jr., The Future as History: The Prospects for Global Convergence in Corporate Governance and Its Implications, 93 NW. U. L. REV. 641 (1999). 3. In Bernard Black, Is Corporate Law Trivial? A Political and Economic Analysis, 84 NW. U. L. REV. 542 (1990), I argue that American corporate law is mostly trivial, in the sense that it doesn’t significantly constrain the private contractual arrangements that a company’s shareholders can choose for themselves. Some readers of this Article have commented on the tension between the views expressed here and those expressed in my earlier article. A short answer is that I did not claim then that all of securities law (as opposed to corporate law) was trivial, and I would find less of securities law trivial today than I might have then. See id. at 565 (questioning the importance of some securities rules, but recognizing that “federal [securities] rules are an important source of nontrivial corporate law”).
  • 4. 784 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) institutions and following that country’s rules. But only partial escape is possible. A company’s reputation is strongly affected by the reputations of other firms in the same country. And reputation unsupported by local enforcement and other local institutions isn’t nearly as valuable as the same reputation buttressed by those institutions. I don’t address here a third aspect of corporate governance—how good a country’s institutions are at ensuring that managers are competent and seek to maximize profits rather than (say) firm size or their own prestige. Corporate governance debates in the United States and other developed countries often revolve around this “value maximization” issue. But for most countries, I believe, value maximization is worth worrying about only after the more basic disclosure and self-dealing issues are addressed. Moreover, I know of no countries that have good financial disclosure and good control of self-dealing, that don’t also (and mostly thereby) have decent manage-ment quality and profit directedness.4 The interdependence of many of the institutions that control informa-tion asymmetry and self-dealing creates the potential for separating equilibria to exist. In the first “lemons” equilibrium, most honest companies don’t issue shares to the public because weak investor protection prevents them from realizing a fair price for their shares. This decreases the average quality of the shares that are issued, which further depresses prices and discourages honest issuers from issuing shares. Political demand for stronger investor protection is muted by the relative scarcity of outside investors. In the sec-ond “strong markets” equilibrium, strong investor protection produces high prices, which encourage honest companies to issue shares. This increases the average quality of the shares that are issued, which further increases share prices and encourages more honest issuers to issue shares. Outside investors then generate political support for strong investor protection. This Article can be seen as an attempt to develop minimum conditions for the “strong markets” equilibrium. The analysis developed here can inform several current corporate gov-ernance debates. The first debate concerns the merits of bank-centered versus stock-market-centered capital markets. That debate posits that bank-centered markets offer strong monitoring of management, while stock- 4. Three additional justifications for treating value maximization as a secondary concern are: First, unless managers know (and investors don’t) whether the managers are maximizing profits, good management does not have the adverse selection structure of disclosure, nor the combined adverse selection/moral hazard structure of self-dealing. It therefore doesn’t prevent honest issuers from obtaining a fair price for the shares that they sell. Second, other forces, notably product market competition, are often primary in encouraging good management. Third, controlling information asymmetry and self-dealing will raise share prices, which will increase managers’ private returns from a value maximizing strategy.
  • 5. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 785 market-centered markets offer liquidity but weaker monitoring. I argue here that stock-market-centered capital markets provide strong information disclosure and control of self-dealing—monitoring dimensions for which bank-centered capital markets are often weaker.5 Moreover, the standard debate compares strong bank-centered capital markets to strong stock-market- centered capital markets. It overlooks the many institutions that are common to strong capital markets of any sort, as well as the complementari-ties between a strong banking sector and a strong stock market. My analysis can also inform the debate over the merits of competition between securities regulators. If strong securities markets depend on a com-plex network of market and government institutions, then the debate is largely misplaced. Competition between securities regulators simply cannot exist in anything like the pure form posited by the debaters. Finally, my analy-sis is relevant to the debate over the extent of likely convergence in national corporate governance systems. The institutions that support securities markets coevolve and reinforce each other. Weakness in one can sometimes be offset by strength in another. Formal legal rules are only part of a large web of market-supporting institutions. This suggests that convergence will sometimes be functional (different countries use different institutions to accomplish similar tasks) rather than formal (different countries adopt similar rules). I address the prerequisites for a strong securities market in the context in which they are most acute—a public offering of common shares, often by a company that is selling shares to the public for the first time. Similar though less acute issues arise when companies issue debt securities. Part I of this Article explains why controlling information asymmetry is critical for developing strong public stock markets and discusses which laws and institutions are most important in doing so. Part II explains why controlling self-dealing is also critical and discusses the somewhat different laws and institutions that are central for this task. Part III explores the extent to which companies can escape weak domestic laws and institutions by relying on foreign rules and institutions. Part IV discusses the empirical evidence of the connection between investor protection and strong securi-ties markets, and between strong securities markets and economic growth. Part V proposes that securities markets may tend toward either a lemons 5. Cf. MARK J. ROE, POLITICAL PRECONDITIONS TO SEPARATING OWNERSHIP FROM CORPORATE CONTROL: THE INCOMPATIBILITY OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC FIRM WITH SOCIAL DEMOCRACY (Columbia Law Sch., Ctr. for Law & Econ. Studies, Working Paper No. 155, 1999), available at (Social Science Research Net-work) (focusing, unlike this Article, on manager incentives to increase firm value, but also arguing that the large number of public American firms reflects U.S. success in controlling agency costs).
  • 6. 786 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) or a strong market equilibrium. Part VI develops the implications of my analysis for the monitoring strengths of stock-market-centered and bank-centered capital markets, competition among securities regulators, and the convergence of corporate governance systems. I conclude by discussing which steps a developing country should take first to strengthen its secu-rities market. I. INFORMATION ASYMMETRY BARRIERS TO SECURITIES OFFERINGS A. Information Asymmetry and the Role of Reputational Intermediaries A critical barrier that stands between issuers of common shares and public investors is asymmetric information. The value of a company’s shares depends on the company’s future prospects. The company’s past perform-ance is an important guide to future prospects. The company’s insiders know about both past performance and future prospects. They need to deliver this information to investors so that investors can value the company’s shares. Delivering information to investors is easy, but delivering credible infor-mation is hard. Insiders have an incentive to exaggerate the issuer’s performance and prospects, and investors can’t directly verify the information that the issuer provides. This problem is especially serious for small com-panies and companies that are selling shares to the public for the first time. For these companies, investors can’t rely on the company’s prior reputation to signal the quality of the information that it provides. In economic jargon, securities markets are a vivid example of a market for lemons.6 Indeed, they are a far more vivid example than George Akerlof’s original example of used cars. Used car buyers can observe the car, take a test drive, have a mechanic inspect the car, and ask others about their experiences with the same car model or manufacturer. By comparison, a company’s shares, when the company first goes public, are like an unob-servable car, produced by an unknown manufacturer, on which investors can obtain only dry, written information that they can’t directly verify. Investors don’t know which companies are truthful and which aren’t, so they discount the prices they will offer for the shares of all companies. These discounts may ensure that investors receive a fair price, on average. But consider the plight of an “honest” company—a company whose insiders report truthfully to investors and won’t divert the company’s income stream to themselves. 6. The obligatory citation here is to George A. Akerlof, The Market for “Lemons”: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism, 84 Q.J. ECON. 488 (1970).
  • 7. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 787 Discounted share prices mean that an honest issuer can’t receive fair value for its shares and has an incentive to turn to other forms of financing. But discounted prices won’t discourage dishonest issuers. Shares that aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on are, after all, quite cheap to produce. The tendency for high-quality issuers to leave the market because they can’t obtain a fair price for their shares, while low-quality issuers remain, worsens the lemons (adverse selection) problem faced by investors. Investors ration-ally react to the lower average quality of issuers by discounting still more the prices they will pay. This drives even more high-quality issuers out of the market and exacerbates adverse selection. Some countries, including the United States, have partially solved this information asymmetry problem through a complex set of laws and private and public institutions that give investors reasonable assurance that the issuer is being (mostly) truthful. Among the most important institutions are reputational intermediaries—accounting firms, investment banking firms, law firms, and stock exchanges. These intermediaries can credibly vouch for the quality of particular securities because they are repeat players who will suffer a reputational loss, if they let a company falsify or unduly exaggerate its prospects, that exceeds their one-time gain from permitting the exaggeration. The intermediaries’ backbones are stiffened by liability to investors if they endorse faulty disclosure, and by possible government civil or criminal prosecution if they do so intentionally.7 But even in the United States, “securities fraud”—the effort to sell shares at an inflated price through false or misleading disclosure—is a major problem, especially for small issuers. Attempts by skilled con artists to sell fraudulent securities are endemic partly because the United States’ very success in creating a climate of honest disclosure makes investors (ration-ally) less vigilant in investigating claims by persuasive salesmen about par-ticular companies. Most American investors still expect financial statements to be audited, shares to be underwritten by an investment banker, and the prospectus to be prepared by securities counsel. It helps if the issuer is listed on a reputable stock exchange. But investors’ reliance on reputational intermediaries merely re-creates the fraud problem one step removed. An environment in which most reputational intermediaries guard their reputations creates an opportunity for new entrants to pretend to be reputational inter-mediaries. Merely calling oneself an investment banker will engender some 7. I use the terms “accountants” and “accounting firms” to include the auditing function that accountants and accounting firms perform. But I refer separately to “accounting rules” and “auditing standards.” On the role of reputational intermediaries in securities markets, see Ronald J. Gilson & Reinier Kraakman, The Mechanisms of Market Efficiency, 70 VA. L. REV. 549, 595–607 (1984).
  • 8. 788 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) investor trust, because most investment bankers are honest and care about their reputations. Investors (rationally) won’t fully investigate investment bankers’ claims to have strong reputations. The other key intermediaries— accountants and securities lawyers—can similarly trade on their profession’s reputation (notwithstanding the occasional snide joke about whether that reputation is deserved). In the language of welfare economics, investment banking (or account-ing or securities lawyering) involves an externality—any one participant can’t fully capture its own investment in reputation. Some of the invest-ment enhances the reputation of the entire profession. That externality reduces incentives to invest in reputation. And new entrants can free ride on reputational spillover from established firms. The combination of ability to free ride on other investment bankers’ reputations and low entry barriers permits entrepreneurs—call them “bogus investment bankers”—to call themselves investment bankers, intending to profit by pretending that their recommendation of a company’s shares has value. In effect, bogus investment bankers steal some of the value of their competitors’ reputations, while also devaluing those reputations, because bad reputations spill over to the rest of the profession just as good ones do. The result is ironic: The principal role of reputational intermediaries is to vouch for disclosure quality and thereby reduce information asymmetry in securities markets. But information asymmetry in the market for reputa-tional intermediaries limits their ability to play this role.8 There are several nonexclusive solutions to this problem. One is second-tier reputational intermediaries, who vouch for the first-tier intermediaries. Voluntary self-regulatory organizations (SROs) can play this role. A somewhat stronger solution is mandatory self-regulatory organizations. In the United States, for example, investment bankers must belong to either the New York Stock Exchange or the National Association of Securities Dealers. A member evicted by one is unlikely to be accepted by the other. Thus, a mandatory SRO can put a misbehaving member out of business, not merely deprive it of the reputational enhancement from voluntary membership. 8. From this perspective, stock exchanges play a surprisingly small information verifica-tion role. Entry barriers are significant (though falling). Thus, exchanges shouldn’t face large externalities in vouching for company reputation. Yet in countries with strong securities markets, exchanges don’t look much beneath the surface of audited financial statements in deciding whether to list a new company. Perhaps the constraints on misdisclosure imposed by other insti-tutions are sufficient so that investors rationally don’t put much weight on an exchange listing, and the exchanges respond to lack of investor demand by not closely examining new issuers. This suggests a business opportunity for the major world exchanges: Companies from countries with weak domestic institutions need reputational enhancement. Close exchange oversight could attract those companies to major exchanges.
  • 9. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 789 But SROs need to be policed too, lest they re-create the information asym-metry at yet a third level. Low-quality intermediaries can form a lax SRO to vouch for their quality, and investors will then have to figure out whether the SRO is itself a bogus intermediary.9 A third solution combines liability of the intermediaries to investors with minimum quality standards for intermediaries. Regulators license the intermediaries, fine or revoke the licenses of misbehaving intermediaries, and initiate criminal prosecution if an intermediary misbehaves intention-ally. The greater sanctions available through the legal system, plus the ability to collectivize the cost of enforcement (by spreading the cost of pri-vate enforcement through a class action or derivative suit, and the cost of public enforcement through taxes), may explain why liability and licensing strategies mostly dominate over second-tier reputational intermediaries. The resulting system, in which multiple reputational intermediaries vouch for different aspects of a company’s disclosure, while the government, private plaintiffs, and self-regulatory organizations police the reputational intermediaries, can work fairly well. But it is scarcely simple. And it may require ongoing government effort to protect reputational intermediaries against bogus intermediaries who would otherwise profit from the spillover of reputation to them. This complex response to information asymmetry goes a long way toward explaining why many nations have not solved this problem. Their securities markets have instead fallen into what insurance companies call a “death spiral,” in which information asymmetry and adverse selection com-bine to drive almost all honest issuers out of the market and drive share prices toward zero. In these countries, a few large companies can develop reputations sufficient to justify a public offering of shares at a price that, though below fair value, is still attractive compared to other financing options. But smaller companies have essentially no direct access to public investors’ capital. B. The Core Institutions that Control Information Asymmetry Countries with strong securities markets have developed a number of institutions to counter information asymmetry. I list below the “core” institutions that I consider most important. This list reflects my personal judgment, based on experience in corporate law and capital markets reform 9. See Glaeser, Johnson & Shleifer (2001), supra note 1 (noting that Czech investment funds formed self-regulatory organizations, “but some of their powerful members were themselves engaged in tunnelling and opposed strong self-regulation”).
  • 10. 790 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) in a variety of countries.10 I present the list in an order that makes logical sense, not in order of estimated importance. Part III combines this list and the related list of core institutions that control self-dealing into a single table. Effective Regulators, Prosecutors, and Courts (1) A securities regulator (and, for criminal cases, a prosecutor) that: (a) is honest; and (b) has the staff, skill, and budget to pursue complex securities disclo-sure cases. Honest, decently funded regulators and prosecutors are essential. They tend to be taken for granted in developed countries, but are often partly or wholly absent in developing countries. Funding is often a hidden problem. The securities regulator may have a minimal budget, or may be hamstrung by salary rules that prevent it from paying salaries sufficient to retain quali-fied people or to keep them honest. Specialization is needed too. Even in developed countries, few prose-cutors have the skill or interest to bring securities fraud cases. Some securi-ties cases involve outright fraud—the company has reported sales or inventory that don’t exist. An unspecialized prosecutor could potentially bring these cases, but may prefer to prosecute muggers and murderers instead. Moreover, many securities fraud cases require careful digging through the company’s records to show how the insiders have twisted the truth, and skill to present the fraud in convincing fashion to a court. And the insiders often have the resources to mount a strong defense. (2) A judicial system that: (a) is honest; (b) is sophisticated enough to han-dle complex securities cases; (c) can intervene quickly when needed to prevent asset stripping; and (d) produces decisions without intolerable delay. An honest judiciary is a must for investor remedies to be meaningful, but is often partly or wholly absent in developing countries. Decent judicial salaries are needed if judges are to stay honest. Good training helps— professionalism can be a bulwark against corruption. Honest prosecutors 10. My home country is the United States. I have also engaged in significant company and securities law legal reform work in Armenia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Russia, South Korea, Ukraine, and Vietnam, and comparative research in Britain and the Czech Republic. See Black, Kraakman & Tarassova (2000), supra note 1; Bernard Black, Barry Metzger, Timothy O’Brien & Young Moo Shin, Corporate Governance in Korea at the Millennium: Enhancing International Competitiveness, (Report to the Korean Ministry of Justice, 2000), 26 J. CORP. L. (forthcoming 2001), available at (Social Science Research Network); Bernard S. Black & John C. Coffee, Jr., Hail Britannia?: Institutional Investor Behavior Under Limited Regula-tion, 92 MICH. L. REV. 1997 (1994). Below, occasional footnotes use examples from these coun-tries to illustrate points made in the text.
  • 11. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 791 are an essential support for honest courts, lest a powerful defendant com-bine a bribe if a judge is compliant with a personal threat if she is not.11 The same subtle securities fraud cases that call for specialized prosecutors require sophisticated judges. The ideal would be a specialized court, staffed by judges with prior experience as transactional lawyers. A court in a com-mercial center, which sees a steady diet of business cases, is an acceptable substitute. Speed is important too. When insiders commit fraud, some funds can sometimes be retrieved if the prosecutors can freeze the insiders’ assets pending the outcome of a case that the prosecutors plan to bring. Other-wise, the money is usually as good as gone. Beyond that, while courts nowhere move quickly, differences in how fast they move affect the salience of investor remedies. Moreover, many countries award no or inadequate interest on judgments, which weakens the official sanctions. (3) Procedural rules that provide reasonably broad civil discovery and per-mit class actions or another means to combine the small claims of many investors. Meaningful liability risk for insiders and reputational intermediaries depends in important part on procedural rules that provide reasonably broad civil discovery. Proving misdisclosure often requires information that is buried in the company’s records. Also, an individual investor won’t often incur the expense of a complex lawsuit to recover the investor’s small pri-vate loss. It’s important to have class actions or another way to combine many individually small claims.12 Contingency fee arrangements are a use-ful supplement to the class action procedure. 11. A recent Russian example: the 1999 bankruptcy proceedings for Sidanko, a major oil holding company, and Chernogoneft, a key Sidanko subsidiary. Chernogoneft went bankrupt after selling oil to Sidanko, which failed to pay for the oil and then was looted so badly that it went bankrupt itself. In the Chernogoneft bankruptcy proceedings, 98 percent of the creditors voted for one external manager, but the local judge appointed a different manager with ties to a Sidanko competitor, Tyumen Oil, and rejected a Chernogoneft offer to pay all creditors in full. Tyumen bought Chernogoneft for $176 million (a small fraction of actual value), in what Sidanko chairman Vladimir Potanin called “an atmosphere of unprecedented pressure on the court sys-tem.” Indeed, a judge who issued an early ruling against Tyumen was beaten for his troubles. See Rules of War, ECONOMIST, Dec. 4, 1999, at 65; Jeanne Whalen & Bhushan Bahree, How Siberian Oil Field Turned into a Minefield, WALL ST. J., Feb. 9, 2000, at A21, (quoting Potanin); Lee S. Wolosky, Putin’s Plutocrat Problem, FOREIGN AFF., Mar.–Apr. 2000, at 18, 30. I was an advisor to a minority shareholder in Kondpetroleum (a second Sidanko subsidiary) in litigation against Sidanko and BP Amoco for looting Kondpetroleum. 12. For example, South Korea has respectable rules on information disclosure and self-dealing, and allows contingent fees. But its lack of a class action or similar procedure greatly weakens the incentive for good disclosure. For discussion of Taiwan’s substitute for a securities class action, see Lawrence S. Liu, Simulating Securities Class Actions: The Case in Taiwan, CORP. GOVERNANCE INT’L, Dec. 2000, at 4.
  • 12. 792 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) Financial Disclosure (4) Extensive financial disclosure, including independent audits of public companies’ financial statements. A stock market can’t thrive unless listed companies provide investors with audited financial statements. The risk of fraudulent or seriously mis-leading financial statements is too great. Audited financial statements provide a critical reality check. Whether audited financial statements and other disclosure require-ments for public companies must be required by law or will emerge anyway, through a stock exchange rule or common practice, is an oft-debated question that I need not address here. This custom can emerge through stock exchange rule or common practice, as it did in the United States.13 But a mandatory rule might speed up this process. The case for mandatory audits and com-pliance with a defined set of accounting rules becomes stronger, the weaker a country’s reputational intermediaries (who can police the disclosure) and disclosure culture are.14 (5) Accounting and auditing rules that address investors’ need for reliable information. Good accounting rules should be designed to provide information useful to investors. This sounds obvious, but in many countries, accounting rules are designed as much to facilitate tax collection as to inform investors about value.15 The rules should facilitate comparing a company’s past per-formance with similar companies, both in the same country and interna-tionally, and should limit managers’ flexibility to choose among alternative accounting practices in order to make their firm appear more profitable. 13. See Paul G. Mahoney, The Exchange as Regulator, 83 VA. L. REV. 1453 (1997); Marcel Kahan, Some Problems with Stock Exchange-Based Securities Regulation: A Comment on Mahoney, 83 VA. L. REV. 1509 (1997); cf. Brian Cheffins, Does Law Matter?: The Separation of Ownership and Control in the United Kingdom, 30 J. LEGAL STUD. (forthcoming 2001), available at http://papers. (Social Science Research Network) (discussing London Stock Exchange disclosure rules, which often preceded statutory requirements). 14. For pieces of the mandatory disclosure debate, see FRANK H. EASTERBROOK & DANIEL R. FISCHEL, THE ECONOMIC STRUCTURE OF CORPORATE LAW 276–315 (1991); Anat R. Admati & Paul Pfleiderer, Forcing Firms to Talk: Financial Disclosure Regulation and Externalities, 13 REV. FIN. STUD. 479 (2000); John C. Coffee, Jr., Market Failure and the Economic Case for a Mandatory Disclosure System, 70 VA. L. REV. 717 (1984); Paul G. Mahoney, Mandatory Disclosure as a Solution to Agency Problems, 62 U. CHI. L. REV. 1047 (1995) and sources cited infra Part VI.B. 15. Russia, for example, has been unwilling to adopt International Accounting Standards for precisely this reason. See Interview with Sergey Shatalov, First Deputy Minister of Finance, in No More Delays, in the Move to IAS, ACCT. REP. (Int’l Ctr. for Accounting Reform, Moscow), Jan.–Feb. 2000, at 1 (Deputy Minister Shatalov complains that International Accounting Standards “do not specify in detail individual transactions . . . and the way to account for them for tax purposes”).
  • 13. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 793 Stricter rules aren’t always better. The accounting rules must strike a sensible balance among investors’ desire for information, the cost of providing the information, and companies’ concerns about giving detailed infor-mation to competitors. Still, overly flexible rules can reduce comparability, increase opportunities for fraud, and increase information asymmetry between companies and investors. Auditing standards must be rigorous enough to catch some of the out-right frauds that occur, deter many potential fraud attempts, and discourage at least some attempts at creative accounting. (6) A rule-writing institution with the competence, independence, and incentives to write good accounting rules and keep the rules up-to-date. In many countries, the Finance Ministry writes the accounting rules. It often writes rules that provide the information needed to collect taxes, rather than the information needed to attract investment or manage the business. Thus, the rule-writing task is best placed elsewhere—in a securities commission or perhaps, as in the United States and Great Britain, in a quasi-public organization that is loosely supervised by the securities commission or another regulatory agency.16 Writing good accounting rules requires close knowledge of how com-panies operate, understanding of the loopholes in the existing rules, appre-ciation for changes in corporate practices, and the ability and incentive to write new rules and interpret old ones with reasonable dispatch.17 This offers some reason to vest rule writing in a quasi-public organization, rather than a government agency. If the rule-writing body is private, its funding and the manner of choosing its members must ensure that the agency isn’t overly dependent on issuers, whose managers often prefer opaque disclosure, especially about their own compensation. Reputational Intermediaries (7) A sophisticated accounting profession with the skill and experience to catch at least some instances of false or misleading disclosure. Audit requirements and accounting rules are no better than the account-ants who conduct the audits and interpret the rules. Auditing and account-ing are part science (following established rules), but in part remain a skilled 16. For an overview of U.S. and British practice in setting accounting rules and the advan-tages and disadvantages of self-regulation, see BRIAN R. CHEFFINS, COMPANY LAW: THEORY, STRUCTURE, AND OPERATION 372–420 (1997). 17. For some good examples of how accounting rules need to respond to changing business practices, see Louis Lowenstein, Financial Transparency and Corporate Governance: You Manage What You Measure, 96 COLUM. L. REV. 1335 (1996).
  • 14. 794 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) art. With the twist that the artist’s task is to paint an accurate picture, while the subject pays the artist’s fee, often tries to persuade the artist that a more flattering portrait is a true one, and can replace an artist who paints too unflattering a portrait. Moreover, a minority of subjects are crooks who will do whatever they can to mislead the artist and thus the investors who will later view the portrait. Professionalism is essential—to see the truth that the subject may try to conceal and to resist the subject’s pressure for an overly flattering portrait— if the portrait is to resemble reality and be comparable to other portraits painted by other artists. (8) Securities or other laws that impose on accountants enough risk of liabil-ity to investors if the accountants endorse false or misleading financial statements so that the accountants will resist their clients’ pressure for laxer audits or more favorable disclosure. Accountants are reputational intermediaries. When they audit and approve financial statements, they also rent out their reputations for con-ducting a careful audit that can catch some fraud and discourage attempts at fraud, and for painting a tolerably accurate picture of a company’s performance. Liability risk reinforces the accounting firm’s concern for reputation. It can persuade the firm to establish internal procedures to ensure that the financial statements that it approves meet minimum quality standards. Liabil-ity risk also provides a compelling response to a client that wants a less intru-sive audit or more favorable accounting treatment than the accounting firm proposes. The liability risk doesn’t have to be great. Frequent, American-style liti-gation isn’t needed. Perhaps a few lawsuits per decade, a couple of which result in a significant payout (in settlement or after a verdict), are enough. But without any liability risk, accounting firm partners will sometimes accept the ever-present temptation to squander the firm’s reputation to gain or keep a client.18 18. A recent Russian example involves an audit by a “big-five” accounting firm of a major Russian oil company. The company was (notoriously) selling oil to its majority shareholder at below-market prices, thus transferring profits from the company to the controlling shareholder. These transactions violated Russian company law, which required the company’s minority share-holders to approve these self-dealing transactions. A footnote to the company’s 1997 financial statements disclosed mildly that these transactions “may” give rise to some liability by the controlling shareholder to the company, with no mention of the amount (which was in the hundreds of millions of dollars). A reputable accounting firm would never bless this paltry disclosure if it faced meaningful liability to investors.
  • 15. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 795 (9) A sophisticated investment banking profession that investigates securities issuers because the investment banker’s reputation depends on not selling overpriced securities to investors. Investment bankers are a second key reputational intermediary. They walk a fine line between selling an offering and overselling it. Their role includes conducting a “due diligence” investigation of the issuer and satis-fying themselves that the offering documents and “road show” presentations reasonably portray the issuer’s prospects, the major risks of the investment are disclosed, and the issuer’s managers are honest. For example, investment banks routinely conduct background checks on company insiders and walk away if the insiders have an unsavory past or dubious friends. Investment bankers’ reputations are policed in a number of ways. Secu-rities purchasers will remember if an investment bank sells them several bad investments and avoid its future offerings. Investment banks track the after-market performance of their own and their competitors’ offerings and happily disclose competitors’ weak performance to potential clients. And when an underwriter sells shares for a fraudulent company, which later collapse in price when the fraud is discovered, this is a major embarrassment, not soon forgotten by investors or the bank’s competitors. So too for a debt offering that quickly goes into default. (10) Securities or other laws that impose on investment bankers enough risk of liability to investors if the investment bankers underwrite securities that are sold with false or misleading disclosure, so that the bankers will resist their clients’ entreaties for more favorable disclosure. Liability to investors can reinforce investment bankers’ concern for reputation. Liability can persuade an investment bank to turn away mar-ginal issuers. It can persuade the firm to establish internal review proce-dures to ensure that its offerings meet minimum quality standards. And liability risk provides a compelling argument that the investment bank can offer to a client that wants more favorable disclosure than the bank proposes. As for accountants, I make no claim that frequent litigation against investment bankers is important. A few lawsuits per decade, a couple of which result in a significant payout, could be enough. But if there is no liabil-ity risk, individuals within a firm will sometime accept the ever-present temptation to squander the firm’s reputation to gain a client and a fee. (11) Sophisticated securities lawyers who can ensure that a company’s offering documents comply with the disclosure requirements. Securities lawyers are a third major reputational intermediary—albeit less visible to investors than accountants or investment bankers. They walk a fine line between accepting the positive-sounding statements that the issuer wants to make and insisting on the need to disclose risks and problems.
  • 16. 796 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) The lawyers’ role in disclosure is likely to depend on whether compa-nies, insiders, and investment bankers face meaningful liability risk. If so, then companies and investment bankers will protect themselves by hiring lawyers to write and review the key disclosure documents. The lawyers’ caution (deriving from the need to protect one’s client against liability) will help to ensure good disclosure, even if lawyers face little liability risk them-selves. Conversely, if companies and investment bankers face little risk, they may forego hiring expensive securities lawyers to write disclosure documents, or reject the lawyers’ cautionary advice, and disclosure quality will suffer. (12) A stock exchange with meaningful listing standards and the willingness to enforce them by fining or delisting companies that violate disclosure rules. Stock exchanges are a fourth important reputational intermediary. They establish and enforce listing standards, including disclosure require-ments. Investors use the listing as a proxy for company quality. Both investors and exchanges understand that false disclosure by a few companies will taint all listed companies. Historically, stock exchange listing rules were an important factor in the rise of dispersed ownership in the United States and the United Kingdom.19 Company and Insider Liability (13) Securities or other laws that impose liability and other civil sanctions on companies and insiders for false or misleading disclosure. Reputational intermediaries are a second line of defense against securi-ties fraud. The primary defense is direct sanctions against companies and insiders who attempt fraud. Companies often want to be able to issue shares in the future; insiders want to be able to sell their shares at an attractive price in the future. That gives insiders an incentive to develop the company’s reputation for honest disclosure. But some of the time, the company needs funds now, or there won’t be a next time. In game theory terms, the insiders are in the final period of a repeated game. They have an incentive to cheat because there won’t be a next round in which the cheating can be punished.20 At other times, the insiders face a final period because their tenure in the company is 19. See Cheffins (2001), supra note 13; JOHN C. COFFEE, JR., THE RISE OF DISPERSED OWNERSHIP: THE ROLE OF LAW IN THE SEPARATION OF OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL (Columbia Law Sch., Ctr. for Law & Econ. Studies, Working Paper No. 182, 2001), available at http://papers. (Social Science Research Network); Mahoney (1997), supra note 13. 20. See generally ROBERT AXELROD, THE EVOLUTION OF COOPERATION (1984).
  • 17. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 797 at risk, even if the company’s solvency is secure. Moreover, some con art-ists will happily take whatever money they can raise this time, and then hope to sell another company’s shares the next time. Insiders’ incentives to puff their company’s prospects help to explain the universal use in public offerings of reputational intermediaries, who investigate and vouch for the company’s disclosure. Just as liability to investors helps to ensure that reputational intermediaries behave as they are supposed to, this liability helps to ensure that insiders disclose honestly in the first place. (14) Criminal liability for insiders who intentionally mislead investors. For insiders, unlike reputational intermediaries, financial liability alone is not a sufficient deterrent. Insiders often have little wealth outside their firm or can hide much of their wealth out of investors’ reach. Moreover, the prospect of disgorging one’s ill-gotten gains, with probability less than one, won’t adequately deter crooks from attempting fraud in the first instance. That makes criminal sanctions a critical supplement to financial liability. At the same time, formal criminal sanctions are of little value without skilled prosecutors who can bring complex securities cases. Market Transparency (15) Rules ensuring market “transparency”: the time, quantity, and price of trades in public securities must be promptly disclosed to investors. One key source of information about value that investors rely on is the prices paid by other investors for the same securities. Investors then know that others share their opinions about value. Transparency is a collective good that must be established by regulation. Large investors prefer to hide their transactions to reduce the price impact that their trades have. Some-times a stock exchange will have enough market power to force all trades to be reported to it. More commonly, the government must mandate prompt reporting and require all trades to be reported in a single consolidated source, lest exchanges compete for business by offering delayed or no price reporting.21 21. For an effort to model the instability of market transparency, see Robert Bloomfield & Maureen O’Hara, Can Transparent Markets Survive?, 55 J. FIN. ECON. 425 (2000). A technologi-cal alternative to consolidated reporting could work for larger investors: Private providers can collect prices from multiple exchanges and sell consolidated reports to investors. As more compa-nies choose to be listed on multiple exchanges in different countries, the private solution may dominate the regulatory solution of consolidated reporting (which can’t cross borders as easily). But private providers can only report trades that the exchanges report to them, so prompt report-ing must still be mandated.
  • 18. 798 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) (16) Rules banning manipulation of trading prices (and enforcement of those rules). Transparent market prices raise their own dangers. Especially in “thin” markets, insiders can manipulate trading prices to create the appearance that a company’s shares are highly valued, while dumping their own shares on the market. Rules against manipulating trading prices are the principal response to this risk. These rules need to be enforced by a specialized regu-lator, because manipulation is notoriously hard to prove.22 Culture and Other Informal Institutions (17) An active financial press and securities analysis profession that can uncover and publicize misleading disclosure and criticize company insiders and (when appropriate) investment bankers, accountants, and lawyers. Reputation markets require a mechanism for distributing information about the performance of companies, insiders, and reputational intermedi-aries. Disclosure rules help, as do reputational intermediaries’ incentives to advertise their successes. But intermediaries won’t publicize their own failures, and investors will discount competitors’ complaints because they come from a biased source. An active financial press is an important source of reporting of disclosure failures. But libel laws that make it easy for insiders to sue their critics (using company funds) can chill reporting. In a country without honest courts and prosecutors, journalists are vulnerable to cruder threats as well.23 Security analysts are another important source of coverage. They must balance the need to maintain a reputation for objectivity against pressure for positive coverage from companies (who can retaliate for negative cover-age by cutting off the analyst’s access to soft information), and (for analysts who are employed by investment banks) from their own employer not to 22. Daniel Fischel and David Ross argue that all, and Omri Yadlin argues that some, manipulation should be legal. See Daniel R. Fischel & David J. Ross, Should the Law Prohibit “Manipulation” in Financial Markets?, 105 HARV. L. REV. 503 (1991); Steve Thel, $850,000 in Six Minutes—the Mechanics of Securities Manipulation, 79 CORNELL L. REV. 219 (1994) (criticizing Fischel and Ross); Omri Yadlin, Is Stock Manipulation Bad?: Questioning the Conventional Wisdom with Evidence from the Israeli Experience, 3 THEORETICAL INQUIRIES L. (forthcoming 2001). For Yadlin, it is fine for General Motors to sell shares of Fisher Body in the market, for the purpose of depressing the trading price so that General Motors can acquire all of Fisher Body at a lower price, as long as the managers of General Motors believe that Fisher Body’s standalone value is lower than its market price. The problem is that in any successful manipulation, including those that Yadlin likes, informed investors profit and uninformed investors lose. Uninformed investing becomes less profitable, which increases the information asymmetry discount that investors apply to all shares. 23. For examples of physical retaliation by Russian businessmen against reporters and other critics, ranging from beatings to murder, see Black, Kraakman & Tarassova (2000), supra note 1.
  • 19. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 799 say nasty things about a client or potential client—in other words, about any company at all! Nonetheless, analysts often uncover aggressive finan-cial reporting by particular companies. The financial press can help ana-lysts maintain a tolerable balance between disclosing bad news and pleasing companies and their own employers, by rating analysts’ reputations among investors.24 (18) A culture of disclosure among accountants, investment bankers, law-yers, and company managers, who learn that concealing bad news is a recipe for trouble. In countries with strong securities markets, the sanctions against misdisclosure reinforce a culture of compliance, in which a bit of puffing is acceptable, but outright lying is not. Accountants, investment bankers, and lawyers see themselves as professionals, and (mostly) behave accord-ingly. Moreover, few managers will attempt clearly illegal actions, because disclosure is the norm and others are occasionally disgraced or sent to jail for falsifying financial statements. This long list of institutions underscores the difficult task facing a country that wants to develop a strong securities market. Formal disclosure rules are important, but are not enough. The harder task is enforcing the rules—both direct public enforcement and indirect enforcement through private institutions, especially reputational intermediaries. C. Additional Useful and Specialized Institutions The list of core institutions in Part B reflects my personal judgment about which rules and institutions are most important for ensuring good disclosure. This part lists some additional institutions that I consider useful but not core. 1. Useful Institutions a. Licensing of reputational intermediaries. It’s useful for accountants and investment bankers to be subject to a regulatory licensing scheme. I don’t list regulatory licensing as a core institution because I believe that for reputational intermediaries, private enforcement (through liability to 24. An American example is the analyst rankings published annually by Institutional Inves-tor magazine. See The 1999 All-America Research Team, INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR, Oct. 1999, at 109 (rankings available at Analysts value high rankings, which significantly increase their expected income and job mobility. On the role played by analysts in reducing information asymmetry, see ZOHAR GOSHEN, ON INSIDER TRADING, MARKETS, AND “NEGATIVE” PROPERTY RIGHTS IN INFORMATION (working paper, 2000).
  • 20. 800 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) investors) is likely to be more effective than public enforcement (through regulatory sanctions). Even in countries with strong regulators, regulatory sanctions are usually imposed only in egregious cases. Emerging economies have fewer regulatory resources and better uses for those resources. Prose-cuting insiders who commit fraud is often a higher priority for regulators than sanctioning the intermediaries who merely failed to catch the fraud.25 b. Self-regulatory organizations. Self-regulation, through a voluntary or mandatory self-regulatory organization that is itself subject to regulatory oversight, is a useful supplement to government regulation of reputational intermediaries. Just as liability to investors makes reputational intermedi-aries more willing to insist on good disclosure, it makes the intermediaries more willing to create a strong SRO and support the SRO’s efforts to disci-pline errant members. c. Lawyer liability. For securities lawyers, liability to investors is less important than for accountants and investment bankers, and hence not listed above as a core institution. Lawyers are already concerned about liability because of their training and have an incentive to protect their clients against liability. Lawyers have reputations to preserve too, and having clients lose disclosure lawsuits isn’t good for business. But some risk of liability to investors is a useful supplement to lawyers’ professional caution. d. Independent directors. Investment bankers, accountants, and secu-rities lawyers are the principal outside reviewers and writers of disclosure documents. But independent directors can sometimes catch disclosure problems that the intermediaries miss. The independent directors can be seen as second-tier reputational intermediaries. Their incentive to review the disclosure with a skeptical eye can usefully be reinforced by a touch of legal liability to investors. But the independent directors shouldn’t face too much liability risk, lest skilled directors refuse to serve. In countries where most companies have a controlling shareholder, mandatory cumulative voting can be useful because it allows minority shareholders to elect one or two truly independent directors, and can strengthen a culture of director independence. e. Investment funds and related institutions. Investment funds (Ameri-cans call them “mutual funds,” for some odd reason) are another useful institution. They provide individual investors with diversification and some protection against claims by con artists (who will have a harder time fooling experts than novices). An investment fund industry can strengthen the secu- 25. For more general discussion of the reasons to believe that rules that can be privately enforced are likely to be more effective in emerging countries than rules that require public enforcement, see Black & Kraakman (1996), supra note 2, at 1929–43.
  • 21. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 801 rities market by providing a source of investable funds, as well as market and political demand for strong disclosure. I don’t list investment funds as a core institution because, in my judgment, a healthy investment fund indus-try is more a result than a cause of a strong securities market. The investment fund industry relies on still other related institutions. These include an investment fund law that protects the fund’s assets against self-dealing by the fund managers, a regulator that polices the industry and limits fund managers’ ability to make inflated claims of past or expected future performance, and a financial press that rates fund performance. f. Pension plans. Funded employee pension plans are a further useful institution. Like investment funds, they are a source of investable funds and market and political demand for good disclosure. g. A sensible tax system. A confiscatory tax system (Russia’s, say) pre-cludes honest reporting of profits, and thus precludes good disclosure. More generally, private firms can be more aggressive than public firms in tax planning and outright tax evasion. Thus, high tax rates weaken securities markets by inducing more firms to stay private. And a high “stamp tax” on securities transactions can shrink, perhaps dramatically, the size of the secu-rities market.26 h. Other useful institutions. Even this further list of useful institutions omits a number of institutions that support an advanced securities market. Additional institutions include: compliance officers within investment banks, who help to ensure that investment bankers’ desire for fees won’t override concern for legal niceties or long-term reputation; an audit com-mittee of the board of directors, which can give a company’s auditors some protection against management pressure for lenient treatment; inside accountants and lawyers, who are acculturated to honest disclosure and help to make fraud harder to undertake; and so on. 2. Specialized Institutions For particular types of companies or preferred stock and debt, addi-tional institutions can be important, even crucial. a. Venture capital. Investors in high-technology companies face severe information asymmetry problems, because these companies often have short histories, make highly specialized products, participate in fast-moving 26. See COFFEE (2001), supra note 19 (discussing Germany’s 1896 stamp tax); cf. Christopher J. Green, Paolo Maggioni & Victor Murinde, Regulatory Lessons for Emerging Stock Markets from a Century of Evidence on Transactions Costs and Share Price Volatility in the London Stock Exchange, 24 J. BANKING & FIN. 577 (2000) (reporting evidence that stamp taxes depress trading volume and increase volatility).
  • 22. 802 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) industries, and have growth prospects (and thus value) that can’t be easily extrapolated from past financial results. As a result, countries with strong stock markets, such as the United States, have developed a specialized institution—the venture capital fund—that funds high-technology com-panies early in their life and functions in significant part as a specialized reputational intermediary. Venture capital funds closely investigate com-panies that seek funding, and then implicitly vouch for these companies when they later raise capital in the securities markets. Venture capital financing involves synergy between the venture capi-talists’ visible role in providing financial capital and their equally important role in providing reputational capital and monitoring. For early stage, high-technology companies, combining these three services dominates over the alternative, offered by public securities markets, of providing financial capi-tal without close monitoring, or the alternative of providing monitoring and reputational capital without investing, which is a plausible institutional arrangement that we don’t see.27 If developing a strong public stock market is hard, developing a strong venture capital industry is harder still. Venture capital funds face a classic chicken and egg problem in getting started—a venture capitalist can’t get funding until he develops a reputation for making good investments, but can’t develop a reputation without making investments. Thus, the initial stages of industry development are likely to be slow. b. Bond rating agencies. For bonds and other fixed-income invest-ments, bond rating agencies such as Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s offer quality ratings for different issuers. In the United States, rating agencies more often follow the bond market than lead it. But the rating agencies are a significant reputational intermediary in less-developed markets, where they provide both company ratings and country-risk ratings that are not easily or credibly obtained in another way.28 27. See Bernard S. Black & Ronald J. Gilson, Venture Capital and the Structure of Capital Markets: Banks Versus Stock Markets, 47 J. FIN. ECON. 243 (1998); see also Thomas Hellmann & Manju Puri, The Interaction Between Product Market and Financing Strategy: The Role of Venture Capital, 13 REV. FIN. STUD. 959 (2000). For evidence on the role of venture capital funds as reputational intermediaries, see Alon Brav & Paul A. Gompers, Myth or Reality? The Long-Run Underperformance of Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from Venture and Nonventure Capital-Backed Companies, 52 J. FIN. 1791 (1997), and Paul Gompers & Josh Lerner, Conflict of Interest in the Issu-ance of Public Securities: Evidence from Venture Capital, 42 J.L. & ECON. 1 (1999). 28. For a recent negative review of the role played by rating agencies in American capital markets, see Frank Partnoy, The Siskel and Ebert of Financial Markets?: Two Thumbs Down for the Credit Rating Agencies, 77 WASH. U. L.Q. 619 (1999).
  • 23. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 803 c. Money manager rating services. For money managers who manage pension funds and other institutional assets, a cottage industry has arisen of consulting firms who verify the money managers’ performance claims, and a related industry that develops performance indexes against which the per-formance of a money manager with a particular style or investment focus can be measured. D. Which Institutions Are Necessary, Which Are Merely Nice to Have? My long list of core institutions for ensuring good disclosure, and the additional core institutions for controlling self-dealing discussed in Part II, raise an obvious question: Which institutions are really necessary, and which are just extra frosting on an already tasty cake? Underlying that question is American and British experience, in which strong securities markets developed together with some of these institutions but predated others. For example, the United States had active securities markets long before it had a strong central securities regulator (though the states early regulated securities offerings). The United States didn’t enforce insider trading rules (an institution that I consider important for controlling self-dealing) until the 1960s. In Britain, many stock promoters invested little in reputation until perhaps the middle of the twentieth century, arguably after Britain had already developed a strong stock market.29 The interrelationships among institutions—complements in some respects, substitutes in others—mean that there is no simple answer to this question. One must evaluate how important each institution is, both by itself (to the extent feasible) and as part of an overall system. Consider insider trading. Utpal Bhattacharya and Hazem Daouk report that an enforced ban on insider trading raises share prices by about 5 percent, other things equal.30 That suggests that such a ban is important enough to be considered a core institution, but not absolutely critical. A stock market can be strong without controls on insider trading; it will be stronger with these controls. On the other hand, local enforcement is critical, and therefore honest courts and regulators are critical. A strong stock market cannot exist if 29. See Cheffins (2001), supra note 13. 30. See UTPAL BHATTACHARYA & HAZEM DAOUK, THE WORLD PRICE OF INSIDER TRADING (working paper, 1999), available at (Social Science Research Network).
  • 24. 804 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) major players can escape liability by bribing a judge to forgive their tres-passes, bribing a prosecutor or a regulator to ignore them, or bribing politicians to call off the prosecutors or regulators. I can’t prove this, but neither can I think of any counterexamples. II. PROTECTING MINORITY INVESTORS AGAINST SELF-DEALING A. Self-Dealing as an Adverse Selection/Moral Hazard Problem The second major obstacle to a strong public stock market is the potential for insiders to appropriate most of the value of the company for themselves—for 50 percent of the voting shares (less if the remainder are diffusely held) to convey most or all of the company’s value. Self-dealing can occur in many variants. But a useful division is between: (1) direct self-dealing, in which a company engages in transactions, not on arms-length terms, that enrich the company’s insiders, their relatives, or friends, or a second company that the insiders control; and (2) indirect self-dealing (often called insider trading), in which insiders use information about the company to trade with less-informed investors. Direct self-dealing is a much more important problem than insider trading. First, it’s far more profitable. Direct self-dealing lets insiders turn (say) 40 percent ownership of shares into up to 100 percent ownership of firm value, with little additional investment. Insider trading can’t produce similar gains. For one thing, insider trading in significant volume requires a liquid stock market, which countries that don’t control direct self-dealing won’t have. For another, long-term buy-and-hold investors aren’t directly harmed by insider trading. You can only be on the losing side of a trade with an insider if you’re trading. More critically, if direct self-dealing is hard to control, insider trading in anonymous securities markets is even harder to control. Without the institutions that control direct self-dealing, there is little hope of control-ling insider trading. But the converse isn’t true. A country can control direct self-dealing fairly well without making the additional investment needed to address insider trading. The potential for self-dealing creates a lemons (or adverse selection) problem, which has the same structure as the adverse selection problem created by asymmetric information. Investors don’t know which insiders are honest and which will appropriate most of the company’s value, so they
  • 25. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 805 discount all companies’ share prices. This creates a dilemma for honest insiders who won’t divert the company’s income stream to themselves. Discounted share prices mean that a company with honest insiders can’t receive fair value for its shares. This gives the company an incentive to use other forms of financing. But discounted prices won’t discourage dishonest insiders. The prospect of receiving even a discounted price for worthless paper will be attractive to some insiders. This adverse selection by issuers, in which high-quality companies leave the market because they can’t obtain a fair price for their shares while low-quality companies remain, lowers the average quality of issuers. Inves-tors rationally react by further discounting share prices. This drives even more high-quality issuers away from the market and exacerbates adverse selection. As with asymmetric information, failure to control self-dealing can result in a death spiral, in which self-dealing and adverse selection combine to drive almost all honest issuers out of the market and drive share prices toward zero, save for a few large companies that can develop their own reputations. Self-dealing is a harder problem to solve than information asymmetry. First, honest disclosure of information during a public offering of shares can’t later be undone. In contrast, after a company sells shares, its insiders have an incentive to renege on a promise not to self-deal and capture more of the company’s value than investors expected when they bought the shares. Again, insurance terminology is helpful—the incentive to renege is known as moral hazard. This incentive is only imperfectly policed by the insiders’ concern for reputation to permit future offerings by the company or future sales by insiders of their own shares.31 Second, false or misleading disclosure in a public offering often occurs in a formal disclosure document and thus leaves a paper trail. If subsequent events reveal business problems that the company concealed, the disclosure deficiencies will often be obvious enough to let investors and regulators seek damages or other sanctions against the insiders and, if appropriate, the reputational intermediaries. In contrast, self-dealing is often hidden. It must be uncovered before it can be policed. Third, a securities offering is a discrete event that lets investors insist on participation by reputational intermediaries. Self-dealing lacks a similar triggering event. The accountants’ annual audit is an important check on 31. For discussion of moral hazard in organizations, see PAUL MILGROM & JOHN ROBERTS, ECONOMICS, ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT 166–204 (1992).
  • 26. 806 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) self-dealing, and securities lawyers can play a role if they prepare the com-pany’s public disclosure filings, but investment bankers recede into the background. Fourth, once a company issues shares at a discount, the insiders may feel entitled to appropriate most of the company’s value for themselves. They will resist any change in legal rules that limits this opportunity. An example can illustrate why insiders can feel this way. Assume that Company A has fifty outstanding shares worth $2 each (for a total value of $100), all held by insiders. Outside investors may be willing to pay only 50¢ per share for additional shares, both because the investors don’t know the company’s true value and because they expect insiders to appropriate most of whatever value exists. Suppose that Company A issues fifty addi-tional shares at this price. Company A now has one hundred shares out-standing, fifty shares held by insiders and fifty held by outside investors, and a total value of $125.32 If the insiders keep only 50 percent of the company’s value, they have cheated themselves. Their shares will be worth only $62.50, while the out-side investors’ shares will be worth $62.50—far more than the outside investors paid. The insiders’ rational response is to self-deal enough to capture at least 80 percent of the firm’s value—$100 out of the total value of $125. They will not feel that they have cheated anyone by doing so, and will fight legal and institutional reforms that might prevent them from taking what they see as their fair share of their company’s value. But in opposing reforms, insiders of already public companies reinforce a system that won’t prevent them from taking more than 80 percent of the company’s value if they choose—and some insiders will so choose. If a national system permits substantial self-dealing, often in hidden forms, there is no obvious way to ensure that investors get the fraction of any particular company’s value that they paid for, or even to know what that fraction is. B. The Core Institutions that Control Self-Dealing Just as successful securities markets have developed institutions to counter information asymmetry, they have developed institutions to counter self-dealing. My judgmental list of core institutions is presented below, in an order that makes logical sense, not in order of estimated importance. Some of these are the same institutions that control informa-tion asymmetry; some are different. Part III combines this list and the list 32. This example is adapted from Coffee (1999), supra note 2, at 657–59.
  • 27. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 807 of core institutions for controlling information asymmetry into a single table. Effective Regulators, Prosecutors, and Courts Honest, decently funded judges, regulators, and prosecutors are, if any-thing, even more critical for controlling self-dealing than for controlling information asymmetry, because reputational intermediaries play a smaller role for self-dealing transactions. (1) A securities regulator (and, for criminal cases, a prosecutor) that: (a) is honest; and (b) has the staff, skill, and budget to untangle complex self-dealing transactions. Insiders often use transactional complexity and multiple intermediaries to hide their interest in a transaction, and anonymous offshore accounts to hide insider trading. Proving a self-dealing case often requires developing a chain of circumstantial evidence that will befuddle ordinary prosecutors, or at least lead them to seek out easier cases. And insiders often have the wealth to mount a vigorous defense. (2) A judicial system that: (a) is honest; (b) is sophisticated enough to under-stand complex self-dealing transactions; (c) can intervene quickly when needed to prevent asset stripping; and (d) produces decisions without intolerable delay. As for information asymmetry, honest, sophisticated, and decently paid judges are basic and often absent, as is the courts’ ability to reach decisions with reasonable dispatch and to freeze assets before they are moved offshore. (3) Procedural rules that provide reasonably broad civil discovery, permit class actions or another means to combine the small claims of many investors, and accept proof of self-dealing through circumstantial evidence. As for information asymmetry, meaningful liability risk requires not just formal liability rules, but also procedural rules that provide reasonably broad civil discovery. Class actions or another means to aggregate indi-vidually small claims are also important. The need for broad discovery is even more crucial for self-dealing than for information asymmetry. For misdisclosure in a public offering, there is usually a written disclosure document that will sometimes be false on its face. In contrast, for self-dealing, insiders are dealing with themselves, or (for insider trading) with an anonymous market. They can often avoid a telltale paper trail. The judicial system must therefore permit wrongdoing to be inferred from circumstantial evidence.33 Rules that shift the burden to 33. In Russia, for example, even if judges were honest, self-dealing could rarely be proven because courts insist on documentary proof of almost all factual assertions.
  • 28. 808 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) insiders to disprove self-dealing (once suspicious circumstances are established), or require the insiders to prove fairness (once self-dealing is established), can be highly valuable. Disclosure Requirements and Procedural Protections (4) Securities or other laws that require extensive disclosure of self-dealing transactions. Insiders won’t voluntarily announce to the world that they are engaged in self-dealing. Strong auditing standards and disclosure rules are needed, because if self-dealing transactions can be hidden, none of the other protec-tions will be very effective. (5) Company or securities law that establishes procedural protections for self-dealing transactions, such as approval after full disclosure by independent direc-tors, noninterested shareholders, or both. Disclosure alone will deter some self-dealing. But much self-dealing will still take place if the underlying transactions are lawful. Thus, signifi-cant self-dealing transactions should be subject to review by independent directors, noninterested shareholders, or both. In the United States, with a culture of independence for outside direc-tors and skilled courts that can ferret out self-dealing when a shareholder sues ex post, it may be sufficient to vest approval power solely in the inde-pendent directors. But often, nominally independent directors won’t be very independent in fact, especially when a company has a controlling share-holder, at whose pleasure the directors serve. Thus, it can be valuable to give approval power for larger transactions to noninterested shareholders.34 (6) Ownership disclosure rules, so that outside investors know who the insid-ers are and interested shareholders can’t vote to approve a self-dealing transaction that requires approval by noninterested shareholders. Insiders have an incentive to disguise their ownership, both in a com-pany and other entities that the company transacts with, to conceal a transac-tion’s self-dealing nature. If noninterested shareholders have veto power over self-dealing transactions, insiders have a further incentive to hide their share ownership so they can pretend to be noninterested. Disclosure rules, plus rules that treat affiliates of insiders as interested shareholders, can prevent this practice. More generally, if self-dealing is a significant risk, outside investors need to know who the insiders are. This will help the outside investors deter- 34. For discussion of the choice between ex ante and ex post controls on self-dealing in a transition economy, see Black & Kraakman (1996), supra note 2, at 1932–34, 1958–60.
  • 29. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 809 mine how much to trust the insiders and enhance the insiders’ incentive to develop reputations for not abusing their power. (7) A good overall financial disclosure regime. Good overall financial disclosure makes it harder to hide direct self-dealing. Moreover, the better the information that the public has, the smaller the profit opportunity from insider trading. Reputational Intermediaries (8) Requirements that a company’s accountants review self-dealing trans-actions and report on whether they were accurately disclosed. Insiders have a powerful incentive to hide self-dealing, despite formal disclosure obligations. Unlike the situation when a company issues shares to investors, there is no direct way for investors to insist that reputational intermediaries review self-dealing transactions. Accountants are the obvious intermediary that can play this role. Accountant review of self-dealing trans-actions can emerge by law or by custom. But unless mandated, it will be opposed by already public companies, and isn’t likely to emerge quickly. If accountants review self-dealing disclosure, we will also need: (9) A sophisticated accounting profession with the skill and experience to catch some nondisclosed self-dealing transactions and insist on proper disclosure. Insiders who are determined to self-deal can sometimes do so even with an accountant looking over their shoulders. The insiders can disguise a transaction, or their interest in the transaction, by running one or both through multiple intermediaries. Thus, accountants must be sophisticated enough, and auditing standards rigorous enough, to catch at least some of the subterfuges. Accountants can’t catch every instance of self-dealing. It would cost too much for them to investigate every transaction. But this practical limit only reinforces the need for skilled accountants who know which closets the insiders are most likely to hide skeletons in, so the accountants can make good use of their limited resources. To ensure that the accountants do a good job, we will also need: (10) Securities or other laws that impose on accountants enough risk of liability to investors, if the accountants endorse false or misleading disclosure of self-dealing transactions, so that the accountants will search vigorously and resist their clients’ entreaties to let them hide or mischaracterize self-dealing transactions. The reasons for liability risk are the same as for information asymmetry generally. The accountants are hired and paid by the company. They inevi-tably face pressure to overlook suspicious closets, accept dubious transac-tions at face value, or accept incomplete disclosure of an admitted self-dealing
  • 30. 810 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) transaction. Professionalism is one bulwark against this temptation, but liabil-ity to investors is an important bulwark for professionalism. (11) Sophisticated securities lawyers who can ensure that companies satisfy the disclosure requirements governing self-dealing transactions. A disclosure document for a self-dealing transaction, developed to obtain shareholder approval for the transaction, or annual disclosure that lists self-dealing transactions during the past year, will commonly be prepared by securities counsel. An important safeguard of accuracy is counsel’s willingness to insist on full disclosure, conduct enough due diligence to satisfy themselves that the disclosure is accurate, and warn insiders about the risks of partial disclosure. (12) Law or custom that: (a) requires public companies to have a minimum number of independent directors; (b) ensures that they approve self-dealing trans-actions; and (c) imposes on companies and independent directors enough risk of liability if they approve self-dealing transactions that are grossly unfair to the company so that the directors will resist the insiders’ pressure to approve these transactions. Approval by independent directors is an insufficient safeguard against self-dealing transactions in countries where the directors’ independence is in doubt, but this approval is still an important safeguard. The directors’ personal liability if they don’t behave independently is a central support for this constraint. Company liability can help to persuade the independent directors to reject transactions that aren’t on arms-length terms. Liability also offers a powerful argument that the independent directors can use when insiders propose a dubious transaction. Independent directors must be given the benefit of the doubt when they approve a transaction, lest the best directors decline to serve for fear of financial liability. But if self-dealing is egregious enough, the need for liabil-ity, to strengthen the directors’ backbones, outweighs the chill on their willingness to serve. After all, the independent directors can always reject a transaction, ask an outside expert to approve the terms as fair, or insist on approval by noninterested shareholders. Insider Liability (13) Civil liability for insiders who violate the self-dealing rules. Oversight by reputational intermediaries, and requirements that self-dealing transactions must be approved by independent decision makers, are important devices to enhance detection of attempted theft (for that is what self-dealing must be understood as). But they are no substitute for direct rules against theft and meaningful liability for thieves who are caught. The prin-
  • 31. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 811 cipal civil sanction is liability to shareholders; regulators can also enjoin future violations or bar offending insiders from being principals of public companies. (14) Criminal liability for insiders who intentionally violate the self-dealing rules. Return of ill-gotten gains is an insufficient remedy as long as insiders can hide or spend most of their gains, especially because the probability of detection is less than one. Damages equal to a multiple of the insider’s gains are of limited effectiveness given limited insider wealth and the insiders’ ability to hide much of that wealth. Thus, criminal sanctions, enforced by a specialized prosecutor, are an essential supplement to civil liability. Institutions to Control Insider Trading I have thus far focused on the institutions needed to control direct self-dealing. I list next the additional core institutions that are needed to con-trol insider trading. (15) Securities or other laws that prohibit insider trading, suitably defined, and government enforcement of those rules. To be effective, a ban on insider trading must include a ban on tipping others, as well as on trading yourself. The rules must be enforced, lest insid-ers learn that they can violate the rules with impunity.35 (16) A stock exchange with meaningful listing standards, the willingness to fine or delist companies that violate the self-dealing rules, and the resources to run a surveillance operation that can catch some insider trading. For direct self-dealing, stock exchange enforcement, through fines and delisting (or the threat of delisting), is an important supplement to official enforcement. For insider trading, the stock exchange is the institution that is best able to monitor its own trading, looking for unusual patterns that suggest insider trading. But running a good insider trading surveillance pro-gram isn’t cheap. The New York Stock Exchange alone will spend $95 million this year on market surveillance, mostly aimed at controlling insider trading.36 35. See BHATTACHARYA & DAOUK (1999), supra note 30 (reporting that (1) many coun-tries have bans on insider trading that are never enforced, (2) enforced insider trading rules have a measurable effect on share prices, which they estimate at 5 percent, and (3) unenforced rules have no significant effect on share prices). 36. See E-mail from George Sofianos of the New York Stock Exchange, to Bernard Black (July 27, 2000); see also Cheffins (2001), supra note 13 (noting that the London Stock Exchange mounts over 100 major insider trading investigations annually and refers 30–40 cases annually for possible criminal prosecution).
  • 32. 812 48 UCLA LAW REVIEW 781 (2001) (17) Rules ensuring transparent trading prices. Insider trading flourishes in the dark. The better the trading price is as a guide to actual value, the harder it is for insiders to profit from trading with outsiders. This requires not only general financial disclosure, but also rules ensuring transparent trading prices. (18) Rules banning manipulation of trading prices (and enforcement of those rules). Public reporting of trades lets insiders manipulate trading prices. “Pump and dump” schemes, in which insiders of small companies use prearranged transactions at rising prices to create the appearance of a hot stock, and then sell their own shares at inflated prices, are an endemic problem even in devel-oped markets. Enforcement of antimanipulation rules by specialized regula-tors is the only remedy. Culture and Other Informal Institutions (19) An active financial press and securities analysis profession that can uncover and publicize instances of self-dealing. Insiders will self-deal less often, and accountants, securities lawyers, and independent directors will be more vigorous in policing self-dealing, if a country has a strong financial press that can publicize misdeeds. As for information asymmetry, overly strong libel laws can chill press reporting. Reports that uncover self-dealing will often come from securities analysts rather than the financial press. The more prevalent self-dealing is in a particular country, the greater the need for analysts to understand how self-dealing varies from company to company, both to value companies and to advise clients on which securities to buy.37 (20) A culture of compliance among accountants, lawyers, independent directors, and company managers that concealing self-dealing transactions, approv- 37. Two Russian examples: First, the Troika Dialog investment bank publishes a weekly news bulletin, On Corporate Governance Actions, that advises its clients in surprisingly blunt terms about corporate governance shenanigans by Russian companies. See also JAMES FENKNER & ELENA KRASNITSKAYA, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN RUSSIA: CLEANING UP THE MESS (Troika Dialog, 1999). Second, the Brunswick Warburg investment bank published a numerical ranking of the corporate governance “risk” posed by Russian firms, with risk ratings ranging from 7 for Vimpelcom (which publishes financial statements that meet U.S. accounting standards and has shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange) to 51 for the subsidiaries of Yukos. See BRUNSWICK WARBURG, MEASURING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RISK IN RUSSIA (1999). Yukos’ misdeeds are recounted in Black, Kraakman & Tarassova (2000), supra note 1.
  • 33. Legal and Institutional Preconditions for Strong Securities Markets 813 ing a seriously unfair transaction, or trading on inside information is improper and a recipe for trouble. In countries with strong securities markets, the sanctions against direct and indirect self-dealing are strong enough to reinforce a norm against this conduct. That culture reduces the frequency of self-dealing and improves the quality of the transactions that occur. Like the related norms support-ing good disclosure and establishing value maximization as a managerial goal, the norm and the supporting institutions likely develop together and reinforce each other.38 To take a recent Russian example, it would never occur to an Ameri-can oil company’s managers to propose (as Russian oil company Yukos did in 1999) that the company sell its oil to unknown offshore companies for $1.30 per barrel when the market price was $13. The managers wouldn’t propose this, the independent directors wouldn’t approve it, and if it some-how occurred anyway, the press would report the scandal, and the managers would face both civil and possible criminal liability. In Russia, the press reported some of the scandal, but the managers went ahead anyway.39 This list suggests the difficult task facing a country that wants to con-trol self-dealing. Once again, rules on paper are necessary but not suffi-cient. Enforcement is critical. Russia offers a good example. The Russian company law contains reasonably strong procedural protections against self-dealing transactions. But Russian companies routinely ignore the rules because they aren’t enforced. Insiders hide self-dealing transactions, and (sometimes corrupt) prosecutors and judges usually let the insiders off the hook in the rare case when a transaction is exposed. Reputational intermediaries—including major investment banks and accounting firms— don’t face appreciable liability risk and sometimes choose to look the other way and accommodate a major client, in ways they would never dream of in their home countries.40 38. For discussion of the interplay between legal requirements and the U.S. social norm against self-dealing, see Melvin A. Eisenberg, Corporate Law and Social Norms, 99 COLUM. L. REV. 1253, 1271–78 (1999). For discussion of why the trustworthiness of corporate actors depends on the social context in which they operate, see Margaret M. Blair & Lynn A. Stout, Trust, Trust-worthiness, and the Behavioral Foundations of Corporate Law, 149 U. PA. L. REV. (forthcoming 2001), available at (Social Science Research Network). 39. For more details, see Black, Kraakman & Tarassova (2000), supra note 1. 40. A Russian example: Goldman Sachs’ courting of Yukos and its controlling shareholder, Mikhail Khodorkovski, despite warning signs that Khodorkovski was a crook and that a major bank loan, syndicated by Goldman, was supported by guarantees from Yukos subsidiaries that were illegal under Russian company law. Goldman executives later told the New York Times that they thought Yukos acted legally under Russian law. My personal belief is that, with an eight-digit fee