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IIR Executive Development // E-Tips

                                                                                                 Tips & Whitepapers

                      The Hidden Advantage                    that crucial hidden advantage - the ‘something different’
                      Powerful keys to significantly          approach to radically improve your organisation’s
                      improving business performance          performance.

                       By David R J Powell                    By addressing and empowering the whole person, you
                       Corporate Leadership                   will awaken the hidden advantage, the usually dormant
                                                              and intangible spirit within your people – that can define a
                                                              brand, empower a company and help your people rise
This article offers leaders and managers the possibility of   above the competition.
achieving significantly improved business performance
from relatively minor outlays by applying innovative          The question is – how do you address, empower and
concepts and powerful, proven tools and approaches to         inspire the whole person – body, mind, emotions and
maximise their current investment in their people.            spirit when leading and managing your staff and
Do you have business performance improvement
challenges?                                                   16 cylinder performance
Your ‘gold medal’ performances of yesterday will not          As a metaphor - imagine each of your people as a 16
guarantee you business success tomorrow. Your                 cylinder engine capable of sustained high performance.
competitors are always striving to improve and beat you.
But even more so than the Olympic Games, the game of          The body and mind each contribute 3 cylinders of
business is usually a win/lose contest.                       ‘firepower’. However the emotions and spirit, when
                                                              appropriately addressed and inspired, are potentially
The winner takes the ‘gold medal’ and wins the                much more powerful - each capable of contributing an
customer’s business. Everyone else is awarded a ‘lead         additional five cylinders of ‘firepower’.
medal’ – heavy and worthless. No result and no business
– just the opportunity to de-brief the loss and improve       To consistently fire up the passion and motivation of your
your people’s performance for the next contest.               people’s emotions and inspire the integrity, initiative,
                                                              creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, resilience and
So how do you challenge your employees and                    persistence of their spirit takes an understanding of what
management to achieve more?                                   you need to ‘touch’.

What are you doing differently?                               If you want motivated and enthusiastic staff, you have to
They say the definition of futility is to keep doing what     know how to ‘touch’ the core of their being, their
you are doing and expect things to magically improve.         enthusiasm - derived from the ancient Greek words - en
What are you planning to do differently to get more from      theos - the spirit within.
your people and ensure their ‘gold medal’ winning
performance tomorrow?                                         Defining the spirit
                                                              The word spirit derives from the Latin verb spirare, to
The hidden advantage – the power of the whole                 breathe. A person’s spirit brings the breath of life to their
person                                                        body. The en theos – the spirit within is the core of their
Unleashing the power of the whole person – the power of       being, the essence of who they are.
the body, mind, emotions and spirit can provide you with

                                                                                                                    © Informa PLC
                                                                                                       IIR Executive Development
                                                                                                ACN. 002 541 013 ABN 87 002 541 013
                                                                                         Level 6, 120 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000
your one-partner solution for building skills and knowledge      T 02 9080 4000 | F 02 9299 3109 | |
IIR Executive Development // E-Tips

                                                                                                  Tips & Whitepapers

By comparison, spiritual matters are entirely different and
influence how a person chooses to relate to Universal          You can learn how to operate in these unseen but
Intelligence whether one calls that God, Allah, Jehovah,       immensely powerful realms of the metaphysics using a
Brahma, Great Spirit, The One or All That Is. This is a        simple, practical and easily implemented set of 16
very private world of religious beliefs, faith, Gnostic        cylinder whole person empowerment tools and
wisdom and personal experience that must be respected          approaches.
within the business environment.
                                                               To become a metaphysical engineer and re-engineer
Addressing the whole person – body, mind, emotions and         your approaches to people empowerment and
spirit is however secular and practical and entirely free of   communication, team building and team culture, change
religious connotations.                                        management, sales and consulting skills, management,
                                                               leadership and motivation in your organisation you need
The hidden advantage is knowing how to awaken and              to change the quality of your people’s thought.
access the spirit intelligence, intuition, creativity and
innate wisdom and tap the vast unaddressed resources           Intellectual mind based approaches
that you are already paying for in your people.                Currently most leadership and management approaches
                                                               involve mind based intellectual analysis, ideas, theories
You need to wire the appropriate whole person                  and opinions. These approaches do not recognise,
empowerment tools and approaches into the DNA of your          understand or accommodate how the en theos – the
organisational culture. To achieve the most from your          spirit within operates in life and creates physical reality
salaries, wages and training expenditure, you have to fire     from metaphysical thought and beliefs.
up all 16 cylinders in all your people, otherwise by
definition - your HR investment is sub-optimal.                Our minds have evolved over the millennia as powerful
                                                               problem solving devices. The mind is truly a remarkable
Most senior managers estimate the number of cylinders          innovation but the power of the mind is relatively small
currently firing in their organisation is about 50% at best.   compared to the power of the intelligence, insight,
                                                               intuition and wisdom available to the inspired spirit.
This is like Dire Straits – it’s money for nothing. All you
need to do is fire up what you are already paying for.         Thus results from mind based approaches when trying to
                                                               change people’s behaviour and increase sustainable
A note of caution - the challenge of metaphysics               performance are sub-optimal and relatively ineffective.
Although the body is physical (you can touch it), the
mind, emotions and spirit exist in the unseen and little       Emotional intelligence based approaches
understood realms of invisible metaphysics.                    One of the latest management tools is emotional
                                                               intelligence. However an emotion occurs when a
Our education - primary, secondary and tertiary gives          metaphysical thought impinges on the physical body.
most people little help or explanation in understanding        Emotions are an effect caused by thought.
the operating principles of these metaphysical realms or
guidelines on how to empower the spirit or harness the         Think about it for yourself. Positive thoughts induce good
full power of the mind or emotions.                            feelings in your body. Negative thoughts create feelings
                                                               of discomfort in your body. When your thoughts are
At work this lack of understanding can be very expensive.      worried or concerned, your body contracts and you feel

                                                                                                                     © Informa PLC
                                                                                                        IIR Executive Development
                                                                                                 ACN. 002 541 013 ABN 87 002 541 013
                                                                                          Level 6, 120 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000
your one-partner solution for building skills and knowledge       T 02 9080 4000 | F 02 9299 3109 | |
IIR Executive Development // E-Tips

                                                                                                    Tips & Whitepapers

that discomfort. When your thoughts are excited and              Thus the fundamental role of any leader or manager in
uplifted by the prospect of something interesting, your          an organisation is to create an inspiring and challenging
body is energised and you feel good.                             game that will attract, enrol, engage and motivate calibre
Thus chasing emotions and trying to demonstrate
emotional intelligence is chasing effect. It is sub-optimal.     This is a key insight in accessing 16 cylinder firepower.
Where the emotion is the effect, the quality of the thought      You don’t have to blindly accept this basic statement –
is the root cause of this emotion.                               just think about your own engagement in the world. What
                                                                 turns you on? A boring repetitive, meaningless task or job
The only way to achieve stable, positive emotions is to          or an exciting vision and game plan which you can work
ensure stable, positive thoughts. Thus the optimum               towards realising?
approach to improving your people’s performance is to
change the quality of your people’s thought.                     As spirit beings, we are game and goal focused by
Spirit empowerment based approaches
Spirit empowerment leadership and management                     Thus the quality of a person’s thought is a function of
approaches hone the quality of people’s thought and thus         how challenging and inspiring they find their chosen
the related emotions they experience by recognizing and          goals and game(s).
dialoguing directly with their en theos – the spirit within.
                                                                 Thinking about challenging and inspiring goals and
A focus on changing the quality of thought in an                 vision-focused activities within the context of a personally
organisation recognises the way thought is generated by          meaningful game is the root cause of people’s emotions,
the attention and intention of the spirit being.                 commitment, motivation, enthusiasm and performance.
                                                                 This key principle applies equally to staff and
Where a person focuses their attention and thus what             management.
they think about reflects their level of interest in any area.
The strength of their intention and thus the strength of         What’s the game?
their thoughts reflect their commitment to a chosen              The 16 cylinder empowerment challenge for every
subject.                                                         business leader or manager is to create an inspiring
The en theos – the spirit within - is interested in seeking
(attention) and engaging (intention) in meaningful and           When people are engaged in a challenging game – such
challenging games - not jobs.                                    as ‘let’s achieve the inspiring enterprise vision by working
                                                                 as a high performance team’, the thoughts generated by
Nobody is looking for a job – everyone is looking for a          the attention and intention of the spirit being are positive
game.                                                            and performance oriented. They will experience pleasant
                                                                 and fulfilling emotions as a by-product.
Just look at the enthusiasm stirred by great sporting
events such as World Cup Soccer, International rugby,            When the business enterprise offers no meaningful or
Wimbledon or The Ashes – an enormous phenomenon                  challenging game or vision and only repetitive tasks,
unleashed by a game.                                             such as ‘just get the job done’ or ‘management by
                                                                 objectives’ or ‘job descriptions’ or ‘let’s make the

                                                                                                                       © Informa PLC
                                                                                                          IIR Executive Development
                                                                                                   ACN. 002 541 013 ABN 87 002 541 013
                                                                                            Level 6, 120 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000
your one-partner solution for building skills and knowledge         T 02 9080 4000 | F 02 9299 3109 | |
IIR Executive Development // E-Tips

                                                                                                   Tips & Whitepapers

budgeted numbers’ or ‘let’s not upset the stock market               •    Give their people a clear sense of purpose using
analysts’ predictions’, the spirit feels bored and makes up               vision achievement as the game.

substitute games such as ‘company politics’ or ‘let’s get            •    Arm their people with a comprehensive set of
                                                                          personal and inter-personal passion tools to
the other department’ or ‘let’s get the boss’.                            improve personal motivation and enhance inter-
                                                                          personal rapport and influencing skills.

This is not rocket science but it has eluded most people             •    Provide an understanding (and appropriate
                                                                          tools) on how best to engage the en theos – the
and most business enterprises to date.                                    spirit within in focused and empowered
Even many relatively progressive companies do not                    •    Provide their staff with the keys to persistence –
                                                                          internal and external – because every
harness or use the power of such a simple 16 cylinder
                                                                          organisation will be attacked by the ‘aliens of
empowerment game development tool as graphical                            resistance’.
vision and graphical plans anywhere in their company.                •    And finally, provide their people with the
                                                                          understanding of the fundamental global
                                                                          paradigm changes that are currently and
It has to be graphical because the spirit prefers pictures                irrevocably changing the rules of the game of
to words. You remember someone’s face, you can’t                          business forever.

remember their name. Why should it be different with
                                                                If this brief article makes sense to you and strikes a
leadership and management? They will remember and
                                                                chord, if you need to lead and manage an organisation to
align to your pictures. They will never remember your
                                                                outstanding performance and results, the chances are
                                                                you need to start doing a few things differently – now.

Most organisations don’t harness the basic principle that
                                                                You can rarely sustain long term competitive advantage
the en theos – the spirit within creates their reality by the
                                                                from just your products. Achieving sustainable advantage
quality, clarity and strength of their thoughts.
                                                                lies in how effectively you lead and manage your people.

If you want organisational success, start by getting all
                                                                Tapping the hidden advantage that you are already
your people on 16 cylinders and focus the clarity and
                                                                paying for by addressing and empowering the en theos -
intensity of their thoughts on the same game – ‘let’s work
                                                                the spirit within and firing up the 16 cylinders of each of
together to achieve our vision’.
                                                                your people will provide you with the sustainable edge
                                                                that you need.
In summary, any leader or manager is faced with five key
                                                                The increased results will delight your stakeholders and
variables that must all be addressed to empower and
                                                                guarantee you the ‘gold medal’ performance you need
sustain 16 cylinder performance in their staff.
These variables are:                                            About the author
                                                                David Powell is the managing director of Corporate Leadership.
       •   Purpose                                              Corporate Leadership and IIR have partnered to jointly provide a
                                                                new calibre of 16 cylinder whole person (body, mind, emotions
       •   Passion
                                                                and spirit) empowerment based leadership and management
       •   Plans                                                skills enhancement training and facilitation services – Tapping
                                                                the Hidden Advantage.
       •   Persistence
       •   Paradigms (environment)                              Contact David
21 century leaders and managers must:                           Telephone: +61 438 131 808

                                                                                                                      © Informa PLC
                                                                                                         IIR Executive Development
                                                                                                  ACN. 002 541 013 ABN 87 002 541 013
                                                                                           Level 6, 120 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000
your one-partner solution for building skills and knowledge        T 02 9080 4000 | F 02 9299 3109 | |

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Powerful keys to significantly improving business performance

  • 1. IIR Executive Development // E-Tips Tips & Whitepapers The Hidden Advantage that crucial hidden advantage - the ‘something different’ Powerful keys to significantly approach to radically improve your organisation’s improving business performance performance. By David R J Powell By addressing and empowering the whole person, you Corporate Leadership will awaken the hidden advantage, the usually dormant and intangible spirit within your people – that can define a brand, empower a company and help your people rise This article offers leaders and managers the possibility of above the competition. achieving significantly improved business performance from relatively minor outlays by applying innovative The question is – how do you address, empower and concepts and powerful, proven tools and approaches to inspire the whole person – body, mind, emotions and maximise their current investment in their people. spirit when leading and managing your staff and supervisors? Do you have business performance improvement challenges? 16 cylinder performance Your ‘gold medal’ performances of yesterday will not As a metaphor - imagine each of your people as a 16 guarantee you business success tomorrow. Your cylinder engine capable of sustained high performance. competitors are always striving to improve and beat you. But even more so than the Olympic Games, the game of The body and mind each contribute 3 cylinders of business is usually a win/lose contest. ‘firepower’. However the emotions and spirit, when appropriately addressed and inspired, are potentially The winner takes the ‘gold medal’ and wins the much more powerful - each capable of contributing an customer’s business. Everyone else is awarded a ‘lead additional five cylinders of ‘firepower’. medal’ – heavy and worthless. No result and no business – just the opportunity to de-brief the loss and improve To consistently fire up the passion and motivation of your your people’s performance for the next contest. people’s emotions and inspire the integrity, initiative, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, resilience and So how do you challenge your employees and persistence of their spirit takes an understanding of what management to achieve more? you need to ‘touch’. What are you doing differently? If you want motivated and enthusiastic staff, you have to They say the definition of futility is to keep doing what know how to ‘touch’ the core of their being, their you are doing and expect things to magically improve. enthusiasm - derived from the ancient Greek words - en What are you planning to do differently to get more from theos - the spirit within. your people and ensure their ‘gold medal’ winning performance tomorrow? Defining the spirit The word spirit derives from the Latin verb spirare, to The hidden advantage – the power of the whole breathe. A person’s spirit brings the breath of life to their person body. The en theos – the spirit within is the core of their Unleashing the power of the whole person – the power of being, the essence of who they are. the body, mind, emotions and spirit can provide you with © Informa PLC IIR Executive Development ACN. 002 541 013 ABN 87 002 541 013 Level 6, 120 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000 your one-partner solution for building skills and knowledge T 02 9080 4000 | F 02 9299 3109 | |
  • 2. IIR Executive Development // E-Tips Tips & Whitepapers By comparison, spiritual matters are entirely different and influence how a person chooses to relate to Universal You can learn how to operate in these unseen but Intelligence whether one calls that God, Allah, Jehovah, immensely powerful realms of the metaphysics using a Brahma, Great Spirit, The One or All That Is. This is a simple, practical and easily implemented set of 16 very private world of religious beliefs, faith, Gnostic cylinder whole person empowerment tools and wisdom and personal experience that must be respected approaches. within the business environment. To become a metaphysical engineer and re-engineer Addressing the whole person – body, mind, emotions and your approaches to people empowerment and spirit is however secular and practical and entirely free of communication, team building and team culture, change religious connotations. management, sales and consulting skills, management, leadership and motivation in your organisation you need The hidden advantage is knowing how to awaken and to change the quality of your people’s thought. access the spirit intelligence, intuition, creativity and innate wisdom and tap the vast unaddressed resources Intellectual mind based approaches that you are already paying for in your people. Currently most leadership and management approaches involve mind based intellectual analysis, ideas, theories You need to wire the appropriate whole person and opinions. These approaches do not recognise, empowerment tools and approaches into the DNA of your understand or accommodate how the en theos – the organisational culture. To achieve the most from your spirit within operates in life and creates physical reality salaries, wages and training expenditure, you have to fire from metaphysical thought and beliefs. up all 16 cylinders in all your people, otherwise by definition - your HR investment is sub-optimal. Our minds have evolved over the millennia as powerful problem solving devices. The mind is truly a remarkable Most senior managers estimate the number of cylinders innovation but the power of the mind is relatively small currently firing in their organisation is about 50% at best. compared to the power of the intelligence, insight, intuition and wisdom available to the inspired spirit. This is like Dire Straits – it’s money for nothing. All you need to do is fire up what you are already paying for. Thus results from mind based approaches when trying to change people’s behaviour and increase sustainable A note of caution - the challenge of metaphysics performance are sub-optimal and relatively ineffective. Although the body is physical (you can touch it), the mind, emotions and spirit exist in the unseen and little Emotional intelligence based approaches understood realms of invisible metaphysics. One of the latest management tools is emotional intelligence. However an emotion occurs when a Our education - primary, secondary and tertiary gives metaphysical thought impinges on the physical body. most people little help or explanation in understanding Emotions are an effect caused by thought. the operating principles of these metaphysical realms or guidelines on how to empower the spirit or harness the Think about it for yourself. Positive thoughts induce good full power of the mind or emotions. feelings in your body. Negative thoughts create feelings of discomfort in your body. When your thoughts are At work this lack of understanding can be very expensive. worried or concerned, your body contracts and you feel © Informa PLC IIR Executive Development ACN. 002 541 013 ABN 87 002 541 013 Level 6, 120 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000 your one-partner solution for building skills and knowledge T 02 9080 4000 | F 02 9299 3109 | |
  • 3. IIR Executive Development // E-Tips Tips & Whitepapers that discomfort. When your thoughts are excited and Thus the fundamental role of any leader or manager in uplifted by the prospect of something interesting, your an organisation is to create an inspiring and challenging body is energised and you feel good. game that will attract, enrol, engage and motivate calibre people. Thus chasing emotions and trying to demonstrate emotional intelligence is chasing effect. It is sub-optimal. This is a key insight in accessing 16 cylinder firepower. Where the emotion is the effect, the quality of the thought You don’t have to blindly accept this basic statement – is the root cause of this emotion. just think about your own engagement in the world. What turns you on? A boring repetitive, meaningless task or job The only way to achieve stable, positive emotions is to or an exciting vision and game plan which you can work ensure stable, positive thoughts. Thus the optimum towards realising? approach to improving your people’s performance is to change the quality of your people’s thought. As spirit beings, we are game and goal focused by nature. Spirit empowerment based approaches Spirit empowerment leadership and management Thus the quality of a person’s thought is a function of approaches hone the quality of people’s thought and thus how challenging and inspiring they find their chosen the related emotions they experience by recognizing and goals and game(s). dialoguing directly with their en theos – the spirit within. Thinking about challenging and inspiring goals and A focus on changing the quality of thought in an vision-focused activities within the context of a personally organisation recognises the way thought is generated by meaningful game is the root cause of people’s emotions, the attention and intention of the spirit being. commitment, motivation, enthusiasm and performance. This key principle applies equally to staff and Where a person focuses their attention and thus what management. they think about reflects their level of interest in any area. The strength of their intention and thus the strength of What’s the game? their thoughts reflect their commitment to a chosen The 16 cylinder empowerment challenge for every subject. business leader or manager is to create an inspiring game. The en theos – the spirit within - is interested in seeking (attention) and engaging (intention) in meaningful and When people are engaged in a challenging game – such challenging games - not jobs. as ‘let’s achieve the inspiring enterprise vision by working as a high performance team’, the thoughts generated by Nobody is looking for a job – everyone is looking for a the attention and intention of the spirit being are positive game. and performance oriented. They will experience pleasant and fulfilling emotions as a by-product. Just look at the enthusiasm stirred by great sporting events such as World Cup Soccer, International rugby, When the business enterprise offers no meaningful or Wimbledon or The Ashes – an enormous phenomenon challenging game or vision and only repetitive tasks, unleashed by a game. such as ‘just get the job done’ or ‘management by objectives’ or ‘job descriptions’ or ‘let’s make the © Informa PLC IIR Executive Development ACN. 002 541 013 ABN 87 002 541 013 Level 6, 120 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000 your one-partner solution for building skills and knowledge T 02 9080 4000 | F 02 9299 3109 | |
  • 4. IIR Executive Development // E-Tips Tips & Whitepapers budgeted numbers’ or ‘let’s not upset the stock market • Give their people a clear sense of purpose using analysts’ predictions’, the spirit feels bored and makes up vision achievement as the game. substitute games such as ‘company politics’ or ‘let’s get • Arm their people with a comprehensive set of personal and inter-personal passion tools to the other department’ or ‘let’s get the boss’. improve personal motivation and enhance inter- personal rapport and influencing skills. This is not rocket science but it has eluded most people • Provide an understanding (and appropriate tools) on how best to engage the en theos – the and most business enterprises to date. spirit within in focused and empowered planning. Even many relatively progressive companies do not • Provide their staff with the keys to persistence – internal and external – because every harness or use the power of such a simple 16 cylinder organisation will be attacked by the ‘aliens of empowerment game development tool as graphical resistance’. vision and graphical plans anywhere in their company. • And finally, provide their people with the understanding of the fundamental global paradigm changes that are currently and It has to be graphical because the spirit prefers pictures irrevocably changing the rules of the game of to words. You remember someone’s face, you can’t business forever. remember their name. Why should it be different with If this brief article makes sense to you and strikes a leadership and management? They will remember and chord, if you need to lead and manage an organisation to align to your pictures. They will never remember your outstanding performance and results, the chances are words. you need to start doing a few things differently – now. Most organisations don’t harness the basic principle that You can rarely sustain long term competitive advantage the en theos – the spirit within creates their reality by the from just your products. Achieving sustainable advantage quality, clarity and strength of their thoughts. lies in how effectively you lead and manage your people. If you want organisational success, start by getting all Tapping the hidden advantage that you are already your people on 16 cylinders and focus the clarity and paying for by addressing and empowering the en theos - intensity of their thoughts on the same game – ‘let’s work the spirit within and firing up the 16 cylinders of each of together to achieve our vision’. your people will provide you with the sustainable edge that you need. Summary In summary, any leader or manager is faced with five key The increased results will delight your stakeholders and variables that must all be addressed to empower and guarantee you the ‘gold medal’ performance you need sustain 16 cylinder performance in their staff. tomorrow. ------------------------------------------------------------------- These variables are: About the author David Powell is the managing director of Corporate Leadership. • Purpose Corporate Leadership and IIR have partnered to jointly provide a new calibre of 16 cylinder whole person (body, mind, emotions • Passion and spirit) empowerment based leadership and management • Plans skills enhancement training and facilitation services – Tapping the Hidden Advantage. • Persistence • Paradigms (environment) Contact David Email: st 21 century leaders and managers must: Telephone: +61 438 131 808 © Informa PLC IIR Executive Development ACN. 002 541 013 ABN 87 002 541 013 Level 6, 120 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000 your one-partner solution for building skills and knowledge T 02 9080 4000 | F 02 9299 3109 | |