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                               VOL 3 | 2007

the future of gener ations | vol 3

        3   Rethinking Generation Blur

        4   Youthsurpers Refuse to Grow Old

       13   The Survivor Generation Fights to
            Get (and Stay) Ahead

       21   What’s Next: Applying Cross-Aging
            Realities to Brand Building

 In most parts of the Western world, our notions of what it means to be “young”
 and “old” have been turned upside down. On the surface, the generations
 appear to have melded, with young people and their parents (sometimes even
 grandparents) listening to the same music, enjoying the same TV shows, wearing
 the same fashions, and identifying with the same brands. A musician selling out
 stadiums may be age 20 or 60, and expectant first-time mothers may have just
 graduated from high school or already be planning for retirement. On the surface,
 then, it can seem as though age is virtually meaningless and the generation
 gaps of old are gone.
                   Don’t be fooled by appearances.                           For ease of reference, the younger cohort will be
                                                                             classified throughout this report as YOUTH, while the
                   Today’s youth and their parents are living in two
                                                                             older cohort will be termed BOOMERS, an appellation
                   very different worlds — with disparate views and
                                                                             drawn from the baby boomer generation (b. 1946–1964)
                   expectations in areas ranging from creativity to
                                                                             in the United States and Europe, and now commonly
                   financial security. While people in their mid-40s
                                                                             used throughout much of the world to designate people
                   through early 60 s are maintaining a youthful
                                                                             who came of age in the 1960s and 1970s.
                   outlook and existence, their children are burdened
                   by very adult pressures and concerns. Forced to grow up
                   too quickly, young people are engaged in what they
                   consider an incessant struggle to survive. It’s as if
                   one generation has been forced to sacrifice its youth
                   so the other needn’t give it up.
                   The results of Euro RSCG Worldwide’s Cross-Aging
                   Study 2006 have significant implications for marketers
                   and anyone else with a stake in understanding how
                   members of two key generations are thinking, feeling,
                   and behaving. The study was conducted among men
                   and women aged 18 and older in four markets: the
                   United States (n=1,000), France (n=1,000), Spain
                   (n=1,000), and the United Kingdom (n=1,000). To
                   provide the clearest view possible of generational
                   distinctions, this report focuses on the youngest and
                   oldest respondents: people aged 18–24 and 55+.
4   b: boomer sample
                              y: youth sample
                                                                       u. s.       france      spain       u. k.

     Refuse to Grow
      Boomers are a generation like no other, thanks not                It’s almost as if today’s teens and newbie adults have
      only to their sheer size and economic might, but also             given up on the idea of being young, having turned
      to the depth of their influence on society. After the             over their rightful claim to the Youthsurpers. But, as is
      horrors and deprivations of World War II, Western                 shown later in this report, what they’re really rejecting
      Europe and the United States were eager to lavish                 is a version of youth that emphasizes risk taking, rule
      attention and money on a new wave of children. The                breaking, and a lack of direction. These young people
      result was a generation that gave new meaning to                  aren’t embarrassed to be seen as taking life seriously
      youth, creating a modern-day ethos marked by sex,                 or as focused on achieving their goals. Under the
      drugs, rock ‘n’ roll, and political/societal alienation.          circumstances, it seems to be the logical approach.
      The boomers helped turn the adolescent years
      into a realm distinct from childhood and adulthood.
      And, since coming of age in the 1960s and 1970s, they
      have promoted the idea that youth is everything.
      To be young means to be creative, passionate,
      innovative, and influential. To be old means to be out
                                                                        i act younger than my parents
      of the action and inconsequential. It’s little wonder,            did at my age
      then, that the boomers have refused to cede control
      of youth. Instead of accepting the inevitability of
      aging and passing the baton to the next generation,
                                                                     b: 81%         79%         80%         86%
      boomers have become usurpers of youth— or
      Youthsurpers. When they could no longer pretend
      they were truly young, they invented “middle youth”
      and moved that to center stage. From their position               pyschologically/emotionally, i feel
      of authority, they have scoffed at the notion their               older than my chronological age
      children can supplant them. In their minds, youth
      culture is their culture, the basis of their entire cultural
      identity, and they won’t cede control of it until they’re      y: 69%         41%         36%         44%
      in their graves — if then.
      Proof of this Youthsurpation can be seen in
      responses to the statement: “I act younger than
      my parents did at my age.” While only a minority
      of youth in each country agreed with the statement,
      the vast majority of boomers did so. Even more
      striking, large minorities of youth in three markets
      and nearly seven in 10 young Americans claim to
      feel psychologically/emotionally older than their
      chronological age — suggesting they carry a mental
      burden their parents don’t share.
6      i feel physically younger than my
       chronological age                            Staying “Forever Young” Is Now
                                                    a Lifelong Strategy
                                                    Half a century ago, age-based life stages were
    b : 76%     79%     75%      74%                delineated quite clearly. Middle age crept in around
                                                    age 35 or 40, a time when people were expected to
                                                    have settled into a permanent identity and have a
                                                    family and career well under way. By age 60 or 65,
       i feel psychologically/emotionally
       younger than my age
                                                    life was winding down, and people were expected to
                                                    “downsize” their lifestyles and enjoy quieter pursuits.
                                                    The generations understood what was expected of
                                                    them and generally complied.
    b : 78%     82%     79%      82%
                                                    Now boomers have changed the rules. Rather than
                                                    think of themselves as growing old, many people in
                                                    their 50s and 60s haven’t even acceded to middle age.
       compared with previous generations,          These Youthsurpers look young, act young, and think
       older people today are living fuller lives   young, and so, in their minds at least, they are young.
                                                    More than three-quarters of boomers in each of the
                                                    respondent markets claim to feel physically younger
    b : 96%     93%     86%      96%                than their chronological age, and an even greater
                                                    number feel psychologically/emotionally younger.
                                                    Are these youthful feelings just a case of wishful
    y : 73%     71%     67%      72%
                                                    thinking? The evidence suggests otherwise: In the
                                                    U.S., there are techno parties for sexually liberated
                                                    gay boomers who have no intention of retiring from
                                                    the dance floor. Motorcycle ownership rates were
       compared with previous generations,          up 44 percent among boomers between 1990 and
       older people today are more fun              2003, compared with just 6 percent in the general
                                                    population. And the pornography industry has seen
                                                    a boom in demand for videos featuring women in
    b : 78%     78%     73%      79%
                                                    their 40s and 50s. In the U.K., there’s a skateboarding
                                                    association for men aged 40 + who want to keep
                                                    grinding and kick-turning as long as their bodies
                                                    will let them. It’s little wonder, then, that a large
    y : 46%     60%     52%      61%                majority of our survey respondents contend older
                                                    people today are leading fuller lives than
                                                    their predecessors. More than seven in 10 boomers also
                                                    claim older people are more fun today.
       i expect to live an active retirement,       Clearly, this generation of Youthsurpers is enjoying
       filled with activities and good friends
                                                    the present and looking forward to the future.
                                                    The vast majority expect retirement to be filled
                                                    with friends and fun. For some, retirement will be
    b : 91%     88%     88%      77%                pushed back as they explore new careers. Recent
                                                    studies have found some 80 percent of “retired” U.S.
                                                    boomers expect to work at least part time either for
                                                    enjoyment or out of financial necessity. A growing
                                                    number of boomers are moving back to their old
                                                    college communities to ensure their “golden years”
                                                    will be filled with fellowship and intellectual
                                                    stimulation. As many as 100 university-affiliated
                                                    retirement developments are now open or planned
                                                    throughout the U.S.
7      Age Is Not Constant
       “Young at heart,” “you’re as young as you feel,” “wise beyond your years”—
       these are just some of the phrases used to describe the transitory state of
       age. The truth is, “age” is about much more than the number of days one has
       been on the planet. It’s a dynamic concept with physical, emotional, and
       spiritual components. One’s physical age may not match one’s emotional
       age, spiritual age, or life-experiences age. Age is transitory in that how old
       or young one feels may change from day to day, depending on the way one’s
       body feels and the condition of one’s mental state. There’s a role for brands
       to play in helping people of all chronological ages reach — and maintain —
       their desired “age.”

       Is Aging All in the Mind?                                  i feel these are the best years of my life

       Advances in medicine and physical therapy,
       improved diet, and new sports and exercise              b : 50%      31%       37%       30%
       equipment that help older people defy aging
       all contribute to boomers’ sense of youthfulness.
       Arguably as important is their attitude: Significant
       proportions of boomers, including nearly half in           i feel the best years of my life are yet to come
       France and Spain, contend they feel better now
       than they ever have before. Approximately one-
       third (and half of boomers in the U.S.) say they’re
                                                               b : 39%      31%       38%       28%
       currently enjoying the best years of their lives. And
       many feel their best years are still ahead of them,
       presumably as they look toward retirement.
                                                                  age is mostly a state of mind; people
       For the Youthsurper generation, attitude is at least       are as young or old as they feel
       half the battle when it comes to aging. In each of
       the four markets, a majority of both age groups
       don’t consider age a chronological certainty
                                                               b : 90%      96%       89%       90%
       beyond their control. Rather, age is a state of
       mind — and people who feel young are young.
       This attitude is particularly prevalent in France,
       where 95 percent of youth and 96 percent of
                                                               y : 89%      95%       81%       87%
       boomers consider age to be attitude dependent.
       Feeling young, according to the respondents,
       gives people license to act young. Boomers,                i feel there is no longer such a thing
       in particular, are apt to agree there is no longer         as “age appropriate”; people can act
       any such thing as “age appropriate,” contending            whatever age they want
       people can act whatever age they feel. A majority
       of boomers in each country believe they, personally,
       are still connected to youth, with similar likes        b : 77%      89%       76%       83%
       and dislikes.

                                                                  i still feel connected to youth;
                                                                  there’s no big difference in the
       i feel better than i ever have before                      things i like

    b : 33%       48%        46%         27%                   b : 62%      72%       66%       62%
8      i do things every day to improve
       my health
                                                  Banishing the Signs and Symptoms
                                                  of Age
                                                  Turning youth into an attitude and refusing to
    b : 65%     70%      59%      48%
                                                  succumb to “senior think” is just one part of a
                                                  two-pronged strategy boomers are using to stay
                                                  forever young. At the same time that they’re
    y : 60%     58%      47%      27%
                                                  adhering to a youthful mindset, the Youthsurpers are
                                                  also taking advantage of an array of anti-aging tactics
                                                  and technologies.
                                                  Not surprising for a generation widely regarded as more
                                                  proactive and health aware, a majority of boomers in
       i’m doing everything i can to hold         each market (other than the U.K.) are doing things
       off the aging process                      every day to improve their health. And nearly half
                                                  of boomers in France and Spain claim to be doing
                                                  everything they can to ward off the aging process, as
    b : 44%     49%      48%      37%             do significant minorities in the U.S. and U.K. Removing
                                                  signs of age through cosmetic surgery is a distinct
                                                  possibility for a minority of boomers, with the greatest
                                                  support coming from Spain.
    y : 19%     30%      26%      23%
                                                  The desire to stay healthy (and younger looking)
                                                  longer has become more important as life
                                                  expectancies have increased. In the U.S., the Census
                                                  Bureau predicts the number of people aged 100 and
       i approve of nip-and-tuck facial surgery   over will top 800,000 by 2046, more than 10 times the
                                                  number of centenarians today. Among our samples,
                                                  U.S. respondents were most likely to think they’ll reach
                                                  the 100-year mark, with 43 percent of boomers (and 52
    b : 21%     30%      43%      17%             percent of youth —see Appendix) agreeing there’s an
                                                  excellent chance they’ll see their 100th birthday.
                                                  Most striking about this segment of data is that
                                                  boomers’ focus on youth and their disdain for physical
       there is an excellent chance i will        aging have already seeped into the mindset — and
       live to be 100                             behaviors — of the genuinely young. A clear majority
                                                  of youth in the U.S. and France, and a near majority in
                                                  Spain, already are taking daily measures to improve
    b : 43%     24%      27%      31%             their health. This at a stage of life when they might
                                                  be expected to feel invincible — and certainly not
                                                  worried about health issues that might or might not
                                                  arise in the distant future. Significant minorities of
                                                  youth — including nearly one-third of the sample
                                                  in France — also are doing everything they can to
                                                  stave off the aging process. They appear to have
                                                  gotten the message that the sooner they start, the
                                                  more successful their fight against the ravages of
                                                  time will be. This early focus on health and aging is
                                                  one of a number of clues telling us today’s youth are
                                                  taking a more serious (and certainly more practical)
                                                  approach to life and aging. Staying healthy and
                                                  youthful looking is likely an important component of
                                                  their individual survival strategies, detailed later in
                                                  this report.
9      the internet is a perfectly acceptable
       way to find romantic partners
                                                Technophilia Knows No Age
                                                The use of technology is often cited as the biggest
                                                divide between the generations, but Euro RSCG’s
    b : 26%     53%      39%      33%
                                                survey found that particular gap surprisingly small.
                                                Although youth use technologies in different ways
                                                than their boomer parents (detailed later in this report),
                                                the two generations come out relatively equal in
    y : 37%     66%      44%      36%           their tendency to enjoy splurging on things high-tech.
                                                The only major gap exists in the U.S., where only 26
                                                percent of boomers, compared with 44 percent of
                                                youth, enjoy spending their money this way. In the
       i enjoy spending disposable income       other markets, the gap is six percentage points or less.
       on technology
                                                Perhaps even more telling is the extent to which
                                                boomers have embraced the Internet as a pathway
                                                to romance. Although in each market, youth are more
    b : 26%     29%      50%      30%           inclined to look for love connections online, the gaps
                                                are relatively small. This is in keeping with boomers’
                                                overall tendency to keep up with the times and
                                                embrace new things.Their adoption of technology is just
    y : 44%     32%      56%      36%
                                                one more way this generation stays connected to youth;
                                                it’s virtually inconceivable they would have let the tech
                                                revolution pass them by.

       Being “Old” Is Having One Foot in the Mental Grave
       In the modern world, with its expanded life expectancies, people grow
       “old” not when their bodies give out but when they give up on living.
       Being old means no longer having a zest for life, no longer doing the
       things one enjoys, and resigning oneself to a life without anticipation.
       The most important brands offering lifelong “youth” aren’t focused
       on changing appearance or physical capacity, but on keeping moods
       positive and minds active. People who always look forward to what the
       new day will bring never truly grow old.
       There may be opportunity here for brands to speak to the lost sense of
       what it means to be “old,” in terms of wisdom, knowledge, patience, and
       perspective. In a youth-obsessed society, reminders of the virtues of age
       are likely to be well received, and not just by those moving toward the
       end of life, but also by young people who would derive comfort from
       knowing there are other people in the world on whom they can depend
       for knowledge and counsel.
10   Like Their Own Parents, Youthsurpers Just Don’t Get Today’s Youth
     By turning youth into an attitude and disconnecting it from
     chronological age, boomers have given themselves the right to judge
     the “youth credentials” of succeeding generations — and they’ve all
     been deemed subpar. They criticize young people for being politically
     apathetic, whereas their generation was all about “changing the
     world,” but then they mock youths’ activist efforts as trivial or
     misguided. Young people who “rock the vote” are conformist and
     staying inside the system; youth who take to the streets against
     immigration or globalization are miscreants, not activists. It’s
     interesting to note that when French youth demonstrated against
     the new employment policy in 2005 (first peacefully and then more
     violently), they weren’t rebelling against “the system,” but, rather,
     demanding to be a part of it. This wasn’t about high-minded political
     or social change; it was about jobs and personal economic security.

     What many boomers fail to factor into their thinking      While boomers decry youth’s tendency to “sample”
     when criticizing youth as apathetic or selfish is that    the work of earlier artists, youth view it as a way to
     today’s teens and young adults have grown up in an        “remix” the old and new — creating an entirely fresh
     era of free-floating anxiety, never knowing where the     interpretation and experience. Their remixed way of
     next bombs will explode, the next natural disaster        living allows them to make anything and everything
     will erupt, or the next health threat will emerge.        uniquely their own — from their personal look to the
     Today’s youth do have social values, but they’re more     playlists on their iPods. Where other users may simply
     apt to express them through volunteer work than           download tunes to their MP3 players in random order,
     through protest. Thanks to new technologies, they         younger people tend to approach the task with much
     feel genuinely connected to other parts of the world,     care and thought. It’s their way of adding their own
     and they’re less interested in making a statement than    unique touch to the art of others.
     in making a difference. In the U.S., the Corporation
     for National and Community Service estimates 55
     percent of teens volunteer, contributing more than
     1.3 billion hours of service each year. In the words of
     Steve Culbertson, president and CEO of Youth Service      1“ Teenagers Take Up Challenge of Service,” Plain Dealer
     America, “I like to argue that this is the greatest          (Cleveland, Ohio), January 30, 2006
     generation, and nobody knows it.” 1
     Boomers also deride modern youth as boring,
     uncreative, and overly serious—all characteristics
     they believe fly in the face of what youth is meant to
     be. What they’re overlooking is that, until their own
     generation, adolescence and young adulthood wasn’t
     so much a time for freedom and experimentation
     as it was about growing up and assuming adult
     responsibilities. Having imposed their individualistic
     ideology of fun, freedom, and creativity as the norm,
     boomers fail to recognize that today’s youth are being
     self-expressive and creative in their own ways—
     including through blogs, videos, and other e-content.
11            In general, at what age do          Youthsurpers Will Never Concede
              people become “old” today?          the Battle Against Old Age
                                                  There’s plenty of anecdotal evidence that boomers
                                                  have no intention of acquiescing to old age — at
                                                  least not anytime soon. This was corroborated by Euro
              YOUTH RESPONSES
                                                  RSCG’s Cross-Aging Study. The World Bank estimates
                                                  current global life expectancy at age 66, and the U.S.
       U.S.                             40s
                                                  Census Bureau shows a range from 77 to 79 years of age
                                        50s       in the four markets studied. Despite these statistics,
     FRANCE                             60s       the majority of boomer survey respondents don’t think
                                        70s       old age begins until one’s 80s. In other words, they
      SPAIN                                       don’t think they will ever grow old.

       U.K.                                       As the charts to the left show, there’s a significant gap
                                                  in terms of when boomers and youth believe old age
              0        50%       100%             sets in. It’s interesting to note, however, only a small
                                                  minority of youth think the boomers are already “old.”
                                                  It’s this sort of thinking that has brought Sylvester
                                                  Stallone (at age 60) back into the ring as Rocky Balboa
              BOOMER RESPONSES                    and into the jungle as John Rambo. It’s what keeps
                                                  the Rolling Stones and The Who on the road, and
                                                  drives reunion tours by The Police and Van Halen. And
                                                  it’s what persuades 50-somethings such as Spanish
                                                  actress Ana Obregón (famously derided as “geriatric
                                                  Barbie”) that it’s OK to appear in public in hot pants
                                                  and revealing tops.
                                                  Whether the first wave of boomers can extend their
       U.K.                                       “youth think” and active lifestyles for another 20 years
              0       50%        100%
                                                  is debatable, but it’s certain that whatever their “old
                                                  age” ends up looking like, it’s going to be far different
                                                  from anything we’ve seen with past generations. It’s
                                                  equally certain they’ll continue to regard any youth
                                                  culture in which they’re not the main players as a pale
                                                  imitation of their own.

                                                  i feel old age begins with one’s 80s

                                               b : 61%        72%        51%         56%

                                               y : 17%        32%        17%         13%

     The Survivor Generation
     Fights to Get (and Stay) Ahead
     So, boomers are enjoying their current lives, feeling younger
     than previous generations did at their age, and are confident
     their remaining years will be happy and fulfilling. It would be
     easy to presume that they’ve passed on their blithe attitudes
     and sense of optimism to their children and grandchildren,
     but this is far from the case. While boomers are reveling
     in their version of the fountain of youth, the young people
     in Euro RSCG’s Cross-Aging Study show signs of premature
     aging. Confronted with a hypercompetitive world that
     offers only tattered safety nets at best, youth are showing a
     seriousness of nature and concern for the future that their
     elders never quite mastered. They’re just as passionate
     and committed as their parents were to “being part of the
     solution,” but they’re much more pragmatic about the
     world in which they live and the paths they intend their
     lives to take.
14   This generation has a strong sense that there are only
     a set number of places at the table of success—and far
                                                                       today’s youth are exposed to violence
                                                                       at too young an age

     more people than there are chairs. Each one of them
     wants to secure a spot, and that means outsmarting
     and outlasting the competition. They want to be                b : 90%    94%      81%      88%

     survivors, but not in the sense of merely staying alive
     and eking out a bare existence; rather, they want to
     be among the “last men (and women) standing” as
     other members of their generation are cut from the             y : 83%    86%      86%      89%

     list of the elite. Their goal is to reach a level of success
     at which they’ll no longer have to worry about what
     tomorrow might bring. To them, “making it” is less
     about status than security.                                       today’s youth are exposed to sex
                                                                       at too young an age

     No Time for Childhood When You                                 b : 89%    76%      75%      88%
     Grow Up at Light Speed
     Understanding why this new generation is so different
     from their parents’ requires knowledge of the elements
     that have shaped them. Childhood has become                    y : 79%    63%      74%      81%

     abbreviated, with children starting school as young
     as age two — sometimes after being in a daycare
     setting since shortly after birth. Technologies (new and
     old) expose young children to a breadth of images                 today’s youth aren’t given enough
     and information past generations could hardly have                of a chance to just be kids
     imagined. And unstructured playtime has given way
     to scheduled play dates, enrichment classes, and
     competitive sports.                                            b : 89%    67%      58%      83%

     Survey respondents in every market agreed today’s
     youth are growing up too fast, including being exposed
     to violence and sex at too young an age. And it’s not
     just boomers who are concerned for the younger                 y : 69%    62%      49%      76%

     generation; youths themselves show strong opposition
     to the speed at which they’ve been forced to mature,
     and a significant majority in every country but Spain
     believe they weren’t given a chance to “just be kids.”            today’s youth are under too
                                                                       much stress
     Stress emerges as a significant factor in today’s
     abbreviated childhoods, suggesting it has played a
     formative role in how young people view their lives            b : 72%    84%      70%      57%
     and the broader world. A majority of both age
     cohorts in all four markets contend youth are under
     too much stress, with particularly strong agreement
     in France and the U.S. There’s no shortage of possible
                                                                    y : 83%    83%      72%      68%
     contributing factors, which certainly would include
     greater academic and employment competition as a
     consequence of women’s entry into the workforce, the
     faster pace of life brought on by new technologies and
     24/7 lifestyles, and inflated expectations surrounding            growing up today is harder than
     standards of living.                                              it was when i was a kid

     Whereas boomers grew up in a period of postwar
     prosperity marked by the security of expanding                 b : 79%    74%      50%      64%
     economies and permanent employment, their children
     and grandchildren have come of age at a time when
     social safety nets are being undercut, employer loyalty
     is rare, and the prospect of economic ruin is but a
     bubble’s burst away. Standards of living have increased,
     but at a price that arguably includes environmental
     damage, a widening gap between rich and poor, and an
     increasingly contentious immigration debate.
15   Sign of the Times: The Global Revival of Survival Movies
     What’s a young person to do when his or her life (and world) seems
     scary and out of control? Go to a slasher flick or zombie movie, of course!
     In the past few years, survival movies have been all the rage among
     youth; titles include Dawn of the Dead (the remake), Land of the Dead,
     Shawn of the Dead (seeing a pattern here?), 28 Days Later, Hostel, yet
     another version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Hills Have Eyes,
     The Descent, Severance, Wolf Creek, Saw, and numerous others.
     The thinking goes that survival films help audiences face their fears
     and explore deep cultural anxieties. These films can put our everyday
     worries into perspective and, in some cases, reassure us of the virtues
     (and existence) of heroism, stoicism, quick thinking, and resilience.

     We can add to these stress factors a thundercloud       quarter of candidates who submit perfect scores on
     of dangers — real and potential — that has loomed       standardized aptitude tests (SATs). Once in college,
     over young people since they were in diapers: This      some students are paying search firms thousands of
     is a generation that has come of age in an era of       dollars to help them land unpaid summer internships.
     terrorist attacks. They’ve seen widespread panic,       In Europe, an aggravating factor is the economic
     even hysteria, erupt over everything from anthrax       context in which youth live — and expect to live for
     and mad cow disease to the much-feared avian flu.       the foreseeable future. In certain suburbs of France,
     And they’ve watched as icons of business, sports,       as many as 38 percent of youth under age 25 are
     politics, and even religion have been exposed for       unemployed. In Spain, growing numbers of youth
     their corruption, deviance, and abuse of power.         struggle with empleos basura (junk jobs) and are
     Also imprinted on youths’ psyches is an onslaught       being pushed into the ranks of mileuristas (people
     of natural disasters, most recently including the       living on €1,000 or less a month).
     Asian tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and the 2003 heat
     wave that took the lives of thousands of elderly        Also chipping away at childhood: near-constant
     French. The impact of each of these disasters was       exposure to messages about sex, drugs, and the
     magnified by the realization that the protections       glam/gangsta life. Emotional and social milestones
     on which people once counted — whether they be          are being passed at younger ages, and now puberty
     a rapid and effective government response, social       (for reasons still being debated) is taking place
     safety nets, or technological measures— have proved     earlier — as young as age eight for some girls. Boys
     wholly inadequate in the face of nature’s might.        and girls alike are under intense pressure to live up
     Youth have seen ample evidence that when disaster       to mostly unattainable ideals of beauty and talent,
     strikes, they can count on the protection of no         and many judge themselves harshly when they fall
     one but themselves. If they wish to survive, they       short. There’s also the pressure that comes from those
     must be the ones to put safeguards in place.            boomer parents who prefer to act as “buddies” rather
                                                             than as authority figures; it’s a phenomenon we call
     The prevalence of everyday stresses and larger          PEERanting. Though it may be a relationship some
     concerns has given birth to a generation that           kids and teens welcome, others find themselves in
     appears less focused on fun and frivolity than on       flip-flopped roles in which they are almost expected
     getting ahead. The Survivor Generation has grown        to act as the “grown-up” in the household — perhaps
     up in a world obsessed with finishing in first place.   counseling single parents on dating, overseeing
     This is perhaps especially true in the U.S., where      younger siblings, weighing in on major consumer
     members of the Echo Boom (b. 1982–1995) are faced       and life choices, and so on. For some youths, the
     with unprecedented competition for academic and         responsibilities are more than they can manage.
     other placements, beginning as early as preschool.
     This is partly a consequence of the generation’s
     sheer numbers, but it also reflects the evolution of
     college from an option to an expectation among
     the middle class and the fact that getting into the
     right one is seen as the closest one can get to an
     assurance of future security. Competition is so
     fierce that Harvard University now turns down a
16   Death to Peter Pan
     “Trust no one over 30.”                                       growing up means growing old

     It was the mantra of the boomers’ youth, but it holds
     little relevance for the Survivor Generation. Today’s
                                                                y : 19%     11%     25%      9%
     youth simply don’t have the authority issues their
     own parents had at their age. This is partly due to the
     fact that boomer parents tend to act more as friends
     than as stern authoritarians. But it’s also because the
                                                                   taking your responsibilities seriously
     Survivor Generation doesn’t equate being grown-up             means becoming a duller person
     with being boring, closed-minded, or out of touch. To
     them, getting older holds the possibility of gaining
     more security; it’s not something to be feared or          y : 10%     10%     12%      10%
     Fewer than one in four youth equate growing up
     with growing old (in France and the U.K., it’s closer to
     one in 10), and even fewer youth in most markets              in the past three months, i valued sleep
                                                                   more highly than sex
     think taking one’s responsibilities seriously means
     becoming a duller person.
     Having been raised by “kidult” parents — fathers           y : 39%     27%     15%      35%
     shooting hoops in Converse high-tops and mothers
     dressing in the manner of nymphet pop stars — the
     Survivor Generation views responsibility and maturity
     as positives, not as qualities to be held at bay. So at       in the past three months, i bemoaned
     an age when young people might be expected to go              the state of the country
     overboard with fun and newfound freedoms, they’re
     instead showing an inclination to get started on
     building their lives as bona fide “grown-ups”— not         y : 40%     57%     57%      44%
     just as chronological adults.
     The Survivor Generation is even showing some
     tendencies that could be interpreted as downright
     middle-aged. We’ve come to expect youth to have               in the past three months, i complained
     endless stamina and optimism, but in the three                about modern life
     months prior to the survey, youth in three markets
     were more likely than the boomer samples to have
     valued sleep over sex and to have complained about         y : 21%     43%     7%       22%

     modern life. And at least four in 10 youth in each
     market had bemoaned the state of their country. Not
     exactly the hallmarks of what we’ve come to know as
     Evidence of a more serious mind-set can also be
     seen in the way members of the Survivor Generation
     describe themselves. When asked to choose which
     of a pair of self-descriptors better fits them, the
     youth samples almost invariably leaned toward the
     descriptor that is more “grown-up.”
     Looking at the “Workaholic vs. Slacker” pairing, for
     instance, we see youth in each country but France
     identify themselves as hardworking. This is especially
     the case in the U.S., where nearly eight in 10 youth
     reject the slacker label. Not surprisingly, youth across
     the markets were also significantly more likely to
     consider themselves “Stressed” than “Bored.”
18      The pattern is repeated in the “Reliable vs. Free
        Spirit” pairing. At an age when people might be
                                                                  The New Cool
        expected to be experimental and at least somewhat         Despite what some Youthsurpers may think, it isn’t
        irresponsible, the youth in the sample were               that today’s youth are less “cool” than the boomers
        considerably more apt to consider themselves reliable.    were at their age; it’s that the Survivor Generation has
        And in perhaps the most telling pairing, youth in         redefined what it means to be cool. The archetypes of
        every market but the U.K. chose “Cautious” as a self-     alienated youth and slackers simply don’t work in the
        descriptor over “Daring.”                                 current environment. In the 1960s and 1970s, young
                                                                  boomers could afford to be irresponsible because
        Whereas the boomers enjoyed the freedom to                they knew their parents or other grown-ups would fix
        experiment and engage in youthful misadventures,          whatever messes they made, and they’d have plenty of
        their children and grandchildren are already              time to get serious about making a living down the road.
        weighing risks and considering the potential              Dustin Hoffman’s character in The Graduate spent
        consequences of their actions. The phrase “halcyon days   his post-college days lounging in his parents’ pool,
        of youth” no longer seems applicable.                     feeling free to turn up his nose at the notion of
                                                                  working in plastics — or any traditional job. Members
                                                                  of the Survivor Generation don’t have that luxury.
      “workaholic” describes me better
       than “slacker”
                                                                  They’re all too aware that if they don’t get into a good
                                                                  school or training program, or make a splash in sports
                                                                  or the arts, or develop an entrepreneurial pursuit right
                                                                  now, they may never be able to get on track.
     y : 79%       50%         65%        57%
                                                                  Youths’ focus on getting ahead and the seriousness
                                                                  with which they regard life (and safeguarding their
                                                                  place in it) can sometimes look a lot like conservatism
      “stressed” describes me better                              or a lack of imagination, but that’s really just because
       than “bored”                                               their attitudes and behaviors are so sharply in contrast
                                                                  with what boomers have led us to expect of youth.
                                                                  The Youthsurper Generation gave us hippie festivals,
     y : 79%       75%         87%        56%                     love-ins, sit-ins, bra-burnings, Hair, and Woodstock.
                                                                  “Feeling good” was a perfectly acceptable life goal, and
                                                                  taking advantage of the freedoms wrought by the sexual
                                                                  revolution was pretty much mandatory for anyone who
      “reliable” describes me better than                         didn’t want to be branded as hopelessly square.
      “free spirit”
                                                                  Fast-forward 40 or so years, and it’s cool to be
                                                                  successful — to make money and have a lifetime of
                                                                  security and control. It’s still cool to be committed
     y : 83%       58%         82%        68%
                                                                  to social activism, but only if one’s working within
                                                                  the system. In a world that’s already uncertain and a
                                                                  little bit scary, the last thing this generation wants
      “cautious” describes me better
                                                                  is more disruption. They also don’t feel the need
       than “daring”                                              to make sweeping statements about individuality,
                                                                  nonconformity, and personal freedoms because these
                                                                  things have never been denied them. Their fights
     y : 69%       64%         54%        47%
                                                                  are very different and in some ways more personal
                                                                  than the battles waged by boomer youth. Rather
                                                                  than trying to save the world through rebellion and
                                                                  protest, the Survivor Generation is simply trying to
                                                                  make a positive contribution, while also looking out
                                                                  for themselves.
19   Project Investment vs. Security Investment
     Euro RSCG’s qualitative studies have found youths’ savings accounts
     aren’t typically earmarked for a far-distant future. Rather, young people are
     saving up for personal investments — life experiences that will help shape
     themselves or their prospects. This might be anything from a spiritual
     retreat to a language-immersion program or cosmetic procedure. Much
     as they accumulate bonus lives in their video games, they see life as a
     succession of experiences they can tuck away.

     Money Matters
     Having lots of money is important to a majority                 This attitude is held by more than seven in 10 youths in
     of youths, particularly in the U.S. and France,                 the U.S., France, and the U.K., and by more than six in 10 in
     but that’s not necessarily so for what it can buy               Spain. It’s a belief that can serve as a powerful motivator,
     as for the security it signifies. In an intensely               but can also put youth at risk of regarding setbacks as
     competitive world, money represents a release                   personal failures.
     from the incessant pressure to excel and eliminates
     many day-to-day worries. So, whereas college-aged
     boomers took pride in their disdain (genuine or not)
     for capitalism and bourgeois attitudes, their children          having enough money to live an
     and grandchildren view wealth as essential to safely            affluent lifestyle is important to me
     navigating the challenges of their environment.
     For young people, it can be relatively easy to get by
     in the present without much money; it’s a lot harder         b : 53%            92%             40%              49%

     to feel secure in one’s future without it. This helps to
     explain why we’re seeing relatively large percentages of
     youth in each market already saving for the long term.
                                                                  y : 73%            91%             57%              67%
     These young people know their only safety nets are the
     ones they construct for themselves, so they’re investing
     in their futures before it’s too late.
                                                                     i regularly save or invest for the
     It’s interesting to note the enormous percentages               long term
     of youth who believe they have a moral obligation
     to support their aging parents in the future should
     the need dictate. This speaks volumes about their
                                                                  y : 58%            64%             36%              32%
     sense of responsibility and close relationships with
     their parents. Far fewer boomers accept the notion
     that adult children should support their parents in
                                                                     when seniors don’t have enough money to
     their old age. It’s difficult to know whether they’re           l i v e o n , t h e i r a d u lt c h i l d r e n h a v e a m o r a l
     rejecting the notion that they should contribute to             obligation to support them financially
     their own parents’ retirement in the immediate term, or
     whether they’re looking to absolve their children of the
     responsibility when the time comes. In either case,
                                                                  b : 53%            71%             78%              33%
     they’re not expressing the same sort of generational
     solidarity their children seem to feel.
     In such a competitive environment, it would be easy for
     youth to be cynical or resigned to a life at the bottom of   y : 85%            78%             91%              80%

     the heap. Instead, members of the Survivor Generation
     are convinced of their own potential and the possibility
     of achieving their dreams. To a far greater extent than         it’s possible to have it all in life;
     their boomer parents, they believe they can achieve             it’s just a matter of going for it
     anything they desire, provided they pursue it with
     sufficient energy and determination.
                                                                  y : 71%            79%             64%              75%
Since 2003, BETC Euro RSCG has
created global campaigns for Lacoste
that have reinvigorated one of the
world’s top fashion and luxury
brands. Lacoste leverages its sports
heritage and timeless elegance to
appeal to members of all generations.

                                        un peu d’air sur terre
21                                                                 it is important the brands i buy
                                                                   reflect my age

                                                                b : 14%        15%        20%         11%

                                                                y : 33%        36%        27%         32%

                                                                   Rejection of Age Branding
                                                                   Now that age is just a mind-set and “youth” is self-
                                                                   defined, seniors massively reject age branding. Any
                                                                   messaging that suggests boomers are a discrete
                                                                   segment disconnected from youth is ill advised. In
                                                                   contrast, youth are somewhat more open to the notion
                                                                   of brands that reflect their age and life stage; many
                                                                   seek peer validation through the brands they buy and
                                                                   may respond well to brands that force a buffer between
                                                                   them and their aging hipster parents.

     What’s Next:                                                  Turnoffs for youth are likely to include messages of
                                                                   brainless fun or rebel cool; they’re simply not relevant

     Applying Cross-
                                                                   to the Survivor Generation. Both generations are
                                                                   more likely to respond to messages that promote such
                                                                   cross-generational values as freedom, creativity, and

     Aging Realities                                               pleasure. And boomers in particular will respond to
                                                                   communications that value innovation, proactive
                                                                   stances, and health and wellness (how to keep/

     to Brand Building                                             improve/restore them). Brands that have done a good
                                                                   job of being simultaneously youthful and age-free
                                                                   include Nike and Apple, with their focuses on
     As a consequence of its massive size and wealth,              self-realization and creativity, respectively.
     the baby boom generation (currently aged 43–61)
     has been a tantalizing target for marketers since the
     initial wave of boomers drew their first breaths — and        Inclusive Design
     they’ll continue to be a target almost until they draw
                                                                   Boomers may insist on staying young forever, but
     their last. Just how powerful are they? In the U.K.,
                                                                   their aging bodies are succumbing to the realities
     boomers are said to control fully 80 percent of the
                                                                   of the passing years. As a consequence, more and
     country’s wealth. In the U.S., boomers hold 50 percent
                                                                   more products will need to be redesigned to meet
     of all discretionary income and have an estimated
                                                                   the desires of a generation that refuses to grow up
     annual spending power in excess of $2 trillion.
                                                                   and leave its playthings behind. It’s a phenomenon
     Members of the Echo Boom (currently aged 12–25)               affecting the makers of everything from designer jeans
     promise to have every bit as significant an impact as         to bathtubs and automobiles. The BBC has reported,
     their baby boomer parents. In the U.S. alone, a total         for instance, that the £400,000 Ferrari Enzo is being
     of 74.2 million babies were born during the                   manufactured with wider seats to accommodate
     Echo Boom, nearly equaling the 76.2 million                   middle-age spread and higher doors to spare creaky
     born during the original baby boom, but they’re               knees. Mass-market clothing retailer Chico’s, a favorite
     concentrated within a 13-year period rather than the          of U.S. boomers, has adopted a 0-to-3 sizing system so
     18 years of the first baby boom. Echo boomers are             customers don’t have to face the bitter truth of their
     currently estimated to have a combined spending               actual sizes.
     power of $82.1 billion — a figure that will only
                                                                   While such marketing changes may be essential,
     increase as they age.
                                                                   elements of inclusive design should be subtle and,
     Members of each of these generations represent a              in most cases, not communicated at all. No one wants
     diverse market with a broad array of priorities and           to be reminded they’re growing old — least of all the
     financial states, but there are certain shared realities      Youthsurper Generation.
     marketers would do well to keep in mind. Among them:

     Ageless Dressing
     Boomer moms and their teen daughters are sharing clothes, but
     Euro RSCG qualitative research has found there are clear limits to
     what they’re willing to swap. In general, it’s fun casual wear such as
     designer jeans (if they’re both svelte) or Juicy Couture sweats rather
     than anything formal. And certain areas are off-limits: Mom isn’t
     shopping in the Juniors department for ultra-low-rise jeans and a
     baby T that reads, “Mrs. McDreamy” or “Don’t Be Jealous,” and her
     teen daughter isn’t shopping in the traditional Misses department
     filled with fuddy-duddy brands. They are shopping together in an
     entirely new department that likely didn’t exist a few years ago —
     a dressy casual section that has Juicy, Stella McCartney, Betsey Johnson,
     French Connection, Donna Karan, and the like. These are places
     where clothes are fun, practical, and ageless to a certain degree;
     anyone can wear them and not feel old or young, underdressed
     or overdressed. And Dad fits into this scenario, too: His weekend
     wardrobe is now cargo shorts and a T-shirt — not the walking shorts
     and polo of yesteryear — and could just as easily be seen on his teen
     or college-aged son.

     AgeLESSness: Living Life out of                              Rise of Partner Brands
     Sequence                                                     In a world full of uncertainty regarding finances,
                                                                  health, global conflict, and other issues, consumers of
     “Acting your age” is now meaningless. There are
                                                                  all ages are looking for brand partners they can count
     plenty of 20-year-olds who act as we once would have
                                                                  on over the long term. This is particularly the case
     expected a 45-year-old to behave — and vice versa.
                                                                  for youth, who are seeking tools for survival and self-
     If you still look great in a miniskirt at age 40, should
                                                                  improvement. They want to partner with brands that
     you stop wearing it? Can a 17-year-old vying for a
                                                                  will help them solve their life issues —making them
     space at an elite college afford to be irresponsible
                                                                  look better, be regarded better, perform better, be
     or impulsive?
                                                                  more secure, and so on.
     Adding to the confusion is the freedom people now
                                                                  Another important factor for youth is control.
     have to create their own life sequences. People no
                                                                  Findings from the Cross-Aging survey and earlier
     longer join the workforce at age X, marry at age Y, and
                                                                  research by Euro RSCG suggest sense of control is an
     retire at age Z. One may retire at age 35 or embark on
                                                                  important generational divide. By and large, boomers
     a new career at 70. A new mom may be age 15 or 55.
                                                                  seem confident in their ability to control the course of
     And a first-year college student may have attended
                                                                  their lives, while youth are more apt to feel adrift —
     high school decades earlier. Certain age milestones
                                                                  or at least not yet set on a firm course that will ensure
     will always have relevance because of their legal
                                                                  their ultimate survival.
     ramifications (e.g., legal drinking/driving/voting age),
     but the rest are fluid and self-directed. This means         Many young people today have the trappings of
     many consumers’ product and service needs and desires        being grown up — including jobs and credit cards,
     are out of sync with what might be expected for their        experience with sex and alcohol, and technological
     age groups. Targeting by age or life stage alone will fall   know-how — but they don’t have the sense of
     short of the mark.                                           control that would allow them to feel confident in
                                                                  their current choices or their future achievements.
                                                                  As a consequence, their lives are a series of coping
     À la Carte Shopping                                          mechanisms: They cope with the pressure of school by
     Boomers don’t feel old — and surely don’t want to            cheating. They cope with the pressure to win sports
     look old. For that reason, we’re seeing more people          competitions or have a killer body by taking steroids.
     (women especially) eschewing complete wardrobes              And they cope with the pressure to have sex by having
     from old-style retailers in favor of mixing and              oral sex — which older adults think is more intimate
     matching pieces that let them show off their style:          than intercourse, but which young people consider
     beaded tunics and peasant skirts from Forever 21,            “sex lite.” It’s all about dealing with problems (real or
     colorful circle skirts and knit tops from H&M, and           perceived) with the least amount of hassle.
     various other essentials wherever they can find them,        Brands that are able to give youths a sense of control—
     from discount retailers to designer websites.                and confidence they’re making the right choices —
     No matter their age, today’s shoppers tend not to have       will be most highly valued.
     a favorite clothing retailer, a standard department
     store for household goods, or a short list of specialty
     stores; instead, they are willing to give a much
     broader array of retailers a look, with no pressure to
     make a transition from “young” stores to more age-
     appropriate stores as birthdays dictate.
     Smart retailers are accommodating various lifestyles
     and body types without tying themselves too closely
     to a single demographic.
24   Redesigning Reality                                            i like text messaging on a mobile phone

     While boomers have always lived in a world that shapes
     itself to their needs and desires, youth have had to        b : 18%     46%     70%      49%
     fight for every small gain. As a generation, one survival
     tactic they’ve adopted is creating an enhanced reality,
     including their own personalized virtual worlds.
                                                                 y : 67%     93%     93%      90%
     While boomers have jumped on the digital train
     (an invention largely of their own creation), they
     are analog immigrants, while youth are digital
     natives. The difference can be seen in the way the two
     generations perceive and use technology. For young             i like multiplayer computer games
                                                                    over a network
     people, technology is less a tool than a lifestyle
     and an opportunity for creative expression. They
     use computers, cell phones, and other equipment to
     create virtual worlds in which they can get together        b : 20%     29%     42%      20%

     with friends, meet new people, consume media and
     entertainment offerings, and organize their social
     existences. Whereas the real world is largely beyond
                                                                 y : 25%     46%     71%      63%
     their control, the virtual worlds they establish on
     MySpace, blogs, wiki collaborations, and so on can be
     fine-tuned to their liking — and exited at will.
     Boundaries don’t apply online: A person can interact           i like instant chat/messaging
     with the world using a persona of his or her choice;
     most youth have created multiple identities through
     the use of different screen names, icons, and avatars.      b : 34%     52%     57%      41%
     Whatever issues they may be facing at home or school,
     they can take pride in the number of people who link
     to their blogs, the number of stars accorded their
     YouTube videos, their accomplishments in Second             y : 77%     83%     83%      82%

     Life, and the size of their buddy lists on MySpace.
     What does this mean for brands? Young consumers are
     spending a significant portion of their days in worlds
     of their own making. Brands that want to connect
     with them need to be in those worlds in a way that
     is both positive and welcome. A delicate balancing
     act is required to be perceived as contributing to
     the user experience rather than intruding upon it. The
     most successful brands in these spaces will be those
     that help consumers to express themselves, manage
     their virtual lives, connect with others, and gain
     access to new experiences — especially those that
     offer temporary transport to new realities. Consumers
     will also respond positively to those brands that
     help them make their virtual realities (what’s in their
     heads, dreams, and aspirations) real.
In late 2004, Euro RSCG NY became the
AOR for Dos Equis. The first campaign,
“The Most Interesting Man in the
World,” debuted in April 2007 across
TV, radio, print, OOH and digital.
The impact has been phenomenal, with
sales up 100 — 300% in some markets.
Euro RSCG has created provocative
work for Evian for more than a decade.
Shot by world-renowned photographer
David LaChapelle, the “Evian-les-Bains”
campaign speaks to the youthful
spirit of the brand.
Prosumer Reports is a series of thought leadership publications by Euro RSCG Worldwide – part of a
global initiative to share information and insights, including our own proprietary research, across the
Euro RSCG network of agencies and client companies.

Euro RSCG Worldwide is a leading integrated marketing communications agency and was the first
agency to be named Global Agency of the Year by both Advertising Age and Campaign in the same year.
Euro RSCG is made up of 233 offices in 75 countries and provides advertising,marketing, corporate
communications, and digital and social media solutions to clients, including, Air France, BNP Paribas,
Charles Schwab, Citigroup, Danone Group, Heineken USA, IBM, Kraft Foods, Lacoste, L’Oréal, Merck,
PSA Peugeot Citroën, Pernod Ricard, Reckitt Benckiser, sanofi-aventis, and Volvo. Headquartered
in New York, Euro RSCG Worldwide is the largest unit of Havas, a world leader in communications
(Euronext Paris SA: HAV.PA).

For more information about Prosumer Reports, please visit or contact
Naomi Troni, global chief marketing officer, at

Follow us on Twitter @prosumer_report

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The Future of Generations

  • 2. the future of gener ations | vol 3 3 Rethinking Generation Blur 4 Youthsurpers Refuse to Grow Old 13 The Survivor Generation Fights to Get (and Stay) Ahead 21 What’s Next: Applying Cross-Aging Realities to Brand Building
  • 3.
  • 4. 3 → RETHINKING GENERATION BLUR In most parts of the Western world, our notions of what it means to be “young” and “old” have been turned upside down. On the surface, the generations appear to have melded, with young people and their parents (sometimes even grandparents) listening to the same music, enjoying the same TV shows, wearing the same fashions, and identifying with the same brands. A musician selling out stadiums may be age 20 or 60, and expectant first-time mothers may have just graduated from high school or already be planning for retirement. On the surface, then, it can seem as though age is virtually meaningless and the generation gaps of old are gone. Don’t be fooled by appearances. For ease of reference, the younger cohort will be classified throughout this report as YOUTH, while the Today’s youth and their parents are living in two older cohort will be termed BOOMERS, an appellation very different worlds — with disparate views and drawn from the baby boomer generation (b. 1946–1964) expectations in areas ranging from creativity to in the United States and Europe, and now commonly financial security. While people in their mid-40s used throughout much of the world to designate people through early 60 s are maintaining a youthful who came of age in the 1960s and 1970s. outlook and existence, their children are burdened by very adult pressures and concerns. Forced to grow up too quickly, young people are engaged in what they consider an incessant struggle to survive. It’s as if one generation has been forced to sacrifice its youth so the other needn’t give it up. The results of Euro RSCG Worldwide’s Cross-Aging Study 2006 have significant implications for marketers and anyone else with a stake in understanding how members of two key generations are thinking, feeling, and behaving. The study was conducted among men and women aged 18 and older in four markets: the United States (n=1,000), France (n=1,000), Spain (n=1,000), and the United Kingdom (n=1,000). To provide the clearest view possible of generational distinctions, this report focuses on the youngest and oldest respondents: people aged 18–24 and 55+.
  • 5. 4 b: boomer sample (55+) y: youth sample (18-24) u. s. france spain u. k. Youthsurpers Refuse to Grow Old Boomers are a generation like no other, thanks not It’s almost as if today’s teens and newbie adults have only to their sheer size and economic might, but also given up on the idea of being young, having turned to the depth of their influence on society. After the over their rightful claim to the Youthsurpers. But, as is horrors and deprivations of World War II, Western shown later in this report, what they’re really rejecting Europe and the United States were eager to lavish is a version of youth that emphasizes risk taking, rule attention and money on a new wave of children. The breaking, and a lack of direction. These young people result was a generation that gave new meaning to aren’t embarrassed to be seen as taking life seriously youth, creating a modern-day ethos marked by sex, or as focused on achieving their goals. Under the drugs, rock ‘n’ roll, and political/societal alienation. circumstances, it seems to be the logical approach. The boomers helped turn the adolescent years into a realm distinct from childhood and adulthood. And, since coming of age in the 1960s and 1970s, they have promoted the idea that youth is everything. To be young means to be creative, passionate, innovative, and influential. To be old means to be out i act younger than my parents of the action and inconsequential. It’s little wonder, did at my age then, that the boomers have refused to cede control of youth. Instead of accepting the inevitability of aging and passing the baton to the next generation, b: 81% 79% 80% 86% boomers have become usurpers of youth— or Youthsurpers. When they could no longer pretend they were truly young, they invented “middle youth” and moved that to center stage. From their position pyschologically/emotionally, i feel of authority, they have scoffed at the notion their older than my chronological age children can supplant them. In their minds, youth culture is their culture, the basis of their entire cultural identity, and they won’t cede control of it until they’re y: 69% 41% 36% 44% in their graves — if then. Proof of this Youthsurpation can be seen in responses to the statement: “I act younger than my parents did at my age.” While only a minority of youth in each country agreed with the statement, the vast majority of boomers did so. Even more striking, large minorities of youth in three markets and nearly seven in 10 young Americans claim to feel psychologically/emotionally older than their chronological age — suggesting they carry a mental burden their parents don’t share.
  • 6.
  • 7. 6 i feel physically younger than my chronological age Staying “Forever Young” Is Now a Lifelong Strategy Half a century ago, age-based life stages were b : 76% 79% 75% 74% delineated quite clearly. Middle age crept in around age 35 or 40, a time when people were expected to have settled into a permanent identity and have a family and career well under way. By age 60 or 65, i feel psychologically/emotionally younger than my age life was winding down, and people were expected to “downsize” their lifestyles and enjoy quieter pursuits. The generations understood what was expected of them and generally complied. b : 78% 82% 79% 82% Now boomers have changed the rules. Rather than think of themselves as growing old, many people in their 50s and 60s haven’t even acceded to middle age. compared with previous generations, These Youthsurpers look young, act young, and think older people today are living fuller lives young, and so, in their minds at least, they are young. More than three-quarters of boomers in each of the respondent markets claim to feel physically younger b : 96% 93% 86% 96% than their chronological age, and an even greater number feel psychologically/emotionally younger. Are these youthful feelings just a case of wishful y : 73% 71% 67% 72% thinking? The evidence suggests otherwise: In the U.S., there are techno parties for sexually liberated gay boomers who have no intention of retiring from the dance floor. Motorcycle ownership rates were compared with previous generations, up 44 percent among boomers between 1990 and older people today are more fun 2003, compared with just 6 percent in the general population. And the pornography industry has seen a boom in demand for videos featuring women in b : 78% 78% 73% 79% their 40s and 50s. In the U.K., there’s a skateboarding association for men aged 40 + who want to keep grinding and kick-turning as long as their bodies will let them. It’s little wonder, then, that a large y : 46% 60% 52% 61% majority of our survey respondents contend older people today are leading fuller lives than their predecessors. More than seven in 10 boomers also claim older people are more fun today. i expect to live an active retirement, Clearly, this generation of Youthsurpers is enjoying filled with activities and good friends the present and looking forward to the future. The vast majority expect retirement to be filled with friends and fun. For some, retirement will be b : 91% 88% 88% 77% pushed back as they explore new careers. Recent studies have found some 80 percent of “retired” U.S. boomers expect to work at least part time either for enjoyment or out of financial necessity. A growing number of boomers are moving back to their old college communities to ensure their “golden years” will be filled with fellowship and intellectual stimulation. As many as 100 university-affiliated retirement developments are now open or planned throughout the U.S.
  • 8. 7 Age Is Not Constant “Young at heart,” “you’re as young as you feel,” “wise beyond your years”— these are just some of the phrases used to describe the transitory state of age. The truth is, “age” is about much more than the number of days one has been on the planet. It’s a dynamic concept with physical, emotional, and spiritual components. One’s physical age may not match one’s emotional age, spiritual age, or life-experiences age. Age is transitory in that how old or young one feels may change from day to day, depending on the way one’s body feels and the condition of one’s mental state. There’s a role for brands to play in helping people of all chronological ages reach — and maintain — their desired “age.” Is Aging All in the Mind? i feel these are the best years of my life Advances in medicine and physical therapy, improved diet, and new sports and exercise b : 50% 31% 37% 30% equipment that help older people defy aging all contribute to boomers’ sense of youthfulness. Arguably as important is their attitude: Significant proportions of boomers, including nearly half in i feel the best years of my life are yet to come France and Spain, contend they feel better now than they ever have before. Approximately one- third (and half of boomers in the U.S.) say they’re b : 39% 31% 38% 28% currently enjoying the best years of their lives. And many feel their best years are still ahead of them, presumably as they look toward retirement. age is mostly a state of mind; people For the Youthsurper generation, attitude is at least are as young or old as they feel half the battle when it comes to aging. In each of the four markets, a majority of both age groups don’t consider age a chronological certainty b : 90% 96% 89% 90% beyond their control. Rather, age is a state of mind — and people who feel young are young. This attitude is particularly prevalent in France, where 95 percent of youth and 96 percent of y : 89% 95% 81% 87% boomers consider age to be attitude dependent. Feeling young, according to the respondents, gives people license to act young. Boomers, i feel there is no longer such a thing in particular, are apt to agree there is no longer as “age appropriate”; people can act any such thing as “age appropriate,” contending whatever age they want people can act whatever age they feel. A majority of boomers in each country believe they, personally, are still connected to youth, with similar likes b : 77% 89% 76% 83% and dislikes. i still feel connected to youth; there’s no big difference in the i feel better than i ever have before things i like b : 33% 48% 46% 27% b : 62% 72% 66% 62%
  • 9. 8 i do things every day to improve my health Banishing the Signs and Symptoms of Age Turning youth into an attitude and refusing to b : 65% 70% 59% 48% succumb to “senior think” is just one part of a two-pronged strategy boomers are using to stay forever young. At the same time that they’re y : 60% 58% 47% 27% adhering to a youthful mindset, the Youthsurpers are also taking advantage of an array of anti-aging tactics and technologies. Not surprising for a generation widely regarded as more proactive and health aware, a majority of boomers in i’m doing everything i can to hold each market (other than the U.K.) are doing things off the aging process every day to improve their health. And nearly half of boomers in France and Spain claim to be doing everything they can to ward off the aging process, as b : 44% 49% 48% 37% do significant minorities in the U.S. and U.K. Removing signs of age through cosmetic surgery is a distinct possibility for a minority of boomers, with the greatest support coming from Spain. y : 19% 30% 26% 23% The desire to stay healthy (and younger looking) longer has become more important as life expectancies have increased. In the U.S., the Census Bureau predicts the number of people aged 100 and i approve of nip-and-tuck facial surgery over will top 800,000 by 2046, more than 10 times the number of centenarians today. Among our samples, U.S. respondents were most likely to think they’ll reach the 100-year mark, with 43 percent of boomers (and 52 b : 21% 30% 43% 17% percent of youth —see Appendix) agreeing there’s an excellent chance they’ll see their 100th birthday. Most striking about this segment of data is that boomers’ focus on youth and their disdain for physical there is an excellent chance i will aging have already seeped into the mindset — and live to be 100 behaviors — of the genuinely young. A clear majority of youth in the U.S. and France, and a near majority in Spain, already are taking daily measures to improve b : 43% 24% 27% 31% their health. This at a stage of life when they might be expected to feel invincible — and certainly not worried about health issues that might or might not arise in the distant future. Significant minorities of youth — including nearly one-third of the sample in France — also are doing everything they can to stave off the aging process. They appear to have gotten the message that the sooner they start, the more successful their fight against the ravages of time will be. This early focus on health and aging is one of a number of clues telling us today’s youth are taking a more serious (and certainly more practical) approach to life and aging. Staying healthy and youthful looking is likely an important component of their individual survival strategies, detailed later in this report.
  • 10. 9 the internet is a perfectly acceptable way to find romantic partners Technophilia Knows No Age The use of technology is often cited as the biggest divide between the generations, but Euro RSCG’s b : 26% 53% 39% 33% survey found that particular gap surprisingly small. Although youth use technologies in different ways than their boomer parents (detailed later in this report), the two generations come out relatively equal in y : 37% 66% 44% 36% their tendency to enjoy splurging on things high-tech. The only major gap exists in the U.S., where only 26 percent of boomers, compared with 44 percent of youth, enjoy spending their money this way. In the i enjoy spending disposable income other markets, the gap is six percentage points or less. on technology Perhaps even more telling is the extent to which boomers have embraced the Internet as a pathway to romance. Although in each market, youth are more b : 26% 29% 50% 30% inclined to look for love connections online, the gaps are relatively small. This is in keeping with boomers’ overall tendency to keep up with the times and embrace new things.Their adoption of technology is just y : 44% 32% 56% 36% one more way this generation stays connected to youth; it’s virtually inconceivable they would have let the tech revolution pass them by. Being “Old” Is Having One Foot in the Mental Grave In the modern world, with its expanded life expectancies, people grow “old” not when their bodies give out but when they give up on living. Being old means no longer having a zest for life, no longer doing the things one enjoys, and resigning oneself to a life without anticipation. The most important brands offering lifelong “youth” aren’t focused on changing appearance or physical capacity, but on keeping moods positive and minds active. People who always look forward to what the new day will bring never truly grow old. There may be opportunity here for brands to speak to the lost sense of what it means to be “old,” in terms of wisdom, knowledge, patience, and perspective. In a youth-obsessed society, reminders of the virtues of age are likely to be well received, and not just by those moving toward the end of life, but also by young people who would derive comfort from knowing there are other people in the world on whom they can depend for knowledge and counsel.
  • 11. 10 Like Their Own Parents, Youthsurpers Just Don’t Get Today’s Youth By turning youth into an attitude and disconnecting it from chronological age, boomers have given themselves the right to judge the “youth credentials” of succeeding generations — and they’ve all been deemed subpar. They criticize young people for being politically apathetic, whereas their generation was all about “changing the world,” but then they mock youths’ activist efforts as trivial or misguided. Young people who “rock the vote” are conformist and staying inside the system; youth who take to the streets against immigration or globalization are miscreants, not activists. It’s interesting to note that when French youth demonstrated against the new employment policy in 2005 (first peacefully and then more violently), they weren’t rebelling against “the system,” but, rather, demanding to be a part of it. This wasn’t about high-minded political or social change; it was about jobs and personal economic security. What many boomers fail to factor into their thinking While boomers decry youth’s tendency to “sample” when criticizing youth as apathetic or selfish is that the work of earlier artists, youth view it as a way to today’s teens and young adults have grown up in an “remix” the old and new — creating an entirely fresh era of free-floating anxiety, never knowing where the interpretation and experience. Their remixed way of next bombs will explode, the next natural disaster living allows them to make anything and everything will erupt, or the next health threat will emerge. uniquely their own — from their personal look to the Today’s youth do have social values, but they’re more playlists on their iPods. Where other users may simply apt to express them through volunteer work than download tunes to their MP3 players in random order, through protest. Thanks to new technologies, they younger people tend to approach the task with much feel genuinely connected to other parts of the world, care and thought. It’s their way of adding their own and they’re less interested in making a statement than unique touch to the art of others. in making a difference. In the U.S., the Corporation for National and Community Service estimates 55 percent of teens volunteer, contributing more than 1.3 billion hours of service each year. In the words of Steve Culbertson, president and CEO of Youth Service 1“ Teenagers Take Up Challenge of Service,” Plain Dealer America, “I like to argue that this is the greatest (Cleveland, Ohio), January 30, 2006 generation, and nobody knows it.” 1 Boomers also deride modern youth as boring, uncreative, and overly serious—all characteristics they believe fly in the face of what youth is meant to be. What they’re overlooking is that, until their own generation, adolescence and young adulthood wasn’t so much a time for freedom and experimentation as it was about growing up and assuming adult responsibilities. Having imposed their individualistic ideology of fun, freedom, and creativity as the norm, boomers fail to recognize that today’s youth are being self-expressive and creative in their own ways— including through blogs, videos, and other e-content.
  • 12. 11 In general, at what age do Youthsurpers Will Never Concede people become “old” today? the Battle Against Old Age There’s plenty of anecdotal evidence that boomers have no intention of acquiescing to old age — at least not anytime soon. This was corroborated by Euro YOUTH RESPONSES RSCG’s Cross-Aging Study. The World Bank estimates current global life expectancy at age 66, and the U.S. U.S. 40s Census Bureau shows a range from 77 to 79 years of age 50s in the four markets studied. Despite these statistics, FRANCE 60s the majority of boomer survey respondents don’t think 70s old age begins until one’s 80s. In other words, they SPAIN don’t think they will ever grow old. 80s+ U.K. As the charts to the left show, there’s a significant gap in terms of when boomers and youth believe old age 0 50% 100% sets in. It’s interesting to note, however, only a small minority of youth think the boomers are already “old.” It’s this sort of thinking that has brought Sylvester Stallone (at age 60) back into the ring as Rocky Balboa BOOMER RESPONSES and into the jungle as John Rambo. It’s what keeps the Rolling Stones and The Who on the road, and U.S. drives reunion tours by The Police and Van Halen. And it’s what persuades 50-somethings such as Spanish FRANCE actress Ana Obregón (famously derided as “geriatric Barbie”) that it’s OK to appear in public in hot pants SPAIN and revealing tops. Whether the first wave of boomers can extend their U.K. “youth think” and active lifestyles for another 20 years 0 50% 100% is debatable, but it’s certain that whatever their “old age” ends up looking like, it’s going to be far different from anything we’ve seen with past generations. It’s equally certain they’ll continue to regard any youth culture in which they’re not the main players as a pale imitation of their own. i feel old age begins with one’s 80s b : 61% 72% 51% 56% y : 17% 32% 17% 13%
  • 13.
  • 14. 13 The Survivor Generation Fights to Get (and Stay) Ahead So, boomers are enjoying their current lives, feeling younger than previous generations did at their age, and are confident their remaining years will be happy and fulfilling. It would be easy to presume that they’ve passed on their blithe attitudes and sense of optimism to their children and grandchildren, but this is far from the case. While boomers are reveling in their version of the fountain of youth, the young people in Euro RSCG’s Cross-Aging Study show signs of premature aging. Confronted with a hypercompetitive world that offers only tattered safety nets at best, youth are showing a seriousness of nature and concern for the future that their elders never quite mastered. They’re just as passionate and committed as their parents were to “being part of the solution,” but they’re much more pragmatic about the world in which they live and the paths they intend their lives to take.
  • 15. 14 This generation has a strong sense that there are only a set number of places at the table of success—and far today’s youth are exposed to violence at too young an age more people than there are chairs. Each one of them wants to secure a spot, and that means outsmarting and outlasting the competition. They want to be b : 90% 94% 81% 88% survivors, but not in the sense of merely staying alive and eking out a bare existence; rather, they want to be among the “last men (and women) standing” as other members of their generation are cut from the y : 83% 86% 86% 89% list of the elite. Their goal is to reach a level of success at which they’ll no longer have to worry about what tomorrow might bring. To them, “making it” is less about status than security. today’s youth are exposed to sex at too young an age No Time for Childhood When You b : 89% 76% 75% 88% Grow Up at Light Speed Understanding why this new generation is so different from their parents’ requires knowledge of the elements that have shaped them. Childhood has become y : 79% 63% 74% 81% abbreviated, with children starting school as young as age two — sometimes after being in a daycare setting since shortly after birth. Technologies (new and old) expose young children to a breadth of images today’s youth aren’t given enough and information past generations could hardly have of a chance to just be kids imagined. And unstructured playtime has given way to scheduled play dates, enrichment classes, and competitive sports. b : 89% 67% 58% 83% Survey respondents in every market agreed today’s youth are growing up too fast, including being exposed to violence and sex at too young an age. And it’s not just boomers who are concerned for the younger y : 69% 62% 49% 76% generation; youths themselves show strong opposition to the speed at which they’ve been forced to mature, and a significant majority in every country but Spain believe they weren’t given a chance to “just be kids.” today’s youth are under too much stress Stress emerges as a significant factor in today’s abbreviated childhoods, suggesting it has played a formative role in how young people view their lives b : 72% 84% 70% 57% and the broader world. A majority of both age cohorts in all four markets contend youth are under too much stress, with particularly strong agreement in France and the U.S. There’s no shortage of possible y : 83% 83% 72% 68% contributing factors, which certainly would include greater academic and employment competition as a consequence of women’s entry into the workforce, the faster pace of life brought on by new technologies and 24/7 lifestyles, and inflated expectations surrounding growing up today is harder than standards of living. it was when i was a kid Whereas boomers grew up in a period of postwar prosperity marked by the security of expanding b : 79% 74% 50% 64% economies and permanent employment, their children and grandchildren have come of age at a time when social safety nets are being undercut, employer loyalty is rare, and the prospect of economic ruin is but a bubble’s burst away. Standards of living have increased, but at a price that arguably includes environmental damage, a widening gap between rich and poor, and an increasingly contentious immigration debate.
  • 16. 15 Sign of the Times: The Global Revival of Survival Movies What’s a young person to do when his or her life (and world) seems scary and out of control? Go to a slasher flick or zombie movie, of course! In the past few years, survival movies have been all the rage among youth; titles include Dawn of the Dead (the remake), Land of the Dead, Shawn of the Dead (seeing a pattern here?), 28 Days Later, Hostel, yet another version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Hills Have Eyes, The Descent, Severance, Wolf Creek, Saw, and numerous others. The thinking goes that survival films help audiences face their fears and explore deep cultural anxieties. These films can put our everyday worries into perspective and, in some cases, reassure us of the virtues (and existence) of heroism, stoicism, quick thinking, and resilience. We can add to these stress factors a thundercloud quarter of candidates who submit perfect scores on of dangers — real and potential — that has loomed standardized aptitude tests (SATs). Once in college, over young people since they were in diapers: This some students are paying search firms thousands of is a generation that has come of age in an era of dollars to help them land unpaid summer internships. terrorist attacks. They’ve seen widespread panic, In Europe, an aggravating factor is the economic even hysteria, erupt over everything from anthrax context in which youth live — and expect to live for and mad cow disease to the much-feared avian flu. the foreseeable future. In certain suburbs of France, And they’ve watched as icons of business, sports, as many as 38 percent of youth under age 25 are politics, and even religion have been exposed for unemployed. In Spain, growing numbers of youth their corruption, deviance, and abuse of power. struggle with empleos basura (junk jobs) and are Also imprinted on youths’ psyches is an onslaught being pushed into the ranks of mileuristas (people of natural disasters, most recently including the living on €1,000 or less a month). Asian tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and the 2003 heat wave that took the lives of thousands of elderly Also chipping away at childhood: near-constant French. The impact of each of these disasters was exposure to messages about sex, drugs, and the magnified by the realization that the protections glam/gangsta life. Emotional and social milestones on which people once counted — whether they be are being passed at younger ages, and now puberty a rapid and effective government response, social (for reasons still being debated) is taking place safety nets, or technological measures— have proved earlier — as young as age eight for some girls. Boys wholly inadequate in the face of nature’s might. and girls alike are under intense pressure to live up Youth have seen ample evidence that when disaster to mostly unattainable ideals of beauty and talent, strikes, they can count on the protection of no and many judge themselves harshly when they fall one but themselves. If they wish to survive, they short. There’s also the pressure that comes from those must be the ones to put safeguards in place. boomer parents who prefer to act as “buddies” rather than as authority figures; it’s a phenomenon we call The prevalence of everyday stresses and larger PEERanting. Though it may be a relationship some concerns has given birth to a generation that kids and teens welcome, others find themselves in appears less focused on fun and frivolity than on flip-flopped roles in which they are almost expected getting ahead. The Survivor Generation has grown to act as the “grown-up” in the household — perhaps up in a world obsessed with finishing in first place. counseling single parents on dating, overseeing This is perhaps especially true in the U.S., where younger siblings, weighing in on major consumer members of the Echo Boom (b. 1982–1995) are faced and life choices, and so on. For some youths, the with unprecedented competition for academic and responsibilities are more than they can manage. other placements, beginning as early as preschool. This is partly a consequence of the generation’s sheer numbers, but it also reflects the evolution of college from an option to an expectation among the middle class and the fact that getting into the right one is seen as the closest one can get to an assurance of future security. Competition is so fierce that Harvard University now turns down a
  • 17. 16 Death to Peter Pan “Trust no one over 30.” growing up means growing old It was the mantra of the boomers’ youth, but it holds little relevance for the Survivor Generation. Today’s y : 19% 11% 25% 9% youth simply don’t have the authority issues their own parents had at their age. This is partly due to the fact that boomer parents tend to act more as friends than as stern authoritarians. But it’s also because the taking your responsibilities seriously Survivor Generation doesn’t equate being grown-up means becoming a duller person with being boring, closed-minded, or out of touch. To them, getting older holds the possibility of gaining more security; it’s not something to be feared or y : 10% 10% 12% 10% delayed. Fewer than one in four youth equate growing up with growing old (in France and the U.K., it’s closer to one in 10), and even fewer youth in most markets in the past three months, i valued sleep more highly than sex think taking one’s responsibilities seriously means becoming a duller person. Having been raised by “kidult” parents — fathers y : 39% 27% 15% 35% shooting hoops in Converse high-tops and mothers dressing in the manner of nymphet pop stars — the Survivor Generation views responsibility and maturity as positives, not as qualities to be held at bay. So at in the past three months, i bemoaned an age when young people might be expected to go the state of the country overboard with fun and newfound freedoms, they’re instead showing an inclination to get started on building their lives as bona fide “grown-ups”— not y : 40% 57% 57% 44% just as chronological adults. The Survivor Generation is even showing some tendencies that could be interpreted as downright middle-aged. We’ve come to expect youth to have in the past three months, i complained endless stamina and optimism, but in the three about modern life months prior to the survey, youth in three markets were more likely than the boomer samples to have valued sleep over sex and to have complained about y : 21% 43% 7% 22% modern life. And at least four in 10 youth in each market had bemoaned the state of their country. Not exactly the hallmarks of what we’ve come to know as youth. Evidence of a more serious mind-set can also be seen in the way members of the Survivor Generation describe themselves. When asked to choose which of a pair of self-descriptors better fits them, the youth samples almost invariably leaned toward the descriptor that is more “grown-up.” Looking at the “Workaholic vs. Slacker” pairing, for instance, we see youth in each country but France identify themselves as hardworking. This is especially the case in the U.S., where nearly eight in 10 youth reject the slacker label. Not surprisingly, youth across the markets were also significantly more likely to consider themselves “Stressed” than “Bored.”
  • 18.
  • 19. 18 The pattern is repeated in the “Reliable vs. Free Spirit” pairing. At an age when people might be The New Cool expected to be experimental and at least somewhat Despite what some Youthsurpers may think, it isn’t irresponsible, the youth in the sample were that today’s youth are less “cool” than the boomers considerably more apt to consider themselves reliable. were at their age; it’s that the Survivor Generation has And in perhaps the most telling pairing, youth in redefined what it means to be cool. The archetypes of every market but the U.K. chose “Cautious” as a self- alienated youth and slackers simply don’t work in the descriptor over “Daring.” current environment. In the 1960s and 1970s, young boomers could afford to be irresponsible because Whereas the boomers enjoyed the freedom to they knew their parents or other grown-ups would fix experiment and engage in youthful misadventures, whatever messes they made, and they’d have plenty of their children and grandchildren are already time to get serious about making a living down the road. weighing risks and considering the potential Dustin Hoffman’s character in The Graduate spent consequences of their actions. The phrase “halcyon days his post-college days lounging in his parents’ pool, of youth” no longer seems applicable. feeling free to turn up his nose at the notion of working in plastics — or any traditional job. Members of the Survivor Generation don’t have that luxury. “workaholic” describes me better than “slacker” They’re all too aware that if they don’t get into a good school or training program, or make a splash in sports or the arts, or develop an entrepreneurial pursuit right now, they may never be able to get on track. y : 79% 50% 65% 57% Youths’ focus on getting ahead and the seriousness with which they regard life (and safeguarding their place in it) can sometimes look a lot like conservatism “stressed” describes me better or a lack of imagination, but that’s really just because than “bored” their attitudes and behaviors are so sharply in contrast with what boomers have led us to expect of youth. The Youthsurper Generation gave us hippie festivals, y : 79% 75% 87% 56% love-ins, sit-ins, bra-burnings, Hair, and Woodstock. “Feeling good” was a perfectly acceptable life goal, and taking advantage of the freedoms wrought by the sexual revolution was pretty much mandatory for anyone who “reliable” describes me better than didn’t want to be branded as hopelessly square. “free spirit” Fast-forward 40 or so years, and it’s cool to be successful — to make money and have a lifetime of security and control. It’s still cool to be committed y : 83% 58% 82% 68% to social activism, but only if one’s working within the system. In a world that’s already uncertain and a little bit scary, the last thing this generation wants “cautious” describes me better is more disruption. They also don’t feel the need than “daring” to make sweeping statements about individuality, nonconformity, and personal freedoms because these things have never been denied them. Their fights y : 69% 64% 54% 47% are very different and in some ways more personal than the battles waged by boomer youth. Rather than trying to save the world through rebellion and protest, the Survivor Generation is simply trying to make a positive contribution, while also looking out for themselves.
  • 20. 19 Project Investment vs. Security Investment Euro RSCG’s qualitative studies have found youths’ savings accounts aren’t typically earmarked for a far-distant future. Rather, young people are saving up for personal investments — life experiences that will help shape themselves or their prospects. This might be anything from a spiritual retreat to a language-immersion program or cosmetic procedure. Much as they accumulate bonus lives in their video games, they see life as a succession of experiences they can tuck away. Money Matters Having lots of money is important to a majority This attitude is held by more than seven in 10 youths in of youths, particularly in the U.S. and France, the U.S., France, and the U.K., and by more than six in 10 in but that’s not necessarily so for what it can buy Spain. It’s a belief that can serve as a powerful motivator, as for the security it signifies. In an intensely but can also put youth at risk of regarding setbacks as competitive world, money represents a release personal failures. from the incessant pressure to excel and eliminates many day-to-day worries. So, whereas college-aged boomers took pride in their disdain (genuine or not) for capitalism and bourgeois attitudes, their children having enough money to live an and grandchildren view wealth as essential to safely affluent lifestyle is important to me navigating the challenges of their environment. For young people, it can be relatively easy to get by in the present without much money; it’s a lot harder b : 53% 92% 40% 49% to feel secure in one’s future without it. This helps to explain why we’re seeing relatively large percentages of youth in each market already saving for the long term. y : 73% 91% 57% 67% These young people know their only safety nets are the ones they construct for themselves, so they’re investing in their futures before it’s too late. i regularly save or invest for the It’s interesting to note the enormous percentages long term of youth who believe they have a moral obligation to support their aging parents in the future should the need dictate. This speaks volumes about their y : 58% 64% 36% 32% sense of responsibility and close relationships with their parents. Far fewer boomers accept the notion that adult children should support their parents in when seniors don’t have enough money to their old age. It’s difficult to know whether they’re l i v e o n , t h e i r a d u lt c h i l d r e n h a v e a m o r a l rejecting the notion that they should contribute to obligation to support them financially their own parents’ retirement in the immediate term, or whether they’re looking to absolve their children of the responsibility when the time comes. In either case, b : 53% 71% 78% 33% they’re not expressing the same sort of generational solidarity their children seem to feel. In such a competitive environment, it would be easy for youth to be cynical or resigned to a life at the bottom of y : 85% 78% 91% 80% the heap. Instead, members of the Survivor Generation are convinced of their own potential and the possibility of achieving their dreams. To a far greater extent than it’s possible to have it all in life; their boomer parents, they believe they can achieve it’s just a matter of going for it anything they desire, provided they pursue it with sufficient energy and determination. y : 71% 79% 64% 75%
  • 21. Since 2003, BETC Euro RSCG has created global campaigns for Lacoste that have reinvigorated one of the world’s top fashion and luxury brands. Lacoste leverages its sports heritage and timeless elegance to appeal to members of all generations. un peu d’air sur terre
  • 22. 21 it is important the brands i buy reflect my age b : 14% 15% 20% 11% y : 33% 36% 27% 32% Rejection of Age Branding Now that age is just a mind-set and “youth” is self- defined, seniors massively reject age branding. Any messaging that suggests boomers are a discrete segment disconnected from youth is ill advised. In contrast, youth are somewhat more open to the notion of brands that reflect their age and life stage; many seek peer validation through the brands they buy and may respond well to brands that force a buffer between them and their aging hipster parents. What’s Next: Turnoffs for youth are likely to include messages of brainless fun or rebel cool; they’re simply not relevant Applying Cross- to the Survivor Generation. Both generations are more likely to respond to messages that promote such cross-generational values as freedom, creativity, and Aging Realities pleasure. And boomers in particular will respond to communications that value innovation, proactive stances, and health and wellness (how to keep/ to Brand Building improve/restore them). Brands that have done a good job of being simultaneously youthful and age-free include Nike and Apple, with their focuses on As a consequence of its massive size and wealth, self-realization and creativity, respectively. the baby boom generation (currently aged 43–61) has been a tantalizing target for marketers since the initial wave of boomers drew their first breaths — and Inclusive Design they’ll continue to be a target almost until they draw Boomers may insist on staying young forever, but their last. Just how powerful are they? In the U.K., their aging bodies are succumbing to the realities boomers are said to control fully 80 percent of the of the passing years. As a consequence, more and country’s wealth. In the U.S., boomers hold 50 percent more products will need to be redesigned to meet of all discretionary income and have an estimated the desires of a generation that refuses to grow up annual spending power in excess of $2 trillion. and leave its playthings behind. It’s a phenomenon Members of the Echo Boom (currently aged 12–25) affecting the makers of everything from designer jeans promise to have every bit as significant an impact as to bathtubs and automobiles. The BBC has reported, their baby boomer parents. In the U.S. alone, a total for instance, that the £400,000 Ferrari Enzo is being of 74.2 million babies were born during the manufactured with wider seats to accommodate Echo Boom, nearly equaling the 76.2 million middle-age spread and higher doors to spare creaky born during the original baby boom, but they’re knees. Mass-market clothing retailer Chico’s, a favorite concentrated within a 13-year period rather than the of U.S. boomers, has adopted a 0-to-3 sizing system so 18 years of the first baby boom. Echo boomers are customers don’t have to face the bitter truth of their currently estimated to have a combined spending actual sizes. power of $82.1 billion — a figure that will only While such marketing changes may be essential, increase as they age. elements of inclusive design should be subtle and, Members of each of these generations represent a in most cases, not communicated at all. No one wants diverse market with a broad array of priorities and to be reminded they’re growing old — least of all the financial states, but there are certain shared realities Youthsurper Generation. marketers would do well to keep in mind. Among them:
  • 23. 22 Ageless Dressing Boomer moms and their teen daughters are sharing clothes, but Euro RSCG qualitative research has found there are clear limits to what they’re willing to swap. In general, it’s fun casual wear such as designer jeans (if they’re both svelte) or Juicy Couture sweats rather than anything formal. And certain areas are off-limits: Mom isn’t shopping in the Juniors department for ultra-low-rise jeans and a baby T that reads, “Mrs. McDreamy” or “Don’t Be Jealous,” and her teen daughter isn’t shopping in the traditional Misses department filled with fuddy-duddy brands. They are shopping together in an entirely new department that likely didn’t exist a few years ago — a dressy casual section that has Juicy, Stella McCartney, Betsey Johnson, French Connection, Donna Karan, and the like. These are places where clothes are fun, practical, and ageless to a certain degree; anyone can wear them and not feel old or young, underdressed or overdressed. And Dad fits into this scenario, too: His weekend wardrobe is now cargo shorts and a T-shirt — not the walking shorts and polo of yesteryear — and could just as easily be seen on his teen or college-aged son.
  • 24. 23 AgeLESSness: Living Life out of Rise of Partner Brands Sequence In a world full of uncertainty regarding finances, health, global conflict, and other issues, consumers of “Acting your age” is now meaningless. There are all ages are looking for brand partners they can count plenty of 20-year-olds who act as we once would have on over the long term. This is particularly the case expected a 45-year-old to behave — and vice versa. for youth, who are seeking tools for survival and self- If you still look great in a miniskirt at age 40, should improvement. They want to partner with brands that you stop wearing it? Can a 17-year-old vying for a will help them solve their life issues —making them space at an elite college afford to be irresponsible look better, be regarded better, perform better, be or impulsive? more secure, and so on. Adding to the confusion is the freedom people now Another important factor for youth is control. have to create their own life sequences. People no Findings from the Cross-Aging survey and earlier longer join the workforce at age X, marry at age Y, and research by Euro RSCG suggest sense of control is an retire at age Z. One may retire at age 35 or embark on important generational divide. By and large, boomers a new career at 70. A new mom may be age 15 or 55. seem confident in their ability to control the course of And a first-year college student may have attended their lives, while youth are more apt to feel adrift — high school decades earlier. Certain age milestones or at least not yet set on a firm course that will ensure will always have relevance because of their legal their ultimate survival. ramifications (e.g., legal drinking/driving/voting age), but the rest are fluid and self-directed. This means Many young people today have the trappings of many consumers’ product and service needs and desires being grown up — including jobs and credit cards, are out of sync with what might be expected for their experience with sex and alcohol, and technological age groups. Targeting by age or life stage alone will fall know-how — but they don’t have the sense of short of the mark. control that would allow them to feel confident in their current choices or their future achievements. As a consequence, their lives are a series of coping À la Carte Shopping mechanisms: They cope with the pressure of school by Boomers don’t feel old — and surely don’t want to cheating. They cope with the pressure to win sports look old. For that reason, we’re seeing more people competitions or have a killer body by taking steroids. (women especially) eschewing complete wardrobes And they cope with the pressure to have sex by having from old-style retailers in favor of mixing and oral sex — which older adults think is more intimate matching pieces that let them show off their style: than intercourse, but which young people consider beaded tunics and peasant skirts from Forever 21, “sex lite.” It’s all about dealing with problems (real or colorful circle skirts and knit tops from H&M, and perceived) with the least amount of hassle. various other essentials wherever they can find them, Brands that are able to give youths a sense of control— from discount retailers to designer websites. and confidence they’re making the right choices — No matter their age, today’s shoppers tend not to have will be most highly valued. a favorite clothing retailer, a standard department store for household goods, or a short list of specialty stores; instead, they are willing to give a much broader array of retailers a look, with no pressure to make a transition from “young” stores to more age- appropriate stores as birthdays dictate. Smart retailers are accommodating various lifestyles and body types without tying themselves too closely to a single demographic.
  • 25. 24 Redesigning Reality i like text messaging on a mobile phone While boomers have always lived in a world that shapes itself to their needs and desires, youth have had to b : 18% 46% 70% 49% fight for every small gain. As a generation, one survival tactic they’ve adopted is creating an enhanced reality, including their own personalized virtual worlds. y : 67% 93% 93% 90% While boomers have jumped on the digital train (an invention largely of their own creation), they are analog immigrants, while youth are digital natives. The difference can be seen in the way the two generations perceive and use technology. For young i like multiplayer computer games over a network people, technology is less a tool than a lifestyle and an opportunity for creative expression. They use computers, cell phones, and other equipment to create virtual worlds in which they can get together b : 20% 29% 42% 20% with friends, meet new people, consume media and entertainment offerings, and organize their social existences. Whereas the real world is largely beyond y : 25% 46% 71% 63% their control, the virtual worlds they establish on MySpace, blogs, wiki collaborations, and so on can be fine-tuned to their liking — and exited at will. Boundaries don’t apply online: A person can interact i like instant chat/messaging with the world using a persona of his or her choice; most youth have created multiple identities through the use of different screen names, icons, and avatars. b : 34% 52% 57% 41% Whatever issues they may be facing at home or school, they can take pride in the number of people who link to their blogs, the number of stars accorded their YouTube videos, their accomplishments in Second y : 77% 83% 83% 82% Life, and the size of their buddy lists on MySpace. What does this mean for brands? Young consumers are spending a significant portion of their days in worlds of their own making. Brands that want to connect with them need to be in those worlds in a way that is both positive and welcome. A delicate balancing act is required to be perceived as contributing to the user experience rather than intruding upon it. The most successful brands in these spaces will be those that help consumers to express themselves, manage their virtual lives, connect with others, and gain access to new experiences — especially those that offer temporary transport to new realities. Consumers will also respond positively to those brands that help them make their virtual realities (what’s in their heads, dreams, and aspirations) real.
  • 26. In late 2004, Euro RSCG NY became the AOR for Dos Equis. The first campaign, “The Most Interesting Man in the World,” debuted in April 2007 across TV, radio, print, OOH and digital. The impact has been phenomenal, with sales up 100 — 300% in some markets.
  • 27.
  • 28. Euro RSCG has created provocative work for Evian for more than a decade. Shot by world-renowned photographer David LaChapelle, the “Evian-les-Bains” campaign speaks to the youthful spirit of the brand.
  • 29. Prosumer Reports is a series of thought leadership publications by Euro RSCG Worldwide – part of a global initiative to share information and insights, including our own proprietary research, across the Euro RSCG network of agencies and client companies. Euro RSCG Worldwide is a leading integrated marketing communications agency and was the first agency to be named Global Agency of the Year by both Advertising Age and Campaign in the same year. Euro RSCG is made up of 233 offices in 75 countries and provides advertising,marketing, corporate communications, and digital and social media solutions to clients, including, Air France, BNP Paribas, Charles Schwab, Citigroup, Danone Group, Heineken USA, IBM, Kraft Foods, Lacoste, L’Oréal, Merck, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Pernod Ricard, Reckitt Benckiser, sanofi-aventis, and Volvo. Headquartered in New York, Euro RSCG Worldwide is the largest unit of Havas, a world leader in communications (Euronext Paris SA: HAV.PA). For more information about Prosumer Reports, please visit or contact Naomi Troni, global chief marketing officer, at Follow us on Twitter @prosumer_report