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The Environmental Sciences
We have reached a point within our history where we have been more connected than ever. For the most part, we are able to reach out to the eclectic
mix of cultures that composes our global society, and interact with others in real time. The various perspectives we are able to contrive from these
cultures allow us to understand and construct new ideologies within various disciplines, and some of the connections can be made are constructed from
creativity of our imaginations and perspectives on various issues. The interactions amongst the collective forces that constructs interdisciplinarity
enable us, from an ecological framework, to find inspiration from the abstract into the familiarities of the environmental sciences and studies. Coming more content...
The classical classifications of Teddy Roosevelt environmentalism no longer applies to our given circumstances. Though he helped create and solidify
the existence of national parks, the nature that is most familiar to us is also the most overlooked, and these natural entities that are ignored are often
found in the urban landscape (Cronon 1996). Socially we have constructed the idea that wilderness is out there and far away when it is actually within
everything we interact with on a daily basis (Cronon 1996). The environmental themes touched upon in our class have some degree of resignation of
dissociation, but the field of interdiciplinarity enables us to recognize that these dissociations in one way or another construct and support various
themes within restoration, invasive species, and novel ecosystems. Deconstructing these themes enables us to link various connections that would
support and deepen our understanding of the successes and follies associated with these themes. More often than not we are required to think outside
the quadrilateral prisms and conjoin a collective thought in the thread of a Mobius strip. Since its birth, Restoration has made an attempt to make
progress by rehabilitating degraded lands, but its name hasn't necessarily assisted the true understanding of its practice. In
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The Field Of Environmental Science
The field of Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary field that integrates biology, ecology, and many others to the study of the environment and
the solutions to environmental problems. Because of the expansion of the human population and the ways in which we use our resources, it has
resulted in many problems such as climate change and ocean pollution. Many scientists and other various organizations are contributing to finding
solutions to the environmental problems. This paper describes the contributions made by Wangari Maathai and Rachel Carson to the field of
Environmental Science. Major Contributor: Wangari Maathai Wangari Maathai was a Kenyan Environmental, political, and women's rights activist
and was born on April 1, 1940, more content...
In September 1960, Mathaai was one of about three hundred fortunate students to win a scholarship. She was able to attend the Mount St. Scholastica
College in Kansas, where she was able to learn more about the environment by earning a bachelor 's degree in biology in 1964 and a Master's degree
two years later. She returned to Kenya to earn a Doctorates degree in veterinary medicine at the University if Nairobi. During her studies at the
university, Maathai and her female colleagues had to deal with gender discrimination. When they tried to change the unjust treatment, they were told by
the university officials that "you should just take the basic salary because the rest of the services that men get you don't need" (Maathai, 2006, p.115).
But they did not give up. Eventually, Maathai's work paid off because she became the first woman in East Africa to earn a Doctorates Degree. Her
experience with gender discrimination and her love for the environment enabled her to join organizations that advocated for women's rights as well as
environmental organizations. Through the various organizations and the scientific community, she found out about the deforestation of Kenya's forests
and the rural women's lack of resources. "As I sat listening to the women talk about water, energy, and nutrition, I could see that everything they lacked
depended on the environment"
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Environmental Science Ia
How has Human Activity impacted positively or negatively on species diversity?
TOPIC: Species Diversity
Environmental Science Internal Assessment 2012
Caribbean Advanced Profiency Examination
Table of Contents Pages * MAP : Study area in Relation to Trinidad 3 * Site Visits 4 * Laboratory Exercise 8 * Introduction 25 * Problem Statement *
Purpose of Project * Methods of Data Collection * Literature more content...
* Air quality measurements– at our site visit we also tested the amount of Sulphur dioxide (SO2) in the air using an air quality metre. The results were
then recorded on our Air Quality Data Sheet. * Slope Measurements– the slope of our site area was measured in 1 meter intervals. The results were then
recorded on our slope data sheets
6) Observations –at this site the majority of the area was flat with low–frequently maintained grass and few very mature trees. We also noticed that the
area had many recreational activities such as playing football and cricket. taking place within it. The location of our site was also observed; the site
(savannah) is surrounded by many buildings, activities and a free flow of nonstop traffic surrounding the area. There was a slight overcast and during
our survey rain began to fall.
7) Comments– based on my observations I believe that the savannah is a man made savannah. There were few trees and a lot of cars which may cause
high levels of carbon monoxide.
8) Follow–up Activities– After doing our survey of the Queen's Park Savannah we will have to return to our school lab and carry out our tests on the soil
Entry Number– 3
Date– 29th November, 2011
Site Location– Fondes Amandes Reaforestation Project
Objective– to investigate how human activity positively or negatively impacted on the species diversity in Fondes Amandes, North West Trinidad
Activities– At this site we did a vegetation survey,
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Environmental Science Reflection
Over the course of the semester, I feel that, in my Introduction to Environmental Science (EVR2001) class, I have learned an extensive amount about
current, past, and possibly future environmental issues that our planet is enduring. Many of the issues impacting our environment have caught my
attention and opened my eyes to the effects these issues are causing. Environmental science has had an impact on me personally, and has changed my
understanding and the intensity of my opinions on many environmental issues in a variety of ways. There are even particular environmental issues that
I find relevant to my own life for many reasons. This class taught me how I can reduce my own impact on the environment, which has even led me to
change some aspects of my life to reduce my environmental impact as a result. EVR2001 has impacted me personally, in many different ways First,
this class has brought so many issues to my attention, and taught me that almost anything can have a negative impact on our environment. For
example, I found it intriguing that even letting a pet cat, or feral cats in general, outside, is a severe negative threat to the biodiversity of an
ecosystem (Lecture 4 Slides). Personally, I do not believe many people know the effect cats can have, which leads them to believe their cat is fine
roaming around outside. The Global Article Analysis assignments had another impact on me. They allowed me to realize that countries can be affected
differently by the same
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Environmental Education Essay
Environmental Education
When forming a curriculum, teachers need to determine three types of objectives– fact, skill, and appreciation for something. The "appreciation for"
objective is the one that an environmental class stresses. Environmental courses emphasize the importance of conserving the Earth by creating
environmental responsibility, evokes morals. In conservation, we have to decide what is important and certain actions we want to take to preserve
what we feel is important. That's why it is crucial for teachers to decide what is necessary to include in an environmental curriculum to create sensitivity
and teach ethical problems. Teachers need to teach the three viewpoints that one could take on the environment. Once more content...
This machine excludes anything with intrinsic value or something that has value in and of itself–versus the idea of instrumental value, which is
anything, aside from humans, that is a means to an end or a tool for something else. In this view, humans are the only ones with intrinsic value.
Knowledge, in this viewpoint, is to predict and control nature (Factor). "A result of this attitude is that any species that are of potential use to humans
can be a 'resource' to be exploited...The view that humans have greater intrinsic value than other species also influences ethical judgments about
interactions with other organisms. These ethics are often used to legitimize treating other species in ways that would be considered morally
unacceptable if humans were similarly treated...Another implication of the anthropocentric view is the belief that humans rank at the acme of the
natural evolutionary progression of species and of life" (Anthropocentrism).
Teachers need to provide logic, examples, and connections for students to grasp a concept. Teachers would need to explain that it is logical, that
everything is comprised of parts, and that the machine is running for us. After all, we breathe the air, we're at the top of the food chain, we have the
power to destroy, and we have language. No other being on Earth compares to us; so everything on Earth is meant for us. A teacher would provide an
example such as the idea of biodiversity. We need biodiversity because we have not
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Environmental Science Essay
SCIE210 – Unit 5 Individual Project
Sandra Allen
American Intercontinental University
May 27, 2012
From the beginning of time, there has always been wildlife. The animals and plants of our wildlife contribute to what makes this life so interesting.
If all wildlife were to go extinct, then we would not have a way to replenish the oxygen to survive off of. All animals and plants are a part of our
lifecycle and should be respected as such.
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was put in place to protect threatened and endangered animals and plants. There are two agencies that equip this
program, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This act was dated official more content...
The Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966 authorized the Secretary of Interior to spend $15 million per year to purchase habitats for the
species on the endangered list. This act also required protection of these species on federal land. All land belonging to the public that was not
government was not required but were encouraged to. Many benefits have come from these law acts that have been set in place. Recovery plans
have been put into place to help our animals and plants replenish. While doing this, exemptions can and do occur. If there is a project to be done
within a habitat of a listed species, then the ESA must notify the FWS and National Marine Fisheries Service. Once listed species reached a level of
stable existence again, they were delisted. As of 2011, fifty–one species had been delisted. Any kind of harming, wounding, or killing is considered to
be a violation. Violations of these laws have a variety of penalties. The maximum fine is up to $50,000 or a year of imprisonment, possibly both. I
do absolutely believe this law has improved our societies and environments due to helping original life to be sustained. These animals and plants were
created to be on this earth. They did not choose to be here and did not choose to be killed for human pleasure. This law has given these listed species
another chance.
Boorse, D. F. and Wright, R.T. (2011). Environmental Science: Toward a more
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Environmental Science and Human Population
Environmental Science and Human Population Worksheet
1.What would you include in a brief summary on the history of the modern environmental movement, from the 1960s to the present?
The modern environment movement began on April 22, 1970 largely due to the release of the book The Silent Spring that is written by an
environmentalist name Rachel Carson. Overtime, I think the environment has improved tremendously from where and how it all began. With the help
of the National Resources Defense Council, many things started happening for the betterment of the environment. Many Acts and laws were passed
such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act. The National Resources Defense Council has
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The prediction for developed countries population is that in time there is hopes for it to level off. With more women working and returning to
school time to raise a family has become limited and sometime nonexistent. There are also more choices for the women in developed countries to use
some sort of birth control. In the developing countries it is popular for the young women to get married at an early age, thus leading to them
becoming pregnant earlier in life and more likely to have more children. They lack getting educated about safe sex and contraception. If reproduction
keeps, happening due to these factors in developing countries there, population will grow rapidly and this will add to the carrying capacity of the earth.
If carrying capacity is exceeded it will create a packing problem and we may not be able to produce the means we need to survive.
4.How do individual choices affect natural ecosystem? Provide examples from your personal or community experience.
According to "How Do We Affect The Ecosystem?" (2011), "An ecosystem is a living system that includes the sun as an energy source, soil, rocks,
water, air, plant life and living beings." Our individual choices affect the natural ecosystem in several ways. Those who choose to have a farm are
killing off the ecosystem of plants and animals that existed and lived off that area so that they can produce the kind of food they want to have. The
chemicals they use to grow
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Environmental Analysis Essay
Environmental Analysis Introduction
This analysis will consist of the identification of the industry in which my organization operates. It is important to identify key macroeconomic
variables and their direct effect on the industry. This analysis has two charts that identify the relationship between two main macroeconomic variables
and the corresponding industry variables over the last five years. I will also identify operating challenges and opportunities for the industry my
organization is involved in.
I work for an organization specializing in offering foster care, more content...
When inflation occurs government spending and budgets are cut. For the most part, the social service industry is one of the areas directly affected by
these fluctuations. There is less money available to sustain these programs and therefore nonprofit organizations have to decrease the services
available. High interest rates also affect the money contributed to the organization. Borrowers are less inclined to pursue loans when interest rates are
higher, whether the money goes for business or personal reasons. Sometimes, nonprofit organizations will contract with outside agencies for services;
higher interest rates mean those agencies have less of a money supply, affecting the amount of business between the two entities. Tied into the above
mentioned variable is also unemployment. There are two ways in which the agency is affected by unemployment. When there is less money available
for the organization, there is less money to hire new personnel, which directly affects the turnover rate within the industry. The social service field has
a high level of turnover; unfortunately, the paychecks do not match the amount of work and responsibility involved in this line of work. When the
agency doesn't have enough funding, it adds responsibilities to the job descriptions of the current employees. Someone responsible for one department
is expected to handle three departments. Social workers whose typical caseload is 10
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Statement Of Purpose: AP Environmental Science
I signed up to take AP Environmental Science this year because I was more interested in taking it than expanding on solely biology or chemistry. This
course includes several different fields of study which is why I thought it would be very interesting and I would learn about several subjects compared
to just one. Before completing any work for this course, my definition of environmental science would have been, the study of elements of the
environment such as climate, soil, and water. I also would have thought that the term environmentalism meant simply protecting the environment. The
difference between environmental science and environmentalism is that environmental science is the study of the environment which runs more tests
and experiments
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Environmental health is the science that studies how the environment influences the human disease and health. Environment means things that are
natural to us in the environment, for instance air, water, and soil. However, it also covers the physical, chemical, biological, and social features that
surround us every day. The physical environment is the man–made or built structures that include our living, work, and even schools. Included in the
community systems such as the roads and our transportations, and waste management. However, the alterations such as air pollution to our natural
environment, is included in the physical section. The social environment is our social lifestyles like diet, exercise, socioeconomic status and many more content...
The pollution has both chronic and acute effects on our health, and affects many of our systems and organs. The health consequences of lower levels of
pollution have been more difficult to decide. The first cause is that people differ in response to the environment and the toxics. When we are exposed to
the different conditions caused by the environment, the variation is wide because of how we react. With this variability of the population, it can mask
the effects that do occur in a sensitive segment of the population. The second difficulty is our age, and the timing of the exposures and how it will
influence both sensitivity to the environmental agent, and the type of effect it will cause our health. Infants and children may acquire lifelong damage
compared to us adults. Environmental regulation and pollution control will remain an important cornerstone of the public health policy. The focus will
be prevention, instead of disease treatment. Control of the pollution is a highly cost–effective means ensuring public health. With the contaminated
environments and the work hazards in occupations, improving the pollution control may lead to a reduced health care disparities. When the health of
all citizens is protected that a nation can fulfill its potential. Another reason we could consider is the climate change. The climate poses a challenge to
our health. Threats to our health caused by a toxin or disease pathogen, there are ways the
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Environmental Science Essay
Environmental Fundamentals
Laura Jackson
April 8, 2013
Environmental Fundamentals
Environmental science is defined as the study of the environment and the interconnecting systems it contains, furthermore, the way people interact with
their natural surroundings and use natural resources (wise geek, 2013). Scientist in this field is highly interdisciplinary and extremely diverse, for
example, a scientist might study volcanoes or climate change. This essay will cover the following; the definition of environmental science, the
relationship between science and technology and how it affects environmental problems; the concept of environmental sustainability and why it should
be studied; how more content...
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental sustainability is the process of making sure current processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the idea of keeping
the environment as pristine as naturally possible based on ideal–seeking behavior (Wikipedia, 2010). What makes environmental sustainability so
important is that it demands that society designs activities to meet human needs while indefinitely preserving the life support systems of the planet
(Wikipedia, 2010). Human consumption can only use the nature's resources at a rate that can be replenished naturally.
Human Values affecting Society
The most devastating environmental change of all is the loss of biodiversity. The rate of species extinction has remained at one species per million per
year, furthermore, the accelerating destruction of habitats throughout the world leads to projections of the loss of two–thirds of all species on earth by
the end of this century, and millions of years to recover from the Cretaceous period (, 2013). As individuals, we obtain our food, directly
or indirectly from plants, for example, plant our primary use of medicines. Biodiversity also determines the properties of communities and ecosystems,
which capture energy from the sun. The world is less resilient, more homogeneous, less interesting, and with fewer opportunities for our descendants
and ourselves: where the process reaches
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Environmental Science Of High School
In high school I had the opportunity to take an environmental science class that opened my eyes to how society treats our environment. In turn, I
realized the repercussions that those actions have on human health. It is necessary that society make an effort to push towards making human health
a priority before making a decision on how the environment will be altered. A majority of our society today is either unaware of the damage they are
causing or are in denial. Humans were created to live in a natural and organic world, however as time has gone on and as technology has greatly
improved, Earth has become extremely inorganic. This is evident in grocery stores and chain supermarkets because anywhere from sixty to seventy
percent of the food made available to us is genetically modified. It is crucial that people become more aware of how the environment and human health
are linked. As our society continues to become globalized, the food industry is putting our health more at risk. With the fluctuation in economic
development and the rapid increase in population, our environment along with our personal health suffers.
New agriculture practices worldwide, industrialization, and an increase in consumption of energy have all made the world a presumably positive
impact on the way people live. However, society as a whole is not doing the best job at recognizing how our modernized world is impacting the
environment. Unfortunately, health impacts are not typically marketed, so people
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Environmental Science Career Paper
When I am finished with my Master's Degree through Kaplan University I plan on becoming an Environmental Health Scientist. In this paper, I will
explain what an Environmental Health Scientist is, the educational requirements including any certifications and credentials and the personality traits
that best suit this career. I will also outline my career goals and how Kaplan can help me achieve them. Finally, I will go over where I see myself in
five years.
An Environmental Health Scientist conducts research for eliminating hazards or pollutions that negatively affect the environment or population. This is
most often done by collecting samples from air, food, soil and water and then analyzing to see if it contains any hazards. After the research and analysis
is complete, the data reported on and recommendations on eliminating or avoiding the hazard are made. The reporting and recommendations are
provided to government agencies, environmental agencies, industry and to the more content...
Basic listening, problem solving and analytical thinking are very important skills to have in this field. One must also be efficient in math, can work
closely with technology and be able to efficiently and productively communicate. ( After taking the personality profiler many of my
traits will be helpful and fit well in this work. My highest score was investigative, meaning that I enjoy finding solutions to problems. I also had a
high social score. I do enjoy being of service to people, interacting with all different cultures and helping them solve problems in their life. I was
surprised to learn that I scored lower in the realistic category. This deals with hands on work, learning about plants and animals and working outside.
This type of work is one of my greatest passions and I spend a huge amount of time outside foraging and learning about the world around
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Reflection On Environmental Sustainability
This essay will review two significant environmental experiences I have encountered exploring the influences of these my life and how these have
altered my view on what is environmental sustainability. An examination into these two experiences will follow into reviewing my perspectives on
environmental sustainability and how these two experiences influenced this. To conclude a discussion on my role as a teacher and how this will impact
myself when in the classroom.
Part A
The first experience I had was travelling through an area called Baynton about 100kms north east of Melbourne early in 2009. It was about 6 weeks
after the Black Saturday bushfires devastated the whole region, driving through was incredibly eerie and unsettling. Everything was black and
charred, in the paddocks there was no grass, no fences, all the trees were burnt trunks, no foliage at all was present. There were no animals grazing in
the paddocks, no wildlife was visible and no green anywhere. Fire is a natural part of life as my friend told me that day, trees will grow again, fences
can be mended, the animals and wildlife will return. People are what matter, thankfully no one lost their lives in the region I travelled that day. Seeing
the devastation reminded me the power of nature and how there are still many natural occurrences that mankind cannot control or master. Speaking
with residents (personal communication, March, 2009), similar and consistent observations were made that bushfire
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The Importance Of Environmental Science
Throughout the modern era, people were becoming more aware of the importance of a clean, healthy environment. As the environmentalist movement
began and more research was being done within environmental science, the public became increasing involved in the science. Environmental science
and the public, throughout the modern era, were connected in a unique way, in that the public is not often practicing environmental science, but using
it as a mode of promoting environmental justice and fueling the environmentalism movement, as demonstrated by increase of public interest after the
publication of Silent Springs, the environmental justice and NIMBYism movements, and the change in the public from consumers to advocates.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the public was not extremely interested in environmental sciences, as they did not fully understand their
implications to everyday life. This lack of initial interest can be seen in many types of sciences when they are started out, such as the study of
biology. Scientists like Gregor Mendel who were serious scientists in their respective fields were generally ignored by the public, but with Darwin's
Origin of the Species, the issue of heredity was more directly applied to the general public, making people more interested in the field. Just as Origin of
the Species sparked public interest, Rachel Carson's Silent Springs peaked public interest in environmental science and began the environmentalism
movement. Books like Silent
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Environmental Art Essay
Environmental art is a genre of art that was established in the late 1960's and it was created by things found in nature to make a piece of art. Some of
the the environmental art would be so large in size, that it would be considered to be monumental. This kind of art can not be moved without
destroying it, and the climate and weather can change it. There are many reasons why an artist would create an environmental work of art, such as : to
address environmental issues affecting earth today, to show things that could be powered by nature or be interactive with natural phenomenon (like
lighting or earthquakes), or to show how people can co–exist with nature, or maybe use it as a means to help restore ecosystems in an aesthetic way. more content...
Michael Hiezer's piece, "Double negative" was built in Nevada, near the Mormon mesa. According to Double negative, "The trenches line up
across a large gap formed by the natural shape of the mesa edge. Including this open area across the gap, the trenches together measure 1,500 feet
long, 50 feet deep, and 30 feet wide." Heizer just simply subtracted earth to create this work, he took away earth to create the two trenches and
thus, creating negative space, and that is how he created a "double negative." This piece was considered to be one of the first works to start the
earth art movement. This piece was created to help show people how the earth can relate to art. Heizer's piece "the city" is still a work in progress and
has been a life–long project that is somewhere in the Nevada Desert. The site can not be visited by people yet since Heizer is still working on it. He
is using "The complexes are made mostly of earth, and were inspired in part by Native American traditions of mound–building and the ancient cities of
Central and South America." Heizer states in regards to the City as, "I'm building this work for later. I'm interested in making a work of art that will
represent all the civilization to this point." Walter de Maria was born in California in 1935. He studied history and art at UC Berkeley, and then went
to New York in 1960. His early art was made from industrial materials to make minimalist art. In the late 1960's, he started to
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Environmental Studies Reflection Paper
Environmental Studies Reflection Paper
"In the past 50 years, humans have consumed more resources than in all of previous history." We live in a consumer society where individuals across
the world purchase, use, and dispose of products throughout their daily lives. Whether this makes their lives easier or not, it is taking an enormous toll
on our environment. If people from across the globe united, we could work together to make a change in policies, as well as influence other individuals
to create a healthier environment for generations to come. Participating in this class, I was able to broaden my horizons and perspectives on
environmental issues. Engaging in the reading material, field experience, guest lectures, and group discussions I had the opportunity to develop a
standpoint of what I believe to be the future of the environmental movement and what role I will partake. The objective of my paper is to inform the
audience how the reading material and field experience embodied my perspective of the future of the environmental movement and what role I will
fulfill in pursuing an optimistic perspective.
The reading material introduced ideas and perspectives from the authors on environmental issues. In The Green Collar Economy, Van Jones develops
an idea of renewable resources and sustainable products as the basis to transforming our environment and economy. Throughout the book Jones
discusses the environmental impacts a green collar economy would acquire, as well as the
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Environmental Issue Essay
Environmental problems are something which belongs to nature or known as "Mother Earth" [13]. Nature was created to help people survive from
gathering foods until build a house. This phenomenon happens continuously without thinking how much damage that nature has because human's fault.
Nature gradually becomes worse and animal's life in danger. People who are aware of the importance of nature react. Those people do several ways to
save the environment. Although these efforts can return back the environment, these efforts only can be hold temporarily. This problem happens
because those people who are aware of the environment only slightly; for remaining, there are people either do not know or do not care about the
nature. People's more content...
Air pollution levels have a large existence in big cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bandung, and so on. This problem happens because the number of
motor vehicle use that is not limited [1]. Exhaust smog are the cause of air pollution which has the dangerous effects for people's health. Exhaust smog
is a result of burning fuel oil every motor vehicle. There are two types of burning fuel oil: the first is complete burning [2] and incomplete burning [3].
These types of burning have the differentiation in producing the remainder. Complete burning produces carbon dioxide as a result of remaining while
incomplete burning produces carbon monoxide as a result of the rest. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are gases that are harmful to people's
health and could decrease ozone layer [4] [5]. Exhaust smog is hazardous to people's health. Exhaust smog is a result of burning fuel oil [6].
Consequently, exhaust smog has possibility to contain carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gas. These harmful gases affect human respiration.
Carbon monoxide makes the respiratory system becomes worse. Carbon monoxide will interfere with the process of hemoglobin in breathing [7]. As a
result, people will not only feel lack of oxygen but also often feel dizzy and weak. In the other hand, carbon dioxide causes dizziness and fatigue to the
sufferer [8]. In the prevention and reduction of the impact of exhaust smog, the Indonesian government decided all motor vehicle users have to check
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The Fundamental Principles of Environmental Science
Jessica Cameron
ENV 100
August 5, 2013
Andrew Walsh
The Fundamental Principles of Environmental Science
Environmental science is defined as an interdisciplinary field that combines the scientific information from several disciplines not limited to biology,
geology, physics and economics (Berg & Hagar, 2009, p. 1.5) to understand and influence theenvironment. The reason that environmental science
is so important is because it brings to light the damage done to the earth and the things that can be done to help the earth find and maintain
sustainability through future generations.
One of the things that affect the sustainability of the planet is technology. more content...
Technology is not all negative either. With the growing technology we have the ability to focus on the damage that has occurred to our planet.
Scientists can test the ground water for pollutants. Machines in labs run tests to predict what the earth might look like for future generations.
Sometimes technology can be a step in the right direction. We just need to look at how to do things that are directed more closely at Earth
sustainability and less at the bottom dollar.
The textbook states that sustainability means that the world will remain intact and that the resources in the environment will not run out even though
human beings are using those resources (Berg & Hagar, 2009 1.2.1). There are several things that threaten environmental sustainability. One of the
urgent problems is humanity. Just in the last twelve years population on earth grew from five billion people to six billion (Berg & Hagar, 2009).
Environmental sustainability should be studied because it is important to the continued existence of life. Throughout history people have had both
sustainable and unsustainable interactions with the planet. When colonists first came to America they tilled the soil, and cut down the trees to build
colonies. It was a time of environmental destruction (Berg & Hagar, 2009). It wasn't until after the civil war that American's
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The Environmental Sciences

  • 1. The Environmental Sciences We have reached a point within our history where we have been more connected than ever. For the most part, we are able to reach out to the eclectic mix of cultures that composes our global society, and interact with others in real time. The various perspectives we are able to contrive from these cultures allow us to understand and construct new ideologies within various disciplines, and some of the connections can be made are constructed from creativity of our imaginations and perspectives on various issues. The interactions amongst the collective forces that constructs interdisciplinarity enable us, from an ecological framework, to find inspiration from the abstract into the familiarities of the environmental sciences and studies. Coming more content... The classical classifications of Teddy Roosevelt environmentalism no longer applies to our given circumstances. Though he helped create and solidify the existence of national parks, the nature that is most familiar to us is also the most overlooked, and these natural entities that are ignored are often found in the urban landscape (Cronon 1996). Socially we have constructed the idea that wilderness is out there and far away when it is actually within everything we interact with on a daily basis (Cronon 1996). The environmental themes touched upon in our class have some degree of resignation of dissociation, but the field of interdiciplinarity enables us to recognize that these dissociations in one way or another construct and support various themes within restoration, invasive species, and novel ecosystems. Deconstructing these themes enables us to link various connections that would support and deepen our understanding of the successes and follies associated with these themes. More often than not we are required to think outside the quadrilateral prisms and conjoin a collective thought in the thread of a Mobius strip. Since its birth, Restoration has made an attempt to make progress by rehabilitating degraded lands, but its name hasn't necessarily assisted the true understanding of its practice. In Get more content on
  • 2. The Field Of Environmental Science The field of Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary field that integrates biology, ecology, and many others to the study of the environment and the solutions to environmental problems. Because of the expansion of the human population and the ways in which we use our resources, it has resulted in many problems such as climate change and ocean pollution. Many scientists and other various organizations are contributing to finding solutions to the environmental problems. This paper describes the contributions made by Wangari Maathai and Rachel Carson to the field of Environmental Science. Major Contributor: Wangari Maathai Wangari Maathai was a Kenyan Environmental, political, and women's rights activist and was born on April 1, 1940, more content... In September 1960, Mathaai was one of about three hundred fortunate students to win a scholarship. She was able to attend the Mount St. Scholastica College in Kansas, where she was able to learn more about the environment by earning a bachelor 's degree in biology in 1964 and a Master's degree two years later. She returned to Kenya to earn a Doctorates degree in veterinary medicine at the University if Nairobi. During her studies at the university, Maathai and her female colleagues had to deal with gender discrimination. When they tried to change the unjust treatment, they were told by the university officials that "you should just take the basic salary because the rest of the services that men get you don't need" (Maathai, 2006, p.115). But they did not give up. Eventually, Maathai's work paid off because she became the first woman in East Africa to earn a Doctorates Degree. Her experience with gender discrimination and her love for the environment enabled her to join organizations that advocated for women's rights as well as environmental organizations. Through the various organizations and the scientific community, she found out about the deforestation of Kenya's forests and the rural women's lack of resources. "As I sat listening to the women talk about water, energy, and nutrition, I could see that everything they lacked depended on the environment" Get more content on
  • 3. Environmental Science Ia How has Human Activity impacted positively or negatively on species diversity? NAME OF CANDIDATE: CENTRE NUMBER: NAME OF SCHOOL: TOPIC: Species Diversity TEACHER: DATE SUBMITTED: Environmental Science Internal Assessment 2012 Caribbean Advanced Profiency Examination Table of Contents Pages * MAP : Study area in Relation to Trinidad 3 * Site Visits 4 * Laboratory Exercise 8 * Introduction 25 * Problem Statement * Purpose of Project * Methods of Data Collection * Literature more content... * Air quality measurements– at our site visit we also tested the amount of Sulphur dioxide (SO2) in the air using an air quality metre. The results were then recorded on our Air Quality Data Sheet. * Slope Measurements– the slope of our site area was measured in 1 meter intervals. The results were then recorded on our slope data sheets 6) Observations –at this site the majority of the area was flat with low–frequently maintained grass and few very mature trees. We also noticed that the area had many recreational activities such as playing football and cricket. taking place within it. The location of our site was also observed; the site (savannah) is surrounded by many buildings, activities and a free flow of nonstop traffic surrounding the area. There was a slight overcast and during our survey rain began to fall. 7) Comments– based on my observations I believe that the savannah is a man made savannah. There were few trees and a lot of cars which may cause high levels of carbon monoxide. 8) Follow–up Activities– After doing our survey of the Queen's Park Savannah we will have to return to our school lab and carry out our tests on the soil .
  • 4. Entry Number– 3 Date– 29th November, 2011 Site Location– Fondes Amandes Reaforestation Project Objective– to investigate how human activity positively or negatively impacted on the species diversity in Fondes Amandes, North West Trinidad Activities– At this site we did a vegetation survey, Get more content on
  • 5. Environmental Science Reflection Over the course of the semester, I feel that, in my Introduction to Environmental Science (EVR2001) class, I have learned an extensive amount about current, past, and possibly future environmental issues that our planet is enduring. Many of the issues impacting our environment have caught my attention and opened my eyes to the effects these issues are causing. Environmental science has had an impact on me personally, and has changed my understanding and the intensity of my opinions on many environmental issues in a variety of ways. There are even particular environmental issues that I find relevant to my own life for many reasons. This class taught me how I can reduce my own impact on the environment, which has even led me to change some aspects of my life to reduce my environmental impact as a result. EVR2001 has impacted me personally, in many different ways First, this class has brought so many issues to my attention, and taught me that almost anything can have a negative impact on our environment. For example, I found it intriguing that even letting a pet cat, or feral cats in general, outside, is a severe negative threat to the biodiversity of an ecosystem (Lecture 4 Slides). Personally, I do not believe many people know the effect cats can have, which leads them to believe their cat is fine roaming around outside. The Global Article Analysis assignments had another impact on me. They allowed me to realize that countries can be affected differently by the same Get more content on
  • 6. Environmental Education Essay Environmental Education When forming a curriculum, teachers need to determine three types of objectives– fact, skill, and appreciation for something. The "appreciation for" objective is the one that an environmental class stresses. Environmental courses emphasize the importance of conserving the Earth by creating environmental responsibility, evokes morals. In conservation, we have to decide what is important and certain actions we want to take to preserve what we feel is important. That's why it is crucial for teachers to decide what is necessary to include in an environmental curriculum to create sensitivity and teach ethical problems. Teachers need to teach the three viewpoints that one could take on the environment. Once more content... This machine excludes anything with intrinsic value or something that has value in and of itself–versus the idea of instrumental value, which is anything, aside from humans, that is a means to an end or a tool for something else. In this view, humans are the only ones with intrinsic value. Knowledge, in this viewpoint, is to predict and control nature (Factor). "A result of this attitude is that any species that are of potential use to humans can be a 'resource' to be exploited...The view that humans have greater intrinsic value than other species also influences ethical judgments about interactions with other organisms. These ethics are often used to legitimize treating other species in ways that would be considered morally unacceptable if humans were similarly treated...Another implication of the anthropocentric view is the belief that humans rank at the acme of the natural evolutionary progression of species and of life" (Anthropocentrism). Teachers need to provide logic, examples, and connections for students to grasp a concept. Teachers would need to explain that it is logical, that everything is comprised of parts, and that the machine is running for us. After all, we breathe the air, we're at the top of the food chain, we have the power to destroy, and we have language. No other being on Earth compares to us; so everything on Earth is meant for us. A teacher would provide an example such as the idea of biodiversity. We need biodiversity because we have not Get more content on
  • 7. Environmental Science Essay SCIE210 – Unit 5 Individual Project Sandra Allen American Intercontinental University May 27, 2012 From the beginning of time, there has always been wildlife. The animals and plants of our wildlife contribute to what makes this life so interesting. If all wildlife were to go extinct, then we would not have a way to replenish the oxygen to survive off of. All animals and plants are a part of our lifecycle and should be respected as such. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was put in place to protect threatened and endangered animals and plants. There are two agencies that equip this program, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This act was dated official more content... The Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966 authorized the Secretary of Interior to spend $15 million per year to purchase habitats for the species on the endangered list. This act also required protection of these species on federal land. All land belonging to the public that was not government was not required but were encouraged to. Many benefits have come from these law acts that have been set in place. Recovery plans have been put into place to help our animals and plants replenish. While doing this, exemptions can and do occur. If there is a project to be done within a habitat of a listed species, then the ESA must notify the FWS and National Marine Fisheries Service. Once listed species reached a level of stable existence again, they were delisted. As of 2011, fifty–one species had been delisted. Any kind of harming, wounding, or killing is considered to be a violation. Violations of these laws have a variety of penalties. The maximum fine is up to $50,000 or a year of imprisonment, possibly both. I do absolutely believe this law has improved our societies and environments due to helping original life to be sustained. These animals and plants were created to be on this earth. They did not choose to be here and did not choose to be killed for human pleasure. This law has given these listed species another chance. References: Boorse, D. F. and Wright, R.T. (2011). Environmental Science: Toward a more
  • 8. Get more content on
  • 9. Environmental Science and Human Population Environmental Science and Human Population Worksheet 1.What would you include in a brief summary on the history of the modern environmental movement, from the 1960s to the present? The modern environment movement began on April 22, 1970 largely due to the release of the book The Silent Spring that is written by an environmentalist name Rachel Carson. Overtime, I think the environment has improved tremendously from where and how it all began. With the help of the National Resources Defense Council, many things started happening for the betterment of the environment. Many Acts and laws were passed such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act. The National Resources Defense Council has more content... The prediction for developed countries population is that in time there is hopes for it to level off. With more women working and returning to school time to raise a family has become limited and sometime nonexistent. There are also more choices for the women in developed countries to use some sort of birth control. In the developing countries it is popular for the young women to get married at an early age, thus leading to them becoming pregnant earlier in life and more likely to have more children. They lack getting educated about safe sex and contraception. If reproduction keeps, happening due to these factors in developing countries there, population will grow rapidly and this will add to the carrying capacity of the earth. If carrying capacity is exceeded it will create a packing problem and we may not be able to produce the means we need to survive. 4.How do individual choices affect natural ecosystem? Provide examples from your personal or community experience. According to "How Do We Affect The Ecosystem?" (2011), "An ecosystem is a living system that includes the sun as an energy source, soil, rocks, water, air, plant life and living beings." Our individual choices affect the natural ecosystem in several ways. Those who choose to have a farm are killing off the ecosystem of plants and animals that existed and lived off that area so that they can produce the kind of food they want to have. The chemicals they use to grow Get more content on
  • 10. Environmental Analysis Essay Environmental Analysis Introduction This analysis will consist of the identification of the industry in which my organization operates. It is important to identify key macroeconomic variables and their direct effect on the industry. This analysis has two charts that identify the relationship between two main macroeconomic variables and the corresponding industry variables over the last five years. I will also identify operating challenges and opportunities for the industry my organization is involved in. I work for an organization specializing in offering foster care, more content... When inflation occurs government spending and budgets are cut. For the most part, the social service industry is one of the areas directly affected by these fluctuations. There is less money available to sustain these programs and therefore nonprofit organizations have to decrease the services available. High interest rates also affect the money contributed to the organization. Borrowers are less inclined to pursue loans when interest rates are higher, whether the money goes for business or personal reasons. Sometimes, nonprofit organizations will contract with outside agencies for services; higher interest rates mean those agencies have less of a money supply, affecting the amount of business between the two entities. Tied into the above mentioned variable is also unemployment. There are two ways in which the agency is affected by unemployment. When there is less money available for the organization, there is less money to hire new personnel, which directly affects the turnover rate within the industry. The social service field has a high level of turnover; unfortunately, the paychecks do not match the amount of work and responsibility involved in this line of work. When the agency doesn't have enough funding, it adds responsibilities to the job descriptions of the current employees. Someone responsible for one department is expected to handle three departments. Social workers whose typical caseload is 10 Get more content on
  • 11. Statement Of Purpose: AP Environmental Science I signed up to take AP Environmental Science this year because I was more interested in taking it than expanding on solely biology or chemistry. This course includes several different fields of study which is why I thought it would be very interesting and I would learn about several subjects compared to just one. Before completing any work for this course, my definition of environmental science would have been, the study of elements of the environment such as climate, soil, and water. I also would have thought that the term environmentalism meant simply protecting the environment. The difference between environmental science and environmentalism is that environmental science is the study of the environment which runs more tests and experiments Get more content on
  • 12. Environmental health is the science that studies how the environment influences the human disease and health. Environment means things that are natural to us in the environment, for instance air, water, and soil. However, it also covers the physical, chemical, biological, and social features that surround us every day. The physical environment is the man–made or built structures that include our living, work, and even schools. Included in the community systems such as the roads and our transportations, and waste management. However, the alterations such as air pollution to our natural environment, is included in the physical section. The social environment is our social lifestyles like diet, exercise, socioeconomic status and many more content... The pollution has both chronic and acute effects on our health, and affects many of our systems and organs. The health consequences of lower levels of pollution have been more difficult to decide. The first cause is that people differ in response to the environment and the toxics. When we are exposed to the different conditions caused by the environment, the variation is wide because of how we react. With this variability of the population, it can mask the effects that do occur in a sensitive segment of the population. The second difficulty is our age, and the timing of the exposures and how it will influence both sensitivity to the environmental agent, and the type of effect it will cause our health. Infants and children may acquire lifelong damage compared to us adults. Environmental regulation and pollution control will remain an important cornerstone of the public health policy. The focus will be prevention, instead of disease treatment. Control of the pollution is a highly cost–effective means ensuring public health. With the contaminated environments and the work hazards in occupations, improving the pollution control may lead to a reduced health care disparities. When the health of all citizens is protected that a nation can fulfill its potential. Another reason we could consider is the climate change. The climate poses a challenge to our health. Threats to our health caused by a toxin or disease pathogen, there are ways the Get more content on
  • 13. Environmental Science Essay Environmental Fundamentals Laura Jackson Env/100 April 8, 2013 JOHN ENSWORTH Environmental Fundamentals Introduction Environmental science is defined as the study of the environment and the interconnecting systems it contains, furthermore, the way people interact with their natural surroundings and use natural resources (wise geek, 2013). Scientist in this field is highly interdisciplinary and extremely diverse, for example, a scientist might study volcanoes or climate change. This essay will cover the following; the definition of environmental science, the relationship between science and technology and how it affects environmental problems; the concept of environmental sustainability and why it should be studied; how more content... Environmental Sustainability Environmental sustainability is the process of making sure current processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the idea of keeping the environment as pristine as naturally possible based on ideal–seeking behavior (Wikipedia, 2010). What makes environmental sustainability so important is that it demands that society designs activities to meet human needs while indefinitely preserving the life support systems of the planet (Wikipedia, 2010). Human consumption can only use the nature's resources at a rate that can be replenished naturally. Human Values affecting Society The most devastating environmental change of all is the loss of biodiversity. The rate of species extinction has remained at one species per million per year, furthermore, the accelerating destruction of habitats throughout the world leads to projections of the loss of two–thirds of all species on earth by the end of this century, and millions of years to recover from the Cretaceous period (, 2013). As individuals, we obtain our food, directly or indirectly from plants, for example, plant our primary use of medicines. Biodiversity also determines the properties of communities and ecosystems, which capture energy from the sun. The world is less resilient, more homogeneous, less interesting, and with fewer opportunities for our descendants
  • 14. and ourselves: where the process reaches Get more content on
  • 15. Environmental Science Of High School In high school I had the opportunity to take an environmental science class that opened my eyes to how society treats our environment. In turn, I realized the repercussions that those actions have on human health. It is necessary that society make an effort to push towards making human health a priority before making a decision on how the environment will be altered. A majority of our society today is either unaware of the damage they are causing or are in denial. Humans were created to live in a natural and organic world, however as time has gone on and as technology has greatly improved, Earth has become extremely inorganic. This is evident in grocery stores and chain supermarkets because anywhere from sixty to seventy percent of the food made available to us is genetically modified. It is crucial that people become more aware of how the environment and human health are linked. As our society continues to become globalized, the food industry is putting our health more at risk. With the fluctuation in economic development and the rapid increase in population, our environment along with our personal health suffers. New agriculture practices worldwide, industrialization, and an increase in consumption of energy have all made the world a presumably positive impact on the way people live. However, society as a whole is not doing the best job at recognizing how our modernized world is impacting the environment. Unfortunately, health impacts are not typically marketed, so people Get more content on
  • 16. Environmental Science Career Paper When I am finished with my Master's Degree through Kaplan University I plan on becoming an Environmental Health Scientist. In this paper, I will explain what an Environmental Health Scientist is, the educational requirements including any certifications and credentials and the personality traits that best suit this career. I will also outline my career goals and how Kaplan can help me achieve them. Finally, I will go over where I see myself in five years. An Environmental Health Scientist conducts research for eliminating hazards or pollutions that negatively affect the environment or population. This is most often done by collecting samples from air, food, soil and water and then analyzing to see if it contains any hazards. After the research and analysis is complete, the data reported on and recommendations on eliminating or avoiding the hazard are made. The reporting and recommendations are provided to government agencies, environmental agencies, industry and to the more content... Basic listening, problem solving and analytical thinking are very important skills to have in this field. One must also be efficient in math, can work closely with technology and be able to efficiently and productively communicate. ( After taking the personality profiler many of my traits will be helpful and fit well in this work. My highest score was investigative, meaning that I enjoy finding solutions to problems. I also had a high social score. I do enjoy being of service to people, interacting with all different cultures and helping them solve problems in their life. I was surprised to learn that I scored lower in the realistic category. This deals with hands on work, learning about plants and animals and working outside. This type of work is one of my greatest passions and I spend a huge amount of time outside foraging and learning about the world around Get more content on
  • 17. Reflection On Environmental Sustainability Introduction This essay will review two significant environmental experiences I have encountered exploring the influences of these my life and how these have altered my view on what is environmental sustainability. An examination into these two experiences will follow into reviewing my perspectives on environmental sustainability and how these two experiences influenced this. To conclude a discussion on my role as a teacher and how this will impact myself when in the classroom. Part A The first experience I had was travelling through an area called Baynton about 100kms north east of Melbourne early in 2009. It was about 6 weeks after the Black Saturday bushfires devastated the whole region, driving through was incredibly eerie and unsettling. Everything was black and charred, in the paddocks there was no grass, no fences, all the trees were burnt trunks, no foliage at all was present. There were no animals grazing in the paddocks, no wildlife was visible and no green anywhere. Fire is a natural part of life as my friend told me that day, trees will grow again, fences can be mended, the animals and wildlife will return. People are what matter, thankfully no one lost their lives in the region I travelled that day. Seeing the devastation reminded me the power of nature and how there are still many natural occurrences that mankind cannot control or master. Speaking with residents (personal communication, March, 2009), similar and consistent observations were made that bushfire Get more content on
  • 18. The Importance Of Environmental Science Throughout the modern era, people were becoming more aware of the importance of a clean, healthy environment. As the environmentalist movement began and more research was being done within environmental science, the public became increasing involved in the science. Environmental science and the public, throughout the modern era, were connected in a unique way, in that the public is not often practicing environmental science, but using it as a mode of promoting environmental justice and fueling the environmentalism movement, as demonstrated by increase of public interest after the publication of Silent Springs, the environmental justice and NIMBYism movements, and the change in the public from consumers to advocates. At the beginning of the 20th century, the public was not extremely interested in environmental sciences, as they did not fully understand their implications to everyday life. This lack of initial interest can be seen in many types of sciences when they are started out, such as the study of biology. Scientists like Gregor Mendel who were serious scientists in their respective fields were generally ignored by the public, but with Darwin's Origin of the Species, the issue of heredity was more directly applied to the general public, making people more interested in the field. Just as Origin of the Species sparked public interest, Rachel Carson's Silent Springs peaked public interest in environmental science and began the environmentalism movement. Books like Silent Get more content on
  • 19. Environmental Art Essay Environmental art is a genre of art that was established in the late 1960's and it was created by things found in nature to make a piece of art. Some of the the environmental art would be so large in size, that it would be considered to be monumental. This kind of art can not be moved without destroying it, and the climate and weather can change it. There are many reasons why an artist would create an environmental work of art, such as : to address environmental issues affecting earth today, to show things that could be powered by nature or be interactive with natural phenomenon (like lighting or earthquakes), or to show how people can co–exist with nature, or maybe use it as a means to help restore ecosystems in an aesthetic way. more content... Michael Hiezer's piece, "Double negative" was built in Nevada, near the Mormon mesa. According to Double negative, "The trenches line up across a large gap formed by the natural shape of the mesa edge. Including this open area across the gap, the trenches together measure 1,500 feet long, 50 feet deep, and 30 feet wide." Heizer just simply subtracted earth to create this work, he took away earth to create the two trenches and thus, creating negative space, and that is how he created a "double negative." This piece was considered to be one of the first works to start the earth art movement. This piece was created to help show people how the earth can relate to art. Heizer's piece "the city" is still a work in progress and has been a life–long project that is somewhere in the Nevada Desert. The site can not be visited by people yet since Heizer is still working on it. He is using "The complexes are made mostly of earth, and were inspired in part by Native American traditions of mound–building and the ancient cities of Central and South America." Heizer states in regards to the City as, "I'm building this work for later. I'm interested in making a work of art that will represent all the civilization to this point." Walter de Maria was born in California in 1935. He studied history and art at UC Berkeley, and then went to New York in 1960. His early art was made from industrial materials to make minimalist art. In the late 1960's, he started to Get more content on
  • 20. Environmental Studies Reflection Paper Environmental Studies Reflection Paper "In the past 50 years, humans have consumed more resources than in all of previous history." We live in a consumer society where individuals across the world purchase, use, and dispose of products throughout their daily lives. Whether this makes their lives easier or not, it is taking an enormous toll on our environment. If people from across the globe united, we could work together to make a change in policies, as well as influence other individuals to create a healthier environment for generations to come. Participating in this class, I was able to broaden my horizons and perspectives on environmental issues. Engaging in the reading material, field experience, guest lectures, and group discussions I had the opportunity to develop a standpoint of what I believe to be the future of the environmental movement and what role I will partake. The objective of my paper is to inform the audience how the reading material and field experience embodied my perspective of the future of the environmental movement and what role I will fulfill in pursuing an optimistic perspective. The reading material introduced ideas and perspectives from the authors on environmental issues. In The Green Collar Economy, Van Jones develops an idea of renewable resources and sustainable products as the basis to transforming our environment and economy. Throughout the book Jones discusses the environmental impacts a green collar economy would acquire, as well as the Get more content on
  • 21. Environmental Issue Essay Environmental problems are something which belongs to nature or known as "Mother Earth" [13]. Nature was created to help people survive from gathering foods until build a house. This phenomenon happens continuously without thinking how much damage that nature has because human's fault. Nature gradually becomes worse and animal's life in danger. People who are aware of the importance of nature react. Those people do several ways to save the environment. Although these efforts can return back the environment, these efforts only can be hold temporarily. This problem happens because those people who are aware of the environment only slightly; for remaining, there are people either do not know or do not care about the nature. People's more content... Air pollution levels have a large existence in big cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bandung, and so on. This problem happens because the number of motor vehicle use that is not limited [1]. Exhaust smog are the cause of air pollution which has the dangerous effects for people's health. Exhaust smog is a result of burning fuel oil every motor vehicle. There are two types of burning fuel oil: the first is complete burning [2] and incomplete burning [3]. These types of burning have the differentiation in producing the remainder. Complete burning produces carbon dioxide as a result of remaining while incomplete burning produces carbon monoxide as a result of the rest. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are gases that are harmful to people's health and could decrease ozone layer [4] [5]. Exhaust smog is hazardous to people's health. Exhaust smog is a result of burning fuel oil [6]. Consequently, exhaust smog has possibility to contain carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gas. These harmful gases affect human respiration. Carbon monoxide makes the respiratory system becomes worse. Carbon monoxide will interfere with the process of hemoglobin in breathing [7]. As a result, people will not only feel lack of oxygen but also often feel dizzy and weak. In the other hand, carbon dioxide causes dizziness and fatigue to the sufferer [8]. In the prevention and reduction of the impact of exhaust smog, the Indonesian government decided all motor vehicle users have to check Get more content on
  • 22. The Fundamental Principles of Environmental Science Jessica Cameron ENV 100 August 5, 2013 Andrew Walsh The Fundamental Principles of Environmental Science Environmental science is defined as an interdisciplinary field that combines the scientific information from several disciplines not limited to biology, geology, physics and economics (Berg & Hagar, 2009, p. 1.5) to understand and influence theenvironment. The reason that environmental science is so important is because it brings to light the damage done to the earth and the things that can be done to help the earth find and maintain sustainability through future generations. One of the things that affect the sustainability of the planet is technology. more content... Technology is not all negative either. With the growing technology we have the ability to focus on the damage that has occurred to our planet. Scientists can test the ground water for pollutants. Machines in labs run tests to predict what the earth might look like for future generations. Sometimes technology can be a step in the right direction. We just need to look at how to do things that are directed more closely at Earth sustainability and less at the bottom dollar. The textbook states that sustainability means that the world will remain intact and that the resources in the environment will not run out even though human beings are using those resources (Berg & Hagar, 2009 1.2.1). There are several things that threaten environmental sustainability. One of the urgent problems is humanity. Just in the last twelve years population on earth grew from five billion people to six billion (Berg & Hagar, 2009). Environmental sustainability should be studied because it is important to the continued existence of life. Throughout history people have had both sustainable and unsustainable interactions with the planet. When colonists first came to America they tilled the soil, and cut down the trees to build colonies. It was a time of environmental destruction (Berg & Hagar, 2009). It wasn't until after the civil war that American's Get more content on