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The Dawn of the
Internet in Brazil
Marcelo Sávio Carvalho (presenter)
Information Technology Architect
IBM Brazil
Henrique Luiz Cukierman
Associate Professor
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
“A generation which ignores history
has no past — and no future.”
Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988)
North American science fiction writer
• Former Brazilian Bulletin Board Systems user since the mid-80s
• Started my career as a systems programmer at UFRJ University in 1989,
where I had the opportunity to participate in the first experiments of network
access, with BITNET.
• In 1992, I was selected as technical support volunteer at the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development at Rio de Janeiro, where I
had the chance to accompany the deployment of the first generally
available Internet connection In Brazil.
• In addition, in 1994, I participated as a testing user in the first pilot project
from an Internet Service Provider of commercial access in the country.
1985 2017
About me
This paper is based on Marcelo Sávio’s
master thesis at the Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro (2006) which was supervised by
Prof. Henrique Cukierman.
It is available (in Brazilian Portuguese) for
download here:
• The knowledge of the history of any technology is a key
factor for its full mastery;
• In highlighting the richness of our historical experience with
the Internet, I intended to offer some subsidies for future
efforts to create indigenous knowledge in science and
• The History of Science & Technology community in Brazil is
still small and there was no much research related to the
history and development of networks/Internet in the
• Despite being so recent, this history was “endangered”,
because a lot of information about it was still at people’s
heads or stored in many personal archives. I went after
them to collect material for my research.
The formation of the
Information Society in Brasil
“Le problème avec notre époque est que le
futur n'est plus ce qu'il était“
Paul Valéry (1871-1945)
French Philosopher, writer and poet
Data Communication:
A Matter of the State
• Brazil had a military dictatorship ruling the country
from 1964 to 1985.
• Data transmission started as a matter of the State,
specifically submitted to the interests of the Ministry of
• It reserved to Embratel, the state-owned Brazilian
Telecommunications Company, the monopoly for
installation and operation of data communication
services in the country.
• A few value-added services was left to the (also state-
owned) local telecom companies, operators of the
Brazilian Telecommunications System (Telebrás).
Data Communication: A Matter of the State
• The military government, as a whole, supported the idea of
data network deployments in the country aiming at the
competitiveness of the domestic industry and at the
purposes of strategic military order.
• Geopolitical issues raised the telecommunications area into
a strategic theme for national autonomy and security.
• In the early 80s, the military government security agency,
created the powerful Special Secretariat of Informatics
(SEI), to intervene in this subject. The objective was to
analyze the national landscape of telecommunications and
informatics sectors and guide the government in directing a
development policy.
Data Communication: A Matter of the State
Computer Networks:
Informatics or telecommunications?
Secretaria Especial
de Informática
• Later in its National Plan for Informatics and Automation,
SEI had established guidelines relating to the so-called
"Transborder Data Flows", in which it had the only and
ultimate decision on authorizing computerized data
communications across national borders.
• By that time, airline and banking networks were the only
ones allowed to operate internationally, with their access
points installed in facilities from Embratel, who was also
responsible for the equipment operation.
Data Communication:
Command and Control
The sources of inspiration for the
Brazilian Information Society
• In 1975, during the 1st
Latin American Seminar on Data Communication
at São Paulo, an access to ARPANET in the USA was demonstrated by
the first time in Brazil.
• The international experts who carried out this task were Vinton Cerf
(Stanford University) and Keith Uncapher (Univ. of Southern California).
A small taste…
“[…] we brought a gigantic GE Light Valve projection unit
half the size of a refrigerator. They set up a satellite link
from New York to Rio de Janeiro and a microwave link
from Rio to São Paulo. When they brought us into the
auditorium we found three bare copper wires sticking up
from the stage, two dry cell batteries and a hand-
cranked telephone. Keith had to keep the audience
entertained while we tried to get this Rube Goldberg
setup to work. Incredibly, it did. Which led me to believe
that Keith carried around not a little bit of his own luck.”
Vinton Cerf
The First Data Network
The first data communication service in Brazil, offered in 1980 by
Embratel was TRANSDATA, a point-to-point (not switched) network of
private circuits, leased at fixed prices, calculated based on the
distance between the ending points and the corresponding
transmission capacity
(The 1st National Packet Network)
• In 1985, Embratel launched RENPAC, the
national packet network, which was a public
data transmission network that used the
X.25 protocol (based on the OSI model).
• To increase its use, Embratel created the
CIRANDÃO Project, an general-public
information service offering.
• Those services never really got much
usage or acceptance, except in the
government administration purposes.
Some telco companies of the
Telebrás system deployed
Videotext terminals.
The Videotext Experiment
“There are no known
networks in Brazil.”
Page 588 from the book
“The Matrix: Computer Networks and
Conferencing Systems Worldwide”,
1989 (700 pages).
Reality Check from the 80s
Networking in the Brazilian Academy
“I see the future repeating the past
I see a museum of great novelties”
Cazuza (1958-1990),
Brazilian poet and musician.
In 1979, the National Laboratory for
Computer Networks (LARC) was created by
several universities in Brazil to integrate the
institutional efforts in the area of computer
networks, in order to generate a nationwide
expertise in this area and to promote the
exchange of scientific information and software
through the integration of local computing
• Seeking alternatives to ensure the creation of an academic network in Brazil, the
board members of LARC visited, in June 1985, the academic network of
Deutsches Forschungsnetz (DFN) in Berlin, Germany, a supporter of the OSI
protocols, as many European countries at that time.
• As a consequence of this visit, the Brazilian Science Information Network
(BRAINS) initiative was conceived to be a network that would interconnect
academic institutions in Brazil. Since this network was planned to be similar to the
DFN, it would be OSI compliant, which was accordant to what was
recommended by the national information and communication policies running in
• In April 1986, the technical director of DFN was in Brazil presenting the German
project at the IV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks (SBRC) and
visiting some national academic institutions. There was a cooperation agreement
between Brazil and Germany at that time that supported many technological
projects, such as nuclear power plants.
Academic Networks Worldwide
DFN (Germany); ARN, ACSNET, CSIRONET, SPEARNET, Pegasus (Australia);
ACONET (Austria); BRNET (Belgium); CDNET, NETNORTH, The Web (Canada);
DSN, KR (South Korea); DUNET (Denmark); NORDUNET (Scandinavia); IRIS
FREENET (United States); EARN, EUNET, EAN (Europe); FUNET (Finland); Smartix,
COSAC (France); HARNET (Hong Kong); JANET, GREENET (England); IRL
(Ireland); ISANET (Iceland); IARN (Israel); OSIRede, IRDNET (Italy); JUNET (Japan);
UNANNET, ITESMNET (Mexico); NICARAO (Nicaragua); UNINETT (Norway);
Netherlands); RIUP (Portugal); NUS (Singapore); SUNET, FREDSNET (Sweden);
SWITCH, CERN, CHUNET (Switzerland)
By 1987, there were more than 50 academic networks in over 30 countries
worldwide. In Brazil, despite the operation of RENPAC network by
Embratel, the academic community was still totally disintegrated because
first projects were, for several reasons, nothing else than pieces of paper.
Preparing for the National Network...
• At a meeting held at the VII Congress of the Brazilian Computer
Society (SBC), in July 1987, there was a “birds of a feather” session
to discuss the importance of academic networks as well as to
exchange information about experiences that began to take place at
several institutions all over the country.
• That meeting led to another one, held in October 1987. At this one,
called "Preparing for the National Research Network in
Computer Science", happened the first attempt for recruiting allies,
as representatives from many academic and research institutions
were invited and attended the meeting, together with the members
of LARC, SEI, Embratel and the Brazilian National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). As a result, it
was planted the seed for a Brazilian academic network.
• In November 1987, three Brazilian researchers attended the VI
International Academic Networking Workshop that took place at
the University of Princeton, USA, in which they knew about several
academic networks in the world.
• This series of workshops were attended by individuals who were
pioneering the development of national networks in their countries.
The goals were to educate, share experiences and encourage the
connection to the Internet.
• These events were organized by Prof. Lawrence Landweber (Univ.
Wisconsin), who also helped to establish many network gateways
between the USA and other countries.
Preparing for the National Network...
In Sept, 1987 UFRJ received a letter signed
by Prof. Lawrence Landweber, on behalf
of Stephen Wolff (NSF Division Director
for Networking and Communications
Research and Infrastructure), which
granted access to the Internet.
Unfortunately this was not enough, since
besides the inexistence of data
communication circuits between the two
countries, there was no equipment capable
of routing IP traffic available in the Brazil at
that time, and importing one was very
expensive and too much complicated due
to the existing IT market reserve policy.
A grant letter was not enough
The National Education and
Research Network (RNP) Project
• Inspired by these meetings, in August 1988 LARC drafted a proposal to
the recently established Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil for
the creation of the National Education and Research Network (RNP).
• This proposal was based on the premise that data communication with
other overseas research networks should be done through dedicated
lines for a fixed cost.
• In addition all the national connections to the upcoming RNP would flow
via RENPAC network, and that institutions without mainframe computers
could connect their PCs or minicomputers to a parent institution and,
through a cooperative agreement, would have access to RNP services.
… But then frictions emerged
• The telecommunications monopoly forbade the transport
of third-party traffic within any customer circuits of
Embratel (either local or abroad), thereby precluding the
creation of gateways.
• The other contentious issue concerned the recovery
model. Embratel negatively responded to the
establishment of a dedicated connection to a foreign
country for a fixed cost, stating that this would violate the
by then current standards against the sharing of network
circuits as well as the billing process (which did not allow
fixed costs).
LNCC forced and opened the way …
• In 1988 the LNCC (National Laboratory for Scientific Computing )
requested a dedicated international line (9600 bps) to connect to the
University of Maryland (USA) and access BITNET.
• Embratel promptly refused to attend the request. This episody was
escalated and solved positively to LNCC, after a long meeting in Brasilia
(the federal capital) between SEI, Embratel, LARC and LNCC.
• The first Brazilian access to BITNET, was launched in September, 1988.
(with a gateway possibility). It was not only a victory for LNCC but to the
entire academic community.
The gate was opened!
Brazil ended the 80s with three distinct islands of access to
BITNET, whose communication with each other occurred
only through international network routes.
Since the early use of BITNET, it was clear that
only email services would not be sufficient for
most academic users, whose requirements went
through the interactive remote access to
applications and more comprehensive file
transfer, features that were already available on
the existing Internet, which by that time was still
inaccessible from Brazil.
The Academic Community wanted More!
In September 1989, in a keynote speech at SUCESU, the most
important IT Conference and Exposition event at that time, the
secretary of science & technology of the federal government
officially recognized the need to improve the national
infrastructure of communications as well as to involve (and
commit) the various R&D actors in cooperative activities in order
to contribute more effectively to the development of the RNP.
A working group was created to set up and execute a strategy to
implement a network architecture similar to the one adopted by
NSFNET in the USA, i.e. with three levels: the national
backbone, regional networks and institutional networks.
The Academic Network Project (RNP)
[ Take 2 ]
The Protocol War still around
• The creation of an infrastructure for Internet access collided
with the disputed choice of communication protocols. SEI
was a strong advocate of the OSI model, and although
BITNET was initially tolerated as a pragmatic and immediate
solution to a restricted service, the technology of the Internet
(TCP/IP) was not considered a suitable alternative solution,
since it was not governed by formal international standards
bodies like CCITT or ISO.
• A presidential decree published stated about the mandatory
adoption of OSI by the entire federal public administration,
which should also follow the newly published Brazilian
Government OSI Profile (POSIG).
• Despite the pressure from the government, it was already clear to
most universities since late 80s, that TCP/IP would supplant OSI at the
global level, at least in academic and research networks.
• So the communication protocol of the future national network slowly
walked toward TCP/IP, but to accommodate some interests and future
requirements for OSI, the national backbone and the regional
networks should adopt multiprotocol routers.
• Paradoxically, the position of the government was already being
smoothly subverted in many research laboratories at several federal
institutions, since their newly acquired scientific workstations already
came with Ethernet LAN adapters and TCP/IP protocols support,
which were immediately put into work.
The “multiprotocol” RNP Network
• The first internet connection in Brazil finally came into place in
February 1991 when, after increasing the capacity of its connection to
the Fermilab to a 9600 bps link, FAPESP began transporting the
TCP/IP traffic of ANSP (besides BITNET) through its access to the
Energy Sciences Network (ESNET) which was connected to NSFNET,
which, in turn, was part of the Internet.
• The organization of Internet access in Brazil by the end of 1991 was
limited and highly cooperative, where each participating institution
funded its connection to São Paulo to share this 9600 bps link
• To avoid a repetition of what already happened to the BITNET
connections in the country, the ultimate solution referred again to the
implementation of a national backbone of RNP with a higher
bandwidth capacity.
Finally Internet!
But only at 9600 bps…
Ok, RNP Project was launched
but still only paperwork
The Thrust of the Third Sector
“Melvin Kranzberg (1917-1995),
North American Historian and Professor
“Technology is neither good nor
bad; nor is it neutral."
(Bulletin Board Systems)
• Since mid-80s many Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) existed
in Brazil, where their users exchanged messages among
themselves and even internationally through FIDONET.
• Until 1995 there were more than 300 BBS with more than
45 thousand users in Brazil
Amnesty for political prisoners and exiles
and the foundation of IBASE NGO
Among users of BBS was the Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic
Analysis (IBASE), a non-governmental organization, which in 1988
created Alternex, a BBS that served to civil society organizations
(research, human rights, ecology etc.).
Alternex and APC
In July 1989, Alternex joined the IGC (Institute for Global
Communication) in California (USA), which later became the
Internet access for APC (Association for Progressive
Communications), of which Alternex became a member.
In 1990 the UN delegated to the APC the coordination and
deployment of the communications infrastructure of its future
conferences. IBASE, the APC representative in Brazil, was
responsible for the coordination, planning, implementation and
operation of the information network of the conference on
environment and development - UNCED92 or RIO92.
The UN Conference
• The international importance of this conference resulted in broad
governmental support at all levels, in addition to support from UFRJ,
• It quickly installed connections (international and local) with very high
capacity (64 kbps) of an Embratel international link between UFRJ and
CERFNET (California Education & Research Federation Network).
Rede Rio and the
Internet access upgrade
The infrastructure setup for the UN event accelerated the
implementation of the Rede-Rio Network project, which, in
addition to international links, had an operations center and
promoted national repercussions, leading ANSP to expand
access to 64 kbps, improving RNP's national backbone.
RNP Backbone - Take 3
Launched in 1992, finally!
25 years of the RNP Backbone
Nov 2017
The First Internet Service Provider
After the UN event in Rio, IBASE continued to integrate
Rede-Rio and sought to expand Alternex's services,
becoming the first provider of Internet access in Brazil, and
also providing access to the USENET message network for
thousands of users of more than a hundred BBS in Brazil.
The “Internetbrás”
• At the end of 1994, the federal government announced its
intention to promote Internet development in the country.
• The creation of the necessary structure for the commercial
exploration would be in charge of the Embratel, which then
started its Internet access service via an experimental dial-up
line and then began offering the service in a definitive way
through access to the Global Internet Exchange (GIX), which
gave access to the commercial Internet backbone (CIX).
• The exclusivity of Embratel displeased private initiative and
other sectors of society. Much was written in the press and
feared by the emergence of an "Internetbrás“ (state-owned
company for the service)
Taking a ride on the privatization
of telecommunications
• In January 1995 a new president started a mandate, with a
privatization agenda that began with telecommunications.
• In April 1995, The Ministry of Communications announced that
the Internet was a value added service, over which there would
be no monopoly.
• Then it was announced that Embratel would have to terminate
its activities as an access provider.
• Then an inter-ministerial decree from May 1995 created the
Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (, with the purpose
of coordinating and integrating all Internet service initiatives in
the country, comprising representatives of the government,
backbone operators, service providers, academia and the end
user’s community.
Since then, alongside with the explosion of the
World Wide Web, many Internet access and
content service providers appeared (and
disappeared) in the Brazilian market. The Internet
started to appear on TV shows and soap operas,
new professions emerged (web designer etc.),
new concerns arose (such as privacy etc.) and
cyberspace opened for million of Brazilians.
And the history keeps going on…
“Those who cannot remember the past
are condemned to repeat it.”
Jorge Augustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana
(1863-1952), Spanish Philosopher
The analysis of the early days of the Internet in
Brazil may show that technological changes
correspond to technical choices, but linked to
political choices and values socially
constituted, where technology supports (and is
supported by) discourses that emerge among
the complex interactions between engineers
and scientists, funding agencies, government
policies, market laws, civil society institutions,
ideologies and cultural frameworks.
Xanadu CERN
Mosaic Apache
Rede Rio
Marcelo Sávio
Since 2006 then my dissertation has been referenced by
many papers and reports as well as by a few books
Two recent books (in English) by Peter Knight

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The Dawn of the Internet in Brazil

  • 1. 1 The Dawn of the Internet in Brazil Marcelo Sávio Carvalho (presenter) Information Technology Architect IBM Brazil Henrique Luiz Cukierman Associate Professor Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 2. 2 Introduction “A generation which ignores history has no past — and no future.” Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) North American science fiction writer
  • 3. • Former Brazilian Bulletin Board Systems user since the mid-80s • Started my career as a systems programmer at UFRJ University in 1989, where I had the opportunity to participate in the first experiments of network access, with BITNET. • In 1992, I was selected as technical support volunteer at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development at Rio de Janeiro, where I had the chance to accompany the deployment of the first generally available Internet connection In Brazil. • In addition, in 1994, I participated as a testing user in the first pilot project from an Internet Service Provider of commercial access in the country. 3 1985 2017 About me
  • 4. 4 This paper is based on Marcelo Sávio’s master thesis at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2006) which was supervised by Prof. Henrique Cukierman. It is available (in Brazilian Portuguese) for download here:
  • 5. 5 Motivation • The knowledge of the history of any technology is a key factor for its full mastery; • In highlighting the richness of our historical experience with the Internet, I intended to offer some subsidies for future efforts to create indigenous knowledge in science and technology; • The History of Science & Technology community in Brazil is still small and there was no much research related to the history and development of networks/Internet in the country; • Despite being so recent, this history was “endangered”, because a lot of information about it was still at people’s heads or stored in many personal archives. I went after them to collect material for my research.
  • 6. The formation of the Information Society in Brasil 6 “Le problème avec notre époque est que le futur n'est plus ce qu'il était“ Paul Valéry (1871-1945) French Philosopher, writer and poet
  • 8. • Brazil had a military dictatorship ruling the country from 1964 to 1985. • Data transmission started as a matter of the State, specifically submitted to the interests of the Ministry of Communications. • It reserved to Embratel, the state-owned Brazilian Telecommunications Company, the monopoly for installation and operation of data communication services in the country. • A few value-added services was left to the (also state- owned) local telecom companies, operators of the Brazilian Telecommunications System (Telebrás). 8 Data Communication: A Matter of the State
  • 9. • The military government, as a whole, supported the idea of data network deployments in the country aiming at the competitiveness of the domestic industry and at the purposes of strategic military order. • Geopolitical issues raised the telecommunications area into a strategic theme for national autonomy and security. • In the early 80s, the military government security agency, created the powerful Special Secretariat of Informatics (SEI), to intervene in this subject. The objective was to analyze the national landscape of telecommunications and informatics sectors and guide the government in directing a development policy. 9 Data Communication: A Matter of the State
  • 10. 10 Computer Networks: Informatics or telecommunications? SEI Secretaria Especial de Informática
  • 11. • Later in its National Plan for Informatics and Automation, SEI had established guidelines relating to the so-called "Transborder Data Flows", in which it had the only and ultimate decision on authorizing computerized data communications across national borders. • By that time, airline and banking networks were the only ones allowed to operate internationally, with their access points installed in facilities from Embratel, who was also responsible for the equipment operation. 11 Data Communication: Command and Control
  • 12. 12 The sources of inspiration for the Brazilian Information Society Original Translated Original Translated 19801978
  • 13. • In 1975, during the 1st Latin American Seminar on Data Communication at São Paulo, an access to ARPANET in the USA was demonstrated by the first time in Brazil. • The international experts who carried out this task were Vinton Cerf (Stanford University) and Keith Uncapher (Univ. of Southern California). 13 A small taste… “[…] we brought a gigantic GE Light Valve projection unit half the size of a refrigerator. They set up a satellite link from New York to Rio de Janeiro and a microwave link from Rio to São Paulo. When they brought us into the auditorium we found three bare copper wires sticking up from the stage, two dry cell batteries and a hand- cranked telephone. Keith had to keep the audience entertained while we tried to get this Rube Goldberg setup to work. Incredibly, it did. Which led me to believe that Keith carried around not a little bit of his own luck.” Vinton Cerf
  • 14. 14 The First Data Network The first data communication service in Brazil, offered in 1980 by Embratel was TRANSDATA, a point-to-point (not switched) network of private circuits, leased at fixed prices, calculated based on the distance between the ending points and the corresponding transmission capacity
  • 15. 15 RENPAC (The 1st National Packet Network) • In 1985, Embratel launched RENPAC, the national packet network, which was a public data transmission network that used the X.25 protocol (based on the OSI model). • To increase its use, Embratel created the CIRANDÃO Project, an general-public information service offering. • Those services never really got much usage or acceptance, except in the government administration purposes.
  • 16. 16 Some telco companies of the Telebrás system deployed Videotext terminals. The Videotext Experiment
  • 17. 17 “There are no known networks in Brazil.” Page 588 from the book “The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing Systems Worldwide”, 1989 (700 pages). Reality Check from the 80s
  • 18. Networking in the Brazilian Academy “I see the future repeating the past I see a museum of great novelties” Cazuza (1958-1990), Brazilian poet and musician.
  • 19. 19
  • 20. 20 In 1979, the National Laboratory for Computer Networks (LARC) was created by several universities in Brazil to integrate the institutional efforts in the area of computer networks, in order to generate a nationwide expertise in this area and to promote the exchange of scientific information and software through the integration of local computing laboratories.
  • 21. • Seeking alternatives to ensure the creation of an academic network in Brazil, the board members of LARC visited, in June 1985, the academic network of Deutsches Forschungsnetz (DFN) in Berlin, Germany, a supporter of the OSI protocols, as many European countries at that time. • As a consequence of this visit, the Brazilian Science Information Network (BRAINS) initiative was conceived to be a network that would interconnect academic institutions in Brazil. Since this network was planned to be similar to the DFN, it would be OSI compliant, which was accordant to what was recommended by the national information and communication policies running in Brazil. • In April 1986, the technical director of DFN was in Brazil presenting the German project at the IV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks (SBRC) and visiting some national academic institutions. There was a cooperation agreement between Brazil and Germany at that time that supported many technological projects, such as nuclear power plants. 21
  • 22. 22 Academic Networks Worldwide DFN (Germany); ARN, ACSNET, CSIRONET, SPEARNET, Pegasus (Australia); ACONET (Austria); BRNET (Belgium); CDNET, NETNORTH, The Web (Canada); DSN, KR (South Korea); DUNET (Denmark); NORDUNET (Scandinavia); IRIS (Spain); ARPANET, BITNET, USENET, CSNET, MFNET, ESNET, NSFNET, FIDONET, FREENET (United States); EARN, EUNET, EAN (Europe); FUNET (Finland); Smartix, COSAC (France); HARNET (Hong Kong); JANET, GREENET (England); IRL (Ireland); ISANET (Iceland); IARN (Israel); OSIRede, IRDNET (Italy); JUNET (Japan); UNANNET, ITESMNET (Mexico); NICARAO (Nicaragua); UNINETT (Norway); DSIRNET (New Zealand); SURFNET, ENRNET, PICA, HEPNET, HBONET (The Netherlands); RIUP (Portugal); NUS (Singapore); SUNET, FREDSNET (Sweden); SWITCH, CERN, CHUNET (Switzerland) By 1987, there were more than 50 academic networks in over 30 countries worldwide. In Brazil, despite the operation of RENPAC network by Embratel, the academic community was still totally disintegrated because first projects were, for several reasons, nothing else than pieces of paper.
  • 23. 23 Preparing for the National Network... • At a meeting held at the VII Congress of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), in July 1987, there was a “birds of a feather” session to discuss the importance of academic networks as well as to exchange information about experiences that began to take place at several institutions all over the country. • That meeting led to another one, held in October 1987. At this one, called "Preparing for the National Research Network in Computer Science", happened the first attempt for recruiting allies, as representatives from many academic and research institutions were invited and attended the meeting, together with the members of LARC, SEI, Embratel and the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). As a result, it was planted the seed for a Brazilian academic network.
  • 24. • In November 1987, three Brazilian researchers attended the VI International Academic Networking Workshop that took place at the University of Princeton, USA, in which they knew about several academic networks in the world. • This series of workshops were attended by individuals who were pioneering the development of national networks in their countries. The goals were to educate, share experiences and encourage the connection to the Internet. • These events were organized by Prof. Lawrence Landweber (Univ. Wisconsin), who also helped to establish many network gateways between the USA and other countries. 24 Preparing for the National Network...
  • 25. 25 In Sept, 1987 UFRJ received a letter signed by Prof. Lawrence Landweber, on behalf of Stephen Wolff (NSF Division Director for Networking and Communications Research and Infrastructure), which granted access to the Internet. Unfortunately this was not enough, since besides the inexistence of data communication circuits between the two countries, there was no equipment capable of routing IP traffic available in the Brazil at that time, and importing one was very expensive and too much complicated due to the existing IT market reserve policy. A grant letter was not enough
  • 26. The National Education and Research Network (RNP) Project • Inspired by these meetings, in August 1988 LARC drafted a proposal to the recently established Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil for the creation of the National Education and Research Network (RNP). • This proposal was based on the premise that data communication with other overseas research networks should be done through dedicated lines for a fixed cost. • In addition all the national connections to the upcoming RNP would flow via RENPAC network, and that institutions without mainframe computers could connect their PCs or minicomputers to a parent institution and, through a cooperative agreement, would have access to RNP services. 26
  • 27. … But then frictions emerged • The telecommunications monopoly forbade the transport of third-party traffic within any customer circuits of Embratel (either local or abroad), thereby precluding the creation of gateways. • The other contentious issue concerned the recovery model. Embratel negatively responded to the establishment of a dedicated connection to a foreign country for a fixed cost, stating that this would violate the by then current standards against the sharing of network circuits as well as the billing process (which did not allow fixed costs). 27
  • 28. 28 LNCC forced and opened the way … with BITNET • In 1988 the LNCC (National Laboratory for Scientific Computing ) requested a dedicated international line (9600 bps) to connect to the University of Maryland (USA) and access BITNET. • Embratel promptly refused to attend the request. This episody was escalated and solved positively to LNCC, after a long meeting in Brasilia (the federal capital) between SEI, Embratel, LARC and LNCC. • The first Brazilian access to BITNET, was launched in September, 1988. (with a gateway possibility). It was not only a victory for LNCC but to the entire academic community. LNCC
  • 29. 29 The gate was opened! Brazil ended the 80s with three distinct islands of access to BITNET, whose communication with each other occurred only through international network routes.
  • 30. Since the early use of BITNET, it was clear that only email services would not be sufficient for most academic users, whose requirements went through the interactive remote access to applications and more comprehensive file transfer, features that were already available on the existing Internet, which by that time was still inaccessible from Brazil. 30 The Academic Community wanted More!
  • 31. In September 1989, in a keynote speech at SUCESU, the most important IT Conference and Exposition event at that time, the secretary of science & technology of the federal government officially recognized the need to improve the national infrastructure of communications as well as to involve (and commit) the various R&D actors in cooperative activities in order to contribute more effectively to the development of the RNP. A working group was created to set up and execute a strategy to implement a network architecture similar to the one adopted by NSFNET in the USA, i.e. with three levels: the national backbone, regional networks and institutional networks. 31 The Academic Network Project (RNP) [ Take 2 ]
  • 32. The Protocol War still around • The creation of an infrastructure for Internet access collided with the disputed choice of communication protocols. SEI was a strong advocate of the OSI model, and although BITNET was initially tolerated as a pragmatic and immediate solution to a restricted service, the technology of the Internet (TCP/IP) was not considered a suitable alternative solution, since it was not governed by formal international standards bodies like CCITT or ISO. • A presidential decree published stated about the mandatory adoption of OSI by the entire federal public administration, which should also follow the newly published Brazilian Government OSI Profile (POSIG). 32
  • 33. • Despite the pressure from the government, it was already clear to most universities since late 80s, that TCP/IP would supplant OSI at the global level, at least in academic and research networks. • So the communication protocol of the future national network slowly walked toward TCP/IP, but to accommodate some interests and future requirements for OSI, the national backbone and the regional networks should adopt multiprotocol routers. • Paradoxically, the position of the government was already being smoothly subverted in many research laboratories at several federal institutions, since their newly acquired scientific workstations already came with Ethernet LAN adapters and TCP/IP protocols support, which were immediately put into work. 33 The “multiprotocol” RNP Network
  • 34. • The first internet connection in Brazil finally came into place in February 1991 when, after increasing the capacity of its connection to the Fermilab to a 9600 bps link, FAPESP began transporting the TCP/IP traffic of ANSP (besides BITNET) through its access to the Energy Sciences Network (ESNET) which was connected to NSFNET, which, in turn, was part of the Internet. • The organization of Internet access in Brazil by the end of 1991 was limited and highly cooperative, where each participating institution funded its connection to São Paulo to share this 9600 bps link • To avoid a repetition of what already happened to the BITNET connections in the country, the ultimate solution referred again to the implementation of a national backbone of RNP with a higher bandwidth capacity. 34 Finally Internet! But only at 9600 bps…
  • 35. 35 Ok, RNP Project was launched but still only paperwork
  • 36. 36 The Thrust of the Third Sector “Melvin Kranzberg (1917-1995), North American Historian and Professor “Technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral."
  • 37. 37 BBS (Bulletin Board Systems) • Since mid-80s many Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) existed in Brazil, where their users exchanged messages among themselves and even internationally through FIDONET. • Until 1995 there were more than 300 BBS with more than 45 thousand users in Brazil
  • 38. 38 Amnesty for political prisoners and exiles and the foundation of IBASE NGO Among users of BBS was the Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analysis (IBASE), a non-governmental organization, which in 1988 created Alternex, a BBS that served to civil society organizations (research, human rights, ecology etc.).
  • 39. 39 Alternex and APC In July 1989, Alternex joined the IGC (Institute for Global Communication) in California (USA), which later became the Internet access for APC (Association for Progressive Communications), of which Alternex became a member. In 1990 the UN delegated to the APC the coordination and deployment of the communications infrastructure of its future conferences. IBASE, the APC representative in Brazil, was responsible for the coordination, planning, implementation and operation of the information network of the conference on environment and development - UNCED92 or RIO92. UNCED 92
  • 40. 40 The UN Conference • The international importance of this conference resulted in broad governmental support at all levels, in addition to support from UFRJ, RNP and LARC. • It quickly installed connections (international and local) with very high capacity (64 kbps) of an Embratel international link between UFRJ and CERFNET (California Education & Research Federation Network).
  • 41. 41 Rede Rio and the Internet access upgrade The infrastructure setup for the UN event accelerated the implementation of the Rede-Rio Network project, which, in addition to international links, had an operations center and promoted national repercussions, leading ANSP to expand access to 64 kbps, improving RNP's national backbone. LNCC UFRJ
  • 42. 42 RNP Backbone - Take 3 Launched in 1992, finally!
  • 43. 43 25 years of the RNP Backbone Nov 2017
  • 44. 44 The First Internet Service Provider After the UN event in Rio, IBASE continued to integrate Rede-Rio and sought to expand Alternex's services, becoming the first provider of Internet access in Brazil, and also providing access to the USENET message network for thousands of users of more than a hundred BBS in Brazil.
  • 45. 45 The “Internetbrás” • At the end of 1994, the federal government announced its intention to promote Internet development in the country. • The creation of the necessary structure for the commercial exploration would be in charge of the Embratel, which then started its Internet access service via an experimental dial-up line and then began offering the service in a definitive way through access to the Global Internet Exchange (GIX), which gave access to the commercial Internet backbone (CIX). • The exclusivity of Embratel displeased private initiative and other sectors of society. Much was written in the press and feared by the emergence of an "Internetbrás“ (state-owned company for the service)
  • 46. 46 Taking a ride on the privatization of telecommunications • In January 1995 a new president started a mandate, with a privatization agenda that began with telecommunications. • In April 1995, The Ministry of Communications announced that the Internet was a value added service, over which there would be no monopoly. • Then it was announced that Embratel would have to terminate its activities as an access provider. • Then an inter-ministerial decree from May 1995 created the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (, with the purpose of coordinating and integrating all Internet service initiatives in the country, comprising representatives of the government, backbone operators, service providers, academia and the end user’s community.
  • 47. Since then, alongside with the explosion of the World Wide Web, many Internet access and content service providers appeared (and disappeared) in the Brazilian market. The Internet started to appear on TV shows and soap operas, new professions emerged (web designer etc.), new concerns arose (such as privacy etc.) and cyberspace opened for million of Brazilians. 47 And the history keeps going on…
  • 48. 48 Conclusion “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Jorge Augustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana (1863-1952), Spanish Philosopher
  • 49. 49 The analysis of the early days of the Internet in Brazil may show that technological changes correspond to technical choices, but linked to political choices and values socially constituted, where technology supports (and is supported by) discourses that emerge among the complex interactions between engineers and scientists, funding agencies, government policies, market laws, civil society institutions, ideologies and cultural frameworks. .
  • 52. Since 2006 then my dissertation has been referenced by many papers and reports as well as by a few books 52 Two recent books (in English) by Peter Knight