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The Connected Data Imperative
#1 Database for Connected Data
Jeff Morris
Head of Product
The	Connected	Data	Imperative:	
The	Shifting	Enterprise	Data	Story
May	2017
Who	We	Are:	The	Graph Database for	Connected	Data
Neo4j	is	an	enterprise-grade	native	graph	database	that	enables	you	to:
• Store	and	query data	relationships
• Traverse	any	levels	of	depth	on	real-time
• Add	and	connect	new	data	on	the	fly
• Performance
• ACID	Transactions
• Agility
Designed,	built	and	tested	natively	
for	graphs	from	the	start	to	ensure:
• Developer	Productivity
• Hardware	Efficiency
ICIJ Pulitzer Price Winner 2017
Finding a Cure for Cancer
Data	Stored	in	Disparate	Silos
Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas
“Lessons Learned Database”
A half-century of collective NASA engineering
Let’s Hear a Few Stories
Let’s Hear a Few Stories
— David Meza, Chief Knowledge Architect at
“Neo4j saved well over two years
of work and one million dollars of
taxpayer funds.”
Our core belief is
Our core belief is — connections between data
are as important as the data itself
Turn	of	the	Century	Thinking
21st Century	Thinking
Data	Modelled	as	a	Graph
Load Data
Load Data
“The next wave of competitive advantage will be
all about using connections to produce
actionable insights.”
Graphs	power	the	transformative	companies	by	
highlighting	the	RELATIONSHIPS	in	Data
Graph	is	Top	Trending	Database	Type
“Forrester estimates that over 25%
of enterprises will be using graph
databases by 2017.”
Forrester	Research,	2014
Introducing	Neo4j	Graphs
Community	Overview
Sample	of	Connected	Graphs
Organization Identity	&	Access Network	&	IT	Ops
Networks are Graphs
network topology
Mobile Mobile
Sys Admins
Servers, on-premise virtual machines,
cloud virtual machines, etc.
Network Admins
Switches, Routers, Egress Points
App Admins
I.e. Salesforce, Marketo, SAP, Oracle
Apps, Tableau, SharePoint, DBA’s etc.
Internal Users
HR, Sales, Marketing, Data Analysts,
E-staff etc.
Numerous Customers & Partners
Network Admins
Switches, Routers, Egress Points
Sys Admins
Servers, on-premise virtual machines,
cloud virtual machines, etc.
App Admins
I.e. Salesforce, Marketo, SAP, Oracle
Apps, Tableau, SharePoint, DBA’s etc.
Internal Users
HR, Sales, Marketing, Data Analysts,
E-staff etc.
Network Admins
Switches, Routers, Egress Points
Sys Admins
Servers, on-premise virtual machines,
cloud virtual machines, etc.
App Admins
I.e. Salesforce, Marketo, SAP, Oracle
Apps, Tableau, SharePoint, DBA’s etc.
Internal Users
HR, Sales, Marketing, Data Analysts,
E-staff etc.
Network Admins
Switches, Routers, Egress Points
Sys Admins
Servers, on-premise virtual machines,
cloud virtual machines, etc.
App Admins
I.e. Salesforce, Marketo, SAP, Oracle
Apps, Tableau, SharePoint, DBA’s etc.
Internal Users
HR, Sales, Marketing, Data Analysts,
E-staff etc.
Network Admins
Switches, Routers, Egress Points
Sys Admins
Servers, on-premise virtual machines,
cloud virtual machines, etc.
App Admins
I.e. Salesforce, Marketo, SAP, Oracle
Apps, Tableau, SharePoint, DBA’s etc.
Internal Users
HR, Sales, Marketing, Data Analysts,
E-staff etc.
Network Admins
Switches, Routers, Egress Points
Sys Admins
Servers, on-premise virtual machines,
cloud virtual machines, etc.
App Admins
I.e. Salesforce, Marketo, SAP, Oracle
Apps, Tableau, SharePoint, DBA’s etc.
Internal Users
HR, Sales, Marketing, Data Analysts,
E-staff etc.
of the Global 2000 are
Using or Piloting Neo4j!
As of today
Introducing	Neo4j
Native	Graph	Differentiation
Graph	Overview
name:	“Dan”
born:	May	29,	1970
twitter:	“@dan”
name:	“Ann”
born:		Dec	5,	1975
Jan	10,	2011
brand:	“Volvo”
model:	“V70”
Neo4j	Invented	the	Labeled	Property	Graph	Model	
• Can	have	name-value	properties
• Can	have	Labels	to	classify	nodes
• Relate	nodes	by	type	and	direction
• Can	have	name-value	properties
Neo4j Advantage - Agility
The	Largest	Graph	Innovation	Network
3,000,000+ with 50k additional per month
Neo4j Downloads
225+ customers
50% from Global 2000
Technology and Services Partners
450+ annual events & 10k attendees
Graph and Neo4j awareness and training
Neo4j Meetup Members
Online and Classroom Education Registrants
Users	Love	Neo4j
RDBMS	Vocabulary	Mapped	to	Graph	Modeling
Relational	DB	Construct Graph	DB	Construct
Entity	table Node	labels
Row Node
Columns Node	properties
Technical	primary	keys Replace	with	business	primary	keys
Constraints Unique	constraints	for	business	keys
Indexes Indexes	on	any	property
Foreign	keys Relationships
Default	values Not	required
De-normalized	or	duplicated	data Create	separate	nodes
Join	tables Relationships
Join	table	columns Relationship	properties
Good for discrete problems
Insufficient for connected
Relational	DBMSs	Can’t	Handle	Relationships	Well
• Cannot	model	or	store	data	and	relationships	
without	complexity
• Performance	degrades	with	number	and	levels	
of	relationships,	and	database	size
• Query	complexity	grows	with	need	for	JOINs
• Adding	new	types	of		data	and	relationships	
requires	schema	redesign,	increasing	time	to	
…	making	traditional	databases	inappropriate
when	data	relationships	are	valuable	in	real-time
Slow	development
Poor	performance
Low	scalability
Hard	to	maintain
Queries	can	take	non-sequential,
arbitrary	paths through	data
Real-time	queries	need	speed	and	
consistent	response	times
Queries	must	run	reliably	
with	consistent	results
A	single	query	can	
touch	a	lot	of	data
Relationship	Queries	Strain	Traditional	Databases
At Write Time:
data is connected
as it is stored
At Read Time:
Lightning-fast	retrieval	of	data	and	relationships	via	
pointer	chasing
Index free adjacency
Graph	Optimized	Memory	&	Storage
Neo4j:	Native	Graph	from	the	Start
Native	graph	storage
Optimized	for	real-time	reads	and	ACID	writes
• Relationships	stored	as	physical	objects,	
eliminating	need	for	joins	and	join	tables
• Nodes	connected	at	write	time,	enabling	
scale-independent	response	times
Native	graph	querying
Memory	structures	and	algorithms	optimized	for	graphs
• Index-free	adjacency	enables	1M+	hops	per	second	via	in-
memory	pointer	chasing
• Off-heap	page	cache	improves	operational	robustness	
and	scaling	compared	with	JVM-based	caches
• “Minutes	to	milliseconds”	performance	improvement
Neo4j Advantage - Performance Neo4j Advantage - ACID Transactions
Cypher:	Powerful	and	Expressive	Query	Language
MATCH	(:Person	{	name:“Dan”}	)	-[:MARRIED_TO]->	(spouse)
Dan Ann
Neo4j Advantage – Developer productivity
Example HR Query in SQL The Same Query using Cypher
MATCH (boss)-[:MANAGES*0..3]->(sub),
WHERE = “John Doe”
RETURN AS Subordinate,
count(report) AS Total
Project Impact
Less time writing queries
• More	time	understanding	the	answers
• Leaving	time	to	ask	the	next	question
Less time debugging queries:
• More	time	writing	the	next	piece	of	code
• Improved	quality	of	overall	code	base
Code that’s easier to read:
• Faster	ramp-up	for	new	project	members
• Improved	maintainability	&	troubleshooting
Productivity	Gains	with	Graph	Query	Language
The	query	asks:	“Find	all	direct	reports	and	how	many	people	they	manage,	up	to	three	levels	down”
Connectedness and Size of Data Set
Relational and Other
NoSQL Databases
0 to 2 hops
0 to 3 degrees
Thousands of connections
Tens to hundreds of hops
Thousands of degrees
Billions of connections
“Minutes to
“Minutes	to	Milliseconds”	Real-Time	Query	Performance
Equivalent	Cypher	Query
MATCH	(you)-[:BOUGHT]->(something)<-[:BOUGHT]-(other)-[:BOUGHT]->(reco)
WHERE	id(you)={id}
Traversal	Speeds	on	Amazon	Retail	Dataset
Threads Hops	per	second	
1 3-4	million
10 17-29	million
20 34-50	million
30 36-60	million
Social	Recommendation	Example
Neo4j Advantage - Performance
Graph	databases	are designed	for	data	relationships
Discrete	Data
connected data
Fit	for	Purpose:	The	Right	Architecture	for	the	Right	Job
Other	NoSQL Relational	DBMS Graph	DB
Connected Data
Focused	on
Data	Relationships
Development Benefits
Easy	model	maintenance
Easy	query
Deployment	Benefits
Ultra	high	performance
Minimal	resource	usage
Graph DatabaseRDBMS
TabularAggregate Oriented (3)
Key-Value, Column-Family,
Document Database
Source: Martin Fowler NoSQL Distilled
Database	Management	Systems
Five	Key	Sub-Patterns	(incl.	SQL)
NoSQL Databases	Don’t Handle	Relationships
• No	data	structures	to	model	or	store	
• No	query	constructs	to	support	data	
• Relating	data	requires	“JOIN	logic”	
in	the	application
• No	ACID	support	for	transactions
…	making	NoSQL databases	inappropriate when	
data	relationships	are	valuable	in	real-time
Data lake
Good for Analytics, BI, Map Reduce
Non-Operational, Slow Queries
queries	due	to
replicated	in-memory	
architecture	and	
index-free	adjacency
Slow	queries
due	to	
index	lookups	+	
network	hops
Using	Graph
Using	Other	NoSQL	to	Join	Data
Relationship	Queries	on	non-native	Graph	Architectures
Neo4j	Scalability
Dynamic	pointer	compression
Unlimited-sized	graphs	with	no	
performance	compromise
Index	partitioning
Auto-partitioning	of	indexes	into	
2GB	partitions
Causal	clustering	architecture
Enables	unlimited	read	scaling	
with	ACID	writes	and	a	choice	
of	consistency	levels
Multi-Data	Center	Support
Creates	HA,	Fault	Tolerant	Global	
Efficient	processing
Native	graph	processing	and	storage	
often	requires	10x	less	hardware
Efficient	storage
One-tenth	the	disk	and	memory	
requirements	of	certain	alternatives
Neo4j Advantage – Scalability
Raft-based	architecture	
• Continuously	available
• Consensus	commits
• Third-generation	cluster	architecture
Cluster-aware	stack
• Seamless	integration	among	drivers,	
Bolt	protocol	and	cluster
• No	need	for	external	load	balancer
• Stateful,	cluster-aware	sessions	with	
encrypted	connections
Streamlined	development
• Relieves	developers	from	complex	infrastructure	concerns
• Faster	and	easier	to	develop	distributed	graph	applications
Neo4j	Enterprise:	Causal	Clustering	Architecture
Modern	and	Fault-Tolerant	to	Guarantee	Graph	Safety
Neo4j Advantage – Scalability
Graph	Transactions	Over
ACID	Consistency
Graph	Transactions	Over
Maintains	Integrity	Over	Time Eventual	Consistency	Becomes	Corrupt	Over	Time
The	Importance	of	ACID	Graph	Writes
• Ghost	vertices
• Stale	indexes
• Half-edges
• Uni-directed	ghost	edges
Summary	of	Neo4j:	Built	for	the	Enterprise
Native	Graph	Storage
Designed,	built,	and	tested	for	graphs
Native	Graph	Query	Processing
For	real-time,	relationship-based	apps
Evaluate	millions	of	relationships	in	a	blink
Whiteboard-Friendly	Data	Modeling
Faster	projects	compared	to	RDBMS
Data	Integrity	and	Security
Fully	ACID	transactions,	causal	consistency	
and	enterprise	security
Powerful,	Expressive	Query	Language
Improved	productivity,	with	10x	to	100x	
less	code	than	SQL
Scalability	and	High	Availability
Architecture	provides	ideal	balance	of	
performance,	availability,	scale	for	graphs
Built-in	ETL
Seamless	import	from	other	databases
Fits	easily	into	your	IT	environment,	with
drivers	and	APIs	for	popular	languages
Enterprise-Class	Technology
Ready	for	real-time	enterprise	applications
Performance	and	Scalability
• Clustered	replication	across	
data	centers
• Unlimited	graph	sizes
• Intelligent	online	space	reuse
• Enterprise	lock	manager	
• Compiled	runtime	for	common	
• Kerberos	authentication	add-on
• Clustering	on	CAPI	flash	add-on
Monitoring	and	Administration
• Advanced	monitoring by	role
• Cypher	query	tracing
• Hot	backups
• Enterprise	security
Enterprise	Schema	Governance
• Property	existence	constraints
• Composite	and	node	key	constraints
Enterprise-Class	Expertise
Neo4j	Customer	Success
Expert	design,	development	and	
deployment	services
• Graph	and	application	design
• Application	deployment
• Data	center	configuration
• Developer	and	user	training
• World-class	support	with	SLAs
• Support	portal	and	knowledge	base
Graph	Innovation	Network
Worldwide	community	of	Neo4j	and	
graph	database	experts
• Service	providers
• OEMs	and	VARs
• Technology	partners
• Open	source	community
Use	Neo4j	experts	and	join	the	Innovation	Network.	
Develop	your	apps	right	the	first	time.
Graph	Visionaries
Enterprise	Customers
System	Integrators
IaaS,	PaaSm,	DBaaS
The	Density	of	the	Neo4j	Innovation	Network
OEM	&	Tech	
Graph	Solutions
Data	Science
Data	Models
Technical	Support
Packaged	Services
Custom	Services
Online	Training
Custom	Onsite
The	Neo4j	Innovation	Network	is	Your	Fastest	Path	to	
Your	Next	Great	Idea
Innovation	Launchpad
• Neo4j	Enterprise	Edition
• HA,	Causal	Cluster,	MDC
• Better	performance
• Hardened	product
The	Next	Innovation
• Density	of	the	network	accelerates	
innovation	opportunity
• Thousands	of	project	successes
• Partners,	Service	Providers,	
Vendors,	Academics,	Researchers
Millions	of	Graph	Hours	
• Shrink	learning	curve
• Design	advice
• Contextual	experience
• Deploy	&	Ops	support
Case	Studies	for	Knowledge	Graphs	
and	Recommendation	Engines
Neo4j	Case	Studies
Dynamic Pricing
Artificial Intelligence
& IoT-applications
Fraud Detection
Supply Chain
Identity and Access
Relationship-Driven	Applications
Shopping Recommendations
Examples	of	companies	that	use	Neo4j,	the	world’s	leading	graph	database,	for	
recommendation	and	personalization	engines.
Adidas uses Neo4j to combine
content and product data into a
single, searchable graph database
which is used to create a
personalized customer experience
“We	have	many	different	silos,	many	
different	data	domains,	and	in	order	to	
make	sense	out	of	our	data,	we	needed	
to	bring	those	together	and	make	them	
useful	for	us,”	
– Sokratis	Kartelias,	Adidas
eBay ShopBot Personal Shopping
Companion in FB Messenger
“ShopBot uses	its	Knowledge	Graph	to	
understand	user	requests	and	generate	
follow-up	questions	to	refine	requests	
before	searching	for	the	items	in	eBay’s	
inventory.	In	a	search	query	for	“bags”	
for	example,	purple	nodes	represent	
“categories,”	green	“attributes”	and	
pink	are	“values”	for	those	attributes.”
– RJ	Pittman	Blog,	eBay
Walmart uses Neo4j to give
customer best web experience
through relevant and personal
“As	the	current	market	leader	in	graph	
databases,	and	with	enterprise	features	
for	scalability	and	availability,	Neo4j	is	
the	right	choice	to	meet	our	demands”.	
- Marcos	Vada,	Walmart
Product recommendations Personalization
Linkedin Chitu seeks to engage
Chinese jobseekers through a
game-like user interface that is
available on both desktop and
mobile devices.
“The challenge was speed,” said
Dong Bin, Manager of Development
at Chitu. “Due to the rate of growth
we saw from our competitors in the
Chinese market, we knew that we
had to launch Chitu as quickly as
Social Network
Additional	Case	Studies
Case Study: Knowledge	Graphs	at	eBay
Case Study: Knowledge	Graphs	at	eBay
Case Study: Knowledge	Graphs	at	eBay
Case Study: Knowledge	Graphs	at	eBay
Case Study: Knowledge	Graphs	at	eBay
Men’s Backpack
Case Study: Knowledge	Graphs	at	eBay
Try it out at:
Case Study: Knowledge	Graphs	at	eBay
Real-time	Package	Routing
• Large	postal	service	with	over	
500k	employees
• Neo4j	routes	7M+	packages	daily	
at	peak,	with	peaks	of	5,000+	
routing	operations	per	second.
Real-time	promotion	recommendations
• Record	“Cyber	Monday”	sales
• About	35M	daily	transactions
• Each	transaction	is	3-22	hops
• Queries	executed	in	4ms	or	less
• Replaced	IBM	Websphere	commerce
Real-time	pricing	engine
• 300M	pricing	operations	per	day
• 10x	transaction	throughput	on	half	
the	hardware	compared	to	Oracle
• Presentation	at
• Replaced	Oracle	database
Recommendations,	Pricing	and	Routing

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