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The Concentration Camp Analysis
One of the most well know aspects of Nazi Germany is the construction of various camps
throughout the regime. These camps were designated for extermination, foreign labor, POWs, and
civilian camps for adults and children. "The Order of Terror: The Concentration Camp" gives us a
better understanding of concentration camps such as Dachau. It also gives a detailed understanding
of the absolute power that the Nazis wanted to maintain. These entities are also apparent in
"Disciplinary and Punitive Regulations for the Internment Camp", which lays out the strict
regulations of the camp. Through these articles we are able to analyze the conditions of
concentration camps specifically and perception of absolute power and the way it is portrayed in
Nazi ... Show more content on ...
Her report gives a detailed description of what they witness when they entered the camp. When
reading this section of her article we are given an idea of just how gruesome these camps were. "But
at Dachau there were six barracks... where the starving and dying lay virtually on top of each other
in quarters where 1200 men occupied a space intended for 200 (pg. 4, Templer)." There was
evidence of starvation among those who were alive. She goes on to talk about torture chambers and
the many bodies that were piled up in them. These details give the reader an idea of just how
horrible these camps were. The amount of deaths and sickness are no surprise, especially when
comparing this information to the regulations in "Disciplinary and Punitive Regulations for the
Internment Camp". These guards had to openly embrace this harshness because as discussed in class
they chose to work as guards. Before they begin listing the many forms of punishments they make a
few statement directed towards the guards. First "tolerance means weakness" (pg. 778–PS, Eicke).
Weakness was not tolerated in anyway. There are punishments that require the prisoners to be shot
on spot, hung and many others. In order for a guard to be able to do this he couldn't
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Concentration Camp Torture
"Soviet soldiers were the first to liberate Concentration Camp prisoners in the final stages of the
war"("Liberation of Nazi camps"). Many people were lucky to survive to the horrible experience in
the Concentration Camp during The Holocaust. In the Concentration Camps, Jews experienced
nearly impossible work, many types of torture, and were the main source of deaths for the Jews
during WWII until the day of liberation. On night, Elie Wiesel tells us how the Nazis took
everything away from him just for being a Jewish. The Jews were tortured in many ways by the
nazis in the concentration camps, they humiliated them for some kind of punishment. "Disobedience
was a serious offence, and an entire barracks could be punished as an example if one person
misbehave" ("Nazi camps"). Prisoners with golden tooth had to be taken to the doctor to get their
teeth out and if they resisted they were sent to the gas chamber and they took ... Show more content
on ...
"Prisoners in all the concentration camps were literally worked to death" ("Forced labor"). Men
were forced to work every day during hours without eating they only got the food it was necessary
to keep them alive. Prisoners were starving, some killed others for their small rations of bread and
soup, one even kill his one father for a piece of bread. "one day when we had stopped, a workman
took a piece of bread out of his bag and threw it into a wagon. There was a stampede. Dozens of
starving men fought each other to death for a few crumbs" (Wiesel 95). All prisoners had to work it
didn't matter if they were sick they just needed to finish their work. The Nazis didn't have mercy on
anyone only them they whipped them if they didn't want to work and sometimes even worst, they
were hanged. "They had to work at least 16 hrs a day. They didn't got enough food to have strength
and work all day long"("Just a normal day in the
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Jewish Concentration Camp
The concentration camp was a place where they took jewish people and had them killed or beaten
up because they were jews. In April 1940, the first commandant was a man named Rudolph Hoss for
Auschwitz. Auschwitz–Birkenau was a general term for the network of Nazi concentration and
Labor camps. The camp was mostly described by people as "The Death Camp" because it was
basically a camp for killing jewish people( Auschwitz 1). The concentration camp had established
three main camps which were put in different years. The first one was Auschwitz I where it was
started in April 1940. The second one was Auschwitz II and it became known in October 1941, it
was also called Auschwitz–Birkenau. The three one was the Auschwitz III but it was called
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Auschwitz : A Concentration Camp
Auschwitz was one of the formal military base. Auschwitz was one of the largest military base. All
of the Concentration camps had held Jews, prisoners, and children also Nazi's enemies. The amount
estimated to be in Auschwitz was about 1.1 million people. About 50% of the people of 1.1 million
were children. Auschwitz was a large Concentration camp out of three other camps. The three
concentration camps are located in Poland in a town called Oswiecim. Auschwitz was not just Jews
there was children, a their families too. Auschwitz leader was Rudolf Hoss. "During WWII more
than 1 million people, by some accounts, lost their at Auschwitz. In January 1945, with a soviet
army approaching Nazi officials ordered the camp abandoned and sent an estimated 60,000
prisoners on a forced march to other locations" (A+E_Networks). Unlike concentration camps,
which had existed in Germany since 1933 and were detention centers for Jews, political prisoners
and other perceived enemies of the Nazi state, death camps existed for the sole purpose of killing
Jews and other "undesirables," in what became known as the Holocaust" (A+E_Netowkrs_). All
prisoners were assigned a job some were put to work in gas chambers and others to slave labor,
some had to work in the medical industry. After the start of WWI ,WWII Adolf Hitler implemented
a policy that is
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The Effects Of Concentration Camps On The Concentration Camp
Aaron Booth Booth 1 Ms. Jeanne Bitz
Language Arts
March 24
Chelmno Concentration Camp
The first concentration camp was established on December 7,1941 and that's when the first victims
of the extermination were killed. The Chelmno concentration camp killed all the Jews in the area
besides in Lodz. Knowing where and when it was made, and what its purpose was, and how it
affected Jews and others in it, can allow us to better understand the Chelmno death camp.
The Chelmno concentration camp was made in Chelmno which was roughly 50 miles from the
closest town called Lodz. It was were the first mass killings of Jews were ... Show more content on ...
The Chelmno concentration camp was the first camp made for the final solution. They made the
main gate of the concentration camp a look of normalcy so they would be
uncomfortable(Liebowitz,Roni Seibel).
The camp effected the jew and other in it by killing most of them in it. The chelmno concentration
camp killed the whole Jewish population of Warthegau("Chelmno"3). Chelmno concentration camp
operated three trucks that killed the Jews and others with carbon monoxide. They killed about 150–
300,000 people in the Chelmno concentration camp("Chelmno"1). Chelmno transferred jews and
others in trucks and usually transferred them to the camp a lot of Jews and they transferred some of
them in cars so they wouldn't be suspicious("Chelmno"3). 88 children from the town of Czech Town
of Lidice were murdered in the Chelmno concentration camp("Chelmno"1). Most of the Jews who
were deported from the Lodz–Ghetto were killed in the Chelmno concentration camp("Chelmno"4).
The deportees that came to the camp were all enclosed wagons. They were either trucked or foot
onto chelmno("Chelmno"2). The first Jews arrived at Chelmno from Lodz in the middle of January
of 1942("Chelmno"3). The doors on the 3 trucks were sealed and poison gas was released into the
section of the truck where they were gassed to death by carbon monoxide. The people that were
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Concentration Camps Ww2 Summary
"Did the United States put its own citizens in concentration camps during WWII?" by Jane McGrath
is an article about the Japanese–American Internment Camps during WWII. "Concentration Camps,
1933–1939" is about the German persecution of Jews in concentration camps prior to WWII. While
both of the articles talk about countries imprisoning their own people, both did extremely different
things with their prisoners. "Did the United States put its own citizens in concentration camps
during WWII?" by Jane McGrath was written about the camps made by the United States for
Japanese–Americans. Unlike other camps, these had nice houses, stores, and even schools. They
were mainly located on the west coast of the US and Canada. Besides camps, orders were
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Inside Concentration Camps
Emerson Mrs.Picanco ELA#: Base Essay December, 11, 2015 Inside the concentration camps
Concentration camps were filled with many people, and many that weren't Jews. Concentration
camps were meant to kill them by work or were to reform them. These camps were a terrible place
to be because of the living conditions, the beatings, and the diseases that spread. The Concentration
camps had very bad living conditions. The prisoners would wear the same pair of clothing for week
or months on end. The clothing could not protect them from the weather during the roll call or work.
When it was time for the prisoners to eat the Kapo would sometimes drop there bread in the mud
and give it to them anyways. The bread they got in the morning was the only
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A Look Into The Dachau Concentration Camp
Libby Baert HIST–B323 28274 April 20th, 2015 RA The First: A Look into the Dachau
Concentration Camp In March of 1933, the Nazis opened the gates to what would be the beginning
of a living for hell for over 180,000 people and the beginning of the end for over 28,000 of those
people ("Dachau", 2014). Gates marked with the words "Arbeit macht Frei", or "work makes
freedom" or "work liberates", led to Dachau, the first concentration camp instated during the
Holocaust. Although there is much known about Dachau and concentration camps in general, there
is still some intrigue surrounding the first concentration camp. This paper aims to focus on and look
Dachau's purpose, it's inhabitants, and it's happenings and the legacy it has left behind. On February
27th of 1933, the Reichstag, the German parliament building, was burned completely down. To this
day, nobody really knows who set the building on fire. Hitler took the arson as an opportunity to put
blame on the Communists, but Communists believed that Hitler's own party started the fire so that
they could sabotage the Communists. Even some non–Nazi Germans thought that Hitler was behind
it, but there was nothing they could do about it. If they spoke out there was a risk that they would be
accused of being Communist sympathizers (Bergen, 2003). Hitler's answer to this atrocity was to
target the Communists, and soon Dachau was opened. Dachau was the very first concentration camp
instated by the Nazi party. Located in a small
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Auschwitz's Role In Concentration Camps
Auschwitz was made in 1940, it was the largest Nazis concentration and dead camp made . After
Auschwitz was made some more concentration camp where made . Many people never gave up and
had a belief that one day they would be free "Stay strong stay positive and never give up ( By –Roy
T.Bennett ).There where a lot of different people in the concentration camps like Jews, Gypsy,
Germans, Irish, also Poland people who lived closed from the camp.(title) Auschwitz –Birkenau
concentration and extermination camp. Auschwitz was located in poland . Auschwitz initially served
as a detention center for political prisoners.The people who went to the concentration camps often
died in gas chambers. The food the prisoners had to
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First Concentration Camp
The First Concentration Camps
The first concentration camps were very important to the entire holocaust. The Nazis were able to
imprison any people who were seen as non–Aryan in camps where they would be forced to work or
they could even be killed upon arrival. Therefore, many people died in these camps because of their
race or religion. There were very brutal living conditions in most camps and it made an enormous
impact on the lives of all prisoners. The first concentration camps were complex and heavily
impacted many of the most popular camps of the holocaust. Overall, these camps set the stage for
what the holocaust would evolve by introducing what was going to happen in the next 13 years.
Concentration Camp Administration Process
The ... Show more content on ...
Adolf Hitler was very persuasive and knew how to convince people that what he was doing was
right. Some people agreed with the Nazi rule and others did not. The Nazi regime did receive
authority to imprison people in concentration camps. "The Criminal Police could issue a
"preventative detention" order after December 1937 for persons considered to be habitual and
professional criminals, or to be engaging in what the regime defined as "asocial" behavior"(United
STates Holocaust Memorial Museum). Eventually, the rules got a little bit more strict than they were
in the beginning. For example, "After 1938, authority to incarcerate persons in a concentration camp
formally rested exclusively with the German Security Police (made up of the Gestapo and the
Criminal Police)"(United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). The power to imprison people in
concentration camps was a very controversial subject. Some people agreed with the Nazis way of
dealing with people who opposed their rule, and other people thought that it was unnecessary. Many
people questioned how the nazis were allowed to imprison people for things such as their race or
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Horrors Of Concentration Camps
There were many horrors of concentration camps such as being tortured, put to death, and contained
poor living condition. Jews were basically in the camp for ever until they died. Almost every Jew
who went to a camp died, and those lucky enough to be put in camp during liberation lived.
The Nazis would make you work from day to night working hard, and cleaning. They would also
make Jews clean the ashes and bodies of those who died. They would make Jews sleep and live in
barracks with 700 people, They separated weak from strong and killed off the weak immediately.
Naturally Jews were in a camp till they died or until they were too sick to live. The Nazis would kill
the weak, the pregnant, or handicap people right as soon as they got there.
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Buchenwald Concentration Camp
Buchenwald was just one of the many concentration camps spread throughout Europe. The camp
didn't just hold jews, it held people totaling 30 different nations. What separates it from the other
camps is that it's the biggest of the Nazi camps. These camps were used for forced labor, people who
were thought to be enemies, and mass exterminations of a certain groups of people. The Jews were
the main target of the Germans. It soon got bigger than just the Jews. The Slaws, homosexuals,
Jehovah's Witnesses, Gypsies, and people who had a form of disability both physical and mental.
Next, Buchenwald was both constructed and opened to prisoners in the year of 1937 in a wooded
area around east central Germany. The plan was to hide the camp in the wooded area to lessen the
chance of speculation. The camp opened up to only male prisoners in july of 1937. Women were
discluded from this camp until 1944. The camp was separated into two sections, the Southern and a
Northern part. The prisoners were helds in the Northern section. While the SS guards, and the
directors of the camp were ... Show more content on ...
The train ride was just the beginning of the horrific treatment that they would face ahead. They were
packed into the train with little ability to move. The prisoners were in the train for days without
food, water, or any place to go to the restroom except for a bucket or the floor that they were
standing on. There were many different types of prisoners not just the Jews. The camp had many
nationalities and religions. Such as czechoslovak people's, jehovah's Witness, Gypsies, People of
mental, and physical incapabilities. Even a lot of Germans were put in this camp. Buchenwald was
one of the worst camps to be at they were brutal. It wasn't considered a death camp but that was
pretty much what it was. The S.S were just looking for a reason to kill. They liked it. The guards
would kill without
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Auschwitz Concentration Camp
Auschwitz was a death and labor concentration camp during World war II. It was founded in April,
1940 by Hitler and the SS, and located in Poland. The camp was extremely violent, murderous, and
an evil place. It was the home to the murder of 1.5 million Jews. Sadly it had the most deaths of any
concentration camp ever. It was first being used to hold Polish political prisoners, people who spoke
out against Hitler after the Germans took over Poland starting World War II. The whole area
consisted of three total camps over the period from its founding to liberation in 1945 near the end of
WWII. It consisted of Auschwitz I, (The original prisoner holding camp,) Auschwitz II, (a
labor/extermination camp founded in 1941,) and Auschwitz III, (a labor camp to staff a chemical
factory known as IG Farben.) It also contained 36 other sub–camps. The camp was liberated by the
advancing Russian forces on January 27th, 1945. The Russians expected a huge fight, knowing it
was the worst concentration camp, but to their surprise, the Nazis had evacuated the camp. They
took as many prisoners as they could on death marches to other holding camps. About 15,000
prisoners were murdered on these marches. ... Show more content on ...
They saw 600 corpses rotting, and 7,500 barely surviving prisoners either starving, or sick. They
also found an astonishing 8.5 TONS of human hair. No one should ever have to bear what these
Russian soldiers saw and had to deal with. Since the camp was so large, it took four divisions to
liberate the entire area. These divisions included the 322nd Rifle Division, 100th Rifle Division,
286th Rifle Division, and 107th Motor Rifle Division of the Russian Army, also know as the Red
Army. Because the Russians were focusing their press on the betrayal of Hitler's alliance and the
war, the liberation didn't get much attention from the news at that
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Essay on Concentration Camps
A concentration camp is where prisoners of war, enemy aliens, and political prisoners are detained
and confined, typically under harsh conditions, or place or situation characterized by extremely
harsh conditions. The first concentration camps were established in 1933 for confinement of
opponents of the Nazi Party. The supposed opposition soon included all Jews, Gypsies, and certain
other groups. By 1939 there were six camps: Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Mauthausen,
Flossenburg, and
Auschwitz, or Auschwitz–Birkenau, is the best–known of all Nazi death camps, though Auschwitz
was just one of six extermination camps. It was also a labor concentration camp, extracting
prisoners' value from them, in ... Show more content on ...
Prisoners were packed so tightly into the railroad cars that they couldn't even squat to sit, much less
lie down to sleep. They rode for two days with no food, no water, no toilet facilities––with only
dirty straw on the floor. They finally arrived at their destination, glad to finally be breathing fresh air
when the cattle car doors were pulled open. Instead they are greeted with shouts of anger, with guns
and bayonets pointed at them, and with guards holding back police dogs ready to tear them apart. A
stench fills the air. They are at Birkenau, the second part of the Auschwitz complex, called by some
"the mother of all concentration camps. The manpower to build the camp came from 200,000
Russian prisoners of war who were forced to march from Russia to a camp at Lamsdord without any
food. During these early days the Russians received more abuse than the Polish prisoners because
they were more feared for their military might. They were looked upon by Hess as expendable labor
due to their inferior abilities and physical weakness. Of the 12,000 prisoners who were sent to
Birkenau in 1941, only 150 survived to the following summer. Some prisoners were assigned to the
most gruesome task –– that of the Sonderkommando. These prisoners were forced to work in the
crematoria, burning the Jews who had just been gassed. All prisoners who were selected for forced
labor were tattooed with numbers on their left arms.
Any slip, outburst,
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Auschwitz Concentration Camp Effects
Auschwitz was the worst, and most well known concentration camp involved within WWII. This
camp held about 25% of all prisoners in the camp "community". Auschwitz was made up of many
sub camps including its most well known one, Birkenau. The concentration camps were the pinnacle
of terror for anyone to be captured. How they worked, why they were built, and the impact they had
are all to come. Why were they built? During Hitler's grand scheme to conquer the world, he had a
slight issue. There were POW's (Prisoners of War) were being captured left, right and center, but he
had nowhere to put them. Thus was the birth of the concentration camp. POW's were stored there in
concentration. This was the birth of their name, Concentration Camps. ... Show more content on ...
During Hitler's grand scheme to conquer the world, he had a slight issue. There were POW's
(Prisoners of War) were being captured left, right and center, but he had nowhere to put them. Thus
was the birth of the concentration camp. POW's were stored there in concentration. This was the
birth of their name, Concentration Camps. A secondary reason for this camp, Hitler soon realised, is
so he can exterminate "inferior races". This includes, but is not limited to Jews, Gypsies, and
Jehovah's Witnesses. He later added parts the the camp that were specifically designed to kill
people. The main killing site on this facility was called
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The Pros And Cons Of Concentration Camps
Were the Nazis the only ones to have concentration camps? Were Jews the only ones forced into
these concentration camps? Who were the people that ran these camps? The reason all this started
was because after World War I Germany was blamed for all the damage, therefore they were forced
to pay to fix all these damages. Hitler was outraged and so he decided to stand up and make a
change, quite a horrific change. Concentration camps were cruel places from how many of these
people died, the places they were kept, to the horrible people who ran the camps.
Many prisoners in concentration camps were Jews and most were run by Nazis. However the Nazis
were not the only ones to put people into concentration camps and they didn't put only Jews in the
camps. The Nazis nor the Americans were the first to send citizens to camps, in fact, the Soviet
Union had been sending people who spoke against communism to concentration camps called
Gulags since 1928. The Nazis put many people into concentration camps, not just Jews, they also
put socialists, Slavs, Romas, Poles, communists, homosexuals, and soviet prisoners of war in these
camps. In America another type of concentration camps began forming, these camps were called
internment camps. The most common deaths at concentration camps were gas houses but that was
not the only way, prisoners also often died from exposure to harsh weather because these camps
were often located in very cold places and prisoners were only given clothes, nothing
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Concentration Camp Construction
By: Eric Hillstrom World War ll Concentration Camp Construction Have you ever wondered, what
were the World War Two camps made of ? What's inside of them? How much do they cost? How
long do they take to build? These are the things that I'm researching. The camps were made of
mostly rough sawn timber (the cheapest wood) that you could get in large amounts. Some were
made of bricks also. Most of the camps were made for 250 to 500 prisoners, though the Germans
crammed in about 900 to 1300 prisoners. Most camps were split in two by layers of barbed wire and
some even contained electric wires in between. One side for the men and one side for the women
and children. Each camp had around 10 toilets, some had a big long hollow piece of cement with
about ... Show more content on ...
The camps could come up in a couple of weeks or a couple of months or a couple of years. Other
than just building the camp they might have to build some railroads to the camp and the Nazis had
to build their gas chambers and places to prosecute the prisoners. Eight of the Nazi's camps had gas
chambers. In today's amount of money each chamber would cost about 300,000 dollars to build with
workers hired. Each chamber takes even longer to make the the rest of the camp normally. The
barracks in concentration camps are based really similar to a pole barn structure. First, they would
make a foundation, which was normally just dirt that got flattened out. During the process of making
the barracks they didn't really worry about drainage and ventilation throughout the building, which
you would if you were to build a pole barn. Next, they would install just little poles for a bit of
strength. The support of most barracks was really low and they were pretty weak. If you were
comparing this to a pole barn then you would have deep holes for the support poles. Which normally
didn't happen when making the
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Majdanek Concentration Camp
Majdanek Imagine yourself going back to 1939 in World War 2 to Majdanek, a terrifying Nazi
concentration camp in Judlin, Germany. Majdanek was different from most concentration camps,
one by their location, two they had one of the lowest amount of deaths , three Majdanek was the first
concentration camp to be discovered by allied forces. A German Concentration Camp, extermination
camp built and operated by Schutz Staffel on the outskirts of Lublin. Majdanek was operated from
October 1, 1971 until July 22, 1944, was captured nearly intact. The projected capacity was
subsequently established to 50,000. In early November, the plans were to extend to allow for
125,000 inmates and in December 150,000. To sum up Majdanek didn't last as long as other Nazi
concentration camps, but it lasted long enough to take many lives. ... Show more content on ...
German Schutz Staffel (SS) troops and police managed the camp. The SS was a special Nazi
military group. Prisoners worked under terrible conditions within the camp or in nearby Krepieck
forest. Prisoners worked in a variety of fields, including construction, farming, metal work,
sanitation, and textiles. Many thousands died of abuse, disease, overwork or starvation. Overall
many prisoners died because of the location of majdanek, and also because they were too scared to
refuse to work. Majdanek's victims were mostly Polish Jews. However Jews from several other
countries were killed there. Many prisoners or war, Roma, and others died in the camp. It estimated
that 80,000 to 110,000 people died at Majdanek. Armed Jewish resistance grew rapidly in poland.
Fearing revolts in the Labor camps, SS and German police units shot about 42,000 Jews in Lublin
region on November 3rd and 4th. Overall, Majdaneks's population of deaths is more the scary, it's
terrifying and overall just
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Frankl Concentration Camp
Prior to World War II, Viktor Frankl was a somewhat successful therapist. Once the war began
however, he was sent off to an Auschwitz concentration camp. Everyone in concentration camps had
one wish, to stay alive (Frankl 15). Whether they tried to get on the good side of the warden, or
attempt an escape, everyone had a different way to survive. Many prisoners died while at camps, but
some of them who were hopeful and courageous made it out. Inspired by these prisoners, Frankl
created logotherapy to help other find meaning in their own lives. Traveling by train to a
concentration camp, Viktor Frankl spent his last hours in his own clothes, and with his own things.
Upon arrival, he and his fellow prisoners were stripped of everything; luggage, clothing, jewelry,
and even the hair off their bodies. Frankl lost the last piece of his life, a manuscript of his ideas that
he had been working on for quite some time (Frankl 23). No only did the prisoners lose everything,
they had to completely change the way they lived. They wore the same clothes for months, rarely
washed themselves, and slept in terrible sleeping ... Show more content on ...
All of these prisoners had a reason to get out of the camp. They had a relative to see, or a study to
continue, and that gave them the strength and bravery to make it through their days. For Frankl, it
was to re–write a manuscript he lost when he first came to camp. When he was liberated, he created
his new theory of logohterapy. Logo therapy is a psychotherapy based on meaning. (Frankl 104). It
centers itself around the future and what is in store for the patient. Unlike psychoanalysis, which
allow patients to wallow in their egotistical suffering, logptherapy requires its patients to be strong.
They have to listen to things they may not hear, and accept them for what they are (Frankl
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Ebensee's Concentration Camps
Ebensee was a concentration camp established by the SS to dig tunnels for weapons storage close to
the town of Ebensee, Austria in 1943. It was a part of the Mauthausen network. Due to the inhumane
living and working conditions, Ebensee is considered one of the worst Nazi concentration camps for
death counts of its prisoners. The SS would use codename like Kalk, Kalksteinbergwek, Solvay, and
Zement all relating to limestone or cement. Construction for the subcamp began in late 1943, and
the first thousand prisoners arrived November 18, 1943. They came from the mau camp of
Mauthausen and its subcamps. The purpose of the camp was to provide slave labor for the
underground tunnels being built, in which armament works were to be kept. The pans ... Show more
content on ...
It was the last remaining concentration camp in the area still controlled by the Nazis. The barracks
that had been designed were meant to hold one hundred prisoners but eventually came to hold seven
hundred and fifty each, there was twenty five Ebensee barracks. The prisoners being held in the
tunnels under the open sky can be added to the number of prisoners being held. The crematorium at
Mauthausen wasn't able to keep up with the amount of deaths. As a result, naked bodies were piled
outside the barracks and the crematorium itself. In the last few weeks of the war, the rate of death
exceeded three hundred fifty a day. To reduce the amount of bodies lying around, a pit was dug and
bodies were dumped in quicklime. In April of 1945 on a single day, there was a record of eighty
bodies were removed from Block 23 alone; it has been seen that feet were twitching. During that
time, the prisoner strength reached a large of 18,000. In May of 1945, shots could be heard in the
distance from inside the camp and prisoners could sense that the AMerican and British forces were
very close. In early May of 1945, the commandant of Ebensee informed the inmates that they had
been given to the Americans and that they should fine shelter in the underground tunnels that the
cam had, but the prisoners refused. They remained in their barracks and hours later some of the
tunnels they were
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Concentration Camp Treblinka
I chose the concentration camp Treblinka, it was established in November of 1941. With the support
of the SS and Police Leader for District Warsaw in "Generalgouvernement", SS and police
authorities established a forced–labor camp for Jews (Treblinka). Later on it became Treblinka I. In
addition to it being a labor camp, it also served as a "Labor Education Camp" for non–Jewish Poles,
who the Germans believed to have violated labor discipline. Jewish and Polish prisoners were put
into separate compounds of the camp, and deployed at forced labor. The killing center known as
Treblinka II was completed in July of 1942, about a mile from the Treblinka I, and a rail spur was
added that led from Treblinka I to Treblinka II. The Treblinka camp
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Concentration Camps Essay
A concentration camp is where prisoners of war, enemy aliens, and political prisoners are detained
and confined, typically under harsh conditions, or place or situation characterized by extremely
harsh conditions. The first concentration camps were established in 1933 for confinement of
opponents of the Nazi Party. The supposed opposition soon included all Jews, Gypsies, and certain
other groups. By 1939 there were six camps: Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Mauthausen,
Flossenburg, and Ravensbruck. Auschwitz Auschwitz, or Auschwitz–Birkenau, is the best–known of
all Nazi death camps, though Auschwitz was just one of six extermination camps. It was also a labor
concentration camp, extracting prisoners' value ... Show more content on ...
Because executions by gunfire were inefficient, expensive, and potentially identifiable, intoxication
by poison gas––a method used by the Germans to kill over 50,000 mental patients since 1939––was
agreed on as the method of choice. Zyclon was originally brought to Auschwitz as a disinfectant and
vermin killer. On September 3, 1941, Fritzsch experimented with Zyclon B. on 600 Russian
prisoners of war and 250 tubercular patients. He was amazed at the number of people who could be
killed at once. On October 15, 1941, a plan for the future camp of Birkenau, designed by one of the
prisoners, was approved. The layout was meant to house 100,000 prisoners. Before construction
began, however, the SS instructed that Birkenau should be built for double that amount. The first
transports of Jews into the camp began on March 26, 1942 with the arrival of 999 Slovakian women.
Since the crematoriums had not yet been built, women were housed in a newly established women's
section in Auschwitz I, placed to work, and beaten daily at roll call. By the end of March there were
6,000 women prisoners in Auschwitz I. A third section of the camp, called Auschwitz III or Buna–
Monowitz, was established to provide forced labor for the German industries that had plants at
Auschwitz. The victims who were lucky enough to escape the fate of the gas chambers were taken
to the "quarantine" where they were taken to a
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Concentration Camps Vs Japanese Internment Camps
Two months after Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt authorized "Executive order 9066". Which
made More than 110,000 Japanese in the U.S to relocate to internment camps for reason of "national
security". The United States feared that they're could have been Japanese spies inside America so the
government relocated most Japanese immigrants to camps. It was one of the saddest moments in
America that the government of America took actions on innocent people just because their heritage.
America's internment camps are similar yet different to Hitler's concentrations camps.
The term "internment" is often used in reference to Executive Order 9066, but it is a
mischaracterization. Internment commonly refers to the legal confinement within prescribed ...
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......the majority worked full–time, usually around forty–four hours per week" (Prisoners at Home:
Everyday Life in Japanese Internment Camps). Working in internment camps weren't really needed,
but it was to pass the time and get some money. They had many jobs for everyone to make living in
internment camps less depressing and easier, however the concentration camps were not the same,
their work was made to exhaust, put people's lives in danger and even die. The purpose was to make
the people in concentration camps break, suffer, beg, and torture them to the very
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Hitler's Concentration Camps
The word concentration camp refers to camp where people are confined or detained. Always under
harsh conditions. Without regard to legal norms of arrest or imprisonment. From 1933 to 1945
concentration camps were an integral feature of the regime. Only in Nazi Germany of course. The
first concentration camp came after Hitler's appointment as chancellor. Basically, Hitler started the
concentration camps. This happened back in January in 1933. The Storm Troopers, the SS, the
police, and local civilians organized different detention camps. They did that to incarcerate real and
political opponents of the Nazi policy. There were concentration camps all over Germany. There
were even larger camps to the north of Berlin, near Hamburg, northwest
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Concentration Camp Frankl
1. Frankl clearly states that you have to stay determined and keep your courage alive. The minute
you become discouraged it is all over and you are heading for death. The second stage of dealing
with the concentration camp was apathy. He talked about this in the beginning of the book but now
he is saying that the men had a chose, they could overcome apathy and that it was there were a few
guys who showed that. For example, some guys would go through the huts and give other guys a
piece of their bread because they were worse off. One of the most important things was to keep what
you could of freedom. Frankly said that they had to choose their attitude and not let the surrounding
influence them. Frankly also states how they should be worthy of their own sufferings. The entire
meaning that Frankl is trying to say is that you have to keep a hold of your inner self when you are
in situations like they were. The guys that stopped caring and stopped ... Show more content on ...
Frankl's book can help those who are prone to despair because he doesn't just talk about the physical
hurting that is different for everyone. He talks about the mental and psychological suffering that is
going on. He goes into very deep discussions about taking control of your problems and never
giving up on hope. People who are prone to despair have the chance to become desperate for help
and lose their hope. They don't look for the future; they are set on that exact moment. Frankl is
trying to help those people out by giving them tips for life. He gives examples of his times in the
concentration camps and tells them that they can achieve their problems if only they focus on the
future and don't' give up. I think one of the messages Frankl was trying to send is, no matter how
hard your life gets, try to stay positive and look for the future in those awful
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Concentration Camp Hitler
March 1933 was the concentration camp "Death camp" and established by the national socialist
government Adolf Hitler put the jaws into the camp so that he would kill them.But by the end of
WWll many of gypsies, homosexuals and Anti–Nazi civilians from.between 1933 and 1945, Nazi
Germany and its allies established more than 40,000 camps and other incarceration sites. The
perpetrators used these sites for a range of purposes, including forced labor, detention of people
thought to be enemies of the state, and mass murder. The total number of sites is based upon
ongoing research in the perpetrators' own records. To facilitate the "Final Solution" the genocide or
mass destruction of the Jews, the Nazis established killing centers in Poland, ... Show more content
on ...
At the Auschwitz camp complex, the Birkenau killing center had four gas chambers. During the
height of deportations to the camp, up to 6,000 Jews were gassed there each day. In Nazi Germany
after 1933, and across Nazi–controlled Europe between 1938 and 1945, concentration camps
became a major way in which the.Nazis imposed their control. The first concentration camps in
Germany were set up as detention centers to stop any opposition to them. Nazis by so–called
'enemies of the state.
With the facilities have the more destruction of the jaws then the Nazis have as they call "killing
centers".the important role was the Nazi Regime's of the Jewish policy as the economy the Nazi
would just work the Jewish death December 7, 1941.When more than 100,000 Japanese and
Japanese–Americans on the west–coast were taken into custody and placed in camps in the
interior.By the Jews getting down of German up to Western European and up to Mother Russian and
the Jews start working on underground factory weapons.The organizations run by Heinrich Himmler
and the SS with the purpose of removing Jewish individuals from Germany
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Nazi Concentration Camps Summary
"You just can't understand it, even when you've seen it", Percy Knauth an American reporter
claimed. (Abzug 45). The Holocaust is without a doubt the epitome of all trajectories.On the topic of
the Holocaust, the focus points are the functions of the concentration camps and its survivors.The
liberation of these Nazi camps is somewhat overlooked. The photos and the testimonies of the camp
liberations allowed for the American people to comprehend the depths of the atrocities that had
occurred. Without the witnesses, photos and testimonies the concentration camps wouldn't have
been liberated, if not for the supported evidence from the liberations the American people wouldn't
have face the true depth of the ghastly crime that is the Holocaust. In "Inside The Vicious Heart
Americans And The Liberation Of Nazi Concentration Camps" Robert H. ... Show more content on ...
Instead of the Nazis communication center, west of Weimar, the American forces were scouting.
Scouts came back with the report that over a hill laid a sight that was surreal. At Ohrudruf, corpses
laid on the open ground oddly, "one corpse seemed fresher than the others". (Abzug).It was later
exposed that the deceased man was a Nazi that sought to blend in with the other
prisoners.Puzzlingly, a prisoner," came up to him and in full sight of the Americans, hit him with a
piece of lumber and stabbed him to death." (Abzug). To the horror of the American soldiers sheds
filled with corpses were discovered. Ohrudruf being a labor camp for mining brought an extravagant
income to the Nazis. In the mining cave a large room filled with, "crates, paper money, gold coin,
and bullion, jewelry, paintings, gold and silver fillings, and bridgework" was later discovered.
(Abzug). In complete disgust of the whole ordeal, President Eisenhower commanded for all nearby
troops to tour
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Concentration Camps In Nazi Germany
Concentration camps were places where individuals were constricted without a trial. Many prisoners
were placed in these camps, due to being: German socialists, gypsies, homosexuals and alleged of
social irregular behaviour, known as people having a disability. Conditions were appalling and
extremely harsh, where prisoners were required to complete hard–working labour, no matter the
circumstances that were faced. In Nazi Germany (1933), and throughout Europe (1938–1945), the
Nazi's regulated the control of the prisoners. The first camps were organised as detention centres, to
prevent opposition against the Nazi regime, and were named 'enemies of the state' (The Holocaust
Explanation, 2018). The thesis statement outlining the research questions ... Show more content on ...
At dawn, prisoners would wake up at 4:30 to 5:30 in the morning to begin their hard–working
labour days. Prisoners would abruptly get up when the bell was heard, tidying up their small living
sector, before drinking their coffee or herbal tea, which was served as the only 'food' for breakfast.
Each day, meal times were acknowledged as the most significant time of the day (Auschwitz–
Birkenau, 2018). Mornings only consisted of a drink, whilst for lunch, prisoners were served a
watery soup. Occasionally, individuals would find a piece of turnip or potato peel, and were seen as
fortunate if they did. Evenings consisted of a small piece of black bread, where sometimes, a piece
of sausage was served with margarine, marmalade or cheese. The black bread was supposedly meant
to last prisoners throughout the whole evening, meaning that a majority of individuals attempted to
hide the uneaten pieces, until next morning (The Holocaust Explained, 2018). Roll call and line–ups
were vital after breakfast. This is where prisoners were lined up in rows of ten and counted. If
numbers did not seem to add up, roll calling was continued, no matter the weather conditions, and
was rather disturbing. Following role call duties, prisoners were distributed to various kinds of
labour, some which were outside of camp boundaries, whilst others remained in their
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Concentration Camps And The Holocaust
Adolf Hitler led a nation of Germans who were trying to rid of inferior races. He had a final solution
that included deportation, abuse, and extermination of Jews. Concentration and death camps were an
inherent feature of the regime in Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945. Concentration camps were
camps in which people were detained or confined. The people of Germany under Hitler's rule had
faced many harch and torturous conditions by being poorly treated and not protected during the
years of 1933–1945. People like Jews, homosexuals, and political prisoners were placed in
concentration camps and by Hitler allowing this happening, it showed the people that he would do
anything to gain power. Concentration camps were an essential part of the Nazi's systematic
oppression and mass murder of Jews, political adversaries, and others considered socially and
racially undesirable. "Almost all of the deportees who arrived at the camps were sent immediately to
death in the gas chambers" (Killing 1). The people who were sent to work in the death camps and
were sick or were not doing any work were killed. Unlike concentration camps, which served
primarily as detention and labor centers, they do not kill people but mistreat them and yell in their
faces. Death camps were almost exclusively death factories. One of Nazi Germany's largest
concentration camp was Auschwitz–Birkenau, located in Poland. It became a death camp in 1941,
slave labor was used to kill the people because its conditions
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Gross-Rosen Concentration Camps
Gross–Rosen was a concentration camp built and operated during world war ll. It was established in
1940. It is located in Poland. And it was about 60 kilometers southwest of Wroclaw. Gross–Rosen is
now called or known as Rogoznica.
Gross–Rosen had many camps. The Gross–Rosen complex held up about 76,728 prisoners. There
was somewhere about 26,000 women prisoners. And it was one of the largest camps with females in
the whole concentration camp system. Women had to go through death conditions everyday.
Prisoners that arrived at the Gross–Rosen concentration camp came mostly from Poland or Hungary.
When they arrived, they had to take off their clothes. Prisoners were forced to work in the quarry.
They had to wear a yellow Star of David outlined in black that said Jew on it. In October 1941 the
SS transferred about 3,000 soviet paws for execution ... Show more content on ...
The guards were responsible for medical help and starvation. The survival time span in less than two
months. They were forced to work on hitler's underground. They didn't feed the prisoners during the
winter. A third of all prisoners died at the Gross–Rosen concentration camp. The prisoners suffered
cruelty and working conditions. Prisoners were prohibited to talk to any other prisoner. The Nazis
began to close Gross–Rosen at the end of January 1945.
Several Jews were being prisoners 1940 through 1943.
The museum of tolerance is a fascinating place to learn about the holocaust , Anne Frank , tolerance,
and exhibits. I went to the museum of tolerance and learned a lot of things that were interesting. I
got to know more about Anne Frank and some things she liked to do. Anne Frank was a young
teenage 13 year old like me. Anne Frank was often active,loud,and cheerful. But her older sister
Margot was more quite and shy Anne Frank wanted to go to Hollywood she loved taking selfies and
she liked skating. The holocaust was also a part of
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Extermination And Concentration Camps
Holocaust Camps "She had got out the train and looked and when she got there she knew that she
wasn't going to get freedom. You saw in her eyes that she was scared and everywhere she had went
in the camp was the smell of death. You were able to hear the screams and crying of mother and
children." In the Holocaust, thousands of people have died. They were put into different types of
camps. They were put in Extermination, Concentration or Labor camps. People were put in different
types of camps. Although all German camps were horrible, there are striking difference between the
Labor camps and the Concentration camps. During the Holocaust there were 3 types of camps.
There were Extermination,
Concentration and Labor camps. Extermination ... Show more content on ...
They would be dead in less than 24 hours. In out of all the Extermination camps, not one person had
survived from them. The extermination camps were run by the SS Chief
Himmler. ("SS and the Camps") Then there was the Concentration Camps. In concentration they
would work you hard. You wouldn't die immediately like you would if you were put in the
Extermination Camps. You would have a better chance of survival because you were used to do
something for them. People that was put in Extermination Camps meant they were useless and that
they wanted them dead. In concentration, you had longer days to live but not a whole bunch like a
year. You would die when working because of how hard they made you work. You would be used to
do heavy hard working until you couldn't take it. Then there was the labor camps. Labor camps you
would work a lot but not as harsh. Labor camps was the best camps to be at because you wouldn't
get as hard punishments as the people in the Concentration people would of got. If you were put in a
labor camps then you would have a likely chance of survival.
You would have a likely more chance of survival because you would work and still survive
Longer. Everyone that was in a camp would be killed by something. They either got poisoned
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Dachau Concentration Camp
DACHAU The Dachau concentration camp was established March 22 1933,at an old WWI
gunpowder factory.Dachau was one of the first camps to use SS soldiers.At first,Dachau was
intended to befor only men.During the first year of Dachau,it was able to hold 4,800 prisoners.After
being liberated,Dachau had 31,951 certified deaths.The total of prisoners to arrive at Dachau is
206,206.It was not a death camp for th genocide of the Jews,although there was Jewish prisoners
there. On March 23,1933 Judea declares war on Germany.When Dachau was built,I wasn't meant to
be a death camp at first but only to hold Jews shortly then were sent to a death camp.Dachau Was
designated class I which meant it was less harsh and prisoners had a bigger chance of being
liberated.Around 150 inmates were forced into participating,so they would be experimented on.Jews
were easily killed for mixing races. ... Show more content on ...
Baracke x is a brick building that was designed to hold a homicidal gas chamber.On April 1942,a
brick building was planned to be built aside of the main court in Dachau.Construction of Baracke x
began on on July 1942.The brick building wasn't finished being built until 1943.Barcke X had four
rooms,each were to wash the Jews clothes and get rid of lice using zyclone B. A bomb had hit
Dachau on April 9,1945 which knocked out all the running water and electricity.Water had to be
brought to the prisoners at Dachau through trucks.There wasn't any running water at Dachau to flush
toilets or anything like that.However the prisoners did not starve because there were 5 trucks filled
with food.There was a food shortage at the town of Dachau to
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Auschwitz Concentration Camp
Dalton Sanders May 12, 2014 Hogan 5th Period English I Auschwitz: The Death Camp Thesis:
Built by the Nazis as both a concentration and a death camp, Auschwitz was the largest of the Nazi
camps, the most diverse and intricate camp of all, and the main center for the death of Jews during
the Holocaust. Outline I. Largest of Nazi Death Camps A. Consisted of three camps B. Thirty–seven
sub camps C. Seven gas chambers and crematories II. Most diverse and intricate camp A.
Decorations made the camp look "fun" B. Many decorations that told lies C. Was like a town inside
a fence III. Main center for death during the Holocaust A. Total number of people there B. Medical
expirements at Auschwitz C. Most visited camp of ... Show more content on ...
Auschwitz was also the first to introduce "Gas Vans." These were used to put Jews in them and then
put gas through the tail pipe ("The Seven"). Sanders 5 Auschwitz was amongst some of the most
diverse and intricate concentration camps during the Holocaust. The goal that the Nazis had was to
make the camp look comely in order to blind the world from the evil that was taking place just
inside the gates of the camps. Upon arrival at the camp the prisoners would see a railroad station,
but one thing they didn't know is that it was fake. The railroad station was just a disguise to make
you feel like everything was normal, and even the clock itself was fake, it was painted on the wall to
represent how endless time felt while in the concentration camp. Another decoration in Auschwitz
was the Star of David stitched onto a purple curtain that was placed above the entrance of the main
gas chamber that read, "This is the gateway to God. Righteous men will pass through" (BBC).
Auschwitz could be looked at as a town inside a fence. The "town" consisted of a cinema, a theatre,
a grocery store, and the SS guards of Auschwitz even had their own athletic team (BBC). When you
think of the concentration camps of the Holocaust you most likely think of Auschwitz. Auschwitz
was the main center for the death of the Jews during the Holocaust. 1.1 million people died
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Holocaust Concentration Camps
The First Concentration Camps What was the Holocaust concentration camps. The concentration
camps were part of world war II. The first camp was Dachau and its purpose was to house political
prisoners. The Holocaust is worse than World War I. The Holocaust concentration camps were one
of the things that has happened in world history. The Nazi, Germany and its allies established
concentration camps all throughout Germany. The concentration camps were there for a range of
reasons. These camps were used to jail those who opposed Hitler's government or were thought to
threaten it. The living in the camps was a brutal time. When you were in the camp you would work
from sunup to sundown and get just little piece of bread to eat in the evenings.
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Concentration Camp Speeches
My dear brother Brian, it is ghastly here without your presence at the camp. To begin with, on the
night of February 22, we were disjointed and abducted from our home. It all began when several
Nazis burst through our door, all we heard was a "thud", mom and dad strained us to hide in the
crepuscular corner located within the attic, but it did not go as arranged. The Nazis found us hiding
in the attic; they pried us apart, even though I am only a child. Momentarily, we were then allocated
into a bus with many others; we soon arrived at the concentration camp. In addition, they
disembarked you off the vehicle, but not I, that was when I saw you lost in shock, both of us in
tears, screaming. I could not stop crying, after a few hours I fell asleep, ... Show more content on ...
I want you to know that I am alive, but petrified, I am trying my best to survive. You are amongst
one of the most essential persons in my entire life, we both will always have a bond stronger than
steel. There has not been one night that I have not thought of you or about our family. The memory
that will always be fresh in my mind is the trip we experienced the time we toured Niagara Falls
with mom, when we visited you in New York City. Even though the separation will be the terminal
memory I experienced with you, the jubilant memories will always come before horrendous
moments. You have impacted my life significantly. If I have never have had you as my brother, I
would have a laborious time growing into a young adult, even though you are 16 years older than I
am. Your age difference has benefited me oodles, you informed me how to deal with the similar
situations that you once experienced. Brian you are my other half, I don't know how I can survive
without you. It hurts to know that we shall never meet again, but please stay strong, and know that I
love you! You will always be in my heart, I hope that we may meet again, even in another
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Concentration Camp Essay
It is the middle of the 1800s. An Indian family is peacefully sleeping in their teepee. The mother is
holding her two young children as they sleep. Her young son is dreaming about the first time he will
be able to go out with his father and hunt for buffalo. Suddenly, they are awoken by the smell of
smoke and screaming. The father immediately runs outside only to see his village in flames. The
American soldiers have come. It is the 1940s. A small jewish boy is exiting a train and going into a
concentration camp. He has lost all of his belongings and is hungry, cold, and exhausted. He was
removed from his home in the middle of the night and taken by Nazi soldiers. He's grasping his
mother's hand tightly as he walks into the strange camp. Suddenly, she is ripped away from him and
pulled over to the ... Show more content on ...
The Nazis placed every single Jewish person they could find in a concentration camp. They
completely destroyed all of their belongings without mercy, and wanted to get rid of both them and
their culture. In these camps the Jewish people were forced to do work for the Nazis and were given
little food and minimal shelter. The Indians were forced onto reservation camps when they were
removed from their territory, and also lost their belongings. They were given minimal supplies and
food; many received blankets filled with diseases. Many Jewish people and Indian people died
before even getting to the camps because of the harsh journey to them. Millions of Jewish people
were killed by the Nazis on their death camps. They would put them all into one room and fill the
room with a poisonous gas that killed them. The Indians were brutally murdered by white soldiers as
well, only in a different way. White soldiers would burn down the Indians' homes and shoot them.
The Nazis and the American soldiers shamelessly killed mass amounts of Jewish people and
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The Treatment Of The Concentration Camp
Primo Levi once said, "Monsters exist, they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More
dangerous are men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions." Primo
was an Italian born, holocaust survivor. Primo was sent to Auschwitz concentration camp for eleven
months before being liberated by the red army on January 18th, 1945, he was one of the twenty out
of six hundred and fifty italian jews to make it out alive . During the Holocaust millions of jews,
gypsies, political prisoners, and other group were put in concentration camps.
The term concentration camp is a camp where people are detained or confined under harsh
conditions. Many cultures were placed there for nothing more than being different. Adolf Hitler,
leader and chancellor, built concentration camps for the "enemies of the state." They simply did
nothing wrong but since they were a different culture or religion than Hitler would've liked them to
be, he arrested and placed them there for being "alleged subversives." Hitler began hating the Jews
after World War I, they believed the Jews were the cause of Germany's loss during the war. Germany
was sent into extreme debt and they only people who should be responsible for paying back the
money were suppose to be the jewish because they were very frugal and had learned to save their
money well. The Concentration camps began popping up all over Germany, the first camp being in
Dachau. Hitler made Jews wear the
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Dachau First Concentration Camp
Some might think that Auschwitz is the first concentration camp but, it's not Auschwitz is just the
most popular one. The first concentration camp to be operated was a camp named Dachau. Dachau
opened on March 22nd, 1933 it was meant to hold mostly German Communists or just political
opponents of the Nazis. Later, Jehovah's Witnesses, Roma (or Gypsies) , homosexuals and few Jews
were transferred into Dachau. In the first year of it opening it held 4,800 prisoners. It was not a
death camp, but 40,000–200,000 people were murdered, some died of disease and starvation.
Dachau has many things to talk about, like how many/ what kind of people Dachau had and what
they did to them, how it was run, and the history of Dachau. Dachau had about 4,800 people in the
first year of operating, by 1937, it held about 13,260 people. It was meant to hold political prisoners
and not to harm them, but it turned into a death camp, where countless people died from
malnutrition, overwork, and many were executed. These people consisted of artists, intellectuals,
physically/mentally handicapped, Jews, homosexuals and many more. All these people were seen
unfit to be in society by Hitler. The people that were in Dachau were used for slave labor to make
German weaponry to be used in the war, others were ... Show more content on ...
Nazis often held people prisoners until their families could pay a ransom to get them out. Inside the
camp, people lived in long wooden huts that each housed 270 men, there were five rooms inside
each holding 54 people. Every aspect of a prisoner's life was controlled by Dachau sergeants.The
prisoners would do 12 hours of harsh work, overworking combined with poor nutrition made a
prisoner fall ill and malnourished. SS guards (trained by Theodor Eicke) were taught to show no
sympathy for the prisoners and to treat them as mortal enemies in military training (History
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The Pros And Cons Of Concentration Camps
Going through one of the worst genocides in history will change a life forever. Concentration camps
were used to control the population of prisoners. They would be forced to suffer cruel punishment
based on their religion and have all hope taken away. During the Holocaust, there were many
differences in the way prisoners were treated and their living conditions at the camps that changed
the lives of the Jews that were sent there.
Every concentration camp was different in the way they decided to deal with Jews. During the
course of the Holocaust, many Jews from all over were forced into labor and worked until they no
longer could. They moved frequently and had to decide whether they should fight to survive or give
in to death. (Webb) Auschwitz was known as the Final Solution for prisoners. They were sent there
to be killed. Auschwitz was separated into many sections that were always worse than the last.
Prisoners were given the very minimum amount of food and were forced to suffer at the SS guards
hands. They were worked at least 12 hours of the day, given horrible living conditions and were
treated as animals, not humans. ("Auschwitz: The Camp of Death"). Mauthausen was the only
category three camp which meant that prisoners were sent there to be tortured and exterminated.
They would either be worked to death or be killed for the guard's enjoyment. ("Mauthausen
Concentration Camp"). After registration, prisoners stripped down and were forced into the
bathhouses. Their heads
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The Concentration Camp Analysis

  • 1. The Concentration Camp Analysis One of the most well know aspects of Nazi Germany is the construction of various camps throughout the regime. These camps were designated for extermination, foreign labor, POWs, and civilian camps for adults and children. "The Order of Terror: The Concentration Camp" gives us a better understanding of concentration camps such as Dachau. It also gives a detailed understanding of the absolute power that the Nazis wanted to maintain. These entities are also apparent in "Disciplinary and Punitive Regulations for the Internment Camp", which lays out the strict regulations of the camp. Through these articles we are able to analyze the conditions of concentration camps specifically and perception of absolute power and the way it is portrayed in Nazi ... Show more content on ... Her report gives a detailed description of what they witness when they entered the camp. When reading this section of her article we are given an idea of just how gruesome these camps were. "But at Dachau there were six barracks... where the starving and dying lay virtually on top of each other in quarters where 1200 men occupied a space intended for 200 (pg. 4, Templer)." There was evidence of starvation among those who were alive. She goes on to talk about torture chambers and the many bodies that were piled up in them. These details give the reader an idea of just how horrible these camps were. The amount of deaths and sickness are no surprise, especially when comparing this information to the regulations in "Disciplinary and Punitive Regulations for the Internment Camp". These guards had to openly embrace this harshness because as discussed in class they chose to work as guards. Before they begin listing the many forms of punishments they make a few statement directed towards the guards. First "tolerance means weakness" (pg. 778–PS, Eicke). Weakness was not tolerated in anyway. There are punishments that require the prisoners to be shot on spot, hung and many others. In order for a guard to be able to do this he couldn't ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Concentration Camp Torture "Soviet soldiers were the first to liberate Concentration Camp prisoners in the final stages of the war"("Liberation of Nazi camps"). Many people were lucky to survive to the horrible experience in the Concentration Camp during The Holocaust. In the Concentration Camps, Jews experienced nearly impossible work, many types of torture, and were the main source of deaths for the Jews during WWII until the day of liberation. On night, Elie Wiesel tells us how the Nazis took everything away from him just for being a Jewish. The Jews were tortured in many ways by the nazis in the concentration camps, they humiliated them for some kind of punishment. "Disobedience was a serious offence, and an entire barracks could be punished as an example if one person misbehave" ("Nazi camps"). Prisoners with golden tooth had to be taken to the doctor to get their teeth out and if they resisted they were sent to the gas chamber and they took ... Show more content on ... "Prisoners in all the concentration camps were literally worked to death" ("Forced labor"). Men were forced to work every day during hours without eating they only got the food it was necessary to keep them alive. Prisoners were starving, some killed others for their small rations of bread and soup, one even kill his one father for a piece of bread. "one day when we had stopped, a workman took a piece of bread out of his bag and threw it into a wagon. There was a stampede. Dozens of starving men fought each other to death for a few crumbs" (Wiesel 95). All prisoners had to work it didn't matter if they were sick they just needed to finish their work. The Nazis didn't have mercy on anyone only them they whipped them if they didn't want to work and sometimes even worst, they were hanged. "They had to work at least 16 hrs a day. They didn't got enough food to have strength and work all day long"("Just a normal day in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Jewish Concentration Camp The concentration camp was a place where they took jewish people and had them killed or beaten up because they were jews. In April 1940, the first commandant was a man named Rudolph Hoss for Auschwitz. Auschwitz–Birkenau was a general term for the network of Nazi concentration and Labor camps. The camp was mostly described by people as "The Death Camp" because it was basically a camp for killing jewish people( Auschwitz 1). The concentration camp had established three main camps which were put in different years. The first one was Auschwitz I where it was started in April 1940. The second one was Auschwitz II and it became known in October 1941, it was also called Auschwitz–Birkenau. The three one was the Auschwitz III but it was called ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Auschwitz : A Concentration Camp Auschwitz was one of the formal military base. Auschwitz was one of the largest military base. All of the Concentration camps had held Jews, prisoners, and children also Nazi's enemies. The amount estimated to be in Auschwitz was about 1.1 million people. About 50% of the people of 1.1 million were children. Auschwitz was a large Concentration camp out of three other camps. The three concentration camps are located in Poland in a town called Oswiecim. Auschwitz was not just Jews there was children, a their families too. Auschwitz leader was Rudolf Hoss. "During WWII more than 1 million people, by some accounts, lost their at Auschwitz. In January 1945, with a soviet army approaching Nazi officials ordered the camp abandoned and sent an estimated 60,000 prisoners on a forced march to other locations" (A+E_Networks). Unlike concentration camps, which had existed in Germany since 1933 and were detention centers for Jews, political prisoners and other perceived enemies of the Nazi state, death camps existed for the sole purpose of killing Jews and other "undesirables," in what became known as the Holocaust" (A+E_Netowkrs_). All prisoners were assigned a job some were put to work in gas chambers and others to slave labor, some had to work in the medical industry. After the start of WWI ,WWII Adolf Hitler implemented a policy that is ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Effects Of Concentration Camps On The Concentration Camp Aaron Booth Booth 1 Ms. Jeanne Bitz Language Arts March 24 Chelmno Concentration Camp The first concentration camp was established on December 7,1941 and that's when the first victims of the extermination were killed. The Chelmno concentration camp killed all the Jews in the area besides in Lodz. Knowing where and when it was made, and what its purpose was, and how it affected Jews and others in it, can allow us to better understand the Chelmno death camp. The Chelmno concentration camp was made in Chelmno which was roughly 50 miles from the closest town called Lodz. It was were the first mass killings of Jews were ... Show more content on ... The Chelmno concentration camp was the first camp made for the final solution. They made the main gate of the concentration camp a look of normalcy so they would be uncomfortable(Liebowitz,Roni Seibel). The camp effected the jew and other in it by killing most of them in it. The chelmno concentration camp killed the whole Jewish population of Warthegau("Chelmno"3). Chelmno concentration camp operated three trucks that killed the Jews and others with carbon monoxide. They killed about 150– 300,000 people in the Chelmno concentration camp("Chelmno"1). Chelmno transferred jews and others in trucks and usually transferred them to the camp a lot of Jews and they transferred some of them in cars so they wouldn't be suspicious("Chelmno"3). 88 children from the town of Czech Town of Lidice were murdered in the Chelmno concentration camp("Chelmno"1). Most of the Jews who were deported from the Lodz–Ghetto were killed in the Chelmno concentration camp("Chelmno"4). The deportees that came to the camp were all enclosed wagons. They were either trucked or foot onto chelmno("Chelmno"2). The first Jews arrived at Chelmno from Lodz in the middle of January of 1942("Chelmno"3). The doors on the 3 trucks were sealed and poison gas was released into the section of the truck where they were gassed to death by carbon monoxide. The people that were gassed ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Concentration Camps Ww2 Summary "Did the United States put its own citizens in concentration camps during WWII?" by Jane McGrath is an article about the Japanese–American Internment Camps during WWII. "Concentration Camps, 1933–1939" is about the German persecution of Jews in concentration camps prior to WWII. While both of the articles talk about countries imprisoning their own people, both did extremely different things with their prisoners. "Did the United States put its own citizens in concentration camps during WWII?" by Jane McGrath was written about the camps made by the United States for Japanese–Americans. Unlike other camps, these had nice houses, stores, and even schools. They were mainly located on the west coast of the US and Canada. Besides camps, orders were ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Inside Concentration Camps Emerson Mrs.Picanco ELA#: Base Essay December, 11, 2015 Inside the concentration camps Concentration camps were filled with many people, and many that weren't Jews. Concentration camps were meant to kill them by work or were to reform them. These camps were a terrible place to be because of the living conditions, the beatings, and the diseases that spread. The Concentration camps had very bad living conditions. The prisoners would wear the same pair of clothing for week or months on end. The clothing could not protect them from the weather during the roll call or work. When it was time for the prisoners to eat the Kapo would sometimes drop there bread in the mud and give it to them anyways. The bread they got in the morning was the only ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. A Look Into The Dachau Concentration Camp Libby Baert HIST–B323 28274 April 20th, 2015 RA The First: A Look into the Dachau Concentration Camp In March of 1933, the Nazis opened the gates to what would be the beginning of a living for hell for over 180,000 people and the beginning of the end for over 28,000 of those people ("Dachau", 2014). Gates marked with the words "Arbeit macht Frei", or "work makes freedom" or "work liberates", led to Dachau, the first concentration camp instated during the Holocaust. Although there is much known about Dachau and concentration camps in general, there is still some intrigue surrounding the first concentration camp. This paper aims to focus on and look Dachau's purpose, it's inhabitants, and it's happenings and the legacy it has left behind. On February 27th of 1933, the Reichstag, the German parliament building, was burned completely down. To this day, nobody really knows who set the building on fire. Hitler took the arson as an opportunity to put blame on the Communists, but Communists believed that Hitler's own party started the fire so that they could sabotage the Communists. Even some non–Nazi Germans thought that Hitler was behind it, but there was nothing they could do about it. If they spoke out there was a risk that they would be accused of being Communist sympathizers (Bergen, 2003). Hitler's answer to this atrocity was to target the Communists, and soon Dachau was opened. Dachau was the very first concentration camp instated by the Nazi party. Located in a small ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Auschwitz's Role In Concentration Camps Auschwitz was made in 1940, it was the largest Nazis concentration and dead camp made . After Auschwitz was made some more concentration camp where made . Many people never gave up and had a belief that one day they would be free "Stay strong stay positive and never give up ( By –Roy T.Bennett ).There where a lot of different people in the concentration camps like Jews, Gypsy, Germans, Irish, also Poland people who lived closed from the camp.(title) Auschwitz –Birkenau concentration and extermination camp. Auschwitz was located in poland . Auschwitz initially served as a detention center for political prisoners.The people who went to the concentration camps often died in gas chambers. The food the prisoners had to ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. First Concentration Camp The First Concentration Camps The first concentration camps were very important to the entire holocaust. The Nazis were able to imprison any people who were seen as non–Aryan in camps where they would be forced to work or they could even be killed upon arrival. Therefore, many people died in these camps because of their race or religion. There were very brutal living conditions in most camps and it made an enormous impact on the lives of all prisoners. The first concentration camps were complex and heavily impacted many of the most popular camps of the holocaust. Overall, these camps set the stage for what the holocaust would evolve by introducing what was going to happen in the next 13 years. Concentration Camp Administration Process The ... Show more content on ... Adolf Hitler was very persuasive and knew how to convince people that what he was doing was right. Some people agreed with the Nazi rule and others did not. The Nazi regime did receive authority to imprison people in concentration camps. "The Criminal Police could issue a "preventative detention" order after December 1937 for persons considered to be habitual and professional criminals, or to be engaging in what the regime defined as "asocial" behavior"(United STates Holocaust Memorial Museum). Eventually, the rules got a little bit more strict than they were in the beginning. For example, "After 1938, authority to incarcerate persons in a concentration camp formally rested exclusively with the German Security Police (made up of the Gestapo and the Criminal Police)"(United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). The power to imprison people in concentration camps was a very controversial subject. Some people agreed with the Nazis way of dealing with people who opposed their rule, and other people thought that it was unnecessary. Many people questioned how the nazis were allowed to imprison people for things such as their race or ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Horrors Of Concentration Camps There were many horrors of concentration camps such as being tortured, put to death, and contained poor living condition. Jews were basically in the camp for ever until they died. Almost every Jew who went to a camp died, and those lucky enough to be put in camp during liberation lived. The Nazis would make you work from day to night working hard, and cleaning. They would also make Jews clean the ashes and bodies of those who died. They would make Jews sleep and live in barracks with 700 people, They separated weak from strong and killed off the weak immediately. Naturally Jews were in a camp till they died or until they were too sick to live. The Nazis would kill the weak, the pregnant, or handicap people right as soon as they got there. ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Buchenwald Concentration Camp Buchenwald was just one of the many concentration camps spread throughout Europe. The camp didn't just hold jews, it held people totaling 30 different nations. What separates it from the other camps is that it's the biggest of the Nazi camps. These camps were used for forced labor, people who were thought to be enemies, and mass exterminations of a certain groups of people. The Jews were the main target of the Germans. It soon got bigger than just the Jews. The Slaws, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Gypsies, and people who had a form of disability both physical and mental. Next, Buchenwald was both constructed and opened to prisoners in the year of 1937 in a wooded area around east central Germany. The plan was to hide the camp in the wooded area to lessen the chance of speculation. The camp opened up to only male prisoners in july of 1937. Women were discluded from this camp until 1944. The camp was separated into two sections, the Southern and a Northern part. The prisoners were helds in the Northern section. While the SS guards, and the directors of the camp were ... Show more content on ... The train ride was just the beginning of the horrific treatment that they would face ahead. They were packed into the train with little ability to move. The prisoners were in the train for days without food, water, or any place to go to the restroom except for a bucket or the floor that they were standing on. There were many different types of prisoners not just the Jews. The camp had many nationalities and religions. Such as czechoslovak people's, jehovah's Witness, Gypsies, People of mental, and physical incapabilities. Even a lot of Germans were put in this camp. Buchenwald was one of the worst camps to be at they were brutal. It wasn't considered a death camp but that was pretty much what it was. The S.S were just looking for a reason to kill. They liked it. The guards would kill without ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Auschwitz Concentration Camp Auschwitz was a death and labor concentration camp during World war II. It was founded in April, 1940 by Hitler and the SS, and located in Poland. The camp was extremely violent, murderous, and an evil place. It was the home to the murder of 1.5 million Jews. Sadly it had the most deaths of any concentration camp ever. It was first being used to hold Polish political prisoners, people who spoke out against Hitler after the Germans took over Poland starting World War II. The whole area consisted of three total camps over the period from its founding to liberation in 1945 near the end of WWII. It consisted of Auschwitz I, (The original prisoner holding camp,) Auschwitz II, (a labor/extermination camp founded in 1941,) and Auschwitz III, (a labor camp to staff a chemical factory known as IG Farben.) It also contained 36 other sub–camps. The camp was liberated by the advancing Russian forces on January 27th, 1945. The Russians expected a huge fight, knowing it was the worst concentration camp, but to their surprise, the Nazis had evacuated the camp. They took as many prisoners as they could on death marches to other holding camps. About 15,000 prisoners were murdered on these marches. ... Show more content on ... They saw 600 corpses rotting, and 7,500 barely surviving prisoners either starving, or sick. They also found an astonishing 8.5 TONS of human hair. No one should ever have to bear what these Russian soldiers saw and had to deal with. Since the camp was so large, it took four divisions to liberate the entire area. These divisions included the 322nd Rifle Division, 100th Rifle Division, 286th Rifle Division, and 107th Motor Rifle Division of the Russian Army, also know as the Red Army. Because the Russians were focusing their press on the betrayal of Hitler's alliance and the war, the liberation didn't get much attention from the news at that ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Essay on Concentration Camps A concentration camp is where prisoners of war, enemy aliens, and political prisoners are detained and confined, typically under harsh conditions, or place or situation characterized by extremely harsh conditions. The first concentration camps were established in 1933 for confinement of opponents of the Nazi Party. The supposed opposition soon included all Jews, Gypsies, and certain other groups. By 1939 there were six camps: Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Flossenburg, and Ravensbruck. Auschwitz Auschwitz, or Auschwitz–Birkenau, is the best–known of all Nazi death camps, though Auschwitz was just one of six extermination camps. It was also a labor concentration camp, extracting prisoners' value from them, in ... Show more content on ... Prisoners were packed so tightly into the railroad cars that they couldn't even squat to sit, much less lie down to sleep. They rode for two days with no food, no water, no toilet facilities––with only dirty straw on the floor. They finally arrived at their destination, glad to finally be breathing fresh air when the cattle car doors were pulled open. Instead they are greeted with shouts of anger, with guns and bayonets pointed at them, and with guards holding back police dogs ready to tear them apart. A stench fills the air. They are at Birkenau, the second part of the Auschwitz complex, called by some "the mother of all concentration camps. The manpower to build the camp came from 200,000 Russian prisoners of war who were forced to march from Russia to a camp at Lamsdord without any food. During these early days the Russians received more abuse than the Polish prisoners because they were more feared for their military might. They were looked upon by Hess as expendable labor due to their inferior abilities and physical weakness. Of the 12,000 prisoners who were sent to Birkenau in 1941, only 150 survived to the following summer. Some prisoners were assigned to the most gruesome task –– that of the Sonderkommando. These prisoners were forced to work in the crematoria, burning the Jews who had just been gassed. All prisoners who were selected for forced labor were tattooed with numbers on their left arms. Any slip, outburst, ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Auschwitz Concentration Camp Effects Auschwitz was the worst, and most well known concentration camp involved within WWII. This camp held about 25% of all prisoners in the camp "community". Auschwitz was made up of many sub camps including its most well known one, Birkenau. The concentration camps were the pinnacle of terror for anyone to be captured. How they worked, why they were built, and the impact they had are all to come. Why were they built? During Hitler's grand scheme to conquer the world, he had a slight issue. There were POW's (Prisoners of War) were being captured left, right and center, but he had nowhere to put them. Thus was the birth of the concentration camp. POW's were stored there in concentration. This was the birth of their name, Concentration Camps. ... Show more content on ... During Hitler's grand scheme to conquer the world, he had a slight issue. There were POW's (Prisoners of War) were being captured left, right and center, but he had nowhere to put them. Thus was the birth of the concentration camp. POW's were stored there in concentration. This was the birth of their name, Concentration Camps. A secondary reason for this camp, Hitler soon realised, is so he can exterminate "inferior races". This includes, but is not limited to Jews, Gypsies, and Jehovah's Witnesses. He later added parts the the camp that were specifically designed to kill people. The main killing site on this facility was called ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Pros And Cons Of Concentration Camps Were the Nazis the only ones to have concentration camps? Were Jews the only ones forced into these concentration camps? Who were the people that ran these camps? The reason all this started was because after World War I Germany was blamed for all the damage, therefore they were forced to pay to fix all these damages. Hitler was outraged and so he decided to stand up and make a change, quite a horrific change. Concentration camps were cruel places from how many of these people died, the places they were kept, to the horrible people who ran the camps. Many prisoners in concentration camps were Jews and most were run by Nazis. However the Nazis were not the only ones to put people into concentration camps and they didn't put only Jews in the camps. The Nazis nor the Americans were the first to send citizens to camps, in fact, the Soviet Union had been sending people who spoke against communism to concentration camps called Gulags since 1928. The Nazis put many people into concentration camps, not just Jews, they also put socialists, Slavs, Romas, Poles, communists, homosexuals, and soviet prisoners of war in these camps. In America another type of concentration camps began forming, these camps were called internment camps. The most common deaths at concentration camps were gas houses but that was not the only way, prisoners also often died from exposure to harsh weather because these camps were often located in very cold places and prisoners were only given clothes, nothing ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Concentration Camp Construction By: Eric Hillstrom World War ll Concentration Camp Construction Have you ever wondered, what were the World War Two camps made of ? What's inside of them? How much do they cost? How long do they take to build? These are the things that I'm researching. The camps were made of mostly rough sawn timber (the cheapest wood) that you could get in large amounts. Some were made of bricks also. Most of the camps were made for 250 to 500 prisoners, though the Germans crammed in about 900 to 1300 prisoners. Most camps were split in two by layers of barbed wire and some even contained electric wires in between. One side for the men and one side for the women and children. Each camp had around 10 toilets, some had a big long hollow piece of cement with about ... Show more content on ... The camps could come up in a couple of weeks or a couple of months or a couple of years. Other than just building the camp they might have to build some railroads to the camp and the Nazis had to build their gas chambers and places to prosecute the prisoners. Eight of the Nazi's camps had gas chambers. In today's amount of money each chamber would cost about 300,000 dollars to build with workers hired. Each chamber takes even longer to make the the rest of the camp normally. The barracks in concentration camps are based really similar to a pole barn structure. First, they would make a foundation, which was normally just dirt that got flattened out. During the process of making the barracks they didn't really worry about drainage and ventilation throughout the building, which you would if you were to build a pole barn. Next, they would install just little poles for a bit of strength. The support of most barracks was really low and they were pretty weak. If you were comparing this to a pole barn then you would have deep holes for the support poles. Which normally didn't happen when making the ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Majdanek Concentration Camp Majdanek Imagine yourself going back to 1939 in World War 2 to Majdanek, a terrifying Nazi concentration camp in Judlin, Germany. Majdanek was different from most concentration camps, one by their location, two they had one of the lowest amount of deaths , three Majdanek was the first concentration camp to be discovered by allied forces. A German Concentration Camp, extermination camp built and operated by Schutz Staffel on the outskirts of Lublin. Majdanek was operated from October 1, 1971 until July 22, 1944, was captured nearly intact. The projected capacity was subsequently established to 50,000. In early November, the plans were to extend to allow for 125,000 inmates and in December 150,000. To sum up Majdanek didn't last as long as other Nazi concentration camps, but it lasted long enough to take many lives. ... Show more content on ... German Schutz Staffel (SS) troops and police managed the camp. The SS was a special Nazi military group. Prisoners worked under terrible conditions within the camp or in nearby Krepieck forest. Prisoners worked in a variety of fields, including construction, farming, metal work, sanitation, and textiles. Many thousands died of abuse, disease, overwork or starvation. Overall many prisoners died because of the location of majdanek, and also because they were too scared to refuse to work. Majdanek's victims were mostly Polish Jews. However Jews from several other countries were killed there. Many prisoners or war, Roma, and others died in the camp. It estimated that 80,000 to 110,000 people died at Majdanek. Armed Jewish resistance grew rapidly in poland. Fearing revolts in the Labor camps, SS and German police units shot about 42,000 Jews in Lublin region on November 3rd and 4th. Overall, Majdaneks's population of deaths is more the scary, it's terrifying and overall just ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Frankl Concentration Camp Prior to World War II, Viktor Frankl was a somewhat successful therapist. Once the war began however, he was sent off to an Auschwitz concentration camp. Everyone in concentration camps had one wish, to stay alive (Frankl 15). Whether they tried to get on the good side of the warden, or attempt an escape, everyone had a different way to survive. Many prisoners died while at camps, but some of them who were hopeful and courageous made it out. Inspired by these prisoners, Frankl created logotherapy to help other find meaning in their own lives. Traveling by train to a concentration camp, Viktor Frankl spent his last hours in his own clothes, and with his own things. Upon arrival, he and his fellow prisoners were stripped of everything; luggage, clothing, jewelry, and even the hair off their bodies. Frankl lost the last piece of his life, a manuscript of his ideas that he had been working on for quite some time (Frankl 23). No only did the prisoners lose everything, they had to completely change the way they lived. They wore the same clothes for months, rarely washed themselves, and slept in terrible sleeping ... Show more content on ... All of these prisoners had a reason to get out of the camp. They had a relative to see, or a study to continue, and that gave them the strength and bravery to make it through their days. For Frankl, it was to re–write a manuscript he lost when he first came to camp. When he was liberated, he created his new theory of logohterapy. Logo therapy is a psychotherapy based on meaning. (Frankl 104). It centers itself around the future and what is in store for the patient. Unlike psychoanalysis, which allow patients to wallow in their egotistical suffering, logptherapy requires its patients to be strong. They have to listen to things they may not hear, and accept them for what they are (Frankl ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Ebensee's Concentration Camps Ebensee was a concentration camp established by the SS to dig tunnels for weapons storage close to the town of Ebensee, Austria in 1943. It was a part of the Mauthausen network. Due to the inhumane living and working conditions, Ebensee is considered one of the worst Nazi concentration camps for death counts of its prisoners. The SS would use codename like Kalk, Kalksteinbergwek, Solvay, and Zement all relating to limestone or cement. Construction for the subcamp began in late 1943, and the first thousand prisoners arrived November 18, 1943. They came from the mau camp of Mauthausen and its subcamps. The purpose of the camp was to provide slave labor for the underground tunnels being built, in which armament works were to be kept. The pans ... Show more content on ... It was the last remaining concentration camp in the area still controlled by the Nazis. The barracks that had been designed were meant to hold one hundred prisoners but eventually came to hold seven hundred and fifty each, there was twenty five Ebensee barracks. The prisoners being held in the tunnels under the open sky can be added to the number of prisoners being held. The crematorium at Mauthausen wasn't able to keep up with the amount of deaths. As a result, naked bodies were piled outside the barracks and the crematorium itself. In the last few weeks of the war, the rate of death exceeded three hundred fifty a day. To reduce the amount of bodies lying around, a pit was dug and bodies were dumped in quicklime. In April of 1945 on a single day, there was a record of eighty bodies were removed from Block 23 alone; it has been seen that feet were twitching. During that time, the prisoner strength reached a large of 18,000. In May of 1945, shots could be heard in the distance from inside the camp and prisoners could sense that the AMerican and British forces were very close. In early May of 1945, the commandant of Ebensee informed the inmates that they had been given to the Americans and that they should fine shelter in the underground tunnels that the cam had, but the prisoners refused. They remained in their barracks and hours later some of the tunnels they were ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Concentration Camp Treblinka I chose the concentration camp Treblinka, it was established in November of 1941. With the support of the SS and Police Leader for District Warsaw in "Generalgouvernement", SS and police authorities established a forced–labor camp for Jews (Treblinka). Later on it became Treblinka I. In addition to it being a labor camp, it also served as a "Labor Education Camp" for non–Jewish Poles, who the Germans believed to have violated labor discipline. Jewish and Polish prisoners were put into separate compounds of the camp, and deployed at forced labor. The killing center known as Treblinka II was completed in July of 1942, about a mile from the Treblinka I, and a rail spur was added that led from Treblinka I to Treblinka II. The Treblinka camp ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Concentration Camps Essay A concentration camp is where prisoners of war, enemy aliens, and political prisoners are detained and confined, typically under harsh conditions, or place or situation characterized by extremely harsh conditions. The first concentration camps were established in 1933 for confinement of opponents of the Nazi Party. The supposed opposition soon included all Jews, Gypsies, and certain other groups. By 1939 there were six camps: Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Flossenburg, and Ravensbruck. Auschwitz Auschwitz, or Auschwitz–Birkenau, is the best–known of all Nazi death camps, though Auschwitz was just one of six extermination camps. It was also a labor concentration camp, extracting prisoners' value ... Show more content on ... Because executions by gunfire were inefficient, expensive, and potentially identifiable, intoxication by poison gas––a method used by the Germans to kill over 50,000 mental patients since 1939––was agreed on as the method of choice. Zyclon was originally brought to Auschwitz as a disinfectant and vermin killer. On September 3, 1941, Fritzsch experimented with Zyclon B. on 600 Russian prisoners of war and 250 tubercular patients. He was amazed at the number of people who could be killed at once. On October 15, 1941, a plan for the future camp of Birkenau, designed by one of the prisoners, was approved. The layout was meant to house 100,000 prisoners. Before construction began, however, the SS instructed that Birkenau should be built for double that amount. The first transports of Jews into the camp began on March 26, 1942 with the arrival of 999 Slovakian women. Since the crematoriums had not yet been built, women were housed in a newly established women's section in Auschwitz I, placed to work, and beaten daily at roll call. By the end of March there were 6,000 women prisoners in Auschwitz I. A third section of the camp, called Auschwitz III or Buna– Monowitz, was established to provide forced labor for the German industries that had plants at Auschwitz. The victims who were lucky enough to escape the fate of the gas chambers were taken to the "quarantine" where they were taken to a ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Concentration Camps Vs Japanese Internment Camps Two months after Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt authorized "Executive order 9066". Which made More than 110,000 Japanese in the U.S to relocate to internment camps for reason of "national security". The United States feared that they're could have been Japanese spies inside America so the government relocated most Japanese immigrants to camps. It was one of the saddest moments in America that the government of America took actions on innocent people just because their heritage. America's internment camps are similar yet different to Hitler's concentrations camps. The term "internment" is often used in reference to Executive Order 9066, but it is a mischaracterization. Internment commonly refers to the legal confinement within prescribed ... Show more content on ... ......the majority worked full–time, usually around forty–four hours per week" (Prisoners at Home: Everyday Life in Japanese Internment Camps). Working in internment camps weren't really needed, but it was to pass the time and get some money. They had many jobs for everyone to make living in internment camps less depressing and easier, however the concentration camps were not the same, their work was made to exhaust, put people's lives in danger and even die. The purpose was to make the people in concentration camps break, suffer, beg, and torture them to the very ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Hitler's Concentration Camps The word concentration camp refers to camp where people are confined or detained. Always under harsh conditions. Without regard to legal norms of arrest or imprisonment. From 1933 to 1945 concentration camps were an integral feature of the regime. Only in Nazi Germany of course. The first concentration camp came after Hitler's appointment as chancellor. Basically, Hitler started the concentration camps. This happened back in January in 1933. The Storm Troopers, the SS, the police, and local civilians organized different detention camps. They did that to incarcerate real and political opponents of the Nazi policy. There were concentration camps all over Germany. There were even larger camps to the north of Berlin, near Hamburg, northwest ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Concentration Camp Frankl 1. Frankl clearly states that you have to stay determined and keep your courage alive. The minute you become discouraged it is all over and you are heading for death. The second stage of dealing with the concentration camp was apathy. He talked about this in the beginning of the book but now he is saying that the men had a chose, they could overcome apathy and that it was there were a few guys who showed that. For example, some guys would go through the huts and give other guys a piece of their bread because they were worse off. One of the most important things was to keep what you could of freedom. Frankly said that they had to choose their attitude and not let the surrounding influence them. Frankly also states how they should be worthy of their own sufferings. The entire meaning that Frankl is trying to say is that you have to keep a hold of your inner self when you are in situations like they were. The guys that stopped caring and stopped ... Show more content on ... Frankl's book can help those who are prone to despair because he doesn't just talk about the physical hurting that is different for everyone. He talks about the mental and psychological suffering that is going on. He goes into very deep discussions about taking control of your problems and never giving up on hope. People who are prone to despair have the chance to become desperate for help and lose their hope. They don't look for the future; they are set on that exact moment. Frankl is trying to help those people out by giving them tips for life. He gives examples of his times in the concentration camps and tells them that they can achieve their problems if only they focus on the future and don't' give up. I think one of the messages Frankl was trying to send is, no matter how hard your life gets, try to stay positive and look for the future in those awful ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Concentration Camp Hitler March 1933 was the concentration camp "Death camp" and established by the national socialist government Adolf Hitler put the jaws into the camp so that he would kill them.But by the end of WWll many of gypsies, homosexuals and Anti–Nazi civilians from.between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies established more than 40,000 camps and other incarceration sites. The perpetrators used these sites for a range of purposes, including forced labor, detention of people thought to be enemies of the state, and mass murder. The total number of sites is based upon ongoing research in the perpetrators' own records. To facilitate the "Final Solution" the genocide or mass destruction of the Jews, the Nazis established killing centers in Poland, ... Show more content on ... At the Auschwitz camp complex, the Birkenau killing center had four gas chambers. During the height of deportations to the camp, up to 6,000 Jews were gassed there each day. In Nazi Germany after 1933, and across Nazi–controlled Europe between 1938 and 1945, concentration camps became a major way in which the.Nazis imposed their control. The first concentration camps in Germany were set up as detention centers to stop any opposition to them. Nazis by so–called 'enemies of the state. With the facilities have the more destruction of the jaws then the Nazis have as they call "killing centers".the important role was the Nazi Regime's of the Jewish policy as the economy the Nazi would just work the Jewish death December 7, 1941.When more than 100,000 Japanese and Japanese–Americans on the west–coast were taken into custody and placed in camps in the interior.By the Jews getting down of German up to Western European and up to Mother Russian and the Jews start working on underground factory weapons.The organizations run by Heinrich Himmler and the SS with the purpose of removing Jewish individuals from Germany ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Nazi Concentration Camps Summary "You just can't understand it, even when you've seen it", Percy Knauth an American reporter claimed. (Abzug 45). The Holocaust is without a doubt the epitome of all trajectories.On the topic of the Holocaust, the focus points are the functions of the concentration camps and its survivors.The liberation of these Nazi camps is somewhat overlooked. The photos and the testimonies of the camp liberations allowed for the American people to comprehend the depths of the atrocities that had occurred. Without the witnesses, photos and testimonies the concentration camps wouldn't have been liberated, if not for the supported evidence from the liberations the American people wouldn't have face the true depth of the ghastly crime that is the Holocaust. In "Inside The Vicious Heart Americans And The Liberation Of Nazi Concentration Camps" Robert H. ... Show more content on ... Instead of the Nazis communication center, west of Weimar, the American forces were scouting. Scouts came back with the report that over a hill laid a sight that was surreal. At Ohrudruf, corpses laid on the open ground oddly, "one corpse seemed fresher than the others". (Abzug).It was later exposed that the deceased man was a Nazi that sought to blend in with the other prisoners.Puzzlingly, a prisoner," came up to him and in full sight of the Americans, hit him with a piece of lumber and stabbed him to death." (Abzug). To the horror of the American soldiers sheds filled with corpses were discovered. Ohrudruf being a labor camp for mining brought an extravagant income to the Nazis. In the mining cave a large room filled with, "crates, paper money, gold coin, and bullion, jewelry, paintings, gold and silver fillings, and bridgework" was later discovered. (Abzug). In complete disgust of the whole ordeal, President Eisenhower commanded for all nearby troops to tour ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Concentration Camps In Nazi Germany Concentration camps were places where individuals were constricted without a trial. Many prisoners were placed in these camps, due to being: German socialists, gypsies, homosexuals and alleged of social irregular behaviour, known as people having a disability. Conditions were appalling and extremely harsh, where prisoners were required to complete hard–working labour, no matter the circumstances that were faced. In Nazi Germany (1933), and throughout Europe (1938–1945), the Nazi's regulated the control of the prisoners. The first camps were organised as detention centres, to prevent opposition against the Nazi regime, and were named 'enemies of the state' (The Holocaust Explanation, 2018). The thesis statement outlining the research questions ... Show more content on ... At dawn, prisoners would wake up at 4:30 to 5:30 in the morning to begin their hard–working labour days. Prisoners would abruptly get up when the bell was heard, tidying up their small living sector, before drinking their coffee or herbal tea, which was served as the only 'food' for breakfast. Each day, meal times were acknowledged as the most significant time of the day (Auschwitz– Birkenau, 2018). Mornings only consisted of a drink, whilst for lunch, prisoners were served a watery soup. Occasionally, individuals would find a piece of turnip or potato peel, and were seen as fortunate if they did. Evenings consisted of a small piece of black bread, where sometimes, a piece of sausage was served with margarine, marmalade or cheese. The black bread was supposedly meant to last prisoners throughout the whole evening, meaning that a majority of individuals attempted to hide the uneaten pieces, until next morning (The Holocaust Explained, 2018). Roll call and line–ups were vital after breakfast. This is where prisoners were lined up in rows of ten and counted. If numbers did not seem to add up, roll calling was continued, no matter the weather conditions, and was rather disturbing. Following role call duties, prisoners were distributed to various kinds of labour, some which were outside of camp boundaries, whilst others remained in their ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Concentration Camps And The Holocaust Adolf Hitler led a nation of Germans who were trying to rid of inferior races. He had a final solution that included deportation, abuse, and extermination of Jews. Concentration and death camps were an inherent feature of the regime in Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945. Concentration camps were camps in which people were detained or confined. The people of Germany under Hitler's rule had faced many harch and torturous conditions by being poorly treated and not protected during the years of 1933–1945. People like Jews, homosexuals, and political prisoners were placed in concentration camps and by Hitler allowing this happening, it showed the people that he would do anything to gain power. Concentration camps were an essential part of the Nazi's systematic oppression and mass murder of Jews, political adversaries, and others considered socially and racially undesirable. "Almost all of the deportees who arrived at the camps were sent immediately to death in the gas chambers" (Killing 1). The people who were sent to work in the death camps and were sick or were not doing any work were killed. Unlike concentration camps, which served primarily as detention and labor centers, they do not kill people but mistreat them and yell in their faces. Death camps were almost exclusively death factories. One of Nazi Germany's largest concentration camp was Auschwitz–Birkenau, located in Poland. It became a death camp in 1941, slave labor was used to kill the people because its conditions ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Gross-Rosen Concentration Camps Gross–Rosen was a concentration camp built and operated during world war ll. It was established in 1940. It is located in Poland. And it was about 60 kilometers southwest of Wroclaw. Gross–Rosen is now called or known as Rogoznica. Gross–Rosen had many camps. The Gross–Rosen complex held up about 76,728 prisoners. There was somewhere about 26,000 women prisoners. And it was one of the largest camps with females in the whole concentration camp system. Women had to go through death conditions everyday. Prisoners that arrived at the Gross–Rosen concentration camp came mostly from Poland or Hungary. When they arrived, they had to take off their clothes. Prisoners were forced to work in the quarry. They had to wear a yellow Star of David outlined in black that said Jew on it. In October 1941 the SS transferred about 3,000 soviet paws for execution ... Show more content on ... The guards were responsible for medical help and starvation. The survival time span in less than two months. They were forced to work on hitler's underground. They didn't feed the prisoners during the winter. A third of all prisoners died at the Gross–Rosen concentration camp. The prisoners suffered cruelty and working conditions. Prisoners were prohibited to talk to any other prisoner. The Nazis began to close Gross–Rosen at the end of January 1945. Several Jews were being prisoners 1940 through 1943. The museum of tolerance is a fascinating place to learn about the holocaust , Anne Frank , tolerance, and exhibits. I went to the museum of tolerance and learned a lot of things that were interesting. I got to know more about Anne Frank and some things she liked to do. Anne Frank was a young teenage 13 year old like me. Anne Frank was often active,loud,and cheerful. But her older sister Margot was more quite and shy Anne Frank wanted to go to Hollywood she loved taking selfies and she liked skating. The holocaust was also a part of ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Extermination And Concentration Camps Holocaust Camps "She had got out the train and looked and when she got there she knew that she wasn't going to get freedom. You saw in her eyes that she was scared and everywhere she had went in the camp was the smell of death. You were able to hear the screams and crying of mother and children." In the Holocaust, thousands of people have died. They were put into different types of camps. They were put in Extermination, Concentration or Labor camps. People were put in different types of camps. Although all German camps were horrible, there are striking difference between the Labor camps and the Concentration camps. During the Holocaust there were 3 types of camps. There were Extermination, Concentration and Labor camps. Extermination ... Show more content on ... They would be dead in less than 24 hours. In out of all the Extermination camps, not one person had survived from them. The extermination camps were run by the SS Chief Himmler. ("SS and the Camps") Then there was the Concentration Camps. In concentration they would work you hard. You wouldn't die immediately like you would if you were put in the Extermination Camps. You would have a better chance of survival because you were used to do something for them. People that was put in Extermination Camps meant they were useless and that they wanted them dead. In concentration, you had longer days to live but not a whole bunch like a year. You would die when working because of how hard they made you work. You would be used to do heavy hard working until you couldn't take it. Then there was the labor camps. Labor camps you would work a lot but not as harsh. Labor camps was the best camps to be at because you wouldn't get as hard punishments as the people in the Concentration people would of got. If you were put in a labor camps then you would have a likely chance of survival. You would have a likely more chance of survival because you would work and still survive Longer. Everyone that was in a camp would be killed by something. They either got poisoned ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Dachau Concentration Camp DACHAU The Dachau concentration camp was established March 22 1933,at an old WWI gunpowder factory.Dachau was one of the first camps to use SS soldiers.At first,Dachau was intended to befor only men.During the first year of Dachau,it was able to hold 4,800 prisoners.After being liberated,Dachau had 31,951 certified deaths.The total of prisoners to arrive at Dachau is 206,206.It was not a death camp for th genocide of the Jews,although there was Jewish prisoners there. On March 23,1933 Judea declares war on Germany.When Dachau was built,I wasn't meant to be a death camp at first but only to hold Jews shortly then were sent to a death camp.Dachau Was designated class I which meant it was less harsh and prisoners had a bigger chance of being liberated.Around 150 inmates were forced into participating,so they would be experimented on.Jews were easily killed for mixing races. ... Show more content on ... Baracke x is a brick building that was designed to hold a homicidal gas chamber.On April 1942,a brick building was planned to be built aside of the main court in Dachau.Construction of Baracke x began on on July 1942.The brick building wasn't finished being built until 1943.Barcke X had four rooms,each were to wash the Jews clothes and get rid of lice using zyclone B. A bomb had hit Dachau on April 9,1945 which knocked out all the running water and electricity.Water had to be brought to the prisoners at Dachau through trucks.There wasn't any running water at Dachau to flush toilets or anything like that.However the prisoners did not starve because there were 5 trucks filled with food.There was a food shortage at the town of Dachau to ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Auschwitz Concentration Camp Dalton Sanders May 12, 2014 Hogan 5th Period English I Auschwitz: The Death Camp Thesis: Built by the Nazis as both a concentration and a death camp, Auschwitz was the largest of the Nazi camps, the most diverse and intricate camp of all, and the main center for the death of Jews during the Holocaust. Outline I. Largest of Nazi Death Camps A. Consisted of three camps B. Thirty–seven sub camps C. Seven gas chambers and crematories II. Most diverse and intricate camp A. Decorations made the camp look "fun" B. Many decorations that told lies C. Was like a town inside a fence III. Main center for death during the Holocaust A. Total number of people there B. Medical expirements at Auschwitz C. Most visited camp of ... Show more content on ... Auschwitz was also the first to introduce "Gas Vans." These were used to put Jews in them and then put gas through the tail pipe ("The Seven"). Sanders 5 Auschwitz was amongst some of the most diverse and intricate concentration camps during the Holocaust. The goal that the Nazis had was to make the camp look comely in order to blind the world from the evil that was taking place just inside the gates of the camps. Upon arrival at the camp the prisoners would see a railroad station, but one thing they didn't know is that it was fake. The railroad station was just a disguise to make you feel like everything was normal, and even the clock itself was fake, it was painted on the wall to represent how endless time felt while in the concentration camp. Another decoration in Auschwitz was the Star of David stitched onto a purple curtain that was placed above the entrance of the main gas chamber that read, "This is the gateway to God. Righteous men will pass through" (BBC). Auschwitz could be looked at as a town inside a fence. The "town" consisted of a cinema, a theatre, a grocery store, and the SS guards of Auschwitz even had their own athletic team (BBC). When you think of the concentration camps of the Holocaust you most likely think of Auschwitz. Auschwitz was the main center for the death of the Jews during the Holocaust. 1.1 million people died ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Holocaust Concentration Camps The First Concentration Camps What was the Holocaust concentration camps. The concentration camps were part of world war II. The first camp was Dachau and its purpose was to house political prisoners. The Holocaust is worse than World War I. The Holocaust concentration camps were one of the things that has happened in world history. The Nazi, Germany and its allies established concentration camps all throughout Germany. The concentration camps were there for a range of reasons. These camps were used to jail those who opposed Hitler's government or were thought to threaten it. The living in the camps was a brutal time. When you were in the camp you would work from sunup to sundown and get just little piece of bread to eat in the evenings. ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Concentration Camp Speeches My dear brother Brian, it is ghastly here without your presence at the camp. To begin with, on the night of February 22, we were disjointed and abducted from our home. It all began when several Nazis burst through our door, all we heard was a "thud", mom and dad strained us to hide in the crepuscular corner located within the attic, but it did not go as arranged. The Nazis found us hiding in the attic; they pried us apart, even though I am only a child. Momentarily, we were then allocated into a bus with many others; we soon arrived at the concentration camp. In addition, they disembarked you off the vehicle, but not I, that was when I saw you lost in shock, both of us in tears, screaming. I could not stop crying, after a few hours I fell asleep, ... Show more content on ... I want you to know that I am alive, but petrified, I am trying my best to survive. You are amongst one of the most essential persons in my entire life, we both will always have a bond stronger than steel. There has not been one night that I have not thought of you or about our family. The memory that will always be fresh in my mind is the trip we experienced the time we toured Niagara Falls with mom, when we visited you in New York City. Even though the separation will be the terminal memory I experienced with you, the jubilant memories will always come before horrendous moments. You have impacted my life significantly. If I have never have had you as my brother, I would have a laborious time growing into a young adult, even though you are 16 years older than I am. Your age difference has benefited me oodles, you informed me how to deal with the similar situations that you once experienced. Brian you are my other half, I don't know how I can survive without you. It hurts to know that we shall never meet again, but please stay strong, and know that I love you! You will always be in my heart, I hope that we may meet again, even in another ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Concentration Camp Essay It is the middle of the 1800s. An Indian family is peacefully sleeping in their teepee. The mother is holding her two young children as they sleep. Her young son is dreaming about the first time he will be able to go out with his father and hunt for buffalo. Suddenly, they are awoken by the smell of smoke and screaming. The father immediately runs outside only to see his village in flames. The American soldiers have come. It is the 1940s. A small jewish boy is exiting a train and going into a concentration camp. He has lost all of his belongings and is hungry, cold, and exhausted. He was removed from his home in the middle of the night and taken by Nazi soldiers. He's grasping his mother's hand tightly as he walks into the strange camp. Suddenly, she is ripped away from him and pulled over to the ... Show more content on ... The Nazis placed every single Jewish person they could find in a concentration camp. They completely destroyed all of their belongings without mercy, and wanted to get rid of both them and their culture. In these camps the Jewish people were forced to do work for the Nazis and were given little food and minimal shelter. The Indians were forced onto reservation camps when they were removed from their territory, and also lost their belongings. They were given minimal supplies and food; many received blankets filled with diseases. Many Jewish people and Indian people died before even getting to the camps because of the harsh journey to them. Millions of Jewish people were killed by the Nazis on their death camps. They would put them all into one room and fill the room with a poisonous gas that killed them. The Indians were brutally murdered by white soldiers as well, only in a different way. White soldiers would burn down the Indians' homes and shoot them. The Nazis and the American soldiers shamelessly killed mass amounts of Jewish people and ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. The Treatment Of The Concentration Camp Primo Levi once said, "Monsters exist, they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions." Primo was an Italian born, holocaust survivor. Primo was sent to Auschwitz concentration camp for eleven months before being liberated by the red army on January 18th, 1945, he was one of the twenty out of six hundred and fifty italian jews to make it out alive . During the Holocaust millions of jews, gypsies, political prisoners, and other group were put in concentration camps. The term concentration camp is a camp where people are detained or confined under harsh conditions. Many cultures were placed there for nothing more than being different. Adolf Hitler, leader and chancellor, built concentration camps for the "enemies of the state." They simply did nothing wrong but since they were a different culture or religion than Hitler would've liked them to be, he arrested and placed them there for being "alleged subversives." Hitler began hating the Jews after World War I, they believed the Jews were the cause of Germany's loss during the war. Germany was sent into extreme debt and they only people who should be responsible for paying back the money were suppose to be the jewish because they were very frugal and had learned to save their money well. The Concentration camps began popping up all over Germany, the first camp being in Dachau. Hitler made Jews wear the ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Dachau First Concentration Camp Some might think that Auschwitz is the first concentration camp but, it's not Auschwitz is just the most popular one. The first concentration camp to be operated was a camp named Dachau. Dachau opened on March 22nd, 1933 it was meant to hold mostly German Communists or just political opponents of the Nazis. Later, Jehovah's Witnesses, Roma (or Gypsies) , homosexuals and few Jews were transferred into Dachau. In the first year of it opening it held 4,800 prisoners. It was not a death camp, but 40,000–200,000 people were murdered, some died of disease and starvation. Dachau has many things to talk about, like how many/ what kind of people Dachau had and what they did to them, how it was run, and the history of Dachau. Dachau had about 4,800 people in the first year of operating, by 1937, it held about 13,260 people. It was meant to hold political prisoners and not to harm them, but it turned into a death camp, where countless people died from malnutrition, overwork, and many were executed. These people consisted of artists, intellectuals, physically/mentally handicapped, Jews, homosexuals and many more. All these people were seen unfit to be in society by Hitler. The people that were in Dachau were used for slave labor to make German weaponry to be used in the war, others were ... Show more content on ... Nazis often held people prisoners until their families could pay a ransom to get them out. Inside the camp, people lived in long wooden huts that each housed 270 men, there were five rooms inside each holding 54 people. Every aspect of a prisoner's life was controlled by Dachau sergeants.The prisoners would do 12 hours of harsh work, overworking combined with poor nutrition made a prisoner fall ill and malnourished. SS guards (trained by Theodor Eicke) were taught to show no sympathy for the prisoners and to treat them as mortal enemies in military training (History ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. The Pros And Cons Of Concentration Camps Going through one of the worst genocides in history will change a life forever. Concentration camps were used to control the population of prisoners. They would be forced to suffer cruel punishment based on their religion and have all hope taken away. During the Holocaust, there were many differences in the way prisoners were treated and their living conditions at the camps that changed the lives of the Jews that were sent there. Every concentration camp was different in the way they decided to deal with Jews. During the course of the Holocaust, many Jews from all over were forced into labor and worked until they no longer could. They moved frequently and had to decide whether they should fight to survive or give in to death. (Webb) Auschwitz was known as the Final Solution for prisoners. They were sent there to be killed. Auschwitz was separated into many sections that were always worse than the last. Prisoners were given the very minimum amount of food and were forced to suffer at the SS guards hands. They were worked at least 12 hours of the day, given horrible living conditions and were treated as animals, not humans. ("Auschwitz: The Camp of Death"). Mauthausen was the only category three camp which meant that prisoners were sent there to be tortured and exterminated. They would either be worked to death or be killed for the guard's enjoyment. ("Mauthausen Concentration Camp"). After registration, prisoners stripped down and were forced into the bathhouses. Their heads ... Get more on ...