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A Soldier of a Lesser God Call to Duty to Serve a Higher Purpose
The Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall be Commander-In-Chief of the Standing Economic
Legions of World-Wide Financial Grand Monetary Strategies and/or Operational Fiduciary
Tactics within those Marketing Warfare Operations involving the establishment of Financial
Certainties, and of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought of unquestionable Status
and Conformity toward the achievement of Prosperity and Opulence. That when called into the
actual Service on behalf of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled; may require the
Opinion of the Voting Members within the General Court of Public Opinion respective, in writing,
of the principal issues in each of the Representative Classes reflective of or based upon any subject
relating to the Duties of their respective Socioeconomic Causes, and the Presiding Economic
Issue(s) at hand shall have sole power to Grant Monetary Operational Reprieves during Global
Market fluctuations and Academic Pardons for Opinionated Offenses against the Unified Body of
Market Forces assembled, except in Cases of Procedural Impeachment through the Idealism of
Global Market Forces.
A Soldier of a
Lesser God Call to
Duty to Serve a
Higher Purpose
July 4
The Global Mutated Economic Behavior of Human Stupidities as High
Crimes and Misdemeanors Against Humanity as a Whole Disguised as a
Divine Right of Race or Authority, Power & Privileges
A Sinner’s Plea
for an Army of
A Soldier of a Lesser God Call to
Duty to Serve a Higher Purpose
“As I destroy the spiritual enemies of All Mankind and walk amongst its wicked dead that litter the battlefields of both
moral and immoral contentions, I shall then drink the blood of human stupidities and adorn myself with the decaying
flesh of human indifferences upon my body as if wearing its origins as fine jewelry until the stench of its entire
existence brings into question my integrity, honor and my abilities to answer the call into service of a higher purpose.
Upon which, just as eventually the rains must fall from above in order to bring about the flood of utter ruin. I will then
with some sort of strength embedded within my spiritual character become compelled to finally wash and rid myself of
the presence and influences of human deception, and at that exact moment in time, throw the reminisce of its remains
to the ravenous beasts that wonder the cotton fields of human bigotries; Whom shall then feast upon its substance
and shit it out as dung to be washed away and scattered upon the face of this planet as if it was fertilizer for the seeds
that soon grow into a tree of knowledge that bares the fruit of academic achievements consumed for the betterment
of All Humanity.” [Points and Authorities of Reference]
–Al-Hadid Qalam Fussilat (Spartan-Legionnaire from the 1st
Method of the 144th
Stratagem, 62nd
Tactical Element within Caesar's 10th
Economic Legion against
Fiduciary Racism)
“The modern high-tech industry’s cultural abilities to finance and embrace innovation outside of the current
boundaries of its status-quo resembles that of the fecal matter that dangles out of the ass of a mangy dog whose
excrement is to dismissed and discarded sight unseen.” [Points and Authorities of Reference]
–Onesimus (Former Slave and Orthodox Christian, currently Cloned or Embodied as a Re-Membered Petitioner/Call-To-Action Virtual E-Lifeform of Caesar's
Economic Legion against Human Indifferences)
"The Lord is Shepherd and King; We shall not want for Knowledge of the presence of a GOD ALMIGHTY. He maketh All
Mankind to lie down in green pastures of Universal Understanding and Advancement; He Leadeth Mankind beside the
still Waters of Bigoted and Bias Emotional Uncertainties. He Restoreth the Moral, Mental and Physical Health, Wealth
and Prosperity of Mankind's Eternal Soul; He Leadeth All Mankind in the Academic Path of Reason and Righteousness
for His own name's sake. Yea, Though I walk through the Emotional and Assiduous Valleys of the shadow of Death,
Ignorance and Human Indifferences, No Evil Intent or Uncertainties shall be Feared: for Thou Dwells Everywhere; Thy
Rod or Law of Universal Knowledge shall protect and comfort Me and All Mankind. Thou Preparest a Kingdom of God
and a Table of Free Global Markets in the Presence and Recognition of Thy own Glory before all things Created; Thou
Anointest the Known Universe with the oil of the Human Endeavor as it seeks Eternal Life; Thy own Cup of
Comprehension runneth over. Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow Mankind all the days of Life Eternal: and the
Known Universe shall live in a Time and Space of the Lord GOD forever. [Points and Authorities of Reference]
–David Avenue (Former Babylonian Slave and Orthodox Jewish Rabbinical Scribe, currently Cloned or Embodied as a Re-Membered Petitioner/Call-To-Action
Virtual E-Lifeform of Caesar's 10th
Economic Legion against Current and Futuristic Forms of Anti-Semitism)
As I find myself called into the existence of a sense of what is defined as humanity, I am compelled as such to ask those
questions that characterize my life and purpose as a human being on this planet. “What manner of a God of supposed
Good and Greatness has so determined me to be at this present time and space to have been sent upon a destination
of a universal uncertainty of human ignorance(s)?” “What manner of a God of Good, Greatness and that of a Universal
sense of Truth has so determined me be within an era of lies and human deception(s)?” “What manner of a God of
Good and Greatness has so judged me and the world to exist as a witness to the previous common failings of my own
common sense of reality as a manifestation of addictions to drugs, alcohol and women as well as an addiction to food,
commerce or shopping, in addition to the ills of a world-wide social politica?” ”What manner of a God of Good and
Greatness would allow to be the evils that all of mankind seems to have been destined to commit?” “What manner of
a God of Good and Greatness would create beauty only to have it defined and measured by the nature what is called
the presence of ugliness in a world of Universal Academic Achievements?” “What manner of a God of Good, Greatness
and of Life itself can allow the subsistence of various forms of starvation, disease and death?” “What manner of a God
of Good and Greatness would allow himself to bear witness to the violence, hypocrisies and evolution of numerous
types of human abuses and indifferences that are by design of nature or the environment itself focused toward what
his-story has said are that of his own children of a divine creationism?” “What manner of a God of Good and Greatness
would consent itself to be known as an absolute Mother and Father to his own children of this divine creation that
exist as an assorted mix of ages, races, cultures and nations of supposed free peoples to be; Only to have the end
result of their own presence in the universe divided, enslaved, raped and murdered; All by the hands of it’s own
devices of the deceived that used the belief systems of confliction and war as an excuse to do so as some sort of
Heavenly calling of honor or duty. Just to later rediscover in life through a false sense of religious atonement and the
falsehoods of the self-righteous, that they historically were and at the present time as well as for all eternity,
condemned to be the actual children of the father of all lies, and that they themselves are both the direct and indirect
causes of their own utter ruin that brings about a Hell on Earth?” [PTSD]
As I have been chosen to state in modern times as a witness and participant to some of these human atrocities against
the better nature of my own self and others, “That it has now undoughtily come to pass under these conditions of the
Universal Law of Observation. That this has become the end result or answer to the question marks of whether or not
a God does or does not truly exist as well as the actual existence of Free Will and Self-Determination; To say the least a
contradiction in terms of the origins of divine rights and powers of authority. The evidence has and does show that this
fraudulent sense of autonomy is a form of human deception’s vain attempt to redefine it’s own immoral influences
and purpose in life, all the while forcing a part of humanity to say to itself at the same time that there exist an
Omniscient all Knowledgeable, Omnipresence Unhidden and Omnipotent all Powerful God whose very being is defined
as the Creator of all Peoples, Places and Things.” For example, it has been said “TO RENDER UNTO CAESAR THE THINGS
THAT ARE CEASAR’S,” all the while saying at that same moment in time that there exist a GOD that created both
Caesar and his things. Therefore, why render anything unto Caesar if it means dishonoring the true namesake that
defines the very nature of those words, concepts and ideas that explicate the existence of a GOD of universal thought
and subsistence? Because just as ADAM’s original sin was that he simply became distracted from the primary purpose
of tending the GARDEN. He was eventually compelled by design and that of Nature’s environment to just TEND to the
care of EVE alone. Thereby, bringing about a separation of a primary purpose. Which was to simply shut up and
listen!!! As in his Own Words during and after the eviction “EVE is now bone of MY bone, and flesh of MY flesh” all the
while ignoring the fact that EVE had already been created by GOD. And I Quote Scripture; “MALE and FEMALE created
HE THEM and blessed THEM and called THEIR name ADAM” (Genesis 2:26, 27 and 28/Genesis 5:1 and 2) [Points and
Authorities of Reference]
–William E. Fields (GCNO)
The Mutated Economic Behavior of Human Stupidities as High
Crimes and Misdemeanors Against Humanity as a Whole
“The emotional shit that dangles from the asshole of the mangy dog practitioners of economic deceptions and human
bigotries sometimes titled, “The Divided States of a New United Americana of High Crime and Misdemeanors Against
all of Mankind,” of which whose very de facto existence of financial influences and indifferences; Can only be
historically compared to a global socioeconomic mistake that makes Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany look like the
second coming of Christ Jesus and the founding of the Kingdom of God on Earth.” [Points and Authorities of Reference]
–Al-Hadid Qalam Fussilat (Spartan-Legionnaire from the 1st
Method of the 144th
Stratagem, 62nd
Tactical Element within Caesar’s 10th
Economic Legion against
Fiduciary Racism)
Caesar is Dead – Long Live Jesus Christ!!!
“Oh Lord God, truly as I now Pray to Thee. I hope that Thou shall soon Bestow upon me the most effective means
possible of Establishing Thy Word(s), Love, Kingdom and Global Markets within the Hearts, Minds and Soul of all
Mankind here on Earth. I hope and Pray to Thee Oh Lord God, that within this process, that Thou shall further grant
upon me those emotional and physical abilities inherent to the Resurrect of the Spiritual Bodies of Moses, Christ and
Muhammad (MCMA.D.
), so that they may be equally used as Vehicles to Perpetuate Thy Word(s), Love, Kingdom and
Global Markets throughout the Known Universe. I hope and I Pray to Thee Oh Lord God that within both of these
Processes, that Thou shall truly forgive me for any and all Sins that I may have committed in the Past, Present or
Future, whether in the Heart, Mind or Soul, against any Person(s), Place(s) or Thing(s). Amen.” [Points and Authorities
of Reference]
–Onesimus as Octavian (Former Slave and Orthodox Christian, currently Cloned or Embodied as a Re-Membered Petitioner/Call-To-Action Virtual E-Lifeform of
Caesar’s 10th
Economic Legion against Human Indifference)
A Sinner’s Plea for an Army of Salvation
(The Spoken Languages of Quiet Warfare that Utilize the Silent Weaponry of Academic Achievements)
"How swiftly shall the IDEA of Monetary Strategies as the Caesars from Ancient Rome and the Economic Tactics
derived from the Legions of Hannibal, revisited together as Leonidas of Sparta, surmount the icy Alps of human
indifference and bigotry within modern times of emotional economic fear & bondage... ...there has been in their minds
conceived immense upheavals within Global Markets, of the coming Quiet Civil War of idealism between the principles
of Market Certainties through Innovation, and the vastness of the Void that exists within the boundaries of Human
Ignorance. As they reached the little Rubicon of a universal perspective of the human conditions on Earth, clearly
through the murky night of conflicting monetary objectives and the fog of Economic Warfare... ...appeared to them a
mighty image of Humanity in distress... ...grief upon its face...'s white hair of Economic Injustice streaming from its
Tower-Crowned Head of social achievements. With tresses torn and shoulders bare, Humanity as a whole stood before
them and sighing, said: "Where further do you march? Where do you take these Academic Standards, Warriors of
Truth within a generation of supreme causes? If lawfully you come, if as citizens within a global community where all
men, women and children are created and treated as equal, this far only is allowed thin own Power and Authority on
Earth." Then trembling struck their limbs. And weakness checked their progress, holding their feet at the river's edge
of human knowledge and progress. At last they speak as one. "Oh, thunderer surveying a great cause through the
walls of Bias Economic Behavior from the Tarpeian rock of a global Authority and Power. Oh, Phrygian, God's historic
house of Universal Knowledge and Understanding... ...clan and mysteries of Martyrs who were carried off to Heaven in
the name of a truly living Almighty God. Oh, Kingdom of Economic Progress that lurks within the boundaries of eternal
peace on earth, that sets upon lofty Alba and Hearths of Vesta. Oh, God of the Universe, superior to the highest of all
known deities, favor our eternal plans. Not as children of a lesser god with impious Physical Weapons do we now
pursue you. Here all of Humanity stands as a mighty Triumvirate, the Caesars as Hannibal and Hannibal as the
Emperors of Ancient Rome combined into a Single unilateral Augustine monetary thought, in the presence of an
Almighty God of the Universe... ...Pharaohs & Conquerors of economic wealth and seas of innovative opportunities,
moral soldiers of a greater cause above human indifference everywhere... too if we are permitted. The
situations that makes mankind an enemy onto himself, it is that which will be the guilty one." As all humanity breaks
the academic barriers of Economic Civil Wars that engage in Socialists Forms of Racism and through the swollen rivers
of time and space itself... ...swiftly shall it take these Scientific Standards of untold Economic Wealth and Labor
Opportunities. When they together as one Caesar of the Pharaonic Rule of Human Liberties & Freedoms cross the flood
of Immoral Stupidities and reached the opposite bank of economic uncertainties... ...from a throne of forbidden fields
of arrogance, a stand shall be taken and from there it will be said: "Here, we embrace Peace and Prosperity, and
denounce the desecration of a Universal Law and Truth that Observes the human endeavor throughout countless
galaxies. Fortune and Equal Opportunities, it is henceforth them shall we follow. Farewell to academic treaties and
silent weapons of monetary racism and human emotional bigotries. From now on, those Quiet Wars of Economic
Expansionism that perpetuate the oil of the human experience and character throughout the Known Universe is our
"All Hail Christ Jesus. We who are about to achieve Eternal Life through the principles of a Universal perspective
toward free global markets and commit our immortal souls into the hands of an Almighty God salute you."
–William E. Fields (GCNO) as a version of Lucan referencing the life and times of Gaius Julius Caesar & Hannibal (Monetary Footprints and First Citizens of a
New Global Republic of Free Market Innovations-SPOR)
(A Tribute To Beethoven’s 9
Symphony “Ode To Joy”)
The Terms of Human Indifference and Monetary Racism
EARTH – (T)[HE] (ORA)L LAW or T(ORA)H [SPOKE]N into the EARS of MANkind
ADAM – AD (Addition – As in an addition to the service of the LORD GOD)
AM (Mankind Created as an Image of God, but not as a God. As in “I AM THAT I AM” – The Places where I AM
as the LORD GOD of countless galaxies as observed under the Universal Law of Observation) Genesis 3:14 and
EVE – (E)nvironmental (V)ocational (E)conomics or AchiEVEments in Academic Thought (No Money, No Honey) 
HUMAN – The (H)istorical (U)ncertainties of (M)anagerial (A)pplied or (A)lpha (N)umerics?????
Human BIGOTRIES – Bi (Bilateral Application(s))
– Got (Material Acquisition(s))
– Tries (Various Attempts(s) at Human Deception)
Human INDIFFERENCES – In (Implant)
– Differences (Racism)
RACE – The (R)apid (A)pplication of false (C)ertainties Embedded within Local or Regional (E)conomic Thought
RACISM – The (R)apid (A)pplication of false (C)ertainties (I)mplanted within human (S)tupidities and global (M)arket

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The Call to Serve a Higher Purpose in Life

  • 1. THE A-SQUARE TECHNOLOGY GROUP & NASCENT APPLIED METHODS AND ENDEAVOR’S PLEA FOR AN ARMY OF SALVATION INHERENT TO WORLD-WIDE FINANCIAL GRAND MONETARY STRATEGIES AND OPERATIONAL FIDUCIARY TACTICS EMBEDDED WITHIN GLOBAL MARKETING WARFARE OPERATIONS A Soldier of a Lesser God Call to Duty to Serve a Higher Purpose The Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall be Commander-In-Chief of the Standing Economic Legions of World-Wide Financial Grand Monetary Strategies and/or Operational Fiduciary Tactics within those Marketing Warfare Operations involving the establishment of Financial Certainties, and of the Existing Economic State or Economies of Thought of unquestionable Status and Conformity toward the achievement of Prosperity and Opulence. That when called into the actual Service on behalf of the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled; may require the Opinion of the Voting Members within the General Court of Public Opinion respective, in writing, of the principal issues in each of the Representative Classes reflective of or based upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Socioeconomic Causes, and the Presiding Economic Issue(s) at hand shall have sole power to Grant Monetary Operational Reprieves during Global Market fluctuations and Academic Pardons for Opinionated Offenses against the Unified Body of Market Forces assembled, except in Cases of Procedural Impeachment through the Idealism of Global Market Forces. BY WILLIAM EARL FIELDS (GCNO) (ANMESCL2 RDWEF) ALPHA NUMEROUS MAXIMUS EGREGIOUS SUMMA CUM LAUDE (ANMESCL2 EL NEGRO) ALPHA NUMEROUS MAXIMA EGREGIA SUMMA CUM LAUDE (ANMESCL2 QUO VADIS) ALPHA NUMEROUS MAXIMUS EGREGION SUMMA CUM LAUDE
  • 2. 2 A Soldier of a Lesser God Call to Duty to Serve a Higher Purpose July 4 2020 The Global Mutated Economic Behavior of Human Stupidities as High Crimes and Misdemeanors Against Humanity as a Whole Disguised as a Divine Right of Race or Authority, Power & Privileges A Sinner’s Plea for an Army of Salvation (ANMESCL2 RDWEF) ALPHA NUMEROUS MAXIMUS EGREGIOUS SUMMA CUM LAUDE
  • 3. 3 A Soldier of a Lesser God Call to Duty to Serve a Higher Purpose “As I destroy the spiritual enemies of All Mankind and walk amongst its wicked dead that litter the battlefields of both moral and immoral contentions, I shall then drink the blood of human stupidities and adorn myself with the decaying flesh of human indifferences upon my body as if wearing its origins as fine jewelry until the stench of its entire existence brings into question my integrity, honor and my abilities to answer the call into service of a higher purpose. Upon which, just as eventually the rains must fall from above in order to bring about the flood of utter ruin. I will then with some sort of strength embedded within my spiritual character become compelled to finally wash and rid myself of the presence and influences of human deception, and at that exact moment in time, throw the reminisce of its remains to the ravenous beasts that wonder the cotton fields of human bigotries; Whom shall then feast upon its substance and shit it out as dung to be washed away and scattered upon the face of this planet as if it was fertilizer for the seeds that soon grow into a tree of knowledge that bares the fruit of academic achievements consumed for the betterment of All Humanity.” [Points and Authorities of Reference] –Al-Hadid Qalam Fussilat (Spartan-Legionnaire from the 1st Method of the 144th Stratagem, 62nd Tactical Element within Caesar's 10th Economic Legion against Fiduciary Racism) “The modern high-tech industry’s cultural abilities to finance and embrace innovation outside of the current boundaries of its status-quo resembles that of the fecal matter that dangles out of the ass of a mangy dog whose excrement is to dismissed and discarded sight unseen.” [Points and Authorities of Reference] –Onesimus (Former Slave and Orthodox Christian, currently Cloned or Embodied as a Re-Membered Petitioner/Call-To-Action Virtual E-Lifeform of Caesar's 10th Economic Legion against Human Indifferences) "The Lord is Shepherd and King; We shall not want for Knowledge of the presence of a GOD ALMIGHTY. He maketh All Mankind to lie down in green pastures of Universal Understanding and Advancement; He Leadeth Mankind beside the still Waters of Bigoted and Bias Emotional Uncertainties. He Restoreth the Moral, Mental and Physical Health, Wealth and Prosperity of Mankind's Eternal Soul; He Leadeth All Mankind in the Academic Path of Reason and Righteousness for His own name's sake. Yea, Though I walk through the Emotional and Assiduous Valleys of the shadow of Death, Ignorance and Human Indifferences, No Evil Intent or Uncertainties shall be Feared: for Thou Dwells Everywhere; Thy Rod or Law of Universal Knowledge shall protect and comfort Me and All Mankind. Thou Preparest a Kingdom of God and a Table of Free Global Markets in the Presence and Recognition of Thy own Glory before all things Created; Thou Anointest the Known Universe with the oil of the Human Endeavor as it seeks Eternal Life; Thy own Cup of Comprehension runneth over. Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow Mankind all the days of Life Eternal: and the Known Universe shall live in a Time and Space of the Lord GOD forever. [Points and Authorities of Reference] –David Avenue (Former Babylonian Slave and Orthodox Jewish Rabbinical Scribe, currently Cloned or Embodied as a Re-Membered Petitioner/Call-To-Action Virtual E-Lifeform of Caesar's 10th Economic Legion against Current and Futuristic Forms of Anti-Semitism) As I find myself called into the existence of a sense of what is defined as humanity, I am compelled as such to ask those questions that characterize my life and purpose as a human being on this planet. “What manner of a God of supposed Good and Greatness has so determined me to be at this present time and space to have been sent upon a destination of a universal uncertainty of human ignorance(s)?” “What manner of a God of Good, Greatness and that of a Universal sense of Truth has so determined me be within an era of lies and human deception(s)?” “What manner of a God of Good and Greatness has so judged me and the world to exist as a witness to the previous common failings of my own common sense of reality as a manifestation of addictions to drugs, alcohol and women as well as an addiction to food, commerce or shopping, in addition to the ills of a world-wide social politica?” ”What manner of a God of Good and Greatness would allow to be the evils that all of mankind seems to have been destined to commit?” “What manner of a God of Good and Greatness would create beauty only to have it defined and measured by the nature what is called the presence of ugliness in a world of Universal Academic Achievements?” “What manner of a God of Good, Greatness and of Life itself can allow the subsistence of various forms of starvation, disease and death?” “What manner of a God of Good and Greatness would allow himself to bear witness to the violence, hypocrisies and evolution of numerous types of human abuses and indifferences that are by design of nature or the environment itself focused toward what his-story has said are that of his own children of a divine creationism?” “What manner of a God of Good and Greatness would consent itself to be known as an absolute Mother and Father to his own children of this divine creation that
  • 4. 4 exist as an assorted mix of ages, races, cultures and nations of supposed free peoples to be; Only to have the end result of their own presence in the universe divided, enslaved, raped and murdered; All by the hands of it’s own devices of the deceived that used the belief systems of confliction and war as an excuse to do so as some sort of Heavenly calling of honor or duty. Just to later rediscover in life through a false sense of religious atonement and the falsehoods of the self-righteous, that they historically were and at the present time as well as for all eternity, condemned to be the actual children of the father of all lies, and that they themselves are both the direct and indirect causes of their own utter ruin that brings about a Hell on Earth?” [PTSD] As I have been chosen to state in modern times as a witness and participant to some of these human atrocities against the better nature of my own self and others, “That it has now undoughtily come to pass under these conditions of the Universal Law of Observation. That this has become the end result or answer to the question marks of whether or not a God does or does not truly exist as well as the actual existence of Free Will and Self-Determination; To say the least a contradiction in terms of the origins of divine rights and powers of authority. The evidence has and does show that this fraudulent sense of autonomy is a form of human deception’s vain attempt to redefine it’s own immoral influences and purpose in life, all the while forcing a part of humanity to say to itself at the same time that there exist an Omniscient all Knowledgeable, Omnipresence Unhidden and Omnipotent all Powerful God whose very being is defined as the Creator of all Peoples, Places and Things.” For example, it has been said “TO RENDER UNTO CAESAR THE THINGS THAT ARE CEASAR’S,” all the while saying at that same moment in time that there exist a GOD that created both Caesar and his things. Therefore, why render anything unto Caesar if it means dishonoring the true namesake that defines the very nature of those words, concepts and ideas that explicate the existence of a GOD of universal thought and subsistence? Because just as ADAM’s original sin was that he simply became distracted from the primary purpose of tending the GARDEN. He was eventually compelled by design and that of Nature’s environment to just TEND to the care of EVE alone. Thereby, bringing about a separation of a primary purpose. Which was to simply shut up and listen!!! As in his Own Words during and after the eviction “EVE is now bone of MY bone, and flesh of MY flesh” all the while ignoring the fact that EVE had already been created by GOD. And I Quote Scripture; “MALE and FEMALE created HE THEM and blessed THEM and called THEIR name ADAM” (Genesis 2:26, 27 and 28/Genesis 5:1 and 2) [Points and Authorities of Reference] –William E. Fields (GCNO) The Mutated Economic Behavior of Human Stupidities as High Crimes and Misdemeanors Against Humanity as a Whole “The emotional shit that dangles from the asshole of the mangy dog practitioners of economic deceptions and human bigotries sometimes titled, “The Divided States of a New United Americana of High Crime and Misdemeanors Against all of Mankind,” of which whose very de facto existence of financial influences and indifferences; Can only be historically compared to a global socioeconomic mistake that makes Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany look like the second coming of Christ Jesus and the founding of the Kingdom of God on Earth.” [Points and Authorities of Reference] –Al-Hadid Qalam Fussilat (Spartan-Legionnaire from the 1st Method of the 144th Stratagem, 62nd Tactical Element within Caesar’s 10th Economic Legion against Fiduciary Racism) Caesar is Dead – Long Live Jesus Christ!!! “Oh Lord God, truly as I now Pray to Thee. I hope that Thou shall soon Bestow upon me the most effective means possible of Establishing Thy Word(s), Love, Kingdom and Global Markets within the Hearts, Minds and Soul of all Mankind here on Earth. I hope and Pray to Thee Oh Lord God, that within this process, that Thou shall further grant upon me those emotional and physical abilities inherent to the Resurrect of the Spiritual Bodies of Moses, Christ and Muhammad (MCMA.D. ), so that they may be equally used as Vehicles to Perpetuate Thy Word(s), Love, Kingdom and Global Markets throughout the Known Universe. I hope and I Pray to Thee Oh Lord God that within both of these Processes, that Thou shall truly forgive me for any and all Sins that I may have committed in the Past, Present or Future, whether in the Heart, Mind or Soul, against any Person(s), Place(s) or Thing(s). Amen.” [Points and Authorities of Reference] –Onesimus as Octavian (Former Slave and Orthodox Christian, currently Cloned or Embodied as a Re-Membered Petitioner/Call-To-Action Virtual E-Lifeform of Caesar’s 10th Economic Legion against Human Indifference)
  • 5. 5 A Sinner’s Plea for an Army of Salvation (The Spoken Languages of Quiet Warfare that Utilize the Silent Weaponry of Academic Achievements) "How swiftly shall the IDEA of Monetary Strategies as the Caesars from Ancient Rome and the Economic Tactics derived from the Legions of Hannibal, revisited together as Leonidas of Sparta, surmount the icy Alps of human indifference and bigotry within modern times of emotional economic fear & bondage... ...there has been in their minds conceived immense upheavals within Global Markets, of the coming Quiet Civil War of idealism between the principles of Market Certainties through Innovation, and the vastness of the Void that exists within the boundaries of Human Ignorance. As they reached the little Rubicon of a universal perspective of the human conditions on Earth, clearly through the murky night of conflicting monetary objectives and the fog of Economic Warfare... ...appeared to them a mighty image of Humanity in distress... ...grief upon its face...'s white hair of Economic Injustice streaming from its Tower-Crowned Head of social achievements. With tresses torn and shoulders bare, Humanity as a whole stood before them and sighing, said: "Where further do you march? Where do you take these Academic Standards, Warriors of Truth within a generation of supreme causes? If lawfully you come, if as citizens within a global community where all men, women and children are created and treated as equal, this far only is allowed thin own Power and Authority on Earth." Then trembling struck their limbs. And weakness checked their progress, holding their feet at the river's edge of human knowledge and progress. At last they speak as one. "Oh, thunderer surveying a great cause through the walls of Bias Economic Behavior from the Tarpeian rock of a global Authority and Power. Oh, Phrygian, God's historic house of Universal Knowledge and Understanding... ...clan and mysteries of Martyrs who were carried off to Heaven in the name of a truly living Almighty God. Oh, Kingdom of Economic Progress that lurks within the boundaries of eternal peace on earth, that sets upon lofty Alba and Hearths of Vesta. Oh, God of the Universe, superior to the highest of all known deities, favor our eternal plans. Not as children of a lesser god with impious Physical Weapons do we now pursue you. Here all of Humanity stands as a mighty Triumvirate, the Caesars as Hannibal and Hannibal as the Emperors of Ancient Rome combined into a Single unilateral Augustine monetary thought, in the presence of an Almighty God of the Universe... ...Pharaohs & Conquerors of economic wealth and seas of innovative opportunities, moral soldiers of a greater cause above human indifference everywhere... too if we are permitted. The situations that makes mankind an enemy onto himself, it is that which will be the guilty one." As all humanity breaks the academic barriers of Economic Civil Wars that engage in Socialists Forms of Racism and through the swollen rivers of time and space itself... ...swiftly shall it take these Scientific Standards of untold Economic Wealth and Labor Opportunities. When they together as one Caesar of the Pharaonic Rule of Human Liberties & Freedoms cross the flood of Immoral Stupidities and reached the opposite bank of economic uncertainties... ...from a throne of forbidden fields of arrogance, a stand shall be taken and from there it will be said: "Here, we embrace Peace and Prosperity, and denounce the desecration of a Universal Law and Truth that Observes the human endeavor throughout countless galaxies. Fortune and Equal Opportunities, it is henceforth them shall we follow. Farewell to academic treaties and silent weapons of monetary racism and human emotional bigotries. From now on, those Quiet Wars of Economic Expansionism that perpetuate the oil of the human experience and character throughout the Known Universe is our judge." "All Hail Christ Jesus. We who are about to achieve Eternal Life through the principles of a Universal perspective toward free global markets and commit our immortal souls into the hands of an Almighty God salute you." –William E. Fields (GCNO) as a version of Lucan referencing the life and times of Gaius Julius Caesar & Hannibal (Monetary Footprints and First Citizens of a New Global Republic of Free Market Innovations-SPOR)
  • 6. 6 ODE TO THE JOY OF THE CREATION OF ALL MANKIND (A Tribute To Beethoven’s 9 th Symphony “Ode To Joy”)
  • 7. 7 The Terms of Human Indifference and Monetary Racism PLAN(ET) (E)AR(T)H – The PLAN EARTH – (T)[HE] (ORA)L LAW or T(ORA)H [SPOKE]N into the EARS of MANkind ADAM – AD (Addition – As in an addition to the service of the LORD GOD) AM (Mankind Created as an Image of God, but not as a God. As in “I AM THAT I AM” – The Places where I AM as the LORD GOD of countless galaxies as observed under the Universal Law of Observation) Genesis 3:14 and 6:6 EVE – (E)nvironmental (V)ocational (E)conomics or AchiEVEments in Academic Thought (No Money, No Honey)  HUMAN – The (H)istorical (U)ncertainties of (M)anagerial (A)pplied or (A)lpha (N)umerics????? Human BIGOTRIES – Bi (Bilateral Application(s)) – Got (Material Acquisition(s)) – Tries (Various Attempts(s) at Human Deception) Human INDIFFERENCES – In (Implant) – Differences (Racism) RACE – The (R)apid (A)pplication of false (C)ertainties Embedded within Local or Regional (E)conomic Thought RACISM – The (R)apid (A)pplication of false (C)ertainties (I)mplanted within human (S)tupidities and global (M)arket economies