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The 1988 Earthquake in Soviet Armenia:
A Case Study

A major earthquake devastated the Armenian Republic of the Soviet               Eric K Noji, MD, MPH, FACEP*
Union on December 7, 1988, resulting in thousands of deaths and injuries.       Gabor D Kelen, MD, FRCP(C), FACEP*
In a postearthquake investigation of three towns seriously affected by the      Haroutune K Armenian, MD, DrPHt
earthquake, we studied earthquake-related injury patterns, made obser-          Baltimore, Maryland
                                                                                Ashot Oganessian, PhD§
vations on rescue and medical efforts, and postulated certain factors asso-     Soviet Socialist Republic of
ciated with increased morbidity and mortality. Information was obtained         Armenia, USSR
from official Soviet documents, interviews with survivors of the earth-         Nicholas P Jones, PhD~
quake, and interviews with local, regional, and national government offi-       Keith T Sivertson, MD*
cials. Figures were based on assessments made by these officials in the         Baltimore, Maryland
field in the immediate postearthquake period. Out of a population of
8,500, there were 4,202 (49.4%) deaths and 1,244 (14.6%) injured (casualty      From the Department of Emergency
rate, 64.0%). Deaths and injuries were 67 and 11 times higher, respectively,    Medicine, The Johns Hopkins Hospital
among trapped than nontrapped victims. Being outside at the time of the         and School of Medicine;* the Department
earthquake or having escaped to the outside from the collapsing structure       of Epidemiology, School of Hygiene and
was crucial for survival. Among persons found alive, 89% were rescued           Public Health,t and the Department of
during the first 24 hours, mostly without the use of heavy equipment.           Civil Engineering]- The Johns Hopkins
                                                                                University, Baltimore, Maryland; and the
This observation underscores the importance of swift rescuer response. As       Computer information Center, Ministry of
with all field surveys after disasters, there were methodological limita-       Health, Soviet Socialist Republic of
tions to this study due to chaotic postearthquake conditions. Accordingly,      Armenia, USSR.§
results m u s t be approached with caution. Nonetheless, these preliminary
observations are striking and have generated several n e w hypotheses for       Received for publication December 21,
further investigations using more sophisticated analytic methods. [Noji         1989. Accepted for publication March 5,
EK, Kelen GD, Armenian HK, Oganessian A, Jones NP, Sivertson KT: The            1990.
1988 earthquake in Soviet Armenia: A case stud~z Ann Emerg Med August
1990;I9:891-897.]                                                               Presented at the Society for Academic
                                                                                Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting in
INTRODUCTION                                                                    San Diego, May 1989.
   During the past 20 years, earthquakes have caused more than a million
deaths worldwide. Better epidemiological knowledge of the causes of death       This study was supported by the National
and the type of injuries and illnesses caused by earthquakes is clearly es-     Center for Earthquake Engineering
sential for determining appropriate relief supplies, equipment, and person-     Research (Project No. 884005C), The
nel. l-4 On December 7, 1988, an earthquake registering 6.9 on the Richter      Armenian Relief Society, and the Office of
scale hit the northern part of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, one      US Foreign Disaster Assistance/Agency for
of the most seismically active regions of the Soviet Union s-s {Figure 1).      International Development.
Caused by movement along a geological fault near the town of Spitak in
the northwestern part of the country, the quake affected 40% of the na-         Address for reprints: Eric K Noji, MD,
tional territory.9,1o Of the 150 villages damaged, 58 were destroyed. A high    MPH, FACER Department of Emergency
                                                                                Medicine, The Johns Hopkins Hospital,
percentage of Armenia's housing (11%) was destroyed or rendered uninhab-        600 N Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Maryland
itable, and 500,000 to 700,000 persons were made homeless, t~ Bridges, life-    212O5.
lines (eg, water, power, gas, sewage systems), and industrial facilities were
also severely damaged. 1~ The toll in human terms was devastating: approx-
imately 40,000 persons were reported trapped in collapsed buildings -
15,000 were successfully rescued, and 25,000 bodies were recovered from
the rubble. Another 31,000 were known to be injured, of whom 12,200
required hospitalization. ~1,13
   We undertook this survey during the period immediately after the earth-
quake to assess the epidemiologic impact of the disaster and to develop an
understanding of the relationships among building characteristics, occu-
pant actions, search and rescue, medical care, and patient outcome.

19:8 August 1990                            Annals of Emergency Medicine                                           891/75
Noji et al

                                                            • Tbilisi

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FIGURE 1. Caucasus region and ma-             damages and loss, and make observa-                                                                      tained from the A r m e n i a n State
jor cities affected by earthquake. In-        tions on rescue and medical care ef-                                                                     C o m m i t t e e for Construction (Gos-
set: Region of most severe damage.            forts. C e n s u s i n f o r m a t i o n , t o t a l                                                     stroi) and the Armenian Scientific
                                              deaths, and total injured were ob-                                                                       Research Institute of Civil Engineer-
                                              tained from local health officials, the                                                                  ing and Architecture. Observations
METHODS                                       regional military disaster command                                                                       on medical and rescue efforts were
  The population under study was              station, and the local headquarters of                                                                   obtained from interviews with army,
the inhabitants of three towns within         the Armenian Republican Civil De-                                                                        civil defense, and Ministry of Health
the rural areas most affected by the          fense. Special units of the Ministry of                                                                  officials as well as with local fire-
earthquake, covering an area of 80            Internal Affairs were responsible for                                                                    fighters, militiamen, army personnel,
k m : in northwest Armenia (Figure 1).        organized registration of deaths, in-                                                                    disaster relief workers, and surviving
Criteria applied to select the commu-         cluding cause of death, place of en-                                                                     inhabitants of the region.
nities for inclusion in the study were        trapment, and time of extrication. An                                                                       There were significant problems
population less than 5,000 and seis-          office was set up in Spitak by the                                                                       concerning the collection of data in
mic intensity of IX or greater on the         Ministry of Internal Affairs for per-                                                                    this study; these difficulties have
Modified Mercalli scale. Three towns          sons seeking information on missing                                                                      plagued all previous attempts to in-
-   N a l b a n d , Geghasar, and Kat-        friends and relatives.                                                                                   v e s t i g a t e h e a l t h effects of earth-
natschur - met the above criteria.               Countrywide morbidity and mor-                                                                        quakes in the immediate postimpact
All three towns were within 5 km of           tality statistics were obtained from                                                                     period.3,4,14 The chaotic postearth-
the earthquake's epicenter. The total         the government Commission of the                                                                         quake conditions as well as an under-
population of these three towns was           Armenian SSR and the Division of                                                                         standable emphasis on operational
approximately 8,500 before the earth-         Information Systems of the Arme-                                                                         concerns precluded the ability of au-
quake.                                        nian Ministry of Health. Information                                                                     thorities to conduct a systematic sur-
  A rapid reconnaissance mission              on housing and structural charac-                                                                        vey of residences and households in
was conducted seven days after the            teristics of buildings damaged or de-                                                                    these three towns. A l t h o u g h the
earthquake to collect data, assess            stroyed by the earthquake was oh-                                                                        Ministry of the Interior reported that

76/892                                                     A n n a l s of E m e r g e n c y Medicine                                                                                                            19:8 August 1990
TABLE 1. Location of individuals and entrapment status: Association w~th death and injury

                                                                                 Relative Risk                                                            Relative Risk
                                          Population        Deaths (%)              (95% CI)                  Survivors            Injured (%)               (95% CI)
    Location of
       Outside                                   651                8.8             1.0                               594                   1.7             1.0
       Inside                                  7,120              55.1             6.3 (5.4-7.4)                 3,197                    36.3            21.6 (15.1-30.9)
       Unknown                                   729              30.5                                             507                    14.6
       Total                                   8,500              49.4                                           4,298                    28.9

    Nontrapped Persons                         3,390               1.2            1.0                            3,349                    8.8              1.0
    q-rapped Persons                           5,110              81.4           67.3 (49.7-91.3)                  949                  100.0             11.4 (10.2-12.7)
    CL, confidence interval.

                                                                                                                            F I G U R E 2. Main street in Nnlband
                                                                                                                            showing complete collapse of all
                                                                                                                            buildings. Note complete collapse of
                                                                                                                            precast-concrete frame school build-
                                                                                                                            ing on right side of street.

                                                                                                                            same groups (Table l). Thus, deaths
                                                                                                                            w e r e 67 t i m e s and i n j u r y rates 11
                                                                                                                            times higher among trapped than
                                                                                                                            nontrapped victims. The casualty
                                                                                                                            rates w e r e reported to be 100% for
                                                                                                                            t r a p p e d people as c o m p a r e d w i t h a
                                                                                                                            rate of 9.9% for n o n t r a p p e d individ-
                                                                                                                            uals. For those trapped, the ratio of
                                                                                                                            injuries to deaths was 0.23, whereas
                                                                                                                            for n o n t r a p p e d i n d i v i d u a l s , it w a s
                                                                                                                                All b u i l d i n g s in t h e t h r e e t o w n s
                                                                                                                            sustained severe damage or c o m p l e t e
                                                                                                                            collapse. A l m o s t all of the residential
                                                                                                                            dwellings were one-story unrein-
a strict registration of all deaths, in-                   RESULTS                                                          forced stone m a s o n r y structures b u i l t
cluding c i r c u m s t a n c e s of death, had                In the three towns, the crude death                          from carved b l o c k s of tuff {a light-
b e e n c o n d u c t e d , all s t a t i s t i c s pre-   r a t e ( t h e p e r c e n t a g e of r e s i d e n t s         weight, volcanic stone) set in m o r t a r
sented here should be considered ap-                       found dead on extrication) was                                   to form walls. Most of these dwell-
p r o x i m a t i o n s and, in some cases, an-            49.4%, w i t h a crude injury rate of                            ings p a r t i a l l y or t o t a l l y c o l l a p s e d .
ecdotal. For example, p o p u l a t i o n fig-             28.9% and an overall c a s u a l t y rate                        There were two types of precast con-
ures for the three t o w n s were taken                    (deaths and injuries) of 64.1% (Table                            crete b u i l d i n g s in the t h r e e towns.
from a census conducted in i979. It                        1). At the t i m e of the impact, m o s t                        P r e c a s t c o n c r e t e e l e m e n t s refer to
is u n k n o w n w h a t p e r c e n t a g e of            (83.8%) of the people were indoors.                              concrete structural c o m p o n e n t s t h a t
households were interviewed or how                         The m o r t a l i t y rate was significantly                     have been fabricated at a factory and
s y s t e m a t i c a l l y the survey was carried         greater for these individuals (55.1%)                            then transported to the c o n s t r u c t i o n
out. Unfortunately, we were not able                       t h a n for t h o s e w h o w e r e o u t d o o r s              site for erection compared with
to d e t e r m i n e the n u m b e r of persons            (8.8%) (P < .01) (Table 1). Injury rates                         poured-in-place concrete elements.
successfully extricated who died                           w e r e also s i g n i f i c a n t l y g r e a t e r for         M o s t i n d u s t r i a l f a c i l i t i e s in t h e
later.                                                     those i n s i d e (36.3%) t h a n for t h o s e                  t o w n s s t u d i e d were of t h e precast-
    T h e data were a n a l y z e d w i t h the            outside (1.7%)(P < .01)(Table 1).                                c o n c r e t e f r a m e type, c o n s i s t i n g of
aid of the Statistical Analysis System                         Of t h e t o t a l p o p u l a t i o n , 60.1%               precast concrete c o l u m n s and b e a m s
(SAS Institute, Cary, N o r t h Carolina).                 were reported to have been trapped.                              w e l d e d or t i e d t o g e t h e r to f o r m
The analyses included relative risk                        D e a t h rates were 81.4% for t r a p p e d                     frames (Figure 2); there was a s m a l l e r
c a l c u l a t i o n s and X2 tests of propor-            individuals as c o m p a r e d w i t h a rate                    i n v e n t o r y of p r e c a s t - c o n c r e t e p a n e l
tion for simple comparisons. Statisti-                     of 1.2% for t h o s e w h o w e r e n o t                        s t r u c t u r e s . Of t h e s e t h r e e t y p e s of
cal significance was considered at P                       trapped (P < .01). Injury rates were                             b u i l d i n g systems, p o o r l y r e i n f o r c e d
< .05.                                                     100% and 8.8%, respectively, for the                             or unreinforced stone m a s o n r y build-
19:8 August 1990                                                  Annals of Emergency Medicine                                                                                 893/77
Noji et al

                                            TABLE 2. Effect of building type on survival m Nalband

    Building Type                             Buildings       Occupants                 Rate           Relative            95% Confidence
                                                                                       (%) (N)          Risk                   Interval               P
    Stone masonry                                  38                  415         12.8 (53)             1.0
    Precast concrete panel                          2                   40         47.5 (19)             3.7                 2.46 - 5.61           < .01
    Precast concrete frame                          8                  577         87.0 (502)            6.8                 5.29 - 8.78           < .01
    Total                                          48                 1,032        55.6 (574)

FIGURE 3. Live rescues as a function
of time after impact (total numbers
and cumulative percentage).                                       Live Rescues                                                        Cumulative %

ings performed most poorly in terms                                                                                                                       !100
of n u m b e r of complete and partial                    300
   According to statistics collected by
the A r m e n i a n Ministry of Internal
Affairs and the State Committee for
Construction, most of the fatalities
occurred in the collapse of these
stone m a s o n r y buildings (Table 2).
Precast-concrete frame type build-


ings, however, were associated with
highest mortality per building. De-                           0                                                                                        "0
tailed statistics were available for                              0           6   12      18      24      48          72      96     120     144     168
eight buildings of this type in Nal-                                                             Hours After Impact
band. Eighty-seven percent of the oc-
cupants were killed (Table 2). The
risk of death was 6.8 times greater in                                                   Live rescues             ~   Cumulative %
these eight frame buildings than in                       *Data from Nalband, Katnatschur, and Geghasar.
stone m a s o n r y buildings based on
this limited sample (P < .01). In the                     3
sample of precast frame buildings,
two of the structures that collapsed
resulted in an exceptionally high rate                  throat, and respiratory passages of                    Search and Rescue
of mortality. One was a sewing fac-                     these victims, suggesting that airway                      Rescue work was m o s t difficult
tory with 212 workers, of whom 205                      obstruction and asphyxiation from                      during the first night when electric-
(97%) died. The other was a school                      dust were the causes of death. This                    ity and lights were unavailable; these
w i t h 302 children, of w h o m 285                    forensic evidence was corroborated                     efforts had to be halted at several lo-
(94%) died. T h e p r e c a s t - c o n c r e t e       by interviews with local residents of                  cations until the next morning. Oper-
panel buildings were also more lethal                   Nalband, who described large and                       ations in these three towns were
than the stone masonry structures (P                    dense dust clouds created by pulver-                   c o m p l i c a t e d by absence of street
< .01).                                                 ization of the stone and concrete                      markings, maps, and building plans.
   Of 240 patients reported by the                      walls of falling buildings.                            Destroyed villages and small towns
Ministry of Health to be evacuated                          Data collected 14 days after the                   were isolated by numerous landslides
from the three towns, 23 (9.6%} de-                     earthquake on 4,832 patients admit-                    and impassable roads, which delayed
veloped crash syndrome as a result of                   ted throughout hospitals in Armenia                    r e l i e f t e a m s and p r e v e n t e d full
limb compression, and 11 {4.6%) de-                     (Table 3) showed that combination                      knowledge of the extent of the disas-
veloped secondary acute renal failure                   injuries constituted 1,918 (39.7%)of                   ter f r o m reaching the authorities.
requiring renal dialysis. All evacu-                    the cases. Superficial trauma such as                  Most of the initial rescue work and
ated patients were reported to suffer                   lacerations and contusions were the                    medical relief was carried out en-
from varying degrees of hypothermia.                    m o s t frequently observed (24.9%),                   tirely by local inhabitants. Of the 240
P o s t m o r t e m e x a m i n a t i o n s of eight    f o l l o w e d by h e a d injuries (22%),             trapped victims who were evacuated
victims removed from the site of a                      lower-extremity injuries (19%), crush                  for medical care in Yerevan, local
b u i l d i n g c o l l a p s e r e v e a l e d large   syndrome (11%), and upper-extremity                    Civil Defense workers reported that
amounts of dust in the nasal cavities,                  trauma (10%).                                          228 (95%) were extricated by inhabi-

78/894                                                        Annals of Emergency Medicine                                                  19:8 August 1990
FIGURE 4. Patients presenting for
                                                                                                      emergency care at Erebuni Hospital
  Patients                                                                                            in Yerevan.
   300 I
                                                                                                      Nalband, the great majority of those
   2OO                                                                                                rescued alive from collapsed build-
                                                                                                      ings (89%} were extricated during the
                                                                                                      first 24 hours (Figure 3). The proba-
                                                                                                      bility of being extricated alive from
                                                                                                      the debris declined sharply over
                                                                                                      time. There were no live rescues af-
      0                                                                                               ter day 6.
            0       1      2      3      4        5      6       7    8     9         10   11
                                                                                                      Emergency Medical Care
                                                  Days                                            4      Many of the surviving injured vic-
                                                                                                      tims (30%) received no on-site medi-
                                                                                                      cal assistance. No individuals were
                                                                                                      k n o w n to have received any ad-
  TABLE 3. Distribution of hospitalized injuries by site   a s reported to the                        vanced on-site medical care, such as
                Ministry of Health of Armenia after the December 7, 1988,                             cervical-spine immobilization, ad-
                earthquake                                                                            ministration of oxygen or IV fluids,
                                                                                                      or tracheal intubation. Most of the
                                                                                                      patients were transported in private
   Injury                                                                       N           %         vehicles with no in-transit advanced
   Head or face                                                             1,040          22.0       medical care. Because all of the hos-
                                                                                                      pitals in the region were severely
    Skull, facial fractures                                                   130           2.7       damaged and many medical person-
      Brain concussion                                                          417         8.6       nel were either killed or injured (esti-
      Other internal head trauma                                                173         3.6       mated to be 80%), 311 of the injured
                                                                                                      (25%) were transported to hospitals
      Open head or facial wounds                                                320         6.6       in unaffected parts of Armenia or to
                                                                                                      neighboring Soviet Georgia (informa-
   Upper extremities                                                            475        10.0       tion provided by Ministry of Health).
     Upper-extermity fractures                                                  265         5.5       Unfortunately, winter weather condi-
    Traumatic amputations, arms                                                 197         4.1       tions hampered aeromedical evacua-
      Elective amputation, arms
                                                                                                      tion of the injured. Damage to rail-
                                                                                 13         0.3
                                                                                                      ways, extraordinary traffic conges-
   Lower extremities
                                                                                                      tion, and impassable roads due to
                                                                                915        19.0
                                                                                                      mud made ground evacuation diffi-
     Lower-extremity fractures                                                  584        12.1       cult. Ground transport times to re-
     ©pen wounds, legs                                                          102         2.1       ceiving hospitals in Yerevan, 75 k m
     Traumatic amputations, legs                                                170         3.6       away, were often as long as five
     Elective amputation, legs                                                   59         1.2         In Yerevan, several hospitals ad-
                                                                                                      mitted a large number of casualties
   Superficial trauma                                                       1,203          24.9       in the days immediately following
                                                                                                      the earthquake. Erebuni Hospital, a
   Crush syndrome                                                               533        11.0       1,000-bed facility in Yerevan, treated
                                                                                                      902 patients in the first 11 days after
   Other                                                                        633        13.1       the earthquake, 80% of whom were
                                                                                                      admitted during the first five days
                                                                                                      (Figure 4). Only 22 of the 902 pa-
tants of the three villages them-                     fense units stationed nearby, fol-              tients (2.4%) requiring hospitaliza-
selves. T h e m o s t s o p h i s t i c a t e d       lowed a few days later by volunteer             tion at Erebuni Hospital as a conse-
m e a n s of e x t r i c a t i o n used were          teams from less-affected areas. Heavy           quence of the earthquake were ad-
hands, shovels, picks, and farming                    rescue equipment such as cranes and             mitted seven or more days after the
tools.                                                bulldozers did not arrive in Nalband            impact.
  External assistance did not arrive                  until day 5. An operations headquar-
in Nalband for the first 24 hours, and                ters was not established in Nalband             DISCUSSION
Katnatschur and Geghasar did not re-                  until December 18, 11 days after the              Although the risk of catastrophic
ceive aid until days 3 and 4, respec-                 earthquake.                                     earthquakes is widely recognized in
tively. The first outside relief                        According to information provided             parts of California, few people realize
consisted of military and civil de-                   by the local army command center in             that in the past 300 years, the eastern

19:8 August 1990                                             Annals of Emergency Medicine                                              895/79
Noji et al

U n i t e d States has suffered eight                 survey of three building types in                         a survey of 3,619 survivors showed
earthquakes of similar or greater                     Nalband (eg, stone masonry, precast-                      that 93% of those who were trapped
m a g n i t u d e than that in Armenia.               concrete panel, and precast-concrete                      and survived were extricated within
There is a high probability that a ma-                frame) showed death rates of 12%,                         the first 24 hours. As suggested by
jor earthquake will hit the eastern                   46%, and 87%, respectively, suggest-                      our data, if any significant reduction
United States in the next several de-                 ing that the type of building and col-                    in e a r t h q u a k e m o r t a l i t y is to be
cades. Building damage and life loss                  lapse pattern affect survival rates                       achieved, attention should be given
in such an event is predicted to be se-               (Table 2).                                                to appropriate search and rescue ac-
rious and widespread due to lack of                      Infill masonry, panels, and bricks                     tion within the first two days after
seismic codes and absence of earth-                   often fell off, killing persons both in-                  the impact.
quake preparedness programs. Other                    side and outside, and the frequent                           In the Italian study cited above,
states, such as Utah and Washington,                  collapse of stairways made it partic-                     95% of the deaths recorded were
are also at risk from earthquakes, and                ularly difficult for people to escape                     among those trapped in rubble who
despite recognition of the threat, mit 2              because many of these buildings had                       died before extrication. 22 Estimates
igation activities in these areas are                 only one stairway. In all three build-                    of survivability among entrapped vic-
inadequate.                                           ing types, the collapse of nonstruc-                      tims buried under collapsed earthen
   Past studies have stressed the im-                 tural e l e m e n t s s u c h as p a r a p e t s          buildings in Turkey and China indi-
portance of critically analyzing earth-               caused many serious injuries. The to-                     cate that within two to six hours,
quakes to develop methods of rapidly                  tal collapse ("disintegration") of the                    less than 50% of those buried are
assessing health-care needs and im-                   precast-concrete frame buildings was                      still alive.22, 2,~ Although it is not pos-
proving disaster relief.15 Epidemio-                  associated with particularly high                         sible to determine whether a trapped
logic studies on earthquake-related                   mortality rates (more than 90%) be-                       person died immediately or survived
injuries have indicated that a quan-                  cause the characteristic failure pat-                     for some time under the debris, it is
titative relationship may exist be-                   tern of this type of c o n s t r u c t i o n              undoubtedly true that more people
tween morbidity and mortality.~6, t7                  greatly complicated the search and                        might have been saved if they had
For example, in the Guatemala and                     rescue effort and reduced signifi-                        been extricated sooner. Safar, study-
Nicaragua earthquakes, the ratio of                   cantly the opportunity for occupant                       ing the 1980 earthquake in Italy, 2s
injured to dead was 3:1. In the area of               survival.                                                 concluded that 25% to 50% of vic-
Armenia studied here, this ratio was                     We observed that the fragmenta-                        tims who were injured and died
reversed, that is, three dead for every               tion of the floor system resulted in                      slowly could have been saved if ini-
person injured. This suggests the ex-                 very tight packing of the rubble with                     tial life-saving first aid had been ren-
traordinary lethality of the Armenian                 no cavities or "void spaces" for possi-                   dered immediately.
event.                                                ble survival of victims. The distribu-                       There were major problems with
   The Armenian earthquake was of                     tion and amount of void space in the                      extrication of trapped v i c t i m s be-
lesser magnitude than the 1989 Loma                   collapsed structure and the most                          cause of lack of adequate equipment
Prieta e a r t h q u a k e in C a l i f o r n i a .   likely locations of those voids arc                       and trained rescue personnel. Pene-
However, its consequences were in-                    important in locating and rescuing                        trating concrete slabs and cutting
comparably greater, primarily be-                     trapped people quickly. Such infor-                       through columns and beams of the
cause of the design and quality of                    m a t i o n m a y help to guide future                    p r e c a s t - c o n c r e t e frame buildings
construction of buildings in the area.                search and rescue o p e r a t i o n s by                  proved to be major obstacles in the
The primary cause of death, injury,                   pointing out those collapsed build-                       local rescue effort. No cutting tools
and destruction was the total col-                    ings that have the greatest proba-                        were available, and the tools that
lapse of buildings that were not ade-                 bility of containing survivors and by                     were available proved to be ineffec-
quately designed for earthquake re-                   indicating the location of likely void                    tive. The number of people available
sistance.                                             spaces.                                                   to help rescue others was greatly re-
   Past studies have shown that fac-                     As might be expected, entrapment                       duced because of the very high per-
tors determining the number of peo-                   appears to be the single most signifi-                    centage of people trapped and killed.
ple killed after a building collapses                 cant factor associated with death or                      This scarcity of rescue workers may
include entrapment, severity of their                 injury. Death rates were 67-fold and                      have contributed to the excessively
injuries, how long they can survive                   injury rates more than ll-fold those                      high mortality in the three towns ex-
without medical attention, and time                   for trapped than nontrapped people.                       amined. Most of the search and res-
to rescue and medical treatment.t8-2o                 Death rates for those inside greatly                      cue effort was late and, even at the
A 1977 s t u d y on the G u a t e m a l a             exceeded those for persons outside;                       peak of activity, was seriously inade-
earthquake concluded that deaths                      more than 80% of those trapped died.                      quate.
and injuries are critically dependent                    This earthquake substantiated that                        In the three towns visited during
on housing damage and construction                    response time for search and rescue                       our reconnaissance mission, very lit-
materials used. 21 Results reported in                is absolutely critical. Our observa-                      tle in the way of basic medical care
our study carry this concept further                  tion that the proportion of people                        was administered to persons who had
by suggesting that different building                 found alive declined with increasing                      been located and were actively being
types and structural systems have                     delay in extrication parallels the ob-                    extricated from the debris. The provi-
different collapse mechanisms and                     servations made in Italy after the                        sion of basic supportive care, such as
patterns of cavity formation when                      C a m p a n i a - I r p i n i a e a r t h q u a k e in   IV fluids, might have gone a tong way
they fail under the influence of earth-                198022`23 and the Tangshan earth-                        toward reducing morbidity and mor-
quake ground motion. The limited                      quake in 1976. 24 In the Italian study,                   tality, particularly in preventing the

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The 1988 Earthquake in Soviet Armenia: A Case Study

  • 1. ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTION earthquake; injury, prevention The 1988 Earthquake in Soviet Armenia: A Case Study A major earthquake devastated the Armenian Republic of the Soviet Eric K Noji, MD, MPH, FACEP* Union on December 7, 1988, resulting in thousands of deaths and injuries. Gabor D Kelen, MD, FRCP(C), FACEP* In a postearthquake investigation of three towns seriously affected by the Haroutune K Armenian, MD, DrPHt earthquake, we studied earthquake-related injury patterns, made obser- Baltimore, Maryland Ashot Oganessian, PhD§ vations on rescue and medical efforts, and postulated certain factors asso- Soviet Socialist Republic of ciated with increased morbidity and mortality. Information was obtained Armenia, USSR from official Soviet documents, interviews with survivors of the earth- Nicholas P Jones, PhD~ quake, and interviews with local, regional, and national government offi- Keith T Sivertson, MD* cials. Figures were based on assessments made by these officials in the Baltimore, Maryland field in the immediate postearthquake period. Out of a population of 8,500, there were 4,202 (49.4%) deaths and 1,244 (14.6%) injured (casualty From the Department of Emergency rate, 64.0%). Deaths and injuries were 67 and 11 times higher, respectively, Medicine, The Johns Hopkins Hospital among trapped than nontrapped victims. Being outside at the time of the and School of Medicine;* the Department earthquake or having escaped to the outside from the collapsing structure of Epidemiology, School of Hygiene and was crucial for survival. Among persons found alive, 89% were rescued Public Health,t and the Department of during the first 24 hours, mostly without the use of heavy equipment. Civil Engineering]- The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland; and the This observation underscores the importance of swift rescuer response. As Computer information Center, Ministry of with all field surveys after disasters, there were methodological limita- Health, Soviet Socialist Republic of tions to this study due to chaotic postearthquake conditions. Accordingly, Armenia, USSR.§ results m u s t be approached with caution. Nonetheless, these preliminary observations are striking and have generated several n e w hypotheses for Received for publication December 21, further investigations using more sophisticated analytic methods. [Noji 1989. Accepted for publication March 5, EK, Kelen GD, Armenian HK, Oganessian A, Jones NP, Sivertson KT: The 1990. 1988 earthquake in Soviet Armenia: A case stud~z Ann Emerg Med August 1990;I9:891-897.] Presented at the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting in INTRODUCTION San Diego, May 1989. During the past 20 years, earthquakes have caused more than a million deaths worldwide. Better epidemiological knowledge of the causes of death This study was supported by the National and the type of injuries and illnesses caused by earthquakes is clearly es- Center for Earthquake Engineering sential for determining appropriate relief supplies, equipment, and person- Research (Project No. 884005C), The nel. l-4 On December 7, 1988, an earthquake registering 6.9 on the Richter Armenian Relief Society, and the Office of scale hit the northern part of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, one US Foreign Disaster Assistance/Agency for of the most seismically active regions of the Soviet Union s-s {Figure 1). International Development. Caused by movement along a geological fault near the town of Spitak in the northwestern part of the country, the quake affected 40% of the na- Address for reprints: Eric K Noji, MD, tional territory.9,1o Of the 150 villages damaged, 58 were destroyed. A high MPH, FACER Department of Emergency Medicine, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, percentage of Armenia's housing (11%) was destroyed or rendered uninhab- 600 N Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Maryland itable, and 500,000 to 700,000 persons were made homeless, t~ Bridges, life- 212O5. lines (eg, water, power, gas, sewage systems), and industrial facilities were also severely damaged. 1~ The toll in human terms was devastating: approx- imately 40,000 persons were reported trapped in collapsed buildings - 15,000 were successfully rescued, and 25,000 bodies were recovered from the rubble. Another 31,000 were known to be injured, of whom 12,200 required hospitalization. ~1,13 We undertook this survey during the period immediately after the earth- quake to assess the epidemiologic impact of the disaster and to develop an understanding of the relationships among building characteristics, occu- pant actions, search and rescue, medical care, and patient outcome. 19:8 August 1990 Annals of Emergency Medicine 891/75
  • 2. EARTHQUAKE Noji et al • Tbilisi . . . . EPICENTER USSR keninakan',• • Kirovakan _ __ • Yerevan s,• ¢ •. a,.I TURKEY ,--) ,, "" t ! • w N ! o: .... ,o wm /0. IEPICENTER| STEPANAVAN • ~ ,, h:j,oo I ,. ¢l ,~., ; £~-- .a, , o ) o{ ~ z40~ ~ -- , ~6 , ' ' , // ~ , ~ o .9 / .... " ", ' ~, '~' ' l~- Conlou¢ 200 m FIGURE 1. Caucasus region and ma- damages and loss, and make observa- tained from the A r m e n i a n State jor cities affected by earthquake. In- tions on rescue and medical care ef- C o m m i t t e e for Construction (Gos- set: Region of most severe damage. forts. C e n s u s i n f o r m a t i o n , t o t a l stroi) and the Armenian Scientific deaths, and total injured were ob- Research Institute of Civil Engineer- tained from local health officials, the ing and Architecture. Observations METHODS regional military disaster command on medical and rescue efforts were The population under study was station, and the local headquarters of obtained from interviews with army, the inhabitants of three towns within the Armenian Republican Civil De- civil defense, and Ministry of Health the rural areas most affected by the fense. Special units of the Ministry of officials as well as with local fire- earthquake, covering an area of 80 Internal Affairs were responsible for fighters, militiamen, army personnel, k m : in northwest Armenia (Figure 1). organized registration of deaths, in- disaster relief workers, and surviving Criteria applied to select the commu- cluding cause of death, place of en- inhabitants of the region. nities for inclusion in the study were trapment, and time of extrication. An There were significant problems population less than 5,000 and seis- office was set up in Spitak by the concerning the collection of data in mic intensity of IX or greater on the Ministry of Internal Affairs for per- this study; these difficulties have Modified Mercalli scale. Three towns sons seeking information on missing plagued all previous attempts to in- - N a l b a n d , Geghasar, and Kat- friends and relatives. v e s t i g a t e h e a l t h effects of earth- natschur - met the above criteria. Countrywide morbidity and mor- quakes in the immediate postimpact All three towns were within 5 km of tality statistics were obtained from period.3,4,14 The chaotic postearth- the earthquake's epicenter. The total the government Commission of the quake conditions as well as an under- population of these three towns was Armenian SSR and the Division of standable emphasis on operational approximately 8,500 before the earth- Information Systems of the Arme- concerns precluded the ability of au- quake. nian Ministry of Health. Information thorities to conduct a systematic sur- A rapid reconnaissance mission on housing and structural charac- vey of residences and households in was conducted seven days after the teristics of buildings damaged or de- these three towns. A l t h o u g h the earthquake to collect data, assess stroyed by the earthquake was oh- Ministry of the Interior reported that 76/892 A n n a l s of E m e r g e n c y Medicine 19:8 August 1990
  • 3. TABLE 1. Location of individuals and entrapment status: Association w~th death and injury Relative Risk Relative Risk Population Deaths (%) (95% CI) Survivors Injured (%) (95% CI) Location of Individuals Outside 651 8.8 1.0 594 1.7 1.0 Inside 7,120 55.1 6.3 (5.4-7.4) 3,197 36.3 21.6 (15.1-30.9) Unknown 729 30.5 507 14.6 Total 8,500 49.4 4,298 28.9 Nontrapped Persons 3,390 1.2 1.0 3,349 8.8 1.0 q-rapped Persons 5,110 81.4 67.3 (49.7-91.3) 949 100.0 11.4 (10.2-12.7) CL, confidence interval. F I G U R E 2. Main street in Nnlband showing complete collapse of all buildings. Note complete collapse of precast-concrete frame school build- ing on right side of street. same groups (Table l). Thus, deaths w e r e 67 t i m e s and i n j u r y rates 11 times higher among trapped than nontrapped victims. The casualty rates w e r e reported to be 100% for t r a p p e d people as c o m p a r e d w i t h a rate of 9.9% for n o n t r a p p e d individ- uals. For those trapped, the ratio of injuries to deaths was 0.23, whereas for n o n t r a p p e d i n d i v i d u a l s , it w a s 7.2. All b u i l d i n g s in t h e t h r e e t o w n s sustained severe damage or c o m p l e t e collapse. A l m o s t all of the residential dwellings were one-story unrein- a strict registration of all deaths, in- RESULTS forced stone m a s o n r y structures b u i l t cluding c i r c u m s t a n c e s of death, had In the three towns, the crude death from carved b l o c k s of tuff {a light- b e e n c o n d u c t e d , all s t a t i s t i c s pre- r a t e ( t h e p e r c e n t a g e of r e s i d e n t s weight, volcanic stone) set in m o r t a r sented here should be considered ap- found dead on extrication) was to form walls. Most of these dwell- p r o x i m a t i o n s and, in some cases, an- 49.4%, w i t h a crude injury rate of ings p a r t i a l l y or t o t a l l y c o l l a p s e d . ecdotal. For example, p o p u l a t i o n fig- 28.9% and an overall c a s u a l t y rate There were two types of precast con- ures for the three t o w n s were taken (deaths and injuries) of 64.1% (Table crete b u i l d i n g s in the t h r e e towns. from a census conducted in i979. It 1). At the t i m e of the impact, m o s t P r e c a s t c o n c r e t e e l e m e n t s refer to is u n k n o w n w h a t p e r c e n t a g e of (83.8%) of the people were indoors. concrete structural c o m p o n e n t s t h a t households were interviewed or how The m o r t a l i t y rate was significantly have been fabricated at a factory and s y s t e m a t i c a l l y the survey was carried greater for these individuals (55.1%) then transported to the c o n s t r u c t i o n out. Unfortunately, we were not able t h a n for t h o s e w h o w e r e o u t d o o r s site for erection compared with to d e t e r m i n e the n u m b e r of persons (8.8%) (P < .01) (Table 1). Injury rates poured-in-place concrete elements. successfully extricated who died w e r e also s i g n i f i c a n t l y g r e a t e r for M o s t i n d u s t r i a l f a c i l i t i e s in t h e later. those i n s i d e (36.3%) t h a n for t h o s e t o w n s s t u d i e d were of t h e precast- T h e data were a n a l y z e d w i t h the outside (1.7%)(P < .01)(Table 1). c o n c r e t e f r a m e type, c o n s i s t i n g of aid of the Statistical Analysis System Of t h e t o t a l p o p u l a t i o n , 60.1% precast concrete c o l u m n s and b e a m s (SAS Institute, Cary, N o r t h Carolina). were reported to have been trapped. w e l d e d or t i e d t o g e t h e r to f o r m The analyses included relative risk D e a t h rates were 81.4% for t r a p p e d frames (Figure 2); there was a s m a l l e r c a l c u l a t i o n s and X2 tests of propor- individuals as c o m p a r e d w i t h a rate i n v e n t o r y of p r e c a s t - c o n c r e t e p a n e l tion for simple comparisons. Statisti- of 1.2% for t h o s e w h o w e r e n o t s t r u c t u r e s . Of t h e s e t h r e e t y p e s of cal significance was considered at P trapped (P < .01). Injury rates were b u i l d i n g systems, p o o r l y r e i n f o r c e d < .05. 100% and 8.8%, respectively, for the or unreinforced stone m a s o n r y build- 19:8 August 1990 Annals of Emergency Medicine 893/77
  • 4. EARTHQUAKE Noji et al TABLE 2. Effect of building type on survival m Nalband Death Building Type Buildings Occupants Rate Relative 95% Confidence (%) (N) Risk Interval P Stone masonry 38 415 12.8 (53) 1.0 Precast concrete panel 2 40 47.5 (19) 3.7 2.46 - 5.61 < .01 Precast concrete frame 8 577 87.0 (502) 6.8 5.29 - 8.78 < .01 Total 48 1,032 55.6 (574) FIGURE 3. Live rescues as a function of time after impact (total numbers and cumulative percentage). Live Rescues Cumulative % ings performed most poorly in terms !100 of n u m b e r of complete and partial 300 collapses. According to statistics collected by the A r m e n i a n Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Committee for Construction, most of the fatalities occurred in the collapse of these stone m a s o n r y buildings (Table 2). Precast-concrete frame type build- '°°f 200 100 50 ings, however, were associated with highest mortality per building. De- 0 "0 tailed statistics were available for 0 6 12 18 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 eight buildings of this type in Nal- Hours After Impact band. Eighty-seven percent of the oc- cupants were killed (Table 2). The risk of death was 6.8 times greater in Live rescues ~ Cumulative % these eight frame buildings than in *Data from Nalband, Katnatschur, and Geghasar. stone m a s o n r y buildings based on this limited sample (P < .01). In the 3 sample of precast frame buildings, two of the structures that collapsed resulted in an exceptionally high rate throat, and respiratory passages of Search and Rescue of mortality. One was a sewing fac- these victims, suggesting that airway Rescue work was m o s t difficult tory with 212 workers, of whom 205 obstruction and asphyxiation from during the first night when electric- (97%) died. The other was a school dust were the causes of death. This ity and lights were unavailable; these w i t h 302 children, of w h o m 285 forensic evidence was corroborated efforts had to be halted at several lo- (94%) died. T h e p r e c a s t - c o n c r e t e by interviews with local residents of cations until the next morning. Oper- panel buildings were also more lethal Nalband, who described large and ations in these three towns were than the stone masonry structures (P dense dust clouds created by pulver- c o m p l i c a t e d by absence of street < .01). ization of the stone and concrete markings, maps, and building plans. Of 240 patients reported by the walls of falling buildings. Destroyed villages and small towns Ministry of Health to be evacuated Data collected 14 days after the were isolated by numerous landslides from the three towns, 23 (9.6%} de- earthquake on 4,832 patients admit- and impassable roads, which delayed veloped crash syndrome as a result of ted throughout hospitals in Armenia r e l i e f t e a m s and p r e v e n t e d full limb compression, and 11 {4.6%) de- (Table 3) showed that combination knowledge of the extent of the disas- veloped secondary acute renal failure injuries constituted 1,918 (39.7%)of ter f r o m reaching the authorities. requiring renal dialysis. All evacu- the cases. Superficial trauma such as Most of the initial rescue work and ated patients were reported to suffer lacerations and contusions were the medical relief was carried out en- from varying degrees of hypothermia. m o s t frequently observed (24.9%), tirely by local inhabitants. Of the 240 P o s t m o r t e m e x a m i n a t i o n s of eight f o l l o w e d by h e a d injuries (22%), trapped victims who were evacuated victims removed from the site of a lower-extremity injuries (19%), crush for medical care in Yerevan, local b u i l d i n g c o l l a p s e r e v e a l e d large syndrome (11%), and upper-extremity Civil Defense workers reported that amounts of dust in the nasal cavities, trauma (10%). 228 (95%) were extricated by inhabi- 78/894 Annals of Emergency Medicine 19:8 August 1990
  • 5. FIGURE 4. Patients presenting for emergency care at Erebuni Hospital Patients in Yerevan. 300 I Nalband, the great majority of those 2OO rescued alive from collapsed build- ings (89%} were extricated during the first 24 hours (Figure 3). The proba- bility of being extricated alive from the debris declined sharply over time. There were no live rescues af- 0 ter day 6. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Emergency Medical Care Days 4 Many of the surviving injured vic- tims (30%) received no on-site medi- cal assistance. No individuals were k n o w n to have received any ad- TABLE 3. Distribution of hospitalized injuries by site a s reported to the vanced on-site medical care, such as Ministry of Health of Armenia after the December 7, 1988, cervical-spine immobilization, ad- earthquake ministration of oxygen or IV fluids, or tracheal intubation. Most of the patients were transported in private Injury N % vehicles with no in-transit advanced Head or face 1,040 22.0 medical care. Because all of the hos- pitals in the region were severely Skull, facial fractures 130 2.7 damaged and many medical person- Brain concussion 417 8.6 nel were either killed or injured (esti- Other internal head trauma 173 3.6 mated to be 80%), 311 of the injured (25%) were transported to hospitals Open head or facial wounds 320 6.6 in unaffected parts of Armenia or to neighboring Soviet Georgia (informa- Upper extremities 475 10.0 tion provided by Ministry of Health). Upper-extermity fractures 265 5.5 Unfortunately, winter weather condi- Traumatic amputations, arms 197 4.1 tions hampered aeromedical evacua- Elective amputation, arms tion of the injured. Damage to rail- 13 0.3 ways, extraordinary traffic conges- Lower extremities tion, and impassable roads due to 915 19.0 mud made ground evacuation diffi- Lower-extremity fractures 584 12.1 cult. Ground transport times to re- ©pen wounds, legs 102 2.1 ceiving hospitals in Yerevan, 75 k m Traumatic amputations, legs 170 3.6 away, were often as long as five hours. Elective amputation, legs 59 1.2 In Yerevan, several hospitals ad- mitted a large number of casualties Superficial trauma 1,203 24.9 in the days immediately following the earthquake. Erebuni Hospital, a Crush syndrome 533 11.0 1,000-bed facility in Yerevan, treated 902 patients in the first 11 days after Other 633 13.1 the earthquake, 80% of whom were admitted during the first five days (Figure 4). Only 22 of the 902 pa- tants of the three villages them- fense units stationed nearby, fol- tients (2.4%) requiring hospitaliza- selves. T h e m o s t s o p h i s t i c a t e d lowed a few days later by volunteer tion at Erebuni Hospital as a conse- m e a n s of e x t r i c a t i o n used were teams from less-affected areas. Heavy quence of the earthquake were ad- hands, shovels, picks, and farming rescue equipment such as cranes and mitted seven or more days after the tools. bulldozers did not arrive in Nalband impact. External assistance did not arrive until day 5. An operations headquar- in Nalband for the first 24 hours, and ters was not established in Nalband DISCUSSION Katnatschur and Geghasar did not re- until December 18, 11 days after the Although the risk of catastrophic ceive aid until days 3 and 4, respec- earthquake. earthquakes is widely recognized in tively. The first outside relief According to information provided parts of California, few people realize consisted of military and civil de- by the local army command center in that in the past 300 years, the eastern 19:8 August 1990 Annals of Emergency Medicine 895/79
  • 6. EARTHQUAKE Noji et al U n i t e d States has suffered eight survey of three building types in a survey of 3,619 survivors showed earthquakes of similar or greater Nalband (eg, stone masonry, precast- that 93% of those who were trapped m a g n i t u d e than that in Armenia. concrete panel, and precast-concrete and survived were extricated within There is a high probability that a ma- frame) showed death rates of 12%, the first 24 hours. As suggested by jor earthquake will hit the eastern 46%, and 87%, respectively, suggest- our data, if any significant reduction United States in the next several de- ing that the type of building and col- in e a r t h q u a k e m o r t a l i t y is to be cades. Building damage and life loss lapse pattern affect survival rates achieved, attention should be given in such an event is predicted to be se- (Table 2). to appropriate search and rescue ac- rious and widespread due to lack of Infill masonry, panels, and bricks tion within the first two days after seismic codes and absence of earth- often fell off, killing persons both in- the impact. quake preparedness programs. Other side and outside, and the frequent In the Italian study cited above, states, such as Utah and Washington, collapse of stairways made it partic- 95% of the deaths recorded were are also at risk from earthquakes, and ularly difficult for people to escape among those trapped in rubble who despite recognition of the threat, mit 2 because many of these buildings had died before extrication. 22 Estimates igation activities in these areas are only one stairway. In all three build- of survivability among entrapped vic- inadequate. ing types, the collapse of nonstruc- tims buried under collapsed earthen Past studies have stressed the im- tural e l e m e n t s s u c h as p a r a p e t s buildings in Turkey and China indi- portance of critically analyzing earth- caused many serious injuries. The to- cate that within two to six hours, quakes to develop methods of rapidly tal collapse ("disintegration") of the less than 50% of those buried are assessing health-care needs and im- precast-concrete frame buildings was still alive.22, 2,~ Although it is not pos- proving disaster relief.15 Epidemio- associated with particularly high sible to determine whether a trapped logic studies on earthquake-related mortality rates (more than 90%) be- person died immediately or survived injuries have indicated that a quan- cause the characteristic failure pat- for some time under the debris, it is titative relationship may exist be- tern of this type of c o n s t r u c t i o n undoubtedly true that more people tween morbidity and mortality.~6, t7 greatly complicated the search and might have been saved if they had For example, in the Guatemala and rescue effort and reduced signifi- been extricated sooner. Safar, study- Nicaragua earthquakes, the ratio of cantly the opportunity for occupant ing the 1980 earthquake in Italy, 2s injured to dead was 3:1. In the area of survival. concluded that 25% to 50% of vic- Armenia studied here, this ratio was We observed that the fragmenta- tims who were injured and died reversed, that is, three dead for every tion of the floor system resulted in slowly could have been saved if ini- person injured. This suggests the ex- very tight packing of the rubble with tial life-saving first aid had been ren- traordinary lethality of the Armenian no cavities or "void spaces" for possi- dered immediately. event. ble survival of victims. The distribu- There were major problems with The Armenian earthquake was of tion and amount of void space in the extrication of trapped v i c t i m s be- lesser magnitude than the 1989 Loma collapsed structure and the most cause of lack of adequate equipment Prieta e a r t h q u a k e in C a l i f o r n i a . likely locations of those voids arc and trained rescue personnel. Pene- However, its consequences were in- important in locating and rescuing trating concrete slabs and cutting comparably greater, primarily be- trapped people quickly. Such infor- through columns and beams of the cause of the design and quality of m a t i o n m a y help to guide future p r e c a s t - c o n c r e t e frame buildings construction of buildings in the area. search and rescue o p e r a t i o n s by proved to be major obstacles in the The primary cause of death, injury, pointing out those collapsed build- local rescue effort. No cutting tools and destruction was the total col- ings that have the greatest proba- were available, and the tools that lapse of buildings that were not ade- bility of containing survivors and by were available proved to be ineffec- quately designed for earthquake re- indicating the location of likely void tive. The number of people available sistance. spaces. to help rescue others was greatly re- Past studies have shown that fac- As might be expected, entrapment duced because of the very high per- tors determining the number of peo- appears to be the single most signifi- centage of people trapped and killed. ple killed after a building collapses cant factor associated with death or This scarcity of rescue workers may include entrapment, severity of their injury. Death rates were 67-fold and have contributed to the excessively injuries, how long they can survive injury rates more than ll-fold those high mortality in the three towns ex- without medical attention, and time for trapped than nontrapped people. amined. Most of the search and res- to rescue and medical treatment.t8-2o Death rates for those inside greatly cue effort was late and, even at the A 1977 s t u d y on the G u a t e m a l a exceeded those for persons outside; peak of activity, was seriously inade- earthquake concluded that deaths more than 80% of those trapped died. quate. and injuries are critically dependent This earthquake substantiated that In the three towns visited during on housing damage and construction response time for search and rescue our reconnaissance mission, very lit- materials used. 21 Results reported in is absolutely critical. Our observa- tle in the way of basic medical care our study carry this concept further tion that the proportion of people was administered to persons who had by suggesting that different building found alive declined with increasing been located and were actively being types and structural systems have delay in extrication parallels the ob- extricated from the debris. The provi- different collapse mechanisms and servations made in Italy after the sion of basic supportive care, such as patterns of cavity formation when C a m p a n i a - I r p i n i a e a r t h q u a k e in IV fluids, might have gone a tong way they fail under the influence of earth- 198022`23 and the Tangshan earth- toward reducing morbidity and mor- quake ground motion. The limited quake in 1976. 24 In the Italian study, tality, particularly in preventing the 80/896 Annals of Emergency Medicine 19:8 August 1990
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