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That day, as usually, Mr. Jo sweeps his porch. It’s been already 5 years Mr. Jo became a privet
 driver in Mr. Ipul’s family, his neighbor, suddenly. Mr. Jo is worried about Sari’s attendance, his daughter.
 Sari is not at home yet.

 Mr. Jo       : ‘’ Why is not my daughter going home yet? (Mr. Jo looks worried) Usually at this time. Sari has
              gone home. What is happen? (Mr. Jo stands up and looks outside) Actually, the weather is
              clear. Ya Allah please protect my daughter stay away her from everything dangerous. I do not
              want to lose her. Because she is so precious. I love her so much. Although, she is not my own
              daughter, sari where are you? Please go home now; I am so worried about you.

                Suddenly, there is a voice from outside. Mr. Jo is very happy, he is sure that is her
daughter’s voice. Mr. Jo goes outside soon.

          Sari and her friends      : Assalamualaikum.

                   Sari invites her friend to come in

Mr. Jo : waalaikumsalam, where are you from just now?

Sari    : do not worry about me, I am totally fine. There is a try out at school today. So I go home late. Oh,
please introduce my friends dad, hey friends, this is my dad.

Wulan : good afternoon sir, I’m wulan, W-U-L-A-N.

Mr. Jo : oh, you are wulan, sari usually tells me about you and who is this one?

Heni      : I am heni sir.

Sari      : She is good at swim dad. And, once more this is the last.

Dewi      : Dewi. Sir.

Mr. Jo : Sari let your friend come in. they must be so tired. And sari does not forget to put them some
drinks. Maybe also there are some snacks at refrigerator. Please take it too.

Sari      : yes, dad

               Sari goes inside to take the drinks and snacks while, Mr.Jo has a conversation with Dewi,
Heni, and Wulan.

Mr. Jo : How is the try out? Is that easy?

Wulan : oh my god sir, it is so difficult I think.

Mr. Jo : and you Dewi?
Dewi    : Yeah, not so bad sir.

Heni    : hah, I can do everything well sir, it just they who cannot do it well.

Wulan : you can do it? Do what? Do check?

Wulan and heni laugh

Dewi: Yes, cheating sari, sir. Sari is a clever student.

Mr. Jo : enough. The most important is you have to study hard. Final examination is getting closer. And do
not forget to pray.

Sari come and brings the drinks also snacks.

Sari    : Hey, what are you talking about guys? Oh, this is the drink. You must be so thirsty.

Heni    : Wow, there is a pudding do you make it by yourself? (Then eat the pudding)

Sari    : it is my dad’s. So delicious right?

Wulan and Dewi            : of course (with eat pudding)

Mr. Jo : So, Just enjoy this. I want to do something in the kitchen. Just continue the conversation.

          Mr. Jo leaves sari and her friends.

 Sari     : hmm, do you think that our final exam will passed well? The try out is so difficult.]

 Dewi     : you are too kind sari. You are smart. Heni was cheated you this morning, right land?

 Wulan : Yes, alright.

 Heni     : who is cheat? I just want to make sure that my answer is correct.

 Wulan and Dewi it just same hen.

 Sari     : oh, stop it, you both like cat and rat.

 Wulan : BTW, do you happy to see the news?

 Heni     : Which news? Of course. If we are accepted in PMDK we do not need to join SPMB.

 Dewi     : I am happy too friends. How about you Sari? You are so silent.

 Sari (Confused) : I…. I….

 Mr. Jo come and Join to sari and her friends.

 Mr. JO : Hey girls, what are you talking about??
Sari    : We just talk about the try out and PMDK dad.

MR. JO : PMDK? What is that daughter?

Sari     : PMDK is one of some ways to enter the university. PMDK is without test. Only with my score
since I am at 10th grade.

Mr. Jo : Ooh... So, all of you wants to enter the university?

Wulan : I want to continue my study at Madrid sir. My dad said that the facilities are complete.

Heni    : you will go to Madrid? Can you speak Spanish?

Wulan : yes, of course hen. Let me try : “Te quiero amigus”

Heni : Wulaaaan.. I am not believed that you can speak Spanish. Ok sir, I want to continue my study at
University of Indonesia. Economic Business, you know that I love my motherland sir.

Wulan : Hey who is asking you?

Heni    : I just give information. Alright sir

Mr. JO : yes, and you Dewi? Where will you continue your study? You are just silent.

Dewi    : I am at unair sir, faculty of law. Same with sari and we are accepted you know,

Mr. Jo : and why do not you tell me about it daughter? You want to continue your study?

Sari    : yes dad. I have been accepted. But it just if you let me.

Mr. Jo (take a deep breath): I do not mean to forbid you. But girl, where do we get the money? You know
that my salary is not enough to us. Then I know that you must need so much money. Besides, I do not
want to far away from you.

Sari  : oh, okay dad. I cannot force you. I still can work after this to add the salary, Beside I still can
accompany you, night.

Mr. Jo (sad)     : yes.

Wulan : Hmm and where is your mother sari?

Mr. Jo being nervous.

Sari    : dad, dad, are you okay? Sorry friends, maybe my mother just surprised. My mother was already
passed away. I do not know her real face. I just know her by the photo.

Wulan : I am sorry sari, I do not know

Dewi    : wulan. Be careful at other time. And how about your university problem sari?
Sari    : Please stop to talk about college again. Because my father can be crazy and his disease having a
release again. I’m okay, maybe. I have not an opportunity; I hope next year an opportunity will come to
me for college.

Dewi, Heni, and Wulan : Yes, We hope so

Heni    : Btw, why are your skin and your father’s skin different? I think your father’s skin is brighter than

Wulan : yes, I think so.

Sari  : Don’t kidding friends. Although my skin is different but my blood class is same. And actually I’m a
womb daughter from my father, isn’t it dad?

        Mr. Jo looks nervous and confuses to hear sari’s question. He’s scary and sad.

Mr. Jo : hmm. Yes sari. You are my womb daughter.

Dewi    : how many is your sibling sari?

Sari    : I don’t have any siblings. I just stay with my father at home.

Heni    : you’re so lucky. If you have something, it won’t divide. Not like me. I have many siblings.

Sari    : you must be thankful because you have many siblings. They can help and amuse you.
When sari and her friends were chatting, Mr. Jo sees to a clock. Then he goes to walk in mr.ipul’s
house. He doesn’t want to follow the chat about his personal problem. Mr. Jo scares that his problem will
be open.

Mr. Jo : it’s 3 o’clock. It’s time to work. I will go to Mr. Ipul’s house.

Sari    : you’re still sick dad. You must stay at home.

Mr. Jo : don’t worry. I’m fine.

Sari    : okay dad, be careful.

 goes to Mr. Ipul’s house with Mr. Ipul’s car.

Sari    : hi girls. I’m not feeling okay about this.

Sari’s friends   : I don’t think so. Why do you think about that?

Sari    : because when my father went, he looks strange. I’m worried with him.

Dewi    : how if we follow him?

Others : okay.

Sari and her friends go to mr.ipul’s house.
Scene 2

Mr.bagus arrived in mr.ipul’s house. They are wasting their time at gym.

Mr. bogus       : do you know the new gadget? The new model from beyond.

Mr.ipul         : yes of course. It’s my cellphone.

Mr.bagus        : really? It’s a new brand.

Mr.ipul         : alright. I bought it at wamena.

Mr.bagus        : in wamena? I remember when I stayed in wamena.

Mr.ipul : ooh. You have ever stayed in wamena. How often?

Mr.bagus        : Around ten years, there I had ever been a cover boy, did you know?

Mr.ipul         : what is the magazine? Is it playboy magazine?

Mr.bagus        : absolutely not, a gym magazine cover boy.

Mr.ipul        : you are a successful man; I heard yesterday that you opened a new factory again.
Mr.bagus           : Yes, thank you, my business is growled. Don’t forget to come. I’m waiting for your

Mr.ipul : of course I won’t miss it

           Suddenly, Mr.bagus sees a picture in the corner of the room.

Mr.bagus           : Mr.ipul, who are the girl in the picture? She looks like you. Is she your sister?

Mr.ipul            : no, it is not, she is my daughter. Now, she is joining a model course in France

Mr.bagus           : Oh.. your daughter, how old?

Mr. Ipul           : eighteen years old

Bu Bagus      : (remember something) hah eighteen years old!!! His old same with my daughter??
( remember something)

M r. Ipul          : Who is she?

Mr. Bagus          : ah.. she is nothing.

Mr. Ipul           : By the way, how is your daughter?

Mr.Bagus           : what do you mean my daughter ?

Mr. Ipul           : Of course…

Mr. Bagus          : My daughter………… My Daughter………………

                   Hear guest voice

Mr. Jo             : Assalammualikum……….. Assalammualaikum………………..

Mr. Bagus          : There is a guest, Disturb…..

Mr. Ipul           : Wait a minute, I will look at

                   Mr. Ipul approaches her guest

Mr. Ipul           : Oh Mr. Jo, come in

Mr. Jo             : Yeah, I will return this car

           Mr Bagus looks at Mr Ipul’s guest and it makes his very sock
Mr. Ipul        : ok Mr. Jo, sit down please. I want to move the car to the garage.

                         (Look at Mr. Bagus) why it klooks very disorder? Look! Mr. Bagus clothes are so
                         wet and dirty. But no problem, Bi tum will make it clear. Wait a minute please, I
                         want to go inside.

Mr. Bagus                : y yes.. please

Mr Ipul go insde with his laundry and leave Mr. Bagus also Mr. Jo in living room

Mr. Bagus                : He damn you, where are you go for the long time? ( Mr. Jo just keep silence) are
you afraid?

Mr. Jo                             : H… h…how are you sir?

Mr. Bagus                : why? Do you wish that I’ve been dead? Where do you hide my daughter?

Mr. Jo                             : wha… what .. do you mean?

Mr. Bagus                 : what do I mean? Don’t be a stupid man, don’t you know what do you do at some
years ago, you have taken her from me, you have taken away my daughter, where is my daughter? Give
back to me, I’m the real father ( with shake Mr. Jo’s body)                              : no…no…. iam not take away her, I never take away her from you but I
just want to take care of her

Mr.bagus       :yeah… you take care of her without my allow so that’s like take away her from me . you
have kid napped her , yeah… give back to me…give me my daughter.  cant

Mr.bagus        :what !!! ou don’t have a right but me… I have a right for her . I am her real father jo!!!

(mr .ipul comes from his house )

Mr.ipul         :hey .. why is I so noisy ? what’s up ?

Mr.bagus        : (cry) this man..this man ! he has kid napped my daughter

Mr.ipul         :kid napped ? (he become so confused)           : (stand up soon) no…no.. that’s wrong..!!!

Mr. Bagus       : believe me!! This man is so crazy!

Mr. Jo          : I am not guilty Mr. Not…

Mr Ipul         : Stop” enough Mr. Bagus, Mr. Jo. Finishes in here, please go out!!!! Mr. Bagus, Mr. Ipul
are respected to quarrel in here.
Mr. Bagus          : but she… he had plundered. My daughter.

Mr. Ipul           : enough…now you are cooling down. Tell to me what’s happen exactly.

Mr. Bagus          : Yes my daughter.. she had been born 18 years ago and he had plundered her from me.

                    No…no…Iswear, I didn’t plunder her from you. I just want ti take care her.

Mr. Bagus          : Take care? You always say like that. You don’t know Jo. How my suffer without her in

                    my side.

Mr. Jo             : Suffering ? What a means of daughter for you Mr.? You just want your wealth, carrier

                   and popularation without take care your daughter.

Mr. Bagus          : Enough !! What do you know, Jo ?!

                    Do you know about my life ?

                    I work hard, and do you know who for I do this? For my daughters

10 ilang minta robet ae…


Sari       : it is just about money that you are talking about. Enough. What kind of father you are.

Mr. Bagus          : o my daughter, how can you say it to me? Your own father?

Sari      : as you know, for me, money I not anything, love from a father is what I need and I have already
got it from Mr. Jo. Start at now, I decide to follow Mr. JO.

Sari gone. She was leaving Mr. Bagus and Mr. Bagus was so sorry about it.

Mr. Bagus     : oh no daughter, do not do that to your father ( scream). Oh god, how can this happen to
me. My own daughter is choosing her step father. What does this mean?

I do not need money, popularity and the others. I want my daughter back. Oh I am so sorry (sit down) if I
know that the ending will be like this, I will take care for you girl oh, please forgive me as your real father
( mr.ipul to calm down mr.bagus)

End cok…

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UNIVERSAL HUMAN VALUES- Harmony in the Nature

That Day

  • 1. That day, as usually, Mr. Jo sweeps his porch. It’s been already 5 years Mr. Jo became a privet driver in Mr. Ipul’s family, his neighbor, suddenly. Mr. Jo is worried about Sari’s attendance, his daughter. Sari is not at home yet. Mr. Jo : ‘’ Why is not my daughter going home yet? (Mr. Jo looks worried) Usually at this time. Sari has gone home. What is happen? (Mr. Jo stands up and looks outside) Actually, the weather is clear. Ya Allah please protect my daughter stay away her from everything dangerous. I do not want to lose her. Because she is so precious. I love her so much. Although, she is not my own daughter, sari where are you? Please go home now; I am so worried about you. Suddenly, there is a voice from outside. Mr. Jo is very happy, he is sure that is her daughter’s voice. Mr. Jo goes outside soon. Sari and her friends : Assalamualaikum. Sari invites her friend to come in Mr. Jo : waalaikumsalam, where are you from just now? Sari : do not worry about me, I am totally fine. There is a try out at school today. So I go home late. Oh, please introduce my friends dad, hey friends, this is my dad. Wulan : good afternoon sir, I’m wulan, W-U-L-A-N. Mr. Jo : oh, you are wulan, sari usually tells me about you and who is this one? Heni : I am heni sir. Sari : She is good at swim dad. And, once more this is the last. Dewi : Dewi. Sir. Mr. Jo : Sari let your friend come in. they must be so tired. And sari does not forget to put them some drinks. Maybe also there are some snacks at refrigerator. Please take it too. Sari : yes, dad Sari goes inside to take the drinks and snacks while, Mr.Jo has a conversation with Dewi, Heni, and Wulan. Mr. Jo : How is the try out? Is that easy? Wulan : oh my god sir, it is so difficult I think. Mr. Jo : and you Dewi?
  • 2. Dewi : Yeah, not so bad sir. Heni : hah, I can do everything well sir, it just they who cannot do it well. Wulan : you can do it? Do what? Do check? Wulan and heni laugh Dewi: Yes, cheating sari, sir. Sari is a clever student. Mr. Jo : enough. The most important is you have to study hard. Final examination is getting closer. And do not forget to pray. Sari come and brings the drinks also snacks. Sari : Hey, what are you talking about guys? Oh, this is the drink. You must be so thirsty. Heni : Wow, there is a pudding do you make it by yourself? (Then eat the pudding) Sari : it is my dad’s. So delicious right? Wulan and Dewi : of course (with eat pudding) Mr. Jo : So, Just enjoy this. I want to do something in the kitchen. Just continue the conversation. Mr. Jo leaves sari and her friends. Sari : hmm, do you think that our final exam will passed well? The try out is so difficult.] Dewi : you are too kind sari. You are smart. Heni was cheated you this morning, right land? Wulan : Yes, alright. Heni : who is cheat? I just want to make sure that my answer is correct. Wulan and Dewi it just same hen. Sari : oh, stop it, you both like cat and rat. Wulan : BTW, do you happy to see the news? Heni : Which news? Of course. If we are accepted in PMDK we do not need to join SPMB. Dewi : I am happy too friends. How about you Sari? You are so silent. Sari (Confused) : I…. I…. Mr. Jo come and Join to sari and her friends. Mr. JO : Hey girls, what are you talking about??
  • 3. Sari : We just talk about the try out and PMDK dad. MR. JO : PMDK? What is that daughter? Sari : PMDK is one of some ways to enter the university. PMDK is without test. Only with my score since I am at 10th grade. Mr. Jo : Ooh... So, all of you wants to enter the university? Wulan : I want to continue my study at Madrid sir. My dad said that the facilities are complete. Heni : you will go to Madrid? Can you speak Spanish? Wulan : yes, of course hen. Let me try : “Te quiero amigus” Heni : Wulaaaan.. I am not believed that you can speak Spanish. Ok sir, I want to continue my study at University of Indonesia. Economic Business, you know that I love my motherland sir. Wulan : Hey who is asking you? Heni : I just give information. Alright sir Mr. JO : yes, and you Dewi? Where will you continue your study? You are just silent. Dewi : I am at unair sir, faculty of law. Same with sari and we are accepted you know, Mr. Jo : and why do not you tell me about it daughter? You want to continue your study? Sari : yes dad. I have been accepted. But it just if you let me. Mr. Jo (take a deep breath): I do not mean to forbid you. But girl, where do we get the money? You know that my salary is not enough to us. Then I know that you must need so much money. Besides, I do not want to far away from you. Sari : oh, okay dad. I cannot force you. I still can work after this to add the salary, Beside I still can accompany you, night. Mr. Jo (sad) : yes. Wulan : Hmm and where is your mother sari? Mr. Jo being nervous. Sari : dad, dad, are you okay? Sorry friends, maybe my mother just surprised. My mother was already passed away. I do not know her real face. I just know her by the photo. Wulan : I am sorry sari, I do not know Dewi : wulan. Be careful at other time. And how about your university problem sari?
  • 4. Sari : Please stop to talk about college again. Because my father can be crazy and his disease having a release again. I’m okay, maybe. I have not an opportunity; I hope next year an opportunity will come to me for college. Dewi, Heni, and Wulan : Yes, We hope so Heni : Btw, why are your skin and your father’s skin different? I think your father’s skin is brighter than you. Wulan : yes, I think so. Sari : Don’t kidding friends. Although my skin is different but my blood class is same. And actually I’m a womb daughter from my father, isn’t it dad? Mr. Jo looks nervous and confuses to hear sari’s question. He’s scary and sad. Mr. Jo : hmm. Yes sari. You are my womb daughter. Dewi : how many is your sibling sari? Sari : I don’t have any siblings. I just stay with my father at home. Heni : you’re so lucky. If you have something, it won’t divide. Not like me. I have many siblings. Sari : you must be thankful because you have many siblings. They can help and amuse you.
  • 5. When sari and her friends were chatting, Mr. Jo sees to a clock. Then he goes to walk in mr.ipul’s house. He doesn’t want to follow the chat about his personal problem. Mr. Jo scares that his problem will be open. Mr. Jo : it’s 3 o’clock. It’s time to work. I will go to Mr. Ipul’s house. Sari : you’re still sick dad. You must stay at home. Mr. Jo : don’t worry. I’m fine. Sari : okay dad, be careful. goes to Mr. Ipul’s house with Mr. Ipul’s car. Sari : hi girls. I’m not feeling okay about this. Sari’s friends : I don’t think so. Why do you think about that? Sari : because when my father went, he looks strange. I’m worried with him. Dewi : how if we follow him? Others : okay. Sari and her friends go to mr.ipul’s house.
  • 6. Scene 2 Mr.bagus arrived in mr.ipul’s house. They are wasting their time at gym. Mr. bogus : do you know the new gadget? The new model from beyond. Mr.ipul : yes of course. It’s my cellphone. Mr.bagus : really? It’s a new brand. Mr.ipul : alright. I bought it at wamena. Mr.bagus : in wamena? I remember when I stayed in wamena. Mr.ipul : ooh. You have ever stayed in wamena. How often? Mr.bagus : Around ten years, there I had ever been a cover boy, did you know? Mr.ipul : what is the magazine? Is it playboy magazine? Mr.bagus : absolutely not, a gym magazine cover boy. Mr.ipul : you are a successful man; I heard yesterday that you opened a new factory again. Congratulation
  • 7. Mr.bagus : Yes, thank you, my business is growled. Don’t forget to come. I’m waiting for your coming Mr.ipul : of course I won’t miss it Suddenly, Mr.bagus sees a picture in the corner of the room. Mr.bagus : Mr.ipul, who are the girl in the picture? She looks like you. Is she your sister? Mr.ipul : no, it is not, she is my daughter. Now, she is joining a model course in France Mr.bagus : Oh.. your daughter, how old? Mr. Ipul : eighteen years old Bu Bagus : (remember something) hah eighteen years old!!! His old same with my daughter?? ( remember something) M r. Ipul : Who is she? Mr. Bagus : ah.. she is nothing. Mr. Ipul : By the way, how is your daughter? Mr.Bagus : what do you mean my daughter ? Mr. Ipul : Of course… Mr. Bagus : My daughter………… My Daughter……………… Hear guest voice Mr. Jo : Assalammualikum……….. Assalammualaikum……………….. Mr. Bagus : There is a guest, Disturb….. Mr. Ipul : Wait a minute, I will look at Mr. Ipul approaches her guest Mr. Ipul : Oh Mr. Jo, come in Mr. Jo : Yeah, I will return this car Mr Bagus looks at Mr Ipul’s guest and it makes his very sock
  • 8. Mr. Ipul : ok Mr. Jo, sit down please. I want to move the car to the garage. (Look at Mr. Bagus) why it klooks very disorder? Look! Mr. Bagus clothes are so wet and dirty. But no problem, Bi tum will make it clear. Wait a minute please, I want to go inside. Mr. Bagus : y yes.. please Mr Ipul go insde with his laundry and leave Mr. Bagus also Mr. Jo in living room Mr. Bagus : He damn you, where are you go for the long time? ( Mr. Jo just keep silence) are you afraid? Mr. Jo : H… h…how are you sir? Mr. Bagus : why? Do you wish that I’ve been dead? Where do you hide my daughter? Mr. Jo : wha… what .. do you mean? Mr. Bagus : what do I mean? Don’t be a stupid man, don’t you know what do you do at some years ago, you have taken her from me, you have taken away my daughter, where is my daughter? Give back to me, I’m the real father ( with shake Mr. Jo’s body) : no…no…. iam not take away her, I never take away her from you but I just want to take care of her Mr.bagus :yeah… you take care of her without my allow so that’s like take away her from me . you have kid napped her , yeah… give back to me…give me my daughter. cant Mr.bagus :what !!! ou don’t have a right but me… I have a right for her . I am her real father jo!!! (mr .ipul comes from his house ) Mr.ipul :hey .. why is I so noisy ? what’s up ? Mr.bagus : (cry) this man..this man ! he has kid napped my daughter Mr.ipul :kid napped ? (he become so confused) : (stand up soon) no…no.. that’s wrong..!!! Mr. Bagus : believe me!! This man is so crazy! Mr. Jo : I am not guilty Mr. Not… Mr Ipul : Stop” enough Mr. Bagus, Mr. Jo. Finishes in here, please go out!!!! Mr. Bagus, Mr. Ipul are respected to quarrel in here.
  • 9. Mr. Bagus : but she… he had plundered. My daughter. Mr. Ipul : enough…now you are cooling down. Tell to me what’s happen exactly. Mr. Bagus : Yes my daughter.. she had been born 18 years ago and he had plundered her from me. No…no…Iswear, I didn’t plunder her from you. I just want ti take care her. Mr. Bagus : Take care? You always say like that. You don’t know Jo. How my suffer without her in my side. Mr. Jo : Suffering ? What a means of daughter for you Mr.? You just want your wealth, carrier and popularation without take care your daughter. Mr. Bagus : Enough !! What do you know, Jo ?! Do you know about my life ? I work hard, and do you know who for I do this? For my daughters 10 ilang minta robet ae… 11.. Sari : it is just about money that you are talking about. Enough. What kind of father you are. Mr. Bagus : o my daughter, how can you say it to me? Your own father? Sari : as you know, for me, money I not anything, love from a father is what I need and I have already got it from Mr. Jo. Start at now, I decide to follow Mr. JO. Sari gone. She was leaving Mr. Bagus and Mr. Bagus was so sorry about it. Mr. Bagus : oh no daughter, do not do that to your father ( scream). Oh god, how can this happen to me. My own daughter is choosing her step father. What does this mean? I do not need money, popularity and the others. I want my daughter back. Oh I am so sorry (sit down) if I know that the ending will be like this, I will take care for you girl oh, please forgive me as your real father ( mr.ipul to calm down mr.bagus) End cok…