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Terrorists Declare War on America
Strike One
Terrorists Declare War on America
Strike Two
Terrorists Declare War on America
Strike Three
What is Terrorism
 Terrorism is the use of force or violence against
persons or property in violation of the criminal laws of
the United States for purposes of intimidation, coercion
or ransom. Terrorists often use threats to create fear
Among the public, to try to convince citizens that their
government is powerless to prevent terrorism, and to
get immediate publicity for their causes.
 The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) categorizes
terrorism in the United States as one of two types--
domestic terrorism or international terrorism.
 Domestic terrorism involves groups or individuals
whose terrorist activities are directed at elements of our
government or population without foreign direction.
 International terrorism involves groups or individuals
whose terrorist activities are foreign-based and/or
directed by countries or groups outside the United
States or whose activities transcend national
 On September 5, 1972, five
Arab terrorists wearing track
suits climbed a six foot fence
surrounding the Olympic
Village in Munich, Germany.
Once inside, they were met by
three others who had gained
entrance with credentials.
Within 24 hours, eleven
Israelis, five terrorists, and a
German police officer were
 On October 23, 1983, at 06:22 hours a large delivery truck
drove to the Beirut International Airport where the Marine
Barracks was located. After turning onto an access road
leading to the compound, the driver rushed through a barbed-
wire fence, passed between two sentry posts, crashed
through the gate, and slammed into the lobby of the barracks.
The driver detonated explosives with the power equal to
more than 12,000 pounds of TNT. The explosion crumbled
the four story building. The Terrorist attack killed 220 United
States Marines and 21 other U.S. service members. These
241 U.S. Military personnel were killed as they slept.
 On April 19, 1995 at 0902
hours, a series of
explosions devastated the
Alfred P. Murrah Federal
Building in downtown
Oklahoma City in what
was by far the deadliest
terrorist bombing in U.S.
history. Two U.S. Citizens
delivered one Ryder truck,
loaded with 4800 pounds
of Ammonium nitrate and
fuel oil. 168 men, women,
and children were killed.
 On February 29, 1993, a van
packed with a 1500 pound urea-
nitrate bomb was detonated in the
parking garage of the World Trade
Center in New York City which
resulted in the deaths of six people
and injured one thousand due to
toxic smoke. The bomb left a crater
200 by 100 feet wide and five
stories deep. The World Trade
Center became established as a
prime target and was the second
largest building in the world housing
100,000 workers and visitors each
 On March 19, 1995 Monday
morning rush hour in Tokyo
Terrorist released Sarin nerve
gas in the subway . This
cowardly attack killed 5 and
injured 565
 On May 13, 1995 Terrorists detonated a
pipe bomb in the Tokyo airport, fortunately
no injuries occurred.
 On July 27 1996 An unknown Terrorist
placed a knapsack bomb in the Olympic
Park in Atlanta GA, This cowardly attack
killed two and injured 111 Olympic
On October 12, 2000 USS Cole set
in to Aden harbor for a routine fuel
stop. Cole completed mooring at
09:30. Refueling started at 10:30. At
11:18 local time (08:18 UTC), a small
craft approached the port side of the
destroyer, and an explosion occurred,
putting a 40-by-40-foot (12 m-by-
12 m) gash in the ship's port side.
Seventeen sailors were killed and 39
others were injured in the blast. The
attack was the deadliest against a US
Naval vessel since the Iraqi attack on
the USS Stark (FFG-31) on May
17th, 1987
 On September 11, 2001 The
nerve center of the nation's
military burst into flames and a
portion of one side of the five-
sided structure collapsed when
a plane struck in midmorning.
Secondary explosions were
reported in the aftermath of the
attack and great billows of
smoke drifted skyward toward
the Potomac River and the city
beyond. The unprovoked attack
killed 125 U.S. citizens of which
64 were passengers on the ill
fated flight.
 On September 11, 2001 a
bombing of the World Trade
Center in New York City
resulted in the deaths of over
three thousand workers,
visitors and emergency
response personnel who
responded to assist the
injured. The bombing resulted
in the collapsing of the second
largest buildings in the world.
Recent Terrorist Attacks against American Targets Using Car-Bomb Technologies
Date Target/Location Delivery/Material TNT equiv (lbs)
Apr 1983
US Embassy
Beirut, Lebanon
van 2000
Oct 1983
US Marine Barracks
Beirut, Lebanon
truck, TNT with gas enhancement 12000
Feb 1993
World Trade Center
New York, USA
van, urea nitrate and hydrogen gas 2000
Apr 1995
Murrah Federal Bldg
Oklahoma City, USA
truck, Ammonium nitrate fuel oil 5000
Jun 1996
Khobar Towers
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
tanker truck, plastic explosive 20000
Aug 1998
US Embassy
Nairobi, Kenya
truck, TNT, possibly Semtex 1000
Aug 1998
US Embassy
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
truck 1000
Oct 2000
Destroyer USS Cole
Aden Harbor, Yemen
small watercraft, possibly C-4 440
 The Department of Defense estimates that as
many as 26 nations may possess chemical
agents and/or weapons and an additional 12 may
be seeking to develop them.
 The Central Intelligence Agency reports that at
least ten countries are believed to possess or be
conducting research on biological agents for
 In the United States, most terrorist incidents have involved small extremist groups who use
terrorism to achieve a designated objective. Local, State and Federal law enforcement officials
monitor suspected terrorist groups and try to prevent or protect against a suspected attack.
Additionally, the U.S. government works with other countries to limit the sources of support for
 The Lessons of 9/11, The attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon conforms to several trends
in international terrorism: It was an attack calculated to cause heavy casualties, it involved the use of
high jacked vehicles loaded with explosive materials. There is a high probability that the attack was
instigated by a government. The attack raises a number of difficult questions: How can the American
people in similar situations be protected against further terrorist attacks? Who was really responsible for
the attack? And if we can identify who was ultimately responsible, what response, if any, is appropriate?
 A terrorist attack can take several forms, depending on the technological means available to the
terrorist, the nature of the political issue motivating the attack, and the points of weakness of the
terrorist's target. Bombings have been the most frequently used terrorist method in the United
States. Other possibilities includes an attack at transportation facilities, an attack against utilities
or other public services or an incident involving chemical or biological agents.
 Terrorist incidents in this country prior to the September 11, 2001 attack have included bombings
of the World Trade Center in New York City, the United States Capitol Building in Washington,
D.C. and Mobil Oil corporate headquarters in New York City.
 Despite government success in combating terrorists in various countries, the total
volume of terrorist activity worldwide has increased during the last 15 years. The first
three years of the 1980s showed an annual increase in international terrorism of
approximately 25 percent--twice the rate of increase in the 1970s. Overall,
international terrorist activity has increased fourfold since the 1972 Munich incident.
 Terrorism also is growing bloodier. At the beginning of the 1970s, 80 percent of
terrorist operations were directed against property; only 20 percent were directed
against people. By the 1980s, approximately half of all attacks were directed against
persons. Incidents with fatalities have increased by roughly 20 percent a year, and
large-scale indiscriminate attacks have become more common.
 These trends continued in 1983. The total volume of international terrorist activity for
the first eight months of 1983 is about equal to that recorded during the same period
of 1982. However, 1983 is much bloodier. Although the percentage of terrorist
incidents with fatalities thus far appears only slightly greater, the proportion of
incidents with multiple fatalities is much greater. In 1983, more than one person was
killed in 59 percent of those incidents with fatalities, whereas the average from 1980
to 1982 was 37 percent.
 This trend is even more dramatic when we look at the growing
number of terrorist incidents involving 10 or more fatalities. There
have been 12 of these thus far in 1983, compared with a total of 11
during the previous three years. This trend is confirmed by still
another statistic: The number of terrorist attacks directed against
ordinary citizens, bystanders who happen to be in the wrong place
at the wrong time, has increased by 68 percent. As in past years,
most of the fatalities are the result of bombings, which in 1983
became more indiscriminate.
 Terrorists operate with a very limited tactical repertoire. Bombings
alone account for roughly half of all terrorist incidents. Six basic
tactics comprise 95 percent of the total: bombings, assassinations,
armed assaults, kidnappings, barricade and-hostage situations,
and hijackings. No terrorist group uses all of them.
 The terrorists' tactical repertoire has for the most part changed little
over time. One growing tactic is the car bomb, or as we have seen
in Lebanon, truck bombs. Car bombs have been used with
devastating effect in recent months in Beirut, London, Paris, and
Pretoria. Barricade-and-hostage situations have declined. Seizing
hostages at embassies, consulates, and other government
buildings was a popular terrorist tactic in the 1970s. But heavy
security has made such takeovers more difficult, while no
concessions policies and increased willingness to use force to end
hostage episodes decreased the probabilities of payoff and
increased the risks to the terrorists there were 20 such incidents in
1980, 10 in 1981, and 5 in 1982. Overall, however, terrorist attacks
on diplomats and embassies did not decline. Assassinations and
bombings simply replaced takeovers.
 This suggests that security does work in reducing certain
tactics, but not in reducing terrorism overall. Terrorists are
nimble. If one set of targets is well-protected or one tactic
becomes more dangerous, terrorists merely shift their sights
or alter their tactics to obviate the security measures.
Protection against car bombs may reduce car-bomb
incidents; terrorists will do something else instead.
 While terrorists have demonstrated greater willingness to kill
larger numbers of people, they have not for the most part
shown themselves to be suicidal. The exceptions appear to
be cultural: Shia’a Moslem fanatics; earlier, members of the
Japanese Red Army. It seems unlikely that suicidal attacks
will gain widespread favor Among the world's terrorist groups.
 Terrorist attacks are directed almost exclusively
against civilian targets. Fewer than 10 percent of
the incidents in Rand's chronology of international
terrorism were directed against the military or
 American citizens and facilities are-the most
frequent targets in international terrorism, figuring
in 29 percent of all incidents. About 30 percent of
these have been directed against the U.S.
 A growing number of governments themselves are using
terrorist tactics, employing terrorist groups, or exploiting
terrorist incidents as a mode of surrogate warfare. These
governments see in terrorism a useful capability, a "weapons
system," a cheap means of waging war. Terrorists fill a need.
Modern conventional war is increasingly impractical. It is too
destructive. It is too expensive. World and sometimes
domestic opinion impose constraints. Terrorists offer a
possible alternative to open armed conflict. For some nations
unable to mount a conventional military challenge--for
example, Libya versus the United States--terrorism is the only
alternative, an "equalizer."
 We may be on the threshold of an era of armed conflict in
which limited conventional warfare, classic guerrilla warfare,
and international terrorism will coexist, with both government
and sub national entities employing them individually,
interchangeably, sequentially, or simultaneously, as well as
being required to combat them. In many respects, the future
face of war is reflected in the course of armed conflict in
Lebanon since the early 1970s. Warfare in that country has
continued on all three levels- conventional war, guerrilla
warfare, and terrorism. It involves regular armies, guerrillas,
private militias, and terrorist gunmen, some of whom are
openly assisted or covertly sponsored by foreign states, by
political or religious factions, and even by other terrorist
 Warfare in the future may be less destructive than that in the
first half of the twentieth century, but also less coherent.
Warfare will cease to be finite. The distinction between war
and peace will dissolve. Nominal peace is likely to be filled
with continuing confrontations and crises.
 Armed conflict will not be confined by national frontiers. Local
belligerents will mobilize foreign patrons. Terrorists will attack
foreign targets both at home and abroad. The United States
will be compelled to maintain capabilities for defending
against and, with the exception of terrorism, waging all three
modes of armed conflict.
 On the preventive side, the United States needs to devote more attention to
the physical security of its personnel, facilities, and weapons, as well as to
improve the reporting and analysis of information on terrorist threats and
actions. Physical protection against terrorism, however, poses a number of
 First, terrorist groups are hard to predict, hard to penetrate. It is mainly a
matter of human intelligence. There is a high noise level of threats, few of
which materialize, few of which can be ignored. The U.S. Marines in
Lebanon had received over a hundred bomb threats or warnings of
possible terrorist bombings prior to the destruction of the Marine
 Moreover, there is a basic asymmetry. Terrorists can attack anything,
anywhere, anytime. Governments cannot protect everything, everywhere,
all the time. It is a certainty that terrorists will attack the least defended
target. It is a virtual certainty that there will always be a vulnerable target.
 Physical protection against every conceivable kind of terrorist
attack would become enormously costly, in both manpower
and money. The U.S. Department of State currently spends
15 percent of its budget on security. Over 2,000 man-hours
are devoted annually to the protection of U.S. diplomats
abroad, at a cost of $200 million. Allocations for security are
determined not by the strength of the opponent but by the
number of targets to be protected against even a
comparatively weak adversary.
 At a certain point, the requirements of physical
protection can not only divert manpower from the
primary mission, but can render those defended
incapable of performing their primary mission.
 Biological agents are infectious microbes or toxins used to produce illness or
death in people, animals or plants. Biological agents can be dispersed as
aerosols or airborne particles. Terrorists may use biological agents to
contaminate food or water because they are extremely difficult to detect.
Chemical agents kill or incapacitate people, destroy livestock or ravage crops.
Some chemical agents are odorless and tasteless and are difficult to detect.
They can have an immediate effect (a few seconds to a few minutes) or a
delayed effect (several hours to several days).
 Biological and chemical weapons have been used primarily to terrorize an
unprotected civilian population and not as a weapon of war. This is because of
fear of retaliation and the likelihood that the agent would contaminate the
battlefield for a long period of time. The Persian Gulf War in 1991 and other
confrontations in the Middle East were causes for concern in the United States
regarding the possibility of chemical or biological warfare. While no incidents
occurred, there remains a concern that such weapons could be involved in an
accident or be used by terrorists.
 More information on Bioterrorism preparedness and response is available
online from the
Department of Health and Human Services Center for Disease Control.
U.S. Counterterrorism Policy
 First, make no concessions to terrorists and strike no deals;
 Second, bring terrorists to justice for their crimes;
 Third, isolate and apply pressure on states that sponsor
terrorism to force them to change their behavior.
 Fourth, bolster the counterterrorism capabilities of those
countries that work with the U.S. and require assistance.
What Terrorist Look for
 Terrorists look for
visible targets where
they can avoid
detection before or
after an attack such
as international
airports, large cities,
major international
events, resorts, and
 Security against terrorist attacks must be a factor
in planning any Security operation. Situations
such as U.S. involvement in the Middle East the
invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. Deployment of
troops in Europe, and South East Asia are all
likely to provoke terrorist actions against
Americans there or elsewhere.
 Emphasizing a point made earlier, security
operations need to be precisely defined.
 The collection and analysis of intelligence about terrorism can and should
be improved in order to better anticipate terrorist attacks, accurately assign
culpability for those attacks, and develop appropriate countermeasures and
responses. It takes years to develop this kind of intelligence. Meanwhile, in
situations like that in Iran, and Israel it may be useful to consider
augmenting U.S. forces with area experts. They could be drawn from the
military services, civilian government agencies, the reserves, or civilian
 Military options in response to terrorism are few. Constraints are inevitable,
and in some cases, U.S. interests are best served by not responding at all.
Terrorist attacks cannot be permitted to determine U.S. foreign policy,
directly or indirectly. We have to try to invent additional low-cost responses
that keep terrorist attacks from forcing the United States to escalate
militarily, which in some cases may be exactly what terrorists hope to
achieve. These responses may involve special or conventional operations.
 Regular security and military forces, as presently organized
and trained, may not be adequately prepared to operate in
terrorist environments. The armed forces will have to learn to
do this, as they had to learn to operate in jungle
environments. In the meantime, it may be useful to consider
augmenting regular forces in high-risk areas with units whose
training may make them better prepared to anticipate and
deal with terrorist threats.
 It would be a mistake, however, to consign the problems of
terrorism exclusively to Special Forces. Even in a world of
growing terrorism, specialized antiterrorist units with no other
mission may be underemployed, and the remainder of the
armed forces will be left without adequate preparation. The
entire armed forces must be able to confront diverse modes
of conflict, including terrorism.
In Closing
 Terrorists look for visible targets where they can avoid detection before or
after an attack such as international airports, large cities, major international
events, resorts, and high-profile landmarks.
 Learn about the different types of terrorist weapons including explosives,
kidnappings, hijackings, arson, and shootings.
 Prepare to deal with a terrorist incident by adapting many of the same
techniques used to prepare for other crises.
 Be alert and aware of the surrounding area. The very nature of terrorism
suggests that there may be little or no warning.
 Take precautions when traveling. Be aware of conspicuous or unusual
behavior. Do not accept packages from strangers. Do not leave luggage
 Learn where emergency exits are located. Think ahead about how to evacuate
a building, subway or congested public area in a hurry. Learn where staircases
are located.
 Notice your immediate surroundings. Be aware of heavy or breakable objects
that could move, fall or break in an explosion.
In Closing
 Preparing for a Building Explosion
The use of explosives by terrorists can result in collapsed buildings and fires.
People who live or work in a multi-level building can do the following:
 Review emergency evacuation procedures. Know where fire exits are located.
 Keep fire extinguishers in working order. Know where they are located, and
how to use them. Learn first aid. Contact the local chapter of the American Red
Cross for additional information.
 Keep the following items in a designated place on each floor of the building.
 Portable, battery-operated radio and extra batteries
 Several flashlights and extra batteries
 First aid kit and manual
 Several hard hats
 Fluorescent tape to rope off dangerous areas
 The attack on America conforms to several trends in international terrorism:
The volume of terrorist activity has increased in the last 15 years, terrorism
has grown bloodier, and there is increasing use of terrorism by
governments. We may be on the threshold of an era in which limited
conventional war, classic guerrilla warfare, and international terrorism will
coexist, with both governments and sub national entities employing them
individually, interchangeably, sequentially, or simultaneously. As a result,
the United States will be compelled to maintain capabilities for defending
against and, with the exception of terrorism, waging all three modes of
 Physical protection against terrorism poses a number of challenges.
Terrorist groups are hard to predict and hard to penetrate. Whereas they
can attack anything, anywhere, anytime, governments cannot protect
everything, everywhere, all the time. Physical protection is costly and can
not only divert manpower from the primary mission, but can render those
defended incapable of performing primary missions.
 Security against terrorism must be a planning factor in any
security or military operation. The collection and analysis of
intelligence about terrorism can and should be improved to
better anticipate terrorist attacks, accurately assign
culpability, and develop appropriate countermeasures. There
is a need to invent additional low-cost responses that keep
terrorist attacks from forcing the United States to escalate
militarily. Regular security forces may not be adequately
prepared to operate in terrorist environments, and they will
have to learn to do this. It would be a mistake to consign the
problems of terrorism to Special Forces only; the entire
security forces must be able to confront diverse modes of
conflict, including terrorism.
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  • 2. Terrorists Declare War on America Strike One
  • 3. Terrorists Declare War on America Strike Two
  • 4. Terrorists Declare War on America Strike Three
  • 5. What is Terrorism  Terrorism is the use of force or violence against persons or property in violation of the criminal laws of the United States for purposes of intimidation, coercion or ransom. Terrorists often use threats to create fear Among the public, to try to convince citizens that their government is powerless to prevent terrorism, and to get immediate publicity for their causes.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) categorizes terrorism in the United States as one of two types-- domestic terrorism or international terrorism.  Domestic terrorism involves groups or individuals whose terrorist activities are directed at elements of our government or population without foreign direction.  International terrorism involves groups or individuals whose terrorist activities are foreign-based and/or directed by countries or groups outside the United States or whose activities transcend national boundaries.
  • 7. FACTS ABOUT TERRORISM  On September 5, 1972, five Arab terrorists wearing track suits climbed a six foot fence surrounding the Olympic Village in Munich, Germany. Once inside, they were met by three others who had gained entrance with credentials. Within 24 hours, eleven Israelis, five terrorists, and a German police officer were dead.
  • 8. FACTS ABOUT TERRORISM  On October 23, 1983, at 06:22 hours a large delivery truck drove to the Beirut International Airport where the Marine Barracks was located. After turning onto an access road leading to the compound, the driver rushed through a barbed- wire fence, passed between two sentry posts, crashed through the gate, and slammed into the lobby of the barracks. The driver detonated explosives with the power equal to more than 12,000 pounds of TNT. The explosion crumbled the four story building. The Terrorist attack killed 220 United States Marines and 21 other U.S. service members. These 241 U.S. Military personnel were killed as they slept.
  • 10. FACTS ABOUT TERRORISM  On April 19, 1995 at 0902 hours, a series of explosions devastated the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City in what was by far the deadliest terrorist bombing in U.S. history. Two U.S. Citizens delivered one Ryder truck, loaded with 4800 pounds of Ammonium nitrate and fuel oil. 168 men, women, and children were killed.
  • 11. FACTS ABOUT TERRORISM  On February 29, 1993, a van packed with a 1500 pound urea- nitrate bomb was detonated in the parking garage of the World Trade Center in New York City which resulted in the deaths of six people and injured one thousand due to toxic smoke. The bomb left a crater 200 by 100 feet wide and five stories deep. The World Trade Center became established as a prime target and was the second largest building in the world housing 100,000 workers and visitors each day
  • 12. FACTS ABOUT TERRORISM  On March 19, 1995 Monday morning rush hour in Tokyo Terrorist released Sarin nerve gas in the subway . This cowardly attack killed 5 and injured 565
  • 13. FACTS ABOUT TERRORISM  On May 13, 1995 Terrorists detonated a pipe bomb in the Tokyo airport, fortunately no injuries occurred.  On July 27 1996 An unknown Terrorist placed a knapsack bomb in the Olympic Park in Atlanta GA, This cowardly attack killed two and injured 111 Olympic attendees.
  • 14. FACTS ABOUT TERRORISM  On October 12, 2000 USS Cole set in to Aden harbor for a routine fuel stop. Cole completed mooring at 09:30. Refueling started at 10:30. At 11:18 local time (08:18 UTC), a small craft approached the port side of the destroyer, and an explosion occurred, putting a 40-by-40-foot (12 m-by- 12 m) gash in the ship's port side. Seventeen sailors were killed and 39 others were injured in the blast. The attack was the deadliest against a US Naval vessel since the Iraqi attack on the USS Stark (FFG-31) on May 17th, 1987
  • 15. FACTS ABOUT TERRORISM  On September 11, 2001 The nerve center of the nation's military burst into flames and a portion of one side of the five- sided structure collapsed when a plane struck in midmorning. Secondary explosions were reported in the aftermath of the attack and great billows of smoke drifted skyward toward the Potomac River and the city beyond. The unprovoked attack killed 125 U.S. citizens of which 64 were passengers on the ill fated flight.
  • 16. FACTS ABOUT TERRORISM  On September 11, 2001 a bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City resulted in the deaths of over three thousand workers, visitors and emergency response personnel who responded to assist the injured. The bombing resulted in the collapsing of the second largest buildings in the world.
  • 17. FACTS ABOUT TERRORISM Recent Terrorist Attacks against American Targets Using Car-Bomb Technologies Date Target/Location Delivery/Material TNT equiv (lbs) Apr 1983 US Embassy Beirut, Lebanon van 2000 Oct 1983 US Marine Barracks Beirut, Lebanon truck, TNT with gas enhancement 12000 Feb 1993 World Trade Center New York, USA van, urea nitrate and hydrogen gas 2000 Apr 1995 Murrah Federal Bldg Oklahoma City, USA truck, Ammonium nitrate fuel oil 5000 Jun 1996 Khobar Towers Dhahran, Saudi Arabia tanker truck, plastic explosive 20000 Aug 1998 US Embassy Nairobi, Kenya truck, TNT, possibly Semtex 1000 Aug 1998 US Embassy Dar es Salaam, Tanzania truck 1000 Oct 2000 Destroyer USS Cole Aden Harbor, Yemen small watercraft, possibly C-4 440
  • 18. FACTS ABOUT TERRORISM  The Department of Defense estimates that as many as 26 nations may possess chemical agents and/or weapons and an additional 12 may be seeking to develop them.  The Central Intelligence Agency reports that at least ten countries are believed to possess or be conducting research on biological agents for weaponization
  • 19. TERRORISM IN THE UNITED STATES  In the United States, most terrorist incidents have involved small extremist groups who use terrorism to achieve a designated objective. Local, State and Federal law enforcement officials monitor suspected terrorist groups and try to prevent or protect against a suspected attack. Additionally, the U.S. government works with other countries to limit the sources of support for terrorism.  The Lessons of 9/11, The attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon conforms to several trends in international terrorism: It was an attack calculated to cause heavy casualties, it involved the use of high jacked vehicles loaded with explosive materials. There is a high probability that the attack was instigated by a government. The attack raises a number of difficult questions: How can the American people in similar situations be protected against further terrorist attacks? Who was really responsible for the attack? And if we can identify who was ultimately responsible, what response, if any, is appropriate?  A terrorist attack can take several forms, depending on the technological means available to the terrorist, the nature of the political issue motivating the attack, and the points of weakness of the terrorist's target. Bombings have been the most frequently used terrorist method in the United States. Other possibilities includes an attack at transportation facilities, an attack against utilities or other public services or an incident involving chemical or biological agents.  Terrorist incidents in this country prior to the September 11, 2001 attack have included bombings of the World Trade Center in New York City, the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. and Mobil Oil corporate headquarters in New York City.
  • 20. TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM  Despite government success in combating terrorists in various countries, the total volume of terrorist activity worldwide has increased during the last 15 years. The first three years of the 1980s showed an annual increase in international terrorism of approximately 25 percent--twice the rate of increase in the 1970s. Overall, international terrorist activity has increased fourfold since the 1972 Munich incident.  Terrorism also is growing bloodier. At the beginning of the 1970s, 80 percent of terrorist operations were directed against property; only 20 percent were directed against people. By the 1980s, approximately half of all attacks were directed against persons. Incidents with fatalities have increased by roughly 20 percent a year, and large-scale indiscriminate attacks have become more common.  These trends continued in 1983. The total volume of international terrorist activity for the first eight months of 1983 is about equal to that recorded during the same period of 1982. However, 1983 is much bloodier. Although the percentage of terrorist incidents with fatalities thus far appears only slightly greater, the proportion of incidents with multiple fatalities is much greater. In 1983, more than one person was killed in 59 percent of those incidents with fatalities, whereas the average from 1980 to 1982 was 37 percent.
  • 21. TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM  This trend is even more dramatic when we look at the growing number of terrorist incidents involving 10 or more fatalities. There have been 12 of these thus far in 1983, compared with a total of 11 during the previous three years. This trend is confirmed by still another statistic: The number of terrorist attacks directed against ordinary citizens, bystanders who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, has increased by 68 percent. As in past years, most of the fatalities are the result of bombings, which in 1983 became more indiscriminate.  Terrorists operate with a very limited tactical repertoire. Bombings alone account for roughly half of all terrorist incidents. Six basic tactics comprise 95 percent of the total: bombings, assassinations, armed assaults, kidnappings, barricade and-hostage situations, and hijackings. No terrorist group uses all of them.
  • 22. TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM  The terrorists' tactical repertoire has for the most part changed little over time. One growing tactic is the car bomb, or as we have seen in Lebanon, truck bombs. Car bombs have been used with devastating effect in recent months in Beirut, London, Paris, and Pretoria. Barricade-and-hostage situations have declined. Seizing hostages at embassies, consulates, and other government buildings was a popular terrorist tactic in the 1970s. But heavy security has made such takeovers more difficult, while no concessions policies and increased willingness to use force to end hostage episodes decreased the probabilities of payoff and increased the risks to the terrorists there were 20 such incidents in 1980, 10 in 1981, and 5 in 1982. Overall, however, terrorist attacks on diplomats and embassies did not decline. Assassinations and bombings simply replaced takeovers.
  • 23. TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM  This suggests that security does work in reducing certain tactics, but not in reducing terrorism overall. Terrorists are nimble. If one set of targets is well-protected or one tactic becomes more dangerous, terrorists merely shift their sights or alter their tactics to obviate the security measures. Protection against car bombs may reduce car-bomb incidents; terrorists will do something else instead.  While terrorists have demonstrated greater willingness to kill larger numbers of people, they have not for the most part shown themselves to be suicidal. The exceptions appear to be cultural: Shia’a Moslem fanatics; earlier, members of the Japanese Red Army. It seems unlikely that suicidal attacks will gain widespread favor Among the world's terrorist groups.
  • 24. TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM  Terrorist attacks are directed almost exclusively against civilian targets. Fewer than 10 percent of the incidents in Rand's chronology of international terrorism were directed against the military or police.  American citizens and facilities are-the most frequent targets in international terrorism, figuring in 29 percent of all incidents. About 30 percent of these have been directed against the U.S. military.
  • 25. A NEW ERA OF CONFLICT  A growing number of governments themselves are using terrorist tactics, employing terrorist groups, or exploiting terrorist incidents as a mode of surrogate warfare. These governments see in terrorism a useful capability, a "weapons system," a cheap means of waging war. Terrorists fill a need. Modern conventional war is increasingly impractical. It is too destructive. It is too expensive. World and sometimes domestic opinion impose constraints. Terrorists offer a possible alternative to open armed conflict. For some nations unable to mount a conventional military challenge--for example, Libya versus the United States--terrorism is the only alternative, an "equalizer."
  • 26. A NEW ERA OF CONFLICT  We may be on the threshold of an era of armed conflict in which limited conventional warfare, classic guerrilla warfare, and international terrorism will coexist, with both government and sub national entities employing them individually, interchangeably, sequentially, or simultaneously, as well as being required to combat them. In many respects, the future face of war is reflected in the course of armed conflict in Lebanon since the early 1970s. Warfare in that country has continued on all three levels- conventional war, guerrilla warfare, and terrorism. It involves regular armies, guerrillas, private militias, and terrorist gunmen, some of whom are openly assisted or covertly sponsored by foreign states, by political or religious factions, and even by other terrorist groups.
  • 27. A NEW ERA OF CONFLICT  Warfare in the future may be less destructive than that in the first half of the twentieth century, but also less coherent. Warfare will cease to be finite. The distinction between war and peace will dissolve. Nominal peace is likely to be filled with continuing confrontations and crises.  Armed conflict will not be confined by national frontiers. Local belligerents will mobilize foreign patrons. Terrorists will attack foreign targets both at home and abroad. The United States will be compelled to maintain capabilities for defending against and, with the exception of terrorism, waging all three modes of armed conflict.
  • 28. THE PROBLEMS OF PHYSICAL PROTECTION  On the preventive side, the United States needs to devote more attention to the physical security of its personnel, facilities, and weapons, as well as to improve the reporting and analysis of information on terrorist threats and actions. Physical protection against terrorism, however, poses a number of problems.  First, terrorist groups are hard to predict, hard to penetrate. It is mainly a matter of human intelligence. There is a high noise level of threats, few of which materialize, few of which can be ignored. The U.S. Marines in Lebanon had received over a hundred bomb threats or warnings of possible terrorist bombings prior to the destruction of the Marine Headquarters.  Moreover, there is a basic asymmetry. Terrorists can attack anything, anywhere, anytime. Governments cannot protect everything, everywhere, all the time. It is a certainty that terrorists will attack the least defended target. It is a virtual certainty that there will always be a vulnerable target.
  • 29. THE PROBLEMS OF PHYSICAL PROTECTION  Physical protection against every conceivable kind of terrorist attack would become enormously costly, in both manpower and money. The U.S. Department of State currently spends 15 percent of its budget on security. Over 2,000 man-hours are devoted annually to the protection of U.S. diplomats abroad, at a cost of $200 million. Allocations for security are determined not by the strength of the opponent but by the number of targets to be protected against even a comparatively weak adversary.  At a certain point, the requirements of physical protection can not only divert manpower from the primary mission, but can render those defended incapable of performing their primary mission.
  • 30. BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WEAPONS  Biological agents are infectious microbes or toxins used to produce illness or death in people, animals or plants. Biological agents can be dispersed as aerosols or airborne particles. Terrorists may use biological agents to contaminate food or water because they are extremely difficult to detect. Chemical agents kill or incapacitate people, destroy livestock or ravage crops. Some chemical agents are odorless and tasteless and are difficult to detect. They can have an immediate effect (a few seconds to a few minutes) or a delayed effect (several hours to several days).  Biological and chemical weapons have been used primarily to terrorize an unprotected civilian population and not as a weapon of war. This is because of fear of retaliation and the likelihood that the agent would contaminate the battlefield for a long period of time. The Persian Gulf War in 1991 and other confrontations in the Middle East were causes for concern in the United States regarding the possibility of chemical or biological warfare. While no incidents occurred, there remains a concern that such weapons could be involved in an accident or be used by terrorists.  More information on Bioterrorism preparedness and response is available online from the Department of Health and Human Services Center for Disease Control.
  • 31. U.S. Counterterrorism Policy  First, make no concessions to terrorists and strike no deals;  Second, bring terrorists to justice for their crimes;  Third, isolate and apply pressure on states that sponsor terrorism to force them to change their behavior.  Fourth, bolster the counterterrorism capabilities of those countries that work with the U.S. and require assistance.
  • 32. What Terrorist Look for  Terrorists look for visible targets where they can avoid detection before or after an attack such as international airports, large cities, major international events, resorts, and high-profile landmarks.
  • 33. CONCLUSIONS  Security against terrorist attacks must be a factor in planning any Security operation. Situations such as U.S. involvement in the Middle East the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. Deployment of troops in Europe, and South East Asia are all likely to provoke terrorist actions against Americans there or elsewhere.  Emphasizing a point made earlier, security operations need to be precisely defined.
  • 34. CONCLUSIONS  The collection and analysis of intelligence about terrorism can and should be improved in order to better anticipate terrorist attacks, accurately assign culpability for those attacks, and develop appropriate countermeasures and responses. It takes years to develop this kind of intelligence. Meanwhile, in situations like that in Iran, and Israel it may be useful to consider augmenting U.S. forces with area experts. They could be drawn from the military services, civilian government agencies, the reserves, or civilian institutions.  Military options in response to terrorism are few. Constraints are inevitable, and in some cases, U.S. interests are best served by not responding at all. Terrorist attacks cannot be permitted to determine U.S. foreign policy, directly or indirectly. We have to try to invent additional low-cost responses that keep terrorist attacks from forcing the United States to escalate militarily, which in some cases may be exactly what terrorists hope to achieve. These responses may involve special or conventional operations.
  • 35. CONCLUSIONS  Regular security and military forces, as presently organized and trained, may not be adequately prepared to operate in terrorist environments. The armed forces will have to learn to do this, as they had to learn to operate in jungle environments. In the meantime, it may be useful to consider augmenting regular forces in high-risk areas with units whose training may make them better prepared to anticipate and deal with terrorist threats.  It would be a mistake, however, to consign the problems of terrorism exclusively to Special Forces. Even in a world of growing terrorism, specialized antiterrorist units with no other mission may be underemployed, and the remainder of the armed forces will be left without adequate preparation. The entire armed forces must be able to confront diverse modes of conflict, including terrorism.
  • 36. In Closing  Terrorists look for visible targets where they can avoid detection before or after an attack such as international airports, large cities, major international events, resorts, and high-profile landmarks.  Learn about the different types of terrorist weapons including explosives, kidnappings, hijackings, arson, and shootings.  Prepare to deal with a terrorist incident by adapting many of the same techniques used to prepare for other crises.  Be alert and aware of the surrounding area. The very nature of terrorism suggests that there may be little or no warning.  Take precautions when traveling. Be aware of conspicuous or unusual behavior. Do not accept packages from strangers. Do not leave luggage unattended.  Learn where emergency exits are located. Think ahead about how to evacuate a building, subway or congested public area in a hurry. Learn where staircases are located.  Notice your immediate surroundings. Be aware of heavy or breakable objects that could move, fall or break in an explosion.
  • 37. In Closing  Preparing for a Building Explosion The use of explosives by terrorists can result in collapsed buildings and fires. People who live or work in a multi-level building can do the following:  Review emergency evacuation procedures. Know where fire exits are located.  Keep fire extinguishers in working order. Know where they are located, and how to use them. Learn first aid. Contact the local chapter of the American Red Cross for additional information.  Keep the following items in a designated place on each floor of the building.  Portable, battery-operated radio and extra batteries  Several flashlights and extra batteries  First aid kit and manual  Several hard hats  Fluorescent tape to rope off dangerous areas
  • 38. SUMMARY  The attack on America conforms to several trends in international terrorism: The volume of terrorist activity has increased in the last 15 years, terrorism has grown bloodier, and there is increasing use of terrorism by governments. We may be on the threshold of an era in which limited conventional war, classic guerrilla warfare, and international terrorism will coexist, with both governments and sub national entities employing them individually, interchangeably, sequentially, or simultaneously. As a result, the United States will be compelled to maintain capabilities for defending against and, with the exception of terrorism, waging all three modes of conflict.  Physical protection against terrorism poses a number of challenges. Terrorist groups are hard to predict and hard to penetrate. Whereas they can attack anything, anywhere, anytime, governments cannot protect everything, everywhere, all the time. Physical protection is costly and can not only divert manpower from the primary mission, but can render those defended incapable of performing primary missions.
  • 39. SUMMARY  Security against terrorism must be a planning factor in any security or military operation. The collection and analysis of intelligence about terrorism can and should be improved to better anticipate terrorist attacks, accurately assign culpability, and develop appropriate countermeasures. There is a need to invent additional low-cost responses that keep terrorist attacks from forcing the United States to escalate militarily. Regular security forces may not be adequately prepared to operate in terrorist environments, and they will have to learn to do this. It would be a mistake to consign the problems of terrorism to Special Forces only; the entire security forces must be able to confront diverse modes of conflict, including terrorism.

Editor's Notes

  1. Welcome to Terrorism. My name is __________and I AM a Trainer for Securitas. I have been in this business for _____years and have held many different positions. Today I AM going to speak with you mostly about Terrorism and the impacts it has on our personal and professional lives. Additionally we will cover the importance to both your safety and your clients. Ask each student to introduce themselves and answer the question, “What is their most important concern about Terrorism?” Write their answers on the white board or flip chart Question “Why do they have these concerns” Leads you to understand how the officers are thinking about their work environment
  2. It’s Tuesday September 11, 2001 a dawned temperate and cloudless morning in the eastern United States. Countless numbers of men, women, and children have started their day. World leaders are going on about their business of running the nation while countless others are proceeding as usual. At 08:46 AM American Airlines flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City, scores of emergency response personnel head toward the crash site. News channels across the Nation break into normal morning television to report this unprecedented loss of life since the 1981 PSA flight 182 crash in San Diego California. Little did the nation know, but the United States was under attack by fanatical religious terrorists.
  3. Its about 08:55 AM and all National news channels are now broadcasting live from New York City televising the vivid pictures of the first plane crash into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The shock and realization of the crash still had not set in to those directly affected and the nation as a whole. At 09:03 AM United Airlines flight 175 struck the South Tower of the World Trade Center, this unfortunate event was broadcast live to the entire nation as they watched and could do nothing. After this crash, Airline executives and world leaders were notified of the two hijacked aircrafts and the results of the terrorist attack. What were you doing when you found out about the airline crashes?
  4. 09:10 AM two incidents occurred. First, American Airlines executives ordered all non airborne aircraft grounded until further notice. Second the President of the United States is notified on national television of the hijackings and crashes. America is still in shock from the initial attacks. At 09:37 AM American Airlines flight 77 crashes into the E-Ring of the Pentagon. The E-Ring is where all military actions are approved and orders are issued to military units operating against Terrorist organizations. The President of the United States ordered all airports closed and all current airborne aircraft to land immediately. United States Air force fighters were scrambled across the nation. The nation learns of the third attack against Americans on American soil. How did you feel?
  5. At about 10:15 AM passengers of United flight number 93 took their place in history when they did what all patriots before them have done and took control of their fate by attacking the terrorist who had hijacked their airplane. At 10:22 AM United flight 93 crashed into an empty field in Shanksville Pennsylvania denying the terrorist their glory of reaching their intended target. Pictures of these unprovoked attacks are no longer consuming your television screens. Most Americans go about their normal daily lives and have all but forgotten the unselfish actions of these Americans. Today more than ever, our enemies are relying on Americans to forget and once again become lazy, unassuming and complacent. The recent foiled attempts in Scotland should be testament enough to the resolve of our enemies. Have students read slide aloud. Read next slide narrative prior to showing next slide.
  6. Keep this in mind the next time you think about grabbing that unattended package, laptop, knap sack, ect.
  7. Most Muslims prefer a peaceful and inclusive vision of their faith, not the violent sectarianism of the Taliban. Among Arabs, followers of the Taliban are commonly nicknamed Takfri or “those who define other Muslims as unbelievers”, because of their readiness to demonize and murder those with whom they disagree. Beyond the theology, lies the simple human fact that most Muslims, like most other human beings, are repelled by mass murder and barbarism whatever their justifications. All Muslims are not terrorists as most Americans think. Israel special forces tracked down all of the terrorist who participated in this cowardly attack against their athletes and eliminated all of them. Terrorist organizations are reluctant to attack Israel. Poll the class - why do you think that is?
  8. The Marines were in Lebanon as part to an international peacekeeping force trying to stabilize the country which had been torn by a civil war between Christians with their ally Israel and Muslims. The U.S. contingent entered Lebanon in July of 1982 to oversee the departure of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which Israel has invaded to displace. Iran was responsible for the attack because of its support for Hezbollah. “It is beyond question that Hezbollah and its agents received massive material and technical support form the Iranian government,” According to military intelligence reports The Iranian government has always supported terrorist organizations and harbored their kind after attacking American infidels.
  9. Terrorist extremist will continue to attack until they win or die.
  10. Official reports indicate that a 20 foot Ryder truck filled with roughly 5000 lbs of Ammonium nitrate, an agricultural fertilizer, and nitromethane, a highly volatile motor racing fuel – a mixture also know as ANFO (Ammonium n nitrate/fuel oil) was the sole cause of the damage to the Murrah federal building. There is much controversy surrounding this home grown terrorist attack. You will have to make your own decision as to who actually conducted this act of terrorism.
  11. The first Taliban attack on the World Trade Center was the first open attack against Americans on American soil. It would be another eight years until the deadly attack of 9-11-01. Is it possible that these fanatical religious terrorist are serious about killing all Americans? Poll the class on their thoughts about terrorism so far. Write their answers on the white board or flip chart.
  12. Bad day to ride the train. Again, this attack was conducted by religious fanatics claiming a higher purpose.
  13. And the hits just keep on coming!
  14. The attack on the USS Cole showed a “great deal of sophistication with explosives,” The explosion was vary large and caused extensive damage to the ship. The explosive was designed and shaped to penetrate the ships outer hull causing shrapnel metal to inflect mass causalities within the ships inter compartments. Planning an attack with this Amount of sophistication took a long time. Considering the pre-planning it takes to move personnel and other items like setting up safe houses, acquiring the needed explosives, a place to build the bomb and the money to finance the operations. This type of attack is indicative of the Taliban and Osama bin Laden. The methodology of terrorist organizations is to send operatives into the area of the proposed attack months or years before to lay the groundwork. Terrorist or terrorist cells either conduct the attack or support the attack team. Once again, the resolve of these fanatics is apparent.
  15. There is much controversy surrounding the explosion at the Pentagon as well. Again you will have to make your own decisions. There is no denying that an attack did occur here!
  16. Attacks against Americans continue to escalate around the world. How has this reality affected your work place or daily life. Write down the answers on the white board or flip chart.
  17. Some statistical data on terrorist attacks against Americans world wide.
  18. Terrorists are active on a global scale and all indications point to the fact that terrorists have safe havens world wide and will continue to dispense their form of terror where ever they can find a television camera to broadcast their attacks on innocent victims. Installation of fear in the general populace is the inspiration that motivates terrorist organizations to act out publicly. Terrorism is a fact that we will have to deal with on a continual basis until they are eradicated or co-existence is achieved.
  19. In the United States, most terrorist incidents have involved small extremist groups who use terrorism to achieve a designated objective. Local, State and Federal law enforcement officials monitor suspected terrorist groups and try to prevent or protect against a suspected attack. Additionally, the U.S. government works with other countries to limit the sources of support for terrorism. The Lessons of 9/11, the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, conform to several trends in international terrorism: It was an attack calculated to cause heavy casualties, it involved the use of hijacked vehicles loaded with explosive materials. There is a high probability that the attack was instigated by a government. The attack raises a number of difficult questions: How can the American people in similar situations be protected against further terrorist attacks? Who was really responsible for the attack? And if we can identify who was ultimately responsible, what response, if any, is appropriate? A terrorist attack can take several forms, depending on the technological means available to the terrorist, the nature of the political issue motivating the attack, and the points of weakness of the terrorist's target. Bombings have been the most frequently used terrorist method in the United States. Other possibilities includes an attack at transportation facilities, an attack against utilities or other public services or an incident involving chemical or biological agents. Terrorist incidents in this country prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks have included bombings of the World Trade Center in New York City, the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. and Mobil Oil corporate headquarters in New York.
  20. Despite government success in combating terrorists in various countries, the total volume of terrorist activity worldwide has increased during the last 15 years. The first three years of the 1980s showed an annual increase in international terrorism of approximately 25 percent--twice the rate of increase in the 1970s. Overall, international terrorist activity has increased fourfold since the 1972 Munich incident. Terrorism also is growing bloodier. At the beginning of the 1970s, 80 percent of terrorist operations were directed against property; only 20 percent were directed against people. By the 1980s, approximately half of all attacks were directed against persons. Incidents with fatalities have increased by roughly 20 percent a year, and large-scale indiscriminate attacks have become more common. These trends continued in 1983. The total volume of international terrorist activity for the first eight months of 1983 is about equal to that recorded during the same period of 1982. However, 1983 is much bloodier. Although the percentage of terrorist incidents with fatalities thus far appears only slightly greater, the proportion of incidents with multiple fatalities is much greater. In 1983, more than one person was killed in 59 percent of those incidents with fatalities, whereas the average from 1980 to 1982 was 37 percent.
  21. This trend is even more dramatic when we look at the growing number of terrorist incidents involving 10 or more fatalities. There have been 12 of these thus far in 1983, compared with a total of 11 during the previous three years. This trend is confirmed by still another statistic: The number of terrorist attacks directed against ordinary citizens, bystanders who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, has increased by 68 percent. As in past years, most of the fatalities are the result of bombings, which in 1983 became more indiscriminate. Terrorists operate with a very limited tactical repertoire. Bombings alone account for roughly half of all terrorist incidents. Six basic tactics comprise 95 percent of the total bombings, assassinations, armed assaults, kidnappings, barricade and-hostage situations and hijackings. No current terrorist group uses all of them.
  22. The terrorists' tactical repertoire has changed little over time. One growing tactic is the car bomb or as we have seen in Lebanon, truck bombs. Car bombs have been used with devastating effect in recent months in Beirut, London, Paris and Pretoria. Barricade-and-hostage situations have declined. Seizing hostage’s at embassies, consulates and other government buildings was a popular terrorist tactic in the 1970s. But heavy security has made such takeovers more difficult. With no concessions policies and increased willingness to use force to end hostage episodes, this decreased the probabilities of payoff and increased the risks to the terrorists. There were 20 such incidents in 1980, 10 in 1981, and 5 in 1982. Overall, however, terrorist attacks on diplomats and embassies did not decline. Assassinations and bombings simply replaced takeovers.
  23. This suggests that security does work in reducing certain tactics, but not in reducing terrorism overall. Terrorists are nimble. If one set of targets is well-protected or one tactic becomes more dangerous, terrorists merely shift their sights or alter their tactics to obviate the security measures. Protection against car bombs may reduce car-bomb incidents; terrorists will do something else instead. While terrorists have demonstrated greater willingness to kill larger numbers of people, they have not for the most part shown themselves to be suicidal. The exceptions appear to be cultural: Shia’a Moslem fanatics; earlier, members of the Japanese Red Army. It seems unlikely that suicidal attacks will gain widespread favor Among the world's terrorist groups.
  24. Terrorist attacks are directed almost exclusively against civilian targets. Fewer than 10 percent of the incidents in Rand's chronology of international terrorism were directed against the military or police. American citizens and facilities are-the most frequent targets in international terrorism, figuring in 29 percent of all incidents. About 30 percent of these have been directed against the U.S. military.
  25. A growing number of governments themselves are using terrorist tactics, employing terrorist groups or exploiting terrorist incidents as a mode of surrogate warfare. These governments see in terrorism a useful capability, a "weapons system" and a cheap means of waging war. Terrorists fill a need. Modern conventional war is increasingly impractical. Because it is too destructive and is too expensive. World and sometimes domestic opinion, impose constraints. Terrorists offer a possible alternative to open armed conflict. For some nations unable to mount a conventional military challenge--for example, Libya versus the United States--terrorism is the only alternative, an "equalizer."
  26. We may be on the threshold of an era of armed conflict in which limited conventional warfare, classic guerrilla warfare and international terrorism will coexist, with both government and sub national entities employing them individually, interchangeably, sequentially, or simultaneously. The U.S. will need to be ready to combat them. In many respects, the future face of war is reflected in the course of armed conflict in Lebanon since the early 1970s. Warfare in that country has continued on all three levels- conventional war, guerrilla warfare, and terrorism. It involves regular armies, guerrillas, private militias, and terrorist gunmen, some of whom are openly assisted or covertly sponsored by foreign states, by political or religious factions and even by other terrorist groups.
  27. Warfare in the future may be less destructive than that in the first half of the twentieth century, but also less coherent. Warfare will cease to be finite. The distinction between war and peace will dissolve. Nominal peace is likely to be filled with continuing confrontations and crises. Armed conflict will not be confined by national frontiers. Local belligerents will mobilize foreign patrons. Terrorists will attack foreign targets both at home and abroad. The United States will be compelled to maintain capabilities for defending against and with the exception of terrorism, waging all three modes of armed conflict.
  28. On the preventive side, the United States needs to devote more attention to the physical security of its personnel, facilities, and weapons. As it also needs to improve the reporting and analysis of information on terrorist threats and actions. Physical protection against terrorism, however, poses a number of problems. First, terrorist groups are hard to predict, hard to penetrate. It is mainly a matter of human intelligence. There is a high noise level of threats, few of which materialize and few of which can be ignored. The U.S. Marines in Lebanon had received over a hundred bomb threats or warnings of possible terrorist bombings prior to the destruction of the Marine Headquarters. Moreover, there is a basic asymmetry. Terrorists can attack anything, anywhere, anytime. Governments cannot protect everything, everywhere, all the time. It is a certainty that terrorists will attack the least defended target. It is a virtual certainty that there will always be a vulnerable target.
  29. Physical protection against every conceivable kind of terrorist attack would become enormously costly, in both manpower and money. The U.S. Department of State currently spends 15 percent of its budget on security. Over 2,000 man-hours are devoted annually to the protection of U.S. diplomats abroad, at a cost of $200 million. Allocations for security are determined not by the strength of the opponent but by the number of targets to be protected against even a comparatively weak adversary. At a certain point, the requirements of physical protection can not only divert manpower from the primary mission, but can render those defended incapable of performing their primary mission.
  30. Biological agents are infectious microbes or toxins used to produce illness or death in people, animals or plants. Biological agents can be dispersed as aerosols or airborne particles. Terrorists may use biological agents to contaminate food or water because they are extremely difficult to detect. Chemical agents kill or incapacitate people, destroy livestock or ravage crops. Some chemical agents are odorless and tasteless and are difficult to detect. They can have an immediate effect (a few seconds to a few minutes) or a delayed effect (several hours to several days). Biological and chemical weapons have been used primarily to terrorize an unprotected civilian population and not as a weapon of war. This is because of fear of retaliation and the likelihood that the agent would contaminate the battlefield for a long period of time. The Persian Gulf War in 1991 and other confrontations in the Middle East were causes for concern in the United States regarding the possibility of chemical or biological warfare. While no incidents occurred, there remains a concern that such weapons could be involved in an accident or be used by terrorists. More information on Bioterrorism preparedness and response is available online from the Department of Health and Human Services Center for Disease Control.
  31. First, make no concessions to terrorists and strike no deals; Second, bring terrorists to justice for their crimes; Third, isolate and apply pressure on states that sponsor terrorism to force them to change their behavior. Fourth, bolster the counterterrorism capabilities of those countries that work with the U.S. and require assistance.
  32. Ask yourself How predictable AM I at work? How predictable are my coworkers? What patterns can I notice at work? What are high priority targets where I work? What can I do to improve the security at my worksite?
  33. Security against terrorist attacks must be a factor in planning any Security operation. Situations such as U.S. involvement in the Middle East the invasion of Afghanistan, and Iraq and the deployment of troops in Europe, and South East Asia are all likely to provoke terrorist actions against Americans there or elsewhere. Emphasizing a point made earlier, security operations need to be precisely defined.
  34. The collection and analysis of intelligence about terrorism can and should be improved in order to better anticipate terrorist attacks, accurately assign culpability for those attacks and develop appropriate countermeasures and responses. It takes years to develop this kind of intelligence. Meanwhile, in situations like that in Iran and Israel it may be useful to consider augmenting U.S. forces with area experts. They could be drawn from the military services, civilian government agencies, the reserves or civilian institutions. Military options in response to terrorism are few. Constraints are inevitable, and in some cases, U.S. interests are best served by not responding at all. Terrorist attacks cannot be permitted to determine U.S. foreign policy, directly or indirectly. We have to try to invent additional low-cost responses that keep terrorist attacks from forcing the United States to escalate militarily, which in some cases may be exactly what terrorists hope to achieve. These responses may involve special or conventional operations.
  35. Regular security and military forces, as presently organized and trained, may not be adequately prepared to operate in terrorist environments. The armed forces will have to learn to do this, as they had to learn to operate in jungle environments. In the meantime, it may be useful to consider augmenting regular forces in high-risk areas with units whose training may make them better prepared to anticipate and deal with terrorist threats. It would be a mistake, however, to consign the problems of terrorism exclusively to Special Forces. Even in a world of growing terrorism, specialized antiterrorist units with no other mission may be underemployed, and the remainder of the armed forces will be left without adequate preparation. The entire armed forces must be able to confront diverse modes of conflict, including terrorism.
  36. Terrorists look for visible targets where they can avoid detection before or after an attack such as international airports, large cities, major international events, resorts, and high-profile landmarks. Learn about the different types of terrorist weapons including explosives, kidnappings, hijackings, arson, and shootings. Prepare to deal with a terrorist incident by adapting many of the same techniques used to prepare for other crises. Be alert and aware of the surrounding area. The very nature of terrorism suggests that there may be little or no warning. Take precautions when traveling. Be aware of conspicuous or unusual behavior. Do not accept packages from strangers. Do not leave luggage unattended. Learn where emergency exits are located. Think ahead about how to evacuate a building, subway or congested public area in a hurry. Learn where staircases are located. Notice your immediate surroundings. Be aware of heavy or breakable objects that could move, fall or break in an explosion.
  37. Preparing for a Building ExplosionThe use of explosives by terrorists can result in collapsed buildings and fires. People who live or work in a multi-level building can do the following: Review emergency evacuation procedures. Know where fire exits are located. Keep fire extinguishers in working order. Know where they are located, and how to use them. Learn first aid. Contact the local chapter of the American Red Cross for additional information. Keep the following items in a designated place on each floor of the building. Portable, battery-operated radio and extra batteries Several flashlights and extra batteries First aid kit and manual Several hard hats Fluorescent tape to rope off dangerous areas
  38. The attack on America conforms to several trends in international terrorism: The volume of terrorist activity has increased in the last 15 years, terrorism has grown bloodier, and there is increasing use of terrorism by governments. We may be on the threshold of an era in which limited conventional war, classic guerrilla warfare, and international terrorism will coexist, with both governments and sub national entities employing them individually, interchangeably, sequentially, or simultaneously. As a result, the United States will be compelled to maintain capabilities for defending against and, with the exception of terrorism, waging all three modes of conflict. Physical protection against terrorism poses a number of challenges. Terrorist groups are hard to predict and hard to penetrate. Whereas they can attack anything, anywhere, anytime, governments cannot protect everything, everywhere, all the time. Physical protection is costly and cannot only divert manpower from the primary mission, but can render those defended incapable of performing primary missions.
  39. Security against terrorism must be a planning factor in any security or military operation. The collection and analysis of intelligence about terrorism can and should be improved to better anticipate terrorist attacks, accurately assign culpability and develop appropriate countermeasures. There is a need to invent additional low-cost responses that keep terrorist attacks from forcing the United States to escalate militarily. Regular security forces may not be adequately prepared to operate in terrorist environments and they will have to learn to do this. It would be a mistake to consign the problems of terrorism to Special Forces only; the entire security forces must be able to confront diverse modes of conflict, including terrorism.