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TensorFlow - 101
Alessio Tonioni -
Computer Vision and image processing
Open source software library for numerical
computation using
data flow graphs.
• Graph: abstract pipeline of mathematical operation on
tensors (multi-dimensional array).
Each graph is composed of:
• Nodes: operations on data.
• Edges: multidimensional data arrays (tensors)
passing between operations.
Web Page Tensorflow Playground Github
project pageTensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 2
+Nice visualization tool.
+Nice documentation.
+API mimicking NumPy.
- Verbose code.
- Memory hungry.
- Not many trained model
(partially true).
- Slower than caffe.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 3
• Python/C/C++ interface + go/java in beta.
• (Multi-)GPU or CPU support.
• Distributed training support.
• Runs on mobile devices.
Higher level API
TensorFlow programs can be quite verbose, lots of
low-level API. 
Use higher level API built on top of TensorFlow that
can speed up the development of standard machine
learning models.
Easy to use, hard to debug if something goes wrong…
Some popular framework:
• TFLearn: specially designed for TensorFlow
• Keras: works on top of both Theano or TensorFlow.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 4
Requirements & Installation
TensorFlow is available both for python 2.7 and 3.3+ on
linux, mac and, from version 0.12, windows.
GPU support requires a Nvidia GPU and CUDA toolkit (>=
7.0) + cuDNN (>=v3).
Standard installation available as pip package
(automatically solves all the dependence issues):
$ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev
$ pip3 install tensorflow (only cpu)
$ pip3 install tensorflow-gpu (cpu + gpu)
If it’s not working or if you want to install from source 
support page.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 5
Program Structure
TensorFlow programs are usually structured in two
wells separated phases:
1. Construction phase: definition of the graph of
operations that will be executed on the input
tensors. Only definition, no numerical values
associated to tensors or operations yet. Everything
defined through TensorFlow API calls.
2. Execution phase: given some inputs evaluate an
operation to get its real numerical value. The
framework can automatically infer which previous
operations must be executed to obtain the required
outputs. Execution through TensorFlow ‘session’
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 6
TensorFlow Graph
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 7
+ y
Formally: multi-linear mapping from vector space to
real numbers
𝑓: 𝑉 𝑥 … 𝑥 𝑉 → ℝ
Practically: multi-dimensional array of numbers.
In TensorFlow almost all the API functions take tensors
as inputs and return tensors as output. Almost
everything can be mapped into a tensor: scalars,
vectors, matrices, strings, files…
Every tensor inside the computational graph must
have a unique name, either user defined or auto-TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 8
Three main type of tensors in TensorFlow
• tf.constant(): tensor with constant and immutable
After creation it has a shape, a datatype and a value.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 9
#graph definition
a = tf.constant([[1,0],[0,1]], name="const_1")
#graph evaluation inside session
#constant are automatically initialized
a_val =
#a_val is a numpy array with shape=(2,2)
• tf.Variable(): tensor with variable (and trainable)
At creation time it can have a shape, a data type and
an initial value. The value can be changed only by
other TensorFlow ops.
All variables must be initialized inside a session
before use.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 10
#graph definition
a=tf.Variable([[1,0],[0,1]], trainable=False, name="var_1")
#graph evaluation inside session
#manual initialization
a_val =
#a_val is a numpy array with shape=(2,2)
• tf.placeholder(): dummy tensor node. Similar to
variables, it has shape and datatype, but it is not
trainable and it has no initial value. A placeholder
it’s a bridge between python and TensorFlow, it only
takes value when it is populated inside a session
using the feed_dict of the
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 11
#graph definition
a = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=(2,2),name="placeholder_1")
#graph evaluation inside session
#a takes the value passed by the feed_dict
a_val =, feed_dict={a:[[1,0],[0,1]]})
#a_val is a numpy array with shape=(2,2)
Tensors and operations
The default behavior of TensorFlow is to create
everything inside the GPU memory (if compiled with
GPU support).
However it is possible to manually specify were each
op and tensor should live with tf.device().
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 12
with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
a = tf.Variable(…) #a will be allocated on the cpu memory
with tf.device("/gpu:0"):
b = tf.Variable(…) #b will be allocated on the cuda device 0 (default)
with tf.device("/gpu:1"):
c = tf.Variable(…) #c will be allocated on the cuda device 1
Tensors and operations
Some tips:
• Device placement of the tensors can be logged
creating a session with log_device_placement set to
• Some I/O operations can not be executed on the
GPU. Always create a session with
allow_soft_placement set to True to let the system
automatically swap some ops to CPU. 
• Try to reduce the unnecessary swap between CPU
and GPU inside the graph other ways the execution
time will be heavily penalized. 
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 13
Variable Scopes
tf.variable_scope():Namespacing mechanism to
ease the definition of complicated models.
All tensors and operations defined inside a scope will
have their names prefixed with the scope name to
create unique identifiers inside the graph.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 14
#a variable name: weights
with tf.variable_scope("conv_1") as scope:
b = tf.Variable(1, name="weights")
#b variable name: conv_1/weights
Variable Scopes
Nice visualization inside TensorGraph (we will talk
about visualization tools later…)
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 15
Variable Scopes +
Scopes are important for the shared variables between
• Use helper function tf.get_variable() to ease the
creation of variables with a certain shape, datatype,
name, initializer and regularizer.
• If reuse=false at scope definition, this method will
create a new variable.
• If reuse=true at scope definition, the method will
search for an already created variable with the same
name inside the scope; if it can not be found it will
raise a ValueError.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 16
How can we input external data in our models? (e.g.
batch of examples)
• Placeholders: the examples and batches are manually
read and passed to the model using placeholder and
feed_dict. More easy to handle but can became slow
(data must be copied from python environment to
the TensorFlow one all the time).
• Native I/O Operations: all the operations to read and
decode batch of samples are implemented inside
TensorFlow graph using queues. Can be counter
intuitive but grant a huge boost in performance
(everything lives inside the TensorFlow environment).
• Dataset API: new and partially simplified interface to
handle inputs of data in the model, can sometimes
ease the implementation.TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 17
Input Queues
Mechanism used in TensorFlow for asynchronous
1. Create a FIFO-Queue to hold the examples
2. Refill the queue using multiple thread where each one
adds one or more examples through the enqueue
3. Read a batch of examples using dequeue-many
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 18
Input Queues
Seems too complicated?
Use tf.train.batch() or
Both functions take cares of creating and handling an
input queues for the examples. Moreover
automatically spawn multiple threads to keep the
queue always full.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 19
image = tf.get_variable(…) #tensors containing a single image
label = tf.get_variable(…) #tensors with the label associated to image
#create two minibatch of 16 example one filled with image one with labels
image_batch,label_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch([image,label],
batch_size=16, num_threads=16,capacity=5000, min_after_dequeue=1000)
Reading data
How can we actually read input data from disk?
• Feeding: use any external library and inject data
inside the graph through placeholders.
• Image Files: use ad-hoc op to read and decode data
directly from filesystem, e.g. tf.WholeFileReader() +
• Binary Files: data encoded directly in binary format,
read using tf.FixedLengthRecordReader().
• TFRecord Files: recommended format for
TensorFlow, information encoded in binary files
using protocol buffers. Create files using
tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(), read using
tf.TFRecordReader() + tf.parse_example().
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 20
Dataset API (new) - Docs
Simplifies the creation of input queues removing the need
for explicit initialization of the input threads and allowing
the creation of reinitializable inputs. Main components: and
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 21
image = tf.get_variable(…) #tensors containing a single image
label = tf.get_variable(…) #tensors with the label associated to image
#create a dataset object to read batch of image and labels
dataset =,label))
dataset = dataset.batch(16)
iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
Image_batch,label_batch = iterator.get_next()
Dataset API - Iterator
Different type of Iterator can be used:
• One-shot: only iterates once through the dataset, no
need for initialization.
• Initializable: before using the iterator you should run
iterator.initializer(), using this trick it is possible to
reset the dataset when needed.
• Reinitializable: used to switch between different
• Feedable: used together with placeholders to selecat
what iterator to use in each call to
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 22
Reading Data
Some useful tips about reading inputs:
• Performance boost if everything is implemented
using TensorFlow symbolic ops.
• Using binary files or protobuf reduces the number of
access to disk improving efficiency.
• Massive performance boost if all your dataset fits
into GPU memory (unlikely to happen ).
• If you have at least one queue always remember to
start input reader threads inside a session before
evaluating any ops, other way the program will
become unresponsive.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 23
Data augmentation
Some op can be used to augment the number of
training images easily, they take as input a tensor and
return a random distorted version of it:
• tf.image.random_flip_up_down()
• tf.image.random_flip_left_right()
• tf.random_crop()
• tf.image.random_contrast()
• tf.image.random_hue()
• tf.image.random_saturation()
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 24
• All the basic NN operations are implemented in the
TensorFlow API as node in the graph; they takes one
or more tensors as inputs and produces one or more
tensors as output.
• The framework automatically handle everything
necessary to implement forward and backward pass.
Don't worry (too much) about derivatives as long as
you use standard TensorFlow op. 
• It is straightforward to re-implement famous CNN
model, the hard part is training them to get the same
result.TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 25
Operations – Convolution2D
tf.nn.conv2d(): standard convolution with bi-dimensional
filters. It takes as input two 4D tensors, one for the mini-
batch and one for the filters.
tf.nn.bias_add(): add bias to a tensor taken as input,
special case of the more general tf.add() op.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 26
input = … #4D tensor [#batch_example,height,width,#channels]
kernel = … #4D tensor [filter_height, filter_width, filter_depth, #filters]
strides = … #list of 4 int, stride across the 4 batch dimension
padding = … #one of "SAME"/"VALID"  enable or disable 0 padding of inputs
bias = … #tensors with one dimension shape [#kernel filters]
conv = tf.nn.conv2d(input,kernel,strides,padding)
conv = tf.nn.bias_add(conv,bias)
Operations – Deconvolution
tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(): deconvolution with bi-
dimensional filters. It takes as input two 4D tensors,
one for the mini-batch and one for the filters.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 27
input = … #4D tensor [#batch_example,height,width,#channels]
kernel = … #4D tensor [filter_height, filter_width, output_channels, in_channels]
output_shape = … #1D tensor representing the output shape of the deconvolution op
strides = … #list of 4 int, stride across the 4 batch dimension
padding = … #one of "SAME"/"VALID"  enable or disable 0 padding of inputs
bias = … #tensors with one dimension shape [#kernel filters]
deconv = tf.nn.conv2d(input,kernel,output_shape,strides,padding)
Operations –
tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm: batch normalization
layer with trainable parameters.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 28
input = … #4D tensor [#batch_example,height,width,#channels]
is_training = … #Boolean True if the network is in training
#apply batch norm to input
Normed = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(input)
Operations – fully connected
tf.matmul(): fully connected layers can be
implemented as matrix multiplication between the
input values and the weights matrix followed by bias
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 29
input=… #3D tensor [#batch size, #features, #nodes previous layer]
weights=… #2D tensor [#features, #nodes]
bias=… #1D tensor [#nodes]
#operator overloading to add bias (syntactic sugar)
Operations – activations
tf.nn.relu(), tf.sigmoid(), tf.tanh(): each one
implements an activation function, they takes a tensor
as input and apply the activation function to each
element. (More activation functions are available in the
framework, check online API)
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 30
conv=… #result of the application of a convolution
relu =tf.nn.relu(conv) #activation after relu non-linearity
tanh = tf.tanh(conv) #activation after tanh non-linearity
sigmoid = tf.sigmoid(conv) #activation after sigmoid non-linearity
Operations - pooling
tf.nn.avg_pool(), tf.nn.max_pool(): pooling
operations, takes a 4D tensor as input and performs
spacial pooling according to the parameter passed as
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 31
input=… #4D tensor with shape[batch_size,height,width,channels]
k_size=… #list of 4 ints with the dimension of the pooling window
strides=… #list of 4 ints with the stride across the 4 batch dimension
max_pooled = tf.nn.max_pool(input,k_size,strides)
avg_pooled = tf.nn.avg_pool(input,k_size,strides)
Operations - predictions
tf.nn.softmax(): takes a tensor as input and apply
softmax operations across one dimension (default:
last dimension)
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 32
input=… #multi dimensional tensor
Softmaxed = tf.nn.softmax(input,dim=-1) #softmax on last dimension
Loss functions
• Inside TensorFlow a loss function is just an operation
that produce a singular value as output. Every
operation can automatically be treated as a loss
function. Behold the power of auto-differentiation! 
• The most common loss functions for classification
and regression are already implemented in the
• Custom loss functions can be created and used
easily if they mix already implemented TensorFlow
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 33
Loss functions – cross_entropy
tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(): standard
loss function for discrete classification, takes as inputs
the correct label and the network output, apply
sigmoid or softmax respectively and compute
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 34
labels=… #tensor with one hot encoding for a classification task
logits=… #un normalized output of a neural network
Sigmoid_ce = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels,logits)
Softmax_ce = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels,logits)
• Given a loss function use one of the
tf.train.Optimizers() subclasses to train a network
to minimize it.
• Each subclass implements a minimize() method that
accept a nodes of the graph as input and takes care
of both computing the gradients and applying them
to the trainable variables of the graph.
• If you want more control combines call to the
compute_gradients() and apply_gradients() methods
of the subclasses to obtain the same result.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 35
Different optimizers available out of the box:
• tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer()
• tf.train.MomentumOptimizer()
• tf.train.FtrlOptimizer()
• tf.train.AdagraDOptimizer()
• tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer()
• tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer()
• tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 36
All the optimizer after creation can be used with same
minimize() method returns a meta node that when
evaluated inside a session compute gradients and
apply them to update the model variable.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 37
loss=… #value of the loss function, smaller is better
learning_rate=… #value of the learning rate, can be a tensors or a float
global_step=… #variable with the number of optimization step executed
#the optimizer automatically increment the variable after each
train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss,
global_step=global_step) #create train op
… #perform one step of optimization on a single batch
Putting all together
To train any machine learning model in tensorflow:
1. Create an input pipeline that load samples from
2. Create the machine learning model.
3. Create a loss function for the model.
4. Create a minimizer that optimize the loss function.
5. Create a TensorFlow session.
6. Run a loop evaluating the train_op untill
7. Save the model to disk.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 38
Save models
Once trained, it can be useful to save a model to disk
for later reuse. In TensorFlow this can be implemented
effortless using the tf.train.Saver() class.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 39
#create a saver to save and restore variables during graph definition
#inside a session use the .save() method to save the model to disk
with tf.Session() as sess:
filename = 'models/final.ckpt'
save_path =,filename) #save current graph
Restore Model
Restore a model saved to disk using the same
tf.train.Saver() class.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 40
#create a saver to save and restore variables during graph definition
#inside a session use the .restore() method to restor the model from disk
with tf.Session() as sess:
filename = 'models/final.ckpt'
A study case - MNIST
• Let's try to put everything together and train a
softmax regressor and a two layer neural network to
classify MNIST digits (mnist.ipynb).
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 41
TensorBoard: Visualizing
TensorBoard is a suite of visualization tools
completely integrated in TensorFlow. Allows the
visualization of the computational graph and a lot of
useful statistics about the training process.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 42
TensorBoard operates on TensorFlow events file:
protobuf files saved on disk that contains summary
data about nodes we have decide to monitor.
To create such files and launch TensorBoard:
1. Add to the graph some summary operations: meta
nodes that creates a suitable summary of their
2. Create an op that collect all summary nodes with
3. Inside session, evaluate the above operation to
have a representation of the summaries.
4. Save the representation to disk using
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 43
5. Start the backend from command line
$ tensorboard –logdir="path/to/log/dir"
6. Connect with a browser (chrome/firefox) to
Original image: linkTensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 44
A study case – jap faces
• Let's build a small CNN model to classify a 40
category dataset of japanese idol models.
• Implementation of both training and evaluation step
with two graphs with shared variables.
• Add summary operation for TensorBoard
• Save checkpoint of the model periodically.
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 45
Some additional material
• TensorFlow tutorials
• TensorFlow How-Tos
• Awesome TensorFlow  curated list of TensorFlow
experiments, libraries and projects
• Tensorflow-101  tensorflow tutorials as jupyter
• Tensorflow-models  official repository with
example code for a lot of different deep learning
model with weights available
TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 46

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TensorFlow 101: A Beginner's Guide

  • 1. TensorFlow - 101 Alessio Tonioni - Computer Vision and image processing
  • 2. TensorFlow Open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. • Graph: abstract pipeline of mathematical operation on tensors (multi-dimensional array). Each graph is composed of: • Nodes: operations on data. • Edges: multidimensional data arrays (tensors) passing between operations. Web Page Tensorflow Playground Github project pageTensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 2
  • 3. Summary PROS: +Automatic differentiation. +Nice visualization tool. +Nice documentation. +API mimicking NumPy. CONS: - Verbose code. - Memory hungry. - Not many trained model (partially true). - Slower than caffe. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 3 • Python/C/C++ interface + go/java in beta. • (Multi-)GPU or CPU support. • Distributed training support. • Runs on mobile devices.
  • 4. Higher level API TensorFlow programs can be quite verbose, lots of low-level API.  Use higher level API built on top of TensorFlow that can speed up the development of standard machine learning models. Easy to use, hard to debug if something goes wrong… Some popular framework: • TFLearn: specially designed for TensorFlow • Keras: works on top of both Theano or TensorFlow. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 4
  • 5. Requirements & Installation TensorFlow is available both for python 2.7 and 3.3+ on linux, mac and, from version 0.12, windows. GPU support requires a Nvidia GPU and CUDA toolkit (>= 7.0) + cuDNN (>=v3). Standard installation available as pip package (automatically solves all the dependence issues): $ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev $ pip3 install tensorflow (only cpu) $ pip3 install tensorflow-gpu (cpu + gpu) If it’s not working or if you want to install from source  support page. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 5
  • 6. Program Structure TensorFlow programs are usually structured in two wells separated phases: 1. Construction phase: definition of the graph of operations that will be executed on the input tensors. Only definition, no numerical values associated to tensors or operations yet. Everything defined through TensorFlow API calls. 2. Execution phase: given some inputs evaluate an operation to get its real numerical value. The framework can automatically infer which previous operations must be executed to obtain the required outputs. Execution through TensorFlow ‘session’ object. Hello_TensorFlow.ipynb TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 6
  • 7. TensorFlow Graph TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 7 X W b * + y [32,128] [128,10] [32,10] [10]
  • 8. Tensors Formally: multi-linear mapping from vector space to real numbers 𝑓: 𝑉 𝑥 … 𝑥 𝑉 → ℝ Practically: multi-dimensional array of numbers. In TensorFlow almost all the API functions take tensors as inputs and return tensors as output. Almost everything can be mapped into a tensor: scalars, vectors, matrices, strings, files… Every tensor inside the computational graph must have a unique name, either user defined or auto-TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 8
  • 9. Tensors Three main type of tensors in TensorFlow (tensors_type.ipynb): • tf.constant(): tensor with constant and immutable value. After creation it has a shape, a datatype and a value. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 9 #graph definition a = tf.constant([[1,0],[0,1]], name="const_1") … #graph evaluation inside session #constant are automatically initialized a_val = #a_val is a numpy array with shape=(2,2)
  • 10. Tensors • tf.Variable(): tensor with variable (and trainable) values. At creation time it can have a shape, a data type and an initial value. The value can be changed only by other TensorFlow ops. All variables must be initialized inside a session before use. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 10 #graph definition a=tf.Variable([[1,0],[0,1]], trainable=False, name="var_1") … #graph evaluation inside session #manual initialization a_val = #a_val is a numpy array with shape=(2,2)
  • 11. Tensors • tf.placeholder(): dummy tensor node. Similar to variables, it has shape and datatype, but it is not trainable and it has no initial value. A placeholder it’s a bridge between python and TensorFlow, it only takes value when it is populated inside a session using the feed_dict of the TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 11 #graph definition a = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=(2,2),name="placeholder_1") … #graph evaluation inside session #a takes the value passed by the feed_dict a_val =, feed_dict={a:[[1,0],[0,1]]}) #a_val is a numpy array with shape=(2,2)
  • 12. Tensors and operations allocation The default behavior of TensorFlow is to create everything inside the GPU memory (if compiled with GPU support). However it is possible to manually specify were each op and tensor should live with tf.device(). TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 12 with tf.device("/cpu:0"): a = tf.Variable(…) #a will be allocated on the cpu memory with tf.device("/gpu:0"): b = tf.Variable(…) #b will be allocated on the cuda device 0 (default) with tf.device("/gpu:1"): c = tf.Variable(…) #c will be allocated on the cuda device 1
  • 13. Tensors and operations allocation Some tips: • Device placement of the tensors can be logged creating a session with log_device_placement set to True. sess=tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True) • Some I/O operations can not be executed on the GPU. Always create a session with allow_soft_placement set to True to let the system automatically swap some ops to CPU.  sess=tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) • Try to reduce the unnecessary swap between CPU and GPU inside the graph other ways the execution time will be heavily penalized.  TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 13
  • 14. Variable Scopes tf.variable_scope():Namespacing mechanism to ease the definition of complicated models. All tensors and operations defined inside a scope will have their names prefixed with the scope name to create unique identifiers inside the graph. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 14 a=tf.Variable(1,name="weights") #a variable name: weights with tf.variable_scope("conv_1") as scope: … b = tf.Variable(1, name="weights") #b variable name: conv_1/weights
  • 15. Variable Scopes Nice visualization inside TensorGraph (we will talk about visualization tools later…) TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 15
  • 16. Variable Scopes + get_variable Scopes are important for the shared variables between models: • Use helper function tf.get_variable() to ease the creation of variables with a certain shape, datatype, name, initializer and regularizer. • If reuse=false at scope definition, this method will create a new variable. • If reuse=true at scope definition, the method will search for an already created variable with the same name inside the scope; if it can not be found it will raise a ValueError. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 16
  • 17. Inputs How can we input external data in our models? (e.g. batch of examples) • Placeholders: the examples and batches are manually read and passed to the model using placeholder and feed_dict. More easy to handle but can became slow (data must be copied from python environment to the TensorFlow one all the time). • Native I/O Operations: all the operations to read and decode batch of samples are implemented inside TensorFlow graph using queues. Can be counter intuitive but grant a huge boost in performance (everything lives inside the TensorFlow environment). • Dataset API: new and partially simplified interface to handle inputs of data in the model, can sometimes ease the implementation.TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 17
  • 18. Input Queues Mechanism used in TensorFlow for asynchronous computation. 1. Create a FIFO-Queue to hold the examples 2. Refill the queue using multiple thread where each one adds one or more examples through the enqueue operation 3. Read a batch of examples using dequeue-many operation. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 18
  • 19. Input Queues Seems too complicated? Use tf.train.batch() or tf.train.shuffle_batch()instead! Both functions take cares of creating and handling an input queues for the examples. Moreover automatically spawn multiple threads to keep the queue always full. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 19 image = tf.get_variable(…) #tensors containing a single image label = tf.get_variable(…) #tensors with the label associated to image #create two minibatch of 16 example one filled with image one with labels image_batch,label_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch([image,label], batch_size=16, num_threads=16,capacity=5000, min_after_dequeue=1000)
  • 20. Reading data How can we actually read input data from disk? • Feeding: use any external library and inject data inside the graph through placeholders. • Image Files: use ad-hoc op to read and decode data directly from filesystem, e.g. tf.WholeFileReader() + tf.image.decode_image(). • Binary Files: data encoded directly in binary format, read using tf.FixedLengthRecordReader(). • TFRecord Files: recommended format for TensorFlow, information encoded in binary files using protocol buffers. Create files using tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(), read using tf.TFRecordReader() + tf.parse_example(). Inputs_example.Ipynb TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 20
  • 21. Dataset API (new) - Docs Simplifies the creation of input queues removing the need for explicit initialization of the input threads and allowing the creation of reinitializable inputs. Main components: and TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 21 image = tf.get_variable(…) #tensors containing a single image label = tf.get_variable(…) #tensors with the label associated to image #create a dataset object to read batch of image and labels dataset =,label)) dataset = dataset.batch(16) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() Image_batch,label_batch = iterator.get_next()
  • 22. Dataset API - Iterator Different type of Iterator can be used: • One-shot: only iterates once through the dataset, no need for initialization. • Initializable: before using the iterator you should run iterator.initializer(), using this trick it is possible to reset the dataset when needed. • Reinitializable: used to switch between different datasets. • Feedable: used together with placeholders to selecat what iterator to use in each call to TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 22
  • 23. Reading Data Some useful tips about reading inputs: • Performance boost if everything is implemented using TensorFlow symbolic ops. • Using binary files or protobuf reduces the number of access to disk improving efficiency. • Massive performance boost if all your dataset fits into GPU memory (unlikely to happen ). • If you have at least one queue always remember to start input reader threads inside a session before evaluating any ops, other way the program will become unresponsive. coord=tf.train.Coordinator() threads=tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=session,coord=co ord) TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 23
  • 24. Data augmentation Some op can be used to augment the number of training images easily, they take as input a tensor and return a random distorted version of it: • tf.image.random_flip_up_down() • tf.image.random_flip_left_right() • tf.random_crop() • tf.image.random_contrast() • tf.image.random_hue() • tf.image.random_saturation() TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 24
  • 25. Operations • All the basic NN operations are implemented in the TensorFlow API as node in the graph; they takes one or more tensors as inputs and produces one or more tensors as output. • The framework automatically handle everything necessary to implement forward and backward pass. Don't worry (too much) about derivatives as long as you use standard TensorFlow op.  • It is straightforward to re-implement famous CNN model, the hard part is training them to get the same result.TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 25
  • 26. Operations – Convolution2D tf.nn.conv2d(): standard convolution with bi-dimensional filters. It takes as input two 4D tensors, one for the mini- batch and one for the filters. tf.nn.bias_add(): add bias to a tensor taken as input, special case of the more general tf.add() op. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 26 input = … #4D tensor [#batch_example,height,width,#channels] kernel = … #4D tensor [filter_height, filter_width, filter_depth, #filters] strides = … #list of 4 int, stride across the 4 batch dimension padding = … #one of "SAME"/"VALID"  enable or disable 0 padding of inputs bias = … #tensors with one dimension shape [#kernel filters] conv = tf.nn.conv2d(input,kernel,strides,padding) conv = tf.nn.bias_add(conv,bias)
  • 27. Operations – Deconvolution tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(): deconvolution with bi- dimensional filters. It takes as input two 4D tensors, one for the mini-batch and one for the filters. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 27 input = … #4D tensor [#batch_example,height,width,#channels] kernel = … #4D tensor [filter_height, filter_width, output_channels, in_channels] output_shape = … #1D tensor representing the output shape of the deconvolution op strides = … #list of 4 int, stride across the 4 batch dimension padding = … #one of "SAME"/"VALID"  enable or disable 0 padding of inputs bias = … #tensors with one dimension shape [#kernel filters] deconv = tf.nn.conv2d(input,kernel,output_shape,strides,padding)
  • 28. Operations – BatchNormalization tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm: batch normalization layer with trainable parameters. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 28 input = … #4D tensor [#batch_example,height,width,#channels] is_training = … #Boolean True if the network is in training #apply batch norm to input Normed = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(input)
  • 29. Operations – fully connected tf.matmul(): fully connected layers can be implemented as matrix multiplication between the input values and the weights matrix followed by bias addition. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 29 input=… #3D tensor [#batch size, #features, #nodes previous layer] weights=… #2D tensor [#features, #nodes] bias=… #1D tensor [#nodes] fully_connected=tf.matmul(input,weights)+bias #operator overloading to add bias (syntactic sugar)
  • 30. Operations – activations tf.nn.relu(), tf.sigmoid(), tf.tanh(): each one implements an activation function, they takes a tensor as input and apply the activation function to each element. (More activation functions are available in the framework, check online API) TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 30 conv=… #result of the application of a convolution relu =tf.nn.relu(conv) #activation after relu non-linearity tanh = tf.tanh(conv) #activation after tanh non-linearity sigmoid = tf.sigmoid(conv) #activation after sigmoid non-linearity
  • 31. Operations - pooling tf.nn.avg_pool(), tf.nn.max_pool(): pooling operations, takes a 4D tensor as input and performs spacial pooling according to the parameter passed as input. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 31 input=… #4D tensor with shape[batch_size,height,width,channels] k_size=… #list of 4 ints with the dimension of the pooling window strides=… #list of 4 ints with the stride across the 4 batch dimension max_pooled = tf.nn.max_pool(input,k_size,strides) avg_pooled = tf.nn.avg_pool(input,k_size,strides)
  • 32. Operations - predictions tf.nn.softmax(): takes a tensor as input and apply softmax operations across one dimension (default: last dimension) TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 32 input=… #multi dimensional tensor Softmaxed = tf.nn.softmax(input,dim=-1) #softmax on last dimension
  • 33. Loss functions • Inside TensorFlow a loss function is just an operation that produce a singular value as output. Every operation can automatically be treated as a loss function. Behold the power of auto-differentiation!  • The most common loss functions for classification and regression are already implemented in the framework. • Custom loss functions can be created and used easily if they mix already implemented TensorFlow operation. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 33
  • 34. Loss functions – cross_entropy tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(), tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(): standard loss function for discrete classification, takes as inputs the correct label and the network output, apply sigmoid or softmax respectively and compute cross_entropy. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 34 labels=… #tensor with one hot encoding for a classification task logits=… #un normalized output of a neural network Sigmoid_ce = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels,logits) Softmax_ce = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels,logits)
  • 35. Optimization • Given a loss function use one of the tf.train.Optimizers() subclasses to train a network to minimize it. • Each subclass implements a minimize() method that accept a nodes of the graph as input and takes care of both computing the gradients and applying them to the trainable variables of the graph. • If you want more control combines call to the compute_gradients() and apply_gradients() methods of the subclasses to obtain the same result. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 35
  • 36. Optimization Different optimizers available out of the box: • tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer() • tf.train.MomentumOptimizer() • tf.train.FtrlOptimizer() • tf.train.AdagraDOptimizer() • tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer() • tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer() • tf.train.AdamOptimizer() TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 36
  • 37. Optimization All the optimizer after creation can be used with same interface. minimize() method returns a meta node that when evaluated inside a session compute gradients and apply them to update the model variable. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 37 loss=… #value of the loss function, smaller is better learning_rate=… #value of the learning rate, can be a tensors or a float global_step=… #variable with the number of optimization step executed #the optimizer automatically increment the variable after each #evaluation train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss, global_step=global_step) #create train op … #perform one step of optimization on a single batch
  • 38. Putting all together To train any machine learning model in tensorflow: 1. Create an input pipeline that load samples from disk. 2. Create the machine learning model. 3. Create a loss function for the model. 4. Create a minimizer that optimize the loss function. 5. Create a TensorFlow session. 6. Run a loop evaluating the train_op untill convergence. 7. Save the model to disk. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 38 Construction Evaluation
  • 39. Save models Once trained, it can be useful to save a model to disk for later reuse. In TensorFlow this can be implemented effortless using the tf.train.Saver() class. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 39 #create a saver to save and restore variables during graph definition saver=tf.train.Saver() … #inside a session use the .save() method to save the model to disk with tf.Session() as sess: … filename = 'models/final.ckpt' save_path =,filename) #save current graph
  • 40. Restore Model Restore a model saved to disk using the same tf.train.Saver() class. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 40 #create a saver to save and restore variables during graph definition saver=tf.train.Saver() … #inside a session use the .restore() method to restor the model from disk with tf.Session() as sess: filename = 'models/final.ckpt' saver.restore(sess,filename) …
  • 41. A study case - MNIST • Let's try to put everything together and train a softmax regressor and a two layer neural network to classify MNIST digits (mnist.ipynb). TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 41
  • 42. TensorBoard: Visualizing Learning TensorBoard is a suite of visualization tools completely integrated in TensorFlow. Allows the visualization of the computational graph and a lot of useful statistics about the training process. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 42
  • 43. TensorBoard TensorBoard operates on TensorFlow events file: protobuf files saved on disk that contains summary data about nodes we have decide to monitor. To create such files and launch TensorBoard: 1. Add to the graph some summary operations: meta nodes that creates a suitable summary of their inputs. 2. Create an op that collect all summary nodes with tf.summary.merge_all(). 3. Inside session, evaluate the above operation to have a representation of the summaries. 4. Save the representation to disk using tf.summary.FileWriter(). TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 43
  • 44. TensorBoard 5. Start the backend from command line $ tensorboard –logdir="path/to/log/dir" 6. Connect with a browser (chrome/firefox) to "localhost:6006". Original image: linkTensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 44
  • 45. A study case – jap faces • Let's build a small CNN model to classify a 40 category dataset of japanese idol models. • Implementation of both training and evaluation step with two graphs with shared variables. • Add summary operation for TensorBoard visualization. • Save checkpoint of the model periodically. TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 45
  • 46. Some additional material • TensorFlow tutorials • TensorFlow How-Tos • Awesome TensorFlow  curated list of TensorFlow experiments, libraries and projects • Tensorflow-101  tensorflow tutorials as jupyter notebooks. • Tensorflow-models  official repository with example code for a lot of different deep learning model with weights available TensorFlow 101 - Alessio Tonioni 46