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When we started to put together the December issue it became quickly apparent there was no way to stem the outpouring of love, artistic
expression and reminiscing of good times experienced in the UAE. So we succumbed totally and decided to dedicate the the whole magazine to the
UAE’s 40th birthday.

We dedicated Tempo’s Heart and Soul Bazaars in the last two months to the UAE’s national day, we worked with Abu Dhabi TV on mini vignettes
by members of the community entitled “I LOVE UAE,” we invited artists to communicate their dedications on canvas and we talked to Emiratis and
expatriates about their thoughts and their dreams. Interestingly, the overriding theme in these chats and activities was about how the UAE had
managed to host a multi-national population, to nurture a mosaic of cultures and communities, and to provide a sense of harmony and belonging
to all.

We should look back at the past year in world history as a time of challenge and change and embrace the new year with hope, and with the very
qualities that have made the UAE so loved by its people.

Happy Birthday UAE, and Happy New Year to all.

Sana Bagersh
Managing Editor

               letters to the editor          04                                    18           blueprint                                            MANAGING EDITOR
                                  uspace      05                                    20           time capsule
                                                                                                                                                      Sana Bagersh

                       art dedication
                                              06                                    21           game hedz | uae diversity
                                                                                                                                                      FEATURES EDITOR
                                                                                                                                                      Alma Kadragic
                  dedication online
                                              10                                    22           doc in the house | dedication to nation              EDITORIAL COORDINATOR
                   poem dedication
                                              11                                    23           just handcrafted | mum unlimited
                                                                                                                                                      Sharon Carvalho

                      bu tinah island
                                              12                                    24           articulate | mini minx
                                                                                                                                                      MAGAZINE DESIGN
                                                                                                                                                      Mark De Castro
                                citybites     13                                    25           yank in the sandland | just a thought                MARKETING COORDINATOR

               happy birthday uae             14                                    26           wanted: emirati entrepreneurs
                                                                                                                                                      Manjul Abhishek
                                                                                                                                                      Laskar Laipubam
                    people calendar           16                                    27           media column | tamakkan                              DISTRIBUTION COORDINATOR

                                                                                    29           horoscope
                                                                                                                                                      Melaku Muluneh
                                                                                                                                                      EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                                                                                                      Angeli Castillo            Blakniss
                                                                                                                                                      Dave Solomon               Manar Al Hinai
                                                                                                                                                      Neena Rai                  Randy Parker
                                                                                                                                                      Preethi Janice D’Sa        Sarah Widdup
ADDRESS                                                                     DISCLAIMER                                                                Sara Taher                 Ahmed Samir
To reach editorial at Abu Dhabi Tempo email: editorial@tempoplanet.         Tempo is a publication of BrandMoxie. Although Tempo Magazine
com. If you need to find out where you can pick up your copy call: 02 667   does its best to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of its contents,    Ian Mason                  Justin Thomas
3349 or check out the list of Tempo distribution points on our website.     the publisher cannot accept any responsibility for errors, mistakes and   Noura Abdullah Al Noaimi   Rohith Bhat
                                                                            inaccuracies. The publisher reserves the rights of this product and no
NOTE TO ADVERTISERS                                                         part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means
Advertisers can request brand tagging with all advertisements.              without the permission of the publisher.
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           run application                                                       for Blackberry this is done through BBM
        click on tag beside each article to have fun with                     for iPhone download BeeTag or Neo Reader
        online content, videos & cool tags!
Dear Ed,
                             It’s great how Tempo got amateur film makers an opportunity. I can’t wait to
                             see the “I Love UAE” videos on Abu Dhabi TV on national day. Looking forward
                             to more cool activities for the community - Sam R

                             Dear Tempo,
                             Thanks for the “Gmail” tip in your Bottom Line column. I was horrified when
                             I checked the link at the bottom of my gmail email page and saw other
                             people were accessing my account. I couldn’t change the password fast
                             enough - Osman Saeed

                             Dear Tempo,
                             I thought your November issue was outstanding. The story
                             on Mohammed Otaiba of Imagenation, the Cat Superheros,
                             the Emirati film makers, the youth orchestra. More features,
                             we want more! - Nitta S.

Awesome! Abu Dhabi Anime Club (J-AMFM) is now featured in Abu Dhabi Tempo Magazine. Please
go get a copy! Thanks Tempo for giving us the opportunity - Abigail Kerr

Was really fun! :) Will you be hosting more like that? - Jose Tuaño
Well done Tempo - it was       We came in late but it was still       Had a blast at Tempo’s Bazaar.      YAY! I’m in this month’s @
awesome. Love my new           awesome. Got lots of books!            Great job, Tempo! Love my new       AbuDhabiTempo magazine along
                               Fantabulous! Great job Tempo!          Ray Bans that I purchased for a     with a GREAT group from the “I love
colourful throw!                                                      fraction of the real price! Can’t
- Hana Makki                   More to come!                                                              UAE” video competition. So exciting!
                               - Bearose Karmel Velarde               wait for next month. See ya         - Sally Abdel Razak
                                                                      there! - Yasser Bagersh

          QUESTION                                                      RESULTS OF LAST MONTH’S VOTE:
                                                                        Q: Who would you most like to see perform in the UAE?
          What was your favourite film series of
          the year?
           1) Fast and Furious Series                                    72% 17% 11%                                             0%
           2) Twilight Saga                                                SAID              SAID             SAID               SAID
           3) Harry Potter Series                                       YES, I WANT       YES, I WANT      YES, I WANT        YES, I WANT
                                                                       TO SEE ADELE         TO SEE          TO SEE U2           TO SEE
           4) Transformers
                                                                         PERFORM          LADY GAGA         PERFORM            PITBULL
           5) X-Men                                                                        PERFORM                             PERFORM
                                          Go to tempoplanet to vote
MOVING TO THE UAE                            By Rohith Bhat

                                                                               ABU DHABI MALL PRESENTS THE
                                                                               “ABU DHABI MALL WINTER CHARITY FAIR”
                                                                               IN AID OF MÉDECINS SANS FRONTIÈRES (MSF)
                                                                               Friday 9th December 2011 | from 11am to 9pm

                                                                               Visit the Winter Charity Fair at Abu Dhabi Mall and help contribute to the humanitarian
                                                                               efforts of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). All proceeds from table rentals will be
                                                                               donated to the MSF to help them along with their worthy cause.
Well it all started out simple enough: Dad got transferred to the U.A.E. and   Come along with your family and friends to this exciting fair and purchase original
the rest of the family had to move along for the ride. So, like any typical    handicrafts and souvenirs from the best artists and craftspeople.
geek I decided the best thing to do would be to research. I spent hours
scouring though informative volumes of information like the Arabian            Stop by the MSF stall to buy secondhand books of various genres at bargain prices.
Nights, Disney’s Aladdin, A Camels’ Tale and Lawrence of Arabia… Boy did       MSF will be hosting a raffle with fantastic prizes to win brunches, hotels stays, thrilling
that not pan out!! When I got to the U.A.E. it was nothing like anything I     marine & water park experiences, delicious cupcakes and lots more!
had read! Where were the flying carpets? Where were the belly dancers?
Where were the camels and, more importantly, where were the Arabs?             For more information, contact:
                                                                               MSF at 02-6317645 or by email at
Finding them amongst the sea of Americans, Filipinos and Indians turned        Abu Dhabi Mall at 02-6454858 or
out to be as entertaining as a game of “Where’s Waldo” but after that, well,   Email at
the disappointment set in. True, there was shopping and a sense of history
and culture but there was a distinct lack of flying carpets that brought the
whole thing down.

On the plus side it was good to find out that there were the no taxes,
something that got me a raise in allowance… But I couldn’t figure out
why, and rather sad to find out, that my sister seemed to be way too happy
about move. Why does that make me sad, you ask? Not because of the
sadistic gene that most brothers carry that makes me say this, but rather
the reason itself, the dreaded SHOPPING!

Pack mules know, and brothers and boyfriends everywhere can sympathise,
with my plight here! And it’s not just one or two places that she’ll visit
once and then get sick, OH NO!!! There are hundreds places in this country     STUDENTS SHINE AT THE FESTIVAL OF THINKERS!
for shopping! Not to mention sales every week or so! It makes my sister
giddy, but it almost makes me want to jump in front of a car on the road!      Students from the British School Al Khubairat, posing with HH Sheikh Nahayan Bin
But considering the cars here, I may end up damaging a BMW and if that         Mabarak Al Nahayan and the Vice Chancellor of the Higher Colleges of Technology, HE
doesn’t get me a ticket, don’t know what will!!                                Tayeb Kamali.

An afterthought, I just decided to have a shawarma…ahh, yes shawarma           From left to right: HE Tayeb Kamali, Ahmed Hraiz, Mohammed Kamali, HH Sheikh Nahayan
in the UAE… come for the cheap fuel cost, and stay for the shawarma!!          Bin Mabarak Al Nahayan , Mohamed Al Darmaki, Karam Bukair, Nader Saab, Omar El-
                                                                               Temtamy and Khayouf
art     Tempo invited local artists to a “paint-off” where they were supplied with canvas and paint
        and had to express their thoughts and ideas of life in the UAE, and the UAE’s 40th Anniversary,
        on the spot. Here we present 14 artworks painted by Emirati and expatriate artists.

                                 The balancing act between tradition and innovation is
                                something every country has to face, but for the UAE it is more
                                so as it is a very young nation growing ever so fast and evolving
                                rapidly. I hope my painting shows how successful Abu Dhabi
                                copes with conflict, despite all the modernism and plastic
                                scenery, natural and pure moments can still be found in the
                                many side alleys. You just have to keep your eyes open.

                                                                     -Anna Eckert
                                     Marek Mihok
                      Anna Kurkova

                                 It was said that the term camel from the Arabic ‫ ,جمل‬ğml,
                                derived from the triconsonantal root signifying “beauty”.
                                I believe “beauty” perfectly describes not only the camel
                                but also the United Arab Emirates. Therefore this drawing
                                is a dedication to the UAE by both emphasizing and
                                demonstrating its beauty. Happy 40th birthday UAE!
                                                                     -George Hung
My artwork was inspired by the vast changes that have taken place in
the UAE over the past 40 years; it signifies how an ever-growing nation
has managed to change the native land from desert to a country filled
with the tallest of buildings and the most advanced of institutions while
doing whatever it takes to maintain the ropes of tradition and culture
and to conserve the intricate bonds between family and friends.

                                    -Huda Al Shaikh

I wanted to take an impressionistic
approach to describing a familiar landscape
in Abu Dhabi that would then be overrun
by intentional lines giving form, direction,
and purpose; a clear setting derived from an
ever shifting landscape of sand, buildings,
and streets.
                                           -James Hunt

Unity and keeping the ancient culture alive enrich the
nation and its future generation…that to my eyes is
the UAE. And I see it through their traditional boat, the
dhow that moves towards a promising future with feet
firmly on the ground and hands embracing the rich Arab
culture and heritage.
                                  -Johanna Legaspi
Inspired by my positive interaction with the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque,
           I tried to show the tolerance, love and mutual understanding between
           different cultures in the painting. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque introduces
           a vision of tolerance rooted in the traditions of the golden Islamic era.
           Traditions based on respect and exchange of ideas for the enrichment
           of human life and history. Additionally, the mosque aims to serve as
           a platform to enhance culture and knowledge in Abu Dhabi and the
           surrounding region by organizing activities that seek to promote a culture of
           tolerance, love, rationality and mutual dialogue.

                                                     -Ruchi Kansal

                    Kee Ryung Kim
Shivangi Nanda

           My painting is a metaphor for progress. The trail of the abaya
           and flag lead up to a woman which signifies how gracefully and
           beautifully the country has developed and bloomed. The abaya
           highlights that the country has preserved its culture amidst the
           urbanisation it is going through. Forty years since its birth, the
           country stands strong, and undoubtedly, it will see more years of
           growth and prosperity.

                                               -Shanice DaCosta
My painting is a symbolic patchwork of the UAE’s past, present
and future. Everything is connected through the horizon of the
desert representing time: from Sheikh Zayed’s eyes through road
sign, skyscraper, flag, and camel to the bridge…
The traditional architecture drags on the dunes’ shape and
the falcon, which look at the Emirati couple entering the
Grand Mosque.

                                          -Nirina Ralanto

The Abu Dhabi Flag pole. Fluttering over the Abu Dhabi corniche, this
landmark, which at one point of time used to hold the record for being the
highest free standing flagpole in the world, is a symbol of the free spirited
nature of the people of this amazing country. I have spent hours on the
corniche, mesmerized by the fluttering colours on this flag and always come
back with a feeling of grandeur and spiritual calmness. This painting is a
tribute to that flag, this great nation and its enlightened rulers.

                           -Soumyajit Choudhary

To me the issue of female empowerment
is very important. Thus the theme of my
painting shows the increasing role of the
Emirati woman in the socio, economic and
political decisions of the UAE.
                                     -Vivek Mukherjee
Thank you UAE for the warm
memories of my childhood

                               dalal :                anna :
                                                      Congratulations UAE...
peace be upon you UAE          Ashat al imarat        may you have a long life
                               al mutahida !!         and happiness for all your
    sylvie :                                          people
    je - t - aime abou dhabi            sana :
                                        Harmony, peace and prosperity
scarlet :
love you abu dhabi        anna :                        dan :
                          Happy Birthday UAE!!!!
mariam :                                                Congratulations on
Fedaitik, ya imarat!             darwin :               your 40th, UAE!

                                 congratulations...      arwa d :
        guest_7493 :                                     Peace and love
        Happy birthday UAE       stay strong and
                                 stay ahead         mark b :
marwan :                                              Happy 40th UAE!

Love this place, man.                sadia :                gaisha27 :
                                                            I love the summer
Happy national day.                  I love UAE !!!
                                                            , sea & Dubai!!!!

    rash :
                             rania :
                                                  inas :
    Peace and love,          UAE. No other        Happiness, glory
    always :)                place I want to
                             be in :)             and peace to all
robert :
Happy birthday UAE     taha :                     the people living
                       Mabrook, Ya Emirati
                                                  in the UAE
UAE 40 Years… 40 Lines…
by Bahareh Amidi

1.     The land of not opportunities alone but of dreams coming          17. The heritage that was lost in the desert wind is being
       true                                                                  brought back each day through nabati story telling and
2.     The place where I came to with no particular hope and I               poem reciting
       learned I had wings                                               18. What might look like workers camps to some may indeed
3.     The desert in the middle of the oasis where oil is turned to          be viewed as havens to others, the others that are here to
       real tangible things                                                  support a family and a clan through their daily sweat
4.     The crude realities of oil still present but the longing for      19. This land has taught me to look inside for my answers and
       change even more present                                              go to the well of light for my responses
5.     Bridging the gap between east and west in real form. A            20. I hope to see it 20 years from now and I wonder what 40
       lady in a bikini and a lady in an abaya despite all that they         years from now will bring to life
       carry with in can sit side by side and be themselves              21. Every child was born to a father and a mother, Sheik Zayed
6.     It is not only about the Ferrari World it is about where the          has been both to this land
       road and path can take you                                        22. He has made an other wise anonymous nation known to all
7.     It is not only a place to pray. The Grand Mosque can re-              who know where the sun rises
       store faith in the abilities of mankind                           23. A person is said to be well respected when the elderly and
8.     She is a lady at sunset and a gentleman at sunup                      the young respect them alike. Sheik Zayed was able to
9.     It is not only the smell of oud it is the essence of the aroma        touch noses bending down to a child and looking up to an
10.    The carriers of the Gulf only a reminder of the dreams car-           elder
       ried to shore                                                     24. Respect is not given but earned, to be called father of a
11.    There are no beggars on the street, not only because of law,          nation by nationals is one thing but to be internationally
       but because we are all here to work                                   respected is another
12.    There is no stealing not only because of the consequences         25. There are waves in the Gulf that bring news from the East
       but because of the trust we have in ourselves                         and to the West and at times the oud of the East across the
13.    The lights are lit after Ramadan and the lights are lit for           Water, this aroma has heritage behind it
       Christmas honoring all religions and all faiths and beliefs       26. Heritage of peoples whose life started on this land 7500
14.     It is not only the name of the schools and universities that         years ago but is now celebrated as the young nation of 40
       give education its clout on this land, it is the education            years. Only roots can give way to such branches to grow
       that gives its students opportunities in this land that give      27. Branches can only seek light if allowed flight. The art of
       young minds clout in the world                                        falconry is a national sport which gives inhabitants the
15.    It is not the amount of sand in the desert that makes the             wings they need to fly
       caravan move from place to place, it is the caravan that          28. The camels in the desert that die of eating empty bottles
       makes the desert come to life with each step                          have a voice; the voice that says what will our children
16.    The salt in the sea is not salty because it is only there to be       think when there are no more camels to greet the dino-
       desalinated for use to make the desert green                          saurs in the heavens
                                                                         29. There are other nations whose names start with United.
                                                                             But the UAE is truly a nation that unites people
                                                                         30. UAE is not a melting pot but more so a place for individuals

      Our National Day                                                       to keep their ethnicity and wear their identity with pride
                                                                             may it be a purple robe or a white one
      by Beena Sunny                                                     31. The smallness of the nation only adds to the flavor of its
                                                                             wondrous growth
      Emirati National Day, a day                                        32. The reality and importance of learning from those who
                                                                             have already traversed a land or a sea
      For being happy and gay
                                                                         33. The land of opportunity for those who are educated and
      Filled with celebrations galore                                        wealthy but also the land of opportunity for those twilling
      Reminders of history and folklore                                      the land to educate their children at home
      -years back our UAE was born                                       34. The call to prayer five times a day starts at the Grand
                                                                             Mosque and echoes in every crack of every corner mosque
      Seven emirates were then divided and torn                              and then resonates a light in those ready to hear the call
      But on that day, a great leader, able and true                     35. The call is the breath of the child out of womb under a tent
      United them under a flag of four colour                                and it is also the last breath of the camel dying of thirst
                                                                             while sitting at the oasis
      Heralding in progress fast and meteoric hue                        36. Perhaps oasis is a great word for this land.
      Creating a nation unique and historic                              37. Indeed a land that was always dry but is now green with
      The hands that moulded UAE are stilled                                 vegetation. Still around this land all you see is sand until
                                                                             your eye travels
      Their presence missed, the void never filled
                                                                         38. At the oasis one can drink or one can cry
      Yet comes, second December every year                              39. It is there the river of truth is in every speck of sand and in
      A day to remember without peer                                         every drop of salt in the sea
      From their near and dear ones.                                     40. For now time of sitting by the river called the UAE is over,
                                                                             it is time to step into the river and go with the flow.

      Beena Sunny was an expatriate of Abu Dhabi for 13 years            Bahareh Amidi is an American-Iranian poet based in
      and remembers her years here with nostalgia. “This poem            Abu Dhabi. She recites poetry at artistic and creative events.
      is an expression of thanks and dedication to the rulers of         See her poems at
      UAE,” she says.
By Noura Abdullah Al Noaimi

As children, we have all dreamt about the euphoria of visiting beautiful remote islands… but
little did the people of the UAE know that we had one floating on own waters!

Amongst the Gulf’s warm and saline waters is a small archipelago named Bu Tinah which is
located 130km west of Abu Dhabi. Bu Tinah is home to numerous endangered species that inhabit
this nirvana island. Within the Marawah Marine Biosphere Reserve is the territory that covers an
estimate of 4,000 square meters, all closed to visitors, fishing and collection of turtle eggs, as the
area is under enforced patrol watch to stay protected as a private natural reserve.
In 2001, UNESCO recognized the island as being one of both the largest and richest        is fitting that, as we approach the 40th anniversary of our beloved nation, that Bu
Biosphere reserves found in the region. The island is actually a cluster of islands and   Tinah has served to unite the residents of the UAE and beyond in appreciation of our
shoals, all meeting at a very low sea level, reaching no higher than two or three         nation’s natural heritage and its importance on the global stage.”
meters above sea level.
                                                                                          Bu Tinah’s main territorial area has a sheltered lagoon opening its area leading to
Due to the island’s affiliation with UNESCO, Bu Tinah immediately raised its level on     the south. It has a low energy environment allowing flowing mature mangrove to
the social network platform, and raising a flag that it is susceptible to harm if it is   flourish. It also contains an estimate of 16 species of healthy coral reef habitats.
not protected.
                                                                                          Bu Tinah Island is home to the most threatened species of sea turtles in the world
In March 2010, Bu Tinah Island was surprisingly announced as one of 28 global             known as “The Hawksbill Turtle”that plays an important role in coral reef maintenance.
finalists in the contest “New 7 Wonders of Nature” when it was shortlisted by a           Its shell is considered one of its most beautiful elements and is a coveted item in the
substantial 447 natural sites around the world. On 11 November 2011, Bu Tinah was         fashion industry. Another species found at Bu Tinah is the Osprey, also known as the
voted by 13 million people all around the world and it managed to reach the top 14        “sea hawk” and 75 percent of its breeding population is found in Abu Dhabi.
finalists in the global competition!                                                      In every territory lie hidden treasures waiting to be discovered, protected and
                                                                                          appreciated. For the UAE, Bu Tinah represents a magnificent national treasure that
Commenting on the 20-month long campaign, Her Excellency Razan Khalifa Al                 adds value to the UAE; raising its profile in the world of nature and affirming its
Mubarak, Secretary General of the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) said: “It            commitment to environmental conservation.
By Justin Thomas
                                                           Photo by Sheikha Al Tunaiji

                                                                                            Beyond the smoke, Hard Walls
                                                                                            offers nominally Lebanese/Syrian
                                                                                            cuisine, with an extensive
                                                                                            menu spanning the globe…
WHERE CHICKEN KIEV MEETS A BAHRAINI APPLE                                                   pretty much like the Lebanese
                                                                                            diaspora itself. All the usual
                                                                                            Levantine suspects are there;
The Sheesha smoke is thick. Like mist rising over a primordial swamp, its movement          hummus, tabouleh, fatoush,
is virtually imperceptible. This serene smoke-scape is a fragile thing; any illusion of     kebabs. The menu also features
solidity and permanence is shattered by energetic table staff delivering food, drinks       the ubiquitous fodder of
and charcoal. Smoke swirls and dances in their wake, a visible reminder of the              globalisation; burgers, and pizzas.
invisible world surrounding us. Unlike the mist from a swamp however, this smoke            However, there are also many
is aromatic; an airborne fruit salad with apple, grape, mint and lemon vying for            unexpected international
olfactory preeminence. This fragrant smoker’s utopia at the heart of Marina Mall goes       surprises. For example, my
by the curious name of “Hard Walls”.                                                        favourite dish at Hard Walls
                                                                                            has to be chicken Kiev. This
Many of Abu Dhabi’s restaurants and cafes provide non-smoking sections, however             Kiev is absolutely magnificent
in the absence of a significant physical barrier such “smoke-free” spaces are about as      – from presentation to flavour to
health promoting as a non-urinating section in a public swimming pool. Hard Walls           aroma; a truly outstanding culinary
however, makes a real effort, and the non-smoking section is located outside of the         experience. In fact this dish seems kind of out of place at Hard Walls, which has
main restaurant. Yes - here it’s the non-smokers who are marginalised, and pushed           a relaxed beach-bar style decor and ambience. This chicken Kiev would be right
to the fringes of the establishment. This less than perfect arrangement is however,         at home in any of the world’s gastronomically sophisticated five star restaurants.
far superior to simply separating smoking and non-smoking sections with written-            However, in such establishments you probably couldn’t get a Bahraini apple
signs; as if free-floating smoke can read. I once saw a no smoking sign almost totally      flavoured sheesha for dessert.
obscured by a thick cloud of illiterate cigar smoke that had defiantly drifted into the
non-smoking section.

The debate on passive smoking has rumbled on for a long time but the direction of
travel is pretty obvious. It seems as though a global public-smoking ban is gradually
creeping into place. However, one issue that needs to be urgently addressed pertains
to children accompanying their parents to super smokey environments. Who would                                                                          By Priya Prince
take their year-old child to a cigar bar? But children in sheesha cafes and restaurants
seem to be fairly acceptable, common even. Perhaps it’s the pleasant smell of sheesha
smoke that lulls some of us into a false sense of complacency? (Nothing that smells so             2 Tbsps oil                                6 curry leaves
good could be harmful, could it?) But the dangers of environmental tobacco smoke                   1 tsp mustard seeds                        1 cup cooked rice
for children are clear and well publicised.                                                        1 green chili chopped                      ¼ cup yoghurt
                                                                                                   I small onion chopped                      Salt to taste
The UK’s National Health Service suggest children regularly exposed to environmental               ½ inch ginger chopped
tobacco smoke (sweet smelling or otherwise) are more prone to asthma, ear, nose
and chest infections, and do less well cognitively, and are at greater risk of developing
                                                                                                   •	   Heat the oil, add the mustard seeds, green chili, onion, ginger and
cancer and other serious illnesses as adults.
                                                                                                        curry leaves.
                                                                                                   •	   Cook till onions are clear
During my visit to Hard Walls several of the passive smokers were indeed children.                 •	   Add the yoghurt
As these youngsters munched ketchup-drenched chicken nuggets, mum, dad, aunts,                     •	   Switch off the flame
uncles and older siblings all puffed pipes and punctuated their conversation with                  •	   Add the rice
perfumed clouds of smoke. One scene now indelibly etched in my mind was of a                       •	   Stir and enjoy!
mother cradling a relative neonate in one arm while she dexterously maneuvered
the sheesha pipe with her other. Another scene was of a container of red-hot charcoal
being swung precariously close to the push chair of a sleeping tot! This brought to                RATING SCALE:
my mind Dickensian scenes of chimney sweeps, and gin-drinking pre-teen alcoholics.
Surely these children passively imbibing the atmosphere of sheesha-serving                         LEVEL 1: SUPER EASY
establishments will become the images we look back on with a sense of “I can’t                     LEVEL 2: RELATIVELY EASY

believe we lived like that!”.                                                                      LEVEL 3: MEDIUM SKILLS REQUIRED
                                                                                                   LEVEL 4: COOKING SKILLS A MUST
                                                                                                   LEVEL 5: ARE YOU SURE YOU WANNA DO THIS?
sun                                         mon                                                   tue
   December                MY DECEMBER ECO PLEDGE                                                                                      MY DECEMBER TO DO LIST

              4                                                           5                                               6

                                                                          Chan Blaza
              Boots Ladrillo

                                                                                                                             Cheryl Wayco
                                   Dubai Rugby 7’s                                        Wor ld Green 5-7                                     World Family Summit
                                   @ The Sevens 1-3                                            @ ADNE                                            @ Yas Hotel 5-7

              11                                                          12                                              13
                                                                                                         Laveezah Khan                                                  Hansel Punnam
                 Erwin Lugtu

                                                                                           Eye on Earth Summit
                               World Health Care Congress                                                                                      Omega Dubai Ladie
                                                                                             @ ADNEC 12-15                                                        s Masters
                                  ME @ ADNEC 11- 13                                                                                            @ Emirates Gold Clu
                                                                                                                                                                   b 11-17

              18                                                          19                                              20
                 Kling Blaza

                                    Festival of Falconry in
                                         Al Ain 11-17

              25                                                          26                                              27
                                                            Zainab Khan                                    Alex Eusebio
                                                                                                                          Zeeshan Razzaqi

                                                                                          Congratulations to                                                       Day
                                                                                       Albert and Stephanie on                                              Boxing     t
 OU GE                           Merry Christmas!!!                                      your wedding today!                                       y
                                                                                                                                                     It was y! Know wha
                                                                                                                                                    esterd that is?
wed                                             thu                                                               fri                                                         sat
                                                1                                                                2                                                         3

                                                                                                                                                                           Arjun Suria
                                                                                                                                                 to the UAE on
                                                                        Dubai World Gaming Exp
                                                                                               o@                                         th year of union!                                                     Festival
                                                                                                                                   its 40                                                    Abu Dhabi Corniche
                                                                            DICEC 29/11- 1/12                                                                                                       30/11- 3/12
                                                Alena                                                                                                       Ankit Lodha

 7                                              8                                                                9                                                          10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Film Dub
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fes ai Int
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             tiva ern
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 l 7 atio
                                                                                                                                  Winter Charity Fair                                                                               -14 na

                                                                                                                                                                             Gail D’Souza
                                                                                                                                  @ Abu Dhabi Mall
                                                                          AR Rahman @ Dubai
                                                                         International Stadium                                                                                                      ty
                                                                                                                                                                                       n       l Ci
                                                                               tomorrow                                            In aid of Medecins                               row estiva
                          SM                                                                                                                                                    is B i F
                       @ AD E 2011                                                                                                   Sans Frontiers                          Chr Duba
                           NEC                                                                                                                                                 @
Chris Xaviour                                    Davina Lewis                                                     Albert Bravo

 14                                             15                                                               16                                                        17
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Indian Property Sh
                                                                                                  Jun Suarez

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Airport Expo, Duba @
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           i 15-17
   Jing and Alex

                                                                                                                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!

                   International Autumn Trade                   Shankar Ehsaan Loy
                        Fair @ DICEC 13-15                      @ ADNEC tomorrow
                                                                                                                     Mariam Abassi                                                                                   Junlie Wayco

 21                                             22                                                               23                                                        24

 28                                             29                                                                30                                                              31
 Nana Christie

                                                Mehreen Malik

                                                                                                               Richard Brown

 Al Dhafr
         a Ca
    @ Madin mel Festival
             at Za
         17-28 yed                                                        Mubadala World Tennis                                                                Abu Dhabi
                                                                           Championship 29-31
                                                                                                                                                      an Race-
                                                                                                                                            Volvo Oce Dec- 14 Jan
                                                                                                                                                    11 30
                                                                                                                                                                                                         New Years Eve!!!
My favourite outfit has to be the off shoulder golden top I got
                                    from Bershka it was the last one in stock! It’s all glittery down
                                    the front and on the back it’s a different shade of gold.

                                    I love shopping at Bershka and Forever 21. I love
                                    going to malls to do my shopping especially Marina
                                    Mall or Abu Dhabi Mall.

FASHION STATEMENT:                                    ople
                                              when pe
                                    I hate it fur! I’m
                                     against a all types
                                      cruelty i s!
                                      and form

                                                     dy Mer
                                         Name: Cin
                                         Age: 21              ese Can
                                                     y: Leban       tudent
                                          Nationalit        duate s
                                                      : Gra

                                                              I think Abu Dhabi does have
                                                              it’s especially noticeable am
                                                              the young people.
WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF                                  WHO WOULD YOU MOST LIKE
                                               IN 10 YEARS? RUNNING MY OWN CREATIVE ARTS AND              TO BE STUCK IN AN ELEVATOR
                                                                MEDIA COMPANY                             WITH? LEAST LIKE?
                                                                                                      AN OLD MAN FROM RUSSIA. WOULD
                                               WHAT IS YOUR HARMONY AND                               LEAST LIKE TO BE STUCK WITH
Name: Lama                                     IDEA OF PEACE? BALANCE IN MIND
                                                              AND HEART
                                                                                                      SOMEONE THAT HAS CLAUSTROPHOBIA
Age: 22                                                                                               WHAT’S YOUR CURRENT LAST SONG
Profession: Student                            WHAT RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS HAVE                       SYNDROME (LSS)? THE HIGH ROAD BY
Nationality: Syrian
Motto: Three things in life once gone never
                                               YOU PERFORMED SO FAR IN 2010?                          BROKEN BELLS
come back: time, words and opportunity         RAISED A STRAY CAT
Your most valued possession: My drawing book                                                          IF YOU WERE TRAPPED IN A TV SHOW
                                                WHAT ARE 3 THINGS THAT      CONFIDENCE,               FOR A MONTH, WHICH WOULD YOU
                                                  TODAY HAS TAUGHT YOU
                                               THAT YOU CAN IMPROVE ON
                                                                            FAITH AND                 CHOOSE? LIPSTICK JUNGLE
                                                           TOMORROW?        STRENGTH                  WHAT WAS THE MOST RECENT MOVIE THAT
                                                                                                      MADE YOU CRY? BEAUTIFUL MIND
                                               WHO IN YOUR LIFE DESERVES A BIG OLD THANK YOU?
                                               THE ONES THAT BELIEVED IN ME
                                               WHAT IS THE CRAZIEST SHAVED MY HAIR
                                               THING YOU HAVE EVER FROM THE SIDES AND
                                               DONE?                BLEACHED IT RED.

                                               IF YOU WANTED          SLEEK BLACK
                                               TO LOOK                DRESS WITH AN
                                               ABSOLUTELY             OPEN BACK, TWO
                                               GREAT, HOW             SMALL CREAMY
                                               WOULD YOU              PEARL EARRINGS
                                               DRESS?                 AND AN ANKLET.
                                                     WHAT ITEM DO YOU KEEP
                                                   BUYING EVEN THOUGH YOU
                                                             HAVE PLENTY?
WHERE CAN WE FIND YOU                                   BOOKS AND CANDLES

                                                                                                YOUR WISH LIST OF COUNTRIES
WITHOUT: KNOWLEDGE                                                                              TO VISIT. COUNTRIES TO VISIT:
                                                                                                LONDON, FRANCE, TANZANIA,
THE PERSON WHO INSPIRES                                                                         ITALY, SRI LANKA AND
YOU THE MOST: DOERS                                                                             PHILIPPINES.
                      1               2
FIVE THINGS 3WATER, FOOD,                                                                       IF YOU COULD BE ANYWHERE IN
YOU NEED FOR MAP, FINANCE 4                                                                     THE WORLD RIGHT NOW, WHERE
                                                                                                WOULD YOU BE? NY
                             WHAT CAR
                                                                                                IF YOU WERE ON DEATH ROW,
                                WOULD                                                           WHAT WOULD YOUR LAST MEAL
                            YOU LIKE TO                                                         BE? MY MOTHER’S KOUSA
                                NISSAN 350Z                                                     WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE
                                                                                                DESSERT? COOKIES AND OREOS
GAME HEDZ                  Blakniss | Original game head from Atari to XBox!

Well it is 40 years of an incredible nation and yes,                                       Sounds pretty sweet right? If you want to download it just bounce to the Game
                                                                                           Hedz blog and click the link. It’s for the PC platform, but if you have a Mac you can
game heads can celebrate too! Here are at least a                                          use the Boot Camp software (free with OS Leopard and upwards) to play it. Look
couple reasons: Point Blank and Ubisoft.                                                   out for the review in the next issue and hit us up on the blog to tell us what you
                                                                                           think. We’ll include your reviews in ours.
What is it ye ask? Well according to developers, Tahadi Games, “Point Blank,
extremely popular in the USA, is played by over 20 million gamers worldwide.               Now if you like the Assassins Creed series or Prince of Persia then you’ll love this
It is the No.1 shooting game in Russia, Thailand and Indonesia, and is massively           news: Ubisoft, developers for the aforementioned games, is setting up shop in the
successful in the competitive markets of Brazil and Philippines.”                          UAE! Wuhoooooooo!

Not bad. Tahadi Games has offices in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and right here in         It will actually be a game development academy, based in the creative incubator/
Abu Dhabi! Yea, the UAE is becoming a place for game developers, not just game             generator TwoFour54. So if you want to go from just playing games to designing
heads.                                                                                     them, March 2012 is your date!

So more about Point Blank. Tahadi Games gives us the low down:                             These are good signs for the UAE and Arab gaming in general: a good reminder that
                                                                                           gaming is serious business! So anytime folks give you flak for gaming too much,
Point Blank is basically a tactical First Person Shooter (FPS) that pits a team of eight   just tell them you’re practicing ;)
playable characters against each other, with access to more than 200 weapons and
items, eight game modes, and more than 40 stages in different sceneries. It has            Seasons greetings and happy 40th birthday UAE!
destructible and interactive environments as well as level progression with role-
playing game (RPG) elements.                                                               See you game heads in 2012, insha’allah!

UAE DIVERSITY:                        Ahmed Samir

                                                                                           So it was there that I met a lot of interesting people, a fair number were volunteering
                                                                                           at the festival. I also met a nice man (a “Caucasian”) and upon discussing the film
                                                                                           we had just watched he asked me where I’m from, and I asked him where he was
                                                                                           from…The man’s answer to my question was: Georgia.

                                                                                           I answered, perhaps expectedly: “So, America?” He gave
                                                                                           me a funny look, like he had got that response many times
                                                                                           before and sort of expected it, and he said: “No, Georgia
                                                                                           the country. It’s in Europe.” Wow, how rare is that?! Did
                                                                                           you know that Georgia - the country -existed? I certainly
                                                                                           didn’t! And it’s so amazing that you meet someone from
                                                                                           such a small country, worlds away, right here in the UAE.
MEETING A GEORGIAN, FROM UH, GEORGIA                                                       So not only did I have a fun day of films and discussion, I also learnt of a new
The UAE is a country with remarkable diversity. Allow me to illustrate my point by         country, its people, culture, heritage, and, frankly, existence! Now, think about the
drawing on a past experience: during the last edition of ADFF, The Abu Dhabi Film          people you met today, on the street or on the bus, at work or school…think about
Festival (which, I may add, was great fun) it’s sometimes customary to socialize           where they are (or might be) from. Isn’t that amazing diversity?!
with the avid film watchers after the films end, and discuss things like plot,
story, character development and all that goodness that only really exists in non-         Being the inquisitive person I am, I just love that! And this is only possible in a place
commercial, made-for-the-art-of-it films.                                                  like the UAE, a place one may rightly call a melting pot of cultures.
DOC IN THE HOUSE                      Dr.DMS     | A Doc from the Bronx

                                                                                 Middle East. You also have some of the highest accident statistics involving
                                                                                 pedestrian versus car. Another “crowning achievement”? Nothing to be
                                                                                 proud of. Consider all those wasted lives (Theyab Awana, anyone?). This is
                                                                                 totally preventable- its up to you.

                                                                                 Cardiovascular deaths. For a nation with seemingly good resources, the
                                                                                 numbers are high, but lower than developing or war shattered nations
HAPPY BIRTHDAY UAE                                                               such as Iraq, Afganistan, or Naru for example. Compared to other GCC
                                                                                 countries, you’re in the middle. This is the #1 killer worldwide.
You’re so “grown up”!                                                            Strokes and hypertensive heart disease are related. There’s a lot of
60 is the new 40 these days, so if the UAE were a person, is it healthy?         hypertension here, and it’s under treated. People take their meds
                                                                                 sometimes, or don’t even bother. Diet modification? Unheard of. Medical
Top 10 causes of death in the UAE                                                follow up? Poor at best. Strokes are related to long standing uncontrolled
1.    Ischemic heart disease                                                     hypertension. Controlling one variable, controls the others.
2.    Road traffic accidents                                                     Diabetes is surprisingly lower on the list (2nd highest worldwide
3.    Cerebrovascular accidents                                                  prevalence). Diabetes affects other problems and worsens them. Blood
4.    Hypertensive heart disease                                                 sugar control is very poor, and this directly results in complications,
5.    Lower respiratory infections                                               including death. Eat well, exercise, weight control, take your meds, etc,
6.    Kidney disease                                                             will save your life!! A simple solution, but it requires some effort on your
7.    Diabetes mellitus                                                          behalf.
8.    Congenital anomalies
9.    Cirrhosis of liver                                                         40 isn’t old, but you’re like a kid with Progeria. Since the UAE is one of
10.   Rheumatic heart disease                                                    my patients, I am concerned. You’re not heading for the grave, but if bad
                                                                                 habits carry on, and ignored, hoping that someone else will fix it, I fear
Motor vehicle deaths. You’re up there!! Eritrea tops the list for the gold,      the worst.
but you get the bronze medal!!! Considering the total population here,
this figure becomes daunting. Driving here is quoted as the worst in the         Only you can save yourself......from yourself.

A DEDICATION TO THE NATION                                 Sara Taher

When I first moved to Abu Dhabi five years ago, kicking and screaming,           (and hopefully only) marriage were all experienced because Abu Dhabi
I never imagined that I would soon develop a strong bond with the city.          gave me a home. My career soared; I experienced a new financial freedom
Relocating from Montréal, my first few months were filled with sadness,          I did not have in Canada. I saw Metallica and Guns N Roses perform live, a
as I longingly ached for the cold city in the north. I’m not quite sure when     dream I had since I was 13 years old! I enjoyed a falcon perched on my arm,
it happened, but at some point of my stay, my gripping about city life           curiously staring into my eyes (pretty sure not out of hunger!)
became superficial and subsided. I found myself missing my new city on
long vacations and the site of Abu Dhabi from a descending plane began           Looking back at these extremely fruitful five years, I
to put a smile on my face.
                                                                                 cannot help but admit that the United Arab Emirates
So what happened in five short years that changed my feelings so                 has given me more than my share of happiness and
drastically? I suppose that as with any relationship, spending time with
someone reveals their true nature. After Abu Dhabi revealed to me her true       fulfillment. With her 40th and my 33rd birthdays
nature, as I did to her, we established a symbiotic friendship that is sure to   around the corner, it seems that every birthday we
last a lifetime. We have witnessed tribulations and triumphs together and
it seems that our paths of growth and development are intertwined.
                                                                                 spend together is always time well spent. I won’t give
                                                                                 her a card or some flowers on her birthday but I will
Although I was 29 years old when I moved here, I experienced many “firsts”       give her my unconditional love and on my birthday,
in the five years I have lived in the nation’s capital. My first camping, my
first mountain climbing, first free diving, first dune driving and even first    I’m sure she will do the same! Happy birthday UAE!
JUST HANDCRAFTED                 Preethi Janice D’Sa       | Scientist-artiste hybrid

ALL THEMED UP THE CUPCAKE WAY                                                                                                                  Scan with your cellphone

Today I would like to encourage you to make themed products that fit in                 we never cease to critique our work and strive to improve our designs and
with your handcraft work. This is the best time to start, what with the                 processes.
UAE’s 40th National Day celebrations happening and the end of the year
festivities upon us.                                                                    So, now that I’ve shared with you a great example of themed work, what
                                                                                        theme would you like to use in your work? Once you have decided, use
I have with us a talented food crafter, Shifana Anwar, founder of Melting               the web to get inspired (copying not allowed). Work out the audience
Moments. She shares photos of her themed cakes specially made for the                   you wish to sell to, do a bit of market research to see if they would be
40th UAE National Day celebrations. Shifana always starts with a sketch                 interested in your themed products.
and then adds details to the cake. So that by the actual baking process she
already knows what the client’s taste is (no pun intended).                             Drop me a line at if you would like to share what
                                                                                        happened as a result. I may post the best answers at the Cultural Arts
One factor that is important to her (apart from food safety) is never                   Travelogue website.
compromising on the quality of ingredients used. The reason? “It’s simple:
the quality of the ingredients directly affects the taste.”                             So that’s me, Jan, signing off for this year. Have a great “melting moment”
                                                                                        whatever you’re creating and wherever you’re celebrating.
Shifana says that she is her own worst critic. I can empathise with her.
Creatives (me included) are die hard perfectionists. Whilst others may                  Jan D’Sa runs a technical/bid writing consulting business and is the founder
compliment us on our work (yes, we do accept compliments gracefully),                   of Janys De mixed media jewelry and cufflinks. Visit her site: https://www.

MUM UNLIMITED                                 Sarah Widdup | Living the dream, needing the sleep

                                                                                        differences between them. My daughter, bless her heart, can often be
                                                                                        heard practicing her Arabic words while talking to friends, and then telling
                                                                                        them what she’s just said and which language it is that she’s speaking.

CITIZENS OF THE WORLD:                                                                  The cosmopolitan nature of this place has been a real eye opener for us,
                                                                                        and something for which I am truly grateful. I really feel that Abu Dhabi
MAKING A MOVE FROM DOWN-UNDER                                                           has been a gateway to the rest of the world for us, and the contacts and
                                                                                        friends that we’ve made here will make it possible to keep travelling and
Moving to the UAE was a huge leap for my family and me. We’d heard                      having adventures. Well, that is if we ever decide to leave here, and right
all the whispers about how strict the rules would be, and frankly, I was                now I don’t want to!
expecting a serious amount of culture shock. And I was shocked, but
not in the way you’d think, and not in a bad way. The move here was                     The UAE, it seems to me, is a real land of opportunity. You could, at any
something we did to secure the future for our family, mostly in a financial             moment, meet someone who will help you jump on to an exciting new
sense. Little did I know that there were so many other ways that my                     path. The very fact that you’re reading this now is testament to that! I
family would benefit.                                                                   was lucky to meet someone, who knew someone, who I then spoke to
                                                                                        for something completely unrelated and then shazam! I’m doing what I
For me, seeing my children become little citizens of the world has been                 love – writing.
the most amazing part of our adventure here. They’ve met people from
all over the globe, and are very accepting of other cultures and the                    So happy birthday UAE! And thanks for everything!
ARTICULATE                        Neena Rai | An artist with a flair

Come second December and we all will be celebrating UAE’s 40th National Day.                 I will soon complete my fifth year in the UAE, and it seems this land is improving
The country will be decked in lights and decorations will be seen across the streets.        with time. I have seen drastic changes in every sphere. Every year the National
People will be out on the streets celebrating the joyous occasion. A lot of emphasis         Day celebrations seem to get better and better. The art shows have increased in
is paid to the cars and one can see almost all cars decorated in the national colours.       popularity and the variety of art on offer is something to reckon with.
The fun part about National Day celebrations is that it is not limited to nationals
only. I have seen people from all nationalities participate in it. Last year in Abu          The Abu Dhabi Art and Manarat Al Saadiyat have transformed the cultural
Dhabi I saw a foam fight between a Pathan driver and some Emirati kids. I am still           landscape with the help of the Film Festival. The F1 and Ferrari World have added
unsure who seemed to be enjoying it the most.                                                glamour to this sleepy town of five years ago. The various concerts at Yas and the
                                                                                             Corniche have given a lot of options to the general public to be able to pursue and
The most amazing part of this festive time is that art stretches to new limits that          partake in cultural activities.
have not observed before. After beautifying the streets and cars in the national
colours, comes the beautifying with teddy bears. Yes, teddy bears. If this is your           And, at the eve of my completing five years in this country, I am struck by how
first time, keep an eye out for the giant teddy bears atop the cars. Oh, and the             many choices there are. When I first came here I was at a loss on what to do and
teddy bears are made to match the Emirati colours. Some people may find it                   how to become engaged in cultural activities. Now there are so many choices that
gaudy, but I think it is absolutely funky.                                                   often I literally do not know where to go!

MINI MINX                         Angeli Castillo        | Making minutes out of molehills

                                                                                             important of all, lots of self-motivation. Just like this nation that has developed so
                                                                                             quickly in so little time, Sultan finds inspiration in the memory of the late Sheikh
                                                                                             Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, because of what he has done for his country as well as
                                                                                             for the rest of the world. Sultan says: “I am compelled to follow in his footsteps and
                                                                                             try to do my part for the Emirati and global community.”
                                                                                             While most people find adjusting to this glorious and giving city a challenge
SULTAN SAEED AL DARMAKI                                                                      at times, it is now a part of me; I remember as a child having so many happy
                                                                                             memories and yes, even though some times were hard I always found some
As an expat who was born and raised in Abu Dhabi, I had the privilege of watching            comfort here in my home knowing that the residents of this place will always be
the city grow and learn the customs and traditions of this land while meeting a              taken care of one way or another. Sultan supports the same idea because he thinks
handful of local Emiratis who grew along with it but at the same time managed to             that in another 40 years time we will still be enjoying the same level of prosperity
maintain their humble roots. One example is Sultan Saeed Al Darmaki, an Emirati              and peace we’ve had in the past 40 years, and that the only difference is that it will
born on the 24th August 1982 in Abu Dhabi. He graduated from New York Institute              be shared by more people.
of Technology in 2008 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources. Apart from
being the owner of Al Darmaki Group of Companies, he is also a freelance writer              Sultan’s message to the new generation of this nation is to motivate them towards
who self-published his first book “Under My Black Halo” in late 2010, he contributes         a better future. He says it is important to try to do three things simultaneously:
regularly to Gulf Today Panorama magazine through his column “Impromptu,” and                to learn from the Emirati culture and the great men and women of this country,
also dabbles in photography.                                                                 to know why it is important to be proud of yourself, and to explore the world
                                                                                             so that you might open their eyes to different walks of life and develop a better
One of Sultan’s inspiration is life itself, “because life is a dynamic entity there will     understanding of humanity.
always be moments felt that would inspire anyone to try to capture it via pen or
camera.” For an Emarati who has been writing for almost three years and recently             You will find some of Sultan Saeed Al Darmaki’s work on the website: www.
took up photography almost nine months ago, he believes that anyone can do          Sultan also takes part in literature and community
what he does, and that all it takes is a little patience, a little dedication and most       events and is active in social media.
YANK IN THE SANDLAND                       Randy Parker

                                                                                                  presence is not oppressive at all. The driving habits of some need a little work
                                                                                                  though. The UAE is also taking global leadership in developing alternate energies.
                                                                                                  I think I became somewhat spoiled during my time living here.

                                                                                                  Speaking of which, this will be my last column for Tempo. I recently resigned from
                                                                                                  my regular job and by the time you read this, I will be on my way back to the US
ADIEU FROM CAPTAIN AMERICA                                                                        to seek some tempting opportunities. I want to thank Editor Sana Bagersh who 2
NOW IN EXILE…                                                                                     1/2 years ago gave this fledgling blogger a chance for the “Big Leagues”! The rest
                                                                                                  of the crew is great too.
What a wild ride it has been for the UAE! Just forty years ago HH Sheikh Zayed
united the seven Emirates to form the United Arab Emirates and the rest is history.               But most of all I appreciate those of you who took time out of their busy day to
I cannot think of any other country that has progressed so far and so fast in so little           read my column. With every word I wrote I intended to entertain you, and I really
time. This reaffirms HH Sheikh Zayed’s leadership and that he wanted nothing but                  hope I did. Writing is a labour of love and I would write even if I knew nobody was
the best for his people.                                                                          reading my work, but it is very satisfying to have my column published so I know it
                                                                                                  has a chance to be read. I intend to find another writing gig back in the States and
The UAE is also unique in its demographic makeup as the vast majority of the                      maybe I will submit a guest column once in awhile to Tempo just to stay in touch.
population is from somewhere else. I know of no other area in the world where
this is the case. And you know what? It works! This is a true multi-cultural country              Thank you everyone, I will miss you all....aloha!!!
that has a minimum of friction between the many nationalities living here. Folks
from different places that may have disagreements when living in their respective                 Oh, Happy Birthday UAE, I will miss you too, I had a great
countries magically work, live and play well together here.                                       time. May your flag wave forever!

Also, I find the UAE to be a clean, safe (traffic sadly excluded) and modern country.             (From the ed: we’ll miss you too, Captain America. God bless, Randy,
I always feel comfortable walking anywhere at any time in Abu Dhabi yet police                    and stay in touch with your Tempo family. Sana)

JUST A THOUGHT                 Manar Al Hinai          | A Khaleeji girl who overthinks a lot and loves to write

                                                                                                                                                                 Scan with your cellphone
                                                                                                                                                                to follow Manar on twitter

Every time I leave the UAE on holiday, I realize how much I love it, and even though              •	      I love how the UAE blends heritage and modernity. You can be shopping in
I would be enjoying my break, I simply cannot wait till I hop on the plane and go                         the world’s largest mall, and 20 minutes later be driving on sand dunes.
back there; go back home.                                                                         •	      I love how safe this country is, and I don’t have to worry of getting robbed,
                                                                                                          killed, or kidnapped.
There is something magical about the UAE that makes people from different                         •	      I love the UAE because this where I grew up, went to school, where my best
backgrounds feel a sense of belonging and security; Something that words will fail                        memories took place, and where I will always live.
to describe, and no country on earth would ever compare to.                                       •	      I love the UAE because it introduced me to the best friends I could ever have
                                                                                                          who come from different backgrounds and share the same passion for this
With the 40th National Day Celebrations going on, I cannot help but think about                           land as its people
the many reasons that make me passionately love this land.                                        •	      I love the efforts made by the country to preserve islands like Bu Tinah and
                                                                                                          its environment
So my dear readers, I would share with you some and I am sure that many of UAE
agree with me:                                                                                    Finally I love it because this where I first learned to love, and you, the
                                                                                                  UAE, is one of my first loves, and you will always hold that special place
•	    I love our amazing leaders who treat their people like their own family                     in my heart.
•	    I love how hospitable and generous Emirati are, and how they are tolerant                   Congratulations! You are still young but big in achievements. Keep on
      and welcoming for those wishing to reside on their land                                     dazzling us, and the rest of the world. We are holding our breaths.
By Ian Mason

Strewth! If you were a visitor to Australia, you’d be dining with a dingo, cooking      The UAE must highlight its grassroots culture – not just
with a kangaroo and waltzing with a wombat. But in Abu Dhabi, Emirati cultural
                                                                                        the broadscope cultural precinct being built on Saadiyat
experiences don’t seem to extend much further than the magnificent Sheikh
Zayed Grand Mosque.                                                                     Island – and it is Emirati entrepreneurs who must
                                                                                        drive it. They need to bring their Bedouin knowledge,
Sure, there is the Heritage Village, but culture is about interpretation, and the       their life experiences, their family heritage to the 2.3
Heritage Village could do it so much better. And don’t start me on the desert
                                                                                        million hotel guests expected to pile into the country
safaris. Belly dancers, shisha...not really Emirati culture, is it?
                                                                                        by the end of 2012.
If you surveyed 100 people arriving on the next Etihad flight, I reckon 79 of them
(ok, so we guessed) would be visiting for a cultural experience.                        And help is freely available. The Khalifa Fund aids
                                                                                        visionary Emiratis with financial support while
Culture is a powerful attractant for visitors. People travel because they want to
experience a different lifestyle to their own, broaden their cultural awareness         organisations such as Tamakkan offer an amazing
and show off their newly-found knowledge to their friends back home.                    mentoring and training base.
But experiencing traditional Emirati culture in Abu Dhabi is often harder than          I’m a Westerner. I can’t do it. It would look plain stupid and incredibly non-
applying for residency.                                                                 credible.

The tourism industry in Abu Dhabi – indeed the whole UAE – is crying out for            It needs the skilled, experienced hands of an Emirati – an Emirati that is investing
Emirati cultural experiences. It is not as though the possibilities are short either.   in their own business to bring local culture to the world.
How’s this for an example. A foodies tour that visits the fruit and vegetable
market, allows visitors to cook a traditional Emirati meal and sample hospitality       So next time you visit Australia and see a koala doing karaoke, don’t laugh. You
in a majlis. Imagine that in the skilled hands of an Emirati guide.                     can be sure he’s doing it for the culture of his country.

Or perhaps an arts tour featuring paintings, handicrafts and calligraphy. A nature
tour visiting the Falcon Hospital and Saluki Centre. A shopping tour to the souks       Ian Mason is a Tamakkan trainer and coaches on
to try on an abaya. A sail on a dhow. A basic Arabic language lesson.                   marketing, hospitality and media. Tamakkan
                                                                                        offers a range of basic business workshops for
This is Emirati culture, the thing that 79% of visitors (according to the Mason         entrepreneurs and corporate “intrapreneurs”,
method of research) want to experience in Abu Dhabi.                                    including Selling Skills, Presentation Skills,
                                                                                        Developing Marketing Plans, Customer Service
The UAE needs Emiratis to proudly interpret and preserve their own culture. It          and many more.
demands entrepreneurs with the energy, vision and passion to showcase these
cultural experiences. The Director of Strategy and Policy at Abu Dhabi Tourism          Contact Camille on (02) 4918624 or email                   Scan on your cellphone to know
                                                                                                                                                   more about Tamakkan seminars
Authority says so. More importantly, visitors say so.                          for workshop schedules.                          and workshops
MEDIA COLUMN                          Alma Kadragic

                                                                            TAMAKKAN SEMINAR: THE BUSINESS OF FILMMAKING
                                                                            December 18, 6-8pm, Al Mamoura Auditorium

SHEIKH ZAYED WANTED ETHICAL                                                 A discussion about the UAE’s Filmmaking Industry, the opportunities it
JOURNALISM EVEN BEFORE THE                                                  presents and the resources available. Speakers/panelists include:
                                                                            •	 John Kochanczyk, sound recordist and specialist in post-production
UAE WAS FOUNDED                                                                  sound and lecturer at the New York Film Academy Abu Dhabi.
                                                                            •	 Khalid Al Mahmood, Emirati filmmaker who has been in the business
Last month The National ran an opinion column by Taryam al Subaihi               for over 10 years and labeled as one of the Top 10 Arab Filmmakers to
titled The Taint of Bribes in the Media Still Corrupts Coverage. The             Watch by Screen International Magazine.
author recalled that Sheikh Zayed “issued a government order to             •	 Marcelle Aleid, Deputy Director of Abu Dhabi Film Commission
establish in 1969 the first daily newspaper, Al Ittihad” two years          •	 Mohammed Al Otaiba, Head of ImageNation Abu Dhabi
before the founding of the UAE in 1971.
                                                                            Moderator: Chris Newbould, Editor of Digital Broadcast Magazine
“Sheikh Zayed saw that the only way forward to develop Emirati
society was through the creation of a news outlet and direct lines of
                                                                            Attendance is free but registration is required.
communication with the public through the media.”                           To register, call Priya on 024918624 or email:

Unfortunately, between that ideal and what actually goes on today,          TAMAKKAN GROW SEMINAR SERIES
there’s a huge gap. Many journalists are in fact bribed and expect to       Tamakkan Corporate Bootcamp
be bribed to attend big events by companies – or the public relations
and marketing agencies that work for them. The column led to a              Enroll today in one day workshops and enhance your performance at work
twitter flurry of comments giving examples of gifts like iPads offered      Classes for December 2011 and January 2012:
to journalists.
                                                                            •	   Presentations that Win
Serious news organizations don’t allow their journalists to accept          •	   Leadership 2012
costly gifts; serious public relations agencies don’t suggest things        •	   Managing Yourself: Priorities and Decisions
like this to clients and resist clients who demand that journalists be      •	   Simple Selling Skills
bought. An ethical and sensible public relations practitioner knows         •	   Answer the Phone and Increase Your Sales
that paying for news once means paying for news always.                     •	   Plan for Excellent Customer Service
                                                                            •	   Keep Your Customers Happy
It’s difficult in a developing market like the UAE where most journalists   •	   Introduction to Social Media for Corporations
don’t earn much for everyone to behave ethically, but that should be        •	   Social Media Toolset
the goal. Editors at news companies should promote the rules of             •	   The Social Business
ethical journalism and penalize those who don’t follow them.                •	   Social Media Engagement
                                                                            •	   Best Practices in Project Management
Most important, more Emiratis should                                        •	   Managing Risks in Projects
become journalists. They are best positioned
                                                                            TAMAKKAN ENTREPRENEUR SKILLBUILDING WORKSHOPS
to report on their own country and to be well                               Hands on workshops for business success
paid while doing so.                                                        Classes for December 2011 and January 2012:

More Emirati journalists would make                                         •	   Marketing Plans Made Easy
                                                                            •	   Using Publicity to Promote Your Business
the profession recognized in the UAE as                                     •	   Simple Selling Skills
important and honourable. Probably that’s                                   •	   Analyzing Your Business: Moving to 2012
what Sheikh Zayed would have expected.
                                                                            For more information, call 02 4918625 or visit
Tempo magazine December 2011
Tempo magazine December 2011
Tempo magazine December 2011
Tempo magazine December 2011
Tempo magazine December 2011

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Tempo magazine December 2011

  • 2.
  • 3. When we started to put together the December issue it became quickly apparent there was no way to stem the outpouring of love, artistic expression and reminiscing of good times experienced in the UAE. So we succumbed totally and decided to dedicate the the whole magazine to the UAE’s 40th birthday. We dedicated Tempo’s Heart and Soul Bazaars in the last two months to the UAE’s national day, we worked with Abu Dhabi TV on mini vignettes by members of the community entitled “I LOVE UAE,” we invited artists to communicate their dedications on canvas and we talked to Emiratis and expatriates about their thoughts and their dreams. Interestingly, the overriding theme in these chats and activities was about how the UAE had managed to host a multi-national population, to nurture a mosaic of cultures and communities, and to provide a sense of harmony and belonging to all. We should look back at the past year in world history as a time of challenge and change and embrace the new year with hope, and with the very qualities that have made the UAE so loved by its people. Happy Birthday UAE, and Happy New Year to all. Sana Bagersh Managing Editor letters to the editor 04 18 blueprint MANAGING EDITOR uspace 05 20 time capsule Sana Bagersh art dedication 06 21 game hedz | uae diversity FEATURES EDITOR Alma Kadragic dedication online 10 22 doc in the house | dedication to nation EDITORIAL COORDINATOR poem dedication 11 23 just handcrafted | mum unlimited Sharon Carvalho bu tinah island 12 24 articulate | mini minx MAGAZINE DESIGN Mark De Castro citybites 13 25 yank in the sandland | just a thought MARKETING COORDINATOR happy birthday uae 14 26 wanted: emirati entrepreneurs Manjul Abhishek Laskar Laipubam people calendar 16 27 media column | tamakkan DISTRIBUTION COORDINATOR 29 horoscope Melaku Muluneh EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Angeli Castillo Blakniss Dave Solomon Manar Al Hinai Neena Rai Randy Parker Preethi Janice D’Sa Sarah Widdup ADDRESS DISCLAIMER Sara Taher Ahmed Samir To reach editorial at Abu Dhabi Tempo email: editorial@tempoplanet. Tempo is a publication of BrandMoxie. Although Tempo Magazine com. If you need to find out where you can pick up your copy call: 02 667 does its best to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of its contents, Ian Mason Justin Thomas 3349 or check out the list of Tempo distribution points on our website. the publisher cannot accept any responsibility for errors, mistakes and Noura Abdullah Al Noaimi Rohith Bhat inaccuracies. The publisher reserves the rights of this product and no NOTE TO ADVERTISERS part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means Advertisers can request brand tagging with all advertisements. without the permission of the publisher. To reach advertising call 02 667 3349 or email: MEDIA LICENCE NO. 1/105866/24295 download Scan the QR CODE using your smart phone to your smart phone Published by } run application for Blackberry this is done through BBM click on tag beside each article to have fun with for iPhone download BeeTag or Neo Reader online content, videos & cool tags!
  • 4. Dear Ed, It’s great how Tempo got amateur film makers an opportunity. I can’t wait to see the “I Love UAE” videos on Abu Dhabi TV on national day. Looking forward to more cool activities for the community - Sam R Dear Tempo, Thanks for the “Gmail” tip in your Bottom Line column. I was horrified when I checked the link at the bottom of my gmail email page and saw other people were accessing my account. I couldn’t change the password fast enough - Osman Saeed Dear Tempo, I thought your November issue was outstanding. The story on Mohammed Otaiba of Imagenation, the Cat Superheros, the Emirati film makers, the youth orchestra. More features, we want more! - Nitta S. Awesome! Abu Dhabi Anime Club (J-AMFM) is now featured in Abu Dhabi Tempo Magazine. Please go get a copy! Thanks Tempo for giving us the opportunity - Abigail Kerr Was really fun! :) Will you be hosting more like that? - Jose Tuaño Well done Tempo - it was We came in late but it was still Had a blast at Tempo’s Bazaar. YAY! I’m in this month’s @ awesome. Love my new awesome. Got lots of books! Great job, Tempo! Love my new AbuDhabiTempo magazine along Fantabulous! Great job Tempo! Ray Bans that I purchased for a with a GREAT group from the “I love colourful throw! fraction of the real price! Can’t - Hana Makki More to come! UAE” video competition. So exciting! - Bearose Karmel Velarde wait for next month. See ya - Sally Abdel Razak there! - Yasser Bagersh QUESTION RESULTS OF LAST MONTH’S VOTE: Q: Who would you most like to see perform in the UAE? What was your favourite film series of the year? 1) Fast and Furious Series 72% 17% 11% 0% 2) Twilight Saga SAID SAID SAID SAID 3) Harry Potter Series YES, I WANT YES, I WANT YES, I WANT YES, I WANT TO SEE ADELE TO SEE TO SEE U2 TO SEE 4) Transformers PERFORM LADY GAGA PERFORM PITBULL 5) X-Men PERFORM PERFORM Go to tempoplanet to vote
  • 5. THE TOTALLY CLUELESS PERSON’S GUIDE: MOVING TO THE UAE By Rohith Bhat ABU DHABI MALL PRESENTS THE “ABU DHABI MALL WINTER CHARITY FAIR” IN AID OF MÉDECINS SANS FRONTIÈRES (MSF) Friday 9th December 2011 | from 11am to 9pm Visit the Winter Charity Fair at Abu Dhabi Mall and help contribute to the humanitarian efforts of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). All proceeds from table rentals will be donated to the MSF to help them along with their worthy cause. Well it all started out simple enough: Dad got transferred to the U.A.E. and Come along with your family and friends to this exciting fair and purchase original the rest of the family had to move along for the ride. So, like any typical handicrafts and souvenirs from the best artists and craftspeople. geek I decided the best thing to do would be to research. I spent hours scouring though informative volumes of information like the Arabian Stop by the MSF stall to buy secondhand books of various genres at bargain prices. Nights, Disney’s Aladdin, A Camels’ Tale and Lawrence of Arabia… Boy did MSF will be hosting a raffle with fantastic prizes to win brunches, hotels stays, thrilling that not pan out!! When I got to the U.A.E. it was nothing like anything I marine & water park experiences, delicious cupcakes and lots more! had read! Where were the flying carpets? Where were the belly dancers? Where were the camels and, more importantly, where were the Arabs? For more information, contact: MSF at 02-6317645 or by email at Finding them amongst the sea of Americans, Filipinos and Indians turned Abu Dhabi Mall at 02-6454858 or out to be as entertaining as a game of “Where’s Waldo” but after that, well, Email at the disappointment set in. True, there was shopping and a sense of history and culture but there was a distinct lack of flying carpets that brought the whole thing down. On the plus side it was good to find out that there were the no taxes, something that got me a raise in allowance… But I couldn’t figure out why, and rather sad to find out, that my sister seemed to be way too happy about move. Why does that make me sad, you ask? Not because of the sadistic gene that most brothers carry that makes me say this, but rather the reason itself, the dreaded SHOPPING! Pack mules know, and brothers and boyfriends everywhere can sympathise, with my plight here! And it’s not just one or two places that she’ll visit once and then get sick, OH NO!!! There are hundreds places in this country STUDENTS SHINE AT THE FESTIVAL OF THINKERS! for shopping! Not to mention sales every week or so! It makes my sister giddy, but it almost makes me want to jump in front of a car on the road! Students from the British School Al Khubairat, posing with HH Sheikh Nahayan Bin But considering the cars here, I may end up damaging a BMW and if that Mabarak Al Nahayan and the Vice Chancellor of the Higher Colleges of Technology, HE doesn’t get me a ticket, don’t know what will!! Tayeb Kamali. An afterthought, I just decided to have a shawarma…ahh, yes shawarma From left to right: HE Tayeb Kamali, Ahmed Hraiz, Mohammed Kamali, HH Sheikh Nahayan in the UAE… come for the cheap fuel cost, and stay for the shawarma!! Bin Mabarak Al Nahayan , Mohamed Al Darmaki, Karam Bukair, Nader Saab, Omar El- Temtamy and Khayouf
  • 6. art Tempo invited local artists to a “paint-off” where they were supplied with canvas and paint and had to express their thoughts and ideas of life in the UAE, and the UAE’s 40th Anniversary, on the spot. Here we present 14 artworks painted by Emirati and expatriate artists. dedication The balancing act between tradition and innovation is something every country has to face, but for the UAE it is more so as it is a very young nation growing ever so fast and evolving rapidly. I hope my painting shows how successful Abu Dhabi copes with conflict, despite all the modernism and plastic scenery, natural and pure moments can still be found in the many side alleys. You just have to keep your eyes open. -Anna Eckert Marek Mihok Anna Kurkova It was said that the term camel from the Arabic ‫ ,جمل‬ğml, derived from the triconsonantal root signifying “beauty”. I believe “beauty” perfectly describes not only the camel but also the United Arab Emirates. Therefore this drawing is a dedication to the UAE by both emphasizing and demonstrating its beauty. Happy 40th birthday UAE! -George Hung
  • 7. My artwork was inspired by the vast changes that have taken place in the UAE over the past 40 years; it signifies how an ever-growing nation has managed to change the native land from desert to a country filled with the tallest of buildings and the most advanced of institutions while doing whatever it takes to maintain the ropes of tradition and culture and to conserve the intricate bonds between family and friends. -Huda Al Shaikh I wanted to take an impressionistic approach to describing a familiar landscape in Abu Dhabi that would then be overrun by intentional lines giving form, direction, and purpose; a clear setting derived from an ever shifting landscape of sand, buildings, and streets. -James Hunt Unity and keeping the ancient culture alive enrich the nation and its future generation…that to my eyes is the UAE. And I see it through their traditional boat, the dhow that moves towards a promising future with feet firmly on the ground and hands embracing the rich Arab culture and heritage. -Johanna Legaspi
  • 8. Inspired by my positive interaction with the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, I tried to show the tolerance, love and mutual understanding between different cultures in the painting. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque introduces a vision of tolerance rooted in the traditions of the golden Islamic era. Traditions based on respect and exchange of ideas for the enrichment of human life and history. Additionally, the mosque aims to serve as a platform to enhance culture and knowledge in Abu Dhabi and the surrounding region by organizing activities that seek to promote a culture of tolerance, love, rationality and mutual dialogue. -Ruchi Kansal Kee Ryung Kim Shivangi Nanda My painting is a metaphor for progress. The trail of the abaya and flag lead up to a woman which signifies how gracefully and beautifully the country has developed and bloomed. The abaya highlights that the country has preserved its culture amidst the urbanisation it is going through. Forty years since its birth, the country stands strong, and undoubtedly, it will see more years of growth and prosperity. -Shanice DaCosta
  • 9. My painting is a symbolic patchwork of the UAE’s past, present and future. Everything is connected through the horizon of the desert representing time: from Sheikh Zayed’s eyes through road sign, skyscraper, flag, and camel to the bridge… The traditional architecture drags on the dunes’ shape and the falcon, which look at the Emirati couple entering the Grand Mosque. -Nirina Ralanto The Abu Dhabi Flag pole. Fluttering over the Abu Dhabi corniche, this landmark, which at one point of time used to hold the record for being the highest free standing flagpole in the world, is a symbol of the free spirited nature of the people of this amazing country. I have spent hours on the corniche, mesmerized by the fluttering colours on this flag and always come back with a feeling of grandeur and spiritual calmness. This painting is a tribute to that flag, this great nation and its enlightened rulers. -Soumyajit Choudhary To me the issue of female empowerment is very important. Thus the theme of my painting shows the increasing role of the Emirati woman in the socio, economic and political decisions of the UAE. -Vivek Mukherjee
  • 10. rami: Thank you UAE for the warm memories of my childhood raed: dalal : anna : Congratulations UAE... peace be upon you UAE Ashat al imarat may you have a long life al mutahida !! and happiness for all your sylvie : people je - t - aime abou dhabi sana : Harmony, peace and prosperity scarlet : love you abu dhabi anna : dan : Happy Birthday UAE!!!! mariam : Congratulations on Fedaitik, ya imarat! darwin : your 40th, UAE! congratulations... arwa d : guest_7493 : Peace and love Happy birthday UAE stay strong and stay ahead mark b : marwan : Happy 40th UAE! Love this place, man. sadia : gaisha27 : I love the summer Happy national day. I love UAE !!! , sea & Dubai!!!! rash : rania : Congratulations inas : Peace and love, UAE. No other Happiness, glory always :) place I want to be in :) and peace to all robert : Happy birthday UAE taha : the people living Mabrook, Ya Emirati in the UAE
  • 11. UAE 40 Years… 40 Lines… by Bahareh Amidi 1. The land of not opportunities alone but of dreams coming 17. The heritage that was lost in the desert wind is being true brought back each day through nabati story telling and 2. The place where I came to with no particular hope and I poem reciting learned I had wings 18. What might look like workers camps to some may indeed 3. The desert in the middle of the oasis where oil is turned to be viewed as havens to others, the others that are here to real tangible things support a family and a clan through their daily sweat 4. The crude realities of oil still present but the longing for 19. This land has taught me to look inside for my answers and change even more present go to the well of light for my responses 5. Bridging the gap between east and west in real form. A 20. I hope to see it 20 years from now and I wonder what 40 lady in a bikini and a lady in an abaya despite all that they years from now will bring to life carry with in can sit side by side and be themselves 21. Every child was born to a father and a mother, Sheik Zayed 6. It is not only about the Ferrari World it is about where the has been both to this land road and path can take you 22. He has made an other wise anonymous nation known to all 7. It is not only a place to pray. The Grand Mosque can re- who know where the sun rises store faith in the abilities of mankind 23. A person is said to be well respected when the elderly and 8. She is a lady at sunset and a gentleman at sunup the young respect them alike. Sheik Zayed was able to 9. It is not only the smell of oud it is the essence of the aroma touch noses bending down to a child and looking up to an 10. The carriers of the Gulf only a reminder of the dreams car- elder ried to shore 24. Respect is not given but earned, to be called father of a 11. There are no beggars on the street, not only because of law, nation by nationals is one thing but to be internationally but because we are all here to work respected is another 12. There is no stealing not only because of the consequences 25. There are waves in the Gulf that bring news from the East but because of the trust we have in ourselves and to the West and at times the oud of the East across the 13. The lights are lit after Ramadan and the lights are lit for Water, this aroma has heritage behind it Christmas honoring all religions and all faiths and beliefs 26. Heritage of peoples whose life started on this land 7500 14. It is not only the name of the schools and universities that years ago but is now celebrated as the young nation of 40 give education its clout on this land, it is the education years. Only roots can give way to such branches to grow that gives its students opportunities in this land that give 27. Branches can only seek light if allowed flight. The art of young minds clout in the world falconry is a national sport which gives inhabitants the 15. It is not the amount of sand in the desert that makes the wings they need to fly caravan move from place to place, it is the caravan that 28. The camels in the desert that die of eating empty bottles makes the desert come to life with each step have a voice; the voice that says what will our children 16. The salt in the sea is not salty because it is only there to be think when there are no more camels to greet the dino- desalinated for use to make the desert green saurs in the heavens 29. There are other nations whose names start with United. But the UAE is truly a nation that unites people 30. UAE is not a melting pot but more so a place for individuals Our National Day to keep their ethnicity and wear their identity with pride may it be a purple robe or a white one by Beena Sunny 31. The smallness of the nation only adds to the flavor of its wondrous growth Emirati National Day, a day 32. The reality and importance of learning from those who have already traversed a land or a sea For being happy and gay 33. The land of opportunity for those who are educated and Filled with celebrations galore wealthy but also the land of opportunity for those twilling Reminders of history and folklore the land to educate their children at home -years back our UAE was born 34. The call to prayer five times a day starts at the Grand Mosque and echoes in every crack of every corner mosque Seven emirates were then divided and torn and then resonates a light in those ready to hear the call But on that day, a great leader, able and true 35. The call is the breath of the child out of womb under a tent United them under a flag of four colour and it is also the last breath of the camel dying of thirst while sitting at the oasis Heralding in progress fast and meteoric hue 36. Perhaps oasis is a great word for this land. Creating a nation unique and historic 37. Indeed a land that was always dry but is now green with The hands that moulded UAE are stilled vegetation. Still around this land all you see is sand until your eye travels Their presence missed, the void never filled 38. At the oasis one can drink or one can cry Yet comes, second December every year 39. It is there the river of truth is in every speck of sand and in A day to remember without peer every drop of salt in the sea From their near and dear ones. 40. For now time of sitting by the river called the UAE is over, it is time to step into the river and go with the flow. Beena Sunny was an expatriate of Abu Dhabi for 13 years Bahareh Amidi is an American-Iranian poet based in and remembers her years here with nostalgia. “This poem Abu Dhabi. She recites poetry at artistic and creative events. is an expression of thanks and dedication to the rulers of See her poems at UAE,” she says.
  • 12. BU TINAH ISLAND THE STORY OF A NATIONAL TREASURE By Noura Abdullah Al Noaimi As children, we have all dreamt about the euphoria of visiting beautiful remote islands… but little did the people of the UAE know that we had one floating on own waters! Amongst the Gulf’s warm and saline waters is a small archipelago named Bu Tinah which is located 130km west of Abu Dhabi. Bu Tinah is home to numerous endangered species that inhabit this nirvana island. Within the Marawah Marine Biosphere Reserve is the territory that covers an estimate of 4,000 square meters, all closed to visitors, fishing and collection of turtle eggs, as the area is under enforced patrol watch to stay protected as a private natural reserve. In 2001, UNESCO recognized the island as being one of both the largest and richest is fitting that, as we approach the 40th anniversary of our beloved nation, that Bu Biosphere reserves found in the region. The island is actually a cluster of islands and Tinah has served to unite the residents of the UAE and beyond in appreciation of our shoals, all meeting at a very low sea level, reaching no higher than two or three nation’s natural heritage and its importance on the global stage.” meters above sea level. Bu Tinah’s main territorial area has a sheltered lagoon opening its area leading to Due to the island’s affiliation with UNESCO, Bu Tinah immediately raised its level on the south. It has a low energy environment allowing flowing mature mangrove to the social network platform, and raising a flag that it is susceptible to harm if it is flourish. It also contains an estimate of 16 species of healthy coral reef habitats. not protected. Bu Tinah Island is home to the most threatened species of sea turtles in the world In March 2010, Bu Tinah Island was surprisingly announced as one of 28 global known as “The Hawksbill Turtle”that plays an important role in coral reef maintenance. finalists in the contest “New 7 Wonders of Nature” when it was shortlisted by a Its shell is considered one of its most beautiful elements and is a coveted item in the substantial 447 natural sites around the world. On 11 November 2011, Bu Tinah was fashion industry. Another species found at Bu Tinah is the Osprey, also known as the voted by 13 million people all around the world and it managed to reach the top 14 “sea hawk” and 75 percent of its breeding population is found in Abu Dhabi. finalists in the global competition! In every territory lie hidden treasures waiting to be discovered, protected and appreciated. For the UAE, Bu Tinah represents a magnificent national treasure that Commenting on the 20-month long campaign, Her Excellency Razan Khalifa Al adds value to the UAE; raising its profile in the world of nature and affirming its Mubarak, Secretary General of the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) said: “It commitment to environmental conservation.
  • 13. By Justin Thomas Photo by Sheikha Al Tunaiji HARD WALLS Beyond the smoke, Hard Walls offers nominally Lebanese/Syrian cuisine, with an extensive menu spanning the globe… WHERE CHICKEN KIEV MEETS A BAHRAINI APPLE pretty much like the Lebanese diaspora itself. All the usual Levantine suspects are there; The Sheesha smoke is thick. Like mist rising over a primordial swamp, its movement hummus, tabouleh, fatoush, is virtually imperceptible. This serene smoke-scape is a fragile thing; any illusion of kebabs. The menu also features solidity and permanence is shattered by energetic table staff delivering food, drinks the ubiquitous fodder of and charcoal. Smoke swirls and dances in their wake, a visible reminder of the globalisation; burgers, and pizzas. invisible world surrounding us. Unlike the mist from a swamp however, this smoke However, there are also many is aromatic; an airborne fruit salad with apple, grape, mint and lemon vying for unexpected international olfactory preeminence. This fragrant smoker’s utopia at the heart of Marina Mall goes surprises. For example, my by the curious name of “Hard Walls”. favourite dish at Hard Walls has to be chicken Kiev. This Many of Abu Dhabi’s restaurants and cafes provide non-smoking sections, however Kiev is absolutely magnificent in the absence of a significant physical barrier such “smoke-free” spaces are about as – from presentation to flavour to health promoting as a non-urinating section in a public swimming pool. Hard Walls aroma; a truly outstanding culinary however, makes a real effort, and the non-smoking section is located outside of the experience. In fact this dish seems kind of out of place at Hard Walls, which has main restaurant. Yes - here it’s the non-smokers who are marginalised, and pushed a relaxed beach-bar style decor and ambience. This chicken Kiev would be right to the fringes of the establishment. This less than perfect arrangement is however, at home in any of the world’s gastronomically sophisticated five star restaurants. far superior to simply separating smoking and non-smoking sections with written- However, in such establishments you probably couldn’t get a Bahraini apple signs; as if free-floating smoke can read. I once saw a no smoking sign almost totally flavoured sheesha for dessert. obscured by a thick cloud of illiterate cigar smoke that had defiantly drifted into the non-smoking section. The debate on passive smoking has rumbled on for a long time but the direction of travel is pretty obvious. It seems as though a global public-smoking ban is gradually creeping into place. However, one issue that needs to be urgently addressed pertains to children accompanying their parents to super smokey environments. Who would By Priya Prince take their year-old child to a cigar bar? But children in sheesha cafes and restaurants seem to be fairly acceptable, common even. Perhaps it’s the pleasant smell of sheesha INGREDIENTS smoke that lulls some of us into a false sense of complacency? (Nothing that smells so 2 Tbsps oil 6 curry leaves good could be harmful, could it?) But the dangers of environmental tobacco smoke 1 tsp mustard seeds 1 cup cooked rice for children are clear and well publicised. 1 green chili chopped ¼ cup yoghurt I small onion chopped Salt to taste The UK’s National Health Service suggest children regularly exposed to environmental ½ inch ginger chopped tobacco smoke (sweet smelling or otherwise) are more prone to asthma, ear, nose DIRECTIONS and chest infections, and do less well cognitively, and are at greater risk of developing • Heat the oil, add the mustard seeds, green chili, onion, ginger and cancer and other serious illnesses as adults. curry leaves. • Cook till onions are clear During my visit to Hard Walls several of the passive smokers were indeed children. • Add the yoghurt As these youngsters munched ketchup-drenched chicken nuggets, mum, dad, aunts, • Switch off the flame uncles and older siblings all puffed pipes and punctuated their conversation with • Add the rice perfumed clouds of smoke. One scene now indelibly etched in my mind was of a • Stir and enjoy! mother cradling a relative neonate in one arm while she dexterously maneuvered the sheesha pipe with her other. Another scene was of a container of red-hot charcoal being swung precariously close to the push chair of a sleeping tot! This brought to RATING SCALE: my mind Dickensian scenes of chimney sweeps, and gin-drinking pre-teen alcoholics. Surely these children passively imbibing the atmosphere of sheesha-serving LEVEL 1: SUPER EASY establishments will become the images we look back on with a sense of “I can’t LEVEL 2: RELATIVELY EASY believe we lived like that!”. LEVEL 3: MEDIUM SKILLS REQUIRED LEVEL 4: COOKING SKILLS A MUST LEVEL 5: ARE YOU SURE YOU WANNA DO THIS?
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16. sun mon tue December MY DECEMBER ECO PLEDGE MY DECEMBER TO DO LIST 4 5 6 Chan Blaza Boots Ladrillo Cheryl Wayco Tourism Dubai Rugby 7’s Wor ld Green 5-7 World Family Summit C @ The Sevens 1-3 @ ADNE @ Yas Hotel 5-7 11 12 13 Laveezah Khan Hansel Punnam Erwin Lugtu Eye on Earth Summit World Health Care Congress Omega Dubai Ladie @ ADNEC 12-15 s Masters ME @ ADNEC 11- 13 @ Emirates Gold Clu b 11-17 18 19 20 Kling Blaza Festival of Falconry in Al Ain 11-17 25 26 27 Zainab Khan Alex Eusebio Zeeshan Razzaqi L PUL T Congratulations to Day Albert and Stephanie on Boxing t OU GE Merry Christmas!!! your wedding today! y It was y! Know wha a esterd that is? PA
  • 17. wed thu fri sat 1 2 3 Arjun Suria to the UAE on Congratulations Dubai World Gaming Exp o@ th year of union! Festival its 40 Abu Dhabi Corniche DICEC 29/11- 1/12 30/11- 3/12 Alena Ankit Lodha 7 8 9 10 8th Film Dub Fes ai Int tiva ern l 7 atio Winter Charity Fair -14 na l Gail D’Souza @ Abu Dhabi Mall AR Rahman @ Dubai International Stadium ty n l Ci tomorrow In aid of Medecins row estiva SM is B i F @ AD E 2011 Sans Frontiers Chr Duba NEC @ 5-8 Chris Xaviour Davina Lewis Albert Bravo 14 15 16 17 Indian Property Sh Jun Suarez ow Airport Expo, Duba @ i 15-17 Jing and Alex HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! International Autumn Trade Shankar Ehsaan Loy Fair @ DICEC 13-15 @ ADNEC tomorrow Mariam Abassi Junlie Wayco 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 Veronica Nana Christie Mehreen Malik Richard Brown Al Dhafr a Ca @ Madin mel Festival at Za 17-28 yed Mubadala World Tennis Abu Dhabi Championship 29-31 20 an Race- Volvo Oce Dec- 14 Jan 11 30 New Years Eve!!!
  • 18. My favourite outfit has to be the off shoulder golden top I got from Bershka it was the last one in stock! It’s all glittery down the front and on the back it’s a different shade of gold. I love shopping at Bershka and Forever 21. I love going to malls to do my shopping especially Marina Mall or Abu Dhabi Mall. FASHION STATEMENT: ople when pe I hate it fur! I’m MY STYLE IS PRETTY ECLECTIC, l ALL THE WAY FROM LACE TO GLITTER! wear rea nimal against a all types n cruelty i s! and form hi dy Mer Name: Cin adian Age: 21 ese Can y: Leban tudent Nationalit duate s : Gra Profession I think Abu Dhabi does have style; it’s especially noticeable am ongst the young people.
  • 19.
  • 21. GAME HEDZ Blakniss | Original game head from Atari to XBox! Well it is 40 years of an incredible nation and yes, Sounds pretty sweet right? If you want to download it just bounce to the Game Hedz blog and click the link. It’s for the PC platform, but if you have a Mac you can game heads can celebrate too! Here are at least a use the Boot Camp software (free with OS Leopard and upwards) to play it. Look couple reasons: Point Blank and Ubisoft. out for the review in the next issue and hit us up on the blog to tell us what you think. We’ll include your reviews in ours. POINT BLANK UBISOFT What is it ye ask? Well according to developers, Tahadi Games, “Point Blank, extremely popular in the USA, is played by over 20 million gamers worldwide. Now if you like the Assassins Creed series or Prince of Persia then you’ll love this It is the No.1 shooting game in Russia, Thailand and Indonesia, and is massively news: Ubisoft, developers for the aforementioned games, is setting up shop in the successful in the competitive markets of Brazil and Philippines.” UAE! Wuhoooooooo! Not bad. Tahadi Games has offices in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and right here in It will actually be a game development academy, based in the creative incubator/ Abu Dhabi! Yea, the UAE is becoming a place for game developers, not just game generator TwoFour54. So if you want to go from just playing games to designing heads. them, March 2012 is your date! So more about Point Blank. Tahadi Games gives us the low down: These are good signs for the UAE and Arab gaming in general: a good reminder that gaming is serious business! So anytime folks give you flak for gaming too much, Point Blank is basically a tactical First Person Shooter (FPS) that pits a team of eight just tell them you’re practicing ;) playable characters against each other, with access to more than 200 weapons and items, eight game modes, and more than 40 stages in different sceneries. It has Seasons greetings and happy 40th birthday UAE! destructible and interactive environments as well as level progression with role- playing game (RPG) elements. See you game heads in 2012, insha’allah! UAE DIVERSITY: Ahmed Samir So it was there that I met a lot of interesting people, a fair number were volunteering at the festival. I also met a nice man (a “Caucasian”) and upon discussing the film we had just watched he asked me where I’m from, and I asked him where he was from…The man’s answer to my question was: Georgia. I answered, perhaps expectedly: “So, America?” He gave me a funny look, like he had got that response many times before and sort of expected it, and he said: “No, Georgia the country. It’s in Europe.” Wow, how rare is that?! Did you know that Georgia - the country -existed? I certainly didn’t! And it’s so amazing that you meet someone from such a small country, worlds away, right here in the UAE. MEETING A GEORGIAN, FROM UH, GEORGIA So not only did I have a fun day of films and discussion, I also learnt of a new The UAE is a country with remarkable diversity. Allow me to illustrate my point by country, its people, culture, heritage, and, frankly, existence! Now, think about the drawing on a past experience: during the last edition of ADFF, The Abu Dhabi Film people you met today, on the street or on the bus, at work or school…think about Festival (which, I may add, was great fun) it’s sometimes customary to socialize where they are (or might be) from. Isn’t that amazing diversity?! with the avid film watchers after the films end, and discuss things like plot, story, character development and all that goodness that only really exists in non- Being the inquisitive person I am, I just love that! And this is only possible in a place commercial, made-for-the-art-of-it films. like the UAE, a place one may rightly call a melting pot of cultures.
  • 22. DOC IN THE HOUSE Dr.DMS | A Doc from the Bronx Middle East. You also have some of the highest accident statistics involving pedestrian versus car. Another “crowning achievement”? Nothing to be proud of. Consider all those wasted lives (Theyab Awana, anyone?). This is totally preventable- its up to you. Cardiovascular deaths. For a nation with seemingly good resources, the numbers are high, but lower than developing or war shattered nations HAPPY BIRTHDAY UAE such as Iraq, Afganistan, or Naru for example. Compared to other GCC countries, you’re in the middle. This is the #1 killer worldwide. You’re so “grown up”! Strokes and hypertensive heart disease are related. There’s a lot of 60 is the new 40 these days, so if the UAE were a person, is it healthy? hypertension here, and it’s under treated. People take their meds sometimes, or don’t even bother. Diet modification? Unheard of. Medical Top 10 causes of death in the UAE follow up? Poor at best. Strokes are related to long standing uncontrolled 1. Ischemic heart disease hypertension. Controlling one variable, controls the others. 2. Road traffic accidents Diabetes is surprisingly lower on the list (2nd highest worldwide 3. Cerebrovascular accidents prevalence). Diabetes affects other problems and worsens them. Blood 4. Hypertensive heart disease sugar control is very poor, and this directly results in complications, 5. Lower respiratory infections including death. Eat well, exercise, weight control, take your meds, etc, 6. Kidney disease will save your life!! A simple solution, but it requires some effort on your 7. Diabetes mellitus behalf. 8. Congenital anomalies 9. Cirrhosis of liver 40 isn’t old, but you’re like a kid with Progeria. Since the UAE is one of 10. Rheumatic heart disease my patients, I am concerned. You’re not heading for the grave, but if bad habits carry on, and ignored, hoping that someone else will fix it, I fear Motor vehicle deaths. You’re up there!! Eritrea tops the list for the gold, the worst. but you get the bronze medal!!! Considering the total population here, this figure becomes daunting. Driving here is quoted as the worst in the Only you can save yourself......from yourself. A DEDICATION TO THE NATION Sara Taher FROM MONTREAL, WITH LOVE When I first moved to Abu Dhabi five years ago, kicking and screaming, (and hopefully only) marriage were all experienced because Abu Dhabi I never imagined that I would soon develop a strong bond with the city. gave me a home. My career soared; I experienced a new financial freedom Relocating from Montréal, my first few months were filled with sadness, I did not have in Canada. I saw Metallica and Guns N Roses perform live, a as I longingly ached for the cold city in the north. I’m not quite sure when dream I had since I was 13 years old! I enjoyed a falcon perched on my arm, it happened, but at some point of my stay, my gripping about city life curiously staring into my eyes (pretty sure not out of hunger!) became superficial and subsided. I found myself missing my new city on long vacations and the site of Abu Dhabi from a descending plane began Looking back at these extremely fruitful five years, I to put a smile on my face. cannot help but admit that the United Arab Emirates So what happened in five short years that changed my feelings so has given me more than my share of happiness and drastically? I suppose that as with any relationship, spending time with someone reveals their true nature. After Abu Dhabi revealed to me her true fulfillment. With her 40th and my 33rd birthdays nature, as I did to her, we established a symbiotic friendship that is sure to around the corner, it seems that every birthday we last a lifetime. We have witnessed tribulations and triumphs together and it seems that our paths of growth and development are intertwined. spend together is always time well spent. I won’t give her a card or some flowers on her birthday but I will Although I was 29 years old when I moved here, I experienced many “firsts” give her my unconditional love and on my birthday, in the five years I have lived in the nation’s capital. My first camping, my first mountain climbing, first free diving, first dune driving and even first I’m sure she will do the same! Happy birthday UAE!
  • 23. JUST HANDCRAFTED Preethi Janice D’Sa | Scientist-artiste hybrid ALL THEMED UP THE CUPCAKE WAY Scan with your cellphone Today I would like to encourage you to make themed products that fit in we never cease to critique our work and strive to improve our designs and with your handcraft work. This is the best time to start, what with the processes. UAE’s 40th National Day celebrations happening and the end of the year festivities upon us. So, now that I’ve shared with you a great example of themed work, what theme would you like to use in your work? Once you have decided, use I have with us a talented food crafter, Shifana Anwar, founder of Melting the web to get inspired (copying not allowed). Work out the audience Moments. She shares photos of her themed cakes specially made for the you wish to sell to, do a bit of market research to see if they would be 40th UAE National Day celebrations. Shifana always starts with a sketch interested in your themed products. and then adds details to the cake. So that by the actual baking process she already knows what the client’s taste is (no pun intended). Drop me a line at if you would like to share what happened as a result. I may post the best answers at the Cultural Arts One factor that is important to her (apart from food safety) is never Travelogue website. compromising on the quality of ingredients used. The reason? “It’s simple: the quality of the ingredients directly affects the taste.” So that’s me, Jan, signing off for this year. Have a great “melting moment” whatever you’re creating and wherever you’re celebrating. Shifana says that she is her own worst critic. I can empathise with her. Creatives (me included) are die hard perfectionists. Whilst others may Jan D’Sa runs a technical/bid writing consulting business and is the founder compliment us on our work (yes, we do accept compliments gracefully), of Janys De mixed media jewelry and cufflinks. Visit her site: https://www. MUM UNLIMITED Sarah Widdup | Living the dream, needing the sleep differences between them. My daughter, bless her heart, can often be heard practicing her Arabic words while talking to friends, and then telling them what she’s just said and which language it is that she’s speaking. CITIZENS OF THE WORLD: The cosmopolitan nature of this place has been a real eye opener for us, and something for which I am truly grateful. I really feel that Abu Dhabi MAKING A MOVE FROM DOWN-UNDER has been a gateway to the rest of the world for us, and the contacts and friends that we’ve made here will make it possible to keep travelling and Moving to the UAE was a huge leap for my family and me. We’d heard having adventures. Well, that is if we ever decide to leave here, and right all the whispers about how strict the rules would be, and frankly, I was now I don’t want to! expecting a serious amount of culture shock. And I was shocked, but not in the way you’d think, and not in a bad way. The move here was The UAE, it seems to me, is a real land of opportunity. You could, at any something we did to secure the future for our family, mostly in a financial moment, meet someone who will help you jump on to an exciting new sense. Little did I know that there were so many other ways that my path. The very fact that you’re reading this now is testament to that! I family would benefit. was lucky to meet someone, who knew someone, who I then spoke to for something completely unrelated and then shazam! I’m doing what I For me, seeing my children become little citizens of the world has been love – writing. the most amazing part of our adventure here. They’ve met people from all over the globe, and are very accepting of other cultures and the So happy birthday UAE! And thanks for everything!
  • 24. ARTICULATE Neena Rai | An artist with a flair UAE: ART AND CULTURE TRANSFORMED Come second December and we all will be celebrating UAE’s 40th National Day. I will soon complete my fifth year in the UAE, and it seems this land is improving The country will be decked in lights and decorations will be seen across the streets. with time. I have seen drastic changes in every sphere. Every year the National People will be out on the streets celebrating the joyous occasion. A lot of emphasis Day celebrations seem to get better and better. The art shows have increased in is paid to the cars and one can see almost all cars decorated in the national colours. popularity and the variety of art on offer is something to reckon with. The fun part about National Day celebrations is that it is not limited to nationals only. I have seen people from all nationalities participate in it. Last year in Abu The Abu Dhabi Art and Manarat Al Saadiyat have transformed the cultural Dhabi I saw a foam fight between a Pathan driver and some Emirati kids. I am still landscape with the help of the Film Festival. The F1 and Ferrari World have added unsure who seemed to be enjoying it the most. glamour to this sleepy town of five years ago. The various concerts at Yas and the Corniche have given a lot of options to the general public to be able to pursue and The most amazing part of this festive time is that art stretches to new limits that partake in cultural activities. have not observed before. After beautifying the streets and cars in the national colours, comes the beautifying with teddy bears. Yes, teddy bears. If this is your And, at the eve of my completing five years in this country, I am struck by how first time, keep an eye out for the giant teddy bears atop the cars. Oh, and the many choices there are. When I first came here I was at a loss on what to do and teddy bears are made to match the Emirati colours. Some people may find it how to become engaged in cultural activities. Now there are so many choices that gaudy, but I think it is absolutely funky. often I literally do not know where to go! MINI MINX Angeli Castillo | Making minutes out of molehills important of all, lots of self-motivation. Just like this nation that has developed so quickly in so little time, Sultan finds inspiration in the memory of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, because of what he has done for his country as well as for the rest of the world. Sultan says: “I am compelled to follow in his footsteps and try to do my part for the Emirati and global community.” UNDER HIS BLACK HALO: While most people find adjusting to this glorious and giving city a challenge SULTAN SAEED AL DARMAKI at times, it is now a part of me; I remember as a child having so many happy memories and yes, even though some times were hard I always found some As an expat who was born and raised in Abu Dhabi, I had the privilege of watching comfort here in my home knowing that the residents of this place will always be the city grow and learn the customs and traditions of this land while meeting a taken care of one way or another. Sultan supports the same idea because he thinks handful of local Emiratis who grew along with it but at the same time managed to that in another 40 years time we will still be enjoying the same level of prosperity maintain their humble roots. One example is Sultan Saeed Al Darmaki, an Emirati and peace we’ve had in the past 40 years, and that the only difference is that it will born on the 24th August 1982 in Abu Dhabi. He graduated from New York Institute be shared by more people. of Technology in 2008 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources. Apart from being the owner of Al Darmaki Group of Companies, he is also a freelance writer Sultan’s message to the new generation of this nation is to motivate them towards who self-published his first book “Under My Black Halo” in late 2010, he contributes a better future. He says it is important to try to do three things simultaneously: regularly to Gulf Today Panorama magazine through his column “Impromptu,” and to learn from the Emirati culture and the great men and women of this country, also dabbles in photography. to know why it is important to be proud of yourself, and to explore the world so that you might open their eyes to different walks of life and develop a better One of Sultan’s inspiration is life itself, “because life is a dynamic entity there will understanding of humanity. always be moments felt that would inspire anyone to try to capture it via pen or camera.” For an Emarati who has been writing for almost three years and recently You will find some of Sultan Saeed Al Darmaki’s work on the website: www. took up photography almost nine months ago, he believes that anyone can do Sultan also takes part in literature and community what he does, and that all it takes is a little patience, a little dedication and most events and is active in social media.
  • 25. YANK IN THE SANDLAND Randy Parker presence is not oppressive at all. The driving habits of some need a little work though. The UAE is also taking global leadership in developing alternate energies. I think I became somewhat spoiled during my time living here. Speaking of which, this will be my last column for Tempo. I recently resigned from my regular job and by the time you read this, I will be on my way back to the US ADIEU FROM CAPTAIN AMERICA to seek some tempting opportunities. I want to thank Editor Sana Bagersh who 2 NOW IN EXILE… 1/2 years ago gave this fledgling blogger a chance for the “Big Leagues”! The rest of the crew is great too. What a wild ride it has been for the UAE! Just forty years ago HH Sheikh Zayed united the seven Emirates to form the United Arab Emirates and the rest is history. But most of all I appreciate those of you who took time out of their busy day to I cannot think of any other country that has progressed so far and so fast in so little read my column. With every word I wrote I intended to entertain you, and I really time. This reaffirms HH Sheikh Zayed’s leadership and that he wanted nothing but hope I did. Writing is a labour of love and I would write even if I knew nobody was the best for his people. reading my work, but it is very satisfying to have my column published so I know it has a chance to be read. I intend to find another writing gig back in the States and The UAE is also unique in its demographic makeup as the vast majority of the maybe I will submit a guest column once in awhile to Tempo just to stay in touch. population is from somewhere else. I know of no other area in the world where this is the case. And you know what? It works! This is a true multi-cultural country Thank you everyone, I will miss you all....aloha!!! that has a minimum of friction between the many nationalities living here. Folks from different places that may have disagreements when living in their respective Oh, Happy Birthday UAE, I will miss you too, I had a great countries magically work, live and play well together here. time. May your flag wave forever! Also, I find the UAE to be a clean, safe (traffic sadly excluded) and modern country. (From the ed: we’ll miss you too, Captain America. God bless, Randy, I always feel comfortable walking anywhere at any time in Abu Dhabi yet police and stay in touch with your Tempo family. Sana) JUST A THOUGHT Manar Al Hinai | A Khaleeji girl who overthinks a lot and loves to write P.S. UAE, I LOVE YOU! Scan with your cellphone to follow Manar on twitter Every time I leave the UAE on holiday, I realize how much I love it, and even though • I love how the UAE blends heritage and modernity. You can be shopping in I would be enjoying my break, I simply cannot wait till I hop on the plane and go the world’s largest mall, and 20 minutes later be driving on sand dunes. back there; go back home. • I love how safe this country is, and I don’t have to worry of getting robbed, killed, or kidnapped. There is something magical about the UAE that makes people from different • I love the UAE because this where I grew up, went to school, where my best backgrounds feel a sense of belonging and security; Something that words will fail memories took place, and where I will always live. to describe, and no country on earth would ever compare to. • I love the UAE because it introduced me to the best friends I could ever have who come from different backgrounds and share the same passion for this With the 40th National Day Celebrations going on, I cannot help but think about land as its people the many reasons that make me passionately love this land. • I love the efforts made by the country to preserve islands like Bu Tinah and its environment So my dear readers, I would share with you some and I am sure that many of UAE agree with me: Finally I love it because this where I first learned to love, and you, the UAE, is one of my first loves, and you will always hold that special place • I love our amazing leaders who treat their people like their own family in my heart. members • I love how hospitable and generous Emirati are, and how they are tolerant Congratulations! You are still young but big in achievements. Keep on and welcoming for those wishing to reside on their land dazzling us, and the rest of the world. We are holding our breaths.
  • 26. WANTED: EMIRATI ENTREPRENEURS By Ian Mason Strewth! If you were a visitor to Australia, you’d be dining with a dingo, cooking The UAE must highlight its grassroots culture – not just with a kangaroo and waltzing with a wombat. But in Abu Dhabi, Emirati cultural the broadscope cultural precinct being built on Saadiyat experiences don’t seem to extend much further than the magnificent Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. Island – and it is Emirati entrepreneurs who must drive it. They need to bring their Bedouin knowledge, Sure, there is the Heritage Village, but culture is about interpretation, and the their life experiences, their family heritage to the 2.3 Heritage Village could do it so much better. And don’t start me on the desert million hotel guests expected to pile into the country safaris. Belly dancers, shisha...not really Emirati culture, is it? by the end of 2012. If you surveyed 100 people arriving on the next Etihad flight, I reckon 79 of them (ok, so we guessed) would be visiting for a cultural experience. And help is freely available. The Khalifa Fund aids visionary Emiratis with financial support while Culture is a powerful attractant for visitors. People travel because they want to experience a different lifestyle to their own, broaden their cultural awareness organisations such as Tamakkan offer an amazing and show off their newly-found knowledge to their friends back home. mentoring and training base. But experiencing traditional Emirati culture in Abu Dhabi is often harder than I’m a Westerner. I can’t do it. It would look plain stupid and incredibly non- applying for residency. credible. The tourism industry in Abu Dhabi – indeed the whole UAE – is crying out for It needs the skilled, experienced hands of an Emirati – an Emirati that is investing Emirati cultural experiences. It is not as though the possibilities are short either. in their own business to bring local culture to the world. How’s this for an example. A foodies tour that visits the fruit and vegetable market, allows visitors to cook a traditional Emirati meal and sample hospitality So next time you visit Australia and see a koala doing karaoke, don’t laugh. You in a majlis. Imagine that in the skilled hands of an Emirati guide. can be sure he’s doing it for the culture of his country. Or perhaps an arts tour featuring paintings, handicrafts and calligraphy. A nature tour visiting the Falcon Hospital and Saluki Centre. A shopping tour to the souks Ian Mason is a Tamakkan trainer and coaches on to try on an abaya. A sail on a dhow. A basic Arabic language lesson. marketing, hospitality and media. Tamakkan offers a range of basic business workshops for This is Emirati culture, the thing that 79% of visitors (according to the Mason entrepreneurs and corporate “intrapreneurs”, method of research) want to experience in Abu Dhabi. including Selling Skills, Presentation Skills, Developing Marketing Plans, Customer Service The UAE needs Emiratis to proudly interpret and preserve their own culture. It and many more. demands entrepreneurs with the energy, vision and passion to showcase these cultural experiences. The Director of Strategy and Policy at Abu Dhabi Tourism Contact Camille on (02) 4918624 or email Scan on your cellphone to know more about Tamakkan seminars Authority says so. More importantly, visitors say so. for workshop schedules. and workshops
  • 27. MEDIA COLUMN Alma Kadragic TAMAKKAN SEMINAR: THE BUSINESS OF FILMMAKING December 18, 6-8pm, Al Mamoura Auditorium SHEIKH ZAYED WANTED ETHICAL A discussion about the UAE’s Filmmaking Industry, the opportunities it JOURNALISM EVEN BEFORE THE presents and the resources available. Speakers/panelists include: • John Kochanczyk, sound recordist and specialist in post-production UAE WAS FOUNDED sound and lecturer at the New York Film Academy Abu Dhabi. • Khalid Al Mahmood, Emirati filmmaker who has been in the business Last month The National ran an opinion column by Taryam al Subaihi for over 10 years and labeled as one of the Top 10 Arab Filmmakers to titled The Taint of Bribes in the Media Still Corrupts Coverage. The Watch by Screen International Magazine. author recalled that Sheikh Zayed “issued a government order to • Marcelle Aleid, Deputy Director of Abu Dhabi Film Commission establish in 1969 the first daily newspaper, Al Ittihad” two years • Mohammed Al Otaiba, Head of ImageNation Abu Dhabi before the founding of the UAE in 1971. Moderator: Chris Newbould, Editor of Digital Broadcast Magazine “Sheikh Zayed saw that the only way forward to develop Emirati society was through the creation of a news outlet and direct lines of Attendance is free but registration is required. communication with the public through the media.” To register, call Priya on 024918624 or email: Unfortunately, between that ideal and what actually goes on today, TAMAKKAN GROW SEMINAR SERIES there’s a huge gap. Many journalists are in fact bribed and expect to Tamakkan Corporate Bootcamp be bribed to attend big events by companies – or the public relations and marketing agencies that work for them. The column led to a Enroll today in one day workshops and enhance your performance at work twitter flurry of comments giving examples of gifts like iPads offered Classes for December 2011 and January 2012: to journalists. • Presentations that Win Serious news organizations don’t allow their journalists to accept • Leadership 2012 costly gifts; serious public relations agencies don’t suggest things • Managing Yourself: Priorities and Decisions like this to clients and resist clients who demand that journalists be • Simple Selling Skills bought. An ethical and sensible public relations practitioner knows • Answer the Phone and Increase Your Sales that paying for news once means paying for news always. • Plan for Excellent Customer Service • Keep Your Customers Happy It’s difficult in a developing market like the UAE where most journalists • Introduction to Social Media for Corporations don’t earn much for everyone to behave ethically, but that should be • Social Media Toolset the goal. Editors at news companies should promote the rules of • The Social Business ethical journalism and penalize those who don’t follow them. • Social Media Engagement • Best Practices in Project Management Most important, more Emiratis should • Managing Risks in Projects become journalists. They are best positioned TAMAKKAN ENTREPRENEUR SKILLBUILDING WORKSHOPS to report on their own country and to be well Hands on workshops for business success paid while doing so. Classes for December 2011 and January 2012: More Emirati journalists would make • Marketing Plans Made Easy • Using Publicity to Promote Your Business the profession recognized in the UAE as • Simple Selling Skills important and honourable. Probably that’s • Analyzing Your Business: Moving to 2012 what Sheikh Zayed would have expected. For more information, call 02 4918625 or visit