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The Driving Pack
Keeping Kids Safe Behind The Wheel
Dear Parents,
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), teens and
young adults have the highest rate of cell phone use behind
the wheel.
The statistics on distracted driving deaths and injuries
remain sobering and very much indicative of a greater
problem. Almost 400,000 people were injured and more than
3,000 people were killed in 2015 because of distracted
drivers. Most of the stories have one thing in common: cell
In 2015, a 17-year-old teen in Minnesota ran through a red
light killing a father and his 10-year-old daughter. The teen,
her friends revealed to authorities, had allegedly been
texting behind the wheel and had ignored their pleas to put
the phone down. The teen was later charged with two counts
each of criminal vehicular homicide and criminal vehicular
operation, texting and driving, and driving without a valid
A 16-year-old girl from Missouri was killed when she turned
onto a road and was hit by a tractor trailer. She had only
received her license just days before the accident; it was
suspected that she had been texting.
And in New Braunfels, Texas, a combination of medication
and texting allegedly caused the 20-year-old driver of a pick-
up to collide with a church bus. The accident killed 13
people. Only the driver of the bus and the young driver of
the pick-up survived.
When a teen receives a driver’s license, a parent’s biggest
role is ensuring that they arrive safely at their destinations.
This means educating them not just about the rules of the
road, but the rules of the information superhighway as well.
Most teens know how dangerous texting while driving
can be. In fact, 97% of teens said they agree that it is
dangerous, according to a survey by AT&T. Sadly, 43% of
teens still text and drive despite knowing the dangers
The majority of today’s teens have access to a smartphone.
Most carry their phone everywhere —even in the car. But
while many teens feel the pull to answer those text dings or
social media alerts as soon as they are received, the lyrical
lure of those alerts must be silenced when teens are mobile
and behind the wheel.
It’s time to do something.
A Letter on Distracted Driving
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
Most of the
stories have
one thing in
common: cell
Drive safe
Don’t text
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
SafeDriving Contract
I promise I will obey all the
rules of the road.
▢ Always wear a seat belt and make all my
passengers buckle up
▢ Obey all traffic lights, stop signs, other street
signs and road markings
▢ Stay within the speed limit and drive safely
▢ Never use the car to race or try to impress
▢ Never give rides to hitchhikers
I promise I will respect laws
about drugs and alcohol.
▢ Drive only when I am alcohol and drug free
▢ Never allow any alcohol or illegal drugs in the
▢ Be a passenger only with drivers who are
alcohol and drug free
I promise I will stay focused
on driving.
▢ Drive with both hands on the wheel
▢ Never eat or drink while I drive
▢ Never read or respond to text messages or
social media posts while I drive
▢ Drive only when I am alert and in emotional
▢ Call my parents for a ride home if I am impaired
in any way that interferes with my ability to
drive safely
▢ Never use earphones to listen to mp3 player or
other electronic devices while I drive
I promise I will be a
responsible driver.
▢ Drive only when I have permission to use the car
and I will not let anyone else drive the car
▢ Drive someone else's car only if I have parental
This agreement can save lives.
I understand that the car I drive is the property of my parents. Even a car that is a “gift” to me is still, legally, the
property of my parents. As such, I will drive the car only with my parents’ permission.
I understand that permission to drive is a privilege given to me by my parents. And as a privilege, it is their right
to take that privilege away at any time they think it is necessary. I understand that my parents may use safe
driving apps or technologies to help keep me safe because they love me.
Driver: _______________________________________________ Date: _________________
Table of Contents
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
Distracted Driving: Facts and Statistics
TeenSafe’s Safety Checklist for Teen Drivers
Why Not Text and Drive?
How Parents Really Feel About Distracted Driving
Other Distractions to Consider
Distracted Driving: Have a Conversation
Distracted Driving: Facts
and Statistics
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
Teens and distracted driving
are almost synonymous in the
digital era. Statistically, teens
are more likely to make driving
errors, regardless of distraction
type. However, the use of
mobile devices while driving
increases safety risks.
According to the National
Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA), 9
people are killed in automobile
accidents due to distracted
driving each day.
Distracted Driving:
Facts and Statistics
Injury crashes
caused by
distracted driving.
People injured in
distracted driving
incidents in 2015.
15 to 19 year olds involved
in distracted driving
The age group most at risk
for distracted driving
Of all distracted driving
fatalities in 2015 involved
cell phone use.
9 people are killed in
automobile accidents
due to distracted driving
every day.
Talking on a cell
phone quadruples your
risk of an accident, the
same risk as driving
Texting increases your
risk of an accident by 8
The fines for texting and
driving vary, with the
highest being $10,000 in
More NHTSA Facts and Statistics
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
Texting while driving
increases a teen’s risk for
having an auto accident
by 400%.
Teens who text while
driving veer outside of
their lane 10% more than
if they were not
40% teens said they have
been passengers in a car
while the driver was
using his or her cell
phone while driving,
including their parents.
90% of drivers are aware
of the risk of distracted
driving, but 35% of those
do it anyway.
When smartphones are in
the mix, there are three
major physical and mental
actions happening at once
drawing a teen’s attention
away from the road, and
the potential dangers
Other Teens Texting While
Driving Facts . . .
Nearly all teens also believe that
they need to respond to a text, or
receive a response within five
minutes or less.
Did you know that the five seconds
it takes your teen to check or
respond to a text equals the
distance of a football field if he or
she is driving 55 mph?
Physical and Mental
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
5 Sec
5 Min
Cognitive Distraction
Your teen will no longer be mindful of
driving due to the need to grab, use and
process communication to and from
those texting them.
Visual Distraction
When your teen driver takes his or her
eyes from the road to read or type a text
message, their visual attention is no
longer focused on the road.
Manual Distraction
To grab for a phone and type in or swipe
a security password, your teen’s hands
are no longer on the wheel. This causes
a lack of control over the vehicle.
A Safety Checklist for
Teen Drivers
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
✓ Driver & Insurance
Make sure your teen has their new permit on hand
while they are behind the wheel. All drivers—including
permit holders—must have their identification and all
documentation with them at all times.
Ensure that teens know where the insurance card is
located—ideally, teens should keep a copy in their
wallet for easy access. While many insurance
providers allow policyholders to access cards and
other information online, we do not encourage teens
to rely on their phone for policy information. It’s
easier for them—and you—if they are provided with
their own card to present if needed. Also, be sure your
teen is added to your policy once they begin driving.
Every policy and provider is different, so check with
your representative for details on how to add a new
teen driver.
✓ Avoid Road Rage
The driver’s manual will teach teens the basics of the
road rules, but parents need to teach the unspoken
lessons. Road rage is unfortunately all too common,
and, according to CNN, our need to capture
everything on cell phone cameras inflames an already
aggressive situation.
Teach teens what to do if they feel they are being
targeted on the road (pull over somewhere safe and
call 911) and teach them what not to do (e.g. trying to
film the aggressive driver!). But also teach them how
to avoid being targeted. If someone is following too
close, teach teens to signal and move into another
lane. To help other drivers understand that your teen
is a new driver (and still learning) put a sign in the
back windshield that says “Permit Driver.” This will
help other drivers be on alert for unconventional
driving mistakes.
Here is a safety checklist that
teens should follow as they
proceed to hit the highways:
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
Road Rage
✓ Radio-Free Driving
Keep the radio off during early lessons, and ensure
that volume is kept to a minimum as they become
comfortable. Loud music can mask sirens of
oncoming emergency vehicles, trains and other
warnings, and new drivers need to be aware of their
surroundings at all times. Loud music can be
incredibly distracting as they learn the basics of
✓ No Cell Phones & Distracted
Teens are more prone to be distracted by their
gadgets—especially smartphones—while driving.
Texting and driving is a serious distraction for teens
and cannot be permitted by parents. According to
statistics compiled by, “texting
makes a crash up to 23 times more likely.”
Keep cellphones out of reach while teens are driving.
If parents are extremely concerned that their teen will
still be tempted to text or talk while driving, then they
may need to lock down the device.
✓ Understand Consequences &
Teens should follow all safety guidelines as outlined
by their driver’s manual and obey the rules set by
parents. If a new driver doesn’t follow guidelines or
disobeys the rules of the road and receives a warning
by an officer (or even a ticket), parents need to set
Driving is a privilege, and parents may take away this
privilege if teens are not making smart and safe
choices. Parents can write up the rules of the road—
as designed by the family—to spell out expectations
to teens. Set consequences for failure to follow these
safety rules; before a teen begins learning to drive,
write up the list of family driving rules and the
punishment for each violation. A Parent Teen Driving
Agreement can work as a contract between you and
your child. While texting and driving isn’t illegal in
every state, it should be prohibited for teens…and it’s
a parent’s responsibility to set the expectations and
11TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
Cell Phones
More Reasons Not to
Text and Drive?
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
For teens, the laws on cell phone use while driving
are certainly stricter. There are 38 states and
Washington D.C. that have banned any cell
phone use of any kind by teens while operating
a motor vehicle.
Parents are a teen’s best advocates and
educators. In the case of distracted driving,
parents must take the lead on empowering and
educating teens about the dangers of this growing
trend. The sad reality is that a text, emoji or ‘hello’
can mean the difference between life and death.
Driving accidents involving a cell phone have
made many state legislatures take notice. In fact, it
is illegal in many states to drive and talk while
holding a smartphone. Texting while driving has
also become a punishable offense in many
“The prevalence of cellular phones, new research,
and publicized crashes has started many debates
related to the role cell phones play in driver
distraction,” according to the National
Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).
There have been 14 states, including Washington
D.C. to issue legislation banning handheld cell
phone use. Puerto Rico, the U.S, Virgin Islands,
and Guam have also made driving and holding a
cell phone illegal.
Texting while driving has been the focus of more
state legislation with 47 states, Washington D.C.,
Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico
banning this deadly driving distraction.
The fines for texting while driving are pretty hefty
in many states. Even first time offenders can be
fined, have their licenses suspended, and even
serve jail time.
Alaska is by far the strictest with a $10,000 fine
imposed for anyone texting while driving.
Oregon, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Indiana are a
few of the other states with a ban and large
monetary penalty.
Texting and Driving Laws
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
A text, emoji
or ‘hello’ can
mean the
between life
and death.
Smiley Face
Sad Results
How Do Parents Really Feel
About Distracted Driving?
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
Parents Are Willing to Make
An Effort to Stop Distracted
Parents were asked whether they would consider
using the TeenSafe Control app to protect their
children from distractions while behind the
wheel. An overwhelming majority—92% of
respondents—said that they would be willing to
use this app. Experts agree that parents have
to get involved in order to prevent distracted
Parents Know Texting and
Driving is Dangerous
Parents were asked to identify the leading factors
that contribute to distracted driving incidents
involving teens. Parents were allowed to choose
multiple answers for this one.
No Personal Connection to
Distracted Driving Accidents
It is estimated that over 390,000 people are
injured in distracted driving accidents every year,
so they are incredibly common. Despite this, the
majority of parents surveyed said they did not
know any teens that have been involved in this
type of accident.
How Do Parents Really Feel
About Distracted Driving? 91%
Identified texting
while driving as
one of the leading
factors of
distracted driving.
Cited using an app
or social media
while driving as
another important
Felt that talking on the
phone while driving
and all other phone-
related activity could
contribute to
distracted driving
Believe that
distractions could
contribute to
distracted driving.
A recent TeenSafe survey of over 400
parents revealed a number of issues
related to distracted driving.
Other Driving
Distractions to Consider
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
We use a lot of technology when we drive – radios,
GPS, temperature controls and video monitors for
watching what’s happening around the vehicle. It
can be life-saving, or it could be life ending. The
difference is knowing how to use it appropriately.
A teenager’s lack of driving experience mixed with
the numerous distractions life and technology can
bring is a recipe for disaster that no parent wants
to face. When we send our teenagers out on the
road, we want to know that they’re going to return
home safely, and the best way to do that is by
talking to teens about the importance of paying
attention to the road.
Cell Phone Use While Driving
Many people young and old think they are fine to
drive while talking on a cell phone, especially
hands-free. Others might talk to Cortana or Siri,
believing they are safe to browse the web or ask
for directions while they are driving because the
function is voice-operated. Teens may browse
social media, take selfies, or even look at a map.
Talking to teens about using cell phones while
driving is imperative, but may not be enough.
Because it is something even adults do, parents
should lead by example. Even if an individual
thinks their eyes are on the road, their minds are
not, and this lapse in cognitive attention can lead
to tragedy.
Other People in the Car
For teens, a major source of distraction is other
people in the car. Whether it’s a parents talking to
them or a group of rowdy friends partying in the
back seat, what’s going on around a driver can be
supremely distracting. Even if the passengers are
not doing anything excessive, just talking in the car
can create moments of distraction and emotional
Other Driving
Distractions to Consider
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
It can be life-
saving, or it
could be life
Cell Use
Many teens (and even adults!) groom in the car
while looking at the rear view mirror, which takes
their eyes off the road. This behavior is not always
as obvious as girls doing their makeup. Boys might
adjust a cap or tie a tie while on the way to some
event, and adults of both genders also might do
their own share of grooming while behind the
wheel. Setting a good example by grooming
yourself before or after driving is not just a good
idea for your observant teen, but a good idea for
your own safety as well.
Technology We Can’t Drive
When your teen is lost in a strange place, it’s
reassuring to know he or she has GPS to find their
way home or a cell phone to call someone in case
of trouble. The radio has long been an important
way to transmit information to drivers about
traffic incidents and other emergencies on the
road. Most cars now have monitors in them that
serve the dual purpose of entertaining passengers
and also allowing drivers to see what’s in the blind
spots outside their vehicles, such as the rear-
facing cameras that help people driving in reverse.
All of this technology is not only useful, it has
become standard in many vehicles to
accommodate for these items.
Talk to Your Teen
Talk to your teen about the importance of paying
attention to the road. While the majority of
distracted driving accidents happen because of
cell phones, there are many other distractions on
the road and making your teen aware of them will
build driving experience for the future. Using an
app like TeenSafe Control can do a lot to protect
your child from distractions, but at the end of the
day, your guidance is what is needed the most.
Other Driving
Distractions To Consider
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
Good Tech
Distracted Driving:
Have a Conversation
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
Make Distracted Driving an
Ongoing Conversation
How many times have you told your teen to
not use their smartphone while driving? How
many family meetings have been about
phone use and driving? For many families, the
conversation may have been less than a
handful of times.
It is essential to make the conversation
ongoing when it comes to keeping your teen
safe from distractions while driving. How
many times have you talked about drinking
and driving with your teen? Has it been more
than texting while driving?
Make texting, and any kind of smartphone
use, a topic of your next conversation. A great
statistic that may drive you to spark a
conversation is that 62% of teens say
reminders by parents not to text and drive
Distracted Driving: Have
a Conversation
TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
77% of teens said they
have been lectured about
the dangers of texting
while driving by adults.
However, those same
adults were reported to
text and drive “all the time,”
according to the previously
noted AT&T survey.
41% of teens said they
have seen parents text,
email, or use their
smartphone in a distracting
way while driving.
89% of teens said parents
are generally good role
models when it comes to
texting while driving. Be a
parent in the 89 percentile.
Click here to follow TeenSafe’s blog
Since 2011, TeenSafe has helped millions of parents safeguard their children from online
threats. TeenSafe Monitor enables parents to view texts, deleted texts, location, web
history and more. The TeenSafe Control parent app pauses and schedules app, data and
phone use and protects teens against distracted driving. TeenSafe, “built by parents for
parents,” is a proud sponsor of the National PTA and is the “ultimate app for preventing
cyberbullying,” according to NBC.
©2017 TeenSafe Inc. All rights reserved.

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TeenSafe Driving Pack 2017

  • 1. The Driving Pack Keeping Kids Safe Behind The Wheel
  • 2. Dear Parents, According to the U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), teens and young adults have the highest rate of cell phone use behind the wheel. The statistics on distracted driving deaths and injuries remain sobering and very much indicative of a greater problem. Almost 400,000 people were injured and more than 3,000 people were killed in 2015 because of distracted drivers. Most of the stories have one thing in common: cell phones. In 2015, a 17-year-old teen in Minnesota ran through a red light killing a father and his 10-year-old daughter. The teen, her friends revealed to authorities, had allegedly been texting behind the wheel and had ignored their pleas to put the phone down. The teen was later charged with two counts each of criminal vehicular homicide and criminal vehicular operation, texting and driving, and driving without a valid license. A 16-year-old girl from Missouri was killed when she turned onto a road and was hit by a tractor trailer. She had only received her license just days before the accident; it was suspected that she had been texting. And in New Braunfels, Texas, a combination of medication and texting allegedly caused the 20-year-old driver of a pick- up to collide with a church bus. The accident killed 13 people. Only the driver of the bus and the young driver of the pick-up survived. When a teen receives a driver’s license, a parent’s biggest role is ensuring that they arrive safely at their destinations. This means educating them not just about the rules of the road, but the rules of the information superhighway as well. Most teens know how dangerous texting while driving can be. In fact, 97% of teens said they agree that it is dangerous, according to a survey by AT&T. Sadly, 43% of teens still text and drive despite knowing the dangers involved. The majority of today’s teens have access to a smartphone. Most carry their phone everywhere —even in the car. But while many teens feel the pull to answer those text dings or social media alerts as soon as they are received, the lyrical lure of those alerts must be silenced when teens are mobile and behind the wheel. It’s time to do something. TeenSafe 2 A Letter on Distracted Driving TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack | Most of the stories have one thing in common: cell phones. Drive safe Don’t text
  • 3. TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack | SafeDriving Contract I promise I will obey all the rules of the road. ▢ Always wear a seat belt and make all my passengers buckle up ▢ Obey all traffic lights, stop signs, other street signs and road markings ▢ Stay within the speed limit and drive safely ▢ Never use the car to race or try to impress others ▢ Never give rides to hitchhikers I promise I will respect laws about drugs and alcohol. ▢ Drive only when I am alcohol and drug free ▢ Never allow any alcohol or illegal drugs in the car ▢ Be a passenger only with drivers who are alcohol and drug free I promise I will stay focused on driving. ▢ Drive with both hands on the wheel ▢ Never eat or drink while I drive ▢ Never read or respond to text messages or social media posts while I drive ▢ Drive only when I am alert and in emotional control ▢ Call my parents for a ride home if I am impaired in any way that interferes with my ability to drive safely ▢ Never use earphones to listen to mp3 player or other electronic devices while I drive I promise I will be a responsible driver. ▢ Drive only when I have permission to use the car and I will not let anyone else drive the car ▢ Drive someone else's car only if I have parental permission This agreement can save lives. 3 I understand that the car I drive is the property of my parents. Even a car that is a “gift” to me is still, legally, the property of my parents. As such, I will drive the car only with my parents’ permission. I understand that permission to drive is a privilege given to me by my parents. And as a privilege, it is their right to take that privilege away at any time they think it is necessary. I understand that my parents may use safe driving apps or technologies to help keep me safe because they love me. Driver: _______________________________________________ Date: _________________
  • 4. 4 Table of Contents TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack | Distracted Driving: Facts and Statistics TeenSafe’s Safety Checklist for Teen Drivers Why Not Text and Drive? How Parents Really Feel About Distracted Driving Other Distractions to Consider Distracted Driving: Have a Conversation 5 9 12 14 16 19
  • 5. 5 Distracted Driving: Facts and Statistics TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
  • 6. TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack | Teens and distracted driving are almost synonymous in the digital era. Statistically, teens are more likely to make driving errors, regardless of distraction type. However, the use of mobile devices while driving increases safety risks. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 9 people are killed in automobile accidents due to distracted driving each day. 6 Distracted Driving: Facts and Statistics 15% 400k 9% 15-19 14% Injury crashes caused by distracted driving. People injured in distracted driving incidents in 2015. 15 to 19 year olds involved in distracted driving fatalities. The age group most at risk for distracted driving accidents. Of all distracted driving fatalities in 2015 involved cell phone use.
  • 7. 9 people are killed in automobile accidents due to distracted driving every day. Talking on a cell phone quadruples your risk of an accident, the same risk as driving drunk. Texting increases your risk of an accident by 8 times! The fines for texting and driving vary, with the highest being $10,000 in Alaska. 7 More NHTSA Facts and Statistics TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack | 9 4x 8x $10k 400% 10% 40% 90% Texting while driving increases a teen’s risk for having an auto accident by 400%. Teens who text while driving veer outside of their lane 10% more than if they were not distracted. 40% teens said they have been passengers in a car while the driver was using his or her cell phone while driving, including their parents. 90% of drivers are aware of the risk of distracted driving, but 35% of those do it anyway.
  • 8. When smartphones are in the mix, there are three major physical and mental actions happening at once drawing a teen’s attention away from the road, and the potential dangers ahead. Other Teens Texting While Driving Facts . . . Nearly all teens also believe that they need to respond to a text, or receive a response within five minutes or less. Did you know that the five seconds it takes your teen to check or respond to a text equals the distance of a football field if he or she is driving 55 mph? 8 Physical and Mental Distractions TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack | 5 Sec 5 Min Cognitive Distraction Your teen will no longer be mindful of driving due to the need to grab, use and process communication to and from those texting them. Visual Distraction When your teen driver takes his or her eyes from the road to read or type a text message, their visual attention is no longer focused on the road. Manual Distraction To grab for a phone and type in or swipe a security password, your teen’s hands are no longer on the wheel. This causes a lack of control over the vehicle.
  • 9. 9 A Safety Checklist for Teen Drivers TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
  • 10. ✓ Driver & Insurance Documentation Make sure your teen has their new permit on hand while they are behind the wheel. All drivers—including permit holders—must have their identification and all documentation with them at all times. Ensure that teens know where the insurance card is located—ideally, teens should keep a copy in their wallet for easy access. While many insurance providers allow policyholders to access cards and other information online, we do not encourage teens to rely on their phone for policy information. It’s easier for them—and you—if they are provided with their own card to present if needed. Also, be sure your teen is added to your policy once they begin driving. Every policy and provider is different, so check with your representative for details on how to add a new teen driver. ✓ Avoid Road Rage The driver’s manual will teach teens the basics of the road rules, but parents need to teach the unspoken lessons. Road rage is unfortunately all too common, and, according to CNN, our need to capture everything on cell phone cameras inflames an already aggressive situation. Teach teens what to do if they feel they are being targeted on the road (pull over somewhere safe and call 911) and teach them what not to do (e.g. trying to film the aggressive driver!). But also teach them how to avoid being targeted. If someone is following too close, teach teens to signal and move into another lane. To help other drivers understand that your teen is a new driver (and still learning) put a sign in the back windshield that says “Permit Driver.” This will help other drivers be on alert for unconventional driving mistakes. 10 Here is a safety checklist that teens should follow as they proceed to hit the highways: TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack | Checklist Insurance Road Rage
  • 11. ✓ Radio-Free Driving Keep the radio off during early lessons, and ensure that volume is kept to a minimum as they become comfortable. Loud music can mask sirens of oncoming emergency vehicles, trains and other warnings, and new drivers need to be aware of their surroundings at all times. Loud music can be incredibly distracting as they learn the basics of driving. ✓ No Cell Phones & Distracted Driving Teens are more prone to be distracted by their gadgets—especially smartphones—while driving. Texting and driving is a serious distraction for teens and cannot be permitted by parents. According to statistics compiled by, “texting makes a crash up to 23 times more likely.” Keep cellphones out of reach while teens are driving. If parents are extremely concerned that their teen will still be tempted to text or talk while driving, then they may need to lock down the device. ✓ Understand Consequences & Infractions Teens should follow all safety guidelines as outlined by their driver’s manual and obey the rules set by parents. If a new driver doesn’t follow guidelines or disobeys the rules of the road and receives a warning by an officer (or even a ticket), parents need to set consequences. Driving is a privilege, and parents may take away this privilege if teens are not making smart and safe choices. Parents can write up the rules of the road— as designed by the family—to spell out expectations to teens. Set consequences for failure to follow these safety rules; before a teen begins learning to drive, write up the list of family driving rules and the punishment for each violation. A Parent Teen Driving Agreement can work as a contract between you and your child. While texting and driving isn’t illegal in every state, it should be prohibited for teens…and it’s a parent’s responsibility to set the expectations and regulations. 11TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack | Radio Cell Phones Agreement
  • 12. 12 More Reasons Not to Text and Drive? TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
  • 13. For teens, the laws on cell phone use while driving are certainly stricter. There are 38 states and Washington D.C. that have banned any cell phone use of any kind by teens while operating a motor vehicle. Parents are a teen’s best advocates and educators. In the case of distracted driving, parents must take the lead on empowering and educating teens about the dangers of this growing trend. The sad reality is that a text, emoji or ‘hello’ can mean the difference between life and death. Driving accidents involving a cell phone have made many state legislatures take notice. In fact, it is illegal in many states to drive and talk while holding a smartphone. Texting while driving has also become a punishable offense in many states. “The prevalence of cellular phones, new research, and publicized crashes has started many debates related to the role cell phones play in driver distraction,” according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). There have been 14 states, including Washington D.C. to issue legislation banning handheld cell phone use. Puerto Rico, the U.S, Virgin Islands, and Guam have also made driving and holding a cell phone illegal. Texting while driving has been the focus of more state legislation with 47 states, Washington D.C., Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico banning this deadly driving distraction. The fines for texting while driving are pretty hefty in many states. Even first time offenders can be fined, have their licenses suspended, and even serve jail time. Alaska is by far the strictest with a $10,000 fine imposed for anyone texting while driving. Oregon, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Indiana are a few of the other states with a ban and large monetary penalty. 13 Texting and Driving Laws TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack | A text, emoji or ‘hello’ can mean the difference between life and death. Smiley Face Sad Results
  • 14. 14 How Do Parents Really Feel About Distracted Driving? TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
  • 15. TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack | Parents Are Willing to Make An Effort to Stop Distracted Driving Parents were asked whether they would consider using the TeenSafe Control app to protect their children from distractions while behind the wheel. An overwhelming majority—92% of respondents—said that they would be willing to use this app. Experts agree that parents have to get involved in order to prevent distracted driving. Parents Know Texting and Driving is Dangerous Parents were asked to identify the leading factors that contribute to distracted driving incidents involving teens. Parents were allowed to choose multiple answers for this one. No Personal Connection to Distracted Driving Accidents It is estimated that over 390,000 people are injured in distracted driving accidents every year, so they are incredibly common. Despite this, the majority of parents surveyed said they did not know any teens that have been involved in this type of accident. 15 How Do Parents Really Feel About Distracted Driving? 91% 75% 50% 44% Identified texting while driving as one of the leading factors of distracted driving. Cited using an app or social media while driving as another important factor. Felt that talking on the phone while driving and all other phone- related activity could contribute to distracted driving incidents. Believe that emotional distractions could contribute to distracted driving. A recent TeenSafe survey of over 400 parents revealed a number of issues related to distracted driving.
  • 16. 16 Other Driving Distractions to Consider TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
  • 17. We use a lot of technology when we drive – radios, GPS, temperature controls and video monitors for watching what’s happening around the vehicle. It can be life-saving, or it could be life ending. The difference is knowing how to use it appropriately. A teenager’s lack of driving experience mixed with the numerous distractions life and technology can bring is a recipe for disaster that no parent wants to face. When we send our teenagers out on the road, we want to know that they’re going to return home safely, and the best way to do that is by talking to teens about the importance of paying attention to the road. Cell Phone Use While Driving Many people young and old think they are fine to drive while talking on a cell phone, especially hands-free. Others might talk to Cortana or Siri, believing they are safe to browse the web or ask for directions while they are driving because the function is voice-operated. Teens may browse social media, take selfies, or even look at a map. Talking to teens about using cell phones while driving is imperative, but may not be enough. Because it is something even adults do, parents should lead by example. Even if an individual thinks their eyes are on the road, their minds are not, and this lapse in cognitive attention can lead to tragedy. Other People in the Car For teens, a major source of distraction is other people in the car. Whether it’s a parents talking to them or a group of rowdy friends partying in the back seat, what’s going on around a driver can be supremely distracting. Even if the passengers are not doing anything excessive, just talking in the car can create moments of distraction and emotional compromise. 17 Other Driving Distractions to Consider TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack | It can be life- saving, or it could be life ending. Cell Use Passengers
  • 18. Grooming Many teens (and even adults!) groom in the car while looking at the rear view mirror, which takes their eyes off the road. This behavior is not always as obvious as girls doing their makeup. Boys might adjust a cap or tie a tie while on the way to some event, and adults of both genders also might do their own share of grooming while behind the wheel. Setting a good example by grooming yourself before or after driving is not just a good idea for your observant teen, but a good idea for your own safety as well. Technology We Can’t Drive Without When your teen is lost in a strange place, it’s reassuring to know he or she has GPS to find their way home or a cell phone to call someone in case of trouble. The radio has long been an important way to transmit information to drivers about traffic incidents and other emergencies on the road. Most cars now have monitors in them that serve the dual purpose of entertaining passengers and also allowing drivers to see what’s in the blind spots outside their vehicles, such as the rear- facing cameras that help people driving in reverse. All of this technology is not only useful, it has become standard in many vehicles to accommodate for these items. Talk to Your Teen Talk to your teen about the importance of paying attention to the road. While the majority of distracted driving accidents happen because of cell phones, there are many other distractions on the road and making your teen aware of them will build driving experience for the future. Using an app like TeenSafe Control can do a lot to protect your child from distractions, but at the end of the day, your guidance is what is needed the most. 18 Other Driving Distractions To Consider TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack | Grooming Good Tech Connect
  • 19. 19 Distracted Driving: Have a Conversation TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack |
  • 20. Make Distracted Driving an Ongoing Conversation How many times have you told your teen to not use their smartphone while driving? How many family meetings have been about phone use and driving? For many families, the conversation may have been less than a handful of times. It is essential to make the conversation ongoing when it comes to keeping your teen safe from distractions while driving. How many times have you talked about drinking and driving with your teen? Has it been more than texting while driving? Make texting, and any kind of smartphone use, a topic of your next conversation. A great statistic that may drive you to spark a conversation is that 62% of teens say reminders by parents not to text and drive work. 20 Distracted Driving: Have a Conversation TeenSafe Safe Driving Pack | 77% 77% of teens said they have been lectured about the dangers of texting while driving by adults. However, those same adults were reported to text and drive “all the time,” according to the previously noted AT&T survey. 41% 41% of teens said they have seen parents text, email, or use their smartphone in a distracting way while driving. 89% 89% of teens said parents are generally good role models when it comes to texting while driving. Be a parent in the 89 percentile.
  • 21. Click here to follow TeenSafe’s blog Since 2011, TeenSafe has helped millions of parents safeguard their children from online threats. TeenSafe Monitor enables parents to view texts, deleted texts, location, web history and more. The TeenSafe Control parent app pauses and schedules app, data and phone use and protects teens against distracted driving. TeenSafe, “built by parents for parents,” is a proud sponsor of the National PTA and is the “ultimate app for preventing cyberbullying,” according to NBC. ©2017 TeenSafe Inc. All rights reserved.