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Technology Trends Essay
INTRODUCTION It seems that every year people turn increasingly toward living their lives through technology. It has inundated society, families,
jobs, and lives. Three developing trends that in some ways overlap each other are specifically related to living in a technology world. These trends are
particularly important to the school librarian because many students are living their lives through the web. In order to reach those students, the
librarian must be knowledgeable about the trends and applications and be able to use and apply them in a library setting. By using them, the librarian
makes the library relevant to students, and brings the library to students where the students are.
The first trend is social more content...
TREND ONE – SOCIAL COMMUNICATION Social communication is found on the web through blogs, online journaling, emailing, instant
messaging, and micro–blogging. People use these applications to track their lives, inform others what they have been doing, make recommendations,
rant about an interest, and a variety of other reasons. There is some sort of social communication about virtually every topic under the sun. Blogs,
which is short for web–blogs, are essentially a place online where people go to write about their thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc. in their own voice in
order to share it with the masses ("Exploring web 2.0 and libraries," 2006). In a blog, someone can respond to the writer with a comment, and then the
blogger can post the comment for others to view, or they can delete it. In education or in a library, a blog could be used to share ideas about a topic,
recommend books, share thoughts on a book, share news about upcoming events, share information about a past event, etc. (Naslund & Guistini,
2008). Blogs are very applicable to the library setting. It is a place to have conversations about anything. It could become a sort of on–line book club.
The blog should invite participation. The more engaged students are, the more likely they are to care about the library ("Technology trends for a 2.0
world," 2007). Some of the more popular blog sites are,, and (Naslund & Guistini, 2008). Micro–blogging is
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Research Paper On Current Affairs
Institution Affiliation: Course: Date: Current Affairs Research Paper (
–release/2017–147) Business practices need to
practice ethics of the highest order when carrying out the various business practices. Security and investment Companies as organizations need to
ensure that in every practice or engagement they involve in, they get to deal with the clients and other parties with the highest integrity. Failure to
provide ethical practices and integrity in all one does lead to breaches of set laws, which govern the operations of the company. Additionally, a
company needs more content...
The Securities and Exchange Commission charged drake in the court of law for the malpractices he had committed. The investment advisers' act of
1940 is the law that regulates the activities of the securities, and additionally protects the interests of the clients (, 2013). Protection is
important since, there might be advisors, who may turn to be fraudulent and violate the terms of agreements that were set in place. This law was put
in place and since then, it has aided the regulation of the individuals who take part in the business of carrying out the activities of advising people on
the investment matters, pension funds issues as well as other financial matters. The interests of the advisors, in most times, might not be very well
known, and in a bid to protect the client, this law was put in place. It became a requirement that the people who engage in the business, and all that get
compensated as advisors, be registered and controlled by one body, the securities exchange commission. The commission is therefore tasked with the
process of ensuring that the clients are treated well, as well as preventing any fraudulent activities from taking place. Additionally, it should be
responsible for the any situations that happen to the clients due to the ignorance of the advisors, who fall under them There are antifraud provisions are
provided under the Investment Advisors Act and the Uniform Securities Act. The provisions prohibit the dealing of clients in
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Current State Of The Us Economy Paper
Current State of the U.S. Economy
A nation's economy plays a vital role in how a nation operates. The United States economy faces a large variety of problems in this paper; we will
focus on 4 major economic problems, unemployment, inequality, federal debt, and the financial/credit market. All four issues are interconnected in
some way with deep social and economic implications. These issues were emphasized during the Great Recession that hit the U.S. economy in
2007.In the following paper, we will look at each of the four topics individually as well as look at how each plays a significant role in one another's
overall impact on the U.S. economy as well as individuals in the United States. The United States plays a crucial role in the world economy, meaning
that every issue and difficulty faced the United States economy has implications far outside the U.S., understanding how these issues relate to one
another sheds insight into just how connected every area of the economy actually is.
Beginning with unemployment in the 2007–2009 recession, U.S. unemployment rates peaked at 10% as well as held 41 consecutive months at rates
higher than eight percent (Lazear 1). The U.S. economy plummeted during this time; many attributed the shift to a large decrease in the number of
employed workers. To be able to better understand the unemployment issue, we must first examine the form of unemployment faced by the U.S.
economy. Many believe that the changes faced by the U.S. labor market
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Current Research Topics Essay
Current Research Topics
Review of recent issues of the journals discussed above reveal topics of research that are currently receiving attention. "Preventing deaths from
pesticide self–poisoning–learning from Sri Lanka's success, " published in a recent issue of Lancet, highlights a unique danger of pesticide use
worldwide. While it is clearly established that pesticides are toxic to humans and pose a significant threat to ecosystems, their use remains common
practice for their benefit in crop protection and food preservation and preventing certain diseases. Pesticides are used in 25% of the world production
used in developing countries... where 99% of deaths due to pesticides occur" (WHO, 2008). And their impact is devastating: more content...
(Knipe, 2017)
The article's authors advocate instead for a legislative solution; the legal restriction of hazardous pesticides has had the most positive impact. Factors
studied that led to this decision included a study of the rise in self–poisoning suicide rates during the years of Green Revolution when pesticides were
heavily marketed and employed. Over time, more and more pesticides were regulated resulting in fewer suicides:
Sri Lanka's pesticide regulations appear to have contributed to one of the greatest decreases in suicide rate ever seen. Having peaked at 57 per 100000
people over 8 years in the early 1990s, its incidence is now 17 per 100000 each year, a 70% reduction, and continuing to fall. Using regression
modelling techniques similar to those use used previously, we estimate that 93000 lives were saved in Sri Lanka between 1995 and 2015. (Knipe, 2017)
Global Health Science and Practice recently published an article on "Preventing Peer Violence Against Children." The impetus for this research is the
fact that, "Violence against and among children is a global public health problem that annually affects 50% of your worldwide with major impacts on
child development, education, and health including increased probability of major causes of morbidity and mortality in adulthood. It is also associated
with the experience of and perpetration of later violence against women" ("McFarlane, 2017).
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Essay On Current Event
Analysis of a Current Event
The debate over rather or not NFL players should be allowed to kneel during the National Anthem has been a very heated topic in our country for the
past year and a half. In my opinion it is very disrespectful for any player, in any venue to exhibit such conduct during any sporting event! It is sheer
disrespect for our flag which represents the fighting men and women who have died for this great country. Not to mention the fathers, mothers,
brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, left behind from those who have given their all, and perished in some foreign land! Stop and think about it!
Hundreds of thousands of brave men and women have fought in battle after battle to keep this country free. To each and more content...
If you don't believe that it does, just open the Facebook app on your phone and take a look. If your newsfeed is like mine, then it is filled top to
bottom with people commenting on what is going on in the NFL. Some of those post support the players right to kneel while many other post are
condemning it. That is just one prime example of how this issue and these players actions have, and will continue to drive a wedge between the
opposing sides of this issue. Personally, I love living in the United States of America, and I believe it is the greatest country on earth, and it really
agitates me to see these spoiled professional athletes running our country down. Merle Haggard said it best with his hit song "Fighting Side of Me",
when he said "when you're running down our country hoss your walking on the fighting side of me!" Don't get me wrong, this is the land of the free
and the home of the brave! Which means you are free to peacefully protest almost anywhere you like, as long as you are willing to face the
consequences of your decisions. I think that is what these players are forgetting. Nobody is saying they don't have to right to protest. However, when
you choose to do so during the middle of the National Anthem there is going to be an uproar from the hard working, blue collar, middle class residents
of this country, because for the most part they are the ones have fought for
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Essay On Current Events
When the majority of people think of summer they think of it as a easy–going time of year with beautiful weather, but it is not all fun and sunshine for
everyone around the world, or even in our own country. Major events are happening all the time, whether they are broadcasted in the news or not. In
this paper I will be talking about a few events that happened over the summer, and how they impacted the world. The first event occurred on August
17, 2017. According to New York Times, and Telegraph Co. UK, what happened on this day is as an act of terrorism, a van violently rammed through
a crowd of nearly one hundred in Barcelona, Spain near Las Ramblas, a popular tourist destination. This event killed at least 13 people, more
I am thankful today that none of these people were seriously injured or ever missing, because I know that is not the case for everyone. As goes for
how it impacted the world, I think that it shows us that accidents can happen at anytime to anyone, even to the most experienced of people. The
last event has been ongoing since mid March 2017, but on July 21, 2017 was named the largest and worst Cholera outbreak. According to
Aljazeera News, in the Asian country of Yemen, over 360,000 cases have been suspected and over 2,000 people are dead because of it in this war
torn country. Cholera is a disease that is spread by contaminated food or water, and causes pain in the abdomen and severe nausea and vomiting.
Sadly, according to the World Food Program, "Over 17 million Yemenis do not know where their next meal will come from." I believe this
impacted myself because it showed me to be grateful for my health, and the privilege i have of getting vaccinated for serious diseases. I believe the
world has been impacted because it is the largest case ever and people are starting to take more action on the spreading and prevention of diseases in
all countries. Even though these events are not directly connected in anyway, a common theme I found between all of them is that people in these
situations keeping an attitude of hope. These are clearly not ideal situations you want to find yourself in, but in any of these situations
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Current Developmental Issues
Question 2: Current Developmental Issues
The article I found is about teenage bullying because I'm more interested in teaching high schoolers. Since I currently work with high schoolers I see
firsthand how mean some girls can be to other girls. There are different types of bullying but they all still have a large impact on students. Bullying is
unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. It includes behaviors that focus on
making someone else, usually the weaker person to feel inadequate.
Some of the different types of bullying are physical, verbal, emotional, and cyber bullying. Physical bullying is when the instigator tries to harm the
other person's body or possessions. It may include kicking, punching, or breaking someone's things. Verbal bullying is when the bully uses mean
comments to take away someone's self–image. Emotional bullying aims at getting someone else isolated. Cyber bullying has become more common
because of the fast access to the internet. This is when teens use social media or their phones to humiliate more content...
I think the numbers may be higher than that because if we don't do anything to stop the bullying then were in the process acting as bystanders. Some
of the effects of bullying are the injuries from physical bullying, it can lead to depression or even suicide which is a very sad thing. To reduce
bullying, teachers should talk to their students and encourage good efforts to reduce bullying. Students are also advised to look for friends who are
supportive and kind and for them to move in groups because the bullies target people that are
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Essay On Current Weather
The current event article I chose is called "Recent improvement and projected worsening of weather in the United States" by Patrick J. Egan and
Megan Mullin published in the journal Nature. Egan is an Assistant Professor of Politics and Public Policy at NYU. He has written or co–written
many works ranging from LGBTQ+ rights to politics, to climate change. He seems to write a lot about public opinion and how it comes to be. Egan's
works have been published in journals ranging from Journal of Politics to another article in Nature, to a report for the National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force Policy Institute. Megan Mullin, who equally contributed to the article, is an Associate Professor of Environmental policies at Duke University.
She has more content...
Since winter temperatures have increased much faster than summer temperatures, it would seem to line up well with Americans preferences. On a
county–by–county basis they found, using their WPI scale, that in the past 40 years the average mean WPI score has increased, meaning over time
people are living in more and more preferable weather. Next, they calculated that approximately 80% of people live in counties where the weather has
improved. (Egan and Mullin, 2016) Lastly, Mullin and Egan discuss the problems with the perceived comfort of Americans and how this comfort will
change. Climate models show that the trend of smaller increases in summer temperatures, and higher increases in winter temperatures of the past 40
years will soon reverse. Using their WPI data and two separate scenarios for Americans future by 2099, they calculated how "pleasant" the weather
will most likely be. In the first scenario they calculated in weather pleasantness if greenhouse house emissions are stabilized shortly after 2100, and
found that approximately 71% of American counties would experience a decrease in WPI score. In the second scenario they calculated if greenhouse
emissions were left unabated by 2100, and found that approximately 88% of American counties would likely experience a decrease in WPI score.
(Egan and Mullin, 2016) The authors believe that this switch from more to less pleasant weather could be big problem. Apathy has
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The Problems that Our World Faces Today Essay
The Problems that Our World Faces Today
The earth is considered as one of the most beautiful planets in the universe. It is the only planet in our galaxy that has enough water to support life.
Unfortunately our planet is suffering due to many problems which should be solved before it is too late. The major problems that are facing our world
today are population, pollution and animal extinction. One of the problems facing our world is population. It began about ten thousand years ago
when the humans settled and began farming. The farming provides more food for the people thus making the population grow. Now we are about 6
billion in population and in a few years we will be around 10 to 11 billion. Therefore, our population more content...
Pollution is another major factor that is threatening our world today. One example of pollution is nitrogen. Humans are adding about 130 to 150 million
tons over the 90 to 150 tons that are produced by the nitrogen cycle. This excess in nitrogen causes coastal waters and estuaries to grow toxic algae,
killing the fish and trapping the solar heat in the air. Another example of pollution is methane. Methane is produced by gases released by cows,
termite mounds or by the bottom of rice paddy. If found in the air methane is very poisonous. By raising more cattle, cutting more tropical forests,
thus increasing the amount of termites, and by growing more rice, the methane concentration in the air is almost twice as higher as it was 160,000
years ago. Smoke is another pollution factor. Smoke that is produced by cars contains carbon dioxide (CO2). This carbon dioxide in the air causes
global warming, which results in the green house effect and climate changes. Satellite studies show that perhaps we will increase the temperature by
3.6 degrees by the year 2001. The warmer the weather the more water it can hold, the higher the precipitation will be. The higher the precipitation the
more clouds, the more rain, and the more snow there will be. This will result in more storms and floods. Studies by Thomas Karl of the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed that the total winter precipitation in the US has increased to about 10% since
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Essay about U.S. Economy
The United States economy is currently not looking very good. Over the past couple of months the economy has taken a turn for the worst and we
could be headed into a recession in the coming months or years. The biggest problems are in the real estate and mortgage markets. In 1999, housing
prices rose at huge rates and lenders began offering riskier mortgages, which caused homeowners to keep piling up huge debts. People were taking out
loans and balloon mortgage payments that they really could not afford. The problem began in late 2007, when housing prices began to fall and the
system fell apart causing huge numbers of defaults on home loans and foreclosures. Currently, 5.6% of mortgages are delinquent, the highest rate in 21
years, more content...
The housing crisis that I mentioned earlier and resulting backlash through the entire economy has been building for awhile now but it has just came
into the forefront in the past couple of weeks. We really haven't faced a downturn like this since the Depression. Last Tuesday, January 22, the Dow
Jones industrial average fell almost 600 points and was already down 9% in 2008 (Gross 1). Immediately the Federal Reserve took action and cut the
interest rates three–quarters of a percentage point, the biggest cut in 24 years. Today, not even a week later, the Fed again cut interest rates, this time
by a half–point (Aversa 1). This move is an effort to keep the economy out of a recession by getting money back into the banks and encouraging
them to keep lending credit to turn the economy upward. Whether or not it will work remains to be seen in the coming months. The government
also announced another move to a couple weeks ago to help get the economy going again and avoid or slow down a recession. President Bush and
the House are currently developing a $145 billion stimulus plan that would give tax relief to citizens by sending them individual checks for $300 and
up. The plan would put over $100 billion into the hands of consumers and the government hopes that money would be spent and put back into the
economy (Wolf 1). While all these things are good news for the struggling economy, most economic experts believe that a recession of some kind may
be impossible to avoid
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Essay on Currency: What is Exchange Rate?
Exchange rate represents the external value of a currency. Changes in exchange rates may affect the relative position of a country in the international
trade. Politicians and economists concern about exchange rate variability for lots of reasons, among which that the exchange rate variability
discourages trade comes first. However, a large empirical literature on this issue does not confirm a significant effect of exchange rate on the volume of
trade [1]. Instead other variables such as employment should be much more important from a practical point of view, for it is closely related to
people's livelihood.
With China's deepening Opening Up and economic restructure adjustment and the continuous appreciation of RMB in recent years, more
The second channel points to the influence of the real effective exchange rate on the economic growth rate and on the rate of job creation in the long
run. Through the last channel, the real effective exchange rate affects employment by influencing the labor intensity of industries.
Li Tiandong and Jiang Boke (2006) point out that the relationship between exchange rate and employment depends on the coaction of three
mechanisms: (1) the effect of exchange rate changes on aggregate demand; (2) the effect of exchange rate changes on prices of capital goods; (3) the
substitution effect of exchange rate changes on the relationship between physical and human capital.[4]
1.2.2Review of empirical researches
Many other academics have attempted to do empirical studies to confirm that there is really a force that exchange rate has driving the (un–)
employment level to correspond to the changes.
Starting from the "option value of waiting" to create a job and taking the bargaining position of workers, reservation wage into account, Belk and Gros
(2002) find the link between exchange variability and employment stronger in most European countries than in the US. [4]From the industry point of
view, the impact of exchange rate movements on
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Hot Topic Essay
1. What makes Hot Topic so successful as a retailer? What makes them so popular with their employees? How can they keep their success going?
Hot Topic as a retailer is so successful because their culture is "based on a passion for a concept" (Manning & Curtis, 2015, p. 281). They focus on
what is hot at the moment and use people's passion for music as their driving force. Having employees at an average age of 25 years, helps keep the
store and its products young and hip. Employees of Hot Topic are very loyal to the company because they are treated very well and have plenty of
incentives to look forward to. Things such as concert reimbursements, 3–day weekends, discounts on cell phones, scholarship reimbursements and
many others are a few perks in which their employees enjoy (Manning & more content...
It helps promote collaboration within the company and removes the idea of a hierarchical system in which most other companies abide by
(Manning & Curtis, 2015). Employees feel appreciated and likewise are very willing to help the company build and grow by providing adequate
ideas and solutions for the company. This helps them to constantly stay on top of the latest trends because ideas are freely flowing from their
employees, who are in the same age bracket of their intended market. This is actually quite smart of the company because they are able to get ideas
on what the store needs without having to pay for them. I most definitely would love to work in such an atmosphere. The idea of an open
communication system is very appealing and the fact that it comes with perks makes it even more alluring. I am sure everyone working at Hot Topics'
enjoy what they do and have fun at work, which would make their day–to–day less
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An Essay On Concussions In Sports
Concussions, which can be also known as a minor head trauma or mild traumatic brain injury. They are defined as a head injury because of
temporary loss in brain functions which can be shown by a variety of signs. These include headaches, feeling in a fog, and emotional changeability.
Common causes for these types of injuries are sports injuries, bicycle accidents, car wrecks, and falls. With the latter of the two of them all being the
more frequent causes of brain injury. It has never been clear exactly on how much damage is done and how the symptoms are caused when the injury
happens. There has been reported that there is cellular damage that happens in the concussed brain. Currently it is thought that structural and
neuropsychiatric factors may be responsible for these effects. "For example, collision sports such as football and ice hockey characteristically have
more acute traumatic injuries than sports such as swimming and track. Boxing has more head–related trauma because of the focus of the sport. Within
each sport, a general injury pattern and specific types of injury are unique to the sport. One type of injury that can occur in any sport or physical
activity is concussion". (Cerebral Concussion: Causes, Effects, and Risks in Sports) more content...
The media and fans fostered a heightened awareness for sport concussion as they learned of high–profile professional athletes who attributed their
retirements to repetitive concussions. Additionally, postconcussion syndrome was identified in players who retired for other reasons in the months and
years after their injuries. As a result, the current research concerned with the identification, management, and long–term effects of concussion is adding
new and exciting information to the professional body of knowledge required to reduce the risk of injury." (Cerebral Concussion: Causes, Effects, and
Risks in
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My Reflection On My Current Position
In my current position I have the unique opportunity to visit all kinds of classes at a variety of times throughout the day and during these visits I have
seen the whole spectrum of lessons being taught. One of the most amazing things I have learned is that usually within minutes of entering a classroom;
I can instantly tell how a lesson is going for a teacher. If the students are engaged and actively learning or are involved in an activity, it becomes very
evident through their facial expressions to me, that the lesson is going well and learning is taking place. On the other hand, if when I enter the
room the students give me that look of "please help us", I can tell things aren't going well and something is amiss in the lesson. When I see this my
curiosity usually gets the best of me and if I see these students later in the day or have a moment during the time I am in the classroom I try to talk to
them to find out what was going on. It is amazing to me how there is usually a common thread and that is that the students have no idea what is going
on or have no clue as to the purpose of the lesson.
What I realize now is that these teachers simply need to clarify the goals of their lessons, or as we have studied in this class they need to improve
their ability to set SMART goals. Neihart (2008) states that "Goals focus our attention by directing it activities that are relevant to the task and away
from activities that are irrelevant" (p60.). This is so true when
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Current Issues Course Essay
I am writing this essay in application for the Current Issues course. I believe that this course will help me gain valuable skills that will help me in
college. Current Issues is also a topic that interests me a lot as it is something that isn't really touched on in high school and it is something that I
would like to deepen both my knowledge and understanding in.
I would like to participate in this class because it would give me the opportunity to experience a college campus as well as learn valuable skills to help
prepare me for college. I am very interested in this course because I would be able to broaden my point of view on current affairs and gain more
knowledge on them. This course is something I would fully commit to by taking out the time to make sure I thoroughly understand the material and by more content...
I would also like this oppurtunity in order to earn a transferable college credit. In school we cover current topics very briefly and I think this class
would be a good way to really dive in and learn more about social and political issues. I would also like to be given this opportunity because I would be
able to participate in discussions and activities where I can improve my argumentative skills which is valuable skill that I believe is needed in college.
I think current issues is a very important topic because it affects my life greatly. Seeing as I am part of the next generation and this world is
something me along with my peers will inherit. I believe it is my responsibility to educate myself on current issues and expose myself to the point of
views of others. Also many social and political issues directly affect my life as well as many others. One example is police brutality, it
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Olympic Games Essay
The Olympic Games were a vital part of Greek culture which was heavily influenced by athletics. Today, the Olympic Games are the world's largest
presentation of athletic skill and competitive spirit. Thousands of athletes and spectators participate in this universal event. Revived in 1896, the
Olympic Games had their beginnings in ancient Greece, and since then the event is very much comparable to modern Olympic events. In a city in
southwestern Greece, called Olympia, is the birthplace of the Olympic games. Created to offer thanksgiving and honor to Zeus, chief god, the first
record of the Olympics dates back to 776 bc and the event occurs every four years thereafter. The first day of the more content...
In wrestling, the object was to throw your opponent down three times to be the victor. Javelin hurling used a man–high length of wood with a
sharpened point that sometimes had an attached metal point. A thong on the javelin for athletes' fingers attached to its center of gravity and increased
its precision and distance. In the discus event a saucer–shaped discus made of stone, iron, bronze, or lead was thrown for distance. Ancient boxing had
fewer rules and no weight classes or rounds and opponents were chosen randomly. Boxers fought until the opponent was unconscious or admitted that
he has been beaten. In addition, boxers also wore leather thongs instead of gloves and could continue to hit the opponent while he was down. Jumpers
held lead or stone halteres or jump weights to propel the body further while jumping across the pit similar to long jump. Chariot racing included two
and four horse racing and 2 mule chariot racing. The winner finished twelve laps or nine miles around the track first. Horse riding was a six lap or 4.5
mile race around the track in which only the wealthy participated in because of the costly training involved. The pankration was a grueling and rigorous
combination of wrestling and boxing that continued until participants acknowledged defeat.. The rules only forbade biting, and gouging an opponents
eyes, nose or mouth with fingernails. The final event, the pentathlon, was a five event combination of discus, javelin, long
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Current Situation Analysis Paper
Although my company focuses on the future of their strategic planning, the company uses its past results to plan for its future objectives. The past
result works best because depending on the end results of our past performances; it will help impact the company future goals. For example, we assess
our current situation by taking a hard look at our activities – Where we came from? Where are we going? Where are we now? What are our choices?
To analyze our current situation, we collect information so that all employees and stakeholders understand the current situation. This involves a review
of our history, a critique of the current mission statement, analysis of organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. We also
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The United States is the leading economy across the globe and experienced several tribulations in the recent past following the 2008 global recession.
Despite these recent challenges, there are expectations among policymakers and financial experts that the country will experience solid economic
growth. Actually, financial analysts have stated that the U.S. economy will be characterized by increased consumer spending, increased investments by
businesses, reduced rate of unemployment, and reduction in government cut. Some analysts have also stated that the country's economy will strengthen
in 2014 with an average of 2.7 percent or more. However, these predictions can only be understood through an analysis of the current macroeconomic more content...
While there are expectations of a yearly gain of nearly 2.3 million net new jobs, the unemployment rate is still very high i.e. around 6.5 percent. The
lower–than–expected job growth is fueled by various factors including government hiring, weather, and Obamacare. Actually, similar to December,
January had a lower–than expected increase in job opportunities since only 113,000 jobs were created. However, the rate of unemployment still
reduced to 6.6 percent in this month despite of the growth in labor force. The current rate of unemployment is the lowest in U.S. since the 2008
recession because more people are leaving the labor force instead of finding jobs. As economic growth increases moderately in 2014, the rate of
inflation is expected to remain below 2 percent. The price of goods in the country will continue to be restricted by global competition and use of
production capacities that are relatively low as compared to historical averages. In addition, the inflation rate will remain below 2 percent because of
decrease in energy prices and small increase in the prices of food. Nonetheless, while energy prices continue to reduce this year, the percentage of the
decrease will be less while food prices may regain normal rate of growth. The United States is currently not concerned about recession because of
moderate economic
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Technology Trends Essay

  • 1. Technology Trends Essay INTRODUCTION It seems that every year people turn increasingly toward living their lives through technology. It has inundated society, families, jobs, and lives. Three developing trends that in some ways overlap each other are specifically related to living in a technology world. These trends are particularly important to the school librarian because many students are living their lives through the web. In order to reach those students, the librarian must be knowledgeable about the trends and applications and be able to use and apply them in a library setting. By using them, the librarian makes the library relevant to students, and brings the library to students where the students are. The first trend is social more content... TREND ONE – SOCIAL COMMUNICATION Social communication is found on the web through blogs, online journaling, emailing, instant messaging, and micro–blogging. People use these applications to track their lives, inform others what they have been doing, make recommendations, rant about an interest, and a variety of other reasons. There is some sort of social communication about virtually every topic under the sun. Blogs, which is short for web–blogs, are essentially a place online where people go to write about their thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc. in their own voice in order to share it with the masses ("Exploring web 2.0 and libraries," 2006). In a blog, someone can respond to the writer with a comment, and then the blogger can post the comment for others to view, or they can delete it. In education or in a library, a blog could be used to share ideas about a topic, recommend books, share thoughts on a book, share news about upcoming events, share information about a past event, etc. (Naslund & Guistini, 2008). Blogs are very applicable to the library setting. It is a place to have conversations about anything. It could become a sort of on–line book club. The blog should invite participation. The more engaged students are, the more likely they are to care about the library ("Technology trends for a 2.0 world," 2007). Some of the more popular blog sites are,, and (Naslund & Guistini, 2008). Micro–blogging is Get more content on
  • 2. Research Paper On Current Affairs Running head: CURRENT AFFAIRS RESEARCH PAPER1 CURRENT AFFAIRS RESEARCH PAPER9 Current Affairs Research Paper Name: Institution Affiliation: Course: Date: Current Affairs Research Paper ( –release/2017–147) Business practices need to practice ethics of the highest order when carrying out the various business practices. Security and investment Companies as organizations need to ensure that in every practice or engagement they involve in, they get to deal with the clients and other parties with the highest integrity. Failure to provide ethical practices and integrity in all one does lead to breaches of set laws, which govern the operations of the company. Additionally, a company needs more content... The Securities and Exchange Commission charged drake in the court of law for the malpractices he had committed. The investment advisers' act of 1940 is the law that regulates the activities of the securities, and additionally protects the interests of the clients (, 2013). Protection is important since, there might be advisors, who may turn to be fraudulent and violate the terms of agreements that were set in place. This law was put in place and since then, it has aided the regulation of the individuals who take part in the business of carrying out the activities of advising people on the investment matters, pension funds issues as well as other financial matters. The interests of the advisors, in most times, might not be very well known, and in a bid to protect the client, this law was put in place. It became a requirement that the people who engage in the business, and all that get compensated as advisors, be registered and controlled by one body, the securities exchange commission. The commission is therefore tasked with the process of ensuring that the clients are treated well, as well as preventing any fraudulent activities from taking place. Additionally, it should be responsible for the any situations that happen to the clients due to the ignorance of the advisors, who fall under them There are antifraud provisions are provided under the Investment Advisors Act and the Uniform Securities Act. The provisions prohibit the dealing of clients in Get more content on
  • 3. Current State Of The Us Economy Paper Current State of the U.S. Economy A nation's economy plays a vital role in how a nation operates. The United States economy faces a large variety of problems in this paper; we will focus on 4 major economic problems, unemployment, inequality, federal debt, and the financial/credit market. All four issues are interconnected in some way with deep social and economic implications. These issues were emphasized during the Great Recession that hit the U.S. economy in 2007.In the following paper, we will look at each of the four topics individually as well as look at how each plays a significant role in one another's overall impact on the U.S. economy as well as individuals in the United States. The United States plays a crucial role in the world economy, meaning that every issue and difficulty faced the United States economy has implications far outside the U.S., understanding how these issues relate to one another sheds insight into just how connected every area of the economy actually is. Beginning with unemployment in the 2007–2009 recession, U.S. unemployment rates peaked at 10% as well as held 41 consecutive months at rates higher than eight percent (Lazear 1). The U.S. economy plummeted during this time; many attributed the shift to a large decrease in the number of employed workers. To be able to better understand the unemployment issue, we must first examine the form of unemployment faced by the U.S. economy. Many believe that the changes faced by the U.S. labor market Get more content on
  • 4. Current Research Topics Essay Current Research Topics Review of recent issues of the journals discussed above reveal topics of research that are currently receiving attention. "Preventing deaths from pesticide self–poisoning–learning from Sri Lanka's success, " published in a recent issue of Lancet, highlights a unique danger of pesticide use worldwide. While it is clearly established that pesticides are toxic to humans and pose a significant threat to ecosystems, their use remains common practice for their benefit in crop protection and food preservation and preventing certain diseases. Pesticides are used in 25% of the world production used in developing countries... where 99% of deaths due to pesticides occur" (WHO, 2008). And their impact is devastating: more content... (Knipe, 2017) The article's authors advocate instead for a legislative solution; the legal restriction of hazardous pesticides has had the most positive impact. Factors studied that led to this decision included a study of the rise in self–poisoning suicide rates during the years of Green Revolution when pesticides were heavily marketed and employed. Over time, more and more pesticides were regulated resulting in fewer suicides: Sri Lanka's pesticide regulations appear to have contributed to one of the greatest decreases in suicide rate ever seen. Having peaked at 57 per 100000 people over 8 years in the early 1990s, its incidence is now 17 per 100000 each year, a 70% reduction, and continuing to fall. Using regression modelling techniques similar to those use used previously, we estimate that 93000 lives were saved in Sri Lanka between 1995 and 2015. (Knipe, 2017) Global Health Science and Practice recently published an article on "Preventing Peer Violence Against Children." The impetus for this research is the fact that, "Violence against and among children is a global public health problem that annually affects 50% of your worldwide with major impacts on child development, education, and health including increased probability of major causes of morbidity and mortality in adulthood. It is also associated with the experience of and perpetration of later violence against women" ("McFarlane, 2017). Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Current Event Analysis of a Current Event The debate over rather or not NFL players should be allowed to kneel during the National Anthem has been a very heated topic in our country for the past year and a half. In my opinion it is very disrespectful for any player, in any venue to exhibit such conduct during any sporting event! It is sheer disrespect for our flag which represents the fighting men and women who have died for this great country. Not to mention the fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, left behind from those who have given their all, and perished in some foreign land! Stop and think about it! Hundreds of thousands of brave men and women have fought in battle after battle to keep this country free. To each and more content... If you don't believe that it does, just open the Facebook app on your phone and take a look. If your newsfeed is like mine, then it is filled top to bottom with people commenting on what is going on in the NFL. Some of those post support the players right to kneel while many other post are condemning it. That is just one prime example of how this issue and these players actions have, and will continue to drive a wedge between the opposing sides of this issue. Personally, I love living in the United States of America, and I believe it is the greatest country on earth, and it really agitates me to see these spoiled professional athletes running our country down. Merle Haggard said it best with his hit song "Fighting Side of Me", when he said "when you're running down our country hoss your walking on the fighting side of me!" Don't get me wrong, this is the land of the free and the home of the brave! Which means you are free to peacefully protest almost anywhere you like, as long as you are willing to face the consequences of your decisions. I think that is what these players are forgetting. Nobody is saying they don't have to right to protest. However, when you choose to do so during the middle of the National Anthem there is going to be an uproar from the hard working, blue collar, middle class residents of this country, because for the most part they are the ones have fought for Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Current Events When the majority of people think of summer they think of it as a easy–going time of year with beautiful weather, but it is not all fun and sunshine for everyone around the world, or even in our own country. Major events are happening all the time, whether they are broadcasted in the news or not. In this paper I will be talking about a few events that happened over the summer, and how they impacted the world. The first event occurred on August 17, 2017. According to New York Times, and Telegraph Co. UK, what happened on this day is as an act of terrorism, a van violently rammed through a crowd of nearly one hundred in Barcelona, Spain near Las Ramblas, a popular tourist destination. This event killed at least 13 people, more content... I am thankful today that none of these people were seriously injured or ever missing, because I know that is not the case for everyone. As goes for how it impacted the world, I think that it shows us that accidents can happen at anytime to anyone, even to the most experienced of people. The last event has been ongoing since mid March 2017, but on July 21, 2017 was named the largest and worst Cholera outbreak. According to Aljazeera News, in the Asian country of Yemen, over 360,000 cases have been suspected and over 2,000 people are dead because of it in this war torn country. Cholera is a disease that is spread by contaminated food or water, and causes pain in the abdomen and severe nausea and vomiting. Sadly, according to the World Food Program, "Over 17 million Yemenis do not know where their next meal will come from." I believe this impacted myself because it showed me to be grateful for my health, and the privilege i have of getting vaccinated for serious diseases. I believe the world has been impacted because it is the largest case ever and people are starting to take more action on the spreading and prevention of diseases in all countries. Even though these events are not directly connected in anyway, a common theme I found between all of them is that people in these situations keeping an attitude of hope. These are clearly not ideal situations you want to find yourself in, but in any of these situations Get more content on
  • 7. Current Developmental Issues Question 2: Current Developmental Issues The article I found is about teenage bullying because I'm more interested in teaching high schoolers. Since I currently work with high schoolers I see firsthand how mean some girls can be to other girls. There are different types of bullying but they all still have a large impact on students. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. It includes behaviors that focus on making someone else, usually the weaker person to feel inadequate. Some of the different types of bullying are physical, verbal, emotional, and cyber bullying. Physical bullying is when the instigator tries to harm the other person's body or possessions. It may include kicking, punching, or breaking someone's things. Verbal bullying is when the bully uses mean comments to take away someone's self–image. Emotional bullying aims at getting someone else isolated. Cyber bullying has become more common because of the fast access to the internet. This is when teens use social media or their phones to humiliate more content... I think the numbers may be higher than that because if we don't do anything to stop the bullying then were in the process acting as bystanders. Some of the effects of bullying are the injuries from physical bullying, it can lead to depression or even suicide which is a very sad thing. To reduce bullying, teachers should talk to their students and encourage good efforts to reduce bullying. Students are also advised to look for friends who are supportive and kind and for them to move in groups because the bullies target people that are Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Current Weather The current event article I chose is called "Recent improvement and projected worsening of weather in the United States" by Patrick J. Egan and Megan Mullin published in the journal Nature. Egan is an Assistant Professor of Politics and Public Policy at NYU. He has written or co–written many works ranging from LGBTQ+ rights to politics, to climate change. He seems to write a lot about public opinion and how it comes to be. Egan's works have been published in journals ranging from Journal of Politics to another article in Nature, to a report for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute. Megan Mullin, who equally contributed to the article, is an Associate Professor of Environmental policies at Duke University. She has more content... Since winter temperatures have increased much faster than summer temperatures, it would seem to line up well with Americans preferences. On a county–by–county basis they found, using their WPI scale, that in the past 40 years the average mean WPI score has increased, meaning over time people are living in more and more preferable weather. Next, they calculated that approximately 80% of people live in counties where the weather has improved. (Egan and Mullin, 2016) Lastly, Mullin and Egan discuss the problems with the perceived comfort of Americans and how this comfort will change. Climate models show that the trend of smaller increases in summer temperatures, and higher increases in winter temperatures of the past 40 years will soon reverse. Using their WPI data and two separate scenarios for Americans future by 2099, they calculated how "pleasant" the weather will most likely be. In the first scenario they calculated in weather pleasantness if greenhouse house emissions are stabilized shortly after 2100, and found that approximately 71% of American counties would experience a decrease in WPI score. In the second scenario they calculated if greenhouse emissions were left unabated by 2100, and found that approximately 88% of American counties would likely experience a decrease in WPI score. (Egan and Mullin, 2016) The authors believe that this switch from more to less pleasant weather could be big problem. Apathy has Get more content on
  • 9. The Problems that Our World Faces Today Essay The Problems that Our World Faces Today The earth is considered as one of the most beautiful planets in the universe. It is the only planet in our galaxy that has enough water to support life. Unfortunately our planet is suffering due to many problems which should be solved before it is too late. The major problems that are facing our world today are population, pollution and animal extinction. One of the problems facing our world is population. It began about ten thousand years ago when the humans settled and began farming. The farming provides more food for the people thus making the population grow. Now we are about 6 billion in population and in a few years we will be around 10 to 11 billion. Therefore, our population more content... Pollution is another major factor that is threatening our world today. One example of pollution is nitrogen. Humans are adding about 130 to 150 million tons over the 90 to 150 tons that are produced by the nitrogen cycle. This excess in nitrogen causes coastal waters and estuaries to grow toxic algae, killing the fish and trapping the solar heat in the air. Another example of pollution is methane. Methane is produced by gases released by cows, termite mounds or by the bottom of rice paddy. If found in the air methane is very poisonous. By raising more cattle, cutting more tropical forests, thus increasing the amount of termites, and by growing more rice, the methane concentration in the air is almost twice as higher as it was 160,000 years ago. Smoke is another pollution factor. Smoke that is produced by cars contains carbon dioxide (CO2). This carbon dioxide in the air causes global warming, which results in the green house effect and climate changes. Satellite studies show that perhaps we will increase the temperature by 3.6 degrees by the year 2001. The warmer the weather the more water it can hold, the higher the precipitation will be. The higher the precipitation the more clouds, the more rain, and the more snow there will be. This will result in more storms and floods. Studies by Thomas Karl of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed that the total winter precipitation in the US has increased to about 10% since Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about U.S. Economy The United States economy is currently not looking very good. Over the past couple of months the economy has taken a turn for the worst and we could be headed into a recession in the coming months or years. The biggest problems are in the real estate and mortgage markets. In 1999, housing prices rose at huge rates and lenders began offering riskier mortgages, which caused homeowners to keep piling up huge debts. People were taking out loans and balloon mortgage payments that they really could not afford. The problem began in late 2007, when housing prices began to fall and the system fell apart causing huge numbers of defaults on home loans and foreclosures. Currently, 5.6% of mortgages are delinquent, the highest rate in 21 years, more content... The housing crisis that I mentioned earlier and resulting backlash through the entire economy has been building for awhile now but it has just came into the forefront in the past couple of weeks. We really haven't faced a downturn like this since the Depression. Last Tuesday, January 22, the Dow Jones industrial average fell almost 600 points and was already down 9% in 2008 (Gross 1). Immediately the Federal Reserve took action and cut the interest rates three–quarters of a percentage point, the biggest cut in 24 years. Today, not even a week later, the Fed again cut interest rates, this time by a half–point (Aversa 1). This move is an effort to keep the economy out of a recession by getting money back into the banks and encouraging them to keep lending credit to turn the economy upward. Whether or not it will work remains to be seen in the coming months. The government also announced another move to a couple weeks ago to help get the economy going again and avoid or slow down a recession. President Bush and the House are currently developing a $145 billion stimulus plan that would give tax relief to citizens by sending them individual checks for $300 and up. The plan would put over $100 billion into the hands of consumers and the government hopes that money would be spent and put back into the economy (Wolf 1). While all these things are good news for the struggling economy, most economic experts believe that a recession of some kind may be impossible to avoid Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Currency: What is Exchange Rate? Exchange rate represents the external value of a currency. Changes in exchange rates may affect the relative position of a country in the international trade. Politicians and economists concern about exchange rate variability for lots of reasons, among which that the exchange rate variability discourages trade comes first. However, a large empirical literature on this issue does not confirm a significant effect of exchange rate on the volume of trade [1]. Instead other variables such as employment should be much more important from a practical point of view, for it is closely related to people's livelihood. With China's deepening Opening Up and economic restructure adjustment and the continuous appreciation of RMB in recent years, more content... The second channel points to the influence of the real effective exchange rate on the economic growth rate and on the rate of job creation in the long run. Through the last channel, the real effective exchange rate affects employment by influencing the labor intensity of industries. Li Tiandong and Jiang Boke (2006) point out that the relationship between exchange rate and employment depends on the coaction of three mechanisms: (1) the effect of exchange rate changes on aggregate demand; (2) the effect of exchange rate changes on prices of capital goods; (3) the substitution effect of exchange rate changes on the relationship between physical and human capital.[4] 1.2.2Review of empirical researches Many other academics have attempted to do empirical studies to confirm that there is really a force that exchange rate has driving the (un–) employment level to correspond to the changes. Starting from the "option value of waiting" to create a job and taking the bargaining position of workers, reservation wage into account, Belk and Gros (2002) find the link between exchange variability and employment stronger in most European countries than in the US. [4]From the industry point of view, the impact of exchange rate movements on Get more content on
  • 12. Hot Topic Essay 1. What makes Hot Topic so successful as a retailer? What makes them so popular with their employees? How can they keep their success going? Hot Topic as a retailer is so successful because their culture is "based on a passion for a concept" (Manning & Curtis, 2015, p. 281). They focus on what is hot at the moment and use people's passion for music as their driving force. Having employees at an average age of 25 years, helps keep the store and its products young and hip. Employees of Hot Topic are very loyal to the company because they are treated very well and have plenty of incentives to look forward to. Things such as concert reimbursements, 3–day weekends, discounts on cell phones, scholarship reimbursements and many others are a few perks in which their employees enjoy (Manning & more content... It helps promote collaboration within the company and removes the idea of a hierarchical system in which most other companies abide by (Manning & Curtis, 2015). Employees feel appreciated and likewise are very willing to help the company build and grow by providing adequate ideas and solutions for the company. This helps them to constantly stay on top of the latest trends because ideas are freely flowing from their employees, who are in the same age bracket of their intended market. This is actually quite smart of the company because they are able to get ideas on what the store needs without having to pay for them. I most definitely would love to work in such an atmosphere. The idea of an open communication system is very appealing and the fact that it comes with perks makes it even more alluring. I am sure everyone working at Hot Topics' enjoy what they do and have fun at work, which would make their day–to–day less Get more content on
  • 13. An Essay On Concussions In Sports Concussions, which can be also known as a minor head trauma or mild traumatic brain injury. They are defined as a head injury because of temporary loss in brain functions which can be shown by a variety of signs. These include headaches, feeling in a fog, and emotional changeability. Common causes for these types of injuries are sports injuries, bicycle accidents, car wrecks, and falls. With the latter of the two of them all being the more frequent causes of brain injury. It has never been clear exactly on how much damage is done and how the symptoms are caused when the injury happens. There has been reported that there is cellular damage that happens in the concussed brain. Currently it is thought that structural and neuropsychiatric factors may be responsible for these effects. "For example, collision sports such as football and ice hockey characteristically have more acute traumatic injuries than sports such as swimming and track. Boxing has more head–related trauma because of the focus of the sport. Within each sport, a general injury pattern and specific types of injury are unique to the sport. One type of injury that can occur in any sport or physical activity is concussion". (Cerebral Concussion: Causes, Effects, and Risks in Sports) more content... The media and fans fostered a heightened awareness for sport concussion as they learned of high–profile professional athletes who attributed their retirements to repetitive concussions. Additionally, postconcussion syndrome was identified in players who retired for other reasons in the months and years after their injuries. As a result, the current research concerned with the identification, management, and long–term effects of concussion is adding new and exciting information to the professional body of knowledge required to reduce the risk of injury." (Cerebral Concussion: Causes, Effects, and Risks in Get more content on
  • 14. My Reflection On My Current Position In my current position I have the unique opportunity to visit all kinds of classes at a variety of times throughout the day and during these visits I have seen the whole spectrum of lessons being taught. One of the most amazing things I have learned is that usually within minutes of entering a classroom; I can instantly tell how a lesson is going for a teacher. If the students are engaged and actively learning or are involved in an activity, it becomes very evident through their facial expressions to me, that the lesson is going well and learning is taking place. On the other hand, if when I enter the room the students give me that look of "please help us", I can tell things aren't going well and something is amiss in the lesson. When I see this my curiosity usually gets the best of me and if I see these students later in the day or have a moment during the time I am in the classroom I try to talk to them to find out what was going on. It is amazing to me how there is usually a common thread and that is that the students have no idea what is going on or have no clue as to the purpose of the lesson. What I realize now is that these teachers simply need to clarify the goals of their lessons, or as we have studied in this class they need to improve their ability to set SMART goals. Neihart (2008) states that "Goals focus our attention by directing it activities that are relevant to the task and away from activities that are irrelevant" (p60.). This is so true when Get more content on
  • 15. Current Issues Course Essay I am writing this essay in application for the Current Issues course. I believe that this course will help me gain valuable skills that will help me in college. Current Issues is also a topic that interests me a lot as it is something that isn't really touched on in high school and it is something that I would like to deepen both my knowledge and understanding in. I would like to participate in this class because it would give me the opportunity to experience a college campus as well as learn valuable skills to help prepare me for college. I am very interested in this course because I would be able to broaden my point of view on current affairs and gain more knowledge on them. This course is something I would fully commit to by taking out the time to make sure I thoroughly understand the material and by more content... I would also like this oppurtunity in order to earn a transferable college credit. In school we cover current topics very briefly and I think this class would be a good way to really dive in and learn more about social and political issues. I would also like to be given this opportunity because I would be able to participate in discussions and activities where I can improve my argumentative skills which is valuable skill that I believe is needed in college. I think current issues is a very important topic because it affects my life greatly. Seeing as I am part of the next generation and this world is something me along with my peers will inherit. I believe it is my responsibility to educate myself on current issues and expose myself to the point of views of others. Also many social and political issues directly affect my life as well as many others. One example is police brutality, it Get more content on
  • 16. Olympic Games Essay The Olympic Games were a vital part of Greek culture which was heavily influenced by athletics. Today, the Olympic Games are the world's largest presentation of athletic skill and competitive spirit. Thousands of athletes and spectators participate in this universal event. Revived in 1896, the Olympic Games had their beginnings in ancient Greece, and since then the event is very much comparable to modern Olympic events. In a city in southwestern Greece, called Olympia, is the birthplace of the Olympic games. Created to offer thanksgiving and honor to Zeus, chief god, the first record of the Olympics dates back to 776 bc and the event occurs every four years thereafter. The first day of the more content... In wrestling, the object was to throw your opponent down three times to be the victor. Javelin hurling used a man–high length of wood with a sharpened point that sometimes had an attached metal point. A thong on the javelin for athletes' fingers attached to its center of gravity and increased its precision and distance. In the discus event a saucer–shaped discus made of stone, iron, bronze, or lead was thrown for distance. Ancient boxing had fewer rules and no weight classes or rounds and opponents were chosen randomly. Boxers fought until the opponent was unconscious or admitted that he has been beaten. In addition, boxers also wore leather thongs instead of gloves and could continue to hit the opponent while he was down. Jumpers held lead or stone halteres or jump weights to propel the body further while jumping across the pit similar to long jump. Chariot racing included two and four horse racing and 2 mule chariot racing. The winner finished twelve laps or nine miles around the track first. Horse riding was a six lap or 4.5 mile race around the track in which only the wealthy participated in because of the costly training involved. The pankration was a grueling and rigorous combination of wrestling and boxing that continued until participants acknowledged defeat.. The rules only forbade biting, and gouging an opponents eyes, nose or mouth with fingernails. The final event, the pentathlon, was a five event combination of discus, javelin, long Get more content on
  • 17. Current Situation Analysis Paper Although my company focuses on the future of their strategic planning, the company uses its past results to plan for its future objectives. The past result works best because depending on the end results of our past performances; it will help impact the company future goals. For example, we assess our current situation by taking a hard look at our activities – Where we came from? Where are we going? Where are we now? What are our choices? To analyze our current situation, we collect information so that all employees and stakeholders understand the current situation. This involves a review of our history, a critique of the current mission statement, analysis of organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. We also incorporate Get more content on
  • 18. The United States is the leading economy across the globe and experienced several tribulations in the recent past following the 2008 global recession. Despite these recent challenges, there are expectations among policymakers and financial experts that the country will experience solid economic growth. Actually, financial analysts have stated that the U.S. economy will be characterized by increased consumer spending, increased investments by businesses, reduced rate of unemployment, and reduction in government cut. Some analysts have also stated that the country's economy will strengthen in 2014 with an average of 2.7 percent or more. However, these predictions can only be understood through an analysis of the current macroeconomic more content... While there are expectations of a yearly gain of nearly 2.3 million net new jobs, the unemployment rate is still very high i.e. around 6.5 percent. The lower–than–expected job growth is fueled by various factors including government hiring, weather, and Obamacare. Actually, similar to December, January had a lower–than expected increase in job opportunities since only 113,000 jobs were created. However, the rate of unemployment still reduced to 6.6 percent in this month despite of the growth in labor force. The current rate of unemployment is the lowest in U.S. since the 2008 recession because more people are leaving the labor force instead of finding jobs. As economic growth increases moderately in 2014, the rate of inflation is expected to remain below 2 percent. The price of goods in the country will continue to be restricted by global competition and use of production capacities that are relatively low as compared to historical averages. In addition, the inflation rate will remain below 2 percent because of decrease in energy prices and small increase in the prices of food. Nonetheless, while energy prices continue to reduce this year, the percentage of the decrease will be less while food prices may regain normal rate of growth. The United States is currently not concerned about recession because of moderate economic Get more content on