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Less-Than Lethal Weapon Solutions for 
Law Enforcement and Military 
Technology for Reducing Gun Related Deaths 
Figure 1. Hawaii Police Department Special Response Team Officer Christopher Ragasa Competes in a target shooting event... 
Source: ( gun-range.html) 
Justin Carpenter 
Temple University 
ENGR 2196 – Technical Communication 
Section 6 
Ver. 2.2 
December 2nd, 2013
This proposal seeks to find a viable replacement to conventional firearms in a law enforcement or military scenario with non-gunpowder, less-than lethal weaponry. Conventional firearms, such as the 9mm handgun, are currently used as the standard for trying to stop or incapacitate a target. Powder based weaponry poses too much of a risk for terminating the target. The goal of this proposal is to reduce gun related deaths in situations where termination of the target is not required. These technologies can be later implemented into the private sector for civilians. 
When a bullet strikes a person, penetration of the skin is almost guaranteed on impact. Once the bullet has passed through the skin, it then has a chance to strike vital organs such as the heart, coronary artery, or spine. This is where most of the damage is caused. 
This proposal intends to create a solution that would either create minimal damage after skin penetration or cause no penetration, but still incapacitate the target. A handheld electromagnetic kinetic device would be devised that would incapacitate a target without termination.
Executive Statement 
The objective of this proposal is to design an alternative for conventional firearms for military, police and home defense. Making a new type of powder based firearm simply will not work due to inability to change acceleration and velocity of a bullet that is already loaded in the firearm. New technologies can be applied to engineer a new system that could be an alternative to firearms in a law enforcement, military, and home defense. This will reduce the amount of deaths from firearms and take away the psychological battle for humans regarding whether to pull the trigger or not. 
A new material called graphene may permit the development of an entirely new system. Research and funding would need to be provided in order to develop new and better capacitor technology called super capacitors. These new super capacitors will be able to store more electric potential and reduce the size of capacitors. Using this material will enable a handheld electromagnetic kinetic rail device to be developed. This weapon would be able to change the velocity of a projectile and produce an impact to a target that can incapacitate but not terminate. 
This new device will be similar to the Navy’s rail gun that is housed on battleships. This system will be handheld similar to a rifle. The barrel will consist of two rails with a connecting slide bar between the rails. A projectile will be placed in the connecting bar. With a pull of the trigger, an electrical current will be discharged from the graphene super capacitor and send the projectile forward at faster than bullet speeds. The projectile will be designed so that when it strikes a target, it will break apart and dissipate any lethal energy away from the target. The rest of the energy will be transferred into the target, creating a blow that can incapacitate, but not penetrate skin and risk terminating the target. 
This system will be an alternative to firearms for military, law enforcement, and civilians for a less-lethal, more effective, and safer alternative. These technologies will require a significant amount of research, specifically for creating a capacitor that will fit the design needs. A new market could also be created for these technologies as micro kinetic rail technology and micro capacitor technology could be the next step in kinetic weapons, or possibly even capacitor technology and their applications.
Table of Contents 
Executive Statement .................................................................................................................................... 3 
Problem Statement ...................................................................................................................................... 6 
Overall Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 6 
Historical and Economic Perspectives ...................................................................................................... 7 
Candidate Solutions .................................................................................................................................. 8 
Handheld Electromagnetic Kinetic Rail System ..................................................................................... 8 
Long Range Remote Stun Gun ............................................................................................................ 10 
Smart Drone ........................................................................................................................................ 13 
Proposed Solution ................................................................................................................................... 14 
Major Design and Implementation Challenges....................................................................................... 15 
Capacitance ......................................................................................................................................... 15 
Graphene ............................................................................................................................................ 15 
The Projectile ...................................................................................................................................... 15 
Implications of Project Success ............................................................................................................... 16 
References .................................................................................................................................................. 17 
List of Figures 
Figure 1. Hawaii Police Department Special Response Team Officer Christopher Ragasa Competes in a target shooting event... ................................................................................................................... 1 
Figure 2. Basic Mechanics of Rail Guns. Source: (How Do Rail Guns Work?, n.d.) ....................................... 8 
Figure 3. Rechargeable Hand Held Stun Gun & Flashlight. ......................................................................... 11 
Figure 4. Multi-Shot Stun Gun. ................................................................................................................... 11 
Figure 5. Police Officer Using Pneumatic Weapon. (Murgado, 2013) ........................................................ 12 
Figure 6. Flow Chart of Candidate Solutions. Source: Justin Carpenter ..................................................... 13 
Figure 7. Pros and Cons Chart for Candidate Solutions. Source: Justin Carpenter ..................................... 14
List of Equations 
Equation 1. Newton’s Second Law…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9 
Equation 2. Equation for Acceleration…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…9 
Equation 3. Equation for Momentum………………………………………………………………………………………………………9 
Equation 4. Velocity in the Horizontal Direction When Including Drag….…………………………………………………9 
List of Tables 
Table 1. Expanded Homicide Data Table 11 (Source: ..................................................................... 7
Problem Statement 
Overall Objectives 
The use of a new propulsion system could be used as a viable alternative to standard firearms and could replace standard less-than lethal weaponry used today. Ideally, in situations where a criminal activity must be stopped, a less-than lethal alternative to conventional firearms is desired (Murgado, 2013). However, traditional firearms are made for killing and sport. This creates a problem when the person attempting to stop the criminal activity does not want to kill the criminal. 
In situations where hostages were held captive, the captor was killed 75% of time as a direct result of a rescue attempt (Howard & Smith, 1979). Statistics like these create a want and need for a less-than lethal propulsion device. 
These new propulsion devices would be handheld kinetic devices that fire projectiles at high speeds to strike a human, immobilize them, but not cause death. Standard bullets have the potential to kill the target if bullet penetration occurs in critical areas such as the brain or heart. The idea behind these new systems is to have the reliability of standard firearms but not use lethal force. The goal is to apply kinetic devices to smaller scale law enforcement, military, and self-defense uses for a single person to use in a non-lethal scenario. Any of the military research centers in the country could research the topic to develop such technologies. 
Another goal of the research is to implement a material called graphene (pronounced gra-feen). Graphene is a man-made material made from raw graphite that has super conductor properties that can be used to replace silicon as the standard material for capacitors. Capacitors that use graphene have an almost indefinite lifespan and the ability to recharge in seconds. Graphene capacitors make the proposed handheld kinetic devices possible. With the implementation of graphene capacitors, this system can be developed to reduce the number of deaths in lethal situations, and be a safer alternative to firearms. This would be system or device which can control the speed, power, and accuracy of the projectile and change the entire dynamics of military operations, law enforcement and personal self- defense.
Historical and Economic Perspectives 
In 2011, 68% of the total murders that occurred were due to firearms (FBI, 2011). See Table 1 below. Circumstances Total murder Victims Total Firearms Handguns Rifles Shotguns Other guns or type not stated Total 12,664 8,583 6,220 323 356 1,684 Felony type total 1,816 1,271 1,007 32 50 182 
Table 1. Expanded Homicide Data Table 11 (Source: 
Firearms naturally have a bad track record for killing. The goal of a standard bullet is to shoot a small metal projectile at a target in order to penetrate skin tissue and to disrupt internal systems in the body to cease them from working, thus causing death. 
Guns have frequently been in the news recently with incidents like the Newtown school shooting in 2012, and the theater shooting during the “The Dark Knight Rises” premiere in Aurora, Colorado. 
Modern weapons such as the AR-15 have been widely publicized as “assault weapons” used only for killing people, when in fact these firearms are used for game hunting and Olympic marksmanship. The shooting in Newtown also caused a debate about armed guards in schools. All of this press has made firearms in the 21st Century the “3rd rail” of politics. That being said, a new system could be the new and safer alternative to standard firearms. 
It is safe to say that no organization or sane human being wants any death on their hands. One of the struggles with law enforcement is that they are too quick to pull the trigger, or too scared to. The proposed system reduces the risk of death, taking away the psychological battle of whether to pull the trigger or not. The handgun is the primary weapon for self-defense against an unexpected attack (Patrick, 1989). Nevertheless, a majority of shootings occur in manners and circumstances in which the officer does not have any other weapon available (Patrick, 1989). The goal of an alternative projectile system is to reduce the amount of gun related deaths. Conventional firearms are technologies that have been mastered and perfected over the past 400 years. Nothing will change the typical formula of a firearm. Current less-than lethal weaponry have too many flaws such as range, power, and accuracy. A brand new system will need to be developed for law enforcement, military, and home defense. 
This system will also have the potential to create an entirely new market of less-lethal firearms. There will be a desire for these to be developed in the private sector for home defense use. Private companies can develop their own versions and sell them to the public. They would function as an alternative to the stun gun or personal defense weapon in a household.
Candidate Solutions 
There are only a limited number of modifications that can be made to a standard firearm in order to make it less lethal. Gunpowder creates a very powerful explosion which results in high velocities. The metal used for the physical bullet causes too much damage when skin is penetrated. New solutions that stray away from the design of a conventional firearm are needed. There are many current designs in use by law enforcement, military, and civilians such as rubber bullets, stun guns, and bean bag projectiles. While all of these are effective, they are only effective to an extent. Rubber bullets can be too weak to knock a target down, stun guns have significant range disadvantages, and bean bag projectiles have accuracy problems. The goal is to devise an entirely new system that address issues of accuracy, range, and power. 
Handheld Electromagnetic Kinetic Rail System 
Figure 2. Basic Mechanics of Rail Guns. Source: (How Do Rail Guns Work?, n.d.) 
This system is a miniature version of, or similar to, the Navy’s rail gun used on battleships. A simple rail gun works by using two magnets (known as rails) that have a metal slide between them that can freely move up and down the two rails. The metal slide carries a projectile that fly’s off the slide at incredibly high speeds and fly’s towards a target. An electric current is supplied to the magnets through a capacitor and the induced force from the magnetic flux causes the metal slide to fly forward. The slide hits a stop at the end of the rail and the projectile continues to fly out of the system and hit a target (How Do Rail
Guns Work?, n.d.). The projectile is a key component that makes the system applicable to a less-than lethal scenario. Considering Newton’s 2nd law, we know the equation for force as stated below. 
Force(F) = Mass(m)*Acceleration(a) 
Equation 1. Newton’s Second Law 
In order to achieve a certain velocity that would be ideal for a less-than lethal scenario, the acceleration must be varied. The equation for acceleration is shown below. 
Acceleration(a) = ΔVelocity/ΔTime 
Equation 2. Equation for Acceleration 
With standard bullets, the amount of gunpowder in the casing of the bullet is what varies the force of the bullet send out of the barrel. Acceleration is directly related to velocity. Velocity is the key component that affects momentum. 
Momentum of a projectile is what causes penetration of skin. Penetration of skin is what causes more lethal effects such as permanent cavities, temporary cavities, and fragmentation of the projectile (Patrick, 1989). Momentum is shown in the equation below. 
Momentum (P) = Mass(m)*Velocity(v) 
Equation 3. Equation for Momentum 
Momentum and force are the two main reasons further injuries occur. 
A major factor affecting the projectile is aerodynamic drag. Aerodynamic drag is the force of an object that resists its motion through a fluid (Aerodynamic Drag, n.d.), or in this case, air. Velocity in the horizontal direction including air resistance is shown in the equation below (Projectile Motion with Air Resistance, n.d.). 
Vx = Vo*cos(Θ)*e^(-g*t/Vt) 
Equation 4. Velocity in the Horizontal Direction When Including Drag 
As you can see, drag is not related to mass, but is related to velocity. The increased speed of the projectile reduces the effects of the environment such as drag, cross winds, or the Coriolis Effect. Natural winds caused by the earth can cause the projectile to veer off course. The Coriolis Effect in Layman’s terms, when referring to projectile motion, is simply the effect of the earth rotating under a projectile flying through the air. Over long distance rifle shooting, this effect is a major problem. Without these factors, the accuracy of the projectile is significantly greater. 
Now by looking at the momentum equation above, we can greatly increase the velocity to lessen environmental effects while decreasing the mass to obtain the desired momentum needed for the projectile. The solutions for a suitable projectile are as listed below.
Electric method: 
This method involves developing a metalloid that becomes rigid when exposed to an electric current. The projectile is a ring that rests on an iron core sitting inside of the chamber of the system. The ring would be entirely made out of a man-made metalloid that becomes very malleable (almost liquid) when the current is removed. A small capacitor and sensor embedded in the ring would provide a current to keep the projectile rigid. The idea is that during flight of the projectile, the projectile retains its shape. A sensor would be embedded in the capacitor and could use current heat recognition technology to shut itself off when the projectile is near its target. When the current is taken away, the projectile loses its rigidity thereby having liquid properties. The idea is that the projectile would dissipate before contact, reducing the force directed into the target. It is anticipated that the metal would also spread out, dividing the incoming force from the projectile into a larger area, reducing the likelihood of penetration. 
Impact method: 
This method is similar to how a conventional firearm works. An electromagnetic rail system would fire a metal projectile that would fly through the air at greater speeds. A thick ring would wrap around a stationary iron core in the chamber for increased force. The main idea behind this method is that the ring would be so light, that even if the projectile hit a target at faster-than bullet speeds, there would be minimal to no penetration because it would be so light. Referring back to the statement in the summary of the electromagnetic system, momentum is equal to mass*velocity. If you want the momentum to decrease, you need to either decrease the mass or the velocity. While this system provides increased velocity for the projectile, the mass is reduced to a point where the momentum would still be less than standard bullets. This method is much simpler than the electric method. However, it has its limitations from an accuracy and material standpoint. 
Long Range Remote Stun Gun 
Tasers have been one of law enforcement’s most reliable less-than lethal options for decades. A stun gun works by passing an electrical current through the body. This current creates pulses that mimic electrical signals used within the human body to communicate between the brain and the muscles (How does a TASER Work?, n.d.). The pulses simulate the pulsed communication used within the nerves, and interferes with communication: like static on the telephone lines within the body. (How does a TASER Work?, n.d.). A stun gun has two common designs for inducing these pulses into a human body. 
One design is a small handheld device similar to a television remote (“handheld” stun gun). On one end of the remote are two metal nodes. When a button is pressed, an electrical current is provided into the nodes. These nodes are not connected to each other. This means that while the current is provided to the nodes, the circuit is open. When the nodes are pressed against a body, the circuit closes and completes the connection to send the current through the body. The current provides the pulses that interfere with the target’s brain waves, thus incapacitating the target. A picture of a handheld stun gun is provided below.
Figure 3. Rechargeable Hand Held Stun Gun & Flashlight. 
Another design is a small handheld device that works more similarly a standard handgun (“kinetic” stun gun). It is a device that has reloadable cartridges that shock people from farther than an arm’s reach. These small cartridges have two electrical nodes attached to wires that are connected to a circuit within the stun gun. When the trigger is pulled, the two nodes eject out of the cartridge and fly towards the target. When both of the nodes attach to the target, the holder of the stun gun then pressed a button to provide the current that creates electrical pulses. A picture of a typical kinetic stun gun is provided below. 
Figure 4. Multi-Shot Stun Gun. 
Both of these methods are proven to work but they have their drawbacks. 
For the handheld stun gun, range is a major factor. You have to be within three feet of a target. This can put the user in danger of being harmed by the person they are trying to incapacitate. This system is
almost entirely reliant on the user to provide the current to the target. This also could be a positive for the handheld system because there is less room for mechanical error in the system itself. However if the target wrestles the stun gun from the user the device can be used against the person holding the stun gun 
For the kinetic stun gun, range is a lesser problem, but other factors such as mechanical errors and accuracy can be very problematic. The nodes that are being fired out of the cartridge may not have the accuracy intended at longer ranges. Another problem is the fact that two nodes are being fired. If one of the nodes do not connect to the target, the system will not work. The range is also limited to the length of the wire connecting the nodes to the circuit. Long range use is not recommended for this system. 
Since both of these methods have their flaws, a new long range stun gun system can be developed. Using super capacitors made of graphene, a small device can be developed to emit the same electrical impulses that the existing stun gun emits. A small cylindrical shell will be manufactured to contain the super capacitor and circuit components. On the shell will be a series of nodes similar to the ones in the handheld stun gun. For each pair of nodes, there will be an individual circuit that will be connected to the graphene super conductor. This leads to about 10 or 12 individual circuits hooked up to one super capacitor. These nodes will deliver the electric pulses to the target. A conductive gel will surround the shell in order to reduce the impact force and have adhesive properties. This gel also increases the mass so that the velocity can be slowed. This makes the small metal shell into a non-lethal projectile. It will also act as an adhesive to ensure that the electric current gets delivered to the target. 
This device will be fired as a projectile out of a handheld pneumatic firearm that can manually adjust the power and velocity of the projectile. A picture of a pneumatic firearm is provided below. 
Figure 5. Police Officer Using Pneumatic Weapon. (Murgado, 2013) 
Once the projectile attaches to the target, a separate controller will have a button that can remotely discharge the device and enable it to emit electric pulses. With this device self-contained in a projectile, range is no longer an issue. This will allow for greater range, while reducing the possibility of not
attaching properly to the target. Multiple firing of the projectile may be problematic due to the gel. Accuracy may also be a factor considering the nature of pneumatic weaponry. 
Smart Drone 
Shot placement is an important, and often cited, consideration regarding the suitability of weapons and ammunitions (Patrick, 1989). 
Unmanned drones have been on the cutting edge of military technology. Drones are mainly used for overseas intelligence missions where data needs to be collected. They are also used for bombing key military targets. Drones typically look like radio controlled planes and can be controlled remotely halfway across the world. 
A drone in the form of a handheld quadricopter could be developed with a small firearm attached to the bottom of the drone. This drone would be controlled remotely from a program installed on a policeman’s or soldier’s field computer. Using the computer and cameras, the drone can be remotely controlled. Some of the cameras could be used for multiple uses. One could be used for standard vision, another for night vision, and another one for thermal imaging to locate the target. A small custom firearm system would be attached to the bottom of the drone and connected to the thermal imaging camera. Using custom software, the camera would be used to pick up a target and let the firearm know where the lethal points are on the target. The drone could then calibrate a shot that will strike the target but not in a lethal area of the body. These areas include but are not limited to the brain, upper spinal cord, coronary artery, and heart (Patrick, 1989). This software would be able to pinpoint things such as heart beats and electrical impulses from the brain in targets so that when a shot is taken, risk of hitting a fatal point is greatly reduced. This software could be difficult to develop since certain things such as wind or precision of the software itself could prove problematic. 
Less than Lethal Weaponry 
Long Range Remote Taser 
Smart Drone 
Handheld Electromagnetic Kinetic Rail system 
Impact Method 
Electric Method 
Figure 6. Flow Chart of Candidate Solutions. Source: Justin Carpenter
Solutions Handheld Electromagnetic Kinetic Rail system Long Range Remote Taser Smart Drone Pros - Increased accuracy. - Eliminates chance of penetration even in lethal areas. - Environment factors such as cross winds or the Coriolis Effect are not applicable. - Safe to use. - Minimal room for mechanical error. - Simple to operate. - Safe pneumatic system. - Uses electricity to prevent any risk of penetration. - Cheap to develop. - Pneumatic weaponry is already in use would help familiarity of product. - Unmanned. - Easy to maneuver. - Removes risk of lethal shot. - Can also be used as a tracking mechanism for run away criminals. 
- Super capacitors not yet developed. 
- Micro kinetic rail system not developed. 
- Correct material for projectile will need research. 
- Not viable for public use. 
- Accuracy. 
- Developing a viable gel. 
- Low muzzle velocity could lead to attachment of projectile to target problems. 
- Could be shot down by 3rd party. 
- Possible software problems. 
- Not viable for home defense. 
- Environmental factors could inlay major problems. 
Figure 7. Pros and Cons Chart for Candidate Solutions. Source: Justin Carpenter 
Proposed Solution 
The proposed system is something similar to the impact method. Using two rails placed in the inside of the barrel, a conductive metal bar will sit between the two rails completing the circuit. A small but thick metal ring will be placed on the iron core. When the electrical current is supplied, the rail will be accelerated forward until the end of the barrel where the rail will end and the connecting bar will hit the front and cease movement. The projectile will continue to fly forward at the optimal velocity needed in that scenario. The capacitors to store and charge the energy needed to send current through the magnets will be made out of graphene. The super conductive properties of graphene will allow for rapid fire or a more powerful charge depending on the situation. The super capacitor will also be adjustable to be able to restrict current in order to change the force of the shot. The ring will be made out of a custom plastic (such as Poly-lactic acid) that will be able to fly through the air at high speeds, and still be weak
enough to dissipate on impact. This ring will also be rigid enough to retain some structure without compromise of the material during flight. The projectile will be designed to dissipate most of the energy on impact into the air on impact, leaving a non-lethal blow to the target effectively immobilizing them. Lethal force that can cause penetration or significant damage will be directed away from the target. This can then give time for law enforcement or other forces to move in and capture the target and rescue any captives. Also in a civilian situation, if a resident were to use the system on a criminal, this system could incapacitate the criminal until police arrive and apprehend them. 
Major Design and Implementation Challenges 
Currently, super capacitor technology is so new that it is still in its research and design phases and not implemented into practical devices. A capacitor capable of storing enough energy or releasing enough energy in the short amount of time currently is too large. Most modern capacitors are being used in the Navy’s rail gun system. Those capacitors are far too large and would not make for a practical personal use. Research needs to be done to develop micro super capacitor technology in order for the system to properly work as designed. Graphene seems to be a viable option. 
Graphene is a very new material that is being researched. Graphene is made of a single layer of carbon atoms that are bonded together in a repeating pattern of hexagons (Brewster, 2013). Graphene is one million times thinner than paper; so thin that it is actually considered two dimensional (Brewster, 2013). The full potential of how the material can be used is still being researched. Not only is it new, but currently it is expensive. Inexpensive ways of manufacturing it have not been made. After all it is a man- made material with never before seen properties. Before graphene can be used in micro super capacitors, the material itself will need to be researched so that the overall cost of the project will decrease significantly. 
The Projectile 
The material used for the projectile ring will have to be a new material. The material would ideally be plastic of some kind (more than likely some form of PLA (Poly-lactic acid), silicon, or graphene. The ring would have plastic properties to weaken the material so that on impact, the ring would be destroyed, dissipating a large portion of energy away from the target. The ring needs to be rigid enough to withstand being accelerated with such high force yet malleable enough that the ring can be destroyed on impact, dispersing energy and reducing harm to the target.
Implications of Project Success 
The main use for this project would be law enforcement and military. But, this system can also make its way into the private sector so that families can use it as a non-lethal home defense option. The way this technology can be developed is very open but will probably require government funding. The government could fund research on it at any one of the military research centers. Private research industries could also research the technology and possibly develop the system at a lower cost, or possibly even find ways for the system to be more effective. The private sector always has a way for creating things at a cheaper cost and innovating. This project is an investment. While the initial research and design aspects may be expensive, the cost to build each individual system would be relatively inexpensive. Natural decay of prices as the materials become more readily available will help the system become less expensive to develop. There will need to be a lot of support for this project in order to get funding. Law enforcement and military support will be key. The government and private sector will need incentives to want to invest money in such technologies.
Aerodynamic Drag. (n.d.). Retrieved from 
Brewster, S. (2013, July 15). What is Graphene? Retrieved from Gigacom: material-that-could-be-the-next-silicon/ 
FBI. (2011). Expanded Homicide Data Table 11. Retrieved from us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table- 11 
How Do Rail Guns Work? (n.d.). Retrieved from GBS Physics 163: 
How does a TASER Work? (n.d.). Retrieved from safety/how-a-taser-works 
Howard, G., & Smith, E. (1979). Hostage Negotiations, Part 3 - Reponse to Non-Negotiable Hostage Situations. Hagerstown, MD: Harper and Row Media. 
Murgado, A. (2013, March 6). Less-Lethal Weapon Options. U.S. 
Patrick, U. W. (1989). Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness. Quantico, VA: U.S. Department of Justice. 
Projectile Motion with Air Resistance. (n.d.). Retrieved from 
Quick, D. (2013, August 4). Graphene-based Supercapacitor a Step Closer to Commercial Reality . Retrieved from Gizmag: 
Vergakis, B. (2012, Febuary 29). Super Powerful Rail Gun in Development for U.S. Navy Warships. Retrieved from

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  • 1. . Less-Than Lethal Weapon Solutions for Law Enforcement and Military Technology for Reducing Gun Related Deaths Figure 1. Hawaii Police Department Special Response Team Officer Christopher Ragasa Competes in a target shooting event... Source: ( gun-range.html) Justin Carpenter Temple University ENGR 2196 – Technical Communication Section 6 Ver. 2.2 December 2nd, 2013
  • 2. 2 Abstract This proposal seeks to find a viable replacement to conventional firearms in a law enforcement or military scenario with non-gunpowder, less-than lethal weaponry. Conventional firearms, such as the 9mm handgun, are currently used as the standard for trying to stop or incapacitate a target. Powder based weaponry poses too much of a risk for terminating the target. The goal of this proposal is to reduce gun related deaths in situations where termination of the target is not required. These technologies can be later implemented into the private sector for civilians. When a bullet strikes a person, penetration of the skin is almost guaranteed on impact. Once the bullet has passed through the skin, it then has a chance to strike vital organs such as the heart, coronary artery, or spine. This is where most of the damage is caused. This proposal intends to create a solution that would either create minimal damage after skin penetration or cause no penetration, but still incapacitate the target. A handheld electromagnetic kinetic device would be devised that would incapacitate a target without termination.
  • 3. 3 Executive Statement The objective of this proposal is to design an alternative for conventional firearms for military, police and home defense. Making a new type of powder based firearm simply will not work due to inability to change acceleration and velocity of a bullet that is already loaded in the firearm. New technologies can be applied to engineer a new system that could be an alternative to firearms in a law enforcement, military, and home defense. This will reduce the amount of deaths from firearms and take away the psychological battle for humans regarding whether to pull the trigger or not. A new material called graphene may permit the development of an entirely new system. Research and funding would need to be provided in order to develop new and better capacitor technology called super capacitors. These new super capacitors will be able to store more electric potential and reduce the size of capacitors. Using this material will enable a handheld electromagnetic kinetic rail device to be developed. This weapon would be able to change the velocity of a projectile and produce an impact to a target that can incapacitate but not terminate. This new device will be similar to the Navy’s rail gun that is housed on battleships. This system will be handheld similar to a rifle. The barrel will consist of two rails with a connecting slide bar between the rails. A projectile will be placed in the connecting bar. With a pull of the trigger, an electrical current will be discharged from the graphene super capacitor and send the projectile forward at faster than bullet speeds. The projectile will be designed so that when it strikes a target, it will break apart and dissipate any lethal energy away from the target. The rest of the energy will be transferred into the target, creating a blow that can incapacitate, but not penetrate skin and risk terminating the target. This system will be an alternative to firearms for military, law enforcement, and civilians for a less-lethal, more effective, and safer alternative. These technologies will require a significant amount of research, specifically for creating a capacitor that will fit the design needs. A new market could also be created for these technologies as micro kinetic rail technology and micro capacitor technology could be the next step in kinetic weapons, or possibly even capacitor technology and their applications.
  • 4. 4 Table of Contents Executive Statement .................................................................................................................................... 3 Problem Statement ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Overall Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Historical and Economic Perspectives ...................................................................................................... 7 Candidate Solutions .................................................................................................................................. 8 Handheld Electromagnetic Kinetic Rail System ..................................................................................... 8 Long Range Remote Stun Gun ............................................................................................................ 10 Smart Drone ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Proposed Solution ................................................................................................................................... 14 Major Design and Implementation Challenges....................................................................................... 15 Capacitance ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Graphene ............................................................................................................................................ 15 The Projectile ...................................................................................................................................... 15 Implications of Project Success ............................................................................................................... 16 References .................................................................................................................................................. 17 List of Figures Figure 1. Hawaii Police Department Special Response Team Officer Christopher Ragasa Competes in a target shooting event... ................................................................................................................... 1 Figure 2. Basic Mechanics of Rail Guns. Source: (How Do Rail Guns Work?, n.d.) ....................................... 8 Figure 3. Rechargeable Hand Held Stun Gun & Flashlight. ......................................................................... 11 Figure 4. Multi-Shot Stun Gun. ................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 5. Police Officer Using Pneumatic Weapon. (Murgado, 2013) ........................................................ 12 Figure 6. Flow Chart of Candidate Solutions. Source: Justin Carpenter ..................................................... 13 Figure 7. Pros and Cons Chart for Candidate Solutions. Source: Justin Carpenter ..................................... 14
  • 5. 5 List of Equations Equation 1. Newton’s Second Law…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9 Equation 2. Equation for Acceleration…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…9 Equation 3. Equation for Momentum………………………………………………………………………………………………………9 Equation 4. Velocity in the Horizontal Direction When Including Drag….…………………………………………………9 List of Tables Table 1. Expanded Homicide Data Table 11 (Source: ..................................................................... 7
  • 6. 6 Problem Statement Overall Objectives The use of a new propulsion system could be used as a viable alternative to standard firearms and could replace standard less-than lethal weaponry used today. Ideally, in situations where a criminal activity must be stopped, a less-than lethal alternative to conventional firearms is desired (Murgado, 2013). However, traditional firearms are made for killing and sport. This creates a problem when the person attempting to stop the criminal activity does not want to kill the criminal. In situations where hostages were held captive, the captor was killed 75% of time as a direct result of a rescue attempt (Howard & Smith, 1979). Statistics like these create a want and need for a less-than lethal propulsion device. These new propulsion devices would be handheld kinetic devices that fire projectiles at high speeds to strike a human, immobilize them, but not cause death. Standard bullets have the potential to kill the target if bullet penetration occurs in critical areas such as the brain or heart. The idea behind these new systems is to have the reliability of standard firearms but not use lethal force. The goal is to apply kinetic devices to smaller scale law enforcement, military, and self-defense uses for a single person to use in a non-lethal scenario. Any of the military research centers in the country could research the topic to develop such technologies. Another goal of the research is to implement a material called graphene (pronounced gra-feen). Graphene is a man-made material made from raw graphite that has super conductor properties that can be used to replace silicon as the standard material for capacitors. Capacitors that use graphene have an almost indefinite lifespan and the ability to recharge in seconds. Graphene capacitors make the proposed handheld kinetic devices possible. With the implementation of graphene capacitors, this system can be developed to reduce the number of deaths in lethal situations, and be a safer alternative to firearms. This would be system or device which can control the speed, power, and accuracy of the projectile and change the entire dynamics of military operations, law enforcement and personal self- defense.
  • 7. 7 Historical and Economic Perspectives In 2011, 68% of the total murders that occurred were due to firearms (FBI, 2011). See Table 1 below. Circumstances Total murder Victims Total Firearms Handguns Rifles Shotguns Other guns or type not stated Total 12,664 8,583 6,220 323 356 1,684 Felony type total 1,816 1,271 1,007 32 50 182 Table 1. Expanded Homicide Data Table 11 (Source: Firearms naturally have a bad track record for killing. The goal of a standard bullet is to shoot a small metal projectile at a target in order to penetrate skin tissue and to disrupt internal systems in the body to cease them from working, thus causing death. Guns have frequently been in the news recently with incidents like the Newtown school shooting in 2012, and the theater shooting during the “The Dark Knight Rises” premiere in Aurora, Colorado. Modern weapons such as the AR-15 have been widely publicized as “assault weapons” used only for killing people, when in fact these firearms are used for game hunting and Olympic marksmanship. The shooting in Newtown also caused a debate about armed guards in schools. All of this press has made firearms in the 21st Century the “3rd rail” of politics. That being said, a new system could be the new and safer alternative to standard firearms. It is safe to say that no organization or sane human being wants any death on their hands. One of the struggles with law enforcement is that they are too quick to pull the trigger, or too scared to. The proposed system reduces the risk of death, taking away the psychological battle of whether to pull the trigger or not. The handgun is the primary weapon for self-defense against an unexpected attack (Patrick, 1989). Nevertheless, a majority of shootings occur in manners and circumstances in which the officer does not have any other weapon available (Patrick, 1989). The goal of an alternative projectile system is to reduce the amount of gun related deaths. Conventional firearms are technologies that have been mastered and perfected over the past 400 years. Nothing will change the typical formula of a firearm. Current less-than lethal weaponry have too many flaws such as range, power, and accuracy. A brand new system will need to be developed for law enforcement, military, and home defense. This system will also have the potential to create an entirely new market of less-lethal firearms. There will be a desire for these to be developed in the private sector for home defense use. Private companies can develop their own versions and sell them to the public. They would function as an alternative to the stun gun or personal defense weapon in a household.
  • 8. 8 Candidate Solutions There are only a limited number of modifications that can be made to a standard firearm in order to make it less lethal. Gunpowder creates a very powerful explosion which results in high velocities. The metal used for the physical bullet causes too much damage when skin is penetrated. New solutions that stray away from the design of a conventional firearm are needed. There are many current designs in use by law enforcement, military, and civilians such as rubber bullets, stun guns, and bean bag projectiles. While all of these are effective, they are only effective to an extent. Rubber bullets can be too weak to knock a target down, stun guns have significant range disadvantages, and bean bag projectiles have accuracy problems. The goal is to devise an entirely new system that address issues of accuracy, range, and power. Handheld Electromagnetic Kinetic Rail System Figure 2. Basic Mechanics of Rail Guns. Source: (How Do Rail Guns Work?, n.d.) This system is a miniature version of, or similar to, the Navy’s rail gun used on battleships. A simple rail gun works by using two magnets (known as rails) that have a metal slide between them that can freely move up and down the two rails. The metal slide carries a projectile that fly’s off the slide at incredibly high speeds and fly’s towards a target. An electric current is supplied to the magnets through a capacitor and the induced force from the magnetic flux causes the metal slide to fly forward. The slide hits a stop at the end of the rail and the projectile continues to fly out of the system and hit a target (How Do Rail
  • 9. 9 Guns Work?, n.d.). The projectile is a key component that makes the system applicable to a less-than lethal scenario. Considering Newton’s 2nd law, we know the equation for force as stated below. Force(F) = Mass(m)*Acceleration(a) Equation 1. Newton’s Second Law In order to achieve a certain velocity that would be ideal for a less-than lethal scenario, the acceleration must be varied. The equation for acceleration is shown below. Acceleration(a) = ΔVelocity/ΔTime Equation 2. Equation for Acceleration With standard bullets, the amount of gunpowder in the casing of the bullet is what varies the force of the bullet send out of the barrel. Acceleration is directly related to velocity. Velocity is the key component that affects momentum. Momentum of a projectile is what causes penetration of skin. Penetration of skin is what causes more lethal effects such as permanent cavities, temporary cavities, and fragmentation of the projectile (Patrick, 1989). Momentum is shown in the equation below. Momentum (P) = Mass(m)*Velocity(v) Equation 3. Equation for Momentum Momentum and force are the two main reasons further injuries occur. A major factor affecting the projectile is aerodynamic drag. Aerodynamic drag is the force of an object that resists its motion through a fluid (Aerodynamic Drag, n.d.), or in this case, air. Velocity in the horizontal direction including air resistance is shown in the equation below (Projectile Motion with Air Resistance, n.d.). Vx = Vo*cos(Θ)*e^(-g*t/Vt) Equation 4. Velocity in the Horizontal Direction When Including Drag As you can see, drag is not related to mass, but is related to velocity. The increased speed of the projectile reduces the effects of the environment such as drag, cross winds, or the Coriolis Effect. Natural winds caused by the earth can cause the projectile to veer off course. The Coriolis Effect in Layman’s terms, when referring to projectile motion, is simply the effect of the earth rotating under a projectile flying through the air. Over long distance rifle shooting, this effect is a major problem. Without these factors, the accuracy of the projectile is significantly greater. Now by looking at the momentum equation above, we can greatly increase the velocity to lessen environmental effects while decreasing the mass to obtain the desired momentum needed for the projectile. The solutions for a suitable projectile are as listed below.
  • 10. 10 Electric method: This method involves developing a metalloid that becomes rigid when exposed to an electric current. The projectile is a ring that rests on an iron core sitting inside of the chamber of the system. The ring would be entirely made out of a man-made metalloid that becomes very malleable (almost liquid) when the current is removed. A small capacitor and sensor embedded in the ring would provide a current to keep the projectile rigid. The idea is that during flight of the projectile, the projectile retains its shape. A sensor would be embedded in the capacitor and could use current heat recognition technology to shut itself off when the projectile is near its target. When the current is taken away, the projectile loses its rigidity thereby having liquid properties. The idea is that the projectile would dissipate before contact, reducing the force directed into the target. It is anticipated that the metal would also spread out, dividing the incoming force from the projectile into a larger area, reducing the likelihood of penetration. Impact method: This method is similar to how a conventional firearm works. An electromagnetic rail system would fire a metal projectile that would fly through the air at greater speeds. A thick ring would wrap around a stationary iron core in the chamber for increased force. The main idea behind this method is that the ring would be so light, that even if the projectile hit a target at faster-than bullet speeds, there would be minimal to no penetration because it would be so light. Referring back to the statement in the summary of the electromagnetic system, momentum is equal to mass*velocity. If you want the momentum to decrease, you need to either decrease the mass or the velocity. While this system provides increased velocity for the projectile, the mass is reduced to a point where the momentum would still be less than standard bullets. This method is much simpler than the electric method. However, it has its limitations from an accuracy and material standpoint. Long Range Remote Stun Gun Tasers have been one of law enforcement’s most reliable less-than lethal options for decades. A stun gun works by passing an electrical current through the body. This current creates pulses that mimic electrical signals used within the human body to communicate between the brain and the muscles (How does a TASER Work?, n.d.). The pulses simulate the pulsed communication used within the nerves, and interferes with communication: like static on the telephone lines within the body. (How does a TASER Work?, n.d.). A stun gun has two common designs for inducing these pulses into a human body. One design is a small handheld device similar to a television remote (“handheld” stun gun). On one end of the remote are two metal nodes. When a button is pressed, an electrical current is provided into the nodes. These nodes are not connected to each other. This means that while the current is provided to the nodes, the circuit is open. When the nodes are pressed against a body, the circuit closes and completes the connection to send the current through the body. The current provides the pulses that interfere with the target’s brain waves, thus incapacitating the target. A picture of a handheld stun gun is provided below.
  • 11. 11 Figure 3. Rechargeable Hand Held Stun Gun & Flashlight. Source: Another design is a small handheld device that works more similarly a standard handgun (“kinetic” stun gun). It is a device that has reloadable cartridges that shock people from farther than an arm’s reach. These small cartridges have two electrical nodes attached to wires that are connected to a circuit within the stun gun. When the trigger is pulled, the two nodes eject out of the cartridge and fly towards the target. When both of the nodes attach to the target, the holder of the stun gun then pressed a button to provide the current that creates electrical pulses. A picture of a typical kinetic stun gun is provided below. Figure 4. Multi-Shot Stun Gun. Source: Both of these methods are proven to work but they have their drawbacks. For the handheld stun gun, range is a major factor. You have to be within three feet of a target. This can put the user in danger of being harmed by the person they are trying to incapacitate. This system is
  • 12. 12 almost entirely reliant on the user to provide the current to the target. This also could be a positive for the handheld system because there is less room for mechanical error in the system itself. However if the target wrestles the stun gun from the user the device can be used against the person holding the stun gun For the kinetic stun gun, range is a lesser problem, but other factors such as mechanical errors and accuracy can be very problematic. The nodes that are being fired out of the cartridge may not have the accuracy intended at longer ranges. Another problem is the fact that two nodes are being fired. If one of the nodes do not connect to the target, the system will not work. The range is also limited to the length of the wire connecting the nodes to the circuit. Long range use is not recommended for this system. Since both of these methods have their flaws, a new long range stun gun system can be developed. Using super capacitors made of graphene, a small device can be developed to emit the same electrical impulses that the existing stun gun emits. A small cylindrical shell will be manufactured to contain the super capacitor and circuit components. On the shell will be a series of nodes similar to the ones in the handheld stun gun. For each pair of nodes, there will be an individual circuit that will be connected to the graphene super conductor. This leads to about 10 or 12 individual circuits hooked up to one super capacitor. These nodes will deliver the electric pulses to the target. A conductive gel will surround the shell in order to reduce the impact force and have adhesive properties. This gel also increases the mass so that the velocity can be slowed. This makes the small metal shell into a non-lethal projectile. It will also act as an adhesive to ensure that the electric current gets delivered to the target. This device will be fired as a projectile out of a handheld pneumatic firearm that can manually adjust the power and velocity of the projectile. A picture of a pneumatic firearm is provided below. Figure 5. Police Officer Using Pneumatic Weapon. (Murgado, 2013) Once the projectile attaches to the target, a separate controller will have a button that can remotely discharge the device and enable it to emit electric pulses. With this device self-contained in a projectile, range is no longer an issue. This will allow for greater range, while reducing the possibility of not
  • 13. 13 attaching properly to the target. Multiple firing of the projectile may be problematic due to the gel. Accuracy may also be a factor considering the nature of pneumatic weaponry. Smart Drone Shot placement is an important, and often cited, consideration regarding the suitability of weapons and ammunitions (Patrick, 1989). Unmanned drones have been on the cutting edge of military technology. Drones are mainly used for overseas intelligence missions where data needs to be collected. They are also used for bombing key military targets. Drones typically look like radio controlled planes and can be controlled remotely halfway across the world. A drone in the form of a handheld quadricopter could be developed with a small firearm attached to the bottom of the drone. This drone would be controlled remotely from a program installed on a policeman’s or soldier’s field computer. Using the computer and cameras, the drone can be remotely controlled. Some of the cameras could be used for multiple uses. One could be used for standard vision, another for night vision, and another one for thermal imaging to locate the target. A small custom firearm system would be attached to the bottom of the drone and connected to the thermal imaging camera. Using custom software, the camera would be used to pick up a target and let the firearm know where the lethal points are on the target. The drone could then calibrate a shot that will strike the target but not in a lethal area of the body. These areas include but are not limited to the brain, upper spinal cord, coronary artery, and heart (Patrick, 1989). This software would be able to pinpoint things such as heart beats and electrical impulses from the brain in targets so that when a shot is taken, risk of hitting a fatal point is greatly reduced. This software could be difficult to develop since certain things such as wind or precision of the software itself could prove problematic. Less than Lethal Weaponry Long Range Remote Taser Smart Drone Handheld Electromagnetic Kinetic Rail system Impact Method Electric Method Figure 6. Flow Chart of Candidate Solutions. Source: Justin Carpenter
  • 14. 14 Solutions Handheld Electromagnetic Kinetic Rail system Long Range Remote Taser Smart Drone Pros - Increased accuracy. - Eliminates chance of penetration even in lethal areas. - Environment factors such as cross winds or the Coriolis Effect are not applicable. - Safe to use. - Minimal room for mechanical error. - Simple to operate. - Safe pneumatic system. - Uses electricity to prevent any risk of penetration. - Cheap to develop. - Pneumatic weaponry is already in use would help familiarity of product. - Unmanned. - Easy to maneuver. - Removes risk of lethal shot. - Can also be used as a tracking mechanism for run away criminals. Cons - Super capacitors not yet developed. - Micro kinetic rail system not developed. - Correct material for projectile will need research. - Not viable for public use. - Accuracy. - Developing a viable gel. - Low muzzle velocity could lead to attachment of projectile to target problems. - Could be shot down by 3rd party. - Possible software problems. - Not viable for home defense. - Environmental factors could inlay major problems. Figure 7. Pros and Cons Chart for Candidate Solutions. Source: Justin Carpenter Proposed Solution The proposed system is something similar to the impact method. Using two rails placed in the inside of the barrel, a conductive metal bar will sit between the two rails completing the circuit. A small but thick metal ring will be placed on the iron core. When the electrical current is supplied, the rail will be accelerated forward until the end of the barrel where the rail will end and the connecting bar will hit the front and cease movement. The projectile will continue to fly forward at the optimal velocity needed in that scenario. The capacitors to store and charge the energy needed to send current through the magnets will be made out of graphene. The super conductive properties of graphene will allow for rapid fire or a more powerful charge depending on the situation. The super capacitor will also be adjustable to be able to restrict current in order to change the force of the shot. The ring will be made out of a custom plastic (such as Poly-lactic acid) that will be able to fly through the air at high speeds, and still be weak
  • 15. 15 enough to dissipate on impact. This ring will also be rigid enough to retain some structure without compromise of the material during flight. The projectile will be designed to dissipate most of the energy on impact into the air on impact, leaving a non-lethal blow to the target effectively immobilizing them. Lethal force that can cause penetration or significant damage will be directed away from the target. This can then give time for law enforcement or other forces to move in and capture the target and rescue any captives. Also in a civilian situation, if a resident were to use the system on a criminal, this system could incapacitate the criminal until police arrive and apprehend them. Major Design and Implementation Challenges Capacitance Currently, super capacitor technology is so new that it is still in its research and design phases and not implemented into practical devices. A capacitor capable of storing enough energy or releasing enough energy in the short amount of time currently is too large. Most modern capacitors are being used in the Navy’s rail gun system. Those capacitors are far too large and would not make for a practical personal use. Research needs to be done to develop micro super capacitor technology in order for the system to properly work as designed. Graphene seems to be a viable option. Graphene Graphene is a very new material that is being researched. Graphene is made of a single layer of carbon atoms that are bonded together in a repeating pattern of hexagons (Brewster, 2013). Graphene is one million times thinner than paper; so thin that it is actually considered two dimensional (Brewster, 2013). The full potential of how the material can be used is still being researched. Not only is it new, but currently it is expensive. Inexpensive ways of manufacturing it have not been made. After all it is a man- made material with never before seen properties. Before graphene can be used in micro super capacitors, the material itself will need to be researched so that the overall cost of the project will decrease significantly. The Projectile The material used for the projectile ring will have to be a new material. The material would ideally be plastic of some kind (more than likely some form of PLA (Poly-lactic acid), silicon, or graphene. The ring would have plastic properties to weaken the material so that on impact, the ring would be destroyed, dissipating a large portion of energy away from the target. The ring needs to be rigid enough to withstand being accelerated with such high force yet malleable enough that the ring can be destroyed on impact, dispersing energy and reducing harm to the target.
  • 16. 16 Implications of Project Success The main use for this project would be law enforcement and military. But, this system can also make its way into the private sector so that families can use it as a non-lethal home defense option. The way this technology can be developed is very open but will probably require government funding. The government could fund research on it at any one of the military research centers. Private research industries could also research the technology and possibly develop the system at a lower cost, or possibly even find ways for the system to be more effective. The private sector always has a way for creating things at a cheaper cost and innovating. This project is an investment. While the initial research and design aspects may be expensive, the cost to build each individual system would be relatively inexpensive. Natural decay of prices as the materials become more readily available will help the system become less expensive to develop. There will need to be a lot of support for this project in order to get funding. Law enforcement and military support will be key. The government and private sector will need incentives to want to invest money in such technologies.
  • 17. 17 References Aerodynamic Drag. (n.d.). Retrieved from Brewster, S. (2013, July 15). What is Graphene? Retrieved from Gigacom: material-that-could-be-the-next-silicon/ FBI. (2011). Expanded Homicide Data Table 11. Retrieved from us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table- 11 How Do Rail Guns Work? (n.d.). Retrieved from GBS Physics 163: How does a TASER Work? (n.d.). Retrieved from safety/how-a-taser-works Howard, G., & Smith, E. (1979). Hostage Negotiations, Part 3 - Reponse to Non-Negotiable Hostage Situations. Hagerstown, MD: Harper and Row Media. Murgado, A. (2013, March 6). Less-Lethal Weapon Options. U.S. Patrick, U. W. (1989). Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness. Quantico, VA: U.S. Department of Justice. Projectile Motion with Air Resistance. (n.d.). Retrieved from Quick, D. (2013, August 4). Graphene-based Supercapacitor a Step Closer to Commercial Reality . Retrieved from Gizmag: Vergakis, B. (2012, Febuary 29). Super Powerful Rail Gun in Development for U.S. Navy Warships. Retrieved from