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Teacher Professionalism Essay
Teacher Professionalism and the Vocational Culture of Teaching
'Teaching has never been recognised as a profession mainly because of its inability to promote and demonstrate a distinctive expertise' (Beck, 2008).
The status of teaching has always been seen as an uncertain position, according to Etzioni, he characterised it as one of the 'semi – professions'
(Etzioni, 1969). Teaching definitely struggled to get the same degree of professional independency as professions like medicine and law (Braun,
2012). The concept and multiple meanings of teacher professionalism has changed in relation to historical, political and social contexts. It has
developed over time between rival groups and their interest (Hilferty, 2008). The term professionalism is very difficult to define and as it is used in
different senses. The term is mainly used to define the status of occupation groups in terms of morality (Kennedy, 2007). So in the business world the
term professionalism is defined as 'success'.
'Teaching in England has long been fragmented profession. It is cross–cut by actual and perceived internal differences of status which are in part the
legacy of a class stratified education system, and it has also been chronically divided on the basis of gender. The multiplicity of professional
organisations and unions to which different sections of teaching force have belonged has both reflected and reinforced such divisions'.
(Beck, 2008)
From the understanding of this quote it is clear,
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Discuss and critically evaluate the concept of professionalism and core professional values for teachers in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Recognise and
analyse issues in relation to professional conduct and accountability in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Evaluate and improve your own wider
professional practice.
Defining the concept of professionalism and how it is achieved is a matter of much in– depth discussion which has taken place over recent years due to
some major policy changes in the Lifelong Learning Sector (LLS). There are essentially two ends of the spectrum; one which is aiming to enforce
professionalism from the perimeter of the teaching profession through the use of policies. The other train of thought believes that professionalism
should emanate from inside the teaching profession itself suggesting that teachers should become more like doctors and lawyers. In order to analyse
the various issues which arise from the whole professionalism discussion, it is necessary to look at the wider implications of this concept in terms of
one's own professional conduct and accountability as a practitioner in the LLS. The latter term dominates discussion along with teachers'
responsibilities, quality and dual professionalism within the ever changing and complex role of a tutor. In this assignment I will examine what has
become a paradoxical relationship between professionalism and teaching and look at my own experience as a part time hourly paid Literacy lecturer at
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An Effective, Professional Teacher Essay
Introduction The statement 'Teaching – reflections, questions, decisions' sums up what it means to be an effective teacher. Teachers are constantly
making decisions about professionalism and ethics, teaching strategies, classroom management, and how to keep their students motivated. These
decisions can have a major impact on student learning and how effective they are as teachers. Questioning is an essential–and one of the most
important–instructional skills that a teacher can possess. Teachers need to be able to ask the appropriate types and levels of questions, such as the
high and low order questions based on Bloom's taxonomy, as well as being skilled in responding to students answers. Teachers also need to be
constantly evaluating more content...
It is essential to encompass all of these behaviours and standards to succeed in being an effective teacher, as they are in an authoritative position and
therefore need to lead by example. Teacher professionalism is also dependant on professional judgement, which involves making decisions on what is
the right thing to do in certain situations, and ethical behaviour. The code of ethics is based on respect, caring, integrity, diligence and open
communication (Groundwater–Smith, Ewing & Le Cornu, 2007, p. 332). Sometimes teachers can come across 'ethical dilemmas' which are complex
problems that have more than one solution, and in turn, each solution has different advantages and disadvantages, therefore having no clear correct
answer (Groundwater–Smith et al., 2007, p. 336). For example, "You observe another teacher publicly humiliate a child who is known to have
previously bullied other students. What do you do? Do you say anything?" Ethical dilemmas require teachers to explore all situations and outcomes, and
make a decision on what is right and just. Professionalism and ethics together, as relevant to teachers, demands all of these appropriate behaviours and
responses in any circumstance (Whitton et al., 2010, p. 123). Constructivism Teaching techniques and strategies, such as proactive teaching,
collaborative learning and constructivism, can also affect the quality of
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The Importance Of Dual Professionalism
Avis et al (2010) state that historically, only occupations such as Doctors, Solicitors, the Clergy and Bank Managers were worthy of the title of
being called a "Professional". However they go on to say that this has changed over time to the point whereby much more diverse groups are
describing themselves within the category of being professional to the point that the term becomes meaningless. That said, they do agree that a
professional should hold a set of specific skills and knowledge that are gained through a certain amount of training and "should be used for the benefit
of society". Teachers, lecturers and trainers clearly fit within this remit. Scales (2008) lists professionalism as one of the traits of an effective teacher.
He goes on the say that professionalism is multi–faceted, citing the way teachers behave, look, the way interact with their students, how they talk and
how they prepare and plan their work all form what he believes makes a professional. In education and training, teaching alone is not merely enough.
To be seen as being knowledgeable within a specialist area is also needed to be able to teach that subject and therefore teachers in this area of
education are seen as dual professionals. The Institute for Learning (IFL) (2012) considers that Dual professionalism relates to many teachers within
Further Education, both as a Teacher and as a proficient and knowledgeable individual in their own subject specialism. Machin et al (2017) go a step
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Professionalism in Early Childhood Education (ECE) for teachers is a branch of knowledge to acquire a process to become an expert in a specific
field. In accordance to Caulfield, R. (1997), "Professional teachers in early care and education share a common base of knowledge of children's
development during the first few years of life" (p. 262). Basically, a competent carries out huge responsibilities in order to comprehend and stay
committed to their roles. Moreover, working with children and families encounters active participation as their ability to communicate will gain more
experience for the children's families to rely on them. An expert is not whom with obtained a degree with excellence but a human being who is able to
perform well with
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It is expected that the profession of teaching embraces many qualities of any other professional practice. Teachers must possess a combination of many
qualities beginning with a strong academic background and wide–ranging knowledge. The National Framework for Professional Standards for
Teaching (2003) it is the knowledge of students, curriculum, subject matter, pedagogy,education – related legislation and the specifically teaching
context that is the foundation on effective teaching, and a firm foundation on which to construct well educated judgments.
Additional expected qualities that create the essentials of professionalism in relation to teaching are a high level of cognitive skills and social
capabilities together with more content...
If they do not, then they will find themselves falling behind their colleagues and not providing the best education for their students. A teacher is
continuously learning and updating their methods and technique throughout their profession as society will be constantly changing and updating.
(Marsh, 2008
To contribute to a positive working environment in the classroom, a teacher must be mindful of many features, which add to a, positive environment
for their students. Various factors include the physical, psychological, social and pedagogical environments. These features are essential to contribute
to creating an atmosphere of happiness and well–being which is essential. It is essential that a teacher creates a stimulating learning environment that
students will enjoy, which must be appealing to the attention of students to continue their involvement.
A warm and involvement classroom environment should be created by the teacher to create a genuine interest student and confidence in their ability to
learn. This technique will provide the student to feel confident and respected towards their teacher.
A teacher must prove to be a skilled communicator as it is necessary in classroom management. This is predetermined by how, when and what is being
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Critical analysis of the concept of professionalism in teaching
Of all the sociological ideas, one of the most difficult to analyse satisfactorily is the concept of a profession. This is due to three basic problems. Firstly,
the semantic confusion, resulting from excessive use of the word. Secondly, the structural limitation enforced by attempts to devise fundamental
characteristics of a profession. Lastly, the adherence to a static model, rather than appreciation of the dynamic process involved in professionalism
(Millerson, 1964).
A profession is an occupation requiring special training in the liberal arts or sciences, especially one of the three learned professions, law, theology, or
medicine. Aprofessional is of, relating to, suitable for, or engaged in as a profession engaging in an activity for gain or as a means of livelihood
extremely competent in a job. Thus, professionalism is the competence or skill expected of a professional (Collins English Dictionary, 2005). On the
contrary these dictionary definitions are not the full story as most theorists indicate that working for the public good is a characteristic of a
profession. The academic definition of a profession is " occupation with a crucial social function, requiring a high degree of skill and drawing on a
systematic body of knowledge" (Sockett, 1985).
The concept of professionalism
Freidson (1994) suggests, 'much of the debate about professionalism is clouded by unstated assumptions and
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Introduction to the Literature Review
The word "professionalism" and how it is to be acquired should be a focus of every teacher education program. Despite the significant role
professionalism plays in the workplace, there is a lack of a universally accepted definition of the term in teacher education programs (Creasy, 2015).
Consequently, it has a tendency to lose the weight of its meaning since it is a trait based on perception and cultural or societal ideologies (Sampson,
2016). According to Creasy (2015), "Whatever the belief or assumption pertaining to professionalism and the dispositions characteristic of an
educational professional, the fact is that professionalism and the acquisition of professional dispositions is believed to more content...
However, an unresolved question about which clothing features has an impact on impressions remains (Carr, Davies, & Lavin, 2009). Teachers are
influential and have the ability to inspire their students to appreciate learning. Bandura stated "Most of the images of reality on which we base our
actions are really based on vicarious experiences" (as cited in Stokes, 1989).
The Context–Teacher's Attire and the Classroom Environment
The classroom environment is a place in which both teachers' and students' nonverbal behaviors have important implications for learning (Reynolds,
2014). Despite the difficulties of teaching at the middle school level, a teacher's primary goal must be dedicated to the increase of student academic
achievement. Some of the complications with teaching middle school deal with the fact that student–teacher interactions are challenging at the middle
school level. "Students not only spend less time with their teachers as they did in elementary school, they also struggle to find their voice and identity
during this time" (Eccles, 1999, p. 31). According to Gunderson (2000) successful classroom teaching can be sidetracked by student distractions and
defiant behaviors. While it is easy to place the blame on students, parents or even society, sometimes the teacher 's behavior
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Assignment On Professionalism In Education
DIK7230 Assignment Two– A. Shuttleworth Professional Issues Assignment. Introduction In this assignment, I will review the debate on
professionalism. Looking at the teacher as a professional and discussing their professionalism. I will highlight the differences and the similarities
between professionalism in education and several other professional vocations. I will discuss the shifting views of professional status of both
mainstream teachers and FE teachers, and developments and where I see the FE sector heading. I will go on to review conceptions of reflective
practice in the context of professionalism, focussing on several models of reflection. I will review my own values and continuing development needs in
both more content...
The statement later goes on to explain 'The government's agenda' in 'achieving the best possible practice from every classroom practitioner is the
key.' This is a fair statement and best possible practice should be what we as professionals are working toward. However: 'the Government is
approaching this aim through heavily managerialist institutions, with formal mechanisms of inspection, assessment and appraisal, measuring
performance and setting targets, and offering rewards for those who improve and sanctions for those who do not.'(ATL 2005, p.2). It is this approach
by the government, over the years, which has shifted the views on teacher professionalism. The erosion of creativity and autonomy reduces the need to
reflect and as the ATL states 'Review and reflection may be pointless in an environment where the teacher is or feels powerless to innovate, where
decisions and changes are always imposed from above.' (ATL 2005, p3). There is a further question that requires our attention, and it is that of
professionalism within the Further Education sector. Spenceley (2006,p.289) highlights 'the much contested concept of professionalism in the context
of Further Education (FE).' She explains how professionalism in teaching, other than in the PCET sector, is 'inculcated and fostered' by stating 'Most
entrants come to the profession following a long period of higher education focusing on a specific,
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Professionalism Of Teaching And Learning
EDFD Assignment one:
Professionalism in Teaching and Learning.
800 words.
The profession of teaching warrants the attributes of the individual educator to carry themselves in a professional manner at all times. This notion has
been evident to me since my own education in my early years of primary school and has developed in depth since studying the industry. I view teachers
as professionals and it has always been my understanding that "teachers" have a duty of care to their students and rightfully must create support and
safe environments for their students (Matulic–Keller,p.3,2011).
The Australian Institute for teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) was implemented in 2010 for teachers to establish standards that would help
advance and support their learning throughout their careers. The standards allow educators and pre–service to be aware of what is expected of them
and how they can address areas that need attention. In doing so ensures teachers are covering all aspects of the standards needed to progress to the
following phase.**
Area three of AITSL discusses "Professional practice, Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning". Through my studies it has been
embedded in my own teaching philosophy and professionalism as an educator that planning is a crucial aspect of teaching. Planning lessons require
knowledge of the curriculum, pedagogical studies and understanding, and enable teaching intentions to be successful (Sangster,p.12,2005). Throughout
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The Importance of Professionalism at Work Essay
Professionalism is defined as one's conduct at work. The quality of professionalism is not restricted to those in occupations with high level of
education or high earnings. Any worker regardless of their level of education or occupation should demonstrate a high level of this trait (,
2013). Acting professionally at workplace makes others think of you as reliable, respectful, and competent. Professionalism, however, can take on
many different forms which depend on where you work and the type of job responsibility you have. There are few common traits when it comes to
being professional (Monster, 2013). This includes being Competent. This traits means that you are good at what you do – and you have the skills and
knowledge more content...
The professional person should always tell the truth and are upfront about where things stand. Consistency, admitting and correcting the mistakes,
and being fair and truthful are all intertwined to the makeup of one's personal integrity (, 2013). Dishonestly never makes anyone look
good, whether it's lying on one's resume or calling in sick. A true professional is upfront, so if you aren't qualified for the job either does not apply
for it or send in your application anyway and explain why you'd be perfect for the job in spite of it (, 2013). Also the dishonesty is to lie
about being sick, if you need a day off take a personal or vacation day. Professionalism means respect, not misrepresent, discriminate, or harass others.
Showing respect and treating all people as if they mattered are good characters that always make difference in workplace. It is expected that there will
be disagreements with your co–workers, or even your boss, but do not lose control. No matter how upset you are or how strongly you believe you are
right, screaming is not allowed, nor is name calling or door slamming (, 2013). Physical attacks should always be avoided, no matter what.
Professional person should calmly explain his or her opinion and be ready to walk away if the other person. Professional worker is supposed to be
having a positive altitude. No one likes a constant pessimist. Having an upbeat attitude and trying to be
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Professionalism In The Classroom
The teacher adheres to all the program guidelines and follows the program policies. The teacher demonstrates professionalism in dress, speech, and
manner with students in the classroom. She participates in all the regional and program professional development activities and attends all the
meetings in a timely manner. The teacher has a good command on oral and written English. She uses Google docs for attendance and tries to use
technology effectively for classroom instruction.
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Professionalism in education examines learning and ethical practice along with leadership and collaboration among teachers, staff, students,
administrators and community members in a school. At my school, a charter in the center of Harlem, New York, I examined the lack of
professionalism within the school and the detrimental effects this has on the teachers and scholars. Every school should strive to create a learning
community in which teachers are growing with effective feedback, mentors, student input, collaboration with and professional development. It is the
right of every teacher and the cornerstone of creating effective teachers that aid in producing students who are fulfilled and challenged in their
academic careers.
It is critical that to become true professionals, teachers must become active members of the school and regional community to be able to create
integrated lessons that fulfill the students' needs. At my school professional development in its formal sense is truly lacking. In the beginning of the
year we had a week of lackluster professional development, so far we have had one day of PD to follow up on classroom management. As a senior
teacher and 10th grade team captain I have observed many teachers complain about needing classroom observations, feedback, professional
development that deals with lesson planning, data and data analysis, classroom management and even expectations. In our school we are a very young
group, the oldest teacher being early
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Teaching As A Profession? Essay
1.Teaching as a Profession
1.What is a profession? (text book Ch 1 & 2)
2.Are early childhood teachers perceived as being a professional?
3.Standards, ethics and behaviour of a professional.
The sociological approach to professionalism is one that views a profession as an organized group which is constantly interacting with the society that
forms its matrix, which performs its social functions through a netywork of formal and informal relationships and which creates its own subculture
requiring adjustments to it as a prerequisite for career success.
Professionals occupy a position of great importance. In this society which is characterized by minute division of labor based upon technical
specialization, you will discover that many important features of social organization are dependent upon professional functions.
Professional activity is defin itely coming to play a predominant role in the life patterns of increasing numbers of individuals of both sexes, occccupying
much of their walking moments, providing life goals, determining behavior and sharpening personality.
It is no wonder, therefore that the phenomenon of professionalism has become an object of observation by sociologists.
The provision of quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) has remained firmly on government agendas in recent years. Public awareness of
gaps in provision and of insufficient quality in services has moved the issue of child care and after–school
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Introduction to the Literature Review
The word "professionalism" and how it is to be acquired should be a focus of every teacher education program. Despite the significant role
professionalism plays in the workplace, there is a lack of a universally accepted definition of the term in teacher education programs (Creasy, 2015).
Consequently, it has a tendency to lose the weight of its meaning since it is a trait based on perception and cultural or societal ideologies (Sampson,
2016). According to Creasy (2015), "Whatever the belief or assumption pertaining to professionalism and the dispositions characteristic of an
educational professional, the fact is that professionalism and the acquisition of professional dispositions is believed to be essential" (p. 23). While
most aspects are clearly defined in education, there are still standards that need to be established. The standard of appearance varies greatly throughout
schools and is an area in which both new and veteran teachers struggle; it encompasses everything from clothing, cosmetics to hair color and tattoos.
As a result, in discussions of professional teacher attire, controversy continues to swirl around this concern. Similarly, the cultural and social
significance of teachers' attire remains to be of interest to researchers. To illustrate, Carr, Davies and Levin (2009) studied the social and cultural
implications of teachers' attire and its impact on students. This inquiry suggests that the attire worn by faculty
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This argument analysis will be examining the article Professionalism, Teacher Efficacy and Standards–Based Education . The article examines and
explains the consequences of organizing teaching in a blue–collar manner rather than as a professional endeavor. Overall, the article argues the reality
of teaching profession not as the significant driver of educational innovation, research and policy; but it is the educators who end up shouldering most
of the blame. It focuses mainly on professionalizing teaching as one of the important reasons to systematically engage in collaborative practices and
using data to build efficacy. This analysis identifies the main assertions, the comparisons and evidences used to support these claims and the key
perspectives. Sagor enumerates the key differences between professional and blue–collar pursuits and the optimistic implications of action research to
the school improvement process. Finally, the assumptions underlying the article as are analyzed.
The first main assertion to the diminishing efficacy and morale is that teachers were addressed as workers who needed to be admonished to buckle
down and work hard as opposed to the distinction they deserved, individuals who have the capacity to think their way through complex undertakings.
The article presents comparisons and evidences to support this claim. Although blue–collar workers are expected to do perform their job with vigilance
and vigor, it is also assumed that their tasks will be
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Prof. Douglas Bailer
The purpose of this paper is to define and discuss teacher professionalism in the 21st century classroom, address the characteristics possessed by
professionals in the field, the evolution and role of the teacher in the class as it relates to professionalism, and the future outlook of professionalism in
the field of education and how there has been a full circle effect in terms of professionalism and what this means to individuals entering the profession.
Additionally, this paper will assess how professionalism constructs social change in and outside of the classroom setting and how these changes are the
cornerstone of the profession.
Defining Teacher Professionalism in the 21st Century
Defining Professionalism
Merriam– Webster defines professionalism simply as: the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to
do a job well. This definition however, is broad and vague as what constitutes professionalism in one setting may not suffice in another setting. Such as
the case in the field of education. In terms of educational professionalism the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE), provides core standards for
educators which serves as a guidance tool for what Florida 's public school educators throughout the state are expected to know and be able to do.
These practices known as the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) were established in 1998 through State Board of Education (Rule
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Essay on The Teaching Profession
The Teaching Profession Becoming an educator, especially in recent years has been considered one of the most demanding yet rewarding professions
in the work force today. Teaching, with its benefits and intellectual motives has risen to become one of the most sought after jobs in society. But even
after taking such rewards into consideration, one might want to analyze how time consuming and emotionally draining teaching young people may
turn out to be. Along with its rewards and demands, teaching is not only a potentially prestigious profession but also a very unique and sometimes life
long career opportunity. Exploring teaching has become a popular tactic in recent years for people to make a better decision on whether or not teaching more content...
For the most part, teachers enjoy being able to work with young people in areas they may need guidance in. For some however, helping people is
not a top priority when it comes to the teaching profession. Many jobs in society today do not offer the same types of benefits as ones in this area of
work. Teachers for example, enjoy holiday vacations, weather delays or postponements and long summers in which they are paid for. Because
teaching can become very time consuming, teachers usually welcome these breaks to usually spend time with family, travel or enjoy hobbies that they
may not have been able to do while working. Paid time off is enough in itself to attract people towards a teaching occupation and regular salaries have
been increasing in recent years as well. Over the past thirty to thirty–five years teacher's salaries have increased dramatically. It has been shown that the
average school teacher, who works in the Northeast, will make anywhere between thirty–two and forty–five thousand dollars annually plus previously
listed benefits. It is also probable that these average salaries are only going to increase with time, thus attracting many more to the field of teaching.
With increased salaries, personal gratification, and enjoyable benefits being a teacher's main attractant, job security should be at the top of this list as
well. If a teacher has been granted tenure after his or her first few years in their profession, he or she may not be removed from their
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Professionalism in Teaching vs. Standing Up for Something Every Day
To begin, the first book Professionalism in Teaching highlighted important factors to consider as we become future educators. These highlights included
what it means to be a "professional," how to communicate effectively, and how to build relationships with fellow teachers, administration, students, and
parents. As the authors discussed professionalism they emphasized the importance of looking the part by dressing in an appropriate manner, being
reflective on all decisions that we make throughout the day, and determining the effectiveness of our teaching in the classroom. To add, it is important
when trying to communicate and build relationships with others that we more content...
We must keep in mind factors that students may be dealing with at home or in their lives and stand up and support them.
As I read each of the books there were three common themes that were significant in each reading. These themes were professionalism, collaboration,
and reflection. The first theme professionalism was introduced in Professionalism in Teaching as how we act and are perceived by others. As
professionals we must "dress the part, act the part and be the part." We must be knowledgeable in our content areas and provide reasoning for
everything that we teach. The book discussed not being afraid to seek out others advice. As teachers, the chapters also discussed how our attitude
determines how others will view us whether this is professionally or unprofessionally. We need to remain positive when discussing our students, our
lessons, and our classroom. We should also seek out other teachers who view theprofession in the same manner to learn and grow from one another.
The second book Standing Up for Something Every Day also discussed professionalism. Professionalism was viewed as standing up for children, and
understanding the diversity of students. As professionals we must open our minds to different ways of living and accept and understand the differences
of people to become culturally competent and unbiased to create a positive, supportive classroom environment. The second theme of each book was
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Teacher Professionalism Essay

  • 1. Teacher Professionalism Essay Teacher Professionalism and the Vocational Culture of Teaching 'Teaching has never been recognised as a profession mainly because of its inability to promote and demonstrate a distinctive expertise' (Beck, 2008). The status of teaching has always been seen as an uncertain position, according to Etzioni, he characterised it as one of the 'semi – professions' (Etzioni, 1969). Teaching definitely struggled to get the same degree of professional independency as professions like medicine and law (Braun, 2012). The concept and multiple meanings of teacher professionalism has changed in relation to historical, political and social contexts. It has developed over time between rival groups and their interest (Hilferty, 2008). The term professionalism is very difficult to define and as it is used in different senses. The term is mainly used to define the status of occupation groups in terms of morality (Kennedy, 2007). So in the business world the term professionalism is defined as 'success'. 'Teaching in England has long been fragmented profession. It is cross–cut by actual and perceived internal differences of status which are in part the legacy of a class stratified education system, and it has also been chronically divided on the basis of gender. The multiplicity of professional organisations and unions to which different sections of teaching force have belonged has both reflected and reinforced such divisions'. (Beck, 2008) From the understanding of this quote it is clear, Get more content on
  • 2. Discuss and critically evaluate the concept of professionalism and core professional values for teachers in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Recognise and analyse issues in relation to professional conduct and accountability in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Evaluate and improve your own wider professional practice. Defining the concept of professionalism and how it is achieved is a matter of much in– depth discussion which has taken place over recent years due to some major policy changes in the Lifelong Learning Sector (LLS). There are essentially two ends of the spectrum; one which is aiming to enforce professionalism from the perimeter of the teaching profession through the use of policies. The other train of thought believes that professionalism should emanate from inside the teaching profession itself suggesting that teachers should become more like doctors and lawyers. In order to analyse the various issues which arise from the whole professionalism discussion, it is necessary to look at the wider implications of this concept in terms of one's own professional conduct and accountability as a practitioner in the LLS. The latter term dominates discussion along with teachers' responsibilities, quality and dual professionalism within the ever changing and complex role of a tutor. In this assignment I will examine what has become a paradoxical relationship between professionalism and teaching and look at my own experience as a part time hourly paid Literacy lecturer at Get more content on
  • 3. An Effective, Professional Teacher Essay Introduction The statement 'Teaching – reflections, questions, decisions' sums up what it means to be an effective teacher. Teachers are constantly making decisions about professionalism and ethics, teaching strategies, classroom management, and how to keep their students motivated. These decisions can have a major impact on student learning and how effective they are as teachers. Questioning is an essential–and one of the most important–instructional skills that a teacher can possess. Teachers need to be able to ask the appropriate types and levels of questions, such as the high and low order questions based on Bloom's taxonomy, as well as being skilled in responding to students answers. Teachers also need to be constantly evaluating more content... It is essential to encompass all of these behaviours and standards to succeed in being an effective teacher, as they are in an authoritative position and therefore need to lead by example. Teacher professionalism is also dependant on professional judgement, which involves making decisions on what is the right thing to do in certain situations, and ethical behaviour. The code of ethics is based on respect, caring, integrity, diligence and open communication (Groundwater–Smith, Ewing & Le Cornu, 2007, p. 332). Sometimes teachers can come across 'ethical dilemmas' which are complex problems that have more than one solution, and in turn, each solution has different advantages and disadvantages, therefore having no clear correct answer (Groundwater–Smith et al., 2007, p. 336). For example, "You observe another teacher publicly humiliate a child who is known to have previously bullied other students. What do you do? Do you say anything?" Ethical dilemmas require teachers to explore all situations and outcomes, and make a decision on what is right and just. Professionalism and ethics together, as relevant to teachers, demands all of these appropriate behaviours and responses in any circumstance (Whitton et al., 2010, p. 123). Constructivism Teaching techniques and strategies, such as proactive teaching, collaborative learning and constructivism, can also affect the quality of Get more content on
  • 4. The Importance Of Dual Professionalism Avis et al (2010) state that historically, only occupations such as Doctors, Solicitors, the Clergy and Bank Managers were worthy of the title of being called a "Professional". However they go on to say that this has changed over time to the point whereby much more diverse groups are describing themselves within the category of being professional to the point that the term becomes meaningless. That said, they do agree that a professional should hold a set of specific skills and knowledge that are gained through a certain amount of training and "should be used for the benefit of society". Teachers, lecturers and trainers clearly fit within this remit. Scales (2008) lists professionalism as one of the traits of an effective teacher. He goes on the say that professionalism is multi–faceted, citing the way teachers behave, look, the way interact with their students, how they talk and how they prepare and plan their work all form what he believes makes a professional. In education and training, teaching alone is not merely enough. To be seen as being knowledgeable within a specialist area is also needed to be able to teach that subject and therefore teachers in this area of education are seen as dual professionals. The Institute for Learning (IFL) (2012) considers that Dual professionalism relates to many teachers within Further Education, both as a Teacher and as a proficient and knowledgeable individual in their own subject specialism. Machin et al (2017) go a step further Get more content on
  • 5. Professionalism in Early Childhood Education (ECE) for teachers is a branch of knowledge to acquire a process to become an expert in a specific field. In accordance to Caulfield, R. (1997), "Professional teachers in early care and education share a common base of knowledge of children's development during the first few years of life" (p. 262). Basically, a competent carries out huge responsibilities in order to comprehend and stay committed to their roles. Moreover, working with children and families encounters active participation as their ability to communicate will gain more experience for the children's families to rely on them. An expert is not whom with obtained a degree with excellence but a human being who is able to perform well with Get more content on
  • 6. It is expected that the profession of teaching embraces many qualities of any other professional practice. Teachers must possess a combination of many qualities beginning with a strong academic background and wide–ranging knowledge. The National Framework for Professional Standards for Teaching (2003) it is the knowledge of students, curriculum, subject matter, pedagogy,education – related legislation and the specifically teaching context that is the foundation on effective teaching, and a firm foundation on which to construct well educated judgments. Additional expected qualities that create the essentials of professionalism in relation to teaching are a high level of cognitive skills and social capabilities together with more content... If they do not, then they will find themselves falling behind their colleagues and not providing the best education for their students. A teacher is continuously learning and updating their methods and technique throughout their profession as society will be constantly changing and updating. (Marsh, 2008 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT & ORGANISATION To contribute to a positive working environment in the classroom, a teacher must be mindful of many features, which add to a, positive environment for their students. Various factors include the physical, psychological, social and pedagogical environments. These features are essential to contribute to creating an atmosphere of happiness and well–being which is essential. It is essential that a teacher creates a stimulating learning environment that students will enjoy, which must be appealing to the attention of students to continue their involvement. A warm and involvement classroom environment should be created by the teacher to create a genuine interest student and confidence in their ability to learn. This technique will provide the student to feel confident and respected towards their teacher. A teacher must prove to be a skilled communicator as it is necessary in classroom management. This is predetermined by how, when and what is being Get more content on
  • 7. Critical analysis of the concept of professionalism in teaching Introduction Of all the sociological ideas, one of the most difficult to analyse satisfactorily is the concept of a profession. This is due to three basic problems. Firstly, the semantic confusion, resulting from excessive use of the word. Secondly, the structural limitation enforced by attempts to devise fundamental characteristics of a profession. Lastly, the adherence to a static model, rather than appreciation of the dynamic process involved in professionalism (Millerson, 1964). A profession is an occupation requiring special training in the liberal arts or sciences, especially one of the three learned professions, law, theology, or medicine. Aprofessional is of, relating to, suitable for, or engaged in as a profession engaging in an activity for gain or as a means of livelihood extremely competent in a job. Thus, professionalism is the competence or skill expected of a professional (Collins English Dictionary, 2005). On the contrary these dictionary definitions are not the full story as most theorists indicate that working for the public good is a characteristic of a profession. The academic definition of a profession is " occupation with a crucial social function, requiring a high degree of skill and drawing on a systematic body of knowledge" (Sockett, 1985). The concept of professionalism Freidson (1994) suggests, 'much of the debate about professionalism is clouded by unstated assumptions and Get more content on
  • 8. Introduction to the Literature Review The word "professionalism" and how it is to be acquired should be a focus of every teacher education program. Despite the significant role professionalism plays in the workplace, there is a lack of a universally accepted definition of the term in teacher education programs (Creasy, 2015). Consequently, it has a tendency to lose the weight of its meaning since it is a trait based on perception and cultural or societal ideologies (Sampson, 2016). According to Creasy (2015), "Whatever the belief or assumption pertaining to professionalism and the dispositions characteristic of an educational professional, the fact is that professionalism and the acquisition of professional dispositions is believed to more content... However, an unresolved question about which clothing features has an impact on impressions remains (Carr, Davies, & Lavin, 2009). Teachers are influential and have the ability to inspire their students to appreciate learning. Bandura stated "Most of the images of reality on which we base our actions are really based on vicarious experiences" (as cited in Stokes, 1989). The Context–Teacher's Attire and the Classroom Environment The classroom environment is a place in which both teachers' and students' nonverbal behaviors have important implications for learning (Reynolds, 2014). Despite the difficulties of teaching at the middle school level, a teacher's primary goal must be dedicated to the increase of student academic achievement. Some of the complications with teaching middle school deal with the fact that student–teacher interactions are challenging at the middle school level. "Students not only spend less time with their teachers as they did in elementary school, they also struggle to find their voice and identity during this time" (Eccles, 1999, p. 31). According to Gunderson (2000) successful classroom teaching can be sidetracked by student distractions and defiant behaviors. While it is easy to place the blame on students, parents or even society, sometimes the teacher 's behavior Get more content on
  • 9. Assignment On Professionalism In Education DIK7230 Assignment Two– A. Shuttleworth Professional Issues Assignment. Introduction In this assignment, I will review the debate on professionalism. Looking at the teacher as a professional and discussing their professionalism. I will highlight the differences and the similarities between professionalism in education and several other professional vocations. I will discuss the shifting views of professional status of both mainstream teachers and FE teachers, and developments and where I see the FE sector heading. I will go on to review conceptions of reflective practice in the context of professionalism, focussing on several models of reflection. I will review my own values and continuing development needs in both more content... The statement later goes on to explain 'The government's agenda' in 'achieving the best possible practice from every classroom practitioner is the key.' This is a fair statement and best possible practice should be what we as professionals are working toward. However: 'the Government is approaching this aim through heavily managerialist institutions, with formal mechanisms of inspection, assessment and appraisal, measuring performance and setting targets, and offering rewards for those who improve and sanctions for those who do not.'(ATL 2005, p.2). It is this approach by the government, over the years, which has shifted the views on teacher professionalism. The erosion of creativity and autonomy reduces the need to reflect and as the ATL states 'Review and reflection may be pointless in an environment where the teacher is or feels powerless to innovate, where decisions and changes are always imposed from above.' (ATL 2005, p3). There is a further question that requires our attention, and it is that of professionalism within the Further Education sector. Spenceley (2006,p.289) highlights 'the much contested concept of professionalism in the context of Further Education (FE).' She explains how professionalism in teaching, other than in the PCET sector, is 'inculcated and fostered' by stating 'Most entrants come to the profession following a long period of higher education focusing on a specific, Get more content on
  • 10. Professionalism Of Teaching And Learning EDFD Assignment one: Professionalism in Teaching and Learning. 800 words. The profession of teaching warrants the attributes of the individual educator to carry themselves in a professional manner at all times. This notion has been evident to me since my own education in my early years of primary school and has developed in depth since studying the industry. I view teachers as professionals and it has always been my understanding that "teachers" have a duty of care to their students and rightfully must create support and safe environments for their students (Matulic–Keller,p.3,2011). The Australian Institute for teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) was implemented in 2010 for teachers to establish standards that would help advance and support their learning throughout their careers. The standards allow educators and pre–service to be aware of what is expected of them and how they can address areas that need attention. In doing so ensures teachers are covering all aspects of the standards needed to progress to the following phase.** Area three of AITSL discusses "Professional practice, Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning". Through my studies it has been embedded in my own teaching philosophy and professionalism as an educator that planning is a crucial aspect of teaching. Planning lessons require knowledge of the curriculum, pedagogical studies and understanding, and enable teaching intentions to be successful (Sangster,p.12,2005). Throughout my Get more content on
  • 11. The Importance of Professionalism at Work Essay Professionalism is defined as one's conduct at work. The quality of professionalism is not restricted to those in occupations with high level of education or high earnings. Any worker regardless of their level of education or occupation should demonstrate a high level of this trait (, 2013). Acting professionally at workplace makes others think of you as reliable, respectful, and competent. Professionalism, however, can take on many different forms which depend on where you work and the type of job responsibility you have. There are few common traits when it comes to being professional (Monster, 2013). This includes being Competent. This traits means that you are good at what you do – and you have the skills and knowledge more content... The professional person should always tell the truth and are upfront about where things stand. Consistency, admitting and correcting the mistakes, and being fair and truthful are all intertwined to the makeup of one's personal integrity (, 2013). Dishonestly never makes anyone look good, whether it's lying on one's resume or calling in sick. A true professional is upfront, so if you aren't qualified for the job either does not apply for it or send in your application anyway and explain why you'd be perfect for the job in spite of it (, 2013). Also the dishonesty is to lie about being sick, if you need a day off take a personal or vacation day. Professionalism means respect, not misrepresent, discriminate, or harass others. Showing respect and treating all people as if they mattered are good characters that always make difference in workplace. It is expected that there will be disagreements with your co–workers, or even your boss, but do not lose control. No matter how upset you are or how strongly you believe you are right, screaming is not allowed, nor is name calling or door slamming (, 2013). Physical attacks should always be avoided, no matter what. Professional person should calmly explain his or her opinion and be ready to walk away if the other person. Professional worker is supposed to be having a positive altitude. No one likes a constant pessimist. Having an upbeat attitude and trying to be Get more content on
  • 12. Professionalism In The Classroom The teacher adheres to all the program guidelines and follows the program policies. The teacher demonstrates professionalism in dress, speech, and manner with students in the classroom. She participates in all the regional and program professional development activities and attends all the meetings in a timely manner. The teacher has a good command on oral and written English. She uses Google docs for attendance and tries to use technology effectively for classroom instruction. Get more content on
  • 13. Professionalism in education examines learning and ethical practice along with leadership and collaboration among teachers, staff, students, administrators and community members in a school. At my school, a charter in the center of Harlem, New York, I examined the lack of professionalism within the school and the detrimental effects this has on the teachers and scholars. Every school should strive to create a learning community in which teachers are growing with effective feedback, mentors, student input, collaboration with and professional development. It is the right of every teacher and the cornerstone of creating effective teachers that aid in producing students who are fulfilled and challenged in their academic careers. It is critical that to become true professionals, teachers must become active members of the school and regional community to be able to create integrated lessons that fulfill the students' needs. At my school professional development in its formal sense is truly lacking. In the beginning of the year we had a week of lackluster professional development, so far we have had one day of PD to follow up on classroom management. As a senior teacher and 10th grade team captain I have observed many teachers complain about needing classroom observations, feedback, professional development that deals with lesson planning, data and data analysis, classroom management and even expectations. In our school we are a very young group, the oldest teacher being early Get more content on
  • 14. Teaching As A Profession? Essay 1.Teaching as a Profession 1.What is a profession? (text book Ch 1 & 2) 2.Are early childhood teachers perceived as being a professional? 3.Standards, ethics and behaviour of a professional. PROFESSION The sociological approach to professionalism is one that views a profession as an organized group which is constantly interacting with the society that forms its matrix, which performs its social functions through a netywork of formal and informal relationships and which creates its own subculture requiring adjustments to it as a prerequisite for career success. ATTRIBUTES OF A PROFESSION Professionals occupy a position of great importance. In this society which is characterized by minute division of labor based upon technical specialization, you will discover that many important features of social organization are dependent upon professional functions. Professional activity is defin itely coming to play a predominant role in the life patterns of increasing numbers of individuals of both sexes, occccupying much of their walking moments, providing life goals, determining behavior and sharpening personality. It is no wonder, therefore that the phenomenon of professionalism has become an object of observation by sociologists. The provision of quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) has remained firmly on government agendas in recent years. Public awareness of gaps in provision and of insufficient quality in services has moved the issue of child care and after–school Get more content on
  • 15. Introduction to the Literature Review The word "professionalism" and how it is to be acquired should be a focus of every teacher education program. Despite the significant role professionalism plays in the workplace, there is a lack of a universally accepted definition of the term in teacher education programs (Creasy, 2015). Consequently, it has a tendency to lose the weight of its meaning since it is a trait based on perception and cultural or societal ideologies (Sampson, 2016). According to Creasy (2015), "Whatever the belief or assumption pertaining to professionalism and the dispositions characteristic of an educational professional, the fact is that professionalism and the acquisition of professional dispositions is believed to be essential" (p. 23). While most aspects are clearly defined in education, there are still standards that need to be established. The standard of appearance varies greatly throughout schools and is an area in which both new and veteran teachers struggle; it encompasses everything from clothing, cosmetics to hair color and tattoos. As a result, in discussions of professional teacher attire, controversy continues to swirl around this concern. Similarly, the cultural and social significance of teachers' attire remains to be of interest to researchers. To illustrate, Carr, Davies and Levin (2009) studied the social and cultural implications of teachers' attire and its impact on students. This inquiry suggests that the attire worn by faculty Get more content on
  • 16. This argument analysis will be examining the article Professionalism, Teacher Efficacy and Standards–Based Education . The article examines and explains the consequences of organizing teaching in a blue–collar manner rather than as a professional endeavor. Overall, the article argues the reality of teaching profession not as the significant driver of educational innovation, research and policy; but it is the educators who end up shouldering most of the blame. It focuses mainly on professionalizing teaching as one of the important reasons to systematically engage in collaborative practices and using data to build efficacy. This analysis identifies the main assertions, the comparisons and evidences used to support these claims and the key perspectives. Sagor enumerates the key differences between professional and blue–collar pursuits and the optimistic implications of action research to the school improvement process. Finally, the assumptions underlying the article as are analyzed. The first main assertion to the diminishing efficacy and morale is that teachers were addressed as workers who needed to be admonished to buckle down and work hard as opposed to the distinction they deserved, individuals who have the capacity to think their way through complex undertakings. The article presents comparisons and evidences to support this claim. Although blue–collar workers are expected to do perform their job with vigilance and vigor, it is also assumed that their tasks will be Get more content on
  • 17. Prof. Douglas Bailer Abstract The purpose of this paper is to define and discuss teacher professionalism in the 21st century classroom, address the characteristics possessed by professionals in the field, the evolution and role of the teacher in the class as it relates to professionalism, and the future outlook of professionalism in the field of education and how there has been a full circle effect in terms of professionalism and what this means to individuals entering the profession. Additionally, this paper will assess how professionalism constructs social change in and outside of the classroom setting and how these changes are the cornerstone of the profession. Defining Teacher Professionalism in the 21st Century Defining Professionalism Merriam– Webster defines professionalism simply as: the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well. This definition however, is broad and vague as what constitutes professionalism in one setting may not suffice in another setting. Such as the case in the field of education. In terms of educational professionalism the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE), provides core standards for educators which serves as a guidance tool for what Florida 's public school educators throughout the state are expected to know and be able to do. These practices known as the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) were established in 1998 through State Board of Education (Rule Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on The Teaching Profession The Teaching Profession Becoming an educator, especially in recent years has been considered one of the most demanding yet rewarding professions in the work force today. Teaching, with its benefits and intellectual motives has risen to become one of the most sought after jobs in society. But even after taking such rewards into consideration, one might want to analyze how time consuming and emotionally draining teaching young people may turn out to be. Along with its rewards and demands, teaching is not only a potentially prestigious profession but also a very unique and sometimes life long career opportunity. Exploring teaching has become a popular tactic in recent years for people to make a better decision on whether or not teaching more content... For the most part, teachers enjoy being able to work with young people in areas they may need guidance in. For some however, helping people is not a top priority when it comes to the teaching profession. Many jobs in society today do not offer the same types of benefits as ones in this area of work. Teachers for example, enjoy holiday vacations, weather delays or postponements and long summers in which they are paid for. Because teaching can become very time consuming, teachers usually welcome these breaks to usually spend time with family, travel or enjoy hobbies that they may not have been able to do while working. Paid time off is enough in itself to attract people towards a teaching occupation and regular salaries have been increasing in recent years as well. Over the past thirty to thirty–five years teacher's salaries have increased dramatically. It has been shown that the average school teacher, who works in the Northeast, will make anywhere between thirty–two and forty–five thousand dollars annually plus previously listed benefits. It is also probable that these average salaries are only going to increase with time, thus attracting many more to the field of teaching. With increased salaries, personal gratification, and enjoyable benefits being a teacher's main attractant, job security should be at the top of this list as well. If a teacher has been granted tenure after his or her first few years in their profession, he or she may not be removed from their Get more content on
  • 19. Professionalism in Teaching vs. Standing Up for Something Every Day To begin, the first book Professionalism in Teaching highlighted important factors to consider as we become future educators. These highlights included what it means to be a "professional," how to communicate effectively, and how to build relationships with fellow teachers, administration, students, and parents. As the authors discussed professionalism they emphasized the importance of looking the part by dressing in an appropriate manner, being reflective on all decisions that we make throughout the day, and determining the effectiveness of our teaching in the classroom. To add, it is important when trying to communicate and build relationships with others that we more content... We must keep in mind factors that students may be dealing with at home or in their lives and stand up and support them. As I read each of the books there were three common themes that were significant in each reading. These themes were professionalism, collaboration, and reflection. The first theme professionalism was introduced in Professionalism in Teaching as how we act and are perceived by others. As professionals we must "dress the part, act the part and be the part." We must be knowledgeable in our content areas and provide reasoning for everything that we teach. The book discussed not being afraid to seek out others advice. As teachers, the chapters also discussed how our attitude determines how others will view us whether this is professionally or unprofessionally. We need to remain positive when discussing our students, our lessons, and our classroom. We should also seek out other teachers who view theprofession in the same manner to learn and grow from one another. The second book Standing Up for Something Every Day also discussed professionalism. Professionalism was viewed as standing up for children, and understanding the diversity of students. As professionals we must open our minds to different ways of living and accept and understand the differences of people to become culturally competent and unbiased to create a positive, supportive classroom environment. The second theme of each book was Get more content on