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                                          List of Missing and Sub-standard Pedestrian Links with High Pedestrian Demand in the Southern District

    道路名稱                                                 問題                                                             運輸署的回應                                                           其他政府部門的回應
                       Other Road / Premise in
    Road / Street                                        Problem                                                        Transport Department's Reponse                               Reponse from other Departments
                                                         欠缺行人路,而行人需求高以便前往深水灣泳灘                                          輛與行人的衝突。
    香島道                香島道33號至34號
1                                                        Missing pedestrian link to Deep Water Bay Beach which          As the road sides have steep slope, there is insufficient                  -
    Island Road        33 to 34 Island Road
                                                         has high pedestrian demand                                     space for provision of footpath. Nevertheless, we have
                                                                                                                        added edge line on the road in February 2012 to reduce
                                                                                                                        the conflict between vehicles and pedestrians.
                                                         未符合標準的行人路 - 推嬰兒車或輪椅人士難於前行                                      需的交通封路問題。
    淺水灣道               淺水灣道109號至111號
2                                                        Sub-standard pedestrian links - difficult for baby carriages   the proposal of providing a footpath in CEDD’s slope                       -
    Repulse Bay Road   109 to 111 Repulse Bay Road
                                                         or wheelchair to go through                                    upgrading works at Repulse Bay Road near Fair Wind,
                                                                                                                        under the support of local DC member. The problem of
                                                                                                                        temporary traffic arrangement required for the works is
                                                                                                                        being discussed.
                                                         未符合標準的行人路,而且行人路上有咪錶柱阻礙行                                        我們會研究擴闊該段行人路。
  香島道                  深水灣泳灘                             人前進                                                            The meter posts have been installed at the edge of
3                                                                                                                                                                                                  -
  Island Road          Deep Water Bay Beach              Sub-standard pedestrian links - pavement is obstructed by      footpath so as to maintain wider footpath. As there is
                                                         the parking meters on the walkway                              some space between road and the metered parking spaces
                                                                                                                        near Deep Water Bay Road, we will investigate a proposal
                                                                                                                        to widen that section of footpath.
  赤柱峽道迴旋處              於北方巴士站及大潭道之間                      未符合標準的行人路 - 闊度約0.5米                                            我們會研究收窄部份行車路,以擴闊路旁的行人路。
4 Stanley Gap Road     Between north side bus stop and   Sub-standard pedestrian links - 0.5m wide footpath             We will investigate a proposal to narrow a section of                      -
  Roundabout           Tai Tam Road                                                                                     carriagewayso as to widen the footpath.
                                                        於車速較快的路段旁的行人路狹窄,減卻赤柱遊客前                                         繼續觀察有關行人情況,有需要時研究合適的改善措
                                                        往軍人墳場及聖士提反灣泳灘的興趣                                                施。
    黃麻角道               間
5                                                       Fairly narrow footpath alongside fast traffic make it           According to record, the width of one of existing footpath                 -
    Wong Ma Kok Road   Between Stanley Village Road and
                                                        unattractive for Stanley visitors to access the Military        is about 1.6m. We will continue monitoring the
                       St Stephen's Beach
                                                        Cemetery and St Stephen's Beach                                 pedestrian flow condition and investigate suitable
                                                                                                                        improvement scheme when necessary.
     道路名稱                                                      問題                                                            運輸署的回應                                                                              其他政府部門的回應
                            Other Road / Premise in
     Road / Street                                             Problem                                                       Transport Department's Reponse                                                  Reponse from other Departments
                                                               行人不使用樓梯或行人路,而選擇較直接的路線,於                                       障礙通道設施,連接上述的行人路。
                                                               車速較快的馬路旁行走                                                    There is an at-grade pedestrian crossing near the west of
   支路                      東面行人路
 6                                                             Pedestrians walking along the high speed roadside instead     the concerned location, therefore it is not suitable to                                        -
   Island Road Slip Road   Eastside footpath
                                                               of the designated staircase and footpath due to more direct   provide an additional pedestrian in close distance.
   towards Aberdeen Tunnel
                                                               route                                                         Pedestrian should use the footpath adjacent to the flyover.
                                                                                                                             Highways Department is investigating the proposal to
                                                                                                                             provide barrier-free facilities connecting to the footpath of
                                                                                                                             the flyover.
                                                               因行人路狹窄或欠缺,行人選擇於馬路上行走,但部                                       路。我們會研究在彎位前髹上「慢駛」的道路標記。
     赤柱市場道                  於彎位附近                              分車輛於轉角位速度快較快                                                  Bounded by buildings and big tree, there is insufficient
 7                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -
     Stanley Market Road    Around bend                        Pedestrians walking on road due to narrow/no footpaths        space for footpath widening. We will investigate to paint
                                                               but some traffic goes fast around the blind corner            "Slow" road marking before the bend.

                            與港島徑第六段及第七段的交匯                                                                                   我們會研究擴濶大潭道東面的一段行人路。
     大潭道                                                      來回方向均欠缺行人路連接巴士站
 8                          處                                                                                                We will investigate to widen a secion of footpath at east of                                   -
     Tai Tam Road                                             Lack of footpath connecting bus stops in both directions
                            Intersection with HK Island Trail                                                                Tai Tam Road.
                            石澳巴士總站及迴旋處一帶                   人車共享路面,但缺乏減低車速的措施                                                 醒駕駛警覺。
 9                          Around Shek O bus terminus and Shared street surface with inadequate traffic calming             Bounded by building/private lot, there is insufficient space                                   -
     Shek O Road
                            roundabout                     measures                                                          for footpath provision. We will review the traffic sign and
                                                                                                                             road marking arrangment, so as to remind motorists'
                                                           欄杆,但居民仍經常使用。路段有歷史和觀景價值。                                                                                                           康文署
                            於數碼港道及華富邨之間(瀑布 政府應考慮這一方面。                                                                                                                                             The section of this link crossing the stream and along the
                                                                                                                    有關非正式通道並非運輸署的交通管理範圍。                                                          cliff around the waterfall is located outside the
     數碼港道                   灣)                             Existing informal linkage over cliff edge susceptible to
10                                                                                                                  The concerned informal linkage is outside TD's traffic                        management jurisdiction of LCSD and public use of this
     Cyberport Road         Between Cyberport Road and Wah flooding. Despite this shortest connection between
                                                                                                                    management purivew.                                                           unsafe access should not be encouraged. As regards
                            Fu Estate (Waterfall Bay)      Waterfall Bay Park/ Wah Fu Estate and Cyberport being
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Waterfall Bay Park, proper pedestrian access to the Park
                                                           fenced off by type 2 railings, it's actively used by
                                                                                                                                                                                                  has already been connected to the pedestrian footpath
                                                           residents. It has historical and scenic value. The
                                                           government should recognise this link.
                                                                                                                                                                                             路政署 用。
                                                                                                                                                                                             HyD  The footway concerned is served as a maintenance access
                                                                                                                                                                                                  for the retaining wall along Cyberport Road and are
     香島道                    深水灣泳灘                              經常有車輛停泊於狹窄的行人路上                                               相信警方會處理非法泊車的情況。
11                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -
     Island Road            Deep Water Bay Beach               Narrow footpath frequently intruded by parked vehicles        We believe Police will handle the illegal parking issue.
     道路名稱                                                      問題                                                           運輸署的回應                                                         其他政府部門的回應
                            Other Road / Premise in
     Road / Street                                             Problem                                                      Transport Department's Reponse                             Reponse from other Departments
                            於衛奕信徑及赤柱廣場之間                     或於無行人路的赤柱峽道上行走
     黃麻角道                                                                                                                   行人路。
12                          Between Wilson Trail and Stanley Absence of a linkage despite relatively short distance                                                                                  -
     Wong Ma Kok Road                                                                                                       As the road sides have steep slope / big trees, there is
                            Plaza                            forcing hikers to use bus for Stanley or else walk along
                                                                                                                            insufficient space for provision of footpath.
                                                             Stanley Gap Road with no footpath
   石澳道/大潭道                                                 難以轉車(港島徑,巴士9號線、14號線)
                            迴旋處                                                                                       行人路。
13 Shek O Road/Tai Tam                                     Difficult to interchange access or interchange between bus                                                                                -
                            Roundabout                                                                                As the road sides have steep slope / big trees, there is
   Road                                                    stops (Island Trail, Bus 9, Bus 14)
                                                                                                                      insufficient space for provision of footpath.
                            於鴨脷洲大橋支路的行人過路處                                                                            我們會研究封閉有關行人過路處,並引導行人使用橋
   香港仔海傍道東行                 (近景惠花園第二座)                     彎位對由西向東過路的行人帶來視線障礙                                         底的行人路。
14 Aberdeen Praya Road      Pedestrian crossing at Ap Lei  Poor visibility for pedestrians crossing from west to east We will investigate closing the concerned pedestrian                           -
   eastbound                Chau Bridge Slip Road entrance due to inside of bend obstructions                         crossing and direct pedestrian to use the footpath under
                            outside Jing Hui Garden Blk 2                                                             flyover.
     石澳道                    土地灣巴士站                                                                                    人路。
15                                                         Limited waiting space for groups of hikers leaving the                                                                                    -
     Shek O Road            To Tei Wan bus stop                                                                       As road sides have steep slope and other facilities, there is
                                                           Island Trail
                                                                                                                      insufficient space for provision of footpath.
                                                               候車的空間有限及行人路狹窄,於每天早上繁忙時間                                      路政署、運輸署及民政事務署現正研究改裝巴士站避
     利東邨道                   漁安苑巴士站                             造成困擾                                                         雨亭,減低對行人路的阻礙。
16                                                                                                                                                                                                   -
     Lei Tung Estate Road   Yue On Court bus stop              Waiting Space is limited. The footath is too narrow. It is   HyD, TD and HAD are investigating to modifiy the bus
                                                               disatrous during every morning.                              shelter, so as to minimize the obstruction to footpath.

                          T字路口(鄰近南灣、由食物環                                                                                    我們會研究實施24小時禁區,以避免阻塞該土地的出
                          境衞生署管理的土地)                   T字路口無實際用途,引起違例泊車問題                                                   入。
17                        The T junction road (Outside The T junction design is useless and it invites illgal               The concerned T junction is an access for FEHD's land                    -
   Ap Lei Chau Praya Road
                          FEHD owned land; next to     parking everyday.                                                    and hence is necessary. We will investigate to implement
                          Larvotto)                                                                                         a 24-hour no-stopping restriction zone so as to avoid
                                                                                                                            blocking of the access.
                                                               巴士171號線及97號線的巴士站使斜坡旁的行人路變                                    馬路旁有陡峭斜坡及建築物,沒有足夠位置擴濶行人
   利東邨道                     利東巴士站                              得狹窄                                                          路。
18                                                                                                                                                                                                   -
   Lei Tung Estate Road     Lei Tung Bus Stop                  The pedestrain walkway nearby slope becomes very             As road sides have buildings and steep slope, there is
                                                               narrow after the installation of 171, 97 bus stop.           insufficient space for footpath widening.
                                                      於學校上課及下課時間,家長及學生的行人需求高                                                我們現正研究加設行人過路處。
   資訊道                      立書院
19                                                    High pedestrian demand from children and parents during               We are investigating a proposal of adding a new                          -
   Information Crescent     Cyberport PTI and The ISF
                                                      school start and dismissal hours.                                     pedestrian crossing.
                                                      礙行人前進。未符合標準的行人路 - 闊度約0.3米                                             我們現正研究加設1米闊的行人路。
     沙宣道                    Stone Manor外
20                                                    Essential route to bus and minibus stop. Pavement                     We are investigating a proposal of providing 1m wide                     -
     Sassoon Road           Outside Stone Manor
                                                      obstructed by road sign. Sub-standard pedestrian link -               footpath..
                                                      less than 0.3m wide footpath
     道路名稱                                             問題                                                         運輸署的回應                                                           其他政府部門的回應
                     Other Road / Premise in
     Road / Street                                    Problem                                                    Transport Department's Reponse                               Reponse from other Departments
                     由Stone Manor對面垃圾站至愛
                                                   通往屋苑的唯一通道,馬路兩旁均欠缺行人路                                          我們現正研究有限度延長一段行人路。
   沙宣道               琴苑
21                                                 The only route to the residential developments. Missing       We are investigating a proposal for extending the                          -
   Sassoon Road      From RCP opposite Stone Manor
                                                   footpath on both sides                                        pavement to a limited extent.
                     to Aegean Terrace
                                                      通往屋苑的唯一通道,馬路兩旁均欠缺行人路                                       我們現正研究有限度延長一段行人路。
     沙宣道             全段支路
22                                                    The only route to the residential developments. Missing    We are investigating a proposal for extending the                          -
     Sassoon Road    The whole slip road outside
                                                      footpath on both sides                                     pavement to a limited extent.
                     利對面的小巴站                        掃墓時節期間的行人需求高,欠缺行人路
   摩星嶺道                                                                                                          The section of Mount Davis Road between its junction
23                   Between the junction of Pok Fu High pedestrian demand during graveyard visiting                                                                                        -
   Mt Davis Road                                                                                                 with Pok Fu Lam Road and the opposite of Chiu Yuen
                     Lam Road to the minibus stop   festivals. Missing footpath
                                                                                                                 Cemetery has footpath on one side. Propose to provide
                     opposite On Lee
                                                                                                                 footpath adjacent to Chiu Yuen Cemetery and will carry
                                                                                                                 out investigation.
                                                     掃墓時節期間的行人需求高,未符合標準的行人路 -
                                                     闊度約0.5米                                                     計劃並研究擴闊該段行人路至1.5米
     摩星嶺道            站
24                                                   High pedestrian demand during graveyard visiting            Propose to widen the footpath to 1.5m and will carry out                   -
     Mt Davis Road   Between 5 Mt Davis Road and the
                                                     festivals. Sub-standard pedestrian links - 0.5m wide        investigation.
                     minibus stop opposite On Lee
                     摩星嶺徑及摩星嶺道交界至湖苑                                                                              計劃並研究提供1.5米闊的行人路
     摩星嶺道                                           欠缺行人路
25                   Between junction with Mt Davis                                                              Propose to provide 1.5m wide footpath and will carry out                   -
     Mt Davis Road                                  Missing footpath
                     Path and Ocean View                                                                         investigation.

     摩星嶺道            湖苑以西                             欠缺行人路
26                                                                                                               Propose to provide 1.5m wide footpath and will carry out                   -
     Mt Davis Road   To the west of Ocean View        Missing footpath

                     碧海閣對出及以西方向                       欠缺行人路,未符合標準的行人路 - 闊度少於0.5米                                 計劃並研究提供1.5米闊的行人路。
27                   Outside of and to the west of    Missing footpath and sub-standard pedestrian link - less   Propose to provide 1.5m wide footpath on the opposite                      -
     Mt Davis Road
                     Bayview Court                    than 0.5m wide footpath                                    side and will carry out investigation.

                     於碧海閣及摩星嶺道51號之間                                                                              於1.5米闊的行人路。
     摩星嶺道                                            欠缺行人路
28                   Between Bayview court and 51 Mt                                                             The proposal would affect an existing private lot. The                     -
     Mt Davis Road                                   Missing footpath
                     Davis Road                                                                                  public could use the footpath on the opposite which is not
                                                                                                                 less than 1.5m wide.
                                                                                                                 有關建議會影響現有建築物的外牆。 公眾可利用對
     摩星嶺道            於摩星嶺道51號至57號之間                  欠缺行人路
29                                                                                                               The proposal would affect the parapet wall of an existing                  -
     Mt Davis Road   Between 51 and 57 Mt Davis Road Missing footpath
                                                                                                                 building. The public could use the footpath on the
                                                                                                                 opposite which is not less than 2m wide.
     道路名稱                                                    問題                                                            運輸署的回應                                                            其他政府部門的回應
                           Other Road / Premise in
     Road / Street                                           Problem                                                       Transport Department's Reponse                                Reponse from other Departments

                                                           未符合標準的行人路 - 闊度少於0.5米                                            公眾可利用對面大多數不少於2米闊的行人路。
     摩星嶺道                  於摩星嶺道57號至61號之間
30                                                         Sub-standard pedestrian link - less than 0.5m wide              The public could use the footpath on the opposite which is                  -
     Mt Davis Road         Between 57 and 61 Mt Davis Road
                                                           footpath                                                        not less than 2m wide for most of the section.

                                                            未符合標準的行人路 - 闊度少於0.5米                                           計劃並研究擴闊該處的行人路
     摩星嶺道                  於摩星嶺道61號之入口
31                                                          Sub-standard pedestrian link - less than 0.5m wide             Propose to widen the footpath at that location and will                     -
     Mt Davis Road         The entrance of 61 Mt Davis Road
                                                            footpath                                                       carry out investigation.
                                                                                                                           有關建議會影響現有樹木及斜坡 公眾可利用對面約
                           於摩星嶺道63號至域多利道迴旋                                                                                 2米闊的行人路。
     摩星嶺道                  處                             欠缺行人路                                                             The proposal would affect existing trees and slopes. The
32                                                                                                                                                                                                     -
     Mt Davis Road         Between 63 Mt Davis Road to   Missing footpath                                                  public could use the footpath on the opposite which is
                           roundabout with Victoria Road                                                                   about 2m wide.

                           由域多利道交界至GLA THK                                                                                 馬路旁有陡峭斜坡/建築物/私人地段,沒有足夠位置
                                                             符合標準的行人路 - 闊度少於0.5米
   金粟街                     1620                                                                                            擴闊行人路。
33                                                           High pedestrian demand and pavement is blocked by                                                                                         -
   Consort Rise            Between junction with Victoria                                                                  As road sides have steep slopes / buildings / private lots,
                                                             people who queue for public transport during graveyard
                           Road and GLA THK 1620                                                                           there is insufficient space for footpath widening.
                                                             visiting festivals. Sub-standard pedestrian link - 0.5m
                                                             馬路兩旁的行人路未符合標準 - 闊度少於1米。繁忙時
   金粟街                     其餘路段                                                                                            擴闊行人路。
34                                                           Sub-standard pedestrian link on both sides- less than 1m                                                                                  -
   Consort Rise            Rest of the section                                                                             As road sides have steep slopes / buildings / private lots,
                                                             wide footpath. Pavementis blocked by queues for public
                                                                                                                           there is insufficient space for footpath widening.
                                                             transport during peak hours
                                                             行人路,另一旁的行人路未符合標準 - 闊度少於0.5米                                   馬路旁有陡峭斜坡/建築物/私人地段,沒有足夠位置
                           整個路段                              The only route for residents to get back to Consort Rise      擴闊行人路。
35 Slip Road between                                                                                                                                                                                   -
                           Whole section                     after alighting from minibuses. Missing footpath on one       As road sides have steep slopes / buildings / private lots,
   Consort Rise and Bisney
                                                             side. Sub-standard pedestrian link on the other side - less   there is insufficient space for footpath widening.
                                                             than 0.5m wide footpath
                                                             馬路兩旁的行人路未符合標準 - 闊度少於1米
     冠冕臺                   整個路段                                                                                            有關路段能擴闊行人路的空間有限
36                                                           Sub-standard pedestrian link on both sides- less than 1m                                                                                  -
     Crown Terrace         Whole section                                                                                   The spaces for footpath widening is very limited.
                                                             wide footpath
                                                             行人路上有障礙物。未符合標準的行人路 - 闊度少於
     冠冕臺                   冠冕臺22號對出                          0.5米                                                          有關路段能擴闊行人路的空間有限
37                                                                                                                                                                                                     -
     Crown Terrace         Outside 22 Crown Terrace          Full of obstacles. Sub-standard pedestrian link - less than   The spaces for footpath widening is very limited.
                                                             0.5m wide footpath.
     碧荔道                                                     欠缺行人路                                                         行人可以使用對面的行人路。
38                         Up the slope from Upper Tai Hau                                                                                                                                             -
     Bisney Road                                             Missing footpath                                              Pedestrian could use the opposite footpath.
                           Wan Village
     碧荔道                   坡至康樂及文化事務署公園                      欠缺行人路                                                         行人可以使用對面的行人路。
39                                                                                                                                                                                                     -
     Bisney Road           Down slope from junction with     Missing footpath                                              Pedestrian could use the opposite footpath.
                           Pok Fu Lam Road to the LCSD
                                                             馬路兩旁的行人路未符合標準 - 闊度少於1米
     碧荔道                   由碧荔道21號至路尾                                                                                      有關路段能擴闊行人路的空間有限
40                                                           Sub-standard pedestrian link on both sides- less than 1m                                                                                  -
     Bisney Road           From 21 Bisney Road to the end                                                                  The spaces for footpath widening is very limited.
                                                             wide footpath
     道路名稱                                                        問題                                                         運輸署的回應                                                                     其他政府部門的回應
                               Other Road / Premise in
     Road / Street                                               Problem                                                    Transport Department's Reponse                                         Reponse from other Departments

     碧荔道                       由碧麗園至帝鑾閣                          欠缺行人路                                                      行人可以使用對面的行人路。
41                                                                                                                                                                                                                -
     Bisney Road               From Bisney Villas to Regalis     Missing footpath                                           Pedestrian could use the opposite footpath.

   鋼綫灣村小徑                   由域多利道經鋼綫灣至數碼港 重開此觀景路徑。                                                                          有關行山徑並非運輸署的交通管理範圍。
42 Kong Sin Wan Village     Connecting Victoria Road to        Missing footpath. High demand for cross country and          The concerned hiking lane is outside TD's traffic
   Path                     Cyberport through Kong Sin Wan hiking purposes. The ISF Academy officially supports the         management purivew.
                                                               re-opening of this scenic trail.
                            體育中心現有的海濱路段)至沙 觀景路線。現有的海濱路段受居民及遊人歡迎,但路
                            灣對出的海灘                             段未有連接毗鄰沙灣對出的海灘。                                              有關位置並非運輸署的交通管理範圍。
43                          Linking 'Sha Wan Road' (the        Scenic route. The existing promenade is a popular trail      The concerned location is outside TD's traffic
     Promenade at Sandy Bay
                            existing promenade at HKU          amongst residents and visitors. However, it is not           management purivew.
                            Stanley Ho Sports Centre) with the connected with the adjacent beach at Sandy Bay
                            beach at Sandy Bay
     海濱長廊之間                                                                                                                 有關位置並非運輸署的交通管理範圍。
44   Waterfront promenade                     -                                                                             The concerned location is outside TD's traffic
                                                               Scenic route. Missing link between the existing Sandy
     linking Sandy Bay to                                                                                                   management purivew.
                                                               Bay Promenade and the Cyberport Waterfront Park
     Cyberport Waterfront
                            卓越混凝土有限公司至華貴邨兩                                                                                  根據記錄,現有行人路闊度超過2m,我們會繼續觀察
                            邊行人路                                                                                            行人情況,有需要時研究合適的改善措施。
     田灣海旁道                  Both sides of the pedestrian                                                                    According to record, the width of existing footpath is over
45                                                             Pedestrian link is too narrow, certain sections only allow                                                                                         -
     Tin Wan Praya Road     walkway between the Excel                                                                       2m. Therefore we will continue monitoring the pedestrian
                                                               one person to walk pass while other sections only allow
                            Concrete Ltd and Wah Kwai                                                                       flow condition and investigate suitable improvement
                                                               access of not more than two people
                            Estate                                                                                          scheme when necessary.
                            華貴小巴站與商場之間行人路                                                                                   相信房屋署會跟進有關情況。
     田灣海旁道                                                     行人路面凹凸不平,多處地磚損壞                                                                                                          房屋署 已完成相關維修工作。
46                          Between Wah Kwai minibus stop                                                                   We believe Housing Department will carry out follow-up
     Tin Wan Praya Road                                        Irregular and destroyed road surface                                                                                     HD  Repair works completed.
                            and the mall                                                                                    action.

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TD response on list of missing and sub standard pedestrian links in Southern District

  • 1. 南區欠缺或未符合標準而行人需求高的行人路列表 List of Missing and Sub-standard Pedestrian Links with High Pedestrian Demand in the Southern District 附近建築物或其他道路名稱 道路名稱 問題 運輸署的回應 其他政府部門的回應 Other Road / Premise in Road / Street Problem Transport Department's Reponse Reponse from other Departments vincinity 馬路兩旁的斜坡陡峭,沒有足夠位置加設行人路,然 而我們於2012年2月已在路旁加設道路標記,減低車 欠缺行人路,而行人需求高以便前往深水灣泳灘 輛與行人的衝突。 香島道 香島道33號至34號 1 Missing pedestrian link to Deep Water Bay Beach which As the road sides have steep slope, there is insufficient - Island Road 33 to 34 Island Road has high pedestrian demand space for provision of footpath. Nevertheless, we have added edge line on the road in February 2012 to reduce the conflict between vehicles and pedestrians. 淺水灣道近天風樓的行人路改善方案,得到當區議員 的支持,土木工程拓展署亦克服技術困難,在斜坡工 程設計中一拼改善該段行人路。現正商討解決施工所 未符合標準的行人路 - 推嬰兒車或輪椅人士難於前行 需的交通封路問題。 淺水灣道 淺水灣道109號至111號 2 Sub-standard pedestrian links - difficult for baby carriages the proposal of providing a footpath in CEDD’s slope - Repulse Bay Road 109 to 111 Repulse Bay Road or wheelchair to go through upgrading works at Repulse Bay Road near Fair Wind, under the support of local DC member. The problem of temporary traffic arrangement required for the works is being discussed. 有關咪錶柱己安裝在行人路的邊沿,以保持較闊的行 人路。在近深水灣道的咪錶位與馬路之間有些空間, 未符合標準的行人路,而且行人路上有咪錶柱阻礙行 我們會研究擴闊該段行人路。 香島道 深水灣泳灘 人前進 The meter posts have been installed at the edge of 3 - Island Road Deep Water Bay Beach Sub-standard pedestrian links - pavement is obstructed by footpath so as to maintain wider footpath. As there is the parking meters on the walkway some space between road and the metered parking spaces near Deep Water Bay Road, we will investigate a proposal to widen that section of footpath. 赤柱峽道迴旋處 於北方巴士站及大潭道之間 未符合標準的行人路 - 闊度約0.5米 我們會研究收窄部份行車路,以擴闊路旁的行人路。 4 Stanley Gap Road Between north side bus stop and Sub-standard pedestrian links - 0.5m wide footpath We will investigate a proposal to narrow a section of - Roundabout Tai Tam Road carriagewayso as to widen the footpath. 根據記錄,馬路其中一邊行人路闊度約1.6m,我們會 於車速較快的路段旁的行人路狹窄,減卻赤柱遊客前 繼續觀察有關行人情況,有需要時研究合適的改善措 於赤柱村道及聖士提反灣泳灘之 往軍人墳場及聖士提反灣泳灘的興趣 施。 黃麻角道 間 5 Fairly narrow footpath alongside fast traffic make it According to record, the width of one of existing footpath - Wong Ma Kok Road Between Stanley Village Road and unattractive for Stanley visitors to access the Military is about 1.6m. We will continue monitoring the St Stephen's Beach Cemetery and St Stephen's Beach pedestrian flow condition and investigate suitable improvement scheme when necessary.
  • 2. 附近建築物或其他道路名稱 道路名稱 問題 運輸署的回應 其他政府部門的回應 Other Road / Premise in Road / Street Problem Transport Department's Reponse Reponse from other Departments vincinity 有關位置西面不遠處已有地面行人過路設施,不宜在 此另外加設地面行人過路設施。行人應該使用附近的 行車天橋邊的行人路。另外,路政署現正研究加設無 行人不使用樓梯或行人路,而選擇較直接的路線,於 障礙通道設施,連接上述的行人路。 香島道往香港仔隧道的 車速較快的馬路旁行走 There is an at-grade pedestrian crossing near the west of 支路 東面行人路 6 Pedestrians walking along the high speed roadside instead the concerned location, therefore it is not suitable to - Island Road Slip Road Eastside footpath of the designated staircase and footpath due to more direct provide an additional pedestrian in close distance. towards Aberdeen Tunnel route Pedestrian should use the footpath adjacent to the flyover. Highways Department is investigating the proposal to provide barrier-free facilities connecting to the footpath of the flyover. 有關位置兩旁有建築物及大樹,沒有位置加設行人 因行人路狹窄或欠缺,行人選擇於馬路上行走,但部 路。我們會研究在彎位前髹上「慢駛」的道路標記。 赤柱市場道 於彎位附近 分車輛於轉角位速度快較快 Bounded by buildings and big tree, there is insufficient 7 - Stanley Market Road Around bend Pedestrians walking on road due to narrow/no footpaths space for footpath widening. We will investigate to paint but some traffic goes fast around the blind corner "Slow" road marking before the bend. 與港島徑第六段及第七段的交匯 我們會研究擴濶大潭道東面的一段行人路。 大潭道 來回方向均欠缺行人路連接巴士站 8 處 We will investigate to widen a secion of footpath at east of - Tai Tam Road Lack of footpath connecting bus stops in both directions Intersection with HK Island Trail Tai Tam Road. 有關位置旁有建築物/私人地段,沒有足夠位置加設行 人路。我們會檢討交通標誌及道路標記的安排,以提 石澳巴士總站及迴旋處一帶 人車共享路面,但缺乏減低車速的措施 醒駕駛警覺。 石澳道 9 Around Shek O bus terminus and Shared street surface with inadequate traffic calming Bounded by building/private lot, there is insufficient space - Shek O Road roundabout measures for footpath provision. We will review the traffic sign and road marking arrangment, so as to remind motorists' attention. 該靠近懸崖及瀑布旁橫跨溪流的路段不屬康樂及文化 事務署的管理範圍,亦不建議市民使用該不合安全的 通道。而瀑布灣公園方面,現時已有適當的行人通道 現有於懸崖邊緣的非正式通道易受水浸影響。雖然該 往來公園及華富邨,康文署暫無計劃於瀑布上方加設 連接瀑布灣公園/華富及數碼港的最短連接路線已加設 通道。 欄杆,但居民仍經常使用。路段有歷史和觀景價值。 康文署 於數碼港道及華富邨之間(瀑布 政府應考慮這一方面。 The section of this link crossing the stream and along the LCSD 有關非正式通道並非運輸署的交通管理範圍。 cliff around the waterfall is located outside the 數碼港道 灣) Existing informal linkage over cliff edge susceptible to 10 The concerned informal linkage is outside TD's traffic management jurisdiction of LCSD and public use of this Cyberport Road Between Cyberport Road and Wah flooding. Despite this shortest connection between management purivew. unsafe access should not be encouraged. As regards Fu Estate (Waterfall Bay) Waterfall Bay Park/ Wah Fu Estate and Cyberport being Waterfall Bay Park, proper pedestrian access to the Park fenced off by type 2 railings, it's actively used by has already been connected to the pedestrian footpath residents. It has historical and scenic value. The 有關通道屬數碼港道擋土牆的維修通道,禁止公眾使 government should recognise this link. 路政署 用。 HyD The footway concerned is served as a maintenance access for the retaining wall along Cyberport Road and are 香島道 深水灣泳灘 經常有車輛停泊於狹窄的行人路上 相信警方會處理非法泊車的情況。 11 - Island Road Deep Water Bay Beach Narrow footpath frequently intruded by parked vehicles We believe Police will handle the illegal parking issue.
  • 3. 附近建築物或其他道路名稱 道路名稱 問題 運輸署的回應 其他政府部門的回應 Other Road / Premise in Road / Street Problem Transport Department's Reponse Reponse from other Departments vincinity 路程雖短,但欠缺行人路,使遠足人士需以巴士代步 馬路兩旁的斜坡陡峭,又有大樹,沒有足夠位置加設 於衛奕信徑及赤柱廣場之間 或於無行人路的赤柱峽道上行走 黃麻角道 行人路。 12 Between Wilson Trail and Stanley Absence of a linkage despite relatively short distance - Wong Ma Kok Road As the road sides have steep slope / big trees, there is Plaza forcing hikers to use bus for Stanley or else walk along insufficient space for provision of footpath. Stanley Gap Road with no footpath 馬路兩旁的斜坡陡峭,又有大樹,沒有足夠位置加設 石澳道/大潭道 難以轉車(港島徑,巴士9號線、14號線) 迴旋處 行人路。 13 Shek O Road/Tai Tam Difficult to interchange access or interchange between bus - Roundabout As the road sides have steep slope / big trees, there is Road stops (Island Trail, Bus 9, Bus 14) insufficient space for provision of footpath. 於鴨脷洲大橋支路的行人過路處 我們會研究封閉有關行人過路處,並引導行人使用橋 香港仔海傍道東行 (近景惠花園第二座) 彎位對由西向東過路的行人帶來視線障礙 底的行人路。 14 Aberdeen Praya Road Pedestrian crossing at Ap Lei Poor visibility for pedestrians crossing from west to east We will investigate closing the concerned pedestrian - eastbound Chau Bridge Slip Road entrance due to inside of bend obstructions crossing and direct pedestrian to use the footpath under outside Jing Hui Garden Blk 2 flyover. 馬路旁有陡峭斜坡及其他設施,沒有足夠位置加設行 巴士站讓離開港島徑的遠足人士候車的空間有限 石澳道 土地灣巴士站 人路。 15 Limited waiting space for groups of hikers leaving the - Shek O Road To Tei Wan bus stop As road sides have steep slope and other facilities, there is Island Trail insufficient space for provision of footpath. 候車的空間有限及行人路狹窄,於每天早上繁忙時間 路政署、運輸署及民政事務署現正研究改裝巴士站避 利東邨道 漁安苑巴士站 造成困擾 雨亭,減低對行人路的阻礙。 16 - Lei Tung Estate Road Yue On Court bus stop Waiting Space is limited. The footath is too narrow. It is HyD, TD and HAD are investigating to modifiy the bus disatrous during every morning. shelter, so as to minimize the obstruction to footpath. 有關T字路口連接食環署管理的土地,故有其需要。 T字路口(鄰近南灣、由食物環 我們會研究實施24小時禁區,以避免阻塞該土地的出 境衞生署管理的土地) T字路口無實際用途,引起違例泊車問題 入。 鴨脷洲海旁道 17 The T junction road (Outside The T junction design is useless and it invites illgal The concerned T junction is an access for FEHD's land - Ap Lei Chau Praya Road FEHD owned land; next to parking everyday. and hence is necessary. We will investigate to implement Larvotto) a 24-hour no-stopping restriction zone so as to avoid blocking of the access. 巴士171號線及97號線的巴士站使斜坡旁的行人路變 馬路旁有陡峭斜坡及建築物,沒有足夠位置擴濶行人 利東邨道 利東巴士站 得狹窄 路。 18 - Lei Tung Estate Road Lei Tung Bus Stop The pedestrain walkway nearby slope becomes very As road sides have buildings and steep slope, there is narrow after the installation of 171, 97 bus stop. insufficient space for footpath widening. 鄰近數碼港公共運輸交匯處及弘 於學校上課及下課時間,家長及學生的行人需求高 我們現正研究加設行人過路處。 資訊道 立書院 19 High pedestrian demand from children and parents during We are investigating a proposal of adding a new - Information Crescent Cyberport PTI and The ISF school start and dismissal hours. pedestrian crossing. Academy 前往巴士站及小巴站的必經之路。行人路上有路標阻 礙行人前進。未符合標準的行人路 - 闊度約0.3米 我們現正研究加設1米闊的行人路。 沙宣道 Stone Manor外 20 Essential route to bus and minibus stop. Pavement We are investigating a proposal of providing 1m wide - Sassoon Road Outside Stone Manor obstructed by road sign. Sub-standard pedestrian link - footpath.. less than 0.3m wide footpath
  • 4. 附近建築物或其他道路名稱 道路名稱 問題 運輸署的回應 其他政府部門的回應 Other Road / Premise in Road / Street Problem Transport Department's Reponse Reponse from other Departments vincinity 由Stone Manor對面垃圾站至愛 通往屋苑的唯一通道,馬路兩旁均欠缺行人路 我們現正研究有限度延長一段行人路。 沙宣道 琴苑 21 The only route to the residential developments. Missing We are investigating a proposal for extending the - Sassoon Road From RCP opposite Stone Manor footpath on both sides pavement to a limited extent. to Aegean Terrace 通往屋苑的唯一通道,馬路兩旁均欠缺行人路 我們現正研究有限度延長一段行人路。 沙宣道 全段支路 22 The only route to the residential developments. Missing We are investigating a proposal for extending the - Sassoon Road The whole slip road outside footpath on both sides pavement to a limited extent. 由薄扶林道及摩星嶺道交界至昭遠墳場對出的一段的 摩星嶺道一旁設有行人路。計劃並研究為昭遠墳場旁 由薄扶林道及摩星嶺道交界至安 提供行人路。 利對面的小巴站 掃墓時節期間的行人需求高,欠缺行人路 摩星嶺道 The section of Mount Davis Road between its junction 23 Between the junction of Pok Fu High pedestrian demand during graveyard visiting - Mt Davis Road with Pok Fu Lam Road and the opposite of Chiu Yuen Lam Road to the minibus stop festivals. Missing footpath Cemetery has footpath on one side. Propose to provide opposite On Lee footpath adjacent to Chiu Yuen Cemetery and will carry out investigation. 掃墓時節期間的行人需求高,未符合標準的行人路 - 摩星嶺道5號至安利對面的小巴 闊度約0.5米 計劃並研究擴闊該段行人路至1.5米 摩星嶺道 站 24 High pedestrian demand during graveyard visiting Propose to widen the footpath to 1.5m and will carry out - Mt Davis Road Between 5 Mt Davis Road and the festivals. Sub-standard pedestrian links - 0.5m wide investigation. minibus stop opposite On Lee footpath 摩星嶺徑及摩星嶺道交界至湖苑 計劃並研究提供1.5米闊的行人路 摩星嶺道 欠缺行人路 25 Between junction with Mt Davis Propose to provide 1.5m wide footpath and will carry out - Mt Davis Road Missing footpath Path and Ocean View investigation. 計劃並研究提供1.5米闊的行人路 摩星嶺道 湖苑以西 欠缺行人路 26 Propose to provide 1.5m wide footpath and will carry out - Mt Davis Road To the west of Ocean View Missing footpath investigation. 碧海閣對出及以西方向 欠缺行人路,未符合標準的行人路 - 闊度少於0.5米 計劃並研究提供1.5米闊的行人路。 摩星嶺道 27 Outside of and to the west of Missing footpath and sub-standard pedestrian link - less Propose to provide 1.5m wide footpath on the opposite - Mt Davis Road Bayview Court than 0.5m wide footpath side and will carry out investigation. 有關建議會影響現有私人土地。公眾可利用對面不少 於碧海閣及摩星嶺道51號之間 於1.5米闊的行人路。 摩星嶺道 欠缺行人路 28 Between Bayview court and 51 Mt The proposal would affect an existing private lot. The - Mt Davis Road Missing footpath Davis Road public could use the footpath on the opposite which is not less than 1.5m wide. 有關建議會影響現有建築物的外牆。 公眾可利用對 面不少於2米闊的行人路。 摩星嶺道 於摩星嶺道51號至57號之間 欠缺行人路 29 The proposal would affect the parapet wall of an existing - Mt Davis Road Between 51 and 57 Mt Davis Road Missing footpath building. The public could use the footpath on the opposite which is not less than 2m wide.
  • 5. 附近建築物或其他道路名稱 道路名稱 問題 運輸署的回應 其他政府部門的回應 Other Road / Premise in Road / Street Problem Transport Department's Reponse Reponse from other Departments vincinity 未符合標準的行人路 - 闊度少於0.5米 公眾可利用對面大多數不少於2米闊的行人路。 摩星嶺道 於摩星嶺道57號至61號之間 30 Sub-standard pedestrian link - less than 0.5m wide The public could use the footpath on the opposite which is - Mt Davis Road Between 57 and 61 Mt Davis Road footpath not less than 2m wide for most of the section. 未符合標準的行人路 - 闊度少於0.5米 計劃並研究擴闊該處的行人路 摩星嶺道 於摩星嶺道61號之入口 31 Sub-standard pedestrian link - less than 0.5m wide Propose to widen the footpath at that location and will - Mt Davis Road The entrance of 61 Mt Davis Road footpath carry out investigation. 有關建議會影響現有樹木及斜坡 公眾可利用對面約 於摩星嶺道63號至域多利道迴旋 2米闊的行人路。 摩星嶺道 處 欠缺行人路 The proposal would affect existing trees and slopes. The 32 - Mt Davis Road Between 63 Mt Davis Road to Missing footpath public could use the footpath on the opposite which is roundabout with Victoria Road about 2m wide. 掃墓時節期間的行人需求高,候車人龍阻礙人流。未 由域多利道交界至GLA THK 馬路旁有陡峭斜坡/建築物/私人地段,沒有足夠位置 符合標準的行人路 - 闊度少於0.5米 金粟街 1620 擴闊行人路。 33 High pedestrian demand and pavement is blocked by - Consort Rise Between junction with Victoria As road sides have steep slopes / buildings / private lots, people who queue for public transport during graveyard Road and GLA THK 1620 there is insufficient space for footpath widening. visiting festivals. Sub-standard pedestrian link - 0.5m 馬路兩旁的行人路未符合標準 - 闊度少於1米。繁忙時 馬路旁有陡峭斜坡/建築物/私人地段,沒有足夠位置 間的候車人龍阻礙人流。 金粟街 其餘路段 擴闊行人路。 34 Sub-standard pedestrian link on both sides- less than 1m - Consort Rise Rest of the section As road sides have steep slopes / buildings / private lots, wide footpath. Pavementis blocked by queues for public there is insufficient space for footpath widening. transport during peak hours 於小巴下車後通往金粟街的唯一通道,馬路一旁欠缺 金粟街與碧荔道間的支 行人路,另一旁的行人路未符合標準 - 闊度少於0.5米 馬路旁有陡峭斜坡/建築物/私人地段,沒有足夠位置 路 整個路段 The only route for residents to get back to Consort Rise 擴闊行人路。 35 Slip Road between - Whole section after alighting from minibuses. Missing footpath on one As road sides have steep slopes / buildings / private lots, Consort Rise and Bisney side. Sub-standard pedestrian link on the other side - less there is insufficient space for footpath widening. Road than 0.5m wide footpath 馬路兩旁的行人路未符合標準 - 闊度少於1米 冠冕臺 整個路段 有關路段能擴闊行人路的空間有限 36 Sub-standard pedestrian link on both sides- less than 1m - Crown Terrace Whole section The spaces for footpath widening is very limited. wide footpath 行人路上有障礙物。未符合標準的行人路 - 闊度少於 冠冕臺 冠冕臺22號對出 0.5米 有關路段能擴闊行人路的空間有限 37 - Crown Terrace Outside 22 Crown Terrace Full of obstacles. Sub-standard pedestrian link - less than The spaces for footpath widening is very limited. 0.5m wide footpath. 大口環上村對上斜坡 碧荔道 欠缺行人路 行人可以使用對面的行人路。 38 Up the slope from Upper Tai Hau - Bisney Road Missing footpath Pedestrian could use the opposite footpath. Wan Village 由碧荔道及薄扶林道交界對下斜 碧荔道 坡至康樂及文化事務署公園 欠缺行人路 行人可以使用對面的行人路。 39 - Bisney Road Down slope from junction with Missing footpath Pedestrian could use the opposite footpath. Pok Fu Lam Road to the LCSD 馬路兩旁的行人路未符合標準 - 闊度少於1米 碧荔道 由碧荔道21號至路尾 有關路段能擴闊行人路的空間有限 40 Sub-standard pedestrian link on both sides- less than 1m - Bisney Road From 21 Bisney Road to the end The spaces for footpath widening is very limited. wide footpath
  • 6. 附近建築物或其他道路名稱 道路名稱 問題 運輸署的回應 其他政府部門的回應 Other Road / Premise in Road / Street Problem Transport Department's Reponse Reponse from other Departments vincinity 碧荔道 由碧麗園至帝鑾閣 欠缺行人路 行人可以使用對面的行人路。 41 - Bisney Road From Bisney Villas to Regalis Missing footpath Pedestrian could use the opposite footpath. 欠缺行人路。遠足人士的行人需求高。弘立書院支持 鋼綫灣村小徑 由域多利道經鋼綫灣至數碼港 重開此觀景路徑。 有關行山徑並非運輸署的交通管理範圍。 42 Kong Sin Wan Village Connecting Victoria Road to Missing footpath. High demand for cross country and The concerned hiking lane is outside TD's traffic Path Cyberport through Kong Sin Wan hiking purposes. The ISF Academy officially supports the management purivew. re-opening of this scenic trail. 連接大口環道(香港大學何鴻燊 體育中心現有的海濱路段)至沙 觀景路線。現有的海濱路段受居民及遊人歡迎,但路 灣對出的海灘 段未有連接毗鄰沙灣對出的海灘。 有關位置並非運輸署的交通管理範圍。 沙灣海濱路段 43 Linking 'Sha Wan Road' (the Scenic route. The existing promenade is a popular trail The concerned location is outside TD's traffic Promenade at Sandy Bay existing promenade at HKU amongst residents and visitors. However, it is not management purivew. Stanley Ho Sports Centre) with the connected with the adjacent beach at Sandy Bay beach at Sandy Bay 沙灣海濱路段與數碼港 觀景路線。沙灣海濱路段與數碼港海濱長廊之間欠缺 海濱長廊之間 有關位置並非運輸署的交通管理範圍。 連接。 44 Waterfront promenade - The concerned location is outside TD's traffic Scenic route. Missing link between the existing Sandy linking Sandy Bay to management purivew. Bay Promenade and the Cyberport Waterfront Park Cyberport Waterfront 卓越混凝土有限公司至華貴邨兩 根據記錄,現有行人路闊度超過2m,我們會繼續觀察 行人路過於狹窄,部分路段僅能供一人通行,較闊路 邊行人路 行人情況,有需要時研究合適的改善措施。 段亦僅足夠兩人同時通行 田灣海旁道 Both sides of the pedestrian According to record, the width of existing footpath is over 45 Pedestrian link is too narrow, certain sections only allow - Tin Wan Praya Road walkway between the Excel 2m. Therefore we will continue monitoring the pedestrian one person to walk pass while other sections only allow Concrete Ltd and Wah Kwai flow condition and investigate suitable improvement access of not more than two people Estate scheme when necessary. 華貴小巴站與商場之間行人路 相信房屋署會跟進有關情況。 田灣海旁道 行人路面凹凸不平,多處地磚損壞 房屋署 已完成相關維修工作。 46 Between Wah Kwai minibus stop We believe Housing Department will carry out follow-up Tin Wan Praya Road Irregular and destroyed road surface HD Repair works completed. and the mall action.