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Come progettare l’evoluzione
            tecnologica dell’impresa
            Stephen Taylor – Dirigente, Servizio Trasferimento Tecnologico
            AREA Science Park                  …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The CEBBIS project is implemented through the Central Europe Programme co-financed by the ERDF
Dall’idea al mercato

          RICERCA                AZIENDA                  MERCATO

sottotitolo presentazione

  IDEA             SVILUPPO                 PRODOTTO
SRI Cinque discipline


Come garantire innovazioni di alto valore

         X           X               X          X                   =

Importante    Creazione   Campioni       Team       Alineamento          Valrore per
esigenza di   di Valore                             Organizzativo         il cliente e
mercato                                                                   successo
                                                                          per l’azienda

Mirare al valore più alto possibile per il cliente
Usare “Best Practices” per innovare spinto da
miglioramento continuo

Business Intelligence


 un insieme di processi aziendali per raccogliere ed analizzare
  informazioni strategiche.
 la tecnologia utilizzata per realizzare questi processi,
 le informazioni ottenute come risultato di questi processi.

Questa espressione è stata coniata nel 1958 da Hans Peter Luhn,
ricercatore e inventore tedesco, mentre stava lavorando per IBM.

 Business Intelligence: raccolta ed elaborazione di dati da parte delle
  organizzazioni. “I dati raccolti vengono opportunamente elaborati e
  vengono utilizzati per supportare concretamente - sulla base di dati attuali
  - le decisioni di chi occupa ruoli direzionali (capire l'andamento delle
  performance dell'azienda, generare stime previsionali, ipotizzare scenari
  futuri e future strategie di risposta). In secondo luogo le informazioni
  possono essere analizzate a differenti livelli di dettaglio e gerarchico per
  qualsiasi altra funzione aziendale: marketing, commerciale, finanza,
  personale o altre.” (
 Tool: SBI “Explorer”, mappe tecnologiche di settori innovativi.


Un esempio di collaborazione internazionale di AREA:

Strategic Business Insights (SBI), uno spin-off di SRI
 International, formerly Stanford Research Institute:
 le Technology Map di Explorer


               SBI                                                         SRI International

Dedicated management-                           SRI
                                                                    More than 1800 scientists,
consulting practice:                    Worldwide Locations         technologists, engineers, and
Pioneer of scenario planning for                                    futurists worldwide
strategy development
                                                                    More than 100 disciplines
Scan: Alerting clients to early           Tokyo
signs of change                                                     More than 1000 active research
                                          Seoul                     and consulting projects at any time
Explorer: Commercial                                       London
opportunities from over 30                                          Service to more than 2000 client
                                        Menlo                       companies every year
technology areas including              Park
electronics and IT, process and             Princeton               Outsourcing of R&D
biotechnologies, energy and                    Washington, DC
The VALS™ typology for consumer
acceptance of technology                                                   New Technology
                                                                          Spin-Off Companies
                                                                    Firms like Nuance that provide
                                                                    commercial applications for SRI-
                                                                    developed technologies
SRI International: la

                                            storia dell’innovazione
1950                     1960                      1970                     1980                    1990                       2000
     ERMA Banking                                                                       HDTV
     Computer               Optical Disk             Scenario-Based
     Prototype              Reading                  Planning

                                                                     CBOT, CME
                        Ink Jet Printing          Halofantrine       Hand-Held        Continuous Speech
                                                  Falciparum malaria Computer         Recognition for
                                                  treatment marketed                                             Telepresence Surgery
                                                  by SmithKline and                   Transactions                  A new method of
                                                  the WHO                                                        performing surgery using
MICR Encoding                                                         Multimedia                                 computer-mediated
for Checks                                                            Electronic                                 surgical tools that provide
                                                                      Mail                                       improved accuracy and
                           Mouse Input                                                      Information             especially in minimally
     All Magnetic
                           Device                                                           Security             invasive procedures,
                                                                                                                    and provide a future
                                                                                                                 technology platform for
                    Hypertext                                                                                    remotely performing
                                                                                   Small protein that inhibits   surgical procedures
                                                                                   major blood-clotting, used
                                                                      Pen-Input    in the treatment of
                                                                      Computing    cardiovascular disease and
             Acoustic                                                              cancer
                                       ARPA net
Alcuni spin off

                      di SRI International

SBI - Strategic
Business Insights
Explorer: le
                       tecnologie monitorate

Advanced Silicon Microelectronics   Nanoelectronics
Biocatalysis                        Nanomaterials
Biomaterials                        Novel Ceramic/Metallic Materials
Biopolymers                         Optoelectronics/Photonics
Biosensors                          Organic Electronics
Connected Cars                      Pervasive Computing
Connected Homes                     Photovoltaics
Engineering Polymers                Polymer-Matrix Composites
Flat-Panel Displays                 Portable Electronic Devices
Fuel Cells                          Portable Power
Genomics                            Renewable Energy Technologies
Knowledge-Based Systems             RFID Technologies
Knowledge-Management Tools          Robotics
Membrane Separation                 Smart Materials
MEMS/Micromachining                 Solid-State Microsensors
Mobile Communications               User Interfaces
Nanobiotechnology                   Virtual Worlds
Le schede di

                         Commercial Development Parameters                                                                                                                                                                   Opportunities: Applications
                                                                  Synergistic Technologies
                                   • Interfaces (Human-Machine, Machine to              • Miniature Power Sources
                                     Machine, Machine to Environment)                   • Ubiquitous Embedded Processing
                                   • Wireless Networks (Cellular, Bluetooth,            • Software Architecture
                                                                                        • Identification of Nodes

                            Required Resources                                                                      Demand Factors
                          • Partnering Capabilities                                                        • Military and Government
                          • IT Expertise                                                                   • Industrial/Commercial
                          • Spectrum Licenses                                                              • Consumer
                          • Funding for Research
                            and Development                                     1

                             Regulatory Factors
                                                                                                                         General Constraints
                                                                                                                • Value Capture
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Opportunities: Business Environment
                             • Privacy                                                                          • Standards and Interoperability
                             • Security                                                                         • Storage and Scalability
                                                                 Competing Technologies
                             • Liability                                                                        • Cost
                                                         • Current Computing Environment
                                                         • Human Tools
Building Blocks of the                                                                                                       Implications
Technology                                                                                                                                                                                  • Growth in GMO-Production Technology
                                                                                                                               • Growth in GMO-Production Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                            • Product Formulation Improved by
                                                                                                                               • Application for Nanotechnologies                             Biopolymers
                                                                                                                               • High-Throughput Screening                                  • Favorable Regulation of Functional Foods
                                                                                                                                 Improvements                                                 and Nutraceuticals
                                                                                                                               • Progress of Combinatorial Methods                          • Consumer Preferences Move toward
                                                                                                                               • Advances in Enzymatic and Cell-Free                          Convenience Foods and Functional and
                                                                                                                                 Synthesis                                                    Nutraceutical Foods

                                                                                                                                                      A                                                          B
                                                                                                                                           New technologies will lead                               Biopolymers enhance food
                                                                                                                                            to novel biopolymers.                                    qualities and production.

                                                                                                                                                                     Implications of Commercialization

                                                                                                                          A+B+C Bioploymer-enabled food processing enhances food formulation and provides a competitive edge in

                                                                                                                                the industry.
                                                                                                                                     Biopolymers enhance performance of consumer and industrial products and processes.                                    Players
                                                                                                                          A+C        Fine control of biopolymer production through cellular synthesis leads to customizable material
                                                                                                                                     features, and GMOs become a key source for biopolymer production.

                         Issues and Uncertainties                                                                         A+C+D Advanced medical treatments and devices emerge.
                                                                                                                          C          Biopolymers gradually replace petroleum-based materials.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Enabling Com ponents                             Added
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Value                   System s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Basic Node Com ponents                                              • Netw ork Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                 •      Factors and Events That Will Enable Technology Commercialization
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         — Intel                                                               — Cisco
                                                                                                                                                        Emerging Commercial Opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         — Motorola                                                            — Siem ens
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         — Hitachi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Softw areArchitecture
                                                                                                               Intelligent                                                                                                                             • Interface Nodes                                                       — SRI International
                                                                                                                                       Standards and
                                                    Wireless                   Privacy                           Agents                                                                                                                                  — Speech Works                                                        — IBM Corporation
                                                                                             Human-                                   Interoperability
                                                    Ne tworks                                                                                                                                                                                            — Philips Speech Processing
                                    High                                                    Computer                                                                                                                                                                                                                           — HP Laboratories
                                                                                            Interfaces                                      Contex t                                                                                                     — Nuance                                                              — PARC
                                                                                                                      Softwa re            Awareness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Work Nodes
                                                                Smart Spaces                                         Productivity                                                                                                                                                                                            • Standards
                                                                                                                                             Business                                                                                                    — Palm                                                                — Bluetooth SIG
                                                                                                         Security                             Models                                                                                                     — Sunbeam                                                             — IETF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         — Matsushita Electric                                                 — IEEE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Mobile Autonom ous Sw arm s — Nokia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           — Crossbow T chnologies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         e              — NTT DoCoMo
                                    Low                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    — Xybernaut                • Personal Netw orks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Sm art Spaces                — Sensatex
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           — Display Edge Technology    — Sony
                                                      Low                                   Me dium                                 High                                                                                                                                   — Sym bol Technologies       — MIT Media Lab
Capire la

Capire i parametri di
                                       sviluppo commerciale

Pervasive Computing
                                           Synergistic Technologies
                • Interfaces (Human-Machine, Machine to         • Miniature Power Sources
                  Machine, Machine to Environment)              • Ubiquitous Embedded Processing
                • Wireless Networks (Cellular, Bluetooth,       • Software Architecture
                                                                • Identification of Nodes

           Required Resources                                                        Demand Factors
         • Partnering Capabilities                                             • Military and Government
         • IT Expertise                                                        • Industrial/Commercial
         • Spectrum Licenses                                                   • Consumer
         • Funding for Research
           and Development                              1
                                                                3                           General Constraints
           Regulatory Factors                                                       • Value Capture
           • Privacy                                                                • Standards and Interoperability
           • Security                                                               • Storage and Scalability
                                          Competing Technologies
           • Liability                                                              • Cost
                                      • Current Computing Environment
                                      • Human Tools
Capire l’impatto potenziale
                                e le aree da monitorare
Pervasive Computing

                  Wireless                                                                     Standards and
                                            Privacy                          Agents
                                                       Human-                                  Interoperability
           High                                       Computer
                                                      Interfaces                Software
                             Smart Spaces                                      Productivity
  Impact                                                                                              Business


                      Low                              Medium                                 High

Capire le implicazioni della
                                                                      • Growth in GMO-Production Technology
              • Growth in GMO-Production Technology
                                                                      • Product Formulation Improved by
              • Application for Nanotechnologies                        Biopolymers
              • High-Throughput Screening                             • Favorable Regulation of Functional Foods
                Improvements                                            and Nutraceuticals
              • Progress of Combinatorial Methods                     • Consumer Preferences Move toward
              • Advances in Enzymatic and Cell-Free                     Convenience Foods and Functional and
                Synthesis                                               Nutraceutical Foods

                                 A                                                         B
                      New technologies will lead                              Biopolymers enhance food
                       to novel biopolymers.                                   qualities and production.

                                               Implications of Commercialization

          A+B+C Bioploymer-enabled food processing enhances food formulation and provides a competitive edge in
                the industry.
          A+C     Biopolymers enhance performance of consumer and industrial products and processes.
          A+C     Fine control of biopolymer production through cellular synthesis leads to customizable material
                  features, and GMOs become a key source for biopolymer production.
          A+C+D Advanced medical treatments and devices emerge.
          C       Biopolymers gradually replace petroleum-based materials.

                            •   Factors and Events That Will Enable Technology Commercialization
 - 18 -                         Emerging Commercial Opportunities
Le opportunità

OPPORTUNITIES FOR SMART MATERIALS                                                         Emerging Applications

           Industry                  Current Applications                 Within 5 Years                     Within 10 Years

                                  Engine, Drive-Train and                   Fasteners                    Vibration
                                  Suspension Components                                                   Control
                                                                            Light and
                          Smart Mirrors      Self-Repairing Coatings       Heat Control                              Haptic

                                              Structural Monitoring
                                                                                                                  Smart and
      Aerospace and       Vibration and
         Defense          Noise Control

                            Minimally            Drug Delivery                                                Self-Powered
                                                                         Orthopedics and
           Medical          Invasive                                                                           Monitoring
                            Surgery             Medical Analysis                                                Devices

                             Valves                                                                           Energy-Saving
                                              Earthquake Dampers          Noise Control
                            and Seals                                                                           Systems
     Industrial, Power
     and Construction
                         Vibration Control           NDTE              Motors and Actuators                  Smart Structures

   19 -
Catene del valore


           Enabling Components                                      Applications

                                 Smart Materials                                            Aircraft,
       Research and                                          Parts and
                                      and                                                   Vehicles,
       Development                  Title                    Systems
                                                             Title                          Title
                                  Components                                              and Weapons

Key R&D and Funding       Magnetostrictives                            Defense Systems
QinetiQ                   Newlands Scientific       BAE Systems                    Lockheed Martin
DARPA                     Etrema Products           Northrop Grumman               General Dynamics
U.S. Navy                                           Raytheon                       Textron
U.S. Army                 Shape-Memory Alloys       United Technologies            Thales
SRI International         •                         EADS NV
MIT                                                 Aerospace Components           Aircraft
NASA                                                Rolls-Royce                    Boeing
                          Memory Metalle
ORNL                                                Smiths Industries              Airbus
                          Memry Corp.               General Electric               Bombardier
                          Dynalloy, Inc.            Siemens AG                     Dassault
                          Smart Polymers
                          Heraeus Materials         Textron                        Saab AB
                                                                                   Hindustan Aerospace
                          Bayer MaterialScience

                          Many Suppliers
Scan: Open


 Insight about the defining forces of the business environment
     Peripheral vision for innovation
     Frameworks—identification of threats and opportunities—for
       successful strategies
     Scanning for early signals of change
Most Systems Target Key
                      External Information

                            Identify the kind of
                            information that is
                          important strategically

      Watch                     Focus                  Study
Create a list of most                               Study in depth those
important information                               items that require deep
and trends to                                       understanding before
systematically monitor            Act               action takes place

                            Execute actions
                             triggered and
                           supported by the
                         intelligence activities
Most Businesses Excel In
                        Targeted Intelligence

 Targeted   Intelligence processes:
  Monitor topics identified through an internal company process or by key decision
  Track development of issues that have strategic importance
  Stimulate and trigger decision making

 Once important intelligence topics are identified,
 decision makers know how to analyze them—
  Where to go for more information
  How to monitor changes
  When to report back on new developments

                          Open Intelligence
 Scanning enables companies to look continuously across diverse sources
 for new signals of change that may have an impact but are not yet on a
 company watch list. Scanning brings many new ideas to light.


        Watch                    Focus                  Study

Create a list of most                                Study in depth those
important information                                items that require
and trends to
                                  Act                deep understanding
                                                     before action takes
monitor                                              place
                             Execute actions
Scan is an Open

                               Intelligence Process

 Open Intelligence processes:
  Provide early warning about topics not yet identified as strategic
  Continuously scan unstructured information about the external environment
  Cluster data points into topic areas of possible strategic importance
  Identify new topics of strategic importance (through sorting and ranking) that may require
   monitoring in the targeted process

 Decision makers need a process to identify and apply
 intelligence from the volumes of unstructured external
 information in a way that is:
  Continuous
  Systematic
  Refreshing to the targeted intelligence processes
The Process

              Of Scanning

                 Monthly Set of
                 100 Abstracts
Scanners                            Pattern
and Their                         Recognition

             Signals of
               Change of
                 Change of
            (on the Scan of
                                                 n onInsights
              (on the Scan                          (on theScan
             Web and in
                (on the Scan    Analysis and           Insights
                                                  Signals of
                                                    Change the
               Web and in                            Scan
                                                     (on the
                 Web the Scan
                 Scanand in
                                 Research            Scan
                                                    Web) the
                   Web and in
               Monthly)                               Scan
                 Monthly)                               Scan
                      Scan                            Web)
                   Monthly)                             Web)
Scan™ Abstract


We look for                       In all arenas
    Faint signals  of change           Consumer behavior
    Discontinuities                    Regulations/politics
    Inflection points                  Business   processes
    Disruptive technologies            Culture
    Outliers                           Publicopinion
    Unconventional wisdom              Science and Technology
Finding Clusters Of

                     Related Abstracts

Scan abstracts typically cluster around industry categories.
Abstracts about                           Abstracts about Advertising and
   Health Care           Wireless                               Retailing

                     Potential Defining Forces

                            Abstracts about                     Education
 Abstracts about       Information Technologies
 Manufacturing              and the Internet

Scan provides a way to recognize interesting ideas and drivers of change across
industry categories.

                                 How do these abstracts relate
                                       to each other?
                                They all involve continuous monitoring.


       Requires             Requires         Continue to            Wait
Act   immediate                               Monitor
Now                          study                                  and
        action                                                      See
Benefits Of

                              Scan Process
 Specific benefits:
    Provides advance warning of possible emerging technological, commercial, and
     cultural trends
    Fosters broad vision outside normal industry domains
    Sets up an analytical framework for deflating media hype
    Nurtures futures thinking more broadly in the organization.

 Broad structural benefit:
      Scanning is a reliable way to navigate through the turbulence of change. It allows decision
       makers to identify:
         – What to watch
         – What to study
         – What to act upon now

Insight about the defining forces of the business
    Peripheral vision for innovation
    Frameworks—identification of threats and
     opportunities—for successful strategies
    Scanning for early signals of change


                                                      for continued
                                                      monitoring and
                             Next                       evaluation
                            to identify
                         from emerging
    Scan                  technologies
for early signs
of change and
                            5 to 15 years              0 to 7 years
                      before commercialization   before commercialization

 Establishing Your Own
Open Intelligence Process
Key Success Factors For
                  Open Intelligence Systems

 Require a senior level champion
 Select Scan meeting participants carefully. They need:
    breadth of expertise
    non-judgmental attitudes
    a creative spirit
    self-motivation
    humor
 Select a good facilitator
 Capturethe meeting discussion
 Hold meetings on a regular basis
Key Success Factors For
                        Open Intelligence Systems

 Provide incentives for submitting abstracts and attending meetings (for example,
  a newsletter where cool ideas are reported)
 Design a simple process for abstract submission (such as on-line submission)
 Integrate the open intelligence process into the decision making process
 Protect from “accountantitis”—the demand for documentation of a return on
  investment for the cost of the meetings.
 Develop a regularly scheduled process for determining if/when watch list topics
  need to removed, studied and/or acted on


Foresight is the application of a systematic, participatory,
future-intelligence-gathering and medium-to-long-term vision
building process to informing present-day decisions and
mobilising joint actions at the national and regional level.
                                              (Miles and Keenan 2002)


Business Foresight: “processo sistematico partecipativo che
comporta la rilevazione di informazioni e la creazione di
visioni sul futuro a medio-lungo termine, destinato ad
orientare le decisioni del presente e a mobilitare i mezzi
necessari per azioni congiunte.”
(Commissione Europea - Direzione Generale Ricerca)

                    di foresight
FORESIGHT                        AREE DI
                 ATTORI                           OBIETTIVI
TIPOLOGIA                        RICERCA
             Paesi e            Politica       Dirige gli
             Istituzioni        Economia        investimenti di
             Nazionali          Società         una nazione
             Centri di          Industria
FORESIGHT    Ricerca                            Identifica trend
                                Tecnologia
SETTORIALE   associazioni di                     industriali
             categoria          Disegno

                                Industria      Da input alla
FORESIGHT                       Tecnologia      strategia
AZIENDALE                       Disegno        Da input alla
                                Prodotti        ricerca

                  & decisioni


Prospettive                       Partecipazione
  & futuri                        & networking
Foresight -

                      Foresight is not only about analysing or contemplating future
                      developments but supporting actors to actively shape the future. Purely
Action oriented       analytical studies of possible futures without connection to possible actions
                      are not considered as Foresight.

                      Foresight assumes that the future is not pre-determined. The future can
                      therefore evolve in different directions, which can be shaped to some
Open to               extent by the actions of various players and the decisions taken today. In
alternative futures   other words, there is a certain degree of freedom to choose among the
                      alternative, feasible futures, and hence increase the chance of arriving at
                      the preferred (selected) future state.

                      Foresight is not done by a small group of experts or academics but
                      involves a number of different groups of actors concerned with the issues
Participatory         at stake. The results are disseminated among a large audience from which
                      feedback is actively sought.

                      Foresight provides an approach that captures realities in their totality with
Multidisciplinary     all the variables influencing them, regardless of the type (quantitative and
Obiettivi di


European Foresight Monitoring Network (EFMN): mapping 50 foresight exercises
Output e impatti

                             IMPATTI A BREVE               IMPATTI A LUNGO
                             TERMINE                        TERMINE

• Report                    • Creazione di reti di         • Miglioramento del
• Elenco di tecnologie        stakeholder                    processo per prendere
  importanti                   • Supporto alle decisioni     decisioni
                               • Condivizsione del           • Capire e formare il
• Priorita
                                 commitment per                futuro
• Roadmap                        implementare decisioni      • Aumento della credibilità
• Piani di azioni           • Miglioramento del                e accettabilità delle
• Visioni di futuri           processo per prendere
  desiderati                  decisioni                    • Riconfigurazione del
                               • trasparenza                 sistema
• Supporto nella
  definizione della            • legittimità                 • Creazione di una
                                                               capacità per foresight
  strategia/politica                                           continuativa
Il processo
                                    di foresight
 1                                    Feasibility assessment
           Landscape                             Policy cycle                        Political support

 2                                       Scoping and design
     Major design            Obtaining resources                  Setting-up              Designing the
      decisions                                                                           methodology
Defining the focus          Costs                          Information gathering      Methodological framework
Setting the objectives      Funding                        Organisation design        Process:
Defining the users,         Skills and competences         Project team definition      Diagnosis
outcomes, scope, approach                                  Steering Committee def.      Prognosis
Setting the time horizon                                   Communication strategy       Prescription
Setting the timeframe                                      Implementation plan        Foresight methods

 3                                          Implementation
               Time                           Cost/Resources                          Quality/Scope

 4                                               Follow up
         Dissemination                               Evaluation                        Activity plan

Strategic Technology
Outline of


   What are technology roadmaps?
   How do I make one?
   What would I do if I had one?
   Ways to get started: Explorer to custom
    technology roadmapping
   Some project examples
What is a Technology

                   The analogy with an actual road map is still the best one

•   A road map sets out the landscape
•   It shows us a number of different paths we can
    take depending on the starting point
•   Too many paths for any one person or company
    to take simultaneously
•   We must make a choice depending on where we
    want to go and our objectives
•   The pathway we end up choosing will depend on
    a number of external and internal considerations
•   Considerations such as:

                                     the traffic
                                 the enabling

                                         the weather
Where You Want to Go
                             Will Affect the Best Route

• There may be multiple pathways to get to the same or very similar destinations
• Some pathways may be shorter or better than others
• Personal, business or external considerations will affect the choice
Monitor Progress and Events
                     to ……………………………………………………………………………………….
                        Decide if the Pathway                             

                     Remains Correct

• Monitoring everything is neither useful or possible…

                                           •   …But monitoring progress along the route and
                                               potential events is advisable
                                           •   Knowing what to monitor and the signs to look for
                                               becomes a key capability
                                           •   Knowing……….

                                                        What the showstoppers are!

                                                 When a change in technology is required

                                                    How to resolve conflicting signs
Technology Roadmaps
                         Are Not

                         Conceptually Different
   Technology roadmaps should set out the landscape: the status and direction of an opportunity,
    an application or a technology
   Time is the major axis and key uncertainty: roadmaps can no more predict the future than crystal
    balls, but they can set out the possibilities
   The industry-level roadmap shows the possible paths that individual organizations (as well as
    their products, services and technologies) might take in developing the opportunity
   A company pathway sets out what an organization is going to do

                         Now         2 Years         5 Years

    Product/Service            A          B           C         •   Milestones help plot the pathway
                                                                    and are used to measure progress
    Requirements               A          B            C

    Technologies         1           2          3          4

                         Pathway         Milestone
…In Reality,
                                          Roadmaps Can Take

                                          Many Different Forms
               Some of the most well-known technology roadmaps are the result of widespread industry consensus
               The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors sets out major device-level functional
                requirements, the technology options and roadblocks
               The ITRS is designed to keep Moore’s law on track and is not geared to specific user applications and
               These types of roadmaps are particularly designed with milestone technology planning in mind.


or metric

                     Source: ITRS                                                    Unknown solutions: roadblocks
We Focus on
                               Strategic Technology

 The word “strategic” is frequently used: what do we mean by it here?

   We mean that the roadmap is more
    than just about technology                         Industry-Level Roadmap Development

   The roadmap must outline the                                    Now         2 Years        5 Years
    products and services, within the        Business             Need Competition   Market
    opportunity, that businesses or          Considerations
    consumers would actually buy
                                             Products/Services            A          B          C
   It must relate product and services to
    functional requirements and/or           Features/Functions
                                                                          A          B          C
   It must describe key business            Technologies           1           2         3         4
    considerations that help us decide
    what is the right pathway
First Create a Profile of

                                       the Opportunity
      First and foremost, creating a technology roadmap requires industry research to describe the
                   What is market need and the likely evolution of products and services?
                   What are the enabling technologies, and how might they evolve?
                   What are the critical success factors and other business considerations?
                   What are the key uncertainties?
      In project work, we typically use a standard profile template
      Where possible, industry interviews should help gauge the product/service evolution and technology
      OPPORTUNITY                              Business Attractiveness              Key Success Factors
      DESCRIPTION                               Potential revenue                    Business model
Need                                            Profitability                        Alliances/partners
Products/services                               Competition                          Level of service required
Markets                                         Regulations                          Technology
Value chain                                     Entry barriers                       Channels
                                                R&D requirements                     Manufacturing
                                                Risk                                 Marketing
From Profile to

                                         Technology Roadmap
              Conceptually, the various elements of the profile become the major inputs to the roadmap
              In reality, creating the roadmap may require further research about product, market and
               technology progression and timing
              Creating a timeline helps ensure products do not occur before the enabling technologies are
                                     & Functions

                                Products/ Services 1
                                Products/ Services 2
                                  A          B    C
                                   A          B       C

                                                                    Industry-Level Roadmap Development

                                Necessary                                        Now         2 Years       5 Years
                                Features/Functions        Business             Need Competition   Market
Opportunity                    2.……..
                                3. ….

  Profile                                                 Products/Services            A          B         C

                                   Technologies &                                      A          B         C
                               Business Considerations
                                                          Technologies           1           2         3        4
                                    3. ….
Example Roadmap

        Roadmap for a Japanese multinational electronics company
        Accompanying tables describe the products, services, functions, technologies and business

                                                                Industry Roadmap
                 Now                N-1             1 Yr                 1-3            3 Yrs                 3-5            5 Yrs   5-7   7 Yrs    7-
     Business    B1     B3     B5          B48     B50    B52    B54 B56        B57
Considerations   B2     B4     B47         B49     B51 B53       B55

                 B6      B11
     Products/   B7      B9
                                                     B62        B64             B67               B12                          B15
      Services   B8                B60
                                                     B10                        B17                                            B75
                 B58   B59                   B61     B63        B66                   B69               B71           B74
                                                                        B14                 B70         B72

                                                                       B101 B105                                      B27
     Function          B82
                                            B92    B94
                 B79   B83           B89     B19    B95                       B22
                             B86                                       B21
                       B18           B90    B93     B20    B99          B103
                 B80         B87                                              B106
                                                           B100        B104
                       B84          B91

 Technologies    B108 B32    B36    B88
                 B28   B33   B110   B112                                                                               B45
                                    B113            B41      B116         B117
                 B29   B34   B37
                 B30   B35   B111   B114                          B25     B118                                               B26
                 B31         B38    B115
From Industry Roadmap

                                                 to Company Pathway
          First and foremost, industry roadmaps set out multiple pathways and options
          Just like a travel road map, they make us confront the decisions that need to be taken to move forward: to get
           from A to B
          When creating a company-specific roadmap or pathway, the business considerations set out what we need to
           consider to make the decision
          Business consideration examples might include:
                A missing core competence
                A market uncertainty
                A competitive threat or critical success factor                    • The company pathway and
                          Company Roadmap (Pathway)                                                          milestones chart the company’s
                    Now             2 Years                         5 Years                                course
                                                                                                          •   Signposts are set up to make
                                      This way             This way

Business         Need    Competition



Considerations                                                                                                sure we are on track and don’t
                                                                                                              need to change course
Product/Servic             A                   B                    C
e                                                                                           Pathway      •   Programs like SRIC-BI’s
Functional                                                                                                   Explorer can help with signpost
Requirements                A                   B                    C                    Milestone       monitoring
                                                                                 This way

                                                                                             Signpost

Technologies       1              2                3                 4          Yes
Roadmap Development


                                                                              Industry Roadmap
                  Now                       N-1                  1 Yr                      1-3                3 Yrs                3-5            5 Yrs        5-7    7 Yrs        7-     Industry Roadmaps
     Business      B1          B3       B5         B48         B50     B52     B54 B56            B57

                                                                                                                                                                                          •   Set out key business considerations,
Considerations     B2          B4      B47         B49         B51 B53         B55

                   B6           B11
     Products/                                                   B62          B64                B67                   B12                          B15

                                                                                                                                                                                              products/services, functions, and technologies for a
                   B7           B9                                                                                                                                                 B16
      Services     B8                      B60
                                                                 B10                              B17                                                   B75
                   B58        B59                       B61       B63         B66                        B69                 B71            B74
                                                                                         B14                    B70          B72


                                                                                     B101 B105

                                                                                                                                                                                              potential opportunity for commercialization
                   B80    B18                B90        B93      B20                  B103         B106
                                                                            B100     B104

                                                                                                                                                                                          •   Provide a basis for selected strategy (path)
                           B84              B91

 Technologies      B108 B32          B36     B88
                   B28        B33    B110    B112                                                                                           B45
                                             B113                B41        B116           B117
                   B29        B34    B37
                   B30        B35    B111    B114                                  B25     B118                                                   B26
                   B31               B38     B115

                                                                                                                                                                                          Company Path
                                                                                                 Company Path
      Business Now
                B1              B3
                                            B5         B48
                                                                  1 Yr
                                                                B50     B52        B54
                                                                                          B56     B57
                                                                                                               3 Yrs               3-5            5 Yrs       5-7    7 Yrs    7-          •   Selected strategy elements--business considerations,
                                                                                                                                                                                              products/services, functions, and technologies over
 Considerations B2              B4         B47         B49      B51 B53            B55
       Products/        B6        B11

                                                                     B62       B64                B67                  B12                          B15
                        B7        B9                                                                                                                                          B16
        Services        B8       B200        B60
                                                                     B10                          B17                                               B75
                        B58     B59                      B61          B63     B66                        B69                 B71           B74
                                                                                          B14                    B70         B72

                                                                                                                                                                                          •   Describes important business considerations and
       Function                B82
                                                         B92     B94
                                                                            B97          B101    B105                                      B27

                    B79        B83               B89      B19     B95                               B22
                                      B86                                                B21
                               B18               B90     B93      B20       B99           B103
                    B80               B87                                                          B106

                                                                                                                                                                                              products/services, etc. to be created
                                                                            B100         B104
                               B84           B91

   Technologies      B108 B32         B36        B88                                                    B40     B42
                     B28       B33    B110 B112                                                                                             B45
                                                                  B41        B116           B117
                     B29       B34    B37 B113

                                                                                                                                                                                          •   Identifies strategic signposts to be monitored
                     B30       B35    B111 B114                                     B25     B118                                                  B26
                     B31              B38        B115
Now I Have a Roadmap,

                        What Do I Do With it?
   Roadmaps are only a description of the organization’s path; to be useful they must
    lead to action
   Describing, selecting and carrying out the action steps is more challenging (and often
    uncomfortable) than charting a path, but ultimately that is where the value lies

   A road map analogy again:
        A road map helps you chart your journey
        An action plan sets out:
            Checking the weather before you start
            Filling up the car with gas
            Putting the snow tires on
            Not forgetting to bring: the map, the children, the dog………

        Some actions may be more of a priority than others!
Action Roadmaps
                                                                                        are Essential

               • Action roadmaps display and describe the basic actions required to
                 execute the pathway (strategy).
               • Priority (short term) actions are highlighted.
               • Key monitoring elements and signposts are described
                                                                                                                                                      Action Roadmap
                                                                                                                     Now               1 Years             3 Years                             10 Years
                                                                                                                                                                                5 Years

                                                                                               Business                                   B3
                                                                                               Considerations               B1                                                                  ple
                                                                                               (signposts)                    B2                                                           Exam
                                                                                               Products/Services                                 P3
                                                                                                                                  P2                            P4                        P5

                         Company Roadmap                                                       Functions/                    T1              T4
                    Now                 2 Years                 5 Years
                                    Thi w
                                      s ay            Thi w
                                                        s ay
                                                                                               Technologies &                     T2         T5
                                        No                No

                  Need    Competition             Market
                                                                                               Other Capabilities                   T3
                                        Yes               Yes

Product/Service           A                   B                  C

Requirements              A                   B                  C
                                                                                                          Continuous monitoring or improvement               Priority Actions
                                                                                                          Leads to next generation
                                                                                                                                                            B1: Verify need and initial target
                                                                          Thi w
                                                                            s ay


Technologies        1              2                  3              4

                                                                                                                                                            B2: Monitor key threats
                                                                                                                                                            P1: Design and bundle initial product/service
                                                                                                                                                            P2: Test customer acceptance
Roadmapping Uses: A Focus on
                             Business Strategy and

                             Product/Service Development

• The ultimate aim of developing roadmaps and action plans will vary by company and
  project, but two obvious different cases exist:
     1.   Using the roadmap principally for business strategy, entry options and product/service
     2.   Using the roadmap for developing a technology strategy or portfolio

• In the first case, the potential product/service pathways are critical, as is a close
  examination of the business considerations
     —    Business considerations will capture threats from competition and key business challenges,
          organizational issues, or consumer acceptance
     —    Actions might be: the need to test consumer acceptance of products; alliance or acquisition
          analysis; the need to develop internal capabilities such as a service organization
     —    In this example, the technologies may be readily acquired, or the necessary technology
          alliances can be easily formed
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Piero Benedetti Le azioni dell'Asse 1 del POR FESR FVG 2014/2020: cosa offron...
AREA Science Park
Adriano Savoini, Le azioni 1.3.a e 1.3.b del POR FESR FVG: come affrontare i ...
Adriano Savoini, Le azioni 1.3.a e 1.3.b del POR FESR FVG: come affrontare i ...Adriano Savoini, Le azioni 1.3.a e 1.3.b del POR FESR FVG: come affrontare i ...
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Come progettare l'evoluzione tecnologica dell'impresa_Taylor 27.02.2013

  • 1. Come progettare l’evoluzione tecnologica dell’impresa Stephen Taylor – Dirigente, Servizio Trasferimento Tecnologico AREA Science Park ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The CEBBIS project is implemented through the Central Europe Programme co-financed by the ERDF
  • 2. Dall’idea al mercato ………………………………………………………………………………………. RICERCA AZIENDA MERCATO sottotitolo presentazione IDEA SVILUPPO PRODOTTO
  • 3. SRI Cinque discipline ………………………………………………………………………………………. dell’Innovazione Come garantire innovazioni di alto valore X X X X = Importante Creazione Campioni Team Alineamento Valrore per esigenza di di Valore Organizzativo il cliente e mercato successo per l’azienda Mirare al valore più alto possibile per il cliente Usare “Best Practices” per innovare spinto da miglioramento continuo
  • 5. Business ………………………………………………………………………………………. Intelligence Wikipedia:  un insieme di processi aziendali per raccogliere ed analizzare informazioni strategiche.  la tecnologia utilizzata per realizzare questi processi,  le informazioni ottenute come risultato di questi processi. Questa espressione è stata coniata nel 1958 da Hans Peter Luhn, ricercatore e inventore tedesco, mentre stava lavorando per IBM.
  • 6. Business ………………………………………………………………………………………. Intelligence  Business Intelligence: raccolta ed elaborazione di dati da parte delle organizzazioni. “I dati raccolti vengono opportunamente elaborati e vengono utilizzati per supportare concretamente - sulla base di dati attuali - le decisioni di chi occupa ruoli direzionali (capire l'andamento delle performance dell'azienda, generare stime previsionali, ipotizzare scenari futuri e future strategie di risposta). In secondo luogo le informazioni possono essere analizzate a differenti livelli di dettaglio e gerarchico per qualsiasi altra funzione aziendale: marketing, commerciale, finanza, personale o altre.” (  Tool: SBI “Explorer”, mappe tecnologiche di settori innovativi.
  • 7. Business ………………………………………………………………………………………. Intelligence Un esempio di collaborazione internazionale di AREA: Strategic Business Insights (SBI), uno spin-off di SRI International, formerly Stanford Research Institute: le Technology Map di Explorer
  • 8. SBI e SRI ………………………………………………………………………………………. International SBI SRI International Dedicated management- SRI More than 1800 scientists, consulting practice: Worldwide Locations technologists, engineers, and Pioneer of scenario planning for futurists worldwide strategy development More than 100 disciplines Scan: Alerting clients to early Tokyo signs of change More than 1000 active research Seoul and consulting projects at any time Explorer: Commercial London opportunities from over 30 Service to more than 2000 client Menlo companies every year technology areas including Park electronics and IT, process and Princeton Outsourcing of R&D biotechnologies, energy and Washington, DC materials The VALS™ typology for consumer acceptance of technology New Technology Spin-Off Companies Firms like Nuance that provide commercial applications for SRI- developed technologies
  • 9. SRI International: la ………………………………………………………………………………………. storia dell’innovazione 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 ERMA Banking HDTV Computer Optical Disk Scenario-Based Prototype Reading Planning CBOT, CME Ink Jet Printing Halofantrine Hand-Held Continuous Speech Falciparum malaria Computer Recognition for treatment marketed Telepresence Surgery Telephone by SmithKline and Transactions A new method of the WHO performing surgery using MICR Encoding Multimedia computer-mediated for Checks Electronic surgical tools that provide i4 Mail improved accuracy and flexibility, Mouse Input Information especially in minimally All Magnetic Device Security invasive procedures, Logic and provide a future technology platform for Hirudin Hypertext remotely performing Small protein that inhibits surgical procedures major blood-clotting, used Pen-Input in the treatment of Computing cardiovascular disease and Modem Acoustic cancer Coupler ARPA net
  • 10. Alcuni spin off ………………………………………………………………………………………. di SRI International SBI - Strategic Business Insights
  • 11. Explorer: le ………………………………………………………………………………………. tecnologie monitorate Advanced Silicon Microelectronics Nanoelectronics Biocatalysis Nanomaterials Biomaterials Novel Ceramic/Metallic Materials Biopolymers Optoelectronics/Photonics Biosensors Organic Electronics Connected Cars Pervasive Computing Connected Homes Photovoltaics Engineering Polymers Polymer-Matrix Composites Flat-Panel Displays Portable Electronic Devices Fuel Cells Portable Power Genomics Renewable Energy Technologies Knowledge-Based Systems RFID Technologies Knowledge-Management Tools Robotics Membrane Separation Smart Materials MEMS/Micromachining Solid-State Microsensors Mobile Communications User Interfaces Nanobiotechnology Virtual Worlds
  • 12. Le schede di ………………………………………………………………………………………. Explorer Commercial Development Parameters Opportunities: Applications Synergistic Technologies • Interfaces (Human-Machine, Machine to • Miniature Power Sources Machine, Machine to Environment) • Ubiquitous Embedded Processing • Wireless Networks (Cellular, Bluetooth, • Software Architecture Wi-Fi) • Identification of Nodes Required Resources Demand Factors • Partnering Capabilities • Military and Government • IT Expertise • Industrial/Commercial • Spectrum Licenses • Consumer • Funding for Research and Development 1 2 3 Regulatory Factors 4 General Constraints • Value Capture Opportunities: Business Environment 5 • Privacy • Standards and Interoperability • Security • Storage and Scalability Competing Technologies • Liability • Cost • Current Computing Environment • Human Tools Building Blocks of the Implications Technology • Growth in GMO-Production Technology • Growth in GMO-Production Technology • Product Formulation Improved by • Application for Nanotechnologies Biopolymers • High-Throughput Screening • Favorable Regulation of Functional Foods Improvements and Nutraceuticals • Progress of Combinatorial Methods • Consumer Preferences Move toward • Advances in Enzymatic and Cell-Free Convenience Foods and Functional and Synthesis Nutraceutical Foods A B New technologies will lead Biopolymers enhance food to novel biopolymers. qualities and production. Implications of Commercialization A+B+C Bioploymer-enabled food processing enhances food formulation and provides a competitive edge in A+C the industry. Biopolymers enhance performance of consumer and industrial products and processes. Players A+C Fine control of biopolymer production through cellular synthesis leads to customizable material features, and GMOs become a key source for biopolymer production. Issues and Uncertainties A+C+D Advanced medical treatments and devices emerge. C Biopolymers gradually replace petroleum-based materials. Enabling Com ponents Added Value System s • Basic Node Com ponents • Netw ork Infrastructure • Factors and Events That Will Enable Technology Commercialization — Intel — Cisco Emerging Commercial Opportunities — Motorola — Siem ens — Hitachi • Softw areArchitecture Intelligent • Interface Nodes — SRI International Standards and Wireless Privacy Agents — Speech Works — IBM Corporation Human- Interoperability Ne tworks — Philips Speech Processing High Computer — HP Laboratories Interfaces Contex t — Nuance — PARC Softwa re Awareness • Work Nodes Smart Spaces Productivity • Standards Impact Business — Palm — Bluetooth SIG Security Models — Sunbeam — IETF — Matsushita Electric — IEEE Medium Applications • Mobile Autonom ous Sw arm s — Nokia — Crossbow T chnologies e — NTT DoCoMo Low — Xybernaut • Personal Netw orks • Sm art Spaces — Sensatex — Display Edge Technology — Sony Low Me dium High — Sym bol Technologies — MIT Media Lab Uncertainty
  • 14. Capire i parametri di sviluppo commerciale ………………………………………………………………………………………. Pervasive Computing Synergistic Technologies • Interfaces (Human-Machine, Machine to • Miniature Power Sources Machine, Machine to Environment) • Ubiquitous Embedded Processing • Wireless Networks (Cellular, Bluetooth, • Software Architecture Wi-Fi) • Identification of Nodes Required Resources Demand Factors • Partnering Capabilities • Military and Government • IT Expertise • Industrial/Commercial • Spectrum Licenses • Consumer • Funding for Research and Development 1 2 3 General Constraints 4 Regulatory Factors • Value Capture 5 • Privacy • Standards and Interoperability • Security • Storage and Scalability Competing Technologies • Liability • Cost • Current Computing Environment • Human Tools
  • 15. Capire l’impatto potenziale ………………………………………………………………………………………. e le aree da monitorare Pervasive Computing Intelligent Wireless Standards and Privacy Agents Human- Interoperability Networks High Computer Context Interfaces Software Awareness Smart Spaces Productivity Impact Business Security Models Medium Low Low Medium High Uncertainty
  • 16. Capire le implicazioni della ………………………………………………………………………………………. commercializzazione Biopolymers • Growth in GMO-Production Technology • Growth in GMO-Production Technology • Product Formulation Improved by • Application for Nanotechnologies Biopolymers • High-Throughput Screening • Favorable Regulation of Functional Foods Improvements and Nutraceuticals • Progress of Combinatorial Methods • Consumer Preferences Move toward • Advances in Enzymatic and Cell-Free Convenience Foods and Functional and Synthesis Nutraceutical Foods A B New technologies will lead Biopolymers enhance food to novel biopolymers. qualities and production. Implications of Commercialization A+B+C Bioploymer-enabled food processing enhances food formulation and provides a competitive edge in the industry. A+C Biopolymers enhance performance of consumer and industrial products and processes. A+C Fine control of biopolymer production through cellular synthesis leads to customizable material features, and GMOs become a key source for biopolymer production. A+C+D Advanced medical treatments and devices emerge. C Biopolymers gradually replace petroleum-based materials. • Factors and Events That Will Enable Technology Commercialization - 18 - Emerging Commercial Opportunities
  • 17. Le opportunità ………………………………………………………………………………………. OPPORTUNITIES FOR SMART MATERIALS Emerging Applications Industry Current Applications Within 5 Years Within 10 Years Engine, Drive-Train and Fasteners Vibration Self-Repair Suspension Components Control Automotive Light and Smart Mirrors Self-Repairing Coatings Heat Control Haptic Structural Monitoring Smart and Aerospace and Vibration and Adaptive Defense Noise Control Structures Actuators Minimally Drug Delivery Self-Powered Orthopedics and Medical Invasive Monitoring Prosthetics Surgery Medical Analysis Devices Valves Energy-Saving Earthquake Dampers Noise Control and Seals Systems Industrial, Power and Construction Vibration Control NDTE Motors and Actuators Smart Structures 19 -
  • 18. Catene del valore ………………………………………………………………………………………. VALUE CHAIN FOR SMART MATERIALS IN AEROSPACE AND DEFENSE APPLICATIONS Enabling Components Applications Smart Materials Aircraft, Research and Parts and and Vehicles, Development Title Systems Title Title Components and Weapons Key R&D and Funding Magnetostrictives Defense Systems QinetiQ Newlands Scientific BAE Systems Lockheed Martin DARPA Etrema Products Northrop Grumman General Dynamics U.S. Navy Raytheon Textron U.S. Army Shape-Memory Alloys United Technologies Thales SRI International • EADS NV Adapta MIT Aerospace Components Aircraft mat NASA Rolls-Royce Boeing Memory Metalle ORNL Smiths Industries Airbus NDC Memry Corp. General Electric Bombardier Dynalloy, Inc. Siemens AG Dassault Smart Polymers Heraeus Materials Textron Saab AB Cornerstone Hindustan Aerospace Bayer MaterialScience Piezoelectrics Many Suppliers
  • 19. Scan: Open ………………………………………………………………………………………. Intelligence  Insight about the defining forces of the business environment  Peripheral vision for innovation  Frameworks—identification of threats and opportunities—for successful strategies  Scanning for early signals of change
  • 20. Most Systems Target Key External Information ………………………………………………………………………………………. Identify the kind of information that is important strategically Watch Focus Study Create a list of most Study in depth those important information items that require deep and trends to understanding before systematically monitor Act action takes place Execute actions triggered and supported by the intelligence activities
  • 21. Most Businesses Excel In Targeted Intelligence ……………………………………………………………………………………….  Targeted Intelligence processes:  Monitor topics identified through an internal company process or by key decision makers  Track development of issues that have strategic importance  Stimulate and trigger decision making  Once important intelligence topics are identified, decision makers know how to analyze them—  Where to go for more information  How to monitor changes  When to report back on new developments
  • 22. Scanning: ………………………………………………………………………………………. Open Intelligence Scanning enables companies to look continuously across diverse sources for new signals of change that may have an impact but are not yet on a company watch list. Scanning brings many new ideas to light. Scan Watch Focus Study Create a list of most Study in depth those important information items that require and trends to systematically Act deep understanding before action takes monitor place Execute actions
  • 23. Scan is an Open ………………………………………………………………………………………. Intelligence Process  Open Intelligence processes:  Provide early warning about topics not yet identified as strategic  Continuously scan unstructured information about the external environment  Cluster data points into topic areas of possible strategic importance  Identify new topics of strategic importance (through sorting and ranking) that may require monitoring in the targeted process  Decision makers need a process to identify and apply intelligence from the volumes of unstructured external information in a way that is:  Continuous  Systematic  Refreshing to the targeted intelligence processes
  • 24. The Process ………………………………………………………………………………………. Of Scanning Monthly Scan Meeting Monthly Set of 100 Abstracts Scanners Pattern and Their Recognition Abstracts Signals of Scan Change of Signals Scan Change of Signals (on the Scan of Signals Consultatio Insights Scan n onInsights specific Change (on the Scan (on theScan Change Web and in (on the Scan Analysis and Insights Signals of Change the (onInsights Web and in Scan (on the Web the Scan (on Scanand in Scan Research Scan Web) the (on Web and in Monthly) Scan Web) Scan Monthly) Scan Scan Web) Monthly) Web) Monthly)
  • 25. Scan™ Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………………. Origins We look for In all arenas  Faint signals of change  Consumer behavior  Discontinuities  Regulations/politics  Inflection points  Business processes  Disruptive technologies  Culture  Outliers  Publicopinion  Unconventional wisdom  Science and Technology
  • 26. Finding Clusters Of ………………………………………………………………………………………. Related Abstracts Scan abstracts typically cluster around industry categories. Abstracts about Abstracts about Advertising and Health Care Wireless Retailing Technologies Potential Defining Forces Privacy Abstracts about Abstracts about Education Abstracts about Information Technologies Manufacturing and the Internet
  • 27. Clustering ………………………………………………………………………………………. Close-up Scan provides a way to recognize interesting ideas and drivers of change across industry categories. How do these abstracts relate to each other? They all involve continuous monitoring.
  • 28. Prioritizing ………………………………………………………………………………………. Clusters Requires Requires Continue to Wait Act immediate Monitor Now study and action See
  • 29. Benefits Of ………………………………………………………………………………………. Scan Process  Specific benefits:  Provides advance warning of possible emerging technological, commercial, and cultural trends  Fosters broad vision outside normal industry domains  Sets up an analytical framework for deflating media hype  Nurtures futures thinking more broadly in the organization.  Broad structural benefit:  Scanning is a reliable way to navigate through the turbulence of change. It allows decision makers to identify: – What to watch – What to study – What to act upon now
  • 30. Scan ………………………………………………………………………………………. Insight about the defining forces of the business environment  Peripheral vision for innovation  Frameworks—identification of threats and opportunities—for successful strategies  Scanning for early signals of change
  • 31. Emerging ………………………………………………………………………………………. Technologies: Explorer for continued monitoring and Next evaluation Generation Technologies to identify commercial opportunities from emerging Scan technologies for early signs of change and trends 5 to 15 years 0 to 7 years before commercialization before commercialization
  • 33. Key Success Factors For ………………………………………………………………………………………. Open Intelligence Systems  Require a senior level champion  Select Scan meeting participants carefully. They need:  breadth of expertise  non-judgmental attitudes  a creative spirit  self-motivation  humor  Select a good facilitator  Capturethe meeting discussion  Hold meetings on a regular basis
  • 34. Key Success Factors For ………………………………………………………………………………………. Open Intelligence Systems  Provide incentives for submitting abstracts and attending meetings (for example, a newsletter where cool ideas are reported)  Design a simple process for abstract submission (such as on-line submission)  Integrate the open intelligence process into the decision making process  Protect from “accountantitis”—the demand for documentation of a return on investment for the cost of the meetings.  Develop a regularly scheduled process for determining if/when watch list topics need to removed, studied and/or acted on
  • 36. Foresight ………………………………………………………………………………………. Foresight is the application of a systematic, participatory, future-intelligence-gathering and medium-to-long-term vision building process to informing present-day decisions and mobilising joint actions at the national and regional level. (Miles and Keenan 2002)
  • 37. Business ………………………………………………………………………………………. Foresight Business Foresight: “processo sistematico partecipativo che comporta la rilevazione di informazioni e la creazione di visioni sul futuro a medio-lungo termine, destinato ad orientare le decisioni del presente e a mobilitare i mezzi necessari per azioni congiunte.” (Commissione Europea - Direzione Generale Ricerca)
  • 38. Tipologie ………………………………………………………………………………………. di foresight FORESIGHT AREE DI ATTORI OBIETTIVI TIPOLOGIA RICERCA Paesi e  Politica  Dirige gli FORESIGHT Istituzioni  Economia investimenti di NAZIONALE Nazionali  Società una nazione Centri di  Industria FORESIGHT Ricerca  Identifica trend  Tecnologia SETTORIALE associazioni di industriali categoria  Disegno  Industria  Da input alla FORESIGHT  Tecnologia strategia Azienda AZIENDALE  Disegno  Da input alla  Prodotti ricerca
  • 39. Foresight ………………………………………………………………………………………. Politica pianificazione & decisioni Foresight Prospettive Partecipazione & futuri & networking
  • 40. Foresight - ………………………………………………………………………………………. caratteristiche Foresight is not only about analysing or contemplating future developments but supporting actors to actively shape the future. Purely Action oriented analytical studies of possible futures without connection to possible actions are not considered as Foresight. Foresight assumes that the future is not pre-determined. The future can therefore evolve in different directions, which can be shaped to some Open to extent by the actions of various players and the decisions taken today. In alternative futures other words, there is a certain degree of freedom to choose among the alternative, feasible futures, and hence increase the chance of arriving at the preferred (selected) future state. Foresight is not done by a small group of experts or academics but involves a number of different groups of actors concerned with the issues Participatory at stake. The results are disseminated among a large audience from which feedback is actively sought. Foresight provides an approach that captures realities in their totality with Multidisciplinary all the variables influencing them, regardless of the type (quantitative and qualitative).
  • 41. Obiettivi di ………………………………………………………………………………………. foresight European Foresight Monitoring Network (EFMN): mapping 50 foresight exercises
  • 42. Output e impatti ………………………………………………………………………………………. IMPATTI A BREVE IMPATTI A LUNGO OUTPUT TERMINE TERMINE • Report • Creazione di reti di • Miglioramento del • Elenco di tecnologie stakeholder processo per prendere importanti • Supporto alle decisioni decisioni • Condivizsione del • Capire e formare il • Priorita commitment per futuro • Roadmap implementare decisioni • Aumento della credibilità • Piani di azioni • Miglioramento del e accettabilità delle decisioni • Visioni di futuri processo per prendere desiderati decisioni • Riconfigurazione del • trasparenza sistema • Supporto nella definizione della • legittimità • Creazione di una capacità per foresight strategia/politica continuativa
  • 43. Il processo ………………………………………………………………………………………. di foresight 1 Feasibility assessment Landscape Policy cycle Political support 2 Scoping and design Major design Obtaining resources Setting-up Designing the decisions methodology Defining the focus Costs Information gathering Methodological framework Setting the objectives Funding Organisation design Process: Defining the users, Skills and competences Project team definition Diagnosis outcomes, scope, approach Steering Committee def. Prognosis Setting the time horizon Communication strategy Prescription Setting the timeframe Implementation plan Foresight methods 3 Implementation Time Cost/Resources Quality/Scope 4 Follow up Dissemination Evaluation Activity plan
  • 45. Outline of ………………………………………………………………………………………. Presentation  What are technology roadmaps?  How do I make one?  What would I do if I had one?  Ways to get started: Explorer to custom technology roadmapping  Some project examples
  • 46. What is a Technology ………………………………………………………………………………………. Roadmap?  The analogy with an actual road map is still the best one • A road map sets out the landscape • It shows us a number of different paths we can take depending on the starting point • Too many paths for any one person or company to take simultaneously • We must make a choice depending on where we want to go and our objectives • The pathway we end up choosing will depend on a number of external and internal considerations • Considerations such as: the traffic the enabling technology the weather
  • 47. Where You Want to Go Will Affect the Best Route ………………………………………………………………………………………. • There may be multiple pathways to get to the same or very similar destinations • Some pathways may be shorter or better than others • Personal, business or external considerations will affect the choice
  • 48. Monitor Progress and Events to ………………………………………………………………………………………. Decide if the Pathway Remains Correct • Monitoring everything is neither useful or possible… • …But monitoring progress along the route and potential events is advisable • Knowing what to monitor and the signs to look for becomes a key capability • Knowing……….  What the showstoppers are!  When a change in technology is required  How to resolve conflicting signs
  • 49. Technology Roadmaps Are Not ………………………………………………………………………………………. Conceptually Different  Technology roadmaps should set out the landscape: the status and direction of an opportunity, an application or a technology  Time is the major axis and key uncertainty: roadmaps can no more predict the future than crystal balls, but they can set out the possibilities  The industry-level roadmap shows the possible paths that individual organizations (as well as their products, services and technologies) might take in developing the opportunity  A company pathway sets out what an organization is going to do Now 2 Years 5 Years Product/Service A B C • Milestones help plot the pathway and are used to measure progress Functional Requirements A B C Technologies 1 2 3 4 Pathway Milestone
  • 50. …In Reality, Roadmaps Can Take ………………………………………………………………………………………. Many Different Forms  Some of the most well-known technology roadmaps are the result of widespread industry consensus  The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors sets out major device-level functional requirements, the technology options and roadblocks  The ITRS is designed to keep Moore’s law on track and is not geared to specific user applications and markets  These types of roadmaps are particularly designed with milestone technology planning in mind. Technology Time Functionality or metric Source: ITRS Unknown solutions: roadblocks
  • 51. We Focus on Strategic Technology ………………………………………………………………………………………. Roadmaps  The word “strategic” is frequently used: what do we mean by it here?  We mean that the roadmap is more than just about technology Industry-Level Roadmap Development  The roadmap must outline the Now 2 Years 5 Years products and services, within the Business Need Competition Market opportunity, that businesses or Considerations consumers would actually buy Products/Services A B C  It must relate product and services to functional requirements and/or Features/Functions A B C technologies  It must describe key business Technologies 1 2 3 4 considerations that help us decide what is the right pathway
  • 52. First Create a Profile of ………………………………………………………………………………………. the Opportunity First and foremost, creating a technology roadmap requires industry research to describe the opportunity:  What is market need and the likely evolution of products and services?  What are the enabling technologies, and how might they evolve?  What are the critical success factors and other business considerations?  What are the key uncertainties? In project work, we typically use a standard profile template Where possible, industry interviews should help gauge the product/service evolution and technology hurdles. ANALYSIS OPPORTUNITY Business Attractiveness Key Success Factors DESCRIPTION Potential revenue Business model Need Profitability Alliances/partners Products/services Competition Level of service required Markets Regulations Technology Value chain Entry barriers Channels R&D requirements Manufacturing Risk Marketing
  • 53. From Profile to ………………………………………………………………………………………. Technology Roadmap  Conceptually, the various elements of the profile become the major inputs to the roadmap  In reality, creating the roadmap may require further research about product, market and technology progression and timing  Creating a timeline helps ensure products do not occur before the enabling technologies are ready!!! Products/Services & Functions Products/ Services 1 Products/ Services 2 Products/Services A B C A B C Industry-Level Roadmap Development Necessary Now 2 Years 5 Years Features/Functions Business Need Competition Market 1..……. Opportunity 2.…….. 3. …. Considerations Profile Products/Services A B C Features/Functions Technologies & A B C Business Considerations Technologies 1 2 3 4 Technologies 1..….. 2..….. 3..…. Business Considerations 1..….. 2..….. 3. ….
  • 54. Example Roadmap ……………………………………………………………………………………….  Roadmap for a Japanese multinational electronics company  Accompanying tables describe the products, services, functions, technologies and business considerations Industry Roadmap Now N-1 1 Yr 1-3 3 Yrs 3-5 5 Yrs 5-7 7 Yrs 7- Business B1 B3 B5 B48 B50 B52 B54 B56 B57 Considerations B2 B4 B47 B49 B51 B53 B55 B6 B11 Products/ B7 B9 B62 B64 B67 B12 B15 B16 Services B8 B60 B10 B17 B75 B77 B58 B59 B61 B63 B66 B69 B71 B74 B68 B14 B70 B72 B96 B101 B105 B27 Function B82 B85 B92 B94 B97 B79 B83 B89 B19 B95 B22 B86 B21 B18 B90 B93 B20 B99 B103 B80 B87 B106 B100 B104 B84 B91 B42 Technologies B108 B32 B36 B88 B44 B40 B28 B33 B110 B112 B45 B113 B41 B116 B117 B29 B34 B37 B23 B30 B35 B111 B114 B25 B118 B26 B31 B38 B115 B39
  • 55. From Industry Roadmap ………………………………………………………………………………………. to Company Pathway  First and foremost, industry roadmaps set out multiple pathways and options  Just like a travel road map, they make us confront the decisions that need to be taken to move forward: to get from A to B  When creating a company-specific roadmap or pathway, the business considerations set out what we need to consider to make the decision  Business consideration examples might include:  A missing core competence  A market uncertainty  A competitive threat or critical success factor • The company pathway and Company Roadmap (Pathway) milestones chart the company’s Now 2 Years 5 Years course • Signposts are set up to make This way This way Business Need Competition No Yes Market No Yes Considerations sure we are on track and don’t need to change course Product/Servic A B C e Pathway • Programs like SRIC-BI’s Functional Explorer can help with signpost Requirements A B C  Milestone monitoring This way  Signpost No Technologies 1 2 3 4 Yes
  • 56. Roadmap Development ………………………………………………………………………………………. Recap Industry Roadmap Now N-1 1 Yr 1-3 3 Yrs 3-5 5 Yrs 5-7 7 Yrs 7-  Industry Roadmaps Business B1 B3 B5 B48 B50 B52 B54 B56 B57 • Set out key business considerations, Considerations B2 B4 B47 B49 B51 B53 B55 B6 B11 Products/ B62 B64 B67 B12 B15 products/services, functions, and technologies for a B7 B9 B16 Services B8 B60 B10 B17 B75 B77 B58 B59 B61 B63 B66 B69 B71 B74 B68 B14 B70 B72 Function B79 B82 B83 B85 B86 B89 B92 B19 B94 B95 B96 B97 B99 B101 B105 B21 B22 B27 potential opportunity for commercialization B80 B18 B90 B93 B20 B103 B106 B87 B100 B104 • Provide a basis for selected strategy (path) B84 B91 B42 Technologies B108 B32 B36 B88 B44 B40 B28 B33 B110 B112 B45 B113 B41 B116 B117 B29 B34 B37 B23 B30 B35 B111 B114 B25 B118 B26 B31 B38 B115 B39  Company Path Company Path Business Now B1 B3 N-1 B5 B48 1 Yr B50 B52 B54 1-3 B56 B57 3 Yrs 3-5 5 Yrs 5-7 7 Yrs 7- • Selected strategy elements--business considerations, products/services, functions, and technologies over Considerations B2 B4 B47 B49 B51 B53 B55 (Signposts) Products/ B6 B11 time B62 B64 B67 B12 B15 B7 B9 B16 Services B8 B200 B60 B10 B17 B75 B77 B58 B59 B61 B63 B66 B69 B71 B74 B68 B14 B70 B72 • Describes important business considerations and B96 Function B82 B85 B92 B94 B97 B101 B105 B27 B79 B83 B89 B19 B95 B22 B86 B21 B18 B90 B93 B20 B99 B103 B80 B87 B106 products/services, etc. to be created B100 B104 B84 B91 Technologies B108 B32 B36 B88 B40 B42 B44 B28 B33 B110 B112 B45 B41 B116 B117 B29 B34 B37 B113 • Identifies strategic signposts to be monitored B23 B30 B35 B111 B114 B25 B118 B26 B31 B38 B115 B39
  • 57. Now I Have a Roadmap, ………………………………………………………………………………………. What Do I Do With it?  Roadmaps are only a description of the organization’s path; to be useful they must lead to action  Describing, selecting and carrying out the action steps is more challenging (and often uncomfortable) than charting a path, but ultimately that is where the value lies  A road map analogy again:  A road map helps you chart your journey  An action plan sets out:  Checking the weather before you start  Filling up the car with gas  Putting the snow tires on  Not forgetting to bring: the map, the children, the dog………  Some actions may be more of a priority than others!
  • 58. Action Roadmaps are Essential ………………………………………………………………………………………. • Action roadmaps display and describe the basic actions required to execute the pathway (strategy). • Priority (short term) actions are highlighted. • Key monitoring elements and signposts are described Action Roadmap Now 1 Years 3 Years 10 Years 5 Years Business B3 Considerations B1 ple (signposts) B2 Exam B4 P1 Products/Services P3 P2 P4 P5 Company Roadmap Functions/ T1 T4 Now 2 Years 5 Years Thi w s ay Thi w s ay Technologies & T2 T5 Business T7 No No Need Competition Market Other Capabilities T3 Yes Yes Considerations T6 Product/Service A B C Pathway Functional Requirements A B C Continuous monitoring or improvement Priority Actions Milestone Leads to next generation B1: Verify need and initial target Thi w s ay No Technologies 1 2 3 4 Yes Signpost B2: Monitor key threats P1: Design and bundle initial product/service P2: Test customer acceptance
  • 59. Roadmapping Uses: A Focus on Business Strategy and ………………………………………………………………………………………. Product/Service Development • The ultimate aim of developing roadmaps and action plans will vary by company and project, but two obvious different cases exist: 1. Using the roadmap principally for business strategy, entry options and product/service development 2. Using the roadmap for developing a technology strategy or portfolio • In the first case, the potential product/service pathways are critical, as is a close examination of the business considerations — Business considerations will capture threats from competition and key business challenges, organizational issues, or consumer acceptance — Actions might be: the need to test consumer acceptance of products; alliance or acquisition analysis; the need to develop internal capabilities such as a service organization — In this example, the technologies may be readily acquired, or the necessary technology alliances can be easily formed