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7 A W
A  L I
Lesson one
Aadam&S .....................................
Colour in activity............................. ®
Lesson two
Aadam '& on earth...................... 10
Colour in activity............................. 12
Lesson three
Nooh&@...................................... 14
Colour in activity........................... 16
Lesson four
The building of the ark................. 18
Colour in activity........................... 20
Lesson five
Ibraheem .................................. 22
Colour in activity............................ 24
Lesson six
Sacrifice of Ibraheem ........... 26
Colour in activity.............................. 28
Lesson seven 30
......... 32
yoosuf ..............................
Colour in activity..............
Lesson eight
. . £ Cft'ScM Tm Pnvnt ........ 34
Yoosuf m tgypi • • • •
.. 36
Colour in activiiy..............
Lesson nine
Muhammad S - Birth . . .
Colour in activity..............
......... 38
... 40
Lesson ten
Nabee Muhammad - Childhood... 42
Colour in activity........•........... 44
Lesson eleven
Nabee Muhammad Character.... 46
Colour in activity.............................. 48
Note to Muallim/ah........................ 50
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem *r->SJI p-<
Allaah has revealed the Qur’aan as the final
guide to mankind. The Qur’aan contains various
commands relating to worship, monetary dealings,
and social conduct, as well as stories of the people
of the past. The Qur’aan informs us of the mission
of the Prophets of Allaah 8* and how communities
responded to the call of the Prophets
The purpose of these stories is to teach mankind
how mighty nations were destroyed, how truth
always prevails over falsehood, and how we can
learn from the history of previous generations.
Allaah says:
“Verily there is a lesson for people ofintelligence in
their stories”
(Surah Yoosuf, Juz 13)
History enables us to learn from the past. It gives
us the opportunity to change our present
circumstances and empowers us to plan for the
future. It serves to strengthen our faith in the mercy
ofAllah and as a reminder of how the wrath of
Allah destroys sinners.
1. Aadam zJji Ji was the first man created by
Allaah jgg.
2. Allaah ^gg- created Aadam JSCji Jli from clay
3. Allaah ^gg- taught Aadam ’rSCJi Jk the names and
benefits of all things in nature.
4. Allaah jgg- commanded the angels to make sajdah to
Aadam J-SCjiaX.
5. Shaytaan did not obey the command of Allaah jGc.
6. He refused to make sajdah to Aadam pCjiJJ.
7. Hawwaa was the wife of Aadam pCji Jii.
8. She was created from the left rib of Aadam *.5i‘.n /y-
9. Aadam ISCji Jliand his wife Hawwaa lived
for a long time in jannah.
1. Who was the first man created by Allaah ju*?
............................................. .
Where did Aadam *rSCji ZJi and
&^9 .....
What was Aadam 'fSCji Ji wife's name?
What did Allaah jgg- command the angels to do?
' 7 71 ’
to tha.lC-C' Id
Did shaytaan obey the command of Allaah
Lesson one
Aodam'.xji Colour infl
r <J J
1. Aadam i *112 stayed with his wife Hawwaa J.SCJ1 *112
jannah __ forgave
Shaytaan earth
in jannah.
2. Allaah jix- told them that they could eat from all the
trees of jannah except one tree.
3. Shaytaan tricked them into eating from the tree.
4. They begged for Allaah's forgiveness.
5. Allaah jus forgave them for their mistake but they
could no longer live in jannah
6. Allaah sent them to stay on earth. He also sent
Shaytaan to earth.
7. Aadam *fSCji *112 was the first man and the first Nabee
of Allaah ■
8. A Nabee is sent to earth to guide people to the
straight path.
What did Allaah tell them to do?
Who tricKed them?
clII i
A 9
bid Allaah jiz forgive them for their mistake?
Who was the first man and first Nabee of AllpahxjiZ?
..fa<^air. ........ ..................,,.........
Who did Allaah jgj send as a Nabee'fo earth?
Lesson two
Aadam VSCji 4^ on earth
Colour in activity
V Ir
** W • • ft
t J
y // i
• 1
1. The people of Nooh worshipped idols of their
elders who had passed away.
2. His people were sinful, unjust and cruel.
>3. Nooh fXJ|ucinyited his people for 950 years to the
worship of lAllaah ^li;.
4. The humble people obeyed his teachings.
5. The proud people called him a liar and continued to
worship their idols.
6. His wife and son also refused to accept his teachings.
7. Those who called him a liar, made fun of him and told
him to bring down the punishment of Allaah if he
was a true Nabee.
I s 4 Os
8. After inviting them for 950 years, Nooh^1^
asked Alloah to punish them.
Lesson three
Nooh ’»xji
Colour in activity
The building of the ark
1. Allaah jGJ accepted the du'a of Nooh fXJi4Xan(j
told him to build an ark.
• x o
L 2. People laughed at Noohand his followers
while they were building the ark.
3. When the ark was ready Allaah ordered Nooh
! ^Ljl Jxto place a pair of every living creature, a
male and female in the ship.
r II
4. 82 people who believed in his message
joined him on the ark. His wife and son
refused to board the ark.
5. Allaah jg- brought about a great flood.
6. All living things drowned in this flood.
7. Only Nooh 4° *4* and his people on the
ship were saved.
eJc I
Lesson four
The building of the ark
Ibraaheem i^LJI Z_U worshipped
1. People worshipped idols during the time of
Ibraaheem _*4i
2. Ibraaheem r^-Ji father's name was Aazar. Aazar
made and sold idols.
3. People also prayed to the stars, the moon, and
the sun.
4. Ibraaheem rM-Ji44only worshipped one Allaah.
One day he broke all the idols in the temple.
Ibraaheem was brought before Namrood,
the king of the people. ■ I
The king threw Ibraaheem 41c into a huge fire.
8. Allaah ordered the fire to become cool and safe
for Ibraaheem AiiM
a. What did the people worship during the time of
Ibraaheem ?4ji 4*?....P.cof.lS I.djdtf.
Name the father of Ibraaheem ; .
. /S^.Wzn.A5„..£aital.XH&5.,..G&-6U4
What did Ibraaheem’s ^SCjixX father do for. a livina?
OJ^il Sold idols- Ax
■fH RpciHpx the idols, what else’ did the people pray to?
‘I • • • • • ..... f“.T<£^» V•VSM^We^^||* ** •J*•
ff buk AliaJkoSiie/wt
. r
to jta/s, *LdPzi Hz. >cc/i- _ *
_^e. Whatdid the Ring do to Ibraaheem ?
Lesson five
Ibrahim ‘
/&JI 41*: Idol worshipping
The sacrifice of Ibraaheem pUJI ZJLc
Eedul-adhaa | Ismaaeel
makkah Haaiirah
2. When Ismaaeel rSCji*lLWas born, his father left him
and his mother Haajirah in the valley of
3. Makkah was a desert with no people and no houses
4. Ismaaeel grew up as a strong boy who later
helped his father
5. Allaah ordered Ibraaheem ^LJijXto sacrifice his
0 X # 0
sonlsmaa'eelfXJiJ*. ., ->•>
6. Ibraaheem told his son about the command of
Allaah jgs.
7. Ismaaeel'^ireplied: "O' my beloved father! do
as you are commanded. You will' Inshaa Allaah find
me from among the patient."
8. Allaah saved Ismaaeel ‘f5Cji and sent a ram to be
slaughtered in his place.
9. During Eedul-Adhaa we slaughter an animal to remember
the sacrifices of Ibraaheem 4^and Ismaaeel fXJi ZJi
10. Ibraaheemand Isma’eel }»S£ji ZJ2 later buiIt the
ka'bah in Makkah. t . * —
•• Mb
Questions 4**
a. How old was Ibraaheem when his son Isma'eel
i wa$ born? ........................ ■.......
b. Where did Ibraaheem<4^ teave Ismaaeel *rSCJi
and Haajirah ................
Where were Ismaaeel r^1 and hjs mother left?
'' o & o
What did Allaah order Ibraaheim r^-31 to do? ....hi^....5.dll.
What did Allaah jix- do? '
i • • • • •
Lesson six
: Family life
g Z • 4
a. How many sons did Yaaqoob^1^ have?
I . 1
b, Why were the brothers of Yoosuf jealous
YoOSUf lYJlZli
1. Yaaqoob (*JI<£ had twelve sons. Yoosuf
his most loved son.
2. Yoosuf rXJi Ji was very handsome, pious and clever.
3. His brothers were jealous of him because Yaaqoob
fXJiGloved him very much.
4. His brothers threw him into a well to get rid of him.
5. Some travellers found him in the well and sold him as
a slave in Egypt.
6. He was bought by a master who treated him as his
own son.
7. His master’s wife falsely blamed him of doing wrong
and sent him to jail.
1 H f(z
8. Yoosuf fW'^was respected by the other prisoners
because he was pious and kind.
’••MMa I
• •!••• «.<T• •
of him?
c. What did his jealous brothers do?
d. Why was Yoosufjj&ip*put into Jail?
1 1 l /}
I (/
Idol worshipping Colour •
Yoosuf rSCji Zii in Egypt
1- Yoosuf |>^—was well known for giving the meaning
of dreams.
2. The king had seen a dream and called yoosuf *112
to give the meaning of his dream.
3. The king freed Yoosuf from jail and made
him a minister.
There was a drought and no food in Egypt.
Yoosuf 11 brothers came from their country to
Egypt in search of food.
They did not know who the
minister was. He treated them
kindly and gave them food.
He later forgave his brothers
for the wrong they had done
to him.
Why did the brothers of Yoosuf ‘
r^^come to
Egypt? ,.feO....z2^hB •••• i• i■ *•••••••*
How did Yoosuf treat his, brothers?
Did Yoosuf forgive his brothers? , i
a. What was Yoosuf ^SCji*X well known for?
b. Why did the king call Yoosuf from jail?
Why did the brothers of Yoosuf come to
Lesson eight
Yusuf z Life in Egypt
1. Nabee Muhammad X,*Xibi was born in Makkah.
2. His father was Abdullaah, the son of Abdul Muttalib.
3. Aaminah was his mother.
the farm areas where they were given special care.
5. Haleemah Saadia ilii took Nabee JU to
the countryside, where she cared
for him for four years.
6. Nabee JLjxXlbiJL father
Abdullaah had passed away
before he was born.
7. Aaminah, the mother of Nabee
jLjXlliiJL passed away when he
was six years old.
e, How old was NabeeJU when his mother
Lesson nine
Sayyidina Muhammad X-3 : Birth
l^&sson nine
Sayyidina Muhammad lit/ : Birth
1. Abdul Muttalib was the grandfather of Nabee
JX-S Zii Jx
2. Abdul Muttalib took care of Nabee ’
di after
his mother, Aaminah passed away,
3. Nabee X, lbi JL. was a very obedient child.
4. He never spoke lies or used bad language.
5. He was always very polite.
6. He did not fight or quarrel with his friends.
7. He was helpful in the house and also looked
after sheep.
8. All those who rXj
came to know
him loved him.
<1 F & '
- i <
. > c
W r
a. Who cared for Nabee -X IbiJL after his
mother passed away?
What type of a child was Nabee Lbi
... .mJ.. .......
bid Nabee JJ-j *X ibi speak lies or use bad
language? t
How did Nabee JXX treat his friends?
During his childhood, what did Nabee JX> X X
look after? ..cUl. ......... jj
Lesson ten
Nabi Muhammad ^£4 412 4ji |
1. From a very young age Nabee pX showed
■ *
special kindness to everyone, even animals.
2. He always shared what he had with other people.
3. He was helpful to the weak and the old.
The people of Makkah respected him
for his honesty.
People also left their goods with
him for safekeeping.
He was called Al-Ameen
- The one who is trusted.
c. Why'dicf
a. How did Nabee JX3 Zl* iin treat animals?
■ IVpdo.■£■&<....U..C^.. 1/C-.A/..Cc)ck
b. How clid^he fr^at the weak and the old? > r _
.................................................... M
• F
people of Makkah respect him?
.fa.a.p. ..fa&.p&CrEeA. A.
d. Why did the people leave their goods with Nabee
........................ .
Lesson eleven
Nabi Muhammad Un : character
Colour in activlty
Notes to the Muallim/ah---------------------------------------
Period 2
■ Put up the keywords and read it out to the
pupils and ask the pupils ifthey remember the
story. Give as many children the opportunity of
telling the story and encourage the shy one to
also try. InshaAllah in this way every child will
have an opportunity to learn the story.
Period 3
■ Now that everyone knows the story the main
points should be elaborated upon i.e.
1. The creation ofAadam 880 and Hawwaa
(alaihumas salaam).
2. The trickery ofthe Shaitaan.
Ask them to answer the questions orally.
Period 4
■ Colour in all keywords.
■ Revision of the story
■ This book has eleven lessons for the year.
■ The Muallim/ah must remember that many of
the children are not able to read and write as yet.
■ The Muallim/ah should make this period an
interesting one and should create the correct
■ Everybody loves stories and these lessons are sto­
ries, bur with a difference i."e. there are lessons to
be learnt.
■ Questions on each lesson should be done orally
with learners, as many have not as yet any writ­
ing and reading skills.
Period 1
■ Ask the children to put everything away includ-
• ing rulers, rubbers, pencils etc.
Now begin celling the story ofAadam 850. Ask
the children ifanyone’s name is Aadam 860. If
there is no one with that name then ask them if
they know ofanyone with that name. Now ask
them ifthey know where that name comes from.
Some children may have an idea. Now go on to
tell the story beginning with the first point. Do
not concentrate too much on the vocabulary and
only highlight the keywords. After telling the
story once now ask one ofthe children to relate
die story that they have heard. They may not be
able to relate it accurately but the Muallim/ah
can help them along by filling in the gaps.
1 History made easy

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Tas heelut taa reekh 1

  • 1. 5
  • 3. Contents Lesson one Aadam&S ..................................... Colour in activity............................. ® Lesson two Aadam '& on earth...................... 10 Colour in activity............................. 12 Lesson three Nooh&@...................................... 14 Colour in activity........................... 16 Lesson four The building of the ark................. 18 Colour in activity........................... 20 Lesson five Ibraheem .................................. 22 Colour in activity............................ 24 Lesson six Sacrifice of Ibraheem ........... 26 Colour in activity.............................. 28 Lesson seven 30 ......... 32 yoosuf .............................. Colour in activity.............. Lesson eight . . £ Cft'ScM Tm Pnvnt ........ 34 Yoosuf m tgypi • • • • .. 36 Colour in activiiy.............. Lesson nine Muhammad S - Birth . . . Colour in activity.............. ......... 38 ... 40 Lesson ten Nabee Muhammad - Childhood... 42 Colour in activity........•........... 44 Lesson eleven Nabee Muhammad Character.... 46 Colour in activity.............................. 48 Note to Muallim/ah........................ 50
  • 4. Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem *r->SJI p-< INTRODUCTION TO HISTORY Allaah has revealed the Qur’aan as the final guide to mankind. The Qur’aan contains various commands relating to worship, monetary dealings, and social conduct, as well as stories of the people of the past. The Qur’aan informs us of the mission of the Prophets of Allaah 8* and how communities responded to the call of the Prophets The purpose of these stories is to teach mankind how mighty nations were destroyed, how truth always prevails over falsehood, and how we can learn from the history of previous generations. Allaah says: “Verily there is a lesson for people ofintelligence in their stories” (Surah Yoosuf, Juz 13) History enables us to learn from the past. It gives us the opportunity to change our present circumstances and empowers us to plan for the future. It serves to strengthen our faith in the mercy ofAllah and as a reminder of how the wrath of Allah destroys sinners.
  • 5. created command 1. Aadam zJji Ji was the first man created by Allaah jgg. 2. Allaah ^gg- created Aadam JSCji Jli from clay 3. Allaah ^gg- taught Aadam ’rSCJi Jk the names and benefits of all things in nature. 4. Allaah jgg- commanded the angels to make sajdah to Aadam J-SCjiaX. 5. Shaytaan did not obey the command of Allaah jGc. 6. He refused to make sajdah to Aadam pCjiJJ. 7. Hawwaa was the wife of Aadam pCji Jii. 8. She was created from the left rib of Aadam *.5i‘.n /y- 9. Aadam ISCji Jliand his wife Hawwaa lived for a long time in jannah. Questions obey s 1. Who was the first man created by Allaah ju*? zT........>/• ............................................. . Where did Aadam *rSCji ZJi and &^9 ..... What was Aadam 'fSCji Ji wife's name? IB What did Allaah jgg- command the angels to do? ' 7 71 ’ to tha.lC-C' Id Did shaytaan obey the command of Allaah
  • 6. Lesson one Aodam'.xji Colour infl k tv r <J J I
  • 7. 1. Aadam i *112 stayed with his wife Hawwaa J.SCJ1 *112 I Keywords*• jannah __ forgave Shaytaan earth tricked r in jannah. 2. Allaah jix- told them that they could eat from all the trees of jannah except one tree. 3. Shaytaan tricked them into eating from the tree. 4. They begged for Allaah's forgiveness. 5. Allaah jus forgave them for their mistake but they could no longer live in jannah 6. Allaah sent them to stay on earth. He also sent Shaytaan to earth. 7. Aadam *fSCji *112 was the first man and the first Nabee of Allaah ■ Questions © 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. A Nabee is sent to earth to guide people to the straight path. What did Allaah tell them to do? Who tricKed them? I clII i A 9 '■■J ■SV bid Allaah jiz forgive them for their mistake? Who was the first man and first Nabee of AllpahxjiZ? ..fa<^air. ........ ..................,,......... Who did Allaah jgj send as a Nabee'fo earth?
  • 8. Lesson two Aadam VSCji 4^ on earth /2 Colour in activity V Ir ** W • • ft t J y 1 y // i • 1
  • 9. 1. The people of Nooh worshipped idols of their elders who had passed away. 2. His people were sinful, unjust and cruel. >3. Nooh fXJ|ucinyited his people for 950 years to the worship of lAllaah ^li;. 4. The humble people obeyed his teachings. 5. The proud people called him a liar and continued to worship their idols. 6. His wife and son also refused to accept his teachings. 7. Those who called him a liar, made fun of him and told him to bring down the punishment of Allaah if he was a true Nabee. I s 4 Os 8. After inviting them for 950 years, Nooh^1^ asked Alloah to punish them.
  • 10. Lesson three Nooh ’»xji Colour in activity « A f K 0 ■'X. ■Nl
  • 11. The building of the ark ♦ 0 1. Allaah jGJ accepted the du'a of Nooh fXJi4Xan(j told him to build an ark. • x o L 2. People laughed at Noohand his followers while they were building the ark. 3. When the ark was ready Allaah ordered Nooh ! ^Ljl Jxto place a pair of every living creature, a male and female in the ship. Questions r II 4. 82 people who believed in his message joined him on the ark. His wife and son refused to board the ark. 5. Allaah jg- brought about a great flood. 6. All living things drowned in this flood. 7. Only Nooh 4° *4* and his people on the ship were saved. $ eJc I
  • 12. Lesson four The building of the ark •• •
  • 13. Keywords: Questions b. Ibraaheem Ibraaheem i^LJI Z_U worshipped 1. People worshipped idols during the time of Ibraaheem _*4i 2. Ibraaheem r^-Ji father's name was Aazar. Aazar made and sold idols. 3. People also prayed to the stars, the moon, and the sun. 4. Ibraaheem rM-Ji44only worshipped one Allaah. One day he broke all the idols in the temple. Ibraaheem was brought before Namrood, the king of the people. ■ I The king threw Ibraaheem 41c into a huge fire. / 8. Allaah ordered the fire to become cool and safe for Ibraaheem AiiM 5. 6. 7. c a. What did the people worship during the time of Ibraaheem ?4ji 4*?....P.cof.lS I.djdtf. Name the father of Ibraaheem ; . . /S^.Wzn.A5„..£aital.XH&5.,..G&-6U4 A What did Ibraaheem’s ^SCjixX father do for. a livina? OJ^il Sold idols- Ax I ■fH RpciHpx the idols, what else’ did the people pray to? H ‘I • • • • • ..... f“.T<£^» V•VSM^We^^||* ** •J*• ff buk AliaJkoSiie/wt . r to jta/s, *LdPzi Hz. >cc/i- _ * _^e. Whatdid the Ring do to Ibraaheem ? fc&becMhr S I I
  • 14. Lesson five Ibrahim ‘ /&JI 41*: Idol worshipping
  • 15. Lesson The sacrifice of Ibraaheem pUJI ZJLc Keywords kaabah ram Eedul-adhaa | Ismaaeel makkah Haaiirah 2. When Ismaaeel rSCji*lLWas born, his father left him and his mother Haajirah in the valley of Makkah. 3. Makkah was a desert with no people and no houses 4. Ismaaeel grew up as a strong boy who later helped his father 5. Allaah ordered Ibraaheem ^LJijXto sacrifice his 0 X # 0 sonlsmaa'eelfXJiJ*. ., ->•> 6. Ibraaheem told his son about the command of Allaah jgs. 7. Ismaaeel'^ireplied: "O' my beloved father! do as you are commanded. You will' Inshaa Allaah find me from among the patient." 8. Allaah saved Ismaaeel ‘f5Cji and sent a ram to be slaughtered in his place. r 9. During Eedul-Adhaa we slaughter an animal to remember the sacrifices of Ibraaheem 4^and Ismaaeel fXJi ZJi 10. Ibraaheemand Isma’eel }»S£ji ZJ2 later buiIt the ka'bah in Makkah. t . * — •• Mb Questions 4** a. How old was Ibraaheem when his son Isma'eel i wa$ born? ........................ ■....... b. Where did Ibraaheem<4^ teave Ismaaeel *rSCJi and Haajirah ................ Where were Ismaaeel r^1 and hjs mother left? '' o & o What did Allaah order Ibraaheim r^-31 to do? ....hi^....5.dll. What did Allaah jix- do? ' c.. d. e. i • • • • •
  • 17. Questions g Z • 4 a. How many sons did Yaaqoob^1^ have? I . 1 b, Why were the brothers of Yoosuf jealous YoOSUf lYJlZli 1. Yaaqoob (*JI<£ had twelve sons. Yoosuf his most loved son. 2. Yoosuf rXJi Ji was very handsome, pious and clever. 3. His brothers were jealous of him because Yaaqoob fXJiGloved him very much. 4. His brothers threw him into a well to get rid of him. 5. Some travellers found him in the well and sold him as a slave in Egypt. 6. He was bought by a master who treated him as his own son. 7. His master’s wife falsely blamed him of doing wrong and sent him to jail. 1 H f(z 8. Yoosuf fW'^was respected by the other prisoners because he was pious and kind. ’••MMa I • •!••• «.<T• • ••••••••a of him? c. What did his jealous brothers do? d. Why was Yoosufjj&ip*put into Jail? 1 1 l /} I (/ f] It*
  • 18. Idol worshipping Colour • activity
  • 19. •A Questions Yoosuf rSCji Zii in Egypt Keywords Egypt dreams 1- Yoosuf |>^—was well known for giving the meaning of dreams. 2. The king had seen a dream and called yoosuf *112 to give the meaning of his dream. 3. The king freed Yoosuf from jail and made him a minister. There was a drought and no food in Egypt. Yoosuf 11 brothers came from their country to Egypt in search of food. They did not know who the minister was. He treated them kindly and gave them food. He later forgave his brothers for the wrong they had done to him. 4. 5. 6. 7. minister drought forgave Why did the brothers of Yoosuf ‘ r^^come to Egypt? ,.feO....z2^hB •••• i• i■ *•••••••* How did Yoosuf treat his, brothers? Did Yoosuf forgive his brothers? , i a. What was Yoosuf ^SCji*X well known for? .jfi.t'/zy.... b. Why did the king call Yoosuf from jail? ...ti&...^.^....i^....... Why did the brothers of Yoosuf come to
  • 20. Lesson eight Yusuf z Life in Egypt
  • 21. 1. Nabee Muhammad X,*Xibi was born in Makkah. 2. His father was Abdullaah, the son of Abdul Muttalib. 3. Aaminah was his mother. the farm areas where they were given special care. Questions 5. Haleemah Saadia ilii took Nabee JU to the countryside, where she cared for him for four years. 6. Nabee JLjxXlbiJL father x I I Abdullaah had passed away before he was born. 7. Aaminah, the mother of Nabee jLjXlliiJL passed away when he was six years old. 9 e, How old was NabeeJU when his mother z
  • 24. 1. Abdul Muttalib was the grandfather of Nabee JX-S Zii Jx 2. Abdul Muttalib took care of Nabee ’ di after his mother, Aaminah passed away, 3. Nabee X, lbi JL. was a very obedient child. 4. He never spoke lies or used bad language. 5. He was always very polite. 6. He did not fight or quarrel with his friends. 7. He was helpful in the house and also looked after sheep. 8. All those who rXj came to know him loved him. <1 F & ' 0 -71 flkp' - i < . > c W r Keywords: grandfather care Questions b. c. d. a. Who cared for Nabee -X IbiJL after his mother passed away? What type of a child was Nabee Lbi ... .mJ.. ....... bid Nabee JJ-j *X ibi speak lies or use bad language? t How did Nabee JXX treat his friends? During his childhood, what did Nabee JX> X X look after? ..cUl. ......... jj /
  • 25. Lesson ten Nabi Muhammad ^£4 412 4ji | Childhood v i a
  • 26. 7 ■ Keywords: shared honesty Al-Ameen respected 1. From a very young age Nabee pX showed ■ * special kindness to everyone, even animals. 2. He always shared what he had with other people. 3. He was helpful to the weak and the old. 4. 5. 6. The people of Makkah respected him for his honesty. People also left their goods with him for safekeeping. He was called Al-Ameen - The one who is trusted. Questions c. Why'dicf a. How did Nabee JX3 Zl* iin treat animals? ■ IVpdo.■£■&<....U..C^.. 1/C-.A/..Cc)ck b. How clid^he fr^at the weak and the old? > r _ .................................................... M • F people of Makkah respect him? .fa.a.p. ..fa&.p&CrEeA. A. d. Why did the people leave their goods with Nabee e. ........................ . >..... meen? S'
  • 27. Lesson eleven Nabi Muhammad Un : character Colour in activlty %
  • 28. Notes to the Muallim/ah--------------------------------------- Period 2 ■ Put up the keywords and read it out to the pupils and ask the pupils ifthey remember the story. Give as many children the opportunity of telling the story and encourage the shy one to also try. InshaAllah in this way every child will have an opportunity to learn the story. % Period 3 ■ Now that everyone knows the story the main points should be elaborated upon i.e. 1. The creation ofAadam 880 and Hawwaa (alaihumas salaam). 2. The trickery ofthe Shaitaan. Ask them to answer the questions orally. Period 4 ■ Colour in all keywords. ■ Revision of the story ■ This book has eleven lessons for the year. ■ The Muallim/ah must remember that many of the children are not able to read and write as yet. ■ The Muallim/ah should make this period an interesting one and should create the correct environment. ■ Everybody loves stories and these lessons are sto­ ries, bur with a difference i."e. there are lessons to be learnt. ■ Questions on each lesson should be done orally with learners, as many have not as yet any writ­ ing and reading skills. Method Period 1 ■ Ask the children to put everything away includ- • ing rulers, rubbers, pencils etc. Now begin celling the story ofAadam 850. Ask the children ifanyone’s name is Aadam 860. If there is no one with that name then ask them if they know ofanyone with that name. Now ask them ifthey know where that name comes from. Some children may have an idea. Now go on to tell the story beginning with the first point. Do not concentrate too much on the vocabulary and only highlight the keywords. After telling the story once now ask one ofthe children to relate die story that they have heard. They may not be able to relate it accurately but the Muallim/ah can help them along by filling in the gaps.