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Dr Sunita Tiwale
Professor, Dept of Physiology
D.Y.Patil Medical College Kolhapur
Site of contiguity (Contact without continuity)
• Synapse – Greek word –synaptein. Syn –together;
aptein –clasp.
• Synapse – Clasping of hands (as in hand shaking
between two friends).
• Site of functional continuity (transneuronal
junctional complex) between two neurons.
• Why need of synapse?
• Function- Transmit impulse from one neuron to
• Importance - Permit grading & modulation of
neural activities.
• Synaptic mechanism is a sort of resistance in the
pathway of the impulse to have variable responses
from the effector organ depending on the nature &
intensity of the stimulus.
• Definition: Specialized anatomical junction
between two neurons, where electrical activity of
one neuron i.e. (presynaptic neuron) influences the
electrical or metabolic activity of other neuron
(postsynaptic neuron) without structural continuity.
Classification of Synapse:
a) Axodendritic: Most commonly seen.
Site: In cerebellum – Climbing fibres,
In cerebrum 98% – Apical dendrites of
cortical pyramidal cells.
Spinal cord: Motor neurons
b) Axosomatic :
Site : Spinal cord :Motor neuron.
Cerebellum : Basket cells with Purkinje cells.
Autonomic ganglia, 2% in cerebral cortex
c) Axoaxonal : Site: Spinal cord
d)Dendrodendritic: Rare.
Site : Olfactory bulb : Synapse between mitral &
granule cells.
Mixed /Conjoint
Depending on type of transmission
• Chemical Synapse: Transmission is through chemical
messengers i.e. Neurotransmitters. Site: CNS in
• Action potentials cannot cross the synaptic cleft
present between 2 neurons.
• Nerve impulse is carried by neurotransmitters which
transmit the nerve impulse from one nerve cell to the
next across the synapse.
• Impulse in the axon terminal of Presynaptic neuron
causes release of neurotransmitters like Acetylcholine
or Serotonin by exocytosis & diffuses in the synaptic
cleft (larger than electrical synapse).
• This chemical mediator binds to receptors on the
surface of the Postsynaptic neuron.
• This triggers events that open or close channels in
the membrane of the postsynaptic cell.
• Advantage : Thus excites, inhibits or modifies the
sensitivity of the postsynaptic neuron (unique
feature of this synapse).
• Signal transmission unidirectional, requires energy
so active process.
• Speed of signal transmission :At moderate speed.
Electrical Synapse :
• Membrane of Presynaptic & Postsynaptic neurons
come together to form Gap junction between the two
cells, like the intercellular junctions in other tissues.
• They form low resistance bridges through which ions
pass with relative ease (signal transmission in the
form of electrical signals).
• Gap junctions of only 2-3 nm (space is very small) .
• Cytoplasmic continuity present.
• No synaptic delay. Signal transmission very fast.
• Bidirectional conduction.
• No energy consumption during signal
transmission. So passive process.
• Disadvantage : Signals not modified (no gain,
signals remain same or reduced as compared to
originating neurons).
• These synapses occur in mammals & there is
electrical coupling.
• e.g – some of the neurons in the lateral Vestibular
3. Conjoint/Mixed Synapse :
• Having both electrical & chemical transmission,
exists within the same networks of inhibitory cells.
• Chemical & electrical synapses perform
complementary roles.
• Why chemical synapses?
• Chemical synapses are slower than electrical
synapses, so why does our body rely on them?
• chemical signal can be fine tuned. Neurons can
interact to inhibit themselves or other neurons to
increase the resolution of a signal.
Functional anatomy of Synapse :
Each neuron divides to form 2000 synaptic endings.
10 11 Neurons in human CNS so 2 x 1014 synapses.
Presynaptic neuron—conducts impulses toward the
synapse (sending side)
Postsynaptic neuron—transmits impulses away from
the synapse (receiving side).
SYNAPSE= Presynaptic terminal + Synaptic cleft +
Postsynaptic membrane
General features at the zone of synapse :
1) Presynaptic terminal: Terminal branch of the axon
(presynaptic neuron) enlarges – presynaptic knobs,
terminal knobs, boutons or end feet.
Presynaptic terminal/knob: a) cell membrane –
Presynaptic membrane,
Two internal structures : b) Synaptic/Transmitter
vesicles & c) Mitochondria.
Synaptic vesicles have a v – snare protein in their walls
synaptobrevin which locks with the t – snare protein
syntaxin in the Presynaptic cell membrane.
Structure of Synapse
• Transmitter/synaptic vesicles contain
Three types of synaptic vesicles:
a) Small clear synaptic vesicles –Ach, glycine, GABA
or glutamate.
b) Small vesicles with dense core – catecholamines.
c) Large vesicles with dense core – neuropeptides.
• Vesicles & proteins in their walls synthesized in
golgi apparatus of neuronal cell body, migrate
down the axon to the terminal by axoplasmic
• Mitochondria provide ATP for synthesis of
• Small molecule neurotransmitters are synthesized
& packed into synaptic vesicles in the axon
(presynaptic) terminal.
• Neuropeptides synthesized by nerve cell body,
packed into vesicles in golgi apparatus, these
vesicles are delivered to axon terminal.
• Pre synaptic membrane –thickened at the synaptic
cleft called as active zones which contain many
proteins & row of Ca++ channels.
• Ca++ is the key to synaptic vesicle fusion with cell
membrane & discharge of neurotransmitter.
• An action potential reaching presynaptic terminal
opens voltage- gated Ca++ channels & the resulting
Ca++ influx triggers release of neurotransmitters.
• Ca content restored back to resting level by rapid
sequestration & removal from the cell primarily by
Ca Na antiport.
• Vesicles fuse with the membrane (Synaptobrevin
fuses with syntaxin), discharge the transmitter into
synaptic cleft by exocytosis.
• Vesicles retrieved by endocytosis. They enter
endosomes, budded off & refilled, starting the cycle
over again.
• Thus small clear vesicles & small dense core
vesicles recycle in the end.
• Tetanus toxin acts on synaptobrevin also
botulinium toxins B, D, F & G blocks presynaptic
transmitter release causing spastic paralysis.
• Botulism blocks release of Ach at neuromuscular
junction causing flaccid paralysis.
• Botulism toxin has proved effective in the
treatment of muscle hyperactivity e.g to relieve
achalasia & injection into facial muscles to remove
2) Synaptic cleft :
• Gap of 20 nm width exists between pre &
postsynaptic membranes.
• Filled with extracellular fluid.
• Neurotransmitter is released from the
presynaptic membrane into synaptic cleft.
• Enzymes are present in the cleft to destroy
neurotransmitter after its action on post
synaptic membrane is over.
3)Post synaptic membrane:
• Thickened across the synaptic cleft –Subsynaptic
membrane/post synaptic density.
• It has specific receptor binding proteins & enzymes.
• Receptors – Two components:
1) A binding component - protrudes outwards
into the synaptic cleft & binds with neurotransmitter
released from presynaptic terminal.
2) An ionophore component – occupy whole
thickness of post synaptic membrane &
protrudes inside the post synaptic neurone.
• Ionophore two types –
a)An ion channel – Allows passage of specified
types of ions.
b) A second messenger activator – Protrudes into
the cell cytoplasm & activates one or more
substances inside the post synaptic neurone.
• These substances in turn acts as second
messengers to change specific internal cellular
• Ion channels two types:
1)Cation channel : Allows Na to pass, sometimes K
or Ca.
2) Anion channel : Allow Cl to pass also minute
quantities of other anions.
• Neurotransmitter substances that open Cation
channel – excitatory transmitter (Na excites post
synaptic neuron).
• Transmitter substances that open anion channel –
inhibitory transmitter (allow –ve electrical charges
to enter which inhibits post synaptic neuron).
• Opening & closing of channels occurs within
fraction of a millisecond, thus provide a means for
rapid control of post synaptic neurons.
Second messenger system in the Postsynaptic neuron:
• The process of memory- require prolonged changes in
• Achieved by activating a second messenger chemical
system inside the post synaptic neuronal cell itself.
• Most prevailing type in neurons is the G protein.
• G protein – attached to the inner portion of
Membrane receptor protein.
• 3 components of G protein : alpha, beta & gamma.
• Alpha component separates on activation & performs
one or multiple function.
Changes which occur are :
1) Opening specific ion channels through the post
synaptic membrane, e.g K+ channel remains
open for prolonged time.
2) Activation of cAMP & cGMP: Initiate long term
changes in cell structure itself → alters long
term excitability of neurons
3) Activation of one or more intracellular enzymes →
cause any one of many specific chemical
functions in the cell.
4) Activation of Gene transcription: Most important.
Formation of new proteins within the neurons
→ Can change metabolic machinery of the cell
or its structure. Occurs in long term memory
• Thus post synaptic receptors after activation either
cause excitation or inhibition.
• Importance of both types of receptors is that it allows
restrain as well as excitation which gives additional
dimension to nervous function.
• Excitation occurs by :
1)Opening of Na channels → Na influx →positivity
inside the cell toward the threshold level for excitation.
Most widely used means of excitation.
• 2) Depressed conduction through Cl or K channels.
• 3) Various change in the internal metabolism of the
cell – a)To excite cell activity or
b) To ↑ the number of excitatory membrane
receptors or
c) to ↓ number of inhibitory membrane
• Inhibition occurs by
1) Opening of Cl ion channels through receptor.
2) ↑ in conductance of K ion through receptor.
3) Activation of receptor enzymes that
a) inhibit cellular metabolic function or
b)↑the number of inhibitory synaptic
receptors or
c) to ↓ number of excitatory membrane
• More than 50 synaptic transmitters have been
found: Two types:
• 1) Small molecules rapidly acting →acute
responses of the nervous system like transmission
of sensory signals to brain & motor signals back to
2) Neuropeptides – large molecular size – slow
acting-more potent –prolonged action such as long
term changes in:
• Numbers of neuronal receptors,
• Opening or closure of certain ion channels
• Numbers of synapses
• Sizes of synapses
e.g – Hypothalamus releasing hormones-TRH,
GnRH, Somatostatin, Pituitary peptides –LH, TSH,
Growth hormone, ADH, Oxytocin, GIT peptides.
Functional Classification of Neurotransmitters
• Excitatory (depolarizing) and inhibitory
• Determined by receptor type on postsynaptic
• GABA usually inhibitory
• Glutamate, epinephrine usually excitatory
• Acetylcholine
• Excitatory at neuromuscular junctions in skeletal
• Inhibitory in cardiac muscle
Synaptic Transmission: Mechanism Of
Conduction of an Impulse in a chemical
Sequence of events :
1)Release of neurotransmitter
2)Development of Excitatory or Inhibitory
postsynaptic potential
3)Removal of neurotransmitter from synaptic cleft
4)Development of action potential
Release of neurotransmitter:
Action potential in the axon reaches the presynaptic
terminal resulting in depolarization of presynaptic
voltage-gated Ca2+ channels on the presynaptic
membrane open
influx of Ca2+ from ECF of the synaptic cleft into
presynaptic terminal. This stimulates sliding of synaptic
vesicles towards presynaptic membrane
synaptic vesicles fuse with the pre-synaptic membrane
by exocytosis of vesicles
neurotransmitter released into synaptic cleft, diffuses
across synaptic cleft and binds to the receptors on the
post-synaptic membrane
Release of Neurotransmitter
Single action potential from the Presynaptic terminal
does not lead to the formation of propagated action
potential in the Postsynaptic neuron but it produces
either a transient partial depolarization (opening of
Na channels) or a transient hyperpolarization (opening
of K channels) → Graded potential.
Graded potentials strength determined by:
Amount of neurotransmitter released (it depends on
Ca influx).
Time the neurotransmitter is in the synaptic cleft.
Development of Electrical events at the Synapses
Two Types of Events:
1)Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP)
2)Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP)
Special features of Soma of the neuron :
• RMP of neuronal soma is less negative (-65mv) as
compared to peripheral nerves (-90mv).
• Advantage : Neuron can function in two ways.
• If RMP becomes less –ve the postsynaptic membrane
becomes more excitable.
•If RMP becomes more –ve the postsynaptic
membrane becomes less excitable.
• Neuron can function in two modes –excitation or
2) Interior of neuronal soma contains
a)highly conductive electrolyte solution (ICF).
b)Diameter of neuronal soma larger (10 to 80 µm).
Advantage :
i)Almost no resistance to conduction of electric current
from one part of somal interior to another part.
ii) So any change in potential in any part of intra somal
fluid causes an almost exactly equal change in
potential at all points inside the soma.
Feature plays important role in the summation of signals
entering the neuron from multiple sources.
Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP) :
Presynaptic terminal →Release of neurotransmitter →
Binds with receptors of postsynaptic membrane →
partial depolarization of postsynaptic membrane.
This partial depolarizing response begins after 0.5msec
of entering of afferent impulse into spinal cord.
Reaches a peak after 1 -1.5msec & then declines over
next 4msec.
Voltage rises above the RMP (becomes less –ve)
→Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP).
Excitatory because if this potential rises high enough in
the +ve direction it elicits action potential in the post
synaptic neuron.
Thus ↑ the excitability of that neuron to other stimuli.
EPSP of +20mv i.e from – 65mv to – 45mv initiates
action potential.
Ionic basis of EPSP :
1)Opening of chemical/ligand gated (Na or Ca) ion
channels in postsynaptic neuron.
2) ↓ conductance through Cl & K channels.
3) ↑ the number of excitatory membrane receptors or
4) ↓ number of inhibitory membrane receptor.
Fast excitatory post synaptic
potential (EPSP) transmission
• Opening of voltage gated Ca++ channels-Ca++ enters
Fast excitatory post synaptic
potential (EPSP) transmission
• Fusion of docked vesicles with terminal memb. (Active zones)
Fast excitatory post synaptic potential
(EPSP) transmission
• Release of NT by exocytosis
potential (EPSP)
• NT bind with receptors on post synaptic memb - Opens Na+ channels (Na+ influx) –
positivity inside
Fast excitatory post synaptic
potential (EPSP) transmission
Slow excitatory transmission
Slow excitatory transmission
• Closure of K+ channels - no K+ efflux – positivity inside
Properties of postsynaptic potentials
• Mediated by ligand-gated channels
• Graded
• Decremental (ie local, non-propagated)
• Depolarising (excitatory) or hyperpolarizing
• Can summate
• Enable synaptic integration
If postsynaptic membrane receive impulses from
multiple nerve terminals, simultaneously at the same
time (spatial) or in rapid succession i.e. repeatedly
(Temporal) → the effect of all impulses (potentials) is
added up called as summation giving larger response.
If potential developed reaches threshold level →
developing an action potential at the initial segment
of the axon (axon hillock).
Cause : Large number of voltage gated Na channels
present at axon hillock as myelin sheath is absent
there. Also the threshold required here is less (6 to 10
Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP) : Stimulation of
pre-synaptic terminals releases neuro transmitter 
hyperpolarization of the post-synaptic memb  IPSP.
It begins about 1 to 1.5msec after afferent impulse
enters spinal cord, reaches peak 1.5 -2 msec after its
onset & declines exponentially with time of about
During this response there is ↓ in RMP i.e it becomes
more –ve. So threshold for excitation is ↑ (i.e the
excitability of the neuron to other stimuli is ↓ .
↑ in negativity of voltage beyond the RMP is called IPSP.
IPSP also summate spatially & temporally.
Ionic bases of IPSP:
1) Opening of Cl¯ channels of post-synaptic memb.
(produced by inhibitory neurotransmitter)  
excitability and membrane potential goes away
from firing level.
Also IPSP can be produced by:-
2) Opening of K+ channels  outward movement of K+
3)Closure of Na+ or Ca++ channels
4) Decrease in excitatory receptors
5) Increase in inhibitory receptors
5mV ↓ in RMP IPSP
Fast transmission of inhibitory
post synaptic potential (IPSP)
• Opening of voltage gated Ca++ channels-Ca++ enters
• Release of NT by exocytosis
Fast transmission of inhibitory post synaptic
potential (IPSP)
potential (IPSP)
• NT bind with receptors on post synaptic memb –Opens
Cl- channels (Cl- influx)-Negativity inside
Fast transmission of inhibitory
post synaptic potential (IPSP)
Slow transmission of inhibitory post
synaptic potential (IPSP)
• Opening of voltage gated Ca++ channels-Ca++ enters
• NT bind with receptors on post synaptic memb –
Opens K+ channels (K+ efflux)
Slow transmission of inhibitory post
synaptic potential (IPSP)
Slow inhibitory post synaptic
• Produces negativity inside postsynaptic memb.
(Excitatory postsynaptic potential)
• Opening of Na channels
• K & Cl channels are not
Both the above actions
cause increased positivity
of the neuron and so
excitation that can lead
to depolarization & AP….
(Inhibitory postsynaptic potential)
• Opening of Cl channels &
chloride ion influx
• Increased efflux of K ions
Both cause increased
negativity inside the
neuron leading to
hyperpolarization and
inhibition of the neuron.
Thus, AP will NOT be
Fate of the Neurotransmitter:
Dissociates from the Receptor & can have either of
the 3 fates:
• Enzymatic Degradation: A portion of it is
inactivated by the enzymes present in high
concentration at the postsynaptic membrane.
• Re-uptake of remaining NT by Pre-synaptic neuron
and Re-used.
• Diffusion into the blood stream.
• Inactivation of neurotransmitter is essential
otherwise it will produce prolonged stimulation of
the post synaptic neuron in response to single
impulse in the presynaptic neuron.
Inactivation of Neurotransmitters
e.g. Ach
e.g. Serotonin
e.g. NE
Development of Action Potential
Development of AP from EPSP has three steps:
1) Synaptic integration
2) Generation of initial segment spike &
3) Generation of propagated signals i.e. action
Synaptic integration: Phenomena of summation
(temporal & spatial) of both EPSP & IPSP produced
at the postsynaptic membrane.
Net algebraically summated potential determines
whether synaptic transmission will occur or not.
Generation of initial segment spike :
The summated EPSP & IPSP spread passively to the
initial segment (Axon hillock & proximal part of initial
segment of unmyelinated nerve fibres).
If summated potential depolarizes axon hillock/initial
segment to threshold of 6 -10 mV (low threshold is
required), a spike potential – initial spike (IS) is
Magnitude is 30 – 40mV above the threshold level.
Generation of propagated signals i.e. action potential :
Initial segment spike initiated → itself produces further
depolarization of 30 -40 mV by opening of voltage gated
Na channels (abundant) on axon hillock.
Thus initial segment (IS) spike in turn triggers the
generation of action potential (AP) spike.
AP travels in both directions –
a) peripherally in the axon as nerve impulse
b) Retrogradely over postsynaptic cell membrane
& dendrites to clear the previous summated
Backward conduction called as soma dendritic
(SD) spike.
Thus after synaptic transmission, post synaptic
neuron (soma & dendrites) returns back to resting
potential. It allows fresh EPSP & IPSP to be
generated & fresh summation to occur.
1)Synaptic delay
2)Law of forward conduction
3)Convergence & divergence
4)Summation – a)Spatial & b)Temporal
5)Inhibition – a)Direct b)indirect c)Presynaptic inhibition
8)Subliminal fringe
9)Fatigue, Site of fatigue
10)Plasticity -a)Habituation & sensitization
b) Post tetanic potentiation
c) Long term potentiation &
d)Long term depression
11) reverberating circuit
1. Synaptic delay (Irreducible)
Definition: Synaptic delay: Time required for the
transmission of signal from Pre to Postsynaptic neuron.
i.e about 0.5msec.
Cause :1) Discharge of neurotransmitter from the
presynaptic membrane.
2) Diffusion of neurotransmitter across the synaptic
cleft to reach the post synaptic membrane.
3) Binding of neurotransmitter to the neuroreceptors.
4) Action of the receptor to ↑ the membrane
5) Inward diffusion of Na to ↑ excitatory postsynaptic
potential to threshold to elicit the Action Potential.
Significance : Synaptic delay - rate-limiting step of
neural transmission.
In polysynaptic pathway conduction is slow.
From total synaptic delay we can know number of
To calculate total synaptic delay the neuro physiologist
measure total duration taken by stimulus to travel &
show response. Suppose it is 1sec.
Type of nerve fibre - conduction velocity is known.
Let it be 20m/ sec.
Measure actual length of that peripheral nerve.
From muscle end to vertebral or spinal end. Suppose it
is 20cm.
As conduction velocity is 20metres/sec i.e
i.e. 2000cm distance travelled in 1000msec.
20cm in X msec
X =10msec.
Synaptic delay = Total duration – duration for
nerve transmission through nerve.
i.e , 1sec (1000msec) – 10msec = 990 msec.
Therefore number of synapses = 990/0.5 = 198
Hence polysynaptic pathway, so conduction slow.
Synaptic delay extremely short in electrical
transmission as no neurotransmitter release.
2. Law of forward (one-way) conduction
Axon can transmit impulse in both direction.
But in synapse conduction in one direction i.e
orthodromically (wiping the slate clean) from
presynaptic to the postsynaptic neuron not antidromic.
Cause : 1)Chemical mediator at synaptic junction is
located in synaptic knob (presynaptic terminal) &
receptors only on postsynaptic membrane.
2) Also number of Na channels (voltage gated) is less
on soma & dendrites so no adequate depolarisation &
action potential.
In electrical synapses:
The transmission of impulses is bidirectional as
pre & postsynaptic membranes are in close
apposition, often fused at several points & have
cytoplasmic continuity.
Significance : Synapse due to one way direction
determines the direction of an impulse.
This is necessary for orderly neural function.
3) Convergence & divergence :
Convergence : Many presynaptic neurons converge i.e
meet at a common focus on any single postsynaptic
neuron. e.g. Anterior horn cells or motor neurons of
spinal cord.
Impulses come from long descending pathways, also
from dorsal root & interneurons.
Motor neurons form Final Common Pathway.
Thus synapse acts as relay station but also act as
integrator (grading & adjusting neural activity) e.g.
cerebral cortex.
Divergence: Presynaptic neuron divide into many
branches that diverge to end on many postsynaptic
neurons. e.g. Divergence of visual impulses from
retina to Occipital cortex.
3)Divergence & Convergence
Divergence Visual impulses
(Retina to Occipital cortex)
Spinal Motor neuron
4) Summation :
Fusion of effects or progressive increase in excitatory
post synaptic potential, when many presynaptic
terminals are stimulated simultaneously or
Integration/ Summation - needed :
EPSP due to activity in one synaptic knob is small (0.5
-1mv) so cannot induce an action potential.
But during excitation in the neuronal pool many
presynaptic terminals are stimulated at the same
time, which are spread over wide areas of the
postsynaptic neuron.
But their effects (EPSPs) can summate.
Cause : Change in potential at any single point
within soma will change the potential everywhere
inside the soma exactly equally ( due to high
electrical conductivity inside the neuronal cell body.
So during each discharge of impulse the EPSP
becomes +ve by a fraction of millivolt when reaches
Threshold (↓ in –ve by 15 -20 mv) action potential is
generated in postsynaptic membrane.
IPSPs and EPSPs can cancel each other out.
Temporal summation : If successive stimuli from
one synaptic knob reach the postsynaptic
membrane rapidly ( before the decay of previous
stimuli) or one after the other.
The postsynaptic potential (PSP) generated during
each discharge is added up to the next PSP & high
PSP level is achieved.
Due to repeated excitation or facilitation of a
postsynaptic neuron.
• Spatial summation : If subminimal stimuli
from two or more different presynaptic knob
widely spaced reach a Postsynaptic neuron
simultaneously, their postsynaptic potentials
are added & if reaches threshold of firing
action potential is generated.
Cause : Activity of one synaptic knob
facilitates the activity in another due to more
release of neurotransmitter.
This is very important in central neural
If simultaneous summation of inhibitory & excitatory
postsynaptic potentials occur, they partially or
completely nullify each other. This results in decrease or
completely turn off the activity of post synaptic neuron
5) Facilitation of Neurons :
• When one excitatory signal enters post synaptic
neuron there is generation of EPSP of 0.5 -1mv.
• If another excitatory signal arrives to the same
postsynaptic neuron this neurone is excited easily &
neuron is said to be facilitated due to beneficial
effect of previous stimulus.
• Advantage :Neurons respond quickly & easily as the
synaptic resistance is decreased for further
6) Inhibition : An active process which either prevents
onset of activity in the neuron or stops the activity already
It may be Postsynaptic or Presynaptic.
Types of inhibitions known to occur at synapses –
1)Postsynaptic inhibition 2)Presynaptic inhibition
3)Feedback inhibition 4)Feed forward inhibition
5)Reciprocal inhibition
1)Postsynaptic inhibition :
i)Direct postsynaptic inhibition : Development of
inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)-Release of
inhibitory neurotransmitters(Ach, dopamine, glycine,
GABA) – partial hyperpolarization.
Ionic bases of IPSP:
1) Opening of Cl¯ channels of post-synaptic memb.
(produced by inhibitory neurotransmitter)  
excitability and membrane potential goes away
from firing level.
Also IPSP can be produced by:-
2) Opening of K+ channels  outward movement of K+
3)Closure of Na+ or Ca++ channels
4) Decrease in excitatory receptors
5) Increase in inhibitory receptors
5mV ↓ in RMP IPSP
e.g. Muscle spindle stretch reflex
Post synaptic Inhibition - Direct
Muscle spindle stretch reflex
e.g. Muscle spindle of extensor muscles when stretched
→ Stimulation of afferent nerves → impulses passes to
spinal motor neurons supplying same muscle & cause
EPSP which summate to produce action potential in
postsynaptic spinal motor neurons →so the
protoagonist muscle contracts.
At the same time these impulses also pass along
interneurons (Golgi bottle neurons) which liberate an
inhibitory transmitter glycine at their synaptic
connections with motor neurons supplying the
antagonist muscle. In these motor neurons i.e
postsynaptic neuron an IPSP is produced which results
in simultaneously reflex relaxation of its antagonists
Post synaptic Inhibition - Direct
Golgi tendon organ reflex
Post synaptic Inhibition - Direct
• Golgi tendon reflex
ii) Postsynaptic inhibition ( indirect inhibition):
It occurs due to effects of previous post synaptic
a)Postsynaptic cell can be refractory to excitation
because it has just fired i.e. existing EPSP has not been
cleared by the soma dendritic (SD) spike (retrograde /
antidromic conduction).
b)During hyperpolarization postsynaptic neuron is less
c)Renshaw cell inhibition (Negative feedback
Neurons inhibit themselves in a negative feedback
fashion e.g. axons of spinal motor neurons give
collateral branches as they travel towards the
ventral root.
These collaterals make excitatory synaptic
connections with interneurons called Renshaw cell.
These Renshaw cells in turn send axons which
make inhibitory synaptic connections with spinal
motor neurons.
Significance : Renshaw cells check the discharge of
those motor neurons. Similar collaterals are seen
in cerebral cortex & limbic system.
Post synaptic Inhibition
Indirect – Renshaw cell
2) Presynaptic inhibition : Occurs in axo axonal type of
synapse. Inhibition occurs at presynaptic terminal before
the signal reaches the synapse.
Caused by discharge of inhibitory interneuron which
releases the neurotransmitter GABA → opening of anion
channels which diffuse into presynaptic terminal.
These – ve charges cancel much of the excitatory effect of
the presynaptic terminal when action potential arrives to
So less excitation of post synaptic membrane, weak EPSP
is developed or synaptic transmission is completely
stopped in postsynaptic membrane.
Presynaptic inhibition
e.g. Presynaptic inhibition occurs in sensory pathways.
That is adjacent terminal nerve fibres mutually inhibit
one another which minimizes the side way spread of
signal in sensory tract.
Mechanisms :
i)↑ Cl- conductance →hyperpolarization of presynaptic
neuron, ↓ size of action potential reaching the excitatory
ending →↓ ca influx →↓ release of neurotransmitter.
ii)Voltage gated K+ channels open →↓ ca influx
iii) Direct inhibition of transmitter release independent of
Ca ++influx. GABA mediate presynaptic inhibition via G
protein → ↑ K + conductance or direct blocking of Ca
channels in presynaptic neuron.
Baclofen a GABA agonist is effective in treatment of
spasticity of spinal cord.
3) Feedback inhibition (Renshaw cell inhibition):
Via Renshaw cell the motor neurons check their own
• 4)Feed forward inhibition : Seen in cerebellum.
Here neuron is connected through two pathways:
one excitatory & other inhibitory. Granule cell
excites the Purkinje cells which is soon inhibited by
basket cell, which in turn was excited by granule
• This type of arrangement limits the duration of
excitation produced by any given afferent volley i.e.
allows a brief & precisely timed excitation.
Feed forward inhibition
Post synaptic Inhibition
Indirect – Renshaw cell
Reciprocal inhibition:
• Phenomenon in which an afferent signal activates
an excitatory neuron to a group of muscles and
simultaneously activates inhibitory signals to other,
usually antagonistic muscles.
• For example, during flexion of a joint the afferent
stimulus causes excitation of the neurons supplying
the flexor muscles of the joint and at the same time
a branch of afferent fibre excites an inhibitory inter-
neuron, which synapses with the motor neuron
supplying the extensor muscles of the joint.
Reciprocal inhibition
7) Subliminal fringe:
• Subliminal means below threshold & Fringe means
border line.
• Response obtained by simultaneous stimulation of
two presynaptic neurons is greater than the sum total
of response obtained when each presynaptic neuron
is stimulated separately.
• Explanation : Here the stimulus from each
presynaptic neurons is subminimal/subliminal. This
stimulus will be adequate for some of the
postsynaptic neurons & they will show response.
• But few postsynaptic neurons are high resistance
so inadequately stimulated & will not show
response to this single subminimal stimulus.
• When both presynaptic neurons fire
simultaneously the two subminimal stimuli
becomes adequate for the postsynaptic neurons
with high resistance & they also show response &
the effect seen is more than expected.
• It is another example of spatial summation.
8) Subliminal Fringe
A=3 B=3
Not discharged but
Increased excitability
8) Occlusion (block):
• Opposite to subliminal fringe.
• When two presynaptic neurons are stimulated
simultaneously with adequate stimulus, total response
in the postsynaptic neurons is less than the sum total
of response obtained when the two presynaptic
neurons are stimulated separately.
• Explanation : A & B are two presynaptic neurons each
stimulates ten postsynaptic neurons by adequate
• As the stimulus is adequate all neurons are excited.
• But when both presynaptic neurons are stimulated
simultaneously (15 neurons excited) i.e. actually the
effect seen is less.
• Cause : Common neuronal response remains same it
does not increase e.g. Impulse from motor cortex to
periphery, basal ganglia, cerebellum.
• Common to both
A=9 B=9
9) Fatigue :
• Excitatory synapses are repetitively stimulated at
rapid rate, initially ↑ in discharges at postsynaptic
neuron then decrease & finally disappearance of
response. This phenomenon is called synaptic
fatigue or habituation.
• Site of fatigue in CNS is synapse.
• CNS neurons cannot sustain O2 lack so first site of
fatigue of the synaptic chain is located in the brain.
• Importance : When areas of nervous system
become over excited, fatigue ↓ the excitability
after some time e.g. excessive excitability of the
brain during seizures (epilepsy) is ↓ & it stops.
• Thus it is protective & temporary mechanism.
• Cause :
1)Exhaustion of stores of neurotransmitter as the rate
of synaptic transmission, rate of synthesis of
neurotransmitter fails to keep pace.
2)↓ in release of neurotransmitter as inactivation of Ca
channel which decreases intracellular Ca.
3) Accumulation of metabolites.
4)Progressive refractiveness of postsynaptic membrane
5)Tachyphylaxis – Adaptation of receptor
6)Probable reason – more Ca inside the postsynaptic
membrane so K efflux so hyperpolarisation.
9) Synaptic plasticity :
• Capability to mould or change. Synaptic
conduction is increased or decreased on the basis
of past experience.
• These changes are Presynaptic or postsynaptic in
location & play important role in learning
(conditioned reflexes) & memory.
• Forms of synaptic plasticity:
i)Post-tetanic potentiation,
ii) Long-term potentiation
iii) Synaptic fatigue or habituation
iv) Sensitization and
v) Long-term depression.
i) Post-tetanic potentiation:
• When a pre-synaptic neuron is stimulated with a
single stimulus, followed by stimulation with a
volley of (brief tetanizing stimuli) (says 100/s) for 2
stimulus and then again with a single stimulus, the
second stimulus evokes a larger post-synaptic
response than the first stimulus.
• This phenomenon is called post-tetanic
• This occurs due to that brief tetanizing stimuli in
the presynaptic neuron resulting in an increase in
intracellular Ca2+ due to increased Ca2+ influx.
• It is a form of synaptic facilitation.
ii) Long term potentiation :
• When post tetanic potentiation gets much more
prolonged & lasts for days , it is called as long term
• Cause : Increase in the intracellular Ca++ in the
post synaptic neuron rather than presynaptic
• Commonly seen in hippocampus. LTP involves
protein synthesis, growth of pre & postsynaptic
neurons & their connections.
Presynaptic Facilitation
A P is prolonged & Ca++ channels remain open for long duration
(iii) Long-term depression (LTD):
• It is opposite to long-term potentiation. It is
characterized by a decrease in synaptic conduction
that occurs due to slow stimulation of presynaptic
neurons and associated with slow and decrease
Ca2+ influx.
• It was first noted in hippocampus and in
• LTD of climbing fibres causing decreased firing of
parallel fibres.
(iv) Sensitization :
• Sensitization refers to a prolonged occurrence of
increased post-synaptic responses (response
intensified or potentiation of effect) after a
stimulus is paired once or several times with a
noxious stimulus.
• It is due to presynaptic facilitation of synaptic
transmission brought about by third neuron called
as facilitatory neuron which releases
neurotransmitter serotonin which further leads to
increase Ca influx & more release of
neurotransmitter at the presynaptic ending.
• If benign Stimulus is presented for first time it
evokes response but if repeated produces lesser &
lesser response. Further no response to stimulation
• If stimulus is not harmful i.e. the subject
ignores/neglect it.
• Cause : Synapses decreases the intensity of
stimulus due to inactivation of Ca channels.
10) Reverberation :
• Phenomenon of passage of impulse from pre-
synaptic neuron and again back to pre-synaptic
neuron to cause a continuous stimulation of pre-
synaptic neuron.
• Nervous system is a network of fibres and in this
network, it is possible that a branch of axon of a
neuron may establish connection with its own
• This causes reverberation of impulse through same
circuit again and again.
• This is prevented to some extent by phenomenon of
• Acidosis depresses while alkalosis increases the
neuronal activity.
• Hypoxia exerts a depressing effect.

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Synapse by sunita tiwale

  • 1. Synapse By Dr Sunita Tiwale Professor, Dept of Physiology D.Y.Patil Medical College Kolhapur
  • 2. Synapse Sherrington Site of contiguity (Contact without continuity)
  • 4. • Synapse – Greek word –synaptein. Syn –together; aptein –clasp. • Synapse – Clasping of hands (as in hand shaking between two friends). • Site of functional continuity (transneuronal junctional complex) between two neurons. • Why need of synapse? • Function- Transmit impulse from one neuron to another. • Importance - Permit grading & modulation of neural activities. • Synaptic mechanism is a sort of resistance in the pathway of the impulse to have variable responses from the effector organ depending on the nature & intensity of the stimulus.
  • 5. • Definition: Specialized anatomical junction between two neurons, where electrical activity of one neuron i.e. (presynaptic neuron) influences the electrical or metabolic activity of other neuron (postsynaptic neuron) without structural continuity.
  • 6. Classification of Synapse: I)Anatomical/Histological: a) Axodendritic: Most commonly seen. Site: In cerebellum – Climbing fibres, In cerebrum 98% – Apical dendrites of cortical pyramidal cells. Spinal cord: Motor neurons b) Axosomatic : Site : Spinal cord :Motor neuron. Cerebellum : Basket cells with Purkinje cells. Autonomic ganglia, 2% in cerebral cortex c) Axoaxonal : Site: Spinal cord d)Dendrodendritic: Rare. Site : Olfactory bulb : Synapse between mitral & granule cells.
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  • 8. II) PHYSIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF SYNAPSES: Physiological/ functional Classification Chemical synapse Electrical synapse Mixed /Conjoint synapse Depending on type of transmission
  • 9. • Chemical Synapse: Transmission is through chemical messengers i.e. Neurotransmitters. Site: CNS in human. • Action potentials cannot cross the synaptic cleft present between 2 neurons. • Nerve impulse is carried by neurotransmitters which transmit the nerve impulse from one nerve cell to the next across the synapse. • Impulse in the axon terminal of Presynaptic neuron causes release of neurotransmitters like Acetylcholine or Serotonin by exocytosis & diffuses in the synaptic cleft (larger than electrical synapse).
  • 10. • This chemical mediator binds to receptors on the surface of the Postsynaptic neuron. • This triggers events that open or close channels in the membrane of the postsynaptic cell. • Advantage : Thus excites, inhibits or modifies the sensitivity of the postsynaptic neuron (unique feature of this synapse). • Signal transmission unidirectional, requires energy so active process. • Speed of signal transmission :At moderate speed.
  • 11. Electrical Synapse : • Membrane of Presynaptic & Postsynaptic neurons come together to form Gap junction between the two cells, like the intercellular junctions in other tissues. • They form low resistance bridges through which ions pass with relative ease (signal transmission in the form of electrical signals). • Gap junctions of only 2-3 nm (space is very small) . • Cytoplasmic continuity present. • No synaptic delay. Signal transmission very fast. • Bidirectional conduction.
  • 12. • No energy consumption during signal transmission. So passive process. • Disadvantage : Signals not modified (no gain, signals remain same or reduced as compared to originating neurons). • These synapses occur in mammals & there is electrical coupling. • e.g – some of the neurons in the lateral Vestibular nucleus.
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  • 16. 3. Conjoint/Mixed Synapse : • Having both electrical & chemical transmission, exists within the same networks of inhibitory cells. • Chemical & electrical synapses perform complementary roles. • Why chemical synapses? • Chemical synapses are slower than electrical synapses, so why does our body rely on them? • chemical signal can be fine tuned. Neurons can interact to inhibit themselves or other neurons to increase the resolution of a signal.
  • 17. Functional anatomy of Synapse : Each neuron divides to form 2000 synaptic endings. 10 11 Neurons in human CNS so 2 x 1014 synapses. Presynaptic neuron—conducts impulses toward the synapse (sending side) Postsynaptic neuron—transmits impulses away from the synapse (receiving side). SYNAPSE= Presynaptic terminal + Synaptic cleft + Postsynaptic membrane
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  • 21. General features at the zone of synapse : 1) Presynaptic terminal: Terminal branch of the axon (presynaptic neuron) enlarges – presynaptic knobs, terminal knobs, boutons or end feet. Presynaptic terminal/knob: a) cell membrane – Presynaptic membrane, Two internal structures : b) Synaptic/Transmitter vesicles & c) Mitochondria. Synaptic vesicles have a v – snare protein in their walls synaptobrevin which locks with the t – snare protein syntaxin in the Presynaptic cell membrane. Structure of Synapse
  • 22. • Transmitter/synaptic vesicles contain neurotransmitters. Three types of synaptic vesicles: a) Small clear synaptic vesicles –Ach, glycine, GABA or glutamate. b) Small vesicles with dense core – catecholamines. c) Large vesicles with dense core – neuropeptides. • Vesicles & proteins in their walls synthesized in golgi apparatus of neuronal cell body, migrate down the axon to the terminal by axoplasmic transport. • Mitochondria provide ATP for synthesis of neurotransmitter
  • 23. • Small molecule neurotransmitters are synthesized & packed into synaptic vesicles in the axon (presynaptic) terminal. • Neuropeptides synthesized by nerve cell body, packed into vesicles in golgi apparatus, these vesicles are delivered to axon terminal. • Pre synaptic membrane –thickened at the synaptic cleft called as active zones which contain many proteins & row of Ca++ channels. • Ca++ is the key to synaptic vesicle fusion with cell membrane & discharge of neurotransmitter.
  • 24. • An action potential reaching presynaptic terminal opens voltage- gated Ca++ channels & the resulting Ca++ influx triggers release of neurotransmitters. • Ca content restored back to resting level by rapid sequestration & removal from the cell primarily by Ca Na antiport. • Vesicles fuse with the membrane (Synaptobrevin fuses with syntaxin), discharge the transmitter into synaptic cleft by exocytosis. • Vesicles retrieved by endocytosis. They enter endosomes, budded off & refilled, starting the cycle over again.
  • 25. • Thus small clear vesicles & small dense core vesicles recycle in the end. • Tetanus toxin acts on synaptobrevin also botulinium toxins B, D, F & G blocks presynaptic transmitter release causing spastic paralysis. • Botulism blocks release of Ach at neuromuscular junction causing flaccid paralysis. • Botulism toxin has proved effective in the treatment of muscle hyperactivity e.g to relieve achalasia & injection into facial muscles to remove wrinkles.
  • 26. 2) Synaptic cleft : • Gap of 20 nm width exists between pre & postsynaptic membranes. • Filled with extracellular fluid. • Neurotransmitter is released from the presynaptic membrane into synaptic cleft. • Enzymes are present in the cleft to destroy neurotransmitter after its action on post synaptic membrane is over.
  • 27. 3)Post synaptic membrane: • Thickened across the synaptic cleft –Subsynaptic membrane/post synaptic density. • It has specific receptor binding proteins & enzymes. • Receptors – Two components: 1) A binding component - protrudes outwards into the synaptic cleft & binds with neurotransmitter released from presynaptic terminal. 2) An ionophore component – occupy whole thickness of post synaptic membrane & protrudes inside the post synaptic neurone.
  • 28. • Ionophore two types – a)An ion channel – Allows passage of specified types of ions. b) A second messenger activator – Protrudes into the cell cytoplasm & activates one or more substances inside the post synaptic neurone. • These substances in turn acts as second messengers to change specific internal cellular functions. • Ion channels two types: 1)Cation channel : Allows Na to pass, sometimes K or Ca. 2) Anion channel : Allow Cl to pass also minute quantities of other anions.
  • 29. • Neurotransmitter substances that open Cation channel – excitatory transmitter (Na excites post synaptic neuron). • Transmitter substances that open anion channel – inhibitory transmitter (allow –ve electrical charges to enter which inhibits post synaptic neuron). • Opening & closing of channels occurs within fraction of a millisecond, thus provide a means for rapid control of post synaptic neurons.
  • 30. Second messenger system in the Postsynaptic neuron: • The process of memory- require prolonged changes in neurons. • Achieved by activating a second messenger chemical system inside the post synaptic neuronal cell itself. • Most prevailing type in neurons is the G protein. • G protein – attached to the inner portion of Membrane receptor protein. • 3 components of G protein : alpha, beta & gamma. • Alpha component separates on activation & performs one or multiple function.
  • 31. Changes which occur are : 1) Opening specific ion channels through the post synaptic membrane, e.g K+ channel remains open for prolonged time. 2) Activation of cAMP & cGMP: Initiate long term changes in cell structure itself → alters long term excitability of neurons 3) Activation of one or more intracellular enzymes → cause any one of many specific chemical functions in the cell. 4) Activation of Gene transcription: Most important. Formation of new proteins within the neurons → Can change metabolic machinery of the cell or its structure. Occurs in long term memory process.
  • 32. • Thus post synaptic receptors after activation either cause excitation or inhibition. • Importance of both types of receptors is that it allows restrain as well as excitation which gives additional dimension to nervous function. • Excitation occurs by : 1)Opening of Na channels → Na influx →positivity inside the cell toward the threshold level for excitation. Most widely used means of excitation. • 2) Depressed conduction through Cl or K channels. • 3) Various change in the internal metabolism of the cell – a)To excite cell activity or b) To ↑ the number of excitatory membrane receptors or c) to ↓ number of inhibitory membrane receptor.
  • 33. • Inhibition occurs by 1) Opening of Cl ion channels through receptor. 2) ↑ in conductance of K ion through receptor. 3) Activation of receptor enzymes that a) inhibit cellular metabolic function or b)↑the number of inhibitory synaptic receptors or c) to ↓ number of excitatory membrane receptors. • More than 50 synaptic transmitters have been found: Two types: • 1) Small molecules rapidly acting →acute responses of the nervous system like transmission of sensory signals to brain & motor signals back to muscles.
  • 34. 2) Neuropeptides – large molecular size – slow acting-more potent –prolonged action such as long term changes in: • Numbers of neuronal receptors, • Opening or closure of certain ion channels • Numbers of synapses • Sizes of synapses e.g – Hypothalamus releasing hormones-TRH, GnRH, Somatostatin, Pituitary peptides –LH, TSH, Growth hormone, ADH, Oxytocin, GIT peptides.
  • 35. Functional Classification of Neurotransmitters • Excitatory (depolarizing) and inhibitory (hyperpolarizing). • Determined by receptor type on postsynaptic neuron • GABA usually inhibitory • Glutamate, epinephrine usually excitatory • Acetylcholine • Excitatory at neuromuscular junctions in skeletal muscle • Inhibitory in cardiac muscle
  • 36. Synaptic Transmission: Mechanism Of Conduction of an Impulse in a chemical synapse Sequence of events : 1)Release of neurotransmitter 2)Development of Excitatory or Inhibitory postsynaptic potential 3)Removal of neurotransmitter from synaptic cleft 4)Development of action potential
  • 37. Release of neurotransmitter: Action potential in the axon reaches the presynaptic terminal resulting in depolarization of presynaptic terminal ↓ voltage-gated Ca2+ channels on the presynaptic membrane open ↓ influx of Ca2+ from ECF of the synaptic cleft into presynaptic terminal. This stimulates sliding of synaptic vesicles towards presynaptic membrane ↓ synaptic vesicles fuse with the pre-synaptic membrane by exocytosis of vesicles ↓ neurotransmitter released into synaptic cleft, diffuses across synaptic cleft and binds to the receptors on the post-synaptic membrane
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  • 45. Single action potential from the Presynaptic terminal does not lead to the formation of propagated action potential in the Postsynaptic neuron but it produces either a transient partial depolarization (opening of Na channels) or a transient hyperpolarization (opening of K channels) → Graded potential. Graded potentials strength determined by: Amount of neurotransmitter released (it depends on Ca influx). Time the neurotransmitter is in the synaptic cleft. Development of Electrical events at the Synapses
  • 46. Two Types of Events: 1)Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP) 2)Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP) Special features of Soma of the neuron : • RMP of neuronal soma is less negative (-65mv) as compared to peripheral nerves (-90mv). • Advantage : Neuron can function in two ways. • If RMP becomes less –ve the postsynaptic membrane becomes more excitable. •If RMP becomes more –ve the postsynaptic membrane becomes less excitable. • Neuron can function in two modes –excitation or inhibition.
  • 47. 2) Interior of neuronal soma contains a)highly conductive electrolyte solution (ICF). b)Diameter of neuronal soma larger (10 to 80 µm). Advantage : i)Almost no resistance to conduction of electric current from one part of somal interior to another part. ii) So any change in potential in any part of intra somal fluid causes an almost exactly equal change in potential at all points inside the soma. Feature plays important role in the summation of signals entering the neuron from multiple sources.
  • 48. Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP) : Presynaptic terminal →Release of neurotransmitter → Binds with receptors of postsynaptic membrane → partial depolarization of postsynaptic membrane. This partial depolarizing response begins after 0.5msec of entering of afferent impulse into spinal cord. Reaches a peak after 1 -1.5msec & then declines over next 4msec. Voltage rises above the RMP (becomes less –ve) →Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP).
  • 50. Excitatory because if this potential rises high enough in the +ve direction it elicits action potential in the post synaptic neuron. Thus ↑ the excitability of that neuron to other stimuli. EPSP of +20mv i.e from – 65mv to – 45mv initiates action potential. Ionic basis of EPSP : 1)Opening of chemical/ligand gated (Na or Ca) ion channels in postsynaptic neuron. 2) ↓ conductance through Cl & K channels. 3) ↑ the number of excitatory membrane receptors or 4) ↓ number of inhibitory membrane receptor.
  • 51. Fast excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP) transmission Na+ Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ • Opening of voltage gated Ca++ channels-Ca++ enters
  • 52. Fast excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP) transmission Na+ Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ • Fusion of docked vesicles with terminal memb. (Active zones)
  • 53. Na+ Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Fast excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP) transmission • Release of NT by exocytosis
  • 54. Na+ Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Na+ Na+ -70mV Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) • NT bind with receptors on post synaptic memb - Opens Na+ channels (Na+ influx) – positivity inside Fast excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP) transmission
  • 56. Slow excitatory transmission Na+ Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ -70mV Slow EPSP x x • Closure of K+ channels - no K+ efflux – positivity inside
  • 57. Properties of postsynaptic potentials • Mediated by ligand-gated channels • Graded • Decremental (ie local, non-propagated) • Depolarising (excitatory) or hyperpolarizing (inhibitory) • Can summate • Enable synaptic integration
  • 58. If postsynaptic membrane receive impulses from multiple nerve terminals, simultaneously at the same time (spatial) or in rapid succession i.e. repeatedly (Temporal) → the effect of all impulses (potentials) is added up called as summation giving larger response. If potential developed reaches threshold level → developing an action potential at the initial segment of the axon (axon hillock). Cause : Large number of voltage gated Na channels present at axon hillock as myelin sheath is absent there. Also the threshold required here is less (6 to 10 mv).
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  • 60. Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP) : Stimulation of pre-synaptic terminals releases neuro transmitter  hyperpolarization of the post-synaptic memb  IPSP. It begins about 1 to 1.5msec after afferent impulse enters spinal cord, reaches peak 1.5 -2 msec after its onset & declines exponentially with time of about 3msec. During this response there is ↓ in RMP i.e it becomes more –ve. So threshold for excitation is ↑ (i.e the excitability of the neuron to other stimuli is ↓ . ↑ in negativity of voltage beyond the RMP is called IPSP. IPSP also summate spatially & temporally.
  • 61. Ionic bases of IPSP: 1) Opening of Cl¯ channels of post-synaptic memb. (produced by inhibitory neurotransmitter)   excitability and membrane potential goes away from firing level. Also IPSP can be produced by:- 2) Opening of K+ channels  outward movement of K+ 3)Closure of Na+ or Ca++ channels 4) Decrease in excitatory receptors 5) Increase in inhibitory receptors 5mV ↓ in RMP IPSP
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  • 63. Fast transmission of inhibitory post synaptic potential (IPSP) Na+ Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ • Opening of voltage gated Ca++ channels-Ca++ enters
  • 64. Na+ Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ • Release of NT by exocytosis Fast transmission of inhibitory post synaptic potential (IPSP)
  • 65. Na+ Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Cl- Cl- -70mV Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) • NT bind with receptors on post synaptic memb –Opens Cl- channels (Cl- influx)-Negativity inside Fast transmission of inhibitory post synaptic potential (IPSP)
  • 66. Slow transmission of inhibitory post synaptic potential (IPSP) Na+ Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ • Opening of voltage gated Ca++ channels-Ca++ enters
  • 67. Na+ Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ K+ K+ • NT bind with receptors on post synaptic memb – Opens K+ channels (K+ efflux) Slow transmission of inhibitory post synaptic potential (IPSP)
  • 68. Slow inhibitory post synaptic potential-IPSP Na+ Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ -70mV Slow IPSP K+ K+ • Produces negativity inside postsynaptic memb.
  • 70. EPSP (Excitatory postsynaptic potential) • Opening of Na channels • K & Cl channels are not opened. Both the above actions cause increased positivity of the neuron and so excitation that can lead to depolarization & AP…. IPSP (Inhibitory postsynaptic potential) • Opening of Cl channels & chloride ion influx • Increased efflux of K ions Both cause increased negativity inside the neuron leading to hyperpolarization and inhibition of the neuron. Thus, AP will NOT be initiated.
  • 71. Fate of the Neurotransmitter: Dissociates from the Receptor & can have either of the 3 fates: • Enzymatic Degradation: A portion of it is inactivated by the enzymes present in high concentration at the postsynaptic membrane. • Re-uptake of remaining NT by Pre-synaptic neuron and Re-used. • Diffusion into the blood stream. • Inactivation of neurotransmitter is essential otherwise it will produce prolonged stimulation of the post synaptic neuron in response to single impulse in the presynaptic neuron.
  • 72. Inactivation of Neurotransmitters e.g. Ach e.g. Serotonin e.g. NE
  • 73. Development of Action Potential Development of AP from EPSP has three steps: 1) Synaptic integration 2) Generation of initial segment spike & 3) Generation of propagated signals i.e. action potential.
  • 74. Synaptic integration: Phenomena of summation (temporal & spatial) of both EPSP & IPSP produced at the postsynaptic membrane. Net algebraically summated potential determines whether synaptic transmission will occur or not.
  • 75. Generation of initial segment spike : The summated EPSP & IPSP spread passively to the initial segment (Axon hillock & proximal part of initial segment of unmyelinated nerve fibres). If summated potential depolarizes axon hillock/initial segment to threshold of 6 -10 mV (low threshold is required), a spike potential – initial spike (IS) is generated. Magnitude is 30 – 40mV above the threshold level.
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  • 77. Generation of propagated signals i.e. action potential : Initial segment spike initiated → itself produces further depolarization of 30 -40 mV by opening of voltage gated Na channels (abundant) on axon hillock. Thus initial segment (IS) spike in turn triggers the generation of action potential (AP) spike. AP travels in both directions – a) peripherally in the axon as nerve impulse
  • 78. b) Retrogradely over postsynaptic cell membrane & dendrites to clear the previous summated potential. Backward conduction called as soma dendritic (SD) spike. Thus after synaptic transmission, post synaptic neuron (soma & dendrites) returns back to resting potential. It allows fresh EPSP & IPSP to be generated & fresh summation to occur.
  • 79. PROPERTIES OF SYNAPSES: 1)Synaptic delay 2)Law of forward conduction 3)Convergence & divergence 4)Summation – a)Spatial & b)Temporal 5)Inhibition – a)Direct b)indirect c)Presynaptic inhibition 6)Facilitation 7)Occlusion 8)Subliminal fringe 9)Fatigue, Site of fatigue 10)Plasticity -a)Habituation & sensitization b) Post tetanic potentiation c) Long term potentiation & d)Long term depression 11) reverberating circuit
  • 80. 1. Synaptic delay (Irreducible) Definition: Synaptic delay: Time required for the transmission of signal from Pre to Postsynaptic neuron. i.e about 0.5msec. Cause :1) Discharge of neurotransmitter from the presynaptic membrane. 2) Diffusion of neurotransmitter across the synaptic cleft to reach the post synaptic membrane. 3) Binding of neurotransmitter to the neuroreceptors. 4) Action of the receptor to ↑ the membrane permeability. 5) Inward diffusion of Na to ↑ excitatory postsynaptic potential to threshold to elicit the Action Potential.
  • 81. Significance : Synaptic delay - rate-limiting step of neural transmission. In polysynaptic pathway conduction is slow. From total synaptic delay we can know number of synapses. To calculate total synaptic delay the neuro physiologist measure total duration taken by stimulus to travel & show response. Suppose it is 1sec. Type of nerve fibre - conduction velocity is known. Let it be 20m/ sec. Measure actual length of that peripheral nerve. From muscle end to vertebral or spinal end. Suppose it is 20cm.
  • 82. As conduction velocity is 20metres/sec i.e 2000cm/1000msec. i.e. 2000cm distance travelled in 1000msec. 20cm in X msec X =10msec. Synaptic delay = Total duration – duration for nerve transmission through nerve. i.e , 1sec (1000msec) – 10msec = 990 msec. Therefore number of synapses = 990/0.5 = 198 Hence polysynaptic pathway, so conduction slow. Synaptic delay extremely short in electrical transmission as no neurotransmitter release.
  • 83. 2. Law of forward (one-way) conduction Axon can transmit impulse in both direction. But in synapse conduction in one direction i.e orthodromically (wiping the slate clean) from presynaptic to the postsynaptic neuron not antidromic. Cause : 1)Chemical mediator at synaptic junction is located in synaptic knob (presynaptic terminal) & receptors only on postsynaptic membrane. 2) Also number of Na channels (voltage gated) is less on soma & dendrites so no adequate depolarisation & action potential.
  • 84. In electrical synapses: The transmission of impulses is bidirectional as pre & postsynaptic membranes are in close apposition, often fused at several points & have cytoplasmic continuity. Significance : Synapse due to one way direction determines the direction of an impulse. This is necessary for orderly neural function.
  • 85. 3) Convergence & divergence : Convergence : Many presynaptic neurons converge i.e meet at a common focus on any single postsynaptic neuron. e.g. Anterior horn cells or motor neurons of spinal cord. Impulses come from long descending pathways, also from dorsal root & interneurons. Motor neurons form Final Common Pathway. Thus synapse acts as relay station but also act as integrator (grading & adjusting neural activity) e.g. cerebral cortex. Divergence: Presynaptic neuron divide into many branches that diverge to end on many postsynaptic neurons. e.g. Divergence of visual impulses from retina to Occipital cortex.
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  • 88. 3)Divergence & Convergence Divergence Visual impulses (Retina to Occipital cortex) Convergence Spinal Motor neuron
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  • 91. 4) Summation : Fusion of effects or progressive increase in excitatory post synaptic potential, when many presynaptic terminals are stimulated simultaneously or repeatedly. Integration/ Summation - needed : EPSP due to activity in one synaptic knob is small (0.5 -1mv) so cannot induce an action potential. But during excitation in the neuronal pool many presynaptic terminals are stimulated at the same time, which are spread over wide areas of the postsynaptic neuron. But their effects (EPSPs) can summate.
  • 92. Cause : Change in potential at any single point within soma will change the potential everywhere inside the soma exactly equally ( due to high electrical conductivity inside the neuronal cell body. So during each discharge of impulse the EPSP becomes +ve by a fraction of millivolt when reaches Threshold (↓ in –ve by 15 -20 mv) action potential is generated in postsynaptic membrane. IPSPs and EPSPs can cancel each other out.
  • 93. Temporal summation : If successive stimuli from one synaptic knob reach the postsynaptic membrane rapidly ( before the decay of previous stimuli) or one after the other. The postsynaptic potential (PSP) generated during each discharge is added up to the next PSP & high PSP level is achieved. Due to repeated excitation or facilitation of a postsynaptic neuron.
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  • 96. • Spatial summation : If subminimal stimuli from two or more different presynaptic knob widely spaced reach a Postsynaptic neuron simultaneously, their postsynaptic potentials are added & if reaches threshold of firing action potential is generated. Cause : Activity of one synaptic knob facilitates the activity in another due to more release of neurotransmitter. This is very important in central neural transmission.
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  • 98. If simultaneous summation of inhibitory & excitatory postsynaptic potentials occur, they partially or completely nullify each other. This results in decrease or completely turn off the activity of post synaptic neuron
  • 99. 5) Facilitation of Neurons : • When one excitatory signal enters post synaptic neuron there is generation of EPSP of 0.5 -1mv. • If another excitatory signal arrives to the same postsynaptic neuron this neurone is excited easily & neuron is said to be facilitated due to beneficial effect of previous stimulus. • Advantage :Neurons respond quickly & easily as the synaptic resistance is decreased for further stimulation.
  • 100. 6) Inhibition : An active process which either prevents onset of activity in the neuron or stops the activity already present. It may be Postsynaptic or Presynaptic. Types of inhibitions known to occur at synapses – 1)Postsynaptic inhibition 2)Presynaptic inhibition 3)Feedback inhibition 4)Feed forward inhibition 5)Reciprocal inhibition 1)Postsynaptic inhibition : i)Direct postsynaptic inhibition : Development of inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)-Release of inhibitory neurotransmitters(Ach, dopamine, glycine, GABA) – partial hyperpolarization.
  • 101. Ionic bases of IPSP: 1) Opening of Cl¯ channels of post-synaptic memb. (produced by inhibitory neurotransmitter)   excitability and membrane potential goes away from firing level. Also IPSP can be produced by:- 2) Opening of K+ channels  outward movement of K+ 3)Closure of Na+ or Ca++ channels 4) Decrease in excitatory receptors 5) Increase in inhibitory receptors 5mV ↓ in RMP IPSP e.g. Muscle spindle stretch reflex
  • 102. Post synaptic Inhibition - Direct Muscle spindle stretch reflex
  • 103. e.g. Muscle spindle of extensor muscles when stretched → Stimulation of afferent nerves → impulses passes to spinal motor neurons supplying same muscle & cause EPSP which summate to produce action potential in postsynaptic spinal motor neurons →so the protoagonist muscle contracts. At the same time these impulses also pass along interneurons (Golgi bottle neurons) which liberate an inhibitory transmitter glycine at their synaptic connections with motor neurons supplying the antagonist muscle. In these motor neurons i.e postsynaptic neuron an IPSP is produced which results in simultaneously reflex relaxation of its antagonists (flexor).
  • 104. Post synaptic Inhibition - Direct Golgi tendon organ reflex
  • 105. Post synaptic Inhibition - Direct • Golgi tendon reflex
  • 106. ii) Postsynaptic inhibition ( indirect inhibition): It occurs due to effects of previous post synaptic discharge. a)Postsynaptic cell can be refractory to excitation because it has just fired i.e. existing EPSP has not been cleared by the soma dendritic (SD) spike (retrograde / antidromic conduction). b)During hyperpolarization postsynaptic neuron is less excitable.
  • 107. c)Renshaw cell inhibition (Negative feedback inhibition): Neurons inhibit themselves in a negative feedback fashion e.g. axons of spinal motor neurons give collateral branches as they travel towards the ventral root. These collaterals make excitatory synaptic connections with interneurons called Renshaw cell. These Renshaw cells in turn send axons which make inhibitory synaptic connections with spinal motor neurons. Significance : Renshaw cells check the discharge of those motor neurons. Similar collaterals are seen in cerebral cortex & limbic system.
  • 109. 2) Presynaptic inhibition : Occurs in axo axonal type of synapse. Inhibition occurs at presynaptic terminal before the signal reaches the synapse. Caused by discharge of inhibitory interneuron which releases the neurotransmitter GABA → opening of anion channels which diffuse into presynaptic terminal. These – ve charges cancel much of the excitatory effect of the presynaptic terminal when action potential arrives to it. So less excitation of post synaptic membrane, weak EPSP is developed or synaptic transmission is completely stopped in postsynaptic membrane.
  • 111. e.g. Presynaptic inhibition occurs in sensory pathways. That is adjacent terminal nerve fibres mutually inhibit one another which minimizes the side way spread of signal in sensory tract. Mechanisms : i)↑ Cl- conductance →hyperpolarization of presynaptic neuron, ↓ size of action potential reaching the excitatory ending →↓ ca influx →↓ release of neurotransmitter. ii)Voltage gated K+ channels open →↓ ca influx iii) Direct inhibition of transmitter release independent of Ca ++influx. GABA mediate presynaptic inhibition via G protein → ↑ K + conductance or direct blocking of Ca channels in presynaptic neuron. Baclofen a GABA agonist is effective in treatment of spasticity of spinal cord.
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  • 114. 3) Feedback inhibition (Renshaw cell inhibition): Via Renshaw cell the motor neurons check their own activity.
  • 115. • 4)Feed forward inhibition : Seen in cerebellum. Here neuron is connected through two pathways: one excitatory & other inhibitory. Granule cell excites the Purkinje cells which is soon inhibited by basket cell, which in turn was excited by granule cell. • This type of arrangement limits the duration of excitation produced by any given afferent volley i.e. allows a brief & precisely timed excitation.
  • 118. Reciprocal inhibition: • Phenomenon in which an afferent signal activates an excitatory neuron to a group of muscles and simultaneously activates inhibitory signals to other, usually antagonistic muscles. • For example, during flexion of a joint the afferent stimulus causes excitation of the neurons supplying the flexor muscles of the joint and at the same time a branch of afferent fibre excites an inhibitory inter- neuron, which synapses with the motor neuron supplying the extensor muscles of the joint.
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  • 121. 7) Subliminal fringe: • Subliminal means below threshold & Fringe means border line. • Response obtained by simultaneous stimulation of two presynaptic neurons is greater than the sum total of response obtained when each presynaptic neuron is stimulated separately. • Explanation : Here the stimulus from each presynaptic neurons is subminimal/subliminal. This stimulus will be adequate for some of the postsynaptic neurons & they will show response.
  • 122. • But few postsynaptic neurons are high resistance so inadequately stimulated & will not show response to this single subminimal stimulus. • When both presynaptic neurons fire simultaneously the two subminimal stimuli becomes adequate for the postsynaptic neurons with high resistance & they also show response & the effect seen is more than expected. • It is another example of spatial summation.
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  • 124. 8) Subliminal Fringe A=3 B=3 A+B=12 Not discharged but Increased excitability
  • 125. 8) Occlusion (block): • Opposite to subliminal fringe. • When two presynaptic neurons are stimulated simultaneously with adequate stimulus, total response in the postsynaptic neurons is less than the sum total of response obtained when the two presynaptic neurons are stimulated separately. • Explanation : A & B are two presynaptic neurons each stimulates ten postsynaptic neurons by adequate stimulus.
  • 126. • As the stimulus is adequate all neurons are excited. • But when both presynaptic neurons are stimulated simultaneously (15 neurons excited) i.e. actually the effect seen is less. • Cause : Common neuronal response remains same it does not increase e.g. Impulse from motor cortex to periphery, basal ganglia, cerebellum.
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  • 128. Occlusion • Common to both neurons A=9 B=9 A+B=12
  • 129. 9) Fatigue : • Excitatory synapses are repetitively stimulated at rapid rate, initially ↑ in discharges at postsynaptic neuron then decrease & finally disappearance of response. This phenomenon is called synaptic fatigue or habituation. • Site of fatigue in CNS is synapse. • CNS neurons cannot sustain O2 lack so first site of fatigue of the synaptic chain is located in the brain. • Importance : When areas of nervous system become over excited, fatigue ↓ the excitability after some time e.g. excessive excitability of the brain during seizures (epilepsy) is ↓ & it stops. • Thus it is protective & temporary mechanism.
  • 130. • Cause : 1)Exhaustion of stores of neurotransmitter as the rate of synaptic transmission, rate of synthesis of neurotransmitter fails to keep pace. 2)↓ in release of neurotransmitter as inactivation of Ca channel which decreases intracellular Ca. 3) Accumulation of metabolites. 4)Progressive refractiveness of postsynaptic membrane 5)Tachyphylaxis – Adaptation of receptor 6)Probable reason – more Ca inside the postsynaptic membrane so K efflux so hyperpolarisation.
  • 131. 9) Synaptic plasticity : • Capability to mould or change. Synaptic conduction is increased or decreased on the basis of past experience. • These changes are Presynaptic or postsynaptic in location & play important role in learning (conditioned reflexes) & memory. • Forms of synaptic plasticity: i)Post-tetanic potentiation, ii) Long-term potentiation iii) Synaptic fatigue or habituation iv) Sensitization and v) Long-term depression.
  • 132. i) Post-tetanic potentiation: • When a pre-synaptic neuron is stimulated with a single stimulus, followed by stimulation with a volley of (brief tetanizing stimuli) (says 100/s) for 2 stimulus and then again with a single stimulus, the second stimulus evokes a larger post-synaptic response than the first stimulus. • This phenomenon is called post-tetanic potentiation. • This occurs due to that brief tetanizing stimuli in the presynaptic neuron resulting in an increase in intracellular Ca2+ due to increased Ca2+ influx. • It is a form of synaptic facilitation.
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  • 134. ii) Long term potentiation : • When post tetanic potentiation gets much more prolonged & lasts for days , it is called as long term potentiation. • Cause : Increase in the intracellular Ca++ in the post synaptic neuron rather than presynaptic neuron. • Commonly seen in hippocampus. LTP involves protein synthesis, growth of pre & postsynaptic neurons & their connections.
  • 135. Presynaptic Facilitation A P is prolonged & Ca++ channels remain open for long duration
  • 136. (iii) Long-term depression (LTD): • It is opposite to long-term potentiation. It is characterized by a decrease in synaptic conduction that occurs due to slow stimulation of presynaptic neurons and associated with slow and decrease Ca2+ influx. • It was first noted in hippocampus and in cerebellum. • LTD of climbing fibres causing decreased firing of parallel fibres.
  • 137. (iv) Sensitization : • Sensitization refers to a prolonged occurrence of increased post-synaptic responses (response intensified or potentiation of effect) after a stimulus is paired once or several times with a noxious stimulus. • It is due to presynaptic facilitation of synaptic transmission brought about by third neuron called as facilitatory neuron which releases neurotransmitter serotonin which further leads to increase Ca influx & more release of neurotransmitter at the presynaptic ending.
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  • 139. iv)Habituation: • If benign Stimulus is presented for first time it evokes response but if repeated produces lesser & lesser response. Further no response to stimulation • If stimulus is not harmful i.e. the subject ignores/neglect it. • Cause : Synapses decreases the intensity of stimulus due to inactivation of Ca channels.
  • 140. 10) Reverberation : • Phenomenon of passage of impulse from pre- synaptic neuron and again back to pre-synaptic neuron to cause a continuous stimulation of pre- synaptic neuron. • Nervous system is a network of fibres and in this network, it is possible that a branch of axon of a neuron may establish connection with its own dendron. • This causes reverberation of impulse through same circuit again and again. • This is prevented to some extent by phenomenon of fatigue.
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  • 142. 7. EFFECTS OF CHEMICAL CHANGES IN THE BLOOD: • Acidosis depresses while alkalosis increases the neuronal activity. • Hypoxia exerts a depressing effect.

Editor's Notes

  1. Shaking hands together. Why need of synapse? Synaptic mechanism is a sort of resistance in the pathway of the impulse, comparable to the resistance put in the electrical pathway (regulator of a fan). This resistance acts as device for variable responses.
  2. Chemical Synapse: Transmission is through chemical messengers i.e. Neurotransmitters. At most of the sites in CNS in human
  3. Electrical synapses in defensive reflexes
  4. Electrical synapse compared to chemical synapse conduct nerve impulses faster but unlike chemical synapses they lack gain – the signal in the post synaptic neurone is the same or smaller than that of the originating neurone. Chemical & electrical synapses perform complementary roles. An impulse is all or nothing, it has fixed amplitude. But chemical signal can be fine tuned. Neurones can not only interact to inhibit themselves or other neurons to increase the resolution of a signal. It allows inhibition. Electrical synapses are critical for chemical synapse function. In fact chem syn cannot survive without electrical syn. Gap junctions connect a large group of neurons & bring about synchronous firing of the neurons.
  5. In all the above types of synapses the effect of discharge at individual synaptic endings can be excitatory or inhibitory. In the Post synaptic neurone there occurs summation of all the excitatory or inhibitory effects & that decides whether an action potential is generated or not. Thus synaptic transmission is a complex process that permits the grading & adjustment of neural activity necessary for normal function.
  6. On an Average Each neuron divides to form 2000 synaptic endings. 10 11 Neurones in human CNS so 2 x 1014 synapses. Structure of synapse varies considerably through the CNS however general features at most of the synapses
  7. Thus Ca influx brings about fusion of syn vesi with the presynaptic membrane & causes release of neurotransmitter. Now let us see how the synaptic vesicle fuses with presynaptic cell membrane.
  8. Receptors – Two components: 1) A binding component - protrudes outwards from the membrane into the synaptic cleft & binds with neurotransmitter released from pre synaptic terminal. 2) An ionophore component – occupy whole thickness of post synaptic membrane & protrudes inside the post synaptic neurone.
  9. Second messenger system in the Postsynaptic neuron: Many functions of the nervous system – the process of memory-require prolonged changes in neurons for seconds to months after initial transmitter substance is gone. Achieved by activating a second messenger chemical system inside the post synaptic neuronal cell itself & then second messenger causes the prolonged effect. Most prevailing type in neurons is the G protein-. It is attached to the inner portion of a membrane receptor protein that protrudes to the interior of cell. 3 components of G protein : alpha, beta & gamma. Alpha component separates on activation of nerve impulse, moves freely in the cytoplasm of cell & performs one or multiple function.
  10. Changes which occur are : 1)Opening specific ion channels through the post synaptic membrane, e.g K+ channel remains open for prolonged time. 2)Activation of cAMP & cGMP: Initiate long term changes in cell structure itself which in turn alters long term excitability of neurons. 3) Activation of one or more intracellular enzymes → cause any one of many specific chemical functions in the cell. 4) Activation of Gene transcription: Most important of the second messenger system of post synaptic neuron. Formation of new proteins within the neurons →Can change metabolic machinery of the cell or its structure. Occurs in long term memory process.
  11. Thus the receptor decides further the neurotransmitter will be excitatory or inhibitory.
  12. Synaptic vesicles have a v – snare protein in their walls synaptobrevin which locks with the t – snare protein syntaxin in the Presynaptic cell membrane.
  13. Advantage : It allows both +ve & -ve control of the degree of excitability in the neuron.
  14. When we throw a stone in the pond the ripples arises & spread to all parts of ponds.
  15. e.g. If 5 presynaptic neurons of which 3 produce EPSP (+8mv) & other 2 produce IPSP (- 2mv) . i.e –(+8x3) + (-2x2) = +20mv that means synaptic transmission will occur. On the other hand if One neuron produces EPSP +8mv & other four produces IPSP (-2mv) then summated potential will be zero so no synaptic transmission. After synaptic transmission post synaptic neuron (soma & dendrites) returns back to resting potential by soma dendritic (SD) spike. The AP also travels retrogradely over soma & dendrites to clear the previous summated potential. Thus it allows fresh EPSP & IPSP to be generated & fresh summation to occur.
  16. Generation of propogated signals i.e. action potential : Once Initial spike initiated, itself produced further depolization of 30 -40 mV by opening of voltage gated Na channels (abundant) on axon hillock. Thus initial segment (IS) spike in turn triggers the generation of action potential (AP) spike. AP travels in both directions – a) peripherally in the axon as nerve impulse b) Retrogradely over postsynaptic cell membrane & dendrites to clear the previous summated potential. Backward conduction called as soma dendritic (SD) spike. Thus after synaptic transmission, post synaptic neuron (soma & dendrites) returns back to resting potential. it allows fresh EPSP & IPSP to be generated & fresh summation to occur.
  17. Significance : Synaptic delay is the rate-limiting step of neural transmission (in short neurons at least). In polysynaptic pathway conduction is slow. From the total synaptic delay we can know number of synapses. To calculate total synaptic delay the neuro physiologist measure total duration taken by stimulus to travel & show response. Suppose it is 1sec. From the type of nerve fibre, conduction velocity is known. Let it be 20m/ sec. Measure actual length of that peripheral nerve. From muscle end to vertebral or spinal end. Suppose it is 20cm.
  18. Other e.g. Golgi tendon organ reflex