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possible candidate
for the 2030 FIFA
world cup
The many cultural
attributes of Switzerland &
why they could be a
great country to host
By Dylan Coggins, SN: 100598013,
Thomas Crowder, SN: 101099216,
Emmanuel Davis, SN: 102118536,
Grace-Ann Tripodi, SN: 102118536
(Mooze, S 2019)
Introduction – pt.1
Switzerland is bordered by the west by France, to the North by
Germany, to the East by Austria and Liechtenstein and to the South
by Italy. These borders influence the four different languages spoken
prominently in Switzerland. The population of Switzerland is 8.57 million
people. The capital of Switzerland is Bern. The city of Zurich is the most
populated city in Switzerland.
The Swiss community advocates for the legalisation for the same sex
marriage, although it is still not legalised, the Swiss community still
celebrates their LGBTQ community in which Zurich hosts a national
coming out day. Gender equality in this country was ranked 2nd out
of 167 countries according to the United Nations Development
Programme (2019). Switzerland holds a strong presence in the political
scene thus having a strong stance on women in the workplace.
Switzerland being one of the wealthiest nations, is often a target for
immigrants and migrants looking to continue their lives in a new
country. This country aims to improve their communities lives through
the ‘Geneva Papyrus Project.’ Aiming to help 2,500 people file for
their permanent residency and receive welfare funding (The Local
Switzer 2018).
(Duyn, F 2017)
Introduction – pt.2
Switzerland holds strong cultural values such as their rich foods full of
fats and dairy. Having a strong cheese industry, specialising in
fondue. The Swiss community hold a strong relationship with their
outdoors, centred in the European alps. This country aims to close
the gender pay gap by companies conducting an internal pay gap
analysis. They are required to share the results with their shareholders
and employees. Switzerland’s common cultural stereotypes are
often seen in a positive way such as the cleanliness of their
environment and their citizens being punctual. Switzerland possesses
strict laws that need to be followed regarding advertising to children.
Strict regulations such as banning alcohol and cigarettes shows the
lengths Switzerland is willing to go to, in order to ensure and minimise
that children are not influenced by substances through advertising.
There are multiple aspects which support Switzerland’s position to
hold the 2030 FIFA world cup, as it is a country that strives to sustain
high ethical standards and form a strong community.
(Duyn, F 2017)
Food is a huge part of Swiss culture, with
rich foods full of fats and dairy being the
main focus. Possessing a strong cheese
industry, local favorites include raclette
and cheese fondue which are now
staples across the whole world. On the
other side of the dairy industry, Swiss are
well known for their chocolate, such as
Lindt and Toblerone, as well as other
small fine delicate pieces of chocolate
(My Switzerland 2020).
Cultural values pt.1
Switzerland poses a strong, traditional culture "where historical developments
have helped to incorporate different religions and languages without
destroying their cultural identities" (Linder 2010). With French being spoken in the
south-west parts of the country, predominantly in and around Geneva, German
being spoken everywhere else with it being the official language and English
being used as the language of business, Switzerland has incorporated its
neighbours features to build up its culture. Arts form a heavy importance to
Swiss culture, with museums, cultural institutions, libraries and art centres being
found all across the country thanks to a well-supported federal fund that aims
to keep its heritage (Diem & Wachter 2020).
(Rainer, C 2020)(Ivanov, M 2019)
Cultural values pt.2
Switzerland's citizens share a strong relationship
with the outdoors. Being centered in the
European alps, it is not hard to see why these
gorgeous alpine peaks, valleys and lakes are
loved by their local residents. In the winter
months, Switzerland's alps offer some of the best
skiing in the world, with many locals and
international travelers flocking to the peaks to
have their fair share of the fun. In summer, hikes
offered by the alpine territories are some of the
best treks in the world.
More traditional sports are a strong favourite in
Switzerland throughout the year. Tennis is
ranked as the most popular sport in the
country (Most Popular Sports 2020), a feat
spear-headed by the world's most successful
tennis player, Swiss born Roger Federer. Other
sports such as football, ice hockey, Schwingen
(Swiss-style wrestling), Hornussen (alpine
basketball), golf and handball continue to be
popular throughout the country (Diem et al.
(Vallat, A 2018)
(Reeve, Z 2018)
Football culture
Football has overtaken skiing and ice hockey as
Switzerland's most popular winter sport, with other 1,400
clubs and 268,000 licensed players (Rihs 2019). The main
league, the Swiss Football League (SUI), consists of twelve
teams, including BSC Young Boys and FC Basel. These two
teams often qualify for European Champions League
games, and as a result receive 22,000-26,000 spectators per
game (SFL 2020). On an international level, Switzerland's
national teams best result came in the 1954 World Cup
when they made the quarter finals. In more recent times,
the Swiss team made it to the round of 16 in Russia 2018,
Brazil 2014 and Germany 2006. They are currently seeded
12th in the world (FIFA 2020), proving that they are a strong
football nation that always brings a good performance at
international stages.
(Schwarz, C 2019)
Equality in the
Switzerland is a country of unity and solidarity. A country that puts forth human rights. According to The Civil Liberties index
Switzerland is a very liberal country. The index evaluates freedom of expression and belief, associational and organizational
rights, rule of law, and personal autonomy and individual rights. The ratings are from 1 which represents strong liberties to 7
which indicates no liberties. Switzerland ranked number 1 from 1972 to 2020. A Swiss National Research Program was
implemented this year to determine the problems that may be affected due to the inequality of genders within the
workplace and other environmental factors. This indicates that Switzerland is a country that takes action upon inequitable
politics. Although a constant problem in Swiss society is the gender pay gap, Switzerland has taken action against this by
joining the growing list of countries to introduce legislation to reduce the gender pay gap. On July 21st 2020, business’ with
100 or more employees will be required to conduct an internal gender pay gap analysis.
Companies are required to share the results to their employees and shareholders. The Swiss government will provide employers
with a free tool for conducting the analyses. Employees who are victims of the gender pay gap will be able to use this evidence
to support their claim for equal pay. The Swiss government considers age discrimination as a fundamental concern as evidenced
in the Swiss Federal Constitution. According to article 8 of the constitution, ’no person must be discriminated against, in particular
on ground of origin, race, gender, age, language, social position, way of life, religious, ideological, or political convictions, or
because of a physical, mental or psychological disability,’ ( Article 8, Swiss Federal Constitution,).This Swiss government not only
considers gender as an inequality in the workplace, but other concerns and inequalities such as race and age are also
contributing factors to the inequalities within the workplace. The Swiss government appoints an expanded obligation of care
toward the elderly employees. There must be suitable measures in order to terminate the employee from their jobs in order to
obtain fair dismissal based on other factors that are not concerning gender.
(Heftiba, T 2018) (Baker, K 2017)
Tackling stereotypes
The world may be miseducated on the Swiss community as the Swiss often shy away
from global affairs. Always on the fence and preferring to remain neutral we hardly
ever hear anything about the Swiss. However, Switzerland could be placed on the
global spotlight by holding the 2030 FIFA world cup in their country. Heads will turn
towards the Swiss community and spark interest in their culture. A common known
cultural behaviour is yodelling although people may not understand the reasoning
and historic meaning of this cultural practice. This is a tradition that is practised by the
older generations. Yodellers often sing about their alpine landscape and the Swiss
mountains. It was developed in the 19thcentury as a form of communication between
mountains signalling to bring the cows in.
It is often believed that the Swiss people are very wealthy due to how Switzerland is
run. Swiss banks are considered stable and have often been preferred for foreign
investment as a country that shies away from external global affairs. Swiss bank
accounts guarantee high levels of protection and privacy. If information is revealed
about a client, the banker will be fined and sent to prison. The Swiss economy is
considered to be one of the most stable economies in the world. A cultural stereotype
upon Switzerland is their obsession with cleanliness. This country takes pride in their
environment that citizens must ask permission to put an TV antenna on their roof to the
council, as it might effect the way the neighbourhood is perceived. Another Swiss
community cultural stereotype is that they are always on time. They value punctuality
as a high form of respect.
(Roy, C 2017)
Treatment of women pt.1
In a gender equality index produced by the United Nations Development Programme
(2019) which ranks 167 countries on women’s equality and well being, Switzerland was
ranked 2nd only being beaten by Norway. Switzerland was praised for its legislative
reforms such as the 2013 law against forced marriages, paid maternity leave since 2005,
the legalisation of abortion in 2002, the illegalisation of marital rape in 1992 and the
creation of institutions and a policy framework aimed at accelerating the elimination of
discrimination against women and promoting gender equality (Liebig, Gottschall &
Sauer 2016). However, by international standards, gender equality policy in Switzerland
has started rather late. A strongly limiting factor for any political measures to promote
gender equality has been the lack of women‘s right to vote, which was achieved only
in 1971 (Ballmer-Cao/Michel 2009)
A further important milestone was set in 1981, when the principle of
gender equality was incorporated in Swiss law. Since then a
constitutional article guarantees the formal equality of men and
women and commits authorities and legislators to eliminate existing
discrimination, especially in areas of education, work and family,
and the right to equal pay for equal work (Liebig, Gottschall & Sauer
(Bruna, M 2018) (Bruna, M 2018)
Treatment of women pt.2
Currently women hold a strong presence in the political scene, by 2010
women made up the majority of the country’s federal council (Cumming-
Bruce 2010). Recently a record number of women have been running for a
seat in parliament. With 40% of the candidates being women (Kohler &
Tognina 2019). In terms of employment Switzerland is also leading when
compared to other nations. With the average employment being last
recorded at 58.9% which beats out other leading european countries such
as Denmark (54.4%), Finland (51.6%), Austria (52.8%), the UK (55.6%) and the
Netherlands (54%) (GIWPS, 2019). In regards to gender wage equality, the
Swiss government passed a salary equality law by December 2018 (The
Local Switzerland 2019).
Although great milestones have been reached within Switzerland gender inequality
still exists within the nation. And while female labor market participation in
Switzerland ranks at the top throughout Europe today, women have not been able
to attain the same success as men in terms of job position and pay (OECD 2011). As
women are mostly working in part-time roles with every six out of ten women
working part-time (Müller-Möhl 2014). Of this sixty percent, just under half of these
women are holding a position with a work quota of less than 50 percent. By
comparison, only sixteen percent of men are working part-time (Müller-Möhl 2014).
And while the gender gap regarding participation in secondary education has
been considerably reduced, fewer women than men in Switzerland complete
higher education, and gender stereotypes continue to affect choice of education,
training, and careers to a large extent (OECD 2012).
(Brown, R 2018) (Brown, R 2018)
Attitude towards the lgbt pt.1
In a European comparison by ILGA Europe (2020), Switzerland was ranked in the middle,
being placed as 23rd amongst 49 countries when ranked out of which European countries
have the best LGBT friendly policies. Criticisms made by the LGBT community include a
demand for same sex marriage, calls for gay couples to be able to adopt, demands for it to
be easier for transgender and intersex people to change gender on paper, a ban on
unconsented gender changing operations and hormonal interventions specifically for
children and for Swiss health insurance to cover gender appropriate medication required
by some transgender people (Duchene 2020). Although same sex marriage isn’t currently
legalised, the Swiss parliament have debated the subject on the 3rd of June this year with a
majority of the parliamint in favour of the legislation although the vote for the bill was
moved down to an unspecified date.
However, Switzerland still has many LGBT friendly policies. Such as the legalisation of same
sex sexual activity since 1942, the banning of conversion therapy since 2016, being allowed
to serve in military regardless of sexual orientation since 1992, equal age of consent since
1992, the legal recognition of same sex partnerships since 2005, right to change legal
gender since 1993, legalisation of adopting stepchildren for same sex couples since 2018
and a recent ban on disrcrimination against a persons sexual orientation (ILGA
2020). Although laws on LGBT equality are somewhat limited when compared to other
western European nations, the LGBT culture in Switzerland remains strong.
(McCutcheon, S 2019)
With Switzerland having hosted an annual pride parade in Zurich for the
past 25 years as well as an annual coming out day (Duchene 2019).
Furthermore, the community within Switzerland shows great support for the
LGBT community, with a recent poll from the Pink Cross (2020) suggesting
that the 80% of Swiss support more rights such as gay marriage for same sex
couples (Bondolfi 2020). Job opportunies in Switzerland don’t discriminate
against sexual orientation, even in the political scene there are several
leading politicians who are openly gay – including the lesbian mayor of
Zürich and several ministers at regional as well as national levels (COWI
When it comes to violence or hate speech against one’s sexual orientation,
there is a low amount of recorded cases of verbal incidents of hate
speech as reported by LOS and the Pink Cross, explaining that Switzerland
is a very "polite" country with very little violence in general and that sexual
orientation is no longer a burning issue, except for some conservative
religious groups who may demonstrate their opposition but in a peaceful
manner (COWI 2020).
Attitude towards the lgbt pt.2
(Johnson, C 2018)
Treatment of
Immigrants / foreigners
Switzerland is one of Europe's most wealthy nations, making it an ideal candidate for immigrants
and migrants looking to continue their lives in a new country. Whether it be for work, economic
migration or to seek asylum, Switzerland has a positive track record as a good nation to live in.
Being part of the Schengen area, European citizens are able to freely move in and out of
Switzerland and stay for up to three months before needing to apply for residency visas, where
specific requirements have to be met, in terms of employment, marital status and future
intentions. However, non-European citizens will find it vastly harder to obtain residency in
Switzerland, with them "attempting to curb the number of non-EU immigrants it receives every
year" (Kamishi 2019). Switzerland came under fire from Amnesty International for its tough
treatment of asylum seekers after legislation was passed to return rejected asylum seekers back
to their home countries (The Local Switzer 2018).
Whilst immigrants and asylum seekers from Asian and African countries continue to face prejudice and other issues across Europe,
Switzerland is actively trying to improve their lives through the 'Geneva Papyrus Project'. The project will aim to help over 2,500 people
by enabling them to file for permanent residency and receive welfare funding (The Local Switzer 2018).
As of 2017, there are 2 million foreigners, mainly from other European countries living in Switzerland, making up almost a quarter of the
total population (Shields 2018). Most of these people are professionals working in the banks, hospitals or other large businesses such as
Nestle. With a GDP per capita of US$82,828.8 (The World Bank 2018) and very low tax rates, living in Switzerland provides a generous,
wealthy lifestyle that many would wish to have. These foreign professionals are treated extremely well, as they make up such large
amounts of the population and help increase Switzerland's GDP. As such, they are rewarded with low tax rates and easy opportunities
to apply for residency and citizenship if they are from other European countries, which a majority of them are. There is no denying
Switzerland is a 'rich man's land', and even for undocumented workers or people on the lower end of the pay spectrum, their
chances for a better life are far more likely than in neighbouring European countries, such as Italy and France, where immigrants are
not nearly treated as well.
(Therese, L 2019) (Therese, L 2019)
Advertising to children
Switzerland possesses both federal and self-regulatory codes to assist in regulating advertising. Referring to an article based
on the regulations and attitude towards advertising to children, “Advertising to children has to avoid anything that might
harm their interests and must not take advantage of their deficiency of judgement and experience.” (Hofer & Bieri 2005,
p.81). They hold the same attitude towards advertising to children as their other, built up, westernised counterparts.
Currently, if a form of advertising is in breach of certain regulations, the federal system can step in, having the power to
restrict certain aspects. However, the self-regulatory body, Swiss Commission for fairness, makes decisions based on the
advertising complaint, acting accordingly (Wyss 2019). In relation to certain material that can be advertised to children,
“Material unsuitable for children must be clearly marked as such.” (Wyss 2019). Supporting and adopting similar restrictions as
their other westernised counterparts once again, substances such as, tobacco and alcohol are kept under strict guidelines
and jurisdictions. Switzerland has taken this one step further, as, “For the protection of all, the advertising of alcoholic
beverages and tobacco products is prohibited on television and radio.” (Hofer & Bieri 2005, p.80). With most countries
banning advertisements of cigarettes and tobacco, very few have prohibited alcohol. This demonstrates the lengths
Switzerland is willing to go to, in order to ensure and minimise that children are not influenced by substances through
There are specific restrictions on medicine also. Hofer and Bieri (2005, p. 81) identified that, advertising of over the counter
pharmaceuticals are restricted, making sure it does not lead to excessive or wrong use, however, there is not a specific
code concerning young people. The regulation of medicine in general remains strict, prohibiting advertisements of
prescription only pharmaceuticals. Switzerland closely regulates medicine, unique codes for children do not seem necessary
as the current regulations are protecting those of all age ranges.
The attitude and regulation Switzerland provides for advertising towards children is appropriate and effective. The adoption
of similar standards that other westernised countries possess, from self-regulation, to federal jurisdiction, demonstrates their
ability to recognize the power of advertising, and that it should be kept under strict regulation and guidelines.
Switzerland's careful approach to a various of ethical topics may it a
key candidate to host the 2030 FIFA World Cup. Being ranked 2nd
by the UN on women's equality and wellbeing, Switzerland ensures
women are treated with respect and equality, with legislations such
as the 2002 legalization of abortion and the illegalization of martial
rape in 1992. Switzerland possess both federal and self-regulatory
codes to ensure that children are not being taken advantage of
when being advertised to, demonstrated by the strict laws
surrounding tobacco and alcohol. Furthermore, Switzerland's
treatment of foreign residence is viewed highly, with them offering
high wages and extremely tempting tax exemptions. When it comes
to culture, the Swiss' love for arts and food, especially their world-
renowned cheese and chocolate run throughout the country and
are cherished by all their citizens. With a love for the outdoors,
Switzerland's sport scene, especially tennis and football has seen
them achieve great accomplishments on the global scale. All of
these features help to ensure Switzerland is an ethical, carefully
considered society that continuously strives to help their citizens out,
making them the perfect host for the 2030 World Cup.
(Earle, J 2017)
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Switzerland - Possible Host For the Fifa 2030 World Cup

  • 1. SWITZERLAND, a possible candidate for the 2030 FIFA world cup The many cultural attributes of Switzerland & why they could be a great country to host By Dylan Coggins, SN: 100598013, Thomas Crowder, SN: 101099216, Emmanuel Davis, SN: 102118536, Grace-Ann Tripodi, SN: 102118536 (Mooze, S 2019)
  • 2. Introduction – pt.1 Switzerland is bordered by the west by France, to the North by Germany, to the East by Austria and Liechtenstein and to the South by Italy. These borders influence the four different languages spoken prominently in Switzerland. The population of Switzerland is 8.57 million people. The capital of Switzerland is Bern. The city of Zurich is the most populated city in Switzerland. The Swiss community advocates for the legalisation for the same sex marriage, although it is still not legalised, the Swiss community still celebrates their LGBTQ community in which Zurich hosts a national coming out day. Gender equality in this country was ranked 2nd out of 167 countries according to the United Nations Development Programme (2019). Switzerland holds a strong presence in the political scene thus having a strong stance on women in the workplace. Switzerland being one of the wealthiest nations, is often a target for immigrants and migrants looking to continue their lives in a new country. This country aims to improve their communities lives through the ‘Geneva Papyrus Project.’ Aiming to help 2,500 people file for their permanent residency and receive welfare funding (The Local Switzer 2018). (Duyn, F 2017)
  • 3. Introduction – pt.2 Switzerland holds strong cultural values such as their rich foods full of fats and dairy. Having a strong cheese industry, specialising in fondue. The Swiss community hold a strong relationship with their outdoors, centred in the European alps. This country aims to close the gender pay gap by companies conducting an internal pay gap analysis. They are required to share the results with their shareholders and employees. Switzerland’s common cultural stereotypes are often seen in a positive way such as the cleanliness of their environment and their citizens being punctual. Switzerland possesses strict laws that need to be followed regarding advertising to children. Strict regulations such as banning alcohol and cigarettes shows the lengths Switzerland is willing to go to, in order to ensure and minimise that children are not influenced by substances through advertising. There are multiple aspects which support Switzerland’s position to hold the 2030 FIFA world cup, as it is a country that strives to sustain high ethical standards and form a strong community. (Duyn, F 2017)
  • 4. Food is a huge part of Swiss culture, with rich foods full of fats and dairy being the main focus. Possessing a strong cheese industry, local favorites include raclette and cheese fondue which are now staples across the whole world. On the other side of the dairy industry, Swiss are well known for their chocolate, such as Lindt and Toblerone, as well as other small fine delicate pieces of chocolate (My Switzerland 2020). Cultural values pt.1 Switzerland poses a strong, traditional culture "where historical developments have helped to incorporate different religions and languages without destroying their cultural identities" (Linder 2010). With French being spoken in the south-west parts of the country, predominantly in and around Geneva, German being spoken everywhere else with it being the official language and English being used as the language of business, Switzerland has incorporated its neighbours features to build up its culture. Arts form a heavy importance to Swiss culture, with museums, cultural institutions, libraries and art centres being found all across the country thanks to a well-supported federal fund that aims to keep its heritage (Diem & Wachter 2020). (Rainer, C 2020)(Ivanov, M 2019)
  • 5. Cultural values pt.2 Switzerland's citizens share a strong relationship with the outdoors. Being centered in the European alps, it is not hard to see why these gorgeous alpine peaks, valleys and lakes are loved by their local residents. In the winter months, Switzerland's alps offer some of the best skiing in the world, with many locals and international travelers flocking to the peaks to have their fair share of the fun. In summer, hikes offered by the alpine territories are some of the best treks in the world. More traditional sports are a strong favourite in Switzerland throughout the year. Tennis is ranked as the most popular sport in the country (Most Popular Sports 2020), a feat spear-headed by the world's most successful tennis player, Swiss born Roger Federer. Other sports such as football, ice hockey, Schwingen (Swiss-style wrestling), Hornussen (alpine basketball), golf and handball continue to be popular throughout the country (Diem et al. 2020). (Vallat, A 2018) (Reeve, Z 2018)
  • 6. Football culture Football has overtaken skiing and ice hockey as Switzerland's most popular winter sport, with other 1,400 clubs and 268,000 licensed players (Rihs 2019). The main league, the Swiss Football League (SUI), consists of twelve teams, including BSC Young Boys and FC Basel. These two teams often qualify for European Champions League games, and as a result receive 22,000-26,000 spectators per game (SFL 2020). On an international level, Switzerland's national teams best result came in the 1954 World Cup when they made the quarter finals. In more recent times, the Swiss team made it to the round of 16 in Russia 2018, Brazil 2014 and Germany 2006. They are currently seeded 12th in the world (FIFA 2020), proving that they are a strong football nation that always brings a good performance at international stages. (Schwarz, C 2019)
  • 7. Equality in the workplace Switzerland is a country of unity and solidarity. A country that puts forth human rights. According to The Civil Liberties index Switzerland is a very liberal country. The index evaluates freedom of expression and belief, associational and organizational rights, rule of law, and personal autonomy and individual rights. The ratings are from 1 which represents strong liberties to 7 which indicates no liberties. Switzerland ranked number 1 from 1972 to 2020. A Swiss National Research Program was implemented this year to determine the problems that may be affected due to the inequality of genders within the workplace and other environmental factors. This indicates that Switzerland is a country that takes action upon inequitable politics. Although a constant problem in Swiss society is the gender pay gap, Switzerland has taken action against this by joining the growing list of countries to introduce legislation to reduce the gender pay gap. On July 21st 2020, business’ with 100 or more employees will be required to conduct an internal gender pay gap analysis. Companies are required to share the results to their employees and shareholders. The Swiss government will provide employers with a free tool for conducting the analyses. Employees who are victims of the gender pay gap will be able to use this evidence to support their claim for equal pay. The Swiss government considers age discrimination as a fundamental concern as evidenced in the Swiss Federal Constitution. According to article 8 of the constitution, ’no person must be discriminated against, in particular on ground of origin, race, gender, age, language, social position, way of life, religious, ideological, or political convictions, or because of a physical, mental or psychological disability,’ ( Article 8, Swiss Federal Constitution,).This Swiss government not only considers gender as an inequality in the workplace, but other concerns and inequalities such as race and age are also contributing factors to the inequalities within the workplace. The Swiss government appoints an expanded obligation of care toward the elderly employees. There must be suitable measures in order to terminate the employee from their jobs in order to obtain fair dismissal based on other factors that are not concerning gender. (Heftiba, T 2018) (Baker, K 2017)
  • 8. Tackling stereotypes The world may be miseducated on the Swiss community as the Swiss often shy away from global affairs. Always on the fence and preferring to remain neutral we hardly ever hear anything about the Swiss. However, Switzerland could be placed on the global spotlight by holding the 2030 FIFA world cup in their country. Heads will turn towards the Swiss community and spark interest in their culture. A common known cultural behaviour is yodelling although people may not understand the reasoning and historic meaning of this cultural practice. This is a tradition that is practised by the older generations. Yodellers often sing about their alpine landscape and the Swiss mountains. It was developed in the 19thcentury as a form of communication between mountains signalling to bring the cows in. It is often believed that the Swiss people are very wealthy due to how Switzerland is run. Swiss banks are considered stable and have often been preferred for foreign investment as a country that shies away from external global affairs. Swiss bank accounts guarantee high levels of protection and privacy. If information is revealed about a client, the banker will be fined and sent to prison. The Swiss economy is considered to be one of the most stable economies in the world. A cultural stereotype upon Switzerland is their obsession with cleanliness. This country takes pride in their environment that citizens must ask permission to put an TV antenna on their roof to the council, as it might effect the way the neighbourhood is perceived. Another Swiss community cultural stereotype is that they are always on time. They value punctuality as a high form of respect. (Roy, C 2017)
  • 9. Treatment of women pt.1 In a gender equality index produced by the United Nations Development Programme (2019) which ranks 167 countries on women’s equality and well being, Switzerland was ranked 2nd only being beaten by Norway. Switzerland was praised for its legislative reforms such as the 2013 law against forced marriages, paid maternity leave since 2005, the legalisation of abortion in 2002, the illegalisation of marital rape in 1992 and the creation of institutions and a policy framework aimed at accelerating the elimination of discrimination against women and promoting gender equality (Liebig, Gottschall & Sauer 2016). However, by international standards, gender equality policy in Switzerland has started rather late. A strongly limiting factor for any political measures to promote gender equality has been the lack of women‘s right to vote, which was achieved only in 1971 (Ballmer-Cao/Michel 2009) A further important milestone was set in 1981, when the principle of gender equality was incorporated in Swiss law. Since then a constitutional article guarantees the formal equality of men and women and commits authorities and legislators to eliminate existing discrimination, especially in areas of education, work and family, and the right to equal pay for equal work (Liebig, Gottschall & Sauer 2016). (Bruna, M 2018) (Bruna, M 2018)
  • 10. Treatment of women pt.2 Currently women hold a strong presence in the political scene, by 2010 women made up the majority of the country’s federal council (Cumming- Bruce 2010). Recently a record number of women have been running for a seat in parliament. With 40% of the candidates being women (Kohler & Tognina 2019). In terms of employment Switzerland is also leading when compared to other nations. With the average employment being last recorded at 58.9% which beats out other leading european countries such as Denmark (54.4%), Finland (51.6%), Austria (52.8%), the UK (55.6%) and the Netherlands (54%) (GIWPS, 2019). In regards to gender wage equality, the Swiss government passed a salary equality law by December 2018 (The Local Switzerland 2019). Although great milestones have been reached within Switzerland gender inequality still exists within the nation. And while female labor market participation in Switzerland ranks at the top throughout Europe today, women have not been able to attain the same success as men in terms of job position and pay (OECD 2011). As women are mostly working in part-time roles with every six out of ten women working part-time (Müller-Möhl 2014). Of this sixty percent, just under half of these women are holding a position with a work quota of less than 50 percent. By comparison, only sixteen percent of men are working part-time (Müller-Möhl 2014). And while the gender gap regarding participation in secondary education has been considerably reduced, fewer women than men in Switzerland complete higher education, and gender stereotypes continue to affect choice of education, training, and careers to a large extent (OECD 2012). (Brown, R 2018) (Brown, R 2018)
  • 11. Attitude towards the lgbt pt.1 In a European comparison by ILGA Europe (2020), Switzerland was ranked in the middle, being placed as 23rd amongst 49 countries when ranked out of which European countries have the best LGBT friendly policies. Criticisms made by the LGBT community include a demand for same sex marriage, calls for gay couples to be able to adopt, demands for it to be easier for transgender and intersex people to change gender on paper, a ban on unconsented gender changing operations and hormonal interventions specifically for children and for Swiss health insurance to cover gender appropriate medication required by some transgender people (Duchene 2020). Although same sex marriage isn’t currently legalised, the Swiss parliament have debated the subject on the 3rd of June this year with a majority of the parliamint in favour of the legislation although the vote for the bill was moved down to an unspecified date. However, Switzerland still has many LGBT friendly policies. Such as the legalisation of same sex sexual activity since 1942, the banning of conversion therapy since 2016, being allowed to serve in military regardless of sexual orientation since 1992, equal age of consent since 1992, the legal recognition of same sex partnerships since 2005, right to change legal gender since 1993, legalisation of adopting stepchildren for same sex couples since 2018 and a recent ban on disrcrimination against a persons sexual orientation (ILGA 2020). Although laws on LGBT equality are somewhat limited when compared to other western European nations, the LGBT culture in Switzerland remains strong. (McCutcheon, S 2019)
  • 12. With Switzerland having hosted an annual pride parade in Zurich for the past 25 years as well as an annual coming out day (Duchene 2019). Furthermore, the community within Switzerland shows great support for the LGBT community, with a recent poll from the Pink Cross (2020) suggesting that the 80% of Swiss support more rights such as gay marriage for same sex couples (Bondolfi 2020). Job opportunies in Switzerland don’t discriminate against sexual orientation, even in the political scene there are several leading politicians who are openly gay – including the lesbian mayor of Zürich and several ministers at regional as well as national levels (COWI 2020). When it comes to violence or hate speech against one’s sexual orientation, there is a low amount of recorded cases of verbal incidents of hate speech as reported by LOS and the Pink Cross, explaining that Switzerland is a very "polite" country with very little violence in general and that sexual orientation is no longer a burning issue, except for some conservative religious groups who may demonstrate their opposition but in a peaceful manner (COWI 2020). Attitude towards the lgbt pt.2 (Johnson, C 2018)
  • 13. Treatment of Immigrants / foreigners Switzerland is one of Europe's most wealthy nations, making it an ideal candidate for immigrants and migrants looking to continue their lives in a new country. Whether it be for work, economic migration or to seek asylum, Switzerland has a positive track record as a good nation to live in. Being part of the Schengen area, European citizens are able to freely move in and out of Switzerland and stay for up to three months before needing to apply for residency visas, where specific requirements have to be met, in terms of employment, marital status and future intentions. However, non-European citizens will find it vastly harder to obtain residency in Switzerland, with them "attempting to curb the number of non-EU immigrants it receives every year" (Kamishi 2019). Switzerland came under fire from Amnesty International for its tough treatment of asylum seekers after legislation was passed to return rejected asylum seekers back to their home countries (The Local Switzer 2018). Whilst immigrants and asylum seekers from Asian and African countries continue to face prejudice and other issues across Europe, Switzerland is actively trying to improve their lives through the 'Geneva Papyrus Project'. The project will aim to help over 2,500 people by enabling them to file for permanent residency and receive welfare funding (The Local Switzer 2018). As of 2017, there are 2 million foreigners, mainly from other European countries living in Switzerland, making up almost a quarter of the total population (Shields 2018). Most of these people are professionals working in the banks, hospitals or other large businesses such as Nestle. With a GDP per capita of US$82,828.8 (The World Bank 2018) and very low tax rates, living in Switzerland provides a generous, wealthy lifestyle that many would wish to have. These foreign professionals are treated extremely well, as they make up such large amounts of the population and help increase Switzerland's GDP. As such, they are rewarded with low tax rates and easy opportunities to apply for residency and citizenship if they are from other European countries, which a majority of them are. There is no denying Switzerland is a 'rich man's land', and even for undocumented workers or people on the lower end of the pay spectrum, their chances for a better life are far more likely than in neighbouring European countries, such as Italy and France, where immigrants are not nearly treated as well. (Therese, L 2019) (Therese, L 2019)
  • 14. Advertising to children Switzerland possesses both federal and self-regulatory codes to assist in regulating advertising. Referring to an article based on the regulations and attitude towards advertising to children, “Advertising to children has to avoid anything that might harm their interests and must not take advantage of their deficiency of judgement and experience.” (Hofer & Bieri 2005, p.81). They hold the same attitude towards advertising to children as their other, built up, westernised counterparts. Currently, if a form of advertising is in breach of certain regulations, the federal system can step in, having the power to restrict certain aspects. However, the self-regulatory body, Swiss Commission for fairness, makes decisions based on the advertising complaint, acting accordingly (Wyss 2019). In relation to certain material that can be advertised to children, “Material unsuitable for children must be clearly marked as such.” (Wyss 2019). Supporting and adopting similar restrictions as their other westernised counterparts once again, substances such as, tobacco and alcohol are kept under strict guidelines and jurisdictions. Switzerland has taken this one step further, as, “For the protection of all, the advertising of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products is prohibited on television and radio.” (Hofer & Bieri 2005, p.80). With most countries banning advertisements of cigarettes and tobacco, very few have prohibited alcohol. This demonstrates the lengths Switzerland is willing to go to, in order to ensure and minimise that children are not influenced by substances through advertising. There are specific restrictions on medicine also. Hofer and Bieri (2005, p. 81) identified that, advertising of over the counter pharmaceuticals are restricted, making sure it does not lead to excessive or wrong use, however, there is not a specific code concerning young people. The regulation of medicine in general remains strict, prohibiting advertisements of prescription only pharmaceuticals. Switzerland closely regulates medicine, unique codes for children do not seem necessary as the current regulations are protecting those of all age ranges. The attitude and regulation Switzerland provides for advertising towards children is appropriate and effective. The adoption of similar standards that other westernised countries possess, from self-regulation, to federal jurisdiction, demonstrates their ability to recognize the power of advertising, and that it should be kept under strict regulation and guidelines.
  • 15. conclusion Switzerland's careful approach to a various of ethical topics may it a key candidate to host the 2030 FIFA World Cup. Being ranked 2nd by the UN on women's equality and wellbeing, Switzerland ensures women are treated with respect and equality, with legislations such as the 2002 legalization of abortion and the illegalization of martial rape in 1992. Switzerland possess both federal and self-regulatory codes to ensure that children are not being taken advantage of when being advertised to, demonstrated by the strict laws surrounding tobacco and alcohol. Furthermore, Switzerland's treatment of foreign residence is viewed highly, with them offering high wages and extremely tempting tax exemptions. When it comes to culture, the Swiss' love for arts and food, especially their world- renowned cheese and chocolate run throughout the country and are cherished by all their citizens. With a love for the outdoors, Switzerland's sport scene, especially tennis and football has seen them achieve great accomplishments on the global scale. All of these features help to ensure Switzerland is an ethical, carefully considered society that continuously strives to help their citizens out, making them the perfect host for the 2030 World Cup. (Earle, J 2017)
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