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                                                                               SwediShneSS SellS.
                                                                    how the image of a Country influenCeS
                                                                         Brand PerCePtion and viCe verSa.
                                                                                          by   Franziska EndtEr

Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
Matthias Aßmann
Swedishness sells.
How the image of a Country influences Brand Perception and vice versa.
 by Franziska Endter

A    bstract of theoretical and empiri-
     cal findings of a study by Mandel
Consulting, conducted by Franziska
                                                                    tomer’s identification with it. Just like the hu-
                                                                    man personality is rooted in a cultural or na-
                                                                    tional origin, the brand should connect to a
Endter, Friedrich-Schiller-University                               cultural or geographical background to com-
Jena.. The study investigated image                                 plete its personality and become authentic.
transfers between the nation brand                                  In this context the country of origin (COO)
Sweden and Swedish consumer brands                                  of a product and its effect on consumer judg-
among Germans and Swedes.                                           ment and purchase behaviour has enjoyed
                                                                    increasing attention in the last decades.
No identity without heritage                                        However, with opening trade boarders and
                                                                    multinational production, the place of pro-
Communicating Swedishness by means                                  duction in terms of “made-in” became more
of branding seems more visible than ever.                           and more blurry. Research showed that the
Brands “of Sweden”, blue and yellow brand                           origin of the brand is more salient to the
colourings and images of blond Swedish tes-                         customer than the country of production: it
timonials and untouched Nordic landscapes                           is much more visible in the
are gladly used to attach that special some-                        brand communication.
thing to a brand. But is Swedishness a suc-
cess factor? And what exactly is perceived
as Swedish?
To be able to explain how a brand can prof-
it from the image of its country of origin,
a description of what a brand is and offers
is needed. A widely accepted definition of a
brand is a “name, term, sign, symbol or de-
sign, or a combination of them intended to
identify the goods and services of one seller
or group of sellers to differentiate them from
those of competition“ (American Marketing                           Graphic 1: Modes of conveying the brand origin.
Association).                                                       As graphic 1 illustrates, the modes of con-
                                                                    veying brand origin are diverse: It can be
Additional to its primary function of differ-                       communicated through direct reference in
entiation from competitors, it also expresses                       Slogans or brand names (“Volvo - from Swe-
a certain attitude of the consumer that uses                        den with Love”, “Tiger of Sweden”), through
it and shows his belonging or differentiation                       indirect linguistic reference by using the na-
to a social group. This symbolic function of a                      tional language in the brand name (Haglöfs,
brand exceeds its functional use and is the                         Fjäll Räven, Hästens), through national sym-
base for creating a lively brand personality.                       bols or colours within the logo (Ikea using a
With higher international standards of man-                         blue and yellow logo, Kosta Boda using the
ufacture, quality differences diminish and it                       Swedish royal emblem) or through the dis-
becomes crucial to a brand to stand out by                          play of the lifestyle or stereotype people of
adding extra symbolic value.                                        the country (Lätta TV spot displaying blond
The first step to achieve this is to define a                       girls and their affinity to nature or Ikea TV
brand identity by means of functional, emo-                         spot promoting relaxed family life).
tional and social values. Using human charac-                       In contrast to the COO as place of produc-
teristics the brand can then develop a special                      tion or assembly, a brand origin can basically
brand personality which facilitates the cus-                        relateto any origin that seems favourable, re-

Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
Matthias Aßmann

gardless of physical places of value creation.             Beyond product brands – also a nation
                                                               can and must be branded
    According to trademark law any product
    can be given a Swedish sounding brand name                   “As long as a public opinion matters – and
    (think of Häagen Dasz being created in the                   it matters terribly because the public is the
    US). This artificial referral to a brand’s COO               market – then it is (…) vital for countries to
    is called “borrowed origin” and is a popular                 (…) ensure that the public opinion is as fair,
    strategy. However, it is illegal to put a made-              as accurate and as positive as it possibly can
    in-Swedenlabel on a product manufactured                     be.” (Anholt 2006a)
    in China. Emphasising the country of design
    or country of assembly is another way to                   In an increasingly competitive globalised
    connect to a geographical resp. cultural heri-             market where dissolving national borders
    tage in case country of production has an                  lead to the extension of the marketplace
    unfavourable connotation.                                  not only products fight for their USP, also
    However, it should be kept in mind that the                nations do. The notion that a nation can be
    more authentic the brand identity and its                  branded just as a product is enjoying grow-
    background story is the more trustworthy                   ing attention as the achievement of political,
    and credible it is. Wrapping the real origin               social and economical goals depends on how
    into a “true story” - may it be country of                 a nation is perceived by its target groups. In
    design, country of assembly, country of pro-               order to gain international awareness, trust
    duction or country of branding is adding val-              and goodwill, methods need to be developed
    ue to a product, increases identification and              to manage a nation’s image and create sus-
    recognition.The brand’s image in the mind of               tainable and relevant
    the consumer, e.g. perceived functions, asso-              relations.
    ciations and their evaluation, becomes three
    dimensional.                                               Nation Branding is the approach to use the
    Brand awareness, brand recognition, brand                  tools of Marketing in order to position and
    associations and their evaluations altogeth-               communicate a nation as a brand. Although
    er constitute brand equity. Consequently,                  parallels exist, there are two crucial differ-
    choosing to communicate an appropriate,                    ences between a nation and a product brand:
    relevant and favourable COO that the cus-                  The nation does not offer a physical product
    tomer remembers increases brand equity. It                 but a variety of associations and values. Be-
    has to be underlined that the brand image is               cause of the complexity of a nation one can
    a result of consumer’s association and can-                hardly speak of total brandability. A nation’s
    not be fully steered by the brand manager.                 brand identity cannot simply be made up out
    It evolves upon the interaction of individual              of the blue. It is tied to the cultural values and
    experiences and associations with cultural                 the self image of the nation’s people. From
    values and norm.                                           this starting point the core values need to
                                                               be defined and wrapped into a message that
                                                               is multidimensional and fits to the demands
                                                               of several stakeholders. This is what makes
                                                               Nation Branding such a challenge, as Fan
                                                               (2006) puts it: „branding requires simplicity
                                                               and clarity, but the image of a nation is com-
                                                               plex and vague“.

                                                               Beyond communication, the delivery of the
                                                               promised product needs to be secured. That
                                                               branding is an extremely powerful tool is
    Graphic 2: COO in the Brand Equity model. Source:          undeniable. “But it will not work if other
    Keller 1993

                                                        MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING
                                                               Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
                                                         Matthias Aßmann

components of the strategy (finance, R&D,                            „Our degree of progressivity is what distin-
production, distribution) fail to deliver what                       guishes Sweden from other countries and
the customers want. Nation Branding is no                            thus whatmakes us interesting to others. It
exception” (Fan 2008, S. 11).                                        is a summary of what we as a group believe
                                                                     to a high degree andwhat we thus offer the
Defining Swedishness: Sweden’s Na-                                   world. It is the basis for our work to cre-
tion Branding Strategy                                               ate a new, contemporary image of Sweden.
                                                                     (…) Sweden can thus best be described as
The brand communication tools of a nation                            a country focused on development based
are diverse and mostly relate to the local his-                      on people’s needs and environmental condi-
tory, culture or nature.The national flag, royal                     tions – a progressive country that strives for
symbols, landscapes, iconic buildings, typical                       balanced development. On a comprehensive
products as well as celebrities and historical                       level, progressivity means having strong faith
personalities etc. pp. all represent a nation.                       in the future and a desire to gradually make
Thinking of Sweden primary associations are                          the world a slightly better place. It means
the national colours blue and yellow, the roy-                       having faith in the creative force of people
al crown, the archipelago scenery as well as                         and the ability to take responsibility for one’s
woods sown with little red wooden houses,                            life.Working together and being open to the
painted in the typical falun-red colour. It is                       rest of the world and to the future in or-
mooses, ABBA, Björn Borg, Ingmar Bergman                             der to take advantage of its opportunities.“
and the royal family. All these symbols and                          (Swedish Institute 2008b)
associations can be concerted in one com-
munication strategy by creating an umbrella                         This message needs to be supported by as
brand that attaches meaning to them in a                            many means as possible. Stories need to be
larger context. How can Sweden’s umbrella                           told, pictures need to be shown that clearly
brand be defined?                                                   represent these values. The media channel
                                                                    should be carefully selected in order to cor-
                                                                    respond to the brand message: Primary me-
                                                                    diaused by the NSU are interactive online
                                                                    media and social media as well as personal
                                                                    contacts in order to ensure a direct and indi-
                                                                    vidualised communication and use the word-
                                                                    ofmouth effect.

                                                                    According to the message and the media
                                                                    involved the pre-defined audience of brand
                                                                    Sweden shares its values and consists of pro-
                                                                    gressive, modern and creative people who
The governmental initiative “Swedish council                        live up to innovation, individuality and toler-
for the promotion of Sweden abroad” (NSU)                           ance.
involves the Swedish Institute, the Swedish
export council, Invest in Sweden Agency,                            But there isn’t only one target group:The na-
Swedish tourist board Visit Sweden and Swe-                         tion brand needs to be relevant within six It aims at concerting the visual and                        dimensions that differ in their relevance to
verbal communication in order to create a                           each audience: governance, tourism, culture,
consistent, authentic and modern image of                           immigration and investment, people and ex-
Sweden. The core values to be communi-                              port.
cated are innovation, openness, care and au-
thenticity. These cumulate in the brand core                        Export is the most relevant dimension to
“progressivity”:                                                    consumers as they base their purchase deci

Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
Matthias Aßmann

sion not only on the expected functional use
                         of a product originated in a certain coun-
                         try but also on it’s symbolic values. Buying
                         a Swedish brand is a statement towards the
                         governance of Sweden, the people, the cul-
                         ture etc.Vice versa, the framework that a na-
                         tion delivers to the creation of products in-
                         fluences expectations towards it. Therefore
                         the perception of the nation as a whole re-
                         flects in purchase behaviour towards Swed-
                         ish brands.

                         The Status Quo of Sweden’s Nation                         Table 1: Sweden’s position in global country rankings.
                                                                                   In the brand hexagon the image is visualised
The Nation Brand         The nation branding efforts of NSU have                   per dimension. Accordingly, Sweden shows
Index is the world’s     been successful: Sweden is a strong brand,
largest measurement                                                                strengths in governance, economy and ex-
                         especially within Europe. Since the beginning             port, attraction of immigration and talents as
of nation brand imag-
es. It was developed     of the measurement of Nation Brand images                 well as its people, whereas weaker dimen-
by Simon Anholt and      in the Anholt NBI1 2005, Sweden found itself              sions are tourism and culture. It also shows
measures since 2005      among the top 10 countries in the world, al-              the evaluation of the country that is most
the strengths of 50      though its position slightly dropped in 2009.
countries on the six                                                               positive towards Sweden, Germany, and least
dimensions of the na-    There are two reasons for this:                           positive, India.
tion brand hexagon.
In 2009 the panel        1. The panel of the NBI changed in 2009, 2.
consisted of 20.000      Sweden used to be at the forefront of strate-
people in 20 coun-
                         gic Nation Branding and now, other Nations
tries who responded
to questions regard-     catch up and grow stronger. Unquestionable
ing cultural, touris-    is, that the values of Swedish society, em-
tical, political, eco-   phasising openness to new ways of thinking
nomical and human        and ethic behaviour as well as development
                         based on people’s needs and environmental
                         conditions remain important. The country                  Graphic 3: Sweden’s brand hexagon according to NBI
                         is still admired for its fair governance. This            2008. Source: SI 2009
                         builds the framework for a strong nation in
                         all regards.                                              It is argued, that weaknesses of the Swed-
                                                                                   ish image result from a lack of knowledge.
                         Especially the focus on social and education-             People outside Europe are not really aware
                         al equality results in high living standards that         what Sweden is and what it has to offer.
                         give way to higher education. Sweden scores
                         high in the Global Talent Index, reflecting a               “We can see in the research we do, for ex.
                         high number of highly skilled workers, es-                  from the NBI, that the perception of Swe-
                         pecially graduates. These brain workers are                 den around the world is fairly similar, but
                         the fundament for innovation and economic                   it’s stronger or weaker. For example in Ger-
                         growth.                                                     many, Sweden’s image is very positive and
                                                                                     strong, Sweden is well known. While in India
                         Table 1 displays a number of global rankings.               Sweden is not wellknown at all. But it’s the
                         Sweden ranks high in all categories. For com-               same things that we are strong in. You can
                         parison, Germany’s position is given as well.               generally say that in a country like Germany,
                                                                                     knowledge isn’t a problem. If you go to India,
                                                                                     people don’t even know that
                                                                        MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING
                                                                                   Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
                                                                             Matthias Aßmann

Sweden exists and if they mix it up with                           Germans homogenously have a positive im-
 Switzerland. In those countries we have to                         age of the country, its people and their pro-
 flag: we are here, we are interesting.” (Norén                     duction and marketing skills.The more expe-
 2009)                                                              rience they have with the country, may it be
                                                                    through media or personal contact, the more
Another explanation for the positive Image                          positive is their image. Although it cannot be
in Europe and the weak image in Asia and                            said which is cause and which effect, Norén
Africa is the cultural distance: Sweden is a                        explains that travel to Sweden increases in-
highly individualistic, feminine culture with a                     terest in products: “People that have been to
low hierarchy level. In this regard it is close to                  Sweden have a much more positive image
the German culture which provides a certain                         of Sweden. That opens up an interest in the
base of mutual understanding. In Asia where                         products as well”. It is therefore vital to mo-
collectivistic values, a masculine culture as                       tivate people to travel to get involved with
well as high hierarchies are predominant, the                       the country.
appreciation and understanding of Swedish
values might be low.                                                Sweden’s product related Country-
Especially in Germany the interest in Swed-
ish culture and governance as well as in trav-                      Sweden’s economic profile is very strong. In
el to Sweden is rather high and results in                          the NBI 2009 Sweden ranks 8 among the big
wide knowledge about the country. Results                           industrial powers Japan, USA and Germany.
of the Mandel study show that Germans use                           Germany has besides the USA the most
the following media frequently as primary                           positive Image of the Swedish economy and
sources on which they build their image of                          ranks it 6 out of 50. This is a very important
Sweden on: Kids fiction, TV-documentaries                           outcome as Sweden’s largest export partner
about Sweden and travel. In documentaries                           is Germany, making 10.4 % of the total ex-
and news, the Swedish Model and the edu-                            port volume (Source: Swedish Export Coun-
cational system is often referred to as a role                      cil).
model for Germany. Reports from Sweden
portray its untouched nature and space for                          Due to its relatively small domestic market
developing people and thoughts. Fiction for-                        it relies heavily on export, first and fore-
mats like „Inga Lindström“, “Michel aus Lön-                        most of semi-manufactured goods, services
neberga” or „die Kinder von Bullerby” show                          & technology but also to a large extend of
a very idyllic, peaceful and perfect image of                       consumer products, such as foods, furniture
the country. On the other hand they give a                          and automobiles. According to the Mandel
rather oldfashioned and traditional impres-                         study, furniture & decoration, fashion, out-
sion.                                                               door and sports equipment and kids prod-
                                                                    ucts are those industries that are most asso-
The high density of Swedish crimes in the                           ciated with Sweden. Cosmetics, sweets and
literary bestseller list and on TV conveys an                       jewellery are not perceived as typical Swed-
image of a dark and cold country with cruel                         ish products.
murderers everywhere. But people seem ei-
ther to be aware that this is purely fictional                      It is notable that these associations refer to
or to ignore the reference to Sweden, be-                           brands rather than products, due to the fact
cause it does not affect the image of Swe-                          that Sweden as a country-of-manufacture
den in a negative way. Instead the country                          has lost relevance. Production is outsourced
is perceived as an extremely safe and just                          to mostly low-wage countries in the Far
country.                                                            East, Baltics or Eastern Europe. The label
                                                                    made-in-Sweden has practically disappeared.
Findings of the Mandel study suggest that                           It is argued that the production in low-wage

Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
Matthias Aßmann

countries has no major effect on the per-                 There are hardly any product categories or
    ception of the product, as long as the brand              attributes that Sweden is bad at. This clear
    suggests a Swedish origin:                                and positively perceived dimension of Swe-
                                                              den as a Nation Brand is an important ad-
     “For example Volvo: it is owned by Ford, some            vantage for Swedish companies. Especially
     parts are built in Finland, Austria, Mexico. As          unknown brands that seek to enter new
     long as it is perceived as a Swedish product,            markets are dependant on the trust that is
     as long as it is perceived as having the qual-           given to Sweden. Vice versa, the perception
     ity and aspects like safety, that you would              of the country’s economy is vital for the
     expect from a Swedish product than it isn’t              country’s total image.
     a big problem to produce in a country with
     an unfavourable image. I have a BMW and                  Country-of-Origin-Effect – is the coun-
     it’s been built in America and I would never             try image transferred to Swedish
     buy an American car.” (Norén 2009)                       brands?

    Recalling statements from Swedish brand                   The export dimension is part of the product-
    managers and a number of quantitative stud-               related country image or country-of-origin
    ies2 the core values communicated by the                  image as it is described in scientific litera-
    NSU reflect in product attributes that are                ture. It is the outcome of the perception of
    perceived as typically Swedish: quality, reli-            the country as a whole including political, ed-
    ability, safety and innovation. Innovation is             ucational and social conditions, economic in-
    specified by Norén as innovation for safe-                frastructure and the production and market-
    ty and care for people. These associations                ing capabilities of the people based on media
    proved to be fairly similar among Germans                 exposure and personal experience with the
    and Swedes. Swedes evaluate innovation                    country, its people, its brands and products.
    more and eco-friendliness less preferable                 All these experiences are saved within the
    than Germans. In the eyes of German con-                  associative network in the consumers mind
    sumers, brands perceived as Swedish are                   and can activate each other when exposed
    highly likeable. Both consider modern design              to one related cue.
    as something closely connected to Swedish
    brands. In this regard, Sweden benefits from              The stimulus can be the Swedish flag on a
    the spill-over of the perception of Denmark               product package, which then activates the
    and Finland as great design (think Alvar Aalto            country image. Such a cue initiates the in-
    or Arne Jacobsen), as many German consum-                 ference of the country image to intrinsic or
    ers do not clearly differentiate between the              product-related attributes of the product,
    Scandinavian countries. Vice versa, Sweden                such as quality, durability, safety and work-
    has to be aware that damages in the image                 manship.To sum it up, the Country-of-Origin
    of another Scandinavian country affects its               effect means the image transfer from the
    image, as happened during the Danish cari-                country image to attributes of the product
    cature fight 2006.                                        associated with the country by means of
    Furthermore, environmental friendliness
    is clearly something that is expected from                The consumer uses COO as a cognitive
    a Swedish brand. Based on the progressive                 shortcut especially when cognitive capa-
    Swedish climate, energy and environment                   bilities and/or the motivation to investigate
    policies that seek to reduce emissions and                intrinsic attributes are low. This is the case
    promote eco-friendly business practices,                  in situations where quick decisions are re-
    Sweden’s Image as an industrial nation is                 quired or when the product is a low-involve-
    replaced by the image as an environmental                 ment product. Empirical findings imply that
    nation.                                                   in the condition of low familiarity with the

                                                       MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING
                                                              Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
                                                        Matthias Aßmann

product, COO is relied on heavily adding ad-                         the history of being a company from 1851,
ditional information. Consequently the im-                           with over 150 years of tradition of building
age transfer should be stronger. This relation                       hand-crafted beds. In this particular case
could not be found for Swedish brands in the                         focussing on something more old-fashioned,
Mandel study, e.g. there is no stronger as-                          more retro-style is enhancing the history of
sociation with Sweden’s image for unfamiliar                         this very old company.” (Haas 2009)
products than for familiar products.
                                                                    Although positioned in a different segment,
The central finding of the Mandel study is that                     the bed manufacturer Hästens risks get-
the pure information that a brand is origi-                         ting associated with Ikea by emphasising its
nated in Sweden leads to a positive product                         Swedish heritage. Ikea as a provider of mod-
evaluation. This COO-Effect could be shown                          ern furniture with a short life time opposes
across all product categories. Taking into ac-                      the durability and craftsmanship of Hästens,
count that Sweden’s product-related country                         but has to a large extend built the product-
image hardly shows any weaknesses within                            related image of Sweden, especially in the fur-
the European markets, the Swedish heritage                          niture category. Hästens differentiates itself
has positive effects on the product percep-                         not only through price, but also by using the
tion. It should therefore be reinforced, es-                        emblem of the royal purveyor and imagery
pecially if brand managers want their brand                         of Swedish open and untouched nature, the
to be perceived as exclusive, innovative, high                      origin of the materials for the Hästens bed,
quality, safe and caring for people or/and                          as well as the skills of the Swedish people
eco-friendly and sustainable.                                       manufacturing the bed. Ikea instead refers to
                                                                    affordable, creative design, family values and
One might argue that the image of Sweden                            equality, also Swedish values but different
as a traditional, slightly old-fashioned country                    ones. The complexity of a nation’s image is
contradicts its image regarding technology                          of advantage when it comes to choosing the
and innovation and could therefore irritate                         most favourable aspects of it for the product
the consumer. But there are brands that ex-                         brand.
emplify that these perspectives can co-exist,
just as a person’s history can be the basis for                     Swedes are on the one hand considered shy
his or her progressive development.                                 and quiet, but also free-spirited and selfcon-
                                                                    fident. The latter is what the Swedish under-
 “Sweden also as a country has an image                             wear brand Björn Borg builds upon. They
 abroad that is very traditional and has those                      refer unignorably to their heritage by using
 values like pure nature, lots of space for                         a living Swedish sports legends name. Their
 people to live. On the other hand Sweden is                        mission is to spread the Swedish spirit all
 perceived as a very technical and IT coun-                         over the world: Being playful, colourful and
 try and Hästens is also now changing the                           daring. The brand communication conveying
 position on the market. We launched it as a                        creativity and innovation pre-dominates ste-
 traditional brand with quality and 25 years                        reotypes associated with Swedes. The brand
 warranty; we have communicated very old                            clearly has the power to change a country’s
 values like the nature of materials, being the                     image. Brands are ambassadors of their
 purveyor of the royal household. But if you                        country and transport its values. They often
 stress only functionality or technical aspects,                    are the first connection to it. “A lot of Ger-
 it is possible to copy them. But if you try to                     mans have never been to Sweden, but they
 stress                                                             know Ikea and for them Ikea and Sweden are
 other values, if you withhold a certain per-                       synonym” (Helfrich 2009).
 sonality - creating a lifestyle around the
 brand is something that is unique, it gets in-                     Considering Swedens largest brands Sony
 tangible. Hästens would like to enhance                            Ericsson, Ikea, H&M,Volvo and Saab: As am

Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
Matthias Aßmann

bassadors for their country they have shaped              The brands then use the same local commu-
    the product-related image of Sweden enor-                 nication abroad because they are too little
    mously. They have built trust in Swedish                  don’t have the budget to adapt it locally. In
    brands. Swedishness attaches not only sym-                future they might not adapt it because Swe-
    pathy and trust to the brand Ikea, or quality             den is just the right association that enhanc-
    and safety to Volvo, but also to other brands             es their brand value.
    that are associated with Ikea or its COO
    Sweden. In table 2 those brands are shown                 Is there one optimal COO-strategy?
    that came to mind when asked for a Swedish
    brand from the respective category in the                 Roth & Romeo have developed a model that
    Mandel study (unaided recall).                            helps choosing the right COO communicat-

       Table 2: Most recalled Swedish brands per category. Source: Mandel Study.

    Most Swedish brands are known in the seg-                 ion strategy as shown in graphic 3. This sug-
    ments outdoor & sports, sweets and fash-                  gests that the country-image can be favour-
    ion. The segments that Swedish and German                 able or unfavourable for a brand depending
    consumers feel most familiar with are furni-              on the product category and relevant prod-
    ture, fashion and sweets. It seems likely that            uct attributes. A product’s or brand’s COO
    the familiarity with Swedish furniture and                should not be communicated if the country
    fashion brands is due to the ubiquity of Ikea             is perceived as weak regarding the dimen-
    and H&M. An explanation for the familiarity               sions that are relevant to the product. This
    of sweets might be that these products are                configuration is an unfavourable product-
    frequently bought and many sweets refer                   country-match (quadrant II). If no associa-
    to their Swedish origin (Marabou, Almondy,                tion between the productrelated country
    Gille). They might do this because                        image and the attributes relevant to the
                                                              product exists, we face a mismatch. This
    1. food products must be marked with their                mismatch is favourable if the country has
    country-of-production and                                 weaknesses regarding relevant product di-
                                                              mensions (quadrant IV). Not to refer to the
    2. Swedish brands react to the fact that                  COO in brand communication is then the
    Swedes prefer local foods as they are cul-                appropriate strategy. As there are hardly any
    turebound products adapted to taste pat-                  weaknesses in the country image, no exam-
    terns, cultural tradition etc. of the Swedes.             ples can be given for Swedish unfavourable

                                                     MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING
                                                              Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
                                                        Matthias Aßmann

product-country-matches and favourable                         However, to only rely on the Swedish heri-
                               product-countrymismatches.                                     tage as selling proposition is not recom-
                                                                                              mendable. COO can solely reinforce the
                               An unfavourable mismatch (quadrant III) oc-                    perception of product-related attributes
                               curs, if the COO is strong in relevant prod-                   such as innovation, design and quality. If the
                               uct dimensions, but the consumer does not                      suggested expectations are not fulfilled by
                               associate the product to its COO. This leads                   the product, authenticity and credibility get
                               to the recommendation to put stronger em-                      lost. A negative back-transfer on the country
                               phasis on the COO in brand communication.                      image and other Swedish brands might hap-
                               This applies to Swedish cosmetic, sweets                       pen. That is why Strid, author of the book
                               and jewellery brands. Consumers prefer a                       „The Viking Manifesto – The Scandinavian
                               product from Sweden, if they perceive rel-                     Business Approach“, recommends a strong,
                               evant product attributes to be strengths of                    differentiating primary message that works
                               its COO (quadrant I). This is the ideal con-                   independently from national origin.
                               figuration and called a favourable product-
                               country-match. In this case there is a synergy                  „National Origin is a weak argument and
                               situation for country and product brand.                        not a very good way to differentiate a brand
                                                                                               on the international market. No brand or
                               The brand that is a perfect example of a fa-                    company can ever claim a national identity
                               vourable product country match is Ikea, the                     as its own. Nationality is neither specific nor
                               most important brand ambassador of Swe-                         unique enough. On the other hand nation-
                               den:                                                            ality can be a good way to reinforce the
                                                                                               primary brand message. IKEA is a perfect
                                “The values of brand Sweden and brand                          example. The brand is built on design, price
                                Ikea – this is a very good match. It is about                  and a sort of innovative populism – traits
                                design, it is cutting edge and progressive but                 that are very much part of the Swedish
                                it is also design for the people. It is inno-                  character.” (Strid 2009)
                                vation with the flat packs, Do it yourself is
                                something specific Swedish. Ikea has done                     The German attitude vs. the Swedes
                                so much to build brand Sweden and Swed-                       attitude towards Swedish brands
                                ish values as well. I think they are a very
                                good ambassador. (Norén 2009)                                 Results show that Germans that have a high-
                                                                                              er contact frequency to Sweden or Swedish
                                                                                              media are more aware of Swedish brands
          Country image dimensions                                                            and have a more favourable image of Swed-
                                                positive              negative                ish brands than those with less frequent
                                                                                              contact. This latter relation might be medi-
Product attribute dimensions

                                             favourable product-      unfavourable product-
                                                  country-match       country-match           ated by personal values: A consumer shares

                                             Furniture & Decoration   none?
                                             Outdoor & Sports
                                                                                              Swedish values and consequently has an in-
                                             Fashion                                          terest in Swedish subjects. At the same time
                                             Kids’ products
                                                                                              he has a positive attitude towards brands
                                                                                              perceived as Swedish as they are believed to

                                             unfavourable product-    favourable product-
                                                  country-mismatch         country-mismatch
                                             Cosmetics                none?                   carry Swedish values.
                                                                                              This illustrates the importance of consider-
                                                                                              ing the specific market and consumer cul-
                               Graphic 4: Product-country matches. Source: Roth &             ture in order to be able to predict positive
                               Romeo 1992
                                                                                              or negative COO-effects. This intercultural
                                                                                              perspective takes into account that a brand
                                                                                              has the expressive function of reflecting cul

                      Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
                      Matthias Aßmann

tural and personal values. Therefore socially             so average. We feel Swedish products are a
     visible products might be particularly sen-               little boring and average”.
     sitive to the COO-effect. In a very collec-
     tivistic culture such as the Chinese, people            It seems as if the foreign owners of large
     prefer domestic products and refuse foreign             Swedish brands like Saab, Volvo, Absolut
     products to demonstrate conformity with                 Vodka are very careful to still position their
     their In-Group and support the local econo-             brands as Swedish. Big companies from oth-
     my. This phenomenon that is rooted in obe-              er countries seem to see the value of be-
     dience to strong social norm is called con-             ing Swedish more clearly than the Swedish
     sumer ethnocentrism and has widely been                 companies do. For the Swedes it is nothing
     examined in larger countries, such as China,            exotic or special about being Swedish, as
     Japan and USA. The Mandel study analysed                Norén explains.This lack of exoticness might
     the level of consumer ethnocentrism in                  be one of the reasons why brands originated
     relation to Swedish brands in Sweden and                in Sweden choose to communicate a “bor-
     Germany. Results indicate that the image of             rowed origin”. Gant or Lexington appear to
     Swedish brands was not more favourable                  be American in order to differentiate from
     among Swedish consumers than among Ger-                 Swedish “lagom” (engl.: mediocrity).
     man consumers. The degree of consumer
     ethnocentrism is in both countries rather               H&M and Ericsson use a global brand strat-
     low. Possibly, this is possibly because of the          egy arguing that it is easier to act on a global
     extensive exchange with other cultures and              market if there is no cultural rooting visible
     their products, as Norén desribes:                      to the consumer that might evoke consumer
                                                             ethnocentrism or consumer animosity. Addi-
      “I don’t think the argument that buying                tionally, when H&M launched, there seemed
      Swedish products supports the Swedish                  to be no benefit in emphasising the Swedish
      economy is very strong in Sweden. In the               heritage. Sweden was not known as a fashion
      USA for example you can see it very much               country at all. This has significantly changed.
      more, probably in France, too. That is also
      because Sweden has been a very export                  How Swedish brands build their
      oriented country, we have been relying on              home country’s image
      export for a long time. We have never been
      able to have this protective market.We have            It is important to stress that the image trans-
      sold our products and imported others.”                fer is bidirectional. For smaller, less known
      (Norén 2009)                                           brands the transfer from the country image
                                                             to the brand image might be larger whereas
     Although an ethnocentristic attitude of the             larger brands have a considerable influence
     Swedes could not be explicitly proved, they             on the country image. Olle Wästberg, Head
     still might prefer Swedish products in the              of the Swedish Institute illustrates that „Ikea
     actual purchase situation. It is obvious that           has done more fort he Swedenimage abroad
     Swedish products are more easily accessible             than all governmental efforts together“. If
     to Swedes than to Germans. Norén com-                   H&M had clearly communicated its Swedish
     ments on ethnocentrism among Swedish                    heritage, it would have helped Sweden to be
     consumers as follows:                                   perceived as a fashion country.

      “Those who buy a Volvo do it because it’s              Every brand that communicates Sweden as
      really a safe bet, high resale value and it’s          COO builds the brand Sweden, intentionally
      made for Swedish roads. It has been the                or non-intentionally, for good or for bad.
      most sold car in Sweden for many years. And            Consequently, the brand management of
      then you have the other side where people              Sweden and the brand management of indi
      would never buy a Volvo because it’s so dull,

                                                      MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING
                                                             Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
                                                       Matthias Aßmann

vidual consumer brands, as small as they                            This approach should be extended to com-
might be, need to interlock in order to cre-                        munications just as the Scandinavian Out-
ate synergies and build and maintain a strong                       door Group (SOG) exemplifies: This alliance
and consistent image in the mind of their                           of Scandinavian outdoor and sports brands
stakeholders. Strid sums the interaction of                         aims at generating synergies in distribution
Swedish brands and the Nation brand Swe-                            and communication. Not only the image of
den up:                                                             each member brand as eco-friendly and high
                                                                    quality is to be strengthened, but also the im-
 „Swedish Brands have put the country on                            age of entire Scandinavia as an export region
 the map, but not proportionally to their level                     for sustainable high-quality outdoor equip-
 of success on the international market. Fifty                      ment.
 years ago, few people could find the country
 on a map, today Sweden is a concept. Yet,                          It is not about large scale sales of a stan-
 considering the unprecedented success of                           dardised product. It is about an additional
 hundreds of companies, Sweden could and                            symbolic value that goes beyond the con-
 should be much better known. The Sweden                            sumer’s need for low prices. In Noréns eyes
 country brand has not lived up to its poten-                       this is what constitutes the power of small
 tial for two reasons: One, the Swedes are                          brands.
 culturally low-key and reluctant to talk about
 themselves and two, Swedish companies are                           “We always talk about the big brands, Ikea,
 very often more interested in being per-                            Volvo,Absolut and Ericsson.They certainly are
 ceived as international than Swedish. Much                          great ambassadors. But we shouldn’t forget
 more could be done on a number of levels                            the small brands. Of course they don’t reach
 in both the private and public sector” (Strid                       as many people but f. ex. fashion companies
 2009)                                                               in Tokyo buy Nudie Jeans. And a lot of people
                                                                     will find out where Nudie comes from and
Again, Ikea has done pioneer work: In Ger-                           they will tell their friends. There are a lot of
many, which is next to Sweden Ikeas largest                          small brands that make up the image of
market, a strategic cooperation of Ikea with                         Sweden.The customers of small brands that
Visit Sweden and Swedish ambassador’s takes                          cater to a niche market are more aware
place to increase awareness and knowledge                            and interested in finding out more about
about Sweden. Another popular example                                the brand. I think the exclusivity today is not
of how brands build the brand Sweden are                             anymore about buying something expensive
Swedish fashion labels: Sweden has in the                            but it is about finding it. Making an aware
last decade grown to a nation of exclusive                           choice. It is about story and genuineness, to
fashion, because of the joint force of small                         have something that is different from what
brands that referred to their Swedish ori-                           everyone else has.” (Norén 2009)
gin (Filippa K, Whyred, Cheap Monday, Tiger
of Sweden etc.). They presented a product                           …or is the brand’s origin overrated?
that reinforced the perception of Sweden
as a country with high design affinity. Fur-                        Genuineness and “making an aware choice”
thermore to appear as one face to the trade                         is what matters increasingly to the consum-
customer and raise awareness for Swed-                              er and what makes him pay more attention
ish fashion, the brands networked instead                           to the brand’s origin. But can a brand alone
of combating each other and facilitated the                         respond to this?
development of international distribution.
The Swedish Institute supported them by                             The fact, that social responsibility and sus-
promoting Swedish fashion in international                          tainable production is crucial for buying with
fashions and art shows.                                             a good conscience may give reason to a sig-
                                                                    nificant turn in consumer choice behaviour.

Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
Matthias Aßmann

The paradigm that the brand origin is more                and that rent needs to be paid on a regular
     important to the consumer than the manu-                  basis.” (Latshaw 2008)
     facturing country is about to shift. Paying at-
     tention to this development, Swedish compa-
     nies return to local production, not only for
     strengthening the domestic economy and se-
     curing higher standards for their employees.              About the author
     But also because buying “made in Sweden”
     gives the consumer the confidence to make                                    Franziska Endter studied
     an ethical choice. In delivering this promise                                Intercultural Business
     and not only thinking short term profit ori-                                 Communication       with
     ented, Swedish companies like Klättermusen,                                  Focus on Scandinavia,
     Hästens or Light my fire that execute all pro-                               Media Studies and Psy-
     cesses of the value chain in Sweden seem to                                  chology at Friedrich-
     be far ahead to other countries’ brands.                                     Schiller-University    in
                                                                                  Jena, Germany. During
     A consumer that shares the values that Swed-                                 her studies she worked
     ish brands promise cannot be satisfied un-                                   with International Brand
     less the product keeps its promise. An aware            Management, Advertising and Trend Re-
     consumer will feel cognitive dissonance – an            search in Jena, Hamburg, Copenhagen and
     imbalanced state of mind that causes tension            Stockholm.
     within the consumer – if intrinsic product at-          She joined Mandel in 2009 to work on her
     tributes and the brand image do not match.              final thesis on the above subject and to ex-
     Daring a look into the future, the growing              change knowl-edge between business and
     sustainability movement gives the nation                science.
     brand Sweden and Swedish brands a pole
     position. The image of the country as well              The study was conducted in coorperation
     as its “hard” location factors, its economic            with Mandel Consulting. MANDEL fo-
     and social infrastructure, natural and human            cuses on Marketing and Media Services &
     resources create a great basis to accomplish            Consulting for Brands, Products and Ideas in
     the request for sustainable products:                   all Europe & Scandinavia.
                                                             Mandel is a team of dedicated Marketing
      “As an advanced economy with a humanist                Consultants, professional Media workers and
      touch, Sweden, as well as its top competitors          thorough Strategists.We love Brands and the
      Canada and Switzerland, is seen globally               Communication of their Message.
      as a model of how to successfully balance
      growth with the need to protect the rights             If you are interested in more findings
      and freedoms of citizens and the commit-               of the study, you can purchase the ex-
      ment to protect the environment. Maintain-             tended version including interviews
      ing this exemplary brand attribute is para-            or product category specific analysis.
      mount to the continued success of Sweden’s             Please contact:
      brand. With environmental problems grow-
      ing in importance on the international con-            Franziska Endter
      sciousness, the value of Sweden’s strength   
      will likely continue to grow. Sweden needs to
      cherish these three aspects of its reputtion:          Matthias Aßmann
      environmentalism, technology and education.  
      It needs to keep them closely monitored, and
      ensure that it continues to deserve them:
      you never own a reputation, you only rent it,

                                                      MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING
                                                             Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
                                                       Matthias Aßmann

Systematics of the Study                                            Further sources

The study involved a quantitative survey                            Aaker, J. L. (1997): Dimensions of Brand Personal-
among Swedish and German consumers.The                              ity. Journal of Marketing Research. Vol 34, p. 347-
sample has been generated through interna-                          356
tional networking platforms such as Xing or
                                                                    AccountAbility (Publ.) (2007): The State of Re-
Facebook. This suggests that the sample is
                                                                    sponsible Competitiveness 2007. Available
highly culturally open, so that results cannot                      via:
be generalised to the entire population.                            bleCompetitiveness.aspx?id=2088.      Accessed:
The questionnaire contained standardised
questions to measure the following for nine                         Ahmed, Z., Johnson, J. (2002): Does Country of
product categories:                                                 Origin matter for low-involvement products? In-
                                                                    ternational Marketing Review,Vol 21, Issue 1. Em-
  •     purchase frequency of Swedish vs. other                     erald Group Publishing Ltd.
  •     the personal importance of the brand’s                      Anholt, S. (1998): Nation brands of the twenty-
        COO                                                         first century. The Journal of Brand Management,
  •     the brand image among the product-related                   Vol 5, Issue 6, p. 395-401
        attributes quality, design, technology, value
        for money, eco-friendliness, innovation and                 Anholt, S. (2003a): Branding Places and Nations. In
        the non-product related attributes sympa-                   Clifton, R., Simmons, J. (Publ.): Brands and Brand-
        thy, prestige, service                                      ing. Princeton, Bloomberg Press, p. 213-226.
  •     the readiness to pay more for a Swedish
        brand than for one with unknown COO                         Anholt, S. (2005): Nation Brands Index. How the
  •     the image of Sweden in general and its                      world sees the world. Available via: http://www.
        product related country image in terms of         
        marketing & production skills of the Swed-                  ticle.htm 24.10.2008
        ish people
  •     Consumer ethnocentrism                                      Anholt, S. (2006b): Nations Brand Index Quar-
  •     for the German sample: Frequency of con-                    ter 4 2005. Available via : http://www.earthspeak.
        tact to Sweden / information sources                        com/a_selection_of_published_article.htm
  •     sociodemographics: age, gender, nationality,                24.10.2008
                                                                    Anholt, S. (2007a): Anholt Nation Brands Index
                                                                    Quarter 2 2007. Results for Sweden. Available
To gain further insight into qualitative data,
expert interviews have been conducted                               varlden/Sverigebilden-utomlands/Nation-Brand-
with:                                                               Index-/ Accessed
  •     Joakim Norén, Brand Development Swe-
        den, Swedish Institute                                      Anholt, S. (2008a): Editorial: Place Branding: Is it
  •     Rocky af Ekenstam Brennicke, PR Björn                       Marketing, or isn’t it? In: Place Branding and Pub-
        Borg                                                        lic Diplomacy Vol 4, Issue 1, S. 1-6. Palgrave Mac-
  •     Marcus Haas, Marketing Hästens                              millan Ltd. Available via: www.palgrave-journals.
  •     Jens Helfrich, Internal Media Solutions Ikea                com/pb
  •     Steve Strid, Author of „The Viking Manifes-                 Balabanis, G., Diamantopoulos, A. (2004): Domes-
        to – The Scandinavian Business Approach“                    tic Country Bias, Country-of-Origin Effects, and
                                                                    Consumer Ethnocentrism: A multidimensional
                                                                    unfolding approach. Journal of the Academy of
                                                                    Marketing Science,Vol 32, Issue 1, p. 80-95

Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
Matthias Aßmann

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                                                                                  Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
                                                                            Matthias Aßmann

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Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022
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SWEDISHNESS SELLS: Brand Perception in Germany and Sweden.

  • 1. MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING SwediShneSS SellS. how the image of a Country influenCeS Brand PerCePtion and viCe verSa. by Franziska EndtEr MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann
  • 2. Swedishness sells. How the image of a Country influences Brand Perception and vice versa. by Franziska Endter A bstract of theoretical and empiri- cal findings of a study by Mandel Consulting, conducted by Franziska tomer’s identification with it. Just like the hu- man personality is rooted in a cultural or na- tional origin, the brand should connect to a Endter, Friedrich-Schiller-University cultural or geographical background to com- Jena.. The study investigated image plete its personality and become authentic. transfers between the nation brand In this context the country of origin (COO) Sweden and Swedish consumer brands of a product and its effect on consumer judg- among Germans and Swedes. ment and purchase behaviour has enjoyed increasing attention in the last decades. No identity without heritage However, with opening trade boarders and multinational production, the place of pro- Communicating Swedishness by means duction in terms of “made-in” became more of branding seems more visible than ever. and more blurry. Research showed that the Brands “of Sweden”, blue and yellow brand origin of the brand is more salient to the colourings and images of blond Swedish tes- customer than the country of production: it timonials and untouched Nordic landscapes is much more visible in the are gladly used to attach that special some- brand communication. thing to a brand. But is Swedishness a suc- cess factor? And what exactly is perceived as Swedish? To be able to explain how a brand can prof- it from the image of its country of origin, a description of what a brand is and offers is needed. A widely accepted definition of a brand is a “name, term, sign, symbol or de- sign, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers to differentiate them from those of competition“ (American Marketing Graphic 1: Modes of conveying the brand origin. Association). As graphic 1 illustrates, the modes of con- veying brand origin are diverse: It can be Additional to its primary function of differ- communicated through direct reference in entiation from competitors, it also expresses Slogans or brand names (“Volvo - from Swe- a certain attitude of the consumer that uses den with Love”, “Tiger of Sweden”), through it and shows his belonging or differentiation indirect linguistic reference by using the na- to a social group. This symbolic function of a tional language in the brand name (Haglöfs, brand exceeds its functional use and is the Fjäll Räven, Hästens), through national sym- base for creating a lively brand personality. bols or colours within the logo (Ikea using a With higher international standards of man- blue and yellow logo, Kosta Boda using the ufacture, quality differences diminish and it Swedish royal emblem) or through the dis- becomes crucial to a brand to stand out by play of the lifestyle or stereotype people of adding extra symbolic value. the country (Lätta TV spot displaying blond The first step to achieve this is to define a girls and their affinity to nature or Ikea TV brand identity by means of functional, emo- spot promoting relaxed family life). tional and social values. Using human charac- In contrast to the COO as place of produc- teristics the brand can then develop a special tion or assembly, a brand origin can basically brand personality which facilitates the cus- relateto any origin that seems favourable, re- MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann 2
  • 3. gardless of physical places of value creation. Beyond product brands – also a nation can and must be branded According to trademark law any product can be given a Swedish sounding brand name “As long as a public opinion matters – and (think of Häagen Dasz being created in the it matters terribly because the public is the US). This artificial referral to a brand’s COO market – then it is (…) vital for countries to is called “borrowed origin” and is a popular (…) ensure that the public opinion is as fair, strategy. However, it is illegal to put a made- as accurate and as positive as it possibly can in-Swedenlabel on a product manufactured be.” (Anholt 2006a) in China. Emphasising the country of design or country of assembly is another way to In an increasingly competitive globalised connect to a geographical resp. cultural heri- market where dissolving national borders tage in case country of production has an lead to the extension of the marketplace unfavourable connotation. not only products fight for their USP, also However, it should be kept in mind that the nations do. The notion that a nation can be more authentic the brand identity and its branded just as a product is enjoying grow- background story is the more trustworthy ing attention as the achievement of political, and credible it is. Wrapping the real origin social and economical goals depends on how into a “true story” - may it be country of a nation is perceived by its target groups. In design, country of assembly, country of pro- order to gain international awareness, trust duction or country of branding is adding val- and goodwill, methods need to be developed ue to a product, increases identification and to manage a nation’s image and create sus- recognition.The brand’s image in the mind of tainable and relevant the consumer, e.g. perceived functions, asso- relations. ciations and their evaluation, becomes three dimensional. Nation Branding is the approach to use the Brand awareness, brand recognition, brand tools of Marketing in order to position and associations and their evaluations altogeth- communicate a nation as a brand. Although er constitute brand equity. Consequently, parallels exist, there are two crucial differ- choosing to communicate an appropriate, ences between a nation and a product brand: relevant and favourable COO that the cus- The nation does not offer a physical product tomer remembers increases brand equity. It but a variety of associations and values. Be- has to be underlined that the brand image is cause of the complexity of a nation one can a result of consumer’s association and can- hardly speak of total brandability. A nation’s not be fully steered by the brand manager. brand identity cannot simply be made up out It evolves upon the interaction of individual of the blue. It is tied to the cultural values and experiences and associations with cultural the self image of the nation’s people. From values and norm. this starting point the core values need to be defined and wrapped into a message that is multidimensional and fits to the demands of several stakeholders. This is what makes Nation Branding such a challenge, as Fan (2006) puts it: „branding requires simplicity and clarity, but the image of a nation is com- plex and vague“. Beyond communication, the delivery of the promised product needs to be secured. That branding is an extremely powerful tool is Graphic 2: COO in the Brand Equity model. Source: undeniable. “But it will not work if other Keller 1993 MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann 3
  • 4. components of the strategy (finance, R&D, „Our degree of progressivity is what distin- production, distribution) fail to deliver what guishes Sweden from other countries and the customers want. Nation Branding is no thus whatmakes us interesting to others. It exception” (Fan 2008, S. 11). is a summary of what we as a group believe to a high degree andwhat we thus offer the Defining Swedishness: Sweden’s Na- world. It is the basis for our work to cre- tion Branding Strategy ate a new, contemporary image of Sweden. (…) Sweden can thus best be described as The brand communication tools of a nation a country focused on development based are diverse and mostly relate to the local his- on people’s needs and environmental condi- tory, culture or nature.The national flag, royal tions – a progressive country that strives for symbols, landscapes, iconic buildings, typical balanced development. On a comprehensive products as well as celebrities and historical level, progressivity means having strong faith personalities etc. pp. all represent a nation. in the future and a desire to gradually make Thinking of Sweden primary associations are the world a slightly better place. It means the national colours blue and yellow, the roy- having faith in the creative force of people al crown, the archipelago scenery as well as and the ability to take responsibility for one’s woods sown with little red wooden houses, life.Working together and being open to the painted in the typical falun-red colour. It is rest of the world and to the future in or- mooses, ABBA, Björn Borg, Ingmar Bergman der to take advantage of its opportunities.“ and the royal family. All these symbols and (Swedish Institute 2008b) associations can be concerted in one com- munication strategy by creating an umbrella This message needs to be supported by as brand that attaches meaning to them in a many means as possible. Stories need to be larger context. How can Sweden’s umbrella told, pictures need to be shown that clearly brand be defined? represent these values. The media channel should be carefully selected in order to cor- respond to the brand message: Primary me- diaused by the NSU are interactive online media and social media as well as personal contacts in order to ensure a direct and indi- vidualised communication and use the word- ofmouth effect. According to the message and the media involved the pre-defined audience of brand Sweden shares its values and consists of pro- gressive, modern and creative people who The governmental initiative “Swedish council live up to innovation, individuality and toler- for the promotion of Sweden abroad” (NSU) ance. involves the Swedish Institute, the Swedish export council, Invest in Sweden Agency, But there isn’t only one target group:The na- Swedish tourist board Visit Sweden and Swe- tion brand needs to be relevant within six It aims at concerting the visual and dimensions that differ in their relevance to verbal communication in order to create a each audience: governance, tourism, culture, consistent, authentic and modern image of immigration and investment, people and ex- Sweden. The core values to be communi- port. cated are innovation, openness, care and au- thenticity. These cumulate in the brand core Export is the most relevant dimension to “progressivity”: consumers as they base their purchase deci MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann 4
  • 5. sion not only on the expected functional use of a product originated in a certain coun- try but also on it’s symbolic values. Buying a Swedish brand is a statement towards the governance of Sweden, the people, the cul- ture etc.Vice versa, the framework that a na- tion delivers to the creation of products in- fluences expectations towards it. Therefore the perception of the nation as a whole re- flects in purchase behaviour towards Swed- ish brands. The Status Quo of Sweden’s Nation Table 1: Sweden’s position in global country rankings. Brand In the brand hexagon the image is visualised The Nation Brand The nation branding efforts of NSU have per dimension. Accordingly, Sweden shows Index is the world’s been successful: Sweden is a strong brand, largest measurement strengths in governance, economy and ex- especially within Europe. Since the beginning port, attraction of immigration and talents as of nation brand imag- es. It was developed of the measurement of Nation Brand images well as its people, whereas weaker dimen- by Simon Anholt and in the Anholt NBI1 2005, Sweden found itself sions are tourism and culture. It also shows measures since 2005 among the top 10 countries in the world, al- the evaluation of the country that is most the strengths of 50 though its position slightly dropped in 2009. countries on the six positive towards Sweden, Germany, and least dimensions of the na- There are two reasons for this: positive, India. tion brand hexagon. In 2009 the panel 1. The panel of the NBI changed in 2009, 2. consisted of 20.000 Sweden used to be at the forefront of strate- people in 20 coun- gic Nation Branding and now, other Nations tries who responded to questions regard- catch up and grow stronger. Unquestionable ing cultural, touris- is, that the values of Swedish society, em- tical, political, eco- phasising openness to new ways of thinking nomical and human and ethic behaviour as well as development aspects. based on people’s needs and environmental conditions remain important. The country Graphic 3: Sweden’s brand hexagon according to NBI is still admired for its fair governance. This 2008. Source: SI 2009 builds the framework for a strong nation in all regards. It is argued, that weaknesses of the Swed- ish image result from a lack of knowledge. Especially the focus on social and education- People outside Europe are not really aware al equality results in high living standards that what Sweden is and what it has to offer. give way to higher education. Sweden scores high in the Global Talent Index, reflecting a “We can see in the research we do, for ex. high number of highly skilled workers, es- from the NBI, that the perception of Swe- pecially graduates. These brain workers are den around the world is fairly similar, but the fundament for innovation and economic it’s stronger or weaker. For example in Ger- growth. many, Sweden’s image is very positive and strong, Sweden is well known. While in India Table 1 displays a number of global rankings. Sweden is not wellknown at all. But it’s the Sweden ranks high in all categories. For com- same things that we are strong in. You can parison, Germany’s position is given as well. generally say that in a country like Germany, knowledge isn’t a problem. If you go to India, people don’t even know that MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann 5
  • 6. Sweden exists and if they mix it up with Germans homogenously have a positive im- Switzerland. In those countries we have to age of the country, its people and their pro- flag: we are here, we are interesting.” (Norén duction and marketing skills.The more expe- 2009) rience they have with the country, may it be through media or personal contact, the more Another explanation for the positive Image positive is their image. Although it cannot be in Europe and the weak image in Asia and said which is cause and which effect, Norén Africa is the cultural distance: Sweden is a explains that travel to Sweden increases in- highly individualistic, feminine culture with a terest in products: “People that have been to low hierarchy level. In this regard it is close to Sweden have a much more positive image the German culture which provides a certain of Sweden. That opens up an interest in the base of mutual understanding. In Asia where products as well”. It is therefore vital to mo- collectivistic values, a masculine culture as tivate people to travel to get involved with well as high hierarchies are predominant, the the country. appreciation and understanding of Swedish values might be low. Sweden’s product related Country- Image Especially in Germany the interest in Swed- ish culture and governance as well as in trav- Sweden’s economic profile is very strong. In el to Sweden is rather high and results in the NBI 2009 Sweden ranks 8 among the big wide knowledge about the country. Results industrial powers Japan, USA and Germany. of the Mandel study show that Germans use Germany has besides the USA the most the following media frequently as primary positive Image of the Swedish economy and sources on which they build their image of ranks it 6 out of 50. This is a very important Sweden on: Kids fiction, TV-documentaries outcome as Sweden’s largest export partner about Sweden and travel. In documentaries is Germany, making 10.4 % of the total ex- and news, the Swedish Model and the edu- port volume (Source: Swedish Export Coun- cational system is often referred to as a role cil). model for Germany. Reports from Sweden portray its untouched nature and space for Due to its relatively small domestic market developing people and thoughts. Fiction for- it relies heavily on export, first and fore- mats like „Inga Lindström“, “Michel aus Lön- most of semi-manufactured goods, services neberga” or „die Kinder von Bullerby” show & technology but also to a large extend of a very idyllic, peaceful and perfect image of consumer products, such as foods, furniture the country. On the other hand they give a and automobiles. According to the Mandel rather oldfashioned and traditional impres- study, furniture & decoration, fashion, out- sion. door and sports equipment and kids prod- ucts are those industries that are most asso- The high density of Swedish crimes in the ciated with Sweden. Cosmetics, sweets and literary bestseller list and on TV conveys an jewellery are not perceived as typical Swed- image of a dark and cold country with cruel ish products. murderers everywhere. But people seem ei- ther to be aware that this is purely fictional It is notable that these associations refer to or to ignore the reference to Sweden, be- brands rather than products, due to the fact cause it does not affect the image of Swe- that Sweden as a country-of-manufacture den in a negative way. Instead the country has lost relevance. Production is outsourced is perceived as an extremely safe and just to mostly low-wage countries in the Far country. East, Baltics or Eastern Europe. The label made-in-Sweden has practically disappeared. Findings of the Mandel study suggest that It is argued that the production in low-wage MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann 6
  • 7. countries has no major effect on the per- There are hardly any product categories or ception of the product, as long as the brand attributes that Sweden is bad at. This clear suggests a Swedish origin: and positively perceived dimension of Swe- den as a Nation Brand is an important ad- “For example Volvo: it is owned by Ford, some vantage for Swedish companies. Especially parts are built in Finland, Austria, Mexico. As unknown brands that seek to enter new long as it is perceived as a Swedish product, markets are dependant on the trust that is as long as it is perceived as having the qual- given to Sweden. Vice versa, the perception ity and aspects like safety, that you would of the country’s economy is vital for the expect from a Swedish product than it isn’t country’s total image. a big problem to produce in a country with an unfavourable image. I have a BMW and Country-of-Origin-Effect – is the coun- it’s been built in America and I would never try image transferred to Swedish buy an American car.” (Norén 2009) brands? Recalling statements from Swedish brand The export dimension is part of the product- managers and a number of quantitative stud- related country image or country-of-origin ies2 the core values communicated by the image as it is described in scientific litera- NSU reflect in product attributes that are ture. It is the outcome of the perception of perceived as typically Swedish: quality, reli- the country as a whole including political, ed- ability, safety and innovation. Innovation is ucational and social conditions, economic in- specified by Norén as innovation for safe- frastructure and the production and market- ty and care for people. These associations ing capabilities of the people based on media proved to be fairly similar among Germans exposure and personal experience with the and Swedes. Swedes evaluate innovation country, its people, its brands and products. more and eco-friendliness less preferable All these experiences are saved within the than Germans. In the eyes of German con- associative network in the consumers mind sumers, brands perceived as Swedish are and can activate each other when exposed highly likeable. Both consider modern design to one related cue. as something closely connected to Swedish brands. In this regard, Sweden benefits from The stimulus can be the Swedish flag on a the spill-over of the perception of Denmark product package, which then activates the and Finland as great design (think Alvar Aalto country image. Such a cue initiates the in- or Arne Jacobsen), as many German consum- ference of the country image to intrinsic or ers do not clearly differentiate between the product-related attributes of the product, Scandinavian countries. Vice versa, Sweden such as quality, durability, safety and work- has to be aware that damages in the image manship.To sum it up, the Country-of-Origin of another Scandinavian country affects its effect means the image transfer from the image, as happened during the Danish cari- country image to attributes of the product cature fight 2006. associated with the country by means of branding. Furthermore, environmental friendliness is clearly something that is expected from The consumer uses COO as a cognitive a Swedish brand. Based on the progressive shortcut especially when cognitive capa- Swedish climate, energy and environment bilities and/or the motivation to investigate policies that seek to reduce emissions and intrinsic attributes are low. This is the case promote eco-friendly business practices, in situations where quick decisions are re- Sweden’s Image as an industrial nation is quired or when the product is a low-involve- replaced by the image as an environmental ment product. Empirical findings imply that nation. in the condition of low familiarity with the MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann 7
  • 8. product, COO is relied on heavily adding ad- the history of being a company from 1851, ditional information. Consequently the im- with over 150 years of tradition of building age transfer should be stronger. This relation hand-crafted beds. In this particular case could not be found for Swedish brands in the focussing on something more old-fashioned, Mandel study, e.g. there is no stronger as- more retro-style is enhancing the history of sociation with Sweden’s image for unfamiliar this very old company.” (Haas 2009) products than for familiar products. Although positioned in a different segment, The central finding of the Mandel study is that the bed manufacturer Hästens risks get- the pure information that a brand is origi- ting associated with Ikea by emphasising its nated in Sweden leads to a positive product Swedish heritage. Ikea as a provider of mod- evaluation. This COO-Effect could be shown ern furniture with a short life time opposes across all product categories. Taking into ac- the durability and craftsmanship of Hästens, count that Sweden’s product-related country but has to a large extend built the product- image hardly shows any weaknesses within related image of Sweden, especially in the fur- the European markets, the Swedish heritage niture category. Hästens differentiates itself has positive effects on the product percep- not only through price, but also by using the tion. It should therefore be reinforced, es- emblem of the royal purveyor and imagery pecially if brand managers want their brand of Swedish open and untouched nature, the to be perceived as exclusive, innovative, high origin of the materials for the Hästens bed, quality, safe and caring for people or/and as well as the skills of the Swedish people eco-friendly and sustainable. manufacturing the bed. Ikea instead refers to affordable, creative design, family values and One might argue that the image of Sweden equality, also Swedish values but different as a traditional, slightly old-fashioned country ones. The complexity of a nation’s image is contradicts its image regarding technology of advantage when it comes to choosing the and innovation and could therefore irritate most favourable aspects of it for the product the consumer. But there are brands that ex- brand. emplify that these perspectives can co-exist, just as a person’s history can be the basis for Swedes are on the one hand considered shy his or her progressive development. and quiet, but also free-spirited and selfcon- fident. The latter is what the Swedish under- “Sweden also as a country has an image wear brand Björn Borg builds upon. They abroad that is very traditional and has those refer unignorably to their heritage by using values like pure nature, lots of space for a living Swedish sports legends name. Their people to live. On the other hand Sweden is mission is to spread the Swedish spirit all perceived as a very technical and IT coun- over the world: Being playful, colourful and try and Hästens is also now changing the daring. The brand communication conveying position on the market. We launched it as a creativity and innovation pre-dominates ste- traditional brand with quality and 25 years reotypes associated with Swedes. The brand warranty; we have communicated very old clearly has the power to change a country’s values like the nature of materials, being the image. Brands are ambassadors of their purveyor of the royal household. But if you country and transport its values. They often stress only functionality or technical aspects, are the first connection to it. “A lot of Ger- it is possible to copy them. But if you try to mans have never been to Sweden, but they stress know Ikea and for them Ikea and Sweden are other values, if you withhold a certain per- synonym” (Helfrich 2009). sonality - creating a lifestyle around the brand is something that is unique, it gets in- Considering Swedens largest brands Sony tangible. Hästens would like to enhance Ericsson, Ikea, H&M,Volvo and Saab: As am MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann 8
  • 9. bassadors for their country they have shaped The brands then use the same local commu- the product-related image of Sweden enor- nication abroad because they are too little mously. They have built trust in Swedish don’t have the budget to adapt it locally. In brands. Swedishness attaches not only sym- future they might not adapt it because Swe- pathy and trust to the brand Ikea, or quality den is just the right association that enhanc- and safety to Volvo, but also to other brands es their brand value. that are associated with Ikea or its COO Sweden. In table 2 those brands are shown Is there one optimal COO-strategy? that came to mind when asked for a Swedish brand from the respective category in the Roth & Romeo have developed a model that Mandel study (unaided recall). helps choosing the right COO communicat- Table 2: Most recalled Swedish brands per category. Source: Mandel Study. Most Swedish brands are known in the seg- ion strategy as shown in graphic 3. This sug- ments outdoor & sports, sweets and fash- gests that the country-image can be favour- ion. The segments that Swedish and German able or unfavourable for a brand depending consumers feel most familiar with are furni- on the product category and relevant prod- ture, fashion and sweets. It seems likely that uct attributes. A product’s or brand’s COO the familiarity with Swedish furniture and should not be communicated if the country fashion brands is due to the ubiquity of Ikea is perceived as weak regarding the dimen- and H&M. An explanation for the familiarity sions that are relevant to the product. This of sweets might be that these products are configuration is an unfavourable product- frequently bought and many sweets refer country-match (quadrant II). If no associa- to their Swedish origin (Marabou, Almondy, tion between the productrelated country Gille). They might do this because image and the attributes relevant to the product exists, we face a mismatch. This 1. food products must be marked with their mismatch is favourable if the country has country-of-production and weaknesses regarding relevant product di- mensions (quadrant IV). Not to refer to the 2. Swedish brands react to the fact that COO in brand communication is then the Swedes prefer local foods as they are cul- appropriate strategy. As there are hardly any turebound products adapted to taste pat- weaknesses in the country image, no exam- terns, cultural tradition etc. of the Swedes. ples can be given for Swedish unfavourable MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann 9
  • 10. product-country-matches and favourable However, to only rely on the Swedish heri- product-countrymismatches. tage as selling proposition is not recom- mendable. COO can solely reinforce the An unfavourable mismatch (quadrant III) oc- perception of product-related attributes curs, if the COO is strong in relevant prod- such as innovation, design and quality. If the uct dimensions, but the consumer does not suggested expectations are not fulfilled by associate the product to its COO. This leads the product, authenticity and credibility get to the recommendation to put stronger em- lost. A negative back-transfer on the country phasis on the COO in brand communication. image and other Swedish brands might hap- This applies to Swedish cosmetic, sweets pen. That is why Strid, author of the book and jewellery brands. Consumers prefer a „The Viking Manifesto – The Scandinavian product from Sweden, if they perceive rel- Business Approach“, recommends a strong, evant product attributes to be strengths of differentiating primary message that works its COO (quadrant I). This is the ideal con- independently from national origin. figuration and called a favourable product- country-match. In this case there is a synergy „National Origin is a weak argument and situation for country and product brand. not a very good way to differentiate a brand on the international market. No brand or The brand that is a perfect example of a fa- company can ever claim a national identity vourable product country match is Ikea, the as its own. Nationality is neither specific nor most important brand ambassador of Swe- unique enough. On the other hand nation- den: ality can be a good way to reinforce the primary brand message. IKEA is a perfect “The values of brand Sweden and brand example. The brand is built on design, price Ikea – this is a very good match. It is about and a sort of innovative populism – traits design, it is cutting edge and progressive but that are very much part of the Swedish it is also design for the people. It is inno- character.” (Strid 2009) vation with the flat packs, Do it yourself is something specific Swedish. Ikea has done The German attitude vs. the Swedes so much to build brand Sweden and Swed- attitude towards Swedish brands ish values as well. I think they are a very good ambassador. (Norén 2009) Results show that Germans that have a high- er contact frequency to Sweden or Swedish media are more aware of Swedish brands Country image dimensions and have a more favourable image of Swed- positive negative ish brands than those with less frequent contact. This latter relation might be medi- Product attribute dimensions favourable product- unfavourable product- country-match country-match ated by personal values: A consumer shares relevant Furniture & Decoration none? Outdoor & Sports Swedish values and consequently has an in- Fashion terest in Swedish subjects. At the same time Kids’ products he has a positive attitude towards brands perceived as Swedish as they are believed to irrelevant unfavourable product- favourable product- country-mismatch country-mismatch Cosmetics none? carry Swedish values. Sweets Jewellery This illustrates the importance of consider- ing the specific market and consumer cul- Graphic 4: Product-country matches. Source: Roth & ture in order to be able to predict positive Romeo 1992 or negative COO-effects. This intercultural perspective takes into account that a brand has the expressive function of reflecting cul MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann 10
  • 11. tural and personal values. Therefore socially so average. We feel Swedish products are a visible products might be particularly sen- little boring and average”. sitive to the COO-effect. In a very collec- tivistic culture such as the Chinese, people It seems as if the foreign owners of large prefer domestic products and refuse foreign Swedish brands like Saab, Volvo, Absolut products to demonstrate conformity with Vodka are very careful to still position their their In-Group and support the local econo- brands as Swedish. Big companies from oth- my. This phenomenon that is rooted in obe- er countries seem to see the value of be- dience to strong social norm is called con- ing Swedish more clearly than the Swedish sumer ethnocentrism and has widely been companies do. For the Swedes it is nothing examined in larger countries, such as China, exotic or special about being Swedish, as Japan and USA. The Mandel study analysed Norén explains.This lack of exoticness might the level of consumer ethnocentrism in be one of the reasons why brands originated relation to Swedish brands in Sweden and in Sweden choose to communicate a “bor- Germany. Results indicate that the image of rowed origin”. Gant or Lexington appear to Swedish brands was not more favourable be American in order to differentiate from among Swedish consumers than among Ger- Swedish “lagom” (engl.: mediocrity). man consumers. The degree of consumer ethnocentrism is in both countries rather H&M and Ericsson use a global brand strat- low. Possibly, this is possibly because of the egy arguing that it is easier to act on a global extensive exchange with other cultures and market if there is no cultural rooting visible their products, as Norén desribes: to the consumer that might evoke consumer ethnocentrism or consumer animosity. Addi- “I don’t think the argument that buying tionally, when H&M launched, there seemed Swedish products supports the Swedish to be no benefit in emphasising the Swedish economy is very strong in Sweden. In the heritage. Sweden was not known as a fashion USA for example you can see it very much country at all. This has significantly changed. more, probably in France, too. That is also because Sweden has been a very export How Swedish brands build their oriented country, we have been relying on home country’s image export for a long time. We have never been able to have this protective market.We have It is important to stress that the image trans- sold our products and imported others.” fer is bidirectional. For smaller, less known (Norén 2009) brands the transfer from the country image to the brand image might be larger whereas Although an ethnocentristic attitude of the larger brands have a considerable influence Swedes could not be explicitly proved, they on the country image. Olle Wästberg, Head still might prefer Swedish products in the of the Swedish Institute illustrates that „Ikea actual purchase situation. It is obvious that has done more fort he Swedenimage abroad Swedish products are more easily accessible than all governmental efforts together“. If to Swedes than to Germans. Norén com- H&M had clearly communicated its Swedish ments on ethnocentrism among Swedish heritage, it would have helped Sweden to be consumers as follows: perceived as a fashion country. “Those who buy a Volvo do it because it’s Every brand that communicates Sweden as really a safe bet, high resale value and it’s COO builds the brand Sweden, intentionally made for Swedish roads. It has been the or non-intentionally, for good or for bad. most sold car in Sweden for many years. And Consequently, the brand management of then you have the other side where people Sweden and the brand management of indi would never buy a Volvo because it’s so dull, MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann 11
  • 12. vidual consumer brands, as small as they This approach should be extended to com- might be, need to interlock in order to cre- munications just as the Scandinavian Out- ate synergies and build and maintain a strong door Group (SOG) exemplifies: This alliance and consistent image in the mind of their of Scandinavian outdoor and sports brands stakeholders. Strid sums the interaction of aims at generating synergies in distribution Swedish brands and the Nation brand Swe- and communication. Not only the image of den up: each member brand as eco-friendly and high quality is to be strengthened, but also the im- „Swedish Brands have put the country on age of entire Scandinavia as an export region the map, but not proportionally to their level for sustainable high-quality outdoor equip- of success on the international market. Fifty ment. years ago, few people could find the country on a map, today Sweden is a concept. Yet, It is not about large scale sales of a stan- considering the unprecedented success of dardised product. It is about an additional hundreds of companies, Sweden could and symbolic value that goes beyond the con- should be much better known. The Sweden sumer’s need for low prices. In Noréns eyes country brand has not lived up to its poten- this is what constitutes the power of small tial for two reasons: One, the Swedes are brands. culturally low-key and reluctant to talk about themselves and two, Swedish companies are “We always talk about the big brands, Ikea, very often more interested in being per- Volvo,Absolut and Ericsson.They certainly are ceived as international than Swedish. Much great ambassadors. But we shouldn’t forget more could be done on a number of levels the small brands. Of course they don’t reach in both the private and public sector” (Strid as many people but f. ex. fashion companies 2009) in Tokyo buy Nudie Jeans. And a lot of people will find out where Nudie comes from and Again, Ikea has done pioneer work: In Ger- they will tell their friends. There are a lot of many, which is next to Sweden Ikeas largest small brands that make up the image of market, a strategic cooperation of Ikea with Sweden.The customers of small brands that Visit Sweden and Swedish ambassador’s takes cater to a niche market are more aware place to increase awareness and knowledge and interested in finding out more about about Sweden. Another popular example the brand. I think the exclusivity today is not of how brands build the brand Sweden are anymore about buying something expensive Swedish fashion labels: Sweden has in the but it is about finding it. Making an aware last decade grown to a nation of exclusive choice. It is about story and genuineness, to fashion, because of the joint force of small have something that is different from what brands that referred to their Swedish ori- everyone else has.” (Norén 2009) gin (Filippa K, Whyred, Cheap Monday, Tiger of Sweden etc.). They presented a product …or is the brand’s origin overrated? that reinforced the perception of Sweden as a country with high design affinity. Fur- Genuineness and “making an aware choice” thermore to appear as one face to the trade is what matters increasingly to the consum- customer and raise awareness for Swed- er and what makes him pay more attention ish fashion, the brands networked instead to the brand’s origin. But can a brand alone of combating each other and facilitated the respond to this? development of international distribution. The Swedish Institute supported them by The fact, that social responsibility and sus- promoting Swedish fashion in international tainable production is crucial for buying with fashions and art shows. a good conscience may give reason to a sig- nificant turn in consumer choice behaviour. MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann 12
  • 13. The paradigm that the brand origin is more and that rent needs to be paid on a regular important to the consumer than the manu- basis.” (Latshaw 2008) facturing country is about to shift. Paying at- tention to this development, Swedish compa- nies return to local production, not only for strengthening the domestic economy and se- curing higher standards for their employees. About the author But also because buying “made in Sweden” gives the consumer the confidence to make Franziska Endter studied an ethical choice. In delivering this promise Intercultural Business and not only thinking short term profit ori- Communication with ented, Swedish companies like Klättermusen, Focus on Scandinavia, Hästens or Light my fire that execute all pro- Media Studies and Psy- cesses of the value chain in Sweden seem to chology at Friedrich- be far ahead to other countries’ brands. Schiller-University in Jena, Germany. During A consumer that shares the values that Swed- her studies she worked ish brands promise cannot be satisfied un- with International Brand less the product keeps its promise. An aware Management, Advertising and Trend Re- consumer will feel cognitive dissonance – an search in Jena, Hamburg, Copenhagen and imbalanced state of mind that causes tension Stockholm. within the consumer – if intrinsic product at- She joined Mandel in 2009 to work on her tributes and the brand image do not match. final thesis on the above subject and to ex- Daring a look into the future, the growing change knowl-edge between business and sustainability movement gives the nation science. brand Sweden and Swedish brands a pole position. The image of the country as well The study was conducted in coorperation as its “hard” location factors, its economic with Mandel Consulting. MANDEL fo- and social infrastructure, natural and human cuses on Marketing and Media Services & resources create a great basis to accomplish Consulting for Brands, Products and Ideas in the request for sustainable products: all Europe & Scandinavia. Mandel is a team of dedicated Marketing “As an advanced economy with a humanist Consultants, professional Media workers and touch, Sweden, as well as its top competitors thorough Strategists.We love Brands and the Canada and Switzerland, is seen globally Communication of their Message. as a model of how to successfully balance growth with the need to protect the rights If you are interested in more findings and freedoms of citizens and the commit- of the study, you can purchase the ex- ment to protect the environment. Maintain- tended version including interviews ing this exemplary brand attribute is para- or product category specific analysis. mount to the continued success of Sweden’s Please contact: brand. With environmental problems grow- ing in importance on the international con- Franziska Endter sciousness, the value of Sweden’s strength will likely continue to grow. Sweden needs to cherish these three aspects of its reputtion: Matthias Aßmann environmentalism, technology and education. It needs to keep them closely monitored, and ensure that it continues to deserve them: you never own a reputation, you only rent it, MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann 13
  • 14. Systematics of the Study Further sources The study involved a quantitative survey Aaker, J. L. (1997): Dimensions of Brand Personal- among Swedish and German consumers.The ity. Journal of Marketing Research. Vol 34, p. 347- sample has been generated through interna- 356 tional networking platforms such as Xing or AccountAbility (Publ.) (2007): The State of Re- Facebook. This suggests that the sample is sponsible Competitiveness 2007. Available highly culturally open, so that results cannot via: be generalised to the entire population. bleCompetitiveness.aspx?id=2088. Accessed: 19.05.2009 The questionnaire contained standardised questions to measure the following for nine Ahmed, Z., Johnson, J. (2002): Does Country of product categories: Origin matter for low-involvement products? In- ternational Marketing Review,Vol 21, Issue 1. Em- • purchase frequency of Swedish vs. other erald Group Publishing Ltd. brands • the personal importance of the brand’s Anholt, S. (1998): Nation brands of the twenty- COO first century. The Journal of Brand Management, • the brand image among the product-related Vol 5, Issue 6, p. 395-401 attributes quality, design, technology, value for money, eco-friendliness, innovation and Anholt, S. (2003a): Branding Places and Nations. In the non-product related attributes sympa- Clifton, R., Simmons, J. (Publ.): Brands and Brand- thy, prestige, service ing. Princeton, Bloomberg Press, p. 213-226. • the readiness to pay more for a Swedish brand than for one with unknown COO Anholt, S. (2005): Nation Brands Index. How the • the image of Sweden in general and its world sees the world. Available via: http://www. product related country image in terms of marketing & production skills of the Swed- ticle.htm 24.10.2008 ish people • Consumer ethnocentrism Anholt, S. (2006b): Nations Brand Index Quar- • for the German sample: Frequency of con- ter 4 2005. Available via : http://www.earthspeak. tact to Sweden / information sources com/a_selection_of_published_article.htm • sociodemographics: age, gender, nationality, 24.10.2008 income Anholt, S. (2007a): Anholt Nation Brands Index Quarter 2 2007. Results for Sweden. Available To gain further insight into qualitative data, via: expert interviews have been conducted varlden/Sverigebilden-utomlands/Nation-Brand- with: Index-/ Accessed 24.10.2008 • Joakim Norén, Brand Development Swe- den, Swedish Institute Anholt, S. (2008a): Editorial: Place Branding: Is it • Rocky af Ekenstam Brennicke, PR Björn Marketing, or isn’t it? In: Place Branding and Pub- Borg lic Diplomacy Vol 4, Issue 1, S. 1-6. Palgrave Mac- • Marcus Haas, Marketing Hästens millan Ltd. Available via: www.palgrave-journals. • Jens Helfrich, Internal Media Solutions Ikea com/pb Germany • Steve Strid, Author of „The Viking Manifes- Balabanis, G., Diamantopoulos, A. (2004): Domes- to – The Scandinavian Business Approach“ tic Country Bias, Country-of-Origin Effects, and Consumer Ethnocentrism: A multidimensional unfolding approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,Vol 32, Issue 1, p. 80-95 MANDEL MARKETING & STRATEGY CONSULTING Sveavägen 66, SE-11134 Stockholm, Sweden Tel/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 Matthias Aßmann 14
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  • 17. MarkEtinG & stratEGy COnsULtinG svEaväGEn 66, sE-11134 stOCkhOLM tEL/Fax +46 (0)8 222 022 www.MandEL-COnsULtinG.COM