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                               London Borough of Sutton
                               Local Development Framework

                              Understanding Sutton’s
                              Local Distinctiveness:
                              Report of Studies
                              Evidence Base
London Borough of Sutton
                                 Local Development Framework

Understanding Sutton’s Local Distinctiveness

                   Characterisation Report of Studies

                                 Planning and Transportation Service

                                           Environment and Leisure

CONTENTS              PAGE
 ONE                             Introduction             1
                                     Introduction         1
                           Document Background            1
                                  Policy context          2
                            Purpose of this report        3

 TWO    Geological and Hydrological Context               4

THREE                 Topography and Views                6
                                  Topography              6
                                       Views              6

FOUR                 Archaeological Context               8

 FIVE         Historic development Context               12
                    General trend of development         12
                                      Beddington         16
                                       Carshalton        17
                                          Cheam          18
                                      Hackbridge         19
                                           Sutton        20
                                       Wallington        21
                                  Worcester Park         22
SIX                        Local Material Colour Palette          24

SEVEN                                               Movement        26

EIGHT   Townscape and Landscape Character and Quality               28
                                            Introduction            28
                                     Housing Typologies             34
                                          Town Centres              43

 NINE                 Assessment of Density and Setting             50
                                                     Introduction   50
                                                    Methodology     50
                                         Qualitative assessment     51
                             Quantitative assessment of density     58
                   Understanding Character and Setting in Sutton    63
                    Conclusions and application of Local Settings   64

 TEN                            Further Evidence Required           66

                 Contact Details and Further Information            67
                                              Appendix 1            69
                                              Appendix 2            71
                                              Appendix 3            73
development. In particular, these are important when
                                                                                   seeking to ensure that future development respects and
                                                                                   improves the existing local character and helps create
                                                                                   places with an identity that builds on Sutton’s local
                                                                                   distinctiveness. Good design should be integrated into
                                                                                   the existing urban form and the natural and built


                                                                            1.3    A recognised technique for identifying and recording
                                                                                   existing character is by conducting a borough wide
                                                                                   ‘characterisation study’. Characterisation is a tool for
                                                                                   defining and understanding the characteristics of a place
Introduction                                                                       and the Historical Environment Local Management
 “It is proper to seek to promote or reinforce local                               (HELM) states that ‘characterisation is a widely used tool
distinctiveness …”                                                                 for helping to form an overview of an area as a
                                              (PPS1, ODPM 2004)                    framework for sustainable decisions on managing
1.1 Sutton has long been regarded as a prosperous and                       1.4    This document sets out the findings of a Characterisation
       attractive area in which to live. It conveys the image of a                 Study of Sutton’s existing suburban and urban character,
       leafy well laid out established ‘arcadia’. However the                      conducted during 2007, and will inform the development
       character of the Borough is more complex than this                          of Policies in the Local Development Framework and
       simple stereotype.                                                          associated documents.

1.2    Every place, like every person, has a distinct character,            1.5    In addition to informing the preparation of the Council’s
       which is often determined by the place’s features, such                     Development Plan Documents, this report should be
       as the geology, archaeology, heritage quality and the                       used by anyone seeking planning permission as the
       streetscape, including streets, front boundaries and the                    starting point in the preparation of a design and access
       type, age and scale of buildings. Knowledge of these                        statement. Design and access statements should be
       features is important when designing and making                             started at the earliest stage in the design of schemes
       decisions about the type and location of future                             and set out, stage by stage, how the preferred design

                                                                     PAGE 1
solution takes the opportunities for improving the                          suburban areas of the Borough. Accordingly, this is
       character of the surrounding area.                                          summarised below.

Document Background                                                         1.10 Planning Policy Statement 1 (Delivering Sustainable
1.6 Since 1968 and the designation of Carshalton Village                           Development) requires Planning Authorities to prepare
       and Wrythe Green Conservation Areas the Council has                         robust policies on design and access based on an
       focused on the preservation of the special character and                    understanding and evaluation of the defining
       appearance of the Borough. In the last 40 years the                         characteristics of the area. The government is committed
       Council has designated a further 14 Conservation Areas                      to protecting and enhancing the quality of the natural and
       and has identified a number of Areas of Special Local                       historic environment and requires a high level of
       Character. However both nationally and regionally there                     protection for the most valued townscapes. PPS1 is also
       has been an increased focus on an ‘urban renaissance’                       clear that design should take opportunities for improving
       in order to achieve higher density development and                          the character and quality of an area and the way it
       regeneration of town centres.                                               functions.

1.7    This study is particularly important given the pressure to           1.11 Planning Policy Statement 3 (Housing) makes clear that
       meet and exceed housing targets whilst continuing to                        Local Planning Authorities should develop design
       protect the character of the Borough.                                       policies aimed at creating places, streets and spaces
                                                                                   which meet the needs of people, are visually attractive,
1.8    In order to inform the Urban Design Guide                                   safe, accessible, functional, inclusive, have their own
       Supplementary Planning Document an Interim Report of                        distinctive identity and maintain and improve local
       Studies was prepared based on the                                           character. Furthermore, PPS3 states that the extent to
       Townscape/Landscape Appraisal (1998). However the                           which development creates, or enhances, a distinctive
       Interim Report of Studies indicated that more detailed                      character that relates well to the surroundings and
       work would be carried out in 2007. This Report of                           supports a sense of local pride and civic identity, should
       Studies sets out the latest research and updates and                        be considered when assessing proposed development.
       replaces the Interim Report of Studies.                                     PPS3 also states that Local Authorities should facilitate
                                                                                   good design by identifying the distinctive features that
Policy context                                                                     define the character of a particular local area.
1.9 The Council must take account of national and regional
       planning policy in developing a new policy approach for              1.12 PPS3 also allows local authorities to set a range of

                                                                     PAGE 2
densities across a plan area opposed to one broad
       density range, although 30dph net should be used as a                1.16 In particular, the purpose of this report is:
       national indicative minimum until a local density range is                  •   To set out a thorough understanding of the various
       adopted. However, PPS3 also allows local planning                               elements that make up the borough’s character and
       authorities to plan for densities below this minimum, as                        which contribute to local distinctiveness in order to
       long as these are justified bearing in mind local                               help manage the process of change;
       circumstances.                                                              •   To identify/realise opportunities to improve the
                                                                                       character of the Borough;
1.13 The Mayor of London, in the London Plan: Consolidated                         •   To fully understand the relationship between local
       with Alterations since 2004 (the London Plan), states                           density and character found in the borough;
       that boroughs should ensure that development proposals                      •   To put forward evidence in support of the Council’s
       achieve the maximum intensity of use compatible with                            policy approach for a local density matrix based on
       local context, the design principles in Policy 4B.1, and                        an assessment of local character;
       public transport capacity. The Mayor of London also puts                    •   To provide the strategic context for Conservation
       forward a density matrix, which sets a strategic                                Area Character Appraisals and the preparation of
       framework for appropriate densities at different locations,                     Planning Briefs;
       which aims to reflect and enhance existing local                            •   To update elements of the 1998
       character by relating the accessibility of an area to                           Townscape/Landscape Appraisal; and
       appropriate development. Appropriate density ranges                         •   To identify any areas or topics where further local
       are related to setting in terms of location, existing                           evidence is required.
       building form and massing, and the index of public
       transport accessibility.

1.14 Policy 4B.1 of the London Plan states that boroughs
       should seek to ensure that developments respect local
       context, history, built heritage, character and

Purpose of this report
1.15 This Report of Studies has been prepared as supporting
       evidence for the Local Development Framework.

                                                                     PAGE 3
ponds, useful for farming, crops and industry.

                                                                            2.4    In the early 20th century the sands were described as
                                                                                   the best barley land in Surrey. This fairly narrow zone of
                                                                                   fertile soil must have been under more or less
                                                                                   continuous cultivation for thousands of years and its is

                                                                                   here that the five historic village centres were located –
                                                                                   Beddington, Wallington, Carshalton, Sutton and Cheam.

                                                                            2.5    The land to north of these divides into two broad areas,
                                                                                   east and west. The land in the northeast is largely
                                                                                   underlain by gravel which was washed out of the
Geological and hydrological                                                        Croydon Valley in the last ice age. The River Wandle
                                                                                   flows around the southern and western edge of this its
context                                                                            main sources being springs in Croydon and Carshalton.
2.1    The geology of Sutton is made up of three predominant                       The north west part of the Borough largely rests on
       soil types: Upper Chalk in the higher lying southern parts                  London clay which produced intractable and infertile soil.
       of the borough; London Clay in the north west; and river
       terrace sands and gravels in the lower lying north east              2.6    The lime for many 17th Century developments, including
       near the Wandle River. The geology of the Borough is                        St. Paul’s Cathedral, is supposed to have come from two
       shown in Figure 2.1.                                                        large chalk pits found either side of Carshalton Road,
                                                                                   where B&Q and the Water Gardens estate is now.
2.2    The southern edge of the Borough is underlain by chalk
       which, in the past, supported a mixture of arable land
       and open grass downland.

2.3    A result of the changes in height and interface of chalk
       and gravel & clay is the Thanet Sand found along the
       north/south divide. Here, water descends through the
       deep chalk until it meets impermeable clay, rising
       through the sand to produce abundant springs and

                                                                     PAGE 4
Figure 2.1: Geology of the Borough

                                                                     PAGE 5
south and given its topography these are largely towards
                                                                                   the north. These views extend towards the West London
                                                                                   Ridge, towards Crystal Palace and into Central London
                                                                                   including of the Telecom Tower and Canary Wharf


                                                                            Figure 3.1: Topography of the Borough

Topography and Views
3.1    The northern part of the London Borough of Sutton is
       generally flat, lying at between 30/40m above sea level
       with the exception of Rose Hill which rises up to a height
       of 50m. However Sutton is located at the foot of the
       North Downs and therefore the southern part of the
       Borough rises up towards the south to a height of 140m.
       The topography of the Borough is shown in Figure 3.1.

3.2   The topography of the Borough affords a number of
      long-range views into, across and out of the Borough.
      The Townscape/Landscape Appraisal of the Borough
      identified the Borough views out from the area, which
      were deemed to be of strategic significance, and these
      are shown on Maps in Figures 3.2 and 3.3.

3.3    Not surprisingly there are more significant views from the

                                                                     PAGE 6
Figure 3.3: Views from the North

Figure 3.2: Views from the South

                                                                            3.5    Whilst the Landscape Appraisal also considered local
                                                                                   views on a site by site basis, these were not
                                                                                   comprehensively recorded on a map or critically
3.4    The views from the north are more limited and largely of                    analysed in a way that could help develop a policy on
       a more local nature – towards the Ikea chimneys, the                        views. Furthermore skyline issues were not addressed.
       Croydon skyline and southwards towards the residential
       suburbs and tree lined roads.                                        3.6    Consultants should be commissioned to undertake a
                                                                                   comprehensive study of views and skylines of the area in
                                                                                   order to be better able to determine which need to be

                                                                     PAGE 7
identified below:
                                                                                   Upper Paleolithic / Mesolithic Communities
                                                                                   • North Downs Fringe and Springline
                                                                                   • Wandle Alluvium

                                                                                   Late Prehistoric Communities
                                                                                   • Queen Mary’s Hospital
                                                                                   • Wandle Gravels
                                                                                   Late Iron Age, Roman and Early Angelo-Saxon
                                                                                   • Beddington Roman Villa
Archaeological context                                                             • Bandon Hill Roman Cemetery
Introduction                                                                       • Beddington Anglo-Saxon Cemetery
4.1    Protection of historic buildings, parks, gardens and areas                  • Stane Street
       of Archaeological Importance is of great importance for                     • Mere Bank
       conserving the Borough’s heritage and townscape                             Medieval and Later Historic Communities
       quality. Government guidance in PPGs 15 and 16                              • Wallington
       emphasise the need to pay special attention to the                          • Beddington Carshalton
       characterisation, preservation and management of these                      • Sutton
       assets. Accordingly, this Characterisation Report has                       • Cheam
       highlighted the archaeological and historical context of
                                                                                   • Woodcote
       the Borough.
                                                                                   Post-Medieval Water Powered Industry
4.2    English Heritage advocates the consideration of existing
                                                                                   • Wandle Mills
       archaeology when undertaking characterisation analysis.
                                                                                   Historic Estates, Parks and Gardens – the Suburban
       Figure 4.1 shows the location of Archaeological Priority
       Areas and Scheduled Ancient Monuments in the
                                                                                   • Carew Manor and Beddington Park
                                                                                   • Carshalton House (St. Philomena) and Gardens
UDP Context                                                                        • Mascal (Carshalton Park House) and Carshalton
4.3    Sutton Council’s current UDP, saved Policy BE40,                               Park
       requires Archaeological Field Evaluations for                               • Stone Court and the Grove
       development in the Archaeological Priority Areas                            • The Grange, Wallington

                                                                     PAGE 8
Figure 4.1: Archaeological Priority Areas and Scheduled                                  4.4   Very little is known about the earlier pre-history of the
       Ancient Monuments                                                                       area. A number of stray items have been found on the
                                                                                               Wandle gravels and the slope of the North Downs but,
                                                                                               apart from the fact that they are largely absent from the
                                                                                               clay lands, they do not form any clear or obvious pattern.
                                                                                               It is therefore difficult to say much about early human
                                                                                               activity in the area.

                                                                                         The Late Bronze Age and Iron Age
                                                                                         4.5   Archaeological finds become a lot more common from
                                                                                               the Late Bronze Age (starting about 800 BC). There
                                                                                               have been many Late Bronze Age finds in and around
                                                                                               the upper Wandle valley. The most important site is a
                                                                                               circular enclosure – probably a fortified settlement –
                                                                                               where Queen Mary’s hospital stood. Other sites are
                                                                                               known at Carshalton House, Scawen Close Carshalton,
                                                                                               Beddington Roman Villa and elsewhere. The impression
                                                                                               created is of a quite densely settled farmed landscape.
                                                                                               Late Bronze Age finds are absent from the west side of
                                                                                               the Borough probably because the clay soils there were
                                                                                               much harder to cultivate.

                                                                                         4.6   The Late Bronze Age was followed by the Iron Age.
   Scheduled Ancient Monuments
   1. Roman Villa, east of Beddington Park                                                     Settlement of this date is again most common on the
   2. Dovecote, Beddington Park                                                                east side of the borough. The Carshalton ‘hill fort’ seems
   3. Milestone, Sutton High Street
   4. Milestone, 135 Cheam Road, Cheam                                                         to have gone out of use and Iron Age finds are less
   5. Milestone, Brighton Road, Sutton                                                         common than those of the Late Bronze Age. The
   6. Late Bronze Age enclosure, former Queen Mary’s Hospital grounds, Carshalton
       Beeches                                                                                 population may have declined but this is uncertain.
   Archaeological Priority Areas shown as shaded areas

                                                                                    PAGE 9
The Roman period                                                                   period (about 400 AD).
4.7    Pre-Roman Surrey was probably something of a
       backwater. London did not exist and the Thames may                   4.11   In 2002 Sutton Archaeological Services found a flint
       have been a boundary area between tribal territories.                       foundation in West Street to the north of the Race Horse
       The Roman conquest of Britain started in AD 43 and by                       car park. Only one room was exposed but foundations
       the winter of AD 47-8 London had been founded. The                          seen in the sides of the trench suggested that the
       town went on to become a major settlement and which                         structure extended in the direction of West Street. The
       made Surrey’s position much more central.                                   site was probably a villa. The finds suggested that it had
                                                                                   been occupied in the first and second century. There
4.8    Stane Street - the London Chichester Road crossed the                       was also prehistoric material suggesting that the villa
       Wandle at Merton Abbey (near the Savacentre) and then                       may have been developed from an Iron Age farm.
       ran across the north of the Borough on or near the line of
       Stonecot Hill and London Road (the A24) to Ewell where               4.12   Two Roman coffins have been found near St Mary’s
       there was a Roman settlement.                                               Church, Beddington and some cremations were found at
                                                                                   Bandon Hill. A scatter of Roman finds have come the
4.9    The London to Brighton Roman Road passed just east of                       down slope and the spring line.
       the Borough and there may have been a roadside
       settlement at Croydon.                                               Saxon
                                                                            4.13   This area seems to have been settled by the Saxons at a
4.10   Two villas are known within the Borough. The                                relatively early date as there are early cemeteries at
       Beddington Villa stood on the sewage farm a short                           Beddington, Croydon and Mitcham. We know very little
       distance northeast of Carew Manor. This was first                           about the settlement and landscape of the local area in
       discovered in the 1870s during the construction of the                      the early and mid-Saxon periods. The old village names
       sewage farm. Settlement on the site started in the late                     are recorded in the Domesday book but the pattern of
       Bronze Age (about 800 BC) and continued on to the                           settlement may have been more scattered than it was
       Roman period. There were early Roman finds on the site                      later. However, the village centres had emerged by the
       but no trace of the associated buildings. About 180 AD a                    end of the middle ages.
       large villa was erected. There was a separate bath
       house a short distance to the west and a large aisled                4.14   The local area had four medieval parishes Beddington,
       barn to the north which had been rebuilt several times.                     Carshalton, Sutton and Cheam. Wallington was part of
       The villa was abandoned around the end of the Roman                         Beddington parish although it seems to have had its own

                                                                    PAGE 10
chapel which fell into disuse and was demolished about
       1800. Much medieval fabric survives in Beddington and
       Carshalton churches and the chancel of Cheam Church
       has survived as the Lumley chapel.

4.15   A number of medieval and early modern secular
       buildings have survived the most important of which is
       Carew Manor with a grade I listed hammer beam roof of
       about 1500 over the great hall.

4.16   Even in the 16th century it was possible to travel easily
       from Sutton to London. The area was therefore a
       favoured location for out of town houses belonging to
       courtiers and wealthy London merchants. There are
       significant archaeological remains of these buildings and
       their gardens within The Borough including Carew
       Manor, Carshalton House and Carshalton Park.

                                                                    PAGE 11
to several late 18th and early 19th century workers
                                                                                   cottages such as Wrights Row, Wallington Green.

                                                                            5.2    The Borough had an exceptional number of large
                                                                                   country houses, which mostly belonged to wealthy
                                                                                   Londoners. During the 18th century the roads were

                                                                                   improved, allowing those who owned light fast carriages
                                                                                   and good horses the opportunity to easily commute to
                                                                                   the City. The Downs, to the south of Sutton and Epsom,
                                                                                   became famous for horse racing and several large
                                                                                   houses were built to take advantage of this, including the
                                                                                   Oaks where the Earl of Derby and his friends devised
                                                                                   the famous races.

Historic development context                                                5.3    This mix of agriculture, industry and pleasure survived
                                                                                   into the early 19th century, however the area began to
General trend of development                                                       change following the introduction of the railway. The
5.1    In the late 18th century the Borough was a rural area with                  West Croydon to Epsom line was the first, opening in
       five villages, surrounded by farmland. The River Wandle                     1847, with the Epsom Downs line following in 1865 and
       flowed through the villages of Beddington, Carshalton                       the Carshalton / Hackbridge line being built in 1868.
       and Wallington. There was only one mill in Beddington,                      These good train connections made the area attractive
       as the river flowed through Beddington Park, but the                        to middle class commuters and suburban development
       Carshalton and Wallington areas were heavily                                soon followed.
       industrialised by 18th century standards. The Wandle
       River was lined with mills producing flour, leather, snuff,
       paper, dyestuffs and other materials. On the river bank
       there was a series of textile printing works and bleaching
       grounds where cloth was whitened by laying it out in the
       sun. A few of the mill buildings have survived, in addition

                                                                    PAGE 12
Figure 5.2: Development of Borough - Late 1800s/Early 1900
Figure 5.1: Development of Borough 1865

                                                                    PAGE 13
additional areas of public housing have been built in
5.4    During the suburban development period of the Borough,                      recent years, including ‘greenfield’ and ‘brownfield’
       there were two kinds of estates, namely (a) large upper                     development. ‘Brownfield’ development includes the
       middle class houses often belonging to City workers; and                    closure of factories and demolition of some areas of poor
       (b) small houses belonging to locally employed people.                      quality housing.
       Sutton expanded the most rapidly because it had the
       best railway connections, and by 1900 it was considered              Figure 5.3: Development of Borough – Mid 1900s
       a small town.

5.5    When the First World War broke out in 1914 much of the
       area was still rural with a great deal of farmland.
       However, this changed in the inter war period and by
       1939 most of the area was developed as private estates
       or council housing, and most of the old country houses
       were demolished. Some of the grounds of these country
       houses became public parks, although others were lost
       to development.

5.6    Minimal bomb damage during the Second World War did
       little to change the character of the Borough. The most
       significant development was in 1945, when many old
       houses where demolished to make way for flats and
       town houses. The impact of this development was fairly
       severe on the Victorian and Edwardian upper middle
       class housing estates, with the loss of many fine
       examples of original buildings. The minimal benefits from
       the redevelopment of smaller estates has meant that
       many smaller lower middle class and working class
       estates have not changed much. However, several

                                                                    PAGE 14
Details of Specific Areas
                                                                            5.7    There is also a great deal of variation within this general
                                                                                   trend, which has given each village its particular
Figure 5.4: Extent of Built Development in the Borough                             character and identify. The following section sets out
                                                                                   some of the key considerations for each village area.

Figures 5.1-5.4 show the changes in the extent of built
development in the Borough from 1865.

                                                                    PAGE 15
Beddington                                                                         the northern part of this park for use as a sewage farm.
5.8    In the second half of the 14 Century, a courtier called                     A wealthy Victorian rector from St Mary’s Church, Canon
       Nicholas Carew built a large estate centred on                              Bridges, protected the southern part from development
       Beddington and his descendents dominated the parish                         by preserving it as a park.
       for centuries. His Victorian heir, Charles Hallowell
       Carew, was more interested in horse racing than
       housing development and therefore little or no
       development occurred in the parish before 1859, when
       he went bankrupt and sold the greater part of the land.
       This land sale could have resulted in large-scale
       development, however control of the parish was passed
       to a small group of wealthy landowners who wished to
       retain the rural setting of their country retreats.
                                                                                   The Arts and Crafts gatehouse on Bridges Lane

                                                                            5.10   This southern portion of the park contains the historic
                                                                                   core of Beddington, including Carew Manor, St Mary’s
                                                                                   church, the park and the old village centre. Apart from a
                                                                                   small mid-Victorian estate built on Bandon Hill, in 1913
                                                                                   Beddington was largely rural despite large scale
                                                                                   development to the east and west, in Croydon and
                                                                                   Wallington respectively. However, during the 1920s a
                                                                                   large part of the area was developed in a decade and
       The elaborate Carew Manor, Beddington Park                                  during the 1930’s significant infill development occurred.

5.9    A large area of open space in the north of Beddington                5.11   During the First Word War two military airfields were
       has survived. This was previously the Carew’s deer park                     created in south Beddington, which became Croydon
       covering a large area between Croydon Road and                              Airport, London’s key airport of the inter war period. The
       Mitcham Common. In the 1860s Croydon Council bought                         closure of the airport in 1959 resulted in large amounts

                                                                    PAGE 16
of open space, which a portion was used for the                             attractive mixture of old buildings from the medieval to
       Roundshaw housing estate in the 1960s. The                                  modern periods.
       Roundshaw estate had a distinct character with its own
       identity, before much of it was redeveloped in recent

5.12   In the early 19th century Carshalton was the largest and
       most varied of the villages. It had a reputation as an
       attractive place, with springs and watercourses. Around
       the edge of the village where several large houses, with
       Carshalton House, Stone Court and Strawberry Lodge
       still surviving, and Carshalton Park House and others                       Carshalton station finished in 1902 on the line to London
       which have been demolished. The back yards of the                           via Hackbridge, facilitating suburban growth in the
       High Street and West Street comprised of a number of                        Borough
       squalid housing developments. Furthermore, several
       mills along the Wandle River contributed to an industrial            5.14   In the 1920s and 1930s Carshalton Urban District
       character of the area.                                                      Council bought up the properties around the ponds to
                                                                                   protect the area against development. Carshalton High
5.13   In 1847 the owner of Carshalton Park prevented a                            Street was badly damaged by a bomb in the Second
       railway station nearer than Wallington and this left                        World War, however the attractive nature of the area
       Carshalton Village at an economic disadvantage. Small                       survived and the Ponds and High Street became
       working class housing estates were built at Mill Lane and                   Sutton’s first conservation area, Carshalton Village
       north of the Wrythe. However, there was little middle                       Conservation Area.
       class suburban development until Carshalton Park was
       subdivided and sold in the 1890s. A delay in developing              5.15   The St Helier Estate, partly in Sutton and partly in
       to the north and south of the village until the 1920s and                   Merton, was built by the London County Council from
       1930s meant that the village centre was not totally                         around 1928 to 1936. It was designed as a ‘garden
       redeveloped. This resulted in the village retaining its                     suburb’ with significant green space, varying house

                                                                    PAGE 17
designs and narrow streets because few council tenants
       owned cars.

5.16   In the early 17th century Cheam was a large spacious
       village with many attractive medieval buildings. This
       included several large houses set in substantial grounds
       and a private school. Little change occurred in the village
       for the next century and Cheam was still relatively rural
       when the First World War broke out in 1914.
                                                                                   Weather boarded Whitehall in Cheam built in the 1500s
5.17   There was, however, significant suburban development
                                                                            5.19   Development in the 1920s generally comprised of large
       at Worcester Park, located on the northern boundary of
                                                                                   estates, with groups of detached or semi-detached
       the parish and separated from the old village. There was
                                                                                   houses of a few basic designs. However, as an
       also a small amount of Edwardian development on the
                                                                                   exception to this, Andrew Burdon instigated individually
       Downs to the south of Burdon Lane and large Victorian
                                                                                   designed, up market houses set in well landscaped
       Houses in Peaches Close.
                                                                                   areas to the south of the Sutton-Epsom railway. This
                                                                                   provided owners with the opportunity to apply Andrew
5.18   Following the war, there was large-scale redevelopment
                                                                                   Burton’s design or employ their own architect. This area
       in a short period of time. The main roads through the
                                                                                   has a mixed character with several fine examples of
       village were widened and most of the old houses along
                                                                                   1920s mock Tudor.
       them were demolished and replaced. In less than a
       decade the village acquired a modern character.
       However, many attractive ancient buildings survived,
       including Whitehall, the Old Rectory and St. Dunstan’s

                                                                    PAGE 18
Mill ownership. In the early industrial revolution, the
                                                                                   River Wandle had the greatest concentration of industrial
                                                                                   water mills in the country. The economic significance of
                                                                                   the area meant that a branch of the Surrey iron railway -
                                                                                   the first public railway in the world - was laid through to
                                                                                   the area. With the rapid growth of London and demand
                                                                                   for decentralised housing many of the distinctive
                                                                                   “County” homes were sold, starting in the later Victorian
                                                                                   period and accelerating later. The estates were divided
       The mock-Tudor shops in Cheam Village                                       and the land developed for housing estates whilst the
Hackbridge                                                                         Mills remained forming the nucleus for later
5.20   The area around Hackbridge was previously low lying                         manufacturing enterprises alongside areas prone to
       open fields with the confluence of the fast flowing                         flooding often utilised for Watercress Beds. The
       eastern and western branches of the River Wandle                            predecessor of the Battersea Dogs home was set up
       originating as chalk streams and merging at Wilderness                      here in Hackbridge and became one of the largest dog
       Island, before heading north into the Thames.                               quarantine sites in the country. The settlements of
       Wilderness Island was the location of several early Mills                   Hackbridge, Mill Green and Beddington Corner
       on the River harnessed as an energy source over                             continued with their distinct mixed use industrial /
       several hundred years for a variety of early industrial                     residential character but became more densely suburban
       processes including flour grinding, calico beating and                      and commuting encouraged by the fast rail service to
       gunpowder grinding, from before the Industrial                              Westminster (Victoria) and the City (London Bridge).
                                                                            5.22   In the early decades of the 20th Century the area’s
5.21   The success of the Mills as well as the pleasant pastoral                   proximity to thriving Croydon helped it continue to be a
       environment less than 12 miles from the City of London                      significant manufacturing location by becoming
       (The River Wandle was a famed trout fishing river)                          increasingly linked to the global economy and by
       attracted wealthy mercantilists who build several large                     specialising in the new technologies of electronics
       Country houses close to the River funded both by City                       (Marconi and Mullards valves), communications (deep
       enterprise and the more dependable rentals arising from                     sea telegraph and telephone cables) and early aviation.

                                                                    PAGE 19
The need for housing for workers was met by                                 market gardening and the tertiary processes of sewage
       construction nearby. In the interwar periods many of the                    waste treatment originally developed by Croydon
       remaining open spaces and common land were built on                         Corporation and linked to the Beddington Park and
       for speculative housing and areas employment function                       Mitcham Common. Hackbridge therefore has retained
       continued to grow so that Mullards became part of the                       its mixed use employment and residential character
       multinational Phillips industries and the largest employer                  alongside the River Wandle and its proximity to open
       in the borough in the 1960’s based on distinctive multi-                    land areas although the form and function of the built
       storey factories reflecting the continental Bauhaus                         environment has changed substantially. Most recently
       design philosophy. Mullards continued through to the                        the appetite of the area for innovation has returned with
       1990’s before demolition and redevelopment for housing,                     the award winning zero carbon development of BedZED
       a school and open space/flood wash land. Other                              based on low energy, low waste, use of local sourced
       manufacturing locations remained in the area but ceased                     materials and renewables together with its iconic
       to be leading edge technologies as the original firms                       architecture which has attracted international acclaim.
       relocated out of London and were replaced in turn by
       distribution warehouses and the service industry                     Sutton
       (Hackbridge was the location for the first “Comet”                   5.24   In the 18th century Sutton was a small village with
       discount retail warehouse in the early 1970’s).                             houses scattered along the High Street from the Green
       Employment continues to be significant to the area as                       to the Cock Cross Roads. In 1745 the High Street was
       space for serviced offices/workspaces has been created                      improved and by 1800 the area become a significant
       from former offices (Sutton Business Centre in the                          stopping point on the route from London to the seaside
       former Zetter Pools headquarters) and the Wandle                            resort of Brighton. The area was also used as a calling
       Valley Ward has the second highest employment                               point on the way to the races at Epsom on the Banstead
       numbers of any ward in the Borough (after Beddington                        Downs. During this period, the area was served by
       North).                                                                     several inns, including the Angel; the Greyhound (which
                                                                                   stood in the High Street); and the Cock at the
5.23   New housing has been built for a variety of tenures in the                  Crossroads.
       area including the low lying land to the east of the
       London Road adjacent to the substantial Beddington                   5.25   The introduction of the railway may have reduced the
       Farmlands a significant open area associated with                           passing trading opportunities on the Brighton route.

                                                                    PAGE 20
However, in 1847 Sutton acquired a station and a
       second line to London was constructed in 1868. Thomas
       Alcock, who owned the manor and much land in the
       parish, laid out two housing estates, including Newtown
       to the east of the High Street and Benhilton to north-
       east. Further development followed and by 1900 Sutton
       was a small town with a high street lined with Victorian
       shops and several exceptional older buildings.
       Development continued through the Edwardian period,
       with the development of an attractive estate along the
       south of Cheam Road. However, even though there was                         Example of Victorian terrace in Sutton Town Centre with
       considerable development in the area, a large amount of                     shops below and flats above. The shopfronts do not
       land was left for development in the 1920s and 1930s.                       respect the quality of the building frontage

5.26   Benhilton and many areas south of the railway station                The nature of growth and development, including the Victorian
       consisted of large middle class villas. These have proved            influences, made Sutton the main centre in the area and the
       attractive for redevelopment, with many original houses              Borough’s key centre when the Councils merged in 1965. By
       being replaced by flats and town houses. The estates                 remaining an important centre, Sutton has experienced large
       with smaller houses, such as Newtown and other late                  amounts of development in the last 60 years.
       Victorian and Edwardian roads to the west of the High
       Street, have survived more or less intact.                           Wallington
                                                                            5.27   In the early 19th century Wallington was a small hamlet
                                                                                   within Beddington Parish. There were several large older
                                                                                   houses to the north of the Green, including the Manor
                                                                                   House and the Old Manor House. To the south of the
                                                                                   Green was an area of late 18th century developments
                                                                                   that may have housed people working in the mills and
                                                                                   textile works along the Wandle. Wallington acquired a
                                                                                   railway station in 1847 and Nathaniel Bridges, owner of

                                                                    PAGE 21
the manor and much land, started developing the area                        Wallington Council for which the town hall was built in
       for housing. He laid out a number of roads to the north of                  the late 1930s.
       the station, which were soon lined with large Victorian
       brick gothic villas. Development to the south of the                 5.29   There has been significant redevelopment of the
       railway occurred around Stafford Road. Bridges used                         Victorian and Edwardian middle class houses, since the
       leases to strictly control the appearance of the houses,                    1930s, which has led to a mixed character of much of
       of which the design had to be approved by his architect.                    the area. However, several examples of Victorian and
       As a result of the railway and increased housing                            Edwardian buildings and groups of buildings have
       development, a new parish was created and Holy Trinity                      survived.
       Church erected. In the early 20th century development
       spread southwards from Stafford Road and Stanley Park                Worcester Park
       Road, with many good examples of Edwardian houses.                   5.30   Worcester Park is located on the north-east corner of
       Development of the Wallington area slowed after the                         Nonsuch Great Park. It takes its name from the 4th Earl
       1930s.                                                                      of Worcester, one-time Keeper of the Great Park. The
                                                                                   principle house in the park was known as Worcester
                                                                                   House, which was built on the highest point in the Park,
                                                                                   where The Avenue, Royal Avenue and Delta Road meet.

       Wallington has several examples of large brick gothic
       villas from around the 1860’s

5.28   The development of Wallington resulted in it becoming a
                                                                                   Typical example of Inter War Suburban Worcester Park
       local retail centre, with the offices of the Beddington and

                                                                    PAGE 22
5.31   Suburban Worcester Park was developed around the
       station in the late 19th Century and was largely
       completed in the inter war years (1919 – 1939).
       Suburban Worcester Park is characterised by rows of
       terraced houses, with bay windows and clad in varying
       materials. The streets are fairly narrow with considerable
       amounts of car parking and front gardens are being
       paved and used for additional parking which is
       significantly altering the character of the area.

5.32   More recent development, called the Hamptons, creates
       a new character in an area with no previous character.
       This predominantly consists of a ‘New England’ style of
       architecture comprising various colour weather boarded
       dwellings in well landscaped surroundings.

                                                                    PAGE 23
6.3     These have mostly survived in the village centres of
                                                                                   Carshalton and Cheam, although there are several
                                                                                   examples elsewhere. They have often been modified
                                                                                   by weather board or tiles rendering.
                                                                                   • Materials: timber frame, wattle and daub, peg tile
                                                                                      roofs and occasionally brick
                                                                                   • Colour patterns: Timber often painted black and

                                                                                      white (although there is no historical justification for
                                                                                      this); red tile roofs, soft orange red bricks; and
                                                                                      weather boarding often added
                                                                                   • Examples in Sutton: the Old Cottage (the
                                                                                      Broadway, Cheam) and Whitehall (Cheam).
Local material colour palette
Introduction                                                               18th century buildings
6.1    The underlying principle of good urban design is how                6.4     Predominantly brick buildings.
       new development will respond to and reflect an area’s                       • Materials: Soft red sandy brick, coarse red or
       local distinctiveness, and where none exists, creates a                        yellowish bricks (which are easily confused with
       distinct character of its own. This may be achieved by                         London stock bricks), peg / pan tiles, the soft red
       considering how modern design and materials respond                            bricks are sometimes cut and rubbed to decorate
       to the local vernacular, while incorporating the                               windows or doors, wooden sash windows or lead
       principles of sustainable construction and materials.                          casement windows in less prominent locations.
                                                                                   • Colour patterns: Red or yellowish bricks, red roof
6.2    In order to help inform assessments of context this                            tiles.
       section sets out a local palette of materials and colour                    • Examples in Sutton: The Old Rectory (Festival
       schemes from the various building periods. This should                         Walk, Carshalton), Cottages (Wrights Row,
       be taken into account in any local context appraisal.                          Wallington) and Sutton Lodge (Brighton Road,
       Respecting local character does not necessarily mean                           Sutton)
       replicating it. Where contemporary designs are
       proposed with modern materials it may still be                      Weatherboarding
       necessary to reflect key historical and architectural               6.5     Many timber framed weather board houses were built
       features. However, in some instances it may be more                         in the area between the 18th and early 19th century,
       appropriate to replicate the local material palette.                        with several built before this time. Examples of
Pre-18th century buildings                                                         weatherboard houses can be found in the old village

                                                                  PAGE 24
centres of Cheam and Carshalton, and dispersed                              •   Materials: yellow and red stock brick, red tiled and
       elsewhere in the borough.                                                       slate roofs, decorative chimneys and casement
       • Materials: Horizontal lapped boarding over timber                             windows;
          frame, pan / peg tile roofs, sash or casement                            •   Colour patterns: yellow, red and red / black roofs
          windows, with slate roofs as probable later                              •   Examples in Sutton: St Helier estate, Sutton
          replacements.                                                                Garden Suburb, Culvers Way, Bute Road, Alberta
       • Colour patterns: generally painted white with red                             Avenue and Federick Road
          roof tiles
       • Examples in Sutton: Aulton Lodge (West Street,                    Recent Housing (1970 to present)
          Carshalton) and Park Lane (Cheam).                                       •   Materials: new London Stock, yellow and red brick,
                                                                                       glass, timber, aluminium, good quality cladding,
Mid Victorian                                                                          sustainable building materials, modern materials
6.6    Predominantly brick gothic-style buildings from the high                        and colour render (New England style)
       Victorian period.                                                           •   Colour patterns: opportunities for varied colour
       • Materials: Yellow stock brick often with red                                  schemes
          decorative details, stone windows, stale roofs and                       •   Examples in Sutton: the Hamptons, Apeldoorn
          prominent gables with decorated barge boards.                                Estate, Mill Lane, Henderson Hospital Site, Mullard
       • Colour patterns: Yellow brick walls with red detail,                          Factory Site, Cotswold Way and Oakdene Mews
          pale brown stone and grey or purple slate roofs
       • Examples in Sutton: North side of Westcroft Road

Late Victorian and Edwardian (1890 – 1914)
       •   Materials: Soft red, occasionally yellow brick, peg
           tiles on the roof and sometimes hung on the wall.
           Wooden mock Tudor doors and windows often with
           leading and some stained glass. Iron finials and
       •   Colour patterns: Red walls and roofs
       •   Examples in Sutton: Russettings (Worcester
           Road, Sutton)

Cottage Garden Style (Arts and Crafts style)

                                                                  PAGE 25
Wallington District Centre. Some parts of the Borough
                                                                                   are particularly poorly served by public transport
                                                                                   including large areas south of the Sutton-Wallington
                                                                                   railway line. Much of the low density housing areas of

                                                                                   South Cheam, Carshalton Beeches, South Wallington
                                                                                   and Beddington South have PTAL levels of 1a/1b and
                                                                                   some areas have no access to public transport at all,
                                                                                   including in the Green Belt at Little Woodcote and
                                                                                   Cuddington/South Cheam.

                                                                           7.4     Industrial and commercial development is concentrated
                                                                                   in three strategic industrial locations at Beddington,
Movement                                                                           Kimpton and Imperial Way/Purley Way South. Each of
                                                                                   these areas is located close to key radial routes in
                                                                                   London and on to the M25.
7.1    Three principal radial routes from London, the A24, the
       A217 and the A237, cross through the Borough and
       provide access to the M25.The A232 and A2022
       provide east-west routes across the Borough and
       provide direct access to the A23 and from there down
       to Gatwick Airport and the south coast.

7.2    The London Borough of Sutton is served by a number
       of suburban rail services with London termini at
       Victoria, London Bridge and Waterloo as well as
       Thameslink which provides cross London service to
       Kings Cross and Luton. Tramlink connects Croydon
       and Wimbledon with two stops in the north east corner
       of the Borough.

7.3    Figure 7.1 highlights the road and rail network and the
       Public Transport Accessibility Levels (PTALs) in the
       Borough. Not surprisingly the highest PTAL levels are
       found in and around Sutton Town Centre followed by

                                                                  PAGE 26
Figure 7.1: Sutton’s Road and Rail Network and Public Transport Accessibility Levels

                                                                  PAGE 27
Area in South Wallington, and the Downs Road
                                                                                     area and Chiltern Road area in South Sutton; and
                                                                                   • The appraisal of 27 characteristic areas of inter-war
                                                                                     suburban housing during 2007, including the Ruskin

                                                                                     Road/Grandison Road area in Worcester Park; the
                                                                                     Kingsmead Avenue, Oaks Avenue, Tudor Avenue
                                                                                     Area; a number of roads in South Cheam; and the
                                                                                     Pine Walk area in Carshalton Beeches. The areas
                                                                                     reviewed are identified on the Map in Figure 8.1

Townscape and Landscape                                                    Figure 8.1: Interwar Housing Areas Reviewed

Character and Quality
8.1    The Townscape/Landscape Appraisal (1998) set out
       results of an assessment of the open and built
       environments in Sutton and identified certain character
       areas within the Borough. However this original work
       has been refined on the basis of the following detailed
         • Conservation Area character appraisals undertaken
           of Sutton Garden Suburb, Wallington Green and
           Carshalton Village during 2005-07;
         • The appraisal of a number of potential Areas of
           Special Local Character (ASLCs) undertaken
           between 2003 and 2008. The potential areas
           included Anne Boleyn’s Walk area, Cheam; the
           Burton Estate in South Cheam, the Belmont Area;
           the Highfields area in South Sutton; the Clyde Road

                                                                  PAGE 28
8.2       Additional townscape character appraisal work has                        extraction and waste disposal site; and the
          specifically been undertaken on Sutton Town Centre:                      development of Prologis Park to the east of Beddington
          the North Sutton (Angel’s End) Study by Atkins and CB                    Lane).
          Hillier Parker in 2003 and the Sutton Town Centre
          Urban Design Analysis by Urban Practitioners (2007).             8.5     The key features from each townscape character area
          This information has also been used to update the                        are outlined in this section and are shown on Figure
          1998 characterisation appraisal of the Borough.                          8.2. Figure 8.2 illustrates that the character of the
                                                                                   Borough is predominantly defined by inter-war
8.3       The Commission for Architecture and the Built                            suburban housing interspersed with large public open
          Environment (CABE) advises that the approach                             spaces that give the Borough its suburban and “green”
          recommended by English Heritage towards the                              qualities.
          assessment of character of historic areas can be
          applied to the analysis of any area1. Accordingly, the           8.6     The key features of landscape character are illustrated
          character appraisal of both potential ASLCs and the                      on Figure 8.4.
          inter-war suburban areas used the same criteria
          established in the Unitary Development Plan (2003).              8.7     Furthermore, the Townscape/Landscape Appraisal
          The criteria are: quality of the overall character of an                 identified the quality of the townscape and landscape
          area; the townscape value of individual and groups of                    and this is illustrated on Figure 8.3 and 8.5
          buildings; the architectural quality of buildings; the                   respectively. These figures have been updated to
          historic importance of the area; landscape                               reflect the appraisal work undertaken on potential
          characteristics; quality of open spaces; and the                         ASLCs and the inter-war suburban housing areas and
          contribution of incidental features such as walls, fences                to take into account major enhancement schemes
          and hedges.                                                              implemented since the original survey work (i.e. at
                                                                                   Kimpton Industrial Estate and the redevelopment of the
8.4       The original 1998 appraisal work has also been                           Roundshaw Housing Estate).
          updated to reflect significant changes of land use (i.e.
          the redevelopment of the former Worcester Park                   8.8     The areas of very good or exceptional townscape
          Sewage Treatment Works; the change of the                                quality and areas of high landscape quality are
          predominant use of Beddington Farmlands from a                           generally found to the south of the Borough.
          sewage treatment works to an active minerals

    Protecting Design Quality in Planning, 2003

                                                                     PAGE 29
Figure 8.2: Townscape Character

                                                                  PAGE 30
Figure 8.3: Townscape Quality

                                                                  PAGE 31
Figure 8.4: Landscape Character

                                                                  PAGE 32
Figure 8.5: Landscape Quality

                                                                  PAGE 33
Housing Typologies
8.9    The character of the Borough is defined by a number of
       housing typologies which are described below.. In
       order to help manage the process of change both the
       features that are key to each typology and the
       positive/negative range of issues currently affecting the
       typologies have been set out. These appraisals should                       © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved.
       provide the starting point for applicants in                                London Borough of Sutton 100008655X. 2006.
       understanding local context.                                                Typical example of pre-1915 artisan housing, from
                                                                                   Highland Cottages, Wallington
Pre-1915 housing
8.10   This housing character is located predominantly in and
       around the commercial centres of the Borough, and
       many of these areas are already designated as
       Conservation Areas or Areas of Special Local

8.11   There is a range of property sizes and styles originating
       from this period that were mostly dependent on the
       market for which the housing was intended.

8.12   There are examples of small two-story artisan terraces                      Pre-1913 artisan housing at Highland Cottages with
       with minimal front gardens normally enclosed by a low                       minimal front gardens and strong architectural
       wall. These areas are usually intensively developed                         cohesion
       with no off street parking and have an urban feel. The
       areas usually have a strong architectural cohesion. An              8.13    Elsewhere, such as Clyde Road Wallington there are
       example of pre-1913 artisan housing is Highland                             larger late Victorian or Edwardian properties, which are
       Cottages, as shown below.                                                   typically developed to a lower density and have a less
                                                                                   regimented building layout. Sometimes there is a
                                                                                   mixture of detached/semi-detached properties and a
                                                                                   mix of architectural styles. However, all these

                                                                  PAGE 34
properties usually have the rich architectural detailing
       of the era.

8.14   Furthermore, these areas have larger building plots
       and consequently larger front gardens with significant
       landscape features. More recently, many of these front
       gardens have been converted to provide off-street

                                                                                   Larger properties of the typical Victorian / Edwardian
                                                                                   housing on Clyde Road, Wallington

                                                                           8.15    Current issues:
                                                                                   • Some infill development is discordant as it is not
                                                                                      sympathetic to the context. Such development has
                                                                                      led to varying building lines and the use of different
                                                                                   • The conversion of older large houses to nursing
        © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved.
        London Borough of Sutton 100008655X. 2006.
                                                                                      homes or flats has increased densities and led to
                                                                                      unsympathetic alterations such as obtrusive fire
       Typical example of pre-1915 Victorian / Edwardian
                                                                                      escapes; loss of front gardens to parking; and
       housing, from Clyde Road, Wallington
                                                                                      intrusive refuse storage areas;
                                                                                   • Extensive on-street and forecourt parking impacts
                                                                                      on the street character leading to loss of hedges
                                                                                      and landscaping that is part of the original
                                                                                      vernacular; and
                                                                                   • Backland development has occurred on the large
                                                                                      garden blocks, characteristic of this era.

                                                                  PAGE 35
Inter-War housing 1918-1939
8.16   This housing type is the most prevalent throughout the
       borough, often in long straight streets. During this
       period individual builders were able to buy tracts of
       land and lay areas out as discrete estates. The layout
       and character of some of these estates is still apparent
       from the street patterns and the style of houses.

8.17   Examples from this period include the Brocks Estate
       (between Gander Green Lane and St Dunstans Hill);
       the Poets Estate in Carshalton; the Paynes Estate                           Example of 1930s housing from the Poets Estate,
       (north of the Wallington/Sutton railway line and east of                    Sutton
       Plough Lane); and the Queenswood Estate in
       Wallington (south of Croydon Road).                                 8.18    This housing character generally comprises of short
                                                                                   terraces or semi-detached two storey houses. The
                                                                                   streets are typically wide and have grass verges and
                                                                                   street trees. Front gardens are small and have low
                                                                                   boundary walls generally of brick or ‘cinder’ rubble set
                                                                                   between timber posts.

                                                                           8.19    Although the architectural style appears to be uniform
                                                                                   there are sometimes differences. The properties are
                                                                                   usually clay tiled with brick or rendered finish. There
                                                                                   are tile hung or half-timbered gable ends and front
                                                                                   elevations at first floor level. Some front doors are
        © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved.
        London Borough of Sutton 100008655X. 2006.
                                                                                   enhanced by porches or brick arched openings with
                                                                                   decorative keystones.
       Typical example of Inter-War Housing, 1918 - 1939,
       from the Poets Estate

                                                                  PAGE 36
detached and terraced properties. The earliest example
                                                                                   is Sutton Garden Suburb, planned and work begun
                                                                                   before the First World War. The houses that were built
                                                                                   reflect the arts and crafts style detailing of the time with
                                                                                   steeply pitched, tiled roofs, decorated chimneys and
                                                                                   casement windows.

       Example of clay tiled front, first floor elevation

8.20   Current issues:
       • Whilst the architectural style is often uniform, it
          sometimes lacks distinctive character;
       • Some interwar estates are large, impersonal and
          lack identity, which has an impact on legibility;                         © Crown Copyright. All rights
       • Front gardens are being used to accommodate off-                           London Borough of Sutton
                                                                                    100008655X. 2006.
          street parking, which destroys the pattern of the
          street frontage and leaves house fronts open to the                      Sutton Garden Suburb, typical street and layout from
          streets when cars are removed;                                           the cottage garden style estate.
       • Too many side extensions can be insensitive and
          create a terracing effect between properties; and
       • In some areas the loss of characteristic boundary
          treatments has had a detrimental impact on the
          street scene.

Cottage garden style estates
8.21   The cottage garden style estates were originally
       planned to include open spaces as an integral part of
       the layout and would comprise of two storey semi-

                                                                  PAGE 37
Post War housing up to 1970
                                                                           8.24    Private houses built during this period are few and
                                                                                   scattered throughout the Borough often on small infill
                                                                                   sites. These properties are generally two storey semi
                                                                                   detached or terraced houses with small private
                                                                                   gardens. Architecturally the houses are usually
                                                                                   unadorned brick built rectangles.

       Example of typical cottage style housing found in
       Sutton Garden Suburb, showing extensive open space,
       tiled roofs and decorated chimneys

8.22   On a larger scale the St Helier Estate was designed by
       London County Council architects to meet London’s
       mass housing needs. One of its main features is the
       integral network of open spaces. Another feature is the
       soft enclosure of the privet hedges and trees on each
       corner, originally a part of the estates ‘corner greens’.                   The post war rectangular terraced houses with small
                                                                                   private gardens and larger communal open space, from
8.23   Current issues:                                                             Langcroft Close, Carshalton
       • Permitted Development Rights have resulted in
          unsympathetic alterations to houses, such as                     8.25    Furthermore, during this period there were significant
          pebbledashing, construction of front porches and                         developments in social housing notably the
          changes to fenestration using different design and                       Roundshaw Estate on the western edge of the former
          materials, including uPVC; and                                           Croydon airport site. The Roundshaw area has since
       • Loss of the original landscape design of estates due                      been significantly redeveloped as part of a
          to cost of maintenance (such as rose beds on                             regeneration programme and the estate now has the
          corner plots being transferred into private                              nationally recognised Phoenix Centre development.
          ownership) and increase in car ownership (such as
          parking on verges).

                                                                  PAGE 38
Durand Close;
                                                                                   •   Poor quality and maintenance of the public space
                                                                                       and often a lack of distinction between public and
                                                                                       private realm;
                                                                                   •   Infill development is often unsympathetic to the
                                                                                       local character; and
                                                                                   •   Architectural design is often of limited quality.

                                                                           Recent housing 1970 to present
                                                                           8.27    Development during this period falls into three different
       © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved.
       London Borough of Sutton 100008655X. 2006.                                  categories:
       Example of large regeneration scheme involving many                         1. New flats that replace large detached houses and
       new post War terrace houses on the Roundshaw                                   villas in the Victorian / Edwardian residential areas
       Estate                                                                         of Sutton and Wallington;
                                                                                   2. Small infill development; and
                                                                                   3. Part of a large redevelopment usually of a brown
                                                                                      field site.

                                                                           8.28    Many of the flats built during the 1970s and 1980s are
                                                                                   characterised by three and four storey blocks set in
                                                                                   grounds that are usually well landscaped or set in
                                                                                   grassland. The earlier developments from this period
                                                                                   are often not responsive to their context and therefore
       Roundshaw, where the site area is large enough to                           result in a contrast that is discordant with the area.
       create its own character                                                    More recently, modern flatted development is generally
                                                                                   being built to a higher standard with a greater
8.26   Current issues:                                                             understanding of the existing design context and often
       • The earlier estates suffer from homogenous                                with an innovative design concept.
          development and lack of a positive identity;
       • Large estates that do not contribute to creating
          mixed communities and mix of uses, for example

                                                                  PAGE 39

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  • 1. 9 EV9 Understanding Suttons Local Distinctiveness A4 colour covers front.qxd 10/11/2008 13:44 Page 1 London Borough of Sutton Local Development Framework EV Understanding Sutton’s Local Distinctiveness: Characterisation Report of Studies Evidence Base
  • 2.
  • 3. London Borough of Sutton Local Development Framework Understanding Sutton’s Local Distinctiveness Characterisation Report of Studies Planning and Transportation Service Environment and Leisure 2008
  • 4. CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER ONE Introduction 1 Introduction 1 Document Background 1 Policy context 2 Purpose of this report 3 TWO Geological and Hydrological Context 4 THREE Topography and Views 6 Topography 6 Views 6 FOUR Archaeological Context 8 FIVE Historic development Context 12 General trend of development 12 Beddington 16 Carshalton 17 Cheam 18 Hackbridge 19 Sutton 20 Wallington 21 Worcester Park 22
  • 5. SIX Local Material Colour Palette 24 SEVEN Movement 26 EIGHT Townscape and Landscape Character and Quality 28 Introduction 28 Housing Typologies 34 Town Centres 43 NINE Assessment of Density and Setting 50 Introduction 50 Methodology 50 Qualitative assessment 51 Quantitative assessment of density 58 Understanding Character and Setting in Sutton 63 Conclusions and application of Local Settings 64 TEN Further Evidence Required 66 Contact Details and Further Information 67 Appendix 1 69 Appendix 2 71 Appendix 3 73
  • 6. development. In particular, these are important when seeking to ensure that future development respects and improves the existing local character and helps create places with an identity that builds on Sutton’s local distinctiveness. Good design should be integrated into the existing urban form and the natural and built ONE environments. 1.3 A recognised technique for identifying and recording existing character is by conducting a borough wide ‘characterisation study’. Characterisation is a tool for defining and understanding the characteristics of a place Introduction and the Historical Environment Local Management “It is proper to seek to promote or reinforce local (HELM) states that ‘characterisation is a widely used tool distinctiveness …” for helping to form an overview of an area as a (PPS1, ODPM 2004) framework for sustainable decisions on managing change’. Introduction 1.1 Sutton has long been regarded as a prosperous and 1.4 This document sets out the findings of a Characterisation attractive area in which to live. It conveys the image of a Study of Sutton’s existing suburban and urban character, leafy well laid out established ‘arcadia’. However the conducted during 2007, and will inform the development character of the Borough is more complex than this of Policies in the Local Development Framework and simple stereotype. associated documents. 1.2 Every place, like every person, has a distinct character, 1.5 In addition to informing the preparation of the Council’s which is often determined by the place’s features, such Development Plan Documents, this report should be as the geology, archaeology, heritage quality and the used by anyone seeking planning permission as the streetscape, including streets, front boundaries and the starting point in the preparation of a design and access type, age and scale of buildings. Knowledge of these statement. Design and access statements should be features is important when designing and making started at the earliest stage in the design of schemes decisions about the type and location of future and set out, stage by stage, how the preferred design PAGE 1 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 7. solution takes the opportunities for improving the suburban areas of the Borough. Accordingly, this is character of the surrounding area. summarised below. Document Background 1.10 Planning Policy Statement 1 (Delivering Sustainable 1.6 Since 1968 and the designation of Carshalton Village Development) requires Planning Authorities to prepare and Wrythe Green Conservation Areas the Council has robust policies on design and access based on an focused on the preservation of the special character and understanding and evaluation of the defining appearance of the Borough. In the last 40 years the characteristics of the area. The government is committed Council has designated a further 14 Conservation Areas to protecting and enhancing the quality of the natural and and has identified a number of Areas of Special Local historic environment and requires a high level of Character. However both nationally and regionally there protection for the most valued townscapes. PPS1 is also has been an increased focus on an ‘urban renaissance’ clear that design should take opportunities for improving in order to achieve higher density development and the character and quality of an area and the way it regeneration of town centres. functions. 1.7 This study is particularly important given the pressure to 1.11 Planning Policy Statement 3 (Housing) makes clear that meet and exceed housing targets whilst continuing to Local Planning Authorities should develop design protect the character of the Borough. policies aimed at creating places, streets and spaces which meet the needs of people, are visually attractive, 1.8 In order to inform the Urban Design Guide safe, accessible, functional, inclusive, have their own Supplementary Planning Document an Interim Report of distinctive identity and maintain and improve local Studies was prepared based on the character. Furthermore, PPS3 states that the extent to Townscape/Landscape Appraisal (1998). However the which development creates, or enhances, a distinctive Interim Report of Studies indicated that more detailed character that relates well to the surroundings and work would be carried out in 2007. This Report of supports a sense of local pride and civic identity, should Studies sets out the latest research and updates and be considered when assessing proposed development. replaces the Interim Report of Studies. PPS3 also states that Local Authorities should facilitate good design by identifying the distinctive features that Policy context define the character of a particular local area. 1.9 The Council must take account of national and regional planning policy in developing a new policy approach for 1.12 PPS3 also allows local authorities to set a range of PAGE 2 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 8. densities across a plan area opposed to one broad density range, although 30dph net should be used as a 1.16 In particular, the purpose of this report is: national indicative minimum until a local density range is • To set out a thorough understanding of the various adopted. However, PPS3 also allows local planning elements that make up the borough’s character and authorities to plan for densities below this minimum, as which contribute to local distinctiveness in order to long as these are justified bearing in mind local help manage the process of change; circumstances. • To identify/realise opportunities to improve the character of the Borough; 1.13 The Mayor of London, in the London Plan: Consolidated • To fully understand the relationship between local with Alterations since 2004 (the London Plan), states density and character found in the borough; that boroughs should ensure that development proposals • To put forward evidence in support of the Council’s achieve the maximum intensity of use compatible with policy approach for a local density matrix based on local context, the design principles in Policy 4B.1, and an assessment of local character; public transport capacity. The Mayor of London also puts • To provide the strategic context for Conservation forward a density matrix, which sets a strategic Area Character Appraisals and the preparation of framework for appropriate densities at different locations, Planning Briefs; which aims to reflect and enhance existing local • To update elements of the 1998 character by relating the accessibility of an area to Townscape/Landscape Appraisal; and appropriate development. Appropriate density ranges • To identify any areas or topics where further local are related to setting in terms of location, existing evidence is required. building form and massing, and the index of public transport accessibility. 1.14 Policy 4B.1 of the London Plan states that boroughs should seek to ensure that developments respect local context, history, built heritage, character and communities. Purpose of this report 1.15 This Report of Studies has been prepared as supporting evidence for the Local Development Framework. PAGE 3 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 9. ponds, useful for farming, crops and industry. 2.4 In the early 20th century the sands were described as the best barley land in Surrey. This fairly narrow zone of fertile soil must have been under more or less continuous cultivation for thousands of years and its is TWO here that the five historic village centres were located – Beddington, Wallington, Carshalton, Sutton and Cheam. 2.5 The land to north of these divides into two broad areas, east and west. The land in the northeast is largely underlain by gravel which was washed out of the Geological and hydrological Croydon Valley in the last ice age. The River Wandle flows around the southern and western edge of this its context main sources being springs in Croydon and Carshalton. 2.1 The geology of Sutton is made up of three predominant The north west part of the Borough largely rests on soil types: Upper Chalk in the higher lying southern parts London clay which produced intractable and infertile soil. of the borough; London Clay in the north west; and river terrace sands and gravels in the lower lying north east 2.6 The lime for many 17th Century developments, including near the Wandle River. The geology of the Borough is St. Paul’s Cathedral, is supposed to have come from two shown in Figure 2.1. large chalk pits found either side of Carshalton Road, where B&Q and the Water Gardens estate is now. 2.2 The southern edge of the Borough is underlain by chalk which, in the past, supported a mixture of arable land and open grass downland. 2.3 A result of the changes in height and interface of chalk and gravel & clay is the Thanet Sand found along the north/south divide. Here, water descends through the deep chalk until it meets impermeable clay, rising through the sand to produce abundant springs and PAGE 4 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 11. south and given its topography these are largely towards the north. These views extend towards the West London Ridge, towards Crystal Palace and into Central London including of the Telecom Tower and Canary Wharf THREE Tower. Figure 3.1: Topography of the Borough Topography and Views Topography 3.1 The northern part of the London Borough of Sutton is generally flat, lying at between 30/40m above sea level with the exception of Rose Hill which rises up to a height of 50m. However Sutton is located at the foot of the North Downs and therefore the southern part of the Borough rises up towards the south to a height of 140m. The topography of the Borough is shown in Figure 3.1. Views 3.2 The topography of the Borough affords a number of long-range views into, across and out of the Borough. The Townscape/Landscape Appraisal of the Borough identified the Borough views out from the area, which were deemed to be of strategic significance, and these are shown on Maps in Figures 3.2 and 3.3. 3.3 Not surprisingly there are more significant views from the PAGE 6 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 12. Figure 3.3: Views from the North Figure 3.2: Views from the South 3.5 Whilst the Landscape Appraisal also considered local views on a site by site basis, these were not comprehensively recorded on a map or critically 3.4 The views from the north are more limited and largely of analysed in a way that could help develop a policy on a more local nature – towards the Ikea chimneys, the views. Furthermore skyline issues were not addressed. Croydon skyline and southwards towards the residential suburbs and tree lined roads. 3.6 Consultants should be commissioned to undertake a comprehensive study of views and skylines of the area in order to be better able to determine which need to be protected. PAGE 7 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 13. identified below: Upper Paleolithic / Mesolithic Communities • North Downs Fringe and Springline • Wandle Alluvium FOUR Late Prehistoric Communities • Queen Mary’s Hospital • Wandle Gravels Late Iron Age, Roman and Early Angelo-Saxon Communities • Beddington Roman Villa Archaeological context • Bandon Hill Roman Cemetery Introduction • Beddington Anglo-Saxon Cemetery 4.1 Protection of historic buildings, parks, gardens and areas • Stane Street of Archaeological Importance is of great importance for • Mere Bank conserving the Borough’s heritage and townscape Medieval and Later Historic Communities quality. Government guidance in PPGs 15 and 16 • Wallington emphasise the need to pay special attention to the • Beddington Carshalton characterisation, preservation and management of these • Sutton assets. Accordingly, this Characterisation Report has • Cheam highlighted the archaeological and historical context of • Woodcote the Borough. Post-Medieval Water Powered Industry 4.2 English Heritage advocates the consideration of existing • Wandle Mills archaeology when undertaking characterisation analysis. Historic Estates, Parks and Gardens – the Suburban Figure 4.1 shows the location of Archaeological Priority Legacy Areas and Scheduled Ancient Monuments in the • Carew Manor and Beddington Park Borough. • Carshalton House (St. Philomena) and Gardens UDP Context • Mascal (Carshalton Park House) and Carshalton 4.3 Sutton Council’s current UDP, saved Policy BE40, Park requires Archaeological Field Evaluations for • Stone Court and the Grove development in the Archaeological Priority Areas • The Grange, Wallington PAGE 8 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 14. Prehistory Figure 4.1: Archaeological Priority Areas and Scheduled 4.4 Very little is known about the earlier pre-history of the Ancient Monuments area. A number of stray items have been found on the Wandle gravels and the slope of the North Downs but, apart from the fact that they are largely absent from the clay lands, they do not form any clear or obvious pattern. It is therefore difficult to say much about early human activity in the area. The Late Bronze Age and Iron Age 4.5 Archaeological finds become a lot more common from the Late Bronze Age (starting about 800 BC). There have been many Late Bronze Age finds in and around the upper Wandle valley. The most important site is a circular enclosure – probably a fortified settlement – where Queen Mary’s hospital stood. Other sites are known at Carshalton House, Scawen Close Carshalton, Beddington Roman Villa and elsewhere. The impression created is of a quite densely settled farmed landscape. Late Bronze Age finds are absent from the west side of the Borough probably because the clay soils there were much harder to cultivate. 4.6 The Late Bronze Age was followed by the Iron Age. Scheduled Ancient Monuments 1. Roman Villa, east of Beddington Park Settlement of this date is again most common on the 2. Dovecote, Beddington Park east side of the borough. The Carshalton ‘hill fort’ seems 3. Milestone, Sutton High Street 4. Milestone, 135 Cheam Road, Cheam to have gone out of use and Iron Age finds are less 5. Milestone, Brighton Road, Sutton common than those of the Late Bronze Age. The 6. Late Bronze Age enclosure, former Queen Mary’s Hospital grounds, Carshalton Beeches population may have declined but this is uncertain. Archaeological Priority Areas shown as shaded areas PAGE 9 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 15. The Roman period period (about 400 AD). 4.7 Pre-Roman Surrey was probably something of a backwater. London did not exist and the Thames may 4.11 In 2002 Sutton Archaeological Services found a flint have been a boundary area between tribal territories. foundation in West Street to the north of the Race Horse The Roman conquest of Britain started in AD 43 and by car park. Only one room was exposed but foundations the winter of AD 47-8 London had been founded. The seen in the sides of the trench suggested that the town went on to become a major settlement and which structure extended in the direction of West Street. The made Surrey’s position much more central. site was probably a villa. The finds suggested that it had been occupied in the first and second century. There 4.8 Stane Street - the London Chichester Road crossed the was also prehistoric material suggesting that the villa Wandle at Merton Abbey (near the Savacentre) and then may have been developed from an Iron Age farm. ran across the north of the Borough on or near the line of Stonecot Hill and London Road (the A24) to Ewell where 4.12 Two Roman coffins have been found near St Mary’s there was a Roman settlement. Church, Beddington and some cremations were found at Bandon Hill. A scatter of Roman finds have come the 4.9 The London to Brighton Roman Road passed just east of down slope and the spring line. the Borough and there may have been a roadside settlement at Croydon. Saxon 4.13 This area seems to have been settled by the Saxons at a 4.10 Two villas are known within the Borough. The relatively early date as there are early cemeteries at Beddington Villa stood on the sewage farm a short Beddington, Croydon and Mitcham. We know very little distance northeast of Carew Manor. This was first about the settlement and landscape of the local area in discovered in the 1870s during the construction of the the early and mid-Saxon periods. The old village names sewage farm. Settlement on the site started in the late are recorded in the Domesday book but the pattern of Bronze Age (about 800 BC) and continued on to the settlement may have been more scattered than it was Roman period. There were early Roman finds on the site later. However, the village centres had emerged by the but no trace of the associated buildings. About 180 AD a end of the middle ages. large villa was erected. There was a separate bath house a short distance to the west and a large aisled 4.14 The local area had four medieval parishes Beddington, barn to the north which had been rebuilt several times. Carshalton, Sutton and Cheam. Wallington was part of The villa was abandoned around the end of the Roman Beddington parish although it seems to have had its own PAGE 10 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 16. chapel which fell into disuse and was demolished about 1800. Much medieval fabric survives in Beddington and Carshalton churches and the chancel of Cheam Church has survived as the Lumley chapel. 4.15 A number of medieval and early modern secular buildings have survived the most important of which is Carew Manor with a grade I listed hammer beam roof of about 1500 over the great hall. 4.16 Even in the 16th century it was possible to travel easily from Sutton to London. The area was therefore a favoured location for out of town houses belonging to courtiers and wealthy London merchants. There are significant archaeological remains of these buildings and their gardens within The Borough including Carew Manor, Carshalton House and Carshalton Park. PAGE 11 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 17. to several late 18th and early 19th century workers cottages such as Wrights Row, Wallington Green. 5.2 The Borough had an exceptional number of large country houses, which mostly belonged to wealthy Londoners. During the 18th century the roads were FIVE improved, allowing those who owned light fast carriages and good horses the opportunity to easily commute to the City. The Downs, to the south of Sutton and Epsom, became famous for horse racing and several large houses were built to take advantage of this, including the Oaks where the Earl of Derby and his friends devised the famous races. Historic development context 5.3 This mix of agriculture, industry and pleasure survived into the early 19th century, however the area began to General trend of development change following the introduction of the railway. The 5.1 In the late 18th century the Borough was a rural area with West Croydon to Epsom line was the first, opening in five villages, surrounded by farmland. The River Wandle 1847, with the Epsom Downs line following in 1865 and flowed through the villages of Beddington, Carshalton the Carshalton / Hackbridge line being built in 1868. and Wallington. There was only one mill in Beddington, These good train connections made the area attractive as the river flowed through Beddington Park, but the to middle class commuters and suburban development Carshalton and Wallington areas were heavily soon followed. industrialised by 18th century standards. The Wandle River was lined with mills producing flour, leather, snuff, paper, dyestuffs and other materials. On the river bank there was a series of textile printing works and bleaching grounds where cloth was whitened by laying it out in the sun. A few of the mill buildings have survived, in addition PAGE 12 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 18. Figure 5.2: Development of Borough - Late 1800s/Early 1900 Figure 5.1: Development of Borough 1865 PAGE 13 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 19. additional areas of public housing have been built in 5.4 During the suburban development period of the Borough, recent years, including ‘greenfield’ and ‘brownfield’ there were two kinds of estates, namely (a) large upper development. ‘Brownfield’ development includes the middle class houses often belonging to City workers; and closure of factories and demolition of some areas of poor (b) small houses belonging to locally employed people. quality housing. Sutton expanded the most rapidly because it had the best railway connections, and by 1900 it was considered Figure 5.3: Development of Borough – Mid 1900s a small town. 5.5 When the First World War broke out in 1914 much of the area was still rural with a great deal of farmland. However, this changed in the inter war period and by 1939 most of the area was developed as private estates or council housing, and most of the old country houses were demolished. Some of the grounds of these country houses became public parks, although others were lost to development. 5.6 Minimal bomb damage during the Second World War did little to change the character of the Borough. The most significant development was in 1945, when many old houses where demolished to make way for flats and town houses. The impact of this development was fairly severe on the Victorian and Edwardian upper middle class housing estates, with the loss of many fine examples of original buildings. The minimal benefits from the redevelopment of smaller estates has meant that many smaller lower middle class and working class estates have not changed much. However, several PAGE 14 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 20. Details of Specific Areas 5.7 There is also a great deal of variation within this general trend, which has given each village its particular Figure 5.4: Extent of Built Development in the Borough character and identify. The following section sets out some of the key considerations for each village area. Figures 5.1-5.4 show the changes in the extent of built development in the Borough from 1865. PAGE 15 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 21. Beddington the northern part of this park for use as a sewage farm. th 5.8 In the second half of the 14 Century, a courtier called A wealthy Victorian rector from St Mary’s Church, Canon Nicholas Carew built a large estate centred on Bridges, protected the southern part from development Beddington and his descendents dominated the parish by preserving it as a park. for centuries. His Victorian heir, Charles Hallowell Carew, was more interested in horse racing than housing development and therefore little or no development occurred in the parish before 1859, when he went bankrupt and sold the greater part of the land. This land sale could have resulted in large-scale development, however control of the parish was passed to a small group of wealthy landowners who wished to retain the rural setting of their country retreats. The Arts and Crafts gatehouse on Bridges Lane 5.10 This southern portion of the park contains the historic core of Beddington, including Carew Manor, St Mary’s church, the park and the old village centre. Apart from a small mid-Victorian estate built on Bandon Hill, in 1913 Beddington was largely rural despite large scale development to the east and west, in Croydon and Wallington respectively. However, during the 1920s a large part of the area was developed in a decade and The elaborate Carew Manor, Beddington Park during the 1930’s significant infill development occurred. 5.9 A large area of open space in the north of Beddington 5.11 During the First Word War two military airfields were has survived. This was previously the Carew’s deer park created in south Beddington, which became Croydon covering a large area between Croydon Road and Airport, London’s key airport of the inter war period. The Mitcham Common. In the 1860s Croydon Council bought closure of the airport in 1959 resulted in large amounts PAGE 16 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 22. of open space, which a portion was used for the attractive mixture of old buildings from the medieval to Roundshaw housing estate in the 1960s. The modern periods. Roundshaw estate had a distinct character with its own identity, before much of it was redeveloped in recent years. Carshalton 5.12 In the early 19th century Carshalton was the largest and most varied of the villages. It had a reputation as an attractive place, with springs and watercourses. Around the edge of the village where several large houses, with Carshalton House, Stone Court and Strawberry Lodge still surviving, and Carshalton Park House and others Carshalton station finished in 1902 on the line to London which have been demolished. The back yards of the via Hackbridge, facilitating suburban growth in the High Street and West Street comprised of a number of Borough squalid housing developments. Furthermore, several mills along the Wandle River contributed to an industrial 5.14 In the 1920s and 1930s Carshalton Urban District character of the area. Council bought up the properties around the ponds to protect the area against development. Carshalton High 5.13 In 1847 the owner of Carshalton Park prevented a Street was badly damaged by a bomb in the Second railway station nearer than Wallington and this left World War, however the attractive nature of the area Carshalton Village at an economic disadvantage. Small survived and the Ponds and High Street became working class housing estates were built at Mill Lane and Sutton’s first conservation area, Carshalton Village north of the Wrythe. However, there was little middle Conservation Area. class suburban development until Carshalton Park was subdivided and sold in the 1890s. A delay in developing 5.15 The St Helier Estate, partly in Sutton and partly in to the north and south of the village until the 1920s and Merton, was built by the London County Council from 1930s meant that the village centre was not totally around 1928 to 1936. It was designed as a ‘garden redeveloped. This resulted in the village retaining its suburb’ with significant green space, varying house PAGE 17 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 23. designs and narrow streets because few council tenants owned cars. Cheam 5.16 In the early 17th century Cheam was a large spacious village with many attractive medieval buildings. This included several large houses set in substantial grounds and a private school. Little change occurred in the village for the next century and Cheam was still relatively rural when the First World War broke out in 1914. Weather boarded Whitehall in Cheam built in the 1500s 5.17 There was, however, significant suburban development 5.19 Development in the 1920s generally comprised of large at Worcester Park, located on the northern boundary of estates, with groups of detached or semi-detached the parish and separated from the old village. There was houses of a few basic designs. However, as an also a small amount of Edwardian development on the exception to this, Andrew Burdon instigated individually Downs to the south of Burdon Lane and large Victorian designed, up market houses set in well landscaped Houses in Peaches Close. areas to the south of the Sutton-Epsom railway. This provided owners with the opportunity to apply Andrew 5.18 Following the war, there was large-scale redevelopment Burton’s design or employ their own architect. This area in a short period of time. The main roads through the has a mixed character with several fine examples of village were widened and most of the old houses along 1920s mock Tudor. them were demolished and replaced. In less than a decade the village acquired a modern character. However, many attractive ancient buildings survived, including Whitehall, the Old Rectory and St. Dunstan’s Church. PAGE 18 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 24. Mill ownership. In the early industrial revolution, the River Wandle had the greatest concentration of industrial water mills in the country. The economic significance of the area meant that a branch of the Surrey iron railway - the first public railway in the world - was laid through to the area. With the rapid growth of London and demand for decentralised housing many of the distinctive “County” homes were sold, starting in the later Victorian period and accelerating later. The estates were divided The mock-Tudor shops in Cheam Village and the land developed for housing estates whilst the Hackbridge Mills remained forming the nucleus for later 5.20 The area around Hackbridge was previously low lying manufacturing enterprises alongside areas prone to open fields with the confluence of the fast flowing flooding often utilised for Watercress Beds. The eastern and western branches of the River Wandle predecessor of the Battersea Dogs home was set up originating as chalk streams and merging at Wilderness here in Hackbridge and became one of the largest dog Island, before heading north into the Thames. quarantine sites in the country. The settlements of Wilderness Island was the location of several early Mills Hackbridge, Mill Green and Beddington Corner on the River harnessed as an energy source over continued with their distinct mixed use industrial / several hundred years for a variety of early industrial residential character but became more densely suburban processes including flour grinding, calico beating and and commuting encouraged by the fast rail service to gunpowder grinding, from before the Industrial Westminster (Victoria) and the City (London Bridge). Revolution. 5.22 In the early decades of the 20th Century the area’s 5.21 The success of the Mills as well as the pleasant pastoral proximity to thriving Croydon helped it continue to be a environment less than 12 miles from the City of London significant manufacturing location by becoming (The River Wandle was a famed trout fishing river) increasingly linked to the global economy and by attracted wealthy mercantilists who build several large specialising in the new technologies of electronics Country houses close to the River funded both by City (Marconi and Mullards valves), communications (deep enterprise and the more dependable rentals arising from sea telegraph and telephone cables) and early aviation. PAGE 19 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 25. The need for housing for workers was met by market gardening and the tertiary processes of sewage construction nearby. In the interwar periods many of the waste treatment originally developed by Croydon remaining open spaces and common land were built on Corporation and linked to the Beddington Park and for speculative housing and areas employment function Mitcham Common. Hackbridge therefore has retained continued to grow so that Mullards became part of the its mixed use employment and residential character multinational Phillips industries and the largest employer alongside the River Wandle and its proximity to open in the borough in the 1960’s based on distinctive multi- land areas although the form and function of the built storey factories reflecting the continental Bauhaus environment has changed substantially. Most recently design philosophy. Mullards continued through to the the appetite of the area for innovation has returned with 1990’s before demolition and redevelopment for housing, the award winning zero carbon development of BedZED a school and open space/flood wash land. Other based on low energy, low waste, use of local sourced manufacturing locations remained in the area but ceased materials and renewables together with its iconic to be leading edge technologies as the original firms architecture which has attracted international acclaim. relocated out of London and were replaced in turn by distribution warehouses and the service industry Sutton (Hackbridge was the location for the first “Comet” 5.24 In the 18th century Sutton was a small village with discount retail warehouse in the early 1970’s). houses scattered along the High Street from the Green Employment continues to be significant to the area as to the Cock Cross Roads. In 1745 the High Street was space for serviced offices/workspaces has been created improved and by 1800 the area become a significant from former offices (Sutton Business Centre in the stopping point on the route from London to the seaside former Zetter Pools headquarters) and the Wandle resort of Brighton. The area was also used as a calling Valley Ward has the second highest employment point on the way to the races at Epsom on the Banstead numbers of any ward in the Borough (after Beddington Downs. During this period, the area was served by North). several inns, including the Angel; the Greyhound (which stood in the High Street); and the Cock at the 5.23 New housing has been built for a variety of tenures in the Crossroads. area including the low lying land to the east of the London Road adjacent to the substantial Beddington 5.25 The introduction of the railway may have reduced the Farmlands a significant open area associated with passing trading opportunities on the Brighton route. PAGE 20 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 26. However, in 1847 Sutton acquired a station and a second line to London was constructed in 1868. Thomas Alcock, who owned the manor and much land in the parish, laid out two housing estates, including Newtown to the east of the High Street and Benhilton to north- east. Further development followed and by 1900 Sutton was a small town with a high street lined with Victorian shops and several exceptional older buildings. Development continued through the Edwardian period, with the development of an attractive estate along the south of Cheam Road. However, even though there was Example of Victorian terrace in Sutton Town Centre with considerable development in the area, a large amount of shops below and flats above. The shopfronts do not land was left for development in the 1920s and 1930s. respect the quality of the building frontage 5.26 Benhilton and many areas south of the railway station The nature of growth and development, including the Victorian consisted of large middle class villas. These have proved influences, made Sutton the main centre in the area and the attractive for redevelopment, with many original houses Borough’s key centre when the Councils merged in 1965. By being replaced by flats and town houses. The estates remaining an important centre, Sutton has experienced large with smaller houses, such as Newtown and other late amounts of development in the last 60 years. Victorian and Edwardian roads to the west of the High Street, have survived more or less intact. Wallington 5.27 In the early 19th century Wallington was a small hamlet within Beddington Parish. There were several large older houses to the north of the Green, including the Manor House and the Old Manor House. To the south of the Green was an area of late 18th century developments that may have housed people working in the mills and textile works along the Wandle. Wallington acquired a railway station in 1847 and Nathaniel Bridges, owner of PAGE 21 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 27. the manor and much land, started developing the area Wallington Council for which the town hall was built in for housing. He laid out a number of roads to the north of the late 1930s. the station, which were soon lined with large Victorian brick gothic villas. Development to the south of the 5.29 There has been significant redevelopment of the railway occurred around Stafford Road. Bridges used Victorian and Edwardian middle class houses, since the leases to strictly control the appearance of the houses, 1930s, which has led to a mixed character of much of of which the design had to be approved by his architect. the area. However, several examples of Victorian and As a result of the railway and increased housing Edwardian buildings and groups of buildings have development, a new parish was created and Holy Trinity survived. Church erected. In the early 20th century development spread southwards from Stafford Road and Stanley Park Worcester Park Road, with many good examples of Edwardian houses. 5.30 Worcester Park is located on the north-east corner of Development of the Wallington area slowed after the Nonsuch Great Park. It takes its name from the 4th Earl 1930s. of Worcester, one-time Keeper of the Great Park. The principle house in the park was known as Worcester House, which was built on the highest point in the Park, where The Avenue, Royal Avenue and Delta Road meet. Wallington has several examples of large brick gothic villas from around the 1860’s 5.28 The development of Wallington resulted in it becoming a Typical example of Inter War Suburban Worcester Park local retail centre, with the offices of the Beddington and PAGE 22 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 28. 5.31 Suburban Worcester Park was developed around the station in the late 19th Century and was largely completed in the inter war years (1919 – 1939). Suburban Worcester Park is characterised by rows of terraced houses, with bay windows and clad in varying materials. The streets are fairly narrow with considerable amounts of car parking and front gardens are being paved and used for additional parking which is significantly altering the character of the area. 5.32 More recent development, called the Hamptons, creates a new character in an area with no previous character. This predominantly consists of a ‘New England’ style of architecture comprising various colour weather boarded dwellings in well landscaped surroundings. PAGE 23 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 29. 6.3 These have mostly survived in the village centres of Carshalton and Cheam, although there are several examples elsewhere. They have often been modified by weather board or tiles rendering. • Materials: timber frame, wattle and daub, peg tile roofs and occasionally brick • Colour patterns: Timber often painted black and SIX white (although there is no historical justification for this); red tile roofs, soft orange red bricks; and weather boarding often added • Examples in Sutton: the Old Cottage (the Broadway, Cheam) and Whitehall (Cheam). Local material colour palette Introduction 18th century buildings 6.1 The underlying principle of good urban design is how 6.4 Predominantly brick buildings. new development will respond to and reflect an area’s • Materials: Soft red sandy brick, coarse red or local distinctiveness, and where none exists, creates a yellowish bricks (which are easily confused with distinct character of its own. This may be achieved by London stock bricks), peg / pan tiles, the soft red considering how modern design and materials respond bricks are sometimes cut and rubbed to decorate to the local vernacular, while incorporating the windows or doors, wooden sash windows or lead principles of sustainable construction and materials. casement windows in less prominent locations. • Colour patterns: Red or yellowish bricks, red roof 6.2 In order to help inform assessments of context this tiles. section sets out a local palette of materials and colour • Examples in Sutton: The Old Rectory (Festival schemes from the various building periods. This should Walk, Carshalton), Cottages (Wrights Row, be taken into account in any local context appraisal. Wallington) and Sutton Lodge (Brighton Road, Respecting local character does not necessarily mean Sutton) replicating it. Where contemporary designs are proposed with modern materials it may still be Weatherboarding necessary to reflect key historical and architectural 6.5 Many timber framed weather board houses were built features. However, in some instances it may be more in the area between the 18th and early 19th century, appropriate to replicate the local material palette. with several built before this time. Examples of Pre-18th century buildings weatherboard houses can be found in the old village PAGE 24 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 30. centres of Cheam and Carshalton, and dispersed • Materials: yellow and red stock brick, red tiled and elsewhere in the borough. slate roofs, decorative chimneys and casement • Materials: Horizontal lapped boarding over timber windows; frame, pan / peg tile roofs, sash or casement • Colour patterns: yellow, red and red / black roofs windows, with slate roofs as probable later • Examples in Sutton: St Helier estate, Sutton replacements. Garden Suburb, Culvers Way, Bute Road, Alberta • Colour patterns: generally painted white with red Avenue and Federick Road roof tiles • Examples in Sutton: Aulton Lodge (West Street, Recent Housing (1970 to present) Carshalton) and Park Lane (Cheam). • Materials: new London Stock, yellow and red brick, glass, timber, aluminium, good quality cladding, Mid Victorian sustainable building materials, modern materials 6.6 Predominantly brick gothic-style buildings from the high and colour render (New England style) Victorian period. • Colour patterns: opportunities for varied colour • Materials: Yellow stock brick often with red schemes decorative details, stone windows, stale roofs and • Examples in Sutton: the Hamptons, Apeldoorn prominent gables with decorated barge boards. Estate, Mill Lane, Henderson Hospital Site, Mullard • Colour patterns: Yellow brick walls with red detail, Factory Site, Cotswold Way and Oakdene Mews pale brown stone and grey or purple slate roofs • Examples in Sutton: North side of Westcroft Road (Carshalton) Late Victorian and Edwardian (1890 – 1914) • Materials: Soft red, occasionally yellow brick, peg tiles on the roof and sometimes hung on the wall. Wooden mock Tudor doors and windows often with leading and some stained glass. Iron finials and decoration. • Colour patterns: Red walls and roofs • Examples in Sutton: Russettings (Worcester Road, Sutton) Cottage Garden Style (Arts and Crafts style) PAGE 25 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 31. Wallington District Centre. Some parts of the Borough are particularly poorly served by public transport including large areas south of the Sutton-Wallington railway line. Much of the low density housing areas of SEVEN South Cheam, Carshalton Beeches, South Wallington and Beddington South have PTAL levels of 1a/1b and some areas have no access to public transport at all, including in the Green Belt at Little Woodcote and Cuddington/South Cheam. 7.4 Industrial and commercial development is concentrated in three strategic industrial locations at Beddington, Movement Kimpton and Imperial Way/Purley Way South. Each of these areas is located close to key radial routes in Introduction London and on to the M25. 7.1 Three principal radial routes from London, the A24, the A217 and the A237, cross through the Borough and provide access to the M25.The A232 and A2022 provide east-west routes across the Borough and provide direct access to the A23 and from there down to Gatwick Airport and the south coast. 7.2 The London Borough of Sutton is served by a number of suburban rail services with London termini at Victoria, London Bridge and Waterloo as well as Thameslink which provides cross London service to Kings Cross and Luton. Tramlink connects Croydon and Wimbledon with two stops in the north east corner of the Borough. 7.3 Figure 7.1 highlights the road and rail network and the Public Transport Accessibility Levels (PTALs) in the Borough. Not surprisingly the highest PTAL levels are found in and around Sutton Town Centre followed by PAGE 26 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 32. Figure 7.1: Sutton’s Road and Rail Network and Public Transport Accessibility Levels PAGE 27 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 33. Area in South Wallington, and the Downs Road area and Chiltern Road area in South Sutton; and • The appraisal of 27 characteristic areas of inter-war suburban housing during 2007, including the Ruskin EIGHT Road/Grandison Road area in Worcester Park; the Kingsmead Avenue, Oaks Avenue, Tudor Avenue Area; a number of roads in South Cheam; and the Pine Walk area in Carshalton Beeches. The areas reviewed are identified on the Map in Figure 8.1 below. Townscape and Landscape Figure 8.1: Interwar Housing Areas Reviewed Character and Quality Introduction 8.1 The Townscape/Landscape Appraisal (1998) set out results of an assessment of the open and built environments in Sutton and identified certain character areas within the Borough. However this original work has been refined on the basis of the following detailed appraisals: • Conservation Area character appraisals undertaken of Sutton Garden Suburb, Wallington Green and Carshalton Village during 2005-07; • The appraisal of a number of potential Areas of Special Local Character (ASLCs) undertaken between 2003 and 2008. The potential areas included Anne Boleyn’s Walk area, Cheam; the Burton Estate in South Cheam, the Belmont Area; the Highfields area in South Sutton; the Clyde Road PAGE 28 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 34. 8.2 Additional townscape character appraisal work has extraction and waste disposal site; and the specifically been undertaken on Sutton Town Centre: development of Prologis Park to the east of Beddington the North Sutton (Angel’s End) Study by Atkins and CB Lane). Hillier Parker in 2003 and the Sutton Town Centre Urban Design Analysis by Urban Practitioners (2007). 8.5 The key features from each townscape character area This information has also been used to update the are outlined in this section and are shown on Figure 1998 characterisation appraisal of the Borough. 8.2. Figure 8.2 illustrates that the character of the Borough is predominantly defined by inter-war 8.3 The Commission for Architecture and the Built suburban housing interspersed with large public open Environment (CABE) advises that the approach spaces that give the Borough its suburban and “green” recommended by English Heritage towards the qualities. assessment of character of historic areas can be applied to the analysis of any area1. Accordingly, the 8.6 The key features of landscape character are illustrated character appraisal of both potential ASLCs and the on Figure 8.4. inter-war suburban areas used the same criteria established in the Unitary Development Plan (2003). 8.7 Furthermore, the Townscape/Landscape Appraisal The criteria are: quality of the overall character of an identified the quality of the townscape and landscape area; the townscape value of individual and groups of and this is illustrated on Figure 8.3 and 8.5 buildings; the architectural quality of buildings; the respectively. These figures have been updated to historic importance of the area; landscape reflect the appraisal work undertaken on potential characteristics; quality of open spaces; and the ASLCs and the inter-war suburban housing areas and contribution of incidental features such as walls, fences to take into account major enhancement schemes and hedges. implemented since the original survey work (i.e. at Kimpton Industrial Estate and the redevelopment of the 8.4 The original 1998 appraisal work has also been Roundshaw Housing Estate). updated to reflect significant changes of land use (i.e. the redevelopment of the former Worcester Park 8.8 The areas of very good or exceptional townscape Sewage Treatment Works; the change of the quality and areas of high landscape quality are predominant use of Beddington Farmlands from a generally found to the south of the Borough. sewage treatment works to an active minerals 1 Protecting Design Quality in Planning, 2003 PAGE 29 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 39. Housing Typologies 8.9 The character of the Borough is defined by a number of housing typologies which are described below.. In order to help manage the process of change both the features that are key to each typology and the positive/negative range of issues currently affecting the typologies have been set out. These appraisals should © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. provide the starting point for applicants in London Borough of Sutton 100008655X. 2006. understanding local context. Typical example of pre-1915 artisan housing, from Highland Cottages, Wallington Pre-1915 housing 8.10 This housing character is located predominantly in and around the commercial centres of the Borough, and many of these areas are already designated as Conservation Areas or Areas of Special Local Character. 8.11 There is a range of property sizes and styles originating from this period that were mostly dependent on the market for which the housing was intended. 8.12 There are examples of small two-story artisan terraces Pre-1913 artisan housing at Highland Cottages with with minimal front gardens normally enclosed by a low minimal front gardens and strong architectural wall. These areas are usually intensively developed cohesion with no off street parking and have an urban feel. The areas usually have a strong architectural cohesion. An 8.13 Elsewhere, such as Clyde Road Wallington there are example of pre-1913 artisan housing is Highland larger late Victorian or Edwardian properties, which are Cottages, as shown below. typically developed to a lower density and have a less regimented building layout. Sometimes there is a mixture of detached/semi-detached properties and a mix of architectural styles. However, all these PAGE 34 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 40. properties usually have the rich architectural detailing of the era. 8.14 Furthermore, these areas have larger building plots and consequently larger front gardens with significant landscape features. More recently, many of these front gardens have been converted to provide off-street parking. Larger properties of the typical Victorian / Edwardian housing on Clyde Road, Wallington 8.15 Current issues: • Some infill development is discordant as it is not sympathetic to the context. Such development has led to varying building lines and the use of different materials; • The conversion of older large houses to nursing © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. London Borough of Sutton 100008655X. 2006. homes or flats has increased densities and led to unsympathetic alterations such as obtrusive fire Typical example of pre-1915 Victorian / Edwardian escapes; loss of front gardens to parking; and housing, from Clyde Road, Wallington intrusive refuse storage areas; • Extensive on-street and forecourt parking impacts on the street character leading to loss of hedges and landscaping that is part of the original vernacular; and • Backland development has occurred on the large garden blocks, characteristic of this era. PAGE 35 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 41. Inter-War housing 1918-1939 8.16 This housing type is the most prevalent throughout the borough, often in long straight streets. During this period individual builders were able to buy tracts of land and lay areas out as discrete estates. The layout and character of some of these estates is still apparent from the street patterns and the style of houses. 8.17 Examples from this period include the Brocks Estate (between Gander Green Lane and St Dunstans Hill); the Poets Estate in Carshalton; the Paynes Estate Example of 1930s housing from the Poets Estate, (north of the Wallington/Sutton railway line and east of Sutton Plough Lane); and the Queenswood Estate in Wallington (south of Croydon Road). 8.18 This housing character generally comprises of short terraces or semi-detached two storey houses. The streets are typically wide and have grass verges and street trees. Front gardens are small and have low boundary walls generally of brick or ‘cinder’ rubble set between timber posts. 8.19 Although the architectural style appears to be uniform there are sometimes differences. The properties are usually clay tiled with brick or rendered finish. There are tile hung or half-timbered gable ends and front elevations at first floor level. Some front doors are © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. London Borough of Sutton 100008655X. 2006. enhanced by porches or brick arched openings with decorative keystones. Typical example of Inter-War Housing, 1918 - 1939, from the Poets Estate PAGE 36 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 42. detached and terraced properties. The earliest example is Sutton Garden Suburb, planned and work begun before the First World War. The houses that were built reflect the arts and crafts style detailing of the time with steeply pitched, tiled roofs, decorated chimneys and casement windows. Example of clay tiled front, first floor elevation 8.20 Current issues: • Whilst the architectural style is often uniform, it sometimes lacks distinctive character; • Some interwar estates are large, impersonal and lack identity, which has an impact on legibility; © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. • Front gardens are being used to accommodate off- London Borough of Sutton 100008655X. 2006. street parking, which destroys the pattern of the street frontage and leaves house fronts open to the Sutton Garden Suburb, typical street and layout from streets when cars are removed; the cottage garden style estate. • Too many side extensions can be insensitive and create a terracing effect between properties; and • In some areas the loss of characteristic boundary treatments has had a detrimental impact on the street scene. Cottage garden style estates 8.21 The cottage garden style estates were originally planned to include open spaces as an integral part of the layout and would comprise of two storey semi- PAGE 37 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 43. Post War housing up to 1970 8.24 Private houses built during this period are few and scattered throughout the Borough often on small infill sites. These properties are generally two storey semi detached or terraced houses with small private gardens. Architecturally the houses are usually unadorned brick built rectangles. Example of typical cottage style housing found in Sutton Garden Suburb, showing extensive open space, tiled roofs and decorated chimneys 8.22 On a larger scale the St Helier Estate was designed by London County Council architects to meet London’s mass housing needs. One of its main features is the integral network of open spaces. Another feature is the soft enclosure of the privet hedges and trees on each corner, originally a part of the estates ‘corner greens’. The post war rectangular terraced houses with small private gardens and larger communal open space, from 8.23 Current issues: Langcroft Close, Carshalton • Permitted Development Rights have resulted in unsympathetic alterations to houses, such as 8.25 Furthermore, during this period there were significant pebbledashing, construction of front porches and developments in social housing notably the changes to fenestration using different design and Roundshaw Estate on the western edge of the former materials, including uPVC; and Croydon airport site. The Roundshaw area has since • Loss of the original landscape design of estates due been significantly redeveloped as part of a to cost of maintenance (such as rose beds on regeneration programme and the estate now has the corner plots being transferred into private nationally recognised Phoenix Centre development. ownership) and increase in car ownership (such as parking on verges). PAGE 38 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES
  • 44. Durand Close; • Poor quality and maintenance of the public space and often a lack of distinction between public and private realm; • Infill development is often unsympathetic to the local character; and • Architectural design is often of limited quality. Recent housing 1970 to present 8.27 Development during this period falls into three different © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. London Borough of Sutton 100008655X. 2006. categories: Example of large regeneration scheme involving many 1. New flats that replace large detached houses and new post War terrace houses on the Roundshaw villas in the Victorian / Edwardian residential areas Estate of Sutton and Wallington; 2. Small infill development; and 3. Part of a large redevelopment usually of a brown field site. 8.28 Many of the flats built during the 1970s and 1980s are characterised by three and four storey blocks set in grounds that are usually well landscaped or set in grassland. The earlier developments from this period are often not responsive to their context and therefore Roundshaw, where the site area is large enough to result in a contrast that is discordant with the area. create its own character More recently, modern flatted development is generally being built to a higher standard with a greater 8.26 Current issues: understanding of the existing design context and often • The earlier estates suffer from homogenous with an innovative design concept. development and lack of a positive identity; • Large estates that do not contribute to creating mixed communities and mix of uses, for example PAGE 39 UNDERSTANDING SUTTON’S LOCAL DISTINCTIVENESS: CHARACTERISATION REPORT OF STUDIES