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Ph.D (Research Scholar)
RMCS Deptt.
Sustainable Living,
Consumerism and
Occupational Hazards
RMCS Deptt.
The natural environment sustains the life of all beings universally.
– Dalai Lama
 Sustainability could be defined as an ability or capacity of something to be
maintained or to sustain itself.
 It’s about taking what we need to live now, without compromising the potential for
people in the future to meet their needs.
 It is the development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.
What is Sustainable Living?
SUSTAINABLE LIVING: Sustainable living is a lifestyle that attempts
to reduce an individual's or society's use of the Earth's natural
resources and personal resources.
 It is an attempt to reduce this dependence on natural resources.
Sustainable living means to make a lesser negative impact on the
We all know that,
 are real.
 And their impact on human and animal life can be
 It is an opportunity for people to adopt action for
sustainable living that can help them to reduce their
carbon footprint or environmental impact of
altering their lifestyle.
 Simple measures like using public transportation more
often, reducing energy consumption, becoming more
eco friendly can go a long way in reducing your
environmental impact and making this planet a clean
and safe place.
Some Easy Ways to Practice
Sustainable Living
1. Become a member of a community garden
2. Change the light in your house
3. Practice minimalism
4. Become more efficient with your errands
5. Start using natural cleaners
6. Well, bike or car pool to work
7. Spend more time reading and playing
8. Try to get on a more natural sleep
Some Easy Ways to Practice
Sustainable Living
9. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
10. Unplug device when not in use
11. Buy right-sized house
12. Use daylight as much as possible
13. Stop unwanted mail
14. Practice keeping a zero energy balance
15. Change your washing habits
16. Choose renewable energy
Some Easy Ways to Practice
Sustainable Living
17. Buy products with less packaging
18. Ditch the plastic
19. Skip single-use items
20. Carry your own reusable shopping bags
21. Use Sustainable Technologies
Some Easy Ways to Practice
Sustainable Living
Become a member of a community garden1.
 It isn’t just about growing your
own food, being a member of a
community garden helps to
promote sustainable living in your
 Gardens create green spaces and
the garden waste can be mulched
and returned to support healthy
 Green spaces aren’t just important
for your state of mind;
• in urban areas they can play an
important role in offsetting
• carbon emissions.
Change the light in your house2.
 By changing the lighting in your
home from traditional light
bulbs to CFL, and more natural
light you will reduce your dim
and on energy resources
 Longer lasting, light sources
also reduces the amount of
waste going into landfill
Practice minimalism3.
 Minimalist doesn't mean living
without anything, making sure
that everything you own and use
is put to its maximum purpose.
 Metal materials as well with a
minimalist Lifestyle, and be
more mindful of the items you
support being produced so that
sustainability is emphasized.
Become more efficient with your errands4.
You don't have to buy a hybrid to
reduce your fossil fuels.
By choosing to become more
efficient with your errands you can
create a system of Sustainable
living that is based in reducing the
amount of natural resources you
Start using natural cleaners5.
Taken an hour or so to read
research some homemade options
for natural cleaners.
Capturing more services, saponin
from you know you know where is
a natural laundry detergent.
By using natural cleaners you are
reducing the amount of plastic
packaging being mad being made
and the amount of chemicals that
are being introduced to the water
Well, bike or car pool to work6.
 The less personal use of your car you
do, the more you and the
environment will benefit.
 Sustainable living not only promotes
sustainability by reducing pollution
and the consumption of natural
resource, walking or biking to work
will also improve your health and
reduce the strain on public health
 Even car-pooling assists
sustainability as it can provide an
increased social outlet that can
improve the quality of life.
 Science has found that there is a
direct connection between your
quality of life and the sustainability
of life that you will choose to lead.
Spend more time reading and playing games7.
How can this be a part of
Sustainable living?
Producing your Reliance on
entertainment form that require
energy and natural resources you
can help to reduce the demand and
train on them.
Try to get on a more natural sleep schedule8.
Getting on a natural sleep schedule means
becoming more attuned to the natural light
in the day.
Not only this is better for your health, but
it will also begin to lessen the amount of
power that you use while you are up.
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle9.
Reduce your need to buy new
products. If there is less waste, then
there is less to recycle or reuse.
Learning to reuse items, or
repurpose them for different use
then what they are intended for is
essential in the waste hierarchy.
Recycle old glass bottles or
aluminum cans. Keep a recycle bin
at your home and try making more
trips to the recycling station than to
the landfill.
Unplug device when not in use10.
Most of the electronic devices keep
on drawing electricity even when
they’re off.
To reduce energy usage, simply
pull the plug when not in use.
It will help you to save energy and
reduce your monthly electricity
Buy right-sized house11.
Practitioners of sustainable living
conduct their lives in ways that are
consistent with sustainability.
Among many ways that promote
sustainability, one of them is
buying a smaller house that is
going to consume less energy as
compared to a big house.
You’re going to spend less on
lighting, furniture, and overall
Use daylight as much as possible12.
Sunlight is free and doesn’t cost
Using sunlight during the day helps
to reduce dependence on fossil
fuels to produce electricity and
your bulbs and tube lights are
going to last longer.
Stop unwanted mail13.
Save natural resources by opting
out from billions of unwanted
mailings and simplify your life.
Various sites offer free service to
opt-out of catalogs, coupons, credit
card offers, phone books, circulars,
and more.
It helps you to reduce clutter,
protect privacy, and save the
Practice keeping a zero energy balance budget14.
A zero-energy balanced budget
means that what you take in, you
also return back.
 This is really the core of all
sustainable living.
If you practice keeping a budget
that has a zero energy balance, you
will be surprised how your habits
of consuming will change and
reduce your imprint on the world.
Change your washing habits15.
 This one is important to attain
sustainable living. We wash everything
too much.
 Not only has science discovered that
our over-emphasis on being clean has
reduced our natural immune resistance
to diseases (which require exposure to
bacteria to develop), but each person
wastes tremendous amounts of water
when they bath, wash dishes or do
 Practice taking short and times
showers, washing dishes in a sink of
water, and then rinsing them and
cutting down on the amount of laundry
that you do.
Choose renewable energy16.
Choosing renewable energy
over fossil fuels is a great way
to stop climate change and doing
your part in making things happen.
Install solar panels for solar water
heating. Explore options for getting
tax credit from the government.
Speak to your utility is there is any
way to add clean power to the grid
so as to offset your carbon
Buy products with less packaging17.
Whenever you go out for shopping,
always buy products with less
The excess packaging on the stuff
goes in your dustbin and from there
it goes to landfills in most cases.
It not only further contaminate the
environment but also poses serious
health effects to humans and
Ditch the plastic18.
Plastic never goes away. It takes
millions of years for plastic to
Plastic can be found swirling in the
ocean’s surfaces. It badly affects
marine life.
Every year a large number of
mammals, seals, sea birds are
killed after ingesting plastic or
getting tangled up in it.
Its time for all of us to switch to
reusable bags when we shop and
ditch one-time-use plastic water
Skip single-use items19.
We encounter single-use items in
our day to day life.
Single-use items like plastic straws,
toilet paper, paper towels, plastic
grocery bags, plastic cutlery are a
big curse on our environment.
You may not be able to remove all
the items but can surely cut down
the use of some of these items.
Carry your own reusable shopping bags20.
Whenever you got to a local
market or a nearby mall for
shopping, always carry your
reusable shopping bags.
It’s not a matter of shame to carry a
reusable bag along with you.
Instead, it shows how much you
care for the environment and how
eager are you to live a sustainable
Use Sustainable Technologies21.
 Make use of rechargeable batteries. Switch to a sustainable search engine like Ecosia.
 They run 100% on renewable energy and use some of their profits to plant trees. Use solar energy chargers.
 Donate your old devices to poor kids or NGO’s. Dispose of your electronic items to local waste recycling programs.
Top sustainable technologies in green construction
• Solar power. In green construction, there is active
solar power and the other is passive solar power.
• Biodegradable materials. ...
• Green insulation. ...
• The use of smart appliances. ...
• Cool roofs. ...
• Sustainable resource sourcing. ...
• Low-energy house and Zero-energy building
design. ...
• Electrochromic Smart Glass.
Green consumption
Green consumption is closely related to the notions of
Sustainable development or sustainable consumer
It is a form of consumption that is compatible with the
safeguard of the environment for the present and for the
next generations.
 It is a concept which ascribes to consumers
responsibility or co-responsibility for addressing
environmental problems through adoption
of environmentally friendly behaviours, such as
 the use of organic products,
 clean and renewable energy and
 the research of goods produced by companies
with zero,
 or almost zero, impact (zero waste, zero-
emissions vehicle, zero-energy building, etc.
Green consumer behavior
It is a form of pro-
environmental behavior, which
can be defined as a form of
consumption that harms the
environment as little as possible,
or even benefits the environment.
Past research has provided
empirical support to the claim that
green or pro-environmental
consumer behavior is a
multidimensional construct which
is composed of:
"Private-sphere behavior" refers to the
purchase, use and disposal of personal
and household products that have
environmental impact, such as
automobiles, public transportation, or
"Public-sphere behavior" refers to
behavior that affects the environment
directly through committed
environmental activism or indirectly
by influencing public policies, such as
active involvement in environmental
organizations and demonstrations
(direct impact) or petitioning on
environmental issues (indirect impact)
We can define a green consumer behavior
the one that has these characteristics:
 "purchase choice, product use and
post-use, household management,
collective, and consumer activism
behaviours, reflecting some degree of
environmental- related motivation";
 "purchase and use of products with
lower environmental impacts, such as
biodegradable products, recycled or
reduced packaging, and low energy
use of organic product, made with
processes that provide energy saving, then
by the action of recycling, in fact a green
consumer is "one who purchase products
and services perceived to have a positive
(or less negative) influence on the
What is Green Consumerism?
 Green consumerism refers to a state in
which consumers demand products and
services that have undergone an eco-friendly
production process or one that involves
recycling and safeguarding the planets’
 In other words, green consumerism entails
the production, promotion, and advancement
of the utilization or use of goods and
services based on their pro-environment
Green consumer
“one who avoids products that are likely to
endanger the health of the consumer or others;
cause significant damage to the environment
during manufactory, use or disposal;
consumer a disproportionate amount of energy;
cause unnecessary waste;
use material derived from threatened species or
involve unnecessary use of, or cruelty to animal;
adversely affect other countries”
Principal areas of developed green consumption
Green energy
Green food
Green fashion
Green energy - Includes natural energetic processes that can be harnessed with little
Green Energy Is:
Clean Green energy, which includes green
electricity, is clean energy.
• This means it is produced with little-to-no
environmental impact and does not dispense
greenhouse gases into the air that contribute
to global warming, the way fossil fuels do.
Varied Green energy sources include
wind, geo-thermal, hydro, and solar energy.
• Wind and hydro sources generate energy
through the movement of air and water,
while geo-thermal and solar sources generate
energy through heat.
• All, however, provide reliable energy and
protect the environment.
Renewable. Green energy sources eliminate the
emission of greenhouse gases into the air.
These sources are also renewable energy sources
- meaning they are not created from finite
materials like fossil fuels.
Green Energy Is:
Stable. Green energy's varied forms mean more
locations across the planet have the potential to
harvest this renewable energy.
Inexpensive. As the demand for green energy
continues to grow, the price continues to drop
thanks to economics of scale.
• Consider this: between the years 2010 and
2012 the costs associated with producing
energy from wind dropped by 20 percent,
and prices have fallen by more than 80
percent since 1980.
Right for You You've seen the environmental
and economic benefits that come from turning
your home into a green home.
• The good news is, those benefits will
increase as green energy continues to gain
popularity in the market
Green food
In the food area,
 there is a recent growing of demand for less
environmentally-damaging food production,
that leads people to buy
more organic and local food.
 Organic food is produced through agriculture
which does not use artificial chemical
fertilizers and pesticides, and animals reared
in more natural conditions, without the
routine use of drugs, antibiotics and wormers
common in intensive livestock farming.
 Consumers can also choose to buy local food
in order to reduce the social and
environmental impacts of "food miles" – the
distance food travels between being
produced and being consumed.
 This behavior can create a new sense of
connection with the land, through a concern
for the authenticity and provenience of the
food eaten, operating a social as much as a
technological innovation.
 In addition, taste, health and safety concerns
can be other reasons behind this
consumption practices.
Green fashion- Sustainable fashion
Ethical clothing refers to clothing that takes into
consideration the impact of production and trade
on the environment and on the people behind the
clothes we wear.
 Eco clothing refers to all clothing that has
been manufactured using environmentally
friendly processes.
 It includes organic textiles and sustainable
materials such as hemp and non-textiles such
as bamboo or recycled plastic bottles.
 It also includes recycled products (clothes
made from recycled clothing including
vintage, textile and other materials and can
also be termed re-used) and is not
necessarily made from organic fibers.
 Organic clothing means clothes that have
been made with a minimum use of chemicals
and with minimum damage to the
environment and fair-trade is intended to
achieve better prices, decent working
conditions, local sustainability and fair terms
for farmers and workers in the developing
The three main reasons that would motivate the purchase of organic cloths are:
Health impact
Ethical concerns
 Consumers are concerned about this (environmental)
issues, and are best motivated to change their behaviours
in a philanthropic or environmental-friendly actions that
adapt with their financial and sustainability interests.
 An intuitive and sustainable strategy is the reusing cloths.
 This can reduce manufacturing pollution and resource
consumption. The world is facing one of the worst
economic crises ever, which affects all industries,
including fashion and luxury.
 Consumers pay attention to the origin and the materials of
the clothes they buy and the fact that they are not harmful
to the environment.
 Also, the issue of trust arises and a label certifying the
organic origin is strongly required.
• Textile recycling is a method
of reprocessing used clothing,
fibrous material and clothing
scraps from the manufacturing
The workplace and sustainable
Work a key process and workplace a critical
site for efforts towards sustainable
 In the declaration of the Rio Summit,
sustainable development is defined as a
strategy to "meet the needs of the present
world population without causing adverse
effect on health and on the environment,
and without depleting or endangering the
global resource base, hence without
compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their needs".
 The Declaration further stated: "Human
beings are at the center of concern for
sustainable development. They are
entitled to a healthy and productive life in
harmony with nature".
Occupational health hazards
Occupational health is at the center of sustainable development in
the following ways:
 The prevention of occupational accidents, injuries and diseases and the protection
of workers against physical and psychological over-load imply a parsimonious
use of resources, minimizing the unnecessary loss of human and material
 The occupational health approach has been shown to facilitate the undisturbed
production that increases the quality of products, productivity and process
management and thus helps to avoid unnecessary loss of energy and materials
and to prevent unwanted impact on the environment.
 The objective of healthy and safe work environments call for the use of safest,
low-energy, low-emission, low-waste (green) technology and in many countries
occupational health legislation requires the use of the best available production
 Many environmental hazards and burdens are derived from occupational settings, e.g. industry,
agricultural practices or transportation and services. Experts and others responsible for occupational
health and safety are well informed of processes and agents that may be hazardous to the environment
and often this information is available to them at a very early stage of the problem, thus enabling
primary prevention that is no longer possible once the hazardous elements are released into the
general environment.
 Most environmental health hazards that have later been found to affect the health of the
general population were first detected in the work environment and/or in the working
populations. Thus the occupational environment provides an early warning system for
certain environmental health hazards just as it also provides effective models for
preventive action.
 Occupational health services aim to ensure the health, safety, work-ing capacity and well-
being of the working population. A healthy, productive and well-motivated workforce is
the key agent for overall socio-economic development. Moreover, high-quality and
productive work can ensure healthy production of materials, goods and services, and the
consideration and practical implementation of the principles of sustainable development.
 For more than half of adults the work environment is the most demanding
environment in terms of physical, chemical, ergonomic or psychological stresses
and physical workload. The requirement of the Rio Declaration on healthy and
productive life is particularly relevant to the work environment and calls for
occupational health action.
 Equally important for personal well-being and for socio-economic development
of communities and countries is an employment policy that ensures access to
work for everyone and enables individuals to sustain themselves and their
families by their own work. Highest possible employment is also a key factor in
the safe, stable and sustainable social development of countries while high
unemployment rates and other associated problems endanger such development.
 The state of the general environment and the ecosystem has an impact on the
health of workers either indirectly or directly in several occupations of
agriculture, mining, fishery and manufacturing. Thus, there is a two-way
relationship between occupational health and safety on the one hand and
environmentally sound sustainable development on the other.
 Particularly in developing countries the health and well-being of the family is
critically dependent on the health and productivity of its working member, thus
making several members of the community dependent on the health of the
worker. In a situation where organized social protection is lacking, the loss of
health, life or working capacity of such a key member of the family often means
a severe crisis also for the rest of the family, affecting indirectly the well-being,
health and economy of communities at large and of future generations.
Occupational health is a basic element and constitutes a social and
health dimension of the principle of sustainable development.
Occupational health practices constitute a set of key activities for such
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that
someone else will save it.”

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5 R's of Environment  by Manvi Babbar5 R's of Environment  by Manvi Babbar
5 R's of Environment by Manvi Babbar

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Sustainable living

  • 1. PRESENTED BY: SAKSHI MISHRA Ph.D (Research Scholar) RMCS Deptt. CCAS, UDAIPUR Sustainable Living, Consumerism and Occupational Hazards PRESENTED TO: SUMAN SINGH MAM RMCS Deptt.
  • 2. The natural environment sustains the life of all beings universally. – Dalai Lama
  • 3. SUSTAINABILITY:  Sustainability could be defined as an ability or capacity of something to be maintained or to sustain itself.  It’s about taking what we need to live now, without compromising the potential for people in the future to meet their needs. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT  It is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  • 4. What is Sustainable Living? SUSTAINABLE LIVING: Sustainable living is a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual's or society's use of the Earth's natural resources and personal resources.  It is an attempt to reduce this dependence on natural resources. Sustainable living means to make a lesser negative impact on the environment.
  • 5. We all know that,  are real.  And their impact on human and animal life can be devastating.  It is an opportunity for people to adopt action for sustainable living that can help them to reduce their carbon footprint or environmental impact of altering their lifestyle.  Simple measures like using public transportation more often, reducing energy consumption, becoming more eco friendly can go a long way in reducing your environmental impact and making this planet a clean and safe place. CLIMATE CHANGE RESOURCE DEPLETION DEPLETION OF OZONE LAYER
  • 6. Some Easy Ways to Practice Sustainable Living
  • 7. 1. Become a member of a community garden 2. Change the light in your house 3. Practice minimalism 4. Become more efficient with your errands 5. Start using natural cleaners 6. Well, bike or car pool to work 7. Spend more time reading and playing games v 8. Try to get on a more natural sleep schedule Some Easy Ways to Practice Sustainable Living
  • 8. 9. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle 10. Unplug device when not in use 11. Buy right-sized house 12. Use daylight as much as possible 13. Stop unwanted mail 14. Practice keeping a zero energy balance budget 15. Change your washing habits 16. Choose renewable energy Some Easy Ways to Practice Sustainable Living
  • 9. 17. Buy products with less packaging 18. Ditch the plastic 19. Skip single-use items 20. Carry your own reusable shopping bags 21. Use Sustainable Technologies Some Easy Ways to Practice Sustainable Living
  • 10. Become a member of a community garden1.  It isn’t just about growing your own food, being a member of a community garden helps to promote sustainable living in your area.  Gardens create green spaces and the garden waste can be mulched and returned to support healthy soil.  Green spaces aren’t just important for your state of mind; • in urban areas they can play an important role in offsetting • carbon emissions.
  • 11. Change the light in your house2.  By changing the lighting in your home from traditional light bulbs to CFL, and more natural light you will reduce your dim and on energy resources significantly.  Longer lasting, light sources also reduces the amount of waste going into landfill significantly.
  • 12. Practice minimalism3.  Minimalist doesn't mean living without anything, making sure that everything you own and use is put to its maximum purpose.  Metal materials as well with a minimalist Lifestyle, and be more mindful of the items you support being produced so that sustainability is emphasized.
  • 13. Become more efficient with your errands4. You don't have to buy a hybrid to reduce your fossil fuels. By choosing to become more efficient with your errands you can create a system of Sustainable living that is based in reducing the amount of natural resources you consume.
  • 14. Start using natural cleaners5. Taken an hour or so to read research some homemade options for natural cleaners. Capturing more services, saponin from you know you know where is a natural laundry detergent. By using natural cleaners you are reducing the amount of plastic packaging being mad being made and the amount of chemicals that are being introduced to the water system.
  • 15. Well, bike or car pool to work6.  The less personal use of your car you do, the more you and the environment will benefit.  Sustainable living not only promotes sustainability by reducing pollution and the consumption of natural resource, walking or biking to work will also improve your health and reduce the strain on public health resources.  Even car-pooling assists sustainability as it can provide an increased social outlet that can improve the quality of life.  Science has found that there is a direct connection between your quality of life and the sustainability of life that you will choose to lead.
  • 16. Spend more time reading and playing games7. How can this be a part of Sustainable living? Producing your Reliance on entertainment form that require energy and natural resources you can help to reduce the demand and train on them.
  • 17. Try to get on a more natural sleep schedule8. Getting on a natural sleep schedule means becoming more attuned to the natural light in the day. Not only this is better for your health, but it will also begin to lessen the amount of power that you use while you are up.
  • 18. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle9. Reduce your need to buy new products. If there is less waste, then there is less to recycle or reuse. Learning to reuse items, or repurpose them for different use then what they are intended for is essential in the waste hierarchy. Recycle old glass bottles or aluminum cans. Keep a recycle bin at your home and try making more trips to the recycling station than to the landfill.
  • 19. Unplug device when not in use10. Most of the electronic devices keep on drawing electricity even when they’re off. To reduce energy usage, simply pull the plug when not in use. It will help you to save energy and reduce your monthly electricity bill.
  • 20. Buy right-sized house11. Practitioners of sustainable living conduct their lives in ways that are consistent with sustainability. Among many ways that promote sustainability, one of them is buying a smaller house that is going to consume less energy as compared to a big house. You’re going to spend less on lighting, furniture, and overall furnishing.
  • 21. Use daylight as much as possible12. Sunlight is free and doesn’t cost anything. Using sunlight during the day helps to reduce dependence on fossil fuels to produce electricity and your bulbs and tube lights are going to last longer.
  • 22. Stop unwanted mail13. Save natural resources by opting out from billions of unwanted mailings and simplify your life. Various sites offer free service to opt-out of catalogs, coupons, credit card offers, phone books, circulars, and more. It helps you to reduce clutter, protect privacy, and save the environment.
  • 23. Practice keeping a zero energy balance budget14. A zero-energy balanced budget means that what you take in, you also return back.  This is really the core of all sustainable living. If you practice keeping a budget that has a zero energy balance, you will be surprised how your habits of consuming will change and reduce your imprint on the world.
  • 24. Change your washing habits15.  This one is important to attain sustainable living. We wash everything too much.  Not only has science discovered that our over-emphasis on being clean has reduced our natural immune resistance to diseases (which require exposure to bacteria to develop), but each person wastes tremendous amounts of water when they bath, wash dishes or do laundry.  Practice taking short and times showers, washing dishes in a sink of water, and then rinsing them and cutting down on the amount of laundry that you do.
  • 25. Choose renewable energy16. Choosing renewable energy over fossil fuels is a great way to stop climate change and doing your part in making things happen. Install solar panels for solar water heating. Explore options for getting tax credit from the government. Speak to your utility is there is any way to add clean power to the grid so as to offset your carbon footprint.
  • 26. Buy products with less packaging17. Whenever you go out for shopping, always buy products with less packaging. The excess packaging on the stuff goes in your dustbin and from there it goes to landfills in most cases. It not only further contaminate the environment but also poses serious health effects to humans and animals.
  • 27. Ditch the plastic18. Plastic never goes away. It takes millions of years for plastic to decompose. Plastic can be found swirling in the ocean’s surfaces. It badly affects marine life. Every year a large number of mammals, seals, sea birds are killed after ingesting plastic or getting tangled up in it. Its time for all of us to switch to reusable bags when we shop and ditch one-time-use plastic water bottles.
  • 28. Skip single-use items19. We encounter single-use items in our day to day life. Single-use items like plastic straws, toilet paper, paper towels, plastic grocery bags, plastic cutlery are a big curse on our environment. You may not be able to remove all the items but can surely cut down the use of some of these items.
  • 29. Carry your own reusable shopping bags20. Whenever you got to a local market or a nearby mall for shopping, always carry your reusable shopping bags. It’s not a matter of shame to carry a reusable bag along with you. Instead, it shows how much you care for the environment and how eager are you to live a sustainable life.
  • 30. Use Sustainable Technologies21.  Make use of rechargeable batteries. Switch to a sustainable search engine like Ecosia.  They run 100% on renewable energy and use some of their profits to plant trees. Use solar energy chargers.  Donate your old devices to poor kids or NGO’s. Dispose of your electronic items to local waste recycling programs. Top sustainable technologies in green construction • Solar power. In green construction, there is active solar power and the other is passive solar power. • Biodegradable materials. ... • Green insulation. ... • The use of smart appliances. ... • Cool roofs. ... • Sustainable resource sourcing. ... • Low-energy house and Zero-energy building design. ... • Electrochromic Smart Glass.
  • 32. Green consumption Green consumption is closely related to the notions of Sustainable development or sustainable consumer behaviour It is a form of consumption that is compatible with the safeguard of the environment for the present and for the next generations.  It is a concept which ascribes to consumers responsibility or co-responsibility for addressing environmental problems through adoption of environmentally friendly behaviours, such as  the use of organic products,  clean and renewable energy and  the research of goods produced by companies with zero,  or almost zero, impact (zero waste, zero- emissions vehicle, zero-energy building, etc.
  • 33. Green consumer behavior It is a form of pro- environmental behavior, which can be defined as a form of consumption that harms the environment as little as possible, or even benefits the environment. Past research has provided empirical support to the claim that green or pro-environmental consumer behavior is a multidimensional construct which is composed of: "Private-sphere behavior" refers to the purchase, use and disposal of personal and household products that have environmental impact, such as automobiles, public transportation, or recycling "Public-sphere behavior" refers to behavior that affects the environment directly through committed environmental activism or indirectly by influencing public policies, such as active involvement in environmental organizations and demonstrations (direct impact) or petitioning on environmental issues (indirect impact)
  • 34. We can define a green consumer behavior the one that has these characteristics:  "purchase choice, product use and post-use, household management, collective, and consumer activism behaviours, reflecting some degree of environmental- related motivation";  "purchase and use of products with lower environmental impacts, such as biodegradable products, recycled or reduced packaging, and low energy usage"; use of organic product, made with processes that provide energy saving, then by the action of recycling, in fact a green consumer is "one who purchase products and services perceived to have a positive (or less negative) influence on the environment
  • 35. What is Green Consumerism?  Green consumerism refers to a state in which consumers demand products and services that have undergone an eco-friendly production process or one that involves recycling and safeguarding the planets’ resources.  In other words, green consumerism entails the production, promotion, and advancement of the utilization or use of goods and services based on their pro-environment benefits. Green consumer “one who avoids products that are likely to endanger the health of the consumer or others; cause significant damage to the environment during manufactory, use or disposal; consumer a disproportionate amount of energy; cause unnecessary waste; use material derived from threatened species or environment; involve unnecessary use of, or cruelty to animal; adversely affect other countries”
  • 36. Principal areas of developed green consumption Green energy Green food Green fashion
  • 37. Green energy - Includes natural energetic processes that can be harnessed with little pollution. Green Energy Is: Clean Green energy, which includes green electricity, is clean energy. • This means it is produced with little-to-no environmental impact and does not dispense greenhouse gases into the air that contribute to global warming, the way fossil fuels do. Varied Green energy sources include wind, geo-thermal, hydro, and solar energy. • Wind and hydro sources generate energy through the movement of air and water, while geo-thermal and solar sources generate energy through heat. • All, however, provide reliable energy and protect the environment. Renewable. Green energy sources eliminate the emission of greenhouse gases into the air. These sources are also renewable energy sources - meaning they are not created from finite materials like fossil fuels. Green Energy Is: Stable. Green energy's varied forms mean more locations across the planet have the potential to harvest this renewable energy. Inexpensive. As the demand for green energy continues to grow, the price continues to drop thanks to economics of scale. • Consider this: between the years 2010 and 2012 the costs associated with producing energy from wind dropped by 20 percent, and prices have fallen by more than 80 percent since 1980. Right for You You've seen the environmental and economic benefits that come from turning your home into a green home. • The good news is, those benefits will increase as green energy continues to gain popularity in the market
  • 38. Green food In the food area,  there is a recent growing of demand for less environmentally-damaging food production, that leads people to buy more organic and local food.  Organic food is produced through agriculture which does not use artificial chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and animals reared in more natural conditions, without the routine use of drugs, antibiotics and wormers common in intensive livestock farming.  Consumers can also choose to buy local food in order to reduce the social and environmental impacts of "food miles" – the distance food travels between being produced and being consumed.  This behavior can create a new sense of connection with the land, through a concern for the authenticity and provenience of the food eaten, operating a social as much as a technological innovation.  In addition, taste, health and safety concerns can be other reasons behind this consumption practices.
  • 39. Green fashion- Sustainable fashion Ethical clothing refers to clothing that takes into consideration the impact of production and trade on the environment and on the people behind the clothes we wear.  Eco clothing refers to all clothing that has been manufactured using environmentally friendly processes.  It includes organic textiles and sustainable materials such as hemp and non-textiles such as bamboo or recycled plastic bottles.  It also includes recycled products (clothes made from recycled clothing including vintage, textile and other materials and can also be termed re-used) and is not necessarily made from organic fibers.  Organic clothing means clothes that have been made with a minimum use of chemicals and with minimum damage to the environment and fair-trade is intended to achieve better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability and fair terms for farmers and workers in the developing world.
  • 40. The three main reasons that would motivate the purchase of organic cloths are: Environmental-friendly protection Health impact Ethical concerns  Consumers are concerned about this (environmental) issues, and are best motivated to change their behaviours in a philanthropic or environmental-friendly actions that adapt with their financial and sustainability interests.  An intuitive and sustainable strategy is the reusing cloths.  This can reduce manufacturing pollution and resource consumption. The world is facing one of the worst economic crises ever, which affects all industries, including fashion and luxury.  Consumers pay attention to the origin and the materials of the clothes they buy and the fact that they are not harmful to the environment.  Also, the issue of trust arises and a label certifying the organic origin is strongly required. • Textile recycling is a method of reprocessing used clothing, fibrous material and clothing scraps from the manufacturing process.
  • 41.
  • 42. The workplace and sustainable development Work a key process and workplace a critical site for efforts towards sustainable development.  In the declaration of the Rio Summit, sustainable development is defined as a strategy to "meet the needs of the present world population without causing adverse effect on health and on the environment, and without depleting or endangering the global resource base, hence without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs".  The Declaration further stated: "Human beings are at the center of concern for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature". Occupational health hazards
  • 43. Occupational health is at the center of sustainable development in the following ways:  The prevention of occupational accidents, injuries and diseases and the protection of workers against physical and psychological over-load imply a parsimonious use of resources, minimizing the unnecessary loss of human and material resources.  The occupational health approach has been shown to facilitate the undisturbed production that increases the quality of products, productivity and process management and thus helps to avoid unnecessary loss of energy and materials and to prevent unwanted impact on the environment.  The objective of healthy and safe work environments call for the use of safest, low-energy, low-emission, low-waste (green) technology and in many countries occupational health legislation requires the use of the best available production technology. 1. 3. 2.
  • 44.  Many environmental hazards and burdens are derived from occupational settings, e.g. industry, agricultural practices or transportation and services. Experts and others responsible for occupational health and safety are well informed of processes and agents that may be hazardous to the environment and often this information is available to them at a very early stage of the problem, thus enabling primary prevention that is no longer possible once the hazardous elements are released into the general environment.  Most environmental health hazards that have later been found to affect the health of the general population were first detected in the work environment and/or in the working populations. Thus the occupational environment provides an early warning system for certain environmental health hazards just as it also provides effective models for preventive action.  Occupational health services aim to ensure the health, safety, work-ing capacity and well- being of the working population. A healthy, productive and well-motivated workforce is the key agent for overall socio-economic development. Moreover, high-quality and productive work can ensure healthy production of materials, goods and services, and the consideration and practical implementation of the principles of sustainable development. 4. 6. 5.
  • 45.  For more than half of adults the work environment is the most demanding environment in terms of physical, chemical, ergonomic or psychological stresses and physical workload. The requirement of the Rio Declaration on healthy and productive life is particularly relevant to the work environment and calls for occupational health action.  Equally important for personal well-being and for socio-economic development of communities and countries is an employment policy that ensures access to work for everyone and enables individuals to sustain themselves and their families by their own work. Highest possible employment is also a key factor in the safe, stable and sustainable social development of countries while high unemployment rates and other associated problems endanger such development.  The state of the general environment and the ecosystem has an impact on the health of workers either indirectly or directly in several occupations of agriculture, mining, fishery and manufacturing. Thus, there is a two-way relationship between occupational health and safety on the one hand and environmentally sound sustainable development on the other. 9. 8. 7.
  • 46.  Particularly in developing countries the health and well-being of the family is critically dependent on the health and productivity of its working member, thus making several members of the community dependent on the health of the worker. In a situation where organized social protection is lacking, the loss of health, life or working capacity of such a key member of the family often means a severe crisis also for the rest of the family, affecting indirectly the well-being, health and economy of communities at large and of future generations. 10. Occupational health is a basic element and constitutes a social and health dimension of the principle of sustainable development. Occupational health practices constitute a set of key activities for such development.
  • 47. REFERENCES  tml    
  • 48. “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”