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Sustainable Businesses
Navigating towards a more sustainable future

Introduction – Nathan Goode	                             2
Strategy & Risk Management	                              4
Implementation: Governance & Embedding Sustainability	   8
Sustainability Reporting	                                13
Sector Specific Approaches	                              17
  Food & Beverage 	                                      18
  Freight & Logistics	                                   20
  Property & Construction	                               22
  Higher Education	                                      24
  Local Authorities 	                                    26
  Healthcare 	                                           28
Conclusion – Nathan Goode	                               30
Contact us	                                              33

“ ustainability is one
 of the buzz words
 of the moment. But
 what does it really
 mean for business?
 Global and large
 quoted corporations
 increasingly see
 sustainability issues
 as important to their
 business model.”

 Nathan Goode
 Head of Energy, Environment and Sustainability
 Grant Thornton UK LLP

                                                  Sustainable Businesses  1

Whilst global and large quoted corporations’ public
profile provides an obvious rationale for incorporating
sustainability issues into the way they operate, what
about the rest of the business world?

What about nationally or regionally based                 where they draw resources? Do they draw an explicit
organisations, or companies that are part of global       link between these issues and their own profitability
supply chains, operating business-to-business             and competitiveness? Can and should the principles
or competing in specialised markets? Do these             of sustainability be universally part of an organisation’s
organisations need to plan for sustainability amidst      DNA, embedded in its business model, and given
competition and cost pressures on all sides?              equivalent value to the financial bottom line?
     Sustainability can be tricky to define in a way
that satisfies everyone. Sustainability involves both     “What are the threats and opportunities coming
planning for the long-term, seeing the linkages           out of global shifts in resource use and patterns,
between all of the influencing factors – and              greater awareness of the corporate footprint
understanding that the relationships between an           in general and changing government regulation
organisation and its environment (in the broadest         around areas such as carbon emissions, waste
sense) are both dynamic and interactive. Sustainability   management and renewable energy?”
is fundamentally linked to an organisation’s use of
resources and the waste outputs that it produces.             At Grant Thornton, we sensed that business
     We can see the leadership from global corporates     models are starting to respond to these challenges,
and understand the rationale, but at Grant Thornton       and not just amongst the global multinationals.
we wanted to know whether these approaches were           But we wanted to test this presumption, see if
starting to spread into the wider economy. And if         we could identify a trend and, if so, assess how
they were, how those organisations were thinking          widespread and how deep it was.
about the cost of resources: were they focused on             So we commissioned independent analyst firm
today’s cost model or looking forward to a world          Verdantix to undertake an independent, anonymised
where basic commodities such as energy, water and         review with 200 senior executives across the private
minerals show themselves to be volatile, costly, finite   and public sector in the UK, choosing the types
and scarce? And how important for their own future        of organisation we work with on a day to day basis:
do these organisations think the impact is on the         ‘mid-tier’ businesses broadly in the £250 million –
communities they serve, where they operate and            £1 billion turnover range, who are key to the

2  Sustainable Businesses
“ ustainability is fundamentally linked to an
     organisation’s use of resources and the waste
     outputs that it produces.”

country’s future economic growth, in sectors which
should in theory be amongst the first to be affected
by sustainability issues:
    Food  Beverage, Freight  Logistics, Higher
Education, Property  Construction and the Public
Sector, concentrating on Health and Local Authorities.
    We want to look at the challenges these
organisations face in developing a long-term,
sustainable business model and ask: what is the
business case for sustainability? What are the threats
and opportunities coming out of global shifts in
resource use and patterns, greater awareness of
the corporate footprint in general and changing
government regulation around areas such as carbon
emissions, waste management and renewable energy?
    This report addresses sustainability in the
following key areas:
•	 Strategy and risk management
•	 Governance arrangements
•	 Embedding sustainability
•	 Reporting sustainability
    The organisations we surveyed had clearly begun
the journey, but to a greater or lesser extent were still
only part of the way there. There is still plenty more
to do before sustainability becomes business as usual.

Nathan Goode
Head of Energy, Environment and Sustainability
Grant Thornton UK LLP

                                                            Sustainable Businesses  3

Strategy  Risk Management

Overview                                                       majority have already begun integrating sustainable
The primary finding of this survey                             development into their daily work practices.
is that sustainability is no longer the                            85% of those surveyed said this trend will increase
preserve of the happy few; different                           in importance in the next year and 94% indicated
                                                               that this will be of even greater importance over
forces are compelling many businesses
                                                               the next five years. Sustainability therefore has
and other organisations to recalibrate their                   a strong and growing relationship to overall
operations in a more sustainable fashion.                      organisational behaviour.

In the sectors we reviewed, something of a                     Strategy
‘tipping point’ seems to have been reached – those             12% of respondents were still grappling with what
organisations still failing to face up to the impact of        sustainability meant for their organisation, although
sustainability on their organisational performance             the vast majority (88%) of those interviewed were
now risk being left behind by their peers. The                 able to articulate this. The residual 12% may be failing
sustainability imperative is starting to be seen as            to identify the risks and opportunities associated with
a determinant of business success.                             sustainability, which may place them at a competitive
    This is illustrated by the fact that 92% of survey         disadvantage. However, the overwhelming majority
respondents stated that sustainability performance is          of our sample had at the very least reached ‘first base’
either ‘very important’ or ‘important’ to the overall          in seeing a direct relationship between sustainability
success of their organisation, and that the vast               and overall organisational performance.

Which statement best describes your perspective
on what sustainability means for your organisation?
                                                                                                  Sustainability is a new concept
                                                                                                 for our organisation and we are
                                                                                                still grappling with what it means

                              Sustainability describes
                              the long-term viability of our
                              organisation in the context
                              of natural resource scarcity                                           Sustainability describes our
                                                                                                  organisation’s performance on
                                                                                                   non-financial metrics such as
                                                                                                 energy, environment and social

4  Sustainable Businesses
“Market demand
      means that ignoring
      sustainability is not
      an option.”

Organisation                                                  At the same time, sustainability is now seen
Survey respondents were encouraged to give their          as a necessary cost of doing business. “The increase
own thoughts as well as answer specific questions.        [in our interest in sustainability] is because of the
“We are constantly trying to raise the bar every year     financial importance of achieving cost savings and
on our sustainability targets,” was how a respondent      our commitment towards using more sustainable
from the Food  Beverage sector expressed their           products. We include this even in tenders and our
company’s attitude. As another, in the Freight           overall procurement process and this will only
Logistics sector, put it: “Market demand means            increase,” said a respondent from the Property
that ignoring sustainability is not an option.”            Construction sector. Another, in the Food 
    Why do so many organisations think the                Beverage said “It will be more and more important
significance of sustainability will increase in the       to find out how to source our raw materials in
future? There appears to be a combination of factors,     a sustainable way and then strive to improve
such as rising energy costs, government targets,          and increase efficiency.”
competition within the sector and a commitment                There was a high level of confidence amongst
to social responsibility. Each organisation will          interviewees that sustainability was a part of the
rank these factors differently according to their         organisation’s strategic planning. A substantial
own circumstances. However, short-term financial          majority said their organisations had fully or partly
constraints, especially in the public sector, are         included sustainability into the following areas:
affecting the kinds of sustainability initiatives         •	 Long-term strategy (89%)
that are being undertaken.                                •	 Core values (81%)
    Clearly ones with immediate cost benefits are         •	 Mission statement (79%)
more attractive. “I see a significant increase in the     •	 Vision statement (79%)
importance of sustainability due to the cost of           •	 Financial objectives (70%)
utilities, indirect cost associated with sustainability       Awareness of the issue, therefore, was the norm
like waste and packaging, procurement, cost of            amongst our interviewees. The next question is how
transport, increase in fuel charge, fuel duty, aviation   this is reflected in everyday business practice.
taxes, all of it,” was one comment from a Higher
Education respondent.

                                                                                               Sustainable Businesses  5
“ limate change will impact on Healthcare and
       so we need to mitigate this. The Department of
       Health has carbon reduction targets. We’re very
       much looking to beat them.”

Risk Management                                           the highest business risks, but wouldn’t be surprised
We wanted to know how organisations assessed              to see more fundamental economic considerations
the key risks associated with sustainability and set      starting to come to the fore in future surveys.
performance targets against them. The survey listed            Perhaps one conclusion from these results is that
seven risk areas. These were:                             people are not necessarily distinguishing the concept
•	 Carbon regulations                                     of risk (which is about volatility and unpredictability
•	 Energy prices                                          in forward planning) from simply articulating current
•	 Environmental regulations                              business concerns. In some cases, limited datasets
•	 Water scarcity                                         or technical experience to undertake an effective
•	 Commodity prices                                       evaluation may also be playing a part, particularly
•	 Extreme weather                                        where these issues are relatively new to a sector.
•	 Substitution risk from more sustainable products            When the analysis is broken down, some sectors
    The responses showed a real mix of concerns, with     gave more of a preponderance to carbon regulations
no single dominant risk area, indicating that carbon      than others. Carbon regulations were identified as the
regulations were identified as the ‘most important’       most important risk factor by 60% of respondents in
sustainability risk factor for an organisation’s          the Mining  Extractive sector (and energy prices
performance in over a quarter (27%) of cases, and         by 40%), by Local Authorities in 44% of cases,
energy prices by one fifth (20%) of respondents.          and by 39% of respondents in Higher Education
    “Climate change will impact on healthcare and         (and energy prices by 32%).
so we need to mitigate this. The Department of                 168 Local Authorities in the UK are subject
Health has carbon reduction targets. We’re very           to the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme which may
much looking to beat them,” said one Healthcare           be driving the responses here, but it is a relatively
sector respondent.                                        predictable business cost rather than a risk, and it
    It is important to stress that this survey is a       is also likely that public sector responses reflected
snapshot, taken at a particular point in time. We can     wider concerns and aligned with current public
see the rationale for identifying regulatory drivers as   policy agendas.

6  Sustainable Businesses
On average across all sectors, the second                                                                      Substitution risks from competitive, more
biggest risk after carbon was energy prices (20%).                                                              sustainable products were considered the least
Environmental regulations (17%), water scarcity                                                                 important risk by 19% of respondents. This kind of
(16%) and commodity prices (10%) followed. At                                                                   ‘disruptive’ market intervention can have profound
the other end of the scale, 25% thought that extreme                                                            consequences, especially in fast-moving technology
weather events were the least important risk, which                                                             fields, but it is likely that in the sectors we chose,
is interesting given this year’s widespread flooding                                                            this risk was not considered particularly relevant
incidents and other extreme events globally.                                                                    to the business model.

To what extent has your organisation’s leadership                                                               In the next two years, how significant will the following
included sustainability in the following?                                                                       risks be to your organisation’s performance?
 %                                                                                                               %
100                                                                                                             100

 90                                                                                                              90

 80                                                                                                              80

 70                                                                                                              70

 60                                                                                                              60

 50                                                                                                              50

 40                                                                                                              40

 30                                                                                                              30

 20                                                                                                              20

 10                                                                                                              10

  0                                                                                                               0
      Long-term strategy

                                    Core values

                                                  Mission statement

                                                                      Vision statement

                                                                                         Financial objectives

                                                                                                                       Carbon regulations

                                                                                                                                                Energy prices


                                                                                                                                                                                    Water scarcity

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Commodity prices

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Extreme weather

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       more sustainable products
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Substitution risk from

                           Fully included         Partially included

                           Not included           Don’t know                                                                                1           2          3            4                    5                      6                      7

                                                                                                                      1 – Most important

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sustainable Businesses  7

Implementation: Governance
 Embedding Sustainability

Overview                                                       competitive market? And how can you tell the
Awareness is one thing, but translating                        difference between superficial box-ticking and
this into meaningful and effective action                      genuine action?
is a different matter. Leaders wishing                             Often environmental compliance requirements
                                                               affecting a company’s ‘licence to operate’ is the entry
to implement change face plenty
                                                               point for sustainability in the operational areas of a
of challenges.                                                 business. However, to move from this to ‘embedding’
                                                               sustainability so that it becomes a core part of the
Is there resistance to change and, if so, where does
                                                               business model is a major step. Often resources
it lie? What strategies are available to overcome it?
                                                               and money are the barriers to action, but also lack
Does there have to be a crisis to drive change, or
                                                               of clarity about what sustainability initiatives can
can there be evolution during periods of stability?
                                                               and should achieve. If sustainability is treated
How is change best institutionalised? How does
                                                               predominantly as an ‘environmental’ issue,
an organisation implement sustainability goals
                                                               rather than also as an economic and social issue,
while surviving in a potentially conflicting
                                                               embedding could be harder.

Who is accountable for performance against                 2% 2%
sustainability goals in your organisation?                                                       CEO
                                                      4%                                         Sustainability Director
                                                 4%                                              Other
                                            4%                                                   Vice Chancellor
                                                                                                 Environment/Energy Director
                                       5%                                                        Head of Council

                                                                           40%                   COO
                                                                                                 Managing Director
                                                                                                 Facilities/Estates Director


8  Sustainable Businesses
Governance                                                critical finding – not only do successful organisations
Ascertaining who has designated leadership for            have the strategy for addressing and incorporating
sustainability, together with which departments           sustainability throughout the business mix, but
of the organisation are involved was revealing.           designated responsibility goes to the top.
    Questions targeted on accountability and                  Where a board has committed the time and effort
responsibility generated some very interesting            to establish such a position, it is a highly positive sign
results. In order to surmount barriers to embedding       that sustainability has been acknowledged as key
sustainability, it is clear that leadership is crucial.   to overall business performance and requires its
    With a strong and consistent message from             own management.
the top of an organisation sustainability can be              The range of job titles in this response suggests
communicated as something that simply has to be           a diversity of approaches, however. Organisations
done. “The CEO made it very clear that... addressing      need to implement as well as strategise and it is
sustainability issues are necessary for the growth        interesting to see that in only 7% of cases the Chief
of our organisation,” was how one respondent in           Financial Officer or the Chief Operational Officer is
the Food  Beverage sector put it.                        accountable for attaining sustainability goals, despite
    The survey showed the CEO or equivalent               the survey showing that sustainability is enshrined
was accountable for sustainability performance            ‘partially’ or ‘fully’ in 70% of organisations’ financial
in nearly half of the organisations questioned.           targets. Yet the economic case for sustainability is
47% of respondents reported that the CEO                  already very important and becoming more so.
or Vice Chancellor (the equivalent of a CEO in            “In the short-term, financial benefits and increased
Higher Education) was the individual accountable          awareness will increase the importance of
for performance against sustainability goals.             sustainability,” one respondent from the
A further 20% identified the Sustainability Director      Local Authorities sector commented.
as responsible. With other board-level categories
there was a clear 80% where sustainability was led
from the ‘top table’ of the organisation. This is a

                                                                                                 Sustainable Businesses  9
“ ustainability goals were described
       as ‘fully embedded’ in any department
       in no more than a third of respondents.”

Embedding Sustainability                                  in adopting sustainable business practices, either fully
Sustainability goals are not always embedded              or in part, with under 60% of respondents in these
consistently throughout all branches of an operation.     two specialisms reporting that sustainability was either
They must cascade down through every department,          fully or partially embedded. Many organisations have
or there is the risk of a disconnect between high-level   started the journey towards embedding sustainability
strategy and organisational reality.                      and to measure where each organisation was on this
    In our review, sustainability performance metrics     journey would require more detailed analysis.
were least noticeable in financial management and             The uncertainty may be because many
product development compared to energy and                departments still consider sustainability as just an
environmental management functions. It is clear           environmental issue. In Sales for example, where
that the stage of embedding sustainability is where       targets are financially driven, non-financial metrics are
many organisations still have much to do.                 considered to be less important, unless they are seen as
    In leading organisations and businesses, by           having a direct impact – for example where businesses
contrast sustainability is fully embedded throughout      need to meet certain environmental requirements in
the core strategy, and is seen as a driver of growth      order to win contracts.
and innovation. For the SME’s reviewed in this
research, sustainability goals were described as ‘fully   Less than 60% of respondents reported that
embedded’ in any department in no more than a third       sustainability goals had been ‘fully embedded’
of respondents. This highest response rate at 33% was     or ‘partially embedded’ within HR and Sales.
Operations – the lowest, at 14% was Sales, with the
others falling between these extremes.
    The scores go up when ‘fully embedded’ and
‘partially embedded’ are combined, but the results
show clearly that HR and Sales are lagging well behind

10  Sustainable Businesses
The power of sustainable business practice is        To what extent are sustainability goals
recognised as a potent motivator for behavioural         embedded in the following functions?
change. When the SME’s in this survey were                %
asked whether there were plans to incentivise            100

the incorporation of sustainability into employee         90
behaviour, responses indicated limited consideration
of possible interventions. Only 13% said that they        80

planned to fully embed employee recognition for
improving sustainability into their strategy. This was
‘employee recognition’ in a non-financial sense –         60
we asked separately about bonuses and pay rises.
The figure rose to 51% to include ‘partial embedding’,
but again what this means in practice is a moot point.    40
    Employee recognition was the most popular of all
suggested strategies. Giving bonuses to executives was    30

the next most popular choice (9% fully embedded)
with general employee pay rises or bonuses the lowest
(3% fully embedded).                                      10






                                                                                                                   Supply chain



                                                                             Fully embedded         Partially embedded

                                                                             Not embedded           Don’t know

                                                                                                                 Sustainable Businesses  11
There is a majority recognition that different             Leading companies which have already
investment criteria should apply to sustainability         successfully integrated sustainability throughout
projects. 67% of respondents identified longer payback     their organisation all report that they have some
periods as being allowable for sustainability projects     form of recognition for behaviour change embedded
and 53% included non-financial social and                  in their operations. When sustainability metrics
environmental information in the assessment process.       directly affect financial performance and therefore
48% had reached the stage of monetising these criteria,    the reward that people derive from their work within
while only 15% did not include social and environmental    the organisation, they can become truly embedded.
information in the process. This seems like a strong
platform to build on. No doubt different metrics are
inconsistently reported in organisations’ sustainability
reports and wide disparities exist between the quality,
quantity and types of information represented, but
a process at least appears to be underway.

How does your organisation account for sustainability
in its capital investment appraisal processes?

                                                                                     Longer payback periods are considered
                                                                                     for sustainable projects
                                                                                     Non-financial environmental and
                                                                                     social information is included in the
                                                                                     assessment process

                                                                                     Environmental and social information is
                                                                                     not included in the assessment process
                               53%                 48%                               All environmental and social costs
                                                                                     and benefits must be monetised for
                                                                           5%        consideration in the appraisal process
                                                                   15%               Don’t know

12  Sustainable Businesses

Sustainability Reporting

Sustainability information was reported                       At the top of the list of reported metrics was
either internally and/or externally in over               Waste Management (fully included by 56%),
                                                          followed by Environmental Management (51%).
80% of organisations surveyed. Just 16%
                                                          Energy Management came third at 50%.
did not publicise any information related
                                                              This probably reflects the length of time that
to their sustainability performance.                      waste and environmental (pollution) legislation has
                                                          been in force (up to thirty years in some cases), during
But exactly what they are reporting varies widely.
                                                          which time it has become almost a standard concern.
Of those who do report, 46% see ‘sustainability’
                                                          In particular, the Landfill Directive has begun driving
as their organisation’s performance on non-financial
                                                          increasing recycling, waste minimisation and resource
metrics such as energy, environment and social.
                                                          efficiency, with material effects on the bottom line.
Almost as many, 42%, see it as the long-term
                                                              “We have to nearly double our recycling rates
viability of their organisation in the context of
                                                          from 28% to 40% by 2014,” said one respondent
natural resource scarcity.
                                                          from the Local Authority sector.
    Either way, this suggests that sustainability
                                                              Water Management has been creeping up the
reporting can provide a way of systematically
                                                          agenda (fully included in 46% of reports) due
and quantitatively measuring management quality.
                                                          to compulsory water metering and rising costs.
However, the fact that Waste and Environmental
Management came top of the reporting list suggests
there isn’t necessarily a strong correlation between
the responses on external sustainability risks (carbon,
energy etc.) and what gets reported on. It is likely
that what gets measured tends to be linked to what is
required for compliance purposes. Yet it is important
that organisations measure, manage and disclose
the full range of factors that help it to create and
preserve value.

                                                                                              Sustainable Businesses  13
“ ector and trade bodies have the opportunity to
       demonstrate leadership to assist this process by
       working closely with regulators and governments
       to improve the quality and value of reporting.”

     Boards take a variety of approaches to presenting       Communications (20%) or the CEO (37%) or the
sustainability data. 28% present it as a standalone          Head of Sustainability (42%).
report. A further 40% either integrate it or present             External validation of sustainability information
it as a separate section in the annual report. 16%           was not widespread in this group. Only one third
just include it in their internal reports and 16% do         of sustainability information was subject to any form
not report on it at all. It is probably fair to say that     of assurance.
sustainability is not yet seen as having a direct impact         Yet, despite there being no regulatory
on financial results – only 7% of those surveyed             requirement, many organisations are reporting.
consider the CFO/FD responsible for deciding                 Many other countries, such as South Africa, France
how to present sustainability information. This              and parts of Scandinavia, have statutory obligations
was significantly less than the Head of Corporate            for sustainability reporting.

To what extent does your organisation include sustainability
performance metrics in the following areas?

                               Fully included       Partially included       Not included          Don’t know

  Waste management                 56%                     37%                   2%                    4%

                                   51%                     42%                   5%                    1%

  Energy management                50%                     42%                   6%                    2%

  Water management                 46%                     45%                   6%                    4%

  Facilities management            34%                     45%                   17%                   4%

  Procurement                      29%                     51%                   17%                   4%

  Travel and logistics             26%                     45%                  22%                    7%

  Financial management             21%                     50%                  22%                    7%

  Product development              13%                     39%                  32%                   16%

14  Sustainable Businesses
Businesses that have incorporated sustainability
in their reporting processes tend to adopt independent
benchmarking according to recognised standards.
This helps organisations avoid accusations of
‘greenwashing’. Independent assurance is possible
using AA1000AS (2008), the Carbon Trust’s GHG
Protocol Product Standard, GRI (G3) guidelines,
and ISO26000, for example. There are new initiatives
to improve corporate reporting such as the development
of an integrated reporting framework by the
International Integrated Reporting Council and the
disclosure of carbon emissions by the Carbon Disclosure
Project. Sector and trade bodies have the opportunity to
demonstrate leadership to assist this process by working
closely with regulators and governments to improve the
quality and value of reporting.
    The proposed introduction of mandatory carbon
reporting for UK companies listed on the main exchange
should also lead to greater transparency and comparability
in reporting. Whilst there is a concern that this may add
to the reporting burden, the move towards mandatory
carbon reporting was wholeheartedly backed by business
during the recent Government consultation process.
    The argument is that companies, investors and
other stakeholders will benefit from improved
information about the risks and opportunities facing
the organisation; this should lead to better decision-
making through increased awareness of sustainability
issues. Many respondents to our survey cited the
expectations of clients and the public as being
important motivators for reporting.

                                                             Sustainable Businesses  15
As one respondent put it: “It is mainly external        community and diluting efforts to move away from
influence, customers’ expectations on our company.          a solely short-term focus on investment decision-
A lot depends on the external stakeholders and at           making. On the other hand, developments in social
times they are putting a lot of increasing pressure on      and interactive media are magnifying the potential
the business to address these sustainability issues.”       for reputational damage and may act as a catalyst
Reputation is everything and can massively affect           for change.
brand value, and this is seen as vital by many                  Effective communication of sustainability
leading companies.                                          performance can enhance reputation, but ineffective
    Other barriers to effective communication include       communication or a lack of trust can equally work
not quantifying and accounting for sustainability           in the opposite direction, particularly through social
issues in financial terms, which can result in the issues   media, where damage may be difficult to repair.
having less perceived importance to the investment

Which of the following statements best describes
your approach to sustainability reporting?

16%                                                                                                            28%
We do not publicise any information relating to                                  Sustainability information is presented in a
our organisation’s sustainability performance                                               standalone sustainability report

Sustainability information is integrated
in our internal management reports

20%                                                                                                                 20%
Sustainability information is presented                                              Sustainability information is integrated
as an independent section within the                                                   into the annual report and accounts
annual report and accounts

16  Sustainable Businesses

Sector Specific Approaches
Within sectors, as we have identified, approaches to sustainability
differed widely on a sector by sector basis.

   “ e deal with sustainability
    thoroughly; it is part of our
    business and it will only
    increase in importance.”

                                                                 Sustainable Businesses  17

Food  Beverage
Companies in the food and beverage sector are                 An independent research and analysis report
exposed to reputation and resource scarcity risks.        conducted by our Strategy and Commercial Advisory
To mitigate these risks and achieve positive brand        Team on behalf of the Food and Drinks Federation
impacts, firms are investing in sustainable supply        (FDF) identified growth opportunities and barriers
chain strategies which are less resource intensive        that companies in the sector are facing based on
and focus on building stronger relationships              extensive surveys and interviews with senior
with key suppliers.                                       management (representing c. 29% of the total
     “We deal with sustainability thoroughly;             industry by turnover value).
it is part of our business and it will only increase          One of the major future risks identified in this
in importance,” said one respondent. 32% of               report was access to raw materials exacerbated by
respondents confirmed that sustainability goals had       the growing demand from emerging markets and the
been fully embedded into their supply chain, for          extreme volatility in commodity prices. Executives
example by sourcing locally. This was the highest         regarded access to raw materials a competitive
value recorded for supply chain and is reflective         disadvantage for the UK compared to other countries
of its relative importance in this industry when          who are more self-sufficient or can access more raw
compared to the others evaluated in this study.           materials locally, compared to the UK, which remains
     In this sector, consumers have been taking a more    particularly dependent on importing certain commodities.
active interest in the sustainability of products for         One of the conclusions of the report is that in
some time and many have been the target of consumer       order to ensure food security, the UK food and drink
campaigns. This explains why communicating                industry and Government must work together. The
sustainability performance to customers was               industry must develop more resilient supply chains
identified as ‘very important’ by this sector.            (produce more with less resources while reducing the
     In terms of threats, water scarcity emerged as the   impact on the environment) while the Government
most important risk factor for this sector (identified    should facilitate greater trade liberalisation through
as such by 32% of respondents), reflective of the high    international trade negotiations.
water usage intensity levels of this industry.

18  Sustainable Businesses
Case Study:
Marks  Spencer plc
Marks  Spencer (MS) is one of the UK’s leading retailers. They have delivered
£185 million in net benefits through Plan A. An essential element has been close
collaboration across the supply chain.
    Adam Elman, Head of Delivery at Plan A, commented that CO2 emissions from
the supply chain are up to 10 times that of the company itself. “We do not have all
the answers and it makes sense to work together and learn from each other.”
    A Supplier Exchange best practices programme was launched 5 years ago
that allows best practice to be shared on a whole range of topics both on-line and
face-to-face working groups plus at an annual conference where over 1,200 suppliers
can engage with each other to discuss challenges and opportunities. This approach
engenders collaborative working to develop better working practices but suppliers
must meet sustainability standards from an environmental, social and economic
perspective that align to the company’s balanced scorecard, in effect a ‘carrot and
stick’ approach is used.

                                                                                      Sustainable Businesses  19

Freight  Logistics
For Freight  Logistics, the sustainability agenda           Looking ahead, this sector sees more efficient
(specifically low carbon transport) is having            transportation as a theme which has been strong for
a transformative impact on this industry, and it         the last three years and is likely to continue to be so.
was the shareholders who were the target group           Although 24% of respondents foresaw no change
most frequently identified as ‘very important’           in the importance of sustainability in the next year,
for sustainability performance communications.           this is because they have already taken on board the
    Whilst low carbon is a priority it is also           importance of the aspects of sustainability most
a challenge for companies in the sector because          relevant to them.
alternative fuel systems – such as electric – have yet       The need to embed sustainability was noted by
to be developed which can run vehicles for long          one respondent from the Freight and Logistics sector
periods of time.                                         who stated: “We are driving [sustainability] through
                                                         our internal environmental management system
                                                         which requires input from lots of departments
                                                         and teams.”

20  Sustainable Businesses
Case Study:                                           Case Study:
Debach Enterprises Ltd                                Deben Transport
Debach, a warehousing, logistics and                  Deben Transport provides container haulage
distribution company, has installed a                 services to multinational shipping companies.
large solar PV array at one of its depots.            The haulage sector faces increased regulatory
Another is planned. Bee Kemball, MD                   pressures to reduce carbon emissions, such
of Debach, said: “[the deal] is financially           as Euro 6, which alone can add £10,000 to
rewarding immediately and long-term,                  the cost of new vehicles. Deben attributes
giving us and our customers, operational and          the sustainability of its business model to
most importantly, environmental benefits.”            high levels of performance and reliability,
The company has a goal of becoming carbon             achieved through commitment to co-
neutral and the initiative sits alongside effective   operation and partnerships and a highly
energy monitoring and management systems              skilled workforce that is able to adapt to
and insulation. Debach plan to tackle                 changing demands.
transportation emissions next.

                                                                                     Sustainable Businesses  21

The Property  Construction sector appears to
have been more effective at embedding sustainability
goals into its Operations and Risk functions than any
of the other sectors (45% and 43% of respondents
respectively confirmed they were fully embedded).
The UK property market is highly competitive, and
firms in this sector are seeing sustainability credentials
as a way to differentiate in the market place.
     Legislation is also playing a part. One respondent
in the Property  Construction sector remarked that
sustainability is increasing in importance for their
company “because of the financial importance of
achieving cost savings and our commitment towards
using more sustainable products. We include this even
in tenders and our overall procurement process.”
     Environmental regulations were most frequently
identified (26%) as the major risk factor for this
sector. This is due to the significant volume of
environmental legislation to which the industry is
subject. “It is linked to quotas for sustainable homes
which is a national policy, basically that is by 2016
all new homes have to be constructed zero carbon,”
said one respondent.

22  Sustainable Businesses
Case Study:                                     Case Study:
Argent Group                                    Quintain
Property development company                    Quintain is an estate-leasing and urban
Argent Group strives to manage its sites        regeneration business. It tries to avoid undue
as sustainably as possible. For example,        focus on the financial bottom line through
its 67 acre development in King’s Cross,        an integrated development approach.
London, which requires £2 billion of            One Brighton contains 172 zero carbon
infrastructure works, will include a district   eco-homes, offices and community areas
heating system running off an already           that reflect sustainability principles with
existing 2MW Combined Heat and Power            a car club, rooftop allotments and recycling
system, with two similar plants to be added.    facilities. Eco-studios and apartments feature
The project included an Energy Centre           highly energy-efficient lights, appliances and
on site, and working closely with English       fittings. Sky gardens on every level provide
Heritage ensured a listed building was          communal space. All energy is supplied
refurbished to their requirements.              from renewable sources, achieving a 95%
     In a totally different kind of project –   reduction in CO2 emissions.
an open-cast coal mine and land reclamation          Elsewhere, Quintain’s student
scheme near Merthyr Tydfil – Argent is          accommodation block in Hoxton, London,
remediating the environmental impact of         has been fitted with LED lighting, CHP
coal extraction, and providing much-needed      for heating and hot water, individual flat
employment, by restoring the land and           sub-metering, a central energy management
its former biodiversity. This involves the      system, a green roof and a bat box. The
removal of three toxic tips and preserving      social element of sustainability is addressed
a community of Great Crested Newts,             through the provision of ample, communal,
an endangered species.                          social and study space and facilities, which
                                                encourages students from a range of
                                                disciplines and countries to mix. Quintain
                                                has supported local businesses by facilitating
                                                them giving discounts to residents.

                                                                                Sustainable Businesses  23

Higher Education
In Higher Education, 53% of respondents saw
a significant increase in the importance of this topic
over the next year. This appears to be in part due
to the relatively recent appearance of sustainability
on the policy agenda in this sector. There are a
number of drivers, which include: rising energy costs,
government targets, competition within the sector and
greater expectations by stakeholders of institutions
to perform on social responsibility.
     “I see a significant increase in the importance
of sustainability due to the cost of utilities, indirect
cost associated with sustainability like waste and
packaging waste, procurement, cost of transport,
increase in fuel charge, fuel duty, aviation taxes,
all of it,” said one respondent.
     Carbon regulations were identified as the most
significant risk factor for this sector, by 39% of
respondents. At the same time, energy prices were
also reported as the most significant risk by 32%
of respondents. Higher Education bodies are
mandated to produce carbon management plans
by their funding body, the HEFCE. “Our Carbon
Management Plan, and the university’s long-term plan
as well as government policies will mean significant
increase in sustainability,” said one respondent.
     In terms of communicating performance,
policymakers were the group identified most
frequently as a ‘very important’ target for messages.

24  Sustainable Businesses
Case Study:                                    Case Study:
Downing College,                               University of
Cambridge                                      Southampton
With savings in fuel consumption of 14.4%      The University’s award winning Combined
gas and 11.4% electricity, cost reductions     Heat and Power facility connects to a district
are over £45,000pa and carbon emissions        heating network on its Highfield campus,
over 300 tonnes CO2e. As a result Downing      using heat normally wasted in generating
became the first Oxbridge college to achieve   plant to meet over half of the heating
Carbon Trust Certification. Success has        demand, thus reducing the need
been achieved with a range of methods          for conventional boilers. The £3.5 million
addressing the specific challenges of          initiative was largely funded by the
sustainably refurbishing a 200 year old        University, supplemented by an £800,000
building. Solutions included hiding solar      Government grant. Over £1 million of this
panels on roofspaces, insulation in attics,    was spent on reducing the heat demand of
and double glazing in listed Georgian sash     existing buildings, and with a web-based
windows. In addition rainwater harvesting,     metering system allowing close monitoring
an electric vehicle charging point and         of running costs, a six-figure operating profit
a ground source heat pump for its new          was achieved with a saving of 4,000 tonnes of
£8 million Howard Theatre, has already         CO2e. Other benefits of the scheme include
delivered up to 40% savings. Funding           increased property value and a contribution
is assessed on a ‘spend to save’ basis,        to satisfying planning requirements on
recognising that some returns may be           subsequent building projects. Southampton
over the long-term.                            University is passing on its experience to
                                               other organisations, with keen interest
                                               shown by private businesses, as well as
                                               the education sector.

                                                                                Sustainable Businesses  25

Local Authorities
Local Authorities already see sustainability performance        The primary audience for communication of their
as an integral part of their organisational performance,   performance for Local Authorities is almost always
for example with respect to the Carbon Reduction           the residents of their boroughs. “The council’s role
Commitment; many have signed up to the Nottingham          is to serve the general public, sustainability goals lead
Declaration on climate change and its successor, Climate   to improving their climate security, energy bills,
Local, and, going back further, were involved in the       health etc.,” said one respondent.
post-1992 Rio Earth Summit Local Agenda 21 project.
    This is the only sector where any respondents
suggested the importance of sustainable development
may reduce; 24% also foresaw no change in the next
year. This was identified as being down to depressed
budgets, where spending on sustainability becomes
tougher to justify (though it should be noted that some
more imaginative respondents used the challenging
economic environment as a driver for continued
investment, due to the expected cost savings).
    As one respondent here put it: “In the short-term,
financial benefits and increased awareness will
increase the importance of sustainability. New
projects are bringing attention to it; successes mean
there has been positive attention on what we’re
doing on sustainability. This will create support
for maintaining sustainability in the long-term.”
    Here again, carbon regulations were identified
as the most significant risk factor in 44% of cases.
Most authorities are subject to the CRC, but ongoing
uncertainty around the final shape of this scheme
creates a risk for these organisations.

26  Sustainable Businesses
Case Study:                                       Case Study:
Wychavon                                          Haringey
District Council                                  Borough Council
‘Intelligently Green’                             Haringey have committed to a 40% CO2
                                                  reduction from its corporate estate by 2015.
The Intelligently Green Plan provides the
                                                  The Sustainable Investment Fund (SIF)
blueprint for Wychavon from 2012-2020
                                                  is a £1.5 million, ring-fenced fund
with practical actions to cut energy use,
                                                  supplementing Business Unit budgets
tackle fuel poverty and reduce reliance
                                                  ensuring that installations and works are not
on fossil fuels.
                                                  simply replaced, but completely upgraded
     It covers energy, construction, transport,
                                                  mainstreaming whole-life costing by
food, tourism and green space. The plan
                                                  removing the ‘price premium’ and focusing
contains a range of new commitments
                                                  on the combined costs of price, operations
including developing an Intelligently Green
                                                  and disposal. Several projects have been
Award scheme, reviewing cycle provision
                                                  completed on the strength of the swift
at train stations and major bus interchanges,
                                                  return on investment through energy
promoting examples of sustainable
                                                  savings. The scheme can also be used to
construction, working with farmers and
                                                  finance entire projects requiring significant
growers on water supply issues and making
                                                  capital investment, with an investment return
it easier for business parks to install green
                                                  of less than five years through energy cost
technologies. Wychavon will be promoting
                                                  reduction. The Council benefits from CO2
the Green Deal programme and currently
                                                  reductions immediately.
offers free loft and cavity wall insulation to
                                                       Arguably the most successful project to
all owner occupiers or residents privately
                                                  date has been a new ‘regenerative filtration’
renting their home.
                                                  system based on fired volcanic glass material
     “Being intelligently green is about things
                                                  for the swimming pool at Tottenham Leisure
that not only have a positive impact on the
                                                  Centre, saving 106 tonnes of CO2 emissions
environment, but also bring financial or
                                                  and almost £7,000 in water charges per year.
community benefits.”
                                                  The pool was the first in England to have the
                                                  new system installed.

                                                                                 Sustainable Businesses  27

For the Healthcare sector, it is the general public
as well as policymakers who are the key driver and
target for communication. “Being a Trust there is a
constant need to ensure that we provide sustainable
services to our local people and community. This has
to be done to ensure a sustainable future for our
hospitals,” said one respondent.
    However, because of the pressure on the NHS
to save money, this makes it harder for some Trusts
to make the initial investments that may be required
to make long-term, sustainable savings. When asked
about barriers to action, one respondent commented:
“Top of the list is money, then second is the necessary
will of the organisation itself. We need to get to grips
with the fact that a lot of sustainability is becoming
mandatory. The NHS needs a culture change.”
Another agreed with this: “We only get so much
allocation each year for capital projects – there are
limits. Possibly this will improve but it depends
on pressures from above. I’m not sure if it’s being
taken seriously enough. We struggle to get financial
backing, which indicates that it’s just not being taken
seriously by management.”
    Overall, pressure on finances is key; as another
respondent said “We should make sure that we save
money, as we are the NHS!”

28  Sustainable Businesses
“ eing a Trust there is a constant need to ensure
 that we provide sustainable services to our local
 people and community.”

                                              Sustainable Businesses  29

This survey reveals that sustainability                        The supply chain impact is also evident and one
is an integral part of the strategic fabric                that larger corporates and small to medium sized
                                                           companies need to take note of. Up to one in three
of the ‘middle tier’ of organisations in the
                                                           of respondents confirmed that sustainability goals
UK. Sustainability is no longer a luxury;
                                                           had been fully embedded into their supply chain,
many different forces are compelling                       for example by sourcing locally. This has greater
businesses and other organisations to                      prominence in retail markets where consumers
revolutionise and recalibrate their                        traditionally take a more active interest in the
operations in a more sustainable fashion.                  sustainability of products, many of which have
Organisations failing to understand the                    been the target of consumer campaigns.
impact of this on their organisational                         However, embedding sustainability into the
performance risk being left behind by                      business model, making it ‘business as usual’, remains
                                                           a work in progress. Responsibilities and incentives
their peers. As one respondent put it:
                                                           vary and a common framework for articulating
“Market demand means that ignoring
                                                           sustainability practices has yet to emerge. The primary
sustainability is not an option.”                          risks and drivers for sustainability approaches vary
                                                           widely, and not just on a sector by sector basis.
The survey showed that 9 out of 10 respondents
                                                               Sustainability looks set to become a core element
see sustainability performance as either ‘very
                                                           of the business model as regulations increase and
important’ or ‘important’ to the overall success of
                                                           the availability of resources presents new challenges.
their organisation and many of them have already
                                                           Organisations, both public and private, that are able
begun integrating sustainable development into their
                                                           to innovate and adopt sustainable practices should
daily work practices. This is a trend that will grow
                                                           stand to gain an advantage in their marketplace.
in importance over the next five years. A combination
of factors emerge, such as rising energy costs, increase
                                                           Nathan Goode
in compliance and government targets, competition          Head of Energy, Environment and Sustainability
within the sector and a commitment to social               Grant Thornton UK LLP
responsibility. As one respondent puts it “we deal
with sustainability thoroughly; it is part of our
business and it will only increase in importance.”

      “ esponsibilities and incentives vary and a
       common framework for articulating sustainability
       practices has yet to emerge.”

30  Sustainable Businesses
Sustainable Businesses  31

32  Sustainable Businesses
Contact us
For further information on this report and its findings please contact:

Jane Stevensen                                            Mike Reid
Director, Sustainability                                  Associate Director, Sustainability
T 020 7728 3046                                           T 0131 659 8503
E                                E

Nathan Goode
Partner, Head of Energy,
Environment and Sustainability
T (Edinburgh) 0131 659 8513
T (London) 020 7728 2513

                                                                                           Sustainable Businesses 33
© 2012 Grant Thornton UK LLP, All rights reserved.

‘Grant Thornton’ means Grant Thornton UK LLP, a limited
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Grant Thornton is a member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd
(Grant Thornton International). References to ‘Grant Thornton’ are to the
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This publication has been prepared only as a guide.
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Sustainable Businesses

  • 1. Sustainable Businesses Navigating towards a more sustainable future
  • 2. Contents Introduction – Nathan Goode 2 Strategy & Risk Management 4 Implementation: Governance & Embedding Sustainability 8 Sustainability Reporting 13 Sector Specific Approaches 17 Food & Beverage 18 Freight & Logistics 20 Property & Construction 22 Higher Education 24 Local Authorities 26 Healthcare 28 Conclusion – Nathan Goode 30 Contact us 33
  • 3. Foreword “ ustainability is one S of the buzz words of the moment. But what does it really mean for business? Global and large quoted corporations increasingly see sustainability issues as important to their business model.” Nathan Goode Head of Energy, Environment and Sustainability Grant Thornton UK LLP Sustainable Businesses  1
  • 4. Introduction Whilst global and large quoted corporations’ public profile provides an obvious rationale for incorporating sustainability issues into the way they operate, what about the rest of the business world? What about nationally or regionally based where they draw resources? Do they draw an explicit organisations, or companies that are part of global link between these issues and their own profitability supply chains, operating business-to-business and competitiveness? Can and should the principles or competing in specialised markets? Do these of sustainability be universally part of an organisation’s organisations need to plan for sustainability amidst DNA, embedded in its business model, and given competition and cost pressures on all sides? equivalent value to the financial bottom line? Sustainability can be tricky to define in a way that satisfies everyone. Sustainability involves both “What are the threats and opportunities coming planning for the long-term, seeing the linkages out of global shifts in resource use and patterns, between all of the influencing factors – and greater awareness of the corporate footprint understanding that the relationships between an in general and changing government regulation organisation and its environment (in the broadest around areas such as carbon emissions, waste sense) are both dynamic and interactive. Sustainability management and renewable energy?” is fundamentally linked to an organisation’s use of resources and the waste outputs that it produces. At Grant Thornton, we sensed that business We can see the leadership from global corporates models are starting to respond to these challenges, and understand the rationale, but at Grant Thornton and not just amongst the global multinationals. we wanted to know whether these approaches were But we wanted to test this presumption, see if starting to spread into the wider economy. And if we could identify a trend and, if so, assess how they were, how those organisations were thinking widespread and how deep it was. about the cost of resources: were they focused on So we commissioned independent analyst firm today’s cost model or looking forward to a world Verdantix to undertake an independent, anonymised where basic commodities such as energy, water and review with 200 senior executives across the private minerals show themselves to be volatile, costly, finite and public sector in the UK, choosing the types and scarce? And how important for their own future of organisation we work with on a day to day basis: do these organisations think the impact is on the ‘mid-tier’ businesses broadly in the £250 million – communities they serve, where they operate and £1 billion turnover range, who are key to the 2  Sustainable Businesses
  • 5. “ ustainability is fundamentally linked to an S organisation’s use of resources and the waste outputs that it produces.” country’s future economic growth, in sectors which should in theory be amongst the first to be affected by sustainability issues: Food Beverage, Freight Logistics, Higher Education, Property Construction and the Public Sector, concentrating on Health and Local Authorities. We want to look at the challenges these organisations face in developing a long-term, sustainable business model and ask: what is the business case for sustainability? What are the threats and opportunities coming out of global shifts in resource use and patterns, greater awareness of the corporate footprint in general and changing government regulation around areas such as carbon emissions, waste management and renewable energy? This report addresses sustainability in the following key areas: • Strategy and risk management • Governance arrangements • Embedding sustainability • Reporting sustainability The organisations we surveyed had clearly begun the journey, but to a greater or lesser extent were still only part of the way there. There is still plenty more to do before sustainability becomes business as usual. Nathan Goode Head of Energy, Environment and Sustainability Grant Thornton UK LLP Sustainable Businesses  3
  • 6. Findings Strategy Risk Management Overview majority have already begun integrating sustainable The primary finding of this survey development into their daily work practices. is that sustainability is no longer the 85% of those surveyed said this trend will increase preserve of the happy few; different in importance in the next year and 94% indicated that this will be of even greater importance over forces are compelling many businesses the next five years. Sustainability therefore has and other organisations to recalibrate their a strong and growing relationship to overall operations in a more sustainable fashion. organisational behaviour. In the sectors we reviewed, something of a Strategy ‘tipping point’ seems to have been reached – those 12% of respondents were still grappling with what organisations still failing to face up to the impact of sustainability meant for their organisation, although sustainability on their organisational performance the vast majority (88%) of those interviewed were now risk being left behind by their peers. The able to articulate this. The residual 12% may be failing sustainability imperative is starting to be seen as to identify the risks and opportunities associated with a determinant of business success. sustainability, which may place them at a competitive This is illustrated by the fact that 92% of survey disadvantage. However, the overwhelming majority respondents stated that sustainability performance is of our sample had at the very least reached ‘first base’ either ‘very important’ or ‘important’ to the overall in seeing a direct relationship between sustainability success of their organisation, and that the vast and overall organisational performance. Which statement best describes your perspective 12% on what sustainability means for your organisation? Sustainability is a new concept for our organisation and we are still grappling with what it means 42% Sustainability describes the long-term viability of our organisation in the context 46% of natural resource scarcity Sustainability describes our organisation’s performance on non-financial metrics such as energy, environment and social 4  Sustainable Businesses
  • 7. “Market demand means that ignoring sustainability is not an option.” Organisation At the same time, sustainability is now seen Survey respondents were encouraged to give their as a necessary cost of doing business. “The increase own thoughts as well as answer specific questions. [in our interest in sustainability] is because of the “We are constantly trying to raise the bar every year financial importance of achieving cost savings and on our sustainability targets,” was how a respondent our commitment towards using more sustainable from the Food Beverage sector expressed their products. We include this even in tenders and our company’s attitude. As another, in the Freight overall procurement process and this will only Logistics sector, put it: “Market demand means increase,” said a respondent from the Property that ignoring sustainability is not an option.” Construction sector. Another, in the Food Why do so many organisations think the Beverage said “It will be more and more important significance of sustainability will increase in the to find out how to source our raw materials in future? There appears to be a combination of factors, a sustainable way and then strive to improve such as rising energy costs, government targets, and increase efficiency.” competition within the sector and a commitment There was a high level of confidence amongst to social responsibility. Each organisation will interviewees that sustainability was a part of the rank these factors differently according to their organisation’s strategic planning. A substantial own circumstances. However, short-term financial majority said their organisations had fully or partly constraints, especially in the public sector, are included sustainability into the following areas: affecting the kinds of sustainability initiatives • Long-term strategy (89%) that are being undertaken. • Core values (81%) Clearly ones with immediate cost benefits are • Mission statement (79%) more attractive. “I see a significant increase in the • Vision statement (79%) importance of sustainability due to the cost of • Financial objectives (70%) utilities, indirect cost associated with sustainability Awareness of the issue, therefore, was the norm like waste and packaging, procurement, cost of amongst our interviewees. The next question is how transport, increase in fuel charge, fuel duty, aviation this is reflected in everyday business practice. taxes, all of it,” was one comment from a Higher Education respondent. Sustainable Businesses  5
  • 8. “ limate change will impact on Healthcare and C so we need to mitigate this. The Department of Health has carbon reduction targets. We’re very much looking to beat them.” Risk Management the highest business risks, but wouldn’t be surprised We wanted to know how organisations assessed to see more fundamental economic considerations the key risks associated with sustainability and set starting to come to the fore in future surveys. performance targets against them. The survey listed Perhaps one conclusion from these results is that seven risk areas. These were: people are not necessarily distinguishing the concept • Carbon regulations of risk (which is about volatility and unpredictability • Energy prices in forward planning) from simply articulating current • Environmental regulations business concerns. In some cases, limited datasets • Water scarcity or technical experience to undertake an effective • Commodity prices evaluation may also be playing a part, particularly • Extreme weather where these issues are relatively new to a sector. • Substitution risk from more sustainable products When the analysis is broken down, some sectors The responses showed a real mix of concerns, with gave more of a preponderance to carbon regulations no single dominant risk area, indicating that carbon than others. Carbon regulations were identified as the regulations were identified as the ‘most important’ most important risk factor by 60% of respondents in sustainability risk factor for an organisation’s the Mining Extractive sector (and energy prices performance in over a quarter (27%) of cases, and by 40%), by Local Authorities in 44% of cases, energy prices by one fifth (20%) of respondents. and by 39% of respondents in Higher Education “Climate change will impact on healthcare and (and energy prices by 32%). so we need to mitigate this. The Department of 168 Local Authorities in the UK are subject Health has carbon reduction targets. We’re very to the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme which may much looking to beat them,” said one Healthcare be driving the responses here, but it is a relatively sector respondent. predictable business cost rather than a risk, and it It is important to stress that this survey is a is also likely that public sector responses reflected snapshot, taken at a particular point in time. We can wider concerns and aligned with current public see the rationale for identifying regulatory drivers as policy agendas. 6  Sustainable Businesses
  • 9. On average across all sectors, the second Substitution risks from competitive, more biggest risk after carbon was energy prices (20%). sustainable products were considered the least Environmental regulations (17%), water scarcity important risk by 19% of respondents. This kind of (16%) and commodity prices (10%) followed. At ‘disruptive’ market intervention can have profound the other end of the scale, 25% thought that extreme consequences, especially in fast-moving technology weather events were the least important risk, which fields, but it is likely that in the sectors we chose, is interesting given this year’s widespread flooding this risk was not considered particularly relevant incidents and other extreme events globally. to the business model. To what extent has your organisation’s leadership In the next two years, how significant will the following included sustainability in the following? risks be to your organisation’s performance? % % 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 Long-term strategy Core values Mission statement Vision statement Financial objectives Carbon regulations Energy prices regulations Environmental Water scarcity Commodity prices Extreme weather more sustainable products Substitution risk from Fully included Partially included Not included Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 – Most important Sustainable Businesses  7
  • 10. Findings Implementation: Governance Embedding Sustainability Overview competitive market? And how can you tell the Awareness is one thing, but translating difference between superficial box-ticking and this into meaningful and effective action genuine action? is a different matter. Leaders wishing Often environmental compliance requirements affecting a company’s ‘licence to operate’ is the entry to implement change face plenty point for sustainability in the operational areas of a of challenges. business. However, to move from this to ‘embedding’ sustainability so that it becomes a core part of the Is there resistance to change and, if so, where does business model is a major step. Often resources it lie? What strategies are available to overcome it? and money are the barriers to action, but also lack Does there have to be a crisis to drive change, or of clarity about what sustainability initiatives can can there be evolution during periods of stability? and should achieve. If sustainability is treated How is change best institutionalised? How does predominantly as an ‘environmental’ issue, an organisation implement sustainability goals rather than also as an economic and social issue, while surviving in a potentially conflicting embedding could be harder. Who is accountable for performance against 2% 2% sustainability goals in your organisation? CEO 4% Sustainability Director 4% Other 4% Vice Chancellor Environment/Energy Director 5% Head of Council 7% 40% COO Managing Director CFO Facilities/Estates Director 10% 20% 8  Sustainable Businesses
  • 11. Governance critical finding – not only do successful organisations Ascertaining who has designated leadership for have the strategy for addressing and incorporating sustainability, together with which departments sustainability throughout the business mix, but of the organisation are involved was revealing. designated responsibility goes to the top. Questions targeted on accountability and Where a board has committed the time and effort responsibility generated some very interesting to establish such a position, it is a highly positive sign results. In order to surmount barriers to embedding that sustainability has been acknowledged as key sustainability, it is clear that leadership is crucial. to overall business performance and requires its With a strong and consistent message from own management. the top of an organisation sustainability can be The range of job titles in this response suggests communicated as something that simply has to be a diversity of approaches, however. Organisations done. “The CEO made it very clear that... addressing need to implement as well as strategise and it is sustainability issues are necessary for the growth interesting to see that in only 7% of cases the Chief of our organisation,” was how one respondent in Financial Officer or the Chief Operational Officer is the Food Beverage sector put it. accountable for attaining sustainability goals, despite The survey showed the CEO or equivalent the survey showing that sustainability is enshrined was accountable for sustainability performance ‘partially’ or ‘fully’ in 70% of organisations’ financial in nearly half of the organisations questioned. targets. Yet the economic case for sustainability is 47% of respondents reported that the CEO already very important and becoming more so. or Vice Chancellor (the equivalent of a CEO in “In the short-term, financial benefits and increased Higher Education) was the individual accountable awareness will increase the importance of for performance against sustainability goals. sustainability,” one respondent from the A further 20% identified the Sustainability Director Local Authorities sector commented. as responsible. With other board-level categories there was a clear 80% where sustainability was led from the ‘top table’ of the organisation. This is a Sustainable Businesses  9
  • 12. “ ustainability goals were described S as ‘fully embedded’ in any department in no more than a third of respondents.” Embedding Sustainability in adopting sustainable business practices, either fully Sustainability goals are not always embedded or in part, with under 60% of respondents in these consistently throughout all branches of an operation. two specialisms reporting that sustainability was either They must cascade down through every department, fully or partially embedded. Many organisations have or there is the risk of a disconnect between high-level started the journey towards embedding sustainability strategy and organisational reality. and to measure where each organisation was on this In our review, sustainability performance metrics journey would require more detailed analysis. were least noticeable in financial management and The uncertainty may be because many product development compared to energy and departments still consider sustainability as just an environmental management functions. It is clear environmental issue. In Sales for example, where that the stage of embedding sustainability is where targets are financially driven, non-financial metrics are many organisations still have much to do. considered to be less important, unless they are seen as In leading organisations and businesses, by having a direct impact – for example where businesses contrast sustainability is fully embedded throughout need to meet certain environmental requirements in the core strategy, and is seen as a driver of growth order to win contracts. and innovation. For the SME’s reviewed in this research, sustainability goals were described as ‘fully Less than 60% of respondents reported that embedded’ in any department in no more than a third sustainability goals had been ‘fully embedded’ of respondents. This highest response rate at 33% was or ‘partially embedded’ within HR and Sales. Operations – the lowest, at 14% was Sales, with the others falling between these extremes. The scores go up when ‘fully embedded’ and ‘partially embedded’ are combined, but the results show clearly that HR and Sales are lagging well behind 10  Sustainable Businesses
  • 13. The power of sustainable business practice is To what extent are sustainability goals recognised as a potent motivator for behavioural embedded in the following functions? change. When the SME’s in this survey were % asked whether there were plans to incentivise 100 the incorporation of sustainability into employee 90 behaviour, responses indicated limited consideration of possible interventions. Only 13% said that they 80 planned to fully embed employee recognition for 70 improving sustainability into their strategy. This was ‘employee recognition’ in a non-financial sense – 60 we asked separately about bonuses and pay rises. 50 The figure rose to 51% to include ‘partial embedding’, but again what this means in practice is a moot point. 40 Employee recognition was the most popular of all suggested strategies. Giving bonuses to executives was 30 the next most popular choice (9% fully embedded) 20 with general employee pay rises or bonuses the lowest (3% fully embedded). 10 0 Operations Risk Finance RD IT Supply chain HR Sales Fully embedded Partially embedded Not embedded Don’t know Sustainable Businesses  11
  • 14. There is a majority recognition that different Leading companies which have already investment criteria should apply to sustainability successfully integrated sustainability throughout projects. 67% of respondents identified longer payback their organisation all report that they have some periods as being allowable for sustainability projects form of recognition for behaviour change embedded and 53% included non-financial social and in their operations. When sustainability metrics environmental information in the assessment process. directly affect financial performance and therefore 48% had reached the stage of monetising these criteria, the reward that people derive from their work within while only 15% did not include social and environmental the organisation, they can become truly embedded. information in the process. This seems like a strong platform to build on. No doubt different metrics are inconsistently reported in organisations’ sustainability reports and wide disparities exist between the quality, quantity and types of information represented, but a process at least appears to be underway. How does your organisation account for sustainability in its capital investment appraisal processes? Longer payback periods are considered for sustainable projects Non-financial environmental and social information is included in the assessment process 67% Environmental and social information is not included in the assessment process 53% 48% All environmental and social costs and benefits must be monetised for 5% consideration in the appraisal process 15% Don’t know 12  Sustainable Businesses
  • 15. Findings Sustainability Reporting Sustainability information was reported At the top of the list of reported metrics was either internally and/or externally in over Waste Management (fully included by 56%), followed by Environmental Management (51%). 80% of organisations surveyed. Just 16% Energy Management came third at 50%. did not publicise any information related This probably reflects the length of time that to their sustainability performance. waste and environmental (pollution) legislation has been in force (up to thirty years in some cases), during But exactly what they are reporting varies widely. which time it has become almost a standard concern. Of those who do report, 46% see ‘sustainability’ In particular, the Landfill Directive has begun driving as their organisation’s performance on non-financial increasing recycling, waste minimisation and resource metrics such as energy, environment and social. efficiency, with material effects on the bottom line. Almost as many, 42%, see it as the long-term “We have to nearly double our recycling rates viability of their organisation in the context of from 28% to 40% by 2014,” said one respondent natural resource scarcity. from the Local Authority sector. Either way, this suggests that sustainability Water Management has been creeping up the reporting can provide a way of systematically agenda (fully included in 46% of reports) due and quantitatively measuring management quality. to compulsory water metering and rising costs. However, the fact that Waste and Environmental Management came top of the reporting list suggests there isn’t necessarily a strong correlation between the responses on external sustainability risks (carbon, energy etc.) and what gets reported on. It is likely that what gets measured tends to be linked to what is required for compliance purposes. Yet it is important that organisations measure, manage and disclose the full range of factors that help it to create and preserve value. Sustainable Businesses  13
  • 16. “ ector and trade bodies have the opportunity to S demonstrate leadership to assist this process by working closely with regulators and governments to improve the quality and value of reporting.” Boards take a variety of approaches to presenting Communications (20%) or the CEO (37%) or the sustainability data. 28% present it as a standalone Head of Sustainability (42%). report. A further 40% either integrate it or present External validation of sustainability information it as a separate section in the annual report. 16% was not widespread in this group. Only one third just include it in their internal reports and 16% do of sustainability information was subject to any form not report on it at all. It is probably fair to say that of assurance. sustainability is not yet seen as having a direct impact Yet, despite there being no regulatory on financial results – only 7% of those surveyed requirement, many organisations are reporting. consider the CFO/FD responsible for deciding Many other countries, such as South Africa, France how to present sustainability information. This and parts of Scandinavia, have statutory obligations was significantly less than the Head of Corporate for sustainability reporting. To what extent does your organisation include sustainability performance metrics in the following areas? Fully included Partially included Not included Don’t know Waste management 56% 37% 2% 4% Environmental 51% 42% 5% 1% management Energy management 50% 42% 6% 2% Water management 46% 45% 6% 4% Facilities management 34% 45% 17% 4% Procurement 29% 51% 17% 4% Travel and logistics 26% 45% 22% 7% Financial management 21% 50% 22% 7% Product development 13% 39% 32% 16% 14  Sustainable Businesses
  • 17. Businesses that have incorporated sustainability in their reporting processes tend to adopt independent benchmarking according to recognised standards. This helps organisations avoid accusations of ‘greenwashing’. Independent assurance is possible using AA1000AS (2008), the Carbon Trust’s GHG Protocol Product Standard, GRI (G3) guidelines, and ISO26000, for example. There are new initiatives to improve corporate reporting such as the development of an integrated reporting framework by the International Integrated Reporting Council and the disclosure of carbon emissions by the Carbon Disclosure Project. Sector and trade bodies have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership to assist this process by working closely with regulators and governments to improve the quality and value of reporting. The proposed introduction of mandatory carbon reporting for UK companies listed on the main exchange should also lead to greater transparency and comparability in reporting. Whilst there is a concern that this may add to the reporting burden, the move towards mandatory carbon reporting was wholeheartedly backed by business during the recent Government consultation process. The argument is that companies, investors and other stakeholders will benefit from improved information about the risks and opportunities facing the organisation; this should lead to better decision- making through increased awareness of sustainability issues. Many respondents to our survey cited the expectations of clients and the public as being important motivators for reporting. Sustainable Businesses  15
  • 18. As one respondent put it: “It is mainly external community and diluting efforts to move away from influence, customers’ expectations on our company. a solely short-term focus on investment decision- A lot depends on the external stakeholders and at making. On the other hand, developments in social times they are putting a lot of increasing pressure on and interactive media are magnifying the potential the business to address these sustainability issues.” for reputational damage and may act as a catalyst Reputation is everything and can massively affect for change. brand value, and this is seen as vital by many Effective communication of sustainability leading companies. performance can enhance reputation, but ineffective Other barriers to effective communication include communication or a lack of trust can equally work not quantifying and accounting for sustainability in the opposite direction, particularly through social issues in financial terms, which can result in the issues media, where damage may be difficult to repair. having less perceived importance to the investment Which of the following statements best describes your approach to sustainability reporting? 16% 28% We do not publicise any information relating to Sustainability information is presented in a our organisation’s sustainability performance standalone sustainability report 16% Sustainability information is integrated in our internal management reports 20% 20% Sustainability information is presented Sustainability information is integrated as an independent section within the into the annual report and accounts annual report and accounts 16  Sustainable Businesses
  • 19. Sector Sector Specific Approaches Within sectors, as we have identified, approaches to sustainability differed widely on a sector by sector basis. “ e deal with sustainability W thoroughly; it is part of our business and it will only increase in importance.” Sustainable Businesses  17
  • 20. Sector Food Beverage Companies in the food and beverage sector are An independent research and analysis report exposed to reputation and resource scarcity risks. conducted by our Strategy and Commercial Advisory To mitigate these risks and achieve positive brand Team on behalf of the Food and Drinks Federation impacts, firms are investing in sustainable supply (FDF) identified growth opportunities and barriers chain strategies which are less resource intensive that companies in the sector are facing based on and focus on building stronger relationships extensive surveys and interviews with senior with key suppliers. management (representing c. 29% of the total “We deal with sustainability thoroughly; industry by turnover value). it is part of our business and it will only increase One of the major future risks identified in this in importance,” said one respondent. 32% of report was access to raw materials exacerbated by respondents confirmed that sustainability goals had the growing demand from emerging markets and the been fully embedded into their supply chain, for extreme volatility in commodity prices. Executives example by sourcing locally. This was the highest regarded access to raw materials a competitive value recorded for supply chain and is reflective disadvantage for the UK compared to other countries of its relative importance in this industry when who are more self-sufficient or can access more raw compared to the others evaluated in this study. materials locally, compared to the UK, which remains In this sector, consumers have been taking a more particularly dependent on importing certain commodities. active interest in the sustainability of products for One of the conclusions of the report is that in some time and many have been the target of consumer order to ensure food security, the UK food and drink campaigns. This explains why communicating industry and Government must work together. The sustainability performance to customers was industry must develop more resilient supply chains identified as ‘very important’ by this sector. (produce more with less resources while reducing the In terms of threats, water scarcity emerged as the impact on the environment) while the Government most important risk factor for this sector (identified should facilitate greater trade liberalisation through as such by 32% of respondents), reflective of the high international trade negotiations. water usage intensity levels of this industry. 18  Sustainable Businesses
  • 21. Case Study: Marks Spencer plc Marks Spencer (MS) is one of the UK’s leading retailers. They have delivered £185 million in net benefits through Plan A. An essential element has been close collaboration across the supply chain. Adam Elman, Head of Delivery at Plan A, commented that CO2 emissions from the supply chain are up to 10 times that of the company itself. “We do not have all the answers and it makes sense to work together and learn from each other.” A Supplier Exchange best practices programme was launched 5 years ago that allows best practice to be shared on a whole range of topics both on-line and face-to-face working groups plus at an annual conference where over 1,200 suppliers can engage with each other to discuss challenges and opportunities. This approach engenders collaborative working to develop better working practices but suppliers must meet sustainability standards from an environmental, social and economic perspective that align to the company’s balanced scorecard, in effect a ‘carrot and stick’ approach is used. Sustainable Businesses  19
  • 22. Sector Freight Logistics For Freight Logistics, the sustainability agenda Looking ahead, this sector sees more efficient (specifically low carbon transport) is having transportation as a theme which has been strong for a transformative impact on this industry, and it the last three years and is likely to continue to be so. was the shareholders who were the target group Although 24% of respondents foresaw no change most frequently identified as ‘very important’ in the importance of sustainability in the next year, for sustainability performance communications. this is because they have already taken on board the Whilst low carbon is a priority it is also importance of the aspects of sustainability most a challenge for companies in the sector because relevant to them. alternative fuel systems – such as electric – have yet The need to embed sustainability was noted by to be developed which can run vehicles for long one respondent from the Freight and Logistics sector periods of time. who stated: “We are driving [sustainability] through our internal environmental management system which requires input from lots of departments and teams.” 20  Sustainable Businesses
  • 23. Case Study: Case Study: Debach Enterprises Ltd Deben Transport Debach, a warehousing, logistics and Deben Transport provides container haulage distribution company, has installed a services to multinational shipping companies. large solar PV array at one of its depots. The haulage sector faces increased regulatory Another is planned. Bee Kemball, MD pressures to reduce carbon emissions, such of Debach, said: “[the deal] is financially as Euro 6, which alone can add £10,000 to rewarding immediately and long-term, the cost of new vehicles. Deben attributes giving us and our customers, operational and the sustainability of its business model to most importantly, environmental benefits.” high levels of performance and reliability, The company has a goal of becoming carbon achieved through commitment to co- neutral and the initiative sits alongside effective operation and partnerships and a highly energy monitoring and management systems skilled workforce that is able to adapt to and insulation. Debach plan to tackle changing demands. transportation emissions next. Sustainable Businesses  21
  • 24. Sector Property Construction The Property Construction sector appears to have been more effective at embedding sustainability goals into its Operations and Risk functions than any of the other sectors (45% and 43% of respondents respectively confirmed they were fully embedded). The UK property market is highly competitive, and firms in this sector are seeing sustainability credentials as a way to differentiate in the market place. Legislation is also playing a part. One respondent in the Property Construction sector remarked that sustainability is increasing in importance for their company “because of the financial importance of achieving cost savings and our commitment towards using more sustainable products. We include this even in tenders and our overall procurement process.” Environmental regulations were most frequently identified (26%) as the major risk factor for this sector. This is due to the significant volume of environmental legislation to which the industry is subject. “It is linked to quotas for sustainable homes which is a national policy, basically that is by 2016 all new homes have to be constructed zero carbon,” said one respondent. 22  Sustainable Businesses
  • 25. Case Study: Case Study: Argent Group Quintain Property development company Quintain is an estate-leasing and urban Argent Group strives to manage its sites regeneration business. It tries to avoid undue as sustainably as possible. For example, focus on the financial bottom line through its 67 acre development in King’s Cross, an integrated development approach. London, which requires £2 billion of One Brighton contains 172 zero carbon infrastructure works, will include a district eco-homes, offices and community areas heating system running off an already that reflect sustainability principles with existing 2MW Combined Heat and Power a car club, rooftop allotments and recycling system, with two similar plants to be added. facilities. Eco-studios and apartments feature The project included an Energy Centre highly energy-efficient lights, appliances and on site, and working closely with English fittings. Sky gardens on every level provide Heritage ensured a listed building was communal space. All energy is supplied refurbished to their requirements. from renewable sources, achieving a 95% In a totally different kind of project – reduction in CO2 emissions. an open-cast coal mine and land reclamation Elsewhere, Quintain’s student scheme near Merthyr Tydfil – Argent is accommodation block in Hoxton, London, remediating the environmental impact of has been fitted with LED lighting, CHP coal extraction, and providing much-needed for heating and hot water, individual flat employment, by restoring the land and sub-metering, a central energy management its former biodiversity. This involves the system, a green roof and a bat box. The removal of three toxic tips and preserving social element of sustainability is addressed a community of Great Crested Newts, through the provision of ample, communal, an endangered species. social and study space and facilities, which encourages students from a range of disciplines and countries to mix. Quintain has supported local businesses by facilitating them giving discounts to residents. Sustainable Businesses  23
  • 26. Sector Higher Education In Higher Education, 53% of respondents saw a significant increase in the importance of this topic over the next year. This appears to be in part due to the relatively recent appearance of sustainability on the policy agenda in this sector. There are a number of drivers, which include: rising energy costs, government targets, competition within the sector and greater expectations by stakeholders of institutions to perform on social responsibility. “I see a significant increase in the importance of sustainability due to the cost of utilities, indirect cost associated with sustainability like waste and packaging waste, procurement, cost of transport, increase in fuel charge, fuel duty, aviation taxes, all of it,” said one respondent. Carbon regulations were identified as the most significant risk factor for this sector, by 39% of respondents. At the same time, energy prices were also reported as the most significant risk by 32% of respondents. Higher Education bodies are mandated to produce carbon management plans by their funding body, the HEFCE. “Our Carbon Management Plan, and the university’s long-term plan as well as government policies will mean significant increase in sustainability,” said one respondent. In terms of communicating performance, policymakers were the group identified most frequently as a ‘very important’ target for messages. 24  Sustainable Businesses
  • 27. Case Study: Case Study: Downing College, University of Cambridge Southampton With savings in fuel consumption of 14.4% The University’s award winning Combined gas and 11.4% electricity, cost reductions Heat and Power facility connects to a district are over £45,000pa and carbon emissions heating network on its Highfield campus, over 300 tonnes CO2e. As a result Downing using heat normally wasted in generating became the first Oxbridge college to achieve plant to meet over half of the heating Carbon Trust Certification. Success has demand, thus reducing the need been achieved with a range of methods for conventional boilers. The £3.5 million addressing the specific challenges of initiative was largely funded by the sustainably refurbishing a 200 year old University, supplemented by an £800,000 building. Solutions included hiding solar Government grant. Over £1 million of this panels on roofspaces, insulation in attics, was spent on reducing the heat demand of and double glazing in listed Georgian sash existing buildings, and with a web-based windows. In addition rainwater harvesting, metering system allowing close monitoring an electric vehicle charging point and of running costs, a six-figure operating profit a ground source heat pump for its new was achieved with a saving of 4,000 tonnes of £8 million Howard Theatre, has already CO2e. Other benefits of the scheme include delivered up to 40% savings. Funding increased property value and a contribution is assessed on a ‘spend to save’ basis, to satisfying planning requirements on recognising that some returns may be subsequent building projects. Southampton over the long-term. University is passing on its experience to other organisations, with keen interest shown by private businesses, as well as the education sector. Sustainable Businesses  25
  • 28. Sector Local Authorities Local Authorities already see sustainability performance The primary audience for communication of their as an integral part of their organisational performance, performance for Local Authorities is almost always for example with respect to the Carbon Reduction the residents of their boroughs. “The council’s role Commitment; many have signed up to the Nottingham is to serve the general public, sustainability goals lead Declaration on climate change and its successor, Climate to improving their climate security, energy bills, Local, and, going back further, were involved in the health etc.,” said one respondent. post-1992 Rio Earth Summit Local Agenda 21 project. This is the only sector where any respondents suggested the importance of sustainable development may reduce; 24% also foresaw no change in the next year. This was identified as being down to depressed budgets, where spending on sustainability becomes tougher to justify (though it should be noted that some more imaginative respondents used the challenging economic environment as a driver for continued investment, due to the expected cost savings). As one respondent here put it: “In the short-term, financial benefits and increased awareness will increase the importance of sustainability. New projects are bringing attention to it; successes mean there has been positive attention on what we’re doing on sustainability. This will create support for maintaining sustainability in the long-term.” Here again, carbon regulations were identified as the most significant risk factor in 44% of cases. Most authorities are subject to the CRC, but ongoing uncertainty around the final shape of this scheme creates a risk for these organisations. 26  Sustainable Businesses
  • 29. Case Study: Case Study: Wychavon Haringey District Council Borough Council ‘Intelligently Green’ Haringey have committed to a 40% CO2 reduction from its corporate estate by 2015. The Intelligently Green Plan provides the The Sustainable Investment Fund (SIF) blueprint for Wychavon from 2012-2020 is a £1.5 million, ring-fenced fund with practical actions to cut energy use, supplementing Business Unit budgets tackle fuel poverty and reduce reliance ensuring that installations and works are not on fossil fuels. simply replaced, but completely upgraded It covers energy, construction, transport, mainstreaming whole-life costing by food, tourism and green space. The plan removing the ‘price premium’ and focusing contains a range of new commitments on the combined costs of price, operations including developing an Intelligently Green and disposal. Several projects have been Award scheme, reviewing cycle provision completed on the strength of the swift at train stations and major bus interchanges, return on investment through energy promoting examples of sustainable savings. The scheme can also be used to construction, working with farmers and finance entire projects requiring significant growers on water supply issues and making capital investment, with an investment return it easier for business parks to install green of less than five years through energy cost technologies. Wychavon will be promoting reduction. The Council benefits from CO2 the Green Deal programme and currently reductions immediately. offers free loft and cavity wall insulation to Arguably the most successful project to all owner occupiers or residents privately date has been a new ‘regenerative filtration’ renting their home. system based on fired volcanic glass material “Being intelligently green is about things for the swimming pool at Tottenham Leisure that not only have a positive impact on the Centre, saving 106 tonnes of CO2 emissions environment, but also bring financial or and almost £7,000 in water charges per year. community benefits.” The pool was the first in England to have the new system installed. Sustainable Businesses  27
  • 30. Sector Healthcare For the Healthcare sector, it is the general public as well as policymakers who are the key driver and target for communication. “Being a Trust there is a constant need to ensure that we provide sustainable services to our local people and community. This has to be done to ensure a sustainable future for our hospitals,” said one respondent. However, because of the pressure on the NHS to save money, this makes it harder for some Trusts to make the initial investments that may be required to make long-term, sustainable savings. When asked about barriers to action, one respondent commented: “Top of the list is money, then second is the necessary will of the organisation itself. We need to get to grips with the fact that a lot of sustainability is becoming mandatory. The NHS needs a culture change.” Another agreed with this: “We only get so much allocation each year for capital projects – there are limits. Possibly this will improve but it depends on pressures from above. I’m not sure if it’s being taken seriously enough. We struggle to get financial backing, which indicates that it’s just not being taken seriously by management.” Overall, pressure on finances is key; as another respondent said “We should make sure that we save money, as we are the NHS!” 28  Sustainable Businesses
  • 31. “ eing a Trust there is a constant need to ensure B that we provide sustainable services to our local people and community.” Sustainable Businesses  29
  • 32. Conclusion This survey reveals that sustainability The supply chain impact is also evident and one is an integral part of the strategic fabric that larger corporates and small to medium sized companies need to take note of. Up to one in three of the ‘middle tier’ of organisations in the of respondents confirmed that sustainability goals UK. Sustainability is no longer a luxury; had been fully embedded into their supply chain, many different forces are compelling for example by sourcing locally. This has greater businesses and other organisations to prominence in retail markets where consumers revolutionise and recalibrate their traditionally take a more active interest in the operations in a more sustainable fashion. sustainability of products, many of which have Organisations failing to understand the been the target of consumer campaigns. impact of this on their organisational However, embedding sustainability into the performance risk being left behind by business model, making it ‘business as usual’, remains a work in progress. Responsibilities and incentives their peers. As one respondent put it: vary and a common framework for articulating “Market demand means that ignoring sustainability practices has yet to emerge. The primary sustainability is not an option.” risks and drivers for sustainability approaches vary widely, and not just on a sector by sector basis. The survey showed that 9 out of 10 respondents Sustainability looks set to become a core element see sustainability performance as either ‘very of the business model as regulations increase and important’ or ‘important’ to the overall success of the availability of resources presents new challenges. their organisation and many of them have already Organisations, both public and private, that are able begun integrating sustainable development into their to innovate and adopt sustainable practices should daily work practices. This is a trend that will grow stand to gain an advantage in their marketplace. in importance over the next five years. A combination of factors emerge, such as rising energy costs, increase Nathan Goode in compliance and government targets, competition Head of Energy, Environment and Sustainability within the sector and a commitment to social Grant Thornton UK LLP responsibility. As one respondent puts it “we deal with sustainability thoroughly; it is part of our business and it will only increase in importance.” “ esponsibilities and incentives vary and a R common framework for articulating sustainability practices has yet to emerge.” 30  Sustainable Businesses
  • 35. Contact us For further information on this report and its findings please contact: Jane Stevensen Mike Reid Director, Sustainability Associate Director, Sustainability T 020 7728 3046 T 0131 659 8503 E E Nathan Goode Partner, Head of Energy, Environment and Sustainability T (Edinburgh) 0131 659 8513 T (London) 020 7728 2513 E Sustainable Businesses 33
  • 36. © 2012 Grant Thornton UK LLP, All rights reserved. ‘Grant Thornton’ means Grant Thornton UK LLP, a limited liability partnership. Grant Thornton is a member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd (Grant Thornton International). References to ‘Grant Thornton’ are to the brand under which the Grant Thornton member firms operate and refer to one or more member firms, as the context requires. Grant Thornton International and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered independently by member firms, which are not responsible for the services or activities of one another. Grant Thornton International does not provide services to clients. This publication has been prepared only as a guide. No responsibility can be accepted by us for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of any material in this publication.