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A Lyme & Other Tick-Borne Disease
         Survival Guide
                & Politics

     CanLyme, LAG, LDAO, ILADS, Murakami
Bulletin EVENTS:
Lyme/Walk Brampton ON, May 19th 2012 in
Chingaucousy Park on May 19, 2012 from 11
a.m.–2 p.m.

       Registration forms available at

           Mark your calendars!
LDAO Spring Meeting – Sat. May 5, 2012
               The Fireside Room
          Compass Point Bible Church
Kerns Campus, 1500 Kerns Rd., Burlington
                1:30pm - 3:30pm
             Speaker - John Scott
 Songbirds Disperse Lyme Disease Vector Ticks
               Across Canada
 John will be presenting the power point presentation
that he gave at the ILADS Conference in Toronto last
  October; based on his recently published scientific
MAY is Lyme Disease Awareness Month

               Town of Caledon
 Month of May as “Lyme Disease Awareness Month
  Thanks to the support from Patti Foley, Regional
           Councillor Ward 5 for Bolton.

May 2012 will be declared “Lyme Awareness Month”!
Lyme Action Group
Advocacy – improved public policy
Public awareness
Patient group
Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation
Federally registered charity
●   Research
●   Education
●   Diagnosis
●   Treatment
Current goal
●   Fund pathology research defining true prevalence in
A.K.A - CanLyme
Lyme Disease Association of Ontario
Support / information to Lyme patients & family
Public awareness
Conduct/publish research in scientific journals
Non-Profit Charitable Org
Next meeting in Burlington on May 5th 2012
International Lyme and Associated Diseases
• Non-profit, international, multi-disciplinary
  medical society

• Forum for health science professionals to share
  their wealth of knowledge

• Provides informational exchange amongst
  physicians who treat Lyme and other tick-borne

• Dedicated to diagnosis & appropriate treatment
  of Lyme & associated diseases
• Advocate of and strongly supports physicians &
  health care professionals engaged in such

• Research and education

Dr. E. Murakami Centre for Lyme
              Research, Education & Assistance Society

• Not-for-profit Corporation with charitable status

• Provides unbiased, double blind, peer reviewed facts
  on Lyme and Co-Infections to those who need to
  know; doctors and patients alike.

• Educates the people in the Medical Community

• Supports Lyme patients and families

• Works with governing bodies and assists in making
  permanent changes to our existing protocols for the
  diagnosis and treatment plans for Lyme in Canada.
• Dr. Murakami is a true hero for the Lyme
  community and travels across Canada to
  educate the Public, Physicians & Natural

• Dr. Murakami offers FREE advice to both
  Physicians and patients alike:

 Phone 1-604-869-992
 or by email

 Info “bite” (pun intended) - 800 species of ticks have
been described - ticks occur with their hosts throughout
                        the world
Ticks in Canada
Deer Tick A.K.A Blacklegged Tick /Ixodes Scapularis
●   Not all are infected with Borrelia
• Primary vector in Ontario
• A two-year life cycle
• Anti-freeze like compounds
    in bodies and can be found
    all year long...
    including wintertime
●   Also vector of Babesia, Ehrlichia, Bartonella
Blacklegged Tick as a Nymph; the size most likely
to infect you as you are less likely to see it
Western Blacklegged Tick Ixodes pacificus

Vector of:
• Lyme Disease
• Babesia
• Ehrlichia
• Bartonella
Lone Star Tick Amblyomma americanum
Vector of:
                                Female with
• Lyme disease also called      white spot on
  STARI or Masters‟             back

• Ehrlichia
• Q Fever
• Tick Paralysis
• Tularemia
• Bartonella

American Dog Tick Dermacentor Variabilis
 Vector of:

 • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
 • Ehrlichia
 • Tick Paralysis                          Female
 • Tularemia
 • Bartonella

Rocky Mountain Wood Tick
Dermacentor Andersoni.

  Vector of:
  • Colorado Tick Fever
  • Q Fever
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted
  • Tick Paralysis
  • Tularemia
  • Bartonella
This and Dermacentor Variabilis (2 previous
   slides) have been shown to carry Lyme but
   it is still under study as to their ability to
   pass it on to humans3.

Dermacentor ticks may attempt to feed on an infected host
(mouse, bird, etc.) enough to become infected with Lyme
but be shooed off before the feed is complete. They then
may complete their feed on a human host so it is theorized
that there may be some level of transmission to humans
by Dermacentor ticks.
Brown Dog Tick - Rhipicephalus Sanguineus

Vector of:

• Q Fever
• Bartonella

  Shown to transmit Rocky Mountain Spotted
   Fever to humans.
   Shown to carry Lyme but it is still under
   study as to their ability to pass it on to
Ixodes Angustus - a competent vector in

Ixodes dammini - it was shown to be the same
species as Ixodes scapularis in 1993.

Ixodes spinipalpis is implicated as a vector as well.

Ixodes muris has shown to be a weak vector of
Lyme disease and more research is needed.
Even soft shell ticks can transmit borreliosis to
• Ixodes spinipalpis - implicated as a vector
• Ixodes muris – shown as a weak vector of LD
• More research is needed
• Even soft shell ticks can transmit borreliosis
  to humans1 (CanLyme)

Not enough research being conducted in Canada

ANY Tick bite could be a serious
     life changing event
*Download from
                                                          New Research - 1
                                      Journal of Applied Ecology doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02112.x

 Predicting the speed of tick invasion: an
 empirical model of range expansion for the
 Lyme disease vector Ixodes scapularis in
 Canada Patrick A. Leighton1*
                         Jules K. Koffi 2 - Yann Pelcat 2
                             Nicholas H. Ogden 1,2
                               L. Robbin Lindsay3
 1 = Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Montre´ al, 3200
 Sicotte, C.P. 5000, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 7C6, Canada;
 2 = Centre for Food-borne, Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious
 Diseases, Public Health Agency of Canada, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada;
 3 = Zoonoses and Special Pathogens Division, Public Health Agency of
 Canada, National Microbiology Laboratory, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Summary Points :

•   Previously projected range increases for
    I. scapularis based on temperature
    suitability, but to what extent this is
    matched by actual tick range expansion is

     I. Scapularis - Single tick species
• Model projections suggest that
 I. scapularis range will expand c. 46 km/
 year in the coming decade, with climate
 warming expected to increase the rate of
 spread. This expansion is likely to result
 in a substantial increase in human Lyme
 disease risk, with the proportion of the
 human population of eastern Canada
 inhabiting areas with established tick
 populations increasing from 18% in 2010
 to over 80%by 2020.
• Pg.2 (excerpt) No study has sought or
provided empirical support for the
influence of either long or short
distance dispersal mechanisms on the
pattern of I. scapularis invasion

        excludes research by
         John D. Scott et al from 1994 to
         2012 & other scientific researchers
• Pg. 7 (excerpt) Establishment and
 growth of tick populations across
 southern Canada, where human
 populations are concentrated, is
 likely to result in a steep increase
 in human contact with ticks
 carrying Lyme disease and other
 tick-borne diseases.
What Is Missing?
• Not   looking at other vectors-I. scapularis
• Not looking at other hosts e.g. coyote,
  wolf, certain bird species, human
• Not looking at other means of
  transmission e.g. congenital, neonatal
  (breastfeeding), sexual, blood etc
• Relying on faulty testing to determine
  risk and partial infection rates due to
  faulty statistics based on positive tests
Where is the public and medical
society‟s education on the

“other tick-borne diseases”?
New Research - 2
                          J. Parasitol., 98(1), 2012, pp. 49–59 F American Society of Parasitologists 2012

John D. Scott, John F. Anderson*, and Lance A. Durden - Research
Division, Lyme Disease Association of Ontario, 365 St. David St.
South, Fergus, Ontario, Canada N1M 2L7. e-mail:
Summary Points:

• Tested12 known tick species and 3
 undetermined tick species

    Ixodes affinis is reported in Canada
     for the first time

    Ixodes auritulus for the initial time
     in the Yukon

• Ticks sampled from 42 bird species /
• First records of 3 tick species
  co-feeding on bird species

• New records of tick hosts; 2 bird

• The presence of B. burgdorferi in
  Ixodes larvae suggests reservoir
  competency in 9 bird species
• Study results suggest that songbirds
  infested with B. burgdorferi – infected
  ticks have the potential to start new tick
  populations endemic for Lyme disease.

• Songbirds have the propensity for short
  and long distance dispersal of attached

(Anderson and Magnarelli, 1984; Scott et al 2001; Reed et al 2003; hamer et
al 2011)
Because songbirds disperse
B. burgdorferi-infected ticks outside their anticipated
range, health-care providers are advised that people
can contract Lyme disease locally without any
history of travel
1883 – described in medical literature
1921 – speculation about blacklegged tick
1975 – outbreak in Lyme, CT
1981 – Dr. Willy Burgdorfer
         – Isolated bacteria under microscope
         – Borrelia Burgdorferi
About Spirochetes
• Over *300 different species are identified

• Lyme causing spirochetes are “Borrelia”

•   37 species of Borrelia
    spirochetes have been

• about 12 are associated with the
condition known as Lyme
disease or borreliosis (Niscigorska-
Olsen and others 2008).                “Healing Lyme” by Stephen
                                             Harrod Buhner
The Bacteria “Borrelia Burgdorferi”
Borrelia - Survival Forms:
  • Spirochete
  • Cyst / Blebs/ Biofilm
  • Cell Wall Deficient
                                           Borrelia Cyst Form

Real-time high resolution imaging (U Calgary, 2008)
Image 2 of 3 (bacteria exits blood vessel)
Image 3 of 3 (bacteria in surrounding tissue)
About Borrelia Spirochetes

• 3 main Lyme causing Borrelia
• Burgdorferi – primary to USA / Canada.
     * There are over 100 strains in the US ILADS

• Afzelii and Garinii – primary to Europe & Asia

     NOTE: ALL 3 exist on all 3 continents
         And multiple infections are common
•9+ other B species cause “Lyme-type infection” again
with numerous sub-species

• ALL grouped as “Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato”
         = in the broad sense.

•Do not like blood environment = oxygen
Like highly viscous mediums

  • collagenous tissues
  • aqueous humor of the eye
  • organs such as the brain, heart
  • synovial fluid of joints
  • the central nervous system
    (convert to cyst within 24 hr)
• Slow reproduction = doubling in 12-24hr

     Since most antibiotics kill bacteria only
      when they are dividing, this longer
      doubling time necessitates the use of
      relatively longer treatment courses for
      Lyme disease
• Can alter geno-type so offspring are
  better adapted to survive in new host

• Long life span

• Very hard to grow in laboratories; hard
  to research

• The largest DNA replicons of any known
Researchers at Rocky Mountain Laboratories where Dr.
Burgdorfer discovered B burgdorferi 2001 report:

  that it contains at least six times as many genes as
  that of Treponema pallidum, the spirochete which
  causes syphilis
• Findings of Casjens et al 2000 helped to
 explain decades of studies which have
 shown that mammals, whether human or
 animal, are unable to eradicate the
 spirochete even if their immune systems
 are completely intact

     Studies: Liang et al 2004a,
      Liang et al 2004b, Liang et al 2002,
      Seiler and Weis 1996, Dattwyler et al
How Borrelia Thrives and Persists

• Ticksaliva inactivates our complement
 system the “innate immune system”
 borrelia use this weakened defense to
 invade host

      enhanced further if host is
       already immune compromised
Lyme spirochetes determine host DNA from
tick‟s blood meal, weave the DNA into their
structure and from that DNA determine how to
alter physiologically to survive host immune
• Known as a “stealth pathogen” can exchange
surface outer protein for another, quickly and often, to
evade the immune system and pathophysiological

“B burgdorferi, the principal organism associated
with Lyme borreliosis, is one of the most complex
bacteria known to man.”
 as the immune system or antibiotics,
  recognizes & targets them
  they change

  with the same effect as a criminal
  changing appearance or clothing to
  avoid identification by police.
• Highly sensitive to tiny chemical shifts
     • Good for them – food, sugars, fats
     • Bad for them – High oxygen

 So sensitive they can sense if a tick
  feeds on a host they are present in and
  if that tick is not infected they will go
  into blood stream and quickly relocate
  to new tick bite site
Organism can burrow into and between healthy
body cells, especially in the connective tissues
of the joints, and thus evade detection and
destruction by the immune system and
• Can identify and adhere to different
 kinds of cells in host; specific ones to
 help them move to their preferred
 sites e.g. Moving to areas high in
 collagen (which they love) like joints,
 aqueous humor of the eyes, meninges
 of the brain, skin, heart tissue

• They exchange information with each
They Hide in the Lymph Nodes
Professor Nicole Baumgarth, an authority on immune responses at the UC
Davis Center for Comparative Medicine.

"At first it seems counter intuitive that an infectious
organism would choose to migrate to the lymph nodes
where it would automatically trigger an immune
response in the host animal, but B. burgdorferi have
apparently struck an intricate balance that allows the
bacteria to both provoke and elude the animal's immune
• During growth, L spirochetes shed “blebs”
     Blebs = granules of DNA plasmids

• These blebs bind circulating IgM antibodies &
  help evade immune detection

   like a plane releasing a spray of metal
   fragments to confuse radar readings.
Blebs are then taken up by different human cells

Then CD8 cells actively kill those cells

Causing speculation as to the autoimmune
aspects of Lyme borreliosis
Testing for Babesia, Anaplasma (a rickettsial
bacterium), Ehrlichia and Bartonella (other tick-
transmitted organisms) should be performed

The presence of co-infection with these organisms points
to probable infection with the Lyme spirochete as well

If these co-infections are left untreated, their continued
presence increases morbidity and prevents successful
treatment of Lyme disease
Other Transmission

Lyme spirochetes have been found in:
  • biting flies, mites, fleas and, mosquitos
  • breast milk, tears, urine, semen, vaginal

  OTHER tick-borne infections have been
  found to be transmitted via blood transfusions
“The data demonstrate that B. burgdorferi can survive the
blood processing procedures normally applied to transfused
blood in the USA. Since hematogenous spread of the
spirochete seems to occur early in the illness, primarily in
symptomatic patients, the risk of transfusion-associated
Lyme disease may be small. However, the possibility of
survival of B. burgdorferi under blood banking conditions
warrants a heightened awareness of this potential problem.”

Borrelia burgdorferi: survival in experimentally infected human blood processed for transfusion.
Meningitis and Special Pathogens Branch, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia 30333.

From biting flies (Connecticut and Germany)
From mites (Russia)

It is considered to have occurred from mosquitos
through mechanical transfer e.g. squashing a feeding
    References in “Healing Lyme”

  Safe sex is advised
New study highlights need for additional research on sex
based differences in the effects
of early Lyme disease.
Study showed
   • Numerous symptoms reported more often
     by women than men
   • Women were less likely to seroconvert on
     the antibody tests
Study suggests
   • An immunological variation in response to
     Borrelia burgdorferi between women and men

Lauren A. Crowder, M.P.H of the Lyme Disease Research Foundation, Luthervill
Dr Murakami states that men tend to
remain asymptomatic and may in fact
infected more than once
before becoming symptomatic

Keep property grass cut short
Walk in center of pathways if available
Awareness of habitat (long grass, marshes)
Established host populations e.g.
deer, birds, rodents, coyote, rabbits
"We sat on logs for only five minutes at a time, and in 30
percent of the cases, it resulted in exposure to ticks," said
Robert Lane, professor in the Division of Insect Biology
at UC Berkeley's College of Natural Resources and lead
investigator of the study. "It didn't matter if we sat on
moss or the bare surface; the ticks were all over the log
surface. The next riskiest behavior was gathering
wood, followed by sitting against trees, which resulted in
tick exposure 23 and 17 percent of the
time, respectively."

The study, published in the current issue of the Journal of Medical Entomology, is the first
quantitative analysis of human behaviors that may increase the risk of tick exposure in California's
hardwood forests
• Wear light-coloured clothing, long
  sleeves, pants tucked in, closed

• DEET-containing repellants or bio-
  friendly alternatives BioUD,

• Wash & dry clothing – Dryer on high
  heat one 1hour
Tick check!

A full body examination
armpits, hairline, ears, navel,
groin area, behind the
knees, in between toes

Especially children!
Natural Options
• “Mosquito Barrier” yard spray
or similar product
(made from concentrated garlic)

• A DIY personal spray mix made from a blend of essential
oils e.g.
lavender, citronella, cedar, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon
grass, rose geranium in almond oil & neem oil base.
• Theraneem Organix “Neem Oil for Garden”
   sold at health food stores
   or online

• Theraneem Organix
“Herbal Outdoor Spray”

            Personal bug repellent

• Pine Tar Soap – shavings in a spray bottle with
  warm water & shake until dissolved
  • Lavender
  • Citronella
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Catnip
  • Pennyroyal
  • Rose Geranium
  • Mexican Marigolds
  • Marigolds
  • Calendula
  • and then Borage, chrysanthemums, cosmos,
   rue, and sunflowers are general pest repellant
Tick Removal

     DO NOT
 remove an attached tick using:
 Nail polish
 Hot match / flame
 Ointment – Or other caustic fluid

      DO NOT squeeze the tick body
Doing any of the above will cause the tick to
        regurgitate its gut contents
Safe Tick Removal
Fine Point Tweezers
Grip head/mouthpiece firmly snug against skin
Pull straight out – do not twist
Ensure mouthpart is out
Make note of:
   – Date/time
   – Where on the body
   – Area of outdoor activity
Tick‟s Mouthpart / Hypostome
                          Blacklegged Tick

Female Blacklegged Tick

                                 Engorged Blacklegged Tick
Safe Tick Removal
  Intradermal blister technique
   ●   Developed by Canadian Doctor Ernie Murakami of
       Murakami Centre for Lyme in BC
   ●   Only in doctor's office

Available to watch on youtube
                                                Developed by Dr. Murakami
1) Ordinary drinking straw
    place it at a 45 degree angle with one open end over the tick (the
    straw is simply being used as a      guide to direct the knot)
2) Next, take a length of thread and tie a loose knot at
   the top or midsection of the straw.
3) Slide your knot down the straw to the site. Position
   the knot underneath the tick's belly, so that the knot
   will encircle the embedded part only.
4) Slowly tighten the knot to close snugly around the jaws
5) Remove the straw and pull the thread in a steady
   upward motion. This will cause the tick to detach,
   without regurgitation.
                                  Available to watch on youtube.
Safe Tick Removal

Specialized removal tools
●   Camping supply stores
Save tick for testing!!
Save Tick For Testing!
• Best option is a Physician removing tick

• If you remove a tick – save it in an old pill
  bottle with a damp piece of paper towel

• Either – Bring it to your Physician
         - Bring it to the Public Health Dept

It will be sent to the Parasitologist, Central
Laboratory, 81 Resources Rd., Etobicoke ON M9P
      * Request that it be tested for Borrelia
and other tick-borne pathogens
Document Bite
Photograph a rash if present
●   Include ruler
●   Successive days to show expansion
●   Seek medical attention
●   Watch for subsequent rashes
Less than 50% have rash;
     • 30-50% in Adults

    • Less than 10% of children

    • Sometimes single rash

    • Sometimes multiple rashes

    • Sometimes subsequent rashes months to
      years later

Atypical and Typical rash formations
Typical Formation

  • Only 9% of rashes are the “bulls-eye” type
  • Red circumference with central clearing
  • Often starts in 3-30 days – may start weeks to
    months later
  • Gradually expands and eventually disappears
  • Sometimes warm to touch

• Has uniform reddish colour
• Expands as Bb infection spreads
• More people have this type than the bulls-eye
Atypical Formation

• Slides A & B
      • Multiple blotchy
      • Occur later as
        secondary rashes
      • Indicates dissemination
        of Bb

•Slide C
       Painless bluish-red
       swelling or nodule on    ear
   (more common in         Europe)
•Slide D – Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans
   • Bluish-red inflammatory lesions on
     extremities: buttocks, limbs, hands etc.

  • Develops slowly with wasting of skin

 Rash - Like hives (Not Shown)
Fast Facts
• Lyme is fastest growing
  vector- borne disease

• 85% do not recall tick bite
Some Early Symptoms
Rash, variety (less than half of patients)
Flu-like illness (fever, chills, sweats, muscles aches,
fatigue, nausea and joint pain) followed by
intermittent illness
Ringing ears, tremors, pain, arthritis, stiff neck,
Sudden unexplained change in health
Bell‟s palsy
Lab tests may be negative in the first 4-6 weeks
Antibiotics can cause a false negative result
Lyme Symptoms
Joints and Musculoskeletal Symptoms
  Joint pain and/or swelling
  Stiffness of joints, back, neck
  Muscle pain, cramps
  Headache, persistent and severe
  Jaw pain

Neurological Symptoms
  Twitching of facial or other muscles
  Numbness and tingling
  Weakness or partial paralysis
  Light-headedness or dizziness
  Poor balance, difficulty walking
  Burning and stabbing pains
Neurological Symptoms continued
Restless legs
Memory loss (short or long term)
Confusion (difficulty with thinking)
Speech difficulty (slurred or slow, word finding)
Seizures/stroke symptoms
Blurry or double vision, sight change
Sensitivity to light and flashing lights
Sound sensitivity
Tinnitus (ringing)
Psychological Symptoms

Mood swings, irritability
Unusual depression
Panic/anxiety attacks
Obsessive-compulsive behavior
Suicidal thoughts
Respiratory/Circulatory Symptoms

Recurring bronchial infections
Shortness of breath
Chest pain/rib soreness
Heart palpitations, murmurs, valve prolapse, heart
Other Symptoms

Insomnia or sleeping too much
Night sweats or chills
Swollen/painful lymph glands
Loss of sex drive
Chemical sensitivity/increased allergic reactions
Sore throat
Weight gain/loss
Skin changes/nodules under the skin, dryness

Full lists available in LDAO brochure &
Fast Facts
•25% of Lyme patients are children

•50% have no history of tick attachment

• Young children may not be able to
 explain what they are feeling
• Children born with tick-borne infections
  (AKA congenital, in utero, transplacental)
  OR infection acquired as a neonatal, may not
  recognize symptoms as “abnormal”
For example:
If your knees have always hurt, you really
don‟t know what it means for them NOT to
Some “Red Flags” For Chronic Disseminated
  Lyme Disease & Other Tick-Borne Infections In

• Frequent visits to Dr; has many, varied complaints
• Symptoms that have eluded diagnosis
• A high number of school absences
• Is sick frequently, “comes down with everything
 that goes around”
suspect immune suppression due to chronic
• Sudden changes of behavior; quiet child
  has become loud and aggressive, active
  child has become passive, happy child
  has become weepy and sad, calm child
  has started throwing fits and tantrums
• A history of such diagnoses as
  • juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA)
  • hypercholesterolemia
  • migraines
  • Crohn‟s disease
  • gastritis
  • maturation delay
  • attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  (ADHD) and learning disabilities.

   especially a previous diagnosis of JRA if
   the child has also been diagnosed with
   ADHD and/or migraines.
Child has history of symptoms that do not neatly fit
into any diagnostic category:

  • Low energy in the absence of anemia

  • Frequent urination in the absence of a
    urinary tract infection

  • Visual problems with a normal
    ophthalmologic exam
• Stomach pains, vomiting and abdominal
  cramping without obvious pathology

• Frequent fevers OR low body temp

• Clumsiness

• Frequent “growing pains” without
  typical symptoms

• Insomnia unresponsive to the usual
Nurse/Dr „s Exam – May Notice
• A tendency towards distractibility /

• It is often difficult to get the child to
  stop talking or sit still long enough for
  vital signs to be taken

• The child may be hypersensitive to
  touch and may wince when the blood
  pressure is taken
• May avert their eyes to the light of
  an opthalmoscope or complain that
  the lights in the room are too bright

• Reflexes may be so brisk that even
  brushing against the leg will cause
  the child‟s lower leg to kick forward
Lyme Patients in General

Become more vulnerable to other infections and
health issues like:

Mycoplasma, Brucelliosis, Leptospirosis, Yeast
(Candida), Epstein Barr virus, H. Pylori, Chlamydia
pneumoniae, Mold, Mercury toxicity....and more
The exact role that other tick-borne
diseases and opportunistic illnesses
play in the disease course is poorly
understood, and known treatment
options are not always effective.
1.5 million Canadians suffer from diseases of
unknown origin (Health Canada – Stats Can 2010
CCHS) e.g.
●   Arthritis
●   Fibromyalgia / Chronic Fatigue
●   Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
●   Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS)
●   Alzheimer's
●   Parkinson's
●   Crohn's
●   Autism
Don't waste time (Canada)                             Testing
●   PHAC Guidelines recommend treatment even in
    absence of lab confirmation

●   Flawed 2-tier protocol (ELISA / Western Blot)

●   ELISA false negative results common; 4-65%
    accuracy has been reported

●   New C6-Peptide but still with B31 Western Blot
       in 25 years only B burgdorferi strain B31 has being tested
        for in humans
• Specialized, accredited tick-borne illness labs
(USA) with a good quality Western blot



     • (Medial Diagnostics Lab)

 Request free test kit & bring to Dr for
 blood requisition then overnight courier
 blood to lab with payment
Untreated Lyme is...
●   Debilitating
●   Degenerative

Best outcome from...
●   Early diagnosis
●   Prompt treatment
Cases on the Rise (USA)
Annual reported cases (CDC)
Infections (USA)
Reported Cases (CDC, 2010)
Cases on the Rise (Ontario)
Annual reported cases (Ont. Ministry of Health)
Tick Prevalence (Canada)
Ticks per human population (CMAJ, 2009)
World Health Organization Global Prevalence Map

 Areas infested with Lyme disease (in red) are north and south of
 the 49th parallel.
    Note that Alaska, which is more northerly than most
      of Canada, is completely red, stretching below the
      49th parallel and into the United States.
Eurosurveillance Global Incidence Graph

           International studies of incidence of Lyme disease per 100,000

• Canada is 0.115 per 100,000, contrasted with 36
  per 100,000 for Czech Republic which is on a
  similar latitude as Canada
• Canada averages about 6 cases per year, per
  province by the ELISA test, yet across the border
  every north central, north eastern states reports
  an average of 1,000 cases annually.
Risk of Infection (USA)
     Infected tick populations (Yale Public Health, 2006)

                                                   Map shows a sharp
                                                   demarcation of diminished
                                                   Lyme disease by the ELISA

Canada = 2 cases per million; total of about 80 cases in
2008 per Public Health Agency Canada

  Immediately across the border 49th parallel
   there is in the USA, 70 cases per million
Disease Comparison (USA)
Approximate annual cases (CDC)

     West Nile     Lyme          Aids
The US CDC has recently published 2008 cases of Lyme
35,198 reported
422,376 estimated actual cases
(using an error factor of 12x)

It is a well known fact that when the US has 422,376 cases
then Canada will have approximately 10% yet only 80
cases are reported for the year 2008 by Public Health
Agency of Canada.
The estimated actual cases in Canada must be over 40,000
(Dr. Murakami)
Disease Comparison (USA)
         Approximate annual cases (CDC)
Due to faulty
tests, actual Lyme
cases estimated at
400,000 cases per

*Most endemic
States border

                     West Nile   Lyme     Aids
Infectious Diseases Society of America
●   Treatment guidelines, 2006
●   Chronic Lyme doesn't exist (Post Lyme Syndrome)

Antitrust investigation, 2008
●   Conflicts of interest

New guidelines review, 2009

2006 guidelines upheld, 2010
“Cure Unwanted?
 Exploring the Chronic Lyme Disease Controversy
and Why Conflicts of Interest in Practice Guidelines
   May Be Guiding Us Down The Wrong Path”

           American Journal of Law & Medicine 2012

 The American Journal of Law and Medicine has
 stepped up and voiced their opinion on the
 situation surrounding Lyme and Chronic Lyme
 and faulty guidelines etc.
AJLM Re: Antitrust investigation, initiated by
Richard Blumenthal, 2008

  • Findings deeply troubling

  • IDSA failed to conduct screening
   process for conflict of interest for its
   (Lyme) panel members

  • Pervasive conflicts of interest
• Authors of guidelines had significant
 connections to drug companies,
 related patents and Lyme diagnostic

• Several authors were paid by
 Insurance companies to corroborate
 treatment plans that denied treatment
 for chronic Lyme disease
• Some received fees for acting as
 expert witnesses in medical malpractice
 suits related to Lyme disease

   All stood to gain financially if the
    narrow definition of Lyme disease
    remained the same
• IDSA acted with conflict of interest by
 enabling the panel chairperson (who
 himself held a bias against the existence
 of Lyme disease) to select a like-minded

 without any scrutiny by the IDSA
  oversight committee
• Panel refused to accept potential
 panelists who believed in the existence of
 chronic Lyme disease – these panelists
 were told the panel was full - then the
 panel was later expanded

• Panel excluded evidence of chronic Lyme
Legislative Solutions
Lyme doctor protection
●   California
●   New York
●   Rhode Island
●   Connecticut
●   Minnesota
●   Massachusetts
No such protection in Canada
(or other US States)
Canadian Experience
Doctors persecuted for treating Chronic Lyme
●   Dr. P. Williams, 2004 (Ajax, ON)
●   Dr. E. Murakami, 2008 (Hope, BC)
    – More than 20 patients out of “permanent”
●   Dr. J. Krop, 2010 (Mississauga, ON)
●   Dr. H. Baghdadlian, 2011 (Toronto, ON)
Common themes
●   Patient outcome is not a factor
●   Doctors put license at risk for treating Chronic Lyme
Vancouver, British Columbia
Marketwire – Jan. 20, 2008

Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation: Feds say
„NO‟ to access of Freedom of Information
Request on Serious Health Matter; National
Security Cited
Positive Developments
Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Research Center, Columbia
U. Med. Center, NY (2007)
Lyme Action Group (2008)
Anonymous $0.5 million donation to CanLyme (2009)
Dr. E. Murakami Lyme Society (2009)
Ontario government Lyme awareness campaign (2010)
New support groups taking political action
Lyme Awareness (Ontario)
Campaign fails to address flawed testing protocol
Fails to warn of all tick dangers
Fails to inform re: Alternate transmissions
“Detected early, Lyme disease can be treated with
antibiotics, curing most cases. Untreated, Lyme
disease can begin to attack the central nervous
system, the brain or the heart.”
Lyme Awareness (Ontario)
Chatham Public Health and Rondeau Provincial Park
●   Blenheim, ON
Lyme Awareness (Ontario)
Public Health Ontario (April 2012)
●   Update on Lyme Disease Prevention and Control

    –   What testing problem?
    –   Referenced outdated,
        minimalistic & exclusionary
    –   Beware of US tests
    –   Chronic Lyme doesn't exist
Political Action
Lyme Action Group
●   Ontario Ministry of Health
●   Ontario Public Protection & Prevention
●   Canadian Blood Services
●   Ontario Ombudsman
●   Federal Ministry of Health
●   Public Health Agency of Canada
●   National Microbiology Laboratory (Winnipeg, MB)
Local Action
Canadian Action
Schmidt Report, BC (2010) - on Chronic Lyme Disease in
British Columbia

  Schmidt Report Shows: *Tests
  are unreliable *Doctors not
  *Chronic Lyme being ignored
  *New BC clinic announced

56-page document, obtained via FOI request by a
long-time Lyme sufferer.
Political Awareness
Sarnia-Lambton MPP Bob Bailey
●   Petition to Ontario Legislature
●   Endorsed by +100 municipalities
Nickel Belt MPP Frances Gélinas
●   Wall of Hope, Queen's Park
Media Coverage
Multi-Award Winning Documentary Film

• Exposes the hidden story of Lyme disease USA
• Controversies of this fast growing epidemic
• Thousands go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed
   each year
• Follows the stories of patients and physicians
  fighting for their lives and livelihoods

    DVD copies available at
A Lyme Disease Survival Guide

Be informed!
Be aware!
Be warned!

  You are your own best advocate
A Lyme & Other Tick-Borne Disease
         Survival Guide
              Thank you!
          Please visit us online


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Survival guide presentation online

  • 1. A Lyme & Other Tick-Borne Disease Survival Guide Pests Protection/Education & Politics CanLyme, LAG, LDAO, ILADS, Murakami
  • 2. Bulletin EVENTS: Lyme/Walk Brampton ON, May 19th 2012 in Chingaucousy Park on May 19, 2012 from 11 a.m.–2 p.m. Registration forms available at Mark your calendars!
  • 3. LDAO Spring Meeting – Sat. May 5, 2012 The Fireside Room Compass Point Bible Church Kerns Campus, 1500 Kerns Rd., Burlington 1:30pm - 3:30pm Speaker - John Scott Songbirds Disperse Lyme Disease Vector Ticks Across Canada John will be presenting the power point presentation that he gave at the ILADS Conference in Toronto last October; based on his recently published scientific article.
  • 4. MAY is Lyme Disease Awareness Month Town of Caledon Month of May as “Lyme Disease Awareness Month 2012” Thanks to the support from Patti Foley, Regional Councillor Ward 5 for Bolton. Brampton May 2012 will be declared “Lyme Awareness Month”!
  • 5. Lyme Action Group Advocacy – improved public policy Public awareness Not-for-profit Patient group A.K.A - LAG
  • 6. Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation Federally registered charity Promoting ● Research ● Education ● Diagnosis ● Treatment Current goal ● Fund pathology research defining true prevalence in Canada A.K.A - CanLyme
  • 7. Lyme Disease Association of Ontario Support / information to Lyme patients & family Public awareness Conduct/publish research in scientific journals Non-Profit Charitable Org Next meeting in Burlington on May 5th 2012 A.K.A – LDAO
  • 8. International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society • Non-profit, international, multi-disciplinary medical society • Forum for health science professionals to share their wealth of knowledge • Provides informational exchange amongst physicians who treat Lyme and other tick-borne diseases • Dedicated to diagnosis & appropriate treatment of Lyme & associated diseases
  • 9. • Advocate of and strongly supports physicians & health care professionals engaged in such treatment • Research and education A.K.A - ILADS
  • 10. Dr. E. Murakami Centre for Lyme Research, Education & Assistance Society • Not-for-profit Corporation with charitable status • Provides unbiased, double blind, peer reviewed facts on Lyme and Co-Infections to those who need to know; doctors and patients alike. • Educates the people in the Medical Community • Supports Lyme patients and families • Works with governing bodies and assists in making permanent changes to our existing protocols for the diagnosis and treatment plans for Lyme in Canada.
  • 11. • Dr. Murakami is a true hero for the Lyme community and travels across Canada to educate the Public, Physicians & Natural Practitioners • Dr. Murakami offers FREE advice to both Physicians and patients alike: Phone 1-604-869-992 or by email
  • 12. Pests Info “bite” (pun intended) - 800 species of ticks have been described - ticks occur with their hosts throughout the world
  • 13. Ticks in Canada Deer Tick A.K.A Blacklegged Tick /Ixodes Scapularis ● Not all are infected with Borrelia • Primary vector in Ontario • A two-year life cycle • Anti-freeze like compounds in bodies and can be found all year long... including wintertime ● Also vector of Babesia, Ehrlichia, Bartonella
  • 14. Blacklegged Tick as a Nymph; the size most likely to infect you as you are less likely to see it
  • 15. Western Blacklegged Tick Ixodes pacificus Vector of: • Lyme Disease • Babesia • Ehrlichia • Bartonella
  • 16. Lone Star Tick Amblyomma americanum Vector of: Female with • Lyme disease also called white spot on STARI or Masters‟ back disease • Ehrlichia • Q Fever • Tick Paralysis • Tularemia • Bartonella Male
  • 17. American Dog Tick Dermacentor Variabilis Vector of: • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever • Ehrlichia • Tick Paralysis Female • Tularemia • Bartonella Male
  • 18. Rocky Mountain Wood Tick Dermacentor Andersoni. Vector of: • Colorado Tick Fever • Q Fever • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever • Tick Paralysis • Tularemia • Bartonella
  • 19. This and Dermacentor Variabilis (2 previous slides) have been shown to carry Lyme but it is still under study as to their ability to pass it on to humans3. Dermacentor ticks may attempt to feed on an infected host (mouse, bird, etc.) enough to become infected with Lyme but be shooed off before the feed is complete. They then may complete their feed on a human host so it is theorized that there may be some level of transmission to humans by Dermacentor ticks.
  • 20. Brown Dog Tick - Rhipicephalus Sanguineus Vector of: • Q Fever • Bartonella Shown to transmit Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever to humans.  Shown to carry Lyme but it is still under study as to their ability to pass it on to humans3
  • 21. Ixodes Angustus - a competent vector in experiment2. Ixodes dammini - it was shown to be the same species as Ixodes scapularis in 1993. Ixodes spinipalpis is implicated as a vector as well. Ixodes muris has shown to be a weak vector of Lyme disease and more research is needed. Even soft shell ticks can transmit borreliosis to humans
  • 22. • Ixodes spinipalpis - implicated as a vector • Ixodes muris – shown as a weak vector of LD • More research is needed • Even soft shell ticks can transmit borreliosis to humans1 (CanLyme) Not enough research being conducted in Canada ANY Tick bite could be a serious life changing event
  • 23. *Download from New Research - 1 Journal of Applied Ecology doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02112.x Predicting the speed of tick invasion: an empirical model of range expansion for the Lyme disease vector Ixodes scapularis in Canada Patrick A. Leighton1* Jules K. Koffi 2 - Yann Pelcat 2 Nicholas H. Ogden 1,2 L. Robbin Lindsay3 1 = Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Montre´ al, 3200 Sicotte, C.P. 5000, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 7C6, Canada; 2 = Centre for Food-borne, Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Public Health Agency of Canada, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada; and 3 = Zoonoses and Special Pathogens Division, Public Health Agency of Canada, National Microbiology Laboratory, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
  • 24. Summary Points : • Previously projected range increases for I. scapularis based on temperature suitability, but to what extent this is matched by actual tick range expansion is unknown. I. Scapularis - Single tick species
  • 25. • Model projections suggest that I. scapularis range will expand c. 46 km/ year in the coming decade, with climate warming expected to increase the rate of spread. This expansion is likely to result in a substantial increase in human Lyme disease risk, with the proportion of the human population of eastern Canada inhabiting areas with established tick populations increasing from 18% in 2010 to over 80%by 2020.
  • 26. • Pg.2 (excerpt) No study has sought or provided empirical support for the influence of either long or short distance dispersal mechanisms on the pattern of I. scapularis invasion excludes research by John D. Scott et al from 1994 to 2012 & other scientific researchers
  • 27. • Pg. 7 (excerpt) Establishment and growth of tick populations across southern Canada, where human populations are concentrated, is likely to result in a steep increase in human contact with ticks carrying Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases.
  • 28. What Is Missing? • Not looking at other vectors-I. scapularis • Not looking at other hosts e.g. coyote, wolf, certain bird species, human • Not looking at other means of transmission e.g. congenital, neonatal (breastfeeding), sexual, blood etc • Relying on faulty testing to determine risk and partial infection rates due to faulty statistics based on positive tests only.
  • 29. Where is the public and medical society‟s education on the “other tick-borne diseases”?
  • 30. New Research - 2 J. Parasitol., 98(1), 2012, pp. 49–59 F American Society of Parasitologists 2012 WIDESPREAD DISPERSAL OF BORRELIA BURGDORFERI–INFECTED TICKS COLLECTED FROM SONGBIRDS ACROSS CANADA John D. Scott, John F. Anderson*, and Lance A. Durden - Research Division, Lyme Disease Association of Ontario, 365 St. David St. South, Fergus, Ontario, Canada N1M 2L7. e-mail:
  • 31. Summary Points: • Tested12 known tick species and 3 undetermined tick species Ixodes affinis is reported in Canada for the first time Ixodes auritulus for the initial time in the Yukon • Ticks sampled from 42 bird species / subspecies
  • 32. • First records of 3 tick species co-feeding on bird species • New records of tick hosts; 2 bird species • The presence of B. burgdorferi in Ixodes larvae suggests reservoir competency in 9 bird species
  • 33. • Study results suggest that songbirds infested with B. burgdorferi – infected ticks have the potential to start new tick populations endemic for Lyme disease. • Songbirds have the propensity for short and long distance dispersal of attached ticks (Anderson and Magnarelli, 1984; Scott et al 2001; Reed et al 2003; hamer et al 2011)
  • 34. Because songbirds disperse B. burgdorferi-infected ticks outside their anticipated range, health-care providers are advised that people can contract Lyme disease locally without any history of travel
  • 35. History 1883 – described in medical literature 1921 – speculation about blacklegged tick involvement 1975 – outbreak in Lyme, CT 1981 – Dr. Willy Burgdorfer – Isolated bacteria under microscope – Borrelia Burgdorferi
  • 36. About Spirochetes • Over *300 different species are identified • Lyme causing spirochetes are “Borrelia” • 37 species of Borrelia spirochetes have been discovered • about 12 are associated with the condition known as Lyme disease or borreliosis (Niscigorska- Olsen and others 2008). “Healing Lyme” by Stephen Harrod Buhner
  • 37. The Bacteria “Borrelia Burgdorferi” Borrelia - Survival Forms: • Spirochete • Cyst / Blebs/ Biofilm • Cell Wall Deficient Borrelia Cyst Form Spirochete
  • 38. Bacteria Real-time high resolution imaging (U Calgary, 2008)
  • 39. Bacteria Image 2 of 3 (bacteria exits blood vessel)
  • 40. Bacteria Image 3 of 3 (bacteria in surrounding tissue)
  • 41.
  • 42. About Borrelia Spirochetes • 3 main Lyme causing Borrelia • Burgdorferi – primary to USA / Canada. * There are over 100 strains in the US ILADS • Afzelii and Garinii – primary to Europe & Asia NOTE: ALL 3 exist on all 3 continents And multiple infections are common
  • 43. •9+ other B species cause “Lyme-type infection” again with numerous sub-species • ALL grouped as “Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato” = in the broad sense. •Do not like blood environment = oxygen
  • 44. Like highly viscous mediums • collagenous tissues • aqueous humor of the eye • organs such as the brain, heart bladder • synovial fluid of joints • the central nervous system (convert to cyst within 24 hr)
  • 45. • Slow reproduction = doubling in 12-24hr Since most antibiotics kill bacteria only when they are dividing, this longer doubling time necessitates the use of relatively longer treatment courses for Lyme disease
  • 46. • Can alter geno-type so offspring are better adapted to survive in new host • Long life span • Very hard to grow in laboratories; hard to research • The largest DNA replicons of any known bacteria
  • 47. Researchers at Rocky Mountain Laboratories where Dr. Burgdorfer discovered B burgdorferi 2001 report: that it contains at least six times as many genes as that of Treponema pallidum, the spirochete which causes syphilis
  • 48. • Findings of Casjens et al 2000 helped to explain decades of studies which have shown that mammals, whether human or animal, are unable to eradicate the spirochete even if their immune systems are completely intact Studies: Liang et al 2004a, Liang et al 2004b, Liang et al 2002, Seiler and Weis 1996, Dattwyler et al 1989
  • 49. How Borrelia Thrives and Persists • Ticksaliva inactivates our complement system the “innate immune system” borrelia use this weakened defense to invade host  enhanced further if host is already immune compromised
  • 50. Lyme spirochetes determine host DNA from tick‟s blood meal, weave the DNA into their structure and from that DNA determine how to alter physiologically to survive host immune system.
  • 51. • Known as a “stealth pathogen” can exchange surface outer protein for another, quickly and often, to evade the immune system and pathophysiological mechanisms “B burgdorferi, the principal organism associated with Lyme borreliosis, is one of the most complex bacteria known to man.”
  • 52.  as the immune system or antibiotics, recognizes & targets them they change with the same effect as a criminal changing appearance or clothing to avoid identification by police.
  • 53. • Highly sensitive to tiny chemical shifts • Good for them – food, sugars, fats • Bad for them – High oxygen concentrations  So sensitive they can sense if a tick feeds on a host they are present in and if that tick is not infected they will go into blood stream and quickly relocate to new tick bite site
  • 54. Organism can burrow into and between healthy body cells, especially in the connective tissues of the joints, and thus evade detection and destruction by the immune system and antibiotics.
  • 55. • Can identify and adhere to different kinds of cells in host; specific ones to help them move to their preferred sites e.g. Moving to areas high in collagen (which they love) like joints, aqueous humor of the eyes, meninges of the brain, skin, heart tissue • They exchange information with each other
  • 56. They Hide in the Lymph Nodes Professor Nicole Baumgarth, an authority on immune responses at the UC Davis Center for Comparative Medicine. "At first it seems counter intuitive that an infectious organism would choose to migrate to the lymph nodes where it would automatically trigger an immune response in the host animal, but B. burgdorferi have apparently struck an intricate balance that allows the bacteria to both provoke and elude the animal's immune response."
  • 57. • During growth, L spirochetes shed “blebs” Blebs = granules of DNA plasmids • These blebs bind circulating IgM antibodies & help evade immune detection  like a plane releasing a spray of metal fragments to confuse radar readings.
  • 58. Blebs are then taken up by different human cells Then CD8 cells actively kill those cells Causing speculation as to the autoimmune aspects of Lyme borreliosis
  • 59. IMPORTANT Testing for Babesia, Anaplasma (a rickettsial bacterium), Ehrlichia and Bartonella (other tick- transmitted organisms) should be performed The presence of co-infection with these organisms points to probable infection with the Lyme spirochete as well If these co-infections are left untreated, their continued presence increases morbidity and prevents successful treatment of Lyme disease
  • 60. Other Transmission Lyme spirochetes have been found in: • biting flies, mites, fleas and, mosquitos • breast milk, tears, urine, semen, vaginal fluids OTHER tick-borne infections have been found to be transmitted via blood transfusions
  • 61. “The data demonstrate that B. burgdorferi can survive the blood processing procedures normally applied to transfused blood in the USA. Since hematogenous spread of the spirochete seems to occur early in the illness, primarily in symptomatic patients, the risk of transfusion-associated Lyme disease may be small. However, the possibility of survival of B. burgdorferi under blood banking conditions warrants a heightened awareness of this potential problem.” Borrelia burgdorferi: survival in experimentally infected human blood processed for transfusion. Source Meningitis and Special Pathogens Branch, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia 30333.
  • 62. Documented From biting flies (Connecticut and Germany) From mites (Russia) It is considered to have occurred from mosquitos through mechanical transfer e.g. squashing a feeding mosquito References in “Healing Lyme” Safe sex is advised
  • 63. New study highlights need for additional research on sex based differences in the effects of early Lyme disease. Study showed • Numerous symptoms reported more often by women than men • Women were less likely to seroconvert on the antibody tests Study suggests • An immunological variation in response to Borrelia burgdorferi between women and men Lauren A. Crowder, M.P.H of the Lyme Disease Research Foundation, Luthervill MD
  • 64. Dr Murakami states that men tend to remain asymptomatic and may in fact be infected more than once before becoming symptomatic
  • 66. Protection Keep property grass cut short Walk in center of pathways if available Awareness of habitat (long grass, marshes) Established host populations e.g. deer, birds, rodents, coyote, rabbits
  • 67. "We sat on logs for only five minutes at a time, and in 30 percent of the cases, it resulted in exposure to ticks," said Robert Lane, professor in the Division of Insect Biology at UC Berkeley's College of Natural Resources and lead investigator of the study. "It didn't matter if we sat on moss or the bare surface; the ticks were all over the log surface. The next riskiest behavior was gathering wood, followed by sitting against trees, which resulted in tick exposure 23 and 17 percent of the time, respectively." The study, published in the current issue of the Journal of Medical Entomology, is the first quantitative analysis of human behaviors that may increase the risk of tick exposure in California's hardwood forests
  • 68. • Wear light-coloured clothing, long sleeves, pants tucked in, closed footwear • DEET-containing repellants or bio- friendly alternatives BioUD, Picaridin. • Wash & dry clothing – Dryer on high heat one 1hour
  • 69. Tick check! A full body examination including armpits, hairline, ears, navel, groin area, behind the knees, in between toes Especially children!
  • 70. Natural Options • “Mosquito Barrier” yard spray or similar product (made from concentrated garlic) • A DIY personal spray mix made from a blend of essential oils e.g. lavender, citronella, cedar, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon grass, rose geranium in almond oil & neem oil base.
  • 71. • Theraneem Organix “Neem Oil for Garden” sold at health food stores or online • Theraneem Organix “Herbal Outdoor Spray” Personal bug repellent • Pine Tar Soap – shavings in a spray bottle with warm water & shake until dissolved
  • 72. Plants: • Lavender • Citronella • Rosemary • Sage • Catnip • Pennyroyal • Rose Geranium • Mexican Marigolds • Marigolds • Calendula • and then Borage, chrysanthemums, cosmos, rue, and sunflowers are general pest repellant flowers
  • 73. Tick Removal DO NOT remove an attached tick using: Vaseline Nail polish Hot match / flame Ointment – Or other caustic fluid DO NOT squeeze the tick body Doing any of the above will cause the tick to regurgitate its gut contents
  • 74. Safe Tick Removal Fine Point Tweezers Grip head/mouthpiece firmly snug against skin Pull straight out – do not twist Ensure mouthpart is out Make note of: – Date/time – Where on the body – Area of outdoor activity
  • 75. Tick‟s Mouthpart / Hypostome
  • 76. Un-engorged Blacklegged Tick Female Blacklegged Tick feeding Engorged Blacklegged Tick
  • 77. Safe Tick Removal Intradermal blister technique ● Developed by Canadian Doctor Ernie Murakami of Murakami Centre for Lyme in BC ● Only in doctor's office Available to watch on youtube
  • 78. STRAW AND KNOT METHOD Developed by Dr. Murakami 1) Ordinary drinking straw place it at a 45 degree angle with one open end over the tick (the straw is simply being used as a guide to direct the knot) 2) Next, take a length of thread and tie a loose knot at the top or midsection of the straw. 3) Slide your knot down the straw to the site. Position the knot underneath the tick's belly, so that the knot will encircle the embedded part only. 4) Slowly tighten the knot to close snugly around the jaws 5) Remove the straw and pull the thread in a steady upward motion. This will cause the tick to detach, without regurgitation. Available to watch on youtube.
  • 79. Safe Tick Removal Specialized removal tools ● Camping supply stores Save tick for testing!!
  • 80. Save Tick For Testing! • Best option is a Physician removing tick • If you remove a tick – save it in an old pill bottle with a damp piece of paper towel • Either – Bring it to your Physician - Bring it to the Public Health Dept It will be sent to the Parasitologist, Central Laboratory, 81 Resources Rd., Etobicoke ON M9P 3T1 * Request that it be tested for Borrelia and other tick-borne pathogens
  • 81. Document Bite Photograph a rash if present ● Include ruler ● Successive days to show expansion ● Seek medical attention ● Watch for subsequent rashes
  • 82. Rash Less than 50% have rash; • 30-50% in Adults • Less than 10% of children • Sometimes single rash • Sometimes multiple rashes • Sometimes subsequent rashes months to years later Atypical and Typical rash formations
  • 83. Typical Formation Bulls-eye • Only 9% of rashes are the “bulls-eye” type • Red circumference with central clearing • Often starts in 3-30 days – may start weeks to months later • Gradually expands and eventually disappears • Sometimes warm to touch
  • 84. Homogeneous • Has uniform reddish colour • Expands as Bb infection spreads • More people have this type than the bulls-eye
  • 85. Atypical Formation • Slides A & B • Multiple blotchy • Occur later as secondary rashes • Indicates dissemination of Bb •Slide C Painless bluish-red swelling or nodule on ear (more common in Europe)
  • 86. •Slide D – Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (ACA) • Bluish-red inflammatory lesions on extremities: buttocks, limbs, hands etc. • Develops slowly with wasting of skin (atrophy) Rash - Like hives (Not Shown)
  • 87. Fast Facts • Lyme is fastest growing vector- borne disease • 85% do not recall tick bite
  • 88. Some Early Symptoms Rash, variety (less than half of patients) Flu-like illness (fever, chills, sweats, muscles aches, fatigue, nausea and joint pain) followed by intermittent illness Ringing ears, tremors, pain, arthritis, stiff neck, headache Sudden unexplained change in health Bell‟s palsy Lab tests may be negative in the first 4-6 weeks Antibiotics can cause a false negative result
  • 89. Lyme Symptoms Joints and Musculoskeletal Symptoms Joint pain and/or swelling Stiffness of joints, back, neck Muscle pain, cramps Headache, persistent and severe Jaw pain Neurological Symptoms Twitching of facial or other muscles Numbness and tingling Weakness or partial paralysis Light-headedness or dizziness Poor balance, difficulty walking Burning and stabbing pains
  • 90. Neurological Symptoms continued Restless legs Memory loss (short or long term) Confusion (difficulty with thinking) Speech difficulty (slurred or slow, word finding) Seizures/stroke symptoms Blurry or double vision, sight change Sensitivity to light and flashing lights Sound sensitivity Tinnitus (ringing)
  • 91. Psychological Symptoms Mood swings, irritability Unusual depression Panic/anxiety attacks Aggression/rage Obsessive-compulsive behavior Paranoia Suicidal thoughts
  • 92. Respiratory/Circulatory Symptoms Recurring bronchial infections Shortness of breath Chest pain/rib soreness Heart palpitations, murmurs, valve prolapse, heart attack
  • 93. Other Symptoms Insomnia or sleeping too much Night sweats or chills Swollen/painful lymph glands Loss of sex drive Chemical sensitivity/increased allergic reactions Sore throat Weight gain/loss Skin changes/nodules under the skin, dryness Full lists available in LDAO brochure &
  • 94. Fast Facts •25% of Lyme patients are children •50% have no history of tick attachment
  • 95. Children • Young children may not be able to explain what they are feeling • Children born with tick-borne infections (AKA congenital, in utero, transplacental) OR infection acquired as a neonatal, may not recognize symptoms as “abnormal”
  • 96. For example: If your knees have always hurt, you really don‟t know what it means for them NOT to
  • 97. Some “Red Flags” For Chronic Disseminated Lyme Disease & Other Tick-Borne Infections In Children • Frequent visits to Dr; has many, varied complaints • Symptoms that have eluded diagnosis • A high number of school absences • Is sick frequently, “comes down with everything that goes around” suspect immune suppression due to chronic infection
  • 98. • Sudden changes of behavior; quiet child has become loud and aggressive, active child has become passive, happy child has become weepy and sad, calm child has started throwing fits and tantrums
  • 99. • A history of such diagnoses as • juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) • hypercholesterolemia • migraines • Crohn‟s disease • gastritis • maturation delay •Autism • attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities.  especially a previous diagnosis of JRA if the child has also been diagnosed with ADHD and/or migraines.
  • 100. Child has history of symptoms that do not neatly fit into any diagnostic category: • Low energy in the absence of anemia • Frequent urination in the absence of a urinary tract infection • Visual problems with a normal ophthalmologic exam
  • 101. • Stomach pains, vomiting and abdominal cramping without obvious pathology • Frequent fevers OR low body temp • Clumsiness • Frequent “growing pains” without typical symptoms • Insomnia unresponsive to the usual treatments
  • 102. Nurse/Dr „s Exam – May Notice • A tendency towards distractibility / hyperactivity • It is often difficult to get the child to stop talking or sit still long enough for vital signs to be taken • The child may be hypersensitive to touch and may wince when the blood pressure is taken
  • 103. • May avert their eyes to the light of an opthalmoscope or complain that the lights in the room are too bright • Reflexes may be so brisk that even brushing against the leg will cause the child‟s lower leg to kick forward
  • 104. Lyme Patients in General Become more vulnerable to other infections and health issues like: Mycoplasma, Brucelliosis, Leptospirosis, Yeast (Candida), Epstein Barr virus, H. Pylori, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mold, Mercury toxicity....and more
  • 105. The exact role that other tick-borne diseases and opportunistic illnesses play in the disease course is poorly understood, and known treatment options are not always effective.
  • 106. Misdiagnosis 1.5 million Canadians suffer from diseases of unknown origin (Health Canada – Stats Can 2010 CCHS) e.g. ● Arthritis ● Fibromyalgia / Chronic Fatigue ● Multiple Sclerosis (MS) ● Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) ● Alzheimer's ● Parkinson's ● Crohn's ● Autism
  • 107. Don't waste time (Canada) Testing ● PHAC Guidelines recommend treatment even in absence of lab confirmation ● Flawed 2-tier protocol (ELISA / Western Blot) ● ELISA false negative results common; 4-65% accuracy has been reported ● New C6-Peptide but still with B31 Western Blot  in 25 years only B burgdorferi strain B31 has being tested for in humans
  • 108. • Specialized, accredited tick-borne illness labs (USA) with a good quality Western blot include: • • • (Medial Diagnostics Lab) Request free test kit & bring to Dr for blood requisition then overnight courier blood to lab with payment
  • 109. Why? Untreated Lyme is... ● Debilitating ● Degenerative Best outcome from... ● Early diagnosis ● Prompt treatment
  • 110. Cases on the Rise (USA) Annual reported cases (CDC)
  • 112. Cases on the Rise (Ontario) Annual reported cases (Ont. Ministry of Health)
  • 113. Tick Prevalence (Canada) Ticks per human population (CMAJ, 2009)
  • 114. World Health Organization Global Prevalence Map Areas infested with Lyme disease (in red) are north and south of the 49th parallel. Note that Alaska, which is more northerly than most of Canada, is completely red, stretching below the 49th parallel and into the United States.
  • 115. Eurosurveillance Global Incidence Graph International studies of incidence of Lyme disease per 100,000 • Canada is 0.115 per 100,000, contrasted with 36 per 100,000 for Czech Republic which is on a similar latitude as Canada • Canada averages about 6 cases per year, per province by the ELISA test, yet across the border every north central, north eastern states reports an average of 1,000 cases annually.
  • 116. Risk of Infection (USA) Infected tick populations (Yale Public Health, 2006) Map shows a sharp demarcation of diminished Lyme disease by the ELISA test Canada = 2 cases per million; total of about 80 cases in 2008 per Public Health Agency Canada Immediately across the border 49th parallel there is in the USA, 70 cases per million
  • 117. Disease Comparison (USA) Approximate annual cases (CDC) West Nile Lyme Aids
  • 118. The US CDC has recently published 2008 cases of Lyme disease 35,198 reported 422,376 estimated actual cases (using an error factor of 12x) It is a well known fact that when the US has 422,376 cases then Canada will have approximately 10% yet only 80 cases are reported for the year 2008 by Public Health Agency of Canada. The estimated actual cases in Canada must be over 40,000 (Dr. Murakami)
  • 119. Disease Comparison (USA) Approximate annual cases (CDC) Due to faulty tests, actual Lyme cases estimated at 400,000 cases per year *Most endemic States border Canada West Nile Lyme Aids
  • 121. IDSA Infectious Diseases Society of America ● Treatment guidelines, 2006 ● Chronic Lyme doesn't exist (Post Lyme Syndrome) Antitrust investigation, 2008 ● Conflicts of interest New guidelines review, 2009 2006 guidelines upheld, 2010
  • 122. “Cure Unwanted? Exploring the Chronic Lyme Disease Controversy and Why Conflicts of Interest in Practice Guidelines May Be Guiding Us Down The Wrong Path” American Journal of Law & Medicine 2012 The American Journal of Law and Medicine has stepped up and voiced their opinion on the situation surrounding Lyme and Chronic Lyme and faulty guidelines etc.
  • 123. AJLM Re: Antitrust investigation, initiated by Richard Blumenthal, 2008 • Findings deeply troubling • IDSA failed to conduct screening process for conflict of interest for its (Lyme) panel members • Pervasive conflicts of interest
  • 124. • Authors of guidelines had significant connections to drug companies, related patents and Lyme diagnostic tests • Several authors were paid by Insurance companies to corroborate treatment plans that denied treatment for chronic Lyme disease
  • 125. • Some received fees for acting as expert witnesses in medical malpractice suits related to Lyme disease  All stood to gain financially if the narrow definition of Lyme disease remained the same
  • 126. • IDSA acted with conflict of interest by enabling the panel chairperson (who himself held a bias against the existence of Lyme disease) to select a like-minded panel  without any scrutiny by the IDSA oversight committee
  • 127. • Panel refused to accept potential panelists who believed in the existence of chronic Lyme disease – these panelists were told the panel was full - then the panel was later expanded • Panel excluded evidence of chronic Lyme disease
  • 128. Legislative Solutions Lyme doctor protection ● California ● New York ● Rhode Island ● Connecticut ● Minnesota ● Massachusetts No such protection in Canada (or other US States)
  • 129. Canadian Experience Doctors persecuted for treating Chronic Lyme ● Dr. P. Williams, 2004 (Ajax, ON) ● Dr. E. Murakami, 2008 (Hope, BC) – More than 20 patients out of “permanent” wheelchairs ● Dr. J. Krop, 2010 (Mississauga, ON) ● Dr. H. Baghdadlian, 2011 (Toronto, ON) Common themes ● Patient outcome is not a factor ● Doctors put license at risk for treating Chronic Lyme
  • 130. Vancouver, British Columbia Marketwire – Jan. 20, 2008 Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation: Feds say „NO‟ to access of Freedom of Information Request on Serious Health Matter; National Security Cited
  • 131. Positive Developments Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Research Center, Columbia U. Med. Center, NY (2007) Lyme Action Group (2008) Anonymous $0.5 million donation to CanLyme (2009) Dr. E. Murakami Lyme Society (2009) Ontario government Lyme awareness campaign (2010) New support groups taking political action
  • 132. Lyme Awareness (Ontario) Campaign fails to address flawed testing protocol Fails to warn of all tick dangers Fails to inform re: Alternate transmissions “Detected early, Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics, curing most cases. Untreated, Lyme disease can begin to attack the central nervous system, the brain or the heart.”
  • 133. Lyme Awareness (Ontario) Chatham Public Health and Rondeau Provincial Park (2010) ● Blenheim, ON
  • 134. Lyme Awareness (Ontario) Public Health Ontario (April 2012) ● Update on Lyme Disease Prevention and Control – What testing problem? – Referenced outdated, minimalistic & exclusionary science – Beware of US tests – Chronic Lyme doesn't exist
  • 135. Political Action Lyme Action Group ● Ontario Ministry of Health ● Ontario Public Protection & Prevention ● Canadian Blood Services ● Ontario Ombudsman CanLyme ● Federal Ministry of Health ● Public Health Agency of Canada ● National Microbiology Laboratory (Winnipeg, MB)
  • 137. Canadian Action Schmidt Report, BC (2010) - on Chronic Lyme Disease in British Columbia Schmidt Report Shows: *Tests are unreliable *Doctors not trained *Chronic Lyme being ignored *New BC clinic announced 56-page document, obtained via FOI request by a long-time Lyme sufferer.
  • 138. Political Awareness Sarnia-Lambton MPP Bob Bailey ● Petition to Ontario Legislature ● Endorsed by +100 municipalities Nickel Belt MPP Frances Gélinas ● Wall of Hope, Queen's Park
  • 140. Books
  • 141. Multi-Award Winning Documentary Film • Exposes the hidden story of Lyme disease USA • Controversies of this fast growing epidemic • Thousands go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed each year • Follows the stories of patients and physicians fighting for their lives and livelihoods DVD copies available at
  • 142.
  • 144. A Lyme Disease Survival Guide Be informed! Be aware! Be warned! You are your own best advocate
  • 145. A Lyme & Other Tick-Borne Disease Survival Guide Thank you! Please visit us online

Editor's Notes

  1. (“Healing Lyme” pg. 17 – Lyme spirochetes have also been found in biting flies, mites, fleas and , mosquitos. Transmission to humans has been documented from biting flies (Connecticut and Germany) and from mites (Russia) and is considered to have occurred from mosquitos through mechanical transfer – e.g. squashing a feeding mosquito.
  2. During growth, L spirochetes shed “blebs” = granules of DNA plasmids – these bind circulating IgM & help evade immune detection e.g. like a plane releasing a spray of metal fragments to confuse radar readings – blebs are taken up by different human cells then CD8(=) cells actively kill those cells….speculation as to the autoimmune aspects of Lyme borreliosisWithin 24 hours of entering the Cerebral spinal fluid spirochetes encyst – When they are starved, they encyst and can do so within one minute.
  3. Bb video – click to play
  4. Accurate between 4% - 65% - better off to flip a coinPush your Dr to adhere to the guidelines of the PHAC and MOHLTC – you DO NOT need lab confirmation
  5. Dr. Murakami states:There are two spots on the map that indicate BC and Ontario having recorded more cases, but I believe this is from my testing of patients from American labs and another physician, an infectious diseases specialist, in Ontario who is treating Lyme disease openly.
  6. 2 explanations for this - that the Americans are wrong about the statistics from their CDC in Atlanta or 2) more onerous and neglectful, our testing methods are inadequate as are diagnostic acumen by the physicians of Canada.
  7. Video trailer of UOS – click to start