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Viva Las Wilderness

           Viva Las Wilderness
A Newsletter of the Nevada Wilderness Project 
Issue Number 1. December 2003.

                              HAPPY HOLIDAYS and welcome to the
                              PREMIERE issue of Viva Las Wilderness, a
                              newsletter of the happenings of the Nevada
                              Wilderness Project! We look forward to passing
                              along the monthly newsletter to give you updates
 Our mission is to protect    on our current Wilderness campaigns, outings to
                              explore Nevada's potential Wilderness, special
   Nevada’s remaining         events, and other opportunities to learn about
                              Nevada's wild places and how you can get
 Wilderness as part of the    involved. Please feel free to forward this on to
                              anyone you think may be interested and send us
   National Wilderness
                              any questions or comments you may have. Also,
Preservation System, and      in an effort to save money and paper we are
                              currently only sending the newsletter out
 to create and sustain an     electronically. However, if you would like a
                              hardcopy, please let us know and we will get you
   enduring grassroots        one. We always like to hear from our supporters,
 commitment to Nevada         so please contact us at 775.746.7850 or
                     Here's to keeping Nevada
        wilderness.           Wild and celebrating the holiday season with
                              loved ones!

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Viva Las Wilderness

Board of Directors:

    Stefan Bergill
    Kim Jardine
  Kristie Connolly
    Brett Riddle
     Chris Todd
  Morlee Griswold
      Tori King

                             Gray Fox in the East Mormon Mountains Proposed Wilderness
       Staff:                                   (Photo by Ron Hunter)

     John Wallin
                           DONATE TO THE NEVADA WILDERNESS
      Anna Ball
                                   PROJECT TODAY!
Development Director

    Erika Pollard
Conservation Director

    Kevin Mack
 Washington D.C. Rep.

  Contact us at:

8550 White Fir Street

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Viva Las Wilderness

       Reno, NV  89523
                                             Hikers on South Schell Peak in the South Schell Creek Proposed
      Tel:  775.746.7850                                               Wilderness
   Web:                                       (Photo by Ron Hunter)

                                         Click here to become a member of the Nevada
                                              Wilderness Project and to make a tax
                                         deductible donation to help protect Nevada's
                                                   last remaining Wilderness.

                     Director's Corner: Looking Forward to a New Year

                     As the year winds down, a review of a busy 2003 signifies a busier 2004. In the
                     past year, you have made the Nevada Wilderness Project a conservation force to
                     be reckoned with! With your time, your money, and your dedication to Nevada's
                     unique wild heritage, you are creating the success stories of 2004 yet to be told.

At a time when most conservation news is both discouraging and vexing, we've kept a laser-like focus
on our mission: to protect Nevada’s remaining Wilderness as part of the National Wilderness
Preservation System, and to create and sustain an enduring grassroots commitment to Nevada
Wilderness. It is often a difficult balance for us, because there are so many worthy conservation
efforts out there. As the Bush Administration dumps nuclear waste on Nevada, weakens clean air
and clean water laws, opens up protected public lands for oil drilling and development, and defiles
Yellowstone National Park with snowmobile smog, we have a difficult choice. That choice is to get
involved in a wide variety of public lands issues in a minor way, or keep our focus on protecting
Nevada Wilderness, the wildest and most under appreciated state in the lower 48. We choose to
marshal our limited resources on affirmative Nevada Wilderness campaigns, and in the process
empower a new generation of Nevada Wilderness advocates.

In the past year, the Project, our members, and our volunteers have accomplished an incredible
amount of work! We've conducted wilderness inventories of hundreds of thousands of acres
throughout the state: in Eastern Nevada, where we continue to work with the Nevada Wilderness
Coalition on the Eastern Nevada Wilderness Campaign, and north of Pyramid Lake, where we
inventoried 200,000 acres of BLM Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs). We've inventoried some potential
additions to Mt. Rose Wilderness, just outside of Reno. We've gotten thousands of letters written on
behalf of the Eastern Nevada Campaign, dozens of letters to the editor, and we conducted four
volunteer outings to Citizen-Proposed wilderness areas like Becky Peak, Shellback Ridge, and Big
Rocks. We've given slide shows, tabled at Farmer's Markets, spent lots of time on campus at UNLV
and UNR, and taken our letters and clipboards to the trails.

Why do we do this? We believe getting you and your friends to realize your grassroots power is the
most important work we do. So if you'd like to learn more, or want to recruit friends to do the
shoulder-to-grindstone work of Wilderness protection, contact me at We
have lots of ways to utilize your particular talents, whatever they may be!

In 2004, we have a chance to protect hundreds of thousands of acres of Wilderness in Eastern
Nevada. We may also have a chance to protect Wilderness in Pershing County (about an hour and a
half northeast of Reno, on I-80) This county contains a number of BLM WSAs, and a remarkable
citizen-proposed area called Lava Beds. Look for an update on these areas in the coming months.
Also look for updates on our work in Gold Butte, the Spring Mountains, and Mt. Rose. As always,
we'll be working every step of the way with our partners in the Nevada Wilderness Coalition.

Thanks again for all your support in making 2003 an unbelievably successful year for the Nevada
Wilderness Project. May your holiday season be a wonderful time for you to spend time with family
and friends!

John Wallin, Director

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Viva Las Wilderness

Eastern Nevada Wilderness Update
Senator Reid, Senator Ensign, and Congressman Gibbons'
staff members continue to work with the Nevada
Wilderness Project and the rest of the Nevada Wilderness
                                                                           Volunteer Spotlight:
Coalition (Nevada Wilderness Project, Friends of Nevada
Wilderness, Toiyabe Chapter of the Sierra Club, Red Rock                        Matt Albrecht
Audubon, The Wilderness Society, Nevada Outdoor
Recreation Association and Campaign for America's
Wilderness) on potential public lands legislation in Lincoln
and White Pine Counties of Eastern Nevada. Among other
public lands issues, this potential legislation will include
designating new Wilderness in these two Counties.
However, As Congress nears their end of the year recess
through mid-January 2004, hopes for an introduction of a
Lincoln County public lands bill before the recess dwindle.

The Nevada Wilderness Coalition continues to gain public
support for our Citizens' Wilderness Proposal for Lincoln and
White Pine Counties and continues to encourage the             Matt climbing at Big Rocks Proposed Wilderness in
Congressional delegation to include as much the nearly 4       Eastern Nevada. (Photo by John Wallin)
million acre Wilderness Proposal as possible. The Citizens'
Wilderness Proposal includes approximately 3,272,800
acres of proposed Wilderness in Lincoln County and 709,225 Matt Albrecht recently joined the Nevada
acres in White Pine County for a total of 51 proposed new      Wilderness Project as our (volunteer)
Wilderness areas. This includes public lands managed by Volunteer Coordinator. When he's not
the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, working in sales for Patagonia's
and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.                        Beneficial T's, an organic cotton t-shirt
                                                               company in Reno, Matt spends his time
As negotiations continue in Lincoln County, the Nevada         rock climbing, hiking, camping, skiing,
Wilderness Project and our Coalition partners have put a       and hanging with good friends in the
high priority on protecting the Big Four Wilderness Study      mountains. Hailing from southern
Areas of southern Lincoln. These areas include the             California and landing in the Reno/Tahoe
Delamar Mountains Proposed Wilderness, the Meadow              area after college, Matt claims “now that
Valley Range Proposed Wilderness, the Mormon Mountains I have given up on reversing the aging
proposed Wilderness, and the Clover Mountains Proposed process I've committed to making the
Wilderness. In addition to the Big Four Wilderness Study       most out of the rest of my time here”. In
Areas of southern Lincoln County, their are several Citizen following that commitment, from
Proposed Wilderness Areas of high priority to the              September to November of this year,
Wilderness community. These include portions of the            Matt did an internship with the Project.
Pahranagat Range, Big Rocks Proposed Wilderness and            His salary and benefits were paid by
several areas within the Mount Irish Range. See articles       Patagonia, while Matt did outreach to
below for highlights of several of these areas.                local businesses, tabled and got letters
                                                               supporting Wilderness signed at events,
                                                               trailheads, UNR, and local businesses
Stay tuned in early 2004 for a potential Lincoln County public
                                                               including Wild Oats and Sundance
lands bill introduction...
                                                               Bookstore. Matt did a fantastic job and
                                                               basically filled in the gaps whenever and
                                                               wherever we needed him!

                                                                   When discussing his ongoing volunteer

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Viva Las Wilderness
                                                                    When discussing his ongoing volunteer
                                                                    work with the Project, Matt says " as
                                                                    busy as the NWP staff are, I'll help out by
                                                                    working with folks that are passionate
                                                                    like we are about Wilderness. I want to
                                                                    get 100 people out to proposed
                                                                    Wilderness. After seeing how beautiful
                                                                    and unique these places are, I'll have 100
                                                                    new volunteers to help protect them!"

          Desert Hills - Pahranagat Proposed Wilderness
                        (Photo by John Wallin)

             DONATE to the Nevada Wilderness Project TODAY!

                                               Click here

House Party Fundraising Successes!
As the Nevada Wilderness Project
pushes through to the end of 2003, we
have ramped up our fundraising
efforts. As part of those efforts, two of
our new board members have very
generously hosted house parties to
raise funds for the Project and to help
get the word out about our work. On
November 8, 2003, Southern Nevada
board member, Professor Brett Riddle,
hosted a fabulous Wilderness
fundraiser/house warming party at his
new digs up in Cold Creek. Located
right next to the Mt. Charleston
Wilderness and the Mt. Sterling
Wilderness Study Area, UNLV biology
department faculty, grad students,
and other friends gathered to sip
libations, talk Wilderness, and
contribute to the Nevada Wilderness
                                              One of the fantastic view's from board member Brett Riddle's home in
Project. The event was great fun and
we all look forward to spending more                      Cold Creek, Nevada. (Photo by Brett Riddle)
time soaking in the views from Brett's
solar powered home! Thanks Brett!.

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Viva Las Wilderness

More recently, on November 20, our
fabulous board member, Kim Jardine
hosted a hugely successful house
party fundraiser at her funky house
north of Reno. Kim gathered friends
from Patagonia, chefed up some tasty
appetizers and had her partner Marcial
give an incredible slide show of their
wonderings in Nevada's Wilderness. It
was a great evening with additional
entertainment by Kim's granddaughter,
Oceana, and a great success in terms
of funds raised! Thanks Kim and

                                                Board chair Stefan Bergill chats with Eddie Occhipinti, Christina Allen,
                                                Tena Garlick, and Pakorn Chumsalab at board member Kim Jardine's
                                                house party. (Photo by Marcial Riley)

                                                Following up on Kim's fabulous house party with the majority
                                                of attendees working at Patagonia's warehouse facility in
                                                Reno, we had an incredible daylong fundraising event at
                                                Patagonia's corporate headquarters in Ventura, CA on
                                                December 4. Nevada Wilderness Project board members and
                                                Patagonia employees in Ventura, Chris Todd and Morlee
                                                Griswold, orchestrated a Fabulous Wilderness silent auction
                                                followed by an after work fundraising party. Both fundraising
                                                efforts were hugely successful!

                                                Since the Nevada Wilderness Project was created under
                                                Patagonia's roof in Reno, it was fun to spend some time with
                                                our larger Patagonia family in Ventura. It was especially
                                                exciting to have Patagonia's founder, Yvon Chouinard,
                                                attend the fundraiser and praise the Nevada Wilderness
NWP's favorite t-shirt design. Created by two
  former fabulous Patagonia employees!          Project to party goers as the "best thing we've
                                                (Patagonia) ever done". Yvon was referring to the fact that
                                                the Nevada Wilderness Project is truly a product of
                                                Patagonia's fantastic environmental mission and the
                                                employee internship program they offer employees to work
                                                with environmental groups during their time working for
                                                Patagonia. The result is that all Nevada Wilderness Project
                                                employees are actually former Patagonia employees who left
  TO ORDER A "FABULOUS                          the company to pursue Wilderness protection in Nevada full
  WILDERNESS" ORGANIC                           time!
                                                We owe so much of our success to Patagonia and its
  DONATE TO NWP, CLICK                          INCREDIBLE employees! Thank you so much to Yvon
         HERE!                                  and Malinda Chouinard, Chris Todd, Morlee Griswold
                                                and all of our Patagonia supporters!!

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Viva Las Wilderness

If you are interested in hosting a house
party for the Nevada Wilderness
Project, please let us know! It's easy,
it's fun and it's a great way to raise
funds for Nevada's Wilderness.

Contact us at or
give us a call at 775.746.7850.


Click here for a description of

Click here for facts on what you can
and can not do in Wilderness.

                                                                 Photo by Marcial Riley

                                     The D.C. Connection

Kevin Mack is the Nevada Wilderness Project’s Washington D.C. Representative. He works out of
the Wayburn Wilderness House on Capitol Hill—just a five minute walk to the Capitol. The Wayburn
Wilderness House houses the offices (or, in the case of the Project, cubicle!) of national and state
wilderness groups from around the country. Kevin is the only Nevada wilderness activist based in our
nation’s Capital.

Kevin works to bridge the gap between the grassroots activity YOU generate in Nevada, and the halls
of Congress where Wilderness bills are drawn. Kevin formerly worked in Nevada managing our
ongoing inventory of wilderness. He travels back to the state regularly to meet with our members,
volunteers, and fieldworkers. A typical day in DC will see him working on ArcView software to develop
maps for Wilderness proposals based on fieldwork, meeting with members of Nevada’s Congressional
delegation, and working with other Nevada Wilderness Coalition members to educate other key
Congressional staff on Nevada’s unique wilderness resource.

Look for Kevin’s DC Update on the progress of the Eastern Nevada Wilderness Campaign in future
issues of “Viva Las Wilderness.”

January 2004 Calendar:
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Viva Las Wilderness

January 20, 2004
Please join the Nevada Wilderness Project and the Nevada Wilderness Coalition
for a happy hour/volunteer night on Tuesday, January 20, 2004 from 5:30 to 8:30p.m. at the Great Basin
Brewery in Sparks. Come hear about the latest happenings with Wilderness in Eastern Nevada, learn about
how you can help and meet new folks interested in protecting our wild places. Tuesday nights are "Tightwad
Tuesdays" at the Great Basin Brewery with $2 pints 'o beer, so come on down and join us!

Not interested in drinking beer? Come anyway for a soft drink and a good wilderness lovin' crowd.

For directions, check out the brewery website at .

Eastern Nevada Wilderness Proposal Area Spotlight:

Delamar Mountains Proposed Wilderness
One of Southern Lincoln County's Big Four Wilderness Study Areas

The 126,257 acre Delamar Mountains Proposed Wilderness is located in far southern Lincoln County
approximately 75 miles to the north of Las Vegas and 15 miles southeast of Alamo, Nevada. One of
the "Big Four" Wilderness Study Areas of southern Lincoln County, the Delamar Mountains Wilderness
proposal area encompasses the southern portion of the Delamar Range and represents the entire
Delamar Mountains Wilderness Study Area managed by the Ely District of the BLM. With its deep
canyons and rocky cliff faces, the area provides steep, rugged terrain for desert bighorn sheep, a
variety of raptors, the banded Gila monster, and threatened desert tortoise. Along with providing
important wildlife habitat, the area is also filled with ancient cultural sites including rock art, milling

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Viva Las Wilderness

sites, lithic scatters and shelters. The preservation of these areas from vandalism and degradation is
important to the culture and history of native people. The Delamar Mountains Proposed Wilderness
provides excellent primitive recreational opportunities including hiking many of the deep canyons and
rocky washes, scrambling among cascading rock gardens or rocky cliff faces, hunting upland game
birds, horseback riding near Gregerson Basin and photographing or studying any of the area’s
magnificent vistas, rocky plateaus, or Joshua trees rooted on the long sloping bajadas.
                                                                        To reach the Delamar
                                                                        Mountains Proposed
                                                                        Wilderness area from Las
                                                                        Vegas, take Interstate 15
                                                                        north to State Highway 93
                                                                        north. Follow 93 north for
                                                                        approximately 45 miles to
                                                                        Kane Springs Valley Road.
                                                                        Access into the Delamar
                                                                        Mountains Proposed
                                                                        Wilderness can be gained by
                                                                        following Kane Springs Valley
                                                                        Road east for several miles.
                                                                        The Proposal Area will lie to
                                                                        the north of Kane Springs
                                                                        Valley Road with various
                                                                        access routes taking off to the
                                                                        north. Remember to stay on
                                                                        existing vehicle routes and to
                                                                        pack out what you pack in.
If you are interested in visiting the Delamar Mountains Proposed Wilderness
with us, give a call (775.746.7850) or send us an email (
We are always eager to take folks out to explore these places!

Great Holiday Gift Ideas!
Help Protect Wilderness while giving and drinking organic coffee!

Grounds for Change will donate 15% of all sales from
orders placed via this link to Nevada Wilderness

Grounds for Change is a family owned and operated
coffee roasting company offering certified fair trade,
organic and shade grown coffee from communities
throughout Latin America and the Pacific.

They offer great gift packages including coffee,
organic chocolate, handicrafts from around the
world, and more.

Click here or on the Grounds for Change logo to


                                                Page 9
Viva Las Wilderness

                        Give a gift membership to the Nevada
                        Wilderness Project and give a family member or
                        friend the opportunity to help protect more of
                        Nevada's incredible wild places.  Members of the
                        Project receive invitations to special events,
                        newsletters to keep updated on the latest
                        happenings, and the opportunity to directly
                        impact the protection status of OUR public
                        lands. Click here or on the Nevada Wilderness
                        Project logo to make an online gift donation.

Have a safe and happy holiday season! We look forward to seeing
you all in 2004!

- John, Kevin, Anna, and Erika

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Fall 2003 Nevada Wilderness Project Newsletter

  • 1. Viva Las Wilderness Viva Las Wilderness A Newsletter of the Nevada Wilderness Project Issue Number 1. December 2003. HAPPY HOLIDAYS and welcome to the PREMIERE issue of Viva Las Wilderness, a newsletter of the happenings of the Nevada Wilderness Project! We look forward to passing along the monthly newsletter to give you updates Our mission is to protect on our current Wilderness campaigns, outings to explore Nevada's potential Wilderness, special Nevada’s remaining events, and other opportunities to learn about Nevada's wild places and how you can get Wilderness as part of the involved. Please feel free to forward this on to anyone you think may be interested and send us National Wilderness any questions or comments you may have. Also, Preservation System, and in an effort to save money and paper we are currently only sending the newsletter out to create and sustain an electronically. However, if you would like a hardcopy, please let us know and we will get you enduring grassroots one. We always like to hear from our supporters, commitment to Nevada so please contact us at 775.746.7850 or Here's to keeping Nevada wilderness. Wild and celebrating the holiday season with loved ones! Page 1
  • 2. Viva Las Wilderness Board of Directors: Stefan Bergill Kim Jardine Kristie Connolly Brett Riddle Chris Todd Morlee Griswold Tori King Gray Fox in the East Mormon Mountains Proposed Wilderness Staff: (Photo by Ron Hunter) John Wallin Director DONATE TO THE NEVADA WILDERNESS Anna Ball PROJECT TODAY! Development Director Erika Pollard Conservation Director Kevin Mack  Washington D.C. Rep. Contact us at: 8550 White Fir Street Page 2
  • 3. Viva Las Wilderness Reno, NV  89523 Hikers on South Schell Peak in the South Schell Creek Proposed Tel:  775.746.7850 Wilderness Web: (Photo by Ron Hunter) Click here to become a member of the Nevada Wilderness Project and to make a tax deductible donation to help protect Nevada's last remaining Wilderness. Director's Corner: Looking Forward to a New Year As the year winds down, a review of a busy 2003 signifies a busier 2004. In the past year, you have made the Nevada Wilderness Project a conservation force to be reckoned with! With your time, your money, and your dedication to Nevada's unique wild heritage, you are creating the success stories of 2004 yet to be told. At a time when most conservation news is both discouraging and vexing, we've kept a laser-like focus on our mission: to protect Nevada’s remaining Wilderness as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System, and to create and sustain an enduring grassroots commitment to Nevada Wilderness. It is often a difficult balance for us, because there are so many worthy conservation efforts out there. As the Bush Administration dumps nuclear waste on Nevada, weakens clean air and clean water laws, opens up protected public lands for oil drilling and development, and defiles Yellowstone National Park with snowmobile smog, we have a difficult choice. That choice is to get involved in a wide variety of public lands issues in a minor way, or keep our focus on protecting Nevada Wilderness, the wildest and most under appreciated state in the lower 48. We choose to marshal our limited resources on affirmative Nevada Wilderness campaigns, and in the process empower a new generation of Nevada Wilderness advocates. In the past year, the Project, our members, and our volunteers have accomplished an incredible amount of work! We've conducted wilderness inventories of hundreds of thousands of acres throughout the state: in Eastern Nevada, where we continue to work with the Nevada Wilderness Coalition on the Eastern Nevada Wilderness Campaign, and north of Pyramid Lake, where we inventoried 200,000 acres of BLM Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs). We've inventoried some potential additions to Mt. Rose Wilderness, just outside of Reno. We've gotten thousands of letters written on behalf of the Eastern Nevada Campaign, dozens of letters to the editor, and we conducted four volunteer outings to Citizen-Proposed wilderness areas like Becky Peak, Shellback Ridge, and Big Rocks. We've given slide shows, tabled at Farmer's Markets, spent lots of time on campus at UNLV and UNR, and taken our letters and clipboards to the trails. Why do we do this? We believe getting you and your friends to realize your grassroots power is the most important work we do. So if you'd like to learn more, or want to recruit friends to do the shoulder-to-grindstone work of Wilderness protection, contact me at We have lots of ways to utilize your particular talents, whatever they may be! In 2004, we have a chance to protect hundreds of thousands of acres of Wilderness in Eastern Nevada. We may also have a chance to protect Wilderness in Pershing County (about an hour and a half northeast of Reno, on I-80) This county contains a number of BLM WSAs, and a remarkable citizen-proposed area called Lava Beds. Look for an update on these areas in the coming months. Also look for updates on our work in Gold Butte, the Spring Mountains, and Mt. Rose. As always, we'll be working every step of the way with our partners in the Nevada Wilderness Coalition. Thanks again for all your support in making 2003 an unbelievably successful year for the Nevada Wilderness Project. May your holiday season be a wonderful time for you to spend time with family and friends! John Wallin, Director Page 3
  • 4. Viva Las Wilderness Eastern Nevada Wilderness Update Senator Reid, Senator Ensign, and Congressman Gibbons' staff members continue to work with the Nevada Wilderness Project and the rest of the Nevada Wilderness Volunteer Spotlight: Coalition (Nevada Wilderness Project, Friends of Nevada Wilderness, Toiyabe Chapter of the Sierra Club, Red Rock Matt Albrecht Audubon, The Wilderness Society, Nevada Outdoor Recreation Association and Campaign for America's Wilderness) on potential public lands legislation in Lincoln and White Pine Counties of Eastern Nevada. Among other public lands issues, this potential legislation will include designating new Wilderness in these two Counties. However, As Congress nears their end of the year recess through mid-January 2004, hopes for an introduction of a Lincoln County public lands bill before the recess dwindle. The Nevada Wilderness Coalition continues to gain public support for our Citizens' Wilderness Proposal for Lincoln and White Pine Counties and continues to encourage the Matt climbing at Big Rocks Proposed Wilderness in Congressional delegation to include as much the nearly 4 Eastern Nevada. (Photo by John Wallin) million acre Wilderness Proposal as possible. The Citizens' Wilderness Proposal includes approximately 3,272,800 acres of proposed Wilderness in Lincoln County and 709,225 Matt Albrecht recently joined the Nevada acres in White Pine County for a total of 51 proposed new Wilderness Project as our (volunteer) Wilderness areas. This includes public lands managed by Volunteer Coordinator. When he's not the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, working in sales for Patagonia's and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Beneficial T's, an organic cotton t-shirt company in Reno, Matt spends his time As negotiations continue in Lincoln County, the Nevada rock climbing, hiking, camping, skiing, Wilderness Project and our Coalition partners have put a and hanging with good friends in the high priority on protecting the Big Four Wilderness Study mountains. Hailing from southern Areas of southern Lincoln. These areas include the California and landing in the Reno/Tahoe Delamar Mountains Proposed Wilderness, the Meadow area after college, Matt claims “now that Valley Range Proposed Wilderness, the Mormon Mountains I have given up on reversing the aging proposed Wilderness, and the Clover Mountains Proposed process I've committed to making the Wilderness. In addition to the Big Four Wilderness Study most out of the rest of my time here”. In Areas of southern Lincoln County, their are several Citizen following that commitment, from Proposed Wilderness Areas of high priority to the September to November of this year, Wilderness community. These include portions of the Matt did an internship with the Project. Pahranagat Range, Big Rocks Proposed Wilderness and His salary and benefits were paid by several areas within the Mount Irish Range. See articles Patagonia, while Matt did outreach to below for highlights of several of these areas. local businesses, tabled and got letters supporting Wilderness signed at events, trailheads, UNR, and local businesses Stay tuned in early 2004 for a potential Lincoln County public including Wild Oats and Sundance lands bill introduction... Bookstore. Matt did a fantastic job and basically filled in the gaps whenever and wherever we needed him! When discussing his ongoing volunteer Page 4
  • 5. Viva Las Wilderness When discussing his ongoing volunteer work with the Project, Matt says " as busy as the NWP staff are, I'll help out by working with folks that are passionate like we are about Wilderness. I want to get 100 people out to proposed Wilderness. After seeing how beautiful and unique these places are, I'll have 100 new volunteers to help protect them!" Desert Hills - Pahranagat Proposed Wilderness (Photo by John Wallin) DONATE to the Nevada Wilderness Project TODAY! Click here House Party Fundraising Successes! As the Nevada Wilderness Project pushes through to the end of 2003, we have ramped up our fundraising efforts. As part of those efforts, two of our new board members have very generously hosted house parties to raise funds for the Project and to help get the word out about our work. On November 8, 2003, Southern Nevada board member, Professor Brett Riddle, hosted a fabulous Wilderness fundraiser/house warming party at his new digs up in Cold Creek. Located right next to the Mt. Charleston Wilderness and the Mt. Sterling Wilderness Study Area, UNLV biology department faculty, grad students, and other friends gathered to sip libations, talk Wilderness, and contribute to the Nevada Wilderness One of the fantastic view's from board member Brett Riddle's home in Project. The event was great fun and we all look forward to spending more Cold Creek, Nevada. (Photo by Brett Riddle) time soaking in the views from Brett's solar powered home! Thanks Brett!. Page 5
  • 6. Viva Las Wilderness More recently, on November 20, our fabulous board member, Kim Jardine hosted a hugely successful house party fundraiser at her funky house north of Reno. Kim gathered friends from Patagonia, chefed up some tasty appetizers and had her partner Marcial give an incredible slide show of their wonderings in Nevada's Wilderness. It was a great evening with additional entertainment by Kim's granddaughter, Oceana, and a great success in terms of funds raised! Thanks Kim and Marcial! Board chair Stefan Bergill chats with Eddie Occhipinti, Christina Allen, Tena Garlick, and Pakorn Chumsalab at board member Kim Jardine's house party. (Photo by Marcial Riley) Following up on Kim's fabulous house party with the majority of attendees working at Patagonia's warehouse facility in Reno, we had an incredible daylong fundraising event at Patagonia's corporate headquarters in Ventura, CA on December 4. Nevada Wilderness Project board members and Patagonia employees in Ventura, Chris Todd and Morlee Griswold, orchestrated a Fabulous Wilderness silent auction followed by an after work fundraising party. Both fundraising efforts were hugely successful! Since the Nevada Wilderness Project was created under Patagonia's roof in Reno, it was fun to spend some time with our larger Patagonia family in Ventura. It was especially exciting to have Patagonia's founder, Yvon Chouinard, attend the fundraiser and praise the Nevada Wilderness NWP's favorite t-shirt design. Created by two former fabulous Patagonia employees! Project to party goers as the "best thing we've (Patagonia) ever done". Yvon was referring to the fact that the Nevada Wilderness Project is truly a product of Patagonia's fantastic environmental mission and the employee internship program they offer employees to work with environmental groups during their time working for Patagonia. The result is that all Nevada Wilderness Project employees are actually former Patagonia employees who left TO ORDER A "FABULOUS the company to pursue Wilderness protection in Nevada full WILDERNESS" ORGANIC time! COTTON T-SHIRT AND We owe so much of our success to Patagonia and its DONATE TO NWP, CLICK INCREDIBLE employees! Thank you so much to Yvon HERE! and Malinda Chouinard, Chris Todd, Morlee Griswold and all of our Patagonia supporters!! Page 6
  • 7. Viva Las Wilderness If you are interested in hosting a house party for the Nevada Wilderness Project, please let us know! It's easy, it's fun and it's a great way to raise funds for Nevada's Wilderness. Contact us at or give us a call at 775.746.7850. WHAT EXACTLY IS WILDERNESS? Click here for a description of Wilderness. Click here for facts on what you can and can not do in Wilderness. Photo by Marcial Riley The D.C. Connection Kevin Mack is the Nevada Wilderness Project’s Washington D.C. Representative. He works out of the Wayburn Wilderness House on Capitol Hill—just a five minute walk to the Capitol. The Wayburn Wilderness House houses the offices (or, in the case of the Project, cubicle!) of national and state wilderness groups from around the country. Kevin is the only Nevada wilderness activist based in our nation’s Capital. Kevin works to bridge the gap between the grassroots activity YOU generate in Nevada, and the halls of Congress where Wilderness bills are drawn. Kevin formerly worked in Nevada managing our ongoing inventory of wilderness. He travels back to the state regularly to meet with our members, volunteers, and fieldworkers. A typical day in DC will see him working on ArcView software to develop maps for Wilderness proposals based on fieldwork, meeting with members of Nevada’s Congressional delegation, and working with other Nevada Wilderness Coalition members to educate other key Congressional staff on Nevada’s unique wilderness resource. Look for Kevin’s DC Update on the progress of the Eastern Nevada Wilderness Campaign in future issues of “Viva Las Wilderness.” January 2004 Calendar: Page 7
  • 8. Viva Las Wilderness January 20, 2004 WILDERNESS VOLUNTEER HAPPY HOUR Please join the Nevada Wilderness Project and the Nevada Wilderness Coalition for a happy hour/volunteer night on Tuesday, January 20, 2004 from 5:30 to 8:30p.m. at the Great Basin Brewery in Sparks. Come hear about the latest happenings with Wilderness in Eastern Nevada, learn about how you can help and meet new folks interested in protecting our wild places. Tuesday nights are "Tightwad Tuesdays" at the Great Basin Brewery with $2 pints 'o beer, so come on down and join us! Not interested in drinking beer? Come anyway for a soft drink and a good wilderness lovin' crowd. For directions, check out the brewery website at . Eastern Nevada Wilderness Proposal Area Spotlight: Delamar Mountains Proposed Wilderness One of Southern Lincoln County's Big Four Wilderness Study Areas The 126,257 acre Delamar Mountains Proposed Wilderness is located in far southern Lincoln County approximately 75 miles to the north of Las Vegas and 15 miles southeast of Alamo, Nevada. One of the "Big Four" Wilderness Study Areas of southern Lincoln County, the Delamar Mountains Wilderness proposal area encompasses the southern portion of the Delamar Range and represents the entire Delamar Mountains Wilderness Study Area managed by the Ely District of the BLM. With its deep canyons and rocky cliff faces, the area provides steep, rugged terrain for desert bighorn sheep, a variety of raptors, the banded Gila monster, and threatened desert tortoise. Along with providing important wildlife habitat, the area is also filled with ancient cultural sites including rock art, milling Page 8
  • 9. Viva Las Wilderness sites, lithic scatters and shelters. The preservation of these areas from vandalism and degradation is important to the culture and history of native people. The Delamar Mountains Proposed Wilderness provides excellent primitive recreational opportunities including hiking many of the deep canyons and rocky washes, scrambling among cascading rock gardens or rocky cliff faces, hunting upland game birds, horseback riding near Gregerson Basin and photographing or studying any of the area’s magnificent vistas, rocky plateaus, or Joshua trees rooted on the long sloping bajadas. To reach the Delamar Mountains Proposed Wilderness area from Las Vegas, take Interstate 15 north to State Highway 93 north. Follow 93 north for approximately 45 miles to Kane Springs Valley Road. Access into the Delamar Mountains Proposed Wilderness can be gained by following Kane Springs Valley Road east for several miles. The Proposal Area will lie to the north of Kane Springs Valley Road with various access routes taking off to the north. Remember to stay on existing vehicle routes and to pack out what you pack in. If you are interested in visiting the Delamar Mountains Proposed Wilderness with us, give a call (775.746.7850) or send us an email ( We are always eager to take folks out to explore these places! Great Holiday Gift Ideas! Help Protect Wilderness while giving and drinking organic coffee! Grounds for Change will donate 15% of all sales from orders placed via this link to Nevada Wilderness Project. Grounds for Change is a family owned and operated coffee roasting company offering certified fair trade, organic and shade grown coffee from communities throughout Latin America and the Pacific. They offer great gift packages including coffee, organic chocolate, handicrafts from around the world, and more. Click here or on the Grounds for Change logo to begin. GIFT MEMBERSHIPS TO THE NEVADA WILDERNESS PROJECT Page 9
  • 10. Viva Las Wilderness Give a gift membership to the Nevada Wilderness Project and give a family member or friend the opportunity to help protect more of Nevada's incredible wild places.  Members of the Project receive invitations to special events, newsletters to keep updated on the latest happenings, and the opportunity to directly impact the protection status of OUR public lands. Click here or on the Nevada Wilderness Project logo to make an online gift donation. Have a safe and happy holiday season! We look forward to seeing you all in 2004! - John, Kevin, Anna, and Erika Page 10