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Nevada Wilderness Project

                                                                                                          Photo by Warren Shaul

                              Pumpkinman Triathalon!                                                                 by Rush Clark

        It was quite an honor and a privilege to take                  swim practice (or at least semi-regularly) – NWP’s very own
part in NWP’s annual fund-raiser. I missed the boat last year          Cameron Johnson. Overall, the training wasn’t all that bad. I
having just moved to the area. So, I pledged to do my part this think I actually reduced my carbon footprint over the training
year, especially since I’ve explored some of Nevada’s unique           period because I rode my bike just about everywhere I went
landscapes. I never realized what an interesting and breath-           – work, errands, even the bars.
taking place the desert can be; I still feel like I’m part of an old         Less driving and more riding seemed to do the trick.
western with every visit. So, again, I felt compelled to make a        Race day came before I knew it, and next thing I know, I’m
contribution and felt that participating in the Pumpkinman             standing in cold water up to my waist at 7 a.m., wearing
Triathlon fund-raiser was a good start.                                spandex “tri” shorts that feel and look funny, thinking to
        I can’t express how much fun the whole experience              myself, “Well, there’s no turning back. Would the race start
was. Before I began my fund-raising push, I made an effort             already!?!?” Then the gun sounded! I was off, hoping to keep
to learn more about the                                                                               up with Cameron in the swim be-
organization itself, its                                                                              cause I knew his stronger swim-
history, its mission, and                                                                             ming might give him the upper
the areas that they’re                                                                                hand. But I was soon engulfed by
working to protect on                                                                                 the sea of swimmers and had no
the next campaign. Even                                                                               way of tracking Cameron down.
working right next to                                                                                 I was on my own and discovered
NWP and hanging out                                                                                   that the countless laps at the
with Cameron over the                                                                                 Moana Pool didn’t really prepare
last year and a half didn’t                                                                           me for the chaos of 200 people
impart the knowledge                                                                                  battling for position in Lake
that I gained from the                                                                                Mead’s open water. Where were
last couple of months                                                                                 the lanes!?
of study and fund-rais-                                                                                     Nevertheless, the swim
ing. That research and                                                                                ended fairly quickly, and I
knowledge made it much                                                                                proudly donned my Viva Las
easier to talk to folks and                                                                           Wilderness jersey, taking off on
paint them a picture of                                                                               my bike to chase Cameron down.
Nevada’s desert land-                         Robb Wolf bikes by the shores of Lake Mead.             I don’t know how much atten-
scapes and provide an idea of how their donation would                 tion the jersey drew on the ride, but the announcer at the
help. Knowledge was more than half the battle because folks            finish line noticed the red jerseys as we ran across and gave
definitely asked a lot of questions, especially folks beyond           team Viva Las Wilderness some recognition for our efforts to
the confines of the sagebrush. In the end, asking for support          protect the wild.
wasn’t as difficult as I once envisioned. A few emails followed              The finish line was the hub of activity and team spirit,
by a few phone calls, maybe a prod here and there, and my              notably Team Viva Las Wilderness; all teammates gathered
fund-raising was up and going.                                         at the finish/transition area and rallied big cheers, high five
        On the other side of things, I still had a race to prepare     trains, and took lots of pictures. Participating in such a large
for. I may have solicited the fund-raising support, but I also         event, the support of twenty wilderness-protecting, fun-loving
had to live up to my end of the deal – I had to compete in a           teammates definitely instilled a sense of pride and camara-
triathlon! I wasn’t too concerned about the run and figured I          derie I haven’t felt since competing in high school sports, an
could handle the bike, but the swim did elicit some feelings           especially rewarding feeling knowing that all participants
of anxiety. A 750m (1/2 mile) swim is a long swim! Luck-               joined together in an effort to keep Nevada wild! What a way
ily, I had a partner in crime to offer motivation for regular          to spend the weekend. I look forward to more of those!
Fall 2007
Nevada Wilderness                    The colors of fall, et al.                                         by Ross Cooper
     Project                               I’m not being merely literal here, I’m speaking metaphorically. When I bleed, say
                                    from my nose or a paper cut, I bleed Red Sox red. Oh, sure, to the casual observer (you;
        Northern Office             a doctor; any sane person) it’s the same, but to the true fan, it’s a color steeped in 86
      8550 White Fir Street
                                    years of tradition, heartbreak and curse, ready to rupture at any moment like a Taran-
        Reno, NV 89523
                                    tino film.
                                           So what would it take for a native member of Red Sox nation to miss the opening
        Southern Office             round of the baseball playoffs and
     4220 S. Maryland Pkwy          not complain? With Boston winning
           Suite 402D               and the Yankees losing!? Something
      Las Vegas, NV 89119           pretty spectacular, I can assure
          702.369.1871              you. Fortunately, the wild areas of
                                    Esmeralda County qualify.
      A 501(c) 3 non-profit
          corporation                      I had arrived Friday night
                                    well after sunset, so I woke Satur-
NWP Board of Directors              day morning to the stunning and
     Bret Birdsong, President       surprising vista of the desert below
  Brian O’Donnell, Vice President   the remote high-point of Nevada,
      Lynn Schiek, Treasurer
                                    Boundary Peak. It is in a vast sweep
            Chris Todd
       Tori King, Secretary
                                    of land just north and east of Dyer,
                                                                                                              Skip @ Silver Peak
         Rene Valladares            known as Fish Lake Valley, complete with the natural hot springs of
           NWP Staff                The Crossing and below the dramatic ridge of the White Mountains, then set with their
           John Wallin              first fall of snow.
             Director                      The opening day involved hiking Icehouse Canyon in the Silver Peak WSA. Here
         Kristie Connolly           was rock of a different color, so to speak. The oxidation of mineralized rock leads to
        Associate Director          an array of scenic tints and hues. The reds, pinks and yellows come from iron salts,
                                    the greens from the decomposition of mica, the purples a result of manganese. And as
            John Tull
                                    picturesque as these striations are, they were surpassed the very next day on our hike
      Conservation Director
                                    through the roadless backcountry of the Boundary Peak Wilderness. Down the entire
         Mackenzie Banta
                                    canyon were the willows and alder, the cottonwoods and aspen, already gone deep red,
      Development Director
                                    bright yellow and flaming gold in their autumn turn.
        Cameron Johnson
                                            Go nature. Nice play. There was only one October; go out and enjoy it.
    N. Nevada Outreach Director
           Nick Dobric              More from Pumpkinman!                                                     by Rush Clark

    S. Nevada Outreach Director           We ran, we swam and we biked and along the way we helped NWP protect wild
          Cynthia Scholl            land in Nevada. On October 14th, 16 Wild Athletes converged on Boulder City, Nevada to
    Membership Coordinator          run the Pumpkinman Triathlon for NWP. Their efforts raised over $13,000!
            Nancy Hall                                                                          Many thanks go out to: Katy
       Gold Butte Organizer                                                               Chandler-Isacksen, Rush Clark,
                                                                                          Kristie Connolly, Nick Dobric,
       Coalition Partners                                                                 Ramsey Hong, Cameron “Mr.
  Campaign for America’s Wilderness                                                       Febuary” Johnson, JD Kreimer,
     Friends of Nevada Wilderness                                                         Josephine Old, Pauline Orendain,
      Red Rock Audubon Society                                                            Carrie Sandstedt, Jen Schmidt,
         The Wilderness Society                                                           Cynthia Scholl, Chris Todd, and
                                                                                          Robb Wolf.
The Nevada Wilderness Project                                                                   Read other accounts of the
is committed to saving the spectac-                                                       race and see photos @
 ular, rugged-and imperiled-public
lands in Nevada as Wilderness, the                                                    
    strongest protection possible

Fall 2007
 Gold Butte Update                                                                           by Nancy Hall

     Nevada Wilderness Project typically does not ask           This left 316,000 acres of potential wilderness unprotected!
its members to engage in the many transportation plans                The future is not so gloomy for Gold Butte! We are
being implemented throughout our public lands but Gold          working closely with the BLM to monitor the area as
Butte is special. Once again, NWP members came out in           stewards, implement protective measures for sensitive re-
force with comments to the Bureau of Land Management            sources, and address the heavy visitation that is impacting
concerning the Interim Transportation Plan for Gold Butte       the land. Locally, the Friends of Gold Butte meet monthly
in Southern Nevada. Thank you to all members who sup-           with the Moapa Band of Paiutes for presentations, service
ported                                                                                                              trips and
the pro-                                                                                                            fun. The
tection of                                                                                                          next step
citizen-                                                                                                            for Gold
proposed                                                                                                            Butte
wilder-                                                                                                             is the
ness                                                                                                                designa-
areas and                                                                                                           tion of
endan-                                                                                                              National
gered                                                                                                               Conser-
cultural                                                                                                            vation
resourc-                                                                                                            Area
es.                                                                                                                 with
      As                                                                                                            wilder-
we pre-                                                                                                             ness in
pare to                                                                                                             spectacu-
celebrate                                                                                                           lar areas
the 5th                                                                                                             such as
anniver-                                                                                                            Garrett
sary of                                                                                                             Buttes,
the Clark                                                                                                           the
County                                                                                                              Virgin
Public                                                                                                              Moun-
Lands Bill we reflect on the many victories of this Act. Con-   tains and Billy Goat Peak.
sider Wee Thump, the first designated citizens’ proposed        What next? Write to Congressman Porter, Senators Reid
wilderness and Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area          and Ensign and express the need for wilderness in Gold
(NCA) and the North McCullough Wilderness area desig-           Butte!
nated within. These legislative victories are milestones that   Congressman Porter – 218 Cannon HOB Washington, DC 20515
will set precedents for future wilderness legislation.          Senator Reid – 528 Hart SOB Washington, DC 20510
      Meanwhile, Gold Butte became highly contentious           Senator Ensign – 364 Russell SOB, Washington, DC 20510
with some local rural residents and did not receive the
wilderness designations it greatly deserved in the 2002 bill.
Lime Canyon and Jumbo Springs were both designated
as wilderness and Garrett Buttes was released from Wil-
derness Study Area (WSA) status. In all, an almost equal
amount of acres were designated as released from WSA.

Wee want your stories and photos is a blog chronicling our adventures in wild places and NWP’s efforts to protect them. We invite you
to be a part of it by posting comments on the blog, adding your photos and sending us your stories from Nevada’s Wil-
derness, You can also find articles from the newsletter on the blog as well as extended content including interviews with
prominent people in the community, photography, and additional informative articles on the web.

Fall 2007
Fall 2007
Fall 2007
 Wovoka Happenings                                                            by Steve Pelligrini

     On September 8 twenty-one people from
the Yerington area visited Bald Mountain. For
many this was their first view of the proposed
Wovoka Wilderness. The caravan left Yering-
ton at 8:00 AM and arrived at Bald Mountain
shortly before noon. After lunch everyone hiked
to a point east of the first caldera where there is
a good view of the east slope of the Pine Grove
Range and of the East Walker Valley.
     Roger Scholl spoke briefly to the group about
wilderness, particularly about what wilderness
would mean to Lyon County. Most attendees
                                                              ing. Great food, wine and good conversation
                                                              made for a most enjoyable evening. Roger Scholl
                                                              and Cameron Johnson gave a brief talk about
                                                              wilderness and answered many questions. Short-
                                                              ly before midnight friends parted and our grow-
                                                              ing coterie of supporters of wilderness in Lyon
                                                              County left with new resolve to see this dream
                                                              come to fruition.
                                                                    As they discussed at the pot luck, there is
                                                              little new news from Lyon County at this time.
                                                              The leadership in the county is still in a stale-
                                                              mate with our Congressional Delegation over
                                                              several aspects of a combined lands bill for Lyon
chose to hike southward to enjoy a better view of             and Mineral Counties. The best thing that we as
Bald Mountain and the canyons on its east slope.              supporters of wilderness in both counties can do
At days end we lingered, hat-                                 is to focus on becoming familiar with the idea of
ing to see the trip end. At last                                                   wilderness and the proposal
it was decided we wanted to                                                        areas themselves. Please
keep our momentum go-                                                              continue to check our events
ing so plans were made for a                                                       calendar for the next values
pot luck at Debbie and Steve                                                       trips to one of these spectac-
Pellegrini’s house.                                                                ular areas!
     The potluck was held
on the evening of September
29th with 30 people attend-                                                                 Photos by Kurt Kuznicki

    Ice House Canyon Map:
 Icehouse Canyon is in the Silver Peak Range Wilderness Study Area that Ross mentions in his
 recount of the Wilderness Rendezvous. It is a gorgeous winding canyon full of amazing mineralized colors and rock
 Access to the canyon is all on good dirt roads, allowing vehicles with 2WD and clearance to access this unique
 area. The Silver Peak Range is the eastern border of Fish Lake Valley. When traveling to Icehouse Canyon, the most
 notable landmark is the Dyer Ranch, which is private property, but the turn is at the northern end of the ranch. If you
 go please send us pictures and stories of your adventures!
 In the Benchmark Atlas (Black) – pg. 70, B5                      In the DeLorme Gazetteer (Red) – pg. 58, D4

Fall 2007
 Exposure                                                                       by MacKenzie Banta

    The 2008 Wild Men of
Wild Nevada calendars are
BACK! This year twelve full color
photos and twelve spanking dandies
grace your wall showing spectacular
Nevada land (and man) scapes.
      Each calendar is $20 and goes
toward the Project’s work to keep
Nevada wild. You can order yours
today at
      Keep posted to www.weet- to vote for your favorite
wild man!
      The Nevada Wilderness Project
launched our 2008 Wild Men of
Wild Nevada calendars in Las Vegas
on October 12th at the Palms Casino
and Resort. Thanks to the sup-
port of the N9ne Group, Fiji Water,
Southern Wine and Spirits and the
                                                              Nevada. Thank you to all those people and businesses that
Art of Music, the calendars (and many of the models) were
                                                              helped to make our wild night possible.
the hit of the party! This fundraising event located in the
Rain nightclub provided the dancing crowd the opportu-
nity to learn more about our spectacular wild lands around

    Please help us support Senator Harry Reid’s opposition to the coal-fired power plants
    proposed for Ely. This is an important issue to wilderness in Nevada. We have collected info on
     coal power on our blog @ Post your comments and thoughts, and tell your
   friends how Harry Reid’s energy and environmental policies are good for wilderness and Nevada.

     This is what’s at stake: Near proposed coal power plants.

NWP Events!                                                                           Northern Nevada:
Happy Hours @ Great Basin Brewery:                 Hikes/Events:
Nov 0th -8pm                                     Nov th – Wovoka Proposed Wilderness, Lyon Co
Dec 11th -8pm                                     Dec 1st – Wovoka Proposed Wilderness, Lyon Co
Jan 1th -8pm
                                                   Cameron Johnson is there for all your NorNev Wilderness info needs @
Southern Nevada:
November 6th (Tuesday) we will have an event to celebrate the 5th
Anniversary of the 2002 Wilderness protections in Clark County. At
6:30-8:30pm at the Clark County Public Library, Conference Room at 1401
E. Flamingo (at Maryland). We will have keynote speaker David Bert, host
of KNPR’s Along the Way, free raffle, food, and fun.
November 18th Wilderness values trip Gold Butte with an Archaeologist
sharing knowledge about this spectacular area.
December 8-9 Wilderness values trip to Gold Butte with optional camp out.

Happy Hours:
November 28th Happy Hour 6-8pm Steiner’s Nevada Style Pub, 1750 N Buffalo
December 19th Happy Hour 6-8pm Freakin Frog, 4700 S Maryland Pkwy
                                        Please contact the illustrious Nick Dobric for details on these events @
                               (702) 369-1871

                       Protect your Wild Lands
It’s really easy to help the Nevada Wilderness Project preserve your land... Just cut this form off, write a check, cram it in
an envelope and mail it to us @ NV Wilderness Project, 8550 White Fir Street; Reno, NV 89523
Enclosed is my donation of:      I would like to make a recurring donation:     comments:
$35                               Monthly
$50                               Every 3 Months
$100                              Annually
$500                               Please make check or money
Other Amount _______               order payable to:
                                                                      For secure credit card transactions, please visit
                                   Nevada Wilderness Project

       Permit #200
        Reno, NV
      U.S. Postage
     Non-Profit Org.                                                                 Reno, Nevada 89523
                                                                                     8550 White Fir Street

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Fall 2007 Nevada Wilderness Project Newsletter

  • 1. Nevada Wilderness Project Photo by Warren Shaul Pumpkinman Triathalon! by Rush Clark It was quite an honor and a privilege to take swim practice (or at least semi-regularly) – NWP’s very own part in NWP’s annual fund-raiser. I missed the boat last year Cameron Johnson. Overall, the training wasn’t all that bad. I having just moved to the area. So, I pledged to do my part this think I actually reduced my carbon footprint over the training year, especially since I’ve explored some of Nevada’s unique period because I rode my bike just about everywhere I went landscapes. I never realized what an interesting and breath- – work, errands, even the bars. taking place the desert can be; I still feel like I’m part of an old Less driving and more riding seemed to do the trick. western with every visit. So, again, I felt compelled to make a Race day came before I knew it, and next thing I know, I’m contribution and felt that participating in the Pumpkinman standing in cold water up to my waist at 7 a.m., wearing Triathlon fund-raiser was a good start. spandex “tri” shorts that feel and look funny, thinking to I can’t express how much fun the whole experience myself, “Well, there’s no turning back. Would the race start was. Before I began my fund-raising push, I made an effort already!?!?” Then the gun sounded! I was off, hoping to keep to learn more about the up with Cameron in the swim be- organization itself, its cause I knew his stronger swim- history, its mission, and ming might give him the upper the areas that they’re hand. But I was soon engulfed by working to protect on the sea of swimmers and had no the next campaign. Even way of tracking Cameron down. working right next to I was on my own and discovered NWP and hanging out that the countless laps at the with Cameron over the Moana Pool didn’t really prepare last year and a half didn’t me for the chaos of 200 people impart the knowledge battling for position in Lake that I gained from the Mead’s open water. Where were last couple of months the lanes!? of study and fund-rais- Nevertheless, the swim ing. That research and ended fairly quickly, and I knowledge made it much proudly donned my Viva Las easier to talk to folks and Wilderness jersey, taking off on paint them a picture of my bike to chase Cameron down. Nevada’s desert land- Robb Wolf bikes by the shores of Lake Mead. I don’t know how much atten- scapes and provide an idea of how their donation would tion the jersey drew on the ride, but the announcer at the help. Knowledge was more than half the battle because folks finish line noticed the red jerseys as we ran across and gave definitely asked a lot of questions, especially folks beyond team Viva Las Wilderness some recognition for our efforts to the confines of the sagebrush. In the end, asking for support protect the wild. wasn’t as difficult as I once envisioned. A few emails followed The finish line was the hub of activity and team spirit, by a few phone calls, maybe a prod here and there, and my notably Team Viva Las Wilderness; all teammates gathered fund-raising was up and going. at the finish/transition area and rallied big cheers, high five On the other side of things, I still had a race to prepare trains, and took lots of pictures. Participating in such a large for. I may have solicited the fund-raising support, but I also event, the support of twenty wilderness-protecting, fun-loving had to live up to my end of the deal – I had to compete in a teammates definitely instilled a sense of pride and camara- triathlon! I wasn’t too concerned about the run and figured I derie I haven’t felt since competing in high school sports, an could handle the bike, but the swim did elicit some feelings especially rewarding feeling knowing that all participants of anxiety. A 750m (1/2 mile) swim is a long swim! Luck- joined together in an effort to keep Nevada wild! What a way ily, I had a partner in crime to offer motivation for regular to spend the weekend. I look forward to more of those!
  • 2. Fall 2007 Nevada Wilderness The colors of fall, et al. by Ross Cooper Project I’m not being merely literal here, I’m speaking metaphorically. When I bleed, say from my nose or a paper cut, I bleed Red Sox red. Oh, sure, to the casual observer (you; Northern Office a doctor; any sane person) it’s the same, but to the true fan, it’s a color steeped in 86 8550 White Fir Street years of tradition, heartbreak and curse, ready to rupture at any moment like a Taran- Reno, NV 89523 tino film. 775.746.7850 So what would it take for a native member of Red Sox nation to miss the opening Southern Office round of the baseball playoffs and 4220 S. Maryland Pkwy not complain? With Boston winning Suite 402D and the Yankees losing!? Something Las Vegas, NV 89119 pretty spectacular, I can assure 702.369.1871 you. Fortunately, the wild areas of Esmeralda County qualify. A 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation I had arrived Friday night well after sunset, so I woke Satur- NWP Board of Directors day morning to the stunning and Bret Birdsong, President surprising vista of the desert below Brian O’Donnell, Vice President the remote high-point of Nevada, Lynn Schiek, Treasurer Boundary Peak. It is in a vast sweep Chris Todd Tori King, Secretary of land just north and east of Dyer, Skip @ Silver Peak Rene Valladares known as Fish Lake Valley, complete with the natural hot springs of NWP Staff The Crossing and below the dramatic ridge of the White Mountains, then set with their John Wallin first fall of snow. Director The opening day involved hiking Icehouse Canyon in the Silver Peak WSA. Here Kristie Connolly was rock of a different color, so to speak. The oxidation of mineralized rock leads to Associate Director an array of scenic tints and hues. The reds, pinks and yellows come from iron salts, the greens from the decomposition of mica, the purples a result of manganese. And as John Tull picturesque as these striations are, they were surpassed the very next day on our hike Conservation Director through the roadless backcountry of the Boundary Peak Wilderness. Down the entire Mackenzie Banta canyon were the willows and alder, the cottonwoods and aspen, already gone deep red, Development Director bright yellow and flaming gold in their autumn turn. Cameron Johnson Go nature. Nice play. There was only one October; go out and enjoy it. N. Nevada Outreach Director Nick Dobric More from Pumpkinman! by Rush Clark S. Nevada Outreach Director We ran, we swam and we biked and along the way we helped NWP protect wild Cynthia Scholl land in Nevada. On October 14th, 16 Wild Athletes converged on Boulder City, Nevada to Membership Coordinator run the Pumpkinman Triathlon for NWP. Their efforts raised over $13,000! Nancy Hall Many thanks go out to: Katy Gold Butte Organizer Chandler-Isacksen, Rush Clark, Kristie Connolly, Nick Dobric, Coalition Partners Ramsey Hong, Cameron “Mr. Campaign for America’s Wilderness Febuary” Johnson, JD Kreimer, Friends of Nevada Wilderness Josephine Old, Pauline Orendain, Red Rock Audubon Society Carrie Sandstedt, Jen Schmidt, The Wilderness Society Cynthia Scholl, Chris Todd, and Robb Wolf. The Nevada Wilderness Project Read other accounts of the is committed to saving the spectac- race and see photos @ ular, rugged-and imperiled-public lands in Nevada as Wilderness, the strongest protection possible
  • 3. Fall 2007 Gold Butte Update by Nancy Hall Nevada Wilderness Project typically does not ask This left 316,000 acres of potential wilderness unprotected! its members to engage in the many transportation plans The future is not so gloomy for Gold Butte! We are being implemented throughout our public lands but Gold working closely with the BLM to monitor the area as Butte is special. Once again, NWP members came out in stewards, implement protective measures for sensitive re- force with comments to the Bureau of Land Management sources, and address the heavy visitation that is impacting concerning the Interim Transportation Plan for Gold Butte the land. Locally, the Friends of Gold Butte meet monthly in Southern Nevada. Thank you to all members who sup- with the Moapa Band of Paiutes for presentations, service ported trips and the pro- fun. The tection of next step citizen- for Gold proposed Butte wilder- is the ness designa- areas and tion of endan- National gered Conser- cultural vation resourc- Area es. with As wilder- we pre- ness in pare to spectacu- celebrate lar areas the 5th such as anniver- Garrett sary of Buttes, the Clark the County Virgin Public Moun- Lands Bill we reflect on the many victories of this Act. Con- tains and Billy Goat Peak. sider Wee Thump, the first designated citizens’ proposed What next? Write to Congressman Porter, Senators Reid wilderness and Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area and Ensign and express the need for wilderness in Gold (NCA) and the North McCullough Wilderness area desig- Butte! nated within. These legislative victories are milestones that Congressman Porter – 218 Cannon HOB Washington, DC 20515 will set precedents for future wilderness legislation. Senator Reid – 528 Hart SOB Washington, DC 20510 Meanwhile, Gold Butte became highly contentious Senator Ensign – 364 Russell SOB, Washington, DC 20510 with some local rural residents and did not receive the wilderness designations it greatly deserved in the 2002 bill. Lime Canyon and Jumbo Springs were both designated as wilderness and Garrett Buttes was released from Wil- derness Study Area (WSA) status. In all, an almost equal amount of acres were designated as released from WSA. Wee want your stories and photos is a blog chronicling our adventures in wild places and NWP’s efforts to protect them. We invite you to be a part of it by posting comments on the blog, adding your photos and sending us your stories from Nevada’s Wil- derness, You can also find articles from the newsletter on the blog as well as extended content including interviews with prominent people in the community, photography, and additional informative articles on the web.
  • 4. Fall 2007
  • 6. Fall 2007 Wovoka Happenings by Steve Pelligrini On September 8 twenty-one people from the Yerington area visited Bald Mountain. For many this was their first view of the proposed Wovoka Wilderness. The caravan left Yering- ton at 8:00 AM and arrived at Bald Mountain shortly before noon. After lunch everyone hiked to a point east of the first caldera where there is a good view of the east slope of the Pine Grove Range and of the East Walker Valley. Roger Scholl spoke briefly to the group about wilderness, particularly about what wilderness would mean to Lyon County. Most attendees ing. Great food, wine and good conversation made for a most enjoyable evening. Roger Scholl and Cameron Johnson gave a brief talk about wilderness and answered many questions. Short- ly before midnight friends parted and our grow- ing coterie of supporters of wilderness in Lyon County left with new resolve to see this dream come to fruition. As they discussed at the pot luck, there is little new news from Lyon County at this time. The leadership in the county is still in a stale- mate with our Congressional Delegation over several aspects of a combined lands bill for Lyon chose to hike southward to enjoy a better view of and Mineral Counties. The best thing that we as Bald Mountain and the canyons on its east slope. supporters of wilderness in both counties can do At days end we lingered, hat- is to focus on becoming familiar with the idea of ing to see the trip end. At last wilderness and the proposal it was decided we wanted to areas themselves. Please keep our momentum go- continue to check our events ing so plans were made for a calendar for the next values pot luck at Debbie and Steve trips to one of these spectac- Pellegrini’s house. ular areas! The potluck was held on the evening of September 29th with 30 people attend- Photos by Kurt Kuznicki Ice House Canyon Map: Icehouse Canyon is in the Silver Peak Range Wilderness Study Area that Ross mentions in his recount of the Wilderness Rendezvous. It is a gorgeous winding canyon full of amazing mineralized colors and rock formations. Access to the canyon is all on good dirt roads, allowing vehicles with 2WD and clearance to access this unique area. The Silver Peak Range is the eastern border of Fish Lake Valley. When traveling to Icehouse Canyon, the most notable landmark is the Dyer Ranch, which is private property, but the turn is at the northern end of the ranch. If you go please send us pictures and stories of your adventures! In the Benchmark Atlas (Black) – pg. 70, B5 In the DeLorme Gazetteer (Red) – pg. 58, D4
  • 7. Fall 2007 Exposure by MacKenzie Banta The 2008 Wild Men of Wild Nevada calendars are BACK! This year twelve full color photos and twelve spanking dandies grace your wall showing spectacular Nevada land (and man) scapes. Each calendar is $20 and goes toward the Project’s work to keep Nevada wild. You can order yours today at Keep posted to www.weet- to vote for your favorite wild man! The Nevada Wilderness Project launched our 2008 Wild Men of Wild Nevada calendars in Las Vegas on October 12th at the Palms Casino and Resort. Thanks to the sup- port of the N9ne Group, Fiji Water, Southern Wine and Spirits and the Nevada. Thank you to all those people and businesses that Art of Music, the calendars (and many of the models) were helped to make our wild night possible. the hit of the party! This fundraising event located in the Rain nightclub provided the dancing crowd the opportu- nity to learn more about our spectacular wild lands around Please help us support Senator Harry Reid’s opposition to the coal-fired power plants proposed for Ely. This is an important issue to wilderness in Nevada. We have collected info on coal power on our blog @ Post your comments and thoughts, and tell your friends how Harry Reid’s energy and environmental policies are good for wilderness and Nevada. This is what’s at stake: Near proposed coal power plants.
  • 8. NWP Events! Northern Nevada: Happy Hours @ Great Basin Brewery: Hikes/Events: Nov 0th -8pm Nov th – Wovoka Proposed Wilderness, Lyon Co Dec 11th -8pm Dec 1st – Wovoka Proposed Wilderness, Lyon Co Jan 1th -8pm Cameron Johnson is there for all your NorNev Wilderness info needs @ Southern Nevada: Events: November 6th (Tuesday) we will have an event to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the 2002 Wilderness protections in Clark County. At 6:30-8:30pm at the Clark County Public Library, Conference Room at 1401 E. Flamingo (at Maryland). We will have keynote speaker David Bert, host of KNPR’s Along the Way, free raffle, food, and fun. November 18th Wilderness values trip Gold Butte with an Archaeologist sharing knowledge about this spectacular area. December 8-9 Wilderness values trip to Gold Butte with optional camp out. Happy Hours: November 28th Happy Hour 6-8pm Steiner’s Nevada Style Pub, 1750 N Buffalo December 19th Happy Hour 6-8pm Freakin Frog, 4700 S Maryland Pkwy Please contact the illustrious Nick Dobric for details on these events @ (702) 369-1871 Protect your Wild Lands It’s really easy to help the Nevada Wilderness Project preserve your land... Just cut this form off, write a check, cram it in an envelope and mail it to us @ NV Wilderness Project, 8550 White Fir Street; Reno, NV 89523 Enclosed is my donation of: I would like to make a recurring donation: comments: $35 Monthly $50 Every 3 Months $100 Annually $250 $500 Please make check or money Other Amount _______ order payable to: For secure credit card transactions, please visit Nevada Wilderness Project Permit #200 Reno, NV PAID U.S. Postage Non-Profit Org. Reno, Nevada 89523 8550 White Fir Street