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Summary Of Critical Thinking By Emily Dickinson
From another perspective. Sometimes lost, deep in thoughts, tough emotions and feelings.
Sometimes looking, staring, so strong, but again not watching anything. Sometimes imaging big
dreams, big things, but never finding anything in reality. Surrounded by same objects, life, people,
big roads, big decisions, choices. We, the people–we are unique, we are a mosaic with rare, colorful
pieces. The way we live the life, enjoy the world, see the things, makes us who we are. In dark or
light, confident or not, walking or halting. Under the sun, warm and relieved; under the cold moon,
mysterious, endless sky, thinking in sadness. Often in reality; rarely in our mind. Every time,
contemplating the miracles of the nature, enjoying the infinite universe with just two finite eyes.
Every creature that can see has a power and all creatures have another one called vision.
Can we do without the windows of soul – eyes?
Can we belong to the world of feelings and senses?
This question can have thousands of questions full of emotions. A diversity of thoughts for a theme
that raises contradictions. I think no, you think maybe, but what does Emily Dickinson think? What
does the ''blind'' poet that experiences the world from her "room" thinks? Some critics have used her
life to explain her poetry nevertheless others have tried to explain her life by referring to her poems,
which they think are autobiographical.
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The Dream : A Short Story : The Story Of The Dream
The dream is always the same. I'm always running through a thick misty forest with howling winds,
suffocating myself with the feeling of being lost. Still wondering, searching, seeking for a way out,
but never seeming to achieve the escape from my inner self. Waking up in torment with the feeling
of being lost swirling in my stomach. When will it end? Will I ever have a pleasant dream again?
Will it always be the same repetitive dream that I cannot escape from? All these questions rush
through my cerebral cortex and mingle through my neurons. Initially, I open my eyes to the
darkness. I look into its soul and wonder where I am and how I arrived at this god forsaking place. I
sit in amazement of how one second I could be in my warm, cozy bed with Sferra Capri Honey
Egyptian bed sheets and the next be in a dusty dark void that I call "Deception Thicket." I call this
place Deception Thicket because I can never seem to escape the pull it has on me. No matter where I
doze off at, I always end up in the thicket. Still running from what I can't see. Still glaring at the
small white circles that resemble eyes looking at me every step I take. I'm still here, still wandering
around looking to escape the darkness. Looking up all I could see was the faint yellowish glow of
the moon radiating through the leaves. The leaves created openings. These openings came in all
shapes and sizes, but one, in particular, caught my eye. The shape was not normal, it was very
smooth and moved
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Eyewitness Testimony Of The Human Eye
In eyewitness testimony the human eye can distort or change what it sees. There are many intricate
parts of the eye that contribute to people's daily vision. Not everyone has the same form and order of
cells in their eyes. The rod cells are located on the perimeter of the retina. While the cone cells are
compacted together in the middle of the retina. Both of these cell types are clustered together but,
are not placed evenly throughout the eye. When the form of the cells create "central vision" the
vision is clear. The other form of the eye is "peripheral vision" which has less clear vision. When
someone looks around the eye can take a quick glance at an object and see many things, yet so much
is going on in the eye to produce this image. The eyes take in everything they see to create a smooth
movement. This makes the brain look at it as a motion picture. The eyes see three dimensional to
notice every side of an object. This can result in two different types of vision. "Binocular vision"
which is where sight is produced from both eyes. The other type is "Stereoscopic vision" where both
eyes collect different angles of an image and gives it depth. All the different forms and and visions
in the eye can create a different perception for each individual. The eye ... Show more content on ...
Here are a few positive reasons for eyewitness testimony. One is eyewitness testimony can be used
as evidence. Another is that eyewitness testimony can influence the jury's decision. Lastly, it can
help to better understand what has happened and why. This does not mean eyewitness is the solution
to all cases. Here are a couple of negative aspects of eyewitness testimony. It depends on the
witness' memory and bias opinion. Secondly, the witness could make up something due to pressure
and nervousness. Lastly, eyewitness testimony could end up convicting the wrong
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Human Growth In The Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison
When a human is born we know nothing. We are naive and don't comprehend things that are
considered "common sense" to other people . But we have a brain that holds and retains information
so we can learn. We gain most of our information through trial and error. Toni Morrison plays on the
process of human growth in her novel "The Bluest Eye". Frieda and Claudia are naive about what it
mean to be "ruined". Pecola doesn't understand that she shouldn't go into strangers homes. Pecola
doesn't understand that she can not change her eye color. Morrison was trying to say the adolescence
is very naive.
Frieda and Claudia are naive about what it mean to be "ruined"."'I don't want to be ruined'.....
'Besides, what about China and Poland? They're ruined too, aren't they? And they ain't fat.'"(101) In
this quote Frieda is explaining to her sister why she is crying. Frieda goes onto explain that she has
been molested by Mr. Henry, a tenant in their home. Claudia finally finds out that her sister is crying
because she doesn't want to be "ruined" like prostitutes of her town. The two girls think that ... Show
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"'My eyes.'... 'I want them blue.'(174) In this excerpt the Pecola, a twelve year old African–
American girl, goes to the town "witch doctor" and asks him to give her blue eyes. Pecola thinks
that by having blue eyes she will become more beautiful.Pecola thinks that by being beautiful
people will treat her better and she will be happier. But what Pecola doesn't realise that it is
impossible for her to change her eye color. Not only is it a rare anomaly for a black person to be
born with blue eye, but it is impossible to change your eye color after birth. She is unaware that she
is stuck with the brown eyes she was born with. Cosmetic contacts, if they were invented then, not
common in this time. Even if they were in her state she is too poor to afford the price. Since Pecola
doesn't realize this she is
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The Human Eye 's Ability
A. Purpose
The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate the human eye's ability to detect different colors
in the visible spectrum. In this experiment a red cross is drawn on a plain, white sheet of paper and
placed upon another clean sheet of paper. The student then stares at the red cross for sixty seconds
without taking their eyes off of the cross. Once the sixty seconds pass the sheet of paper with the
cross is quickly removed the clean sheet of paper underneath is visible. A faint blue–green cross
should be clear on the clean sheet.
When examined, an object and its color, the image identified is a wavelength of light that wasn't
absorbed, alike the other wavelengths, by the object. The beam is then reflected towards the ... Show
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However, cones are the principal focus of this experiment. To them is attributed both color vision
and the highest visual acuity (HyperPhysics). Current understanding is that the 6 to 7 million cones
can be divided into "red" cones (64%), "green" cones (32%), and "blue" cones (2%) based on
measured response curves (HyperPhysics).
When one type of cone continuously sends the same signal to the brain, the cones hastily become
exhausted. Once one of the three types of cone becomes exhausted, the cone ceases to transmit
signals to the brain. Which causes the brain to assume the cones are tired and holds onto the image.
However, once the top sheet of paper is removed all that is shown is a white sheet of paper and
white contains all light energy. Since the red type cones are nonfunctioning, only the green and blue
type cones receive the wavelengths. This causes the brain to assume the signals it's receiving are a
blue–green colour instead of an equal parts red–blue–green combination, which would form white.
This experiment hopes to show how the human eye detects multiple wavelengths of light, and how
the cones interact the brain. Moreover, the experiment desires to display, not only, how the cones
work individually, but to show how the cones work in unison with each other to produce the colors
man sees. The experiment also hopes to demonstrate the immense complexity contained within the
human eye.
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Reflection In The Poetry Of Emily Dickinson'sRoom
From another perspective. Sometimes lost, deep in thoughts, tough emotions and feelings.
Sometimes looking, staring but again not watching something. Sometimes imaging big dreams, big
things distracted in soul visions but never finding anything in reality. Surrounded by same objects,
life, people, big roads, big decisions, choices. We, the people–we are unique, we are a mosaic with
rare, colorful pieces. The way we live the life, enjoy the world, see the things makes us who we are.
In dark or light, confident or not, walking or halting. Under the sun's beam, warm and relieved;
under the cold moon and shining stars that fill the black, mysterious, endless sky,thinking in
sadness. Often in reality; rarely in our mind. Every time contemplating the miracles of the nature.
Enjoying the infinite universe with just two finite eyes–just enough. Every creature that can see has
a power. And all creatures have another one called the art of seeing–vision.
Can we do without the windows of soul – eyes?
Can we live with feelings and vision?
This question can have thousands of questions full of emotions. A diversity of thoughts for a theme
that raises contradictions. I think no, you think maybe but what does Dickinson think? What does
the ''blind'' poet that feels the world from her "room" thinks? Some critics have used her life to try to
explain her poetry, and others have tried to explain her life by referring to her poems, which they
assume are autobiographical. Emily Dickinson is a passionate poet that expresses herself without
barriers. With a diamond–hard language that reflects light to the dark and hope, inspiration till the
last moment.
Emily Dickinson's poetry speaks powerfully to us. It captures her insights and recreates meaningful
events in living; it helps us to understand and even to re–live our own experiences through her
intensity and with her emotional and intellectual clarity. In the first stanza–Before she got her eye
''put out'', the speaker "liked as well to see / As other creatures, that have eyes – / And know no other
way –". At first, the construction would indicate that the speaker used to enjoy seeing and it was the
only way to
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The Imperfection Of The Greek Parthenon
The Athenian Greeks at the height of their power built a temple called the Parthenon which was a
monument to their core values of perfectionism, humanism, and rationalism. It is important to
understand that the human eye has imperfections which deceive the mind, so one can understand the
unique steps that were taken to achieve the illusion of perfection to the human eye. The Greeks
loved perfection, and as seen in the Parthenon, the Greek architects purposely made the Parthenon
imperfect to account for the imperfections in the human eye. This was done so that when one views
the Parthenon with the naked eye, it appears to be perfectly symmetrical, straight, and proportional.
The entire Parthenon does not have a single right angle. An example of the Greeks compensating for
the imperfections of the human eye is seen in the base of the Parthenon, which from a picture or in
real life looks perfectly straight, but in reality it is actually curved slightly upward. It is curved
because the Greeks knew that if you have a perfectly flat base for a building, it appears curved to the
human eye. To account for that, the Greeks made it so that the base was already curved. The Greeks
also curved the columns of the Parthenon inward, because if the columns were straight, it would
appear to be curving outward. Again, the Greeks knew about how the human eye deceives the mind,
and decided that they must trick the eye to please the mind. This was all done because the Greeks
strived for
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The Human Skeleton Can Offer More Information Than Meets...
The human skeleton can offer more information than meets the eye. In fact, when analysing an
individual's skeletal features it is possible to constitute a biological profile. In this essay, I aim to
explore the multiple elements that a human skeleton could shed light upon such as age, sex, stature,
diet, health and trauma.
Due to the natural breakdown of the skeleton with age, the determination of age at the time of death
becomes less precise the older the individual gets. Therefore age is most precisely estimated in
subadults (Adams, 2009). One of the most reliable indicators is the individual's dental development.
Teeth develop from before birth to about 18 years of age, when the formations come to a conclusion.
The observation of the ... Show more content on ...
Another technique to assess the age in subadults is to observe the epiphyseal fusion of the bones,
which takes place at a foreseeable rate (Adams, 2009). An example of this technique is the Greulich
and Pyle's atlas of the skeletal development of the hand and wrist, which studies in particular the
epiphyseal fusion of the metacarpals and phalanges, as well as the development of the carpals
(Anderson, 1971).
For adult individuals, it much harder to get an accurate age estimation due to the fact that people age
differently which also allows for more variation making the estimation intervals much larger
(Adams, 2009). In adults, age can be estimated through the study of different parts of the thoracic
cage and the pelvis. The first part of interest is the medial clavicle. Age is determined through the
study of the epiphyseal fusion. The epiphysis in those bones is the last to fuse and usually starts
between the ages of 18 and 25. When the medial clavicle is fully fused the individual is in general
over 25 years old (McKern, 1957). The second part of the thoracic cage that is used to ascertain age
is the sternal end of the fourth rib. The characteristics looked at are "the formation of a pit, its depth
and shape, configuration of the walls and rim surrounding it, and the overall texture and quality of
the bone" (Iscan, 1991, p617). With age, the pit found at the top of the rib deepens and widens,
thinning the
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Structure and Functions of Different Classes of Neurons...
Structure and Function of Various Body Parts: Structure and Functions of Different Classes of
Neurons: Neurons are nerve cells within the nervous system that allow it to communicate with body
cells. Neurons are important part of the nervous system, which has the responsibility for transmitting
electrical and chemical signals in the entire body (Stufflebeam, 2008). Neurons are required to
demonstrate qualities of ability to respond to stimuli, being conductive, and ability of secreting
chemicals. Some of the most common classes of neurons include "¦ Motor Neurons: These neurons
are also known as multipolar or efferent neurons and are responsible for carrying signals from the
central nervous system to the glands and muscles ("Brain Cells", n.d.). While they account for 9
percent of all neurons in the human body, they have numerous processes emanating from the cell
body. Consequently, these neurons are capable of stimulating muscle cells in the entire body such as
bladder, heart, diaphragm, glands, and intestines (Boeree, 2009). Motor neurons are made up of
short and divided dendrites and very long axons that don't branch freely ("Nervous Tissues", n.d.).
Sensory Neurons: They are also called afferent or unipolar neurons whose initial function is to
obtain initial stimuli from sense organs like ears, eyes, and nose and the impulses generated from the
body in reaction to changes that are necessary for maintenance of homeostasis. These neurons have
a single process or
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Memories Of A Human Being : Name, Hair Color, Eye Color...
There are so many things that define a human being: name, hair color, eye color, skin color.
However, memory plays just as big of a role in giving a person his or her identity. Memory tells the
likes and dislikes, friends and foes, and pleasant and traumatic experiences of a person. Sometimes,
though, the memory can be misleading since the brain is able to repress memories of traumatic
experiences. In the 1990s, there was a surge in the amount of curiosity scientists had about repressed
memories (Zezima and Carey) because of the many court cases in which victims or witnesses of
heinous crimes took the perpetrators to trial because of resurfaced memories (Loftus). The court
cases were the catalysts for studies on repressed and resurfaced ... Show more content on ...
The year 1990 was a monumental time for memory revelations. George Franklin Sr. was taken to
court by his daughter on the basis of resurfaced memories. Franklin 's daughter, Eileen, was eight–
years–old when she became a witness to her best friend 's death. Twenty years after that fateful night
in 1969, Eileen began to remember pieces of the incident. She eventually had a very full memory of
what had happened. That memory allowed Eileen to take her father to court in California, convince
a jury of Franklin 's wrongdoing, and find him guilty of first degree murder. After this breakthrough
court case, a series of other trials came to light featuring recently resurfaced memories (Loftus). A
string of studies soon followed because the numerous court cases had piqued the interest of
scientists nationwide. Though some scientists had differing opinions, several well–respected
organizations conducted studies which concluded that the human mind is capable of repressing
memories of traumatic events. A joint study conducted by researchers at Stanford University and the
University of Oregon has found that the left and right frontal cortexes and the hippocampus are
involved in repressing memories. The left and right frontal cortexes are the parts of the brain that are
used when people repress memories. The hippocampus is used when remembering things. When the
left and right frontal cortexes have a higher usage rate, the hippocampus is
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Human Eye Sight Affects The Game Of Basketball
Have you ever wondered about how eye sight effects the game of basketball? I have been playing
basketball since I was 5 years old. I would always wonder how I would perform if I had glasses or
only had one eye. In my science fair project I'm going to put that to the test. I want to get
information about this topic to help my team and I. It is very confusing how the eye works. The
human eye works just like a camera (How the human eye works). When you look at an object you
see it because light reflects off an object and goes to your eyes (How the human eye works). Your
eyes take the light and turn it into signals going to your brain to see the picture (How the human eye
works). Retinal disparity is an interesting subject to learn and talk about.
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Glass Splinters Collision With The Human Eye
The main stream of blunt trauma injuries has been reported to be related to the automobile crashes,
sporting activities, and military operations. Glass splinters, which induce due to car accident,
earthquake, gunshot, etc., may collide with the eye and trigger substantial scarring and,
consequently, permanently affect the vision. The results of this collision with the eye and the
following injuries to different components of the eye are complicated to be diagnosed by
ophthalmologists. The objective of this study was to employ a Three–Dimensional (3D)
computational Fluid–Structure Interaction (FSI) model of the human eye to assess the influences of
glass splinters collision with the eye. To do this, a rigid steel–based object hit a glass wall,
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The Human Eyes Of Primates
One of the most variable aspects of the eyes in primates is the sclera. The sclera in primates comes
in multiple different pigments and SSI as seen in figure 2. In research on human eyes, evidence
concludes that through the sclera, health, age and emotion can be detected; redden or yellow sclera
detects decreased health, increased age, and even emotions of sadness or irritation, whereas bright
white sclera represents increased overall health [4]. The true purpose for the evolution of the sclera
is not completely clear, but many implications can be made to help researchers better understand the
complex evolution of the eye. One of the major topics for research on the eye is the discovery that
the purpose of the white sclera is to amplify gaze direction whereas the darker colored sclera is to do
the opposite; hide gaze direction from predators [5]. Not only can the sclera help detect emotion and
gaze but is a major factor in the evolution of communication between primates.
The majority of organisms that fall into the category of primates tend to live in relatively large group
size and work together within their habitats to increase the overall survival rate. There are multiple
benefits of living in larger groups which include increased genetic diversity, increased protection
from predators and even more opportunity for developing learning strategies [7]. On the other hand,
animals living in smaller groups do not necessarily have as much completion for resources or
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Cub The Most Beautiful Thing Human Eyes
How would you like to travel to the wonderful country of Cuba? Christopher Columbus described it
as the most beautiful thing human eyes have ever seen! Along with its rich culture, Cuba also has an
aggressive history, flat geography, harsh government, rich culture, and a poor economy. First, Cuba
is known for having an aggressive history. During Cuba's beginning, Christopher Columbus landed
in Cuba in 1492. Many years later there was a measles outbreak in 1529 which killed most of the
population at that time. A few hundred years later, Carlos Manuel de Cespedes led a rebellion to free
Cuba in 1868. In 1898 Spain and the U.S. sign the treaty of Paris. In addition to Cuba's formative
years, it has several newsworthy events. Cuba fought many wars like the ten years wars in 1868–
1880 and the Little War in 1879–1880. In 1875 Cuba ended slavery. Thereafter, Cuba fought for
their independence against Spain in 1895–1898. On October 13th, 1910 a horrible hurricane called
the Cyclone of the Five Days, hit the country, and nine hundred people died. Cuba suffered against
another hurricane, Hurricane Flora in 1963 were 1,000 Cubans lost their lives. In 1956, Fidel Castro
Ruz launched a revolution from the Sierra Maestra mountains. The U.S. ended military help to Cuba
in 1958, and on New Year 's Day 1959, Batista fled into exile and Castro took over the government.
During Fidel Castro's presidency, Cuba did well in the Olympics. In 1980 Cuba won 20 medals in
the Olympics in
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The Biology Of Our Eyes
Sight a precious gift we cant take or granted, our eyes are the windows to the wonders of the woerld
all we know and love experidne and discover, ponder and cherish. Lets peer into the workings of the
eye. A uniae and self sustailning system. the reflecte light of the world. Light enters ino the crystal
teansperency of the cornea, aqueous humor,lens, and vitreous humor, to projecr onto the photo re
cemptors of the retina whos impoulses converge on the optic nerve, and then to the brain wto be
transfigured into imagery and imbedded with meaning. continual adjustments to the puopil and lense
regulate the entry and focusing of light in todays world the eyes surface is constantly challenged to
protect itself and adjust to changing conditions. Ebeey blink helps our eyes antural devence system.
The tear film, retains moister and retains visual acuity, tears contain natural disinfectants to kepe
bacteria at bay alnd the tear system washes away impurities to maintain eye helth. The biology of
our eyes inspires us to develop ways we can protect and maintain comfort for these remarkable
structurews. For all the wonders our eyes provide throughout our lives we owe them our attentiona
and ongoing care.
But to simply speak about the fuctions and structures of the eye would not be providing it with the
admiration and respect it deserves. The evolution of the eye is the true marvel biology, once
considered so complex that Charles Darwin argued that the idea of them having evolved seemed
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Human Eye's Impact On Optics, Chemistry And Climate Change
The human eye is used to identify the world around us and this tactic is very important because as
animals and humans , it acted as a great survival skill. In modern time , the eyes have developed
many different advanced skills such as displaying feelings, communicating, taking in information
and eyes have been a important in the growing of science as they are used for many observations.
Try and imaging not being able to see for a day. As you can see, eyes play a important role in our
lives and without them, the world would look much different than it does today. Today I will be
talking about how the human eye plays a big impact on Optics, Biology,Chemistry and Climate
change we will be seeing what effect the human eye has on these specific ... Show more content on ...
The retina is a tissue from the brain that has a big impact towards the human eye. The retina first
layer is made up of rods and cones cells it location is a back of the where it takes light from the rod
and cons and turns it into signals then gives it of to the optic nerve.The retina in my opinion is one
of the most important parts of the human eye because if there no rentia the signals can be made and
signals won't be transported to the brain.
The cornea is a layer outside of the eye which covers the pupil and iris. The cornea plays a big role
because it like a shield to the human eye and it also controls how much light energy is entering the
eye. Another why cornea is important is because when incoming light hits the cornea it allows the
lens to bend the and introduce it to the other parts of the human
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The Perception Of A Infant 's Visual System
The phenomena of perception refer to the sensory processes that enables human beings to recognize
and organized the information that is received from the environment. Such process allows
individuals to perceive the world and objects. For such process to occur, theorists research visual
perceptual patterns during the period of infancy. Research has found that there are differences
between the way a newborn infant perceives the world in comparison to adults, as their visual
system is not fully developed at such an early age. An infant's visual system is heterochronus which
disables them from seeing a complete view of the world, compared to adults.
An individual's visual system is constructed by different components. The eye and the brain perform
different functions and go through different processes from the moment light is reflected from an
object to actually obtaining visual recognition. Vision relies on the response of the nervous system
to the light that has been reflected from an object, during this process many parts of the human eye
are active. When a ray of light enters the pupil of the eye, the cornea refracts the lights and focuses
the lights on the lens which focuses the light at the back of the eye in the retina. The retina then
converts the light via optic nerves which enables the information to be processed in the brain,
enabling visual recognition of the image which we see (Wade, 2001). This process is necessary, so
individuals are able to comprehend what is
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Analysis Of ' Ah 201
AH 201 – Dr. Curtis Kahrin Spear
Paper III Artwork Analysis Pair 1
Deemed to be one his most famous compositions, Johannes Vermeer, using oil on canvas, created
The Allegory of Painting in 1666. A standout piece of Seventeenth Century, this still life
representation of a painter in his studio depicts some of the best naturalistic qualities of this era. His
usage of light, space, color, and symbolism blends harmoniously to create the perfect illusion. In the
foreground we see the painter himself, seated on a wooden stool and dressed in ravishing garments
not necessarily suited for this time period. However, his outfit is still thought to be characteristic of a
painter. The symbolism behind this atypical attire is unclear, however, perhaps Vermeer chose this
style dress as a means to sustain a consistent theme of lavish across the piece. The elegance in the
marble flooring, chandelier, and intricate drapery all contribute to this theme.
One of the most discussed attributes of this piece is Vermeer's usage of light and the clever approach
he uses to depict the scene and fool the eye of the beholder. As discussed by Miedema in his analysis
of this piece, he explains the human eye's tendency to view artwork similarly to the way one would
read text: left to right1. Vermeer, understanding this concept, paints The Allegory of Painting in this
manner to lead the eye into the rest of the scene. We see this with the large drapery on the left hand
side that hangs into the
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The Reflection Of The Human Eye Work
How does the human eye work?
The cornea is clear and at the front of the eye. When light rays enter it, the cornea refracts it through
the pupil and then the iris. The iris controls how much light may pass through the pupil by
expanding or shrinking. Next, the light ray will enter the lens. This also refracts light by changing its
shape with the help of the ciliary muscles and the suspensory ligaments. The light will go through a
dense jelly–like tissue named the vitreous humour and eventually focused at the back of the eye onto
the retina. The retina is a light sensitive tissue and covered with rods and cones. These receptors will
capture the light ray and transform it into electrical impulses. They get sent off through the nerve
fibres, then the optic nerve, and then finally the brain. The picture given by the retina is upside down
so our brain will next turn it the right way up.
Our bodies have the capability to endure large scars but, a slight scar on the cornea can lead up to
our vision becoming impaired. The retina will process the light rays, into light impulses that need to
be transferred to the brain to create an image, which are focused on to them by the cornea. So, any
deep injures experienced by the cornea can lead to corneal scarring which would affect our vision.
Focusing on near and distant objects
People that have trouble focusing in near or a distant object is due the light rays entering their eyes
are unable to focus on the retina. This is a very common
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Reflection Of The Human Eye
Our eyes are one of the most significant organs in our body. Through it, we are able to see things
and do our errands efficiently. The human eye is a complex yet imperative organ of our body filled
with nerves, a lens, liquid and more. This organ gives us the aptitude to envisage the world in
different colors, shapes and dimensions; centered on the reflection and refraction norm. In our eye,
several major constituents work concurrently to capture and transmit the image to the occipital lobe
of the brain through optic nerves. Separate info from left and right eye is directed to the brain
through these nerve impulses. This info is then combined by our brain for determining the distance
and profundity of the image so as to envisage full three dimensional images. The upward and
downward muscular movement of the eye is monitored by superior and inferior rectus muscles,
whereas the side movement and staying in level is controlled with the assistance of medial and
lateral rectus muscles. These muscles are in turn controlled over with the aid of oculomotor nerves.
To prevent the frictional impairment from these movements, the tears are released by lacrymal
glands, which can improve lubrication, confiscate foreign objects and avert bacterial infection.
Occipital lobe is the portion of central nervous system, accountable for deciphering vision. Thus,
any impairment to optic nerve can sternly affect central vision, peripheral vision and color vision of
an individual. The functional aberration in any of the above major constituents might cause serious
eye glitches; which if overlooked, might gradually result in vision loss. Thus, there are a number of
eye conditions such as retinopathy or some forms of corneal sicknesses, which can be very upsetting
for some of the patients; where as some of the other disorders can be so subtle that they can be
routinely treated by an ophthalmologist.
The various symptoms of eye disorders are:
Blurry vision on objects that are in the distance.
Squinting the eye
Severe headaches or the eyes will become exhausted from reading.
It is difficult to see things that are within close range.
In kids, the most common symptom is crossed eyes.
Eye weariness.
There will
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The Human Eye Is A Perfect Well Designed Optical System
According to the report for the 2012 National Health Interview Survey, at least 1.5 million
Americans weakened their vision due to use of technology. However, thanks to advanced
technology and innovation people can choose between glasses and contacts as a therapy for
improving their eyesight. Contact lenses have become the fastest progressing medical devices in
optometry and have seen a number of significant improvements and developments since its
existence (Schaeffer, 2011). According to Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, the first
plastic contact lenses were produced between 1938–1940 in the United States and the first soft
lenses came later in the 70s.
Keywords: Contact lenses, glasses, cornea, astigmatism, eye ... Show more content on ...
Perovic had. I did not want to look anything like her! First day of school was right around the corner
and as I was getting ready for it questions kept circulating in my mind. What would my friends
think? I was the only one with glasses. How would I play sports with glasses? Would I still get
invited to birthday parties? Will boys like me? Some of my friends thought my glasses were cool,
but deep inside I knew they were just trying to make me feel good. I still got invited to the parties,
but boys did not like me. But all of that did not bother me as much. What bothered me the most is
that I could not play sports with my glasses. They kept slipping from my nose or falling off my face
on the ground whenever I tried jumping or doing cartwheels. I thought my life would never be the
¬ Loss of vision can happen at any age, even at birth, it is not only geriatric condition. With
increased use of technology people's eyesight gets worse causing eyestrain, loss of vision and other
problems. More than 30 million people in the U.S. wear contact lenses due to eye conditions such as
myopia, hyperopia, keratoconus, astigmatism, or presbyopia (Ţălu et al., 2011). Though contact
lenses seem to be a recent phenomenon, the famous Italian architect, mathematician and inventor
Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) produced the first known sketches for it five hundred years ago
(Siviglia, 2010). This paper will examine the
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Example Of A Worldview Essay
A worldview is a set of basic beliefs about the nature of reality. It affects the way a person behaves
and responds to different circumstances. When young, our worldview is influenced by parents, who
tell us what is right and wrong. However, as we grew up, our life experiences come to shape
worldviews that we hold as adults. As scientists, our worldviews matter a great deal. Whether theist
or atheist, it is critical to know what we consider to be our responsibility towards everyone and
everything around us. In this paper, I talk about views of a number of scientists about God and
creation and the impact of these beliefs on their approach to science. In addition, we will look at
different natural phenomena and what they tell us about the Intelligence design behind them. I will
also discuss the effects of human actions on the environment and what can be done to keep it clean.
Isaac Newton is one of the most prominent scientists in recent times. He is known for his
contribution on understanding gravity, and he contributed a lot in calculus. Many thinkers and
scientists of his time tried to explain everything using science excluding the role of God in their
explanation. Unlike them, Newton was a strong religious person. He believed in a personal God but
rejected the idea of the Holy Trinity. He did not believe that God and Christ were ... Show more
content on ...
The word Biomimicry comes from two Greek words: bios which means life and mimesis which
means to imitate. To put in other terms, biomimicry is a science that studies nature's models and then
emulates these forms, processes, systems, and strategies to solve human problems.2 Throughout
human history, man has been adapting ideas from nature around him to solve his problems There are
many examples of biomimicry, but let us focus on the human eye and the gecko
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Speech Outline
COM225 Public Speaking Speech Outline 1) Explain the differences between a speaking outline and
a formal outline. According to the course text book, a formal outline is defined as "a complete
sentence outline written in sufficient detail that a person other than the speaker could understand it,
(Grice & Skinner, 2010, p. 197)". The course text book defines a speaking outline as "a brief
outline for the speaker's use alone and containing source citations and delivery prompts, (Grice
& Skinner, 2010, p. 200)". In other words, formal outline are designed for people in general to
understand using complete sentences, and a speaking outline is created for the speaker only, using
source citation notes and special delivery notes for ... Show more content on ...
Looking at failure and problems as blessings in disguise e. Looking for solutions instead of
explaining problems B. Guidelines for self improvement 1. No more excuses a. No what if's b. No I
cant's 2. More than one solution to every problem a. Don't think about why you can't b. Think about
how you can 3) Explain the meaning of the principle of parallelism in outlining. Give an example of
parallel construction. Parallelism in outlining means having coordinate points throughout the outline
that have parallel grammatical construction. A good example to use is quoted directly from the
course text book, "For example, a key phrase outline of a speech on how to write a resume begins
with a first main point labeled, "Things to include." The second point should be "Things to omit,"
rather than "Leaving out unnecessary information" (Grice & Skinner, 2010, p.194)". In other
words, coordinate main points can be expressed as verb phrases, while the coordinate sub points
may be expressed as nouns or noun phrases using parallelism in outlining. Works Cited Grice, G.,
L., & Skinner, J., F., (2010). "Mastering Public Speaking, Seventh Edition". Published by Allyn
& Bacon. Copyright, (2010, 2007, 2004, 2001, 1998, 1995, 1993) Pearson Education, Inc. Date
Retrieved: 03/01/2013. 4) List and briefly explain the five functions of outlining. Outlining is
designed to serve five main purposes for a speaker when preparing a speech. (1) It
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Color And Its Effect On The Human Eye
Colour When designing GUIs you need to be conscious of the colours. Microsoft office uses grey as
the main colour, blue for the title bar, highlighting, drop down lists and some text. Many uses feel
grey is dull and boring colour to use, however if the colour bright red or black was used it would be
uncomfortable eyes. Trichromatic System and luminance (Red, Green, Blue) Trichromatic system
uses a combination of three colours that are the basis of 3D vision, which are red, blue and green.
The human eye has a trichromatic system. The three colours of the trichromatic are detected by three
different types of cells on the retina of the eye, these are known as receptors. There has been much
work on developing the theory of this system into ... Show more content on ...
Proximity is the way we view things which are close together as a group or look closer than they
actually are. Continuity is taking more of an interest in a straight smooth lines rather than rigid and
rapidly changing lines. Symmetry is when a shape or object is repeated on both sides to make it a
mirror image. We see symmetrical shapes easily than unsymmetrical shapes. Similarity is objects
and shapes placed together as they look similar, where as dissimilar objects are likely to be viewed
individually. There are also laws that relate to common groupings. Fate is when we see objects that
move together as a group. Region is when objects are enclosed together somehow as a group. And
connected is when we see objects connected by continuous lines. Objects GUI is built using a
number of separate objects. Each object is used in a clear order. So images are layered. It is
important that images appear in order and overlay the first image, or else an interface may look as
an incomplete object to the user. If images are positioned behind or in front of text, then the whole
interface will not be able to be seen. Therefore GUI should appear in front of text on the desktop and
not behind existing images on the desktop. Furthermore if the positioning of the objects has not been
precisely arranged then the GUI or parts of the GUI may not appear behind the main screen. This
leads to the user not being able to access the full range of commands. Another thing is the
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Two Associated Systems
Two Associated Systems:
Two associated systems with the eye are the nervous and muscular systems. The eye is a part of the
nervous system because it is responsible for sending, receiving, and processing information sent
through the nerve impulses. The optic nerve is a part of the eye and part of the central nervous
system. As humans, we see something through our eyes and react to it. If we see someone is going
to hit us, we flinch. If we are reading something, or seeing a picture, we see it and process it. By
seeing the world through our eyes, it allows us to react and process our surroundings. The eyes are
also associated with the muscular system; it has a special system of muscles that allow the eyes to
move. Movements of the ciliary muscles ... Show more content on ...
If you are born with it, you will have to live with it. However, there is medical research going on to
try to cure color blindness. They are using gene therapy on monkeys to get them to see color.
Researchers hope that one day this will help humans too. Gene therapy helps repair the damaged
chromosome that causes color blindness. If color blindness is caused by something else; like an
injury to the eye, old age, glaucoma, or certain medication side effects, you must treat the
underlying cause to fix the non–genetic colorblindness.
Prevention of Diseases: To prevent glaucoma a person should first off know about their family
history. If glaucoma runs in the family, a person can be more likely to develop it. Some other
preventative measures are to go to the eye doctor regularly, take prescribed eye drops, wear eye
protection, and exercise safely. In order to prevent corneal disease one must avoid smoke, wear
protective eye gear, take frequent breaks from computer use, eat food that promote eye health (leafy
greens and fish), and have the eyes screened regularly. By following these preventative measures,
not only can a person reduce the chance of getting this disease, but they can also support good eye
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What Are The Five Traditional Senses
Internet Activity #6 The five traditional senses have been around since the time of Aristotle. Each
sensory organ is made up of cells that have receptors for stimuli. In this way, the cells are linked to
the nervous system and the brain. The senses are very primitive functions of the cells. Humans' most
developed sense is sight. The eye is the sensory organ for sight. Visual input from the eyes is
mapped by the back of the brain, and it is combined into one image, combining the image from both
eyes into one. The brain flips images to look right side up because the focusing action of the lense
causes images to appear upside down to the retina. Light is focused on the retina through a
transparent lens. Rods and cones cover the retina. Cone
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Visual Illusions Essay
My project is over visual effects and how the eye works. This project was chosen because I have
always wondered how the human eye works and Visual trickery. Also because sometimes some
visual illusions are impossible to figure out and are really cool so I am very interested on how they
work and how to create one on my own. How do visual illusions work on the human eye? This
paragraph is going to be about to the receptive field."The receptive field is a term originally coined
by Sherrington (1960) to describe an area of the body surface where a stimulus could elicit a reflex"
(Alonso). The receptive field is important because it helps explain what it is and how it works.
"Retinal ganglion cells located at the center of vision ... Show more content on ...
With stimuli of fixed sizes they first demonstrate the perceptual shift, which increases with
eccentricity. Shifts aren't naturally thin with variations of stimuli's size. Each eccentricity the
perceptual shifts scale is matter of fact scale–independent. The scale independence is for the
aftereffect because of the discrimination thresholds decrease as the size increases (Ahissar). is
important because it explains what Spatial Vision/aftereffects are more in depth. Color Vision helps
see color in the world."Binocular dysfunctions such as suppression and anomalous correspondence
demonstrate cortical adaption's in the eye–brain function maintain some level of visual
performance" , (American Optometric Association). Talking about what helps maintain visual
performance. Process of the binocular vision is a reflection of very complex interactions with the
eye–brain continuum. Inputs of both the patients' eyes to the brain must be together at the same time
for the "neural binocular summation" to occur. The eyes being aligned is maintained "via" for the
ongoing working together of the brain and the eyes (American Optometric Association). Showing
how the eye–brain coordination works with binocular vision. "Color vision deficiency is the
inability to distinguish certain shades of color o in ore severe cases, see colors at all" (American
Optometric Association). Talks about color vision deficiency. The Human eye. When your eye pulls
a flatten lens
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The Theory Of Light And Its Effects On The Human Eyes
Light, a concept that has been worked with for many years dating back to 500 B.C. Pythagoras
hypothesized that humans perceive light due to the human eyes ability to emit rays upon the
environment and the emittance gives a human his or her sight (Sekuler). Afterward, human
intellectuals started making it more concise to present day knowledge of light. This development of
light came from two intellectuals named Christian Huygens and Isaac Newton. Newton exclaimed
during the 1700s that light was a stream of particles carrying energy but Huygens, Newton's
contemporary, thought that light needed this invisible "ether" in order for these streams to make
light travel. Then, a couple hundred years later, modern scientists such as Albert Einstein, Thomas
Young, and Augustin Fresnel proved Isaac's and Huygens' hypotheses of light (Rossing, 23–24).
This is how the basis of light was created.
With today's science, light becomes more specifically perceived as a spectrum. The specific name
for this spectrum is the electromagnetic spectrum, which contains many types of waves (NASA,
Electromagnetic Spectrum). In Figure 2, the spectrum shows a variety of wavelengths with specific
wavelengths classified by its length. The range of wavelengths humans can see wavelengths that are
around 400 – 700 nanometers (nm) as colors while all other electromagnetic waves are simply blind
to humans. The interesting classes for light that are used to measure are microwave and infrared
light. The laser is
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The Eye Is An Extension Of The Human Body
The eye is one of the most complex parts of the human body. It is so complex and full of nerves, that
it can be considered an extension of the brain. That is why, even nowadays, it is still extremely
difficult to design a prosthetic that could completely substitute its functions. It is clear then, that the
main goal of visual prosthesis is to restore vision in blind individuals, providing stable, safe and
long–lasting devices, in parallel with improvement of quality of life, meaning that each person is
different, and not always an enhancement in visual function translates into a better life.
To be able to understand and upgrade visual prosthesis, one must first understand the eye operates. A
schematic representation of ... Show more content on ...
Postmortem evaluation of retina of people with these diseases has also shown that a significant
number of cells remain in the inner retina. These cells can be used by the prosthesis; however, it is
not certain if the processing circuitry of the inner retina also remains intact.
Firstly, it is important to clarify that it is possible to stimulate other visual pathways other than the
retina to recover visual perception. Examples of these are any sensory substitution based systems.
However, the retinal prosthesis, besides its complexity, is the most developed visual systems so far,
besides being the only of these prosthetic with the potential to restore the individual's vision as it
was before his/her specific disease.
There are currently two main types of retinal prosthesis available commercially: those that use an
external system for image capture and those that use the patient's own optical focusing system.
Being an example of each the Argus II retinal prosthetic system and the Alpha–IMS one,
respectively. Both work with the same three–step mechanism that consists of capturing the visual
images from the outside world, transducing them into meaningful neurological signals and
subsequent activation of the optic nerve. The way each device make each step differ.
The Argus II retinal prosthetic system uses a video camera as a capturing system. The images are
then processed in real time by a visual processing unit. These first steps occur extrinsic
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The Evolution Of The Human Body
The evolution of the human body can be observed from studying the intermediates found in
ancestral organisms. Shubin proposes that every attribute that makes us human can be traced back to
a time that showcases its importance for survival. Every single trait in the human body has been
selected for through multiple mechanisms of evolution, natural selection being one of them. This
theory is intriguing because not long ago it was unheard of to relate humans to fish, amphibians,
reptiles, mammals, and birds. Every highly specialized characteristic such as balance, sight, smell,
and more began as an extremely simple mutational advantage. The complexity seems unfathomable
to many as to how the human body as been come to be, but everything can be explained logically
once scientists take a closer look at other organisms. Selective pressure is constantly promoting the
survival of advantages mutations and quickly removing disadvantageous traits. Organisms were not
designed to be what they are today but rather they underwent a lengthy experiment of trial and error.
The different environmental pressures have lead to a vast expansion of biodiversity, each organism
is best suited to fit their own niche. There is no "superior" organism since the outcome is that the
species is the best adapted to its environment over another species. Species always have a potential
niche and a realized niche where their specific advantageous traits were selected for to aid in their
survival. Specific
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The Human Eye
The Eye is the organ of sight. Eyes enable people to perform daily tasks and to learn about the world
that surrounds them. Sight, or vision, is a rapidly occurring process that involves continuous
interaction between the eye, the nervous system, and the brain. <br><br>When someone looks at an
object, what he/she is really seeing is the light that the object reflects, or gives off. This reflected
light passes through the lens and falls on to the retina of the eye. Here, the light induces nerve
impulses that travel through the optic nerve to the brain, where it makes an image of the object, and
then that image is passed on to muscles and glands.<br><br>The eye is well protected. It lies within
a bony socket of the skull. The eyelids guard it ... Show more content on ...
The retina has several layers, one of which contains special cells named for their shapes – rods and
cones. Light sensitive chemicals in the rods and cones react to specific wavelengths of light and
trigger nerve impulses. These impulses are carried through the optic nerve to the visual center in the
brain. Here, they are interpreted, and sight occurs.<br><br>Light must pass through the covering
layers of the retina to reach the layer of rods and cones. There are about 75 to 150 million cones in
the human retina. Rods do not detect lines, points, or color. They perceive only light and dark tones
in an image. The sensitive rods can determine outlines of objects in almost complete darkness. They
make it possible for people to see in darkness or at night. Cones are the keenest of the retina's
receptor cells. They detect the fine lines and points of an image. The cones, for example, make it
possible to read these words. There are three types of cones that receive color sensations. One type
absorbs light best in wavelengths of blue–violet and another in wavelengths of green; a third is
sensitive to wavelengths of yellow and red.<br><br><b>How Two Eyes Can Work Together</b>
<br>Most individuals use both eyes to see an object. This type of sensory perception is known as
binocular vision. Thus, two images of the object are formed – one of the retina of each eye. Impulses
from both images are sent to the brain. Through
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Ptsd : Unseen By The Human Eyes
PTSD: Unseen by the Human Eyes According to the Mayo Clinic, "Post–traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) is a mental health condition that 's triggered by a terrifying event." War is a perfect example
of a distressing event. The number of war veterans with PTSD is increasing rapidly. Also, an
outstanding number of untreated war veterans who fell under the radar for government programs
committing suicide because of this disorder. As Americans, we are responsible for the lives of our
veterans. They serve to protect us and our freedom the minimum expected is to reciprocate this with
accommodating them when they return home. The harsh reality is, our government funded programs
are not up to par. War is catastrophic; it breaks away at your sanity and your physical health. Most
veterans are more than often described as "not the same person they left as" by family and friends.
Being in the front lines changes you because of the cruelty and harsh conditions your body and mind
face. "Over the past decade, about half a million veterans have received diagnoses of post–traumatic
stress disorder or traumatic brain injury. Thousands have received both," states the New York Times.
PTSD lives and breathes in veterans. Although it is a condition invisible to the naked eye, troops go
to combat with it every day. "...At least 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have PTSD and/or
Depression..." from the "...2.3 million troops who served in the Afghanistan war..."(Tanielian 321)
fifty percent haven't been
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Comparing Visual Systems: Bats Vs. Humans
Leah Meltser PHBM 207.01 Assignment 1: Comparing Visual Systems 2/12/17 Visual Systems:
Bats Versus Humans One has probably heard the simile, "you must be blind as a bat!" Well in fact,
this statement is false, bats are not blind. Formally known in the mammal family as Chiroptera, bats
can be split into two sub orders known as mega–bats (flying foxes or fruit bats) and micro–bats.
Typically, when bats are thought of it is commonly known to have the characteristics of having
echolocation, or sonar vision, to aid detection of objects in complete darkness. As illustrated in
Figure 1, echolocation is the use of sound waves made by the contraction of the larynx, these waves
are then reflected back from the moving object to signal the bat. ... Show more content on ...
Both bats and humans have a threshold of approximately 10–7 Apostilbs, which is a measurement of
light density. However, a flying foxes' acuity is maintained much longer as illumination decreases
until roughly 10–4 Apostilbs, which is when acuity begins to fall off as demonstrated by the Figure
3. Likewise, both humans and flying foxes have similar positioned eyes toward the front of the skull
providing binocular vision. This means that both eyes are being used at the same time in order to
create a greater depth of field. Both visual systems contain a majority of the same structures, but
overall, they are completely different systems due to the fact that we are not nocturnal, nor do we
need to be. Although the visual systems of bats and humans vary in many ways, both visual systems
have evolved to benefit each species differently. While humans see life in color with their cones
during the day, bats are the kings of nocturnal mammals and are capable of maneuvering throughout
the night. It has become clear that bats are capable of so much more then just echolocation from a
visual perspective. It is beyond fascinating to realize that what was once thought of as true, is
actually false in reality. Therefore, it is safe to say that the phrase "you are as blind as a bat," can be
put to
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The Perception Of The Human Eye
According to the dictionary, a sensation is the operation or function of the senses; perception or
awareness of stimuli through the senses, while a perception is the act or faculty of perceiving, or
apprehending by means of thesenses or of the mind; cognition; understanding. The eye is defined as
white membrane that contains an opening for light to get to the retina. The eye is developed in a way
that it receives physical stimuli like light and send it to the brain as an electrical signal that is
responsible for interpreting signals as images (Goldstein, Humphreys, Shiffrar, Yost, and Wiley,
2005). Among the animals, human vision is regarded as the most sophisticated. The three primary
layers of the eye include choroid, retina, and cornea. Furthermore, the human eye is responsible for
the complex color perception that is initiated and instigated by cones in the retina and complicated
by the integrating impulse in the brain.
The process of sight
All the vision is based upon the perception of the electromagnetic rays. These beams then pass
through cornea as light and get into the eye through the pupil. The pupil performs the function of a
gatekeeper because it allows less or much light to enter to enable an individual to see an image
clearly (Goldstein, 2010). Iris is the pigmented area, which is around the pupil, and it acts as a
sphincter. Furthermore, iris has two layers that are responsible for changing the quantity of light that
enters the eye (Goldstein,
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What Color Attracts The Most
What Color Attracts the Human Eye the Most?
The human eye can see 7,000,000 colors, but which color attracts it the most? Figuring out what
color attracts the most attention could be really beneficial in many ways. Research shows that when
you are buying something, the visual factor is almost 93%. That means that choosing a color that
attracts a lot of attention is crucial.
This experiment will show what color attracts the human eye the most. Before talking about what
color attracts a lot of attention, how do humans see color? To see color, first the light hits an object.
Then the object absorbs some of the light. Then, it reflects the rest of it. The wavelengths of the
reflected light determine what you see.
Warm colors attract the most attention. Some warm colors are red,yellow, and orange. Yellow is the
easiest color to see. Yellow is used for warning signs because it is easy to see. Yellow is more visible
because more light is reflected on bright colors. This causes excessive stimulation of the eye. ...
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The purpose of doing this project is to help owners of companies to use the color that attracts the
most attention on their sign to help promote their store. If I figure out what color attracts the human
eye it could really benefit these companies. This could be a quick and easy way to attract customers.
It could interest people by making them look at the sign, which will make them curious and want to
know more about it. My hypothesis is that if I test what color attracts the human eye the most, then
yellow will be the color. I believe this because it is a very bright color and attracts more. The
independent variable of this experiment is the human participating. The dependent variable is what
color is seen first. The constant procedure in this experiment is how I ask the people what color they
see first. I will ask the people in the same environment. They will all be of the same age and
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Taking a Look at the Human Eye
The human eye is an organ that reacts to light and has several purposes. As a conscious sense organ,
the eye allows vision. Rods and cones in the retina allow light perception and vision including color
differentiation and the conscious perception of depth. The human eye can distinguish 10 million
colors. The eye is composed of three layers, enclosing three transparent structures .
The outer layer , called the fibrous tunic is comprised of the cornea and sclera . The middle layer ,
called the vascular tunic or uvea is the choroid , ciliary body and the iris. The innermost part of the
eye is the retina , which gets its circulation from the vessels of the choroid and retinal vessels ,
which can be seen in an ophthalmoscope .
The blood vessels can be seen in the sclera , and a strong ring around the iris limbo . Within these
coats are the aqueous humor , vitreous humor and the flexible lens . The aqueous humor is a clear
fluid that is contained in two areas: the anterior chamber between the cornea and the iris and the
posterior chamber between the iris and lens.
The lens is suspended in the ciliary body in the suspensory ligament , composed of transparent
fibers . The vitreous is a clear gel that is larger than the aqueous humor is behind the lens , and the
rest is enclosed by the sclera , zonule , and lens. They are connected by the pupil .
As the eyes of other mammals, the ganglion cells of the human eye is not sensitive image forming
on the retina receive the light signals
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The Human Eye Has No Blind Spot
There are approximately 8.5 million known species in the world. Each one sees differently. A few
species' vision is more advanced than others; as humans we are very limited to what we can see
compared to other animals. Birds of prey have the ability to see extreme detail at far distances. A bee
has hundreds of six–sided lens and together the lenses form a single image. And an octopus's eye
has no blind spot. Each of these species' eyesight has evolved overtime to adapt to survival needs.
Most individuals take for granted their ability to see. Eyesight is a major connection to the outside
world; around 80 percent of impressions are through sight, meaning that only 20 percent are from
the other four senses. The human eye has evolved over time to turn into what it is today. Through
human's needs for survival, the eye has changed to suit humans. Two of the most common types of
eyes found in nature are the camera–type eye and compound eyes; the human eye fits into camera–
type eyes because just like a camera lens focuses light onto something, the eye does a similar thing.
The cornea, a structure in the front of the eye, focuses light onto the retina, and behind the cornea, is
a colored membrane called the iris. It has an adjustable circular opening, the pupil, which expands
or contracts to determine the amount of light that enters the eye.
The eye did not always function this way. To get to this point the human eye has evolved. But
scientist debate how the eye has evolved.
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Statement of Purpose to Become a Pediatrcian or an...
A Pediatrician and an optometrist are both professions that are needed in order to help people be
healthy. Both are a type of doctor and help the general public. The two require a good education and
require getting into a school that specializes in their field. When working, they make what is
considered a good amount of money. These aspects appeal to me because they are all qualities I can
see in my future. But each career has many aspects that differ from each other. A pediatrician
specializes in the care taking of children, while an optometrist is concerned with the human eyes.
They both require a different amount of education and make different amounts of money. For me, I
do want to work with kids, but helping people with their eyes really interests me. Though being a
pediatrician and an optometrist are both excellent careers, I prefer being an optometrist due to the
education requirements, general description, and the salary. Being a pediatrician requires a good
education, working with children and leaves the doctor with a high salary. The education for a
pediatrician is very similar to any type of doctor. It requires going to an undergraduate school for
four years. After doing this, one must have a Bachelor's degree in order to move forward. Then there
are four more years of medical school. After the degree is earned, a pediatrician has to go through at
least three years of a residency. If a pediatrician plans on going into a subspecialty, then it would
take two more
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The Most Complex Organs Of The Human Body
The eye is one of the most complex organs of the human body. In the human eye, three layers can be
 The outer region consists of the cornea and the sclera [4]. The cornea refracts and transmits the
light to the lens and the retina and protects the eye against infection and structural damage to the
deeper parts. The sclera is a thick, opaque white tissue that covers 95% of the surface area of the
eye. The sclera forms a connective tissue coat that protects the eye from internal and external forces
and maintains its shape. The cornea and the sclera are connected at the limbus. The visible part of
the sclera is covered by a transparent mucous membrane, the conjunctiva.
 The middle layer of the eye is composed of the iris, the ciliary body ... Show more content on ...
The iris controls the size of the pupil, and thus the amount of light reaching the retina; the ciliary
body controls the power and shape of the lens and is the site of aqueous production; and the choroid
is a vascular layer that provides oxygen and nutrients to the outer retinal layers.
 The inner layer of the eye is the retina [4], a complex, layered structure of neurons that capture
and process light. The surrounding sclera and cornea help to protect retina and keep it in the
appropriate position.
There are six major classes in neural retina: photoreceptors, bipolar cells, horizontal cells, amacrine
cells and ganglion cells, which capture and process light signals; and the Mullerian glia, which act
as the organizational backbone of the neural retina.
The three transparent structures surrounded by the ocular layers are called the aqueous, the vitreous
and the
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Summary Of Critical Thinking By Emily Dickinson

  • 1. Summary Of Critical Thinking By Emily Dickinson From another perspective. Sometimes lost, deep in thoughts, tough emotions and feelings. Sometimes looking, staring, so strong, but again not watching anything. Sometimes imaging big dreams, big things, but never finding anything in reality. Surrounded by same objects, life, people, big roads, big decisions, choices. We, the people–we are unique, we are a mosaic with rare, colorful pieces. The way we live the life, enjoy the world, see the things, makes us who we are. In dark or light, confident or not, walking or halting. Under the sun, warm and relieved; under the cold moon, mysterious, endless sky, thinking in sadness. Often in reality; rarely in our mind. Every time, contemplating the miracles of the nature, enjoying the infinite universe with just two finite eyes. Every creature that can see has a power and all creatures have another one called vision. Can we do without the windows of soul – eyes? Can we belong to the world of feelings and senses? This question can have thousands of questions full of emotions. A diversity of thoughts for a theme that raises contradictions. I think no, you think maybe, but what does Emily Dickinson think? What does the ''blind'' poet that experiences the world from her "room" thinks? Some critics have used her life to explain her poetry nevertheless others have tried to explain her life by referring to her poems, which they think are autobiographical. ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Dream : A Short Story : The Story Of The Dream The dream is always the same. I'm always running through a thick misty forest with howling winds, suffocating myself with the feeling of being lost. Still wondering, searching, seeking for a way out, but never seeming to achieve the escape from my inner self. Waking up in torment with the feeling of being lost swirling in my stomach. When will it end? Will I ever have a pleasant dream again? Will it always be the same repetitive dream that I cannot escape from? All these questions rush through my cerebral cortex and mingle through my neurons. Initially, I open my eyes to the darkness. I look into its soul and wonder where I am and how I arrived at this god forsaking place. I sit in amazement of how one second I could be in my warm, cozy bed with Sferra Capri Honey Egyptian bed sheets and the next be in a dusty dark void that I call "Deception Thicket." I call this place Deception Thicket because I can never seem to escape the pull it has on me. No matter where I doze off at, I always end up in the thicket. Still running from what I can't see. Still glaring at the small white circles that resemble eyes looking at me every step I take. I'm still here, still wandering around looking to escape the darkness. Looking up all I could see was the faint yellowish glow of the moon radiating through the leaves. The leaves created openings. These openings came in all shapes and sizes, but one, in particular, caught my eye. The shape was not normal, it was very smooth and moved ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Eyewitness Testimony Of The Human Eye In eyewitness testimony the human eye can distort or change what it sees. There are many intricate parts of the eye that contribute to people's daily vision. Not everyone has the same form and order of cells in their eyes. The rod cells are located on the perimeter of the retina. While the cone cells are compacted together in the middle of the retina. Both of these cell types are clustered together but, are not placed evenly throughout the eye. When the form of the cells create "central vision" the vision is clear. The other form of the eye is "peripheral vision" which has less clear vision. When someone looks around the eye can take a quick glance at an object and see many things, yet so much is going on in the eye to produce this image. The eyes take in everything they see to create a smooth movement. This makes the brain look at it as a motion picture. The eyes see three dimensional to notice every side of an object. This can result in two different types of vision. "Binocular vision" which is where sight is produced from both eyes. The other type is "Stereoscopic vision" where both eyes collect different angles of an image and gives it depth. All the different forms and and visions in the eye can create a different perception for each individual. The eye ... Show more content on ... Here are a few positive reasons for eyewitness testimony. One is eyewitness testimony can be used as evidence. Another is that eyewitness testimony can influence the jury's decision. Lastly, it can help to better understand what has happened and why. This does not mean eyewitness is the solution to all cases. Here are a couple of negative aspects of eyewitness testimony. It depends on the witness' memory and bias opinion. Secondly, the witness could make up something due to pressure and nervousness. Lastly, eyewitness testimony could end up convicting the wrong ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Human Growth In The Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison When a human is born we know nothing. We are naive and don't comprehend things that are considered "common sense" to other people . But we have a brain that holds and retains information so we can learn. We gain most of our information through trial and error. Toni Morrison plays on the process of human growth in her novel "The Bluest Eye". Frieda and Claudia are naive about what it mean to be "ruined". Pecola doesn't understand that she shouldn't go into strangers homes. Pecola doesn't understand that she can not change her eye color. Morrison was trying to say the adolescence is very naive. Frieda and Claudia are naive about what it mean to be "ruined"."'I don't want to be ruined'..... 'Besides, what about China and Poland? They're ruined too, aren't they? And they ain't fat.'"(101) In this quote Frieda is explaining to her sister why she is crying. Frieda goes onto explain that she has been molested by Mr. Henry, a tenant in their home. Claudia finally finds out that her sister is crying because she doesn't want to be "ruined" like prostitutes of her town. The two girls think that ... Show more content on ... "'My eyes.'... 'I want them blue.'(174) In this excerpt the Pecola, a twelve year old African– American girl, goes to the town "witch doctor" and asks him to give her blue eyes. Pecola thinks that by having blue eyes she will become more beautiful.Pecola thinks that by being beautiful people will treat her better and she will be happier. But what Pecola doesn't realise that it is impossible for her to change her eye color. Not only is it a rare anomaly for a black person to be born with blue eye, but it is impossible to change your eye color after birth. She is unaware that she is stuck with the brown eyes she was born with. Cosmetic contacts, if they were invented then, not common in this time. Even if they were in her state she is too poor to afford the price. Since Pecola doesn't realize this she is ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Human Eye 's Ability A. Purpose The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate the human eye's ability to detect different colors in the visible spectrum. In this experiment a red cross is drawn on a plain, white sheet of paper and placed upon another clean sheet of paper. The student then stares at the red cross for sixty seconds without taking their eyes off of the cross. Once the sixty seconds pass the sheet of paper with the cross is quickly removed the clean sheet of paper underneath is visible. A faint blue–green cross should be clear on the clean sheet. When examined, an object and its color, the image identified is a wavelength of light that wasn't absorbed, alike the other wavelengths, by the object. The beam is then reflected towards the ... Show more content on ... However, cones are the principal focus of this experiment. To them is attributed both color vision and the highest visual acuity (HyperPhysics). Current understanding is that the 6 to 7 million cones can be divided into "red" cones (64%), "green" cones (32%), and "blue" cones (2%) based on measured response curves (HyperPhysics). When one type of cone continuously sends the same signal to the brain, the cones hastily become exhausted. Once one of the three types of cone becomes exhausted, the cone ceases to transmit signals to the brain. Which causes the brain to assume the cones are tired and holds onto the image. However, once the top sheet of paper is removed all that is shown is a white sheet of paper and white contains all light energy. Since the red type cones are nonfunctioning, only the green and blue type cones receive the wavelengths. This causes the brain to assume the signals it's receiving are a blue–green colour instead of an equal parts red–blue–green combination, which would form white. This experiment hopes to show how the human eye detects multiple wavelengths of light, and how the cones interact the brain. Moreover, the experiment desires to display, not only, how the cones work individually, but to show how the cones work in unison with each other to produce the colors man sees. The experiment also hopes to demonstrate the immense complexity contained within the human eye. ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Reflection In The Poetry Of Emily Dickinson'sRoom From another perspective. Sometimes lost, deep in thoughts, tough emotions and feelings. Sometimes looking, staring but again not watching something. Sometimes imaging big dreams, big things distracted in soul visions but never finding anything in reality. Surrounded by same objects, life, people, big roads, big decisions, choices. We, the people–we are unique, we are a mosaic with rare, colorful pieces. The way we live the life, enjoy the world, see the things makes us who we are. In dark or light, confident or not, walking or halting. Under the sun's beam, warm and relieved; under the cold moon and shining stars that fill the black, mysterious, endless sky,thinking in sadness. Often in reality; rarely in our mind. Every time contemplating the miracles of the nature. Enjoying the infinite universe with just two finite eyes–just enough. Every creature that can see has a power. And all creatures have another one called the art of seeing–vision. Can we do without the windows of soul – eyes? Can we live with feelings and vision? This question can have thousands of questions full of emotions. A diversity of thoughts for a theme that raises contradictions. I think no, you think maybe but what does Dickinson think? What does the ''blind'' poet that feels the world from her "room" thinks? Some critics have used her life to try to explain her poetry, and others have tried to explain her life by referring to her poems, which they assume are autobiographical. Emily Dickinson is a passionate poet that expresses herself without barriers. With a diamond–hard language that reflects light to the dark and hope, inspiration till the last moment. Emily Dickinson's poetry speaks powerfully to us. It captures her insights and recreates meaningful events in living; it helps us to understand and even to re–live our own experiences through her intensity and with her emotional and intellectual clarity. In the first stanza–Before she got her eye ''put out'', the speaker "liked as well to see / As other creatures, that have eyes – / And know no other way –". At first, the construction would indicate that the speaker used to enjoy seeing and it was the only way to ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Imperfection Of The Greek Parthenon The Athenian Greeks at the height of their power built a temple called the Parthenon which was a monument to their core values of perfectionism, humanism, and rationalism. It is important to understand that the human eye has imperfections which deceive the mind, so one can understand the unique steps that were taken to achieve the illusion of perfection to the human eye. The Greeks loved perfection, and as seen in the Parthenon, the Greek architects purposely made the Parthenon imperfect to account for the imperfections in the human eye. This was done so that when one views the Parthenon with the naked eye, it appears to be perfectly symmetrical, straight, and proportional. The entire Parthenon does not have a single right angle. An example of the Greeks compensating for the imperfections of the human eye is seen in the base of the Parthenon, which from a picture or in real life looks perfectly straight, but in reality it is actually curved slightly upward. It is curved because the Greeks knew that if you have a perfectly flat base for a building, it appears curved to the human eye. To account for that, the Greeks made it so that the base was already curved. The Greeks also curved the columns of the Parthenon inward, because if the columns were straight, it would appear to be curving outward. Again, the Greeks knew about how the human eye deceives the mind, and decided that they must trick the eye to please the mind. This was all done because the Greeks strived for ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Human Skeleton Can Offer More Information Than Meets... The human skeleton can offer more information than meets the eye. In fact, when analysing an individual's skeletal features it is possible to constitute a biological profile. In this essay, I aim to explore the multiple elements that a human skeleton could shed light upon such as age, sex, stature, diet, health and trauma. Due to the natural breakdown of the skeleton with age, the determination of age at the time of death becomes less precise the older the individual gets. Therefore age is most precisely estimated in subadults (Adams, 2009). One of the most reliable indicators is the individual's dental development. Teeth develop from before birth to about 18 years of age, when the formations come to a conclusion. The observation of the ... Show more content on ... Another technique to assess the age in subadults is to observe the epiphyseal fusion of the bones, which takes place at a foreseeable rate (Adams, 2009). An example of this technique is the Greulich and Pyle's atlas of the skeletal development of the hand and wrist, which studies in particular the epiphyseal fusion of the metacarpals and phalanges, as well as the development of the carpals (Anderson, 1971). For adult individuals, it much harder to get an accurate age estimation due to the fact that people age differently which also allows for more variation making the estimation intervals much larger (Adams, 2009). In adults, age can be estimated through the study of different parts of the thoracic cage and the pelvis. The first part of interest is the medial clavicle. Age is determined through the study of the epiphyseal fusion. The epiphysis in those bones is the last to fuse and usually starts between the ages of 18 and 25. When the medial clavicle is fully fused the individual is in general over 25 years old (McKern, 1957). The second part of the thoracic cage that is used to ascertain age is the sternal end of the fourth rib. The characteristics looked at are "the formation of a pit, its depth and shape, configuration of the walls and rim surrounding it, and the overall texture and quality of the bone" (Iscan, 1991, p617). With age, the pit found at the top of the rib deepens and widens, thinning the ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Structure and Functions of Different Classes of Neurons... Structure and Function of Various Body Parts: Structure and Functions of Different Classes of Neurons: Neurons are nerve cells within the nervous system that allow it to communicate with body cells. Neurons are important part of the nervous system, which has the responsibility for transmitting electrical and chemical signals in the entire body (Stufflebeam, 2008). Neurons are required to demonstrate qualities of ability to respond to stimuli, being conductive, and ability of secreting chemicals. Some of the most common classes of neurons include "¦ Motor Neurons: These neurons are also known as multipolar or efferent neurons and are responsible for carrying signals from the central nervous system to the glands and muscles ("Brain Cells", n.d.). While they account for 9 percent of all neurons in the human body, they have numerous processes emanating from the cell body. Consequently, these neurons are capable of stimulating muscle cells in the entire body such as bladder, heart, diaphragm, glands, and intestines (Boeree, 2009). Motor neurons are made up of short and divided dendrites and very long axons that don't branch freely ("Nervous Tissues", n.d.). Sensory Neurons: They are also called afferent or unipolar neurons whose initial function is to obtain initial stimuli from sense organs like ears, eyes, and nose and the impulses generated from the body in reaction to changes that are necessary for maintenance of homeostasis. These neurons have a single process or ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Memories Of A Human Being : Name, Hair Color, Eye Color... There are so many things that define a human being: name, hair color, eye color, skin color. However, memory plays just as big of a role in giving a person his or her identity. Memory tells the likes and dislikes, friends and foes, and pleasant and traumatic experiences of a person. Sometimes, though, the memory can be misleading since the brain is able to repress memories of traumatic experiences. In the 1990s, there was a surge in the amount of curiosity scientists had about repressed memories (Zezima and Carey) because of the many court cases in which victims or witnesses of heinous crimes took the perpetrators to trial because of resurfaced memories (Loftus). The court cases were the catalysts for studies on repressed and resurfaced ... Show more content on ... The year 1990 was a monumental time for memory revelations. George Franklin Sr. was taken to court by his daughter on the basis of resurfaced memories. Franklin 's daughter, Eileen, was eight– years–old when she became a witness to her best friend 's death. Twenty years after that fateful night in 1969, Eileen began to remember pieces of the incident. She eventually had a very full memory of what had happened. That memory allowed Eileen to take her father to court in California, convince a jury of Franklin 's wrongdoing, and find him guilty of first degree murder. After this breakthrough court case, a series of other trials came to light featuring recently resurfaced memories (Loftus). A string of studies soon followed because the numerous court cases had piqued the interest of scientists nationwide. Though some scientists had differing opinions, several well–respected organizations conducted studies which concluded that the human mind is capable of repressing memories of traumatic events. A joint study conducted by researchers at Stanford University and the University of Oregon has found that the left and right frontal cortexes and the hippocampus are involved in repressing memories. The left and right frontal cortexes are the parts of the brain that are used when people repress memories. The hippocampus is used when remembering things. When the left and right frontal cortexes have a higher usage rate, the hippocampus is ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Human Eye Sight Affects The Game Of Basketball Have you ever wondered about how eye sight effects the game of basketball? I have been playing basketball since I was 5 years old. I would always wonder how I would perform if I had glasses or only had one eye. In my science fair project I'm going to put that to the test. I want to get information about this topic to help my team and I. It is very confusing how the eye works. The human eye works just like a camera (How the human eye works). When you look at an object you see it because light reflects off an object and goes to your eyes (How the human eye works). Your eyes take the light and turn it into signals going to your brain to see the picture (How the human eye works). Retinal disparity is an interesting subject to learn and talk about. ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Glass Splinters Collision With The Human Eye The main stream of blunt trauma injuries has been reported to be related to the automobile crashes, sporting activities, and military operations. Glass splinters, which induce due to car accident, earthquake, gunshot, etc., may collide with the eye and trigger substantial scarring and, consequently, permanently affect the vision. The results of this collision with the eye and the following injuries to different components of the eye are complicated to be diagnosed by ophthalmologists. The objective of this study was to employ a Three–Dimensional (3D) computational Fluid–Structure Interaction (FSI) model of the human eye to assess the influences of glass splinters collision with the eye. To do this, a rigid steel–based object hit a glass wall, ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Human Eyes Of Primates Sclera One of the most variable aspects of the eyes in primates is the sclera. The sclera in primates comes in multiple different pigments and SSI as seen in figure 2. In research on human eyes, evidence concludes that through the sclera, health, age and emotion can be detected; redden or yellow sclera detects decreased health, increased age, and even emotions of sadness or irritation, whereas bright white sclera represents increased overall health [4]. The true purpose for the evolution of the sclera is not completely clear, but many implications can be made to help researchers better understand the complex evolution of the eye. One of the major topics for research on the eye is the discovery that the purpose of the white sclera is to amplify gaze direction whereas the darker colored sclera is to do the opposite; hide gaze direction from predators [5]. Not only can the sclera help detect emotion and gaze but is a major factor in the evolution of communication between primates. The majority of organisms that fall into the category of primates tend to live in relatively large group size and work together within their habitats to increase the overall survival rate. There are multiple benefits of living in larger groups which include increased genetic diversity, increased protection from predators and even more opportunity for developing learning strategies [7]. On the other hand, animals living in smaller groups do not necessarily have as much completion for resources or ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Cub The Most Beautiful Thing Human Eyes Cuba How would you like to travel to the wonderful country of Cuba? Christopher Columbus described it as the most beautiful thing human eyes have ever seen! Along with its rich culture, Cuba also has an aggressive history, flat geography, harsh government, rich culture, and a poor economy. First, Cuba is known for having an aggressive history. During Cuba's beginning, Christopher Columbus landed in Cuba in 1492. Many years later there was a measles outbreak in 1529 which killed most of the population at that time. A few hundred years later, Carlos Manuel de Cespedes led a rebellion to free Cuba in 1868. In 1898 Spain and the U.S. sign the treaty of Paris. In addition to Cuba's formative years, it has several newsworthy events. Cuba fought many wars like the ten years wars in 1868– 1880 and the Little War in 1879–1880. In 1875 Cuba ended slavery. Thereafter, Cuba fought for their independence against Spain in 1895–1898. On October 13th, 1910 a horrible hurricane called the Cyclone of the Five Days, hit the country, and nine hundred people died. Cuba suffered against another hurricane, Hurricane Flora in 1963 were 1,000 Cubans lost their lives. In 1956, Fidel Castro Ruz launched a revolution from the Sierra Maestra mountains. The U.S. ended military help to Cuba in 1958, and on New Year 's Day 1959, Batista fled into exile and Castro took over the government. During Fidel Castro's presidency, Cuba did well in the Olympics. In 1980 Cuba won 20 medals in the Olympics in ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Biology Of Our Eyes Sight a precious gift we cant take or granted, our eyes are the windows to the wonders of the woerld all we know and love experidne and discover, ponder and cherish. Lets peer into the workings of the eye. A uniae and self sustailning system. the reflecte light of the world. Light enters ino the crystal teansperency of the cornea, aqueous humor,lens, and vitreous humor, to projecr onto the photo re cemptors of the retina whos impoulses converge on the optic nerve, and then to the brain wto be transfigured into imagery and imbedded with meaning. continual adjustments to the puopil and lense regulate the entry and focusing of light in todays world the eyes surface is constantly challenged to protect itself and adjust to changing conditions. Ebeey blink helps our eyes antural devence system. The tear film, retains moister and retains visual acuity, tears contain natural disinfectants to kepe bacteria at bay alnd the tear system washes away impurities to maintain eye helth. The biology of our eyes inspires us to develop ways we can protect and maintain comfort for these remarkable structurews. For all the wonders our eyes provide throughout our lives we owe them our attentiona and ongoing care. But to simply speak about the fuctions and structures of the eye would not be providing it with the admiration and respect it deserves. The evolution of the eye is the true marvel biology, once considered so complex that Charles Darwin argued that the idea of them having evolved seemed ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Human Eye's Impact On Optics, Chemistry And Climate Change The human eye is used to identify the world around us and this tactic is very important because as animals and humans , it acted as a great survival skill. In modern time , the eyes have developed many different advanced skills such as displaying feelings, communicating, taking in information and eyes have been a important in the growing of science as they are used for many observations. Try and imaging not being able to see for a day. As you can see, eyes play a important role in our lives and without them, the world would look much different than it does today. Today I will be talking about how the human eye plays a big impact on Optics, Biology,Chemistry and Climate change we will be seeing what effect the human eye has on these specific ... Show more content on ... The retina is a tissue from the brain that has a big impact towards the human eye. The retina first layer is made up of rods and cones cells it location is a back of the where it takes light from the rod and cons and turns it into signals then gives it of to the optic nerve.The retina in my opinion is one of the most important parts of the human eye because if there no rentia the signals can be made and signals won't be transported to the brain. The cornea is a layer outside of the eye which covers the pupil and iris. The cornea plays a big role because it like a shield to the human eye and it also controls how much light energy is entering the eye. Another why cornea is important is because when incoming light hits the cornea it allows the lens to bend the and introduce it to the other parts of the human ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Perception Of A Infant 's Visual System The phenomena of perception refer to the sensory processes that enables human beings to recognize and organized the information that is received from the environment. Such process allows individuals to perceive the world and objects. For such process to occur, theorists research visual perceptual patterns during the period of infancy. Research has found that there are differences between the way a newborn infant perceives the world in comparison to adults, as their visual system is not fully developed at such an early age. An infant's visual system is heterochronus which disables them from seeing a complete view of the world, compared to adults. An individual's visual system is constructed by different components. The eye and the brain perform different functions and go through different processes from the moment light is reflected from an object to actually obtaining visual recognition. Vision relies on the response of the nervous system to the light that has been reflected from an object, during this process many parts of the human eye are active. When a ray of light enters the pupil of the eye, the cornea refracts the lights and focuses the lights on the lens which focuses the light at the back of the eye in the retina. The retina then converts the light via optic nerves which enables the information to be processed in the brain, enabling visual recognition of the image which we see (Wade, 2001). This process is necessary, so individuals are able to comprehend what is ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Analysis Of ' Ah 201 AH 201 – Dr. Curtis Kahrin Spear Paper III Artwork Analysis Pair 1 Deemed to be one his most famous compositions, Johannes Vermeer, using oil on canvas, created The Allegory of Painting in 1666. A standout piece of Seventeenth Century, this still life representation of a painter in his studio depicts some of the best naturalistic qualities of this era. His usage of light, space, color, and symbolism blends harmoniously to create the perfect illusion. In the foreground we see the painter himself, seated on a wooden stool and dressed in ravishing garments not necessarily suited for this time period. However, his outfit is still thought to be characteristic of a painter. The symbolism behind this atypical attire is unclear, however, perhaps Vermeer chose this style dress as a means to sustain a consistent theme of lavish across the piece. The elegance in the marble flooring, chandelier, and intricate drapery all contribute to this theme. One of the most discussed attributes of this piece is Vermeer's usage of light and the clever approach he uses to depict the scene and fool the eye of the beholder. As discussed by Miedema in his analysis of this piece, he explains the human eye's tendency to view artwork similarly to the way one would read text: left to right1. Vermeer, understanding this concept, paints The Allegory of Painting in this manner to lead the eye into the rest of the scene. We see this with the large drapery on the left hand side that hangs into the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Reflection Of The Human Eye Work How does the human eye work? The cornea is clear and at the front of the eye. When light rays enter it, the cornea refracts it through the pupil and then the iris. The iris controls how much light may pass through the pupil by expanding or shrinking. Next, the light ray will enter the lens. This also refracts light by changing its shape with the help of the ciliary muscles and the suspensory ligaments. The light will go through a dense jelly–like tissue named the vitreous humour and eventually focused at the back of the eye onto the retina. The retina is a light sensitive tissue and covered with rods and cones. These receptors will capture the light ray and transform it into electrical impulses. They get sent off through the nerve fibres, then the optic nerve, and then finally the brain. The picture given by the retina is upside down so our brain will next turn it the right way up. Our bodies have the capability to endure large scars but, a slight scar on the cornea can lead up to our vision becoming impaired. The retina will process the light rays, into light impulses that need to be transferred to the brain to create an image, which are focused on to them by the cornea. So, any deep injures experienced by the cornea can lead to corneal scarring which would affect our vision. Focusing on near and distant objects People that have trouble focusing in near or a distant object is due the light rays entering their eyes are unable to focus on the retina. This is a very common ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Reflection Of The Human Eye Overview Our eyes are one of the most significant organs in our body. Through it, we are able to see things and do our errands efficiently. The human eye is a complex yet imperative organ of our body filled with nerves, a lens, liquid and more. This organ gives us the aptitude to envisage the world in different colors, shapes and dimensions; centered on the reflection and refraction norm. In our eye, several major constituents work concurrently to capture and transmit the image to the occipital lobe of the brain through optic nerves. Separate info from left and right eye is directed to the brain through these nerve impulses. This info is then combined by our brain for determining the distance and profundity of the image so as to envisage full three dimensional images. The upward and downward muscular movement of the eye is monitored by superior and inferior rectus muscles, whereas the side movement and staying in level is controlled with the assistance of medial and lateral rectus muscles. These muscles are in turn controlled over with the aid of oculomotor nerves. To prevent the frictional impairment from these movements, the tears are released by lacrymal glands, which can improve lubrication, confiscate foreign objects and avert bacterial infection. Occipital lobe is the portion of central nervous system, accountable for deciphering vision. Thus, any impairment to optic nerve can sternly affect central vision, peripheral vision and color vision of an individual. The functional aberration in any of the above major constituents might cause serious eye glitches; which if overlooked, might gradually result in vision loss. Thus, there are a number of eye conditions such as retinopathy or some forms of corneal sicknesses, which can be very upsetting for some of the patients; where as some of the other disorders can be so subtle that they can be routinely treated by an ophthalmologist. Symptoms The various symptoms of eye disorders are: Blurry vision on objects that are in the distance. Squinting the eye Severe headaches or the eyes will become exhausted from reading. It is difficult to see things that are within close range. In kids, the most common symptom is crossed eyes. Eye weariness. There will ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Human Eye Is A Perfect Well Designed Optical System Abstract According to the report for the 2012 National Health Interview Survey, at least 1.5 million Americans weakened their vision due to use of technology. However, thanks to advanced technology and innovation people can choose between glasses and contacts as a therapy for improving their eyesight. Contact lenses have become the fastest progressing medical devices in optometry and have seen a number of significant improvements and developments since its existence (Schaeffer, 2011). According to Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, the first plastic contact lenses were produced between 1938–1940 in the United States and the first soft lenses came later in the 70s. Keywords: Contact lenses, glasses, cornea, astigmatism, eye ... Show more content on ... Perovic had. I did not want to look anything like her! First day of school was right around the corner and as I was getting ready for it questions kept circulating in my mind. What would my friends think? I was the only one with glasses. How would I play sports with glasses? Would I still get invited to birthday parties? Will boys like me? Some of my friends thought my glasses were cool, but deep inside I knew they were just trying to make me feel good. I still got invited to the parties, but boys did not like me. But all of that did not bother me as much. What bothered me the most is that I could not play sports with my glasses. They kept slipping from my nose or falling off my face on the ground whenever I tried jumping or doing cartwheels. I thought my life would never be the same. ¬ Loss of vision can happen at any age, even at birth, it is not only geriatric condition. With increased use of technology people's eyesight gets worse causing eyestrain, loss of vision and other problems. More than 30 million people in the U.S. wear contact lenses due to eye conditions such as myopia, hyperopia, keratoconus, astigmatism, or presbyopia (Ţălu et al., 2011). Though contact lenses seem to be a recent phenomenon, the famous Italian architect, mathematician and inventor Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) produced the first known sketches for it five hundred years ago (Siviglia, 2010). This paper will examine the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Example Of A Worldview Essay A worldview is a set of basic beliefs about the nature of reality. It affects the way a person behaves and responds to different circumstances. When young, our worldview is influenced by parents, who tell us what is right and wrong. However, as we grew up, our life experiences come to shape worldviews that we hold as adults. As scientists, our worldviews matter a great deal. Whether theist or atheist, it is critical to know what we consider to be our responsibility towards everyone and everything around us. In this paper, I talk about views of a number of scientists about God and creation and the impact of these beliefs on their approach to science. In addition, we will look at different natural phenomena and what they tell us about the Intelligence design behind them. I will also discuss the effects of human actions on the environment and what can be done to keep it clean. Isaac Newton is one of the most prominent scientists in recent times. He is known for his contribution on understanding gravity, and he contributed a lot in calculus. Many thinkers and scientists of his time tried to explain everything using science excluding the role of God in their explanation. Unlike them, Newton was a strong religious person. He believed in a personal God but rejected the idea of the Holy Trinity. He did not believe that God and Christ were ... Show more content on ... The word Biomimicry comes from two Greek words: bios which means life and mimesis which means to imitate. To put in other terms, biomimicry is a science that studies nature's models and then emulates these forms, processes, systems, and strategies to solve human problems.2 Throughout human history, man has been adapting ideas from nature around him to solve his problems There are many examples of biomimicry, but let us focus on the human eye and the gecko ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Speech Outline COM225 Public Speaking Speech Outline 1) Explain the differences between a speaking outline and a formal outline. According to the course text book, a formal outline is defined as "a complete sentence outline written in sufficient detail that a person other than the speaker could understand it, (Grice &amp; Skinner, 2010, p. 197)". The course text book defines a speaking outline as "a brief outline for the speaker's use alone and containing source citations and delivery prompts, (Grice &amp; Skinner, 2010, p. 200)". In other words, formal outline are designed for people in general to understand using complete sentences, and a speaking outline is created for the speaker only, using source citation notes and special delivery notes for ... Show more content on ... Looking at failure and problems as blessings in disguise e. Looking for solutions instead of explaining problems B. Guidelines for self improvement 1. No more excuses a. No what if's b. No I cant's 2. More than one solution to every problem a. Don't think about why you can't b. Think about how you can 3) Explain the meaning of the principle of parallelism in outlining. Give an example of parallel construction. Parallelism in outlining means having coordinate points throughout the outline that have parallel grammatical construction. A good example to use is quoted directly from the course text book, "For example, a key phrase outline of a speech on how to write a resume begins with a first main point labeled, "Things to include." The second point should be "Things to omit," rather than "Leaving out unnecessary information" (Grice &amp; Skinner, 2010, p.194)". In other words, coordinate main points can be expressed as verb phrases, while the coordinate sub points may be expressed as nouns or noun phrases using parallelism in outlining. Works Cited Grice, G., L., &amp; Skinner, J., F., (2010). "Mastering Public Speaking, Seventh Edition". Published by Allyn &amp; Bacon. Copyright, (2010, 2007, 2004, 2001, 1998, 1995, 1993) Pearson Education, Inc. Date Retrieved: 03/01/2013. 4) List and briefly explain the five functions of outlining. Outlining is designed to serve five main purposes for a speaker when preparing a speech. (1) It ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Color And Its Effect On The Human Eye Colour When designing GUIs you need to be conscious of the colours. Microsoft office uses grey as the main colour, blue for the title bar, highlighting, drop down lists and some text. Many uses feel grey is dull and boring colour to use, however if the colour bright red or black was used it would be uncomfortable eyes. Trichromatic System and luminance (Red, Green, Blue) Trichromatic system uses a combination of three colours that are the basis of 3D vision, which are red, blue and green. The human eye has a trichromatic system. The three colours of the trichromatic are detected by three different types of cells on the retina of the eye, these are known as receptors. There has been much work on developing the theory of this system into ... Show more content on ... Proximity is the way we view things which are close together as a group or look closer than they actually are. Continuity is taking more of an interest in a straight smooth lines rather than rigid and rapidly changing lines. Symmetry is when a shape or object is repeated on both sides to make it a mirror image. We see symmetrical shapes easily than unsymmetrical shapes. Similarity is objects and shapes placed together as they look similar, where as dissimilar objects are likely to be viewed individually. There are also laws that relate to common groupings. Fate is when we see objects that move together as a group. Region is when objects are enclosed together somehow as a group. And connected is when we see objects connected by continuous lines. Objects GUI is built using a number of separate objects. Each object is used in a clear order. So images are layered. It is important that images appear in order and overlay the first image, or else an interface may look as an incomplete object to the user. If images are positioned behind or in front of text, then the whole interface will not be able to be seen. Therefore GUI should appear in front of text on the desktop and not behind existing images on the desktop. Furthermore if the positioning of the objects has not been precisely arranged then the GUI or parts of the GUI may not appear behind the main screen. This leads to the user not being able to access the full range of commands. Another thing is the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Two Associated Systems Two Associated Systems: Two associated systems with the eye are the nervous and muscular systems. The eye is a part of the nervous system because it is responsible for sending, receiving, and processing information sent through the nerve impulses. The optic nerve is a part of the eye and part of the central nervous system. As humans, we see something through our eyes and react to it. If we see someone is going to hit us, we flinch. If we are reading something, or seeing a picture, we see it and process it. By seeing the world through our eyes, it allows us to react and process our surroundings. The eyes are also associated with the muscular system; it has a special system of muscles that allow the eyes to move. Movements of the ciliary muscles ... Show more content on ... If you are born with it, you will have to live with it. However, there is medical research going on to try to cure color blindness. They are using gene therapy on monkeys to get them to see color. Researchers hope that one day this will help humans too. Gene therapy helps repair the damaged chromosome that causes color blindness. If color blindness is caused by something else; like an injury to the eye, old age, glaucoma, or certain medication side effects, you must treat the underlying cause to fix the non–genetic colorblindness. Prevention of Diseases: To prevent glaucoma a person should first off know about their family history. If glaucoma runs in the family, a person can be more likely to develop it. Some other preventative measures are to go to the eye doctor regularly, take prescribed eye drops, wear eye protection, and exercise safely. In order to prevent corneal disease one must avoid smoke, wear protective eye gear, take frequent breaks from computer use, eat food that promote eye health (leafy greens and fish), and have the eyes screened regularly. By following these preventative measures, not only can a person reduce the chance of getting this disease, but they can also support good eye ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. What Are The Five Traditional Senses Internet Activity #6 The five traditional senses have been around since the time of Aristotle. Each sensory organ is made up of cells that have receptors for stimuli. In this way, the cells are linked to the nervous system and the brain. The senses are very primitive functions of the cells. Humans' most developed sense is sight. The eye is the sensory organ for sight. Visual input from the eyes is mapped by the back of the brain, and it is combined into one image, combining the image from both eyes into one. The brain flips images to look right side up because the focusing action of the lense causes images to appear upside down to the retina. Light is focused on the retina through a transparent lens. Rods and cones cover the retina. Cone ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Visual Illusions Essay My project is over visual effects and how the eye works. This project was chosen because I have always wondered how the human eye works and Visual trickery. Also because sometimes some visual illusions are impossible to figure out and are really cool so I am very interested on how they work and how to create one on my own. How do visual illusions work on the human eye? This paragraph is going to be about to the receptive field."The receptive field is a term originally coined by Sherrington (1960) to describe an area of the body surface where a stimulus could elicit a reflex" (Alonso). The receptive field is important because it helps explain what it is and how it works. "Retinal ganglion cells located at the center of vision ... Show more content on ... With stimuli of fixed sizes they first demonstrate the perceptual shift, which increases with eccentricity. Shifts aren't naturally thin with variations of stimuli's size. Each eccentricity the perceptual shifts scale is matter of fact scale–independent. The scale independence is for the aftereffect because of the discrimination thresholds decrease as the size increases (Ahissar). is important because it explains what Spatial Vision/aftereffects are more in depth. Color Vision helps see color in the world."Binocular dysfunctions such as suppression and anomalous correspondence demonstrate cortical adaption's in the eye–brain function maintain some level of visual performance" , (American Optometric Association). Talking about what helps maintain visual performance. Process of the binocular vision is a reflection of very complex interactions with the eye–brain continuum. Inputs of both the patients' eyes to the brain must be together at the same time for the "neural binocular summation" to occur. The eyes being aligned is maintained "via" for the ongoing working together of the brain and the eyes (American Optometric Association). Showing how the eye–brain coordination works with binocular vision. "Color vision deficiency is the inability to distinguish certain shades of color o in ore severe cases, see colors at all" (American Optometric Association). Talks about color vision deficiency. The Human eye. When your eye pulls a flatten lens ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Theory Of Light And Its Effects On The Human Eyes Light, a concept that has been worked with for many years dating back to 500 B.C. Pythagoras hypothesized that humans perceive light due to the human eyes ability to emit rays upon the environment and the emittance gives a human his or her sight (Sekuler). Afterward, human intellectuals started making it more concise to present day knowledge of light. This development of light came from two intellectuals named Christian Huygens and Isaac Newton. Newton exclaimed during the 1700s that light was a stream of particles carrying energy but Huygens, Newton's contemporary, thought that light needed this invisible "ether" in order for these streams to make light travel. Then, a couple hundred years later, modern scientists such as Albert Einstein, Thomas Young, and Augustin Fresnel proved Isaac's and Huygens' hypotheses of light (Rossing, 23–24). This is how the basis of light was created. With today's science, light becomes more specifically perceived as a spectrum. The specific name for this spectrum is the electromagnetic spectrum, which contains many types of waves (NASA, Electromagnetic Spectrum). In Figure 2, the spectrum shows a variety of wavelengths with specific wavelengths classified by its length. The range of wavelengths humans can see wavelengths that are around 400 – 700 nanometers (nm) as colors while all other electromagnetic waves are simply blind to humans. The interesting classes for light that are used to measure are microwave and infrared light. The laser is ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Eye Is An Extension Of The Human Body Title Introduction The eye is one of the most complex parts of the human body. It is so complex and full of nerves, that it can be considered an extension of the brain. That is why, even nowadays, it is still extremely difficult to design a prosthetic that could completely substitute its functions. It is clear then, that the main goal of visual prosthesis is to restore vision in blind individuals, providing stable, safe and long–lasting devices, in parallel with improvement of quality of life, meaning that each person is different, and not always an enhancement in visual function translates into a better life. To be able to understand and upgrade visual prosthesis, one must first understand the eye operates. A schematic representation of ... Show more content on ... Postmortem evaluation of retina of people with these diseases has also shown that a significant number of cells remain in the inner retina. These cells can be used by the prosthesis; however, it is not certain if the processing circuitry of the inner retina also remains intact. State–of–Art Firstly, it is important to clarify that it is possible to stimulate other visual pathways other than the retina to recover visual perception. Examples of these are any sensory substitution based systems. However, the retinal prosthesis, besides its complexity, is the most developed visual systems so far, besides being the only of these prosthetic with the potential to restore the individual's vision as it was before his/her specific disease. There are currently two main types of retinal prosthesis available commercially: those that use an external system for image capture and those that use the patient's own optical focusing system. Being an example of each the Argus II retinal prosthetic system and the Alpha–IMS one, respectively. Both work with the same three–step mechanism that consists of capturing the visual images from the outside world, transducing them into meaningful neurological signals and subsequent activation of the optic nerve. The way each device make each step differ. The Argus II retinal prosthetic system uses a video camera as a capturing system. The images are then processed in real time by a visual processing unit. These first steps occur extrinsic ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Evolution Of The Human Body The evolution of the human body can be observed from studying the intermediates found in ancestral organisms. Shubin proposes that every attribute that makes us human can be traced back to a time that showcases its importance for survival. Every single trait in the human body has been selected for through multiple mechanisms of evolution, natural selection being one of them. This theory is intriguing because not long ago it was unheard of to relate humans to fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. Every highly specialized characteristic such as balance, sight, smell, and more began as an extremely simple mutational advantage. The complexity seems unfathomable to many as to how the human body as been come to be, but everything can be explained logically once scientists take a closer look at other organisms. Selective pressure is constantly promoting the survival of advantages mutations and quickly removing disadvantageous traits. Organisms were not designed to be what they are today but rather they underwent a lengthy experiment of trial and error. The different environmental pressures have lead to a vast expansion of biodiversity, each organism is best suited to fit their own niche. There is no "superior" organism since the outcome is that the species is the best adapted to its environment over another species. Species always have a potential niche and a realized niche where their specific advantageous traits were selected for to aid in their survival. Specific ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Human Eye The Eye is the organ of sight. Eyes enable people to perform daily tasks and to learn about the world that surrounds them. Sight, or vision, is a rapidly occurring process that involves continuous interaction between the eye, the nervous system, and the brain. <br><br>When someone looks at an object, what he/she is really seeing is the light that the object reflects, or gives off. This reflected light passes through the lens and falls on to the retina of the eye. Here, the light induces nerve impulses that travel through the optic nerve to the brain, where it makes an image of the object, and then that image is passed on to muscles and glands.<br><br>The eye is well protected. It lies within a bony socket of the skull. The eyelids guard it ... Show more content on ... The retina has several layers, one of which contains special cells named for their shapes – rods and cones. Light sensitive chemicals in the rods and cones react to specific wavelengths of light and trigger nerve impulses. These impulses are carried through the optic nerve to the visual center in the brain. Here, they are interpreted, and sight occurs.<br><br>Light must pass through the covering layers of the retina to reach the layer of rods and cones. There are about 75 to 150 million cones in the human retina. Rods do not detect lines, points, or color. They perceive only light and dark tones in an image. The sensitive rods can determine outlines of objects in almost complete darkness. They make it possible for people to see in darkness or at night. Cones are the keenest of the retina's receptor cells. They detect the fine lines and points of an image. The cones, for example, make it possible to read these words. There are three types of cones that receive color sensations. One type absorbs light best in wavelengths of blue–violet and another in wavelengths of green; a third is sensitive to wavelengths of yellow and red.<br><br><b>How Two Eyes Can Work Together</b> <br>Most individuals use both eyes to see an object. This type of sensory perception is known as binocular vision. Thus, two images of the object are formed – one of the retina of each eye. Impulses from both images are sent to the brain. Through ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Ptsd : Unseen By The Human Eyes PTSD: Unseen by the Human Eyes According to the Mayo Clinic, "Post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that 's triggered by a terrifying event." War is a perfect example of a distressing event. The number of war veterans with PTSD is increasing rapidly. Also, an outstanding number of untreated war veterans who fell under the radar for government programs committing suicide because of this disorder. As Americans, we are responsible for the lives of our veterans. They serve to protect us and our freedom the minimum expected is to reciprocate this with accommodating them when they return home. The harsh reality is, our government funded programs are not up to par. War is catastrophic; it breaks away at your sanity and your physical health. Most veterans are more than often described as "not the same person they left as" by family and friends. Being in the front lines changes you because of the cruelty and harsh conditions your body and mind face. "Over the past decade, about half a million veterans have received diagnoses of post–traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury. Thousands have received both," states the New York Times. PTSD lives and breathes in veterans. Although it is a condition invisible to the naked eye, troops go to combat with it every day. "...At least 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have PTSD and/or Depression..." from the "...2.3 million troops who served in the Afghanistan war..."(Tanielian 321) fifty percent haven't been ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Comparing Visual Systems: Bats Vs. Humans Leah Meltser PHBM 207.01 Assignment 1: Comparing Visual Systems 2/12/17 Visual Systems: Bats Versus Humans One has probably heard the simile, "you must be blind as a bat!" Well in fact, this statement is false, bats are not blind. Formally known in the mammal family as Chiroptera, bats can be split into two sub orders known as mega–bats (flying foxes or fruit bats) and micro–bats. Typically, when bats are thought of it is commonly known to have the characteristics of having echolocation, or sonar vision, to aid detection of objects in complete darkness. As illustrated in Figure 1, echolocation is the use of sound waves made by the contraction of the larynx, these waves are then reflected back from the moving object to signal the bat. ... Show more content on ... Both bats and humans have a threshold of approximately 10–7 Apostilbs, which is a measurement of light density. However, a flying foxes' acuity is maintained much longer as illumination decreases until roughly 10–4 Apostilbs, which is when acuity begins to fall off as demonstrated by the Figure 3. Likewise, both humans and flying foxes have similar positioned eyes toward the front of the skull providing binocular vision. This means that both eyes are being used at the same time in order to create a greater depth of field. Both visual systems contain a majority of the same structures, but overall, they are completely different systems due to the fact that we are not nocturnal, nor do we need to be. Although the visual systems of bats and humans vary in many ways, both visual systems have evolved to benefit each species differently. While humans see life in color with their cones during the day, bats are the kings of nocturnal mammals and are capable of maneuvering throughout the night. It has become clear that bats are capable of so much more then just echolocation from a visual perspective. It is beyond fascinating to realize that what was once thought of as true, is actually false in reality. Therefore, it is safe to say that the phrase "you are as blind as a bat," can be put to ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Perception Of The Human Eye Introduction According to the dictionary, a sensation is the operation or function of the senses; perception or awareness of stimuli through the senses, while a perception is the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of thesenses or of the mind; cognition; understanding. The eye is defined as white membrane that contains an opening for light to get to the retina. The eye is developed in a way that it receives physical stimuli like light and send it to the brain as an electrical signal that is responsible for interpreting signals as images (Goldstein, Humphreys, Shiffrar, Yost, and Wiley, 2005). Among the animals, human vision is regarded as the most sophisticated. The three primary layers of the eye include choroid, retina, and cornea. Furthermore, the human eye is responsible for the complex color perception that is initiated and instigated by cones in the retina and complicated by the integrating impulse in the brain. The process of sight All the vision is based upon the perception of the electromagnetic rays. These beams then pass through cornea as light and get into the eye through the pupil. The pupil performs the function of a gatekeeper because it allows less or much light to enter to enable an individual to see an image clearly (Goldstein, 2010). Iris is the pigmented area, which is around the pupil, and it acts as a sphincter. Furthermore, iris has two layers that are responsible for changing the quantity of light that enters the eye (Goldstein, ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. What Color Attracts The Most What Color Attracts the Human Eye the Most? Introduction The human eye can see 7,000,000 colors, but which color attracts it the most? Figuring out what color attracts the most attention could be really beneficial in many ways. Research shows that when you are buying something, the visual factor is almost 93%. That means that choosing a color that attracts a lot of attention is crucial. This experiment will show what color attracts the human eye the most. Before talking about what color attracts a lot of attention, how do humans see color? To see color, first the light hits an object. Then the object absorbs some of the light. Then, it reflects the rest of it. The wavelengths of the reflected light determine what you see. Warm colors attract the most attention. Some warm colors are red,yellow, and orange. Yellow is the easiest color to see. Yellow is used for warning signs because it is easy to see. Yellow is more visible because more light is reflected on bright colors. This causes excessive stimulation of the eye. ... Show more content on ... The purpose of doing this project is to help owners of companies to use the color that attracts the most attention on their sign to help promote their store. If I figure out what color attracts the human eye it could really benefit these companies. This could be a quick and easy way to attract customers. It could interest people by making them look at the sign, which will make them curious and want to know more about it. My hypothesis is that if I test what color attracts the human eye the most, then yellow will be the color. I believe this because it is a very bright color and attracts more. The independent variable of this experiment is the human participating. The dependent variable is what color is seen first. The constant procedure in this experiment is how I ask the people what color they see first. I will ask the people in the same environment. They will all be of the same age and ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Taking a Look at the Human Eye The human eye is an organ that reacts to light and has several purposes. As a conscious sense organ, the eye allows vision. Rods and cones in the retina allow light perception and vision including color differentiation and the conscious perception of depth. The human eye can distinguish 10 million colors. The eye is composed of three layers, enclosing three transparent structures . The outer layer , called the fibrous tunic is comprised of the cornea and sclera . The middle layer , called the vascular tunic or uvea is the choroid , ciliary body and the iris. The innermost part of the eye is the retina , which gets its circulation from the vessels of the choroid and retinal vessels , which can be seen in an ophthalmoscope . The blood vessels can be seen in the sclera , and a strong ring around the iris limbo . Within these coats are the aqueous humor , vitreous humor and the flexible lens . The aqueous humor is a clear fluid that is contained in two areas: the anterior chamber between the cornea and the iris and the posterior chamber between the iris and lens. The lens is suspended in the ciliary body in the suspensory ligament , composed of transparent fibers . The vitreous is a clear gel that is larger than the aqueous humor is behind the lens , and the rest is enclosed by the sclera , zonule , and lens. They are connected by the pupil . As the eyes of other mammals, the ganglion cells of the human eye is not sensitive image forming on the retina receive the light signals ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Human Eye Has No Blind Spot There are approximately 8.5 million known species in the world. Each one sees differently. A few species' vision is more advanced than others; as humans we are very limited to what we can see compared to other animals. Birds of prey have the ability to see extreme detail at far distances. A bee has hundreds of six–sided lens and together the lenses form a single image. And an octopus's eye has no blind spot. Each of these species' eyesight has evolved overtime to adapt to survival needs. Most individuals take for granted their ability to see. Eyesight is a major connection to the outside world; around 80 percent of impressions are through sight, meaning that only 20 percent are from the other four senses. The human eye has evolved over time to turn into what it is today. Through human's needs for survival, the eye has changed to suit humans. Two of the most common types of eyes found in nature are the camera–type eye and compound eyes; the human eye fits into camera– type eyes because just like a camera lens focuses light onto something, the eye does a similar thing. The cornea, a structure in the front of the eye, focuses light onto the retina, and behind the cornea, is a colored membrane called the iris. It has an adjustable circular opening, the pupil, which expands or contracts to determine the amount of light that enters the eye. The eye did not always function this way. To get to this point the human eye has evolved. But scientist debate how the eye has evolved. ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Statement of Purpose to Become a Pediatrcian or an... A Pediatrician and an optometrist are both professions that are needed in order to help people be healthy. Both are a type of doctor and help the general public. The two require a good education and require getting into a school that specializes in their field. When working, they make what is considered a good amount of money. These aspects appeal to me because they are all qualities I can see in my future. But each career has many aspects that differ from each other. A pediatrician specializes in the care taking of children, while an optometrist is concerned with the human eyes. They both require a different amount of education and make different amounts of money. For me, I do want to work with kids, but helping people with their eyes really interests me. Though being a pediatrician and an optometrist are both excellent careers, I prefer being an optometrist due to the education requirements, general description, and the salary. Being a pediatrician requires a good education, working with children and leaves the doctor with a high salary. The education for a pediatrician is very similar to any type of doctor. It requires going to an undergraduate school for four years. After doing this, one must have a Bachelor's degree in order to move forward. Then there are four more years of medical school. After the degree is earned, a pediatrician has to go through at least three years of a residency. If a pediatrician plans on going into a subspecialty, then it would take two more ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Most Complex Organs Of The Human Body The eye is one of the most complex organs of the human body. In the human eye, three layers can be distinguished. The outer region consists of the cornea and the sclera [4]. The cornea refracts and transmits the light to the lens and the retina and protects the eye against infection and structural damage to the deeper parts. The sclera is a thick, opaque white tissue that covers 95% of the surface area of the eye. The sclera forms a connective tissue coat that protects the eye from internal and external forces and maintains its shape. The cornea and the sclera are connected at the limbus. The visible part of the sclera is covered by a transparent mucous membrane, the conjunctiva. The middle layer of the eye is composed of the iris, the ciliary body ... Show more content on ... The iris controls the size of the pupil, and thus the amount of light reaching the retina; the ciliary body controls the power and shape of the lens and is the site of aqueous production; and the choroid is a vascular layer that provides oxygen and nutrients to the outer retinal layers. The inner layer of the eye is the retina [4], a complex, layered structure of neurons that capture and process light. The surrounding sclera and cornea help to protect retina and keep it in the appropriate position. There are six major classes in neural retina: photoreceptors, bipolar cells, horizontal cells, amacrine cells and ganglion cells, which capture and process light signals; and the Mullerian glia, which act as the organizational backbone of the neural retina. The three transparent structures surrounded by the ocular layers are called the aqueous, the vitreous and the ... Get more on ...