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Subtle Asynchrony
Jeff Hammond
I will discuss subtle asynchrony in two contexts.
First, how do we bring asynchronous task parallelism to the Fortran
language, without relying on threads or related concepts?
Second, I will describe how asynchronous task parallelism emerges in
NWChem via overdecomposition, without programmers thinking about
tasks. This example demonstrates that many of the principles of
asynchronous many task execution can be achieved without specialized
runtime systems or programming abstractions.
The Concept of Asynchrony
“There is no cloud, just someone else’s computer.”
“There is no asynchrony, just some other processor.”
“There is no cloud, just someone else’s computer.”
“There is no asynchrony, just some other processor.”
“There is no asynchrony, just some other thread.”
“There is no cloud, just someone else’s computer.”
“There is no asynchrony, just some other processor.”
“There is no asynchrony, just some other thread.”
“There is no asynchrony, just some other context.”
“There is no cloud, just someone else’s computer.”
“There is no asynchrony, just some other processor.”
“There is no asynchrony, just some other thread.”
“There is no asynchrony, just some other context.”
Hardware concurrency
Software concurrency
Software concurrency
“There is no cloud, just someone else’s computer.”
“There is no asynchrony, just some other processor.”
“There is no asynchrony, just some other thread.”
“There is no asynchrony, just some other context.”
Hardware concurrency
Software concurrency
Software concurrency
Forward progress
Forward progress
Examples of asynchrony
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(2)
assert( omp_get_num_threads() >= 2 );
switch( omp_get_thread_num() )
case 0:
case 1:
Examples of asynchrony (or not)
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(2)
#pragma omp master
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(2)
#pragma omp master
MPI_Request r;
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp task
static inline
void nicewait(MPI_Request * r)
int flag=0;
while (!flag) {
MPI_Test(r, &flag, ..);
#pragma omp taskyield
Totally useless
(or not)
OpenMP tasks do not make forward progress and are not schedulable.
This allows a trivial implementation and compiler optimizations like
task fusion.
Prescriptive parallelism: programmer decides, e.g. OpenMP threads.
Descriptive parallelism: implementation decides, e.g. OpenMP tasks.
Fortran Tasks and Asynchrony?
Parallelism in Fortran 2018
! coarse-grain parallelism
.., codimension[:] :: X, Y, Z
npes = num_images()
n_local = n / npes
do i=1,n_local
Z(i) = X(i) + Y(i)
end do
sync all
! fine-grain parallelism
! explicit
do concurrent (i=1:n)
Z(i) = X(i) + Y(i)
end do
! implicit
Three trivial tasks
module numerot
pure real function yksi(X)
real, intent(in) :: X(100
yksi = norm2(X)
end function yksi
pure real function kaksi(X)
real, intent(in) :: X(100)
kaksi = 2*norm2(X)
end function kaksi
pure real function kolme(X)
real, intent(in) :: X(100)
kolme = 3*norm2(X)
end function kolme
end module numerot
program main
use numerot
real, dimension(100) :: A, B, C
real :: RA, RB, RC
A = 1
B = 1
C = 1
RA = yksi(A)
RB = kaksi(B)
RC = kolme(C)
end program main
real, dimension(100) :: A, B, C
real :: RA, RB, RC
A = 1
B = 1
C = 1
do concurrent (k=1:3)
select case (k)
case(1) RA = yksi(A)
case(2) RB = kaksi(B)
case(3) RC = kolme(C)
end select
end do
DO CONCURRENT (DC) is descriptive
parallelism. “concurrent” is only a hint and
does not imply any form of concurrency in
the implementation.
Any code based on DC has
implementation-defined asynchrony.
Only PURE tasks are supported by DC are
allowed, which further limits this construct
as a mechanism for realizing asynchronous
Tasks with coarrays
real, dimension(100) :: A
real :: R
A = 1
if (num_images().ne.3) error stop
select case (this_image()
case(1) R = yksi(A)
case(2) R = kaksi(A)
case(3) R = kolme(A)
end select
sync all
call co_sum(R)
if (this_image().eq.1) print*,R
Coarray images are properly concurrent,
usually equivalent to an MPI/OS process.
The number of images is non-increasing
(constant minus failures).
Data is private to images unless explicitly
communicated. Cooperative algorithms
require an MPI-like approach.
An explicit Fortran tasking model
real, dimension(100) :: A, B, C
real :: RA, RB, RC
A = 1; B = 1; C = 1
RA = yksi(A)
end task
RB = kaksi(B)
end task
RC = kolme(C)
end task
Like OpenMP, tasks are descriptive and not
required to be asynchronous, to permit
trivial implementations.
Tasks can share data but only in a limited
way, because Fortran lacks a (shared)
memory consistency model.
Is this sufficient for interesting use cases?
Motivation for Tasks
0 1 2 3
4 core CPU
! sequential
call my_input(X,Y)
! parallel
do concurrent (i=1:n)
Z(i) = X(i) + Y(i)
end do
! sequential
call my_output(Z)
Motivation for Tasks
0 1 2 3
4 core CPU
! sequential
call my_input(X,Y)
! parallel
do concurrent (i=1:n)
Z(i) = X(i) + Y(i)
end do
! sequential
call my_unrelated(A)
Motivation for Tasks
! sequential on CPU
call my_input(X,Y)
! parallel on GPU
do concurrent (i=1:n)
Z(i) = X(i) + Y(i)
end do
! sequential on CPU
call my_unrelated(A)
Motivation for Tasks
! sequential on CPU
call my_input(X,Y)
! parallel on GPU w/ async
do concurrent (i=1:n)
Z(i) = X(i) + Y(i)
end do
! sequential on CPU w/ async
call my_unrelated(A)
Motivation for Tasks (synthetic)
call sub1(IN=A,OUT=B)
call sub2(IN=C,OUT=D)
call sub3(IN=E,OUT=F)
call sub4(IN1=B,IN2=D,OUT=G)
call sub5(IN1=F,IN2=G,OUT=H)
! 5 steps require only 3 phases
1 2 3
Fortran compilers may be able to prove
these procedures are independent, but it
is often impossible to prove that executing
them in parallel is profitable.
Motivation for Tasks (realistic)
Describing asynchronous communication
subroutine stuff(A,B,C)
real :: A, B, C
call co_sum(A)
call co_min(B)
call co_max(C)
end subroutine stuff
subroutine stuff(A,B,C)
real :: A, B, C
task co_sum(A)
task co_min(B)
task co_max(C)
end subroutine stuff
subroutine stuff(A,B,C)
use mpi_f08
real :: A, B, C
type(MPI_Request) :: R(3)
call MPI_Iallreduce(..A..SUM..R(1))
call MPI_Iallreduce(..B..MIN..R(2))
call MPI_Iallreduce(..C..MAX..R(3))
call MPI_Waitall(3,R,..)
end subroutine stuff
Describing asynchronous computation
do i = 1,b
C(i) = MATMUL(A(i),B(i))
end do
do i = 1,b
C(i) = MATMUL(A(i),B(i))
end task
end do
do i = 1,b
end do
Describing asynchronous computation
do i = 1,b
C(i) = MATMUL(A(i),B(i))
end do
do i = 1,b
j = mod(i,8)
task j
C(i) = MATMUL(A(i),B(i))
end task
end do
do j=1,8
cublasSetStream(h(j), s(j))
end do
do i = 1,b
j = mod(i,8)
end do
J3/WG5 papers targeting Fortran 2026 Fortran asynchronous tasks Asynchronous Tasks in Fortran
There is consensus that this is a good feature to add to Fortran, but we have a long way
to go to define syntax and semantics. We will not just copy C++, nor specify threads.
Overdecomposition and
Implicit Task Parallelism
Classic MPI Domain Decomposition
Over Decomposition
Quantum Chemistry Algorithms
! SCF Fock build
Forall I,J,K,L = (1:N)^4
V = (IJ|KL)
F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V
F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V
F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V
F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V
F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V
F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V
End Forall
! Static Parallelization
MySet = decompose[ (1:N)^4 ]
Forall I,J,K,L = MySet
V = (IJ|KL)
F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V
F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V
F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V
F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V
F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V
F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V
End Forall
Quantum Chemistry Algorithms
! SCF Fock build
Forall I,J,K,L = (1:N)^4
If NonZero(I,J,K,L)
V = (IJ|KL)
F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V
F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V
F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V
F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V
F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V
F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V
End If
End Forall
! Static Parallelization
IJKL = (1:N)^4
MySet = decompose[ NonZero(IJKL) ]
Forall I,J,K,L = MySet
V = (IJ|KL)
F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V
F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V
F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V
F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V
F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V
F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V
End Forall
Quantum Chemistry Algorithms
! SCF Fock build
Forall I,J,K,L = (1:N)^4
If NonZero(I,J,K,L)
V = (IJ|KL) ! Variable cost
F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V
F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V
F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V
F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V
F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V
F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V
End If
End Forall
! Static Parallelization
IJKL = (1:N)^4
MySet = decompose[ Cost(IJKL) ]
Forall I,J,K,L = MySet
V = (IJ|KL)
F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V
F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V
F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V
F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V
F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V
F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V
End Forall
Quantum Chemistry Algorithms
! Dynamic Parallelization
Forall I,J,K,L = (1:N)^4
If NonZero(I,J,K,L)
If MyTurn()
V = (IJ|KL)
F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V
F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V
F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V
F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V
F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V
F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V
End If
End If
End Forall
V = (IJ|KL)
F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V
F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V
F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V
F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V
F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V
F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V
Forall I,J,K,L = (1:N)^4
If NonZero(I,J,K,L)
If MyTurn()
End If
End If
End Forall
Quantum Chemistry Algorithms
V = (IJ|KL)
F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V
F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V
F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V
F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V
F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V
F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V
Forall I,J,K,L = (1:N)^4
If NonZero(I,J,K,L)
If MyTurn()
End If
End If
End Forall
V = (IJ|KL)
F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V
F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V
F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V
F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V
F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V
F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V
NWChem, GAMESS and other QC codes distribute irregular computations
decoupling work decomposition from processing elements.
The body of a distributed loop is a task.
Efficient when num_tasks >> num_proc and dynamic scheduling is cheap.
Overdecomposition + Dynamic Scheduling = AMT w/o the system
• Task parallelism, which may be asynchronous, is under consideration for
Fortran standardization.
• Learn from prior art in OpenMP, OpenACC, Ada, etc.
• Descriptive, not prescriptive, behavior, like DO CONCURRENT.
• Successful distributed memory quantum chemistry codes are implicitly using
AMT concepts, but without explicit tasks or a tasking system.
• Irregular workloads or inhomogeneous system performance are nicely solved by AMT
systems, but not all apps are capable of adopted AMT systems.
• Can we find ways to subtly bring AMT concepts into more “old fashioned” apps?
Subtle Asynchrony by Jeff Hammond

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Subtle Asynchrony by Jeff Hammond

  • 2. 2 Abstract I will discuss subtle asynchrony in two contexts. First, how do we bring asynchronous task parallelism to the Fortran language, without relying on threads or related concepts? Second, I will describe how asynchronous task parallelism emerges in NWChem via overdecomposition, without programmers thinking about tasks. This example demonstrates that many of the principles of asynchronous many task execution can be achieved without specialized runtime systems or programming abstractions.
  • 3. 3 The Concept of Asynchrony
  • 4. 4 “There is no cloud, just someone else’s computer.” “There is no asynchrony, just some other processor.”
  • 5. 5 “There is no cloud, just someone else’s computer.” “There is no asynchrony, just some other processor.” “There is no asynchrony, just some other thread.”
  • 6. 6 “There is no cloud, just someone else’s computer.” “There is no asynchrony, just some other processor.” “There is no asynchrony, just some other thread.” “There is no asynchrony, just some other context.”
  • 7. 7 “There is no cloud, just someone else’s computer.” “There is no asynchrony, just some other processor.” “There is no asynchrony, just some other thread.” “There is no asynchrony, just some other context.” Hardware concurrency Software concurrency Software concurrency
  • 8. 8 “There is no cloud, just someone else’s computer.” “There is no asynchrony, just some other processor.” “There is no asynchrony, just some other thread.” “There is no asynchrony, just some other context.” Hardware concurrency Software concurrency Software concurrency Forward progress Forward progress Scheduled
  • 9. 9 Examples of asynchrony #pragma omp parallel num_threads(2) { assert( omp_get_num_threads() >= 2 ); switch( omp_get_thread_num() ) { case 0: MPI_Ssend(...); break; case 1: MPI_Recv(...); break; } }
  • 10. 10 Examples of asynchrony (or not) #pragma omp parallel num_threads(2) #pragma omp master { #pragma omp task { MPI_Ssend(...); } #pragma omp task { MPI_Recv(...); } }
  • 11. 11 #pragma omp parallel num_threads(2) #pragma omp master { MPI_Request r; #pragma omp task { MPI_Issend(...,&r); nicewait(&r); } #pragma omp task { MPI_Irecv(...,&r); nicewait(&r); } } static inline void nicewait(MPI_Request * r) { int flag=0; while (!flag) { MPI_Test(r, &flag, ..); #pragma omp taskyield } } Totally useless (or not)
  • 12. 12 Analysis OpenMP tasks do not make forward progress and are not schedulable. This allows a trivial implementation and compiler optimizations like task fusion. Prescriptive parallelism: programmer decides, e.g. OpenMP threads. Descriptive parallelism: implementation decides, e.g. OpenMP tasks.
  • 13. 13 Fortran Tasks and Asynchrony?
  • 14. 14 Parallelism in Fortran 2018 ! coarse-grain parallelism .., codimension[:] :: X, Y, Z npes = num_images() n_local = n / npes do i=1,n_local Z(i) = X(i) + Y(i) end do sync all ! fine-grain parallelism ! explicit do concurrent (i=1:n) Z(i) = X(i) + Y(i) end do ! implicit MATMUL TRANSPOSE RESHAPE ...
  • 15. 15 Three trivial tasks module numerot contains pure real function yksi(X) real, intent(in) :: X(100 yksi = norm2(X) end function yksi pure real function kaksi(X) real, intent(in) :: X(100) kaksi = 2*norm2(X) end function kaksi pure real function kolme(X) real, intent(in) :: X(100) kolme = 3*norm2(X) end function kolme end module numerot program main use numerot real, dimension(100) :: A, B, C real :: RA, RB, RC A = 1 B = 1 C = 1 RA = yksi(A) RB = kaksi(B) RC = kolme(C) print*,RA+RB+RC end program main
  • 16. 16 Tasks with DO CONCURRENT real, dimension(100) :: A, B, C real :: RA, RB, RC A = 1 B = 1 C = 1 do concurrent (k=1:3) select case (k) case(1) RA = yksi(A) case(2) RB = kaksi(B) case(3) RC = kolme(C) end select end do print*,RA+RB+RC DO CONCURRENT (DC) is descriptive parallelism. “concurrent” is only a hint and does not imply any form of concurrency in the implementation. Any code based on DC has implementation-defined asynchrony. Only PURE tasks are supported by DC are allowed, which further limits this construct as a mechanism for realizing asynchronous tasks.
  • 17. 17 Tasks with coarrays real, dimension(100) :: A real :: R A = 1 if (num_images().ne.3) error stop select case (this_image() case(1) R = yksi(A) case(2) R = kaksi(A) case(3) R = kolme(A) end select sync all call co_sum(R) if (this_image().eq.1) print*,R Coarray images are properly concurrent, usually equivalent to an MPI/OS process. The number of images is non-increasing (constant minus failures). Data is private to images unless explicitly communicated. Cooperative algorithms require an MPI-like approach.
  • 18. 18 An explicit Fortran tasking model real, dimension(100) :: A, B, C real :: RA, RB, RC A = 1; B = 1; C = 1 task(1) RA = yksi(A) end task task(2) RB = kaksi(B) end task task(3) RC = kolme(C) end task task_wait([1,2,3]) print*,RA+RB+RC Like OpenMP, tasks are descriptive and not required to be asynchronous, to permit trivial implementations. Tasks can share data but only in a limited way, because Fortran lacks a (shared) memory consistency model. Is this sufficient for interesting use cases?
  • 19. 19 Motivation for Tasks 0 1 2 3 4 core CPU Sequential Sequential Parallel Fork Join ! sequential call my_input(X,Y) ! parallel do concurrent (i=1:n) Z(i) = X(i) + Y(i) end do ! sequential call my_output(Z)
  • 20. 20 Motivation for Tasks 0 1 2 3 4 core CPU Sequential Sequential Parallel Fork Join ! sequential call my_input(X,Y) ! parallel do concurrent (i=1:n) Z(i) = X(i) + Y(i) end do ! sequential call my_unrelated(A)
  • 21. 21 Motivation for Tasks 0 GPU CPU+GPU Sequential Sequential Parallel Fork Join ! sequential on CPU call my_input(X,Y) ! parallel on GPU do concurrent (i=1:n) Z(i) = X(i) + Y(i) end do ! sequential on CPU call my_unrelated(A)
  • 22. 22 Motivation for Tasks 0 GPU CPU+GPU Sequential Sequential Parallel Fork Join ! sequential on CPU call my_input(X,Y) ! parallel on GPU w/ async do concurrent (i=1:n) Z(i) = X(i) + Y(i) end do ! sequential on CPU w/ async call my_unrelated(A) Savings
  • 23. 23 Motivation for Tasks (synthetic) call sub1(IN=A,OUT=B) call sub2(IN=C,OUT=D) call sub3(IN=E,OUT=F) call sub4(IN1=B,IN2=D,OUT=G) call sub5(IN1=F,IN2=G,OUT=H) ! 5 steps require only 3 phases A C E B D F 1 2 3 G G 4 4 5 5 Fortran compilers may be able to prove these procedures are independent, but it is often impossible to prove that executing them in parallel is profitable.
  • 24. 24 Motivation for Tasks (realistic)
  • 25. 25 Describing asynchronous communication subroutine stuff(A,B,C) real :: A, B, C call co_sum(A) call co_min(B) call co_max(C) end subroutine stuff subroutine stuff(A,B,C) real :: A, B, C task co_sum(A) task co_min(B) task co_max(C) task_wait end subroutine stuff subroutine stuff(A,B,C) use mpi_f08 real :: A, B, C type(MPI_Request) :: R(3) call MPI_Iallreduce(..A..SUM..R(1)) call MPI_Iallreduce(..B..MIN..R(2)) call MPI_Iallreduce(..C..MAX..R(3)) call MPI_Waitall(3,R,..) end subroutine stuff
  • 26. 26 Describing asynchronous computation do i = 1,b C(i) = MATMUL(A(i),B(i)) end do do i = 1,b task C(i) = MATMUL(A(i),B(i)) end task end do task_wait cudaStreamCreate(s) cublasCreate(h) cublasSetStream(h,s) do i = 1,b cublasDgemm_v2(h, cu_op_n,cu_op_n, n,n,n, one,A(i),n,B(i),n, one,C(i),n) end do cudaDeviceSynchronize()
  • 27. 27 Describing asynchronous computation do i = 1,b C(i) = MATMUL(A(i),B(i)) end do do i = 1,b j = mod(i,8) task j C(i) = MATMUL(A(i),B(i)) end task end do task_wait do j=1,8 cudaStreamCreate(s(j)) cublasCreate(h(j)) cublasSetStream(h(j), s(j)) end do do i = 1,b j = mod(i,8) cublasDgemm_v2(h(j), cu_op_n,cu_op_n, n,n,n, one,A(i),n,B(i),n, one,C(i),n) end do cudaDeviceSynchronize()
  • 28. 28 J3/WG5 papers targeting Fortran 2026 Fortran asynchronous tasks Asynchronous Tasks in Fortran There is consensus that this is a good feature to add to Fortran, but we have a long way to go to define syntax and semantics. We will not just copy C++, nor specify threads.
  • 30. 30 Classic MPI Domain Decomposition
  • 32. 32 Quantum Chemistry Algorithms ! SCF Fock build Forall I,J,K,L = (1:N)^4 V = (IJ|KL) F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V End Forall ! Static Parallelization MySet = decompose[ (1:N)^4 ] Forall I,J,K,L = MySet V = (IJ|KL) F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V End Forall
  • 33. 33 Quantum Chemistry Algorithms ! SCF Fock build Forall I,J,K,L = (1:N)^4 If NonZero(I,J,K,L) V = (IJ|KL) F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V End If End Forall ! Static Parallelization IJKL = (1:N)^4 MySet = decompose[ NonZero(IJKL) ] Forall I,J,K,L = MySet V = (IJ|KL) F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V End Forall
  • 34. 34 Quantum Chemistry Algorithms ! SCF Fock build Forall I,J,K,L = (1:N)^4 If NonZero(I,J,K,L) V = (IJ|KL) ! Variable cost F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V End If End Forall ! Static Parallelization IJKL = (1:N)^4 MySet = decompose[ Cost(IJKL) ] Forall I,J,K,L = MySet V = (IJ|KL) F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V End Forall
  • 35. 35 Quantum Chemistry Algorithms ! Dynamic Parallelization Forall I,J,K,L = (1:N)^4 If NonZero(I,J,K,L) If MyTurn() V = (IJ|KL) F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V End If End If End Forall Task(I,J,K,L): V = (IJ|KL) F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V Forall I,J,K,L = (1:N)^4 If NonZero(I,J,K,L) If MyTurn() Task(I,J,K,L) End If End If End Forall
  • 36. 36 Quantum Chemistry Algorithms Task(I,J,K,L): V = (IJ|KL) F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V Forall I,J,K,L = (1:N)^4 If NonZero(I,J,K,L) If MyTurn() Task(I,J,K,L) End If End If End Forall Task(I,J,K,L): V = (IJ|KL) F(I,J) = D(K,L) * V F(I,K) = D(J,L) * V F(I,L) = D(J,K) * V F(J,K) = D(I,L) * V F(J,L) = D(I,K) * V F(K,L) = D(I,J) * V FancySystem(NonZeroSet,Task)
  • 37. 37 Summary NWChem, GAMESS and other QC codes distribute irregular computations decoupling work decomposition from processing elements. The body of a distributed loop is a task. Efficient when num_tasks >> num_proc and dynamic scheduling is cheap. Overdecomposition + Dynamic Scheduling = AMT w/o the system
  • 38. 38 Summary • Task parallelism, which may be asynchronous, is under consideration for Fortran standardization. • Learn from prior art in OpenMP, OpenACC, Ada, etc. • Descriptive, not prescriptive, behavior, like DO CONCURRENT. • Successful distributed memory quantum chemistry codes are implicitly using AMT concepts, but without explicit tasks or a tasking system. • Irregular workloads or inhomogeneous system performance are nicely solved by AMT systems, but not all apps are capable of adopted AMT systems. • Can we find ways to subtly bring AMT concepts into more “old fashioned” apps?