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Hello a new school year, a new opportunity and new challenge. Welcome to this wonderful time waited for you
where you are coming to get information that can change your life.
A school year is your opportunity because in it you are going to expand and grow this is one of the place where you
are preparing your future, build your life and professional skills.
Are you failing? Yes you are troubled in your heart when you think again that you will go home with homework,
everyday you will be stressed by attending your class instead of doing what good for you or maybe the exam is your
Either failing or success don‟t just come on its own but all depends on the preparation ,your habit are the cause of the
state of mind you are in maybe you don‟t know how to study well or you present yourself on the exam without proper
preparation .
Do you know that you can perform beyond your proper level of success if you could just know how? Every skill is
learnable if you can just know what successful student do and apply it to your own life you can duplicate the same
result to your academic life.
This book comes as an answer for you after being a student also failing sometime like you and getting my time trying
to understand what is preventing us for achieving our maximum performance level I dedicated my time to research
reading many books written by educators expert ,looking and observing some of the successful student I know trying
to know from their lifestyle what works and what doesn‟t work I‟ve compiled in this small booklet some of the most
documented and time tested techniques you can apply to your academic life and be changed . Nothing works until
you work, what I‟m going to give you is not an information to assimilate but the cure to use because practice makes
perfect .
Why to study
Going to school is like a habit to some to get respect in society and for others it is a privilege when coming from a
poor family that will enable them to escape the family poverty situation.
Ignorance is the root of laziness and failure, while trying to accomplish something especially when studying, you
cannot plan to succeed with ignorance ,confusion, lack of passion about studying
Tracing from the history of mankind we see the key role of education to transform our life, society and nations where
education was the key factor behind innovation,economic growth,lifestyle easiness,business and entrepreneuship
spirit all of these has been the consequenses of shared knowledge
Education is not meant for information delivery but illumination of the mind,openness of the soul,activation of
productive zeal,sharpeness of talent which is the driving force behind great action.
We go to study to gain a wide understanding of the world around us for us to live easily in the earth but also we learn
to think beyond what we see but using certain techniques that can guide us in the realm of solution
The world has passed through different phases of economy,we started by hunting based economy where hunting was
the means of survival which caused people to move from places to place searching for forest and where there is
food,after came agriculture based economy in this period rich were possesors of big lands where they could cultivate
and elevate animal ,third period was industry based economy which came with discovery,invention,food
transformation ,in this period the country with big industries were ruling because with industry they developed
cars,airplane ,big ships they made clothes different product that they can sell worldwide, the fourth time was
technology based economy with the computer and internet booming the most connected country began to ship the
world with smartphone ,pc computers application then now we are in knowledge based economy ,this is the period
where robotic are introduced ,financial,educational,media sector are based on new information ,new application ,the
techniques of past year are consistently changing at a high speed then in our time only the person with updated
knowledge,the most informed will get the money and will survive
This is why you need to study because you are evolving in times that are different with the time where your parent
growed and education I believe can help you rule and live the life you desire in life ,it will help u to compete with
other on the market design your own techniques and strive
Singapore is an Asian country that has evolved from third world to first world class through the power of education,
after getting independence Singapore find itself with no mineral resources, no cultivable land as the economy of their
time were based on industry and trading good but the only capital they had was only the people that were uneducated,
poor, with bad health
In the land of problem lies solutions,Singapore leaders decide to train their people so that they can strive and become
great,in the course of the battle Lee Kuan yew declared that English language is the official language of the country
,the whole education system was in English because it was the language used in communication,diplomacy,industries
;after adopting this system they Singaporean
In 1980 when the internet were starting to take the place in all levels of work in the world ,He introduced ICT course
in the education system from the primary to the university,which result in producing the computer engineers that are
sharp,creative and innovative
Math,technology,science and information were the four pillars of Singapore now the have the best engineers in the
world,the best airport in the world ,tourist are the biggest source of income for the country
When you look at Singapore as a country you can understand the power of education in transforming nations ,society
and persons .You are in the best place that has the potential to transform your life and change the situation of your
family .
Lee kuan Yew the first president of Singapore once said:“Education had to be based on the needs of the nations”
The same statement can be applied to your personal life that education is the engine to resolve the problem in your
life but also a way to satisfy your needs,If you study with this mindset in you you will go far and succeed more.
Why do you learn what you learn
When I was still in lower secondary I was confused by the long list of course that even has no relationship always
asking myself why are we learning these course, what is their specific application in a real world, why going every
time at school expecting only to get a job that will pay you.
I think there are many persons who still have these question as I used to be that till now they don‟t know why you are
in that class, why you are always given assignment,ununderstanding these thing will make you a lazy person who
don‟t prioritize your school or someone who don‟t love going to school
Problem solving is the heart of learning and studying, we get formulas of things, maps of the world, theorem of
mysterious reaction, rules and principles of life for us to solve more specifically our daily problem
The design of our course has something to teach us like:
-Mathematics: math helps us to be more logical and rational that when doing anything we don‟t depends on
emotions but on numbers, measures and statistics so that we can even predict or determine almost accurately how we
will do what we want and by which measure what happening to us is affecting us.
Mathematic is the language of creation it is the tool that helps you understand the world around you and helps you
innovate when you look at houses the way they are built you see geometry in our daily business we depend on
calculus addition ,division,substraction and multiplication when dealing with money,which event to attend or not we
look on the benefit we get from there ,the computer we use are built based on math,application on the phone like
whatsaap,instagram,facebook,twitter,youtube etc all of these are made with mathematical function
Without math literacy you will not understand how thing are made and by so will not be able to invent new thing
every society interested with invention of new things,building big cities.making cars or new application math must be
the main interest because it is the big tool that helps you to understand how things works
All other science has their root on mathematic like physics,chemistry,history,economy,sport,art,music,computer
science,communication,telecommunication,finance,biology,these subject are dependent on numbers and calculation
to help them perform well but also analyse how they are working for example if a doctor is giving you a cure he uses
dosage which means that with this weight and this age you need these number of drugs to get well in these days you
can see math there.
-Languages: we are relationship creatures with different languages the knowledge of a specific language will help
you to express your ideas vocally or written form, it helps you to get more friend ,get understanding when reading
books, feel confident when travelling, looking the world as your home.Language is the expression of the man you
cannot get knowledge without some one communicating to you think how books helps you to know what has
happened in the past,what happens now,how is it happening,what will happen in the future like
dictionaries,encyclopedies or history books you can know the live of people in fifth century like you were there
because all of the things were recorded.
The emergence of media ,television,internet to share information has showed us the power of information,when you
get a new language you get the culture and the knowledge behind the society because they express their mind through
their language,history faculity has been depending on decoding the languages of past society for them to decode their
information and live in history some now are getting few knowledge because now almost every sound discovery is
shared in English so those who speak French only will not updated but also in life will also reach few people in
business and life which cause them to get few opportunities.
-Biology: you are a big mystery that needs to be discovered for optimum usage then biology is your catalogue it is
where you learn how you function, what happens inside you every physiological thing to you and even to the animal
and plants around you so that you will know how to interact with nature and with us also, it brings balance to us.
Biology deals with our person how we function,how the nature function,how the animals lives and function,it goes
deeper to understand how are we made,what happens when we get sick,how the body react in different season,what
has happened when you came with anomality,biology goes deeper to understand our genetical function which has
helped so much the medicine and pharmaceutical companies to make cure and drugs for us because by microscope
they can see bacteria,viruses etc
Biology influenced also sport ,music,art,education,business because the more we understand man and the
environment the more we know how to avoid disaster how to eat well,how to exercise well,how to control the
You study biology to understand yourself and the world around you more deeper for you to live smartly.
-Chemistry: Chemistry is the study of the matter and its propreties. Have you asked yourself how the rock are
made,what make your body? Chemistry is the science of understanding what makes the nature and by it we can only
uncover the world around us but also we can create new material because by understanding how thing are created you
can create your own this has helped the medical science to design drugs,make soap ,make stron material cars,plane .
The first time I studied the periodic table we saw different kind of atoms or element but I didn‟t understand what does
that mean but those 118 elements are what makes everything that you can see with your eyes like for example water
is two hydrogen atoms and one oxgen atom you get water.By chemistry Israel now has been able to produce water
from the hot air in the desert to irrigate their farm which made them expert in agriculture
-Physics: fridge, electrical power, airplane, mobile phone ,lighting the house when we use these things we interact
with physic when you study the nature of things and their interaction ,physics is what explain how the energy is
produced, how light is made
Physics explain the unseen vibration in the atmosphere it brings to our knowledge what is invisible now with
scientific evidence of natural laws by it we can predict the reaction of the world,the speed of waves.
Physics is the course that help us understand interaction ,nature of things, Physics is everywhere present in our daily
life electrical energy.Energy ,force,tenacity are some of the force behind mechanical engeneiring with physic you can
build robots,car,airplane etc
-Geography: Geography is understanding our environment and how it affect all we do, how we cultivate, where we
can build houses, where to make road, how to connect different cities for better trade and different countries either for
business matter but also for political, scientific, and communication matters.
Geography is what shows us that we are not alone on the planet that there are also other people and other culture
beyond where we are ,it shapes how we grow
-History: you can‟t change the future without knowing where you are but you can‟t know who you are without
understanding where you are coming from.History is the account of what happens on the earth or your country it
helps us to know where we are coming from what happened to the past generation taking you to understand the
mechanism of what you are seeing now.
History teach us these important values:
 Value of recording what is happening to us because it is what help us to evaluate ourselves at the end of a day
or any project
 Always investigate before taking serious decision in life
 Through history we identify the consequences of action done by our ancestors to avoid the worst and build
upon the good to get where we want to go faster and quickly.
 Understand the culture and the values of every society.
Technology: activity and productivity are almost alike but different in nature you can be busy but still be ineffective
that‟s why man has made tools and application that can help you produce more in few time. Technology is this
subject that deals with technics and technological tool that help us to see accurately,decide more specifical mastering
these tool will help you to get more result.
Think of the world without the car,airplane,smartphone or computer how will you be effective as it is today without
toys etc
Economy: Happiness and money are in good relationship even if money is not the happiness but it plays a big role to
this fact then economy is the science of rules of money how wealth is trasferable and managed in normal life it will
awake you to be more responsible in life
Entrepreneuship : when you see Brarudi, Sosumo or Microsoft I think you see the impact of one man to create big
things .Money follows ideas ,entrepreneuship teach you not to depends on the country nor your family but shows you
how to manage and use your knowledge to come up with good idea that can solve the problem of society etc
You need money to meet your need in life but much more you need to know how to make money.You want to be
independent but much more you need to know how to be independent ,you have potential in an enormous quantity
but much more you need to know how to use it then entrepreneuship is the subject that helps you to use the
knowledge and energy you have for you to help the society which in second hand will give money back to you for
your service
Rich countries has depended on entrepreneurs,entrepreneurs are the strong force behind innovation and society
transformation and everyone has that seed in him except that few person know how.
Time will go trying to talk about so many subject but my goal in presenting you this was to show you the deep secret
behind education to help you see that all of your accomplishment in life depends with what you know.
A good education will leave you with these best habit if you will approach it with good attitude
-A problem solving person who knows through maths and many exam that for every question you need to give an
answer and in case of frustration try your best because an answered question moves you forward than a left unsolved
-Understanding the power of asking good question when doing something as in class we know that if you don‟t
understand ask question ,if not well answered do your research to find out what will be the best approach.
-Always learn to get updates because by history you understand that the world is changing then continue to learn new
thing to stay relevant and adapt .
Why drop out person have succeeded in life?
Have you seen successful people that are drop out,yes we have tons of stories of school drop out successful
entrepreneur like Bill Gates,Mark zuckerberg founder of Facebook,Thomas Edinson inventor of bulblight,Michael
Faraday the inventor of electricity,movie maker,artists,singers
You can ask yourself a question why do I need to pass by this way to make my life?The first reason for you to go to
school is that the stories of school drop out people that succeed are few compared with those that went school
Second reason is that even though they haven‟t get the degree the secret behind their success is that they have spend
their time with the expert of their time,they met successful mentor,they were their disciples for long years ,they have
learned by doing.In many case they studied through books ,experience ,try and error system,self education has helped
Studying does not guaranty financial success but it is one of the sure ways to make money and succeed in life…
A man called …………….. from the tribe of Botswana was a Bush man even their tribe was living in the bush but
one day the movie company decided to make a film called……… They went in Bostwana and met the man who
decided to play in the movie with his three children ,the film he played has been loved by the world and won millions
of money which could make him a millionaire but when approached they gave him money and he started playing
with it they brought him in Europe but he couldn‟t stay there he wanted to go back to his country he sayed that he
wanted to live with his family
Money don‟t only bring happiness in life but knowledge helps us to live a balanced life this man has the gift and has
also achieved success but he remained poor because his brain was not well prepared
Third reason is that we are in knowledge based economy where robot are starting replacing human in their activity,
you need to get the skills of your generation but also there are some problems that cannot change without science and
technology like diseases, contructing strong house that can strive, designing beautiful cities, etc for the society to
grow it need more the intellectual capital more than mineral ressources.
Car, airplane, strong material all are the product of intellectual capital,Africa as a continent is wealthier than other
continent in terms of mineral resources but eastern contries like Israel,Switzeland,south Korea have stocks of gold
,silver and produce big machines because of their engineers and intellectual capacity they buy fom us in Africa and
transform our mineral ressources as you watch different companies like Disney company that makes in
cartoons,Amazon the company in America that sells product using internet,Facebook and whatsaap that are in the
social media they are rich that many countries that has much mineral resources.
To study helps you get a skill that will make much money for you,it helps you also to become a good entrepreneur
because in these time things has changed based on the technology influence on almost any industry innthe world
What is education
Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversityAristotle
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the worldNelson Mandela
Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom George Washington carver
Education is what the brain is to the man,it is the channel which makes way to the creativity and innovation that are
inside us ,with it human being has been able to overcome disease,construct magnificent house,explore the
universe,diagnose the body even inside the cell,decoding the human ,animal and vegetable genetics
Education as Aristotle said is a refuge in adversity.Science,technology and engineering has saved countries from
porverty to riches,in world war education was behind the guns,military aviation, medical expertise to save those
wounded by the war everywhere around us we can see what education has done
Good education influence good life, freedom is the need of society it is a state where you are liberated from your
yoke, education is the key by it medical doctors are helping us live a healthy life, engineers are building strong and
good houses, economist shape how wealth is managed, business people are producing more good ,the yoke of past
years is falling down because of educational progress
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits..
Education is a channel designed for revealing what is hidden in you like your talent, your creativity , imagination,
observation etc.
You are an excellent person created at a right time for a brilliant future, you carry in you the capacity beyond your
understanding but without understanding and training, you cannot use properly your gift like if you can give a knife
to the kid it can harm the child even if it was not that bad that‟s why you comes to study for you to understand your
More than anything your knowledge will change and affect you than anything you can think, the quality of your
thought will determine the quality of your life but your brain feed on knowledge only and expand by experience and
Sometimes you ask yourself why attending school for learning ,what is the advantages can I get from there.
7 advantages of school
 confidence: when you are learning a new language or acquiring a new skill you feel on control
 Socialization: Humans are social, you need someone either at school or later in life to talk with, work with for
your optimum performance then school is one of the easiest way to connect with others as long as we meet new
person in our learning life.
 Teamwork: Working together for achieving the same goal is what we call team work at school you learn this
important skill needed in life. Each student, each teacher we meet at school teach us something that will help
you to be more collaborative with others
 Preparation : your professional life will be a result of skills you got from your class, consider class attendance
as a place of preparation that are pushing you to get more other responsibilities in your future.
 Information : one of the most reason to attend school is the wealth of information we get from. One of the best
way to get information about something is learning it from school.
 Discipline:
 Community:
Chapter2: Motivation and the key behind action
Life without purpose is a wasted life.whatever is your intellectual quotient,your skills if you don‟t have a specific
purpose you want to do in life you will not be efficient this is why you find genius failing at school even if they do
well at school and don‟t lack funds.
Clarity is the key
“You must first clearly see a thing in your mind before you do it “Alex Morrison
Success at school depends much on how you perceive the school and what exactly you desire to do in your studies
,the grade you want ,the skill you are after .
“When the meaning is unclear there is no meaning”
When you don‟t know what grades you want, how you are going to study, which student will help you, which books
you will need ,you are already in the path of failing. Clarity is how specific you are about what you want to do, you
can‟t reach the future you don‟t see, solve a problem you don‟t know nor cure a disease you don‟t know .The
knowledge of a problem is half a cure.
Success at school is the outcome of understanding what you really want to accomplish, you have to be clear at any
details regarding your wish,in helping you to get more specific answer these questions below
-Why am I failing?
-what is my weakness.
-what is my strength.
-what is the best place that helps me study well
-Am I a good team worker or a lonely student.
-Am I a starter or a finisher?
-Do I study quickly or slowly?
-Am I easily distracted or I can concentrate.
-Do I love asking question or seeking help or not.
After answering these question now you know where you are now and who you are.
These will help you to make a plan of what you need for to reach your goal
“All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he
wants to do” Norman Vincent peale
Goal is something you set for yourself and push yourself to achieve.
How do you want your grades looks like,knowledge to improve,what are your wishes if you know you will not fail.
Maybe you want to be more fluent in a certain language or resolve a difficult math problem whatever is your wish fix
it as your goal which means make smart goals
“A goal properly set is halfway reached”Zig Ziglar
How to set goals
Setting goals is an art then play the game wisely,you set goals based on what you want to do
Set SMART goals
 S:specific(well defined,clear,unambiguous)
 M:measurable(with specific criteria that measure your progress towards the accomplishment of the goal)
 A:achievable(attainable and not impossible to achieve)
 R:realistic(within reach,realistic.and relevant to your life purpose)
 T:timely(clearly defined timeline,including a starting date and targeted date,the purpose is to create urgence)
“If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster,your gifts will take you places that
will amaze you”Less brown
Instead of wishing design your strategy of action to reach your success,goal setting can take you beyond where you
think you can go;when you know exactly what you want to do,when you will do it ,the amount of price needed you
move faster ,study smarter than harder,you will start seing news skills emerging helping you rank high in your class
elevating your self esteem,that is the power of goal setting
Answer these questions sincerely:
what are my three biggest worries in my academic life, right now.
what is my ideal solution for these problems.
what is the fastest and most direct way to solve this problem?
what is the percentage I want this year.
what is my three biggest mistakes that I do daily?
“A goal without a plan is just a wish”Antoine de saint exubert writer and pioneer of aviator
“Our goal should be only reached through a vehicle of a plan,in which we must fervently believe,and upon which
we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success”Pablo Picasso
“Proper planning and preparation prevent poor performance”stephern keague
Knowing what you want does not give you what you want, you don‟t have to trust luck or people to make you get
what you want but take responsibility to design strategies you are going to use to reach your target. Planning is the
best way to succeed at school because by it you identify those key activities you need to do, barriers to break.
Ben Carlson is the best neurosurgeon in the world he was the personal doctor of President Barack Obama,he has done
a surgery of two girls that was born with one head ,it was a case that was unsolved by different doctors because there
was a high risk to kill the girls .
In the beginning when he was in primary school he was among those kids we call dumb because he was almost the
last in class and he goes home with bad notes but her mum didn‟t agree with that she showed him a passage in the
bible showing him that he was created with intelligence
Her mum was working in the rich family and has seen how rich loved reading then she came with a plan for her
children, she told them to go in library and read every week two books on any subject and at the end of the week
write a report of the books to give to their mum ,in the beginning Ben Carlson saw it as a punishment but he
respected much his mum
After a time reading the books he began to score high in class almost all the lesson the teacher was giving them in
class he found he has already read it in the books ,he begin to be every time ahead of the program ,when a teacher
asked the comprehension or definition question he was the one giving the answer ben Carlson turned from being the
dumbiest child in the class to being the smartest child in the whole school through the plan of reading two books
every week that his mum has designed for Him.
Ben Carlson is the perfect example of how planning can help you to reach your goals instead of waiting for the
teacher to give him an easy question he decided to read two books every week then he was so informed to a level of
answering almost every question asked by the teacher,like him you have to write strategies you will use to understand
more what you learn.
Confusion, procrastination and hope will not help you unless you take action by determining activities you will do,
time when you will do it, environment where you will do it ,with whom you will cooperate to make your studies a
When planning you have to consider four big steps which are strength,weakness,resources and challenges .
Strength are your potential,abilities,course you understand more,memorizing sharpness etc
Weakness are the course you don‟t understand,lack of funds
Ressources are object like books,money and videos that can help you or people like a mentor,teacher,parent that can
support you on your way to success
Challenges are sickness,lack of money,lack of books or any situation you know in your daily life that can become a
hindrance to your progress.
Try to answer these questions on paper:
*what are the course am very good at.
*what are the course am average and weak at.
*what are my resources (people that can help me or material books or tapes that can help me).
*what are my obstacles (physical ,mental or financial.)
*If I can be more concentrated what are the course I can understand that I causing me a problem now.
*who is the best kid I can cooperate with for me to understand this course.
*what is my best time of revising and studying(morning, evening).
*how many time (hours, minutes)do I take to revise every day.
.what is the thing that distract me too much from studying (friend, film, song, game, sleep).
Your answers to these questions will bring clarity to you and help you to identify the very important steps you need to
take to get the success you want in class
Priority means things that bring more result on you. Identify according to your maximum result what is the specific
course you need to maximize in that can have a big influence on the final percentage .
Activity don‟t mean productivity by identifying your priority you know those activity that will move you ahead
quickly then every day do those things this is where we found the progress.
An economist called Pareto has made an observation concerning activity and productivity which has resulted in the
law that is called pareto law, in his observation he saw that in the activity we do to reach a goal either in school or in
life there are some specific activities that helps us to get quickly to our target and help up to save our time
The pareto law says that 20% percent of your activities brings you 80% of result where the remaining 80% of your
activities brings you only 20 % of result in your life, this study shows that we spend most our time focusing on
activities that has little impact to our life
The 20% activities are what we call priority activities, these are the engines of success and improvement to our life.
The neglect of priority will bring failure and frustration in your life when focusing on them will bring success and
happiness to you
Take this example as a student you have different responsibility at school you meet other student that become your
friend, you meet different teachers, you take notes of courses, you write notes, revise course, attend class, listen to
your lecturer, do your homework, work in team, write essay, do practical exam, watch TV at home, play with your
friend, listen to music.
You have only 24 hours a day to execute those activities but also you have other home responsibility.Think of what
could happen if you spend much time on watching tv,cooking at home,wondering with your friends but study some
twenty minutes a day this will not help you get good grades at school then these activity are not your priority in your
study time,we can compare it to the 80% activities that gives only a return of 20% of result
Attending school everyday,listening to your teacher,taking note and revising everyday a good amount of time are
your 20% activities that moves you faster at 80% speed to reach your desired goal .
Choose the right companion
School is like a game and the better you choose your team the faster you move ahead and win. Surround you with
smart friend, learn to collaborate with them.
You become what you join with, the books you read, videos you watch and school mate you study with strengthern
you or destroy you. Choosing good student will help you overcome even your most impossible challenges because
you gain more from the best, they will lift you up, motivate you, challenge you and mold your mindset to be
excellent.Failure and success in life or school is a question of who you work with, your bad choice can kill even your
95% of our success depends mostly with the top five persons that share your life, they are your role model,
inspiration, reference and challenge.Your friends are like compass that guides the boat in the ocean,they influence
significantly your life reality and perception
As a student your studying mate count much on your concentration and discipline.The career you choose,the subject
you like the most,the way you are action oriented,the research you do are mostly influenced by your friend the way
they are the same way you tend to be.
Human are influence shaped,your habit and decision are much more molded by what you read but especially who you
share life with.Tell me your friend and I will tell you who you are the longtime quotes that summarises the impact of
friendship to you.
At school student like to join according to their social background,sport game,funny groups but few get friend based
on academic performance or education goal which result in causing distraction in their academic life even causing
some to fail to a level of making other quit education based on bad companion who don‟t even see value in
education.When you look at quitting children except those who lack funds or enough material to study other are
product of bad friends,also you will find that it‟s not only one person who quit but mostly it is a group of children
who quit based on how they see education,in those group you find kids from all society class either rich,middle and
poor class.
Why do you like the most the friend you work with at school,what is his specific contribution to your life,as you try
to find out how exactly you can choose your classmate there are some question below that can help you choose
well,the sincerely you answer them clearly you will decide and quickly you will succeed.If possible do in group of
two with the person who knows you the most so that he can help you
*name your 5 best school friend.
*Are they succeeding or failing at school.
*Do they motivate you or they kill your willpower?
*Are them disciplined , committed or not?
*Are them adding value on you or they are devaluating you?
*Are them supportive or destructive ?
Are them striving for excellence or not?
Choix de coach
Comment choisir ton coach ou ton mentor
Etre responsable de ta vie
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Build strong success habit.
Successful students have developed good habit that makes them better at what they do,the good news is that you can
also have those habit if you choose to identify them and cultivate them.
The way you handle your study in class or outside the class shows what you will reap because success is not an event
but a process.
These are the best habit of successful student that you can also build by repetition.
*Attend class regulary and be on time.
*Plan when you’re going to study,what are specific day of revision in a week,when do you study is it in the
morning or night.
*Taking note in class.
*know how to ask for help.
*Make friend you can study with,
*Rock solid routine and evening routine.
*Divide your course into small part and learn progressively that’s why you need to make a studying routine.
*Study at the same time.
*Each study time should have a specific goal.
*Never procrastinate your planned study session.
*Start with the most difficult subject first.
*Always review your notes before starting an assignment.
*Make sure you’re not distracted while you’re studying.
*Use study group effectively.
*Review your notes,schoolwork and other class materials over the weekend.
Hey,now you know what can help you to improve your mark and be more effective in your studying life.
Start now doing these thing every single day remember that there is not magic even if some may possess high
intellectual quotient(IQ)to understand more it wil still be good to you to use these habits to be more brighter, explore
new realms of knowledge.
The more you will practice, the more you will improve and begin to see change when doing exam which will help
you improve your self esteem.
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than
unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the
world is full of educated derilicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent .The slogan press on! has
solved and always will solve the problem of human race” calvin Coolidge president of America
Fixing your grades,setting good strategies to achieve it will not automatically bring you to success along the way you
can fail but as calvin colidge said in this quotes success is a matter of persistence than it is to talent, don‟t say when
you tried and failed that you are stupid it will not work but push again ,press on ,look for different strategy you can
use as what we know talented student and smart student are not at the end those who score high but those with
average level that adds hard work and persistence not only they score high but remains high because of their
Press on ,press again don‟t lose hope continue to see your picture,the grades you want to get this year ,when you give
enough time to your most difficult course or subject by asking question,dividing into small part for you to learn step
by step you will find out that by time you formulas or rules you can use and will start understanding more and more.
This is the secret of those we call genius or inventor they don‟t give up when they have something they don‟t
understand because they believe they can have the answer for them even in the night where others are sleeping they
can wake up and revise or do again the exercise while those who fail are sleeping hopeless without trying more.
In 1960 a small boy called legson kayira from Nyasaland the actual Malawi was born from a very poor family ,his
mum decided to throw the boy in the river because of the poverty but by chance the neighbours saved the child and
get him back home ,he started to study, at the age fourteen the teacher taught them about America as a country where
there is opportunities he heard stories and he saw the picture of a professor.
He was impressed in his heart by this opportunity which generated a wish to travel in America to study but in his time
there was no one in his country that studied in America and in their time there were not road but he studied the Africa
map and saw how he can go from Malawi pass through Tanzania and Uganda to reach Egypt so that he can work to
get money for the ship ticket to bring him in America
He called his family at the age of sixteen and announced to the whole family about his dream to go in America after
he started the journey with only a bible and some little food ,he went 2670 km in quest of his dream ,he passed in
forest where there was some dangerous animals in the midst of the way he begin to ask himself why he has decided
so but he was wearing a tshirt in which were written words try try again and he said to himself I will try and try again
till my dream will become a testimony ,he continued the journey and reached Tanzania after 2 months in the way,he
stayed there do some jobs and move again to Uganda where he found there were advertisement on scholarship to
USA he tried to get news and apply which turns success ,he was admitted to study in America but lacked the money
to start the journey.
The US ambassy was in Soudan then he continue in Soudan in pursuit of his wish he reached in sudan where he was
welcomed with surprise because they can‟t believe how a little boy can take a journey of two years with a desire to
study in America they arrange everything for him and send him in America ,arrived he was welcomed with respect he
studied in America ,continued at Oxford and Cambridge university,became a professor in university ,wrote so many
He was the first intellectual man in his country , he was coming from a very poor family but persistence to
accomplish more of his life and to reach his goal has paid after many years of sacrifice
The story of Legson Kayira is the true story of what can really happens when the power of persistence is putted in
motion ,it illustrates cleary the words of president calvin coolodge that talented people are left behind because of lack
of persistence
If you will approach your studies with a heart of study without realizing how the course is difficult but doing like
Legson Kayira trying and trying hard you will see how your studies will becomes easy to you and for you.
“It’s not that I’m so smart. It’s just that I stay with problems longer”Albert Einstein
Albert enstein the great scientific that invented the theory of relativity was considered as a dumb student he failed at
math,also in national exam but after year he turns to be the famous scientific even considered as greatest scientific of
the 20th
century this is the quotes he said that he is not that smart but he has a character of not giving up on his ideas.
“Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to a certiain failure ”Benjamin
Lance Armstrong is a cyclist that received 5 medals he is on the greatest sport champion in the world at age 25 he
was diagnosted with cancer and told that he still have only 2 years to live but instaed of loosing hope he decided to go
in gym and participate in international championship he goes in the gym work hard as he can without thinking on
what the doctors has told him at the end he participte in the championship and won several titles after he was found
without cancer in His body
Lance Armstrong is the story of the power of persistence in life and what can happen when you stick on something
that is more important to you like studying
Practice,work hard
“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply .Being willing is not
enough; we must do” Leonardo da vinci
Things works for workers,your ability to execute your plan will be of more advantages for you in school even later in
Sometimes when studying you think you understand and stop revising or do much exercises this habit will make you
perform badly on test times ,you have to practice what you learn even if you think you know much as you are doing it
your brain will store nicely the information and it will be difficult to forget.
We have two memory the temporaly memory and the subconscious memory, temporaly memory get the information
we receive when a teacher is saying but after the course you forget easily when you get the information it comes on
the temporaly memory then you can forget easily, the word temporaly means it stores the information for a time then
the information goes away but subconscious mind is the seat of habit these things we do without noticing that we are
doing them
Michael Jordan when he started playing basketball he was not the champion that everybody knows but he was
expelled by the coach telling him that he don‟t have the talent for the game but he didn‟t give up instead he decided to
practice hard every morning he woke up 4h:00 to shoot the ball till 8h:00 am every day even when he was already a
champion he kept doing that and he became best at shooting from far also dunking surpassing those that thought they
had talent ,he succeeded where he was expected to fail because of the power of work hard
Do you remember the first time you started walking ,failure was everywhere and it was difficult but look how now
it‟s very easy for you to walk but also to run faster,this shows how your brain function when you do something new it
is always difficult because in the brain it is the new system for you so the more you take action you make connection
in your brain and you start understand how it function,you decode the whole process to a level you become a master
When you practice hard enough on your subject you will find out that those area you think you are weak will become
very easy for you .Good information we cannot forget then for you to move the information you get from the teacher
to your subconscious mind you have to practice it many times then it enters deeply in you when you will not forget it
Repetition after repetition is the secret of mastering new skills because as you study every thing is carry out by your
brain ,when you get a new information there is a connection in your brain then if you repeat the information your
brain start storing the information deeper in the system take example like your mother tongue ,you know it much
because it is integrated in your daily life there is nothing you can do without using that language but other language
like French,English,chinese you can easily forget them even if when you were studying you were fluent because you
cease to use it in your daily life but for some language if you had took enough time to practice it and stay with a
simple exercise that you can still do like reading English book,listening English songs or news you could still be
fluent in the language this is how the brain works
One reason that people see practice is difficult is that it requires discipline,when you develop discipline you start
with stugle there is no easy way you do it by choice.two things happens when you practice first is becoming strong
and second having a winning spirit,the harder you work the harder you becomes to surrender as aristotle said
:”Excellence is an art won by training and habituation,We do not act rightly because we have virtue or
excellence,but we rather have those because we have acted rightly,We are what we repeatedely do,Excellence
.then,is not an act ,but a habit”
Believe in yourself and your potential
(Nick vujnick story with picture)
Every winner you see and admire has weakness but they have been able to reach those level because of self
confidence they choose to concentrate on their strength more than their weakness.Love yourself,accept that you have
been well created,what you see that you don‟t have maybe you will not need it to grow in life
Nick vujnick is an Australian motivational speaker,life coach and entrepreneur he was born with a handicap that
caused him not his legs and arms to be short,when he was born their parent was frightened to a level they wanted him
to die but they believed God and raise him with love and care
When he became a teenager he attempted to kill himself,he was so discouraged in his life,he asked himself what he
will becomes late in his life,if he will get married but after he got saved and understand the love of God,he started
focusing on his strength and start coaching other inspiring other to love themselves now he has visited more that 100
countries ,he has been welcomed by president,kings, millionaire,He is married with two children,he is more
successful that many normal people that are mentally paralytic.
These point are stopping you to move
-You are an orphan
-you are not intelligent
-You are not beautiful
-You are paralytic
-Your family is poor
Research,Love to go deeper for more answer
Israel country was founded in year 1948 after a terrible genocide of jews in second world war,they regain their land
after 6 days of battle which means that their country was destroyed and also they have a wilderness land but now
Israel is among the richest country in the world and it is the country with big new company in the world with a
mastery in agriculture where they have been able to cultivale their desert land and produce far away much than
african countries through the power of research and innovation.
How this small country founded only in 1948 in a desert land has grown to become a global power in many
sector?Innovation,research has been their rescue they developed their education,their youth are entrepreneurship
driven they searched for new ways of surviving then when the internet was coming they imbrance the opportunity by
designing new app,telecommunication technology,healthcare application and started selling to big countries with
money .
As a student you don‟t only learn from books and information you get in class because as we are different the same
way we get different understanding when we learn new things.when you have an idea or you don‟t understand don‟t
stop there but ask many question as you can to your teacher but also remember that your teacher don‟t know all
things in case you don‟t get good answer go for your own use internet,read books,meet different people remember
that whoever seek find
All inventors and scientists before they become who they are one day they were ignorant but also they were learners
like you but the difference is that above studying they were also reseaechers,if you aspire to become a writer above
English lesson add book on how to write effectively,read mathematics books if you want to go far in maths
science,watch informatics video to learn much about your informatics career invest your time in doing research to
understand more
Power of books on your destiny
Guttemberg is the first printing company that has ever started on the earth since that day the story of the world has
changed like never before they started printing the Bible but after science has used it to transfer their knowledge
which resulted in scientific revolution in Europe ,it is books that shaped political ideas like democracy,capitalism
because political leaders were reading those books,books are the tools that make education without good books it is
also difficult to give good education
Reading books can impact your life at a level you can‟t imagine in the books you meet inventors of the ancient times
and they will tell you why they have invented,how they invented,what challenges they met what is the purpose of
their invention, through their biography you will meet their life,through their accomplishment you will understand
why the whole world has decided to teach their method and invention,books will tell you how we‟ve come to reach
this level in life
I took time to read and study the lives of different scientist and reformers in the world and I was really excited how
almost every leader,inventor,politician,musician,painter have been influenced by books they read to get where they
were and do what they have done.
Look these example:
Alexander the great was a son of Philippe the king he was a student of Aristotle and had studies all the military
strategies of the nations of his time which helped him to adjust strategies in the war and everywhere he was fighting
every new stategy he was seeing he would always add to his stategy he was a learner leader
Nichola tesla the great electrician and inventor in his quest to use the electricity has deepely depended on the work
of………… that he found in the book of …….
Albert Einstein in his study of light and the making of theory of relativity he has been helped on the works of
………but his passion of science and technology came when he was still a child is uncle give hime math and science
books that helped him to understand more and love the science world
The novelist stephern king considered like the Shakespeare of this modern time has not studied much but he
depended on books that he read when workinging in the library and later in publishing company he read everything
on writing books,he read every English books he could find on the way by so he developed his English and writing
skill to the level he became rich from it by reading he decoded his way to money and fame ,books has been his help
when in frustration or in confusion they can help you too to go far from where you are if you can only focus on the
subject you want to know more
Entrepreneurship boomed in America and produced much self made millionaires and billionaire after Napoleon hill
published a books called laws of success and think and Grow rich which was the book based on the interview with
500 richest people in America in their time and 23000 poorest people in their time in the books he was revealing the
secret of making money and becoming rich since that time America explode in entrepreneurship wich result in
building many companies and being rich
War on earth is evident in religion when they battle defending the ideas and belief they get from religious books
muslims,christians,huinduist.Time will go as I try to show you the power of books in shaping a destiny
Arnold shwazneger populary called commando because of the film he played with this title he was frustructed
because her mum wanted him to be a carpenter and his father wanted him to be a policeman then he saw a journal
where …… was the mister universe in bodybuilding but also he saw him playing a film called hercule after sawing
that he decided to go in gym to practice for him to become the next mr universe and after go to the movie industry
which he did at age 20 he became mr universe and after joined the movie film he was influenced by what he was
Warren buffet the big man in investing and third richest man in the world became that person after working and
reading the books of Benjamin graham on investment he says that 80 percent of his time is spent reading books and
newspaper to know how the market is evolving
Reading books according to your destiny will answer your question and will open your mind for big thing,they have
the potential to make you an entrepreneur,an inventor , an artist because in every sector you will find that expert
wrote the blueprint to become great and influencial in your area
As we saw in the Israel story ,book research and innovation are the tools that helped the nation to sclale high and
reading books in one of the ways we do research.
How to study
You go to school every morning with the intention to learn something new,your teachers comes one after another
with different subject where everyone want you to be serious to understand his course,they give you
,homework,assignment, and practical work,with all these in your one head to revise ,digest and answer at the exam
time.It is boring,tiring even sometimes you don‟t know what to do.
Studying is a technique than it is a must,without realizing how to do it the work is dry and boring but once you
understand its mechanism you will flow easily,unlock your genius.
Welcome in this journey where you are going to know the rules of the game so that you can play well and
successfully .
Self awareness will help you to know where you are,who you are and what you need to do, to go where you want to
Try to know what you are doing already when studying will help you to know what bad you have been doing.
Answer these question by yes or no.
1. I wish I could read faster.
2. I go to class but I don’t pay much attention.
3. I rarely review for tests,but I do spent hours cramming before night.
4. I think I spend more time studying than I need.
5. I usually study on radio /Tv on.
6. I rarely finish all my homework on time.
7. I usually write assigned test the week or night before the due time.
8. I read every book at the same speed in the same way.
9. I can never seem to find the information on the internet.
10.I’m overwhelmed with too much work.
11.I can never complete my reading assignment on time.
12.I always seem to write down the wrong stuff in class.
13.I frequently forget important assignments and date tests.
14.I get nervous before exams and do worse than I think I should do.
15.I frequently must reread two to three time a passage before I could understand them.
16.When I finish reading a chapter I usually don’t remember much of it.
17.I try to take down everything the teacher says, but usually can’t understand any of my note.
18.I can only study 15 minutes before I get bored or distracted.
19.When I’m working on my paper or report I spend most of the time with a thesaurus on my lap.
20.I always seem to study the wrong stuff.
21.I don’t use any kind of calendar.
22.I study for some tests, but I always forget what I studied when I get there.
23.I don’t have time to do well in school and still have a social life.
24.I can’t figure out important point in my textbooks.
25.When I look at my class notes right before a test, I can’t understand them.
26.I hate to read.
27.I get marked on essay test because I don’t organize well.
28.I spend most of my time on my computer or phone .
What do your answer mean ?if you answer yes to questions:
 2, 5 or 18 you need to work on your concentration.
 1, 8, 15, 16, 24,or 26,your reading and comprehension skills are holding you back.
 3, 14, or 22, you need to learn the proper ways to study for tests and how to reduce test anxiety.
 4, 6,10,11,13,21,or 23,your organization skills are letting you down.
 7,19,’re spending a lot of time’’writting’’papers but haven’t learned proper research or
organization skills.
 9,or 28 you need to hone your computer.
 12,17,20,or 25,you need a better system for taking notes in class and from textbooks.
After answering these question and identifying your weak areas. Go on „‟Your starting point‟‟ chart and give you
„‟excellent‟‟, ‟‟good‟‟, ‟‟fair‟‟, be as sincere as you can.
This chart will help you to measure your progress.
Your starting point.
Initial self evaluation ( ) ( ) ( )
Reading ( ) ( ) ( )
Memory developpement ( ) ( ) ( )
Time management ( ) ( ) ( )
Textbook note taking ( ) ( ) ( )
Classroom note taking ( ) ( ) ( )
Classroom participation ( ) ( ) ( )
Basic library skills ( ) ( ) ( )
Library note taking ( ) ( ) ( )
Computer skills ( ) ( ) ( )
Library note taking ( ) ( ) ( )
Test preparation ( ) ( ) ( )
After examining yourself you know the state of your life.
Problems of students at school can be summarized in these important point:
Time management
Lack of exam passing skills
Lack of concentration and preparation
Wrong thinking skills
The most exciting fact is going school to learn without knowing how to learn,read ,think and comprehend what
you are studying
This section I‟m going to show you what the science and expert has discovered and how you can apply it to
your studying to cause a dramatic success and change.
How we learn
Brain is the main part of learning,understanding the mechanism of the brain will help you study not hard but
effectively.Your brain process information by these five ways that are receiving, storing, analyzing and outputting
The science of learning has exploded these last years by the works of neuroscientists who are expert on the working
of the brain,they have done so much experiment to understand how the brain affect how we study.In his book
called”Brain rules”Dr John medina director of brain center of applied learning research and a professor at University
of Washington medical school,he said that the brain don‟t work well when you are stressed,your memory grow with
repetition,vision trumps all senses which means we understand more what we saw with our own eyes more than any
other channel of information.When you hear something and when you see it your way to recall the information are
different because by sight you remember the colour ,the mood,the statistic,the motion all of these helps the brain to
recall easily than when you hears it
You are different,understand your learning style
Have you attend a lecture when a teacher is sharing logical lessons where you need to pay much attention to what
you are studying,have you seen that there was some student that were more engaging and concentrating but on the
other side you can learn a lesson when the teacher is mixing with stories ,songs,recitation maybe the second way has
helped you.
As human we are different in nature,the same way we are different we possess different learning styles.We don‟t
digest information or acquire a new skill the same way that why you will find some love reading but other love
listening, some loves studying alone but other loves studying in community, some love theories and others
understand more practical things
Learning style is particulary defined as:
 A particular way an individual learn
 A mode of learning an individual prefer to think, process information and demonstrate learning.
 Habits, strategies concerning learning
 Learning preference
Science has done the work for you to understand how many learning styles we use to learn something. A learning
style is a way that is easy for you or fit for you to understand something and remember it easily. There are 7 learning
1. Auditory and musical learners
The important part of learning to auditory learners is the ears, they like to hear and love group learning as a way to
understand information. The main characteristics of auditory learns are:
-They tend to have good memories of past conversation (such as jokes).
-Have a great memory for music and lyric.
-Enjoy discussions, debates, and talking to others.
-Enjoy listening to music, sing, and whistle to themselves
-Prefer to give oral presentation more than writing report.
-May have difficult interpreting graphs, maps and diagrams.
If you find yourself with these signs you are an auditory learner then there are some tips that can help you be more
 Love to ask question during the lesson ,when the teacher will answer you it will be stored easily in your
memory be
 If you are in university or study with a computer use a Dictaphone or activate a recording software to record
the teacher if not use the Dictaphone in your study time when you are in groups record everything so that you
can play after when you are at home.
 Watch videos when revising they can help you understand deeper,if you have a smart phone or internet at
school or home visit youtube or other educational website I will tell you more at the end of the book.
 Repeat loud what your are learning and read loudly
 Participate in discussion on different subject for better understanding and memorizing especially when
studying history,psychology etc
 Avoid auditory distraction because they can deconcentrate you .
2.Visual learners
The most learning body part of visual learners is their eyes. They understand with diagrams,pictures,any lesson they
learn if they can not get the visual or mental picture of it they can‟t easily understand.These are his signs:
 Love picture and diagrams
 Are good at reading maps and charts
 Create strong picture in their mind when they read
 Like bright colours(red,green,white,blue etc)
 When they want to speak or do something they think to get a picture of what they want to do.
 They enjoy planning(get a picture of their day,schedule,lesson etc).
 They love to draw what they think.
If you have these signs surely you are a visual learner that understand through pictures and diagram so for you to
maximize your potential and learn smarter these tips can help you
 Repeat on your own all the diagram your teacher were teaching the more you draw the more you understand.
 Love reading visual book(book with picture inside) than linear books (book with letters only)where you can get
the picture of what is spoken
 Watch videos as you know videos are visual so you can go to youtube or other educational or informational
 Use colours,highlighters(markers) when reading a textbook or your notes to make more clear what you
read.Use different colours with different topics but for ideas that seems similar use the same colour that when
you are reading you can know that the new information is associated with the previews information.
 If possible use small papers of flash card where you put important information and after paste where you want
that information to stick
 Replace words with symbole or pictures.
3.Verbal & writting learner
Verbal learners includes both writing and speaking,they love to take note and reading deeply.These are the
characteristics of verbal learners:
 They enjoy reading enough
 Love reading for them and read deeply
 Work best in quiet times like articulate teachers who put a lot information into sentences and notes
 Love to look into dictionary in case they don‟t understand
These are the signs of verbal learners if you are the one these are the techniques you can apply to be more effective in
your studies.
 Take notes when a teacher is teaching ,the act of writing the notes will strengthen the information in your brain
and write them in your own words
 When revising rewrite your note using other words than used in the former notes this will help you understand
 Don‟t jump anything in class when you are taking note in class.
 Use bullet point list :it is easy to understand information that are grouped together and bullet point is the easiest
way to put lot information in one easy-to-read format.
 Turn diagram and chart into word:verbal learners don‟t get much through graphs it is difficult for them to
interpret what is drawn.It is better for them to writte what the chart is meaning.
4.Physical and kinesthetic learners
Kinesthetic learners are natural doers they understand by doing
These are signs of kinesthetic :
 They are good at remembering things they‟ve actually done before.
 Enjoy playing sport.
 Do not tend to have great handwriting or spelling.
 Enjoy active learning subject such as sport and science experiment.
Kinesthetic learners needs to do these things for them to adapt and perform better at school
 Study in short period : kinesthetic learners tend to lack capacity to concentrate on something long when
studying but they can do better if they should break their study session into short period and do regular break
between 5-10 minutes.
 Use examples when studying notes:associating practical real life example to the theories in the notes this will
help you understand more don‟t just read note but use examples either real life or use google to get some useful
 Study with others:plan a time to study with others
 Do the exercise while study this will help you to recall more
5.Logical and mathematical learners
Logical and mathematical learners use reasoning and logical sequencing to absorb information.They like to use
numbers ,find logical way to answer a question,they categorize and are comfortable working with the abstract.They
enjoy hard science like chemistry programming,math etc
The best way to learn for mathematical learners learns is by visual materials,startistics,hand on project(Practical
project).They prefer goal oriented activities based on math reasoning .
Logical learners find statistical study more than literature or keeping journal,they enjoy creating
graphs,chart,timelines.Even if they can work with others they love making a list,setting numerical goals,ranking
brainstorming ideas,they often enjoy troubleshouting problem using logic,analysis,and math.
6.Social and interpersonal learners
These types of learners love communicating with others.
These are their signs of social learner :
 They like to be with a large group of people
 They struggle working alone especially on project
 They do well in any sort of collaborative activities
 They are not afraid to ask questions
 They love social activities
 They make new friends easier
 They understand more other people
Social learners for them to work effectively they have to do thes things:
 Join a learning group for discussion about different subject.
 Attend seminar or panel discussion
 Join social group either on whatsaap or facebook
 Ask more question to your professors or fellow student that are sharp than you.
7.Solitary learners
Solitary learners love to work alone and concentrate ,These are his signs
 Enjoys spensing time alone
 Like to set goals and plans
 Don‟t like to be in noisy rooms or large crowds
 Find difficult to talk with others
 Highly independent
As a solitary learner you can do these htings to learn more
 Try to find books, website or videos to helps you learn a lot because as an independent person you need to
depend on research
 Make sure your learning place is quiet
 Every time time plan your learning time and what you are going to learn.
Uncovering your learning style will help you expand to plan your revision time,it is like learning how to drive a car
because after knowing your
How to read effectively and quickly
Reading is an essential part of studying life,some student even fail to finnish their exams because the read slowly or
bady the speed reading can help you gain knowledge faster and smarter .
Are you wondering why your studyies sometimes is not that good maybe when you see a big volume of paper you
fear,revising is boring to you or just you read but it is difficult for you to understand.
Bad reading skills is one of the failure biggest cause of student, textbooks with summary review and report
Do you know that there some shortcut you can use and read effectively,your brain is capable for so much things
In all your academic and professional life you will depends much on reading either your classbook,research
paper,website on internet,newspaper,reading a message on your phone, revising for the exam, comparing articles,
reading a report, announcement or post of the class.
Your ability to read faster and to understand deeply the content will move you faster to a greater level of success in
your academic and even in your future life because we are in the information age.
When reading remember that every information is delivered through a specific language whether the content is in
French,english,Kirundi,Swahili etc your vocabulary knowledge will boost you to move quickly that why when
reading its good to have a dictionary or to practice your vocabulary the more you know the meaning of word and
connected the more you will move faster and still understanding the meaning.
Techniques you can use:
1. Practice your vocabulary for any course either scientific or literature.
2. Know why you are reading that book what do you want to get from the content.
3. After each page or paragraph write the main idea
4. Try to get a mental picture of what is spoken in the book.
5. If possible read loudly to bring quickly the information to the head.
Note taking
Information after information that is the student lifestyle ,you need not only to write it and listening it but also
memorizing it for you to recall it in exam time. How can I do it when I‟m receiving different information that have no
association,how can I understand and memorize all these information,maybe you are thinking like this,good class
note taking is the right strategy you can use to overcome the challenge.
Note taking is writing with your words what your teacher is saying or explaining and organizing your note in a way
that will be easy for you to understand by grouping together ideas with the same meaning,connecting ideas that have
a relationship,summarizing words by keywords ,using diagram,signs or colours to highlight big ideas to help your
brain understand more what you learn
Note taking has been the technics used by inventors,artists,orators,scientists like albert Einstein,Leonardo da
vinci,Isaac Newton,Thomas Edinson to organize their though,remember more,connect their ideas ,evaluate their
progress.Like the storing places your brain don‟t store information anyhow but it use images and association to
understand and store better then good notetaking help you organize,connect different ideas through
links,colours,diagram to make an exact image of the information in order your brain to store it.
Note taking student understand more and learn faster and easier that non note-taking student.
Information organization will expand your achievement you don‟t need to read and pass through all those materials
and put them in your mind what you need is create your own material specific to you that you can understand more
Whether you are in class or reading a textbook these time tested note-taking skills will help you advance and reduce
Why do you need to take note
Learning is done by listening ,understanding and memorizing but the last one is crucial to your growth. whatever is
your level of understanding without recalling the information in the time of exam or need your knowledge will not
help you.
You think retaining information is difficult but organization of information and misunderstanding of the brain
mechanism is the problem this is why bad note taking in class is one of the root of boring revision, inefficiency of
remembrance and illusion of answer.
Is there really a scientific and professional way of taking my note or it depends with people? Yes there are method
used based on the brain memory mechanism .
Cornell method
It is a method discovered in by a scientific called who were teaching at cornell University in America.
This method says:
Cornel method has three parts:
1) At the top of the page you write down the name of the course together with the date
2) At the botton you write your summary
3) A column on the right for taking brief note and a column on the left for any question relating to the notes.
Advantages of cornell method
 Provide an organized and systematic means for recording and reviewing notes.
 Easy format for pulling out major concepts and ideas
 Simple and efficient
 Save time and effort
 A do it right in the first place
Sentence writing method
This is a traditional method when you write in sentences what the teacher is saying to recall it after a lesson but you
find it unorganized and sometimes difficult to assimilate but on one side we still need it when you are listening but it
is the basic.
The mind mapping method
Without image thinking is impossible Aristotle student of Plato
Mind mapping is the easiest way to put information into your brain and to take information out of your brain it‟s a
creative and effective means of note taking that literally”map out ”your thought. And it is simple.
Mind maps is like a city map.The center of your mind map is like the centre of the city.It represents your most
important idea.The main roads leading from the centre represent the main thought in your thinking process;the
secondary road represents your secondary thought, and so on
Tony buzan discovered this method in 1970 when he was studying and it is one of the most effective note-taking
What is mind mapping
Mind maps are graphic, networked method of storing, organizing and prioritizing information(usually on paper)using
key or trigger words and images ,each of which will snap on specific memories and encourage new thought and new
ideas. Each of the memory triggers in a mind map is a key to unlocking facts, ideas and information and,also,to
releasing the true potential of your amazing mind.
Mind maps are specifically adaptive for reading,revising,note-taking and planning for exams efficiently.They help
you to organize information from your head,textbook,references,books,tutorials,research material.
Traditional the note-taking method used from primary to university is sentence writing and bullet point process which
is not effective because your brain is not function by getting information by word per word .
Pictures and association is the learning way of the brain.Do you remember the first car you saw or colors of the good
house you saw on the internet till now you can recall the small detail because our memory retain easily
Your brain function smartly with specific word and specific image. Specific words are the word that instantly give the
meaning of what you are saying same to key image which is that real picture of your idea.
We are used to speaking and writing words that we believe that is is the best way to learn
Advantages of mind mapping
Mind mapping are better that traditional note-taking .these are the advantages:
-The central idea is more clearly defined
-ideas are better organized
-The more important ideas are immediately identified at the center of the mind map
How to make a mind map
Based on the mind map inventor Tonny buzan these are the laws to follow when making a mind map
The design of mind map is done in 7 steps
1. Start in the CENTRE of a blank page turned sideways. Why? Because starting in the centre
gives your brain freedom to spread out in all directions and to express itself more freely
and naturally.
2. Use an IMAGE or PICTURE for your central idea. Why? Because an image is worth a
thousand words and helps you use your Imagination. A central image is more interesting,
keeps you focussed, helps you concentrate, and gives your brain more of a buzz!
3. Use COLOURS throughout. Why? Because colours are as exciting to your brain as are
images. Colour adds extra vibrancy and life to your Mind Map, adds tremendous energy
to your Creative Thinking, and is fun!
4. CONNECT your MAIN BRANCHES to the central image and connect your second- and
third-level branches to the first and second levels, etc. Why? Because your brain works by
association. It likes to link two (or three, or four) things together. If you connect the
branches, you will understand and remember a lot more easily. Connecting your main
branches also creates and establishes a basic structure or architecture for your thoughts. This
is very similar to the way in which in nature a tree has connected branches that radiate from
its central trunk. If there were little gaps between the trunk and its main branches or between
those main branches and the smaller branches and twigs, nature wouldn‟t work quite so well!
Without connection in your Mind Map, everything (especially your memory and learning!)
falls apart. Connect!
5. Make your branches CURVED rather than straight-lined. Why? Because having nothing but
straight lines is boring to your brain. Curved, organic branches, like the branches of trees,
are far more attractive and riveting to your eye.
6. Use ONE KEY WORD PER LINE. Why? Because single key words give your Mind Map
more power and flexibility. Each single word or image is like a multiplier, generating its
own special array of associations and connections. When you use single key words, each one
is freer and therefore better able to spark off new ideas and new thoughts. Phrases or
sentences tend to dampen this triggering effect. A Mind Map with more key words in it is like
a hand with all the finger joints working. A Mind Map with phrases or sentences is like a
hand with all your fingers held in rigid splints!
7. Use IMAGES throughout. Why? Because each image, like the central image, is also worth
a thousand words. So if you have only 10 images in your Mind Map, it‟s already the equal of
10,000 words of notes!
How to pass exam
Exam time is the most feared period where anxiety,stress,fear are the pillar of failure for some but in some cases the
mindset guiding exam attendes is wrong .Preparation is better than talent and intellectual quotient the reason why
many are afraid is that on one side many are not enough prepared to meet the exam
Passing exam is a wish for any student but it needs some principles for everyone to maximize it, you are asking
yourself why you fail after such preparation,sacrifice,what is the secret behind those that are doing well.
You can improve your grade,perform beyond what you think,make your exam time more pleasant
Before the exam
Being well organised before the exam can make all the difference on exam day.
• Try to have most of your study completed two days before the exam. Spend
the day before the exam quietly and revise your notes. Try to avoid panic if
you can.
• Have an early night before the examination day. Pack your bag the night
before so you are not rushed or panicking in the morning.
• Rise early in the morning and review what you have studied. Make sure
you have everything that you will need, and take spare pens, pencils,
calculators and anything that could cause problems or a loss of time if they
suddenly ran out of ink or stopped functioning.
• Arrive at school in plenty of time — I like to arrive 30 minutes before I
have to go into the examination room. Keep conversation with others to a
minimum so you aren‟t distracted, and can prepare your mind and get ready
for the exam so you know you are at your mental best.
• While you are waiting to go into the exam room or waiting for the exam to
start, you can review your notes one last time using the reminders and
seeing the connections, so it is only a matter of minutes between making the
links and using them in the exam — they will be fresh in your mind. This
will also give you confidence
In order for a man to succeed in life ,God provided him with two means,education and physical activity.Not
separately,one for the soul and the other for the body,but for the two together.with these two means,man can
attain perfection
Getting good grade, understanding quickly, performing smartely without good health is a foolish hope.Your brain
when used need a refreshment time to recycle again for a new big goal and target,ignorance of the fact leads to
forgetting,anxiety, depression, lack of concentration because of tiredness of your brain
In his book Spark, Dr john j ratey speak about the benefit of exercise to our brain especialy to remove the problem of
Brain health boost your concentration and understanding by focusing much time on a specific idea and it helps to
improve your memory
During a campaign made in America‟college it was founded that athletic student were performing at school more
than those that ignore exercise. the gap was very high,repeated manytime during that experience .
Scientist also tried to look for sportsman people they found what happens when exercising to the brain it generates
hormones that make us happy and cure us from addiction, stress and anxiety
One of the cure that help you more when tired, bored, forgetting much, inability to focus on a subject and fear you
need to stop and take like 30 min of sport and music it will help u relax.
Running and sweating will release blood and oxygen in your brain and renew your neurons also it will touch your
learning potential you will find yourself more productive and focused.
In past years our ancestors lived a moving life where to live they must be in movement because they were hunting or
cultivating land thing that were requirering body movement but nowadays technology evolution has changed all
things with cars,computer,professional machine which caused us not to move but live comfortably
Why do you need to integrate sport to your academic lifestyle
1.Sport reduce level of depression and anxiety
School is full of much work,test and exam which causes stress and depression to student,in response to this some
chooses to take drug or go to sleep but doing sport will helps you because physical activity helps to reduce stress
hormones and increase endorphin hormones which are hormones that reduce stress and keeps away any depression
2,Improve mind concentration
If you suffer low concentration and bad memory exercise can helps you it helps you to pump blood in the brain which
makes your brain sharp,as a result you can think clearly and concentrate which boost your academic performance
3.Helps you get better sleep
You need to sleep well to help your brain rest and regenerate the cell but some sleep badly because of stress the sport
is the cure when you exercise your body got tired which causes a deep sleep
Exercise is the energizer to your brain it boost your
Exercise reduce you bad attention deficit,it deals with stress,heals you from addiction grows your concentration
Lack of good sleep touches also the performance of your brain which causes trouble to your learning that why you
find yourself with these sign
Lack of concentration,being sleepy all the time,lack of energy,laziness,thinkin problem,some headache or backache .
If you want to be more productive and live longer you have to get a time of rest don‟t say that you are wasting your
time when sleeping but sleep early to wake up early and organize your study time
What the science speaks about sleep”Dr Charles Samuels, medical doctor at the centre of sleep and human
performance,He is certified by the American Board of medicine,this is what he said:The fact is that our immune
system recovers through the night,our muscle regenerate,so for training atheletes who are training hard,the sole
purpose of which is to break down muscle,the importance of recovery is absolutely critical,and the sleep state is one
of the states during which muscles recover and actualy get stronger
From a cognitive…and executive function perspective,our brains imprints memory,learning,and tasks during sleep
and allows us to get better at those tasks.If sleep is disturbed,it becomes harder to retain imprinted imformation….and
then able to retain information ”
High quality of sleep fortfies your immune system,balances your hormones,boost your metabolism,increases physical
energy,and improves the function of your brain.
Always schedule what you have to do for each study section,start your studying with all needed material,focus on
your studying so that when your brain will get tired you should rest without shame.
Confusion and bad learning techniques will make your brain slow also but sleep at a proper time and studying
following some clear thing will help you progress quickly.
Studying is influenced by our brain then his state when it is bad affect all our health even our learning.
We need to know how we can maintain it so that we can enjoy its performance and by doing so accomplish
more,prevent chronical illness and problem.
I‟m not talking about nutrition but about ways to help us learn more so the coming of social media, watching movies
These habit affect much the brain life but there is what we can do apart from exercise and sleeping there are some
simple food at your reach you can use and protect your brain
-drinking water every morning.
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study effectively study smart

  • 1. Hello a new school year, a new opportunity and new challenge. Welcome to this wonderful time waited for you where you are coming to get information that can change your life. A school year is your opportunity because in it you are going to expand and grow this is one of the place where you are preparing your future, build your life and professional skills. Are you failing? Yes you are troubled in your heart when you think again that you will go home with homework, everyday you will be stressed by attending your class instead of doing what good for you or maybe the exam is your problem. Either failing or success don‟t just come on its own but all depends on the preparation ,your habit are the cause of the state of mind you are in maybe you don‟t know how to study well or you present yourself on the exam without proper preparation . Do you know that you can perform beyond your proper level of success if you could just know how? Every skill is learnable if you can just know what successful student do and apply it to your own life you can duplicate the same result to your academic life. This book comes as an answer for you after being a student also failing sometime like you and getting my time trying to understand what is preventing us for achieving our maximum performance level I dedicated my time to research reading many books written by educators expert ,looking and observing some of the successful student I know trying to know from their lifestyle what works and what doesn‟t work I‟ve compiled in this small booklet some of the most documented and time tested techniques you can apply to your academic life and be changed . Nothing works until you work, what I‟m going to give you is not an information to assimilate but the cure to use because practice makes perfect .
  • 2. Why to study Going to school is like a habit to some to get respect in society and for others it is a privilege when coming from a poor family that will enable them to escape the family poverty situation. Ignorance is the root of laziness and failure, while trying to accomplish something especially when studying, you cannot plan to succeed with ignorance ,confusion, lack of passion about studying Tracing from the history of mankind we see the key role of education to transform our life, society and nations where education was the key factor behind innovation,economic growth,lifestyle easiness,business and entrepreneuship spirit all of these has been the consequenses of shared knowledge Education is not meant for information delivery but illumination of the mind,openness of the soul,activation of productive zeal,sharpeness of talent which is the driving force behind great action. We go to study to gain a wide understanding of the world around us for us to live easily in the earth but also we learn to think beyond what we see but using certain techniques that can guide us in the realm of solution The world has passed through different phases of economy,we started by hunting based economy where hunting was the means of survival which caused people to move from places to place searching for forest and where there is food,after came agriculture based economy in this period rich were possesors of big lands where they could cultivate and elevate animal ,third period was industry based economy which came with discovery,invention,food transformation ,in this period the country with big industries were ruling because with industry they developed cars,airplane ,big ships they made clothes different product that they can sell worldwide, the fourth time was technology based economy with the computer and internet booming the most connected country began to ship the world with smartphone ,pc computers application then now we are in knowledge based economy ,this is the period where robotic are introduced ,financial,educational,media sector are based on new information ,new application ,the techniques of past year are consistently changing at a high speed then in our time only the person with updated knowledge,the most informed will get the money and will survive This is why you need to study because you are evolving in times that are different with the time where your parent growed and education I believe can help you rule and live the life you desire in life ,it will help u to compete with other on the market design your own techniques and strive
  • 3. Singapore is an Asian country that has evolved from third world to first world class through the power of education, after getting independence Singapore find itself with no mineral resources, no cultivable land as the economy of their time were based on industry and trading good but the only capital they had was only the people that were uneducated, poor, with bad health In the land of problem lies solutions,Singapore leaders decide to train their people so that they can strive and become great,in the course of the battle Lee Kuan yew declared that English language is the official language of the country ,the whole education system was in English because it was the language used in communication,diplomacy,industries ;after adopting this system they Singaporean In 1980 when the internet were starting to take the place in all levels of work in the world ,He introduced ICT course in the education system from the primary to the university,which result in producing the computer engineers that are sharp,creative and innovative Math,technology,science and information were the four pillars of Singapore now the have the best engineers in the world,the best airport in the world ,tourist are the biggest source of income for the country When you look at Singapore as a country you can understand the power of education in transforming nations ,society and persons .You are in the best place that has the potential to transform your life and change the situation of your family . Lee kuan Yew the first president of Singapore once said:“Education had to be based on the needs of the nations” The same statement can be applied to your personal life that education is the engine to resolve the problem in your life but also a way to satisfy your needs,If you study with this mindset in you you will go far and succeed more.
  • 4. Why do you learn what you learn When I was still in lower secondary I was confused by the long list of course that even has no relationship always asking myself why are we learning these course, what is their specific application in a real world, why going every time at school expecting only to get a job that will pay you. I think there are many persons who still have these question as I used to be that till now they don‟t know why you are in that class, why you are always given assignment,ununderstanding these thing will make you a lazy person who don‟t prioritize your school or someone who don‟t love going to school Problem solving is the heart of learning and studying, we get formulas of things, maps of the world, theorem of mysterious reaction, rules and principles of life for us to solve more specifically our daily problem The design of our course has something to teach us like: -Mathematics: math helps us to be more logical and rational that when doing anything we don‟t depends on emotions but on numbers, measures and statistics so that we can even predict or determine almost accurately how we will do what we want and by which measure what happening to us is affecting us. Mathematic is the language of creation it is the tool that helps you understand the world around you and helps you innovate when you look at houses the way they are built you see geometry in our daily business we depend on calculus addition ,division,substraction and multiplication when dealing with money,which event to attend or not we look on the benefit we get from there ,the computer we use are built based on math,application on the phone like whatsaap,instagram,facebook,twitter,youtube etc all of these are made with mathematical function Without math literacy you will not understand how thing are made and by so will not be able to invent new thing every society interested with invention of new things,building big cities.making cars or new application math must be the main interest because it is the big tool that helps you to understand how things works All other science has their root on mathematic like physics,chemistry,history,economy,sport,art,music,computer science,communication,telecommunication,finance,biology,these subject are dependent on numbers and calculation to help them perform well but also analyse how they are working for example if a doctor is giving you a cure he uses dosage which means that with this weight and this age you need these number of drugs to get well in these days you can see math there.
  • 5. -Languages: we are relationship creatures with different languages the knowledge of a specific language will help you to express your ideas vocally or written form, it helps you to get more friend ,get understanding when reading books, feel confident when travelling, looking the world as your home.Language is the expression of the man you cannot get knowledge without some one communicating to you think how books helps you to know what has happened in the past,what happens now,how is it happening,what will happen in the future like dictionaries,encyclopedies or history books you can know the live of people in fifth century like you were there because all of the things were recorded. The emergence of media ,television,internet to share information has showed us the power of information,when you get a new language you get the culture and the knowledge behind the society because they express their mind through their language,history faculity has been depending on decoding the languages of past society for them to decode their information and live in history some now are getting few knowledge because now almost every sound discovery is shared in English so those who speak French only will not updated but also in life will also reach few people in business and life which cause them to get few opportunities. -Biology: you are a big mystery that needs to be discovered for optimum usage then biology is your catalogue it is where you learn how you function, what happens inside you every physiological thing to you and even to the animal and plants around you so that you will know how to interact with nature and with us also, it brings balance to us. Biology deals with our person how we function,how the nature function,how the animals lives and function,it goes deeper to understand how are we made,what happens when we get sick,how the body react in different season,what has happened when you came with anomality,biology goes deeper to understand our genetical function which has helped so much the medicine and pharmaceutical companies to make cure and drugs for us because by microscope they can see bacteria,viruses etc Biology influenced also sport ,music,art,education,business because the more we understand man and the environment the more we know how to avoid disaster how to eat well,how to exercise well,how to control the demography.
  • 6. You study biology to understand yourself and the world around you more deeper for you to live smartly. -Chemistry: Chemistry is the study of the matter and its propreties. Have you asked yourself how the rock are made,what make your body? Chemistry is the science of understanding what makes the nature and by it we can only uncover the world around us but also we can create new material because by understanding how thing are created you can create your own this has helped the medical science to design drugs,make soap ,make stron material cars,plane . The first time I studied the periodic table we saw different kind of atoms or element but I didn‟t understand what does that mean but those 118 elements are what makes everything that you can see with your eyes like for example water is two hydrogen atoms and one oxgen atom you get water.By chemistry Israel now has been able to produce water from the hot air in the desert to irrigate their farm which made them expert in agriculture -Physics: fridge, electrical power, airplane, mobile phone ,lighting the house when we use these things we interact with physic when you study the nature of things and their interaction ,physics is what explain how the energy is produced, how light is made Physics explain the unseen vibration in the atmosphere it brings to our knowledge what is invisible now with scientific evidence of natural laws by it we can predict the reaction of the world,the speed of waves. Physics is the course that help us understand interaction ,nature of things, Physics is everywhere present in our daily life electrical energy.Energy ,force,tenacity are some of the force behind mechanical engeneiring with physic you can build robots,car,airplane etc -Geography: Geography is understanding our environment and how it affect all we do, how we cultivate, where we can build houses, where to make road, how to connect different cities for better trade and different countries either for business matter but also for political, scientific, and communication matters. Geography is what shows us that we are not alone on the planet that there are also other people and other culture beyond where we are ,it shapes how we grow -History: you can‟t change the future without knowing where you are but you can‟t know who you are without understanding where you are coming from.History is the account of what happens on the earth or your country it helps us to know where we are coming from what happened to the past generation taking you to understand the mechanism of what you are seeing now.
  • 7. History teach us these important values:  Value of recording what is happening to us because it is what help us to evaluate ourselves at the end of a day or any project  Always investigate before taking serious decision in life  Through history we identify the consequences of action done by our ancestors to avoid the worst and build upon the good to get where we want to go faster and quickly.  Understand the culture and the values of every society. Technology: activity and productivity are almost alike but different in nature you can be busy but still be ineffective that‟s why man has made tools and application that can help you produce more in few time. Technology is this subject that deals with technics and technological tool that help us to see accurately,decide more specifical mastering these tool will help you to get more result. Think of the world without the car,airplane,smartphone or computer how will you be effective as it is today without toys etc Economy: Happiness and money are in good relationship even if money is not the happiness but it plays a big role to this fact then economy is the science of rules of money how wealth is trasferable and managed in normal life it will awake you to be more responsible in life Entrepreneuship : when you see Brarudi, Sosumo or Microsoft I think you see the impact of one man to create big things .Money follows ideas ,entrepreneuship teach you not to depends on the country nor your family but shows you how to manage and use your knowledge to come up with good idea that can solve the problem of society etc You need money to meet your need in life but much more you need to know how to make money.You want to be independent but much more you need to know how to be independent ,you have potential in an enormous quantity but much more you need to know how to use it then entrepreneuship is the subject that helps you to use the knowledge and energy you have for you to help the society which in second hand will give money back to you for your service Rich countries has depended on entrepreneurs,entrepreneurs are the strong force behind innovation and society transformation and everyone has that seed in him except that few person know how.
  • 8. Time will go trying to talk about so many subject but my goal in presenting you this was to show you the deep secret behind education to help you see that all of your accomplishment in life depends with what you know. A good education will leave you with these best habit if you will approach it with good attitude -A problem solving person who knows through maths and many exam that for every question you need to give an answer and in case of frustration try your best because an answered question moves you forward than a left unsolved question. -Understanding the power of asking good question when doing something as in class we know that if you don‟t understand ask question ,if not well answered do your research to find out what will be the best approach. -Always learn to get updates because by history you understand that the world is changing then continue to learn new thing to stay relevant and adapt . Why drop out person have succeeded in life? Have you seen successful people that are drop out,yes we have tons of stories of school drop out successful entrepreneur like Bill Gates,Mark zuckerberg founder of Facebook,Thomas Edinson inventor of bulblight,Michael Faraday the inventor of electricity,movie maker,artists,singers You can ask yourself a question why do I need to pass by this way to make my life?The first reason for you to go to school is that the stories of school drop out people that succeed are few compared with those that went school Second reason is that even though they haven‟t get the degree the secret behind their success is that they have spend their time with the expert of their time,they met successful mentor,they were their disciples for long years ,they have learned by doing.In many case they studied through books ,experience ,try and error system,self education has helped them Studying does not guaranty financial success but it is one of the sure ways to make money and succeed in life… A man called …………….. from the tribe of Botswana was a Bush man even their tribe was living in the bush but one day the movie company decided to make a film called……… They went in Bostwana and met the man who decided to play in the movie with his three children ,the film he played has been loved by the world and won millions of money which could make him a millionaire but when approached they gave him money and he started playing
  • 9. with it they brought him in Europe but he couldn‟t stay there he wanted to go back to his country he sayed that he wanted to live with his family Money don‟t only bring happiness in life but knowledge helps us to live a balanced life this man has the gift and has also achieved success but he remained poor because his brain was not well prepared Third reason is that we are in knowledge based economy where robot are starting replacing human in their activity, you need to get the skills of your generation but also there are some problems that cannot change without science and technology like diseases, contructing strong house that can strive, designing beautiful cities, etc for the society to grow it need more the intellectual capital more than mineral ressources. Car, airplane, strong material all are the product of intellectual capital,Africa as a continent is wealthier than other continent in terms of mineral resources but eastern contries like Israel,Switzeland,south Korea have stocks of gold ,silver and produce big machines because of their engineers and intellectual capacity they buy fom us in Africa and transform our mineral ressources as you watch different companies like Disney company that makes in cartoons,Amazon the company in America that sells product using internet,Facebook and whatsaap that are in the social media they are rich that many countries that has much mineral resources. To study helps you get a skill that will make much money for you,it helps you also to become a good entrepreneur because in these time things has changed based on the technology influence on almost any industry innthe world
  • 10. What is education Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversityAristotle Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the worldNelson Mandela Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom George Washington carver Education is what the brain is to the man,it is the channel which makes way to the creativity and innovation that are inside us ,with it human being has been able to overcome disease,construct magnificent house,explore the universe,diagnose the body even inside the cell,decoding the human ,animal and vegetable genetics Education as Aristotle said is a refuge in adversity.Science,technology and engineering has saved countries from porverty to riches,in world war education was behind the guns,military aviation, medical expertise to save those wounded by the war everywhere around us we can see what education has done Good education influence good life, freedom is the need of society it is a state where you are liberated from your yoke, education is the key by it medical doctors are helping us live a healthy life, engineers are building strong and good houses, economist shape how wealth is managed, business people are producing more good ,the yoke of past years is falling down because of educational progress Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.. Education is a channel designed for revealing what is hidden in you like your talent, your creativity , imagination, observation etc. You are an excellent person created at a right time for a brilliant future, you carry in you the capacity beyond your understanding but without understanding and training, you cannot use properly your gift like if you can give a knife to the kid it can harm the child even if it was not that bad that‟s why you comes to study for you to understand your environment. More than anything your knowledge will change and affect you than anything you can think, the quality of your thought will determine the quality of your life but your brain feed on knowledge only and expand by experience and application Sometimes you ask yourself why attending school for learning ,what is the advantages can I get from there.
  • 11. 7 advantages of school  confidence: when you are learning a new language or acquiring a new skill you feel on control  Socialization: Humans are social, you need someone either at school or later in life to talk with, work with for your optimum performance then school is one of the easiest way to connect with others as long as we meet new person in our learning life.  Teamwork: Working together for achieving the same goal is what we call team work at school you learn this important skill needed in life. Each student, each teacher we meet at school teach us something that will help you to be more collaborative with others  Preparation : your professional life will be a result of skills you got from your class, consider class attendance as a place of preparation that are pushing you to get more other responsibilities in your future.  Information : one of the most reason to attend school is the wealth of information we get from. One of the best way to get information about something is learning it from school.  Discipline:  Community:
  • 12. Chapter2: Motivation and the key behind action Life without purpose is a wasted life.whatever is your intellectual quotient,your skills if you don‟t have a specific purpose you want to do in life you will not be efficient this is why you find genius failing at school even if they do well at school and don‟t lack funds. Clarity is the key “You must first clearly see a thing in your mind before you do it “Alex Morrison Success at school depends much on how you perceive the school and what exactly you desire to do in your studies ,the grade you want ,the skill you are after . “When the meaning is unclear there is no meaning” When you don‟t know what grades you want, how you are going to study, which student will help you, which books you will need ,you are already in the path of failing. Clarity is how specific you are about what you want to do, you can‟t reach the future you don‟t see, solve a problem you don‟t know nor cure a disease you don‟t know .The knowledge of a problem is half a cure. Success at school is the outcome of understanding what you really want to accomplish, you have to be clear at any details regarding your wish,in helping you to get more specific answer these questions below -Why am I failing? -what is my weakness. -what is my strength. -what is the best place that helps me study well -Am I a good team worker or a lonely student. -Am I a starter or a finisher? -Do I study quickly or slowly?
  • 13. -Am I easily distracted or I can concentrate. -Do I love asking question or seeking help or not. After answering these question now you know where you are now and who you are. These will help you to make a plan of what you need for to reach your goal Goals “All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to do” Norman Vincent peale Goal is something you set for yourself and push yourself to achieve. How do you want your grades looks like,knowledge to improve,what are your wishes if you know you will not fail. Maybe you want to be more fluent in a certain language or resolve a difficult math problem whatever is your wish fix it as your goal which means make smart goals “A goal properly set is halfway reached”Zig Ziglar How to set goals Setting goals is an art then play the game wisely,you set goals based on what you want to do Set SMART goals  S:specific(well defined,clear,unambiguous)  M:measurable(with specific criteria that measure your progress towards the accomplishment of the goal)  A:achievable(attainable and not impossible to achieve)  R:realistic(within reach,realistic.and relevant to your life purpose)  T:timely(clearly defined timeline,including a starting date and targeted date,the purpose is to create urgence)
  • 14. “If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster,your gifts will take you places that will amaze you”Less brown Instead of wishing design your strategy of action to reach your success,goal setting can take you beyond where you think you can go;when you know exactly what you want to do,when you will do it ,the amount of price needed you move faster ,study smarter than harder,you will start seing news skills emerging helping you rank high in your class elevating your self esteem,that is the power of goal setting Answer these questions sincerely: what are my three biggest worries in my academic life, right now. what is my ideal solution for these problems. what is the fastest and most direct way to solve this problem? what is the percentage I want this year. what is my three biggest mistakes that I do daily? Plan “A goal without a plan is just a wish”Antoine de saint exubert writer and pioneer of aviator “Our goal should be only reached through a vehicle of a plan,in which we must fervently believe,and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success”Pablo Picasso “Proper planning and preparation prevent poor performance”stephern keague Knowing what you want does not give you what you want, you don‟t have to trust luck or people to make you get what you want but take responsibility to design strategies you are going to use to reach your target. Planning is the best way to succeed at school because by it you identify those key activities you need to do, barriers to break. (BEN CARLSON PICTURE AND STORY)
  • 15. Ben Carlson is the best neurosurgeon in the world he was the personal doctor of President Barack Obama,he has done a surgery of two girls that was born with one head ,it was a case that was unsolved by different doctors because there was a high risk to kill the girls . In the beginning when he was in primary school he was among those kids we call dumb because he was almost the last in class and he goes home with bad notes but her mum didn‟t agree with that she showed him a passage in the bible showing him that he was created with intelligence Her mum was working in the rich family and has seen how rich loved reading then she came with a plan for her children, she told them to go in library and read every week two books on any subject and at the end of the week write a report of the books to give to their mum ,in the beginning Ben Carlson saw it as a punishment but he respected much his mum After a time reading the books he began to score high in class almost all the lesson the teacher was giving them in class he found he has already read it in the books ,he begin to be every time ahead of the program ,when a teacher asked the comprehension or definition question he was the one giving the answer ben Carlson turned from being the dumbiest child in the class to being the smartest child in the whole school through the plan of reading two books every week that his mum has designed for Him. Ben Carlson is the perfect example of how planning can help you to reach your goals instead of waiting for the teacher to give him an easy question he decided to read two books every week then he was so informed to a level of answering almost every question asked by the teacher,like him you have to write strategies you will use to understand more what you learn. Confusion, procrastination and hope will not help you unless you take action by determining activities you will do, time when you will do it, environment where you will do it ,with whom you will cooperate to make your studies a success. When planning you have to consider four big steps which are strength,weakness,resources and challenges . Strength are your potential,abilities,course you understand more,memorizing sharpness etc Weakness are the course you don‟t understand,lack of funds
  • 16. Ressources are object like books,money and videos that can help you or people like a mentor,teacher,parent that can support you on your way to success Challenges are sickness,lack of money,lack of books or any situation you know in your daily life that can become a hindrance to your progress. Try to answer these questions on paper: *what are the course am very good at. *what are the course am average and weak at. *what are my resources (people that can help me or material books or tapes that can help me). *what are my obstacles (physical ,mental or financial.) *If I can be more concentrated what are the course I can understand that I causing me a problem now. *who is the best kid I can cooperate with for me to understand this course. *what is my best time of revising and studying(morning, evening). *how many time (hours, minutes)do I take to revise every day. .what is the thing that distract me too much from studying (friend, film, song, game, sleep). Your answers to these questions will bring clarity to you and help you to identify the very important steps you need to take to get the success you want in class Priority means things that bring more result on you. Identify according to your maximum result what is the specific course you need to maximize in that can have a big influence on the final percentage . Activity don‟t mean productivity by identifying your priority you know those activity that will move you ahead quickly then every day do those things this is where we found the progress.
  • 17. An economist called Pareto has made an observation concerning activity and productivity which has resulted in the law that is called pareto law, in his observation he saw that in the activity we do to reach a goal either in school or in life there are some specific activities that helps us to get quickly to our target and help up to save our time The pareto law says that 20% percent of your activities brings you 80% of result where the remaining 80% of your activities brings you only 20 % of result in your life, this study shows that we spend most our time focusing on activities that has little impact to our life The 20% activities are what we call priority activities, these are the engines of success and improvement to our life. The neglect of priority will bring failure and frustration in your life when focusing on them will bring success and happiness to you Take this example as a student you have different responsibility at school you meet other student that become your friend, you meet different teachers, you take notes of courses, you write notes, revise course, attend class, listen to your lecturer, do your homework, work in team, write essay, do practical exam, watch TV at home, play with your friend, listen to music. You have only 24 hours a day to execute those activities but also you have other home responsibility.Think of what could happen if you spend much time on watching tv,cooking at home,wondering with your friends but study some twenty minutes a day this will not help you get good grades at school then these activity are not your priority in your study time,we can compare it to the 80% activities that gives only a return of 20% of result Attending school everyday,listening to your teacher,taking note and revising everyday a good amount of time are your 20% activities that moves you faster at 80% speed to reach your desired goal .
  • 18. Choose the right companion School is like a game and the better you choose your team the faster you move ahead and win. Surround you with smart friend, learn to collaborate with them. You become what you join with, the books you read, videos you watch and school mate you study with strengthern you or destroy you. Choosing good student will help you overcome even your most impossible challenges because you gain more from the best, they will lift you up, motivate you, challenge you and mold your mindset to be excellent.Failure and success in life or school is a question of who you work with, your bad choice can kill even your potential 95% of our success depends mostly with the top five persons that share your life, they are your role model, inspiration, reference and challenge.Your friends are like compass that guides the boat in the ocean,they influence significantly your life reality and perception As a student your studying mate count much on your concentration and discipline.The career you choose,the subject you like the most,the way you are action oriented,the research you do are mostly influenced by your friend the way they are the same way you tend to be. Human are influence shaped,your habit and decision are much more molded by what you read but especially who you share life with.Tell me your friend and I will tell you who you are the longtime quotes that summarises the impact of friendship to you. At school student like to join according to their social background,sport game,funny groups but few get friend based on academic performance or education goal which result in causing distraction in their academic life even causing some to fail to a level of making other quit education based on bad companion who don‟t even see value in education.When you look at quitting children except those who lack funds or enough material to study other are product of bad friends,also you will find that it‟s not only one person who quit but mostly it is a group of children who quit based on how they see education,in those group you find kids from all society class either rich,middle and poor class.
  • 19. Why do you like the most the friend you work with at school,what is his specific contribution to your life,as you try to find out how exactly you can choose your classmate there are some question below that can help you choose well,the sincerely you answer them clearly you will decide and quickly you will succeed.If possible do in group of two with the person who knows you the most so that he can help you *name your 5 best school friend. *Are they succeeding or failing at school. *Do they motivate you or they kill your willpower? *Are them disciplined , committed or not? *Are them adding value on you or they are devaluating you? *Are them supportive or destructive ? Are them striving for excellence or not? Choix de coach Comment choisir ton coach ou ton mentor Etre responsable de ta vie Comment gerer les informations Choisir des amis qui sont suoerieur a vous
  • 20. Build strong success habit. Successful students have developed good habit that makes them better at what they do,the good news is that you can also have those habit if you choose to identify them and cultivate them. The way you handle your study in class or outside the class shows what you will reap because success is not an event but a process. These are the best habit of successful student that you can also build by repetition. *Attend class regulary and be on time. *Plan when you’re going to study,what are specific day of revision in a week,when do you study is it in the morning or night. *Taking note in class. *know how to ask for help. *Make friend you can study with, *Rock solid routine and evening routine. *Divide your course into small part and learn progressively that’s why you need to make a studying routine. *Study at the same time. *Each study time should have a specific goal. *Never procrastinate your planned study session. *Start with the most difficult subject first. *Always review your notes before starting an assignment. *Make sure you’re not distracted while you’re studying.
  • 21. *Use study group effectively. *Review your notes,schoolwork and other class materials over the weekend. Hey,now you know what can help you to improve your mark and be more effective in your studying life. Start now doing these thing every single day remember that there is not magic even if some may possess high intellectual quotient(IQ)to understand more it wil still be good to you to use these habits to be more brighter, explore new realms of knowledge. The more you will practice, the more you will improve and begin to see change when doing exam which will help you improve your self esteem. Persistence “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derilicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent .The slogan press on! has solved and always will solve the problem of human race” calvin Coolidge president of America Fixing your grades,setting good strategies to achieve it will not automatically bring you to success along the way you can fail but as calvin colidge said in this quotes success is a matter of persistence than it is to talent, don‟t say when you tried and failed that you are stupid it will not work but push again ,press on ,look for different strategy you can use as what we know talented student and smart student are not at the end those who score high but those with average level that adds hard work and persistence not only they score high but remains high because of their character. Press on ,press again don‟t lose hope continue to see your picture,the grades you want to get this year ,when you give enough time to your most difficult course or subject by asking question,dividing into small part for you to learn step by step you will find out that by time you formulas or rules you can use and will start understanding more and more.
  • 22. This is the secret of those we call genius or inventor they don‟t give up when they have something they don‟t understand because they believe they can have the answer for them even in the night where others are sleeping they can wake up and revise or do again the exercise while those who fail are sleeping hopeless without trying more. (LEGSON KAYIRA STORY AND PICTURE) In 1960 a small boy called legson kayira from Nyasaland the actual Malawi was born from a very poor family ,his mum decided to throw the boy in the river because of the poverty but by chance the neighbours saved the child and get him back home ,he started to study, at the age fourteen the teacher taught them about America as a country where there is opportunities he heard stories and he saw the picture of a professor. He was impressed in his heart by this opportunity which generated a wish to travel in America to study but in his time there was no one in his country that studied in America and in their time there were not road but he studied the Africa map and saw how he can go from Malawi pass through Tanzania and Uganda to reach Egypt so that he can work to get money for the ship ticket to bring him in America He called his family at the age of sixteen and announced to the whole family about his dream to go in America after he started the journey with only a bible and some little food ,he went 2670 km in quest of his dream ,he passed in forest where there was some dangerous animals in the midst of the way he begin to ask himself why he has decided so but he was wearing a tshirt in which were written words try try again and he said to himself I will try and try again till my dream will become a testimony ,he continued the journey and reached Tanzania after 2 months in the way,he stayed there do some jobs and move again to Uganda where he found there were advertisement on scholarship to USA he tried to get news and apply which turns success ,he was admitted to study in America but lacked the money to start the journey. The US ambassy was in Soudan then he continue in Soudan in pursuit of his wish he reached in sudan where he was welcomed with surprise because they can‟t believe how a little boy can take a journey of two years with a desire to study in America they arrange everything for him and send him in America ,arrived he was welcomed with respect he studied in America ,continued at Oxford and Cambridge university,became a professor in university ,wrote so many books, He was the first intellectual man in his country , he was coming from a very poor family but persistence to accomplish more of his life and to reach his goal has paid after many years of sacrifice
  • 23. The story of Legson Kayira is the true story of what can really happens when the power of persistence is putted in motion ,it illustrates cleary the words of president calvin coolodge that talented people are left behind because of lack of persistence If you will approach your studies with a heart of study without realizing how the course is difficult but doing like Legson Kayira trying and trying hard you will see how your studies will becomes easy to you and for you. “It’s not that I’m so smart. It’s just that I stay with problems longer”Albert Einstein Albert enstein the great scientific that invented the theory of relativity was considered as a dumb student he failed at math,also in national exam but after year he turns to be the famous scientific even considered as greatest scientific of the 20th century this is the quotes he said that he is not that smart but he has a character of not giving up on his ideas. “Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to a certiain failure ”Benjamin DIsraelli (LANCE ARMSTRONG PICTURE AND STORY) Lance Armstrong is a cyclist that received 5 medals he is on the greatest sport champion in the world at age 25 he was diagnosted with cancer and told that he still have only 2 years to live but instaed of loosing hope he decided to go in gym and participate in international championship he goes in the gym work hard as he can without thinking on what the doctors has told him at the end he participte in the championship and won several titles after he was found without cancer in His body Lance Armstrong is the story of the power of persistence in life and what can happen when you stick on something that is more important to you like studying
  • 24. Practice,work hard “I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply .Being willing is not enough; we must do” Leonardo da vinci Things works for workers,your ability to execute your plan will be of more advantages for you in school even later in life. Sometimes when studying you think you understand and stop revising or do much exercises this habit will make you perform badly on test times ,you have to practice what you learn even if you think you know much as you are doing it your brain will store nicely the information and it will be difficult to forget. We have two memory the temporaly memory and the subconscious memory, temporaly memory get the information we receive when a teacher is saying but after the course you forget easily when you get the information it comes on the temporaly memory then you can forget easily, the word temporaly means it stores the information for a time then the information goes away but subconscious mind is the seat of habit these things we do without noticing that we are doing them (MICHAEL JORDAN PICTURE AND STORY) Michael Jordan when he started playing basketball he was not the champion that everybody knows but he was expelled by the coach telling him that he don‟t have the talent for the game but he didn‟t give up instead he decided to practice hard every morning he woke up 4h:00 to shoot the ball till 8h:00 am every day even when he was already a champion he kept doing that and he became best at shooting from far also dunking surpassing those that thought they had talent ,he succeeded where he was expected to fail because of the power of work hard Do you remember the first time you started walking ,failure was everywhere and it was difficult but look how now it‟s very easy for you to walk but also to run faster,this shows how your brain function when you do something new it is always difficult because in the brain it is the new system for you so the more you take action you make connection in your brain and you start understand how it function,you decode the whole process to a level you become a master
  • 25. When you practice hard enough on your subject you will find out that those area you think you are weak will become very easy for you .Good information we cannot forget then for you to move the information you get from the teacher to your subconscious mind you have to practice it many times then it enters deeply in you when you will not forget it Repetition after repetition is the secret of mastering new skills because as you study every thing is carry out by your brain ,when you get a new information there is a connection in your brain then if you repeat the information your brain start storing the information deeper in the system take example like your mother tongue ,you know it much because it is integrated in your daily life there is nothing you can do without using that language but other language like French,English,chinese you can easily forget them even if when you were studying you were fluent because you cease to use it in your daily life but for some language if you had took enough time to practice it and stay with a simple exercise that you can still do like reading English book,listening English songs or news you could still be fluent in the language this is how the brain works One reason that people see practice is difficult is that it requires discipline,when you develop discipline you start with stugle there is no easy way you do it by choice.two things happens when you practice first is becoming strong and second having a winning spirit,the harder you work the harder you becomes to surrender as aristotle said :”Excellence is an art won by training and habituation,We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence,but we rather have those because we have acted rightly,We are what we repeatedely do,Excellence .then,is not an act ,but a habit”
  • 26. Believe in yourself and your potential (Nick vujnick story with picture) Every winner you see and admire has weakness but they have been able to reach those level because of self confidence they choose to concentrate on their strength more than their weakness.Love yourself,accept that you have been well created,what you see that you don‟t have maybe you will not need it to grow in life Nick vujnick is an Australian motivational speaker,life coach and entrepreneur he was born with a handicap that caused him not his legs and arms to be short,when he was born their parent was frightened to a level they wanted him to die but they believed God and raise him with love and care When he became a teenager he attempted to kill himself,he was so discouraged in his life,he asked himself what he will becomes late in his life,if he will get married but after he got saved and understand the love of God,he started focusing on his strength and start coaching other inspiring other to love themselves now he has visited more that 100 countries ,he has been welcomed by president,kings, millionaire,He is married with two children,he is more successful that many normal people that are mentally paralytic. These point are stopping you to move -You are an orphan -you are not intelligent -You are not beautiful -You are paralytic -Your family is poor
  • 27. Research,Love to go deeper for more answer Israel country was founded in year 1948 after a terrible genocide of jews in second world war,they regain their land after 6 days of battle which means that their country was destroyed and also they have a wilderness land but now Israel is among the richest country in the world and it is the country with big new company in the world with a mastery in agriculture where they have been able to cultivale their desert land and produce far away much than african countries through the power of research and innovation. How this small country founded only in 1948 in a desert land has grown to become a global power in many sector?Innovation,research has been their rescue they developed their education,their youth are entrepreneurship driven they searched for new ways of surviving then when the internet was coming they imbrance the opportunity by designing new app,telecommunication technology,healthcare application and started selling to big countries with money . As a student you don‟t only learn from books and information you get in class because as we are different the same way we get different understanding when we learn new things.when you have an idea or you don‟t understand don‟t stop there but ask many question as you can to your teacher but also remember that your teacher don‟t know all things in case you don‟t get good answer go for your own use internet,read books,meet different people remember that whoever seek find All inventors and scientists before they become who they are one day they were ignorant but also they were learners like you but the difference is that above studying they were also reseaechers,if you aspire to become a writer above English lesson add book on how to write effectively,read mathematics books if you want to go far in maths science,watch informatics video to learn much about your informatics career invest your time in doing research to understand more Power of books on your destiny Guttemberg is the first printing company that has ever started on the earth since that day the story of the world has changed like never before they started printing the Bible but after science has used it to transfer their knowledge which resulted in scientific revolution in Europe ,it is books that shaped political ideas like democracy,capitalism
  • 28. because political leaders were reading those books,books are the tools that make education without good books it is also difficult to give good education Reading books can impact your life at a level you can‟t imagine in the books you meet inventors of the ancient times and they will tell you why they have invented,how they invented,what challenges they met what is the purpose of their invention, through their biography you will meet their life,through their accomplishment you will understand why the whole world has decided to teach their method and invention,books will tell you how we‟ve come to reach this level in life I took time to read and study the lives of different scientist and reformers in the world and I was really excited how almost every leader,inventor,politician,musician,painter have been influenced by books they read to get where they were and do what they have done. Look these example: Alexander the great was a son of Philippe the king he was a student of Aristotle and had studies all the military strategies of the nations of his time which helped him to adjust strategies in the war and everywhere he was fighting every new stategy he was seeing he would always add to his stategy he was a learner leader Nichola tesla the great electrician and inventor in his quest to use the electricity has deepely depended on the work of………… that he found in the book of ……. Albert Einstein in his study of light and the making of theory of relativity he has been helped on the works of ………but his passion of science and technology came when he was still a child is uncle give hime math and science books that helped him to understand more and love the science world The novelist stephern king considered like the Shakespeare of this modern time has not studied much but he depended on books that he read when workinging in the library and later in publishing company he read everything on writing books,he read every English books he could find on the way by so he developed his English and writing skill to the level he became rich from it by reading he decoded his way to money and fame ,books has been his help when in frustration or in confusion they can help you too to go far from where you are if you can only focus on the subject you want to know more
  • 29. Entrepreneurship boomed in America and produced much self made millionaires and billionaire after Napoleon hill published a books called laws of success and think and Grow rich which was the book based on the interview with 500 richest people in America in their time and 23000 poorest people in their time in the books he was revealing the secret of making money and becoming rich since that time America explode in entrepreneurship wich result in building many companies and being rich War on earth is evident in religion when they battle defending the ideas and belief they get from religious books muslims,christians,huinduist.Time will go as I try to show you the power of books in shaping a destiny Arnold shwazneger populary called commando because of the film he played with this title he was frustructed because her mum wanted him to be a carpenter and his father wanted him to be a policeman then he saw a journal where …… was the mister universe in bodybuilding but also he saw him playing a film called hercule after sawing that he decided to go in gym to practice for him to become the next mr universe and after go to the movie industry which he did at age 20 he became mr universe and after joined the movie film he was influenced by what he was reading Warren buffet the big man in investing and third richest man in the world became that person after working and reading the books of Benjamin graham on investment he says that 80 percent of his time is spent reading books and newspaper to know how the market is evolving Reading books according to your destiny will answer your question and will open your mind for big thing,they have the potential to make you an entrepreneur,an inventor , an artist because in every sector you will find that expert wrote the blueprint to become great and influencial in your area As we saw in the Israel story ,book research and innovation are the tools that helped the nation to sclale high and reading books in one of the ways we do research.
  • 30. How to study You go to school every morning with the intention to learn something new,your teachers comes one after another with different subject where everyone want you to be serious to understand his course,they give you ,homework,assignment, and practical work,with all these in your one head to revise ,digest and answer at the exam time.It is boring,tiring even sometimes you don‟t know what to do. Studying is a technique than it is a must,without realizing how to do it the work is dry and boring but once you understand its mechanism you will flow easily,unlock your genius. Welcome in this journey where you are going to know the rules of the game so that you can play well and successfully . Self awareness will help you to know where you are,who you are and what you need to do, to go where you want to go. Try to know what you are doing already when studying will help you to know what bad you have been doing. Answer these question by yes or no. 1. I wish I could read faster. 2. I go to class but I don’t pay much attention. 3. I rarely review for tests,but I do spent hours cramming before night. 4. I think I spend more time studying than I need. 5. I usually study on radio /Tv on. 6. I rarely finish all my homework on time. 7. I usually write assigned test the week or night before the due time. 8. I read every book at the same speed in the same way. 9. I can never seem to find the information on the internet.
  • 31. 10.I’m overwhelmed with too much work. 11.I can never complete my reading assignment on time. 12.I always seem to write down the wrong stuff in class. 13.I frequently forget important assignments and date tests. 14.I get nervous before exams and do worse than I think I should do. 15.I frequently must reread two to three time a passage before I could understand them. 16.When I finish reading a chapter I usually don’t remember much of it. 17.I try to take down everything the teacher says, but usually can’t understand any of my note. 18.I can only study 15 minutes before I get bored or distracted. 19.When I’m working on my paper or report I spend most of the time with a thesaurus on my lap. 20.I always seem to study the wrong stuff. 21.I don’t use any kind of calendar. 22.I study for some tests, but I always forget what I studied when I get there. 23.I don’t have time to do well in school and still have a social life. 24.I can’t figure out important point in my textbooks. 25.When I look at my class notes right before a test, I can’t understand them. 26.I hate to read. 27.I get marked on essay test because I don’t organize well. 28.I spend most of my time on my computer or phone . What do your answer mean ?if you answer yes to questions:  2, 5 or 18 you need to work on your concentration.  1, 8, 15, 16, 24,or 26,your reading and comprehension skills are holding you back.  3, 14, or 22, you need to learn the proper ways to study for tests and how to reduce test anxiety.  4, 6,10,11,13,21,or 23,your organization skills are letting you down.  7,19,’re spending a lot of time’’writting’’papers but haven’t learned proper research or organization skills.  9,or 28 you need to hone your computer.  12,17,20,or 25,you need a better system for taking notes in class and from textbooks.
  • 32. After answering these question and identifying your weak areas. Go on „‟Your starting point‟‟ chart and give you „‟excellent‟‟, ‟‟good‟‟, ‟‟fair‟‟, be as sincere as you can. This chart will help you to measure your progress. Your starting point. Initial self evaluation ( ) ( ) ( ) Reading ( ) ( ) ( ) Memory developpement ( ) ( ) ( ) Time management ( ) ( ) ( ) Textbook note taking ( ) ( ) ( ) Classroom note taking ( ) ( ) ( ) Classroom participation ( ) ( ) ( ) Basic library skills ( ) ( ) ( ) Library note taking ( ) ( ) ( ) Computer skills ( ) ( ) ( ) Library note taking ( ) ( ) ( ) Test preparation ( ) ( ) ( ) After examining yourself you know the state of your life. Problems of students at school can be summarized in these important point: Reading
  • 33. Comprehension Time management Memory Lack of exam passing skills Lack of concentration and preparation Research Wrong thinking skills The most exciting fact is going school to learn without knowing how to learn,read ,think and comprehend what you are studying This section I‟m going to show you what the science and expert has discovered and how you can apply it to your studying to cause a dramatic success and change. How we learn Brain is the main part of learning,understanding the mechanism of the brain will help you study not hard but effectively.Your brain process information by these five ways that are receiving, storing, analyzing and outputting information. The science of learning has exploded these last years by the works of neuroscientists who are expert on the working of the brain,they have done so much experiment to understand how the brain affect how we study.In his book called”Brain rules”Dr John medina director of brain center of applied learning research and a professor at University of Washington medical school,he said that the brain don‟t work well when you are stressed,your memory grow with repetition,vision trumps all senses which means we understand more what we saw with our own eyes more than any other channel of information.When you hear something and when you see it your way to recall the information are different because by sight you remember the colour ,the mood,the statistic,the motion all of these helps the brain to recall easily than when you hears it You are different,understand your learning style Have you attend a lecture when a teacher is sharing logical lessons where you need to pay much attention to what you are studying,have you seen that there was some student that were more engaging and concentrating but on the
  • 34. other side you can learn a lesson when the teacher is mixing with stories ,songs,recitation maybe the second way has helped you. As human we are different in nature,the same way we are different we possess different learning styles.We don‟t digest information or acquire a new skill the same way that why you will find some love reading but other love listening, some loves studying alone but other loves studying in community, some love theories and others understand more practical things Learning style is particulary defined as:  A particular way an individual learn  A mode of learning an individual prefer to think, process information and demonstrate learning.  Habits, strategies concerning learning  Learning preference Science has done the work for you to understand how many learning styles we use to learn something. A learning style is a way that is easy for you or fit for you to understand something and remember it easily. There are 7 learning styles 1. Auditory and musical learners The important part of learning to auditory learners is the ears, they like to hear and love group learning as a way to understand information. The main characteristics of auditory learns are: -They tend to have good memories of past conversation (such as jokes). -Have a great memory for music and lyric. -Enjoy discussions, debates, and talking to others. -Enjoy listening to music, sing, and whistle to themselves -Prefer to give oral presentation more than writing report. -May have difficult interpreting graphs, maps and diagrams.
  • 35. If you find yourself with these signs you are an auditory learner then there are some tips that can help you be more effective  Love to ask question during the lesson ,when the teacher will answer you it will be stored easily in your memory be  If you are in university or study with a computer use a Dictaphone or activate a recording software to record the teacher if not use the Dictaphone in your study time when you are in groups record everything so that you can play after when you are at home.  Watch videos when revising they can help you understand deeper,if you have a smart phone or internet at school or home visit youtube or other educational website I will tell you more at the end of the book.  Repeat loud what your are learning and read loudly  Participate in discussion on different subject for better understanding and memorizing especially when studying history,psychology etc  Avoid auditory distraction because they can deconcentrate you . 2.Visual learners The most learning body part of visual learners is their eyes. They understand with diagrams,pictures,any lesson they learn if they can not get the visual or mental picture of it they can‟t easily understand.These are his signs:  Love picture and diagrams  Are good at reading maps and charts  Create strong picture in their mind when they read  Like bright colours(red,green,white,blue etc)  When they want to speak or do something they think to get a picture of what they want to do.  They enjoy planning(get a picture of their day,schedule,lesson etc).  They love to draw what they think. If you have these signs surely you are a visual learner that understand through pictures and diagram so for you to maximize your potential and learn smarter these tips can help you  Repeat on your own all the diagram your teacher were teaching the more you draw the more you understand.
  • 36.  Love reading visual book(book with picture inside) than linear books (book with letters only)where you can get the picture of what is spoken  Watch videos as you know videos are visual so you can go to youtube or other educational or informational videos  Use colours,highlighters(markers) when reading a textbook or your notes to make more clear what you read.Use different colours with different topics but for ideas that seems similar use the same colour that when you are reading you can know that the new information is associated with the previews information.  If possible use small papers of flash card where you put important information and after paste where you want that information to stick  Replace words with symbole or pictures. 3.Verbal & writting learner Verbal learners includes both writing and speaking,they love to take note and reading deeply.These are the characteristics of verbal learners:  They enjoy reading enough  Love reading for them and read deeply  Work best in quiet times like articulate teachers who put a lot information into sentences and notes  Love to look into dictionary in case they don‟t understand These are the signs of verbal learners if you are the one these are the techniques you can apply to be more effective in your studies.  Take notes when a teacher is teaching ,the act of writing the notes will strengthen the information in your brain and write them in your own words  When revising rewrite your note using other words than used in the former notes this will help you understand more  Don‟t jump anything in class when you are taking note in class.  Use bullet point list :it is easy to understand information that are grouped together and bullet point is the easiest way to put lot information in one easy-to-read format.
  • 37.  Turn diagram and chart into word:verbal learners don‟t get much through graphs it is difficult for them to interpret what is drawn.It is better for them to writte what the chart is meaning. 4.Physical and kinesthetic learners Kinesthetic learners are natural doers they understand by doing These are signs of kinesthetic :  They are good at remembering things they‟ve actually done before.  Enjoy playing sport.  Do not tend to have great handwriting or spelling.  Enjoy active learning subject such as sport and science experiment. Kinesthetic learners needs to do these things for them to adapt and perform better at school  Study in short period : kinesthetic learners tend to lack capacity to concentrate on something long when studying but they can do better if they should break their study session into short period and do regular break between 5-10 minutes.  Use examples when studying notes:associating practical real life example to the theories in the notes this will help you understand more don‟t just read note but use examples either real life or use google to get some useful information.  Study with others:plan a time to study with others  Do the exercise while study this will help you to recall more 5.Logical and mathematical learners Logical and mathematical learners use reasoning and logical sequencing to absorb information.They like to use numbers ,find logical way to answer a question,they categorize and are comfortable working with the abstract.They enjoy hard science like chemistry programming,math etc The best way to learn for mathematical learners learns is by visual materials,startistics,hand on project(Practical project).They prefer goal oriented activities based on math reasoning .
  • 38. Logical learners find statistical study more than literature or keeping journal,they enjoy creating graphs,chart,timelines.Even if they can work with others they love making a list,setting numerical goals,ranking brainstorming ideas,they often enjoy troubleshouting problem using logic,analysis,and math. 6.Social and interpersonal learners These types of learners love communicating with others. These are their signs of social learner :  They like to be with a large group of people  They struggle working alone especially on project  They do well in any sort of collaborative activities  They are not afraid to ask questions  They love social activities  They make new friends easier  They understand more other people Social learners for them to work effectively they have to do thes things:  Join a learning group for discussion about different subject.  Attend seminar or panel discussion  Join social group either on whatsaap or facebook  Ask more question to your professors or fellow student that are sharp than you. 7.Solitary learners Solitary learners love to work alone and concentrate ,These are his signs  Enjoys spensing time alone  Like to set goals and plans  Don‟t like to be in noisy rooms or large crowds
  • 39.  Find difficult to talk with others  Highly independent As a solitary learner you can do these htings to learn more  Try to find books, website or videos to helps you learn a lot because as an independent person you need to depend on research  Make sure your learning place is quiet  Every time time plan your learning time and what you are going to learn. Uncovering your learning style will help you expand to plan your revision time,it is like learning how to drive a car because after knowing your
  • 40. How to read effectively and quickly Reading is an essential part of studying life,some student even fail to finnish their exams because the read slowly or bady the speed reading can help you gain knowledge faster and smarter . Are you wondering why your studyies sometimes is not that good maybe when you see a big volume of paper you fear,revising is boring to you or just you read but it is difficult for you to understand. Bad reading skills is one of the failure biggest cause of student, textbooks with summary review and report submitting Do you know that there some shortcut you can use and read effectively,your brain is capable for so much things In all your academic and professional life you will depends much on reading either your classbook,research paper,website on internet,newspaper,reading a message on your phone, revising for the exam, comparing articles, reading a report, announcement or post of the class. Your ability to read faster and to understand deeply the content will move you faster to a greater level of success in your academic and even in your future life because we are in the information age. When reading remember that every information is delivered through a specific language whether the content is in French,english,Kirundi,Swahili etc your vocabulary knowledge will boost you to move quickly that why when reading its good to have a dictionary or to practice your vocabulary the more you know the meaning of word and connected the more you will move faster and still understanding the meaning. Techniques you can use: 1. Practice your vocabulary for any course either scientific or literature.
  • 41. 2. Know why you are reading that book what do you want to get from the content. 3. After each page or paragraph write the main idea 4. Try to get a mental picture of what is spoken in the book. 5. If possible read loudly to bring quickly the information to the head. Note taking Information after information that is the student lifestyle ,you need not only to write it and listening it but also memorizing it for you to recall it in exam time. How can I do it when I‟m receiving different information that have no association,how can I understand and memorize all these information,maybe you are thinking like this,good class note taking is the right strategy you can use to overcome the challenge. Note taking is writing with your words what your teacher is saying or explaining and organizing your note in a way that will be easy for you to understand by grouping together ideas with the same meaning,connecting ideas that have a relationship,summarizing words by keywords ,using diagram,signs or colours to highlight big ideas to help your brain understand more what you learn Note taking has been the technics used by inventors,artists,orators,scientists like albert Einstein,Leonardo da vinci,Isaac Newton,Thomas Edinson to organize their though,remember more,connect their ideas ,evaluate their progress.Like the storing places your brain don‟t store information anyhow but it use images and association to understand and store better then good notetaking help you organize,connect different ideas through links,colours,diagram to make an exact image of the information in order your brain to store it. Note taking student understand more and learn faster and easier that non note-taking student. Information organization will expand your achievement you don‟t need to read and pass through all those materials and put them in your mind what you need is create your own material specific to you that you can understand more
  • 42. Whether you are in class or reading a textbook these time tested note-taking skills will help you advance and reduce stress. Why do you need to take note Learning is done by listening ,understanding and memorizing but the last one is crucial to your growth. whatever is your level of understanding without recalling the information in the time of exam or need your knowledge will not help you. You think retaining information is difficult but organization of information and misunderstanding of the brain mechanism is the problem this is why bad note taking in class is one of the root of boring revision, inefficiency of remembrance and illusion of answer. Is there really a scientific and professional way of taking my note or it depends with people? Yes there are method used based on the brain memory mechanism . Cornell method It is a method discovered in by a scientific called who were teaching at cornell University in America. This method says:
  • 43. . Cornel method has three parts: 1) At the top of the page you write down the name of the course together with the date 2) At the botton you write your summary 3) A column on the right for taking brief note and a column on the left for any question relating to the notes. Advantages of cornell method  Provide an organized and systematic means for recording and reviewing notes.  Easy format for pulling out major concepts and ideas  Simple and efficient  Save time and effort  A do it right in the first place  Sentence writing method This is a traditional method when you write in sentences what the teacher is saying to recall it after a lesson but you find it unorganized and sometimes difficult to assimilate but on one side we still need it when you are listening but it is the basic.
  • 44. The mind mapping method Without image thinking is impossible Aristotle student of Plato Mind mapping is the easiest way to put information into your brain and to take information out of your brain it‟s a creative and effective means of note taking that literally”map out ”your thought. And it is simple. Mind maps is like a city map.The center of your mind map is like the centre of the city.It represents your most important idea.The main roads leading from the centre represent the main thought in your thinking process;the secondary road represents your secondary thought, and so on Tony buzan discovered this method in 1970 when he was studying and it is one of the most effective note-taking techniques What is mind mapping Mind maps are graphic, networked method of storing, organizing and prioritizing information(usually on paper)using key or trigger words and images ,each of which will snap on specific memories and encourage new thought and new ideas. Each of the memory triggers in a mind map is a key to unlocking facts, ideas and information and,also,to releasing the true potential of your amazing mind. Mind maps are specifically adaptive for reading,revising,note-taking and planning for exams efficiently.They help you to organize information from your head,textbook,references,books,tutorials,research material.
  • 45. Traditional the note-taking method used from primary to university is sentence writing and bullet point process which is not effective because your brain is not function by getting information by word per word . Pictures and association is the learning way of the brain.Do you remember the first car you saw or colors of the good house you saw on the internet till now you can recall the small detail because our memory retain easily colors,pictures,links,connection. Your brain function smartly with specific word and specific image. Specific words are the word that instantly give the meaning of what you are saying same to key image which is that real picture of your idea. We are used to speaking and writing words that we believe that is is the best way to learn Advantages of mind mapping Mind mapping are better that traditional note-taking .these are the advantages: -The central idea is more clearly defined -ideas are better organized -The more important ideas are immediately identified at the center of the mind map How to make a mind map Based on the mind map inventor Tonny buzan these are the laws to follow when making a mind map The design of mind map is done in 7 steps 1. Start in the CENTRE of a blank page turned sideways. Why? Because starting in the centre gives your brain freedom to spread out in all directions and to express itself more freely and naturally. 2. Use an IMAGE or PICTURE for your central idea. Why? Because an image is worth a thousand words and helps you use your Imagination. A central image is more interesting, keeps you focussed, helps you concentrate, and gives your brain more of a buzz! 3. Use COLOURS throughout. Why? Because colours are as exciting to your brain as are
  • 46. images. Colour adds extra vibrancy and life to your Mind Map, adds tremendous energy to your Creative Thinking, and is fun! 4. CONNECT your MAIN BRANCHES to the central image and connect your second- and third-level branches to the first and second levels, etc. Why? Because your brain works by association. It likes to link two (or three, or four) things together. If you connect the branches, you will understand and remember a lot more easily. Connecting your main branches also creates and establishes a basic structure or architecture for your thoughts. This is very similar to the way in which in nature a tree has connected branches that radiate from its central trunk. If there were little gaps between the trunk and its main branches or between those main branches and the smaller branches and twigs, nature wouldn‟t work quite so well! Without connection in your Mind Map, everything (especially your memory and learning!) falls apart. Connect! 5. Make your branches CURVED rather than straight-lined. Why? Because having nothing but straight lines is boring to your brain. Curved, organic branches, like the branches of trees, are far more attractive and riveting to your eye. 6. Use ONE KEY WORD PER LINE. Why? Because single key words give your Mind Map more power and flexibility. Each single word or image is like a multiplier, generating its own special array of associations and connections. When you use single key words, each one is freer and therefore better able to spark off new ideas and new thoughts. Phrases or sentences tend to dampen this triggering effect. A Mind Map with more key words in it is like a hand with all the finger joints working. A Mind Map with phrases or sentences is like a hand with all your fingers held in rigid splints! 7. Use IMAGES throughout. Why? Because each image, like the central image, is also worth a thousand words. So if you have only 10 images in your Mind Map, it‟s already the equal of 10,000 words of notes! Example:
  • 47. How to pass exam Exam time is the most feared period where anxiety,stress,fear are the pillar of failure for some but in some cases the mindset guiding exam attendes is wrong .Preparation is better than talent and intellectual quotient the reason why many are afraid is that on one side many are not enough prepared to meet the exam Passing exam is a wish for any student but it needs some principles for everyone to maximize it, you are asking yourself why you fail after such preparation,sacrifice,what is the secret behind those that are doing well. You can improve your grade,perform beyond what you think,make your exam time more pleasant Before the exam Being well organised before the exam can make all the difference on exam day. • Try to have most of your study completed two days before the exam. Spend the day before the exam quietly and revise your notes. Try to avoid panic if you can. • Have an early night before the examination day. Pack your bag the night before so you are not rushed or panicking in the morning. • Rise early in the morning and review what you have studied. Make sure you have everything that you will need, and take spare pens, pencils, calculators and anything that could cause problems or a loss of time if they suddenly ran out of ink or stopped functioning. • Arrive at school in plenty of time — I like to arrive 30 minutes before I have to go into the examination room. Keep conversation with others to a minimum so you aren‟t distracted, and can prepare your mind and get ready
  • 48. for the exam so you know you are at your mental best. • While you are waiting to go into the exam room or waiting for the exam to start, you can review your notes one last time using the reminders and seeing the connections, so it is only a matter of minutes between making the links and using them in the exam — they will be fresh in your mind. This will also give you confidence
  • 49. Sport In order for a man to succeed in life ,God provided him with two means,education and physical activity.Not separately,one for the soul and the other for the body,but for the two together.with these two means,man can attain perfection Getting good grade, understanding quickly, performing smartely without good health is a foolish hope.Your brain when used need a refreshment time to recycle again for a new big goal and target,ignorance of the fact leads to forgetting,anxiety, depression, lack of concentration because of tiredness of your brain In his book Spark, Dr john j ratey speak about the benefit of exercise to our brain especialy to remove the problem of learning,addiction,anxiety,stress. Brain health boost your concentration and understanding by focusing much time on a specific idea and it helps to improve your memory During a campaign made in America‟college it was founded that athletic student were performing at school more than those that ignore exercise. the gap was very high,repeated manytime during that experience . Scientist also tried to look for sportsman people they found what happens when exercising to the brain it generates hormones that make us happy and cure us from addiction, stress and anxiety One of the cure that help you more when tired, bored, forgetting much, inability to focus on a subject and fear you need to stop and take like 30 min of sport and music it will help u relax. Running and sweating will release blood and oxygen in your brain and renew your neurons also it will touch your learning potential you will find yourself more productive and focused.
  • 50. In past years our ancestors lived a moving life where to live they must be in movement because they were hunting or cultivating land thing that were requirering body movement but nowadays technology evolution has changed all things with cars,computer,professional machine which caused us not to move but live comfortably Why do you need to integrate sport to your academic lifestyle 1.Sport reduce level of depression and anxiety School is full of much work,test and exam which causes stress and depression to student,in response to this some chooses to take drug or go to sleep but doing sport will helps you because physical activity helps to reduce stress hormones and increase endorphin hormones which are hormones that reduce stress and keeps away any depression sign. 2,Improve mind concentration If you suffer low concentration and bad memory exercise can helps you it helps you to pump blood in the brain which makes your brain sharp,as a result you can think clearly and concentrate which boost your academic performance 3.Helps you get better sleep You need to sleep well to help your brain rest and regenerate the cell but some sleep badly because of stress the sport is the cure when you exercise your body got tired which causes a deep sleep Exercise is the energizer to your brain it boost your Exercise reduce you bad attention deficit,it deals with stress,heals you from addiction grows your concentration
  • 51. Sleep Lack of good sleep touches also the performance of your brain which causes trouble to your learning that why you find yourself with these sign Lack of concentration,being sleepy all the time,lack of energy,laziness,thinkin problem,some headache or backache . If you want to be more productive and live longer you have to get a time of rest don‟t say that you are wasting your time when sleeping but sleep early to wake up early and organize your study time What the science speaks about sleep”Dr Charles Samuels, medical doctor at the centre of sleep and human performance,He is certified by the American Board of medicine,this is what he said:The fact is that our immune system recovers through the night,our muscle regenerate,so for training atheletes who are training hard,the sole purpose of which is to break down muscle,the importance of recovery is absolutely critical,and the sleep state is one of the states during which muscles recover and actualy get stronger From a cognitive…and executive function perspective,our brains imprints memory,learning,and tasks during sleep and allows us to get better at those tasks.If sleep is disturbed,it becomes harder to retain imprinted imformation….and then able to retain information ” High quality of sleep fortfies your immune system,balances your hormones,boost your metabolism,increases physical energy,and improves the function of your brain.
  • 52. Always schedule what you have to do for each study section,start your studying with all needed material,focus on your studying so that when your brain will get tired you should rest without shame. Confusion and bad learning techniques will make your brain slow also but sleep at a proper time and studying following some clear thing will help you progress quickly.
  • 53. Nutrition Studying is influenced by our brain then his state when it is bad affect all our health even our learning. We need to know how we can maintain it so that we can enjoy its performance and by doing so accomplish more,prevent chronical illness and problem. I‟m not talking about nutrition but about ways to help us learn more so the coming of social media, watching movies much,…… These habit affect much the brain life but there is what we can do apart from exercise and sleeping there are some simple food at your reach you can use and protect your brain -drinking water every morning.
  • 54. How parent can help their children