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Strengths And Weaknesses In Public Speaking
I had a constant throughout my career as a student that I struggled with: public speaking. Throughout high school and undergrad, I frequently wrote
research papers and participated in group projects. I never enjoyed participating in public speaking because I felt that I didn't excel in it. Learning to
understand my weaknesses is important in the self–improvement process. To be an effective leader, I need to balance out mycommunication strengths
and weaknesses. I believe throughout my MBA career, I will be presented with numerous opportunities to refine my communication skills.
Public speaking is not my forte, however, there are several areas I feel proficient in. Maintaining eye contact with an audience is a skill I gained from
working several years as a waiter, although I periodically catch myself glancing away. During a presentation, I like to use hand gestures as it gives me
a sense of control in the situation. If I can utilize visual cues for a presentation it gives me a confidence boost, even more so when it is on familiar
material. When I present, I am confident in my ability to efficiently project my voice and carry an energetic tone throughout. I can create a stable
structure that leads to a smooth transition from one topic to another, but at times I struggle with maintaining that structure. Many of my public
speaking shortcomings are due to being nervous. Nervousness determines my confidence levels and can impact certain aspects of my presentation. I
tend to make
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What Is Public Speaking Essay
Rebecca McKenney: Public Speaking
What is Public Speaking? Public speaking is defined by the Merriam–Webster dictionary as "the act or process of making speeches in public."
Rules for Public Speaking Public speaking can have many rules. Neil Petch, author of the Entrepreneur article "The Top Rules of Public Speaking",
discusses what he views as the "nine keys to unlocking public speaking". (Petch) His keys to public speaking are as follows.
2."Embrace your nerves."
3."Master your movement."
4."Set the right tone."
5."Know who you are speaking to."
6."Adopt a power stance."
7."Be present."
8."Maintain eye contact."
9."Look the part." (Source: Petch)
Advice for Public Speaking
Steven Palkovitz, more content...
You seek out the "criticism in the most innocent of discussions." (Source: Marie)
Good Listeners
In the article "Eight Signs You're Good at Communication with Listening", author Lewis Humphries discusses eight ways he believes will make
someone a better listener. His list is as follows.
1."You have strong empathy."
2."You ask follow–up questions."
3.You can respond to a variety of topics.
4."You do not angrily to criticism or points of disagreements."
5."You think beyond words to truly understand your conversation partners."
6."You appreciate listening as a learning process."
7."You use your body language to show that you are engaged."
8."You realize your shortcomings as a listener." (Source: Life Hack)
What are ways to become a better listener? In the articles "Seven Easy Ways to Become a Better Listener" and "How to Be a Better Listener", authors
Bill Patterson and Sunny Sea Gold (respectively) discuss the different ways that someone can become a better listener. Their advice is as follows.
1."Concentrate on the speaker." (Source: Patterson)
2."Ask open–ended questions." (Source: Patterson)
3."Focus on the other person." (Source: Patterson)
4."Suspend judgment." (Source:
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Essay On Public Speaking
Only a select few people take pleasure in giving presentations or public speaking. I am not one of those people. Public speaking has always been a
problem for me. G.A.D. or general anxiety disorder, has been a substantial factor in my life and being graded or judged on how well you speak in front
of people, doesn't exactly help. Whether it is five people or over a thousand, when pressure is put on you–you have to react. For example, when your
grade for the quarter depends on how well you give a presentation, or when you have a competition or a big game. Consequently, you could become
exceedingly anxious, and begin to doubt yourself, and that can lead to horrible situations.
The last few days of the sophomore year were winding down, and it was final exam week. Students over stressing and attempting to be organized
before it's too late, there weren't many classes to be worried about, with the exception of one. Speech and drama class, emphasis on speech. The
teacher wasn't intimidating, and neither was the work. I had many friends in that class, it was the one class that I looked forward to at the end of the
day, zero stress, laughter and films of famous movies and speeches every day. However something was different about this particular week, we had to
memorize the Gettysburg Address. You think that memorizing a few short paragraphs would be easy. Especially since we had been reading scripts and
plays the semester beforehand. Be that as it may, I had found myself highlighting,
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The Importance of Public Speaking
The Importance of Public Speaking to the Society.
Every successful person in the world has one thing in common between them; they can speak with confidence in front of a group whether it's small
or large group. They use the simple words that carry out the messages they wanted to give us so that they are heard, understood and acted upon. For
the typical human being, get up to the front and speak can make you feel your tie or your scarf tightened up and make you harder to breath and your
hand starts shaking. That is the time when you think that your brain have stop working. Giving a speech can be one of the most nerve–wracking
experiences known to man and writing one can be just as difficult. So many potential have no guts to stand up more content...
They will begin to present their manifesto to the public so that the public be enticed and intrigued by their manifesto and promises great pleasure to
local people. Caused manifesto and convincing manner of service, most of the elected representatives of the Assembly win as they compete. Manifesto
whether exercised or not depends on the representatives concerned. Like most people say to earn the trust of people is relatively easy, to destroy the
faith of our people, also easy but to maintain it is very difficult. Public speaking also can be used as entertainment. Most people also use public speaking
as their medium for entertainment. Entertainment is meant here is not entertainment like singing or dancing but in terms of entertainment presented
argument that has elements of comedy that should make people laugh. For example, the famous comedians make comedy homeland using public
speaking skills in addition aided by props used to revive their buffoonery. Entertained the audience with what they have to show off. Astro Warna has
held Maharaja Lawak Mega draft that most comedians they have to make a comedy with no formal public speaking and comfort crowd. It is an
example where public speaking may be a medium of entertainment for the public. Public speaking improves your and the society communication skills.
Through public speaking you have to learn how to be
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Personal Progression of Public Speaking Essay
In life, we rarely have the chance for a do–over, but I feel like returning to college is mine. Throughout high school, my grades were never above
average and until about a couple of years ago I considered myself to be unintelligent. What I failed to see was my level of commitment. Once I began
applying myself, the grades earned reflected that. This concept coincides to my public speaking ability. Many students, including myself, walk into a
speech class thinking that it will be the Easy A of the semester and quite frankly I devoted a good amount of time and hard work to earn my A's and
B's for this course. Overall, my public speaking growth in terms of listenability were influenced by the following: the strategy keys in correctly engaging more content...
The art speech was not necessarily my best moment when it came to audience analysis. I should have followed through with making the speech
less about the assignment and more about who I was presenting it to. The dragon and persuasive speech probably would have been better had I not
had so much information, I really saw how it affected the way I looked as far as confidence was concerned. Looking at my personal anecdote speech
I think that was my shining moment. I am not only saying that because of the grade I received, but because I owned the material and it showed. As
far as maintaining ethos, I would have to say that was during my informative speech. I felt like I knew what I was talking about in the dragon speech
more at the Q & A than during the speech, but during my energy drink presentation I really had the material down. During the self–evaluations I know
that I properly analyze what I did wrong, though I am not sure I was able to fix everything I set out to. Strategically speaking, I have a ways to go
with choosing a topic, learning how to control my nervous energy, and to avoid excluding my audience should investigate more efficiently.
Structure is casually called the bones of the speech. I thought I already had understood structure, but when it came to public speaking I struggled by
thinking of the speeches in a literary sense rather than as a conversation. My dialog started flowing
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Fear Of Public Speaking Essay
The thought of speaking in front of an audience causes fear and anxiety in some people and prevents them in expressing their thoughts. Ability to
effectively speak to people is an essential skill to be successful in the workplace. Not only the workplace but expressing thoughts, opinion, and ideas
are part of everyday life. Good speaking skills are required to simply convey information. In an organization, managers, supervisors, team leaders, and
employees that are required to make a speech need to have skills of good public speaking. Public speaking involves a lot more than just standing in
front of an audience and talking. How thoughts and message are delivered depends on a number of factors, such as speaker's comfort level, the nature
of the information and most important, audience's expectations. In a workplace, speeches can include impromptu speeches, informal discussion during
meetings, presenting project report, selling of a product, and promoting an idea or future plan (Baccarani, & Bonfanti,2015). With the utilization of
proper speaking methods, education, training, more content...
The fear of public speaking can prevent people from attending events that focus on individual attention and can limit the opportunities required for
the progress of their career. According to Pillay (2016), "Fear is your brain's alarm system that is triggered by sudden motions, sounds, or anything
that could threaten your safety or survival (para, 2). Fear is not always bad. Primitive reaction to fear is to either take flight, meaning avoid the
situation that causes fear or to fight, meaning stay and face the situation to the best of one's ability. There are mainly two reasons why people fear
speaking, first is when they are not prepared and second is that are too concerned about themselves
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Reflective Essay On Public Speaking
Public Speaking is a valuable life skill humans need to develop in their lifetime. This skill allows one to communicate and interact with people in a
large or small public setting. There are individuals who are "natural born" public speakers; to others, it's a skill that they learn over time by practice.
Growing up I was always confident with public speaking. Being an architecture major, students are required to give presentations to large audiences
throughout our college career. Overall, having this opportunity to practice public speaking has enhanced this skill. However, the COMS 130 class has
taught different ways to improve myself when public speaking. Going over my persuasive speech I was able to notice both positive and
more content...
This leads into improving the relevance of certain information. Creating an outline allowed me to pick out my focus points and avoid a tangent or off
the path with irrelevant material that would cause the audience to lose focus. Other areas needing work to work are sorting my references and working
on my hand gestures. Though I am conscious of this I still tend to forget about them. To mend these reoccurring problems I need to be mindful of the
moment and remind myself constantly right before the presentation.
During my speech I portrayed speaker–audience by illustrating perception, description, and inspiration to achieve a powerful communication with the
audience. Perception was portrayed during my speech by talking to my audience as a friend rather than a just a public speaker and presenting my
emotional connection with the topic through the way I delivered it. Next in showing description, I made the topic a delicate topic that I know about.
By sharing the story of my eating disorder and how that it has impacted me, it was able to lead to an insight of what it means to have this belief of
eating disorders not being a choice. Finally, with telling my story with emotion and importance I believe that I was able to achieve inspiration to the
audience. Whether it be supporting those who struggle with and eating disorder to help in their recovery or to the ones who know an individual
personally who struggles but doesn't know the correct way to help. The
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Public Speaking Essay
Is there a benefit to have the confidence to speak in a group setting? For some, raising your hand in class to ask a question can be overwhelming as
well as feeling like other students are making fun of you for asking that question. How can someone build the confidence in him or her to be able to
overcome stage freight to become a speaker or a leader? For some, speaking in front of a crowd comes natural, but should we prepare our self before
giving a speech or does being a natural speaker help with giving a speech with out a rehearsal?
Public speaking does not come easy for everyone. For most, it is a panic attack waiting to happen. It is a subject that is not learned in schools. In my
opinion, if students were taught in middle school more content...
Your boss may be on vacation or sick and ask you to take his or her place until he gets back. That would require having meetings and keeping the
employees up to date with what upper management is expecting. If you cannot lead a meeting then you cannot be a boss.
Ethics will show your rights and wrongs. In my opinion, failure is going up on stage not preparing first for the speech that you will be giving. You
would not put yourself behind a wheel and start driving without preparing first, therefore, you cannot go wrong with educating yourself by putting
together a slide show and going over it multiple times making sure the slides are placed in order, your facts are accurate along with every word
spelt right. The audience trust what you are going to present to them, therefore, you have to present them with a powerful speech with good ethics.
It is always a good idea to rehearse several times in front of a mirror or videotape yourself to examine how others will see you. Stepping on stage
knowing you have rehearsed many times will make you feel like you can give a speech without looking at your notes because you have built your
confidence up getting to know what you are going to inform your listeners on.
Another powerful skill to achieve is becoming a good listener. For most, we lack at listening effectively. It is easy to daydream or to listen to
distractions behind closed doors. Paying close
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Art of Public Speaking
More than just training The Art of Public Speaking A View from Impact Factory Robin Chandler and Jo Ellen Grzyb Impact Factory Copyright
©2003 Art of public speaking This document covers hints and tips on public speaking and presentation skill, dealing with public speaking nerves
and anxiety, public speaking skills and public speaking techniques, public speaking training. Fear of public speaking Why do we get public speaking
anxiety? How to overcome fear of public speaking Building confidence in public speaking Public speaking training Hints and tips for effective public
speaking Common fears of public speaking What happens when you have to speak in public? Did you know that public speaking tops the list of
phobias for most people? more content...
You can distract yourself by paying attention to the environment in which you're speaking and seeing how you can make it work for you. http:/
/ +44 (0) 20 7226 1877 Copyright 2003 3 More than just training Once you're actually in front of your audience, pay
attention to them. If you can, notice how people are dressed, who's wearing glasses, who has on bright colours. There will be dozens and dozens of
things you can pay attention to help you trick your mind into not noticing what's going on with you. Anything will do and you will find that the less
you concentrate on how you are feeling and the more you concentrate on other things, the more confident you will feel. How to build confidence in
public speaking Your audience can be your friend Unless you know you're absolutely facing a hostile group of people, human nature is such that your
audience wants you succeed. They're on your side! Therefore, rather than assuming they don't like you, give them the benefit of the doubt that they do.
They aren't an anonymous sea of faces, but real people. So to help you gain more confidence when speaking in public, think of ways to engage your
audience. Remember, even if they aren't speaking, you can still have a two–way conversation. When you make an important point pay attention to the
people who are nodding in agreement and the ones who are frowning in disagreement. As long as you are creating a reaction in your audience you are
in charge. Keep them awake
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Public Speaking Self Reflection
Public Speaking Self–Reflection
May 11, 2014
Public speaking has always been very hard for me, I've never been the type to stand in front of an audience and speak or do a presentation. No
matter how many times I've done presentations I've always get nervous or shy and always forget what I rehearsed. In the military I was training Nco,
everytime we had a new marine check in to our unit or are shop. I would be the one to give them and the Apresentation on what is expected of them
and also give them information about the unit and our shop. In my opinion the Marine Corp prepared me for public speaking, especially if you where
lower rank and your senior enlisted would throw you to the wolves and send you up there to give more content...
What do you want to accomplish in this course?
Whether I like it or not I been given the opportunity to talk to large crowds like a squadron or just a couple of people in the class. My problems
have always been the same getting shy, anxiety, and even sweating. Learn to analyze the size of the audience, I want to be able to captivate my
audience and overall I just need to find the confidence in myself to do it.
How would you plan to improve weak areas to accomplish your goals? Overall no matter how many times I do a rehearsal or practice I always get
stage fright. Stage fright is my weakest area I have done rehearsals and private or with one or two people but when it comes to the bigger picture I
always freeze. I need to learn to speak with confidence and try to get the audience involved instead of rushing the presentation or speaking very softly
so no one hears me I need to be able to let the audience know that I am confident and the information that I am sharing is worth their time to listen and
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Reflection On Public Speaking
I decided to enroll myself in this course in hopes of improving my public speaking skills, which in turn, would greatly assist me in reaching both my
educational and professional skills. As my first fall quarter at UC Davis is coming to an end, I can confidently say that this course has undoubtedly
helped me to improve my public speaking skills and has also allowed me to develop as an individual. In addition, I have learned invaluable
information that I will be carrying with me for the rest of my academic career. I have definitely improved on the weaknesses I had in the beginning of
the quarter. One of my biggest weaknesses in public speaking was my confidence and self–esteem regarding my performance. Even when I was
efficiently prepared, I always felt that my presentations were lacking substance and that my nervousness was obvious to the audience. Though there
were times during this course that I still felt this way, my concerns and fears were immediately resolved by the feedback I received following my
presentations. I found the feedback process extremely helpful and insightful, not only because it resolved my concerns, but because it helped me to
learn how I should stop placing too much pressure on myself. As a result, my confidence has drastically increased and I am a lot more comfortable
with presentations. My increase in confidence has allowed me to address my previous weakness of my fast–speaking pace. Being more confident
decreases my nervousness when presenting,
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Personal and Public Speech Skills Essay
Personal and Public Speech Skills
Throughout life we express ourselves through words. The way we present ourselves through speech says a lot about our character. The way one
speaks to others can jeopardize the amount of respect and trust others have for them. From the way one pronounces a word to their posture can
affect the way an audience interprets what is being said. Personally, I am not confident with my speaking skills at this point. I would like my
audience to fully comprehend the concepts or facts that I would present to them. In order to do so I must improve my speaking skills I believe that a
problem most people, including myself, have when giving speeches is facing an audience. Just looking out to an audience of a mere more
The whole point of a speech is to get a message across to an audience or a group of people. If you speed through a speech and just mumble, you are not
only wasting your own time but your audiences' as well.
When giving a speech it is handy to have a list of key concepts with you that you want to get across to your audience. Writing out your whole speech
will not do. Writing out your full speech may cause you to have your head buried in your notes for your entire presentation. As a high school
student you can get away with this, but in the real world no one will trust you unless you look them in the eye when talking to them. I must admit
that it is very hard for me to look at people when I am giving a speech, but it is imperative that I do so. I not only want my audience to understand
what I am trying to say to them, but I want them to believe me as well. Also, when you don't face your audience they tend to lose interest and start
conversations or activities of their own. In order to gain the trust and respect of your audience, it is absolutely necessary to look them in the eye when
speaking to them.
I hate it when people speak in monotone, but it happens to the best of us. It is so boring to hear a speech that is given in a monotonous voice without
any variety in their tone. Speaking in monotone puts your audience to sleep. This can happen to anyone who is reading their speech word for word. It
has happened to me, and before I knew it my
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Public Speech On Public Speaking
Public speaking is an activity that many induvial fear and prefer not to take part in. Public speaking is very important in the United States, gaining
ground as a key attribute for people of all professions and disciplines. Many schools and colleges in the United States require public speaking for
completion of degrees; many bosses consider it a great skill for interviewers and employees to have. But why is public speaking and mastering how to
do it well so important?
Public Speaking is a type of speech where one speaker presents a formal, continuous discourse on a topic of interest before a number of other people. A
public speaker would need to have a clear speaking voice, a goal, a familiarity with the audience and knowledge to convey information in an
organized and logical manner, memory of the content, in essence, a public speaker should have something to say, a desire to present it to others,
and good delivery. Public speaking can be used to entertain, inform or persuade someone in any topic. Public speaking is primarily used to
disclose information about a particular topic and the goal is influence the audience's attitude, ideas or beliefs. Public speaking is one of the ways
that people use to teach a group via lectures about; or to persuade a group to believe a certain way and think a certain way. The speaker is
empowered by being able to present the information on his or her own terms and has access to the tools that one needs in order to accomplish their goal.
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Fear of public speaking Essay
Your chest is tight and you feel like you're on fire. Your chest is tight ant you're burning up. The flash cards in your hands are crumpled from you
squeezing them obsessively. You look up and see dozens of eyes staring at you, waiting expectantly. Taking a deep breath, you stumble through the
speech. When it's finally over, you practically run back to your seat, cheeks flaming bright red. You slump down, already dreading the next time you'll
have to deal with your upmost fear: public speaking. For as long as I can remember, public speaking has always been one of my greatest weaknesses.
Whether it's a simple in–class presentation or a speech in front of an auditorium filled with people, I can barely get my words out from the anxiety and more content...
I used the search engine Google with the search term "public speaking fear" and it brought up a great deal of interesting websites pertaining to
public speaking. The first one I decided to peruse was 5 Tips to Reduce the Fear of Public Speaking on Psychology Today's website. I learned that
public speaking is the number one fear in America, while the fear of death is second in line. This means that we're more afraid of speaking in public
than we are of dying. I also learned five tips on how to reduce public speaking nervousness.
The first one was 'Don't Expect Perfection from Yourself.' No one is perfect but when it comes time to speak in public, some of us pick at every
little flaw we think we make. We blow up our imperfections yet ignore the good things. Honestly, though, even the greatest and most experience
public speakers can make a lot of mistakes. The difference is, when they do, they're able to gracefully recover and keep going as if nothing happened.
That's one of the keys to success: keep going gracefully. Most of the time, the audience won't notice most of your mistakes unless you make them
obvious by stopping your speech, breaking down and admitting your mistakes. You just have to carry through with poise and let yourself not be perfect.
The second tip was 'Avoid Equating Public Speaking to Your Self
–Worth.' Basically, if you're a successful professional who's worked hard for where
they are in life right now, you
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Essay on Public Speech
Public Speech1. To give a good speech you must adapt your speech to your audience. There are two steps in the adaptaion process. First, there is
preparation before the speech. This is done may times by having your audience fill out an audience analysis form, this will give you the
demographics on your audience and allow you to adapt your speech accordingly. The second part of adapting your speech is during the speech. This
is done by paying attention to your audience while you are giving the speech. You must adapt your speech so that the audience is able to understand
and are convinced by our speech. Also, you need to assess how you think the audience will respond to what you are saying. 2. There are several ways
to more content...
First you should fall back on all the information you already know. The library and the internet would both be very helpful in researching the
topic. In the library one could use encyclopedias, as well as books on the topic of world hunger. It is possible to use periodicals and magazine
articles from the library too. The web would also be a good source of information. You could use various search engines to find sites on world
hunger, but you must be careful that the sites you visit are viable. An alternative is going to an already established site, such as CNN, and then
search those sites for an article about the topic. 4. When using statistics in your speech you should always make sure that you information is
accurate. You should also make sure not to use too many statistics, or your work will get too bogged down with numbers. You should also make sure
that the statistics you gather are representative of the total number of people in the group. You should always identify the sources of your statistics, to
prove to your audience that your information is accurate. It is also a good idea to explain your statistics and why they are important to you specific
purpose. Also, if statistics are complicated and go to the second or third decimal position you should round them off to the first whole number, so that
it will make your information easier to understand. 5. There are five basic patterns of organizing the main points in your speech.
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Public Speech On Public Speaking
Most people tend to fear public speaking whether it be the feeling like what you want to say won't come out when speaking or just the fact that you
have to stand in front of an audience and speak its self may be frightful to most people. Although that may be so with practice, public speaking
shouldn't be feared but be seen as a useful skill that may be applied to everyday life weather you're in school or in your job. I believe learning how to
publicly speak is something that will most diffidently take time to achieve but with the right mind set and practice it should come more easily. As it
says in "The art of speaking" it is normal to be nervous and public speaking is one of the most nerve wracking experience for most people. Although
that might the case for most it is a great skill to achieve even though you may have that intial fear. For me public speaking is not something I would
prefer to do, it's also somethings am not that great at, I am actually quite the opposite am pretty bad so when I was first approached with my first
presentations fear came over but with the help of my professor and her guidance it wasn't such a horrific first experience.
When I was first approached with the small exercise of asking myself who I am, and being asked to either jot down words or draw who I thought I was
including what my likes desires and dreams and so on. It took me a while to really think who I really was because at first I was focusing on how others
around me portrayed me to be.
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Essay On Public Speaking
Public Speaking is a form of communication that is used in everyday life. When tasked to speak before a group of people, it can often be
challenging, but keeping the audience engaged is the hardest job of all. Preparing a speech takes multiple steps; the best part about it is that no
matter the topic of the speech, the process never changes. The initial process of preparing a speech is to analyze the audience. A speech is a way
to communicate with a group of people known as the audience. "The first task in preparing any speech is to do audience analysis, a process of
learning about your listeners relative to the speech topic and occasion (O'Hair, Stewart, & Rubenstein, 2015). To analyze your audience, you must
pay attention to things such as age, race, and socioeconomic status; this gives you a better selection of choosing the topic for your speech, which
is the next step in the preparation process. Selecting a topic is sometimes a tedious task, especially when the topic has been assigned. A few ways
to making the selection easier is to select the purpose and the occasion of the speech; audience analysis coincides with topic selection because you
also have to consider what topics are appropriate for your audience. During this process you must have a clear idea of what you are going to cover to
ensure that the topic will support the expectations and interests of the audience. This can be achieved if the purpose is specific, meaning there is a
clear and concise
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Public Speech On Public Speaking
Public Speaking Goals I chose to take this course because I have enjoyed previous units I have had about public speaking in high school English
classes and it is a requirement for my major. As a pre–pharmacy major, public speaking does not seem like a necessary class, but the more I think about
how often public speaking is used, the more I understand the reasoning for public speaking as a required course. Public speaking is a major
foundation for everyday communication. Growing up, I can recall several common instances where I was exposed to public speaking. A guest
speaker coming to talk to our class, the priest giving a homily at mass, large assemblies with inspirational speakers, and our graduation speech are
a few examples that come to mind. Although it seems like only famous people or teachers ever have to speak in public, in reality, almost everyone
will have to give a speech in front of a large group at some point in their lives. This is why public speaking is a required course for most students.
Public speaking is important when proposing an idea with a large group of people, explaining a plan of action for a specific task, sharing a new
medical discovery with a group of physicians, or giving a talk on leadership to a group of business professionals. All of these cases are applicable to
almost any career, which is why it is important for all students to understand the basics of public speaking and how to effectively communicate with a
large audience. In my
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Public Speaking Goals
Abstract This paper will go over the three main goals I would like to achieve in my public speaking career. My first goal is to improve upon the
structure of my speeches to ensure that the topics that I discuss are in an order that will make sense to the audience. My second main goal I have
for improving my public speaking skills is to improve on my confidence before, during, and after my speech. Finally, my last goal is to raise my
delivery skills when I am giving my speech to assure the audience that I am confident and that I am a credible person. Together, these goals will help
improve my public speaking skills. Personal Action Plan: Public Speaking In the workplace, having the skill of being an exceptional public speaker can more content...
Taking deep breathes before your speech is one good way to build your confidence. Doing so can help you calm down if you are really nervous. No
matter how much you prepare for your speech you will be nervous before you get up and present and taking a few deep breaths in and out is a
good way to calm your nerves. Another way to boost your confidence and also calm your nerves a bit is to drink water. It may seem a bit odd but it
is very important to be hydrated before a big speech because your nervousness causes your mouth to dry up. Anderson (2016) suggests you drink
about a third of a bottle of water before you give your speech to stop your mouth from getting dry. Those are a few simple things you can do to
become more confident while giving a
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Strengths And Weaknesses In Public Speaking

  • 1. Strengths And Weaknesses In Public Speaking I had a constant throughout my career as a student that I struggled with: public speaking. Throughout high school and undergrad, I frequently wrote research papers and participated in group projects. I never enjoyed participating in public speaking because I felt that I didn't excel in it. Learning to understand my weaknesses is important in the self–improvement process. To be an effective leader, I need to balance out mycommunication strengths and weaknesses. I believe throughout my MBA career, I will be presented with numerous opportunities to refine my communication skills. Public speaking is not my forte, however, there are several areas I feel proficient in. Maintaining eye contact with an audience is a skill I gained from working several years as a waiter, although I periodically catch myself glancing away. During a presentation, I like to use hand gestures as it gives me a sense of control in the situation. If I can utilize visual cues for a presentation it gives me a confidence boost, even more so when it is on familiar material. When I present, I am confident in my ability to efficiently project my voice and carry an energetic tone throughout. I can create a stable structure that leads to a smooth transition from one topic to another, but at times I struggle with maintaining that structure. Many of my public speaking shortcomings are due to being nervous. Nervousness determines my confidence levels and can impact certain aspects of my presentation. I tend to make Get more content on
  • 2. What Is Public Speaking Essay Rebecca McKenney: Public Speaking What is Public Speaking? Public speaking is defined by the Merriam–Webster dictionary as "the act or process of making speeches in public." (Definition) Rules for Public Speaking Public speaking can have many rules. Neil Petch, author of the Entrepreneur article "The Top Rules of Public Speaking", discusses what he views as the "nine keys to unlocking public speaking". (Petch) His keys to public speaking are as follows. 1."Practice." 2."Embrace your nerves." 3."Master your movement." 4."Set the right tone." 5."Know who you are speaking to." 6."Adopt a power stance." 7."Be present." 8."Maintain eye contact." 9."Look the part." (Source: Petch) Advice for Public Speaking Steven Palkovitz, more content... You seek out the "criticism in the most innocent of discussions." (Source: Marie) Good Listeners In the article "Eight Signs You're Good at Communication with Listening", author Lewis Humphries discusses eight ways he believes will make someone a better listener. His list is as follows. 1."You have strong empathy." 2."You ask follow–up questions."
  • 3. 3.You can respond to a variety of topics. 4."You do not angrily to criticism or points of disagreements." 5."You think beyond words to truly understand your conversation partners." 6."You appreciate listening as a learning process." 7."You use your body language to show that you are engaged." 8."You realize your shortcomings as a listener." (Source: Life Hack) What are ways to become a better listener? In the articles "Seven Easy Ways to Become a Better Listener" and "How to Be a Better Listener", authors Bill Patterson and Sunny Sea Gold (respectively) discuss the different ways that someone can become a better listener. Their advice is as follows. 1."Concentrate on the speaker." (Source: Patterson) 2."Ask open–ended questions." (Source: Patterson) 3."Focus on the other person." (Source: Patterson) 4."Suspend judgment." (Source: Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Public Speaking Only a select few people take pleasure in giving presentations or public speaking. I am not one of those people. Public speaking has always been a problem for me. G.A.D. or general anxiety disorder, has been a substantial factor in my life and being graded or judged on how well you speak in front of people, doesn't exactly help. Whether it is five people or over a thousand, when pressure is put on you–you have to react. For example, when your grade for the quarter depends on how well you give a presentation, or when you have a competition or a big game. Consequently, you could become exceedingly anxious, and begin to doubt yourself, and that can lead to horrible situations. The last few days of the sophomore year were winding down, and it was final exam week. Students over stressing and attempting to be organized before it's too late, there weren't many classes to be worried about, with the exception of one. Speech and drama class, emphasis on speech. The teacher wasn't intimidating, and neither was the work. I had many friends in that class, it was the one class that I looked forward to at the end of the day, zero stress, laughter and films of famous movies and speeches every day. However something was different about this particular week, we had to memorize the Gettysburg Address. You think that memorizing a few short paragraphs would be easy. Especially since we had been reading scripts and plays the semester beforehand. Be that as it may, I had found myself highlighting, Get more content on
  • 5. The Importance of Public Speaking The Importance of Public Speaking to the Society. Every successful person in the world has one thing in common between them; they can speak with confidence in front of a group whether it's small or large group. They use the simple words that carry out the messages they wanted to give us so that they are heard, understood and acted upon. For the typical human being, get up to the front and speak can make you feel your tie or your scarf tightened up and make you harder to breath and your hand starts shaking. That is the time when you think that your brain have stop working. Giving a speech can be one of the most nerve–wracking experiences known to man and writing one can be just as difficult. So many potential have no guts to stand up more content... They will begin to present their manifesto to the public so that the public be enticed and intrigued by their manifesto and promises great pleasure to local people. Caused manifesto and convincing manner of service, most of the elected representatives of the Assembly win as they compete. Manifesto whether exercised or not depends on the representatives concerned. Like most people say to earn the trust of people is relatively easy, to destroy the faith of our people, also easy but to maintain it is very difficult. Public speaking also can be used as entertainment. Most people also use public speaking as their medium for entertainment. Entertainment is meant here is not entertainment like singing or dancing but in terms of entertainment presented argument that has elements of comedy that should make people laugh. For example, the famous comedians make comedy homeland using public speaking skills in addition aided by props used to revive their buffoonery. Entertained the audience with what they have to show off. Astro Warna has held Maharaja Lawak Mega draft that most comedians they have to make a comedy with no formal public speaking and comfort crowd. It is an example where public speaking may be a medium of entertainment for the public. Public speaking improves your and the society communication skills. Through public speaking you have to learn how to be Get more content on
  • 6. Personal Progression of Public Speaking Essay In life, we rarely have the chance for a do–over, but I feel like returning to college is mine. Throughout high school, my grades were never above average and until about a couple of years ago I considered myself to be unintelligent. What I failed to see was my level of commitment. Once I began applying myself, the grades earned reflected that. This concept coincides to my public speaking ability. Many students, including myself, walk into a speech class thinking that it will be the Easy A of the semester and quite frankly I devoted a good amount of time and hard work to earn my A's and B's for this course. Overall, my public speaking growth in terms of listenability were influenced by the following: the strategy keys in correctly engaging more content... The art speech was not necessarily my best moment when it came to audience analysis. I should have followed through with making the speech less about the assignment and more about who I was presenting it to. The dragon and persuasive speech probably would have been better had I not had so much information, I really saw how it affected the way I looked as far as confidence was concerned. Looking at my personal anecdote speech I think that was my shining moment. I am not only saying that because of the grade I received, but because I owned the material and it showed. As far as maintaining ethos, I would have to say that was during my informative speech. I felt like I knew what I was talking about in the dragon speech more at the Q & A than during the speech, but during my energy drink presentation I really had the material down. During the self–evaluations I know that I properly analyze what I did wrong, though I am not sure I was able to fix everything I set out to. Strategically speaking, I have a ways to go with choosing a topic, learning how to control my nervous energy, and to avoid excluding my audience should investigate more efficiently. Structure is casually called the bones of the speech. I thought I already had understood structure, but when it came to public speaking I struggled by thinking of the speeches in a literary sense rather than as a conversation. My dialog started flowing Get more content on
  • 7. Fear Of Public Speaking Essay The thought of speaking in front of an audience causes fear and anxiety in some people and prevents them in expressing their thoughts. Ability to effectively speak to people is an essential skill to be successful in the workplace. Not only the workplace but expressing thoughts, opinion, and ideas are part of everyday life. Good speaking skills are required to simply convey information. In an organization, managers, supervisors, team leaders, and employees that are required to make a speech need to have skills of good public speaking. Public speaking involves a lot more than just standing in front of an audience and talking. How thoughts and message are delivered depends on a number of factors, such as speaker's comfort level, the nature of the information and most important, audience's expectations. In a workplace, speeches can include impromptu speeches, informal discussion during meetings, presenting project report, selling of a product, and promoting an idea or future plan (Baccarani, & Bonfanti,2015). With the utilization of proper speaking methods, education, training, more content... The fear of public speaking can prevent people from attending events that focus on individual attention and can limit the opportunities required for the progress of their career. According to Pillay (2016), "Fear is your brain's alarm system that is triggered by sudden motions, sounds, or anything that could threaten your safety or survival (para, 2). Fear is not always bad. Primitive reaction to fear is to either take flight, meaning avoid the situation that causes fear or to fight, meaning stay and face the situation to the best of one's ability. There are mainly two reasons why people fear speaking, first is when they are not prepared and second is that are too concerned about themselves Get more content on
  • 8. Reflective Essay On Public Speaking Public Speaking is a valuable life skill humans need to develop in their lifetime. This skill allows one to communicate and interact with people in a large or small public setting. There are individuals who are "natural born" public speakers; to others, it's a skill that they learn over time by practice. Growing up I was always confident with public speaking. Being an architecture major, students are required to give presentations to large audiences throughout our college career. Overall, having this opportunity to practice public speaking has enhanced this skill. However, the COMS 130 class has taught different ways to improve myself when public speaking. Going over my persuasive speech I was able to notice both positive and more content... This leads into improving the relevance of certain information. Creating an outline allowed me to pick out my focus points and avoid a tangent or off the path with irrelevant material that would cause the audience to lose focus. Other areas needing work to work are sorting my references and working on my hand gestures. Though I am conscious of this I still tend to forget about them. To mend these reoccurring problems I need to be mindful of the moment and remind myself constantly right before the presentation. During my speech I portrayed speaker–audience by illustrating perception, description, and inspiration to achieve a powerful communication with the audience. Perception was portrayed during my speech by talking to my audience as a friend rather than a just a public speaker and presenting my emotional connection with the topic through the way I delivered it. Next in showing description, I made the topic a delicate topic that I know about. By sharing the story of my eating disorder and how that it has impacted me, it was able to lead to an insight of what it means to have this belief of eating disorders not being a choice. Finally, with telling my story with emotion and importance I believe that I was able to achieve inspiration to the audience. Whether it be supporting those who struggle with and eating disorder to help in their recovery or to the ones who know an individual personally who struggles but doesn't know the correct way to help. The Get more content on
  • 9. Public Speaking Essay Is there a benefit to have the confidence to speak in a group setting? For some, raising your hand in class to ask a question can be overwhelming as well as feeling like other students are making fun of you for asking that question. How can someone build the confidence in him or her to be able to overcome stage freight to become a speaker or a leader? For some, speaking in front of a crowd comes natural, but should we prepare our self before giving a speech or does being a natural speaker help with giving a speech with out a rehearsal? Public speaking does not come easy for everyone. For most, it is a panic attack waiting to happen. It is a subject that is not learned in schools. In my opinion, if students were taught in middle school more content... Your boss may be on vacation or sick and ask you to take his or her place until he gets back. That would require having meetings and keeping the employees up to date with what upper management is expecting. If you cannot lead a meeting then you cannot be a boss. Ethics will show your rights and wrongs. In my opinion, failure is going up on stage not preparing first for the speech that you will be giving. You would not put yourself behind a wheel and start driving without preparing first, therefore, you cannot go wrong with educating yourself by putting together a slide show and going over it multiple times making sure the slides are placed in order, your facts are accurate along with every word spelt right. The audience trust what you are going to present to them, therefore, you have to present them with a powerful speech with good ethics. It is always a good idea to rehearse several times in front of a mirror or videotape yourself to examine how others will see you. Stepping on stage knowing you have rehearsed many times will make you feel like you can give a speech without looking at your notes because you have built your confidence up getting to know what you are going to inform your listeners on. Another powerful skill to achieve is becoming a good listener. For most, we lack at listening effectively. It is easy to daydream or to listen to distractions behind closed doors. Paying close Get more content on
  • 10. Art of Public Speaking More than just training The Art of Public Speaking A View from Impact Factory Robin Chandler and Jo Ellen Grzyb Impact Factory Copyright ©2003 Art of public speaking This document covers hints and tips on public speaking and presentation skill, dealing with public speaking nerves and anxiety, public speaking skills and public speaking techniques, public speaking training. Fear of public speaking Why do we get public speaking anxiety? How to overcome fear of public speaking Building confidence in public speaking Public speaking training Hints and tips for effective public speaking Common fears of public speaking What happens when you have to speak in public? Did you know that public speaking tops the list of phobias for most people? more content... You can distract yourself by paying attention to the environment in which you're speaking and seeing how you can make it work for you. http:/ / +44 (0) 20 7226 1877 Copyright 2003 3 More than just training Once you're actually in front of your audience, pay attention to them. If you can, notice how people are dressed, who's wearing glasses, who has on bright colours. There will be dozens and dozens of things you can pay attention to help you trick your mind into not noticing what's going on with you. Anything will do and you will find that the less you concentrate on how you are feeling and the more you concentrate on other things, the more confident you will feel. How to build confidence in public speaking Your audience can be your friend Unless you know you're absolutely facing a hostile group of people, human nature is such that your audience wants you succeed. They're on your side! Therefore, rather than assuming they don't like you, give them the benefit of the doubt that they do. They aren't an anonymous sea of faces, but real people. So to help you gain more confidence when speaking in public, think of ways to engage your audience. Remember, even if they aren't speaking, you can still have a two–way conversation. When you make an important point pay attention to the people who are nodding in agreement and the ones who are frowning in disagreement. As long as you are creating a reaction in your audience you are in charge. Keep them awake Get more content on
  • 11. Public Speaking Self Reflection Public Speaking Self–Reflection COM/128 May 11, 2014 Public speaking has always been very hard for me, I've never been the type to stand in front of an audience and speak or do a presentation. No matter how many times I've done presentations I've always get nervous or shy and always forget what I rehearsed. In the military I was training Nco, everytime we had a new marine check in to our unit or are shop. I would be the one to give them and the Apresentation on what is expected of them and also give them information about the unit and our shop. In my opinion the Marine Corp prepared me for public speaking, especially if you where lower rank and your senior enlisted would throw you to the wolves and send you up there to give more content... What do you want to accomplish in this course? Whether I like it or not I been given the opportunity to talk to large crowds like a squadron or just a couple of people in the class. My problems have always been the same getting shy, anxiety, and even sweating. Learn to analyze the size of the audience, I want to be able to captivate my audience and overall I just need to find the confidence in myself to do it. How would you plan to improve weak areas to accomplish your goals? Overall no matter how many times I do a rehearsal or practice I always get stage fright. Stage fright is my weakest area I have done rehearsals and private or with one or two people but when it comes to the bigger picture I always freeze. I need to learn to speak with confidence and try to get the audience involved instead of rushing the presentation or speaking very softly so no one hears me I need to be able to let the audience know that I am confident and the information that I am sharing is worth their time to listen and learn Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection On Public Speaking I decided to enroll myself in this course in hopes of improving my public speaking skills, which in turn, would greatly assist me in reaching both my educational and professional skills. As my first fall quarter at UC Davis is coming to an end, I can confidently say that this course has undoubtedly helped me to improve my public speaking skills and has also allowed me to develop as an individual. In addition, I have learned invaluable information that I will be carrying with me for the rest of my academic career. I have definitely improved on the weaknesses I had in the beginning of the quarter. One of my biggest weaknesses in public speaking was my confidence and self–esteem regarding my performance. Even when I was efficiently prepared, I always felt that my presentations were lacking substance and that my nervousness was obvious to the audience. Though there were times during this course that I still felt this way, my concerns and fears were immediately resolved by the feedback I received following my presentations. I found the feedback process extremely helpful and insightful, not only because it resolved my concerns, but because it helped me to learn how I should stop placing too much pressure on myself. As a result, my confidence has drastically increased and I am a lot more comfortable with presentations. My increase in confidence has allowed me to address my previous weakness of my fast–speaking pace. Being more confident decreases my nervousness when presenting, Get more content on
  • 13. Personal and Public Speech Skills Essay Personal and Public Speech Skills Throughout life we express ourselves through words. The way we present ourselves through speech says a lot about our character. The way one speaks to others can jeopardize the amount of respect and trust others have for them. From the way one pronounces a word to their posture can affect the way an audience interprets what is being said. Personally, I am not confident with my speaking skills at this point. I would like my audience to fully comprehend the concepts or facts that I would present to them. In order to do so I must improve my speaking skills I believe that a problem most people, including myself, have when giving speeches is facing an audience. Just looking out to an audience of a mere more content... The whole point of a speech is to get a message across to an audience or a group of people. If you speed through a speech and just mumble, you are not only wasting your own time but your audiences' as well. When giving a speech it is handy to have a list of key concepts with you that you want to get across to your audience. Writing out your whole speech will not do. Writing out your full speech may cause you to have your head buried in your notes for your entire presentation. As a high school student you can get away with this, but in the real world no one will trust you unless you look them in the eye when talking to them. I must admit that it is very hard for me to look at people when I am giving a speech, but it is imperative that I do so. I not only want my audience to understand what I am trying to say to them, but I want them to believe me as well. Also, when you don't face your audience they tend to lose interest and start conversations or activities of their own. In order to gain the trust and respect of your audience, it is absolutely necessary to look them in the eye when speaking to them. I hate it when people speak in monotone, but it happens to the best of us. It is so boring to hear a speech that is given in a monotonous voice without any variety in their tone. Speaking in monotone puts your audience to sleep. This can happen to anyone who is reading their speech word for word. It has happened to me, and before I knew it my Get more content on
  • 14. Public Speech On Public Speaking Public speaking is an activity that many induvial fear and prefer not to take part in. Public speaking is very important in the United States, gaining ground as a key attribute for people of all professions and disciplines. Many schools and colleges in the United States require public speaking for completion of degrees; many bosses consider it a great skill for interviewers and employees to have. But why is public speaking and mastering how to do it well so important? Public Speaking is a type of speech where one speaker presents a formal, continuous discourse on a topic of interest before a number of other people. A public speaker would need to have a clear speaking voice, a goal, a familiarity with the audience and knowledge to convey information in an organized and logical manner, memory of the content, in essence, a public speaker should have something to say, a desire to present it to others, and good delivery. Public speaking can be used to entertain, inform or persuade someone in any topic. Public speaking is primarily used to disclose information about a particular topic and the goal is influence the audience's attitude, ideas or beliefs. Public speaking is one of the ways that people use to teach a group via lectures about; or to persuade a group to believe a certain way and think a certain way. The speaker is empowered by being able to present the information on his or her own terms and has access to the tools that one needs in order to accomplish their goal. Get more content on
  • 15. Fear of public speaking Essay Your chest is tight and you feel like you're on fire. Your chest is tight ant you're burning up. The flash cards in your hands are crumpled from you squeezing them obsessively. You look up and see dozens of eyes staring at you, waiting expectantly. Taking a deep breath, you stumble through the speech. When it's finally over, you practically run back to your seat, cheeks flaming bright red. You slump down, already dreading the next time you'll have to deal with your upmost fear: public speaking. For as long as I can remember, public speaking has always been one of my greatest weaknesses. Whether it's a simple in–class presentation or a speech in front of an auditorium filled with people, I can barely get my words out from the anxiety and more content... I used the search engine Google with the search term "public speaking fear" and it brought up a great deal of interesting websites pertaining to public speaking. The first one I decided to peruse was 5 Tips to Reduce the Fear of Public Speaking on Psychology Today's website. I learned that public speaking is the number one fear in America, while the fear of death is second in line. This means that we're more afraid of speaking in public than we are of dying. I also learned five tips on how to reduce public speaking nervousness. The first one was 'Don't Expect Perfection from Yourself.' No one is perfect but when it comes time to speak in public, some of us pick at every little flaw we think we make. We blow up our imperfections yet ignore the good things. Honestly, though, even the greatest and most experience public speakers can make a lot of mistakes. The difference is, when they do, they're able to gracefully recover and keep going as if nothing happened. That's one of the keys to success: keep going gracefully. Most of the time, the audience won't notice most of your mistakes unless you make them obvious by stopping your speech, breaking down and admitting your mistakes. You just have to carry through with poise and let yourself not be perfect. The second tip was 'Avoid Equating Public Speaking to Your Self –Worth.' Basically, if you're a successful professional who's worked hard for where they are in life right now, you Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Public Speech Public Speech1. To give a good speech you must adapt your speech to your audience. There are two steps in the adaptaion process. First, there is preparation before the speech. This is done may times by having your audience fill out an audience analysis form, this will give you the demographics on your audience and allow you to adapt your speech accordingly. The second part of adapting your speech is during the speech. This is done by paying attention to your audience while you are giving the speech. You must adapt your speech so that the audience is able to understand and are convinced by our speech. Also, you need to assess how you think the audience will respond to what you are saying. 2. There are several ways to more content... First you should fall back on all the information you already know. The library and the internet would both be very helpful in researching the topic. In the library one could use encyclopedias, as well as books on the topic of world hunger. It is possible to use periodicals and magazine articles from the library too. The web would also be a good source of information. You could use various search engines to find sites on world hunger, but you must be careful that the sites you visit are viable. An alternative is going to an already established site, such as CNN, and then search those sites for an article about the topic. 4. When using statistics in your speech you should always make sure that you information is accurate. You should also make sure not to use too many statistics, or your work will get too bogged down with numbers. You should also make sure that the statistics you gather are representative of the total number of people in the group. You should always identify the sources of your statistics, to prove to your audience that your information is accurate. It is also a good idea to explain your statistics and why they are important to you specific purpose. Also, if statistics are complicated and go to the second or third decimal position you should round them off to the first whole number, so that it will make your information easier to understand. 5. There are five basic patterns of organizing the main points in your speech. Get more content on
  • 17. Public Speech On Public Speaking Most people tend to fear public speaking whether it be the feeling like what you want to say won't come out when speaking or just the fact that you have to stand in front of an audience and speak its self may be frightful to most people. Although that may be so with practice, public speaking shouldn't be feared but be seen as a useful skill that may be applied to everyday life weather you're in school or in your job. I believe learning how to publicly speak is something that will most diffidently take time to achieve but with the right mind set and practice it should come more easily. As it says in "The art of speaking" it is normal to be nervous and public speaking is one of the most nerve wracking experience for most people. Although that might the case for most it is a great skill to achieve even though you may have that intial fear. For me public speaking is not something I would prefer to do, it's also somethings am not that great at, I am actually quite the opposite am pretty bad so when I was first approached with my first presentations fear came over but with the help of my professor and her guidance it wasn't such a horrific first experience. When I was first approached with the small exercise of asking myself who I am, and being asked to either jot down words or draw who I thought I was including what my likes desires and dreams and so on. It took me a while to really think who I really was because at first I was focusing on how others around me portrayed me to be. Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Public Speaking Public Speaking is a form of communication that is used in everyday life. When tasked to speak before a group of people, it can often be challenging, but keeping the audience engaged is the hardest job of all. Preparing a speech takes multiple steps; the best part about it is that no matter the topic of the speech, the process never changes. The initial process of preparing a speech is to analyze the audience. A speech is a way to communicate with a group of people known as the audience. "The first task in preparing any speech is to do audience analysis, a process of learning about your listeners relative to the speech topic and occasion (O'Hair, Stewart, & Rubenstein, 2015). To analyze your audience, you must pay attention to things such as age, race, and socioeconomic status; this gives you a better selection of choosing the topic for your speech, which is the next step in the preparation process. Selecting a topic is sometimes a tedious task, especially when the topic has been assigned. A few ways to making the selection easier is to select the purpose and the occasion of the speech; audience analysis coincides with topic selection because you also have to consider what topics are appropriate for your audience. During this process you must have a clear idea of what you are going to cover to ensure that the topic will support the expectations and interests of the audience. This can be achieved if the purpose is specific, meaning there is a clear and concise Get more content on
  • 19. Public Speech On Public Speaking Public Speaking Goals I chose to take this course because I have enjoyed previous units I have had about public speaking in high school English classes and it is a requirement for my major. As a pre–pharmacy major, public speaking does not seem like a necessary class, but the more I think about how often public speaking is used, the more I understand the reasoning for public speaking as a required course. Public speaking is a major foundation for everyday communication. Growing up, I can recall several common instances where I was exposed to public speaking. A guest speaker coming to talk to our class, the priest giving a homily at mass, large assemblies with inspirational speakers, and our graduation speech are a few examples that come to mind. Although it seems like only famous people or teachers ever have to speak in public, in reality, almost everyone will have to give a speech in front of a large group at some point in their lives. This is why public speaking is a required course for most students. Public speaking is important when proposing an idea with a large group of people, explaining a plan of action for a specific task, sharing a new medical discovery with a group of physicians, or giving a talk on leadership to a group of business professionals. All of these cases are applicable to almost any career, which is why it is important for all students to understand the basics of public speaking and how to effectively communicate with a large audience. In my Get more content on
  • 20. Public Speaking Goals Abstract This paper will go over the three main goals I would like to achieve in my public speaking career. My first goal is to improve upon the structure of my speeches to ensure that the topics that I discuss are in an order that will make sense to the audience. My second main goal I have for improving my public speaking skills is to improve on my confidence before, during, and after my speech. Finally, my last goal is to raise my delivery skills when I am giving my speech to assure the audience that I am confident and that I am a credible person. Together, these goals will help improve my public speaking skills. Personal Action Plan: Public Speaking In the workplace, having the skill of being an exceptional public speaker can more content... Taking deep breathes before your speech is one good way to build your confidence. Doing so can help you calm down if you are really nervous. No matter how much you prepare for your speech you will be nervous before you get up and present and taking a few deep breaths in and out is a good way to calm your nerves. Another way to boost your confidence and also calm your nerves a bit is to drink water. It may seem a bit odd but it is very important to be hydrated before a big speech because your nervousness causes your mouth to dry up. Anderson (2016) suggests you drink about a third of a bottle of water before you give your speech to stop your mouth from getting dry. Those are a few simple things you can do to become more confident while giving a Get more content on