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Strategies for
Gamma Sterilization of
by Ruth Garcia, Betty Howard, Rose LaRue, Glenn Parton, and John Walker
Steris Isomedix Services (Mentor, OH)

 Sterility is desirable not only for medical devices, but also to ensure the safety of
   parenterals or injectable drugs. Various methods of reducing microbial load
                         in drugs and parenterals are available.

             crucial step in pharmaceu-     •   No residue like EtO leaves behind.     include potency, efficacy, stability, bio-

A            tical production is steril-
             ization. There are many
             sterilization methods to
             choose from, such as
steam, sterile filtration, ethylene oxide
gas (EtO), electron beam (E-beam),
and gamma radiation. Each technique
                                                More penetrating than E-beam.
                                                Low-temperature process.
                                                Simple validation process.

                                               The first aspect to consider when
                                            sterilizing with gamma is product tol-
                                            erance to the radiation. During use of
                                                                                       compatibility, and chemical accept-
                                                                                       ability. Per guidelines under the
                                                                                       International Conference on Harmo-
                                                                                       nization (ICH), known as Technical
                                                                                       Requirements for Registration of
                                                                                       Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, it is
                                                                                       recommended to use high-performance
has aspects that make it suitable or        this type of radiation, high-energy        liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass
unsuitable for the sterilization of a       photons bombard the product, caus-         spectrometry, or gas chromatography
particular product.                         ing electron displacement within.          to characterize and compare different
   For example, EtO, while being a          These reactions, in turn, generate         analytical aspects of irradiated prod-
highly effective method, leaves behind      free radicals, which aid in breaking       uct versus nonirradiated product.
potentially hazardous residuals and can-    chemical bonds. Disrupting microbial          A qualified laboratory should per-
not reach products in airtight packages.    DNA renders any organisms that sur-        form package testing. It is often recom-
E-beam, while being one of the fastest      vive the process nonviable or unable       mended to have an aerosol challenge
methods of sterilization, cannot pene-      to reproduce.                              performed on the product and pack-
trate well into dense product or bulk          However, these high-energy reac-        aging. This test entails placing the
packaging of some products. In addi-        tions also have the potential to disrupt   packaged product inside an aerosol
                                                                                                                                    PHOTO COURTESY STERIS ISOMEDIX SERVICES (MENTOR, OH)

tion, the product complexities of hetero-   bonds within the pharmaceutical for-       chamber and exposing it to high levels
geneous components often require            mulation, to weaken the strength of        of bacterial spores. The product is
extensive product qualification. Gamma      packaging materials, and to cause          then subjected to a sterility test, which
radiation can cause certain product and     changes in color or odor in some           shows whether or not the packaging
package materials to degrade.               materials. For these reasons, drug         maintains a sufficient barrier.
                                            manufacturers should perform pre-             In addition, at least one physical
GAMMA BENEFITS                              qualification Dmax (maximum dose)          challenge should be performed on the
  Gamma radiation does have some            testing, whereby the drug and its pack-    packaging, if applicable. These in-
significant advantages over other           aging are subjected to a high dose of      clude the peel test to determine the
methods of producing sterile product.       gamma radiation and then evaluated         amount of pressure needed to open
These benefits include:                     for stability and functionality.           the seal; the burst test to determine the
                                               Usually, the manufacturer will be       amount of pressure needed to burst
• Better assurance of product sterility     the party responsible for drug testing.    the package and to locate areas of
  than filtration and aseptic processing.   Parameters to characterize typically       weakness in the package; and the dye

migration test, which deter mines                                                          Radiation Sterilization.”
whether dye travels through the seals                                                         Method 1 encompasses product
of the package. If a shelf-life claim is                                                   with bioburden up to 1 million colony-
desired, most labs will perform accel-                                                     forming units (CFUs). It allows for
erated aging. Typically, incubation at                                                     extremely low and high doses and is
55°C for 6.5 weeks equals one year on                                                      well known throughout the gamma
a shelf (this may vary depending on                                                        sterilization industry. The steps are
the drug formulation). These tests are                                                     simple and straightforward. First of
performed on aged products.                                                                all, 10 product samples from each of
   Performing a fraction of or all of                                                      three separate production batches
these tests following a high dose of                                                       must have bioburden testing per-
gamma radiation will give the manu-         Steris’ new JS 10,000 continuous and           formed on them. This quantitative
facturer a good idea of product and         incremental Cobalt-60 irradiator is ready to   measure, or count, of the number of
packaging suitability for gamma radia-      process customers’ products.                   organisms on the unsterilized product
tion. (A high dose is usually considered                                                   provides an excellent tool for deter-
to be in the 50–60-kGy range or high-       ed drug products, are composed largely         mining the minimum dose necessary
er, preferably twice the minimum.)          of water. Water dissociates as a result        for sterilization.
Many materials are highly resistant to      of exposure to radiation and is a major           Bioburden tests should be accompa-
radiation. If possible, the manufactur-     source of free radicals. These free radi-      nied by a determination of recovery
er should choose materials that are         cals can cause chemical compromise,            efficiency. This allows the laboratory
resistant to the effects of gamma prior     so drugs with high water content often         to calculate a more accurate biobur-
to the initial production phases.           respond poorly to irradiation.                 den number. The average bioburden
                                               Performing irradiation on product           of each batch and the overall average
HANDLING DEGRADATION                        in a frozen state can mitigate these           of all product units should be deter-
   If a drug experiences degradation,       effects. If the product can be safely          mined. If any single-batch bioburden
discoloration, or any other physical        frozen and thawed, the potential exists        level is more than twice that of the
malady due to the high dose of 50–60        to irradiate it without, or with less,         overall bioburden, that batch average
kGy, the manufacturer can begin test-       product degradation. Freezing the              should be used. Otherwise, the overall
ing at lower doses. One method              drug traps free radicals in the ice crys-      average should be used.
involves testing at particular intervals,   tals, reducing their freedom to move              Afterward, the verification or sub-
such as at 5 or 10 kGy. For example, a      about. This may induce them to                 lethal dose must be set. Using
drug that fails at 50 kGy may be stable     recombine with each other, rather              AAMI/ANSI/ISO 11137 Table B.1,
at 40 kGy.                                  then disrupt molecules in the product          find the bioburden number equal to or
   However, some drugs may continue         itself. This would possibly improve            just higher than that of the product.
to exhibit effects from the radiation at    drug resistance to degradation during          Follow the row to the column labeled
extremely low doses. Another test           gamma irradiation. Other options               SAL 10–2, where the verification dose
entails dropping the dose to half of        such as freeze-drying and/or using             will be found.
the original high dose. This would cut      free-radical scavengers may also alle-            The final phase includes testing for
the range of possible maximum doses         viate the degradation effects seen in          Bacteriostasis/Fungistasis (B/F) and
in half. If the product is stable at the    some products.                                 setting the verification dose. The B/F
new dose, then the max dose will fall                                                      test validates the sterility test by deter-
somewhere within the top half of the        FINDING THE RIGHT DOSE                         mining whether the product formula-
original high dose. If the product is          The next step is to set the minimum         tion inhibits bacterial or fungal
still showing instability, the max dose     sterilization dose, which will provide         growth. If inhibition is seen, steps
must fall in the lower half of the origi-   the desired sterility assurance level          must be taken to neutralize it. The test
nal high dose tested. This method may       (SAL). There exist two commonly                is required only once in the lifetime
reduce the number of irradiations           used, industry accepted, validation            of a product, but it is recommended
necessary for establishing this infor-      techniques, with several variations            annually. Without such a test, sterility-
mation. All in all, the end product of      for special circumstances. The first           testing results are meaningless.
this testing should be a solid maximum      technique for discussion, Method 1,               To begin the verification dose exper-
tolerated dose for the particular drug      is found in AAMI/ANSI/ISO                      iment, send 103 product units (100 for
product.                                    11137:1994, “Sterilization of Health           sterility testing and 3 for B/F) to the
   Many pharmaceutical products,            Care Products: Requirements for                sterilization provider for irradiation at
including parenterals and orally ingest-    Validation and Routine Control—                the verification dose ± 10%. If the

dose exceeds the prescribed verifica-        Should positives occur, another dose-         lation is not necessary.
tion dose by more than 10%, then the         setting method must be used.                     The organism most commonly used
product must be sacrificed and new              Also contained in AAMI 11137 is            for radiation challenge is Bacillus
product irradiated. If the dose is lower     an alternative validation procedure           pumilis. It was once believed that this
than 90% of the prescribed dose, the         referred to as Method 2. Method 2             organism was highly resistant to gam-
remainder of the testing may be per-         provides for dose setting based on            ma. However, many organisms natu-
formed and a failing test would allow        the actual radiation resistance of            rally occurring in medical products are
for a retest.                                microorganisms as they naturally              more resistant to radiation than
   The product should then be sent to        occur on a product. Of the methods            B. pumilis, rendering this a poor surro-
the laboratory for sterility testing and     cited, it can provide the lowest possi-       gate organism. If no alternative exists,
B/F testing. If two or fewer sterility       ble minimum dose. It is not used as           however, this method may be accept-
tests turn positive, the product has         frequently as Method 1 or VDmax,              able. A D10 value (D value) of an
passed the validation, and the next          due to more sample requirements and           organism, in this case, is the amount of
step is to find the sterilization dose.      associated costs.                             radiation (quantity of kGy) necessary
Manufacturers should follow the same            Method 2 uses incremental dose             to reduce the bioburden level by 1 log.
row in Table B.1 from which the verifi-      data to select a verification dose.              An example of a published D value
cation dose was taken, to the column         Groups of samples from three produc-          for B. pumilis is 1.7 kGy. Some caution
marked SAL 10 –6. This is the mini-          tion batches are irradiated in dose           should be taken in using a published D
mum sterilization dose. The product          increments up to the point where an           value, as D values can vary depending
now qualifies to be irradiated at a          SAL of 10 –2 can be determined. A             on the technique used to determine
range from the minimum dose to the           Method 2 validation starts with the           them and/or the inoculation substrate.
maximum dose determined during the           random selection of 280 samples               Also, D values, or the resistance of an
high-dose materials testing.                 (Method 2A) or 260 samples (Method            organism to gamma radiation, can
   The second type of validation is          2B) from each of three production             change over time, analogous to antibi-
commonly known as VDmax. Found in            batches of product. Samples are then          otic resistance in microorganisms.
AAMI TIR 27:2001, “Radiation Steril-         designated in groups of 20 samples for        However, if this is the method to be
ization, Substantiation of 25 kGy,” this     each dose increment. Method 2A uses           used, the following is an example of
method requires fewer products and           nine increments in 2-kGy increments,          the calculation for determining mini-
results in a minimum sterilization dose      and 2B uses eight doses at 1-kGy incre-       mum sterilization dose.
of 25 kGy. However, only products with       ments. All samples are tested for sterili-
1000 CFU or less qualify.                    ty. After the results of sterility tests         Inoculation with 10 6 (1,000,000
   The first step of this process is iden-   are known, a series of calculations           organisms):
tical to that of Method 1. Bioburden         described in AAMI 11137 (section
data from 10 products from each of           B3.4.2) a verification dose (D*kGy) is           SAL = 10–6
three separate production batches            determined.                                      106 to 10–6 = 12 log reduction
should be collected. Using Table 2 of           An additional 100 samples from the            D value 1.7 kGy × 12 log reduction
the TIR, the bioburden number equal          batch designated from the initial sterili-       = 20.4 kGy
to or just greater than the product’s        ty tests are irradiated at the verification      20.4 kGy = 10–6 SAL dose
average bioburden is found. The sub-         dose and tested to confirm sterility. Fol-
lethal dose is found by following the        lowing these sterility tests, a steriliza-       The following calculation deter-
row to the column labeled “Verifica-         tion dose is calculated using the             mines the necessary verification dose
tion dose” (SAL 10–1). Send 13 product       equation appropriate to the specific          for 10 products to show the efficacy
units (10 for sterility testing and 3 for    method chosen (2A or 2B).                     of the above 20.4-kGy sterilization
B/F) to the sterilizer for irradiation at       In extreme circumstances in which          dose:
the verification dose ± 10%. Once the        all efforts to neutralize bacteriostatic
irradiation is complete, send the prod-      agents have been exhausted and other            Log bioburden – log (1/#samples)]
ucts to the laboratory for sterility test-   sterilization methods are unsuitable,           × d-value = verification dose
ing. If one or fewer sterility tests turn    dose setting can be done with inocula-          Log 1,000,000 – log (1/10)] × 1.7 =
positive, the product can be irradiated      tion of the product. The practice of            verification dose
at a minimum dose of 25 kGy. If two          inoculation, commonly used in the               [6 – (–1)] × 1.7 = verification dose
positive sterility tests occur, a retest     past, is not currently recommended              [6 + 1] × 1.7 = verification dose
should be performed on 10 additional         unless it is impossible to collect natural      7 × 1.7 = verification dose
products. This time, no positives are        bioburden data from the product. For-           11.9 kGy = verification dose
allowed for substantiation of 25 kGy.        tunately, in most cases, product inocu-

   A radiation dose of 11.9 kGy ±            e.g., a spike in bioburden number or      and TIR 27) and are designed to pro-
10% is applied to 10 product units,          shift in organism types. If neither of    vide a guideline that encompasses
which are then sent to a lab for sterility   these is the case, there is possibly an   the latest in industry knowledge and
testing. If no more than one test out of     increase in the radiation resistance of   requirements.
10 turns positive, the sterilization dose,   the organisms.                               Each method has advantages and
in this example, 20.4 kGy, is validated.        A dose audit failure requires a dose   disadvantages, and care must be used
   Finally, whichever method is used,        augmentation. The augmentation            in selecting a method that best fits
the manufacturer must verify the dose        amount is found in the dose-setting       the needs and limitations of the
every 3 months in an experiment              table used in the original validation.    product being evaluated. These
known as a Quarterly Dose Audit. To          Beyond all of this, the dose audit        methods can provide an acceptable
do this, 10 samples must be sent to the      should also include manufacturing         and straightforward means of sub-
laboratory for bioburden testing.            environment monitoring, such as           stantiating dose selection for pharma-
   Furthermore, every organism cul-          water testing, air sampling, and con-     ceutical products.
tured during the bioburden test              tact agar plates. Although regular           Following this guidance will aid in
should be identified, at minimum             environmental monitoring is recom-        the successful validation of any radia-
with a colony morphology and gram            mended at shorter intervals, such test-   tion-stable pharmaceutical product for
stain. Simultaneously, repeat the orig-      ing quarterly meets the minimum           gamma radiation sterilization. The
inal verification dose experiment for        requirements.                             ideal time for considering the method
whichever method was used during                The AAMI dose-setting methods          of sterilization is at the concept stage,
the original validation. For example,        described here are only recommenda-       so that gamma-compatible materials
if Method 1 determined the original          tions and do not exclude other dose-      can be chosen and the effects on prod-
sterilization dose, then the Method 1        setting procedures that may be            uct safety and efficacy can be consid-
verification experiment must be              deemed more appropriate by their          ered. With the variety of materials
repeated. The original verification          users. The AAMI methods are widely        currently available, many pharmaceu-
dose, or a dose augmented from a             accepted in North America. When           ticals and most packaging materials
past dose audit, is the dose that must       properly applied, they have been          can satisfactorily withstand the rigors
be used.                                     accepted by regulatory groups as valid    of gamma processing.
   The quarterly bioburden samples           dose-setting procedures.
serve as a trend-analysis tool. A new           AAMI guidelines are regularly             Steris Isomedix Services provides technical
verification dose should not be deter-       reviewed and updated through collab-      support during all of these processes, including
mined from new bioburden data.               oration by industry experts (the latest   research, turnkey validations, special projects,
Should a product fail a dose audit, the      drafts under consideration are 11137-     and technical information. ■
bioburden data may hold valuable             01, 02, and 03, which will encompass
clues as to why the failure occurred,        the methods cited here in 11137:1994

                        STERIS Isomedix Services provides contract sterilization, microbial reduc-
                     tion, and materials modification services to medical device manufacturers, pharma-
                     ceutical, biotechnology, and industrial customers. Through a network of North
                     American facilities, we deliver state-of-the-art Gamma, EtO, and E-beam processes
                     as part of a complete managed program that emphasizes exceptional process quali-
                     ty, efficient turnaround, and optimum cost containment. For more information
                     about STERIS Isomedix Services please call (877) 783-7470 or log onto

     Reprinted from Pharmaceutical & Medical Packaging News, May 2004 • Copyright © 2004 Canon Communications               LLC

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Strategies for gamma sterilization of pharmaceuticals(2)

  • 1. Sterilization Strategies for Gamma Sterilization of Pharmaceuticals by Ruth Garcia, Betty Howard, Rose LaRue, Glenn Parton, and John Walker Steris Isomedix Services (Mentor, OH) Sterility is desirable not only for medical devices, but also to ensure the safety of parenterals or injectable drugs. Various methods of reducing microbial load in drugs and parenterals are available. crucial step in pharmaceu- • No residue like EtO leaves behind. include potency, efficacy, stability, bio- A tical production is steril- ization. There are many sterilization methods to choose from, such as steam, sterile filtration, ethylene oxide gas (EtO), electron beam (E-beam), and gamma radiation. Each technique • • • More penetrating than E-beam. Low-temperature process. Simple validation process. The first aspect to consider when sterilizing with gamma is product tol- erance to the radiation. During use of compatibility, and chemical accept- ability. Per guidelines under the International Conference on Harmo- nization (ICH), known as Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, it is recommended to use high-performance has aspects that make it suitable or this type of radiation, high-energy liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass unsuitable for the sterilization of a photons bombard the product, caus- spectrometry, or gas chromatography particular product. ing electron displacement within. to characterize and compare different For example, EtO, while being a These reactions, in turn, generate analytical aspects of irradiated prod- highly effective method, leaves behind free radicals, which aid in breaking uct versus nonirradiated product. potentially hazardous residuals and can- chemical bonds. Disrupting microbial A qualified laboratory should per- not reach products in airtight packages. DNA renders any organisms that sur- form package testing. It is often recom- E-beam, while being one of the fastest vive the process nonviable or unable mended to have an aerosol challenge methods of sterilization, cannot pene- to reproduce. performed on the product and pack- trate well into dense product or bulk However, these high-energy reac- aging. This test entails placing the packaging of some products. In addi- tions also have the potential to disrupt packaged product inside an aerosol PHOTO COURTESY STERIS ISOMEDIX SERVICES (MENTOR, OH) tion, the product complexities of hetero- bonds within the pharmaceutical for- chamber and exposing it to high levels geneous components often require mulation, to weaken the strength of of bacterial spores. The product is extensive product qualification. Gamma packaging materials, and to cause then subjected to a sterility test, which radiation can cause certain product and changes in color or odor in some shows whether or not the packaging package materials to degrade. materials. For these reasons, drug maintains a sufficient barrier. manufacturers should perform pre- In addition, at least one physical GAMMA BENEFITS qualification Dmax (maximum dose) challenge should be performed on the Gamma radiation does have some testing, whereby the drug and its pack- packaging, if applicable. These in- significant advantages over other aging are subjected to a high dose of clude the peel test to determine the methods of producing sterile product. gamma radiation and then evaluated amount of pressure needed to open These benefits include: for stability and functionality. the seal; the burst test to determine the Usually, the manufacturer will be amount of pressure needed to burst • Better assurance of product sterility the party responsible for drug testing. the package and to locate areas of than filtration and aseptic processing. Parameters to characterize typically weakness in the package; and the dye
  • 2. Sterilization migration test, which deter mines Radiation Sterilization.” whether dye travels through the seals Method 1 encompasses product of the package. If a shelf-life claim is with bioburden up to 1 million colony- desired, most labs will perform accel- forming units (CFUs). It allows for erated aging. Typically, incubation at extremely low and high doses and is 55°C for 6.5 weeks equals one year on well known throughout the gamma a shelf (this may vary depending on sterilization industry. The steps are the drug formulation). These tests are simple and straightforward. First of performed on aged products. all, 10 product samples from each of Performing a fraction of or all of three separate production batches these tests following a high dose of must have bioburden testing per- gamma radiation will give the manu- Steris’ new JS 10,000 continuous and formed on them. This quantitative facturer a good idea of product and incremental Cobalt-60 irradiator is ready to measure, or count, of the number of packaging suitability for gamma radia- process customers’ products. organisms on the unsterilized product tion. (A high dose is usually considered provides an excellent tool for deter- to be in the 50–60-kGy range or high- ed drug products, are composed largely mining the minimum dose necessary er, preferably twice the minimum.) of water. Water dissociates as a result for sterilization. Many materials are highly resistant to of exposure to radiation and is a major Bioburden tests should be accompa- radiation. If possible, the manufactur- source of free radicals. These free radi- nied by a determination of recovery er should choose materials that are cals can cause chemical compromise, efficiency. This allows the laboratory resistant to the effects of gamma prior so drugs with high water content often to calculate a more accurate biobur- to the initial production phases. respond poorly to irradiation. den number. The average bioburden Performing irradiation on product of each batch and the overall average HANDLING DEGRADATION in a frozen state can mitigate these of all product units should be deter- If a drug experiences degradation, effects. If the product can be safely mined. If any single-batch bioburden discoloration, or any other physical frozen and thawed, the potential exists level is more than twice that of the malady due to the high dose of 50–60 to irradiate it without, or with less, overall bioburden, that batch average kGy, the manufacturer can begin test- product degradation. Freezing the should be used. Otherwise, the overall ing at lower doses. One method drug traps free radicals in the ice crys- average should be used. involves testing at particular intervals, tals, reducing their freedom to move Afterward, the verification or sub- such as at 5 or 10 kGy. For example, a about. This may induce them to lethal dose must be set. Using drug that fails at 50 kGy may be stable recombine with each other, rather AAMI/ANSI/ISO 11137 Table B.1, at 40 kGy. then disrupt molecules in the product find the bioburden number equal to or However, some drugs may continue itself. This would possibly improve just higher than that of the product. to exhibit effects from the radiation at drug resistance to degradation during Follow the row to the column labeled extremely low doses. Another test gamma irradiation. Other options SAL 10–2, where the verification dose entails dropping the dose to half of such as freeze-drying and/or using will be found. the original high dose. This would cut free-radical scavengers may also alle- The final phase includes testing for the range of possible maximum doses viate the degradation effects seen in Bacteriostasis/Fungistasis (B/F) and in half. If the product is stable at the some products. setting the verification dose. The B/F new dose, then the max dose will fall test validates the sterility test by deter- somewhere within the top half of the FINDING THE RIGHT DOSE mining whether the product formula- original high dose. If the product is The next step is to set the minimum tion inhibits bacterial or fungal still showing instability, the max dose sterilization dose, which will provide growth. If inhibition is seen, steps must fall in the lower half of the origi- the desired sterility assurance level must be taken to neutralize it. The test nal high dose tested. This method may (SAL). There exist two commonly is required only once in the lifetime reduce the number of irradiations used, industry accepted, validation of a product, but it is recommended necessary for establishing this infor- techniques, with several variations annually. Without such a test, sterility- mation. All in all, the end product of for special circumstances. The first testing results are meaningless. this testing should be a solid maximum technique for discussion, Method 1, To begin the verification dose exper- tolerated dose for the particular drug is found in AAMI/ANSI/ISO iment, send 103 product units (100 for product. 11137:1994, “Sterilization of Health sterility testing and 3 for B/F) to the Many pharmaceutical products, Care Products: Requirements for sterilization provider for irradiation at including parenterals and orally ingest- Validation and Routine Control— the verification dose ± 10%. If the
  • 3. Sterilization dose exceeds the prescribed verifica- Should positives occur, another dose- lation is not necessary. tion dose by more than 10%, then the setting method must be used. The organism most commonly used product must be sacrificed and new Also contained in AAMI 11137 is for radiation challenge is Bacillus product irradiated. If the dose is lower an alternative validation procedure pumilis. It was once believed that this than 90% of the prescribed dose, the referred to as Method 2. Method 2 organism was highly resistant to gam- remainder of the testing may be per- provides for dose setting based on ma. However, many organisms natu- formed and a failing test would allow the actual radiation resistance of rally occurring in medical products are for a retest. microorganisms as they naturally more resistant to radiation than The product should then be sent to occur on a product. Of the methods B. pumilis, rendering this a poor surro- the laboratory for sterility testing and cited, it can provide the lowest possi- gate organism. If no alternative exists, B/F testing. If two or fewer sterility ble minimum dose. It is not used as however, this method may be accept- tests turn positive, the product has frequently as Method 1 or VDmax, able. A D10 value (D value) of an passed the validation, and the next due to more sample requirements and organism, in this case, is the amount of step is to find the sterilization dose. associated costs. radiation (quantity of kGy) necessary Manufacturers should follow the same Method 2 uses incremental dose to reduce the bioburden level by 1 log. row in Table B.1 from which the verifi- data to select a verification dose. An example of a published D value cation dose was taken, to the column Groups of samples from three produc- for B. pumilis is 1.7 kGy. Some caution marked SAL 10 –6. This is the mini- tion batches are irradiated in dose should be taken in using a published D mum sterilization dose. The product increments up to the point where an value, as D values can vary depending now qualifies to be irradiated at a SAL of 10 –2 can be determined. A on the technique used to determine range from the minimum dose to the Method 2 validation starts with the them and/or the inoculation substrate. maximum dose determined during the random selection of 280 samples Also, D values, or the resistance of an high-dose materials testing. (Method 2A) or 260 samples (Method organism to gamma radiation, can The second type of validation is 2B) from each of three production change over time, analogous to antibi- commonly known as VDmax. Found in batches of product. Samples are then otic resistance in microorganisms. AAMI TIR 27:2001, “Radiation Steril- designated in groups of 20 samples for However, if this is the method to be ization, Substantiation of 25 kGy,” this each dose increment. Method 2A uses used, the following is an example of method requires fewer products and nine increments in 2-kGy increments, the calculation for determining mini- results in a minimum sterilization dose and 2B uses eight doses at 1-kGy incre- mum sterilization dose. of 25 kGy. However, only products with ments. All samples are tested for sterili- 1000 CFU or less qualify. ty. After the results of sterility tests Inoculation with 10 6 (1,000,000 The first step of this process is iden- are known, a series of calculations organisms): tical to that of Method 1. Bioburden described in AAMI 11137 (section data from 10 products from each of B3.4.2) a verification dose (D*kGy) is SAL = 10–6 three separate production batches determined. 106 to 10–6 = 12 log reduction should be collected. Using Table 2 of An additional 100 samples from the D value 1.7 kGy × 12 log reduction the TIR, the bioburden number equal batch designated from the initial sterili- = 20.4 kGy to or just greater than the product’s ty tests are irradiated at the verification 20.4 kGy = 10–6 SAL dose average bioburden is found. The sub- dose and tested to confirm sterility. Fol- lethal dose is found by following the lowing these sterility tests, a steriliza- The following calculation deter- row to the column labeled “Verifica- tion dose is calculated using the mines the necessary verification dose tion dose” (SAL 10–1). Send 13 product equation appropriate to the specific for 10 products to show the efficacy units (10 for sterility testing and 3 for method chosen (2A or 2B). of the above 20.4-kGy sterilization B/F) to the sterilizer for irradiation at In extreme circumstances in which dose: the verification dose ± 10%. Once the all efforts to neutralize bacteriostatic irradiation is complete, send the prod- agents have been exhausted and other Log bioburden – log (1/#samples)] ucts to the laboratory for sterility test- sterilization methods are unsuitable, × d-value = verification dose ing. If one or fewer sterility tests turn dose setting can be done with inocula- Log 1,000,000 – log (1/10)] × 1.7 = positive, the product can be irradiated tion of the product. The practice of verification dose at a minimum dose of 25 kGy. If two inoculation, commonly used in the [6 – (–1)] × 1.7 = verification dose positive sterility tests occur, a retest past, is not currently recommended [6 + 1] × 1.7 = verification dose should be performed on 10 additional unless it is impossible to collect natural 7 × 1.7 = verification dose products. This time, no positives are bioburden data from the product. For- 11.9 kGy = verification dose allowed for substantiation of 25 kGy. tunately, in most cases, product inocu-
  • 4. Sterilization A radiation dose of 11.9 kGy ± e.g., a spike in bioburden number or and TIR 27) and are designed to pro- 10% is applied to 10 product units, shift in organism types. If neither of vide a guideline that encompasses which are then sent to a lab for sterility these is the case, there is possibly an the latest in industry knowledge and testing. If no more than one test out of increase in the radiation resistance of requirements. 10 turns positive, the sterilization dose, the organisms. Each method has advantages and in this example, 20.4 kGy, is validated. A dose audit failure requires a dose disadvantages, and care must be used Finally, whichever method is used, augmentation. The augmentation in selecting a method that best fits the manufacturer must verify the dose amount is found in the dose-setting the needs and limitations of the every 3 months in an experiment table used in the original validation. product being evaluated. These known as a Quarterly Dose Audit. To Beyond all of this, the dose audit methods can provide an acceptable do this, 10 samples must be sent to the should also include manufacturing and straightforward means of sub- laboratory for bioburden testing. environment monitoring, such as stantiating dose selection for pharma- Furthermore, every organism cul- water testing, air sampling, and con- ceutical products. tured during the bioburden test tact agar plates. Although regular Following this guidance will aid in should be identified, at minimum environmental monitoring is recom- the successful validation of any radia- with a colony morphology and gram mended at shorter intervals, such test- tion-stable pharmaceutical product for stain. Simultaneously, repeat the orig- ing quarterly meets the minimum gamma radiation sterilization. The inal verification dose experiment for requirements. ideal time for considering the method whichever method was used during The AAMI dose-setting methods of sterilization is at the concept stage, the original validation. For example, described here are only recommenda- so that gamma-compatible materials if Method 1 determined the original tions and do not exclude other dose- can be chosen and the effects on prod- sterilization dose, then the Method 1 setting procedures that may be uct safety and efficacy can be consid- verification experiment must be deemed more appropriate by their ered. With the variety of materials repeated. The original verification users. The AAMI methods are widely currently available, many pharmaceu- dose, or a dose augmented from a accepted in North America. When ticals and most packaging materials past dose audit, is the dose that must properly applied, they have been can satisfactorily withstand the rigors be used. accepted by regulatory groups as valid of gamma processing. The quarterly bioburden samples dose-setting procedures. serve as a trend-analysis tool. A new AAMI guidelines are regularly Steris Isomedix Services provides technical verification dose should not be deter- reviewed and updated through collab- support during all of these processes, including mined from new bioburden data. oration by industry experts (the latest research, turnkey validations, special projects, Should a product fail a dose audit, the drafts under consideration are 11137- and technical information. ■ bioburden data may hold valuable 01, 02, and 03, which will encompass clues as to why the failure occurred, the methods cited here in 11137:1994 STERIS Isomedix Services provides contract sterilization, microbial reduc- tion, and materials modification services to medical device manufacturers, pharma- ceutical, biotechnology, and industrial customers. Through a network of North American facilities, we deliver state-of-the-art Gamma, EtO, and E-beam processes as part of a complete managed program that emphasizes exceptional process quali- ty, efficient turnaround, and optimum cost containment. For more information about STERIS Isomedix Services please call (877) 783-7470 or log onto Reprinted from Pharmaceutical & Medical Packaging News, May 2004 • Copyright © 2004 Canon Communications LLC