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© Steamboy Trailer (2004)

  Our topic is "Technology and Protest", and our film is Steamboy, written and
   created by Katsuhiro Otomo. This was Otomo's second blockbuster anime
  style film; the first being Akria. It highlights the struggle between good and
  evil when it comes to the advancement of technology. With each major step
forward in technology, there are people/governments who want it for military
 power and weaponry. On the other hand, there are people who want to use it
for the betterment of humanity. In the film, the technology in question is the
Steamball. It's creators, a father and son, intended it for good, but the O'Hara
  Foundation wanted to corrupt it for use as a weapon. A war ensues between
 the Foundation and Britain over the Steamball, each side craving the power it
    would give them. Ray, the main character and a third generation inventor,
represents the protest of technology used for power. He attempts to keep the
                     Steamball out of either side's greedy hands.

                   Kristin: Culture and Origin of the Story
                   Miranda: Storyline and Characterization
                    Hina: How the Major Themes Unfold
Due to a member of our group unexpectedly leaving, Miranda and Hina are
                  splitting the section on technical aspects.
Miranda is also in charge of putting together the Powerpoint with assistance
                                    by Hina.
   By Kristin Dixson

 William Gibson once described Japan
as "the most inherently futuristic of all
nations” and speculated the reason for
  this was the massive societal changes
   Japan underwent in the nineteenth
 century to catch up to the technology
of the Western powers. From this time
  on Japan was effectively living in the
  future and eventually became a world
      leader in technological research.
   Tokyo's gigantic urban sprawl looks
    like a city from the future. Japan's
       neon-drenched cityscapes have
 influenced the look of science fiction,
       most famously in Blade Runner.

      Japan also manages to be one of the
             world's most traditional
         societies. Customs and festivals
      going back hundreds of years are still
      observed and Japanese culture is still
       influenced by the Shinto worldview
        of nature as alive with spirits and
      gods. The clash between the modern
      world of technology and the animist
         world is a central theme in many
                 Japanese stories.

One of the most pervasive themes in
 Japanese SF is the destructive power
of technology. The most famous of
all Japanese SF icons, Godzilla (Gojira)
    is in some ways a reaction to the
  nuclear bombing of Japan. Other
    films contain cautionary tales of
technology's dehumanizing effect. A
recent example is Steamboy, where the
     course of scientific research is
    perverted by the desire to create
             better weapons.

         Post apocalyptic societies are also prevalent in
          Japanese SF, notably in films and series such
          as Akira, Ghost in the Shell (Koukaku Kidoutai)
          and Evangelion (Shin Seiki Evangerion). Roland
            Kelts' book Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop
          Culture Has Invaded the U.S. charts the rise in
         popularity of anime and includes a discussion
             of how the atomic bombings influenced
         Japanese popular culture, along with the claim
           that Japan became the first post apocalyptic
          society. The book goes on to speculate that
           one of the reasons for the rise in popularity
          of anime and manga in America is that after
          9/11 Americans were better able to relate to
            tales which dealt with "a sudden shift in a
           mass population from the known risks and
          vulnerabilities to the unknown, the abstract,
             the shadowy, and the faceless—and the
          imminent possibility of an apocalyptic event
                   on a bright sunny morning."
 By Kristin Dixson
© Katsuhiro Otomo Steamboy Interview
By Miranda Scott

    Steamboy is a science fiction/action
adventure film set in Victorian England
 that tells the story of the Steam family
 (Doyle). During 1866, Dr. Lloyd Steam
and Dr. Edward Steam have a dream to
 better all of humanity through science.
With the help of the O‟Hara Foundation,
   Dr. Lloyd and Dr. Edward set out in
  search of a pure source of energy and
   end up finding it in a cave in Iceland.
    With the use of this newfound pure
source of energy they create the “Steam
Ball”, an invention capable of powering
         an entire nation (Doyle).

          However, Dr. Lloyd is overwhelmed
          by the power of their new invention,
            which drives him to insanity for a
             brief moment. Dr. Edward, Dr.
          Lloyd‟s son, becomes a victim of the
           Steam Ball that disfigures him. Dr.
            Lloyd sees the errors of his ways
          through this tragic event and tries to
          protect his son and the Steam Ball by
             sending them to his family and
            escaping the O‟Hara Foundation.

 In Manchester, England, 13-year old
mechanical genius and prodigy James
    Ray Steam anxiously awaits the
   return of his father (Dr. Edward)
      and grandfather (Dr. Lloyd)
  (Steamboy). When Ray receives the
Steam Ball in the mail, two men from
the O‟Hara Foundation arrive shortly
 after. Fortunately, Ray read the letter
 his grandfather sent with the Steam
  Ball warning him about the O‟Hara
  Foundation and to keep the Steam
        Ball safe until he returns.

         Ray does exactly as the letter states
            and protects the Steam Ball by
            escaping on his steam-powered
          monowheel, but unfortunately the
           O‟Hara Foundation is a bit more
          prepared as they send their steam-
            powered locomotive after Ray.
             Thanks to the help of Robert
         Stephenson and David his assistant,
         Ray is able to escape the clutches of
          the O‟Hara Foundation for a brief

     The O‟Hara Foundation soon
    returns with a zeppelin that has
  mechanical arms, which are used to
 help kidnap Ray. Arriving in London
prior to the London Exhibition, they
 arrive at the Steam Castle where Ray
   meets Scarlet O‟Hara and is first
introduced by his father to the power
 and capabilities of the Steam Castle;
Ray is recruited by this father to help
 finish the Steam Castle without fully
     knowing the intentions of it.

         Dr. Lloyd, who was re-captured by the
       O‟Hara Foundation, is able to escape the
      cell in which he was withheld in and rushes
           to destroy his invention. When Dr.
         Edwards discovers this, he directs his
      assistants to shut off certain valves and his
       son to close a hard-to-reach valve that his
       assistants cannot reach. Ray discovers his
       grandfather opening valves and loosening
       bolts when he almost reaches the specific
      valve. Confused by what his grandfather is
           doing, Ray interrogates him but his
      grandfather explains to him that the Steam
        Castle is really nothing more than a war
           machine meant to destroy mankind.

 Now enlightened, Ray decides that
the Steam Castle and the Steam Ball
  must be destroyed. He follows his
   grandfather to the center of the
 Steam Castle where the Steam Ball
runs the entire castle. As he watches
 his grandfather begin to unlock the
    Steam Ball from its prison, the
O‟Hara Foundation begins shooting
at Ray and his grandfather. Ray takes
 the Steam Ball and makes a daring
    escape by jumping off of the
   platform and freefalling until he
          catches on a wire.

       Rescued by Mr. Stephenson, Ray discovers
        that he has other intentions for the Steam
      Ball which are similar to that of the O‟Hara
          Foundation. With the beginning of the
         London Exhibition, a battle soon ensues
           between the O‟Hara Foundation and
        Scotland Yard; Ray must find a way to re-
       retrieve the ball and save his family as well
      as Ms. Scarlet. Modeling off his genius, Ray
      is able to construct a flying contraption that
         he uses to reach the control room of the
            Steam Castle. With the help of his
       grandfather, father, and Ms. Scarlet, Ray is
      able to steer the steam-powered castle away
            from its Armageddon on London.
   By Miranda Scott

• Main Character
• 13 years old
• Lives in Manchester
• An inventor following the paths
  of his father and grandfather.
• Has youthful idealisms and
  sincerely dislikes the employment
  of technology for harmful

        • Selfish, misguided, annoyingly
          spoiled yet whimsical and not
          completely heartless.
        • 14 years old
        • Granddaughter of the chairman
          of the O‟Hara Foundation
        • Matures as a result of her
          encounter with Ray.
        • Based upon the fictional character
          of the same name from the
          classical novel Gone with the

•   Ray‟s Father
•   The accident that occurred as a result
    of the development of the Steam Ball
    left Edward in a state where he needed
    to have machinery replace some of his
•   The accident also left him with severely
    twisted morals, driving him to believe
    that science is an expression of
    mankind‟s ultimate power.
•   Edwards father calls him Eddy
•   He uses the Foundation and the
    Exhibition as a springboard to launch
    his ultimate invention: a monstrous,
    flying war machine called the Steam

        • Ray‟s idealistic grandfather
        • The original conceiver of the
          Steam Ball, which he succeeded in
          developing with his son Edward.
        • Lloyd wishes to use science to
          help people.
        • Lloyd intended the Steam Castle
          to be a sort of flying amusement

• Edward and Lloyd Steam‟s friend
  and rival
• A major player in the Industrial
• He claims that he wishes to use
  the Steam Ball for the good of
  the British Empire, but exactly
  how he plans to do it is
• Possibly based upon the real-life
  Robert Stephenson.
By Miranda Scott and Hina Farooq

  Steamboy is a steampunk kind of
        film which shows the
 industrialization of Europe in 19 th
  century. Steampunk refers to the
genre of films which are inspired by
the steam powered machines. Film‟s
  director and co-writer Katsuhiro
Otomo has shown industrialization
and its dangers. Film is a traditional
   animated style and mostly dark
    colors have been used. All the
machines are dark, mostly black and
       very huge and complex.

     Film starts off as being very dark and dull.
    In the first few minutes of film, everything
        has been destroyed because of a steam
      explosion except the steamball. Director
    focuses on steamball after the explosion to
    emphasize its importance. Very dull shades
      of brown, black and grey have been used
           throughout the film. Director has
            beautifully shown the Victorian
       setting. When steam castle takes off, it
         leaves behind a layer of white fog on
     everything which makes everything appear
    lifeless. Ray‟s father who is villain of film is
       a cyborg with one arm and eye made of
    metal. A special sort of music is associated
              with launch of steam castle.
© Making of Steamboy
 By: Hina Farooq

The advancement in technology has helped
 societies to progress and enter into a new
  era of development. New and improved
    technological inventions have made it
   possible to create machinery, progress
    economy and improve quality of life.
Instead of manual labor, machines are able
 to do the same job more efficiently and in
   less time. They help countries to grow,
        expand and prosper. But these
 advancements have also caused moral and
 social issues like desire to gain power and
control the world. The invention of steam
   ball was considered one of the greatest
      inventions of nineteenth century.

 Any invention or technology can be
   used in different ways; either for
  benefitting or for harming. In this
     film all the new technological
    inventions are used for the sole
purpose of making money instead of
  improving people‟s lives. Humans
   have always been fascinated with
power to control and rule the world.
     Instead of using technological
   inventions like steam ball for the
  betterment of humanity, they are
  being used to create weapons and

 In Steamboy, Ray is interested in inventing steam powered machines for the
  betterment of his people and country. He is fascinated with technological
progress and hopes to design something useful like his father, Dr. Edward and
   grandfather, Dr. Lloyd. Ray‟s father on the other hand is busy with the O‟
  Hara foundation in developing weapons and machinery to be sold to other
countries. These weapons and machineries are a passport to destruction. They
are created to destroy countries and to gain power. Ray‟s and his grandfather‟s
    views are highly contrasting to his father‟s views of these technological
advancements. Ray and his grandfather openly protest against his father. They
    know that these productions will only lead to destruction and will cause
  devastation among people. Throughout the film we can see how Dr.Lloyd
openly protests against the weapons, arms and other steam powered machines
                           that his son has invented.

  Ray‟s father spends his entire life in inventing steam powered machinery and
 succeeds in achieving his goal. But he forgets that with such a huge invention
also comes a big responsibility of truthfully using these inventions. He forgets
 his responsibility and starts working with O „Hara foundation whose interest
  only lies in making steam powered weapons, machines and army. They don‟t
 care about the outcomes of their actions. They just want to make money out
    of these machines. Ray and his grandfather are busy in trying to stop his
father from his evil motives. They have teamed up and doing their best to stop
     the production of these weapons. Ray „s grandfather has been openly
  protesting against his father because of his immoral actions. Despite all the
 efforts, Ray‟s father finally succeeds in launching the steam castle which is the
                                 ultimate invention.
                      A GREATER RESPONSIBILITY

 This film shows that technology, its
 misuse and the protest goes hand in
   hand. There is always someone
responsible enough to take charge of

•   Broadbent, Jeffrey. Environmental Politics in Japan: Networks of Power and Protest.
    Cambridge: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1998.
•   Doyle, Aidan. "Japanese Science Fiction." The Internet Review of Science Fiction. N.p., July 2008.
    Web. 4 Nov. 2012. <>.
•   Doyle, Aubrey. "Filmmakers rely on the power and flexibility of Autodesk® 3ds Max®
    software to create Steamboy, the epic new film from renowned Japanese writer/director
    Katsuhiro Otomo." Autodesk (2005).
•   Gibson, William. “The Future Perfect: How did Japan become the favored default setting for
    so many cyberpunk writers?” Time, Apr. 30, 2001, vol. 157, no. 17.
•   Kelts, Roland. Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture Has Invaded the U.S. Palgrave Macmillan,
•   Marshall, Marc and Marshall, Akemi. Steamboy. 28 November 2006. 4 November 2012
•   McKean, Margaret A. Environmental Protest and Citizen Politics in Japan. London:
    University of California Press, Ltd., 1981.
•   Morris-Suzuki, Tessa. The Technological Transformation of Japan: From the Seventeenth to
    the Twenty-first Century. Cambridge: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1994.

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Steamboy PowerPoint

  • 3. OVERVIEW Our topic is "Technology and Protest", and our film is Steamboy, written and created by Katsuhiro Otomo. This was Otomo's second blockbuster anime style film; the first being Akria. It highlights the struggle between good and evil when it comes to the advancement of technology. With each major step forward in technology, there are people/governments who want it for military power and weaponry. On the other hand, there are people who want to use it for the betterment of humanity. In the film, the technology in question is the Steamball. It's creators, a father and son, intended it for good, but the O'Hara Foundation wanted to corrupt it for use as a weapon. A war ensues between the Foundation and Britain over the Steamball, each side craving the power it would give them. Ray, the main character and a third generation inventor, represents the protest of technology used for power. He attempts to keep the Steamball out of either side's greedy hands.
  • 4. CONTRIBUTIONS Kristin: Culture and Origin of the Story Miranda: Storyline and Characterization Hina: How the Major Themes Unfold Due to a member of our group unexpectedly leaving, Miranda and Hina are splitting the section on technical aspects. Miranda is also in charge of putting together the Powerpoint with assistance by Hina.
  • 5. CULTURAL ASPECTS By Kristin Dixson
  • 6. FUTURISTIC William Gibson once described Japan as "the most inherently futuristic of all nations” and speculated the reason for this was the massive societal changes Japan underwent in the nineteenth century to catch up to the technology of the Western powers. From this time on Japan was effectively living in the future and eventually became a world leader in technological research. Tokyo's gigantic urban sprawl looks like a city from the future. Japan's neon-drenched cityscapes have influenced the look of science fiction, most famously in Blade Runner.
  • 7. TRADITIONAL Japan also manages to be one of the world's most traditional societies. Customs and festivals going back hundreds of years are still observed and Japanese culture is still influenced by the Shinto worldview of nature as alive with spirits and gods. The clash between the modern world of technology and the animist world is a central theme in many Japanese stories.
  • 8. POWER OF TECHNOLOGY One of the most pervasive themes in Japanese SF is the destructive power of technology. The most famous of all Japanese SF icons, Godzilla (Gojira) is in some ways a reaction to the nuclear bombing of Japan. Other films contain cautionary tales of technology's dehumanizing effect. A recent example is Steamboy, where the course of scientific research is perverted by the desire to create better weapons.
  • 9. POST APOCALYPTIC Post apocalyptic societies are also prevalent in Japanese SF, notably in films and series such as Akira, Ghost in the Shell (Koukaku Kidoutai) and Evangelion (Shin Seiki Evangerion). Roland Kelts' book Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture Has Invaded the U.S. charts the rise in popularity of anime and includes a discussion of how the atomic bombings influenced Japanese popular culture, along with the claim that Japan became the first post apocalyptic society. The book goes on to speculate that one of the reasons for the rise in popularity of anime and manga in America is that after 9/11 Americans were better able to relate to tales which dealt with "a sudden shift in a mass population from the known risks and vulnerabilities to the unknown, the abstract, the shadowy, and the faceless—and the imminent possibility of an apocalyptic event on a bright sunny morning."
  • 10. ORIGIN OF FILM By Kristin Dixson
  • 11. © Katsuhiro Otomo Steamboy Interview
  • 13. THE STEAM BALL Steamboy is a science fiction/action adventure film set in Victorian England that tells the story of the Steam family (Doyle). During 1866, Dr. Lloyd Steam and Dr. Edward Steam have a dream to better all of humanity through science. With the help of the O‟Hara Foundation, Dr. Lloyd and Dr. Edward set out in search of a pure source of energy and end up finding it in a cave in Iceland. With the use of this newfound pure source of energy they create the “Steam Ball”, an invention capable of powering an entire nation (Doyle).
  • 14. MOMENT OF INSANITY However, Dr. Lloyd is overwhelmed by the power of their new invention, which drives him to insanity for a brief moment. Dr. Edward, Dr. Lloyd‟s son, becomes a victim of the Steam Ball that disfigures him. Dr. Lloyd sees the errors of his ways through this tragic event and tries to protect his son and the Steam Ball by sending them to his family and escaping the O‟Hara Foundation.
  • 15. GRANDFATHER’S LETTER In Manchester, England, 13-year old mechanical genius and prodigy James Ray Steam anxiously awaits the return of his father (Dr. Edward) and grandfather (Dr. Lloyd) (Steamboy). When Ray receives the Steam Ball in the mail, two men from the O‟Hara Foundation arrive shortly after. Fortunately, Ray read the letter his grandfather sent with the Steam Ball warning him about the O‟Hara Foundation and to keep the Steam Ball safe until he returns.
  • 16. DARING ESCAPE #1 Ray does exactly as the letter states and protects the Steam Ball by escaping on his steam-powered monowheel, but unfortunately the O‟Hara Foundation is a bit more prepared as they send their steam- powered locomotive after Ray. Thanks to the help of Robert Stephenson and David his assistant, Ray is able to escape the clutches of the O‟Hara Foundation for a brief moment.
  • 17. CAPTURED The O‟Hara Foundation soon returns with a zeppelin that has mechanical arms, which are used to help kidnap Ray. Arriving in London prior to the London Exhibition, they arrive at the Steam Castle where Ray meets Scarlet O‟Hara and is first introduced by his father to the power and capabilities of the Steam Castle; Ray is recruited by this father to help finish the Steam Castle without fully knowing the intentions of it.
  • 18. WAR MACHINE Dr. Lloyd, who was re-captured by the O‟Hara Foundation, is able to escape the cell in which he was withheld in and rushes to destroy his invention. When Dr. Edwards discovers this, he directs his assistants to shut off certain valves and his son to close a hard-to-reach valve that his assistants cannot reach. Ray discovers his grandfather opening valves and loosening bolts when he almost reaches the specific valve. Confused by what his grandfather is doing, Ray interrogates him but his grandfather explains to him that the Steam Castle is really nothing more than a war machine meant to destroy mankind.
  • 19. DARING ESCAPE #2 Now enlightened, Ray decides that the Steam Castle and the Steam Ball must be destroyed. He follows his grandfather to the center of the Steam Castle where the Steam Ball runs the entire castle. As he watches his grandfather begin to unlock the Steam Ball from its prison, the O‟Hara Foundation begins shooting at Ray and his grandfather. Ray takes the Steam Ball and makes a daring escape by jumping off of the platform and freefalling until he catches on a wire.
  • 20. IN THE END Rescued by Mr. Stephenson, Ray discovers that he has other intentions for the Steam Ball which are similar to that of the O‟Hara Foundation. With the beginning of the London Exhibition, a battle soon ensues between the O‟Hara Foundation and Scotland Yard; Ray must find a way to re- retrieve the ball and save his family as well as Ms. Scarlet. Modeling off his genius, Ray is able to construct a flying contraption that he uses to reach the control room of the Steam Castle. With the help of his grandfather, father, and Ms. Scarlet, Ray is able to steer the steam-powered castle away from its Armageddon on London.
  • 21. CHARACTERIZATION By Miranda Scott
  • 22. JAMES RAY STEAM • Main Character • 13 years old • Lives in Manchester • An inventor following the paths of his father and grandfather. • Has youthful idealisms and sincerely dislikes the employment of technology for harmful purposes.
  • 23. SCARLET O’HARA • Selfish, misguided, annoyingly spoiled yet whimsical and not completely heartless. • 14 years old • Granddaughter of the chairman of the O‟Hara Foundation • Matures as a result of her encounter with Ray. • Based upon the fictional character of the same name from the classical novel Gone with the Wind.
  • 24. DR. EDWARD STEAM • Ray‟s Father • The accident that occurred as a result of the development of the Steam Ball left Edward in a state where he needed to have machinery replace some of his body. • The accident also left him with severely twisted morals, driving him to believe that science is an expression of mankind‟s ultimate power. • Edwards father calls him Eddy • He uses the Foundation and the Exhibition as a springboard to launch his ultimate invention: a monstrous, flying war machine called the Steam Castle.
  • 25. DR. LLOYD STEAM • Ray‟s idealistic grandfather • The original conceiver of the Steam Ball, which he succeeded in developing with his son Edward. • Lloyd wishes to use science to help people. • Lloyd intended the Steam Castle to be a sort of flying amusement park.
  • 26. ROBERT STEPHENSON • Edward and Lloyd Steam‟s friend and rival • A major player in the Industrial Revolution • He claims that he wishes to use the Steam Ball for the good of the British Empire, but exactly how he plans to do it is questionable. • Possibly based upon the real-life Robert Stephenson.
  • 27. TECHNICAL ASPECTS By Miranda Scott and Hina Farooq
  • 28. STEAMPUNK Steamboy is a steampunk kind of film which shows the industrialization of Europe in 19 th century. Steampunk refers to the genre of films which are inspired by the steam powered machines. Film‟s director and co-writer Katsuhiro Otomo has shown industrialization and its dangers. Film is a traditional animated style and mostly dark colors have been used. All the machines are dark, mostly black and very huge and complex.
  • 29. LAYOUT Film starts off as being very dark and dull. In the first few minutes of film, everything has been destroyed because of a steam explosion except the steamball. Director focuses on steamball after the explosion to emphasize its importance. Very dull shades of brown, black and grey have been used throughout the film. Director has beautifully shown the Victorian setting. When steam castle takes off, it leaves behind a layer of white fog on everything which makes everything appear lifeless. Ray‟s father who is villain of film is a cyborg with one arm and eye made of metal. A special sort of music is associated with launch of steam castle.
  • 30. © Making of Steamboy
  • 31. MAJOR THEMES By: Hina Farooq
  • 32. TECHNOLOGY The advancement in technology has helped societies to progress and enter into a new era of development. New and improved technological inventions have made it possible to create machinery, progress economy and improve quality of life. Instead of manual labor, machines are able to do the same job more efficiently and in less time. They help countries to grow, expand and prosper. But these advancements have also caused moral and social issues like desire to gain power and control the world. The invention of steam ball was considered one of the greatest inventions of nineteenth century.
  • 33. MISUSE OF TECHNOLOGY Any invention or technology can be used in different ways; either for benefitting or for harming. In this film all the new technological inventions are used for the sole purpose of making money instead of improving people‟s lives. Humans have always been fascinated with power to control and rule the world. Instead of using technological inventions like steam ball for the betterment of humanity, they are being used to create weapons and armies.
  • 34. INVENTION OF TECHNOLOGY In Steamboy, Ray is interested in inventing steam powered machines for the betterment of his people and country. He is fascinated with technological progress and hopes to design something useful like his father, Dr. Edward and grandfather, Dr. Lloyd. Ray‟s father on the other hand is busy with the O‟ Hara foundation in developing weapons and machinery to be sold to other countries. These weapons and machineries are a passport to destruction. They are created to destroy countries and to gain power. Ray‟s and his grandfather‟s views are highly contrasting to his father‟s views of these technological advancements. Ray and his grandfather openly protest against his father. They know that these productions will only lead to destruction and will cause devastation among people. Throughout the film we can see how Dr.Lloyd openly protests against the weapons, arms and other steam powered machines that his son has invented.
  • 35. PROTESTING AGAINST MISUSE OF TECHNOLOGY Ray‟s father spends his entire life in inventing steam powered machinery and succeeds in achieving his goal. But he forgets that with such a huge invention also comes a big responsibility of truthfully using these inventions. He forgets his responsibility and starts working with O „Hara foundation whose interest only lies in making steam powered weapons, machines and army. They don‟t care about the outcomes of their actions. They just want to make money out of these machines. Ray and his grandfather are busy in trying to stop his father from his evil motives. They have teamed up and doing their best to stop the production of these weapons. Ray „s grandfather has been openly protesting against his father because of his immoral actions. Despite all the efforts, Ray‟s father finally succeeds in launching the steam castle which is the ultimate invention.
  • 36. GREAT INVENTION COMES WITH A GREATER RESPONSIBILITY This film shows that technology, its misuse and the protest goes hand in hand. There is always someone responsible enough to take charge of everything.
  • 37. BIBLIOGRAPHY • Broadbent, Jeffrey. Environmental Politics in Japan: Networks of Power and Protest. Cambridge: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1998. • Doyle, Aidan. "Japanese Science Fiction." The Internet Review of Science Fiction. N.p., July 2008. Web. 4 Nov. 2012. <>. • Doyle, Aubrey. "Filmmakers rely on the power and flexibility of Autodesk® 3ds Max® software to create Steamboy, the epic new film from renowned Japanese writer/director Katsuhiro Otomo." Autodesk (2005). • Gibson, William. “The Future Perfect: How did Japan become the favored default setting for so many cyberpunk writers?” Time, Apr. 30, 2001, vol. 157, no. 17. • Kelts, Roland. Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture Has Invaded the U.S. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. • Marshall, Marc and Marshall, Akemi. Steamboy. 28 November 2006. 4 November 2012 <>. • McKean, Margaret A. Environmental Protest and Citizen Politics in Japan. London: University of California Press, Ltd., 1981. • Morris-Suzuki, Tessa. The Technological Transformation of Japan: From the Seventeenth to the Twenty-first Century. Cambridge: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1994.