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This is going to be brief and to the point focused on prac cal useability for those on a very
limited budget.
Coronavirus Wuhan 2019-nCoV - what we think we know as of today (2019-nCoV infection)
Originally a 14 day symptomless incuba on period is now believed to be as high as 24 day
incuba on period without symptoms in some individuals; Instances of contagious symptomless
infected carriers [Superspreaders]; reportedly a bioweapon; airborne; can kill within 4days from
onset symptoms; Virus lives 9 days outside the human body (Chinese HCP); over half of pa ents
developed dyspnea a median of 8 days a er illness onset (range: 5–13 days). One video by/from
medical worker in China depicted 3 deceased toddlers being placed together in the same black
body bag for disposal which is contradictory to the CDC statement on median age.
CDC: Nearly all reported cases have occurred in adults (median age 59 years). In one study
of 425 pa ents with pneumonia and confirmed 2019-nCoV infec on, 57% were male.
Approximately one-third to one-half of reported pa ents had underlying medical condi ons.
Some reports suggest the poten al for clinical deteriora on during the second week of
illness. Fever may not be present in some pa ents, such as those who are very young,
elderly, immunosuppressed, or taking certain medica ons.
CDC: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) developed in 17–29% of hospitalized
pa ents, and secondary infec on developed in 10%. Between 23–32% of hospitalized
pa ents with 2019-nCoV infec on required intensive care for respiratory support. Some
hospitalized pa ents have required advanced organ support with invasive mechanical
ven la on (4–10%), and a small propor on have also required extracorporeal membrane
oxygena on (ECMO, 3–5%). Other reported complica ons include acute cardiac injury (12%)
and acute kidney injury (4–7%). Among hospitalized pa ents with pneumonia, the case
fatality propor on has been reported as high as 11–15%. However, as this es mate includes
only-hospitalized pa ents, and therefore is biased upward.
Laboratory and Radiographic Findings
CDC: The most common laboratory abnormali es reported among hospitalized pa ents with
pneumonia on admission included leukopenia (9–25%), leukocytosis (24–30%), lymphopenia
(63%), and elevated alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels (37%).
Most pa ents had normal serum levels of procalcitonin on admission. Chest CT images have
shown bilateral involvement in most pa ents. Mul ple areas of consolida on and ground
glass opaci es are typical findings reported to date.
2019-nCoV RNA has been detected from upper and lower respiratory tract specimens, and
the virus has been isolated from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. The dura on of shedding of
2019-nCoV RNA in the upper and lower respiratory tracts is not yet known but may be
several weeks or longer, which has been observed in cases of MERS-CoV or SARS-CoV
infec on.
CDC: "Currently, diagnos c tes ng for 2019-nCoV can be done only at CDC. Tes ng for other
respiratory pathogens should not delay specimen shipping to CDC."
RSV Virus - reference CDC documenta on
3-8 day incuba on period; normally affects young children; currently affec ng older children &
adults; airborne; highly contageous during and 3-4 weeks a er symptoms gone. Illness caused
can/has in afflicted families lasted 4 weeks.
Recommend: Boost Immune System w vitamins, food, cleanliness; Keep the virus out of your
lungs, eyes, ears; Disinfect hands & remove poten ally contaminated clothing prior to home
Home Entry: Box of Black Plas c Garbage bags, 5 gallon bucket of bleach (1 part bleach to 9
parts water). Wear rubber shoes or boots small enough to submerge in bucket for 15-minutes
minimum to disinfect upon return. Strip clothing worn outside of house and place in black
plas c garbage bag for laundering (ALL CLOTHING WORN) (see LAUNDERING). Go directly to
bathroom fill tub 3/4 full w steamy hot water and 1-1.5 cups bleach - soak 1hour breathing
steam to kill off anything may have go en into your lungs (Bleach BATH). Self-Quaran ne away
from family if possible. All ar cles brought into home need to be wiped down with rag soaked &
wringed out in bleach and or Lysol Disinfectant.
Laundering Clothing/Fabrics: use hot water, add 3/4-1 cup bleach and one load of Lysol Laundry
Sani zer for first cycle. 2nd cycle wash as normal with soap & again hot water.
Going out of Home for Any Reason: Custom make a mask you can e around your face securely
- have an absorbent pad (like a washcloth) sewn into the front which can hold moisture for
minimum 1 hour. Damp but not dripping wet you need to be able to breath thru it. Soak it in
bucket of bleach water 1 part Bleach to 9 parts water...good and s nky. Wear in public. Also
wear safety goggles cheap buy from hardware store (must have the full rim that keeps stuff out
above, below, sides from the eyes). Put co on balls soaked in tea tree oil in your ears to keep
infected air out (bleach, or Lysol disinfectant is alterna ve). Stay 3 arms lengths away from other
people. Remember this is airborne. Extended me outside home take a bucket of bleach
solu on with you (have a lid for the bucket) and re-wet your mask as needed...needs to stay
damp. Only one person should be designated as the one to go outside the home as needed.
Limit everyone else for prac cality. Save all hazmat, N95 masks, make shi plas c or rain suit
coverings for that last ditch emergency "have to move to alternate loca on" situa on. You don't
want those ge ng damaged early on.
Total Products for this minimal method: 1-2 5 gallon buckets with lids for each; 2 bo les
bleach; one container of pool shock (can be used to mix bleach from scratch if run out over
extended quaran ne period); 2 containers Laundry Sani zer by Lysol; 1-2 spray bo les of Lysol
Disinfectant (fyi there is a cau on about pu ng this in the air if someone with a heart condi on
is in the house); at least one pair of safety goggles w full rim; fabric for a face mask & a wash
cloth to sew into inside of front; bag of co on balls (use only as needed); rubber slip on shoes or
boots (like "airwalks") which can be dropped in bucket of bleach solu on upon return home;
Large black plas c garbage bags; 60%-95% alcohol-based hand sani zer (ABHS) .
Other things you need or need to know: A medical mar al law quaran ne can be expected to
run 2-3 months - have enough food/water/grid down electrical/medicines/other supplies on
hand. When a community or city quaran ne goes in effect there will be no
product/food/supplies distribu on. A city or community under quaran ne which has not pre-
prepped for their en re community as recommended for all crises back in 2016 will likely
a empt to confiscate all food, supplies, and anything else useable from its residents. They may
try to take what you put in for your family so try to get your community to prep before its too
late or get out before a community closure for quaran ne occures.
Trea ng Illness: This generally entails trea ng any present symptoms and boos ng Immune
system. Treat fever: Napraxom Sodium or other fever reducer; Treat sore throat: Napraxom
Sodium etc, cough drops, salt water wash for throat; Keep it out of your lungs: Bleach Bath;
Treath Lungs: Vics Vapor Rub or Eucalyptus Oil in Boiling Water to create a steam bath may be
helpful par cularly for dry coup coughs caused by inflammed ssues; Chills: Hot Showers and/or
warm blankets; Sensi ve stomach: eat so foods that coat before taking medicines like
yogurt/milk/creamy soups; Coronavirus reportedly a acks kidneys - Large Dose Garlic & Onion
(strong soup or raw) may be helpful - Kidney Cleanse Products may be helpful; Vitamins: large
dose vitamin C, recommended dose of Vitamins D/K, Ginseng for energy metabolism, a general
mul -vitamin, other products which boost immune func on; Fever & Inflammed Throat:
ICECREAM if you have it, jello too can be chilled and stored long term in large quan es; Lots of
Juice & Ice Water for hydra on. Have lots of ice trays making ice so you do not run out of ice.
Trea ng Chemical Reac on to Bleach: repeated exposure and long-term exposure to Bleach can
cause minor reac ons or even minor chemical burns. You should rinse the affected area with
cool clean water a er applica on, then put a soothing skin healing lo on on as bleach tends to
dry out the skin. If you are using bleach to treat a virus outbreak and ge ng bad reac ons you
can step down the concentra on but of course each step down may expose you further to the
virus. This is another reason, that there should be only one person who takes this kind of risk
with chemical exposure as part of going out of the house into the public - should be a hardy
individual who can take a bit of the punishment. This may or may not be the primary care giver.
I don't recommend children exposure to harsh disinfec ng chemicals on the body outside of an
emergency situa on. Keep the kids home - school can be made up at any me later or
homeschool via telecommute or other home resources like books and boxed curriculums.
Prac cal Behavior - Respec ng Others: Un l the crisis passes, no hugging/kissing/handshakes
with others especially the elderly and children under the age of 12. Only the parents or a
trained medical professional should be handling infants. If we protect our most vulnerable we
can limit the spread even if we are uncertain if it has arrived in our community. Remember by
the me there are symptoms in anyone present the virus has been at work in the community for
the length of at least ONE incuba on period! Pets: Remember birds & cats are vulnerable to
many human illnesses - protect your pets by handling them only with disinfected hands, don't
breathe in their faces, generally follow same common sense rules you would for elderly or
CLEANING: Wipe twice - once with lysol, once with bleach. All surfaces cleaning should be one
me per day MINIMUM! Surfaces & Objects: door knobs, cell phones, tv channel changers,
laptops & keyboards (when totally disconnected and off from electrical - let dry 100% before
turning on ABSOLUTELY no Vinegar!), counter tops, walls & trim frequently touched, cabinets
frequently touched, the refrigerator (INSIDE & OUT), the vacuum, end tables, dining tables,
microwave, stove, light switches, closet door handles, cabinet handles, everything in the
bathroom - sink, toilet, tub...don't forget the kitchen sink and laundry machines! If you are going
outside the home, carry disinfectant with you - wipe desks, doorknobs, phones, faucets, etc all
BEFORE you touch them shopping carts etc. Disinfect your hands a er every use of MONEY or
Remember anything you bring into the home could carry contamina wipeable
packages...grow your own fruit & vegetables if you can rather than buy fresh - if buying fresh you
could try dipping all fresh in Apple Cider Vinegar before using (couldn't hurt. DO NOT USE LYSOL
OR BLEACH ON FRESH FOODS FOR CONSUMPTION!); Clean Bedding and couch covers more
frequently. Don't worry about damaging your fabric covered and your family's
health is more important - inanimate objects are replaceable. Keep everything clean ll
everyone is certain the crisis is over.
IF FAMILY MEMBER BECOMES INFECTED: It goes without saying the person should be isolated
from the rest of family and areas in the home to a remote bedroom. A cough shield or mask
should be worn by a primary care giver. Room should be ven lated to the outside. The primary
care giver sensibly would use the above recommenda ons for disinfec ng hands & bathing to
keep the virus out of their own lungs. The room would be maintained as sterile an environment
as possible. Treat as you would common flu for the symptoms: Fever, conges on, pain,
hydra on, immune boost, healthy foods. The CDC site does not currenty have any special
recommenda ons for specific treatment of the virus. An bio cs do not work on viruses.
An bio cs only treat secondary bacterial infec ons. See addi onal informa on in included links
below on Sepsis a condi on that can occur with prolonged illness.
• Put on a clean isolation gown upon entry into the patient room or area. Change the gown if it
becomes soiled. Remove and discard the gown in a dedicated container for waste or linen before
leaving the patient room or care area. Disposable gowns should be discarded after use. Cloth
gowns should be laundered after each use.
• Use respiratory protection (i.e., a respirator) that is at least as protective as a fit-tested NIOSH-
certified disposable N95 filtering facepiece respirator before entry into the patient room or care
• Put on eye protection (e.g., goggles, a disposable face shield that covers the front and sides of the
face) upon entry to the patient room or care area. Remove eye protection before leaving the patient
room or care area. Reusable eye protection (e.g., goggles) must be cleaned and disinfected
• Restrict visitors from entering the room of known or suspected 2019-nCoV pa ents (i.e., PUI).
Alterna ve mechanisms for pa ent and visitor interac ons, such as video-call applica ons on cell
phones or tablets should be used.
• Family members should cross train to become replacement primary care givers should the
primary become ill.
• To work properly, Face Masks or Respirators must be worn throughout the period of exposure
and be specially fi ed for each person who wears one (this is called “fit-tes ng” and is usually
done in a workplace where respirators are used)
• Three key factors for an N95 respirator to be effec ve
h ps://
• FFR users should also perform a user seal check to ensure proper fit each me an FFR is used.
• More informa on on how to perform a user seal check h ps://
FRESH AIR AND SUNSHINE. If your house is dark with curtains or shades, it would resemble the
CDCs recommenda on of an Airborne Infec on Isola on Room (AIIR) to open all window
coverings to allow sunshine in, and to open the windows (weather permi ng) to allow fresh air
circula on to the outside. Common sense adjustment would be to provide any addi onally
required warmth for an infected or otherwise needy person with extra blankets or alterna vely a
heated electric blanket. There is no current informa on available on the virus's temperature
tolerances (low to high temp tolerance range). Sunshine is a form of radia on and some airborne
illnesses have been shown to be inhibited by its presence.
AIIRs are single patient rooms at negative pressure relative to the
surrounding areas, and with a minimum of 6 air changes per hour (12 air
changes per hour are recommended for new construction or renovation). Air
from these rooms should be exhausted directly to the outside or be filtered
through a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter before recirculation.
Room doors should be kept closed except when entering or leaving the room,
and entry and exit should be minimized. Facilities should monitor and
document the proper negative-pressure function of these rooms.
entering the room soon a er a pa ent vacates the room should use respiratory protec on. (See
personal protec ve equipment sec on below) Standard prac ce for pathogens spread by the
airborne route (e.g., measles, tuberculosis) is to restrict unprotected individuals, including HCP,
from entering a vacated room un l sufficient me has elapsed for enough air changes to remove
poten ally infec ous par cles (more informa on on clearance rates under differing ven la on
condi ons is available).
We do not yet know how long 2019-nCoV remains infec ous in the air but some informa on
shows it survives 5 days outside the human host. In the interim, it is reasonable to apply a
similar me period before entering the room without respiratory protec on as used for
pathogens spread by the airborne route (e.g., measles, tuberculosis). In addi on, the room
should undergo appropriate cleaning and surface disinfec on before it is returned to rou ne
RELAY [twi er] from Pa ent in Wuhan China who displayed the medica ons her
physician prescribed to treat her:
• Oseltamivir
• Avelox
• Lianhua Qingwen (a TCM Product)
• Arbidol
Arbidol: a broad-spectrum an viral compound that blocks viral fusion.
Lianhua Qingwen Capsule can be used in the treatment of colds, flu-induced bronchi s,
pneumonia, COPD, inters al pneumonia and other lung inflamma on.For the
treatment of influenza due to heat-toxic a ack lung, syndrome : fever or serious fever
Oseltamivir, sold under the brand name Tamiflu, is an an viral medica on used to treat
and prevent influenza A and influenza B (flu)
Avelox (moxifloxacin) is a fluoroquinolone an bio c that fights bacteria in the body.
Avelox is used to treat community acquired pneumonia, plague, bacterial sinusi s, and
chronic bronchi s with bacterial infec on.
Source Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing
Preliminary: “findings reveal that remdesivir and chloroquine are highly effec ve in the control
of #2019-nCoV 🦠 infec on in vitro”. Keep in mind these are early petri-dish findings, and not
direct clinical results in humans yet. Reference h ps:// cles/s41422-020-
This is what we have to date. Check back weekly for any updates.
Also be sure to check out the related links on the last page.
Couch all Decisions in the old adage: An Ounce of Preven on is Worth a Pound of Cure.
Stay Safe Patriots.
Related Links:
h ps:// on-control.html
h ps:// ents.html
Informa on on specimen collec on, handling, and storage is available at: Real-Time RT-PCR Panel for
Detec on 2019-Novel Coronavirus. h ps:// on-
instruc ons.html
Surviving Sepsis guidelines
h ps:// onal.1
See this Website for a PDF/Sec on by sec on digital copy of the book: "Where there is no Doctor"
h ps://
Metabiota Epidemic Tracker: h ps://
CDC In Home Care Guidance: h ps://
h ps://
List of NIOSH-Approved N95 Par culate Filtering Facepiece Respirators
h ps://
CDC Making Water Safe In An Emergency
h ps://
Clearance rates under differing ven la on condi ons
h ps:// oncontrol/guidelines/environmental/appendix/air.html#tableb1
Guideline for Isola on Precau ons: Preven ng Transmission of Infec ous Agents in Healthcare Se ngs
h ps:// oncontrol/guidelines/isola on/
Best Page for Info about the virus and its effects & behavior: Clinical Guidance - UPDATED
h ps:// ents.html

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Stay safe patriots 2020 - UPDATED 02172020

  • 1. POOR MANS VIRUS TREATMENT - WITH CORONAVIRUS WUHAN IN MIND 02172020 MANTICORE GROUP - MT This is going to be brief and to the point focused on prac cal useability for those on a very limited budget. Coronavirus Wuhan 2019-nCoV - what we think we know as of today (2019-nCoV infection) Originally a 14 day symptomless incuba on period is now believed to be as high as 24 day incuba on period without symptoms in some individuals; Instances of contagious symptomless infected carriers [Superspreaders]; reportedly a bioweapon; airborne; can kill within 4days from onset symptoms; Virus lives 9 days outside the human body (Chinese HCP); over half of pa ents developed dyspnea a median of 8 days a er illness onset (range: 5–13 days). One video by/from medical worker in China depicted 3 deceased toddlers being placed together in the same black body bag for disposal which is contradictory to the CDC statement on median age. CDC: Nearly all reported cases have occurred in adults (median age 59 years). In one study of 425 pa ents with pneumonia and confirmed 2019-nCoV infec on, 57% were male. Approximately one-third to one-half of reported pa ents had underlying medical condi ons. Some reports suggest the poten al for clinical deteriora on during the second week of illness. Fever may not be present in some pa ents, such as those who are very young, elderly, immunosuppressed, or taking certain medica ons. CDC: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) developed in 17–29% of hospitalized pa ents, and secondary infec on developed in 10%. Between 23–32% of hospitalized pa ents with 2019-nCoV infec on required intensive care for respiratory support. Some hospitalized pa ents have required advanced organ support with invasive mechanical ven la on (4–10%), and a small propor on have also required extracorporeal membrane oxygena on (ECMO, 3–5%). Other reported complica ons include acute cardiac injury (12%) and acute kidney injury (4–7%). Among hospitalized pa ents with pneumonia, the case fatality propor on has been reported as high as 11–15%. However, as this es mate includes only-hospitalized pa ents, and therefore is biased upward. Laboratory and Radiographic Findings CDC: The most common laboratory abnormali es reported among hospitalized pa ents with pneumonia on admission included leukopenia (9–25%), leukocytosis (24–30%), lymphopenia (63%), and elevated alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels (37%). Most pa ents had normal serum levels of procalcitonin on admission. Chest CT images have shown bilateral involvement in most pa ents. Mul ple areas of consolida on and ground glass opaci es are typical findings reported to date. 2019-nCoV RNA has been detected from upper and lower respiratory tract specimens, and the virus has been isolated from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. The dura on of shedding of 2019-nCoV RNA in the upper and lower respiratory tracts is not yet known but may be several weeks or longer, which has been observed in cases of MERS-CoV or SARS-CoV 1
  • 2. infec on. CDC: "Currently, diagnos c tes ng for 2019-nCoV can be done only at CDC. Tes ng for other respiratory pathogens should not delay specimen shipping to CDC." RSV Virus - reference CDC documenta on 3-8 day incuba on period; normally affects young children; currently affec ng older children & adults; airborne; highly contageous during and 3-4 weeks a er symptoms gone. Illness caused can/has in afflicted families lasted 4 weeks. Recommend: Boost Immune System w vitamins, food, cleanliness; Keep the virus out of your lungs, eyes, ears; Disinfect hands & remove poten ally contaminated clothing prior to home entry. Home Entry: Box of Black Plas c Garbage bags, 5 gallon bucket of bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts water). Wear rubber shoes or boots small enough to submerge in bucket for 15-minutes minimum to disinfect upon return. Strip clothing worn outside of house and place in black plas c garbage bag for laundering (ALL CLOTHING WORN) (see LAUNDERING). Go directly to bathroom fill tub 3/4 full w steamy hot water and 1-1.5 cups bleach - soak 1hour breathing steam to kill off anything may have go en into your lungs (Bleach BATH). Self-Quaran ne away from family if possible. All ar cles brought into home need to be wiped down with rag soaked & wringed out in bleach and or Lysol Disinfectant. Laundering Clothing/Fabrics: use hot water, add 3/4-1 cup bleach and one load of Lysol Laundry Sani zer for first cycle. 2nd cycle wash as normal with soap & again hot water. Going out of Home for Any Reason: Custom make a mask you can e around your face securely - have an absorbent pad (like a washcloth) sewn into the front which can hold moisture for minimum 1 hour. Damp but not dripping wet you need to be able to breath thru it. Soak it in bucket of bleach water 1 part Bleach to 9 parts water...good and s nky. Wear in public. Also wear safety goggles cheap buy from hardware store (must have the full rim that keeps stuff out above, below, sides from the eyes). Put co on balls soaked in tea tree oil in your ears to keep infected air out (bleach, or Lysol disinfectant is alterna ve). Stay 3 arms lengths away from other people. Remember this is airborne. Extended me outside home take a bucket of bleach solu on with you (have a lid for the bucket) and re-wet your mask as needed...needs to stay damp. Only one person should be designated as the one to go outside the home as needed. Limit everyone else for prac cality. Save all hazmat, N95 masks, make shi plas c or rain suit coverings for that last ditch emergency "have to move to alternate loca on" situa on. You don't want those ge ng damaged early on. 2
  • 3. Total Products for this minimal method: 1-2 5 gallon buckets with lids for each; 2 bo les bleach; one container of pool shock (can be used to mix bleach from scratch if run out over extended quaran ne period); 2 containers Laundry Sani zer by Lysol; 1-2 spray bo les of Lysol Disinfectant (fyi there is a cau on about pu ng this in the air if someone with a heart condi on is in the house); at least one pair of safety goggles w full rim; fabric for a face mask & a wash cloth to sew into inside of front; bag of co on balls (use only as needed); rubber slip on shoes or boots (like "airwalks") which can be dropped in bucket of bleach solu on upon return home; Large black plas c garbage bags; 60%-95% alcohol-based hand sani zer (ABHS) . Other things you need or need to know: A medical mar al law quaran ne can be expected to run 2-3 months - have enough food/water/grid down electrical/medicines/other supplies on hand. When a community or city quaran ne goes in effect there will be no product/food/supplies distribu on. A city or community under quaran ne which has not pre- prepped for their en re community as recommended for all crises back in 2016 will likely a empt to confiscate all food, supplies, and anything else useable from its residents. They may try to take what you put in for your family so try to get your community to prep before its too late or get out before a community closure for quaran ne occures. Trea ng Illness: This generally entails trea ng any present symptoms and boos ng Immune system. Treat fever: Napraxom Sodium or other fever reducer; Treat sore throat: Napraxom Sodium etc, cough drops, salt water wash for throat; Keep it out of your lungs: Bleach Bath; Treath Lungs: Vics Vapor Rub or Eucalyptus Oil in Boiling Water to create a steam bath may be helpful par cularly for dry coup coughs caused by inflammed ssues; Chills: Hot Showers and/or warm blankets; Sensi ve stomach: eat so foods that coat before taking medicines like yogurt/milk/creamy soups; Coronavirus reportedly a acks kidneys - Large Dose Garlic & Onion (strong soup or raw) may be helpful - Kidney Cleanse Products may be helpful; Vitamins: large dose vitamin C, recommended dose of Vitamins D/K, Ginseng for energy metabolism, a general mul -vitamin, other products which boost immune func on; Fever & Inflammed Throat: ICECREAM if you have it, jello too can be chilled and stored long term in large quan es; Lots of Juice & Ice Water for hydra on. Have lots of ice trays making ice so you do not run out of ice. Trea ng Chemical Reac on to Bleach: repeated exposure and long-term exposure to Bleach can cause minor reac ons or even minor chemical burns. You should rinse the affected area with cool clean water a er applica on, then put a soothing skin healing lo on on as bleach tends to dry out the skin. If you are using bleach to treat a virus outbreak and ge ng bad reac ons you can step down the concentra on but of course each step down may expose you further to the virus. This is another reason, that there should be only one person who takes this kind of risk with chemical exposure as part of going out of the house into the public - should be a hardy individual who can take a bit of the punishment. This may or may not be the primary care giver. I don't recommend children exposure to harsh disinfec ng chemicals on the body outside of an emergency situa on. Keep the kids home - school can be made up at any me later or 3
  • 4. homeschool via telecommute or other home resources like books and boxed curriculums. Prac cal Behavior - Respec ng Others: Un l the crisis passes, no hugging/kissing/handshakes with others especially the elderly and children under the age of 12. Only the parents or a trained medical professional should be handling infants. If we protect our most vulnerable we can limit the spread even if we are uncertain if it has arrived in our community. Remember by the me there are symptoms in anyone present the virus has been at work in the community for the length of at least ONE incuba on period! Pets: Remember birds & cats are vulnerable to many human illnesses - protect your pets by handling them only with disinfected hands, don't breathe in their faces, generally follow same common sense rules you would for elderly or infants. CLEANING: Wipe twice - once with lysol, once with bleach. All surfaces cleaning should be one me per day MINIMUM! Surfaces & Objects: door knobs, cell phones, tv channel changers, laptops & keyboards (when totally disconnected and off from electrical - let dry 100% before turning on ABSOLUTELY no Vinegar!), counter tops, walls & trim frequently touched, cabinets frequently touched, the refrigerator (INSIDE & OUT), the vacuum, end tables, dining tables, microwave, stove, light switches, closet door handles, cabinet handles, everything in the bathroom - sink, toilet, tub...don't forget the kitchen sink and laundry machines! If you are going outside the home, carry disinfectant with you - wipe desks, doorknobs, phones, faucets, etc all BEFORE you touch them shopping carts etc. Disinfect your hands a er every use of MONEY or CARD PAYMENT MACHINES or DISPENSERS. Remember anything you bring into the home could carry contamina wipeable packages...grow your own fruit & vegetables if you can rather than buy fresh - if buying fresh you could try dipping all fresh in Apple Cider Vinegar before using (couldn't hurt. DO NOT USE LYSOL OR BLEACH ON FRESH FOODS FOR CONSUMPTION!); Clean Bedding and couch covers more frequently. Don't worry about damaging your fabric covered and your family's health is more important - inanimate objects are replaceable. Keep everything clean ll everyone is certain the crisis is over. IF FAMILY MEMBER BECOMES INFECTED: It goes without saying the person should be isolated from the rest of family and areas in the home to a remote bedroom. A cough shield or mask should be worn by a primary care giver. Room should be ven lated to the outside. The primary care giver sensibly would use the above recommenda ons for disinfec ng hands & bathing to keep the virus out of their own lungs. The room would be maintained as sterile an environment as possible. Treat as you would common flu for the symptoms: Fever, conges on, pain, hydra on, immune boost, healthy foods. The CDC site does not currenty have any special recommenda ons for specific treatment of the virus. An bio cs do not work on viruses. An bio cs only treat secondary bacterial infec ons. See addi onal informa on in included links below on Sepsis a condi on that can occur with prolonged illness. 4
  • 5. • Put on a clean isolation gown upon entry into the patient room or area. Change the gown if it becomes soiled. Remove and discard the gown in a dedicated container for waste or linen before leaving the patient room or care area. Disposable gowns should be discarded after use. Cloth gowns should be laundered after each use. • Use respiratory protection (i.e., a respirator) that is at least as protective as a fit-tested NIOSH- certified disposable N95 filtering facepiece respirator before entry into the patient room or care area. • Put on eye protection (e.g., goggles, a disposable face shield that covers the front and sides of the face) upon entry to the patient room or care area. Remove eye protection before leaving the patient room or care area. Reusable eye protection (e.g., goggles) must be cleaned and disinfected • Restrict visitors from entering the room of known or suspected 2019-nCoV pa ents (i.e., PUI). Alterna ve mechanisms for pa ent and visitor interac ons, such as video-call applica ons on cell phones or tablets should be used. • Family members should cross train to become replacement primary care givers should the primary become ill. • To work properly, Face Masks or Respirators must be worn throughout the period of exposure and be specially fi ed for each person who wears one (this is called “fit-tes ng” and is usually done in a workplace where respirators are used) • Three key factors for an N95 respirator to be effec ve h ps:// • FFR users should also perform a user seal check to ensure proper fit each me an FFR is used. • More informa on on how to perform a user seal check h ps:// 130/pdfs/2018-130.pdf?id=10.26616/NIOSHPUB2018130 FRESH AIR AND SUNSHINE. If your house is dark with curtains or shades, it would resemble the CDCs recommenda on of an Airborne Infec on Isola on Room (AIIR) to open all window coverings to allow sunshine in, and to open the windows (weather permi ng) to allow fresh air circula on to the outside. Common sense adjustment would be to provide any addi onally required warmth for an infected or otherwise needy person with extra blankets or alterna vely a heated electric blanket. There is no current informa on available on the virus's temperature tolerances (low to high temp tolerance range). Sunshine is a form of radia on and some airborne illnesses have been shown to be inhibited by its presence. AIIRs are single patient rooms at negative pressure relative to the surrounding areas, and with a minimum of 6 air changes per hour (12 air changes per hour are recommended for new construction or renovation). Air from these rooms should be exhausted directly to the outside or be filtered 5
  • 6. through a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter before recirculation. Room doors should be kept closed except when entering or leaving the room, and entry and exit should be minimized. Facilities should monitor and document the proper negative-pressure function of these rooms. ADDITIONAL - GUIDANCE ON SITE HANDLING AFTER USE BY AN INFECTED *(Source is CDC): entering the room soon a er a pa ent vacates the room should use respiratory protec on. (See personal protec ve equipment sec on below) Standard prac ce for pathogens spread by the airborne route (e.g., measles, tuberculosis) is to restrict unprotected individuals, including HCP, from entering a vacated room un l sufficient me has elapsed for enough air changes to remove poten ally infec ous par cles (more informa on on clearance rates under differing ven la on condi ons is available). We do not yet know how long 2019-nCoV remains infec ous in the air but some informa on shows it survives 5 days outside the human host. In the interim, it is reasonable to apply a similar me period before entering the room without respiratory protec on as used for pathogens spread by the airborne route (e.g., measles, tuberculosis). In addi on, the room should undergo appropriate cleaning and surface disinfec on before it is returned to rou ne use. RELAY [twi er] from Pa ent in Wuhan China who displayed the medica ons her physician prescribed to treat her: • Oseltamivir • Avelox • Lianhua Qingwen (a TCM Product) • Arbidol CLARIFICATION: Arbidol: a broad-spectrum an viral compound that blocks viral fusion. Lianhua Qingwen Capsule can be used in the treatment of colds, flu-induced bronchi s, pneumonia, COPD, inters al pneumonia and other lung inflamma on.For the treatment of influenza due to heat-toxic a ack lung, syndrome : fever or serious fever Oseltamivir, sold under the brand name Tamiflu, is an an viral medica on used to treat and prevent influenza A and influenza B (flu) 6
  • 7. Avelox (moxifloxacin) is a fluoroquinolone an bio c that fights bacteria in the body. Avelox is used to treat community acquired pneumonia, plague, bacterial sinusi s, and chronic bronchi s with bacterial infec on. Source Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing Preliminary: “findings reveal that remdesivir and chloroquine are highly effec ve in the control of #2019-nCoV 🦠 infec on in vitro”. Keep in mind these are early petri-dish findings, and not direct clinical results in humans yet. Reference h ps:// cles/s41422-020- 0282-0 This is what we have to date. Check back weekly for any updates. Also be sure to check out the related links on the last page. 7
  • 8. Couch all Decisions in the old adage: An Ounce of Preven on is Worth a Pound of Cure. Stay Safe Patriots. 8
  • 9. Related Links: h ps:// on-control.html h ps:// ents.html Informa on on specimen collec on, handling, and storage is available at: Real-Time RT-PCR Panel for Detec on 2019-Novel Coronavirus. h ps:// on- instruc ons.html Surviving Sepsis guidelines h ps:// onal.1 5.aspx See this Website for a PDF/Sec on by sec on digital copy of the book: "Where there is no Doctor" h ps:// Metabiota Epidemic Tracker: h ps:// CDC In Home Care Guidance: h ps:// CDC_AA_refVal=h care.html h ps:// List of NIOSH-Approved N95 Par culate Filtering Facepiece Respirators h ps:// CDC Making Water Safe In An Emergency h ps:// Clearance rates under differing ven la on condi ons h ps:// oncontrol/guidelines/environmental/appendix/air.html#tableb1 Guideline for Isola on Precau ons: Preven ng Transmission of Infec ous Agents in Healthcare Se ngs h ps:// oncontrol/guidelines/isola on/ Best Page for Info about the virus and its effects & behavior: Clinical Guidance - UPDATED h ps:// ents.html 9