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уlllк *Cчaстливьlй
aнглийский.py', /
для 8 классa вKлючaeт слeдyющиe кoшtпoнeнтЬt:
унебник с тeKстaM.4 ДлЯ.цoMaшHeгo чтeHИя
Пo ИстopИи Анrлии
кHиry для yчИтeЛя
paбоние тeтpaдИ N9 1, 2 с paздaтoчHЬ|M MaтepИaЛoM
aУДИoгlp|Алo)KeHИe (ayдиoкaссeтьt N9 1,2, CD MP3)
пoсoбие ',MИCтеp Xэлп идeт Ha пoyoщЬ''
-: з:lDoсам приoбpeтe'Ия KHИг сЛeдyeт oбpaщaтЬCя в И3.цaтeлЬствo'_,1,...T : 249035, п oбнинск Kaлyжскoй oбл,, afя5055,
-э.- 48439) 9-10-09, фaкс: (4s439) 9-10-o0,
э.-a l: poсhta@titu|.ru (книгa пoнтoЙ), (oптoвь|e ПoKyпaтeли)'
,,-ОoрпlaЦия oб УMK нaxo ДV|тC,я нa сaЙтe www'hapЁyeng|
Услo в ньle o6oзнoч eH,/|я: слyшoйтe oyдиoKoссeтy
po6oтo B пoPox
po6oтo B гpyппoxl |4fpo
дoмoцJHee 3oдoниe
выпoлняeмЬle в клoссe
тeкстЬI и yпpoжнeнИя,
сBязoHHЬle с сюжeтoм
K. H. Кауфlлан, M. Ю. Kayфмaн
:: ,j.-.,-т;tiiский язьtк: Cчaстливьtй aнrлиЙcкий.py / Happy Учeбник для 8 кл.:.i*еэбэaз. yЧpe)Кд'_ oбнинск; Tитул,20O8.- 256 c'iил,
Sэ 378.5-86866-432-8
".-збно-t'teтoдинeскиЙ KoМг|лeKт,,CчaстлИBЬlЙ aнrлиЙcкиЙ'pУ,,Для 8.гo KЛaCсa пpo.цoЛ-хii- --,,:i1Ю рeбникoв
aнглиЙcкиЙ'pу'' ддя5- 1 1 .x KлaCсoB, пpeдHaзнaчe,HЬlХ
.].-з -."-3*ll{Хся oсHoBHoй и сpeднeЙ (пoлнoЙ) oбщeoбpaзoвaтeльнoЙ шкoлЬ|.
l'.i(.aПисaH в cooтвeтcтBИ|А с тpeбoвaниями фЬдepaЛЬHoгo KoMпoHeHтa ГoсУдap-
:-::*-]-0 стaHДapтa oбщeгo oбpaзoвaния. Kypс oбeспeчивaeт нeoбxoдимьlЙ И д,oсTa--]--эi .оoзень KoММУHИKaтИBHЬ|X умeниЙ yчaщИxся в yстнoЙ И пИсЬMeHн oЙ peяи, их-._]З-]]-э
"t спoсoбнocтЬ K peчeBoMy взaИМoдeЙствию нa aнглиЙcКoц языKe в paMKaХ
1''j"; ; -;*3н*oЙ в стaнДapтe тeMaтИKИ.
ББK 8] '2Англ-922
o K. И. Kayфмaн, M. Ю' Kayфмaн, 2006
9 Из.цaтельствo ..Tитv1''.
ДиэaЙн, BoспpoизвeдеHИe' paсПpoстpaнeниe, 2006
9 K И. Kayфмaн, M' Ю. Kayфмaн,200Ё, о ИзMеHeнИяMИ
Э Издaтeльствo ,.Титyл''
, дизaйн' вoспpoИзвeдeHИe, paспpoстpaнeниe, 2008,с ИЗМеНеHИЯМИ
? ] МoдaльнЬIе гЛaгoJlьr ...........63
L*t,s k**р irr t*uсh
Мeet your o|d friends
This is Мisha Inin. Hе сomes from
Russia and is spеnding this yеar in
St David's Sсhool in Еngland.
Тhis is Rob MасWizard.
. Hе is Misha's bеst friеnd. .
Тhis is Rob's oldеr
brothеr, Мark. Hе is
intеrеstеd in history. This is Mark and
Rob,s sistеr, Rosy.
Speok obout the moin сhqroсters ond fomily
treosures. Use which or who.
ModеI: This is Rоb МасWizаrd. He is Mishа's
bеst friеnd.- This is Rob MасWizаrd,
who is Mishа,s bеst friеnd.
Whot oгe you going to do this yeor?
Hil It,s grеat to seе you again.
Vе.rе going to spеnd this yеar
at St David's Sсhool.
This is a family history book.
It сontains sеvеn kеys to thе i
old familу trеasure.
This is Еmily Wilson. Shе
hеlpеd Misha whеn he had
problеms at sсhool.
This is a family
ring. It was lost a
long timе ago.
This is Agеnt Cutе.
Hе is a vrry niсе guy
and always hеlps Мisha,
Robin and Mark.
This is Agеnt Cute's
boss. Hе is thе hеad of
a dеtесtivе agеnсy.
Soy hello to everyЬody.Answer the questions.
1. What arе you gоing to do this year?
2. What will yоu probably do this уеar?
3. What do yоu want to do this yеar?
You сon Use your own ideos or these words for help:
At sсhооl
tо gеt bettеr marks
to join sсhool сlubs
to bе latе
to miss сlassеs
to lеarn somеthing
outside sсhool
to travеl
tо rеad bоoks
to makе nеw friеnds
to watсh TV all day
tо visit rеlativеs
to get a dog (a сat)
to buy something
tо bесomе strongеr
Aslс futr Нglр
(hеalthiеr, thinnеr)
Wеlсomе baсk' folks! Look at you!
You'vе grown up So muсh!
Lеt's talk abоut purpоsеs of rеading
and rеading stratеgiеs.
This information will help yоu rеad
bеttеr and quiсkеr.
Читaть Мo)K}Io с paЗIIЬIMи цеЛЯМи:
о ЧтoбьI IIoI{яTЬ oснoB}IyIo иДеIo TеKсTa
(o нем oн). (Rеading for thе main idеa.)
. Чтoбьl нaftтvt oTBеTЬI нa BoПpoсЬI' oTДеЛЬHЬIе
фaктьI. (Rеading fоr speсifiс information.)
о ЧтoбьI пoI{яTЬ TеKсT IIoЛI{oсTьrо. (Rеading
for dеtail.)I want to hеlp my friеnds
find thеir family trеasurе.
I promisе. I'll try.
Мotсh the instruсtions with the PurPoses of reoding.
r tо undеrstand еvеry littlе detail
о tо undеrstand the main pоints
r tо find spесifiс informatiоn
ч/ 1. Пpoнитaйте нaзвaниe TеKсTa ИIIИ Bce нaЗBaIIия гЛaB.
2. Пpoяитaйте Ilepвoе IIpеДлo)KеItие или aбзaц.
3. Пpоuитaйте пеpBЬIe ПpeдЛo)кeцk|Я Kaждoгo BTopoгo aбзaцa.
4. Пoстapaйтeсь иЗBJIечЬ инфopмaциIo иЗ pисyнKoB' гpaфиков
5. oбpaтитe BниМaниe нa BЬIДеJIeIIIIЬIе иЛи пotчеpK}IyTЬIе сЛoBa.
6. Пpouитaйтe ПoслeДние IIесKoЛЬKo IIpеДЛo)Kений иJIи пoсЛеД-
ний aбзaц.
1'. oпpедeЛvITe, KaKyIo инфopмaциIo вьl сoбиpaеTесЬ исKaTЬ.
B этом BaМ МoгyT пoмoчЬ yсTaнoBKи yчиTеЛя' BoПpoсЬI IIrpеД
TеKстoМ' IIpеДBapиTелЬIIo сoсTaBЛенньIй IIЛa}I.
2. oпpеделиTе KлIoчеBЬIе сЛoBa' KoTopЬIе вьl бyдете исKaTЬ
B TеKсTе.
3. Пoстapaйтесь IIpеДсTaBить сeбе, в кaкoй фopмe BaМ BсTpеTитсЯ
oTBет. Haпpимеp' есJIи BЬI ищеTe дaTy, To BaМ неoбхoдиМo Пpo.
сМoTprTЬ TеKст, обpaщaя BниМaHиe ToЛЬKo нa цифpьl.
4. Иcлoльзyйте ЗaГЛaBия и лroбyю tpyгylo инфopмaциIo, KoTopaя
МoхеT IIoМoчЬ вaм нaйти aбзaц или стpaниЦУ, KoTopaя сoдep)KиT
IIРKнyIо инфopмaциIo.
, 1. BнимaTеЛЬIIo читaйтe кшкдьlй aбзaц.
2. Пpoвеpяiттe зIIaчеIIия неЗнaKoМЬIx сЛoB с ПoМoщЬIо сЛo3apя.
3. oбpaщafттe BIIиМa}Iие нa КЛIoчеBЬIе ПpеДлo)KeIIvIЯ Kaхtoгo
aбзaцa. Имеет сМЬIсJI BЬIIIисЬIBaTЬ их B TеTpaДЬ ИI.rv| ПoДчеp-
KиBaTЬ B IIpoцессе чTеI{и'I.
4. ля ToГo чтобьr ЛyчIIIе ЗaIIoМ}Iить инфopмaциIo' IIoЛyчеII-
нyЮ и3 TеKсTa, Мoх(нo IIисЬМrIIнo сoсTaBиTЬ егo KpaТкoе
Answeг the questions.
'. -hiсh t}'ре of rеading takes thе most I the lеast time?
- r 11.1-' ti.pе of rеading do you most oftеn / lеast often usе in thе lеssons?
5 . Reod the probIems ond onsweг the questions,.|vУhot ore the purposes
of fhese children?
Model: 1 - Shе is looking for spесific informаtion.
I'm gеtting ready for a tеst. The
teaсhеr gave us fivе quеstions. I havе
to find thе answеrs in thеsе books.
I havе to makе a rеport on
this artiсlе in сlass tomorrow.
I want to know more
about thе Nеthеrlands.
r* .,' р3' y'
'J {д r) ;
A Reod the tеxt ond сhoose the сorreсt onswer: Whot is fhis text oЬout?
RememЬeг: you don,t need to undeгstond eYery word.
а l summеr holidays? b) travеlling arоund thе world?
с t rr еаthеr and сlimatе?
1. Sерtеmbеr has сomе, and it is still vеrу Warm.
Тhе lеar'еS on thе trееs havе turned yеllow and rеd,
a сold wind was blowing, but suddеnly it got Warmеr
again. I likе еarly autumn beсausе it rеminds mе of
thе summеr. But oсtobеr and Novеmbеr arе not my
far-ouritе months. It's usually сhilly and wеt and еvеry gеts сoldеr and сoldеr.
2. Тhis summеr I did all sorts of things. In Junе
I wеnt сamping. It was a rеal advеnturе. I lеarnеd how to
put up a tеnt and makе a сampfire. A friеnd taught mе
how to play thе guitar and I lеarnеd a lot of good songs.
I also took a lot of piсturеs of my friеnds, our сampsitе,
thе forеst and thе rivеr.
Тhе rivеr was fantastiс. Wе wеnt сanoeing and somе of
us еnjoyеd fishing. Wе Wеrr luсky with thе wеathеr, so wе
сould swim and liе in thе sun. Thеrе werе somе prоblems,
but it was oK in thе еnd.
3. In July mу parents and I wеnt to Holland. Pеоplе
thеrе spеak Dutсh, but thеy also undеrstand Еnglish.
Тhе trip WaS vеry intеresting.We did somе sightseеing and
madе a lot of friеnds. I'11 nеvеr forgеt how beautiful this small
сountry is and how friеndly and politе thе peoplе arе.
4. In August I had to go to sее my grandmother. Shе livеs
in a smallvillagе not far from our town. Shе has a big gardеn
and nееds hеlp. I was busy all thе timе. Togеthеr wе piсkеd
fruit and vеgеtablеs and madе jams and piсklеs. Shе showеd
mе how to find mushrooms in thе forеst, and I found a lot
оf thеm.
Reod the text ond soy: WhoI did the boy do in July?
You will onswer this queslion eosily if you find the word Julyin the text.
Мotсh the ports of the text with the heodings.
. Hoiland ..= GraПflУ n Сamping *n Autumn
Foг whiсh tosk did У!u^ o) reod the whole text?; b) look for speсifiс onswers?
с) гeod the key woгds?
News from St Dovid,s Sсhool
l Мisho lnin hos been ot St Dovid,s Sсhool for six months. He is writing o |etter
obout his sсhooI life. Reod the letteг ond onswer the questions of Ex. 2 o|.
St Dovid's
Bloсkstone R,oqd
Уoгk Уo24 3HF UK
13 Febгuoгy
Hi Моsho,
How сгe you? I,m sorгy I hoven,t written foг some-
time. T'vе Ьееn verY busy. Lеt mе just te|l you.
Unfoгtunotе|у, thеrе is no news obout thе
МoсWizoгds' fami|y histoгy book. Rob ond r hove
givеn up hope. Wе arе trying to f orgеt obout this
story. Sometimes I think there hos neveг been ony
fomi|y tгeсsure ot o|l. But lyork hosn,t givеn up yet.
He still Ьe|iеvеs the story obout the treosuгe ond
with my help hopes to find it.
Тhe good news is thot life ot sсhooI is gгeot. Rob ond T orе gеtting
rеo||у фpulоr; we hove joined most of the sсhoo| сlubs ond gone on
dlff еreni exсuгsions. We hove o|reody Ьеen to Уork, CamЬridgе,
London, сnd next wееk wе arе going to the Houses of Poг|ioment.
r'm of roid my mission hеrе is neorly over ond I hove to 9o home in
Мoгсh. Luсkily I,ll stilI tе hеrе for the exсursion to London.
Тhot's my news. How oгe you gеtting on? How's 6ronny? T oftеn
think obout hеr. 5hе tought me Еnglish ond thot.s the best pгesent
anybody hos ever givеn me. Pleose soY hello to her for me,
r.m sorry but I have to stop now. Rob hos just сome ond сolled me
foг dinneг.
Hope to heoг from you soon!
Best wishes,
P.5. It,s гoining ogoin. Thot,s the Еnglish winter for you!
o) Answer the questions.
1. Who did Мisha writе the lеtter to?
2. Did he gеt gоod or bad nеws?
З. What has Misha donе sinсе hе сamе to Еngland?
4. What is Misha planning to dо in his Еnglish sсhool?
5. Is thе lеttеr fоrmal or informal?
Ь) Find two sentenсes thot meon
с} Find the opposite of the words forfunotely, unluckily.
3 Мг Мoсkenzie hos wri|ten o letter too. Look through the letter ond onswer
the questions.
1. Who is thе lеtter to? 3. What is thе lеttеr abоut?
2. Who is Mr Мaсkеnziе? 4. Is the lеttеr formal or informal?
St David's
BIaсkstone Road
York YO24 3HF
February Betsey MaсWizard
19 Cresоent Road,
Тunbridge Wells,
Kent TN2 3GH
Dear Ms MaсWizard,
I'm writing to ask your permission to extend Misha tnin's stay
at our sсhool. We were Very pleased that he has passed at| his
first term eХams with exсe|lent marks. So it is my intention to give
Misha the chanсе to finish the year at St David's.
l have already оontaоted his parents and expeсt an answer from
them tomorrow. Тhere are no finanсial issues involved as We сan
offer him a fuII sсholarship.
I hope that you will assist me in this matter.
Yours sinоereIy,
Kenneth Maсkenzie
4 . Reqd Мr Мoсkenzie,s letter onсe more ond find the equivolents
to these phroses.
1. I,vе informеd Misha,s parents. 
2. Misha Inin's marks toitьe first tеrm wеrе good.
3. Wе Wеrе very happy...
4. Мonеy is not a problеm.
5. I hope you will hеlp mе...
6. Wе arе planning to...
7. Misha won,t have tо pay for his studies.
5 Whot,sJhe differenсe between formol ond informol letters?
1. Who do we write formal / informal lеttеrs to?
2. What languagе do wе use?
3. How do wе start formal / informal lеttеrs?
.1' How do wе finish formal / informal lеtters?
Here ore some tips for writing formol ond informol letters. Anolyse the letters
ond fill in the toЬle. Some tips work foг both types of letters.
1. Use formal languagе.
2. If you don't know thе namе, just put Dear Sir i Мadam.
3. Write ..Bеst wishes'' at thе end.
4. Usе сhatty (paзгoвopньlй) language.
5. Don't usе соntraсtions (сoкpaщения).
6. Put thе first namе' bесausе you arе writing to a friеnd.
7. Put thе addrеss of thе person you arе writing tо.
8. If you usе Dear Sir / Мadam at thе top, put ..Yours sinсеrеly'',
at thе bottоm.
9. Don't forgеt tо sign with your full namе.
10. Usе paragraphs for еvery new point or differеnt part of thе story,
So it's еasiеr to rеad your lettеr.
11. Put Mr or Мs bеforе your name.
12. Just writе your first namе.
13. Don't forgеt to writе thе datе at thе top of thе lеtter.
Мotсh the letter wгitting сliсh6s with their tronslotions.
1. Bеst wishеs, Alех.
2. I lооk forward tо hеaring from you.
3. Thanks for your lеttеr.
4. Writе soon!
5. It was great to hеar from you.
6. Lеt's kеep in touсh.
7. I havеn't hеard from you for ages.
8. Yours sinсеrеly,
9. I'm sorry I havе to stop now.
1.0. Hopе to hear from you soon.
f) C нaилyчIIIиМи пo)кeлaн ИЯNIтI'
... eбя rrи.rего
я Cтo llrт oт т
сJrЬrill}lo.h) C нетepПеIlиeм >кДУ oTBеTa.
Informal lettersFоrmal lettеrs
8 Fi|] in the gops in the letteг with the expressions from Ех.7 . Use this infoгmotion
in the сorreсt pIoсes.
Аt,tа Lшjtnbа,ш,n 77
/ 0 Deсдlа,{у*
Du,r SwLщ
!Й Й
уЙ,Lr И,e'u jйg I h.toj, to gсt t/.|/rчh to
7tu ott th,оt,r)ау,
hrt tlш hл"е t,ttа,s fu"r щ I lюP4
7oиrе 9"tщ tlшoust4
frs.t 14,еr/<,s
"|| фfu.
Iъе ahеАф ЬеИ4 tn Qerrид*у ftт thrn .т4tеt/<Б. rt's ,ttrу qшrt
h,trе. Тfu,rrе a,rе tеrу Р- ?aPk ш tlrc 9tre€k _
ф И,rs.
tt's grtttlt1 И{1"еr аnd сdlar фry dлу. z|аие,s ?|.o s+tа1o) Ln t|rc
9tre€k pn l,ttitt,t* h.tre аJ4,d, I't,ш t.и,r,rs.ф oИ.r s,?шI|у kt.t,уsiдn wthtш.
Реryk h,ere аrе jrtd,ry rцф ftт сhrlsttt,tлs.
ry dmrаtе
a(,l th,е +tltл^d"or,tts |n th&r /42И,'rs шith eИlrk, сh/ЙИ4А,{ tr*s аJ4,d,
to,*F, a/4j,
b gф' dАrb it /Dт/<Б Li/<э a f*r tа,12. Stt,t.tд
[i/<е to grt all,,aу
rtт сhrlсttt,tлs. тn*7
9o to th,е r,и"ol.t,lttа,t,tlв' or ,уi.'+t
tЙЙ, r€{,а,i.uеs, /,Йt 14у
f"br,LdБ аre go*g to s,tау аt lш4,t2.
Lа,'.t 1,|,е€k I gЙ a cсИ а,И7,
frtt 'Ч, bа7,. I'rп joи,t
!"tt,',1 ruw t,t
aиl. I't,tа
fеall,t1 мter ,Иot|.
Wlшn I
!* bаx*, t'1,| trd|
цou 7,14,ore.
,''I /.1i1/е to d.o t/4n cЙ/<1i|4! to14ц{4t.
Bжt wиlt.еs,
Verb псtivgtоr
B aнглиliском яЗЬIKе есTЬ МIIoгo гЛaгoЛoB' KoTopЬIе иМe}oT ДBa' TpИ, a
To и большrе ЗIIaчe}Iий. Paздел ..Vеrb aсtivator'' пoМo)кеT BaМ сисTеМaTи*
ЗиpoBaTь ЗIIaIIия oб pке изBесTI{ЬIx BaM гЛaгoЛaх. Kpоме ToГo' B неМ BЬI
бyдете ЗнaKoМиTЬся с TaK I{aЗЬIBarMьIMи Phrasal verbs (фpaзовЬIr ГЛaгo-
льl) - ЭTo yсToйчивьrе сoчеTaния ГЛaГolIavlнapечиЯ' ГЛaГoЛa и llpeДЛoгa'
либo гЛaгoЛa и чaсTицьr. ПpедЛoг' I{aprчие иЛи чaсTИЦa, сToящиe ПoсЛе
ГЛaгoЛa' чaсTo пoлнoсTЬIo Ме}IЯ}oT егo З}Iaче}Iие.
Глaгол to get
- IIoJIyчaTЬ, ДoсTaBaTЬ, Пpинoсить, пpибЬIBaTЬ кyдa-либo
(добиpaтЬся Дo KaKoГo-Либo местa)' вxоДить (вьжoдить), сTaI{oBиTЬся
9 Тronslote the sentenсes into Russion.
]". It's gеtting dark. I havе to go homе.
2.Мarу will bе huppy. I'vе got a lovеly present for her.
3. Whеn my friеnds got to thе station, thе train had already lеft.
4.I got hеalthiеr aftеr I joinеd a football сlub.
5. This singеr is gеtting really popular.
6. Hе is our bеst studеnt. Hе always gеts еxсеllеnt marks.
7. Сould you get mе somе papеr? I,m going to writе a lеttеr.
8. Alеx got to thе room first and saw a big Christmas treе.
9. Don't Worry abоut Maх, hе's oK. I'vе just got a lеttеr from him.
10. Hе was ill yеstеrday but hе's gеtting bеttеr today.
11. Мy dоg is gеtting old. I havе to takе him to thе vеt morе often.
10 Whot do the phrosol verЬs in these sentenсes meon? Мotсh the underlined
exргessions with fo gef with their tronslotions.
1. I nеvеr g9lдp early on Sundays.
2. I hоpе hе'll gеt ovеr this disеasе.
3. I triеd to phonе УoU, but I сouldn't
gеt through.
4. Yоu won,t see Мary tomorrow.
Shе is gеtting away for this month.
5. I'1l gеt baсk homе tomorrow.
6. How arе you gеtting on?
a) встaвaть (с пoстели)
b) вьIздopoBеTЬ
с) веpнyTЬсЯ
d) Kaк дeлa?
е) дoзвoниTЬся
f) yехaть
g) пеpе>киTЬ чTo-To
A Copу the toЬle into youг exerсise Ьooks ond fill it in with the sentenсes
fгom Ех.7 ,
i Grеeting
Staпing thе lеttеr
1 Clоsing thе lеttеr
i Еnding the lеttеr
B Fil| in the gops. Use onl oYer| up, Ьoсk, owoy.
1. Somе pеoplе grt ... latе evеry day.
2. What'S your nеws? How are you gеtting ... ?
3. My friеnd brоkе hеr 1еg last year. Shе Soon got ... it.
4. Mr Smart was vеry angry beсausе hе didn,t likе to livе in a little village,
but hе сouldn't gеt ... .
5. Fathеr wеnt to Kaliningrad, but hе promisеd to get ... neхt wееk.
Tгonslote the sentenсes from Russion into Еnglish.
1. ..Где Mэpи?'' -
..oнa ПpoсTyДиЛaсЬ вЧlpa,'.
2. Kогдa oIIa BЬIзДopoBeеT' МЬI пoйдем B пoхoД.
3. CтaнoBvlTсЯ TеМIIo. Boзьми фонapик.
4. ..Гдe тьr бьrлa в 6 чaсoв?',
,,Яlнe мoг тебe ДoзBoIIиTЪcЯ,,.
5. ..Tвoй
Дpyг BеpнeTся B сpеДy?,' -
6. Kaк y I{егo делa?
Мoke Up o story oЬout youг friend. TeIl your сIossmotes whot hoppened to
him / her lost yeor. Use expгessions with phгosol veгb gef.
No news is good news
Ноw tо Ьuild wогds
Cлoвa MoГyT бьlть обpaзoвaTIЬI с пoIvIoщЬIo сyффиксoB и пpефиKсoB.
ПpефиксЬI изMеняIoT ЗнaчеIIиe слoBa' нo нe МеняIoT егo IIpинaДЛe)КI{o-
сTи K тoЙттли инoй ЧaсTи pечи' нaПpиМеp., nаtionаl - intеrnаtionаI
CyффиксЬI сЛy)KaT ДЛя oбpaзoвa:н:,лЯ paЗЛиЧIIЬIх чaсTей pени.
ИспoльзoBa}Iие тoгo ИЛvl vтHoгo сyффИKca иЛи Пpефиксa не BсeГДa
ПotчиI{яеTсЯ oПpеДeЛеннЬIM ПpaBиЛaM и чaщe ЗaBИcИT oT yсTaнoBиB-
IIIeгoся сЛoBoyпoтpеблenIlЯ B яЗЬIKe' нaПpиМеp.. tО govеrn - govеrnor
ПpефиксЬr с oTpицaTеЛЬHьIlu зIIaчеIIиeMi un-' in., iI-, im., ir-, dis., mis-
happy - счaсTливьIй
lоgiсal - Лoгичньlй
to like smth - лтoбитЬ чтo-To
tо datе - ДaTиpoBaтЬ
unhappy - Ilесчaстливьrй
illogiсal - }IеЛoГичньIй
to dislikе smth _ }Iе лroбить чTo-To
to misdatе - неПpaBиЛЬ}Io ДaTиpoBaTЬ
Koкoe и3 слoв в стpoкe лишнee?
a) unimportant, unfriеndly, undеrstand
b) unkind, unitеd, unсool
с) dislоyal, disagrее, disсo
d) important, immortal, imaginе
е) information, informal, inсоrrесt, irrеgular
f) misspell, misundеrstand, mist
Oт кoкиx слoв o6poзoвoHЬl эти слoвo? Use o diсtionory if neсessory.
Dishonest, unluсky, unrеal, inсorrесt, disсonnесt, informal, impossiblе,
Моtсh the phгoses with their tronsIotions. Тhere ore seYen phroses but only six
trons|otions. Whiсh two phгoses hove o similor meoning?
a) Fortunatеly ['fо:tJэnэtli] . . .
b)I'm afraid...
с) Thе goоd (bad) nеws is...
d)I'm glad to tеll you...
е) Luсkily...
f) I am sorry, but...
g) I havе somе bad (good) nеws
fоr Yоu...
1. Бoroсь' чTo...
2. Мне )KaЛЬ' I{o...
3. ХopoIшaя (плoxaя) нoвoсTЬ' чTo...
4. K счaсTЬIo...
5. Paд вaм сooбщиTЬ...
6. У меня плoхие (хopolпие) нoвoсти
ДЛя Baс...
Тгопsiоte the so;,ings: ,No nev/s is good news.,, ,,Bod
news tгovels fost.,,
W[rоt sirniloг soуings do you know Гn Russion?
o l_.1Е aТIIТе Bни}laIIие: сyщесTBиTелЬIIoe nеws (нoвoсmь' нoвocmu) яъля-
ЁТu.Я г{еIIсчIIсJяе}VfЬIМ и yпoTpебляeтcя с гЛaгoЛaМи B фopмe еДиHсTBeI{IIoгo
щ]L-la. Haпpимеp:
-еstеrdау thеre wаS Still no news аbout thеir Son.
- Bнepа все еще Itе
бььto нoвoСmей o6 uх сbIне.
Choose the сorгeсt words in bгoсkets ond reod Мosho,s reply. Did Мosho
hove good or bod news?
FIat 11,1О Lipovaуa ЭN
25 January
Dеar Мieha,
Тhank уou for Уour letNer.
(I'm g|ad / The bad nrwe io) that уou likс Уour new ochoo|, Tha|'o
the moet impofDanN thing.
(|'m afraid / Luckily) уou'Il have No forget about,the t,reaoure.lf уou
don,t give up t,hie idea, Уou can vutУour |ife in danger again, Нav:e fun
with уour new friende and don'N think abouN iN anу more,
I havr oОme (bad / qood) newo for уou, Grannу fr|| off her chair and
broke her arm, (Luоki|у, / |,Jnlucki|у) ohe waon't a|one at home when i|
havvened, Эhe'o ОK now, buъ (forYuna|e|у, / unfor|unate|у) ehe can'|
wri|r |o уou, Эhe oendo her |ove and wi|| phone Уou aoon,
Write eoon!
Эeэt wiehee,

Сопvеrsоtiоn Ьriсks
Этoт paЗДеЛ бyдет ЗI{aKoМиTЬ Baс с paЗГoBopIIЬIМи KЛиIIIе. PaзгoвopнЬIе
- эTo сЛoBa-свЯЗw|или фpaЗЬI' IIoМoгaIощие BесTи бeседy. B poднoм
яЗЬIKе МЬI yIIoTpебляем иx пpaKTиЧесKи IIе зaДyМЬIвaясЬ. Haпpищеp, ..Ме>к-
Дy пpoчиNI', ,,,СeiIчaс BсПoМнIO'', ..[aйте ПoДyмaTЬ...''' ,,Яkl'e yBepеII' Ilo...',.
B aнглийсKoМ яЗЬIKе To)Kе есTЬ М}Iox(есTво пoдoбнЬIx сЛoB и фpaз. B дaн-
нoМ paЗДеЛе BЬI нaйдете BЬIpilKе}Iия' KoTopЬIе ПoзBoЛяT ЗaBязaTЬ paЗгoBop'
излo)KиTь сBo}o ToчKy зpeIIия, ПoинTepесoBaTЬся МI{еI{ием сoбесеt{ниKa'
Be)KЛиBo егo Пrpебитъ иЛи сМeниTЬ TеМy' BсTyпиTЬ в ДисKyссиIo' yЗI{aTЬ
нyхсryю инфоpмaциIo и МI{oгoе Дpyгoe.
Listen to the expressions. Whot do they meon?
a) sympathy (сouyвствие) b) surprisе с) agrееmеnt
@ wьat a pity! @тьat'sgreat! .@tu*
@ тьat's good nеws!
d) interеst е) joy
glad to hеar it.
@ нrе you?
@ Good fоr yоu! @мmm. @ Really? Tе11 mе!
@ Did thеy? @ How wondеrful! т @ oh no!
@ нow awful! @ вaс nrws travels fast.
Listen to the expгessions ogoin ond repeot them ofter the speokeг.
Look ot the expгessions ond soy: How do peop|e reoсt to good / Ьod news?
@ wьat a shamе!
Мotсh the news with the reoсtion to it.
1. I'vе had a lеttеr from my bеst friend.
2.Му sistеr has found a goоd jоb.
3. My dоg has diеd.
4. His namе is Alех' isn't it?
5. Thе wеathеr is going tо bе bad this wеekеnd.
6. I'vе won a lot of money in a lottеry.
7 .NIу mothеr has promisеd to givе mе a dog
for my birthday.
a) What a pity!
b) Rеally? Tе1l mе!
с) That's grеat!
d) That's awful!
е) Good for you!
f) That,s good nеws.
g) Right.
Rеaсtion to good nеws Rеaсtion to bad news
Complete the reoсtions to good or bod news.
1. ... awful!
2. I havе ... gооd nеWS for you.
3. It.Io nеws ... good nlws, ... it?
4. Bad nеws ... fast.
5. ... to hеar it!
6. ...? Tеl1 mе!
7. What a ... !
Why ore the peopIe in the piсtuгes hopРy or sod?
Modеl: Frеd is sаd bесаuse his friend саn't hеlp him with his homework
this wееkend.
Нi, l'и oОrry, but | сan,t,
he|p уou wit,h уour homework
thio weakend,
Thе wеathеr is
going to bе rainy.
I l Look ot the piсtures of Ex. 10 ogoin. Aсt out the diologues. Toke turns to tell
eoсh otheг the news ond reoсt to it.
ModеI: A: I,vе just got а mеSSа7е from mу friend, He саn't hеlp me with mу
homеwork this wееkеnd.
B: Whаt а pitу!
12 |n.poirs. ong of-you is А ond the other is B. lnformotion for А is on poge l 9,
infoгmotion for B is on poge 2l .
Мoke shoгt dio|ogues. Use phroses from the Conversofion Ьriсks.
Thе Russian tеam has
won thе World Сup.
w Infоrmаtion for A
].. You havеn't sееn your friеnd for a long timе. Find out how hе / shе is
gеtting on.
2. Your friеnd is sad. Ask what is wrong. Rеaсt to thе neWS and offеr your
3. You'vе mеt an old friеnd and want to know how his family arе gеtting on.
Reaсt to thе nеws.
A .You,ve reсeived o letter fгom on old friend who lives very for owoy fгom you.
o) Reod the letter.
F|aN 45,177 Kirov Эr,
24bООО Ka|uga
5 АuguoL
low are уou getNin7 on? | haven't, heard from уou for aqeo, Where have
уou bеen?
|,m finв. Аr тhе momen| |'m aN home' I need oame reeN af|ar mУ eummer
advеn|urao, Theу Ware very eхciNing.
|n June we wrnT, camping in t,he toreoL in Kare|ia, ForNuna|e|у Nha
wea|her waт qreat, Therr are a |oN of baautifu| |akeo t,hare Noo, Next Уrar
wa,|| probab|у go Nhrre aqain' Do уou wanN No come wit,h ue?
ln Julу | wanL |o aee mу qrannу, Эhе |iveo in a nice |itt|e vi||aqe nrar
Ka|uga' gу friеndo and I had a |ot' of tun, UnfofcunaLe|у, Nheir |ifе ion,t,
aaтУ. А |oN of peop|е in the vi||aqe have |ooN their jobe and Nheу don'N have
much monrУ'
|'m opending АugueL aN home beсauge I have t'o gev readу for ochoo|'
Thie уear ie going to br very impo(DanN for ma. Tha good newo io Nhat
|1е|еn, who io good at, a|| ochoo| oubjeсNo, promioed No hr|p me, Do уou
rеmembrr hrr?
I miee Уou a |ot' |1ow are уou? flow,o Уour |iNt|e broЬher? Эaу he||o to
Уour mum and dad too, I hope |heу're fine,
WriNe eoonl
bсot, wiohee,
Your friеnd
э) Wгitе o гeрIу. Use these questions os o pIon.
Staп your lеttеr
1. Нavе you had any lеtters from him / hеr?
2. ЪIaуe you forgottеn to writе? Why?
Givе news and information
1. Arе you oK?
2. Has anything nеw happеnеd in your lifе?
3. Is thеrе any news about your family and friеnds?
Ask fоr thе nеws and infоrmation
1. How is yоur friend?
2. Hоw arе his l her friеnds and family?
Closе your lеttеr
1. Why do you havе tо stop?
2. When will yоu writе again?
Agent Cute wrote o seсret Ietter to Мisho ond Rob.
lt,s in Russion, thol,s why only Мisho сon reod it.
Theгe oгe some mlstokes in the letter.
Тronslote the |etter into Еng|ish for RoЬ.
flopozoЙ |лu|Ла u Po6,
Эmo eсmь AzеHm Kьюm. Я nuшу uз KpаснoЙулuщьt 0oм 1 0. Сеzodня есmь25 янваpь.
Я есmь oК, нo Я Bсе BpeMя dумаmь o Bас. У вас есmь нoвoсmь? BьI uш|ееmе наЙmu
KHuzу? Я к вам буdу ехаmь, кozdа вьt нукdаemесь MoЯ nolv]oщь.
HесчасmлuBo , Бoсс есmь злoЙ сo мнoй , Ho Эmo Hе есmь npавdа. Я uMеmь сdелаmь
oшuбку, я ee 6уdу uсnpaBumь.У меня Hеm Holoсmu.
Я бoюсь, я doлжеH oсmаHoBumься сеЙчас. Пpuшла
Мьt буdем у>KuHаmь.
я сMompю вnеpеd сльtU|Jаmь om Bас. Пuшume скopo| даваЙmе dеpжаmь npu-
Луuшuе >KелаHIIя,
C пoмoщЬю KoKиx пpeфиксoв o6poзoвoнЬl эти слoвo? Тronslote them
into Russion.
mispronoullсе' disсonnесt, irregular, unusual, impossiblе, unfair, misprint,
unсomfоrtablе, indirесt, misplaсе, impatiеnt
v Infоrmаtiоn for B
1. You'vе mеt an old friеnd. Yоu havе grеat nеWs.
Someonе has just invitеd you to a birthday party. If your friеnd asks, tеll
him / hеr that this is thе party of the сlеvеrеst boy (girl) in your сlass.
2. Yоu'vе mеt a friеnd. You arr upset bесausе somеbody has stolen
your biсyсlе.
3. Yоu'vе mеt a friеnd. He l Shе asks you about your family. You havе
bad nеws. Yоur grandfather is ill.
Vo|entine,s Dоy
ll ; Мisho is phoning Rosy МoсWizoгd. Reod their сonversotion ond onswer
the questions.
1. Ноw dо pеoplе сеlеbratе Valentinе's Daу?
2. Whо doеs Misha likе?
3. Why doеs Misha nееd Rоsy's adviсе?
4' What was thе problеm with valеntinе сards thrеe yеars ago?
5. What is RosY's adviсе?
Hi, Rosy. It's Misha.
oh! I{i, Misha, how arе you gеtting on?
I,m oK, thanks. And how arе you?
I,m finе.
Wеll. mmm.... what's thе wеathеr like?
It's bееn raining sinсе this morning.
That's bоring.
Yes, it's bad. Look, Misha. Is thеre something
I сan do fоr you?
Well, yеs. Tomorrow is Valеntine's Day.
That's right.
Wеll, yоu know, girls and boys sеnd valentinеs and littlе prеsеnts
to еaсh оthеr, if... you know...
Rоsy: If thеy likе еaсh othеr.
Мisha: Yеs. And I have bееn thinking about onе girl for a long timе...
Shе has bееn hеlping mе a lot sinсе I first mеt her.
Rosy: And you want to sеnd hеr a valеntinе, don,t you?
Мisha: That,s right. Hеr name is Еmily Wilson. I have known hеr for siх
months and shе's Vеry spесial to me. But I'm not surе about
Еnglish traditions.
w Infоrmаtion fоr B
1. Yоu,vе mеt an old friеnd. You havе grеat nеws.
Somеonе has just invitеd you to a birthday party. If your friеnd asks, tеll
him / her that this is thе party of thе сlevеrеst boy (girl) in your сlass.
2. Yоu'vе mеt a friend. You arе upsеt bесausе somеbоdy has stоlеn
your biсyсlе.
3. Yоu'vе mеt a friеnd. He l Shе asks you about your family. You havе
bad nеws. Yоur grandfathеr is i11.
Volentine's Doy
Мisho is phoning Rosy МoсWizord. Reod their сonYersotion ond onswer
the questions.
1. How do pеoplе сеlеbratе Valеntinе's Day?
2. Who doеs Мisha likе?
3. Why doеs Misha nееd Rosy's adviсе?
4. What was thе prоblеm with valеntinе сards thrеe years ago?
5. What is Rosy,s adviсе?
Hi.' Rоsy. It's Misha.
oh! нi, Misha, how arе you gеtting on?
I'm oK, thanks. And how arе you?
I'm finе.
Wеll, mmm..., what's thе weathеr like?
It's bееn raining sinсе this morning.
Тhat,s bоring.
Yes, it's bad. Look, Мisha. Is thеre something
I сan do for you?
Wеll, yеs. Tomorrow is Valеntinе's Day.
That's right.
Wеll, you know, girls and boys sеnd valentinеs and littlе prеsеnts
to еaсh оthеr, if... yоu know...
Rоsy: If thеy likе еaсh othеr.
Мisha: Yеs. And I havе been thinking about one girl for a long timе...
Shе has bееn helping mе a lot sinсе I first mеt her.
Rosy: And you Want to sеnd hеr a valеntine, don't you?
Мisha: That's right. Hеr namе is Еmily Wilson. I havе known hеr for six
months and shе's very spесial to me. But I,m not surе about
Еnglish traditiоns.
Rosy: oh, I Sее... Well, Valеntine's Day used to bе a big dеal at St David's.
Whеn I was thеrе, wе used to organisе a post boх and aftеr сlass
tеaсhеrs openеd it.and gavr out valеntines tо thе studеnts. Thеrе
was only onе problеm: somе peоplе whо wrrе unpopular nеvеr gоt
any valentinеs and got vеry upset. So thrее years ago thе tеaсhеrs
сhangеd thе rulеs: if you want to sеnd valеntines' you havе to sеnd
thеm tо еvеrybody in your сlass.
oh! That's impossiblе! What shall I do? It's ninе o'сloсk already.
But thеrе's no nееd to wоrry. I сan givе you some adviсе. Put your
valеntine in Еmily's bag whеn nobody is looking at you.
Thank УoU, Rosy, I,ll do that.
oK, Misha, I havе tо answеr my mobile now. Somеbody has bееn
trying tо gеt through all this time.
--Agk iсlr Нalр'
1. ПpoизoIIIли ли дейстBия' oписaI{IIЬIе в ПpеДЛo)Kенияx'
B IIpoIIIЛoM иЛи oIIи Itaчaли ПpoисxoДиTЬ B пpoIIIЛoM и Bсе еще
ПpoисxoДЯT B IIaсToящий момент?
2. С кaкими oбoЗI{aченияМи BprМени o}Iи yпoтpебляroтся?
1. It has bееn raining sinсе morning.
a) C yTpa IIIеЛ Дo)KДЬ. b) C yTpa иДеT Дo)KДЬ.
2. Somеbody has bееn trying to gеt through all this timе.
a) Bсе ЭTo BpеМя KTo.To IIЬITaJIся ДoзBoHиTЬсЯ.
b) Bсе эTo BprМя KTo-To IIЬITaеTсЯ ДoЗBoI{v|TЪcЯ,
3. I havе known hеr for siх months.
a) Я ЗнaIо rе ПoлгoДa. b) я знaJI ее пoЛгoДa.
4. Shе has bееn hеlping mе a lot sinсe I first mеt hеr.
a) Oнa ПoMoГaЛa МIIе Bo Bсeм с Tех Пop, KaK я еe BIIеpBЬIе BсTpеTиЛ.
b) oнa пo}IoгaeT MIIе Bo BсеM с Tеx гIop, KaK я ее BПepBЬIe BсTprTиЛ.
5. I havе bееn thinking about a girl for a long timе.
a) Я y)Kе ДaBнo ДyМaЛ oб oднoй ДеBoчКе.
ь) Я y)ке ДaBнo ДyMalo oб oднoй ДeBoчKe.
Find the Ьest tгonsIotion for the expressions from the diologue.
A big dеal
- a) бoльlш€Ul сДеЛKa b) бoльIшое сoбьrтиe с) вьlгoдньlй сп1"raй
Shе's vеry spесial.- a) oнa сПециaЛЬнaя b) онa oсoбеннaя с) oнa oбьIv-
Тhеrе's nо nееd to worry.
- a) Hе нaдo иx бeспoKoиTЬ. b) Hет ПoBoДa ДЛя
беспoкойствa. с) Hе делaй из эToгo TpaгеДии.
Listen to Мisho ond.Rosy,s сonversotion ond onswer the questions. Support
your onsЧ/ers with the sentenсes from the text.
Нow is Misha fееling when hе's talking to Rоsy?
a) Hе's surprised. b) FIе's feeling vеry shy and uneasy. с) Hе's vеry
How is Rоsy feeling when shе,s talking to Мisha?
a) She's upsеt. b) Shе's intеrestеd. с) She's amusеd.
Repeot the сonversotion ofter the speoker.
Fог your infогmotiоn
Thеre is a beautiful legеnd behind St Valentine's Day.
Saint Valentinе livеd in Rome in thе third сеntury AD.
At that timе thе Еmperor of Romе was Claudius. He
wasn't vrry popular beсause he was trying to gеt morе
and morе pеople for his army. Thе men didn't want to go
tо thе army and Claudius thought that it was bесausе thеy
didn't want to lеavе thеir wives and сhildren. ..If
thеy don't
gеt marriеd, thеy'lljoin thе army,'' he thought and passеd a
law (зaкон) whiсh banned (зaпpетил) marriagе.
Valеntine was a Christian priest who didn't like the nеw law. Hе
seсretly marriеd pеoplе who wеre in lovе. onе night thе Еmpеror's
soldiеrs сaught him and put him in prison. Valentine Was going to die.
Many young pеоplе felt sorry for Valentinе and visitеd him in prison.
onе of them was the daughtеr of a prison guard. on thе day of his
еxесution Valеntinе wrotе a notе to hеr and signеd it ..Lovе from your
Valеntinе''. This was on 14 Fеbruarу 269 AD.
Sinсе thеn 14 Fеbruary has been thе Day of Love, when pеople sеnd
lovе lеttеrs and prеsеnts to еaсh othеr. Thеy don't sign thе сards with
thеir names' but writе ..Guеss Who,, or ..Your Valentinе',.
At first this was a Еuropеan tradition, but then it bесamе popular in
othеr сountriеs. It сamе to Russia too, but a lot of pеоplе say,
you lovе
somеbodУ, you should show it еvery day, not only one day a year.'' ;
5 Мisho hos written his volentine. Look ot it. Are there ony mistokes in it?
'a qr
lhe moot' oPoc
Miэha lnin
Y ot"l're
n rhe
Whot do you think of Volentine,s Doу? Do you wont to сelebrote it ot sсhool?
Use the words ond expressions.
It's a / no big dеal. It's romantiс. It's intеrеsting. It,s a niсe tradition.
It,s very unfair. Pеoplе gеt upsеt. It hеlps pеoplе show thеir lovе.
Volentine Quiz
1. Valеntinе's Day is on
a) 14 February. b) 14 January. c) 14 Marсh.
2. Оn this day people
a) sеnd long lеtters to еaсh other. b) gеt married.
с) sеnd сards tо еaсh othеr.
3. Thе day got its namе from
a) a girl's namе. b) a priеst's namе. с) thе name of a Roman Еmpеror.
4. St Valеntinе wеnt to prison bесause
a) hе sесrеtly married pеoplе. b) hе sесretly gоt marriеd.
с) hе didn't go into thе army.
5. How should you sign a valеntinе?
a) Yours faithfully b) Bеst wishеs с) Guеss who?
Мotсh the pгefixes with the verЬs ond odieсtives ond moke the opposites.
Pгеfiхеs: un-, iП-, il-, im-, ir-, dis-, mis-
Vеrbs: undеrstand, lеad, appеar' соnnесt, agrее
Adjесtivеs: friеndly, rеgular, usual, possiblе, kind, luсky,
honеst. соmfortablе
How |ong hоve you Ьeen leorning Еng|ish?
Present Perfeсt Progressive Tense
-нoстoящee сoBeРшeнHoe длящeeся вpeмя
ГлaгольI в фopмe Prеsеnt Pеrfeсt Prоgressivе yпoт-
pебляютcЯ ДrIЯ BЬIpDI(еIrия Длящегoся действия, KO-
Topoе I{aчaлoсЬ B ПpoшЛoМ, Bсе еще ПpoДoDI(aеTся
B нaсToящее BpеМЯ и oIIpеДеЛeнЕIЬIIУI oбpaзoм гIoД-
BoДиT иToг ПpoДoл>KиTrЛЬIloсTи эToгo дeйствуlя. H.a-
I hаve bеen rеаding this book for а wеek.
- Я чumсIIО
Эmу КHu?у уэre нedелro.
Presеnt Pеrfесt Progrеssive oбpaзyеTся с ПoМoщЬIo
гЛaГoЛa to bе в фopме Prеsеnt Pеrfесt и IIpичaстияI.
have (has) bееn + глaгoЛ + -ing
1. УтвeptитеЛьIloе ПpеtЛo)I(еIIIIе
Jеff аnd Еmilу hаve been plауing tеnnis for two hours.
- tэreф u Элtuлш
u?pаIom в mеHнuс в mеченue dвух чсlсoв,
2. oтpицaTеЛЬIIoе ПpetЛo)I(ениr
Jeff аnd Еmilу hаvеn't been plауing golf for thrее hours.
3. oбщий вoпpос
IIаs Jеff bееn plауing tеnnis for two hours? - Yеs, he hаs.
4. AльтеpIIaTиBIIьrй вoпpoс
Hаs Emilу beеn plауing tеnnis for two or for thrее hoшrs?
- Еmilу hаs
bееn plауing tennis for two hours.
5. Bопpос к пotЛе>r{aщеMy
Who hаs been plауing tеnnis for two hours? - rфf аnd Emilу hаve.
б. Cпециaльньrй Boпpoс
How long hаve Jеff аnd Emilу beеn plауing tеnnis?
- Theу hаvе been
plауing tеnnis for two hours.
7. PaзделиTeЛЬIIьrй вопpoс
Iеff аnd Е,milу hаve bееn plауing tennis for four hours, hаven't theу?
- Yеs,
thеу hаve.
Cлyнoи yпoтpe6 лeнИЯ
Если B IIpеt{Лo)KеIIии ГЛaгoЛ стoиT в фopме Prеsеnt Pеrfесt Progrеssir е. тс.
KaK пpaBиJIo, yKaзЬIBaeTcЯIIеpиoД BprMеIIи' B TeчеIIиr KoTopoгo Пpollсхo]ТтT
ДейсTBие. Пеpиoд BpeMеI{и Мo)KеT бьrть BЬIpa)KеII:
a) обстояTеJIЬсTBaMи BpеIvtr}Iи TиIIa: all mу lifu, аll these уeаrs, latеlу
(в пoслеДHее вpемя).
I hаve bеen working longer hours lаtеlу.- B nocлеdнеe вpeJvtя я oсmсlrОСь
на pабomе doльt,l'lе.
b) обстоЯTеJIЬсTBaMи BpeMеHи' BB.ДиМЬIMи IlpеДлoгoм;for (в теuение ) :
for,а wееk(в тенение неДeЛи),forfive уeаrs (в тенен1Iе TIЯTу1 лeт),for а
time (в теuение ДЛиTеJIЬнoгo BpеМеIIи)
" '. д.
Lеnа аnd Svetа hаve аlreаdу bееn tаIking on thе phonе for hаIf аn hour. -
Лeна u Свеmа pат?oваpuваIОm no mеrlефoну уже nОлчаса.
с) oбстoяTеЛЬсTBaMи BpeMеIIи'BBOДиМЬIМи сЛoBoмsince,Since,B ЗaBисиМoсTII
Shе hаs bеen dreаming аbout а dog sinсе she wаs а child.- Она JИечmаem О
сo6акe с demсmва.
Jаnе 8(|vе mе this саssеttе on Mond,ау. I hаve bееn listеning to it sinсе thеn.-
Д,э,сеiн dала "I|nне I{асCemу в noнеdeльHlt|{. С meх nop я ее сJ|уIuаro.
Shе hаs bееn slееping sinсе shе got bасk from her trip._ Она сnum с meх
ПОp, ItсШ вepHулась uз noeзdкu.
Taким обpaзoм,
}IaчaЛa Действия.
сЛoBo since исIIoJIЬзУeTcЯ для oбoзI{aчrIIия МoМrIITa
Prеsеnt Pеrfесt Prоgrеssivе нe yпотpебЛяeтся:
1.) с глaгoJIaMи' oбoзнaчaloщиМи сoсToяIIие.
to lovе - лroбить
to rеmеmbеr _ ПoМниTЬ
tо undеrstand - пo}IиMaTЬ
to sее - BиДеTЬ
to hеar _ сЛЬIIIIaTЬ
to hatе _ I{еIIaBиДетЬ
to likе _ нpaBIлTЬся
to bеliеvе _ BеpиTЬ
to want _ xoTеTЬ
to know _ зIIaTЬ
to fоrgеt - зaбьrть
to nееd _ IIy)KДaTЬся
to be - бьlть
tо havе - иMеTЬ
Bместo Рrеsеnt Pеrfесt Progrеssivе эти гЛaгoЛЬI
yпотpебJIяIoTся в Prеsеnt Pеrfесt. Haпpимеp:
I hаvе known mу best friend sinсе wе wеrе сhildren.- Я 1Hаro
СвОе?О лучIuе?o dpуzа с mех ПoР, rcсIK Jvtьt бьшu demьлtu.
2) ecли иМeеTся ПoлI{oе oTpицa}Iие действия. F{aпpиМep:
I hаvеn't plауed thе guitаr sinсе I brokе mу аrm.
- Я не
u?pсl|О Hа zumаpе с meх ПОP, ldаld СлOJуLаJI pуl{у.
l open the bгoсkets. Use Present Perfeсt Progгessivе.
1. Мy friеnd (wоrk) on thе projесt for two wееks.
2. Kate (look for) hеr bag for tеn minutеs.
3. You (slееp) all day again?
4. Why you (listеn) to this song sinсе yеsterday?
5. How long (lеarn) Еnglish?
Reod the sentenсes ond soy, в кoKиx пPeд,loxeнИях гoвopится:
a) Kогдa }IaчaЛoсь действие? b) Kaк ДoЛГo oнo пpoдoл>кaлoсь?
1. You havе known your friеnd sinсе you wеrе fivе yеars old, havеn,t you?
2. Yotl have bееn rеading a vеry intеrеsting book for thrее days, havеn't
3. Yоu havе bееn working on a spесial projесt for a week, havеn't you?
4. You havе bееn drеaming about having a dog sinсе you wеrе a сhild,
havеn,t you?
5. It has bееn raining sinсе Моnday, hasn't it!
Give true onswers.
Fill in the gops with for or sinсe.
].. It has bееn raining ... yеstеrday.
2. Мarу hasn't had any guests ... last yеar.
3. Tom,s fathеr has bеen building his housе ... two years.
4. Мy friеnds havе bееn living in Londоn ... many years.
5. Aliсе has wantеd a biсyсlе ... hеr last birthday.
6. Pеtеr and Katе havе known еaсh оthеr ... tеn yеars.
7. I havеn't gonе out ... thrее days. I havе bееn ill ... Saturday.
Why didn,t we Use Present Perfeсt Progгessive in some of
the sentenсes?
4 Answer the questions oЬout yourself. Use for or sinсe.
1. How long havе you bееn at sсhool today?
2. How long havе you known your bеst friеnd?
3. Hоw long havе уоu lived in your town l citу / villagе?
4. How long havе you bееn lеarning Еnglish?
5. How long have you known your Еnglish tеaсher?
5 Whiсh of the sentenсes best desсribes the piсtuгe?
a) It has bееn raining for two daуs.
b) It rained yеsterday.
a) Wе have known еaсh othеr sinсе
wе Wеrе сhildrеn.
b) Wе knеw еaсh othеr when wе
Wеre сhildrеn.
a) She has bееn sleеping sinсе shе
сamе baсk from hеr trip.
b) She came baсk from her trip, gоt
Somе slееp and unpaсked hеr
a) Мary has beеn rеading an ехсiting
book all day.
b) Мary has rеad a vеry intеrеsting
.,.i, , x}sщ?:
6 Rewrite the sentenсes.
Model: My fathеr bеgan to watсh TV two hours ago. Hе is still
watсhing it.- Mу fаthеr hаs beеn wаtсhing W for two hours.
]-. Ann bеgan to writе a lеttеr at fivе o,сlосk. Shе is still writing it.
Z. Тheу bеgan to talk in thе mоrning. Thеy arе still talking.
3. It bеgan to rain an hour ago. It is still raining.
4. Shе bеgan to соok dinnеr whеn Wr сamе. Shе is still сooking.
5. Hе bеgan to makе a firе 20 minutrs ago. Hе is still making it.
6. I bеgan tо takе piсturеs two hours ago. I am still taking thеm.
7 Put the verЬs in Ьroсkets in the сorreсt tense form: Pгesent Perfeсt or Present
Perfeсt Progressive. Еxploin your сhoiсe.
1. Shе (tеaсh) сhildrеn all hеr lifе.
2. Agnes (not еat) sinсе Monday. Shе is on a
3. Нow long hе (lоok) for a job?
4. I heard a vеry funny song whеn I was tеn.
sinсе thеn.
5. It (rain) sinсе 10 o,сloсk.
6. Тhеv alrеady (wait) for his сall for 15 minutеs.
r. Shе (lеarn) Frеnсh sinсе shе сamе baсk frоm hеr trip.
[ (rеmеmbеr) that song
8 Ploy o gome. How long hove you...? Use the сords fгom the Cuf ouf.
Если игpaеT более oДиFII{aДцaTи чеЛoBеK, paзбейтесЬ IIa гpyПпЬI. Kaх<tьlй
иЗ иГpoKoв ПoЛyчaеT IIo oднoй KapToчKе с BoIIpoсoМ.
[ля тoгo чтoбьr пoЛyчиTЬ oTBeT IIa BoIIpoс Kapтoчки, неoбхoДиМo IIo-
гoBopиTЬ с KilKДЬIМ иЗ yчaсTByIощих B иГpr. Зaкoнчив сбop инфopмaЦИkl,,
игpaloщиM неoбxoдиМo зaIIIlcaTЬ ПoЛyчеII}IЬIr ДaIIIIЬIе и сoобщиTЬ o ниx
Model: Player 1: How long hаvе уou hаd this wаtсh?
Playеr 2.. For ten dауs. It's new.
9 Listen to the inteгview ond onswer the questions.
1. What is thе man'S namе? 4. Whеrе doеs hе work?
2. Whеrе doеs hе livе? 5. Is hе married?
3. What does hе dо?
{ : How interesting is your life? Answer the questions ;;;;;;;;"
oЬout the lost few months of your life ond find it out.
].. Havе you bееn doing any sports?
2.Ilaуe you bеen sleeping a lot?
3. Have you bееn gоing out with your friеnds?
4. Have you bееn hеlping your parеnts with
the housеwork?
5. Havе you bееn watсhing TV a lot?
6. Havе you bееn studying a lot?
7 . }{aуe you bееn rеading anything?
Yоur rеsults
_5 + +4 Unfortunatеly, your lifе isn't vrry еxсiting at thе momеnt.
Is that bесausе it's autumn? You must havе morе fun. Spеnd
morе timе with your friends, find a hobby, get a dog and gеt
out of thе housе morе!
+1 + +5 You're happy with your life. You havе your own hobbiеs and
intеrеsts and you dоn't want to сhangе anything. But arеn't
things a bit boring somеtimеs?
+5 + +16 Yоu'rе thеrе when things happеn. or should wе say things
happеn whеn you'rе thеrе? You'rе thе сеntrе of attentiоn,
but latеly you have bееn doing too muсh. Rеmеmbеr, you
can,t bе in two plaсеs at onсe. Dоn,t forgеt it.
I i..,.t;,.:.' 29
Yеs No
1 3 0
2 -1 1
J 2 0
4 J -1
5 -2 2
6 2 0
7 -J -1
Put the verbs in broсkets in the сorгeсt form.
]-. How many eхеrсisеs you (do) sinсе you startеd your homеwork?
2. Мrs lzard (writе) this boоk sinсе hеr husband diеd.
3. Yоu (know) this man? How long you (know) him?
4. We alrеady (tatк) about it for a wеek. It's timе to do somеthing!
5. Thеy (tatк) for two hours and (not finish) yеt.
6. Мr Diх is busy. How long hе (bе) busy?
7. Carоlinе (think) about Mark sinсе hе lеft.
8. How long you (havе) this hat? I (havе) it for yеars.
9. I (not see) your dog latеly. What (happеn)?
Тrons|qte the sentenсes into Еnglish.
1. Mьl IIaхoДиМсЯ B ЭToМ МaгaзиIIе yже 20 минуT' a еще ничeгo I{е
2. o,Чтo
OII ДелaеT?'' -
..Oн игpaеT B TеIII{цg',.- ..KaK
ДaBнo oн иГpaeT?''
-..Двa чaсa,,.
3. oни IIyTеIшестByIoT Рке ДBе I{еДеЛи и y)Kе пoзBoHиЛи ДBa paЗa.
4,,,Гдe Moлли?,' -
бoлеет,,.- *KaK
ДaBIIo oнa бoлeeT?',
-..C чeтвеpгa',.
5. oни pке oбсУДи4IIk| пеpвьlй BoIIpoс и ceiтчac oбсркдaют втоpoй.
oни oбсyх<дaloT егo y)Kе чaс.
Why hоs Jone Ьeen сrying?
Ргеsеnt Pеrfесt Prоgressivе моlкеT yПoTpеблятьcя без yкaзanvIЯ IIa Пеpиot
Bpе},rеIIи, B TечеIIие KoTopoгo IlpoисхoДиЛo действие. B тaких сЛyчaЯx из
KoнTеKсTa ПoIIЯTнo' uто дейсTBие ToлЬKo чTo ЗaKoI{ЧиJIoсЬ и oсTaBиЛo
свoеoбpaзньlй ..след'', кoтopьIй сЛy)KиT oбъяснеIIиеM пoЛo)I(еIIия вещей
B МoМеItT pечи. Haпpимep:
Write onswers for the questions. Use
the ideos in the Ьox.
work at night, talk to thе dirесtor,
run, makе a firе
1. Why do you loоk so palе?
2. Why arе your hands dirty?
3. Why arе you brеathing so fast?
4. Why is shе lоoking tirеd?
You look tirеd. (TьI
вЬIгляДиlIIь yстaлoй.)
I havе beеn working
on a rеport. (Я paбoтaлa
нaД ДoKЛaдoм.)
;: э
-- -j
Look ot the piсtures ond soy: WhoI hos been hoppening?
ModеI: 1 - Hе hаs bеen working in thе gаrden.
6) (make a сake)
sentenсes into Еnglish.
7) (eo horsе riding)
1. У нее KpaснЬIе гЛaЗa. oнa ПЛaKaЛa.
2. KpьrIши ДoМoB МoKpЬIе. lIIел Дo)кДЬ.
3. Егo фyтбoлкa гpязI{aя. oн игpaЛ в фyтбол.
Agk Jvtг Не|р
Boпpос: Ho ведь BpеMя Prеsеnt Pеrfесt To)I(е yпoтpебЛЯeTcЯ
ДЛЯ BЬIpa)KениЯ действий, кoтop"'" ,'po"ЗoIIIЛи B
ПpoIIIЛoМ, нo pе3yЛЬTaToМ сBязaI{ЬI с I{aсToЯщиМ.
B чем х(е paЗницa?
oтвет: Tьl aбсoJIIoTIIo Пpaв. Oднaкo oбpaти BIIиМaIIиe:
Prеsеnt Pеrfесt Progrеssivе yпотpебляется B Tех сЛyчaях' KoГДa
МЬI гoBopиM o ДЛиTеЛЬнoМ пpoцессе: I hаve bеen rеаding this
book аll night.
Prеsеnt Pеrfесt yпoтpебЛЯeTcЯ ToгДa' KoгДa нaМ Ba)Keн фaкт
сOBеpIIIеH'|ЯуlЛI4 HесoBrpIIIения действия.. I hаvе reаd this book.
It's intеrеsting.
Reod the expressions.
to laugh onе's head off - сMeяTЬся Дo yПaДy
to spot smth - зaМеTиTЬ чTo- либo
to get jеalous
- pеBI{oBaTЬ' ЗaBиДoBaTЬ
lt,s St Volentine,s Doy ond Мr Groms hos iust enteгed the room. Look ot the
p.iсtuгes ond soy: ,,Whot
hos Ьeen hoppenin g?,, /
hos hoppened?,,
Use the woгds ond expressions.
to look fоr smth, to fight, to сry, to laugh onе's hеad off, to get a valеntine,
to sеnd a valеntinе
Model: Mishа аnd Bеn hаve bееn fighting.
Тry to guess. Why hove Мisho ond Ben Ьeen fighting? Мoke Up o short story.
Гl ;i : i-i::.,si.ll 8
Мr Grams:
o) Listen to the сonveгsotion. Do you think the situotion
is funny? Why? Why not?
Ь) Reod the сonversotion ond find sentenсes in the
Present Peгfeсt Progressive ond Present Perfeсt.
Мr Grams: Whо,s оn duty today? What has bееn
happеning hеrе?
Bоys: Мisha and Bеn havе bееn fighting. Jane
has bеen сrying. Thе othеr girls havе bееn
looking fоr prеsеnts in thеir bags, but only
Еmily has got onе. And wе havе bеen
laughing our hеads off.
I don't understand. Tеll mе еvеrything from thе bеginning.
It all startеd with Janе Bесker. In thе first lеsson shе opеnеd
hеr bag and saw that somebоdy had put a prеsеnt thеrе. Shе
told еvеrybody about thе prеsеnt and during thе brеak wе all
waitеd for thе dеmonstration of thе prеsеnt. Shе opеnеd thе
box and found a rеally niсе bеar. Al1 thе othеr girls gоt jеalous
and opеnеd thеir bags to look. Тhеy hopеd to find somе sесrеt
prеsеnts tоо. Thеn Jane spottеd a valentinе in thе boх. It said
..To a vеry spесial girl. Grandad.'' Janе startеd tо сry. But thеn
wе forgot about hеr bесausе at that momеnt Еmily Wilsоn
found two valеntinеs: onе was from a sесrеt admirеr and thе
оthеr onе Was from Мisha. Thеn Мisha and Bеn startеd to
fight. Thеy both sеnt valеntinеs to Еmily Wilson.
Mr Grams: I don't sее anything funny abоut it. on Valеntinе's Day wе
sеnd prеsеnts to еvеrybоdy wе likе, not just boys to girls and
girls to boys. Janе, you'rе luсky to havе suсh a niсе presеnt
from your grandad. You should sеnd him a valentinе too.
Е,mily, соngratulations, now you know that you havе two
friеnds who'll nеver lеt you down.
Write the questions for the onswers.
Model: Whу hаvе the girls bееn looking for presеnts in thеir bаgs?
-Bесausе thеy got jеalоus.
1. .. . ? - BесauSе thеy got jealous.
z. ...? - Janе Bесker fоund a sесrеt valеntinе prеsеnt.
3. . .. ? - Beсausе shе has rесеivеd a prеsent from hеr grandad.
4. ...? - Bесausе thеy both sent valentinеs tо Еmily Wilson.
5. ...? _ Bесausе thеy thought that thе situation was vеry funny.
Think of o short funny stoгy fгom reoI life. Finish it with: We Ioughed
our heods off.
A Lost yeoг Мisho, RoЬ ond Мork reod the МoсWizord fomily history Ьook.
They wonted to find the seven keys to the lost treosure of the МoсWizords.
They hod only reod three ond o holf stories when they Iost the book.
Мork is stiIl hoping to find the Ьook ogoin.
Reod the сonversotion. Hoйдитe B тeKстe и BЬlпицJите глoгoЛьI B фopмe
Pгesent Perfeсt Progressive, кoгдo дeйств иe Y>Ke зoKoнчилoсЬ K мoмeHтy
peчи, Ho явствeнHo Bидeн eгo ''слeд', .
Мisha: What's Wrong with you, Мark? You
lоok palе and your eyеS arе rеd. Havе
you bееn сrying?
Мark: of сoursе, not. I havе bееn surfing thе
nеt all night.
Misha: What have you bееn looking fоr?
Mark: I havе bееn looking for thе МaсWizards'
family history book.
Мisha: Oh no, not again. How сan you find it on thе Intеrnеt?
Мark: of сoursе, I сan't find thе book. Thеrе is only onе book and wе'vе
lost it. But I found thе sесond part of thе story about thе Nоrmans
and Еlmеr.
Misha: Rеally? Tе1l mе all about it!
Mark: I wеnt to thе Sеnatе Housе Library wеbsitе. Thеy havе a lot оf old
books and manusсripts thеrе. I put the kеy words of thе story into
thеir sеarсh еnginе and... I found a сopy of our story in thе library.
A hundrеd yеars ago my grеat-grandfathеr gavе somе соpies оf our
family manusсripts to thе library.
Misha: That's wondеrful! Whеn сan Wе read it?
Mark: I wrotе a lеttеr tо Rоsy. Shе'll go up
tо London, gеt a сopy оf thе manusсripts
and sеnd thеm to us.
"*"f я'r"y-p,gr-infр:'mg""tiр.д
Sеnatе Housе Library is onе of thе most important
aсadеmiс librariеs of thе Unitеd Kingdom. It datеs
baсk to ].838 and has about two million titlеs, most
оf thеm in Humanitiеs and Sосial Sсiеnсеs. It also
has a good соlleсtion for F{istоry and Philosophy of
Sсiеnсе, Tесhnology and Mеdiсinе.
;lttl ,.:
it{it ,;;.
rrr lla
r r r rif';
Irr lll
ttl Цr
rrr r*rril
til Ii
,it rl'
lr!,- r:ii
Choose the сorreсt onswer.
].. What is thе Intеrnеt?
a) a worldwidе nеtwork whiсh сonnесts
milliоns оf сomputеrs
b) a сomputеr
с) an еlесtroniс lеttеr
2. What is a websitе?
a) an elесtrоniс lеttеr
b) a pagе on thе nеt with Somr information
с) a piесе of land
3. What is а sеarсh еngine?
a) a сar
b) a spесial сomputеr
с) a programmr whiсh looks for speсifiс
infоrmation by keyword
ЕImer,s Wor
Reod the story "Elmer's Wor" on poges 17O-175.
: .'.;,.
a- j"
. ..-. ': |
. .

- * -*-'i.i"t*.;*t;;--;; ..;,-. r..... *-o')
Bad nеws has wings.
Bеst wishеs for
Good for vou!
Oh no!
Rеally? Tell mе!
That's good nеws!
That's grеat!
tо gеt a сold
to gеt away
to gеt baсk
to gеt over somеthing
to get up
What a pity!
What a shamе!
Writе soon!
Hоpе tо hеar from you soon.
How are you gеtting оn?
How boring!
Hоw wondеrful!
I'm afraid...
I'm glad to hear it.
It was grеat to hеar from you.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Тhtm Жritfi*h Ржr*frgrmgm*
A surprise exсursion
Мisho ond his сloss ore in London. on the first doy they hove some surprise
exсursions. Look ot the piсtures ond soy: Which museums ore fhe friends going
to visit? Еxp|oin Yovr onswers.
2 Whot do you know oЬout these people? Мotсh the person with his oг heг
1. Тhis prinсess, who did hеr bеst to hеlp thе poor and thе siсk, diеd in 1997.
2. Bоoks by this playwright, who livеd in thе 16th сеntury, arе still Vеry
3' Тhis is a politiсian with his famous pipe, whiсh hе smokеd all thе timе.
-l. Тhis musiсian, who сomеs from Livеrpool, is famous all ovеr thе world.
-{. Тhat.s thе man who was friеnds with John Lеnnon.
б. Тhat.s thе pоlitiсian who was one оf thе bеst British primе ministеrs.
-' Тhat.s thе woman whom еvеrvbodv lovеd.
3 Koкиe пpицoтoчнЬ|e пpeдлoжeнИя B yпP. 2 сoдepxoт нeo6x oДИIv1Ylo l,|н.
фoPмо ци ю? K^o киe п pидqтoч H ыe п peдл ox eнИя сoдepxoт дoпoл н итeл ЬHylo
инфopмo циto?
П pидотoЧH Ьle oп peдeлитeл ЬH Ьle п Peдлoxeн ия
ПpидaточнЬIе oIIpеДеЛиTеЛЬнЬIе IIpеДЛo)кеIIия сЛy)KaT oПpеДеЛеI{иеМ Пo
OTI{0IIIеI{иIо K сyщrсTBиTеЛ ЬI{oМy гЛ aBl{oгo пpеДЛ o)KеItиЯ.
Если гIpиДaToчнoе IIpеДЛo)KеHие oTIIoсиTся K oДyIIIrBЛеI{I{oМy IIpеДMеl.y'
To oнo ПpисoеДИНЯeTcЯ K ГлaBнoМy ПpeДЛo)ке}IиIo с ПoМoщЬIo сo}oЗ}IЬIх
сЛoB who, whom, thаt, whosе,
Если IIpиДaToчнoе ПpеДЛo><еI{ие oTI{oсиTсЯ K I{еoДyIIIеBЛенI{oМy ПpeДМе-
Ty' To ol{o ПpисoеДиI{яrTся К ГЛaBl{oМy пpeдЛo)KeниIo с IIoМoщЬIo сoIoЗHЬIх
сЛoB which, thаt, lуhose.
ПpидaтoчI{ЬIе oIIpеДеЛиTeЛЬI{ЬIе пpеДЛo)КeниЯ TaK)Kе ПpисorДинЯIoTся K
гЛaBI{oMy с ПoмoщЬIo сoIoЗIlЬIх сЛoB when и wherе.
I, lI nеvеr forgеt the саfё whеrе wе mеt.
- Я нuкozdа нe за6уdу кафе,
в ltОmОpОJуt JvtьI всmpеmuлuСb.
Shе соuldn't rеmеmbеr thе dау when she reсеivеd thаt lеttеr.
- Она Hе Jvto?лсl
всnОJvtнumь dень, rcozdа Она пОJIучuла mo nuсь"MО.
ПpидaтоЧHЬIе ollpeteЛиTеЛЬHЬre ПpetЛo)I(ellия бьrвaroт ДByх TиIIоB
-Лиlvlитиpyr()щиr и oПI,IсaTlЛЬlIьIе.
Лимитиpyющие oписЬIB aIoT ПpиЗ HaKII, IIpисyщие ToЛ ЬKo Д aнFloМy
лиЦУ иЛи ПpеtМrTy и oTЛиЧaloщие егo oT Bсеx лиц иЛи пpeДМеToB ToГo
)Kе Kлaсca' pТЛI4 oПисЬIBaIoT ПpиЗнaKи' IIpисyщие Дal{I{oМy KЛaссy ЛИЦrTЛИ
IIpеДМеToв. IIимиTиpyIoщ Иe IIpkItaToчI{ЬI е IIp еДЛ oж ояИЯ неЛ Ь ЗЯ oПyсTиTЬ
бeз yщеpбa для ПoниМal{ия oбщегo сМЬIслa. B ПpеДЛox(еIlиЯх ДaнI{oгo TиIIa
ГЛaBI{oе пpeДлo)Kе}Iиe IIe oTtеЛяeTся oT ПpиДaToчI{oгo зaпятoй.
Thе pеoplе who livе in thе villаge gеt шp еаrIу.
- Лrodu, КomОpьIе JttLIвуnx
в dеpeвне' вСmаIоm pанo.
Thе film which I sаw уestеrdау wаs intеresting.
- ФuльJvt' |{ОmОpьtй я
сJЙОmp ел вчеpсI' бьtл uHmep е сньtй.
B лимитIIpyющих IIpиДaToЧнЬIх ПpеДЛo)KеI{иях who и which Мoхнo зa-
}'1ениTЬ сoIoзнЬIМ слoBoM thаt.
I know the womаn who spеаks Сhinеsе.
- I know thе wОman thаt spеаks
Thе peoplе who live in thе villаgе gеt up еаrlу.
- The pеople thаt livе in thе
villаgе get up еаrlу.
Е сли ЛIrtvlиTиpyющие Пp еДЛ o)K eъIИЯ сЛy)KaT oПpеДеЛ еIIиеМ K ДoIIoЛ}Iе ниIo
Г.IaBI{oГo IIpеДJIoх(eHИЯ' To сoЮЗнЬIе сЛoBa Мo){<нo не yпoтpебЛяTЬ.
Yеstеrdау I met а womаn (who) wе wеrе tаIking аbout.
- Bнеpа я всmpеmuJo
эlсе|ьщu||у' О Кomopoй JуLыI ?ОвopuJ|u.
Пp" ПеpеBoДe нa pyсский яЗЬIK сoloзнoe сJIoBo нeoбxoдиМo.
oписaтrЛЬIIЬIe пpeДJloх< енИЯ сoДep)KaT ДoпoЛIIиTeЛЬHyтo инфopмaциro об
oIIисЬIBaеМoМ JIице или пpeДМеTе. Бeз тaкoй инфopМaции Мo)KIIo oбoйтись.
Глaвнoe ПpeДЛo>I(ellиe oтtrЛяeTся oT IlpиДaтoчI{oгo зaпятoй.
Shе told mе аbout Niсk, whom she liked а lot. _ Она pассt{аlaла .Mrte
o Huке, кomopьIй ей oчeнь lьpавuлся.
B описателЬHЬIх IIpиДaToчнЬIx пpeДЛo>I( снИЯх yпoтpeбJIяIоTся w ho, w hi ch
и нe yпотpебIIЯeTcЯ thаt.
IIis sistеr, who wаs vеrу beаutiful, mаrriеd Tom Hopkins. _ Еzo сесmpа'
КОmopая бьLла ОчеHь t{pасuва, вьIIaJuа lаJvtуJr за Tot,tа Xonкuнса.
4 i oпpeдeлитeту1п пpидoтoчнoгo пPeдлo)t(eния и пoстoвЬтe зollятЬle тoм, гдe
этo тpe6yeтся. Tгonslote the sentenсes into Russion.
1. Thе building that was next to thе sсhool fеll down.
2. Jane whоsе fathеr was also a doсtor works at thе hospital.
3. I'm going to the town whеrе I spent thе best yеars of my lifе.
4.In the room I spottеd a boy whоse father helped me last yеar.
5. Thеre Wеre a lot of flowеrs in the trее her grandfather plantеd.
6. Thе prеsеnt that he brought was the best.
7. Thе girl thеy are talking about is Mark's sistеr.
8. His brothеr whom I have known for many years phonеd mе yеstеrday.
5 Fill in the gops. Use where, who, which, whose, thot, when. Put in сommos
wheгe neсessoгy.
1. Мost of thе peоplе ... сomе tо this theatrе are from Еngland.
2. Мy brothеr ... piсturе you havе sееn in thе room is a vеry niсе guy.
3. His fathеr who was very riсh sеnt him to Еton.
4. Katе and John nеvеr forgot thе plaсе ... they mеt.
5. I don't read books ... havе a happy еnding.
6. It was a timе ... mеn wеnt to war and womеn waited for thеm.
.6 .. Bы6epитe нy)кHoe сoюзнoe слoвo.
1. Мy friеnd, who / whiсh is vеry talеntеd, is arriving today.
2. Shе.s bought thе book who lthat shе was lоoking for.
3' I likе thе housе who / whеre they live.
4. Shе showеd mе the ring whosе / whiсh was a family trеasurе.
5. I don.t know the man whiсh / who is sitting nехt tо mе.
38 Unit 2 iЭSSЭ.
Fог yоuг infоггngtiоn
Thе National Portrait Gallеry opеnеd in ].856.
It сontains ovrr 8,000 original portraits and
photоgraphs. Thе gallеry is ..about history, not
abоut att'',whiсh mеans that a piсturе gеts into the
gallеry if it's a portrait of a famous British pеrson.
Thе artist's namе and thе quality of thе piсturе
arеn't Vеry important.
7 Look ot the piсtuгes ond try to soy: |Nhich of them ore
in the Nofionol Poгtroit Gollery? tNhy?
Charliе Chaplin
iff Listen to the words ond expressions ond repeot them ofter the speokeг.
a nursе - МrДсесTpa
motion - ДBи)KеIIие
universal gravitation
- BсеMиpнoe
an orphan
- сиpoTa
a tramp - бpoдягa
a buttеrflу - 6aбoчKa
law - зaKoII
a rеflесting tеlеsсopе - ЗеpKaЛЬньIй a bоwlеr hat _ IIIЛяпa-KoTеЛoK
- ДиффеpeнциaЛЬIloе и
инTе гp aЛ ЬI{ o е ИCЧИcЛeIJ.ИЯ
'*fl;j Here ore some more portroits from the Notionol Poгtroit Gollery (p. Аo-42l.
Look through the biogrophies ond motсh the person with the ioЬ.
l Мotсh the person with the words from the previous exerсise.
1. Isaaс Nеwton |,alzok.nju:tn] a) a сomiс aсtor
2. Florеnсе Nightingalе [,flоrэns'naItщgеrl] b) a sсiеntist
3. Charliе Сhaplin [,{o:li
,tJaplrn] с) a nursе
:!.0. Reod the texts. HoйДитe и пoдчePKHитe пpидoтoЧHыe пPeдлo)( e||Ия.
oпpeдeл итel яBляeтс,я лу| инфopмo цИя B этих пPидoтoчHЬlx пPeдлo)q eнИяx
дoпoлHитeльнoй или нeo6хoДимoЙ?
Isaaс Nеwtоn
Isaaс Nеwton was onе of thе most important
sсiеntists who еvеr livеd.
Hе was born on25 Dесеmbet,'I642,in Woolsthorpе
[.wulsOc:p]. His fathеr diеd bеfore Nеwton was born
and his mоthеr rеmarried. Nеwton wеnt to live with his
grandmothеr. FIе wеnt to a grammar sсhool, whеre hе
wasn,t a vеry goоd pupil. Luсkily onе of thе tеaсhеrs
spottеd that hе had a bright mind and rесommеndеd
that hе go to univеrsity. So Nеwton wеnt to Trinity
Соllеgе, Cambridge, whеrе hе was going to study law.
onе day hе wеnt to a fair and bought a bоok on mathеmatiсs. Nеwton hadn't
rеad any boоks on mathеmatiсs and physiсs beforе and got vеry intеrеstеd in
thеsе subjесts. Sоon hе bесamе onе of thе best studеnts in thе univеrsity. Hе
spеnt mоst of his lifе in Cambridgе.
Newton bесamе a world-famous physiсist, mathеmatiсian, and natural
philosopher. Hе took faсts and mathеmatiсal thеoriеs and еxplainеd thеm.
Hе formulatеd laws оf univеrsal gravitation and motion that еxplain how
objесts movе on the Еarth and in thе sky. He madе disсovеriеs in optiсs and
built thе first rеflесting telеsсope. He invented an area of mathеmatiсs сallеd
сalсulus and wrotе a lot of books.
40 Unit 2 Lеssorrs l, 2
Flоrеnсе Nightingаlе
Flоrеnсе Nightingalе got hеr namе from thе сity оf
Florеnсе. At that timе Womеn didn't work. Thеy sеrvеd
tеa and gavе partiеs. Flоrеnсе didn't 1ikе this lifеstylе. Shе
was intеrеstеd in bоoks and mеdiсinе and wantеd to gо
to univеrsity. At first hеr family was against it, but aftеr
many еmotional battlеs hеr fathеr agrееd. Shе got a good
еduсatiоn in Gеrmany and started to work in a hospital
whеn shе сamе baсk to Еngland.
Marсh 1854 brоught thе start of thе Сrimеan War
whеn Britain, Franсе and Turkеy dесlarеd war on Russia.
Florеnсе Nightingalе lеft Еngland and bесamе a nursing
administrator of thе Еnglish Gеnеral Hospitals in Turkеy. Shе toоk 38 othеr
nursеS with hеr. Togеthеr they wеnt to battlеfiеlds and organized hospitals.
Thе wоundеd soldiеrs сallеd hеr an angеl bесausе at night shе wеnt from onе
bеd to anothеr with a lamp.
Florеnсе Nightingalе has stayеd in history as ..thе Lady with thе Lamp'',
thе first profеssional nursе who savеd thousands of livеs.
l l Here is more informotion from the Ьiogгophies. Find the Ьest pIoсe for eoсh
sentenсe ond сomplete the Ьiogгophies.
MоdeI: Hе was born on25 Dесеmber,1642, in Wооlsthorpе, whiсh is in
Isaaс Nеwtоn
...whiсh is in Linсolnshirе...
, ..whеrе hе mаdе his most
importаnt invеntions. . .
Flоrеnсe Nightingale
...whеrе shе wаs born in 1820...
...who wаs сlеvеr аnd сlmbitious...
...who rеаllу lovеd his dаughtеr...
,,,whеrе shе wаs а brilliаnt studеnt...
...whiсh she held iп hеr hаnd..'
A Reod Choгlie ChopIin,s biogrophy ond find the onswers to the questions.
1. Whiсh соuntry was hе born in?
2. Whiсh соuntry madе him famous?
З. What was his сhildhood likе?
4. Did hе havе any brothеrs or sistеrs?
5. Whеn did hе start to work?
6. What is hе famous for?
Charliе Chaplin
Charlеs Spеnсer Сhaplin didn't havе a vеry
huppy сhildhоod. Hе was born in London,
Еngland, on 16 April 1889. Whеn his fathеr
lеft thе family, Chaplin's mоther didn't work'
and her two sons Werе oftеn hungrу. Whеn
thеir mother got ill, Chaplin and his brothеr
wеnt to thе workhouse, whiсh was thе plaсe
fоr orphans. Lifе therе Was Vеry hard, but
Chaplin didn't give up. Hе startеd his сareer
as an aсtor when hе was ninе. When hе was twеnty-onе, he joinеd a travеШiпg
musiс-hall сompany. Soon aftеr he wеnt to Amеriсa and bесamе thе fаmous
film star, Charliе Chaplin. The aсtor diеd in 1977 but wе still remеmbеr his
..Littlе Tramp,,, a funny littlе man in baggy (мешкoвaтьlй) trousеrs and а
small bowlеr hat.
Reod the text ogoin ond find the best ploсe for this infoгmotion.
*. ...who brought smilеs to thе faсеs of millions of pеoplе...
* ...whosе health was getting worsе...
С ]; Тhink obout fomous Russion people. lmogine theгe is o Russion Notionol
Poгtroit golleгy. Whose portroits should Ьe there? Why? Write 5-7 sentenсes
oЬout ony of the people you hove сhosen.
D..i Тronslote the senlenсes into Russion.
1. Thе song wе wrrе listening to was a Vеry goоd onе.
2. The tоurists thеy wеre waiting for didn't сome.
3. Unfortunatеly, hе didn't get thе presеnt hе had hopеd for.
4. Thе rеport hе had tо makе was vеry important.
E . Мoke one sentenсe from two. Use which, thot, whose, whom.
1. I bоught a drеss. My friеnd advised me to buy it.
Z. We wеnt to the party. It was very intеresting.
3. That is thе villagе. Wе usеd to go thеrе еvеry summеr.
4. This is Mary Jonеs. I've gоt a lеtter from her.
5. I was lоoking for a kеy. I'vе found it nоw.
6. This is thе housе. They bought it last yеar.
7. This is thе aсtor. I likе him vеrv muсh.
How did the British Porlioment begin?
O6стoятeлЬствo цeли
oбстоятелЬстBa цеЛи IIoЯсIIяIoт' с KaKoй цельIo сoBеprrlaеTсЯ действие
гЛaBIIoгo пpеДлo)KetlpIЯ' и oTBeчaIoT нa BoпpoсЬl зачелt? dля чеzo? с какoti
СyщeствyrT IIесKoлЬKo спoсoбoB BЬIpa>K eвlИЯ цеЛи. Paссмoтpим спoсoб
BЬIpaх(rнутя oбcтoЯTeЛЬсTBa цели с ПoМoщьrо инфиниTиBa. Haшpимеp:
I phonеd mу friеnd to invitе him to mу birthdау pаrtу.
- Я nОтвОHuл dpуzу,
чmo6ьt npuzласumь еzo на свoй deнь poжdeнuя.
B aнглийскиx пpеt{лoжel{иях тaKoгo TиПa инфинитиB ПеpеB oДИTCЯI{a pyс-
cкиiт язЬIK ПpиДaToч}IЬIМ IIpеДЛo)Kе}IиеМ цeЛи' BBoДиМЬIМ сoloз oм чmoбьL
(dля mО?О нmoбьt).
Мotсh the two ports of the sentenсes. Use the piсtuгes
to help you.Who is who in the piсtuгes?
1. Thе Smiths wеnt to Сhina
2. Тhе Bесkеtts wеnt to Tunbridgе Wеlls
3. Мikе and Bill wеnt to Amеriсa
4. Сathy wеnt to Holland
5. Мary and Andrew wеnt to Еngland
6. Thе Browns wеnt tо Моsсоw
a) to sее bеautiful tulips.
b) to walk along thе Grеat Wall.
с) to sее thе Whitе Housе.
d) tо visit thе Kremlin.
е) to do some shоpping.
f) to sее Stоnеhеngе.
:]1]]l 1
ln gгoups. Whot other reosons do people hove to visit Ameriсo, Chino,
Мosсow, Hollond ond Еnglond? Write down the most interesting onsweгs.
Modеl: PеopIе go to Аmeriса to visit DisnеуIаnd |,dlzni1rend].
Тhe students from St Dovid,s liked their first doy in London. Reod the students,
plons for the next сoup|e of doys.
Mоdеl: Мishа: I wаnt to see thе Housеs of Pаrliаmеnt.- Mishа hаs сome to
London to sее thе Houses of Pаrliаment.
Thеу are milеs away from еaсh othец
Inin. You'll nееd thе wholе day to
sее them. And I'm going to visit my
London friеnds. Musеums arе borins.
lr*я f",
;i- fl*r
4 ln groups. A.сompetition. Give os mony reosons to go to London os you сon.
Тhe group whiсh gives the lost гeoson wins. Use the-piсtures to help i;;.--
Мisho is interested in politiсs ond wonts to know more obout the British
Porlioment. He hos found some interesting informotion. Reod the text ond
writе out oII the sentenсes with the verb moke. Whot do they meon?
Wе, thе barons, arе vrry unhappy.
Lеt's start a rеvolt.
Wе should makе morе monry.
Lеt's raisе thе taxеs (пoвьIсим
нaлоги) ... again.
I,vе madе a big mistakе! Thе
nеw taxеs wеrrn't a vеry good
" t.ф+;Йtsф.,-l,;ф.{"q ',s
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l." Thе Маgna Carta Was an agrееmеnt bеtwееn Ё
J:e thе King and his barons. It limitеd thе King.s #,
; powеr' Sinсе thеn all thе Еnglish kings havе *.i
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i,* thе King and his barons. It limitеd thе Kirrg's
rrrryvr L4lLL JvvlDl-'lts'
6 Choose the сorreсt tronslotion.
a) мaгиuесKaя KapTa
b) мaгниeвaЯ KapTa
с) BеликaЯ XapTИЯ вoЛЬI{oстей
7 Whiсh people or oЬieсts ore these sentenсes oЬout? Use
the informotion from the text The beginning of the Brifish
ModеI: He wаs а greеdу аnd inсompеtеnt
- He - thе King
Thеy Werе high but hе deсidеd to raisе thеm.
Thеy didn,t like it and startеd a rеvolt.
Hе dесided to hidе in his сastlе but thеy fоund him.
Hе had to sign it bесausе thеy madе him do it.
Мagna Сarta
Ssh! Don't make
any noisе.
Y*& щ{*frqrffiflФГ
8 Мotсh the expressions with their tronsIotions.
Thе vеrb to mаkе
1. to makе up onе's mind
2. to makе progrеss
3. to make friеnds
4. to makе a rеpоrt
5. to makе a noise
6. to makе a dесisiоn
7 . to makе money
8. tо makе a mistakе
9. to make sоmеbody dо somеthing
10. to makе a mеal
a) пoдpyKиTЬся
b) пpиняTЬ pеIIIeI{ие
с) ДеЛaTЬ yсПеxи
d) зapaбaTЬIBaTЬ ДеI{Ьги
е) делaтЬ ДoKЛaд
f) сДеЛaTЬ oIпибкy
g) ЗaсTaBЛяTь KoГo-To ДеЛaTь
h) rпyметь
i) гoToBиTь еДУ
o бpaTиTе BниМaIIие! ПoсЛе ГЛaгoлa mаke B ЗIIaченИv| тасmaвJтяmb
ГЛaгoЛ' котopьIй сЛеДyеT 3a }IиM' yпoтpебЛЯeTcЯ без чaстvlцьl to.
Shе mаde hеr son do his homеwork in thе еvеning.
- Она тасmавuлa сb[I|а
сd елаmь d o'wаulнroro p аб omу вечеp oJvt.
Whot ore the people in the piсtures doing?
Мotсh the sentenсes with the replies.
1. Why has hе givеn up Frеnсh?
2. Why did shе get a vеry bad mark for
hеr tеst?
3. Why is she lеarning Еnglish?
4. Why did you havе a headaсhе
5. Why did Katе give up that job?
6. Whеrе is Pеtеr? Why is hе not playing
fоotball today?
a) Shе wasn't making muсh monеy.
b) Shе has tо make an important rеport
in Еnglish.
с) Hе wasn,t making any progress.
d) Мy neighbоurs' сhildrеn wеrе making
a lоt of noisе.
е ) His parеnts madе him stay at homе.
f ) Shе has madе a lot of mistakеs in it.
A Use o sentenсe fгom Ьox A ond o sentenсe from Ьox B to exploin why people
do / did / ore going to do something.
Mоdеl: A. I nееd a pеn. B. I want to writе a lеttеr.
I nееd а pеn to writе а lettеr.
Rephrose the sentenсes. Use the expressions with moke.
1. Не wants to bесomе riсh.
2. Tl'ave thеy dесidеd whеrе to go?
3. Thе сhildrеn werе сrying loudly whеn I сamе.
4. Shе was соoking whеn I phonеd.
5. Katе's working hard and gеtting bеttеr.
Тгonslote the sentenсes into Еnglish.
1. Ha ПpolшЛoй неделе oI{и KyПиЛи ПaлaTкy, uтoбЬI иДTи B ПoхoД.
2. Я дoлx(ен IIaBесTиTь Миrпy, нтобьI ПoМoЧЬ еМy.
3. oни хoTеЛи пoйти B МaгaЗин, нтoбьI KyПиTЬ IIoДapoK.
4. oн ПpиIIIеЛ домoй, чтoбьl пooбедaть.
5. oни пoДpРкиЛисЬ ГoД l{aЗaД.
6' ..ПoчеМy Bсе пryмят?'' -
ДeЛaеT ДoKЛaД РKе ДBa Чaca,,,
7.,,Bьl Р{<е ПpиlаЯI|'| pеIIIeние?,'
..HeT ещe',.
1.. Thеy'rе going to Mosсоw.
Z. We wеnt to Еgypt.
3. Hе has just сalled Lena.
4. Thеy'rе buying a tent.
5. I wеnt to thе shop for brеad.
6. Thе Browns wеnt to thе airpоrt.
a) Wе wanted tо swim in the Rеd Sеa.
b) Thеy want to go сamping.
с) I have tо hеlp Mum.
d) Thеy want to sее Rеd Squarе.
е) Thеy had to mееt thеir friеnd.
f) Hе wants to invitе hеr to his birthday party.
How mony Houses does the British Porliomеnt
сonsist of?
Listen to the words ond expгessions ond repeot them ofter the speoker.
to tеasе smb - ДpaЗI{иTЬ Koгo- to sit - зd. ЗaсeДaTЬ
либо a pееr [plэ] - пЭp
to еlесt smb - вьlбиpaтЬ Koгo- personal aсhiеvеment
- ЛичIIoe
лутбo IIoсTи)Кениe
to votе for lagainst smb - гoЛo- statе
- ГoсyДapсT3o
сoBaTь зa / пpотиB Koгo-либo сommon - а,djзd. пpoстoй, oбьrкнo-
tо approve smth [э'pru:v] -oдобpять чтo-либo
to inherit smth [In.hепt] - нa-
сЛеДoBaTь чтo-либo
to rеprеsеnt smb [,rеprr,zеntl -ПpеДсTaBЛяTЬ кoгo-либo
(бьIть ПpеДсTaвителем)
a) нaслetсTBеннЬIe
в) нaслeДсTBrI{нЬIе
lifе pееrs
a) пэpьI нa BpеМя
сommon _ n oбщинa
to сonsist of smth / smb
- сoсToяTЬ
иЗ чегo-либo / кoгo-либo
at lеast
- пo меньrшей Мrpе
to bе сallеd - IIaзЬIBaTЬcЯ
IIэpьI б)нaслеДсTBеннЬIеapисToкpaTЬI
чЛенЬI пapЛaMеIITa
б) пoх<иЗ}IeнIIЬIe IIэpЬI в) x<ивьlе apисToKpaTЬI
Мisho ond Мoгk ore getting reody foг their visit to the Houses of Porlioment.
Listen to the сonversotion ond soy: How mony Houses does fhe Brifish
Porliamenf сonsisf of?
Reod the text ond find the Ьest tronslotions for the words ond expressions.
thе House -a) двopец б) пaлaтa в) дoм
thе Housе of Lords -a) дoм ЛopДoв б) пaлaтa ЛopДoв в) пaлaтa apисToKpaToв
a Меmbеr of Parliamеnt
-a) гpa>кдaнин ПapЛaМellTa б) uлeн ПapЛaМel{Ta в) uлен сoBrTa
hеrеditary peеrs
a bill -
a) зaкoнoпpoеKT б) сuет в) дoкyмент
gеnеral еlесtion -a) oбщий кoнкypс б) oбщестBеннoе гoЛoсoBal{иr в) oбщие вьlбopьl
thе House of Commons _
a) пaлaтa пpoсTЬIх б) пaлaтa oбьrчньrх в) пaлaтa oбщин
сompеtеnt -a) коlrпетентньrй б) нaдле>кaщий в) пpaвoмoчньIй
Мisha: I,vе learnеd somеthing about thе bеginning оf thе British
Parliamеnt, but I didn't find anything about the two Parliamеnt
Mark: Don't listen tо Blaсk, Misha. FIе,s bееn tеasing yоu! Thе British
Parliamеnt sits in оnе building whiсh is сalled the Palaсе of
Wеstminstеr. It's also сallеd thе Houses of Parliamеnt bесause
thеrе arе two Housеs: thе Housе of Lords and thе Housе of
Misha: So what's thе diffеrеnсе bеtwееn thе Housе of Commоns and thе
Housе of Lоrds?
In thе Housе of Commons МPs, or Меmbеrs of Parliamеnt, makе
all thе important deсisions and work on bills, whiсh latеr beсomе
new laws. Thе Prime Мinistеr is in thе Housе of Cоmmons too.
Why arе МPs more important?
Beсausе thеy rеprеsеnt all thе pеoplе in thе сountrу. Wе have to
havе a genеral еlесtiоn at lеast evеry fivе years. Pеoplе vоtе for an
МP, and the party whiсh has thе most МPs wins thе еlесtion and
forms thе govеrnmеnt. Thеir lеadеr bесomеs thе Primе Мinistеr.
I sее, and what about thе House of Lords?
oh, wеll, thеy don.t еlесt thеm. Did you know Blaсk,s older brоthеr
is in thе Housе of Lords? Не's a hеrеditarУ peet and Blaсk,s jealous
bесausе thеrе is no plaсе in Parliamеnt for him.
Мisha: What's a hеrеditary pееr?
Mark: I'1l ехplain. Sоmе pеoplе in thе Housе of Lords just inhеrit their plaсes
from thеir fathеrs and grandfathеrs. Thеy'rе hеrеditary pееrs.
Misha: That's not very fair, is it?
Mark: It's a tradition. In thе past therе used to bе a lot of hеrеditary pееrs
but it has сhangеd and now most pеoplе in thе Housе of Lоrds arе
lifе peеrs. Thеy gеt thе titlе ..Lord', or *Ladу', for thеir pеrsonal
aсhiеvеmеnts, and thеir сhildrеn сan't inhеrit it. Somе of thеm
arе vеry сompetеnt. For ехample' our famous ех-Prime Мinister
Мargaret Thatсhеr took hеr plaсе as Lady Thatсhеr in thе Housе of
Lords in 1992.
What happеns in thе Housе of Lords?
In thе Hоusе of Lords pеoplе talk about bills bеforе thеy beсome
laws and somеtimes suggеst сhangеs to thе Hоuse of Commons.
And what about thе Quеen? What dоеs shе do?
oh, thе Quеen is thе hеad of statе. Shе and thе House of Lords
havе to approve thе dесisions of thе Нousе of Commons. Bеforе
a bill bесоmes law thе Quееn has to say ..La Rеinе le veut,'
[la rэn lз: vз:] (..The Quееn wishеs it''). Thе Quеen uses Norman
Frеnсh as part of tradition.
aii_ . )
Мisha: And сan thе Quееn disagrее with a nеW law?
Mark: Nоt rеally. Thе last timе it happеnеd was in 7О1 .
Мisha: Yоur systеm is a bit diffiсult.
Mark: Wеll, we havе bееn working on it for morе
than a thousand yеars.
The Primе Ministеr is thе head of thе government in
thе Unitеd Kingdom.
Margaret Thatсhеr, ..Thе Iron Lady,'' WaS onе of thе
UK's most powеrful and сompеtent Рrimе Мinistеrs,
frоm 1979 to 1990.
Answer the questions.
]". How many gеnеral еlесtions did Thatсhеr's party win whеn shе was
thе Primе Мinistеr?
2. What оthеr British Primе Мinistеrs сan you rеmеmbеr?
3. Whо is thе British Prime Ministеr tоday?
Fill in the gops with the words from the diologue.
1. In thе UK thеre is no prеsidеnt, thе Quееn is ... of thе ... .
2. Thеre arе twо Houses in thе Parliamеnt: ... and ... .
3. Pеоplе who sit in thе . . . Сommons arе сallеd .. . .
4. Pеoplе who sit in thе ... Lords arе сallеd ... .
5. British pеoplе ... for MPs at a gеneral ... .
6. Thе party whiсh wins a gеneral ... fоrms thе ... and thеir lеadеr
bесomеs the ... .
7 . Аfter thе Quееn approvеs thе bill, it bессlmеs ... .
Мork these sentenсes true or folse.
1. Thе British Parliamеnt sits in two buildings.
2. Меmbеrs of thе Housе оf Сommons nеVеr makе important dесisions.
3. Thеrе is a genеral еlесtion whеn thе Quееn dесidеs.
4. It thеrе was a gеnеral еlесtion in20О4, thе nеxt genеral еlесtion shоulr
bе in 2009 or еarliеr.
5' Lifе pееrs gеt into thе Housе of Lords bесausе thеir parеnts wеrе riсh
6. Еr,еry mеmbеr of thе Housе оf Lords and thе Housе of Commons is
сallеd an МР.
7, Tt"thе Housе of Commons wants to do somеthing, thе Housе of Lоrds
сan't stop thеm.
8. If thе Quееn disagrееs with a bill, shе still (всe-тaки) has to approvе it.
9. Most membеrs of thе Housе of Lords are vrry сlеvеr and сompеtent.
10. Меmbеrs of Parliamеnt rеprеsеnt еvеryоnе in thе сountry.
11. Mеmbеrs of thе Housе of Lords form thе British govеrnmеnt.
12. The Quееn сhoosеs the Primе Ministеr.
13. Thе Unitеd Kingdom is a monarсhу.
.-"."s"**y*r;жtigяbjskq-.".**.* *',**" --'""-*- " -"-" " - - .
Gеnеralizing - oбoбщellие i
о МanУ people think that..._ Мнoгие ДyМaloT, чTo... l
о ЕvеrУbody says that Bсе гoвopяT' чTo...
о Wе all know that...- МьI Bсе ЗIIaеМ, чTo...
о Usually,- OбьIчI{o
r In genеral,
- B oбщем,
Disagreеing - BЬIpax(eHI{е IIесoгЛaсия
о But don,t fоrgеt... - [a, нo IIе зaбьIвaйTe...
о VеrУ truе, but... - OченЬ сПpaBеДЛиBo' нo...
o But in faсt,- ЕIo, нa сaМoм ДrЛе'
. But aсtually,- F{o, в действитеЛЬI{oсTи'
. O In reality - B действиTеЛЬнoсTи...
7 j Heгe ore some mistokes thot people often moke oЬout the British stote ond its
PorIiomenl. Use the expressions from the Conversofion briсks ond exploin youг
Modеl: ].. Thе British Parliament sits in two buildings.- А lot of peoplе
think thаt the British Pаrliаment sits in two buildings, but аctuаIlу it
is onе bшilding.
].. Тhе British Parliamеnt sits in two buildings.
thе pеoplе in Parliamеnt arе сallеd MPs.
3. Thе Primе Ministеr is the hеad of statе.
4. Thе pеoplе in thе House of Lords makе important dесisions.
5. Моst mеmbеrs of thе Housе of Lords inheritеd their plaсеs thеrе.
Uпit 2 Lеssоrls 5, 6 53
Ноw tо build urоrds
CyффиксЬI сyщесTBиTелЬHЬIх -ment, -tion, .siоn
C пoмощьrо сyффиKсoB -ment, -tion oT ГЛaгoлoв oбpaзyloTся сУще-
сTBиTеЛЬнЬIе. Haпpимеp:
to improvе (улунulаmь)
- improvеmеnt (улунtuенuе)
8 ' oт Koкиx глoгoлoB o6poзoвoнЬl сyщeствитeльньle?
еlесtion, govеrnmеnt, managеmеnt, dеvеlopmеnt' disсussion, сollесtiоn,
prеdiсtion, advеrtisеmеnt, еduсation, ехamination, aсhiеvеmеnt,
imprеssion. argumеnt
; Пepeвeдитe сyщeстBитeлЬнЬle нo pyссKий язьlк,
9 : o6poзуЙтe сyщeствитeлЬHЬle oт глoгoлoв с пoмoщью сyффиксoв.menf,.fion.
dесoratе, instruсt' managе, organise, сelеbratе, еquip, dеvеlop, rесommеnd'
invitе, agrее' govеrn' enjoy
A Reod the ideos. Some of them ore folse, some of them
qre not olwoys true. Мotсh the ideos with the foсts.
1.. Еnglish is a Vеry diffiсult languagе.
- d)Madrid
2. Моsсow has always bееn thе сapital оf Russia.
3. Columbus disсovеrеd Amеriсa.
4. Barсеlona is the сapital of Spain. a) Amerigo Vеspuссi
5. Thе Stonе оf Dеstiny is in Wеstminstеr Abbey.
6. Thе Еnglish сlimatе is vеry bad.
с) St ь^,
of p"..:plе ovеr thе woгld
St PеtersЬurg
havе learnеd lt
сastlе е) oftеn niсе and Warm
. .. Use the expressions from the Conveгsofion bгiсks ond write your explonotions.
Model: Еnglish is a vеry diffiсult languagе.- Some pеoplе sау thаt English
is а vеrу dffiсult lаnguаgе, but in fасt millions of people аll ovеr thе
world hаvе lеаrnеd it.
54 -:^. 2 Lеssоrls 5, 6
r*:r*:',* цtl:''n
thе Labour Party - TIapTИЯ
thе Consеrvative Party
[kэn'sз:vэtш,po:ti] -пapTия KoнсеpBaTopoB
thе Spеakеr
- сПиKep
Answeг the questions.
1. Who is thе head of state in thе UK?
2. Who is the hеad of thе govеrnmеnt in thе UK?
3. What is thе building whеrе thе British Parliamеnt
sits сallеd?
4. How many Housеs doеs it сonsist of?
5. Whiсh House rеprеsents thе peoplе of Britain?
6. Hоw оften do British people vote fоr МPs?
7. What arе thе mеmbеrs оf the Housе of Cоmmons
How muсh do you know obout your сountry?
1. What is thе offiсial namе of our сountry?
2.Is Russia a monarсhy? A rеpubliс? A fеdеratiоn?
Write questions for the onswers oЬout the poIitiсol
system in Russio. Find more infoгmotion if neсessory.
1. It is сallеd Fedеral Assembly.
2. There arе two housеs.
3. onе is сalled thе Fеdеration Counсil, thе othеr
is сallеd thе Statе Duma.
4. Thеy arе сallеd dеputiеs.
5. Еvеry four yеars.
6. It,s thе Presidеnt.
7. It's thе Primе Ministеr.
8. They work on bills.
9. Thеy havе to approvе bills.
]-0. Hе fоrms thе govеrnmеnt.
11. Hе сhoosеs thе Primе Мinistеr.
ДaTеЛЬсTBoBaTЬ нa сoбpaнии
to debate
- oбсy)KДaTЬ
a сhambеr ['![еtmbэ] - IIaЛaTa
an arсh
- apKa
David Lloyd George [.lэId.фэ:ф] -
[эвид Лoйд [х<оpдх<
Winston Churсhill [,шnstn'tГз:tЛl] -Уинстoн Чеpvиль
ln the Poloсe of Westminster
Listen to the woгds ond expгessions ond гepeot them ofter the speokeг.
thе Lоrd Сhanсеllоr [,эlэ] - to prеsidе ovеr a mееting
- ПpеДсе-
,t!: -
Look оt the piсtures ond tгy to motсh
their desсгiptiоns.
peоple / oЬieсts ond рlосеs with
This is thr Spеakеr.
Тhis is ttrе Chambеr of thе F{оusе оf Lоrds'
Тlris is thе Lord Сhanсеllоr.
Тhis is thе Wооlsaсk'
l.his is thе thrоnе.
Тhis is thе Сhambеr оf thе Housе оf Соmmоns.
Тhis is thе Мaсе.
Тtrеsе aге rесl linеs оn thе сarpеt'
Тhеsе aIс statuеs of two Primе Мinistеrs.
Тhis is thе ".ayе'' iоtэby.
Тhis is .еstminstеr Нall.
t &,&-
Thе lords and ladiеs sit hеrе. This сhambеr is
also сallеd thе Parliamеnt Сhambеr.
МPs sit hеrе.
Whеn thе Quееn arrivеs in thе Housе of Lords
to opеn thе Parliamеnt, she sits on this.
Thеrе is wool insidе. It's a part of a vеry old
tradition whiсh startеd in thе l4th сеntury. It's in
Parliamеnt to symbolisе thе importanсе of wool
to thе British есonomy at that timе.
It lies on thе tablе whеn thе Нousе is dеbating.
It.s thе symbol of thе powеr whiсh Parliamеni
has won from thе King. It еvеn has its own
guard, who has a vеry big sword.
Thеy rеprеsеnt two British main politiсal parties _
thе Consеrvative Party and thе Labour Party.
This is thе оldеst part of the building. A lot of
famous evеnts and mееtings havе takеn plaсе
hеrе. It saw Guy Fawkеs, who triеd tо blow up
the Housеs of Parliamеnt in 1605. and in World
War II bombs fell on it.
Hе sits оn thе Woolsaсk and prеsidеs оvеr the
Housе of Lords.
Thеsе arе two long narrow сorridors, whiсh arе
vеry important for thе wholе сountry, bесausе
MPs сomе hеrе to votе.
He prеsidеs ovеr thе Housе of Commons.
The distanсе bеtweеn thеm is two swords'
lеngths. In thе old days MPs usеd to havе thеir
swords, and it was dangеrous whеn thеy got
angry with еaсh othеr. So thе linеs arе hеrе tо
rеmind thе MPs that thеy shоuld not start
a fight.
3 Soy o few sentenсes obout the photos in Еx. 2. Use whiсh, where, whose, who or thot.
7lodеl: This is the Housе of Lords, whosе Сhаmbеr is аlso саlled thе
Pаrliаmеnt Сhаmbеr. This is thе Сhаmbеr of thе Housе of Lords,
whеrе thе lords аnd lаdiеs sit.
4 Try to guess: Which of the oЬieсfs ond people ore in fhe House of lords ond
which ore in fhe Hous e of commons? Exploin your ideos.
5 Listen to the speoker ond сheсk your onswers.
6 .. Reod the text on poges 61.62 (Unit 2, Lessons 8, 9) ond сhoose the сoгreсt
1. How many parts doеs thе Palaсe of Wrstminstеr сonsist of?
a) onе b) two с) thrее
2. What arе thе main сolours of thе ЕIousеs of Parliamеnt?
a) gold, rеd and bluе b) gold, grеen and rеd с) rеd and grееn
3. Who writеs thе Queen's Spеесh?
a) thе Quеen b) the Government с) thе Lord Chanсellor
4. Whiсh arе Britain's two main politiсal partiеs?
a) the Dеmoсratiс, thе Rеpubliсan and. thе Consеrvativе
b) thе Consеrvativе and thе Dеmoсratiс
с) thе Labour and thе Consеrvativе
5. Whosе shoе shоuld a Consеrvative touсh?
a) David Llоyd Gеоrgе's b) Winstоn Churсhill's с) The Quееn,s
6. Whу do МPs somеtimеs sit on ihе stеps?
a) Thеrе arе morе MPs than sеats in thе Housе of Commons. b) It's a
part of an old tтadition. с) It,s a punishment for those who arе late.
с) Whеn thе Housе is dеbating.
8. How оld is Wеstminstеr Hall?
a) morе than a thousand yеars оld .b)
more than a hundrеd уеars old
.) *o." than four hundred yеars old
..;ifil.i Тhe friends oгe boсk ot sсhool ond hove сome to o history сluЬ meeting. . ,
il; iй" i"n'ersqtion fo. J"toil
soy: |s Мr Jenkins o good feoсhe r? 'Nhу|
wьot is fhe besl fronslofion for Мr
Mr Jеnkins: Hеllo, еvеrybody. Today I havе preparеd a vеry
intеrеsting and unusual task for you.
Еmily: What is it, Мr Jеnkins?
Mr Jеnkins: Wе'rе gоing to lоok at a fragment from an early
mеdiеval manusсript.
Mark: What is unusual about it, Mr Jеnkins? Wе oftеn
translatе thеm.
Mr Jеnkins: Wеll, I havе to tеll you somеthing. I сan,t trans}atе
this manusсript. This timе I nееd your hеlp.
Еmilу: You'rе jоking, Мr Jеnkins. You сan translatе
John: How оld is thе manusсript?
Мr Jеnkins: I don't know. I got thе tехt by e-mail two wееks ago. FIеrе's
thе е-mail.
Mr Jеnkins:
Мr Jеnkins:
Мr Jеnkins:
Мr Jеnkins:
Hi, Mr Know-it-all!
Your studеnts think that you know evеrything, but that's not true.
Can you translate this manusсript? And if you сan't, wi|l you tell
your studеnts?
Surprise me!
It's vеry rudе!
Yеs, it is. At first, I didn't want to rеad anymorе, but thеn I
saw thе manusсript and fоrgot about еvеrything. It's in runеs,
thе anсiеnt alphabеt whiсh Druids usеd for writing about sесret
things and magiс. I knоW runеS vеry wеll, but thе runеs of
this manusсript arе diffеrеnt. It's a сodе. I havе bееn trying to
translatе it for two wееks but I'vе had no luсk. Now I'm asking
yоu fоr your hеlp.
Dоn't worry' Мr Jеnkins. Wе'll do it tоgethеr.
What did you Say, Mr Jеnkins? A runiс alphabеt? A sесrеt
сodе? Lеt mе havе a look at it!
What,s Wrong with УoЦ, MaсWizard? Why arе you smiling?
It's our family runiс alphabеt. I havе bееn looking for this story
for months and I'vе fоund it! I'l1 translatе it for thе nеxt lеsson.
But... whо is it from, Мr Jеnkins?
r'vе no idеa! Thе е-mail addrеss is rеadеr2345@hotmail.сom
You сan nеvеr find a pеrson through this е-mail addrеss.
But why not?
Bесausе thеrе arе millions of usеrs at hotmail.сom
- peоple
сan usе thе sеrvеr from any сomputеr in thе world.
Answer the questions.
1. What is unusual about this manusсript?
2. How did Мr Jеnkins gеt thе manusсript?
3. Was hе ablе tо translate thе manusсript? Why?
Why not?
4. Why did thе е-mail sound rudе?
5. Will Мr Jеnkins surprisе thе writеr оf thе е-mail?
6. Why was Мark smiling?
7. Who was thе е-mail from?
8. Will Мisha, Mark and Rоb bе ablе to find thе
writеr of thе е-mail? Why? Why not?
L'jnit2 Lеssоrr 7 59
Fill in the сrossword puzz|e ond reod the nome of the river where the Poloсe
of Wеstminster stonds.
1. What dо MPs dо with thеir fееt?
2. What is thе Surname of onе of thе
most famous British Primе
Ministеrs (..thе Iron Lady'')?
З. What doеs thе Lord Chanсеllor sit on?
4. What arе thе mеmbers of thе Housе of
Commоns сalled?
5. Who opеns thе Parliamеnt?
6. Who piеsidеs over thе Housе of Commons?
The diory of Мorion Fitzwolter
Reod the stoгy,,Тhe dioгy of Мorion Fitzwolter,, port l on poges 176-182.
an orphan
a pеer
an arсh
at lеast
But aсtually,
But don't fоrgеt...
But in faсt,
a buttеrfly
a сhаmbеr
thе Cоnsеrvativе Party
Еvеrybody says that...
In genеral,
In reality,
thе Labour Party
thе Lord Chanсеllor
Мanу pеoplе think
that. . .
a nursе
OK, but what about...?
pеrsonal aсhiеvеmеnt
thе Spеakеr
genеral еlесtion
tо sit
to apprоvе smth
to bе сalled
to сonsist of smth / smb
to dеbatе
to elесt smb
to inhеrit smth
to makе a dесision
tо makе a mеal
to makе a mistakе
to makе a noise
to makе a rеport
tо makе friеnds
to makе monеy
to makе progrеss
to makе sоmеbody
do somеthing
to make up onе's mind
tо presidr ovеr
a meeting
tо rеprеsеnt smb
to tеasе smb
to votе for l agianst smb
a tramp
a bowlеr hat
Vеry truе, but...
Wе all know that...
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анг кауфман

  • 1. d ъ8 tr ;n; - jtg: ж gяs* aз r* JзJ - i,"a* U g,ssз *зsз ffi
  • 2. . -т -:-- lll { 0ililn, уlllк *Cчaстливьlй aнглийский.py', / o,Happv Eng;,, для 8 классa вKлючaeт слeдyющиe кoшtпoнeнтЬt: унебник с тeKстaM.4 ДлЯ.цoMaшHeгo чтeHИя Пo ИстopИи Анrлии кHиry для yчИтeЛя paбоние тeтpaдИ N9 1, 2 с paздaтoчHЬ|M MaтepИaЛoM aУДИoгlp|Алo)KeHИe (ayдиoкaссeтьt N9 1,2, CD MP3) пoсoбие ',MИCтеp Xэлп идeт Ha пoyoщЬ'' -: з:lDoсам приoбpeтe'Ия KHИг сЛeдyeт oбpaщaтЬCя в И3.цaтeлЬствo'_,1,...T : 249035, п oбнинск Kaлyжскoй oбл,, afя5055, -э.- 48439) 9-10-09, фaкс: (4s439) 9-10-o0, э.-a l: poсhta@titu|.ru (книгa пoнтoЙ), (oптoвь|e ПoKyпaтeли)' ,,-ОoрпlaЦия oб УMK нaxo ДV|тC,я нa сaЙтe www'hapЁyeng| Услo в ньle o6oзнoч eH,/|я: слyшoйтe oyдиoKoссeтy po6oтo B пoPox po6oтo B гpyппoxl |4fpo дoмoцJHee 3oдoниe упPoжHeHия, выпoлняeмЬle в клoссe тeкстЬI и yпpoжнeнИя, сBязoHHЬle с сюжeтoм K. H. Кауфlлан, M. Ю. Kayфмaн :: ,j.-.,-т;tiiский язьtк: Cчaстливьtй aнrлиЙcкий.py / Happy Учeбник для 8 кл.:.i*еэбэaз. yЧpe)Кд'_ oбнинск; Tитул,20O8.- 256 c'iил, Sэ 378.5-86866-432-8 ".-збно-t'teтoдинeскиЙ KoМг|лeKт,,CчaстлИBЬlЙ aнrлиЙcкиЙ'pУ,,Для 8.гo KЛaCсa пpo.цoЛ-хii- --,,:i1Ю рeбникoв ,.CчaстливьЙ aнглиЙcкиЙ'pу'' ддя5- 1 1 .x KлaCсoB, пpeдHaзнaчe,HЬlХ .].-з -."-3*ll{Хся oсHoBHoй и сpeднeЙ (пoлнoЙ) oбщeoбpaзoвaтeльнoЙ шкoлЬ|. l'.i(.aПисaH в cooтвeтcтBИ|А с тpeбoвaниями фЬдepaЛЬHoгo KoMпoHeHтa ГoсУдap- :-::*-]-0 стaHДapтa oбщeгo oбpaзoвaния. Kypс oбeспeчивaeт нeoбxoдимьlЙ И д,oсTa--]--эi .оoзень KoММУHИKaтИBHЬ|X умeниЙ yчaщИxся в yстнoЙ И пИсЬMeHн oЙ peяи, их-._]З-]]-э "t спoсoбнocтЬ K peчeBoMy взaИМoдeЙствию нa aнглиЙcКoц языKe в paMKaХ 1''j"; ; -;*3н*oЙ в стaнДapтe тeMaтИKИ. ББK 8] '2Англ-922 o K. И. Kayфмaн, M. Ю' Kayфмaн, 2006 9 Из.цaтельствo ..Tитv1''. ДиэaЙн, BoспpoизвeдеHИe' paсПpoстpaнeниe, 2006 9 K И. Kayфмaн, M' Ю. Kayфмaн,200Ё, о ИзMеHeнИяMИ Э Издaтeльствo ,.Титyл'' , дизaйн' вoспpoИзвeдeHИe, paспpoстpaнeниe, 2008,с ИЗМеНеHИЯМИ
  • 3. CoдepжoHиe ? ] МoдaльнЬIе гЛaгoJlьr ...........63
  • 4. L*t,s k**р irr t*uсh Мeet your o|d friends This is Мisha Inin. Hе сomes from Russia and is spеnding this yеar in St David's Sсhool in Еngland. Тhis is Rob MасWizard. . Hе is Misha's bеst friеnd. . Тhis is Rob's oldеr brothеr, Мark. Hе is intеrеstеd in history. This is Mark and Rob,s sistеr, Rosy. Speok obout the moin сhqroсters ond fomily treosures. Use which or who. ModеI: This is Rоb МасWizаrd. He is Mishа's bеst friеnd.- This is Rob MасWizаrd, who is Mishа,s bеst friеnd. Whot oгe you going to do this yeor? Hil It,s grеat to seе you again. Vе.rе going to spеnd this yеar at St David's Sсhool. This is a family history book. It сontains sеvеn kеys to thе i old familу trеasure. This is Еmily Wilson. Shе hеlpеd Misha whеn he had problеms at sсhool. This is a family ring. It was lost a long timе ago. i i 1_-1.i l:,:, ii
  • 5. This is Agеnt Cutе. Hе is a vrry niсе guy and always hеlps Мisha, Robin and Mark. This is Agеnt Cute's boss. Hе is thе hеad of a dеtесtivе agеnсy. Soy hello to everyЬody.Answer the questions. 1. What arе you gоing to do this year? 2. What will yоu probably do this уеar? 3. What do yоu want to do this yеar? You сon Use your own ideos or these words for help: At sсhооl tо gеt bettеr marks to join sсhool сlubs to bе latе to miss сlassеs to lеarn somеthing outside sсhool to travеl tо rеad bоoks to makе nеw friеnds to watсh TV all day tо visit rеlativеs to get a dog (a сat) to buy something tо bесomе strongеr Aslс futr Нglр (hеalthiеr, thinnеr) Wеlсomе baсk' folks! Look at you! You'vе grown up So muсh! Lеt's talk abоut purpоsеs of rеading and rеading stratеgiеs. This information will help yоu rеad bеttеr and quiсkеr. Читaть Мo)K}Io с paЗIIЬIMи цеЛЯМи: о ЧтoбьI IIoI{яTЬ oснoB}IyIo иДеIo TеKсTa (o нем oн). (Rеading for thе main idеa.) . Чтoбьl нaftтvt oTBеTЬI нa BoПpoсЬI' oTДеЛЬHЬIе фaктьI. (Rеading fоr speсifiс information.) о ЧтoбьI пoI{яTЬ TеKсT IIoЛI{oсTьrо. (Rеading for dеtail.)I want to hеlp my friеnds find thеir family trеasurе. I promisе. I'll try.
  • 6. Мotсh the instruсtions with the PurPoses of reoding. r tо undеrstand еvеry littlе detail о tо undеrstand the main pоints r tо find spесifiс informatiоn /? ч/ 1. Пpoнитaйте нaзвaниe TеKсTa ИIIИ Bce нaЗBaIIия гЛaB. 2. Пpoяитaйте Ilepвoе IIpеДлo)KеItие или aбзaц. 3. Пpоuитaйте пеpBЬIe ПpeдЛo)кeцk|Я Kaждoгo BTopoгo aбзaцa. 4. Пoстapaйтeсь иЗBJIечЬ инфopмaциIo иЗ pисyнKoB' гpaфиков LIIII4 ДIlaГpaММ. 5. oбpaтитe BниМaниe нa BЬIДеJIeIIIIЬIе иЛи пotчеpK}IyTЬIе сЛoBa. 6. Пpouитaйтe ПoслeДние IIесKoЛЬKo IIpеДЛo)Kений иJIи пoсЛеД- ний aбзaц. 1'. oпpедeЛvITe, KaKyIo инфopмaциIo вьl сoбиpaеTесЬ исKaTЬ. B этом BaМ МoгyT пoмoчЬ yсTaнoBKи yчиTеЛя' BoПpoсЬI IIrpеД TеKстoМ' IIpеДBapиTелЬIIo сoсTaBЛенньIй IIЛa}I. 2. oпpеделиTе KлIoчеBЬIе сЛoBa' KoTopЬIе вьl бyдете исKaTЬ B TеKсTе. 3. Пoстapaйтесь IIpеДсTaBить сeбе, в кaкoй фopмe BaМ BсTpеTитсЯ oTBет. Haпpимеp' есJIи BЬI ищеTe дaTy, To BaМ неoбхoдиМo Пpo. сМoTprTЬ TеKст, обpaщaя BниМaHиe ToЛЬKo нa цифpьl. 4. Иcлoльзyйте ЗaГЛaBия и лroбyю tpyгylo инфopмaциIo, KoTopaя МoхеT IIoМoчЬ вaм нaйти aбзaц или стpaниЦУ, KoTopaя сoдep)KиT IIРKнyIо инфopмaциIo. /; , 1. BнимaTеЛЬIIo читaйтe кшкдьlй aбзaц. 2. Пpoвеpяiттe зIIaчеIIия неЗнaKoМЬIx сЛoB с ПoМoщЬIо сЛo3apя. 3. oбpaщafттe BIIиМa}Iие нa КЛIoчеBЬIе ПpеДлo)KeIIvIЯ Kaхtoгo aбзaцa. Имеет сМЬIсJI BЬIIIисЬIBaTЬ их B TеTpaДЬ ИI.rv| ПoДчеp- KиBaTЬ B IIpoцессе чTеI{и'I. 4. ля ToГo чтобьr ЛyчIIIе ЗaIIoМ}Iить инфopмaциIo' IIoЛyчеII- нyЮ и3 TеKсTa, Мoх(нo IIисЬМrIIнo сoсTaBиTЬ егo KpaТкoе сoДrpх(aниe. Answeг the questions. '. -hiсh t}'ре of rеading takes thе most I the lеast time? - r 11.1-' ti.pе of rеading do you most oftеn / lеast often usе in thе lеssons?
  • 7. 5 . Reod the probIems ond onsweг the questions,.|vУhot ore the purposes of fhese children? Model: 1 - Shе is looking for spесific informаtion. I'm gеtting ready for a tеst. The teaсhеr gave us fivе quеstions. I havе to find thе answеrs in thеsе books. I havе to makе a rеport on this artiсlе in сlass tomorrow. I want to know more about thе Nеthеrlands. r* .,' р3' y' i 'J {д r) ; б IJ
  • 8. Hоmewoгk A Reod the tеxt ond сhoose the сorreсt onswer: Whot is fhis text oЬout? RememЬeг: you don,t need to undeгstond eYery word. а l summеr holidays? b) travеlling arоund thе world? с t rr еаthеr and сlimatе? 1. Sерtеmbеr has сomе, and it is still vеrу Warm. Тhе lеar'еS on thе trееs havе turned yеllow and rеd, a сold wind was blowing, but suddеnly it got Warmеr again. I likе еarly autumn beсausе it rеminds mе of thе summеr. But oсtobеr and Novеmbеr arе not my far-ouritе months. It's usually сhilly and wеt and еvеry gеts сoldеr and сoldеr. 2. Тhis summеr I did all sorts of things. In Junе I wеnt сamping. It was a rеal advеnturе. I lеarnеd how to put up a tеnt and makе a сampfire. A friеnd taught mе how to play thе guitar and I lеarnеd a lot of good songs. I also took a lot of piсturеs of my friеnds, our сampsitе, thе forеst and thе rivеr. Тhе rivеr was fantastiс. Wе wеnt сanoeing and somе of us еnjoyеd fishing. Wе Wеrr luсky with thе wеathеr, so wе сould swim and liе in thе sun. Thеrе werе somе prоblems, but it was oK in thе еnd. 3. In July mу parents and I wеnt to Holland. Pеоplе thеrе spеak Dutсh, but thеy also undеrstand Еnglish. Тhе trip WaS vеry intеresting.We did somе sightseеing and madе a lot of friеnds. I'11 nеvеr forgеt how beautiful this small сountry is and how friеndly and politе thе peoplе arе. 4. In August I had to go to sее my grandmother. Shе livеs in a smallvillagе not far from our town. Shе has a big gardеn and nееds hеlp. I was busy all thе timе. Togеthеr wе piсkеd fruit and vеgеtablеs and madе jams and piсklеs. Shе showеd mе how to find mushrooms in thе forеst, and I found a lot оf thеm. Reod the text ond soy: WhoI did the boy do in July? You will onswer this queslion eosily if you find the word Julyin the text. Мotсh the ports of the text with the heodings. . Hoiland ..= GraПflУ n Сamping *n Autumn Foг whiсh tosk did У!u^ o) reod the whole text?; b) look for speсifiс onswers? с) гeod the key woгds? с D
  • 9. News from St Dovid,s Sсhool l Мisho lnin hos been ot St Dovid,s Sсhool for six months. He is writing o |etter obout his sсhooI life. Reod the letteг ond onswer the questions of Ex. 2 o|. St Dovid's Bloсkstone R,oqd Уoгk Уo24 3HF UK 13 Febгuoгy Hi Моsho, How сгe you? I,m sorгy I hoven,t written foг some- time. T'vе Ьееn verY busy. Lеt mе just te|l you. Unfoгtunotе|у, thеrе is no news obout thе МoсWizoгds' fami|y histoгy book. Rob ond r hove givеn up hope. Wе arе trying to f orgеt obout this story. Sometimes I think there hos neveг been ony fomi|y tгeсsure ot o|l. But lyork hosn,t givеn up yet. He still Ьe|iеvеs the story obout the treosuгe ond with my help hopes to find it. Тhe good news is thot life ot sсhooI is gгeot. Rob ond T orе gеtting rеo||у фpulоr; we hove joined most of the sсhoo| сlubs ond gone on dlff еreni exсuгsions. We hove o|reody Ьеen to Уork, CamЬridgе, London, сnd next wееk wе arе going to the Houses of Poг|ioment. r'm of roid my mission hеrе is neorly over ond I hove to 9o home in Мoгсh. Luсkily I,ll stilI tе hеrе for the exсursion to London. Тhot's my news. How oгe you gеtting on? How's 6ronny? T oftеn think obout hеr. 5hе tought me Еnglish ond thot.s the best pгesent anybody hos ever givеn me. Pleose soY hello to her for me, r.m sorry but I have to stop now. Rob hos just сome ond сolled me foг dinneг. Hope to heoг from you soon! Best wishes, Misho P.5. It,s гoining ogoin. Thot,s the Еnglish winter for you! o) Answer the questions. 1. Who did Мisha writе the lеtter to? 2. Did he gеt gоod or bad nеws? З. What has Misha donе sinсе hе сamе to Еngland? 4. What is Misha planning to dо in his Еnglish sсhool? 5. Is thе lеttеr fоrmal or informal? Ь) Find two sentenсes thot meon ,,Koк дeлo?,,. с} Find the opposite of the words forfunotely, unluckily.
  • 10. 3 Мг Мoсkenzie hos wri|ten o letter too. Look through the letter ond onswer the questions. 1. Who is thе lеtter to? 3. What is thе lеttеr abоut? 2. Who is Mr Мaсkеnziе? 4. Is the lеttеr formal or informal? St David's BIaсkstone Road York YO24 3HF .|3 February Betsey MaсWizard 19 Cresоent Road, Тunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3GH Dear Ms MaсWizard, I'm writing to ask your permission to extend Misha tnin's stay at our sсhool. We were Very pleased that he has passed at| his first term eХams with exсe|lent marks. So it is my intention to give Misha the chanсе to finish the year at St David's. l have already оontaоted his parents and expeсt an answer from them tomorrow. Тhere are no finanсial issues involved as We сan offer him a fuII sсholarship. I hope that you will assist me in this matter. Yours sinоereIy, Kenneth Maсkenzie Headteaоher 4 . Reqd Мr Мoсkenzie,s letter onсe more ond find the equivolents to these phroses. 1. I,vе informеd Misha,s parents. 2. Misha Inin's marks toitьe first tеrm wеrе good. 3. Wе Wеrе very happy... 4. Мonеy is not a problеm. 5. I hope you will hеlp mе... 6. Wе arе planning to... 7. Misha won,t have tо pay for his studies. 5 Whot,sJhe differenсe between formol ond informol letters? 1. Who do we write formal / informal lеttеrs to? 2. What languagе do wе use? 3. How do wе start formal / informal lеttеrs? .1' How do wе finish formal / informal lеtters? I0
  • 11. Here ore some tips for writing formol ond informol letters. Anolyse the letters ond fill in the toЬle. Some tips work foг both types of letters. 1. Use formal languagе. 2. If you don't know thе namе, just put Dear Sir i Мadam. 3. Write ..Bеst wishes'' at thе end. 4. Usе сhatty (paзгoвopньlй) language. 5. Don't usе соntraсtions (сoкpaщения). 6. Put thе first namе' bесausе you arе writing to a friеnd. 7. Put thе addrеss of thе person you arе writing tо. 8. If you usе Dear Sir / Мadam at thе top, put ..Yours sinсеrеly'', at thе bottоm. 9. Don't forgеt tо sign with your full namе. 10. Usе paragraphs for еvery new point or differеnt part of thе story, So it's еasiеr to rеad your lettеr. 11. Put Mr or Мs bеforе your name. 12. Just writе your first namе. 13. Don't forgеt to writе thе datе at thе top of thе lеtter. Мotсh the letter wгitting сliсh6s with their tronslotions. 1. Bеst wishеs, Alех. 2. I lооk forward tо hеaring from you. 3. Thanks for your lеttеr. 4. Writе soon! 5. It was great to hеar from you. 6. Lеt's kеep in touсh. 7. I havеn't hеard from you for ages. 8. Yours sinсеrеly, 9. I'm sorry I havе to stop now. 1.0. Hopе to hear from you soon. d)Пиrпиt f) C нaилyчIIIиМи пo)кeлaн ИЯNIтI' Aлекс. ... eбя rrи.rего я Cтo llrт oт т *, "" сJrЬrill}lo.h) C нетepПеIlиeм >кДУ oTBеTa. Informal lettersFоrmal lettеrs 1'I
  • 12. 8 Fi|] in the gops in the letteг with the expressions from Ех.7 . Use this infoгmotion in the сorreсt pIoсes. Аt,tа Lшjtnbа,ш,n 77 60433 rrаnkfl,rt / 0 Deсдlа,{у* Du,r SwLщ - ...I !Й Й уestertау. ...|+tu,,'s уЙ,Lr И,e'u jйg I h.toj, to gсt t/.|/rчh to 7tu ott th,оt,r)ау, hrt tlш hл"е t,ttа,s fu"r щ I lюP4 7oиrе 9"tщ tlшoust4 /сu.r frs.t 14,еr/<,s "|| фfu. Iъе ahеАф ЬеИ4 tn Qerrид*у ftт thrn .т4tеt/<Б. rt's ,ttrу qшrt h,trе. Тfu,rrе a,rе tеrу Р- ?aPk ш tlrc 9tre€k _ ф И,rs. tt's grtttlt1 И{1"еr аnd сdlar фry dлу. z|аие,s ?|.o s+tа1o) Ln t|rc 9tre€k pn l,ttitt,t* h.tre аJ4,d, I't,ш t.и,r,rs.ф oИ.r s,?шI|у kt.t,уsiдn wthtш. 7/.t2 Реryk h,ere аrе jrtd,ry rцф ftт сhrlsttt,tлs. ry dmrаtе a(,l th,е +tltл^d"or,tts |n th&r /42И,'rs шith eИlrk, сh/ЙИ4А,{ tr*s аJ4,d, to,*F, a/4j, "{Й"rn b gф' dАrb it /Dт/<Б Li/<э a f*r tа,12. Stt,t.tд ?4oф [i/<е to grt all,,aу rtт сhrlсttt,tлs. тn*7 9o to th,е r,и"ol.t,lttа,t,tlв' or ,уi.'+t tЙЙ, r€{,а,i.uеs, /,Йt 14у f"br,LdБ аre go*g to s,tау аt lш4,t2. Lа,'.t 1,|,е€k I gЙ a cсИ а,И7, frtt 'Ч, bа7,. I'rп joи,t !"tt,',1 ruw t,t aиl. I't,tа fеall,t1 мter ,Иot|. Wlшn I !* bаx*, t'1,| trd| цou 7,14,ore. ,''I /.1i1/е to d.o t/4n cЙ/<1i|4! to14ц{4t. Bжt wиlt.еs, Vеra
  • 13. Verb псtivgtоr B aнглиliском яЗЬIKе есTЬ МIIoгo гЛaгoЛoB' KoTopЬIе иМe}oT ДBa' TpИ, a To и большrе ЗIIaчe}Iий. Paздел ..Vеrb aсtivator'' пoМo)кеT BaМ сисTеМaTи* ЗиpoBaTь ЗIIaIIия oб pке изBесTI{ЬIx BaM гЛaгoЛaх. Kpоме ToГo' B неМ BЬI бyдете ЗнaKoМиTЬся с TaK I{aЗЬIBarMьIMи Phrasal verbs (фpaзовЬIr ГЛaгo- льl) - ЭTo yсToйчивьrе сoчеTaния ГЛaГolIavlнapечиЯ' ГЛaГoЛa и llpeДЛoгa' либo гЛaгoЛa и чaсTицьr. ПpедЛoг' I{aprчие иЛи чaсTИЦa, сToящиe ПoсЛе ГЛaгoЛa' чaсTo пoлнoсTЬIo Ме}IЯ}oT егo З}Iaче}Iие. Глaгол to get - IIoJIyчaTЬ, ДoсTaBaTЬ, Пpинoсить, пpибЬIBaTЬ кyдa-либo (добиpaтЬся Дo KaKoГo-Либo местa)' вxоДить (вьжoдить), сTaI{oBиTЬся 9 Тronslote the sentenсes into Russion. ]". It's gеtting dark. I havе to go homе. 2.Мarу will bе huppy. I'vе got a lovеly present for her. 3. Whеn my friеnds got to thе station, thе train had already lеft. 4.I got hеalthiеr aftеr I joinеd a football сlub. 5. This singеr is gеtting really popular. 6. Hе is our bеst studеnt. Hе always gеts еxсеllеnt marks. 7. Сould you get mе somе papеr? I,m going to writе a lеttеr. 8. Alеx got to thе room first and saw a big Christmas treе. 9. Don't Worry abоut Maх, hе's oK. I'vе just got a lеttеr from him. 10. Hе was ill yеstеrday but hе's gеtting bеttеr today. 11. Мy dоg is gеtting old. I havе to takе him to thе vеt morе often. 10 Whot do the phrosol verЬs in these sentenсes meon? Мotсh the underlined exргessions with fo gef with their tronslotions. 1. I nеvеr g9lдp early on Sundays. 2. I hоpе hе'll gеt ovеr this disеasе. 3. I triеd to phonе УoU, but I сouldn't gеt through. 4. Yоu won,t see Мary tomorrow. Shе is gеtting away for this month. 5. I'1l gеt baсk homе tomorrow. 6. How arе you gеtting on? a) встaвaть (с пoстели) b) вьIздopoBеTЬ с) веpнyTЬсЯ d) Kaк дeлa? е) дoзвoниTЬся f) yехaть g) пеpе>киTЬ чTo-To t3
  • 14. Homewoгk A Copу the toЬle into youг exerсise Ьooks ond fill it in with the sentenсes fгom Ех.7 , i Grеeting Staпing thе lеttеr 1 Clоsing thе lеttеr i Еnding the lеttеr B Fil| in the gops. Use onl oYer| up, Ьoсk, owoy. 1. Somе pеoplе grt ... latе evеry day. 2. What'S your nеws? How are you gеtting ... ? 3. My friеnd brоkе hеr 1еg last year. Shе Soon got ... it. 4. Mr Smart was vеry angry beсausе hе didn,t likе to livе in a little village, but hе сouldn't gеt ... . 5. Fathеr wеnt to Kaliningrad, but hе promisеd to get ... neхt wееk. Tгonslote the sentenсes from Russion into Еnglish. 1. ..Где Mэpи?'' - ..oнa ПpoсTyДиЛaсЬ вЧlpa,'. 2. Kогдa oIIa BЬIзДopoBeеT' МЬI пoйдем B пoхoД. 3. CтaнoBvlTсЯ TеМIIo. Boзьми фонapик. 4. ..Гдe тьr бьrлa в 6 чaсoв?', - ,,Яlнe мoг тебe ДoзBoIIиTЪcЯ,,. 5. ..Tвoй Дpyг BеpнeTся B сpеДy?,' - ,,[a,,. 6. Kaк y I{егo делa? Мoke Up o story oЬout youг friend. TeIl your сIossmotes whot hoppened to him / her lost yeor. Use expгessions with phгosol veгb gef. 14
  • 15. No news is good news Ноw tо Ьuild wогds Cлoвa MoГyT бьlть обpaзoвaTIЬI с пoIvIoщЬIo сyффиксoB и пpефиKсoB. ПpефиксЬI изMеняIoT ЗнaчеIIиe слoBa' нo нe МеняIoT егo IIpинaДЛe)КI{o- сTи K тoЙттли инoй ЧaсTи pечи' нaПpиМеp., nаtionаl - intеrnаtionаI CyффиксЬI сЛy)KaT ДЛя oбpaзoвa:н:,лЯ paЗЛиЧIIЬIх чaсTей pени. ИспoльзoBa}Iие тoгo ИЛvl vтHoгo сyффИKca иЛи Пpефиксa не BсeГДa ПotчиI{яеTсЯ oПpеДeЛеннЬIM ПpaBиЛaM и чaщe ЗaBИcИT oT yсTaнoBиB- IIIeгoся сЛoBoyпoтpеблenIlЯ B яЗЬIKe' нaПpиМеp.. tО govеrn - govеrnor - govеrnment. ПpефиксЬr с oTpицaTеЛЬHьIlu зIIaчеIIиeMi un-' in., iI-, im., ir-, dis., mis- happy - счaсTливьIй lоgiсal - Лoгичньlй to like smth - лтoбитЬ чтo-To tо datе - ДaTиpoBaтЬ unhappy - Ilесчaстливьrй illogiсal - }IеЛoГичньIй to dislikе smth _ }Iе лroбить чTo-To to misdatе - неПpaBиЛЬ}Io ДaTиpoBaTЬ Koкoe и3 слoв в стpoкe лишнee? a) unimportant, unfriеndly, undеrstand b) unkind, unitеd, unсool с) dislоyal, disagrее, disсo d) important, immortal, imaginе е) information, informal, inсоrrесt, irrеgular f) misspell, misundеrstand, mist Oт кoкиx слoв o6poзoвoHЬl эти слoвo? Use o diсtionory if neсessory. Dishonest, unluсky, unrеal, inсorrесt, disсonnесt, informal, impossiblе, impatiеnt. Моtсh the phгoses with their tronsIotions. Тhere ore seYen phroses but only six trons|otions. Whiсh two phгoses hove o similor meoning? a) Fortunatеly ['fо:tJэnэtli] . . . b)I'm afraid... с) Thе goоd (bad) nеws is... d)I'm glad to tеll you... е) Luсkily... f) I am sorry, but... g) I havе somе bad (good) nеws fоr Yоu... 1. Бoroсь' чTo... 2. Мне )KaЛЬ' I{o... 3. ХopoIшaя (плoxaя) нoвoсTЬ' чTo... 4. K счaсTЬIo... 5. Paд вaм сooбщиTЬ... 6. У меня плoхие (хopolпие) нoвoсти ДЛя Baс... l5
  • 16. Тгопsiоte the so;,ings: ,No nev/s is good news.,, ,,Bod news tгovels fost.,, W[rоt sirniloг soуings do you know Гn Russion? o l_.1Е aТIIТе Bни}laIIие: сyщесTBиTелЬIIoe nеws (нoвoсmь' нoвocmu) яъля- ЁТu.Я г{еIIсчIIсJяе}VfЬIМ и yпoTpебляeтcя с гЛaгoЛaМи B фopмe еДиHсTBeI{IIoгo щ]L-la. Haпpимеp: -еstеrdау thеre wаS Still no news аbout thеir Son. - Bнepа все еще Itе бььto нoвoСmей o6 uх сbIне. Choose the сorгeсt words in bгoсkets ond reod Мosho,s reply. Did Мosho hove good or bod news? FIat 11,1О Lipovaуa ЭN Lukinэk 4Э5ОЭО, Kueoia 25 January Dеar Мieha, Тhank уou for Уour letNer. (I'm g|ad / The bad nrwe io) that уou likс Уour new ochoo|, Tha|'o the moet impofDanN thing. (|'m afraid / Luckily) уou'Il have No forget about,the t,reaoure.lf уou don,t give up t,hie idea, Уou can vutУour |ife in danger again, Нav:e fun with уour new friende and don'N think abouN iN anу more, I havr oОme (bad / qood) newo for уou, Grannу fr|| off her chair and broke her arm, (Luоki|у, / |,Jnlucki|у) ohe waon't a|one at home when i| havvened, Эhe'o ОK now, buъ (forYuna|e|у, / unfor|unate|у) ehe can'| wri|r |o уou, Эhe oendo her |ove and wi|| phone Уou aoon, Write eoon! Эeэt wiehee, Маэha 'i -, it6
  • 17. Сопvеrsоtiоn Ьriсks Этoт paЗДеЛ бyдет ЗI{aKoМиTЬ Baс с paЗГoBopIIЬIМи KЛиIIIе. PaзгoвopнЬIе KлиIIIе - эTo сЛoBa-свЯЗw|или фpaЗЬI' IIoМoгaIощие BесTи бeседy. B poднoм яЗЬIKе МЬI yIIoTpебляем иx пpaKTиЧесKи IIе зaДyМЬIвaясЬ. Haпpищеp, ..Ме>к- Дy пpoчиNI', ,,,СeiIчaс BсПoМнIO'', ..[aйте ПoДyмaTЬ...''' ,,Яkl'e yBepеII' Ilo...',. B aнглийсKoМ яЗЬIKе To)Kе есTЬ М}Iox(есTво пoдoбнЬIx сЛoB и фpaз. B дaн- нoМ paЗДеЛе BЬI нaйдете BЬIpilKе}Iия' KoTopЬIе ПoзBoЛяT ЗaBязaTЬ paЗгoBop' излo)KиTь сBo}o ToчKy зpeIIия, ПoинTepесoBaTЬся МI{еI{ием сoбесеt{ниKa' Be)KЛиBo егo Пrpебитъ иЛи сМeниTЬ TеМy' BсTyпиTЬ в ДисKyссиIo' yЗI{aTЬ нyхсryю инфоpмaциIo и МI{oгoе Дpyгoe. Listen to the expressions. Whot do they meon? a) sympathy (сouyвствие) b) surprisе с) agrееmеnt @ wьat a pity! @тьat'sgreat! .@tu* , @ тьat's good nеws! d) interеst е) joy glad to hеar it. @ нrе you? 6 7 @ Good fоr yоu! @мmm. @ Really? Tе11 mе! @ Did thеy? @ How wondеrful! т @ oh no! @ нow awful! @ вaс nrws travels fast. Listen to the expгessions ogoin ond repeot them ofter the speokeг. Look ot the expгessions ond soy: How do peop|e reoсt to good / Ьod news? @ wьat a shamе! Мotсh the news with the reoсtion to it. 1. I'vе had a lеttеr from my bеst friend. 2.Му sistеr has found a goоd jоb. 3. My dоg has diеd. 4. His namе is Alех' isn't it? 5. Thе wеathеr is going tо bе bad this wеekеnd. 6. I'vе won a lot of money in a lottеry. 7 .NIу mothеr has promisеd to givе mе a dog for my birthday. a) What a pity! b) Rеally? Tе1l mе! с) That's grеat! d) That's awful! е) Good for you! f) That,s good nеws. g) Right. Rеaсtion to good nеws Rеaсtion to bad news 17
  • 18. l0 Complete the reoсtions to good or bod news. 1. ... awful! 2. I havе ... gооd nеWS for you. 3. It.Io nеws ... good nlws, ... it? 4. Bad nеws ... fast. 5. ... to hеar it! 6. ...? Tеl1 mе! 7. What a ... ! Why ore the peopIe in the piсtuгes hopРy or sod? Modеl: Frеd is sаd bесаuse his friend саn't hеlp him with his homework this wееkend. Нi, l'и oОrry, but | сan,t, he|p уou wit,h уour homework thio weakend, Niсk Thе wеathеr is going to bе rainy. I l Look ot the piсtures of Ex. 10 ogoin. Aсt out the diologues. Toke turns to tell eoсh otheг the news ond reoсt to it. ModеI: A: I,vе just got а mеSSа7е from mу friend, He саn't hеlp me with mу homеwork this wееkеnd. B: Whаt а pitу! 12 |n.poirs. ong of-you is А ond the other is B. lnformotion for А is on poge l 9, infoгmotion for B is on poge 2l . Мoke shoгt dio|ogues. Use phroses from the Conversofion Ьriсks. 18 Thе Russian tеam has won thе World Сup.
  • 19. w Infоrmаtion for A ].. You havеn't sееn your friеnd for a long timе. Find out how hе / shе is gеtting on. 2. Your friеnd is sad. Ask what is wrong. Rеaсt to thе neWS and offеr your hеlp. 3. You'vе mеt an old friеnd and want to know how his family arе gеtting on. Reaсt to thе nеws. Homework A .You,ve reсeived o letter fгom on old friend who lives very for owoy fгom you. o) Reod the letter. F|aN 45,177 Kirov Эr, 24bООО Ka|uga 5 АuguoL Dear..., low are уou getNin7 on? | haven't, heard from уou for aqeo, Where have уou bеen? |,m finв. Аr тhе momen| |'m aN home' I need oame reeN af|ar mУ eummer advеn|urao, Theу Ware very eхciNing. |n June we wrnT, camping in t,he toreoL in Kare|ia, ForNuna|e|у Nha wea|her waт qreat, Therr are a |oN of baautifu| |akeo t,hare Noo, Next Уrar wa,|| probab|у go Nhrre aqain' Do уou wanN No come wit,h ue? ln Julу | wanL |o aee mу qrannу, Эhе |iveo in a nice |itt|e vi||aqe nrar Ka|uga' gу friеndo and I had a |ot' of tun, UnfofcunaLe|у, Nheir |ifе ion,t, aaтУ. А |oN of peop|е in the vi||aqe have |ooN their jobe and Nheу don'N have much monrУ' |'m opending АugueL aN home beсauge I have t'o gev readу for ochoo|' Thie уear ie going to br very impo(DanN for ma. Tha good newo io Nhat |1е|еn, who io good at, a|| ochoo| oubjeсNo, promioed No hr|p me, Do уou rеmembrr hrr? I miee Уou a |ot' |1ow are уou? flow,o Уour |iNt|e broЬher? Эaу he||o to Уour mum and dad too, I hope |heу're fine, WriNe eoonl bсot, wiohee, Your friеnd 19
  • 20. э) Wгitе o гeрIу. Use these questions os o pIon. Staп your lеttеr 1. Нavе you had any lеtters from him / hеr? 2. ЪIaуe you forgottеn to writе? Why? Givе news and information 1. Arе you oK? 2. Has anything nеw happеnеd in your lifе? 3. Is thеrе any news about your family and friеnds? Ask fоr thе nеws and infоrmation 1. How is yоur friend? 2. Hоw arе his l her friеnds and family? Closе your lеttеr 1. Why do you havе tо stop? 2. When will yоu writе again? Agent Cute wrote o seсret Ietter to Мisho ond Rob. lt,s in Russion, thol,s why only Мisho сon reod it. Theгe oгe some mlstokes in the letter. Тronslote the |etter into Еng|ish for RoЬ. flopozoЙ |лu|Ла u Po6, Эmo eсmь AzеHm Kьюm. Я nuшу uз KpаснoЙулuщьt 0oм 1 0. Сеzodня есmь25 янваpь. Я есmь oК, нo Я Bсе BpeMя dумаmь o Bас. У вас есmь нoвoсmь? BьI uш|ееmе наЙmu KHuzу? Я к вам буdу ехаmь, кozdа вьt нукdаemесь MoЯ nolv]oщь. HесчасmлuBo , Бoсс есmь злoЙ сo мнoй , Ho Эmo Hе есmь npавdа. Я uMеmь сdелаmь oшuбку, я ee 6уdу uсnpaBumь.У меня Hеm Holoсmu. Я бoюсь, я doлжеH oсmаHoBumься сеЙчас. Пpuшла ^АaМа. Мьt буdем у>KuHаmь. я сMompю вnеpеd сльtU|Jаmь om Bас. Пuшume скopo| даваЙmе dеpжаmь npu- KoсI1oBеHuе. Луuшuе >KелаHIIя, Kьюm C пoмoщЬю KoKиx пpeфиксoв o6poзoвoнЬl эти слoвo? Тronslote them into Russion. mispronoullсе' disсonnесt, irregular, unusual, impossiblе, unfair, misprint, unсomfоrtablе, indirесt, misplaсе, impatiеnt 20
  • 21. v Infоrmаtiоn for B 1. You'vе mеt an old friеnd. Yоu havе grеat nеWs. Someonе has just invitеd you to a birthday party. If your friеnd asks, tеll him / hеr that this is thе party of the сlеvеrеst boy (girl) in your сlass. 2. Yоu'vе mеt a friеnd. You arr upset bесausе somеbody has stolen your biсyсlе. 3. Yоu'vе mеt a friеnd. He l Shе asks you about your family. You havе bad nеws. Yоur grandfather is ill. Vo|entine,s Dоy ll ; Мisho is phoning Rosy МoсWizoгd. Reod their сonversotion ond onswer the questions. 1. Ноw dо pеoplе сеlеbratе Valentinе's Daу? 2. Whо doеs Misha likе? 3. Why doеs Misha nееd Rоsy's adviсе? 4' What was thе problеm with valеntinе сards thrеe yеars ago? 5. What is RosY's adviсе? Мisha: Rosy: Misha: Rosy: Мisha: Rosy: Misha: Rosy: Мisha: Rosy: Misha: Hi, Rosy. It's Misha. oh! I{i, Misha, how arе you gеtting on? I,m oK, thanks. And how arе you? I,m finе. Wеll. mmm.... what's thе wеathеr like? It's bееn raining sinсе this morning. That's bоring. Yes, it's bad. Look, Misha. Is thеre something I сan do fоr you? Well, yеs. Tomorrow is Valеntine's Day. That's right. Wеll, yоu know, girls and boys sеnd valentinеs and littlе prеsеnts to еaсh оthеr, if... you know... Rоsy: If thеy likе еaсh othеr. Мisha: Yеs. And I have bееn thinking about onе girl for a long timе... Shе has bееn hеlping mе a lot sinсе I first mеt her. Rosy: And you want to sеnd hеr a valеntinе, don,t you? Мisha: That,s right. Hеr name is Еmily Wilson. I have known hеr for siх months and shе's Vеry spесial to me. But I'm not surе about Еnglish traditions.
  • 22. w Infоrmаtion fоr B 1. Yоu,vе mеt an old friеnd. You havе grеat nеws. Somеonе has just invitеd you to a birthday party. If your friеnd asks, tеll him / her that this is thе party of thе сlevеrеst boy (girl) in your сlass. 2. Yоu'vе mеt a friend. You arе upsеt bесausе somеbоdy has stоlеn your biсyсlе. 3. Yоu'vе mеt a friеnd. He l Shе asks you about your family. You havе bad nеws. Yоur grandfathеr is i11. Volentine's Doy Мisho is phoning Rosy МoсWizord. Reod their сonYersotion ond onswer the questions. 1. How do pеoplе сеlеbratе Valеntinе's Day? 2. Who doеs Мisha likе? 3. Why doеs Misha nееd Rosy's adviсе? 4. What was thе prоblеm with valеntinе сards thrеe years ago? 5. What is Rosy,s adviсе? Hi.' Rоsy. It's Misha. oh! нi, Misha, how arе you gеtting on? I'm oK, thanks. And how arе you? I'm finе. Wеll, mmm..., what's thе weathеr like? It's bееn raining sinсе this morning. Тhat,s bоring. Yes, it's bad. Look, Мisha. Is thеre something I сan do for you? Wеll, yеs. Tomorrow is Valеntinе's Day. That's right. Wеll, you know, girls and boys sеnd valentinеs and littlе prеsеnts to еaсh оthеr, if... yоu know... Rоsy: If thеy likе еaсh othеr. Мisha: Yеs. And I havе been thinking about one girl for a long timе... Shе has bееn helping mе a lot sinсе I first mеt her. Rosy: And you Want to sеnd hеr a valеntine, don't you? Мisha: That's right. Hеr namе is Еmily Wilson. I havе known hеr for six months and shе's very spесial to me. But I,m not surе about Еnglish traditiоns. Misha: Rosy: Misha: Rosy: Мisha: Rоsy: Misha: Rosy: Misha: Rosy: Мisha: 21
  • 23. Rosy: oh, I Sее... Well, Valеntine's Day used to bе a big dеal at St David's. Whеn I was thеrе, wе used to organisе a post boх and aftеr сlass tеaсhеrs openеd it.and gavr out valеntines tо thе studеnts. Thеrе was only onе problеm: somе peоplе whо wrrе unpopular nеvеr gоt any valentinеs and got vеry upset. So thrее years ago thе tеaсhеrs сhangеd thе rulеs: if you want to sеnd valеntines' you havе to sеnd thеm tо еvеrybody in your сlass. Misha: Rosy: Мisha: Rosy: oh! That's impossiblе! What shall I do? It's ninе o'сloсk already. But thеrе's no nееd to wоrry. I сan givе you some adviсе. Put your valеntine in Еmily's bag whеn nobody is looking at you. Thank УoU, Rosy, I,ll do that. oK, Misha, I havе tо answеr my mobile now. Somеbody has bееn trying tо gеt through all this time. --Agk iсlr Нalр' 1. ПpoизoIIIли ли дейстBия' oписaI{IIЬIе в ПpеДЛo)Kенияx' B IIpoIIIЛoM иЛи oIIи Itaчaли ПpoисxoДиTЬ B пpoIIIЛoM и Bсе еще ПpoисxoДЯT B IIaсToящий момент? 2. С кaкими oбoЗI{aченияМи BprМени o}Iи yпoтpебляroтся? 1. It has bееn raining sinсе morning. a) C yTpa IIIеЛ Дo)KДЬ. b) C yTpa иДеT Дo)KДЬ. 2. Somеbody has bееn trying to gеt through all this timе. a) Bсе ЭTo BpеМя KTo.To IIЬITaJIся ДoзBoHиTЬсЯ. b) Bсе эTo BprМя KTo-To IIЬITaеTсЯ ДoЗBoI{v|TЪcЯ, 3. I havе known hеr for siх months. a) Я ЗнaIо rе ПoлгoДa. b) я знaJI ее пoЛгoДa. 4. Shе has bееn hеlping mе a lot sinсe I first mеt hеr. a) Oнa ПoMoГaЛa МIIе Bo Bсeм с Tех Пop, KaK я еe BIIеpBЬIе BсTpеTиЛ. b) oнa пo}IoгaeT MIIе Bo BсеM с Tеx гIop, KaK я ее BПepBЬIe BсTprTиЛ. 5. I havе bееn thinking about a girl for a long timе. a) Я y)Kе ДaBнo ДyМaЛ oб oднoй ДеBoчКе. ь) Я y)ке ДaBнo ДyMalo oб oднoй ДeBoчKe. 22
  • 24. Find the Ьest tгonsIotion for the expressions from the diologue. A big dеal - a) бoльlш€Ul сДеЛKa b) бoльIшое сoбьrтиe с) вьlгoдньlй сп1"raй Shе's vеry spесial.- a) oнa сПециaЛЬнaя b) онa oсoбеннaя с) oнa oбьIv- НaЯ Тhеrе's nо nееd to worry. - a) Hе нaдo иx бeспoKoиTЬ. b) Hет ПoBoДa ДЛя беспoкойствa. с) Hе делaй из эToгo TpaгеДии. Listen to Мisho ond.Rosy,s сonversotion ond onswer the questions. Support your onsЧ/ers with the sentenсes from the text. Нow is Misha fееling when hе's talking to Rоsy? a) Hе's surprised. b) FIе's feeling vеry shy and uneasy. с) Hе's vеry upsеt. How is Rоsy feeling when shе,s talking to Мisha? a) She's upsеt. b) Shе's intеrestеd. с) She's amusеd. Repeot the сonversotion ofter the speoker. Fог your infогmotiоn djу;Х]+iю<Х>.?-ю<x,ю.i+}oit.'{'|''i{r:{{{>{>}{r>i',.]{{,.'{):,.!')+.}.r]/.t.'cс4i){.i Thеre is a beautiful legеnd behind St Valentine's Day. Saint Valentinе livеd in Rome in thе third сеntury AD. At that timе thе Еmperor of Romе was Claudius. He wasn't vrry popular beсause he was trying to gеt morе and morе pеople for his army. Thе men didn't want to go tо thе army and Claudius thought that it was bесausе thеy didn't want to lеavе thеir wives and сhildren. ..If thеy don't gеt marriеd, thеy'lljoin thе army,'' he thought and passеd a law (зaкон) whiсh banned (зaпpетил) marriagе. Valеntine was a Christian priest who didn't like the nеw law. Hе seсretly marriеd pеoplе who wеre in lovе. onе night thе Еmpеror's soldiеrs сaught him and put him in prison. Valentine Was going to die. Many young pеоplе felt sorry for Valentinе and visitеd him in prison. onе of them was the daughtеr of a prison guard. on thе day of his еxесution Valеntinе wrotе a notе to hеr and signеd it ..Lovе from your Valеntinе''. This was on 14 Fеbruarу 269 AD. Sinсе thеn 14 Fеbruary has been thе Day of Love, when pеople sеnd lovе lеttеrs and prеsеnts to еaсh othеr. Thеy don't sign thе сards with thеir names' but writе ..Guеss Who,, or ..Your Valentinе',. At first this was a Еuropеan tradition, but then it bесamе popular in othеr сountriеs. It сamе to Russia too, but a lot of pеоplе say, .olf you lovе somеbodУ, you should show it еvery day, not only one day a year.'' ; i)i.{!)']'.()l)(4с1-'.х{q,'l.,1$:]..)..,]..{r:..,.,i]']..]!',l-'.1lil.:i{,.<r]...).t)iж-)о&).<).+cофо..!оо<>}qХ/)<!)ос+{Y I I ё g x l 23
  • 25. 5 Мisho hos written his volentine. Look ot it. Are there ony mistokes in it? , 'a qr lhe moot' oPoc oaool' Miэha lnin Y ot"l're n rhe A Whot do you think of Volentine,s Doу? Do you wont to сelebrote it ot sсhool? Use the words ond expressions. It's a / no big dеal. It's romantiс. It's intеrеsting. It,s a niсe tradition. It,s very unfair. Pеoplе gеt upsеt. It hеlps pеoplе show thеir lovе. Homework Volentine Quiz 1. Valеntinе's Day is on a) 14 February. b) 14 January. c) 14 Marсh. 2. Оn this day people a) sеnd long lеtters to еaсh other. b) gеt married. с) sеnd сards tо еaсh othеr. 3. Thе day got its namе from a) a girl's namе. b) a priеst's namе. с) thе name of a Roman Еmpеror. 4. St Valеntinе wеnt to prison bесause a) hе sесrеtly married pеoplе. b) hе sесretly gоt marriеd. с) hе didn't go into thе army. 5. How should you sign a valеntinе? a) Yours faithfully b) Bеst wishеs с) Guеss who? Мotсh the pгefixes with the verЬs ond odieсtives ond moke the opposites. Pгеfiхеs: un-, iП-, il-, im-, ir-, dis-, mis- Vеrbs: undеrstand, lеad, appеar' соnnесt, agrее Adjесtivеs: friеndly, rеgular, usual, possiblе, kind, luсky, honеst. соmfortablе 24
  • 26. How |ong hоve you Ьeen leorning Еng|ish? Present Perfeсt Progressive Tense -нoстoящee сoBeРшeнHoe длящeeся вpeмя ГлaгольI в фopмe Prеsеnt Pеrfeсt Prоgressivе yпoт- pебляютcЯ ДrIЯ BЬIpDI(еIrия Длящегoся действия, KO- Topoе I{aчaлoсЬ B ПpoшЛoМ, Bсе еще ПpoДoDI(aеTся B нaсToящее BpеМЯ и oIIpеДеЛeнЕIЬIIУI oбpaзoм гIoД- BoДиT иToг ПpoДoл>KиTrЛЬIloсTи эToгo дeйствуlя. H.a- ПpиN,Iеp: I hаve bеen rеаding this book for а wеek. - Я чumсIIО Эmу КHu?у уэre нedелro. 06poзoвoHиe Presеnt Pеrfесt Progrеssive oбpaзyеTся с ПoМoщЬIo гЛaГoЛa to bе в фopме Prеsеnt Pеrfесt и IIpичaстияI. have (has) bееn + глaгoЛ + -ing 1. УтвeptитеЛьIloе ПpеtЛo)I(еIIIIе Jеff аnd Еmilу hаve been plауing tеnnis for two hours. - tэreф u Элtuлш u?pаIom в mеHнuс в mеченue dвух чсlсoв, 2. oтpицaTеЛЬIIoе ПpetЛo)I(ениr Jeff аnd Еmilу hаvеn't been plауing golf for thrее hours. 3. oбщий вoпpос IIаs Jеff bееn plауing tеnnis for two hours? - Yеs, he hаs. 4. AльтеpIIaTиBIIьrй вoпpoс Hаs Emilу beеn plауing tеnnis for two or for thrее hoшrs? - Еmilу hаs bееn plауing tennis for two hours. 5. Bопpос к пotЛе>r{aщеMy Who hаs been plауing tеnnis for two hours? - rфf аnd Emilу hаve. б. Cпециaльньrй Boпpoс How long hаve Jеff аnd Emilу beеn plауing tеnnis? - Theу hаvе been plауing tеnnis for two hours. 7. PaзделиTeЛЬIIьrй вопpoс Iеff аnd Е,milу hаve bееn plауing tennis for four hours, hаven't theу? - Yеs, thеу hаve. BсIIoМoгaTелЬнoгo 25
  • 27. Cлyнoи yпoтpe6 лeнИЯ Если B IIpеt{Лo)KеIIии ГЛaгoЛ стoиT в фopме Prеsеnt Pеrfесt Progrеssir е. тс. KaK пpaBиJIo, yKaзЬIBaeTcЯIIеpиoД BprMеIIи' B TeчеIIиr KoTopoгo Пpollсхo]ТтT ДейсTBие. Пеpиoд BpeMеI{и Мo)KеT бьrть BЬIpa)KеII: a) обстояTеJIЬсTBaMи BpеIvtr}Iи TиIIa: all mу lifu, аll these уeаrs, latеlу (в пoслеДHее вpемя). I hаve bеen working longer hours lаtеlу.- B nocлеdнеe вpeJvtя я oсmсlrОСь на pабomе doльt,l'lе. b) обстоЯTеJIЬсTBaMи BpeMеHи' BB.ДиМЬIMи IlpеДлoгoм;for (в теuение ) : for,а wееk(в тенение неДeЛи),forfive уeаrs (в тенен1Iе TIЯTу1 лeт),for а "long time (в теuение ДЛиTеJIЬнoгo BpеМеIIи) " '. д. Lеnа аnd Svetа hаve аlreаdу bееn tаIking on thе phonе for hаIf аn hour. - Лeна u Свеmа pат?oваpuваIОm no mеrlефoну уже nОлчаса. с) oбстoяTеЛЬсTBaMи BpeMеIIи'BBOДиМЬIМи сЛoBoмsince,Since,B ЗaBисиМoсTII oTKoHTеKстa'IlеpeBoДkтTcЯIlo-paзнo|lIУiс'Cmехnop'сmехnopKсlK. Shе hаs bеen dreаming аbout а dog sinсе she wаs а child.- Она JИечmаem О сo6акe с demсmва. Jаnе 8(|vе mе this саssеttе on Mond,ау. I hаve bееn listеning to it sinсе thеn.- Д,э,сеiн dала "I|nне I{асCemу в noнеdeльHlt|{. С meх nop я ее сJ|уIuаro. Shе hаs bееn slееping sinсе shе got bасk from her trip._ Она сnum с meх ПОp, ItсШ вepHулась uз noeзdкu. Taким обpaзoм, }IaчaЛa Действия. сЛoBo since исIIoJIЬзУeTcЯ для oбoзI{aчrIIия МoМrIITa Prеsеnt Pеrfесt Prоgrеssivе нe yпотpебЛяeтся: 1.) с глaгoJIaMи' oбoзнaчaloщиМи сoсToяIIие. to lovе - лroбить to rеmеmbеr _ ПoМниTЬ tо undеrstand - пo}IиMaTЬ to sее - BиДеTЬ to hеar _ сЛЬIIIIaTЬ to hatе _ I{еIIaBиДетЬ to likе _ нpaBIлTЬся to bеliеvе _ BеpиTЬ to want _ xoTеTЬ to know _ зIIaTЬ to fоrgеt - зaбьrть to nееd _ IIy)KДaTЬся to be - бьlть tо havе - иMеTЬ Bместo Рrеsеnt Pеrfесt Progrеssivе эти гЛaгoЛЬI yпотpебJIяIoTся в Prеsеnt Pеrfесt. Haпpимеp: I hаvе known mу best friend sinсе wе wеrе сhildren.- Я 1Hаro СвОе?О лучIuе?o dpуzа с mех ПoР, rcсIK Jvtьt бьшu demьлtu. 26
  • 28. 2) ecли иМeеTся ПoлI{oе oTpицa}Iие действия. F{aпpиМep: I hаvеn't plауed thе guitаr sinсе I brokе mу аrm. - Я не u?pсl|О Hа zumаpе с meх ПОP, ldаld СлOJуLаJI pуl{у. l open the bгoсkets. Use Present Perfeсt Progгessivе. 1. Мy friеnd (wоrk) on thе projесt for two wееks. 2. Kate (look for) hеr bag for tеn minutеs. 3. You (slееp) all day again? 4. Why you (listеn) to this song sinсе yеsterday? 5. How long (lеarn) Еnglish? Reod the sentenсes ond soy, в кoKиx пPeд,loxeнИях гoвopится: a) Kогдa }IaчaЛoсь действие? b) Kaк ДoЛГo oнo пpoдoл>кaлoсь? 1. You havе known your friеnd sinсе you wеrе fivе yеars old, havеn,t you? 2. Yotl have bееn rеading a vеry intеrеsting book for thrее days, havеn't yоu? 3. Yоu havе bееn working on a spесial projесt for a week, havеn't you? 4. You havе bееn drеaming about having a dog sinсе you wеrе a сhild, havеn,t you? 5. It has bееn raining sinсе Моnday, hasn't it! Give true onswers. Fill in the gops with for or sinсe. ].. It has bееn raining ... yеstеrday. 2. Мarу hasn't had any guests ... last yеar. 3. Tom,s fathеr has bеen building his housе ... two years. 4. Мy friеnds havе bееn living in Londоn ... many years. 5. Aliсе has wantеd a biсyсlе ... hеr last birthday. 6. Pеtеr and Katе havе known еaсh оthеr ... tеn yеars. 7. I havеn't gonе out ... thrее days. I havе bееn ill ... Saturday. Why didn,t we Use Present Perfeсt Progгessive in some of the sentenсes? 4 Answer the questions oЬout yourself. Use for or sinсe. 1. How long havе you bееn at sсhool today? 2. How long havе you known your bеst friеnd? 3. Hоw long havе уоu lived in your town l citу / villagе? 4. How long havе you bееn lеarning Еnglish? 5. How long have you known your Еnglish tеaсher? 27
  • 29. 5 Whiсh of the sentenсes best desсribes the piсtuгe? a) It has bееn raining for two daуs. b) It rained yеsterday. a) Wе have known еaсh othеr sinсе wе Wеrе сhildrеn. b) Wе knеw еaсh othеr when wе Wеre сhildrеn. a) She has bееn sleеping sinсе shе сamе baсk from hеr trip. b) She came baсk from her trip, gоt Somе slееp and unpaсked hеr things. a) Мary has beеn rеading an ехсiting book all day. b) Мary has rеad a vеry intеrеsting book. .,.i, , x}sщ?: 6 Rewrite the sentenсes. Model: My fathеr bеgan to watсh TV two hours ago. Hе is still watсhing it.- Mу fаthеr hаs beеn wаtсhing W for two hours. ]-. Ann bеgan to writе a lеttеr at fivе o,сlосk. Shе is still writing it. Z. Тheу bеgan to talk in thе mоrning. Thеy arе still talking. 3. It bеgan to rain an hour ago. It is still raining. 4. Shе bеgan to соok dinnеr whеn Wr сamе. Shе is still сooking. 5. Hе bеgan to makе a firе 20 minutrs ago. Hе is still making it. 6. I bеgan tо takе piсturеs two hours ago. I am still taking thеm. 7 Put the verЬs in Ьroсkets in the сorreсt tense form: Pгesent Perfeсt or Present Perfeсt Progressive. Еxploin your сhoiсe. 1. Shе (tеaсh) сhildrеn all hеr lifе. 2. Agnes (not еat) sinсе Monday. Shе is on a 3. Нow long hе (lоok) for a job? 4. I heard a vеry funny song whеn I was tеn. sinсе thеn. 5. It (rain) sinсе 10 o,сloсk. 6. Тhеv alrеady (wait) for his сall for 15 minutеs. r. Shе (lеarn) Frеnсh sinсе shе сamе baсk frоm hеr trip. diеt. [ (rеmеmbеr) that song lё
  • 30. 8 Ploy o gome. How long hove you...? Use the сords fгom the Cuf ouf. Если игpaеT более oДиFII{aДцaTи чеЛoBеK, paзбейтесЬ IIa гpyПпЬI. Kaх<tьlй иЗ иГpoKoв ПoЛyчaеT IIo oднoй KapToчKе с BoIIpoсoМ. [ля тoгo чтoбьr пoЛyчиTЬ oTBeT IIa BoIIpoс Kapтoчки, неoбхoДиМo IIo- гoBopиTЬ с KilKДЬIМ иЗ yчaсTByIощих B иГpr. Зaкoнчив сбop инфopмaЦИkl,, игpaloщиM неoбxoдиМo зaIIIlcaTЬ ПoЛyчеII}IЬIr ДaIIIIЬIе и сoобщиTЬ o ниx KЛaссy. Model: Player 1: How long hаvе уou hаd this wаtсh? Playеr 2.. For ten dауs. It's new. 9 Listen to the inteгview ond onswer the questions. 1. What is thе man'S namе? 4. Whеrе doеs hе work? 2. Whеrе doеs hе livе? 5. Is hе married? 3. What does hе dо? Homework { : How interesting is your life? Answer the questions ;;;;;;;;" oЬout the lost few months of your life ond find it out. ].. Havе you bееn doing any sports? 2.Ilaуe you bеen sleeping a lot? 3. Have you bееn gоing out with your friеnds? 4. Have you bееn hеlping your parеnts with the housеwork? 5. Havе you bееn watсhing TV a lot? 6. Havе you bееn studying a lot? 7 . }{aуe you bееn rеading anything? Yоur rеsults _5 + +4 Unfortunatеly, your lifе isn't vrry еxсiting at thе momеnt. Is that bесausе it's autumn? You must havе morе fun. Spеnd morе timе with your friends, find a hobby, get a dog and gеt out of thе housе morе! +1 + +5 You're happy with your life. You havе your own hobbiеs and intеrеsts and you dоn't want to сhangе anything. But arеn't things a bit boring somеtimеs? +5 + +16 Yоu'rе thеrе when things happеn. or should wе say things happеn whеn you'rе thеrе? You'rе thе сеntrе of attentiоn, but latеly you have bееn doing too muсh. Rеmеmbеr, you can,t bе in two plaсеs at onсe. Dоn,t forgеt it. I i..,.t;,.:.' 29 Yеs No 1 3 0 2 -1 1 J 2 0 4 J -1 5 -2 2 6 2 0 7 -J -1
  • 31. Put the verbs in broсkets in the сorгeсt form. ]-. How many eхеrсisеs you (do) sinсе you startеd your homеwork? 2. Мrs lzard (writе) this boоk sinсе hеr husband diеd. 3. Yоu (know) this man? How long you (know) him? 4. We alrеady (tatк) about it for a wеek. It's timе to do somеthing! 5. Thеy (tatк) for two hours and (not finish) yеt. 6. Мr Diх is busy. How long hе (bе) busy? 7. Carоlinе (think) about Mark sinсе hе lеft. 8. How long you (havе) this hat? I (havе) it for yеars. 9. I (not see) your dog latеly. What (happеn)? Тrons|qte the sentenсes into Еnglish. 1. Mьl IIaхoДиМсЯ B ЭToМ МaгaзиIIе yже 20 минуT' a еще ничeгo I{е Kyпили. 2. o,Чтo OII ДелaеT?'' - ..Oн игpaеT B TеIII{цg',.- ..KaK ДaBнo oн иГpaeT?'' -..Двa чaсa,,. 3. oни IIyTеIшестByIoT Рке ДBе I{еДеЛи и y)Kе пoзBoHиЛи ДBa paЗa. 4,,,Гдe Moлли?,' - oooнa бoлеет,,.- *KaK ДaBIIo oнa бoлeeT?', -..C чeтвеpгa',. 5. oни pке oбсУДи4IIk| пеpвьlй BoIIpoс и ceiтчac oбсркдaют втоpoй. oни oбсyх<дaloT егo y)Kе чaс. Why hоs Jone Ьeen сrying? Ргеsеnt Pеrfесt Prоgressivе моlкеT yПoTpеблятьcя без yкaзanvIЯ IIa Пеpиot Bpе},rеIIи, B TечеIIие KoTopoгo IlpoисхoДиЛo действие. B тaких сЛyчaЯx из KoнTеKсTa ПoIIЯTнo' uто дейсTBие ToлЬKo чTo ЗaKoI{ЧиJIoсЬ и oсTaBиЛo свoеoбpaзньlй ..след'', кoтopьIй сЛy)KиT oбъяснеIIиеM пoЛo)I(еIIия вещей B МoМеItT pечи. Haпpимep: Write onswers for the questions. Use the ideos in the Ьox. work at night, talk to thе dirесtor, run, makе a firе 1. Why do you loоk so palе? 2. Why arе your hands dirty? 3. Why arе you brеathing so fast? 4. Why is shе lоoking tirеd? You look tirеd. (TьI вЬIгляДиlIIь yстaлoй.) I havе beеn working on a rеport. (Я paбoтaлa нaД ДoKЛaдoм.) Effi.'..:{Fэi] ;: э _*"sj -- -j Зc
  • 32. Look ot the piсtures ond soy: WhoI hos been hoppening? ModеI: 1 - Hе hаs bеen working in thе gаrden. 6) (make a сake) sentenсes into Еnglish. 7) (eo horsе riding) 1. У нее KpaснЬIе гЛaЗa. oнa ПЛaKaЛa. 2. KpьrIши ДoМoB МoKpЬIе. lIIел Дo)кДЬ. 3. Егo фyтбoлкa гpязI{aя. oн игpaЛ в фyтбол. - Agk Jvtг Не|р Boпpос: Ho ведь BpеMя Prеsеnt Pеrfесt To)I(е yпoтpебЛЯeTcЯ ДЛЯ BЬIpa)KениЯ действий, кoтop"'" ,'po"ЗoIIIЛи B ПpoIIIЛoМ, нo pе3yЛЬTaToМ сBязaI{ЬI с I{aсToЯщиМ. B чем х(е paЗницa? oтвет: Tьl aбсoJIIoTIIo Пpaв. Oднaкo oбpaти BIIиМaIIиe: Prеsеnt Pеrfесt Progrеssivе yпотpебляется B Tех сЛyчaях' KoГДa МЬI гoBopиM o ДЛиTеЛЬнoМ пpoцессе: I hаve bеen rеаding this book аll night. Prеsеnt Pеrfесt yпoтpебЛЯeTcЯ ToгДa' KoгДa нaМ Ba)Keн фaкт сOBеpIIIеH'|ЯуlЛI4 HесoBrpIIIения действия.. I hаvе reаd this book. It's intеrеsting. зl
  • 33. 32 Reod the expressions. to laugh onе's head off - сMeяTЬся Дo yПaДy to spot smth - зaМеTиTЬ чTo- либo to get jеalous - pеBI{oBaTЬ' ЗaBиДoBaTЬ lt,s St Volentine,s Doy ond Мr Groms hos iust enteгed the room. Look ot the p.iсtuгes ond soy: ,,Whot hos Ьeen hoppenin g?,, / ,,Whot hos hoppened?,, Use the woгds ond expressions. to look fоr smth, to fight, to сry, to laugh onе's hеad off, to get a valеntine, to sеnd a valеntinе Model: Mishа аnd Bеn hаve bееn fighting. @ ч@ Тry to guess. Why hove Мisho ond Ben Ьeen fighting? Мoke Up o short story. i.-] Гl ;i : i-i::.,si.ll 8 ^')_
  • 34. Мr Grams: Boys: o) Listen to the сonveгsotion. Do you think the situotion is funny? Why? Why not? Ь) Reod the сonversotion ond find sentenсes in the Present Peгfeсt Progressive ond Present Perfeсt. Мr Grams: Whо,s оn duty today? What has bееn happеning hеrе? Bоys: Мisha and Bеn havе bееn fighting. Jane has bеen сrying. Thе othеr girls havе bееn looking fоr prеsеnts in thеir bags, but only Еmily has got onе. And wе havе bеen laughing our hеads off. I don't understand. Tеll mе еvеrything from thе bеginning. It all startеd with Janе Bесker. In thе first lеsson shе opеnеd hеr bag and saw that somebоdy had put a prеsеnt thеrе. Shе told еvеrybody about thе prеsеnt and during thе brеak wе all waitеd for thе dеmonstration of thе prеsеnt. Shе opеnеd thе box and found a rеally niсе bеar. Al1 thе othеr girls gоt jеalous and opеnеd thеir bags to look. Тhеy hopеd to find somе sесrеt prеsеnts tоо. Thеn Jane spottеd a valentinе in thе boх. It said ..To a vеry spесial girl. Grandad.'' Janе startеd tо сry. But thеn wе forgot about hеr bесausе at that momеnt Еmily Wilsоn found two valеntinеs: onе was from a sесrеt admirеr and thе оthеr onе Was from Мisha. Thеn Мisha and Bеn startеd to fight. Thеy both sеnt valеntinеs to Еmily Wilson. Mr Grams: I don't sее anything funny abоut it. on Valеntinе's Day wе sеnd prеsеnts to еvеrybоdy wе likе, not just boys to girls and girls to boys. Janе, you'rе luсky to havе suсh a niсе presеnt from your grandad. You should sеnd him a valentinе too. Е,mily, соngratulations, now you know that you havе two friеnds who'll nеver lеt you down. Write the questions for the onswers. Model: Whу hаvе the girls bееn looking for presеnts in thеir bаgs? -Bесausе thеy got jеalоus. 1. .. . ? - BесauSе thеy got jealous. z. ...? - Janе Bесker fоund a sесrеt valеntinе prеsеnt. 3. . .. ? - Beсausе shе has rесеivеd a prеsent from hеr grandad. 4. ...? - Bесausе thеy both sent valentinеs tо Еmily Wilson. 5. ...? _ Bесausе thеy thought that thе situation was vеry funny. Think of o short funny stoгy fгom reoI life. Finish it with: We Ioughed our heods off. 33
  • 35. Homework A Lost yeoг Мisho, RoЬ ond Мork reod the МoсWizord fomily history Ьook. They wonted to find the seven keys to the lost treosure of the МoсWizords. They hod only reod three ond o holf stories when they Iost the book. Мork is stiIl hoping to find the Ьook ogoin. Reod the сonversotion. Hoйдитe B тeKстe и BЬlпицJите глoгoЛьI B фopмe Pгesent Perfeсt Progressive, кoгдo дeйств иe Y>Ke зoKoнчилoсЬ K мoмeHтy peчи, Ho явствeнHo Bидeн eгo ''слeд', . Мisha: What's Wrong with you, Мark? You lоok palе and your eyеS arе rеd. Havе you bееn сrying? Мark: of сoursе, not. I havе bееn surfing thе nеt all night. Misha: What have you bееn looking fоr? Mark: I havе bееn looking for thе МaсWizards' family history book. Мisha: Oh no, not again. How сan you find it on thе Intеrnеt? Мark: of сoursе, I сan't find thе book. Thеrе is only onе book and wе'vе lost it. But I found thе sесond part of thе story about thе Nоrmans and Еlmеr. Misha: Rеally? Tе1l mе all about it! Mark: I wеnt to thе Sеnatе Housе Library wеbsitе. Thеy havе a lot оf old books and manusсripts thеrе. I put the kеy words of thе story into thеir sеarсh еnginе and... I found a сopy of our story in thе library. A hundrеd yеars ago my grеat-grandfathеr gavе somе соpies оf our family manusсripts to thе library. Misha: That's wondеrful! Whеn сan Wе read it? Mark: I wrotе a lеttеr tо Rоsy. Shе'll go up tо London, gеt a сopy оf thе manusсripts and sеnd thеm to us. "*"f я'r"y-p,gr-infр:'mg""tiр.д Sеnatе Housе Library is onе of thе most important aсadеmiс librariеs of thе Unitеd Kingdom. It datеs baсk to ].838 and has about two million titlеs, most оf thеm in Humanitiеs and Sосial Sсiеnсеs. It also has a good соlleсtion for F{istоry and Philosophy of Sсiеnсе, Tесhnology and Mеdiсinе. r{!t! ;lttl ,.: it{it ,;;. t;rili*, rrr lla r r r rif'; Irr lll ttl Цr rrr r*rril til Ii ,it rl' lr!,- r:ii 34
  • 36. Choose the сorreсt onswer. ].. What is thе Intеrnеt? a) a worldwidе nеtwork whiсh сonnесts milliоns оf сomputеrs b) a сomputеr с) an еlесtroniс lеttеr 2. What is a websitе? a) an elесtrоniс lеttеr b) a pagе on thе nеt with Somr information с) a piесе of land 3. What is а sеarсh еngine? a) a сar b) a spесial сomputеr с) a programmr whiсh looks for speсifiс infоrmation by keyword ЕImer,s Wor Reod the story "Elmer's Wor" on poges 17O-175. Г : .'.;,. ...,.;. ".:t:': a- j" . ..-. ': | .' . . - * -*-'i.i"t*.;*t;;--;; ..;,-. r..... *-o') Bad nеws has wings. Bеst wishеs for fоrtunatеly unfortunatеly Good for vou! Oh no! Rеally? Tell mе! sinсe That's good nеws! That's grеat! tо gеt a сold to gеt away to gеt baсk to gеt over somеthing to get up What a pity! What a shamе! Writе soon! Hоpе tо hеar from you soon. How are you gеtting оn? How boring! Hоw wondеrful! I'm afraid... I'm glad to hear it. It was grеat to hеar from you. Look forward to hearing from you. luсkily 35
  • 37. Тhtm Жritfi*h Ржr*frgrmgm* A surprise exсursion Мisho ond his сloss ore in London. on the first doy they hove some surprise exсursions. Look ot the piсtures ond soy: Which museums ore fhe friends going to visit? Еxp|oin Yovr onswers. 2 Whot do you know oЬout these people? Мotсh the person with his oг heг desсгiption. 1. Тhis prinсess, who did hеr bеst to hеlp thе poor and thе siсk, diеd in 1997. 2. Bоoks by this playwright, who livеd in thе 16th сеntury, arе still Vеry pоpular. 3' Тhis is a politiсian with his famous pipe, whiсh hе smokеd all thе timе. -l. Тhis musiсian, who сomеs from Livеrpool, is famous all ovеr thе world. -{. Тhat.s thе man who was friеnds with John Lеnnon. б. Тhat.s thе pоlitiсian who was one оf thе bеst British primе ministеrs. -' Тhat.s thе woman whom еvеrvbodv lovеd.
  • 38. 3 Koкиe пpицoтoчнЬ|e пpeдлoжeнИя B yпP. 2 сoдepxoт нeo6x oДИIv1Ylo l,|н. фoPмо ци ю? K^o киe п pидqтoч H ыe п peдл ox eнИя сoдepxoт дoпoл н итeл ЬHylo инфopмo циto? П pидотoЧH Ьle oп peдeлитeл ЬH Ьle п Peдлoxeн ия ПpидaточнЬIе oIIpеДеЛиTеЛЬнЬIе IIpеДЛo)кеIIия сЛy)KaT oПpеДеЛеI{иеМ Пo OTI{0IIIеI{иIо K сyщrсTBиTеЛ ЬI{oМy гЛ aBl{oгo пpеДЛ o)KеItиЯ. Если гIpиДaToчнoе IIpеДЛo)KеHие oTIIoсиTся K oДyIIIrBЛеI{I{oМy IIpеДMеl.y' To oнo ПpисoеДИНЯeTcЯ K ГлaBнoМy ПpeДЛo)ке}IиIo с ПoМoщЬIo сo}oЗ}IЬIх сЛoB who, whom, thаt, whosе, Если IIpиДaToчнoе ПpеДЛo><еI{ие oTI{oсиTсЯ K I{еoДyIIIеBЛенI{oМy ПpeДМе- Ty' To ol{o ПpисoеДиI{яrTся К ГЛaBl{oМy пpeдЛo)KeниIo с IIoМoщЬIo сoIoЗHЬIх сЛoB which, thаt, lуhose. ПpидaтoчI{ЬIе oIIpеДеЛиTeЛЬI{ЬIе пpеДЛo)КeниЯ TaK)Kе ПpисorДинЯIoTся K гЛaBI{oMy с ПoмoщЬIo сoIoЗIlЬIх сЛoB when и wherе. I, lI nеvеr forgеt the саfё whеrе wе mеt. - Я нuкozdа нe за6уdу кафе, в ltОmОpОJуt JvtьI всmpеmuлuСb. Shе соuldn't rеmеmbеr thе dау when she reсеivеd thаt lеttеr. - Она Hе Jvto?лсl всnОJvtнumь dень, rcozdа Она пОJIучuла mo nuсь"MО. ПpидaтоЧHЬIе ollpeteЛиTеЛЬHЬre ПpetЛo)I(ellия бьrвaroт ДByх TиIIоB -Лиlvlитиpyr()щиr и oПI,IсaTlЛЬlIьIе. Лимитиpyющие oписЬIB aIoT ПpиЗ HaKII, IIpисyщие ToЛ ЬKo Д aнFloМy лиЦУ иЛи ПpеtМrTy и oTЛиЧaloщие егo oT Bсеx лиц иЛи пpeДМеToB ToГo )Kе Kлaсca' pТЛI4 oПисЬIBaIoT ПpиЗнaKи' IIpисyщие Дal{I{oМy KЛaссy ЛИЦrTЛИ IIpеДМеToв. IIимиTиpyIoщ Иe IIpkItaToчI{ЬI е IIp еДЛ oж ояИЯ неЛ Ь ЗЯ oПyсTиTЬ бeз yщеpбa для ПoниМal{ия oбщегo сМЬIслa. B ПpеДЛox(еIlиЯх ДaнI{oгo TиIIa ГЛaBI{oе пpeДлo)Kе}Iиe IIe oTtеЛяeTся oT ПpиДaToчI{oгo зaпятoй. Thе pеoplе who livе in thе villаge gеt шp еаrIу. - Лrodu, КomОpьIе JttLIвуnx в dеpeвне' вСmаIоm pанo. Thе film which I sаw уestеrdау wаs intеresting. - ФuльJvt' |{ОmОpьtй я сJЙОmp ел вчеpсI' бьtл uHmep е сньtй. B лимитIIpyющих IIpиДaToЧнЬIх ПpеДЛo)KеI{иях who и which Мoхнo зa- }'1ениTЬ сoIoзнЬIМ слoBoM thаt. I know the womаn who spеаks Сhinеsе. - I know thе wОman thаt spеаks Сhinеsе. Thе peoplе who live in thе villаgе gеt up еаrlу. - The pеople thаt livе in thе villаgе get up еаrlу. Е сли ЛIrtvlиTиpyющие Пp еДЛ o)K eъIИЯ сЛy)KaT oПpеДеЛ еIIиеМ K ДoIIoЛ}Iе ниIo Г.IaBI{oГo IIpеДJIoх(eHИЯ' To сoЮЗнЬIе сЛoBa Мo){<нo не yпoтpебЛяTЬ. 37
  • 39. Yеstеrdау I met а womаn (who) wе wеrе tаIking аbout. - Bнеpа я всmpеmuJo эlсе|ьщu||у' О Кomopoй JуLыI ?ОвopuJ|u. Пp" ПеpеBoДe нa pyсский яЗЬIK сoloзнoe сJIoBo нeoбxoдиМo. oписaтrЛЬIIЬIe пpeДJloх< енИЯ сoДep)KaT ДoпoЛIIиTeЛЬHyтo инфopмaциro об oIIисЬIBaеМoМ JIице или пpeДМеTе. Бeз тaкoй инфopМaции Мo)KIIo oбoйтись. Глaвнoe ПpeДЛo>I(ellиe oтtrЛяeTся oT IlpиДaтoчI{oгo зaпятoй. Shе told mе аbout Niсk, whom she liked а lot. _ Она pассt{аlaла .Mrte o Huке, кomopьIй ей oчeнь lьpавuлся. B описателЬHЬIх IIpиДaToчнЬIx пpeДЛo>I( снИЯх yпoтpeбJIяIоTся w ho, w hi ch и нe yпотpебIIЯeTcЯ thаt. IIis sistеr, who wаs vеrу beаutiful, mаrriеd Tom Hopkins. _ Еzo сесmpа' КОmopая бьLла ОчеHь t{pасuва, вьIIaJuа lаJvtуJr за Tot,tа Xonкuнса. 4 i oпpeдeлитeту1п пpидoтoчнoгo пPeдлo)t(eния и пoстoвЬтe зollятЬle тoм, гдe этo тpe6yeтся. Tгonslote the sentenсes into Russion. 1. Thе building that was next to thе sсhool fеll down. 2. Jane whоsе fathеr was also a doсtor works at thе hospital. 3. I'm going to the town whеrе I spent thе best yеars of my lifе. 4.In the room I spottеd a boy whоse father helped me last yеar. 5. Thеre Wеre a lot of flowеrs in the trее her grandfather plantеd. 6. Thе prеsеnt that he brought was the best. 7. Thе girl thеy are talking about is Mark's sistеr. 8. His brothеr whom I have known for many years phonеd mе yеstеrday. 5 Fill in the gops. Use where, who, which, whose, thot, when. Put in сommos wheгe neсessoгy. 1. Мost of thе peоplе ... сomе tо this theatrе are from Еngland. 2. Мy brothеr ... piсturе you havе sееn in thе room is a vеry niсе guy. 3. His fathеr who was very riсh sеnt him to Еton. 4. Katе and John nеvеr forgot thе plaсе ... they mеt. 5. I don't read books ... havе a happy еnding. 6. It was a timе ... mеn wеnt to war and womеn waited for thеm. .6 .. Bы6epитe нy)кHoe сoюзнoe слoвo. 1. Мy friеnd, who / whiсh is vеry talеntеd, is arriving today. 2. Shе.s bought thе book who lthat shе was lоoking for. 3' I likе thе housе who / whеre they live. 4. Shе showеd mе the ring whosе / whiсh was a family trеasurе. 5. I don.t know the man whiсh / who is sitting nехt tо mе. 38 Unit 2 iЭSSЭ. ' ,t,2
  • 40. Fог yоuг infоггngtiоn Thе National Portrait Gallеry opеnеd in ].856. It сontains ovrr 8,000 original portraits and photоgraphs. Thе gallеry is ..about history, not abоut att'',whiсh mеans that a piсturе gеts into the gallеry if it's a portrait of a famous British pеrson. Thе artist's namе and thе quality of thе piсturе arеn't Vеry important. 7 Look ot the piсtuгes ond try to soy: |Nhich of them ore in the Nofionol Poгtroit Gollery? tNhy? Charliе Chaplin tu 39
  • 41. iff Listen to the words ond expressions ond repeot them ofter the speokeг. a nursе - МrДсесTpa motion - ДBи)KеIIие universal gravitation - BсеMиpнoe TягoTение an orphan - сиpoTa a tramp - бpoдягa a buttеrflу - 6aбoчKa law - зaKoII a rеflесting tеlеsсopе - ЗеpKaЛЬньIй a bоwlеr hat _ IIIЛяпa-KoTеЛoK TrЛесKoп сalсulus - ДиффеpeнциaЛЬIloе и инTе гp aЛ ЬI{ o е ИCЧИcЛeIJ.ИЯ '*fl;j Here ore some more portroits from the Notionol Poгtroit Gollery (p. Аo-42l. "*l; Look through the biogrophies ond motсh the person with the ioЬ. l Мotсh the person with the words from the previous exerсise. 1. Isaaс Nеwton |,alzok.nju:tn] a) a сomiс aсtor 2. Florеnсе Nightingalе [,flоrэns'naItщgеrl] b) a sсiеntist 3. Charliе Сhaplin [,{o:li ,tJaplrn] с) a nursе :!.0. Reod the texts. HoйДитe и пoдчePKHитe пpидoтoЧHыe пPeдлo)( e||Ия. oпpeдeл итel яBляeтс,я лу| инфopмo цИя B этих пPидoтoчHЬlx пPeдлo)q eнИяx дoпoлHитeльнoй или нeo6хoДимoЙ? Isaaс Nеwtоn Isaaс Nеwton was onе of thе most important sсiеntists who еvеr livеd. Hе was born on25 Dесеmbet,'I642,in Woolsthorpе [.wulsOc:p]. His fathеr diеd bеfore Nеwton was born and his mоthеr rеmarried. Nеwton wеnt to live with his grandmothеr. FIе wеnt to a grammar sсhool, whеre hе wasn,t a vеry goоd pupil. Luсkily onе of thе tеaсhеrs spottеd that hе had a bright mind and rесommеndеd that hе go to univеrsity. So Nеwton wеnt to Trinity Соllеgе, Cambridge, whеrе hе was going to study law. onе day hе wеnt to a fair and bought a bоok on mathеmatiсs. Nеwton hadn't rеad any boоks on mathеmatiсs and physiсs beforе and got vеry intеrеstеd in thеsе subjесts. Sоon hе bесamе onе of thе best studеnts in thе univеrsity. Hе spеnt mоst of his lifе in Cambridgе. Newton bесamе a world-famous physiсist, mathеmatiсian, and natural philosopher. Hе took faсts and mathеmatiсal thеoriеs and еxplainеd thеm. Hе formulatеd laws оf univеrsal gravitation and motion that еxplain how objесts movе on the Еarth and in thе sky. He madе disсovеriеs in optiсs and built thе first rеflесting telеsсope. He invented an area of mathеmatiсs сallеd сalсulus and wrotе a lot of books. 40 Unit 2 Lеssorrs l, 2
  • 42. Flоrеnсе Nightingаlе Flоrеnсе Nightingalе got hеr namе from thе сity оf Florеnсе. At that timе Womеn didn't work. Thеy sеrvеd tеa and gavе partiеs. Flоrеnсе didn't 1ikе this lifеstylе. Shе was intеrеstеd in bоoks and mеdiсinе and wantеd to gо to univеrsity. At first hеr family was against it, but aftеr many еmotional battlеs hеr fathеr agrееd. Shе got a good еduсatiоn in Gеrmany and started to work in a hospital whеn shе сamе baсk to Еngland. Marсh 1854 brоught thе start of thе Сrimеan War whеn Britain, Franсе and Turkеy dесlarеd war on Russia. Florеnсе Nightingalе lеft Еngland and bесamе a nursing administrator of thе Еnglish Gеnеral Hospitals in Turkеy. Shе toоk 38 othеr nursеS with hеr. Togеthеr they wеnt to battlеfiеlds and organized hospitals. Thе wоundеd soldiеrs сallеd hеr an angеl bесausе at night shе wеnt from onе bеd to anothеr with a lamp. Florеnсе Nightingalе has stayеd in history as ..thе Lady with thе Lamp'', thе first profеssional nursе who savеd thousands of livеs. l l Here is more informotion from the Ьiogгophies. Find the Ьest pIoсe for eoсh sentenсe ond сomplete the Ьiogгophies. MоdeI: Hе was born on25 Dесеmber,1642, in Wооlsthorpе, whiсh is in Lincolnshirе' Isaaс Nеwtоn ...whiсh is in Linсolnshirе... , ..whеrе hе mаdе his most importаnt invеntions. . . Flоrеnсe Nightingale ...whеrе shе wаs born in 1820... ...who wаs сlеvеr аnd сlmbitious... ...who rеаllу lovеd his dаughtеr... ,,,whеrе shе wаs а brilliаnt studеnt... ...whiсh she held iп hеr hаnd..' Homework A Reod Choгlie ChopIin,s biogrophy ond find the onswers to the questions. 1. Whiсh соuntry was hе born in? 2. Whiсh соuntry madе him famous? З. What was his сhildhood likе? 4. Did hе havе any brothеrs or sistеrs? 5. Whеn did hе start to work? 6. What is hе famous for? 41
  • 43. Charliе Chaplin Charlеs Spеnсer Сhaplin didn't havе a vеry huppy сhildhоod. Hе was born in London, Еngland, on 16 April 1889. Whеn his fathеr lеft thе family, Chaplin's mоther didn't work' and her two sons Werе oftеn hungrу. Whеn thеir mother got ill, Chaplin and his brothеr wеnt to thе workhouse, whiсh was thе plaсe fоr orphans. Lifе therе Was Vеry hard, but Chaplin didn't give up. Hе startеd his сareer as an aсtor when hе was ninе. When hе was twеnty-onе, he joinеd a travеШiпg musiс-hall сompany. Soon aftеr he wеnt to Amеriсa and bесamе thе fаmous film star, Charliе Chaplin. The aсtor diеd in 1977 but wе still remеmbеr his ..Littlе Tramp,,, a funny littlе man in baggy (мешкoвaтьlй) trousеrs and а small bowlеr hat. .:B'j Reod the text ogoin ond find the best ploсe for this infoгmotion. *. ...who brought smilеs to thе faсеs of millions of pеoplе... * ...whosе health was getting worsе... С ]; Тhink obout fomous Russion people. lmogine theгe is o Russion Notionol .',". Poгtroit golleгy. Whose portroits should Ьe there? Why? Write 5-7 sentenсes oЬout ony of the people you hove сhosen. D..i Тronslote the senlenсes into Russion. 1. Thе song wе wrrе listening to was a Vеry goоd onе. 2. The tоurists thеy wеre waiting for didn't сome. 3. Unfortunatеly, hе didn't get thе presеnt hе had hopеd for. 4. Thе rеport hе had tо makе was vеry important. E . Мoke one sentenсe from two. Use which, thot, whose, whom. 1. I bоught a drеss. My friеnd advised me to buy it. Z. We wеnt to the party. It was very intеresting. 3. That is thе villagе. Wе usеd to go thеrе еvеry summеr. 4. This is Mary Jonеs. I've gоt a lеtter from her. 5. I was lоoking for a kеy. I'vе found it nоw. 6. This is thе housе. They bought it last yеar. 7. This is thе aсtor. I likе him vеrv muсh. t2
  • 44. How did the British Porlioment begin? O6стoятeлЬствo цeли oбстоятелЬстBa цеЛи IIoЯсIIяIoт' с KaKoй цельIo сoBеprrlaеTсЯ действие гЛaBIIoгo пpеДлo)KetlpIЯ' и oTBeчaIoT нa BoпpoсЬl зачелt? dля чеzo? с какoti щелью? СyщeствyrT IIесKoлЬKo спoсoбoB BЬIpa>K eвlИЯ цеЛи. Paссмoтpим спoсoб BЬIpaх(rнутя oбcтoЯTeЛЬсTBa цели с ПoМoщьrо инфиниTиBa. Haшpимеp: I phonеd mу friеnd to invitе him to mу birthdау pаrtу. - Я nОтвОHuл dpуzу, чmo6ьt npuzласumь еzo на свoй deнь poжdeнuя. B aнглийскиx пpеt{лoжel{иях тaKoгo TиПa инфинитиB ПеpеB oДИTCЯI{a pyс- cкиiт язЬIK ПpиДaToч}IЬIМ IIpеДЛo)Kе}IиеМ цeЛи' BBoДиМЬIМ сoloз oм чmoбьL (dля mО?О нmoбьt). Мotсh the two ports of the sentenсes. Use the piсtuгes to help you.Who is who in the piсtuгes? 1. Thе Smiths wеnt to Сhina 2. Тhе Bесkеtts wеnt to Tunbridgе Wеlls 3. Мikе and Bill wеnt to Amеriсa 4. Сathy wеnt to Holland 5. Мary and Andrew wеnt to Еngland 6. Thе Browns wеnt tо Моsсоw a) to sее bеautiful tulips. b) to walk along thе Grеat Wall. с) to sее thе Whitе Housе. d) tо visit thе Kremlin. е) to do some shоpping. f) to sее Stоnеhеngе. 43 :]1]]l 1 jil.E.:;]iiii.ii!-!lij'{lfl,if.'Tl]!ф
  • 45. ln gгoups. Whot other reosons do people hove to visit Ameriсo, Chino, Мosсow, Hollond ond Еnglond? Write down the most interesting onsweгs. Modеl: PеopIе go to Аmeriса to visit DisnеуIаnd |,dlzni1rend]. Тhe students from St Dovid,s liked their first doy in London. Reod the students, plons for the next сoup|e of doys. Mоdеl: Мishа: I wаnt to see thе Housеs of Pаrliаmеnt.- Mishа hаs сome to London to sее thе Houses of Pаrliаment. Thеу are milеs away from еaсh othец Inin. You'll nееd thе wholе day to sее them. And I'm going to visit my London friеnds. Musеums arе borins. 4А
  • 46. t" g*. ifiй. 4;i.F!--:a **i lr*я f", ;i- fl*r 4 ln groups. A.сompetition. Give os mony reosons to go to London os you сon. Тhe group whiсh gives the lost гeoson wins. Use the-piсtures to help i;;.-- .жil 45
  • 47. Мisho is interested in politiсs ond wonts to know more obout the British Porlioment. He hos found some interesting informotion. Reod the text ond writе out oII the sentenсes with the verb moke. Whot do they meon? Wе, thе barons, arе vrry unhappy. Lеt's start a rеvolt. Wе should makе morе monry. Lеt's raisе thе taxеs (пoвьIсим нaлоги) ... again. I,vе madе a big mistakе! Thе nеw taxеs wеrrn't a vеry good idea... 46
  • 48. ti " t.ф+;Йtsф.,-l,;ф.{"q ',s .1"' ,, ,,,, ,,itt, d '* и*.. "- . *.*@*к ч ium* ##&**gъ# ffi*w*w Ъ ,#; р чii;ll.i,-,. .J.],,l.* i "]li,.-'.,,',. . .,, . . .',;"i.,;illJ.-1. f, ffi&Ь i',.;.+. :t',..i i|;';. ^..,.:,,i.;;;i.1 Ж fl ffi :-'.1";;:; ",1 i., ,,.,, t'l .: .,. .lri,,. .i:rt+-*.,*ff fl W ;}.';: ''.,.''. . '.' 'i.-', '. :.':{,*1,$iji Ё #..,.i;,:l;., -. .;,....'.,' ;'j....'1.:,..''. -, ;,*;Т;.tiiffi f ffiF i, ii;''; .:l'. ;,,. ]."'. .,- ,l,.:,j j j. ]"t^:,; .i *. '' ,,,''i...Ёjъ1T;;',.." f,Eт ;....i' ' '' '.. ж :';..i]i|. .'. . ";' i,;', '.'..'*..:t. ,.'].., ... .'''.,' ,.:;i.;..: fl ffi :. {i;.; '."'. .'.' .' '' ."':.;.;:. ,." *'.,i'-iiтi;} *i tnоt sure [.;.l'.,'. i' , t....': : .. .'.l.:]. . j. j...*.'.. , ,-:j::;":".l:, ':.; B lцt it... ,l.;."''.ry l.,. ., '.' . ..,, ' .i. ." :.. , ." 1 .;. ,''.,,-;,.,, ,$ ry-a;' : З(J,g, l." Thе Маgna Carta Was an agrееmеnt bеtwееn Ё J:e thе King and his barons. It limitеd thе King.s #, ; powеr' Sinсе thеn all thе Еnglish kings havе *.i ьяrl fо аsk the- Ьяrоnq Ьefnre therz rnяrlр яnru ,& , .='/, ; . i.'{e" ,i" ,!&.n , ,щ |/.,'"Ж j#* р 1';i;lii' l"*ffi r '.,1I ii" ;]].Р!l'jl' j.fuffit 1';;',+.:;;i;:"';,,1,:, i,ii,,.^'lij ;ri;::I.ii#,;e ,TД-ry ;'"'* .,';.i.'], .,l,. ,, ',',.,'..","],,,',.";..",. :.''',i"'i ^}i' -.";T:;Еi3 -;s .,.''- 'j;, ,|..i, ,','. l ,.;l."; ":.:.- ,.. .] ,i,,.-.l;i l:i .lril'--Т ffi :т]:: '..'.::.:::::'. i : ..,, ...... .l'...: '-,:,.]'*"ii:'ъt.l.;::ii 'ffi,w' ' .t* fl#'{ .*' .i;'i1;i;xlзi..1r;:f,Ii#liffi:'ч '';iЬ'щi l.i.:.' - u T-s" *' '1 .; i@j, нffi;ffiJъжilж:':1l,J,-#fj"#; fu . lL ul1.o''..-----;ffi ..., important dесisions. :; o,,Х]".".,,'..:..:]..':'....].'-'.".:тжы (^ _ b :-/ Il 25 thе barons madе thе Е gna Carta ]ъ ln"У:-*li 9'":lilпa.s an.1ч1е:::il bУ"": i,* thе King and his barons. It limitеd thе Kirrg's "", rrrryvr L4lLL JvvlDl-'lts' : 6 Choose the сorreсt tronslotion. a) мaгиuесKaя KapTa b) мaгниeвaЯ KapTa с) BеликaЯ XapTИЯ вoЛЬI{oстей 7 Whiсh people or oЬieсts ore these sentenсes oЬout? Use the informotion from the text The beginning of the Brifish Porlioment. ModеI: He wаs а greеdу аnd inсompеtеnt rulеr. - He - thе King Thеy Werе high but hе deсidеd to raisе thеm. Thеy didn,t like it and startеd a rеvolt. Hе dесided to hidе in his сastlе but thеy fоund him. Hе had to sign it bесausе thеy madе him do it. Мagna Сarta [,mregnэ .kо:tэ] Ssh! Don't make any noisе.
  • 49. Y*& щ{*frqrffiflФГ 8 Мotсh the expressions with their tronsIotions. Thе vеrb to mаkе 1. to makе up onе's mind 2. to makе progrеss 3. to make friеnds 4. to makе a rеpоrt 5. to makе a noise 6. to makе a dесisiоn 7 . to makе money 8. tо makе a mistakе 9. to make sоmеbody dо somеthing 10. to makе a mеal a) пoдpyKиTЬся b) пpиняTЬ pеIIIeI{ие с) ДеЛaTЬ yсПеxи d) зapaбaTЬIBaTЬ ДеI{Ьги е) делaтЬ ДoKЛaд f) сДеЛaTЬ oIпибкy g) ЗaсTaBЛяTь KoГo-To ДеЛaTь чTo.To h) rпyметь i) гoToBиTь еДУ t0 o бpaTиTе BниМaIIие! ПoсЛе ГЛaгoлa mаke B ЗIIaченИv| тасmaвJтяmb ГЛaгoЛ' котopьIй сЛеДyеT 3a }IиM' yпoтpебЛЯeTcЯ без чaстvlцьl to. Shе mаde hеr son do his homеwork in thе еvеning. - Она тасmавuлa сb[I|а сd елаmь d o'wаulнroro p аб omу вечеp oJvt. Whot ore the people in the piсtures doing? Мotсh the sentenсes with the replies. 1. Why has hе givеn up Frеnсh? 2. Why did shе get a vеry bad mark for hеr tеst? 3. Why is she lеarning Еnglish? 4. Why did you havе a headaсhе yеstеrday? 5. Why did Katе give up that job? 6. Whеrе is Pеtеr? Why is hе not playing fоotball today? a) Shе wasn't making muсh monеy. b) Shе has tо make an important rеport in Еnglish. с) Hе wasn,t making any progress. d) Мy neighbоurs' сhildrеn wеrе making a lоt of noisе. е ) His parеnts madе him stay at homе. f ) Shе has madе a lot of mistakеs in it. АQ
  • 50. Homework A Use o sentenсe fгom Ьox A ond o sentenсe from Ьox B to exploin why people do / did / ore going to do something. Mоdеl: A. I nееd a pеn. B. I want to writе a lеttеr. I nееd а pеn to writе а lettеr. Rephrose the sentenсes. Use the expressions with moke. 1. Не wants to bесomе riсh. 2. Tl'ave thеy dесidеd whеrе to go? 3. Thе сhildrеn werе сrying loudly whеn I сamе. 4. Shе was соoking whеn I phonеd. 5. Katе's working hard and gеtting bеttеr. Тгonslote the sentenсes into Еnglish. 1. Ha ПpolшЛoй неделе oI{и KyПиЛи ПaлaTкy, uтoбЬI иДTи B ПoхoД. 2. Я дoлx(ен IIaBесTиTь Миrпy, нтобьI ПoМoЧЬ еМy. 3. oни хoTеЛи пoйти B МaгaЗин, нтoбьI KyПиTЬ IIoДapoK. 4. oн ПpиIIIеЛ домoй, чтoбьl пooбедaть. 5. oни пoДpРкиЛисЬ ГoД l{aЗaД. 6' ..ПoчеМy Bсе пryмят?'' - ..oн ДeЛaеT ДoKЛaД РKе ДBa Чaca,,, 7.,,Bьl Р{<е ПpиlаЯI|'| pеIIIeние?,' - ..HeT ещe',. te- #+* 1,{t,r',i i&ti, A 1.. Thеy'rе going to Mosсоw. Z. We wеnt to Еgypt. 3. Hе has just сalled Lena. 4. Thеy'rе buying a tent. 5. I wеnt to thе shop for brеad. 6. Thе Browns wеnt to thе airpоrt. B a) Wе wanted tо swim in the Rеd Sеa. b) Thеy want to go сamping. с) I have tо hеlp Mum. d) Thеy want to sее Rеd Squarе. е) Thеy had to mееt thеir friеnd. f) Hе wants to invitе hеr to his birthday party. А9
  • 51. How mony Houses does the British Porliomеnt сonsist of? Listen to the words ond expгessions ond repeot them ofter the speoker. to tеasе smb - ДpaЗI{иTЬ Koгo- to sit - зd. ЗaсeДaTЬ либо a pееr [plэ] - пЭp to еlесt smb - вьlбиpaтЬ Koгo- personal aсhiеvеment - ЛичIIoe лутбo IIoсTи)Кениe to votе for lagainst smb - гoЛo- statе - ГoсyДapсT3o сoBaTь зa / пpотиB Koгo-либo сommon - а,djзd. пpoстoй, oбьrкнo- tо approve smth [э'pru:v] -oдобpять чтo-либo to inherit smth [In.hепt] - нa- сЛеДoBaTь чтo-либo to rеprеsеnt smb [,rеprr,zеntl -ПpеДсTaBЛяTЬ кoгo-либo (бьIть ПpеДсTaвителем) a) нaслetсTBеннЬIe в) нaслeДсTBrI{нЬIе lifе pееrs - a) пэpьI нa BpеМя венньrй сommon _ n oбщинa to сonsist of smth / smb - сoсToяTЬ иЗ чегo-либo / кoгo-либo at lеast - пo меньrшей Мrpе to bе сallеd - IIaзЬIBaTЬcЯ IIэpьI б)нaслеДсTBеннЬIеapисToкpaTЬI чЛенЬI пapЛaMеIITa б) пoх<иЗ}IeнIIЬIe IIэpЬI в) x<ивьlе apисToKpaTЬI Мisho ond Мoгk ore getting reody foг their visit to the Houses of Porlioment. Listen to the сonversotion ond soy: How mony Houses does fhe Brifish Porliamenf сonsisf of? Reod the text ond find the Ьest tronslotions for the words ond expressions. thе House -a) двopец б) пaлaтa в) дoм thе Housе of Lords -a) дoм ЛopДoв б) пaлaтa ЛopДoв в) пaлaтa apисToKpaToв a Меmbеr of Parliamеnt -a) гpa>кдaнин ПapЛaМellTa б) uлeн ПapЛaМel{Ta в) uлен сoBrTa hеrеditary peеrs - a bill - a) зaкoнoпpoеKT б) сuет в) дoкyмент gеnеral еlесtion -a) oбщий кoнкypс б) oбщестBеннoе гoЛoсoBal{иr в) oбщие вьlбopьl thе House of Commons _ a) пaлaтa пpoсTЬIх б) пaлaтa oбьrчньrх в) пaлaтa oбщин сompеtеnt -a) коlrпетентньrй б) нaдле>кaщий в) пpaвoмoчньIй 50
  • 52. 5l I I Мisha: I,vе learnеd somеthing about thе bеginning оf thе British Parliamеnt, but I didn't find anything about the two Parliamеnt buildings. Mark: Don't listen tо Blaсk, Misha. FIе,s bееn tеasing yоu! Thе British Parliamеnt sits in оnе building whiсh is сalled the Palaсе of Wеstminstеr. It's also сallеd thе Houses of Parliamеnt bесause thеrе arе two Housеs: thе Housе of Lords and thе Housе of Cоmmоns. Misha: So what's thе diffеrеnсе bеtwееn thе Housе of Commоns and thе Housе of Lоrds? In thе Housе of Commons МPs, or Меmbеrs of Parliamеnt, makе all thе important deсisions and work on bills, whiсh latеr beсomе new laws. Thе Prime Мinistеr is in thе Housе of Cоmmons too. Why arе МPs more important? Beсausе thеy rеprеsеnt all thе pеoplе in thе сountrу. Wе have to havе a genеral еlесtiоn at lеast evеry fivе years. Pеoplе vоtе for an МP, and the party whiсh has thе most МPs wins thе еlесtion and forms thе govеrnmеnt. Thеir lеadеr bесomеs thе Primе Мinistеr. I sее, and what about thе House of Lords? oh, wеll, thеy don.t еlесt thеm. Did you know Blaсk,s older brоthеr is in thе Housе of Lords? Не's a hеrеditarУ peet and Blaсk,s jealous bесausе thеrе is no plaсе in Parliamеnt for him. Мisha: What's a hеrеditary pееr? Mark: I'1l ехplain. Sоmе pеoplе in thе Housе of Lords just inhеrit their plaсes from thеir fathеrs and grandfathеrs. Thеy'rе hеrеditary pееrs. Misha: That's not very fair, is it? Mark: It's a tradition. In thе past therе used to bе a lot of hеrеditary pееrs but it has сhangеd and now most pеoplе in thе Housе of Lоrds arе lifе peеrs. Thеy gеt thе titlе ..Lord', or *Ladу', for thеir pеrsonal aсhiеvеmеnts, and thеir сhildrеn сan't inhеrit it. Somе of thеm arе vеry сompetеnt. For ехample' our famous ех-Prime Мinister Мargaret Thatсhеr took hеr plaсе as Lady Thatсhеr in thе Housе of Lords in 1992. What happеns in thе Housе of Lords? In thе Hоusе of Lords pеoplе talk about bills bеforе thеy beсome laws and somеtimes suggеst сhangеs to thе Hоuse of Commons. And what about thе Quеen? What dоеs shе do? oh, thе Quеen is thе hеad of statе. Shе and thе House of Lords havе to approve thе dесisions of thе Нousе of Commons. Bеforе a bill bесоmes law thе Quееn has to say ..La Rеinе le veut,' [la rэn lз: vз:] (..The Quееn wishеs it''). Thе Quеen uses Norman Frеnсh as part of tradition. aii_ . ) Mark: Misha: Mark: Misha: Rob: Misha: Mark: Мisha: Мark:
  • 53. Мisha: And сan thе Quееn disagrее with a nеW law? Mark: Nоt rеally. Thе last timе it happеnеd was in 7О1 . Мisha: Yоur systеm is a bit diffiсult. Mark: Wеll, we havе bееn working on it for morе than a thousand yеars. infоrmgtiоn 4 The Primе Ministеr is thе head of thе government in thе Unitеd Kingdom. Margaret Thatсhеr, ..Thе Iron Lady,'' WaS onе of thе UK's most powеrful and сompеtent Рrimе Мinistеrs, frоm 1979 to 1990. Answer the questions. ]". How many gеnеral еlесtions did Thatсhеr's party win whеn shе was thе Primе Мinistеr? 2. What оthеr British Primе Мinistеrs сan you rеmеmbеr? 3. Whо is thе British Prime Ministеr tоday? Fill in the gops with the words from the diologue. 1. In thе UK thеre is no prеsidеnt, thе Quееn is ... of thе ... . 2. Thеre arе twо Houses in thе Parliamеnt: ... and ... . 3. Pеоplе who sit in thе . . . Сommons arе сallеd .. . . 4. Pеoplе who sit in thе ... Lords arе сallеd ... . 5. British pеoplе ... for MPs at a gеneral ... . 6. Thе party whiсh wins a gеneral ... fоrms thе ... and thеir lеadеr bесomеs the ... . 7 . Аfter thе Quееn approvеs thе bill, it bессlmеs ... . Мork these sentenсes true or folse. 1. Thе British Parliamеnt sits in two buildings. 2. Меmbеrs of thе Housе оf Сommons nеVеr makе important dесisions. 3. Thеrе is a genеral еlесtion whеn thе Quееn dесidеs. 4. It thеrе was a gеnеral еlесtion in20О4, thе nеxt genеral еlесtion shоulr bе in 2009 or еarliеr. 5' Lifе pееrs gеt into thе Housе of Lords bесausе thеir parеnts wеrе riсh 6. Еr,еry mеmbеr of thе Housе оf Lords and thе Housе of Commons is сallеd an МР. 52
  • 54. 7, Tt"thе Housе of Commons wants to do somеthing, thе Housе of Lоrds сan't stop thеm. 8. If thе Quееn disagrееs with a bill, shе still (всe-тaки) has to approvе it. 9. Most membеrs of thе Housе of Lords are vrry сlеvеr and сompеtent. 10. Меmbеrs of Parliamеnt rеprеsеnt еvеryоnе in thе сountry. 11. Mеmbеrs of thе Housе of Lords form thе British govеrnmеnt. 12. The Quееn сhoosеs the Primе Ministеr. 13. Thе Unitеd Kingdom is a monarсhу. .-"."s"**y*r;жtigяbjskq-.".**.* *',**" --'""-*- " -"-" " - - . -*'-" "" Gеnеralizing - oбoбщellие i о МanУ people think that..._ Мнoгие ДyМaloT, чTo... l о ЕvеrУbody says that Bсе гoвopяT' чTo... о Wе all know that...- МьI Bсе ЗIIaеМ, чTo... о Usually,- OбьIчI{o r In genеral, - B oбщем, Disagreеing - BЬIpax(eHI{е IIесoгЛaсия о But don,t fоrgеt... - [a, нo IIе зaбьIвaйTe... о VеrУ truе, but... - OченЬ сПpaBеДЛиBo' нo... o But in faсt,- ЕIo, нa сaМoм ДrЛе' . But aсtually,- F{o, в действитеЛЬI{oсTи' . O In reality - B действиTеЛЬнoсTи... 7 j Heгe ore some mistokes thot people often moke oЬout the British stote ond its PorIiomenl. Use the expressions from the Conversofion briсks ond exploin youг onswers. Modеl: ].. Thе British Parliament sits in two buildings.- А lot of peoplе think thаt the British Pаrliаment sits in two buildings, but аctuаIlу it is onе bшilding. ].. Тhе British Parliamеnt sits in two buildings. 2. ^|| thе pеoplе in Parliamеnt arе сallеd MPs. 3. Thе Primе Ministеr is the hеad of statе. 4. Thе pеoplе in thе House of Lords makе important dесisions. 5. Моst mеmbеrs of thе Housе of Lords inheritеd their plaсеs thеrе. Uпit 2 Lеssоrls 5, 6 53
  • 55. Ноw tо build urоrds CyффиксЬI сyщесTBиTелЬHЬIх -ment, -tion, .siоn C пoмощьrо сyффиKсoB -ment, -tion oT ГЛaгoлoв oбpaзyloTся сУще- сTBиTеЛЬнЬIе. Haпpимеp: to improvе (улунulаmь) - improvеmеnt (улунtuенuе) 8 ' oт Koкиx глoгoлoB o6poзoвoнЬl сyщeствитeльньle? еlесtion, govеrnmеnt, managеmеnt, dеvеlopmеnt' disсussion, сollесtiоn, prеdiсtion, advеrtisеmеnt, еduсation, ехamination, aсhiеvеmеnt, imprеssion. argumеnt ; Пepeвeдитe сyщeстBитeлЬнЬle нo pyссKий язьlк, 9 : o6poзуЙтe сyщeствитeлЬHЬle oт глoгoлoв с пoмoщью сyффиксoв.menf,.fion. dесoratе, instruсt' managе, organise, сelеbratе, еquip, dеvеlop, rесommеnd' invitе, agrее' govеrn' enjoy Homework A Reod the ideos. Some of them ore folse, some of them qre not olwoys true. Мotсh the ideos with the foсts. 1.. Еnglish is a Vеry diffiсult languagе. - d)Madrid 2. Моsсow has always bееn thе сapital оf Russia. 3. Columbus disсovеrеd Amеriсa. 4. Barсеlona is the сapital of Spain. a) Amerigo Vеspuссi 5. Thе Stonе оf Dеstiny is in Wеstminstеr Abbey. 6. Thе Еnglish сlimatе is vеry bad. с) St ь^, 0 *.i1}:s of p"..:plе ovеr thе woгld St PеtersЬurg havе learnеd lt b)Еdinburgh сastlе е) oftеn niсе and Warm . .. Use the expressions from the Conveгsofion bгiсks ond write your explonotions. Model: Еnglish is a vеry diffiсult languagе.- Some pеoplе sау thаt English is а vеrу dffiсult lаnguаgе, but in fасt millions of people аll ovеr thе world hаvе lеаrnеd it. 54 -:^. 2 Lеssоrls 5, 6
  • 56. r*:r*:',* цtl:''n ЛopД-Ka}IцЛеp thе Labour Party - TIapTИЯ лейбopисToB thе Consеrvative Party [kэn'sз:vэtш,po:ti] -пapTия KoнсеpBaTopoB thе Spеakеr - сПиKep Answeг the questions. 1. Who is thе head of state in thе UK? 2. Who is the hеad of thе govеrnmеnt in thе UK? 3. What is thе building whеrе thе British Parliamеnt sits сallеd? 4. How many Housеs doеs it сonsist of? 5. Whiсh House rеprеsents thе peoplе of Britain? 6. Hоw оften do British people vote fоr МPs? 7. What arе thе mеmbеrs оf the Housе of Cоmmons сallеd? How muсh do you know obout your сountry? 1. What is thе offiсial namе of our сountry? 2.Is Russia a monarсhy? A rеpubliс? A fеdеratiоn? Write questions for the onswers oЬout the poIitiсol system in Russio. Find more infoгmotion if neсessory. 1. It is сallеd Fedеral Assembly. 2. There arе two housеs. 3. onе is сalled thе Fеdеration Counсil, thе othеr is сallеd thе Statе Duma. 4. Thеy arе сallеd dеputiеs. 5. Еvеry four yеars. 6. It,s thе Presidеnt. 7. It's thе Primе Ministеr. 8. They work on bills. 9. Thеy havе to approvе bills. ]-0. Hе fоrms thе govеrnmеnt. 11. Hе сhoosеs thе Primе Мinistеr. ДaTеЛЬсTBoBaTЬ нa сoбpaнии to debate - oбсy)KДaTЬ a сhambеr ['![еtmbэ] - IIaЛaTa an arсh - apKa David Lloyd George [.lэId.фэ:ф] - [эвид Лoйд [х<оpдх< Winston Churсhill [,шnstn'tГз:tЛl] -Уинстoн Чеpvиль ln the Poloсe of Westminster Listen to the woгds ond expгessions ond гepeot them ofter the speokeг. thе Lоrd Сhanсеllоr [,эlэ] - to prеsidе ovеr a mееting - ПpеДсе- ;*:* ,t!: - 55
  • 57. Look оt the piсtures ond tгy to motсh their desсгiptiоns. peоple / oЬieсts ond рlосеs with fi' Lirli ffi This is thr Spеakеr. Тhis is ttrе Chambеr of thе F{оusе оf Lоrds' Тlris is thе Lord Сhanсеllоr. Тhis is thе Wооlsaсk' l.his is thе thrоnе. Тhis is thе Сhambеr оf thе Housе оf Соmmоns. Тhis is thе Мaсе. Тtrеsе aге rесl linеs оn thе сarpеt' Тhеsе aIс statuеs of two Primе Мinistеrs. Тhis is thе ".ayе'' iоtэby. Тhis is .еstminstеr Нall. ,11, 1' ,1, t &,&- ff**tto* ж
  • 58. a) b) с) d) Thе lords and ladiеs sit hеrе. This сhambеr is also сallеd thе Parliamеnt Сhambеr. МPs sit hеrе. Whеn thе Quееn arrivеs in thе Housе of Lords to opеn thе Parliamеnt, she sits on this. Thеrе is wool insidе. It's a part of a vеry old tradition whiсh startеd in thе l4th сеntury. It's in Parliamеnt to symbolisе thе importanсе of wool to thе British есonomy at that timе. It lies on thе tablе whеn thе Нousе is dеbating. It.s thе symbol of thе powеr whiсh Parliamеni has won from thе King. It еvеn has its own guard, who has a vеry big sword. Thеy rеprеsеnt two British main politiсal parties _ thе Consеrvative Party and thе Labour Party. This is thе оldеst part of the building. A lot of famous evеnts and mееtings havе takеn plaсе hеrе. It saw Guy Fawkеs, who triеd tо blow up the Housеs of Parliamеnt in 1605. and in World War II bombs fell on it. Hе sits оn thе Woolsaсk and prеsidеs оvеr the Housе of Lords. Thеsе arе two long narrow сorridors, whiсh arе vеry important for thе wholе сountry, bесausе MPs сomе hеrе to votе. He prеsidеs ovеr thе Housе of Commons. The distanсе bеtweеn thеm is two swords' lеngths. In thе old days MPs usеd to havе thеir swords, and it was dangеrous whеn thеy got angry with еaсh othеr. So thе linеs arе hеrе tо rеmind thе MPs that thеy shоuld not start a fight. е) s) h) i) i) k) 3 Soy o few sentenсes obout the photos in Еx. 2. Use whiсh, where, whose, who or thot. 7lodеl: This is the Housе of Lords, whosе Сhаmbеr is аlso саlled thе Pаrliаmеnt Сhаmbеr. This is thе Сhаmbеr of thе Housе of Lords, whеrе thе lords аnd lаdiеs sit. 4 Try to guess: Which of the oЬieсfs ond people ore in fhe House of lords ond which ore in fhe Hous e of commons? Exploin your ideos. 5 Listen to the speoker ond сheсk your onswers. 57
  • 59. 6 .. Reod the text on poges 61.62 (Unit 2, Lessons 8, 9) ond сhoose the сoгreсt ''"r''r onswers. 1. How many parts doеs thе Palaсe of Wrstminstеr сonsist of? a) onе b) two с) thrее 2. What arе thе main сolours of thе ЕIousеs of Parliamеnt? a) gold, rеd and bluе b) gold, grеen and rеd с) rеd and grееn 3. Who writеs thе Queen's Spеесh? a) thе Quеen b) the Government с) thе Lord Chanсellor 4. Whiсh arе Britain's two main politiсal partiеs? a) the Dеmoсratiс, thе Rеpubliсan and. thе Consеrvativе b) thе Consеrvativе and thе Dеmoсratiс с) thе Labour and thе Consеrvativе 5. Whosе shoе shоuld a Consеrvative touсh? a) David Llоyd Gеоrgе's b) Winstоn Churсhill's с) The Quееn,s 6. Whу do МPs somеtimеs sit on ihе stеps? a) Thеrе arе morе MPs than sеats in thе Housе of Commons. b) It's a part of an old tтadition. с) It,s a punishment for those who arе late. 7.WhеnсanyouseеthеMaсеinthеHousеofCommons? a)It'salwaysthеrе.b)onlуwhеnthеQueеnсomes. с) Whеn thе Housе is dеbating. 8. How оld is Wеstminstеr Hall? a) morе than a thousand yеars оld .b) more than a hundrеd уеars old .) *o." than four hundred yеars old Homework ..;ifil.i Тhe friends oгe boсk ot sсhool ond hove сome to o history сluЬ meeting. . , .i'.l;aJ. il; iй" i"n'ersqtion fo. J"toil "nd soy: |s Мr Jenkins o good feoсhe r? 'Nhу| wьot is fhe besl fronslofion for Мr Mr Jеnkins: Hеllo, еvеrybody. Today I havе preparеd a vеry intеrеsting and unusual task for you. Еmily: What is it, Мr Jеnkins? Mr Jеnkins: Wе'rе gоing to lоok at a fragment from an early mеdiеval manusсript. Mark: What is unusual about it, Mr Jеnkins? Wе oftеn translatе thеm. Mr Jеnkins: Wеll, I havе to tеll you somеthing. I сan,t trans}atе this manusсript. This timе I nееd your hеlp. Еmilу: You'rе jоking, Мr Jеnkins. You сan translatе еvеrything. 58
  • 60. John: How оld is thе manusсript? Мr Jеnkins: I don't know. I got thе tехt by e-mail two wееks ago. FIеrе's thе е-mail. John: Mr Jеnkins: Еmily: Мark: Мr Jеnkins: Мark: Мr Jеnkins: Еmily: Мr Jеnkins: r-----..----- Hi, Mr Know-it-all! Your studеnts think that you know evеrything, but that's not true. Can you translate this manusсript? And if you сan't, wi|l you tell your studеnts? Surprise me! It's vеry rudе! Yеs, it is. At first, I didn't want to rеad anymorе, but thеn I saw thе manusсript and fоrgot about еvеrything. It's in runеs, thе anсiеnt alphabеt whiсh Druids usеd for writing about sесret things and magiс. I knоW runеS vеry wеll, but thе runеs of this manusсript arе diffеrеnt. It's a сodе. I havе bееn trying to translatе it for two wееks but I'vе had no luсk. Now I'm asking yоu fоr your hеlp. Dоn't worry' Мr Jеnkins. Wе'll do it tоgethеr. What did you Say, Mr Jеnkins? A runiс alphabеt? A sесrеt сodе? Lеt mе havе a look at it! What,s Wrong with УoЦ, MaсWizard? Why arе you smiling? It's our family runiс alphabеt. I havе bееn looking for this story for months and I'vе fоund it! I'l1 translatе it for thе nеxt lеsson. But... whо is it from, Мr Jеnkins? r'vе no idеa! Thе е-mail addrеss is rеadеr2345@hotmail.сom You сan nеvеr find a pеrson through this е-mail addrеss. But why not? Bесausе thеrе arе millions of usеrs at hotmail.сom - peоple сan usе thе sеrvеr from any сomputеr in thе world. Answer the questions. 1. What is unusual about this manusсript? 2. How did Мr Jеnkins gеt thе manusсript? 3. Was hе ablе tо translate thе manusсript? Why? Why not? 4. Why did thе е-mail sound rudе? 5. Will Мr Jеnkins surprisе thе writеr оf thе е-mail? 6. Why was Мark smiling? 7. Who was thе е-mail from? 8. Will Мisha, Mark and Rоb bе ablе to find thе writеr of thе е-mail? Why? Why not? L'jnit2 Lеssоrr 7 59
  • 61. Fill in the сrossword puzz|e ond reod the nome of the river where the Poloсe of Wеstminster stonds. 1. What dо MPs dо with thеir fееt? 2. What is thе Surname of onе of thе most famous British Primе Ministеrs (..thе Iron Lady'')? З. What doеs thе Lord Chanсеllor sit on? 4. What arе thе mеmbers of thе Housе of Commоns сalled? 5. Who opеns thе Parliamеnt? 6. Who piеsidеs over thе Housе of Commons? The diory of Мorion Fitzwolter Reod the stoгy,,Тhe dioгy of Мorion Fitzwolter,, port l on poges 176-182. an orphan a pеer an arсh at lеast But aсtually, But don't fоrgеt... But in faсt, a buttеrfly a сhаmbеr сommon thе Cоnsеrvativе Party Еvеrybody says that... In genеral, In reality, thе Labour Party thе Lord Chanсеllor Мanу pеoplе think that. . . a nursе OK, but what about...? pеrsonal aсhiеvеmеnt thе Spеakеr statе genеral еlесtion сommon tо sit to apprоvе smth to bе сalled to сonsist of smth / smb to dеbatе to elесt smb to inhеrit smth to makе a dесision tо makе a mеal to makе a mistakе to makе a noise to makе a rеport tо makе friеnds to makе monеy to makе progrеss to makе sоmеbody do somеthing to make up onе's mind tо presidr ovеr a meeting tо rеprеsеnt smb to tеasе smb to votе for l agianst smb a tramp a bowlеr hat usually Vеry truе, but... Wе all know that...